当前位置:文档之家› 新编国际商务英语函电翻译unit8






按照要求,我们已通知我方银行发送的总和5000 .00美元电汇的信用你的账户在中国银行北京分行。这付款清除你计算到8月31日。未付余额2000 .00美元的货物在9月将预示了我们提供的银行家在11月15日或之前。


















信用证号NSW618显示,锡板到达的日期只有在今年7月出货不能延长,装运有效期分别为31/8的15/9。我们相信你收到电报及时去完成是有必要的。在S / C 89STX – 5491中规定,货物可以提供你方信用证,在7月,货物不迟于15日到达。然而,我们昨天才收到你方的信用证,我们是绝对不可能及时在7月份发货。在这种情况下,我们很遗憾不得不向你延长信用证,上面的8月31日和9月15日分别装运和谈判的修正案在7月25日到达我方,否则货物将被进一步推迟。我们期待早日收到你相关的修正案,提前谢谢你。






Lesson 1 Importer’s Self-introduction 译文 信件一进口商自我介绍 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 送交:销售部吴刚先生 敬启者: 我们从伏特威廉公司得知贵司商号与地址,特此来函,希望能同贵司发展商务关系。 多年来,本公司经营休闲鞋类进口生意,目前想扩展业务范围。请惠寄商品目录与报价单。 如贵司产品价格有竞争力,本公司必定向你方试订。 恭候回音。 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 (签名) 麦克. 伊万 经理 谨上 2010年4月20日 信件二回信 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 敬启者: 感谢贵公司四月二十日的来函,我们非常渴望与贵公司建立商务关系。 我们鞋厂致力于设计和生产各种传统和时尚男女鞋产品。我们已开发和上市了室内拖鞋,棉拖鞋,新款刺绣拖鞋;童鞋和棉鞋。可以满足国内外不同市场需求。 谨遵要求另函奉上最新的出口商品目录及报价单,涵括目前可供的出口商品。 如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请让我方知道。期盼你方具体询盘。 福建鞋业进出口公司 (签名) 吴刚 经理 谨上 2010年5月10日 习题答案 I. Basic Training Translate the following expressions into Chinese. 报价一流的进口商

出口产品范围定单 广泛的联系具体询盘 最新目录有竞争力的价格 Choose the best answer. 1) b 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) d 6) b 7) c 8) c 9) b II. Improving Training Translate the following sentence into English. 1) We would like to introduce our business range. 2) We obtained your name and address from Mr. Smith, who have done business with us for many years. 3) We shall appreciate it if you could tell us the goods you are interested in. 4) We have received many enquiries from abroad. 5)They used to import machines from UK, but now they would like to establish business relations with us. 6) We are the leading importer of electronic products in Lagos. 7) If your price is competitive, we would like to place with you an order for 500 electric bicycles. III. Letter-writing Practice 1. Finish the following letter by translating the expressions given. 1) obtained your name and address 2) establish business relations /enter into business relations 3) leading importers 4) We appreciate your catalogue and quotations. 5) If your prices are competitive 2. Write a letter Dear sirs, We are one of the leading importers of electric goods in this city and shall be pleased to establish business relations with your firm. At present we are interested in your electric fans, details according to our Enquiry Note No. 1345 enclosed, and shall be glad to receive your lowest quotation as soon as possible. We would like to mention that if your price is attractive and delivery date acceptable, we shall place an order with you immediately. Your early reply will be highly appreciated. Yours faithfully, Lesson 2 Exporter’s Self-introduction 译文 信件一出口商来信 敬启者: 承蒙东京工商会的介绍,我们获悉你方是贵国最大的纺织品进口商之一。由于此货属于我们的经营范围, 特写信给你方希望建立业务关系。 我们专营中国纺织品出口, 产品包括女士, 男式, 儿童和青年的针织衫以及运动服和牛仔裤, 我们还设计和生产用于纺织品生产的设备和机器。我们的产品品质优良价格合理。 为使你方了解我们的经营业务, 随函附上出口清单一份, 包括目前可以供应的主要商品。如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请与我们联系。


随着全球经济的快速发展和经济一体化的进程,世界各国的经济贸易往来日益频繁,而众所周知,英语是当今全球运用最广的语言,因此英语便也成为了对外贸易中的主要用语我们也称之为商务英语。而商务函电是指在对外贸易中所使用的信函,电报,电传,传真,电子邮件等通讯方式。所以商务英语函电就是指在对外贸易活动中以英语为载体而进行的商务函电往来。商务英语函电是国际商务往来中经常使用的联系方式,是开展对外贸易业务和有关商务活动的基础及重要工具。商务英语函电是对外贸易的交流工具,它贯穿于对外贸易的各个环节,及时,具体,完整,准确地为贸易双方传递商务事业信息以及帮助双方达成最有效的交流与沟通。商务英语函电是对外贸易的重要媒介,它在各国之间相互沟通,开展业务,达成交易,建立友好关系工作等对外贸易活动中起着举足轻重的作用,是对外贸易中不可或缺的组成部分。如果没有往来的商务英语函电,贸易双方就无法完成正常的交流与沟通,无法获知对方的各项商务信息,因此大部分的国际贸易活动也都不可能顺利进行,所以,商务英语函电在对外贸易中的重要性可想而知。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的第一个重要性就表现在它的索取信息和传递信息的功能。对外贸易本身就是特指国际贸易活动中的一国或地区同其他国家或地区所进行的商品、劳务和技术的交换活动。这是立足于一个国家或地区去看待它与其他国家或地区的商品贸易活动。他不同于国内贸易,可以去实地进行考察,双方面对面进行交流与沟通,从而获取一切对方的商务事业信息,对外贸易大多涉及本国以外的不同国家与不同地区,在很大程度上受到贸易双方地理位置等客观条件的限制,如果也像国内贸易那样进行面对面的索取信息与传递信息,这个过程肯定是繁琐而复杂的,而且加上空间和时间的限制,这个过程的成本费用也会很高,速度也会很缓慢,过程中的安全问题也不能得到保障,甚至于可能在这种实际的信息传递中造成数据的丢失或者毁坏。商务英语函电的存在,就让这些问题得到了一一化解,索取信息和传递信息不会再受到时间和空间等因素的限制,甚至比以前更加快捷,可以快速的索取有效的信息传递给从事对外贸易的双方,利用商务英语函电开展对外贸易,买卖双方可采用标准化、电子化的格式合同、提单、保险凭证、发票和汇票、信用证等,使各种相关单证在网上即可实现瞬间传递,大大节省了单证的传输时间,而且还能有效地减少因纸面单证中数据重复录入导致的各种错误,对提高交易效率的作用十分明显,而且加上中间大量环节的减少,也在一定程度上降低了对外贸易过程中的成本。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中的第二个重要性表现在它一直贯穿于对外贸易的始终,处理整个对外贸易中各个环节的相关事宜。它涉及外贸业务中的各个环节。从建立业务关系、询盘、发盘、还盘、接受、执行提供、装运、保险、付款,到执行合同过程中的纠纷,以及最后的索赔,大都需要商务英语函电的解决。对外贸易过程各环节中所有往来的商务英语函电也都构成重要的法律依据,特别是当产生贸易纠纷时,它有可能左右解决纠纷的最终结果。而前面提到的还仅仅是体现在实实在在的对外贸易实际活动中,事实上,商务英语函电还在对外贸易过程中起着很多隐性作用,其实在建立业务关系之前商务英语函电的重要性就体现出来了,商务英语函电的出现让我们摒弃了传统方式上的寻找合作伙伴的方法,通过商务英语函电的平台,不但能节省大量的人力,物力,财力让你找到满意合作伙伴,也可以大大的拓宽你的选择范围,进一步寻找潜在客户。商务英语函电在洽谈过程中也起着重要的作用,他可以跨越传统的面对面洽谈的限制,在获得大量信息的情况下,还能提供更多更方便的异地洽谈方式。 商务英语函电在对外贸易中第三个重要性主要是在它使对外贸易双方更加方便的保持联络与沟通感情,促进双方得后续合作甚至长期合作。对外贸易过程中,买卖双方肯定不会只想仅仅只合作一次,甚至于双方特别互相认可的话,是容易发展长期的战略合作伙伴的,而商务英语函电就提供了这样一个长期交流的机会,商务英语函电能让交易双方能在最快的时间内进行信息与意见的交流,能在第一时间获知对方的需求,不管你在任何地方,任何时 1

新编进出口英语函电答案 Test Yourself Unit 2

Unit 2 TY Key I. Give the Chinese equivalent of each of the following terms: 同业/商业/批发折扣 1) 小册子 2) 付款交单 3) 目录价格 4) 5) 进口代理 6) 交货时间表 经销商/分销商 7) 还盘 8) 9) 交易会 10) 连锁商店 II. Give the English equivalent of each of the following terms: 1) article number 2) business status 3) retailer 4) demonstration 5) lines of business 6) parent company 7) sales literature 8) specialty/speciality 9) trade association 10) wholesaler III. Fill in each of the following blanks with a proper preposition: 1) on 2) with 3) to 4) From, about 5) of 或 up to6) for, off 7) at 8) as IV. Find out and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences: 1) … avail yourself of this opportunity. 2) … is scheduled for December 24. 3) … we’d like to place large orders … 4) … we can quote you. 5) … are interested to learn … 6) … enclosing a price list for your … 7) … glad to make you a special offer … 8) … exporters in the rubber trade … 9) … can meet orders of … 10) … forward to receiving your … V. Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms and with modal verbs when necessary: 1) would/could quote, advertised 2) ruling 3) has been 4) to inquire, exhibited, held 5) are looking 6) have, describes VI. Choose the one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence or that meets the requirement specifically set out: 1. D 2. B 3. D 4. B 5.B 6.B 7.D 8.B 9. C 10. C VII. Translate the following sentences into English:


第二章 I. 1.A/B 2.C 3.D 4.A/D 5.D 6.A/B/C/D 7. B/D8.B/C/D 9B/C10.A/B/C/D III. intention,interested in,view,suitable,grateful,have,together with,appreciate, as,suppliers IV. 1.We have been informed by Jameson Garments(Vancouver)Ltd.that y ou are one of the leading exporters of textiles in Hangzhou and that you wish to extend business to our market. 2.We would like to have your lowest quotations for the captioned goods on th e terms and conditions listed below: 3.Please send me some further information on the features and costs of the Ver nard line of Ultrasonic equipment,which you recently advertised in Electronics magazine. 4.We are interested in importing Chinese furniture and would be pleased to rec eive a copy of your latest catalogue,price list and export terms. 5.We would be grateful if you would send us a comprehensive price list,toget her


摘要 商务英语信函在国际贸易中起着重要的作用。本文首先通过介绍商务英语信函的特点,然后遵循商务英语的翻译准则,从商务英语信函的用词,中长句的处理以及语气特点三方面着手探讨商务英语信函的翻译技巧。为了提高商务英语信函的翻译质量,翻译者必须了解商务英语信函的特点及商务英语信函的翻译准则及技巧。通过举例和比较,本文详细地分析了商务英语信函的特点并总结出翻译商务英语信函的标准和方法及商务英语信函翻译中应注意的问题。 关键词:商务英语信函;翻译;特点;翻译技巧

ABSTRACT Business English letter plays an important role in international trade.This thesis first introduces the features of business English letter with 7Cs. Then following the translation principles of business English letter, from the words, long sentences and manner of speaking aspects, it discusses the translation skills. In order to obtain good quality translation of business English letter, translators must understand the features of business English letter and the translation principles and skills. By analying the examples and making the contrastive study, this thesis gives a detailed analysis of the features of business English letter and figures out the basic principles and methods applicable to the translation of this specific genre and some problems a translator should pay attention to during the translation of business English letter. Keywords:business English letter; translation; feature; translation skills

新编进出口英语函电答案 Test Yourself Unit 11

Unit 11 TY Key I. Give the Chinese equivalent of each of the following terms: 独家代理 1) 利润赚头 2) 保付公司/保付商行 3) 保付代理商 4) 5) 独家发盘 6) 费用/支出 经纪人 7) 商会 8) 9) 市场/销路/零售商店 10) 陈列室 II. Give the English equivalent of each of the following terms: factor 1) agency commission 2) 3) channel of distribution 4) exclusive right 5) principal 6) exclusive sale 7) commission house 8) forwarding/shipping agent 9) trade volume 10) tender III. Fill in each of the following blanks with a proper preposition: 1) Under/In, on 2) at 3) for 4) as 5) in/throughou t, of 6) to, in 7) on/upon IV. Find out and correct the mistake in each of the following sentences: 1) … will contact us … 2) … provide us with the information … 3) … we are justified in demanding … 4) … a detailed explanation … 5) … contribute their ideas to the new … 6) … have declined from … 7) … a firm or individual who would … 8) … sole agency to the … 9) … many deals/transactions with that … 10) … friendly business relations. V. Fill in the blanks with the given verbs in their proper forms and with modal verbs when necessary: 1) Should, fail, to comply, is entitled, to terminate 2) is written, being 3) to be covered / covered, may include 4) can/will/may/ is to be referred VI. Choose the one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence or that meets the requirement specifically set out: 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. B 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.A 9. B 10. B VII. Translate the following sentences into English:


(五):1、As you will see in our price list,we have offered very competitive prices,supplying you our best quality goods.We solicit that you will favor us with your orders,which shall always have our best attention.贵公司将会从我方价格表中看到,我方向贵公司提供了价廉物美的商品。敬请贵公司向我方订货,我方会精心关照。 2、We should very much like to help you in thismatter,but we have already cut our prices down to the absolute minimum.We think you will find that our competitors are offering a product of cousiderably lower quality in order to compete at this price.我们很乐意帮助你们,但是我们已将价格降到最低限度。你们将会发现:本公司的竞争者是在以大幅度降低产品质量的方式来压低价格。 3.谢谢你方3月10日来函。从信中我们获悉你方希望得到我方梅林牌罐头食品 的报盘。Thank you for your letter of March 10,form which we have learned that you hope to receive our offer for “Meiling”brand canned goods. 4..我们从贵公司8月20日来函中得知你放打算向我方订购二万公吨化肥 我们很高兴的报价如下。We have learned form your letter dated August 20 that you are going to place an order with us for 20000 metric tons of chemical fertilizers.We are pleased to quote as follows. .5.兹复你方7月8日函 我们现向你方作如下报盘 以我方最后确认为准。In reply to your letter of July 8 ,we are now making you the following offer,subject to our final confirmation. 6.供你放参考 我方价格合理 中东地区许多顾客已经接受该价格。For your reference ,our price is reasonable and a lot of customers in the Middle East have accepted the price. 7.复你方9月10日信 我们乐意向你方报盘如下 以北京时间10月15日前复 到为有效。In reply to your letter of September 10,we are pleased to make you an offer as follows,subject to your reply reaching here before October15,Beijing time. (六):1.贵公司可能注意到了原材料价格的上涨趋势,种种迹象表明这种趋势将持续下去。在此情况下,沃恩想提醒你们,在近期内不可能再有相同的报盘。You may have observed an upward tendency in the prices of raw materials,which has every indication of being maintained.Under the circumstances,we would like to remind you that a similar offer in the near future is mosltl unlikely. (七):我们希望向你们订购30罗红花牌手表 4月装运。这些货物选自你们2月2 日来信及产品目录。We wish to place an order with you for 30 gross”Red Flower”brand watches for April shipment .The goods have been chosen from your catalogue sent to us together with your letter of February 2. 你方6月15日订购2000公斤中国安哥拉兔毛的第P81号订单收悉。谢谢。我们欢迎你们成为我们的新客户。We thank you for your Order No.P81 dated June 15 for 2000 kilograms of Chinese Angora Rabbit Hair and welcome you as one of our new customers. 最近我们对山地自行车需求甚殷 我们不能保证新订货在6月30日之前交付。The recent exceptional demand for our mountain bicycles makes it impossible for us to promise delivery of any new orders before June 30. 我们已接受你方第FG16号订单订购货号第338号红玫瑰牌浴巾9000打。请即告知颜色搭配。并按第S-98号销售合同开立以我当为受益人的有关信用证。Your order No.FG 16for 9000dozen of “Red Rose”brand bath towels Art.No.338 has been booked.Please let us know the colour assortment at once and open the covering L/C in our favour according to Sales Contract No.S-98. 关于你方3月20 日的e-mail 我们乐意通知你方我们已接受了你方订购2500打天坛牌男


国际商务英语函电答案【篇一:世纪商务英语外贸函电(第二版)课后习题答案】 letter 1.at, of, with, in, for letter 2.from, into, with, of, to p40 https://www.doczj.com/doc/cb5023912.html,rming, interesting, dealing, sample, details, quality, prices, applied, items, inquiry unit 3 p55 letter 1.from, for, by, with, on letter 2.with, in, of, in, from p56 2.referring, established, cost, quality, opinion, responsibility, part, satisfied, information, decision unit 4 p71 letter 1. to, of, at, in, by letter 2.with, in, with, for, with p73 2.advertisement, leading, interested, details, dealers, line, market, replying, over, item unit 5 p88 letter 1.for, with, at, by, to letter 2.for, for, by, at, by/under p89 2.inquiring, quotation, receipt, subject, confirmation, discount, catalogue, brochure, separate, appreciate unit 6 p105 letter 1.of, on, in, with, to letter 2.of, in, by, for, at p106 2.offer, regret, price, sold, level, difference, transaction, counter-offer, samples, acceptance unit 7 p122 letter 1.to, of, of, in, for,


全日制英语学习,选择尚语国际语言村https://www.doczj.com/doc/cb5023912.html, 随着全球商务活动日益频繁,互联网迅猛发展,商务信函成为国际贸易中客户沟通的主要方式,广泛运用于外贸、海外资本运营、国际货运等商务活动。它涵盖询问、洽谈、答复,涉及到询盘、报盘、发盘、还盘、交易达成、支付方式、装运等业务细节,是商务活动中不可或缺的沟通媒介,高质量的商务英语信函翻译对国际商务活动的重要性不言而喻。 一、商务信函的语言特点 与其他文体相比,商务信函具有商务文体正式、简洁、专业、礼貌等特点。 (一)正式。商务信函是公文性质函件,用词布局上比普通信函讲究,较多使用书面语。如请您给我发送一份申请表格,在此表示感谢。一般使用We would be grateful if you could send me an application form。而不使用Could you send me an application form? Thank you!。文体布局上商务信函也比一般信函严谨规范,有其特定布局结构。如道歉信通常开头致歉(We must apologize for …/We apologize for…),接下来解释事情发生的原因,寻求对方谅解(this is owing to…),在结尾处再次致歉(We hope that this has not caused you any inconvenience./With apologies once again.)一般道歉信都会遵循这样层层递进的规范布局,翻译时也要注意符合其布局。 (二)简洁。商务人士求实重效率。商务信函必须言简意赅,目的突出,层次分明。一般信件开头就说明来意,如:We are writing to enquire about the prices of your cabinets/ we are writing in connection with the advertisement in the newspaper yesterday. 如果开头东拉西扯,会使繁忙的商务人士无暇向下,不明所以。此外信件中措辞也较少使用冗繁的词语句式。例:Please contact us whenever we can be helpful. (如需帮助请告知)而一般不会使用Whenever there is anything we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us。 (三)专业。商务信函用于业内往来,广泛使用商业术语和缩略语,包括外贸业务术语、公司名称及单证等,规范程度很高。常见如外贸术语CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight) 成本、运费加保险价,FCA(Free carrier)货交承运人,B/L(Bill of Loading)运输单等在信函中都大量使用。此外商务信函也常使用here,where, there 与in, by, with, after 等构成复合词如hereafter(after this),wherein (in which) therefrom (from that)。如:Seller is bound to reimburse Buyer for any loss sustained therefrom. 长期的商务书信交流中逐步形成了商务英语信函句式的套语和行话。如:收到对方询盘的套话:Thank you for your letter of 23 July, asking if we sell photocopiers.希望得到对方回函、订单时的套话:Looking forward to your favorable /early reply. (四)礼貌。西方人交往中非常重视态度,商务信函应礼貌友好,礼貌可以使对方阅读后心生好感,从而保持友好贸易关系。在信函中采用“You attitude”,从对方角度考虑问题,较多使用第二人称,较少使用


语句翻译 第二单元 1. Chinese low-voltage microwave ovens are in great demand in our country. We would therefore much appreciate it if you could let us have your competitive prices for the models available at present. 2. We write to introduce ourselves as a leading importer of surgical instruments and are interested in receiving a copy of your latest catalogue for our reference. 3. Specializing in the line of confectionery, we have extensive connections with food stores throughout this country. 4. We would be much obliged if you could send us a complete set of leaflets so as to give us a general idea of the export items you handle. 5. From Messrs. Brown & Clark of this city, we have learned that you are regular suppliers of Chinese kitchenware, for which there is a growing demand here. 6. We have read with interest your advertisement in the latest issue of Television World, and would like to have full particulars of your products, including specifications, prices and packing. 1.From the latest issue of Computer World we have learned about your Finance Guide software package. We would appreciate it if you could send us a descriptive booklet. 2.We were impressed with the vehicles you displayed at the Beijing Trade Fair. Please quote your prices on FOB basis for the automobiles listed above. 3.Please let us know if you can supply the lines of goods specified in the enclosed list. We would appreciate it if you would send us a copy of price list and terms for your exports. 4.If the samples are of the standard we require, we will place a substantial order. We are looking forward to receiving your firm offer by March 5. 5.Would you please provide detailed information on the types and quality of leisurewear you have available and quote relevant prices indicating your delivery time. 第三单元 1. In reply to your inquiry of January 12, we are pleased to inform you that a catalog and a price list have been airmailed separately for your reference. 2. If, however, you need any other information, please do not hesitate to let us know. We shall be only too glad to answer further questions from you. 3. As you will notice, our prices are quite competitive, and since we carry large stocks of all models, we can promise delivery within a month of receipt of your L/C. 4. If you can let us have an idea of the quantity you are going to order, we may consider giving you a more favorable discount. 5. Though we no longer supply Type SB-95, we have in stock Type SB-99, which is both better in performance and more reasonable in price. 1.Thank you for your inquiry of July 3 for our High Definition TV Sets advertised in the June issue of AV Mart. We are now attaching our detailed quotation sheet for your reference. 2.We thank you for the interest you have shown in our new products, the prices of which, as you have noticed, are competitive. We look forward to receiving your initial order. 3.Please note that our prices are quoted c.i.f. Melbourne and that we are offering a 10% discount off all net prices. You may enjoy a 15% discount on orders of AUD 30,000 and over. 4.We may give you an additional 5% cash discount if you agree to make payment by letter of credit or cash with order. 5.The items you inquire for are out of stock, but we can offer you substitutes, which are more favorable in price and no less satisfactory in quality.



Lesson 1 Importer’s Self-introduction 译文 信件一进口商自我介绍 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 送交:销售部吴刚先生 敬启者: 我们从伏特威廉公司得知贵司商号与地址,特此来函,希望能同贵司发展商务关系。 多年来,本公司经营休闲鞋类进口生意,目前想扩展业务范围。请惠寄商品目录与报价单。 如贵司产品价格有竞争力,本公司必定向你方试订。 恭候回音。

克唐那和伊万有限公司 签名) 克. 伊万 理 上 010年4月20日 信件二回信 福建鞋业进出口公司 中国福建福州保定大街45号 麦克唐那和伊万有限公司 美国纽约劳顿大街58号 敬启者:

感谢贵公司四月二十日的来函,我们非常渴 望与贵公司建立商务关系。 我们鞋厂致力于设计和生产各种传统和时尚男女鞋产品。我们已开发和上市了室内拖鞋,棉拖鞋,新款刺绣拖鞋;童鞋和棉鞋。可以满足国内外不同市场需求。 谨遵要求另函奉上最新的出口商品目录及报价单,涵括目前可供的出口商品。 如你方对任何一款感兴趣,请让我方知道。期盼你方具体询盘。 建鞋业进出口公司 签名) 刚 理 上

010年5月10日 习题答案 I. Basic Training 1.Translate the following expressions into Chinese. 报价一流的进口商 出口产品范围定单 广泛的联系具体询盘 最新目录有竞争力的价格 2.Choose the best answer. 1) b 2) b 3) c 4) a 5) d 6) b 7) c 8) c 9) b II. Improving Training Translate the following sentence into English. 1) We would like to introduce our business range.

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