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1、Eyes play an important role in body balance and it is important to[absorb]as much information from the environment as possible

2、At drama school, there is[constant]attention to a student’s control of both voice and movement , and the different departments work at developing

a student’s overall acting technique.

3、Whatever one has planned to do is[bound]to be altered改变in the process

4、You[complain]about your friends never coming to see you, but when they do come ,you give them such a hard time it’s hardly surprising they stay away

5,If your child is spending too much time on computer games , think carefully about how you are going to[handle] the situation.

6、Music, for both of us, is a part of life we treasure , and Michael has found his records and tapes a constant [source] of happiness during the long hours of inactivity forced upon him.

7、She fell asleep at last, but in no time at all the pain in her back [wakened] her again, sharp and insistent .

8、The only way to [conquer] a fear is to face it, and to do so as frequently as possible.

9、Early in the morning , I was [ dragged] out of bed to repair a minor fault on the car.

10、It can be argued , for example ,that teaching can be [accomplished]more effectively if teacher and student take their appropriate roles.

11、You should make sure you know where the parents can be [contacted],and that they have given you all the information you are likely to need about the child

12 The”unsinkable’ passenger liner Titanic sank on her maiden [voyage]when she struck an iceberg in the Atlantic.

13 On one [occasion],they locked her in the car when they went to a call and wound up the window to prevent her overhearing。

14 The result of every accident, however [minor],is a rise in the cost of insurance。

15 If you wish , we can [arrange] for your luggage to be sent on ahead to each of the overnight stops

16 Iron has an important role to play in the [efficient]working of the human body and is vital to healthy living .

17 The boy [reluctantly]turned the TV off as the clock

struck ten, time for him to go to bed.

18 He could see her lips [trembling]and hoped she would not cry in public again.

19 I started to read newspapers and magazines more ,and ,for just about the first time in my life,I began to take an interest in [current] affairs.

20 I slept fitfully but well enough ,[disturbed]only by the comings and goings of my companions.

21 I’d like to [propose]that students should be allowed more time for independent study/

22 We know that drinking ,smoking , and overwork[involve]risks to our health , but most of us seem to accept them.

23 On a [typical]day ,our professor works in the lab from 9A.M.to 11P.M

24 Although this law does not actually [prohibit]the possession of weapons whose use is illegal, it is clearly moving in that direction.

25 He might as well have picked a family [at random]out of the telephone book and stayed with them

26“Is there anything in your personal life which would [embarrass] the party if it became public?”

27 The books beautifully [illustrated] with drawings and photographs.

28 Groups of children sometimes can [invent]games of their own ,or maybe entertain themselves in their own way if they are free of adult interference

29 A sign at our local church is in wood, with gold lettering, but the [latter]is already fading after three years.

30 The writer would rather live in his native country, and not be allowed

to [publish],than go else-where and be free to do so

1.If you love plants, the chances are you buy them on impulse and then wonder where to put them.

2.If you have to go through a smoke-filled area, you’d better crawl with your head low.

3.Mother motioned my brother to keep his voice down but he ignored her.

4.If doing one thing gives you an unpleasant feeling, the normal reaction would be to stop doing it.

5.Among these articles, which do you think are most likely to interest our students?

6.Long after even the latest apple tree had broken into leaf, the mulberry’s branches remained stubbornly bare.

7.These schools come under the supervision of locally appointed committees.

8.We should see ourselves as part of nature rather in conflict with it.

9.These rows of small trees grate owing close together create living walls for shelter and privacy in the garden.

10.Don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do for you.

11.During the nine months before her baby is born, her face is one perpetual smile.

12.Traditional Chinese food is far superior to McDonald’s and KFC or any other fast foods I know.

13.Under this law, consumers have the right to reject faulty goods and demand a refund.

14.I was shocked by the conditions in the factory, which constituted definite health and safety hazards.

15.His bedroom consists of a single bed with a small television at its foot.

16.Linda is 35years old and, after two close relationships, the prospect of staying single depresses her.

17.Lucy, who did not even go to grade school, had no prospect of a job at the time.

18.The workers in the factory stopped working in protest against their foreman using bad language.

19.This technique is traditionally thought to be of Chinese origin.

20.The rise in unemployment frustrated the government’s plans for economic recovery

21.Henry seemed bewildered by this completely unexpected turn of events.

22.Andrew was determined to pursue a computer career after graduation.

23.The solution to this problem is anticipation, that is preventing it from developing by thinking ahead and taking acting early.

24.Henry’s actually capable of telling lies, pretending to be sick when he’s healthy.

25.As a teacher, he thinks his business is to stir up curiosity in his students rather than insist on obedience.

26.As a matter of fact, all those countries with whom we are failing to compete invest more in education than we do.

27.That’s just an estimate–nobody really knows what the figure because nobody bothers to calculate it.

28.The body cannot store vitamin C so it is essential to have a fresh supply every day.

29.More and more people are taking to their bikes as a alternative to driving using public transport.

30.My uncle lived in a comfortable home converted from farm buildings some 15miles to the northwest of the city.


I was born in the city of York, in England, in the year 1632..……and, running forward, got to the mainland safely.。

1.To sail the seas.

2.The ship he took was destroyed in a storm .

3. Their ship had struck sand and was about to break into pieces .

4. was safe and sound .

5. did not know where he was

I worked as a manager in a company for a number of years.……But for now, at least, it suits me.

1.He had always liked writing..

2. He can change his schedule as he likes.

3. He wants to eat more healthfully.

4.He has to worry about money.

5. he is not going to change his lifestyle in the near future

The last few days before Christmas passed quickly and it was soon Christmas Eve.……Bunny suddenly realized the special present he wanted from Santa was a new friend!。

1. He was thinking what present to ask from Santa.

2.Santa left before he could have a look at him.

3.They look like dogs except for the antlers.

4.He was air-sick.

5. Santa knows what present a child wants without even being told

Laura walked towards the man. "It is terribly cold," she said……With the money in her purse she hurried back to the man's house.

1. To see if she could buy his dog.

2.To protect his home.

3.to get her breakfast.

4.a rather poor girl.

5.The dog will lead a happy life under her good care.

Although Thomas Jefferson did not begin the effort of designing the Universityof Virginia until late in his life,……living, and exercise facilities (设施).

1.an uneducated man could not gain full freedom.

2.the library.

3.there was no distraction for the students.

4. give everyone the information he needs for conducting his business.

5. Intellectual exchange.

The good news we get from TV and radio makes us feel more kindly toward other people,……After the good news, it’s the reverse."

1.more kindly toward others.

2.regard other people as worse than they really are.

3.Nobody returned the wallets they dropped.

4.lost wallets were returned to their owners.

5. broadcasters should emphasize good news rather than bad news.

Kaleil Isaza Tuzman moved to the United States from Columbia when he was 15.……in a country built on dreams.

1.Starting a business of his own.

2. a person to be avoided.

3. A lucky poor boy can move to the top if he works hard.

4. It is becoming more and more difficult for one to work their way from the bottom to the top.

5. you can start all over again after failure.


1. Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.


2. The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.


3. Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.


4. While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.


5. The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself.


6. While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.


7. What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home?


8. The hunter’s face lit up with excitement as soon as he s aw a fox emerge from among the bushes and make for the trap he had laid.


1) It was suggested at the meeting that a committee of eleven be appointed to make a new constitution.


2) By making on-the-spot observations, the young scientists obtained first-hand information they needed in their research work.


3) It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.


4) The committee members have conflicting opinions as to the best location of the new airport.


5) Henry's works of art are superior in many respects to those of his brother's.


6) The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of our equipment.


7) Jim would have preferred to act on his own judgment, but he didn't because as a soldier he had to obey the order.


8) Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a city without bikes or one without cars, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.


1. She got a post as a cashier at a local bank. But she was soon fired because she proved to be incompetent.


2. It is obviously/clearly his young assistant who is running the bookstore.


3. No sooner had the proposal been announced at the meeting than she got to her feet to protest.


4. Bill has applied to Harvard University for a teaching assistantship, but his chances of getting it are slim.


5. Being short of funds, they are trying to attract foreign capital.


6. The room smells of stale air. It must have been vacant for a long time.


7. As far as hobbies are concerned, Jane and her sister have little in common.


8. It is self-evident that the education of the young is vital to the future of a country.


1那个小女孩跑得太快 身体一下失去平衡跌倒了The little girl ran so fast that she was thrown off balance and fell over/down.

2他致力于研究工作的精神给我留下了很深印象但我对他那些深奥的理论却丝毫不感兴趣。I was impressed by his devotion to research but I did not have the slight interest in his profound theories.

3千万别说可能会被人误解的话Be sure not to say anything capable of being misunderstood.

4我被他们互相矛盾的意见搞糊涂了 不知如何去做才是I was so bewildered by their conflicting advice that I did not know how to out/what to do.

5起初这个复杂问题使他们感到灰心丧气 但经过仔细思考后他们终于研究出了解决办法At first this complicated problem frustrated them ,but after thing it over carefully they finally worked out a solution.

6体育代表团团长在少先队员向他献上一束鲜花是愉快地笑了The head of the sports delegation beamed with delight when a young pioneer presented him with a bunch of flowers.

7这学期我们都学习的不错我真不明白为什么英语来是单单表扬了班长一个人I really don’t see why our English teacher should single out our monitor for praise since we have all done quiet will this term.

8我相信比较高级的动物是由比较低级的动物进化而来的这一学说I believe in the theory that the higher animals developed from the lower ones.

1如果富有的国家多花些钱搞绿色工业 而不是去建立军事机器和制造核武器 当今许多广泛存在的污染问题将会逐渐解决If the rich countries spent more money on green industries, instead of on building up military machines and nuclear weapons many of today’s widespread pollution problems would gradually disappear.

2烧煤的时候 不仅消耗房子里的氧气 而且还散发出有毒气体The burning of coal not only consumes the oxygen in the house but also gives out poisonous gases.

3显然 找到替代能源对我们经济的稳定发展是至关重要的Apparently finding alternative energy sources is essential to the steady development of our economy. 4太阳能电池能吸收阳光并把它变成电Solar cells can absorb sunlight and convert it into electricity.

5如果地球上的温度继续年复一年地上升 极低的冰帽将开始融化 沿海城市中一般的建筑物很可能小事在噼啪飞溅的海浪下面If the temperature on the Earth continues to go up from year to year ,the polar ice caps will begin to melt and, in all likelihood, half of the buildings in coastal cities will disappear beneath splashing sea waves.

6因为这些生物很小并且常常躲在叶子猫咪的植物下面 肉眼并不都可以看见Because these creatures ate small and tend to hide beneath leafy plants, the are not always visible to the naked eye.

7由于受到原子辐射 他最终在工作时倒下了As a result of exposure to atomic radiation, he finally collapsed at work.

8.有明显的证据表明工作上的重压与身体的某些毛病有联系There is distinct evidence of the connection between heavy pressure of work and wore and some disorders of the body.


本科大学英语课程教学改革方案 一、改革目标 加强大学英语基础知识与基本技能训练,培养学生英语综合应用能力,兼顾大学英语等级考试成效。 (一)教学要求定位在教育部《大学英语课程教学要求》的一般要求,各项技能指标达到《大学英语课程教学要求》基本指标,较大幅度提高参加国家大学英语四级考试(以下简称四级考试)成绩。 (二)调整教学安排,采取整体教学加分类强化的模式,促进英语成绩优秀者冲击《大学英语课程教学要求》较高要求,培养更多英语应用能力强的学生。 二、改革方案 (一)非艺术类本科生 总体教学安排为二学年四学期,周课时为4,总课时256,共16学分。上机自主学习作为辅助教学,不计入总课时。第一学期安排四周集中上机时间,由英语教师指导自主学习内容、任务和要求,学生必须认真学会自主学习模式,完成教师布臵的任务。四周后,自主上机,学生可自主选择时间和学习内容。 1.第一学期教学安排 所有本科生按照教学计划进行教学,另外对高考英语成绩排列前30%的新生,从校历第七周至第十五周,安排每周2学时的四级考前强化。这部分学生可参加12月份举行的四级考试。 2.第二学期教学安排 所有本科生按照教学计划进行教学,另外依据第一学期课程成绩确定第二批前30%学生(第一批已参加四级考试成绩达425分以上的学生除外),从校历第五周至第十六周,安排每周2学时的考前四级强化,这部分学生可参加6月份举行的四级考试。第一学期中参加四级考试成绩达425分的学生也继续跟班学习,并自行抓紧课后学习,参加6月份举行的六级考试 3.第三、四学期教学安排 第三、四学期教学主要针对尚未参加四级考试和前两个30%中少部分已参加四级考试但未达到425分的学生进行教学,除课内每周四课时外,还要增加课外强化,这部分学生可参加12月份举行的四级考试。12月份四级考试达不到425分的学生在第四学期同样以课内外相结合的安排进行教学,参加当年6月份举行的四级考试。 第一学年内已在四级考试中达到425分的学生,在第二学年里以选修英语类选修课的方式完成另外8个大学英语必修学分的学习任务。在第三学期参加四级考试达425分的学生,第四学期也以英语类选修课的方式完成另外4个大学英语必修学分的学习任务。


Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus V ocabulary Ⅰ. 1. 1. respectable 2. agony 3. put…down 4. sequence 5. hold back 6. distribute 7. off and on 8. vivid 9. associate 10. finally 11. turn in 12. tackle 2. 1. has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office. 2. was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not. 3. a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’time. 4. gave the command the soldiers opened fire. 5. buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out.

3. 1. reputation, rigid, to inspire 2. and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas 3. compose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ. 1. composed 2. severe 3. agony 4. extraordinary 5. recall 6. command 7. was violating 8. anticipate Ⅲ. 1. at 2. for 3. of 4. with 5. as 6. about 7. to 8. in, in 9. from


《大学英语I》第01章在线测试 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses ___. A、in between B、far apart C、among them D、from each other 2、Mary wanted to avoid running down a dog but ran ___a big tree by the roadside. A、into B、on C、over D、up 3、On average, a successful lawyer has to talk to several___a day. A、customers B、supporters C、guests D、clients 4、What is the train ___to Shanghai? A、fee B、tip C、fare D、cost 5、— How are you, Mary? —___Helen. A、How are you? B、I’m fine. Thank you C、How do you do? D、Nice to see you 《大学英语I》第02章在线测试 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、___I like Linda personally, I don’t think what she’s doing is right. A、When B、While C、Until D、As 2、Faced with all the difficulties, the girl___her mother for comfort. A、turned over B、turned from C、turned to D、turned up 3、– Li Hua failed in the math examination. –___ A、I’m sorry to hear that. B、Bad luck! C、What a pity! D、Bad news. 4、–Good morning. I’d like to check out now please. –___ A、Thank you! I will do it immediately. B、Sorry. Wait a moment. C、Your name and room number, please? D、OK. I’ll check the computer. 5、– May I take your order, sir? –___ A、Give me the bill, please. B、But the price is too high.



《大学英语》教学大纲 课程英文名称:College English 课程编号: 课程类型:公共必修课 学时:256 学分:16 适用专业:全院本科各专业 一、课程的性质和任务 大学英语课程是本科院校学生必修的公共基础课程。 大学英语教学的任务和目标是:经过256学时的教学,培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。 二、教学的基本要求 根据本校学生的实际,参照《大学英语课程教学要求》中所规定的“一般要求”特制定本要求。在达到本基本要求的同时,鼓励那些英语基础较好而且学有余力的学生结合自身实际,向较高要求或更高要求努力。 学完本课程后,学生应达到如下几方面的基本要求: 1.听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材的讲座,能听懂语速较慢(每分钟130~150词)的英语广播和电视节目,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。能运用基本的听力技巧。 2.口语表达能力:能在学习过程中用英语交流,并能就某一主题进行讨论,能就日常话题用英语进行交谈,能经准备后就所熟悉的话题作简短发言,表达比较清楚,语音、语调基本正确。能在交谈中使用基本的会话策略。 3.阅读理解能力:能基本读懂一般性题材的英文文章,阅读速度达到每分钟70词。在快速阅读篇幅较长、难度略低的材料时,阅读速度达到每分钟100词。能就阅读材料进行略读和寻读。能借助词典阅读本专业的英语教材和题材熟悉的英文报刊文章,掌握中心大意,理解主要事实和有关细节。能读懂工作、生活中常见的应用文体的材料。能在阅读中使用有效的阅读方法。 4.书面表达能力:能完成一般性写作任务,能描述个人经历、观感、情感和发生的事件等,能写常见的应用文,能在半小时内就一般性话题或提纲写出不少于120词的短文,内容基本完整,中心思想明确,用词恰当,语意连贯。能掌握基本的写作技能。 5.翻译能力:能借助词典对题材熟悉的文章进行英汉互译,英汉译速为每小时约300个英语单词,汉英译速为每小时约250个汉字。译文基本准确,无重大的理解和语言表达错误。 6.推荐词汇量:掌握的词汇量应达到约4795个单词和700个词组(含中学应掌握的词汇),其中约2000个单词为积极词汇,即要求学生能够在认知的基础上在口头和书面表达两个方面熟练运用的词汇。


2018年春|大学英语3|本科 1. Part I Use of English (20 points) Directions: In this part there are ten incomplete dialogues. For each dialogue there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the dialogue. (1) — Do you know the exact time of her arrival? — ____________________ I’m sure. (A) Two twenty-eight. (B) Rubbish! (C) C heer up! (D) By all means. (2) —What’s the weath er like in your hometown? — ____________________ (A) It’s freezing cold. (B) It’s a quarter past eight. (C) I t’s not your fault. (D) It’s out of the question. (3) — Are you certain that today is her birthday? — ____________________ Let’s get her some flowers. (A) I’m against it. (B) I’m positive. (C) I can’t make up my mind. (D) I’d prefer to go shopping.

新视野大学英语 综合训练阅读。1到6章整理。

1.V alentine’s Day probably....ever since. (BCADA) 1.to trace back 2.they would’t concentrate 3.Refused to obey 4.496 AD 5.to show our 2.Having raised eight children....can provide. (BABCD) 1. How to show 2.may by a famous 3.he had a 4.material wealth does 5.to give them 3.In the 1990s...of their class (CABCD) 1.The devaluation 2.prove the trend 3.reducing in 4.people can’t 5.The Devaluation 4.We received your letter....such trip (BABCC) 1.To express the difficulties 2.they advertise 3.we can’t afford 4.may not 5.the sales agent 5.In the future....says Leon (BABDA) 1.people with the 2.they may lose money 3.Scientists want 4.To illustrate 5.What’s Best 6.Criticism has been....own games (BDDCA) 1.Parents of 2.Because they have seen 3.To promise 4.Fewer referees would 5.Abusing. 7.Only about 15....of obesity (ADCDA) 1.people do not 2.He is one 3.Stretching at work 4.Extreme fatness 5.Ten minutes to 8.Y ou may recall....J.J.Budd (BBCAD) 1.a company 2.he wants new 3.Raj Rammanvihal works 4.familiar with 5.a formal letter 9.Fifteen-year-old...learn now (DAABC) 1.kept so that 2.they fail to 3.A list of the result 4.academic achievement 5. a teacher in 10.Most Americans will....and responsible? (ADDCD) 1.Positive 2.admission 3.helps students both 4.To ensure that 5.School that offer 11.A study issued...shared responsibility (BCDBA) https://www.doczj.com/doc/cf10336925.html,mitment to 2.enter school 3.60--80% 4.making young people 5.Social environment 12.When i was four....be impossible (CDCCB) 1.kept him away 2.attended classes 3.be different 4.to give a 5.knowledge from outside 13Bin Ben is one of....a guide (CBACD) 1.a light 2.Coins a 3.the old 4.1924 5.Undamaged 14.John Colter was....mud holes (DADBC) 1.Y ellowstone Park 2.Moran and 3.for more 4.was once not 5.The History 15.One day Walt ....the future” (CCBCB) 1.Building a 2.improved the 3.Its spot 4.Fantasyland 5.Disneyland 16.At sixteen Ron....the book (DACBC) 1.Ron was 2.he wanted 3.The job 4.four 5.he knew 17.When faced with.....international scale (BBCBB) 1.A good death means 2.Never say 3.Tube feeding 4.to adapt 5.Death is 18.On Mother’s Day....of dying (AACAD) 1.she wanted 2.to do something 3.Mom had 4.not busy 5.as the tablecloth 19.While caring for.... Their lives. (CDBBD) 1.Women provide 2.volunteer assistance 3.tain family 4.people who 5.to talk to 20.On the morning ....our grief. (CBADB) 1.someone bombed 2.angels in 3.There was 4.He was elbowed 5. We should 21.With so many scientists...the study (BCADD) 1.The possible 2.the former 3.focusing on 4.are the 5.Freed and Lin’s stress 22.Engineering design aims....so important. (BABCD) 1.Some factors 2.pulled down 3.Building ..reconstructed 4.effect of 5.rivers and


1.Thanks to modern technology, the film about that ancient battle gives the audience the illusion of being on the battlefield themselves. 2.That ancient city was devastated by the fire, but fortunately the stone table survived. 3.The videotape and the story by the woman filled them with sympathy for the child who had become an orphan in the earthquake. 4.In that earthquake, we heard many stories of teachers who had refused to leave their students behind and laid down their lives. 5.The construction of the Yu Yuan Garden began in 1558, but it was not completed until 1578 because building went off and on for lack of money. 6.In 1980, when I met up with her, she had just returned from abroad with a master’s degree. 7.It was my first visit to New York, but I managed to find my way to the little firm. 8.It is hard to make it to the top in the movie industry, but as a director Xie Jin did it. Fill in the blanks with appropriate form 1.panicky 2.descends/descended 3.enjoyable 4.expectation 5.morality 6.persuasion 7.strong 8.energetic Unit 2 1.Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them. 2.Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife. 3.For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the country for three years, where he denied himself many comforts of life. 4.I’m not sure if we can have the excursion to Chongming Island tomorrow. It is at the mercy of the weather. 5.When he was young he went to Japan to learn medicine, but after he returned to China he changed his mind and pursued a career as a writer all his life. 6.She’s taken up with a man old enough to be her father, which is a disgrace to her parents. 7.Since 1978, our economy has witnessed a rapid development; in contrast that of some developed countries has declined. 8.The earthquake isolated this city from other areas. I’m afraid their food supplies will not hold out through the winter. Fill the blanks 2 1.obsessive 2.moodiness 3.tolerable 4.beneficial 5.satisfying


A love marriage, however, does not necessarily result in much sharing of interests and responsibilities. A magnificent monument has been erected in Tian An Men Square in honor of the people ' s heroes. A racing car is an extraordinary feat of engineering. Accumulated en ergy un der the earth must be released in one form or ano ther, for example, an earthquake. Although he had looked through all the reference material on the subject, he still found it hard to un dersta nd this point and her explanation only added to his confusion. Ano ther team of scie ntists has come up with con flict ing evide nee. Believing the earth to be flat, many feared that Columbus could fall off the edge of the earth. But the other factor that we shouldn ' t forget is thealriek off U.S. immigration policy. Compared with wester ners, the Orie ntals use less butter. They prefer the very healthful pea nut oil. Con trary to popular belief, moderate exercise actually decreases your appetite. Corin thia n colu mn is the most highly decorated of the five classical types. Do not toss the salad until you are ready to serve. Dr. Jones emphasizes exercise in addition to a change in diet. During the process, great care has to be taken to protect the delicate silk from damage. Eati ng too much fat can con tribute to heart disease and cause high blood pressure. Every one in the party can see Ed and Roger are competi ng for Alice ' s atte nti on. Figures showed customer complaints had soared to record levels and profits were falling. Having decided to rent a flat, we set about con tact ing all the accommodati on age ncies in the city. He admits that more work needs to be done to validate the strategy, and ensure that it ' s safe. He is a mathematical genius . He is optimistic about his chances of winning a gold medal in the Olympics next year. He might let someth ing slip in a mome nt of weak ness. He told the magaz ine in an exclusive in terview: "enas miepn&bim drink. ” He was jealous of no body ' s achieveme nts. he wrote an article criticizing the Greek poet and won prestige and a scholarship. His retail bus in ess in the city expa nded rapidly betwee n the wars. I caught a glimpse of the taxi before it disappeared around the corner of the street. I chose to work abroad to improve my career prospect . I felt I couldn ' t cope with the situation and wacfeeisperate need of some reassuranee. I hate people who reveal the end of a film th at you haven ' t seen before. I have kept that portrait where I can see it every day, as it always reminds me of my university days in London. I think it ' s tiimeeIsted in a new computer. I want to buy a new tie to go with this brow n suit. I will defer to Mr. Walters on this point I wish I could put the clock back and relive my schooldays; I regret not having tried harder and passed mere exams. If you hear such a rumor, in vestigate it thoroughly. If you say anything to Jane, she ' csilikeey tovith a bitter remark. In no country other than Britain, it has been said, can one experience four seasons in the course of a single day. In the wife ' s eyes,commitment to their marriage life is far from perfect. Intensive efforts are being made to resolve the dispute. It did not take the police long time to bring out the truth. it is our consistent policy that we will achieve unity through peaceful means It is predicted that heavy rains are threate ning to flood the area in a few days. It soon developed that what she loved was not my person but my wealth.

郑大远程《大学英语II》第01-10章 在线测试(全部正确)

《大学英语II》第01章在线测试 A B C D More and more young people enjoy to pop music. A B C D We were all _______ by the speech given by the blind girl yesterday A B C D How about ______ A B C D If you keep ______, you will succeed sooner or later. A B C D

《大学英语II》第02章在线测试 《大学英语II》第02章在线测试剩余时间:59:42 答题须知:1、本卷满分20分。 2、答完题后,请一定要单击下面的“交卷”按钮交卷,否则无法记录本试卷的成绩。 3、在交卷之前,不要刷新本网页,否则你的答题结果将会被清空。 第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分) 1、Marlin is an independent man who is not about _____ on his parents any more. A、relying B、having relied C、to rely D、to have relied 2、By the time she is 50 years old, she _____ an inmate of the prison for over half of her life. A、will have been B、will be C、would have been D、would be 3、There was a knock at the door. It was the second time someone _____ me that evening. A、to have interrupted B、would have interrupted C、to interrupt D、had interrupted 4、He has been writing the essay the whole morning and he still ___ . A、has B、is C、has been D、does 5、Our modern civilization must not be thought of as ______ in a short period of time. A、being created B、having created C、creating D、having been created 《大学英语II》第03章在线测试 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.C

大学英语3 本科

诚信应考,考试作弊将带来严重后果! 贵州民族大学二0一七年春季 期末考试试卷 课程名称:大学英语3 层次:本科 试卷来源:教师自拟考试形式:闭卷√开卷□其它□ 院(系):继续教育学院专业:年级: 学生姓名:学号: ()1. – How ____ can you finish the drawing? A. often B. soon C. long D. many ()2. John plays basketball ____, if not better than, David. A. as well B. as well as C. so well D. so well as ()3. She got up ____ this morning. A. lately . B. latter C. later D. late ()4. Thank you so much for your help. -- ____. A. Glad to hear that B. Not worth thanking C. Don’t mention it D. You’re too polite ()5. He went to Shanghai by ____ A. the air B. an air C. air D. a air ()6. This is ____ exciting movie I have ever seen. A. a very B. a most C. the most D. a more ()7. – Oh, sorry to bother you. -- ______. A. That’s OK. B. No, you can’t. C. That’s good. D. Oh, I don’t know. ()8. When you called me last night, I ____ a bath. A. was taking B. had been taken C. had taken D. has taken ()9. – What a great job you have done. -- ______. A. You speak too highly of me. B. No, no. C. This is what I should do. D. Thank you. ()10. – We are going on a visit to Japan next week. -- ____. A. Have a good journey. B. Good bye. C. Wish you happy. D. You’re right. ()11. He told us that honesty _____ the key to success. A. is B. were C. was D. must be ()12. The whole area was flooded because it _____ for weeks.


Key to Exercises of College En glish Book 2 Unit 1 ★ Text A Vocabulary 1. I. 1) in sert 2) on occasi on 3) in vestigate 4) In retrospect 5) in itial 6) phe nomena 7) attached 8) make up for 9) is awaiting 10) not …in the least 11) promote 12) emerged 2. 1) There is a striking contrast between the standards of living in the n orth of the country and the south. 2) Natural fiber is said to be superior to syn thetic fiber. 3) The city ' importance as a financial center has evolved slowly. 4) His n ati on ality is not releva nt to whether he is a good lawyer. 5) The poems by a little-k nown sixtee nth-ce ntury Italia n poet have found their way into some En glish magaz in es. 3. 1) be picked up, can 'accomplish, am exaggerati ng 2) somewhat, performa nce, have n eglected, they apply to 3) assist, On the other hand, are valid, a superior

大学英语(本科) 18本科各专业复习资料

大学英语(本科)18本科各专业复习资料 I. Vocabulary & Structure 1. After three days’ waiting, there was a little doubt in the mother’s mind _______ the police could find her lost child. A. how B. that C. where D. whether 2. Energy is _________ makes things work. A. what B. everything C. something D. anything 3. We’d like to do _______ we can _________ the poor. A. how; help B. all; to help C. whatever; help D. however; to help 4. My parents used ________they had to get a new car for my brother. A. which B. all what C. what D. 不填 5.We give them quizzes(测试) on Britain and allow them to the Net. A. surf B. where C. save D. address 6.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 7.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom 8.They talked a lot about things and persons ________they remembered in the school. A. which B. that C. whom D. what 9.My neighbors used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _______ was very kind of them. A. who B. which C. that D. it 10. I have bought two ball pens, _______ writes well. A. none of them B. neither of them C. neither of which D. none of which 11. Nowadays consumers become more and more practical and buy only _______ they need. A. where B. which C. when D. what 12. She’d like to offer money to ________ needs it to continue his or her study. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever 13. ---If you are admitted to a key university, _________ as a prize? --- I’m looking for a cell phone. A. What you expect your father will offer you B. Do you expect what your father will offer you C. What do you expect will your father offer you D. What do you expect your father will offer you 14. Yesterday he sold out all his stamps at ____ he thought was a reasonable price. A. that B. which C. what D. as

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