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课程名称: 大学英语(一) 参考专业: 本科专业: 结构及分值: 100分

一、 Reading Comprehension (40 Points)

Passage One 1. 2. 3. 4.

5. Passage Two




9. 10. Passage Three 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Passage Four 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 二、V ocabulary and Structure (20 Points)

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.


Translation (10 points)

41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 四、

Writing (30 points )

第 1 页 共5 页


课程名称: 大学英语(一) 参考专业: 本科专业: 结构及分值: 100分

一、Reading Comprehension (40 Points)

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Passage One

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:

I was born in the city of York, in England, in the year 1632. My father was a man of some wealth, able to give me a good home and send me to school. It was his wish that I should be a lawyer but my head began to be filled very early with thoughts of travel, and I would be satisfied with nothing but going to sea. My father gave me strong advice against it, but with little effect. One day, being at Hull, I met a school-fellow who was about to sail for London in his father's ship, and he invited me to go with him, and without telling my father, I went on board. On the way to London, a storm arose, the ship was wrecked (失事), and we barely escaped with our lives. I went on foot to London, where I met with the master of a vessel which did business with countries on the coast of Africa. He took a fancy to me, and offered me a chance to go with him on his voyages, which I gladly accepted.

A great storm came up, and the ship was tossed (被颠簸) about for many days, until we did not know where we were. Suddenly we struck a bank of sand, and the sea broke over the ship in such a way that we could not hope to have her hold many moments without breaking into pieces. So we launched (使…下水)

a boat. After we had been driven four or five miles,a mountainous wave struck us so hard that it overturned the boat at once.Though I swam well but the waves were so strong that I was dashed (被猛撞) against a rock with such force that it left me senseless. But I recovered a little before the waves returned, and, running forward, got to the mainland safely.

1. What did the author want to do most when he was young ? A) To visit Africa. B) To sail the seas. C) To practice law.

D) To make a tour of London.

2. Why did the author go on foot to London? A) The ship he took was destroyed in a storm.

B) His father did not supply the fare for the journey. C) He went against his father's strong advice not to do so D) His school-fellow invited him to go together. 3. Why did they launch a boat?

A) They knew they were near the Shore.

B) The big waves were about to overturn the ship.

C) Their ship had been knocked about for many days on the sea. D) Their ship had struck sand and was about to break into pieces. 4. When the author got to the mainland, he _______ A) searched everywhere for his lost companions B) fell down on the ground senseless C) was safe and sound

D) ran forward to escape being washed back into the sea

5. When the author finally arrived on land, he most probably ______ A) knew he was in Africa B) did not know where he was

C) was not aware he was back in England

D) got in touch with his family and asked for help

Passage Two

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

Although Thomas Jefferson did not begin the effort of designing the

系 专业 准考证号 姓名 考场

University of Virginia until late in his life, the education of the common man had occupied his thoughts for decades. He believed ignorance (无知) to be the enemy of freedom, and he wanted to correct what he considered to be the weaknesses of educational institutions (机构) modeled on European settings. He imagined that an "academical village" around a tree-lined lawn would provide an ideal setting in which to pursue higher education, the center of such a village would be a Temple of Knowledge that would house the university library.

When Virginia decided to set up a state university in 1818, the retired U.S. President finally was able to devote his talent, time, and energy to creating this new kind of educational institution. By the time he was finished with his design, Jefferson had invented an entirely new American setting for higher education: the college campus.

In 1812, Jefferson chose to begin buliding his 'academical village," the University of Virginia. in Charlottesville, V A, far away from the city center. He intended this spot to promote learning because it was natural and unspoiled, and far from anything that could distract or harm the students. The University consists of two rows of houses, five on each side, leading to a main building. This main building, the Rotunda, became the most important part of the University, because it contained the library. By focusing his entire institution on the library, instead of around the church. Jefferson revo-lutionized American university architecture.

Jefferson's aim was to create a new institutional form for his ideal educational system, a system he thought should give every citizen the information he needs for carrying out his ,daily business. This new approach to citizenship and education demanded a new type of university, one where students and professors could coexist and share ideas He attempted to create this environment by combining the professors' houses and students' classrooms, and linking all the buildings with covered walkways so intellectual exchanges between departments could go on smoothly. Jefferson had also recognized the importance of the students' whole life, and given much thought and planning to the students' dining, living, and exercise facilities (设施).

6. Jefferson devoted much of his thought to the education of the common man because he believed _______.

A) everyone who loved freedom hated ignorance

B) a country could not be strong without education

C) an uneducated man could not gain full freedom

D) European educational institutions did not suit America

7. According to Jefferson, the center of a university should be ______.

A) the church

B) the library

C) the lawn

D) the classrooms

8. Jefferson chose to locate the University of Virginia far away from the city

center because_______.

A) land in the city center could not be found

B) there was a tree-lined lawn there

C) this was a European tradition

D) there was no distraction for the students

9. In Jefferson's view, an ideal educational system should_______.

A) be one under which every citizen enjoys equal opportunity

B) give everyone the information he needs for conducting his business

C) ensure that everyone has a chance to enter an institution of higher learning

D) provide students with a natural and unspoiled setting for learning

10. What was made easy by the revolutionized American campus?

A) Students' learning.

B) Intellectual exchange.

C) Professors' teaching.

D) Both students' and professors' life

Passage Three

Questions 11 to 15 ore based on the following passage:

The good news we get from TV and radio makes us feel more kindly toward other people, but bad news—especially news of cruelty and violence —stirs up

suspicion and a sense of competition toward others.

These are the findings of 10 years of experiments by research psychologists (心理学家) at Columbia University, who conclude that broadcasters encourage

hostile (敌对的) behavior by stressing bad news.

"We found that the news people are exposed to either encourages them to concentrate on the differences between themselves and others, or on the common

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problems that make them feel, 'We're all in this together,'" explained Dr. Harvey Hornstein.

"News about one human being helping another ... brings our feelings of trust and cooperation. But news about one person actually doing harm to another changes our estimate of other people for the worse."

In an early experiment in 1968, Dr. Hornstein and his associates, who had been dropping wallets (钱包) for two years to test the honesty of people, discovered that on June 4, 1968, not one wallet was returned.

"That was the night Robert F. Kennedy was shot," he recalled. "Strangers suddenly seemed dangerous, and nobody wanted to return a lost wallet to a stranger.

"But good news on the other hand, lifts us up," he stressed, citing the date of July 4, 1976, America's Bicentennial (两百年的) celebration. "On that day, we all felt safe and good. Being American was the thing. We all felt as if we all belonged together."

Recent tests surport these conclusions, in one experiment, 60 subjects were exposed to good news, bad news or music. Then they were told to play a game with a non-existent person supposedly in another room. it was a game of choice that emphasized cooperation or competition.

After hearing good news, the overwhelming majority, 91 percent, played cooperatively. But after hearing bad news competitive responses were over three times as high — up to 28 percent, from 9 percent.

"if we watch television and see a lot of blood," said Dr. Hornstein, "we're probably assuming that the world is a dirtier place than we assumed before we saw that TV violence. And we'll deal with the next individual we come upon as if he is part of that grim (冷酷的) picture of humanity. After the good news, it's the reverse."

11. According to the findings of researchers at Columbia University, when people hear good news, they feel_______.

A) happier

B) more kindly toward others

C) safer than they really are

D) more competitive

12. Dr. Harvey Hornstein found that when people hear news about one person

actually doing harm to another, they tend to _______.

A) regard other people as worse than they really are

B) treat total strangers as suspects of cruel crimes

C) become hostile towards neighbors and friends

D) think about the common problems facing mankind

13. What did Dr. Harvey Hornstein and his associates discover on the night of

June 4, 1968?

A) Robert F. Kennedy was shot.

B) Their wallets were lost.

C) People in America suddenly became dishonest.

D) Nobody returned the wallets they dropped.

14. We can infer from the passage that on July 4, 1976, most probably _______.

A) people drank and sang and danced

B) lost wallets were returned to their owners

C) everybody wanted to be American

D) even criminals were friendly to others

15. We can conclude from the passage that .

A) violence on TV leads to more violence on the streets

B) broadcasters should emphasize good news rather than bad news

C) the world is a dirtier place than we assume it to be

D) people are more competitive when they are faced with challenges

Passage Four

Questions 16 to 20 are based on following passage:

A study suggests that dirty air can reduce lung development. Researchers at

the University of Southern California in Los Angeles published their work in the

New England Journal of Medicine.

About one thousand seven hundred children from different communities in Southern California took part in the study. The scientists tested the children every

year for eight years, starting at age ten They say this is the longest study ever

done on air pollution and the health of children.

The scientists found that children who lived in areas with the dirtiest air wire five times more likely to grow up with weak lungs. Many were using less than

eighty percent of normal lung strength, to breathe.

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The damage from dirty air was as bad as that found in children with parents who smoke. Children with reduced lung power may suffer more severe effects from a common cold, for example.

But the researchers express greater concerns about long-time effects. They say adults normally begin to lose one percent of their lung power each year after age twenty. The doctors note that weak lung activity is the second leading cause of early deaths among adults. The first is smoking.

By the time people are eighteen, their lungs are fully developed, or close to it. The doctors say it is impossible to recover from any damage.

Researchers say they are still not sure how air pollution affects lung development. They believe that pollution affects the tiny air spaces where oxygen and carbon dioxide (二氧化碳)are exchanged.

Arden Pope is an economics professor at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. Professor Pope wrote a commentary about the study. He noted that air quality in Southern California has improved since the study began in the early nineteen-nineties. Clean-air laws have reduced pollution from vehicles, industry and other causes.

But dirty air is still a problem in areas of California and other places. Professor Pope says continued efforts to improve air quality are likely to provide additional improvements in health.

16. A study done by researchers at the University of Southern California indicates that _______.

A) 1,700 children from Southern California have weak lung activities

B) children in Southern California use less lung strength to breathe

C) air pollution may affect the growth of children's lungs

D) 80 percent of children in Southern California suffer from air pollution

17. According to the article, children living in dirty air

A) may lose eighty percent of their normal lung strength

B) may suffer more severe effects from a common cold

C) were five times more likely to catch a common cold

D) were unlikely to recover from any lung damage

18. Why do the researchers express greater concern about the long-term effects of air pollution on children?

A) They begin to lose 1% of their lung power each year after 20.

B) They do not show any signs of lung damage when they are young.

C) They may suffer early death when they grow up.

D) They cannot expect to have their lungs fully developed at 18.

19. What do we learn from the passage about the air in Southern California?

A) It is unlikely to improve in the near future.

B) It is free of pollution from vehicles and industry.

C) It is as dirty as it was before.

D) It is cleaner than it was in the early 1990s.

20. Professor Pope believes that

A) improvement in air quality will provide further health benefits

B) clean-air laws should be passed to reduce air pollution in California

C) further studies should be done to find out how dirty air affects lung development

D) air pollution does even greater harm to children's health than their parents' smoking

二、Vocabulary and Structure (20 Points)

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C,D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

21. If your child is spending too much time _____ computer games, think carefully to handle the situation.

A. on

B. in

C. for

D. with

22. Eyes play an important role _____body balance and absorb information.

A. for

B. in

C. over

D. by

23. The old lady is used to _____up early in the morning.

A. get

B. gets

C. getting

D. geting

24. All the pains in her back _____her, sharp and insistent.

A. absorbed

B. retired

C. interested

D. wakened

25. You should make sure you know where the parents can be ______.

A. connected

B. committed

C. contacted

D. contracted

26. If you wish, we can _____ for your luggage to be sent on ahead to each of the overnight stops.

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A. memorize

B. contract

C. arrange

D. commit

27. The boy _____turned off the TV as it’s time for him to go to bed.

A. reluctantly

B. willingly

C. fortunately

D. happily

28. I read newspapers and magazines, for I take interests in ______ affairs.

A. personal

B. current

C. ancient

D. myself

29. We know that drinking, _____, and overwork involve risks to our health.

A. joking

B. hiking

C. playing

D. smoking

30. On a ____ day, we work in the lab from 9 am to 11 pm.

A. following

B. typical

C. previous

D. diligent

31. Mother motioned my brother to keep his voice down but he ____ her.

A. remarked

B. impressed

C. beat

D. ignored

32. Among these articles, which do you think are most _____ to interest our students?

A. unexpected

B. awkward

C. competent

D. likely

33. We should see ourselves as part of nature rather than in _____ with it.

A. crash

B. conflict

C. connection

D. argument

34. Don’t _____ to let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.

A. hesitate

B. reject

C. puzzle

D. thrill

35. I think traditional Chinese food is ____ to KFC or any other fast food.

A. immune

B. superior

C. important

D. similar

36. Because of global warming, coastal building should ____sea-level rise.

A. protect

B. anticipate

C. discourage

D. prompt

37. The book is written so that a reader will benefit ____ with a work of art.

A. encounter

B. investment

C. evaluation

D. criticism

38. His views have been clearly expressed in _____ speeches and newspapers.

A. graceful

B. consistent

C. numerous

D. numerical

39. During the talks both sides agreed to _____ possible areas of co-operation.

A. register

B. explore

C. conclude

D. undo

40. Our firm can help you _____ a scheme to meet your needs in the best way.

A. devise

B. resolve

C. extend

D. appreciate

三、Translation(10 points)

Directions: Turn the following sentences into English, then write the answers on the Answer Sheet.

41. 很明显是他的妻子在经营这家书店。

42. 由于缺乏资金,他们正设法吸引外资。(attract foreign capital)

43. 约翰尼(Johnny)已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。(outgrow)

44. 客人们对那个美国人的语气感到有点意外。

45. 经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力,而且会提高你的说的技能。

四、Writing (30 points)

Directions: For this part you are allowed to write an essay, explaining the reasons

why you chose the subject you are now studying.You should write at least 120

words and cover the following two points.


2. 我有条件学好这门学科。

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2014 年福建省普通高职(专科)专升本招生统一考试 大学英语试卷 (考试时间120 分钟,满分150 分) 考生答题注意事项: 1、答题前,考生务必在试题卷、答题卡规定的地方填写自己的准考证号、姓名(答题卡 背面只需填写姓名)。考生要认真核对答题卡粘贴的条形码的“准考证号、姓名”与考生本人准考证号、姓名是否一致。 2、本试卷分为两部分,第一部分为选择理,第二部分为非选择题。选择题每小题选 出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。非选择题用0.5毫米黑色签字笔并严格按照题号顺序在答题卡上书写作答,在试题卷上作答无效。 3、考试结束后,考生必须将试题卷和答题卡一并交回。 4、合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。 第一部分选择题 I . Vocabulary and Structure (45 points,1.5 for each) Directions:In this section, there are 30 incomplete sentences or dialogues. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence or the dialogue. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. —Could you help me? —__________ A. Good idea B. No problem C. Not at all D. It doesn’t matter 2. He was__________sad that tears came to his eyes suddenly. A. very B. so C. too D. much 3. __________I have a look at your ID card? We have to check your information. A. May B. Must C. Need D. Should 4. Mr. Black is looking forward to__________from his son working abroad. A. hear B. heard C. hears D. hearing 5. There are a lot of parks in my town. Most of__________are beautiful. A. it B. they C. them D. us 6. The poor old man has little money. He can not__________a warm sweater. A. effort B. effect C. afford D. affect 7. Would you like__________cup of tea? A. other B. the other C. another D. others 8. —Thank you very much for helping me with my English.—__________. A. Don’t mind B. That’s all C. Don’t mention it D. That’s right 9. I will tell you as soon as she __________. A. will come back B. came back C. come back D. comes back 10. The American twin sisters are new students in our school. __________of them can speak Chinese very well. A. Neither B. None C. No one D. All 11. There must be__________wrong with my TV set. It doesn’t work. A. nothing B. everything C. anything D. something 12. Having lived here for nearly one year, I have__________the customs in the area now. A. used to B. got used to C. got use to D. been use to


选拔优秀专科生进入本科阶段学习考试试题 专业英语 题号一二三四五六总分 分值304020202020150 注意事项: 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考场号、座位号、考生号涂写在答题卡上。 本试卷的试题答案应答在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。 Part I Vocabulary and Structure (30 points) Directions: There are 30 incomplete statements in this part. You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression from the four choices marked A, B, C and D, then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. The dentist has decided to _______ the girl’s bad tooth. A. draw B. extract C. dig D. pull 2. Reading the job ad, he wondered whether he was _______ to apply for it. A. qualified B. competent C. competitive D. diligent 3. All the students were _______by the _______speech given by the headmaster. A. inspired inspired B. inspiring inspiring C. inspired inspiring D. inspiring inspired 4. Techniques to _______ the energy of the sun are being developed. A. convert B. utilize C. receive D. store 5. The construction of the railway is said to _______. A. resumed B. have been terminated C. suspended D. rescheduled 6. The latest car model _______ many new improvements. A. embodies B. consists of C. makes up D. marks 7. The two countries have _______ relations with each other. A. broken off B. broken out C. broken up D. broken down 8. “ Are there any stationers in this street?” “None _______ I know of.” A. that B. which C. what D. how 9. Under no circumstances _______ the first to use nuclear weapons. A. will China be B. China will be C. China is D. shall China be 10. In general, _______ little water, you don’t find green field. A. where there is a B. wherever there is a C. where there is D. when there is 11. The doctor suggested that he _______ there. A. not to go B. hadn’t gone C. not go D. wouldn’t go 12. _______ I can see, the weather is not likely to change in a few days. A. As well as B. As long as C. As soon as D. As far as 13. _______ that the earth was flat? A. Used it to be thought B. Used to it be thought


2017 年大学英语普通专升本全真试题 Directions: In this part, there are 20 incomplete sentence. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. One point is given to each correct choice. 16. Shall we ask the team leader____our suggestion again? A. to consider B. considering C. consider D. considered California 17. The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, measures_____that one. A. as twice as long B. twice long as C. as twice long as D. twice as long as 18. It’s no good_____. You just have to put up with all these. A. complained B. to be complaining

C. complaining D. to complain ’s been out 19. You____have seen Jane in her room last Monday. She of city for a week. A. couldn ’t B. didn ’t C. mustn ’t D. shouldn ’t 20.The brochure_____to give customers the information about our new products. A. designed B. is designed C. designs D. has designed 21.You ’d better not disturb me, I____letters all the morning and have written six so far. A. write B. was writing C. have been writing D. am writing 22. The tea cher didn ’t seem to be satisfied with the examination . A. So did the students B. So the students did C. Neither the students did D. Neither did the students


《大学英语》样卷 Part II. Reading Comprehension (40 points) Directions:There are 4 reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One How do young children learn to have good values? How can parents teach their children about the importance of kindness, patience, and self-discipline? At a time when more and more parents worry about the negative and violent images (暴力形象) their children see on TV, in the movies and, on the internet, some are turning to fairy tales (童话) as a way to teach their young ones how to behave in society. Fairy tales were not always intended for children. We know this because some of these stories have existed for hundreds of years and were passed from generation to generation through songs and drama. They were considered entertainment for everyone, not only for young people. In these ancient stories, the heroes were extremely clever, fiercely independent, and never gave up. Over the years, some of the heroes’ qualities and story lines have been changed to fit the times. Psychologists think that fairy tales have a positive influence on children because they present the two sides of good and evil very clearly. When children hear the stories, they develop sympathetic for the heroic characters. In each tale, they can see that there are many different kinds of people in the world and that we all have a choice about what kind of people we want to be. We can choose to do good actions, rather than bad ones, in our lives. What kind of values can children learn from fairy tales? In “The Princess and the Pea,”a poorly dressed girl who insists she is a princess is given a difficult test by the Queen. When she passes the test, we learn that she is rewarded because she stayed true to herself. In “The Little Mermaid,” the mermaid (美人鱼) who lives under the sea longs to be with the humans on land. Through her experiences, we learn about the importance of living with and accepting other cultures. In “Pinocchio,” a wooden puppet (木偶) turns into a boy when he finally learns how to tell the truth. Teaching values is the reason most often given for teaching literature and encouraging reading. These old stories can indeed teach us lessons about human relationships that are universal (普遍的) enough to survive throughout the centuries. This might be the reason why they have been around for so long and are unlikely to disappear any time soon. 1. What do we learn about fairy tales from the passage? A. They are written solely for children.


《大学英语》复习题(专升本) 一、单项填空 1. ---Have you heard the latest news? ---No, What ________? A. is it B. is there C. are they D. are those 2. Some pre-school children go to a day care center, __________ they learn simple games and songs. A. then B. there C. while D. where 3. Does this meal cost $50? I __________ something far better than this! A. prefer B. expect C. suggest D. suppose 4. ---Can you read the sign, sir? No smoking allowed in the lift! ---__________________. A. Never mind B. Don’t mention it C. Sure, I don’t smoke D. Pardon me 5.---The last one __________________ pays the meal. ---Agreed! A.arrived B.arrives C.to arrive D.arriving 6.---How’s your tour ar ound the North Lake? Is it beautiful? ---It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted. A.will B.would C.should D.must 7.We all know that, __________, the situation will get worse. A.not if dealt carefully with B.if not carefully dealt with C.if dealt not carefully with D.not if carefully dealt with 8.I smell something __________ in the kitchen. Can I call you back in a minute? A.burning B.burnt C.being burnt D.to be burnt 9.Between the two generations, it is often not their age, _________ their education that causes misunderstanding. A.like B.as C.or D.but 10.The manager suggested an earlier date ____________ the meeting. A.on B.for C.about D.with 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的


山东省2011年普通高等教育专升本统一考试英语试卷 注:此为2011年山东省专升本考试真题部分内容,详情请访问山东专升本考试信息网:https://www.doczj.com/doc/cf11062051.html, 英语试卷一 (考试时间:120分钟) 注意事项: 一、本试卷分为试卷一、试卷二两部分。 二、将自己的姓名、准考证号码写在试卷和答题卡的相应位置上。考试结束后,把试卷和答题卡放在桌上。教师收卷后才可以离开考场。试卷和答题卡均不得带走。 三、仔细读懂题目的说明。 四、在120分钟内答完全部试题,不得拖延时问。 五、试卷一的答案必须填涂在答题卡上,凡是写在试卷上的答案一律无效;试卷上所有题目必须在试卷上作答。 六、选择题只能选一个答案,多选作废。选定答案后,用2B铅笔在答题卡上相应字母的中部划一条横线。使用其他符号者不给分。画线要有一定的粗度,浓度要盖过底色。 七、如果要改动答案,必须用橡皮擦干净原来选定的答案,然后再按上而的规定重新填涂。第一部分:听力理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) Part I Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In this section you will hear 10 questions. The questions will be spoken only once. After each question, there is a pause. During the pause, you should decide on the proper response from the 4 choices marked A),B),C) and D) given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Short Conversations 1.A) Because it doesn’t work B)Because it has harmful effects C) Because it’s really effective D) Because it only works sometimes 2. A) Impolite B) Selfish C) Unfriendly D)Helpful 3.A) A bad cold B) The woman’s son C) The weather D) Fatigue 4.A )Policeman and thief B)Policeman and driver C) Teacher and student D) Director and actress 5.A) In a restaurant B) In a bank C) In a store D) In a post office 第二部分:词汇和语法结构(本大题共30小题,每小题0.5分,共15分) Part II Vocabulary and Structure Directions: there are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 21. The coat has a ____inside to show the size and where it was made A)label B)mark C)sign D)tag 22. I’m very sorry to have_____ you with so many questions on such an occasion. A) interested B)bothered C) impressed D) offended 23.When she retired she did a lot of _____work for the Red Cross A) valid B)portable C) prosperous D)voluntary 24.The French pianist who had been praised very highly_____ to be a great disappointment. A) turned in B) turned out C)turned up D turned down 25.Martin Luther King Jr. was_____ the Nobel Peace Prize for advocating the nonviolence policy in the movement for citizen rights A) gained B)got C)awarded D)owned 第三部分:阅读理解(本大题共20小题,每小题1.5分,共30分) Part III Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some


普通专升本《大学英语》考点复习资料 1. able ability enable capable be able to do能够做… have the ability to do能够做,有能力做…: He has the ability to make very good boat. enable sb to do使…能做…: Internet has enabled us to get information from all over the world. Be capable of能够做…:He is capable of drawing oil painting. He is able to read and write in English. 2. absent反义词:present 3. abroad国外,海外:live ~ go ~ Many young people are eager to go abroad to study. 4. access:入口,途径;机会,权利。Have access to sth Citizens in the town all have access to the books in the local(当地的)library. 5. absorb吸收be absorbed in全神贯注于… All the students are absorbed in Professor's lecture on China's economy. 6. accept接受receive收到(不一定接受) She received a gift from him,but she didn‘t accept it. 7. by accident=by chance偶然地on purpose故意地 8. according to根据 According to the article,environmental pollution has been taken under control. 9. take…into account=take…into consideration把…考虑在内 I hope my teacher will take into account my illness when he grades our test paper. Account描述 She gave an account of what he saw in China. 10. accuse sb of sth = charge sb with(for)sth指责…做了…;指控…犯了… He was accused of robbing the bank and sentenced ten years in gail. His mother charged him with being lazy. 11. be accustomed to = be used to习惯于后接sth或doing sth used to过去有过去常常后接do sth Mr. Smith is not used/accustomed to driving on the right. I'm already used to the life here. There used to be a house near the river. He used to get up while he was in the middle school. 12. achieve获得,达到 You will achieve nothing if you waste your time this way. 13. adapt=adjust适应~ adopt收养;采用 You should adapt to college life as soon as possible. He adjusted himself very quickly to the weather in the country. 14. add to增添add up to总计达 15. in addition(to)=besides此外 In order to master a foreign language,we should learn some grammar. In addition,we'd better learn some words. 16. adequate=enough 17. admit承认


现代远程教育 2019年专升本大学英语 入学考试复习题 I. Grammar Structure and Vocabulary Section A ( 1.5 marks each) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1. Seeing the black cloud he went back to his house to_____B______his umbrella. A. carry B. fetch C.bring D. take 2. Tom is now working in London and is not ____C_______ to driving on the left. A. served B. costumed C. accustomed D. using 3. The story ____D_____ mainly of four parts. A. makes B. composes C. is consisted D. consists 4. It was nearly an hour before the sleeping pill took _____A______ . A. effect B. action C. force D. place 5. Will you ____B_____ your shoes when you get in ? A. put off B. remove C. escape D. shake 6. I don’t have any change with me. Will you pay the fare for me? _D______. A. That’s all right B. I don’t believe you C. How dare you say that D. Sorry, but that’s no excuse 7. What do you think __C____ a taxi to the airport? A. to take B. your taking C. about taking D. taking 8. He is always complaining about one thing or __C_____. A. others B. something C. another D. everything 9. None of you ___C____ to stay until the game is over, if you do not want to. A. must B. needn’t C. has D. haven’t 10. I don’t unders tand this point of grammar. I wish I __B__ it better. A. understand B. understood C. would understand D. had understood 11. In learning English we should place emphasis D practices. A. for B. to C. of D. on 12. John and I have never been to this C town. A. tiny B. short C. small D. slight 13. Being a fashion model B frequently bargaining with the fashion-show


1(2分)、 2 Reading ____ the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. A、 rectifies B、 prolongs C、 minimizes D、 furnishes 参考答案:D 2(2分)、 2 I fell and hurt myself while I ________ basketball yesterday. A、 was playing B、 am playing C、 play D、 played 参考答案:A 3(2分)、 2 We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no ________ but to take a taxi. A、 way B、 choice C、 possibility D、 selection 参考答案:B 4(2分)、 Measles(麻疹) ________ a long time to get over. A、 spend B、

C、 take D、 takes 参考答案:D 5(2分)、 2 He asked the waiter ________ the bill. A、 on B、 of C、 for D、 after 参考答案:C 6(2分)、 When you go to the doctor he asks you to describe your ____ so that he can make a diagnosis (诊断). A、 indications B、 signs C、 symbols D、 symptoms 参考答案:D 7(2分)、 2 I forgot to return the book to you yesterday. So I _____________today. A、 might do it B、 must do it C、 had to do it D、 must have to do it 参考答案:B 8(2分)、


2011年成人高考专升本英语考试真题及参考答案 一、Phonetics (5 points)?Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A, B, C and https://www.doczj.com/doc/cf11062051.html,pare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation.Mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHEET Ⅰ. 第1题单选选出下面读音不同的选项()。 A. lamb B. bombing C. comb D. ambition 参考答案:D 第2题单选选出下面读音不同的选项()。 A. guilt B. build C. guide D. guitar 参考答案:C 第3题单选选出下面读音不同的选项()。 A. laugh B. weigh C. tough D. rough 参考答案:B 第4题单选选出下面读音不同的选项()。 A. theater

B. threat C. thread D. treasure 参考答案:A 第5题单选选出下面读音不同的选项()。 A. grand B. gravity C. gratitude D. grateful 参考答案:D 二、Vocabulary and Structure (15 points)?Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section.For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D.Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on ANSWER SHE ET Ⅰ. 第6题单选 There aren't many wild pandas __________ in the world today. A. live B. living C. to live D. lived 参考答案:B 参考解析:there be句型中已含有谓语动词,因此排除可在句中做谓语的live(选项A)和 lived(选项D)。动词+ing表示正在进行,to+动词表示将要进行。这里指活着的熊猫。本句句意是:现今世界上没有多少活着的野生大熊猫了。 第7题单选 __________ I could say anything more, Holmes had rushed off towards the door. A. Before B. After C. When


现代远程教育 2011年专升本大学英语 入学考试复习题 (一) 注;答案一律写在答题纸上,做在试题上无效 I. Grammar Structure and V ocabulary Section A (1.5 marks each) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a pencil. 1. Many things ___ impossible in the past are common now. A. considered B. considering C. to consider D. to be considered 2. The factory is said ___ in a fire two years ago. A. to be destroyed B. to destroy C. to have destroyed D. to have been destroyed 3. The reason for his success is ____ he worked hard. A. why B. that C. because D. for 4. By the time the course ends, ___ a lot about Britain. A. we’ll learn B. we are learning C. we have learnt D. we’ll have learnt 5. I did not know ___ him or not. A. whether to help B. if to help C. how to help D. what to help 6. It was very good _____ him to help us. A. by B. of C. from D. about 7. We’ll have to get out and walk; the car’s _____ down. A. fallen B. broken C. run D. gone 8. There was a small _____ of sugar in the cup. A. amount B. number C. the number D. few

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