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雅思7分大作文范文批改和解析 距离雅思写作7分你大概还有3个步骤要走,是的,不是谁都可以轻轻松松活动雅思高分的。今天给大家带来了雅思7分大作范文批改和解析,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。 雅思7分大作范文批改和解析 雅思写作提高第一步:结构(5.0 - 5.5) 问题:出国留学的优点(the advantages of disadvantages of study abroad) 同学:One reason for those who decide to go overseas to get a higher degree is that they believe they can get better education in certain fields. That is to say, different universities in different countries have their specialized courses and rich resources can be provided according to their needs and requirements. Another reason is that they can learn a foreign language in a more efficient way. There is no denying that living in an all-round English environment and being affected by local culture make people quick learners. 解析:出国留学和高学历完全是两回事(出去读初中和高中都算出国);出国就是better education,在国内就不是better? 出

雅思5分 剑桥7 Test1 小作文范文

雅思5分剑桥7 Test1 小作文范文 学生原文: The graph shows the total number of fish and different kinds of meat in a European country from 1979 to 2004. In this graph, we can see the consumption of chicken experienced a erratic rise of almost 100 Grans per person per week during 25 years. Then, the consumption of fish always rank the last. And the consumption of the Lamp underwent a erratic decline from 1976 to 2004. In the spite of the fact that from 1979 to 1984 withnessed a wild fluctuation rise in consumption of Beef, when it experienced a sharply decline over last 20 years. While the consumption of chicken underwent a erratic rise from 1979 to 2004. After that, the consumption of fish almost remain the same level at 50 grans per person per week in 25 years. And subsequently, the comsuption of lamb showed a moderate decline, dropping by almost 50 Grans per person per week in 25 years, and the consumption of chicken surpassed it in the early 5 years.


目录2 1、无菌技术操作考核评分 2、口腔护理技术操作考核评分 3、鼻饲技术操作考核评分 4、氧气吸入技术操作考核评分 5、密闭式输液技术操作考核评分 6、输液泵、微量输注泵的使用操作考核评分 7、密闭式静脉输血技术操作考核评分 8、静脉采血技术操作考核评分 9、心肺复苏基本生命支持术操作考核评分 10、经鼻/口腔吸痰法操作考核评分 11、经气管插管/气管切开吸痰法操作考核评分 12、除颤技术操作考核评分 13、简易呼吸器及吸氧操作流程及评分标准

无菌技术操作考核理论提问 1、使用无菌持物钳的注意事项? 1)无菌持物钳不能夹取未灭菌的物品,也不能夹取油纱布。 2)取远处物品时,应当连同容器一起搬移到物品旁使用。 3)使用无菌钳时不能低于腰部。 4)打开包后的干镊子罐、持物钳应当4小时更换。 2、无菌操作时应遵循哪些原则? 1)环境要清洁,进行无菌操作前半小时须停止一切清扫工作,避免不必要的人群走动,防止尘埃飞扬。 2)操作者衣帽、口罩穿戴整洁,并修剪指甲、洗手。

3)无菌物品必须存放在无菌容器或无菌包中,置于清洁、干燥处;与非无菌物品分别放置,位置要固定;未经使用的无菌包(容器),一般可保存7-14天,一经打开,只限24h内应用,过期均应重新消毒。 4)取用无菌物品时,必须使用无菌钳(镊)。取出的无菌物品,虽未经使用,也不可放回无菌容器中。未经消毒的手和物品不可触及或跨越无菌区。 5)无菌物品疑有污染,即不能再使用,应予更换或重新灭菌。

口腔护理技术操作考核评分标准 口腔护理技术操作考核理论提问 1、口腔护理注意事项? 1)操作动作轻柔,避免钳端碰到牙齿,损伤粘膜及牙酿,对凝血功能差的患者应当特别注意。 2)昏迷患者禁止漱口并注意棉球干湿度。 3)使用开口器时,应从臼齿处放入。 4)擦洗时须用止血钳夹紧棉球,每次一个,防止棉球遗留在口腔内。 5)如患者有活动的假牙,应先取下再进行操作。 6)护士操作前后应当清点棉球数量。 2、常用漱口溶液浓度及作用? 1)0.9%生理盐水:清洁口腔,预防感染; 2)1%-3%过氧化氢溶液:防腐、防臭,适用于口腔感染有溃烂、坏死组织者; 3)1%-4%碳酸氢钠溶液:属碱性溶液,适用于真菌感染; 4)0.02%洗必泰溶液:清洁口腔,广谱抗菌; 5)0.02%吠喃西林溶液:清洁口腔,广谱抗菌; 6)0.1%醋酸溶液:适用于绿脓杆菌感染;

雅思作文批改---经典版 (3)

Some people think that robots are very important to human’s future development. Others thought that they are dangerous and have negative effects on the society. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the robots. The pros and cons of technology development have long attracted considerable public attention for they are closely connected with human life. Some people argue that robotic technology can be very harmful and has the potential to destroy social stability. However, sound and attractive as their arguments may seem, I am still convince that there are more advantages than disadvantages of robots. With the assistance of robots, one can enjoy a more convenient life thus will have more time to accompany his family. For example, if robots can help mothers with gardening and laundry, they will have more time to spend with their kids, which is essential for the mental and physical development of children as well as the harmoness of the family. Healthy family relationship will undoubtly result in a better society eventually, then all of us should thank for the robot. Moreover, the significance of robots is also because they are important supplement or substitution of human labor. For some dangerous job, such as deep well mining and electric work, using robots instead of human will improve the safety rate and efficiency substancially without causing any injury. People who relase from the high pressure of dangerous work can enjoy a better life. However, it is also true to some extent that robots can influent the society in a negative way. For example, crime may become easier and more frequently with the help of high technology; and the substitution of human labor may result in the increasing of unemployment and extend to the decline of economy. However, these problems can be solved by education. A proper education means that people will obtain more useful skills and knowledge. It also means that they will become more reliable people who can take responsibility for the society, and these purpose, excitingly, can be achieved in an earlier day with the help of robots. To sum up, robots can help human enjoy a more convenient and safer life. They may have negative effects but we can always fix the problems by education. 总点评:


Some people think government should pay for public libraries in every town, while others think itis a waste of money because people can access information from the internet. Discuss both viewsand give your own opinion. It is argued that government should invest more money in public libraries; the other people believe that we can search the information from the internet, so government should not cost money in public libraries. I agree with this idea. Surfing on the internet is the fashion way to search information in modern life, there are a lot of people use computer or mobile phone to find some information on the internet. It is because people believe that internet is the most convenient platform to find the key. People can get all the information they want effectively, rather than go to the library cost a large amount of time to read book. On the other handthe books in libraries are though many times of check and reserve, that can ensure the authority of every book. So some people would like to go to library to read the book and find the truth. Especially in medical book, if doctor find some information is wrong, it will affect the patient who was saved by the doctor. Considering the


Some experts believe that it is better for children to begin learning a foreign language at primary school rather than secondary school. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages? Foreign languages have increasingly gained popularity among students these years, given that the world is shrinking and each country now has a more frequent contact with the outside world. Many people[c1]argue that children should begin learning a foreign language at elementary school, instead of waiting until [c2] they enter secondary school. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, despite the fact that parents do not want to put too much pressure on their children, they also do not want them to lose at the starting line. This means, if the kids start to learn a foreign language early, their parents are relieved from the thought that their kids will have to catch up later on, which is true to some extent. On the other hand, it is scientifically proved that children tend to learn a language faster before the age of 12. As far as I know, my friends who started to learn English when they were six or seven now have a much more satisfactory English level than those who started at12 or 13. So it is wise to have foreign language course in primary school curriculum. Additionally, learning a foreign language at an earlier age can lay children a solid foundation for future studying.Rather than just learning a language itself, children learn a lot more about the learning methods. As a result, when they enter secondary school, they can explore more languages and enrich their knowledge by extensive readings.

慎小嶷 《十天突破雅思写作》总结2

General Knowledge 注意: 1. 作文要有实质内容。 2. 6分:260~270个词左右;6.5分:280个词以上。 3. 没有必要一定写长难句,但要提高句子的准确度和多样性。必须在对英语造句知识准确理解和把握的基础上流畅地写出复杂的长句子,而不是刻意、机械地拉长句子。(准确、严密、多样、清晰) 4. 对于零星出现的少量拼写错误,只要不引起歧义,是不会导致严重扣分的,但要努力减少作文里出现拼写错误的可能。 5. 考场里没有时间打草稿,但可以在印考题的试题纸上把看到题目后头脑里闪现出的ideas、考前准备的相关加分词汇和句型大致记录一下。 6. 当考官要求停笔时即使还没有写完也一定要停下来,否则会被判为违纪行为。 7. 考前练习一定要尽可能模拟实战:下载标准格式的答题纸;用铅笔写作,每行10~12个单词;严格控制时间,Task 1不应超过25 min,Task 2不应超过45 min。备考初期,可将Task 1和Task 2分开练习,但在考前一周内,必须演练完整的写作考试全程,严格控制时间,写完后再核对或请有经验的老师批改。 8.

如果Task 2准备得较为充分,有信心在40min写出一篇自己满意的议论文,那么就先完成Task 2。反之,就先写Task 1。 9. 齐头式:每段开头顶格写,每两段之间空一行 缩入式:每段开头后退3~4个字母的距离,每个段落之间不空行 10. 可使用I/we、被动语态,但不宜滥用;可将But/So放在句首 11. 7分或以上的作文对于用词的要求是准确,而不是冗长 ?Topics ?学术类写作的特殊要求 1. 不接受缩写形式 2. 不使用非正式口语表达 3. 英美拼写不能混淆 4. 用词要有特色 5. 句式不能过于短促 6. 句式不能过于干瘪 7. 感情色彩不能过于强烈

雅思6.5分 小作文范文参考

●批改By Will 本次批改严格按照ILETS小作文评分标准进行。ILETS小作文评分项:TA (内容的完整性), CC (连贯性及一致性), GRA (语法范围及精准度), LR (词汇资源)。文末会进行总评及打分。 ●文中标识: 用词不当逻辑错误语法错误修改添加 The graph provides the information concerning the average temperatures on a month basis in three major cities.(介于有两张图,都要提一下。此后可加一句:In addition, clearly demonstrated in the table are the time of sunshine on an annual base.) (补充:在下一段看到了你对于后一张图的总结,这样的话建议你在开头强调一下“the first graph”) As can be seen from the graph, there is a similar trend in terms of average monthly temperature between London and New York during the period from January to December. (可加入连接词:To be specific) The average temperature in London (介于你后面写的是两个城市的数据,这里改为:for both of the cities) gradually rises from January to July both in London and new york, reaching a peak at 25 degrees and 20 degrees respectively. After that, the following 4 months witness a dramatic decrease both in London and new york. In comparison (这里不妨分段), an opposite trend is found in Sydney. It (这是悉尼的第一句,建议写出来具体的量词至少:The temperature) keeps stable at 25 degrees from January to march, after which the average temperature undergoes a considerable descent, reaching the bottom point at approximately 15 degrees, before there is (there is 没必要了,可以去除) a steady ascent by 10 degrees. It is obvious that the table depicts the average number of hours of sunshine per year in three major cities. As we can see from the statistics, when it comes to the total annual hours of sunshine, new york ranks first, followed by Sydney ,London lies last. Specifically, people who live in new york enjoy 2,353 hours of sunshine every year, which is similar to people living in London with 2,473 hours (不是人和人像,是时间长短像,改为:which is similar to the amount of sunshine for those in London). However, only 1,180 hours of sunshine are found in London annually. 总评6.5(TA6.5 CC6.5 LR6.5 GRA7.0) 1.语法变化上从句数量可以了,分词的使用还可以多一些。偶尔试试一到两句倒装,如我在开头给你的那个。 2.趋势等词汇变化可以,试着多换换题目话题词汇,如people=residents=citizens


Task:Some people think getting old is entirely bad. However, others think that life of the elderly in modern world is much easier than in the past. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 思路解析: 2016年雅思收官之战的作文来了一道新题,问当今社会老年人的生活是不是很 糟糕?说是新题,因为本题以前从未原题出现过,但关于年龄的话题却不缺少。 比如2010年7月10日“年轻人是否适合担任政府要职”,2012年3月10日“老 龄化现象的原因及解决方法”,2012年3月31日“年轻人和老年人谁的价值更 高?”,2013年6月8日“政府是否应该对老年人养老提供财政支持?”,2015 年1月1日“年轻人当领导,行不行?”,2015年4月11日“老年人与年轻人 争夺工作职位,怎么办?”等等。 本题需要论证的对立观点是:年老很糟糕 vs. 当今社会年老没有那么糟糕。那 么,变老有哪些坏处呢?首先,当然是身体条件没有以前好了,甚至可能出现多 种疾病(物质层面);其次,不工作了,与人的联系少了,心里可能会感觉孤单, 甚至感觉没有价值了(精神层面);最后,变老后对社会的依赖程度更高,给社会 增加了压力(社会层面)。那么,这些问题在当今社会是不是得到了解决呢?首先, 医疗条件的改善有助于保持老年人的身体状况;互联网的出现有助于缓解老年人 的心理孤单问题;物质水平的提高也降低了老年人给社会造成的压力。如此观之, 现代社会老年人的生活的确容易多了,但我的观点是:外部条件只是改善老年人 生活的一个方面,最重要的还是老年人自己要积极调整心态,努力适应退休后的 生活,从而过一个更幸福更祥和的晚年。 Sample answer: Getting old is a natural process that nobody really likes. When you reach a certain age, your physical conditions will inevitably deteriorate, and you may suffer from various kinds of diseases. When you retire, you will feel isolated because your previous work contacts may be all gone, then you may feel useless to the world. Furthermore, when you get too old, you’ ll have to rely heavily on the support from others, either physically or emotionally, and your life will become a great pressure to your family and the whole society as well. For all these bad things about getting old, many people argue that the life of the elderly today is much easier than in the past. In the first place, medical advances nowadays have made it possible for the old people to stay sound and healthy for quite a long while even after they retire. Diseases such as diabetes, hypertension and heart attack which might have


1.作文题目 School age children and teenagers usually like to do the same things as their friends but parents often have a different idea about what their children should be doing. Should parents always decide how children spend their free time? 2.学生作文 Many school children and teenagers always do the similar stuff together, while their parents usually have different opinions about what their children should do. From my perspective, I think parents should not always decide the free time of children. To begin with, generation gap is a significant problem which happens between parents and children. It is inevitable that children will have different thoughts with their parents. Secondly, as children, they are living in a modern and developing world, which makes them change their minds frequently. However, many parents are quite reluctant to accept new ideas and technologies. Therefore, their views will be dissimilar with their children, which are really impossible to reach an agreement. At last, children prefer trying out new adventurous challenges, whereas their parents are rigid and only want stable life. So parents cannot really control and decide for their children. Furthermore, the ideas of parents are not quite always correct and sometime might mislead their children. Of course, there is no doubt that old people have more life experiences and can handle any difficult situations in most of time. However, the modern world is not as they think as it used to be, so they might under-estimate some circumstances which might have negative effects on their children. For example, most parents believe that as long as their children can obtain higher degrees from universities will definitely have better future. Contrasty, in reality, the abilities and moral standards of children are much more important than just only university degrees. In conclusion, parents should let children to create their own world and give them freedom to assign their leisure time, which might lead them to success eventually. Words: 279 3.老师批改: 文中标识: 用词不当逻辑错误语法错误修改添加 Many school children and teenagers always do the similar stuff together, while their parents usually have different opinions about what their children should do. From my perspective, I think parents should not always decide the free time of children. To begin with, generation gap is a significant problem, which happens between parents and children. It is inevitable that children will have different thoughts with from their parents. For instance, they have their own preference to choosing majors, careers or even the ways of living. (cc:这里需要给出一点他们怎么个不同,比如选未来的职业或者生活等。) Secondly, as


雅思大作文批改范例 8

精品文档 Some people think that personal happiness s directly related to economic success. Others argue that happiness depends on different factors. Discuss both views and give your own opinion What is the key to access to happiness has aroused people's interest. Some people claim that money plays a vital role in gaining happiness, while others think that there are a variety of elements constricting to it. Personally, I agree with the latter opinion. Money provides people with more opportunities to pursue happiness, because economic success can make it possible for people to enhance their quality of life. By purchasing expensive jewels, luxury house, sports car, etc. without worries of monetary pressure, wealthy person can enjoy better living standards than that of ordinary people. When financial pressure and life stress do not exist in one’s life, he or she is likely to have less worry and have rich entertainment, thereby achieving the access to happiness. Although fortune is significant to obtain happiness, there are also many other factors form important parts of eudemonia. An active lifestyle can prompt people's spiritual treasure. This means that people can receive happiness by having a healthy life, warm relatives and intimate friends. These valuable factors enable people have a positive attitude to tackle difficulties and enjoy a happy Iife. As far as I am concerned, happiness cannot always be purchased by money. Rich material life sometimes could cause negative impact on achieving happiness. It is noteworthy that numerous of wealthy people who have affluent possessions, in contrast, have often ended up in a sick lifestyle. This makes them suffer from sickness, lonely and desperation, in the light of fact that money is no guarantee of happiness. To summarize, financial success could give people an ease Iife to enjoy happiness. However, without an active lifestyle and spiritual treasure, happiness will not be sustainably maintained. 总点评: 本篇文章得分: 6.5 收集于网络,如有侵权请联系管理员删除


雅思小作文7分万能模板整合 在这一雅思备考阶段,不知道雅思小作文如何观察图表,如何对比构思,尤其是一些涉及数据表达句式,可以借用雅思小作文万能模板进行练习仿写。。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 雅思小作文7分万能模板 1go up and down/ wave/ fluctuate/ beunstable/ be in flexible 起伏不定 2 The first point tonote is the huge increase in the number of 需要注意的第一点就是…的急剧增长 3 The statistics show that这些数据表明 4Form/comprise/make up/constitute/ account for….percent占百分之几 5 This cure graph describes the trendof该曲线图描述了…的 趋势 6 The statistics lead us to theconclusion that由这些数据,我们可以做出如下结论 7 As can be seen from the line graph, 由线状图我们可以看出

8增加:Increase / raise / rise / go up/ soar/ascend/ mount/ climb 9减少:Decrease / grow down / drop / fall/ reduce/descend/ shrink to/decline 10稳定:Remain stable / stabilize / level off/ remainunchanged 雅思小作文7分万能模板 1 It can be seen from the table that 由表格我们可以看出 2 The table shows the changes in thenumber of… over theperiod from…to… 该表格展示了从…到…数据的变化 3 The table provides some data of 该表格提供了有关…的数据 4 As can be seen clearly from thetable, 从表格中我们可以清楚地看出, 5 As can be seen from the table,great changes have taken place in...


55项临床护理技术操作标准(49-55项) (试行) 广西壮族自治区卫生厅 二○○八年二 总策划:高枫 策划:尤剑鹏 编写组:梁远王建政张益民应燕萍胡艳宁 曾雪梅磨琨雪丽霜崔妙玲杨红叶 马丽娅张萍萍李新萍戴艳萍马辉 校对:马辉余丽黄惠桥吴芳兰 前言 随着医学科学技术迅速发展,新理论、新知识、新技术的不断涌现以及诊疗仪器和医疗设备的不断更新,对进一步规范护理技术提出了更高的要求,迫使护理专业理论与技能必将进一步丰富和拓展。为此,我厅组织护理专家并在广泛征求意见的基础上编写了《广西壮族自治区临床护理技术操作标准(试行)》(以下简称《标准》),旨在使护理技术操作进一步科学化、规范化,让护理人员在护理实践中有章可循,进一步提高临床医疗护理质量。 《标准》的出台必将使我区护理技术操作进一步规范化。因此,各级各类医疗机构必须严格遵照执行,并在执行的过程中总结经验,对发现的问题及时反馈给我们,以便做进一步的修改,使其日臻完善。 在《标准》的制订过程中,得到了广西医科大学第一附属医院、广西壮族自治区人民医院、

广西中医学院第一附属医院、广西瑞康医院、南宁市第一人民医院、柳州市人民医院等单位领导及全区护理管理人员的大力支持和配合,借此谨致谢意! 广西壮族自治区卫生厅 二〇〇八年二月三日 目录 一、口腔护理操作评分标准(标准分100分) (1) 二、鼻饲法评分标准(标准分100 分) (5) 三、热水袋使用法操作评分标准(标准分100 分) (10) 四、卧床患者更换床单法评分标准 (13) 五、无菌技术基本操作法评分标准(标准分100分) (17) 六、一般洗手法评分标准(标准分100分) (23) 七、穿脱隔离衣法评分标准(标准分100分) (25) 八、皮内注射(青霉素皮试)法评分标准 (28) 九、肌内注射法评分标准 (33) 十、密闭式静脉输液技术评分标准 (38) 十一、密闭式静脉输血法评分标准 (43) 十二、头皮式体表静脉留置针法评分标准 (49) 十三、氧气吸入技术(壁式)评分标准(标准分100分) (54)

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