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减译法(Omission )

Objectives: To learn and practice the translation skill of omission.

Main Contents: I. Definition; II. Principle; III. Grammatical Omission; IV. Rhetorical Omission; V. Exercise.

Exercises: Exercises in the textbook; Supplementary translation.


It means omitting the useless, superfluous words and even the words that will be a stumbling block in the target language in translation to make your version to make the translated version brief, concise and clear.

Omission is based on the differences between English and Chinese. For example, Chinese has no articles or infinitive markers. And pronouns, conjunctions, and prepositions are not used as frequently as those of English. So when we translate English sentences with articles and infinitive markers into Chinese, we often omit these articles or infinitive markers.


Do not delete and change the original meaning.

Keep in mind Huxley’s dictum: the maximum of thought in the minimum of words; and Shakespeare’s maxim: Brevity is the soul of wit.

III.Grammatical Omission

1.Omission of Pronouns (省略代词)


1.1 省略作主语的代词:

1)He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable.


2) He was well-favoured, bright, a good dancer, a fair shot and a fine tennis player. He was an asset at any party. He was lavish with flowers and expensive boxes of chocolate, and though he entertained little, when he did it was with an originality that pleased.



3) As you come into the room, you’ll notice a piano.


4)One can never be too careful in one’s work.


5)Fight when you can win; move away when you cannot win.


6)We have 7 days a week and 24 hours a day.


7) The significance of a man is not in what he attains but rather in what he longs to attain. 人生的意义不在于已获取的,而在于渴望获得什么样的东西。

8)Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it while young, it will give us no shade when we grow old.


9)Even as the doctor was recommending rest, he knew that this in itself was not enough, that one could never get real rest without a peaceful mind.


1.2 省略作宾语的代词:

10)He has distinguished himself in cost accounting. 他在成本核算业务方面是很出众的。

11)Insects hide themselves in winter.

12)Please take off the old picture and throw it away.


13)Gathering facts, confirming them, suggesting theories, testing them, and organizing findings–this is all work of science.



14)We assure you of our prompt attention to this matter. 我方保证立即处理此事。

15)He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing.

16)So the train came, he pinched his little sister lovingly, and put his great arms about his mother’s neck and then was away.


17)Halliday put his pipe down, crossed his hands behind his neck, and turned his face towards the window.


18)Her dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead, her face was short, her upper lip short , showing a glint of teeth, her brows were straight and dark, her lashes long and dark, her nose straight.


19) She covered her face with her hand as if to protect her eyes.


1.4 省略关系代词


②替换;③省略。在定语从句译作汉语前置修饰语或分译为并列子句时,关系代词常省略。20)Day light come from the sun, which is a mass of hot, glowing gas. 日光来自太阳,太阳是一团炽热,发光的气体。(分译,重复)

21)The activities are postponed, which was exactly what we wanted. 那项活动延期了,这正是我们所希望的。(替代那件事)

22)Good people relationship between partners are the rudders which steer joint ventures through trouble waters. 合资伙伴之间的和谐关系犹如船舵,(…)能引导合资企业穿过惊涛骇浪。

1.5 “It”也常常可以省略。


a.非人称用代词(impersonal pronoun)

23)It is not entirely right to say that if there is food, let everyone share it.


24)Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs.


25)Be a place what it may, one gets to like it, if one lives long in it.


26) It requires patience to do the job.做这件工作需要有耐性。

27) He took it upon himself to pay off the debt.他自愿负责还清债务。

28)It was just growing dark, as she shut the garden gate.


b.强调句型用it (emphatic pronoun)

29)It is only shallow people who judge by appearances.


30)It was only then I began to have doubts whether my story would ever be told.


31)It was with some difficulty that he found the way to his own home.


2.Omission of conjunctions


2.1 Omission of the coordinating conjunctions省略并列连词

1)The door was opened, and they came in.门开了,他们走了进来。

2)Your parents or your wife or your son or your best friends might be expecting you back home safe and sound.


2.2 Omission of the subordinate conjunction 省略从属连词


3)I knew the train was coming as I had seen the passengers swarm into the platform.


4)Because the departure was not easy, we’d better make i t brief.


5)As it is late, let us go to bed.不早啦,睡吧!

b. 省略表示条件的连接词表示条件的连接词if,一般译为“假如”“如果”等,但在日常口语体系结构中,往往可以省略不译。

6) If winter comes, can spring be far behind?


7)I would not have said it if I had known it.早知如此我就不说了。

c. 省略表示时间的连接词表示时间关系的when和as 等连接词,汉译时一般用“当……时”,或仅用“时”。但如果汉语时间先后次序明显,为了简略起见,“当……时”或“时”往往可以省略。

8) When the board was spinning slowly, you could see all the different colors.


9) As the temperature increases, the volume of water becomes greater.


10)When at last he stood upon the bluff, he turned to his little sister and looked upon her



11)Sunday is the day when I am least busy.周日我最闲

12)At long last, on June 6, 1944, after the European war was basically decided and Hitler licked,

the allies launched their long-delayed western front.1944年6月6日,欧洲战局基本已见分晓,希特勒败局已定,盟军终于在这一天开辟了延迟了很久的西线战场。

13)It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in May. I was delighted when, as a result of the effort of your company, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.


3.Omission of the Articles


1)The article is the hallmark of English. However, we do not have the articles in Chinese. The moon was slowly rising above the sea.


2)Winter is the best time to study the growth of trees. Although the leaves are gone and the branches are bare, the trees themselves are beautiful.


3)Any substance is made of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas.


4)A teacher should have patience in his work.


5)Things of a kind come together; people of a mind fall into the same group.


6)The horse is a useful animal.

7) The pen is mightier than the sword.


Some articles cannot be ommitted:

Jack often drives at 90 miles an hour.

We enclose a cheque for US $ 10,000.

He said that he was getting a dollar a mile.


4.Omission of prepositions


1)Smoking is prohibited in public places.


2)Now complaints are heard in all parts of that country.


3)Rumours had already spread along the streets and lanes.


4) Trees grow along both banks of the canal.运河两岸长着树木。

5) The Communist Party of China was founded in 1921. 中国共产党成立于1921年。


He stood by the desk.他站在桌旁。

She hid behind the door.她藏在门后。

IV.Rhetorical Omission

1.Omission of the repeated phrase

1)Part-time job hunters who have worked at a job will receive preference over those who have



2)Her dark eyes made little reflected stars. She was looking at him as she was always looking at

him when he awakened.


3)When the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low.


4)Solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do.


2.Omission of unnecessary words

5)There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead.


6)His younger sister is an actress. —他妹妹是个(女)演员。

7)Patients with influenza must be separated from the well lest the disease should spread from

person to person.


8)Could you help me in any way ?你能帮帮我吗?

3.Omission of synonyms

9)To our knowledge, advertisement and commercials do many important things for society; they

convey business information, facilitate communication and help keep the business world



10)The undersigned sellers and buyers have agreed to close the following transactions according

to the terms and conditions stipulated below.


11)Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason.





1.The retreat commenced in all haste.

2.Her grace was a delight.

3.There was a wide emptiness over the street.

4.His arrogance made everyone dislike him.

5. 听到这个消息,他一肚皮的酒几乎全化成了酸醋。

6. 他一边放声大笑,一边不住地拿眼瞅着她。

7. 她悄悄地来到她妹妹的房间里,将门拉上。


1.They had to stay there until the person they were addressed to happened to come by and stop at the inn.

2. This explains why farmers in very windy regions try to protect their soil by planting rows of trees to break the force of the wind.






1.Outside stood a little girl, dripping wet and shivering.

2.If future predictions of a shortage of quality workers come true, it will become even more important to make employees feel part of the team.




1.The mail carrier could leave letters there for everyone for miles around.

2.As soon as the operator releases the key, breaking the circuit, the electromagnet releases the end of the armature(电枢)that it has pulled toward itself.





1.You probably already know that black absorbs the most heat while white reflects the most. But what about other colors between?

2.The odor of disinfectant stung my nostrils as I moved down the row of pens. Each contained five to seven dogs.




1.So I made as much noise as I could with my automobile horn. I sounded the horn every ten minutes, hoping that some other traveler passing near me would hear.

2.Double Click(双击公司)was sued by a California woman who accused the company of illegally obtaining and selling personal information about Internet users.





1.The retreat commenced in all haste. 撤退工作匆匆忙忙地开始了。

2.Her grace was a delight. 她的又没风度,令人欣悦。

3.There was a wide emptiness over the street. 马路上显出一派空旷的景象。

4.His arrogance made everyone dislike him. 他的傲慢态度使得人人都不喜欢他。

5. 听到这个消息,他一肚皮的酒几乎全化成了酸醋。At this news the wine in his stomach turned to sour vinegar in his jealousy.

6. 他一边放声大笑,一边不住地拿眼瞅着她。He burst out laughing and kept looking at her intently.

7. 她悄悄地来到她妹妹的房间里,将门拉上。She went softly over to her sister’s room and pulled the door up behind her. (


1.They had to stay there until the person they were addressed to happened to come by and stop at the inn.


2. This explains why farmers in very windy regions try to protect their soil by planting rows of trees to break the force of the wind.




I have , however, seen a superbly majestic and beautiful sunrise.

4.姑娘有点不好意思了,脸上泛着红潮。The girl blushed shyly.


The book tells of the partnership of land and people in the United States, and , of some of the changes that partnership brought about.



1.Outside stood a little girl, dripping wet and shivering.


2.If future predictions of a shortage of quality workers come true, it will become even more important to make employees feel part of the team. 有人预言,高素质的员工将会短缺。如果这一预言将来成为现实,那么让雇员感到自己是该集体中不可缺少的一员就显得更为重要。

3.她不喜欢他这样打扮,老里老气的,不像个青年人。She disliked this outfit of his which made him look old before his time.


He hurried offf alone to Beihai Park and spent the evening pacing up and down its hills. (二)减词

1.The mail carrier could leave letters there for everyone for miles around. 邮差可以将数英里范围内的信件放在这里。

2.As soon as the operator releases the key,breaking the circuit, the electromagnet releases the end of the armature(电枢)that it has pulled toward itself. 话务员一松开键,将电路断开,电磁铁就会松开它刚吸过去的那端电枢。


It is another gorge through which a rapid stream flows. Trees, flowers and grass, a picture of natural vitality, thrive on both banks. The weird peaks arouse disparate thoughts.


The quantity of salt varies with the people and the time.



1.You probably already know that black absorbs the most heat while white reflects the most. But what about other colors between?


2.The odor of disinfectant stung my nostrils as I moved down the row of pens. Each contained five to seven dogs.


3.我抬头望去,已到巫山。I look up and see that we have reached the Wu Mountains.


At Philadelphia, shortly before starting out for his place, I called him up. So when I got off the train at the destination, I found him already waiting for me at the statin.


1.So I made as much noise as I could with my automobile horn. I sounded the horn every ten minutes, hoping that some other traveler passing near me would hear.


2.Double Click(双击公司)was sued by a California woman who accused the company of illegally obtaining and selling personal information about Internet users.



Willow tendrils hung low over the banks of the stream, where only the shouts of children broke the stillness.


Early one morning the Beiping-Shenyang express was speeding over the vast, jadegreen countryside.


翻译方法之增译法、减译法、重复法 ?英汉两种语言,由于表达方式不尽相同,翻译时既可能要将词义进行转换,有可能要在词量上加以增减。 ?有的时候,为了明确、强调或生动,也需要将一些关键性的词加以重复。 ?什么叫增译法?我们可以这样确定它的定义:为了使译文忠实地表达原文的意思与风格,并使译文合乎表达习惯,必须按意义上(修辞上)和句法上增加一些词语,这就叫做增译法。?一、根据意义(修辞)上的需要 ?二、根据句法上的需要 一、根据意义(修辞)上的需要 ?(一)增加动词 ?(二)增加形容词 ?(三)增加副词 ?(四)增加名词 ?(五)增加表示名词复数的词 ?(六)增加表达时态的词 ?(七)增加语气助词 ?(八)增加量词 ?(九)增加根据上下文需要及反映背景情况的词 ?(十)增加概括词 ?(十一)增加承上启下的词 (一)增加动词 ?根据意义的需要,可以在名词前后增加动词。 ?如: In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on …… Practice ?They talked for almost eight hours, through dinner and well into the night. ?My work, my family, my friends were more than enough to fill my time. (二)增加形容词 ?With what enthusiasm the Chinese people are building socialism! 中国人民正在以多么高涨的热情建设社会主义啊! ?O, Tom Canty, born in rags and dirt and misery, what sight is this! (Mark Twain) 出生在破烂、肮脏和苦难中,现在这番景象却是多么煊赫啊!


Translation Exercises 1. Applying DICTION in translating the following sentences: The bell is not working. 铃不响了。 Your idea won’t work in practice 你的想法实际上行不通。 My mother worked a sweater for me. 我的妈妈为我织了件毛衣。 Professor White is at work on a new book. 怀特教授正在写一本新书。

He worked his way through college. 错译:他通过自己的努力考上了大学。 他正在努力学习以考上大学。 他大学里一直好好学习。 他完成了大学学业/他走完了他的大学时代。他顺顺利利地考上了大学。 他在大学里依然我行我素。 他在大学里特立独行。 他整个大学的经历很与众不同。 他在大学里混日子。 他在大学里任职。 他在大学里学习。 正译:他靠打工挣钱读完了大学。 2. Applying Conversion in translating the following sentences: I recognized the absurdity of dealing with them through intermediaries. 我意识到,通过中间人跟他们打交道是愚蠢的。 With China’s Entry to the WTO and

Beijing’s successful bid for the 2008 Olympic Games, learning English is more important than ever before. 随着中国加入世贸组织和北京成功地获得2008年奥运会的举办权,学习英语显得比以往任何时候都要重要。 The more carbon the steel contains, the harder and stronger it is. 钢含有的碳越多,其强度和硬度就越大。钢含有的碳越多,就越刚硬/就越坚固。 错译:钢含有的碳越多,韧性就越好。The electronic computer is chiefly characterized by its accurate and rapid computation. 电子计算机的主要特点是计算迅速、准确。The factory is highly productive. 这家工厂具有很高的生产效率。/ 这家工厂的生产效率很高。 3. Applying AMPLIFICATION in translating the following sentences: The development of Chinese agriculture


常用的翻译技巧 1. 重复法(repetition) 2. 增译法(amplification) 3. 减译法(omission) 4. 词类转移法(conversion) 5. 词序调整法(inversion) 6. 分译法(division) 7. 正说反译, 反说正译法(negation) 8. 语态变换法(the change of the voices) 1. 重复法 We have to analyze and solve problems. 我们要分析问题,解决问题。Le t’s revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 我们来修改安全规则和卫生规则吧。Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace --- but there is no peace. 先生们尽管可以高呼和平,和平!但是依然没有和平。He had it all written out neatly. 他把它写得清清楚楚。 1. 这种人闹什么东西呢闹名誉,闹地位,闹出风头。What are they after They are after name, after position, and they want to cut smart figure. 2. 大(家庭)有大(家庭)的难处。A large family has its difficulties. 3. 天苍苍, 野茫茫, 风吹草低见牛羊。The sky is blue, blue; And the steppe wide, wide; Over grass that the wind has battered low; Sheep and oxen roam. 4. 寻寻觅觅, 冷冷清请, 凄凄惨惨戚戚; 乍暖还寒时侯, 最难将息。(译文1)Seek, seek; search, search; Cold, cold; bare, bare; Grief, grief; cruel, cruel grief. Now warm, then like the autumn cold again, How hard to calm the heart! (译文2)I seek but seek in vain, I search and search again; I feel so sad, so drear, So lonely, without cheer. (许渊冲译) 2. 增译法 增词义增加虚词为多,也可酌量增加实词。英译汉时经常增加的词有结构词、数量词、概念词、语气词等。从增补的功能来看,可以分为结构增补、意义增补和修辞增补。 I am looking forward to the holidays. 我们等待假日的到来。Much of our morality is customary. 我们大部分的道德观念都有习惯性。Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人精确。Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtle; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend. 读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑修辞之学使人善辩。 1. 没有调查研究就没有发言权。He who makes no investigation and study has no right to speak. (No investigation, no right to speak.) 2. 子曰: “学而不思则罔, 思而不学则殆。” Confucius said: “He who learns without thinking is lost. He who thinks without learning remains puzzled.” 3. 虚心使人进步, 骄傲使人落后。Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 4. 交出翻译之前, 必须读几遍, 看看有没有要修改的地方. 这样你才能把工作做好。Before handing in your translation, you have to read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected or improved. Only thus can you do your work well. 5. 只许州官放火, 不许百姓点灯。The magistrate are free to burn down houses, while the common people are forbidden even to light lamps. (One man may steal a horse, while another may not look over the hedge.)

8, 翻译常用八种方法(考试复习)

考试复习 一、选择题(每小题1分,共20分) 翻译常见的八种技巧: 1.重复repetition 在翻译中被称为一种技巧,自然就不是一般所说的不必要的重复,而是一种必不可少的方法。可以这样确定它的定义:在翻译中,有时为了忠实于原文,不得不重复某些词语,否则就不能忠实表达原文的意思。这种反复使用某些词语于翻译的方法就叫重译法。一般说来,重译法有如下三个作用:一是为了明确;二是为了强调;三是为了生动。 We have to analyze and solve problems.我们要分析问题,解决问题。 2.增译addition/amplification 什么叫增译法?我们可以这样确定它的定义:为了使译文忠实地表达原文的意思与风格并使译文合乎表达习惯,必须增加一些词语,这就叫增译法。 送君千里,终有一别。 Although you may escort a guest a thousand miles,yet the parting must come at last.

3.减译法deletion 和其他一切事物一样,翻译也是有增必有减。懂了增译法之后自然也就会懂得什么是减译法。它是增译法的反面:以同一个译例来说,在英译汉中如果用增译法的话,在汉译英中自然就要用减译法了。把第二节中的31个例子倒译的话(即把汉译英改为英译汉或把英译汉变为汉译英),所用的译法就不是增译法而是减译法了。 关于减译法,应该记住这样一条总原则:减译法是指原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意,或者在译文中是不言而喻的;换言之,减译法是删去一些可有可无的,或者有了反嫌累赘或违背译文习惯表达法的词,但减译并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去。 此外,冠词、连词、代词(尤其是人称代词、关系代词)、关系副词,等等,在英语中经常使用,但译成汉语时几乎很少出现,要使译文忠实而地道,减译法就自然必不可少了。例如: A book is useful. 书(是)有用(的)。 4.词类转移法conversion 在翻译时,由于两种语言在语法和习惯表达


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英语原创毕业论文参考选题(200个) 一、论文说明 本写作团队致力于英语毕业论文写作与辅导服务,精通前沿理论研究、仿真编程、数据图表制作,专业本科论文3000起,具体可以联系qq 805990749。下列所写题目均可写作。部分题目已经写好原创。 二、原创论文参考题目 1 道林.格雷的画像中美的主题 2 初中英语课堂问题行为及对策 3 从美国梦的实现分析电影当幸福来敲门的积极意义 4 论创造性背叛在翻译红楼梦章回目录中的运用 5 互联网在大学英语第二课堂中应用的效果 6 哈利?波特主角背后的原型 7 新时期英汉语言接触对英语词汇系统的影响 8 外资银行在华发展现状与影响及国有商业银行的对策 9 美国总统就职演说的语言特点分析 10 中英语言中动物词汇的文化含义对比 11 全球化背景下的中国英语研究 12 如何教初中英语口语 13 XX中学高一年级学生英语听力问题调查分析 14 浅论英美影视字幕翻译方法 15 英语灾难新闻标题的语法和词汇特点分析 16 论英汉成语翻译 17 英语专业大学生利用英语学习网的自主学习性研究 18 浅谈汉语网络新词的翻译策略 19 探索生命的意义—解析老人与海的主题 20 生活大爆炸字母翻译中的文化迁移现象 21 喜福会中的母女沖突 22 从关联理论视角看历年奥运会主题口号的汉译 23 中学生英语听力理解策略研究

24 英语习语变体的修辞效果及其翻译 25 非英语专业学生英语学习动机调查研究 26 从飘探讨女性主义与社会的关系 27 接骨师之女中宝姨的人物形象解析 28 中西方文化差异 29 从语境理论角度分析奥巴马就职演说词语篇 30 英语多义词的翻译 31 通过对比看岭南文化的特征 32 论礼貌原则在英语报盘信函与还盘信函中的应用 33 中国女大学生奢侈品消费动机探析 34 中国公益广告的含蓄美--环保公益广告为例 35 英语广告中的修辞与幽默 36 论英语谚语翻译 37 论母语负迁移对二语词汇习得的影响 38 XX中学高二年级英语写作中常犯的词汇错误分析 39 劳伦斯和他的作品儿子与情人恋母情结 40 浅谈汉语中的英语外来词 41 分析匹普的性格发展 42 浅谈美国俚语的特征 43 英语委婉语在日常生活中的语用功能分析 44 中美媒体对光伏双反案的批判性话语分析 45 从礼貌原则分析发盘的语言技巧 46 鲁宾逊性格变化过程简要分析 47 生态翻译视角下英文电影字幕的汉译研究--了不起的盖茨比为例 48 析霍桑红字中的女权主义思想 49 批评性话语分析视角下的英语政治委婉语 50 沃尔特.惠特曼及其诗歌研究 51 小说爱玛中爱玛的心理成长 52 解析愤怒的葡萄中人性的力量 53 中西社交礼仪的比较与融合


翻译常用的八种技巧 一、常用的翻译技巧 1. 重复法(repetition) 2. 增译法(amplification) 3. 减译法(omission) 4. 词类转移法(conversion) 5. 词序调整法(inversion) 6. 分译法(division) 7. 正说反译, 反说正译法(negation) 8. 语态变换法(the change of the voices) 1. 重复法 汉语重复,英译时也重复; 根据两种语言各自的习惯用法,以不同的表达方式进行重复,这种重复通常是为了传达原文的生动性. We have to analyze and solve problems. 我们要分析问题,解决问题。 Let’s revise our safety and sanitary regulations. 我们来修改安全规则和卫生规则吧。 Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace --- but there is no peace. 先生们尽管可以高呼和平,和平!但是依然没有和平。 Nels had it all written out neatly. 纳尔斯把它写得清清楚楚。 青青河边草, 郁郁园中柳。 Green grows the grass upon the bank, The willow shoots are long and lank. 2. 增译法 为了使译文忠实地表达原文的意思与风格并使译文合乎表达习惯,必须增加一些词语,这就叫增译法. 增词义增加虚词为多,也可酌量增加实词。 英译汉时经常增加的词有结构词、数量词、概念词、语气词等。 从增补的功能来看,可以分为结构增补、意义增补和修辞增补。 I am looking forward to the holidays. 我们等待假日的到来。 Much of our morality is customary. 我们大部分的道德观念都有习惯性。 Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing an exact man. 读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,笔记使人精确。


增译与减译练习 试译下列句子,注意为弥合词义差异的需要增加适当的词或减少某些不必要的词: (一)增词 1.The retreat commenced in all haste. 2.Her grace was a delight. 3.There was a wide emptiness over the street. 4.His arrogance made everyone dislike him. 5. 听到这个消息,他一肚皮的酒几乎全化成了酸醋。 6. 他一边放声大笑,一边不住地拿眼瞅着她。 7. 她悄悄地来到她妹妹的房间里,将门拉上。 (二)减词 1.They had to stay there until the person they were addressed to happened to come by and stop at the inn. 2. This explains why farmers in very windy regions try to protect their soil by planting rows of trees to break the force of the wind. 3.但是,我却看到了一次最雄伟、最瑰丽的日出景象。 4.姑娘有点不好意思了,脸上泛着红潮。 5.本书所谈的是美国人民与土地合作的经过,以及合作过程中所产生的一些变迁。 试译下列句子,注意为弥合修辞差异的需要增加适当的词或减少某些不必要的词: (一)增词 1.Outside stood a little girl, dripping wet and shivering. 2.If future predictions of a shortage of quality workers come true, it will become even more important to make employees feel part of the team. 3.她不喜欢他这样打扮,老里老气的,不像个青年人。 4.他一个人跑到北海的土山上,徜徉了一个晚上。 (二)减词 1.The mail carrier could leave letters there for everyone for miles around. 2.As soon as the operator releases the key, breaking the circuit, the electromagnet releases the end of the armature(电枢)that it has pulled toward itself. 3.这儿的峡谷又是另一番景象:谷中急水奔流,穿峡而过,两岸树木葱茏,鲜花繁茂,碧草萋萋,活脱脱一幅生机盎然的天然风景画。各种奇峰异岭,令人感受各异,遐想万千。4.这放盐也不是一成不变的,要因人、因时而变。 试译下列句子,注意为弥合语境差异的需要增加适当的词或减少某些不必要的词: (一)增词 1.You probably already know that black absorbs the most heat while white reflects the most. But what about other colors between? 2.The odor of disinfectant stung my nostrils as I moved down the row of pens. Each contained five to seven dogs. 3.我抬头望去,已到巫山。 I look up and see that we have reached the Wu Mountains. 4.从费城出发去他家之前,我就和他通了电话。一下车,他已经在站上等了。 (二)减词 1.So I made as much noise as I could with my automobile horn. I sounded the horn every ten


考试复习 一、英汉互译下列习语(每小题2分,共20分) 书上或日常生活中常出现的一些习语或成语。 二、将下列句子翻译成中文,并指出使用的翻译技巧(每小题3分,共30分) 翻译常见的八种技巧: 1.重复repetition 在翻译中被称为一种技巧,自然就不是一般所说的不必要的重复,而是一种必不可少的方法。可以这样确定它的定义:在翻译中,有时为了忠实于原文,不得不重复某些词语,否则就不能忠实表达原文的意思。这种反复使用某些词语于翻译的方法就叫重译法。一般说来,重译法有如下三个作用:一是为了明确;二是为了强调;三是为了生动。 We have to analyze and solve problems.我们要分析问题,解决问题。 2.增译addition/amplification 什么叫增译法?我们可以这样确定它的定义:为了使译文忠实地表达原文的意思与风格并使译文合乎表达习惯,必须增加一些词语,这就叫增译法。 送君千里,终有一别。 ,yet the parting must come at last.3.减译法deletion 和其他一切事物一样,翻译也是有增必有减。懂了增译法之后自然也就会懂得什么是减译法。它是增译法的反面:以同一个译例来说,在英译汉中如果用增译法的话,在汉译英中自然就要用减译法了。把第二节中的31个例子倒译的话(即把汉译英改为英译汉或把英译汉变为汉译英),所用的译法就不是增译法而是减译法了。 关于减译法,应该记住这样一条总原则:减译法是指原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意,或者在译文中是不言而喻的;换言之,减译法是删去一些可有可无的,或者有了反嫌累赘或违背译文习惯表达法的词,但减译并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去。 此外,冠词、连词、代词(尤其是人称代词、关系代词)、关系副词,等等,在英语中经常使用,但译成汉语时几乎很少出现,要使译文忠实而地道,减译法就自然必不可少了。例如: A book is useful. 书(是)有用(的)。 4.词类转移法conversion 在翻译时,由于两种语言在语法和习惯表达上的差异,在保证原文意思不变的情况下,译文必须改变词类,这就叫词类转移法。这种方法不仅指词类的改变,而且还包括词类作用的改变和一定词序的变化。当然主要是指词类的变化,如原文中的名词可以转移成译文中的动词等词类。众所周知,语言是个无限制生成的系统,在翻译实践中,词类转移的情形也是千变万化的。重要的是,要知道在翻译中为了保证译文忠于原文并使译文合乎表达习惯,可以改变词类。下面所举的例子可以说明词类转移的一些常用情况。 The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 这句话的英译文应该说是忠实而地道的,但分析一下汉英文中的词类,却很少是对应的。原文中的词类到了译文中,差不多都发生了变化:“学好”是动词,意思上相应的英文词mastery是名词;“随便”是副词,意思上相应的英文词是作表语的easy,等等。假若译文中的英文词类、词序都与汉语完全相同,不作任何改变,那么这就不成一句英文句子了。 5.词序调整法inversion


常用十大翻译技巧之一:增译法 英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。常用的翻译技巧有增译法、省译法、转换法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重组法和综合法等。这些技巧不但可以运用于笔译之中,也可以运用于口译过程中,而且应该用得更加熟练,因为口译工作的特点决定了译员没有更多的时间进行思考。 1、增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或"There be…"结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在汉译英时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如: (1)What about calling him right away? 马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何?(增译主语和谓语) (2)If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations. 要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句)

第三节 减译法

第三节减译法 和其他一切事物一样,翻译也是有增必有减。懂了增译法之后自然也就会懂得什么是减译法。它是增译法的反面:以同一个译例来说,在英译汉中如果用增译法的话,在汉译英中自然就要用减译法了。把第二节中的31个例子倒译的话(即把汉译英改为英译汉或把英译汉变为汉译英),所用的译法就不是增译法而是减译法了。 关于减译法,应该记住这样一条总原则:减译法是指原文中有些词在译文中不译 者在译文中是不言而喻的;换言之,减译法是删去一些可有可无的,或者有了反嫌累赘或违背译文习惯表达法的词,但减译并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去。 此外,冠词、连词、代词(尤其是人称代词、关系代词)、关系副词,等等,在英语中经常使用,但译成汉语时几乎很少出现,要使译文忠实而地道,减译法就自然必不可少了。例如:

1.A book is useful. 书(是)有用(的)。 2.The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕太阳转。 3. 礼拜天我们不上学。 4.Mr.Bingley was good-looking and gentleman-like. 宾利先生风度翩翩,彬彬有礼。 5.A wise man will not marry a woman who has attainments but no virtue. 聪明的人是不会娶有才无德的女子为妻的。 6write to him,the response would be absolute silence and void. 你写信给他,总是石沉大海。 7.Sunday is the day am least busy. 星期天我最不忙。 8.Could you help me in any way? 你能帮帮我吗? 9.Winter is the best time to study the


2015年考研英语翻译方法:减译法详解 减译法:由于英汉两种语言在语法结构、表达方式以及修辞手段上的不同,有些词语或句子成分在英语中是必不可少的,但若搬到译文中去,就会影响译文的简洁和通顺。因此在英译汉的过程中,为了使译文更加简练,更符合汉语的表达习惯,需要省略一些可有可无或翻译后反嫌累赘的词语。但必须注意,减译不是删掉原文中的某些内容,在不易减译的情况下,不要随便减。 1)省略代词。如: We are pleased to have received your invitation to the symposium on internet.非常高兴收到你寄来的参加互联网会议的邀请。(省略代词“我们”) If the chain reaction went on without being checked, it could cause a terrible explosion.如果连锁反应不加控制,就可能引起可怕的爆炸。(省略代词it, it在这里代表the chain reaction) This will be particularly true since energy pinch will make it difficult to continue agriculture in the high-energy American fashion that makes it possible to combine few farmers with high yields.这种困境将是确定无疑的,因为能源的匮乏使农业无法以高能量消耗、投入少数农民就可能获得高产的美国耕种方式继续下去了。(原文中两处代词it均为形式宾语,)(真题示范) It was stipulated that the goods should be delivered in three days.规定三天后发货。(it是形式主语,that是先行词) 2)省略冠词。如: The volume of a gas increase more quickly than that of a liquid.气体体积增加的速度比液体快。 3)省略连词。如: When the pressure gets low, the boiling-point becomes low.气压低,沸点就低。(连词when 可以不译) Henry had worked in a bank for years, and then he went to study in MIT.亨利在一家银行工作了几年,然后去麻省理工大学学习去了。 4)省略介词。如: The distinction between light and pigment is important to color theory.区别光和色对于色彩理论来说很重要。(between可以不译)Over the years, tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historian and philosophers of science.多年来,工具和技术本身作为根本性创新的源泉,在很大程度上被科学史学家和科学思想家忽视了。(真题示范) Smoking is prohibited in public places.公共场所不准吸烟。 The supply of oil can be shut off unexpectedly at any time, and in any case, the oil wells will all run dry in thirty years or so at the present rate of use.石油供应可能随时被切断;不管怎样,以目前的这种消费速度,只需30年左右所有的油井都会枯竭。(真题示范) 5)省略名词。如:Perhaps you have overlooked the fact that your account for May purchases has not yet been settled.也许你忘记了五月份的购货款还没有结算。(fact后面引导的是一个同


和其他一切事物一样,翻译也是有增必有减。懂了增译法之后自然也就会懂得什么是减译法。它是增译法的反面:以同一个译例来说,在英译汉中如果用增译法的话,在汉译英中自然就要用减译法了。把第二节中的31个例子倒译的话(即把汉译英改为英译汉或把英译汉变为汉译英),所用的译法就不是增译法而是减译法了。 关于减译法,应该记住这样一条总原则:减译法是指原文中有些词在译文中不译 者在译文中是不言而喻的;换言之,减译法是删去一些可有可无的,或者有了反嫌累赘或违背译文习惯表达法的词,但减译并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去。 此外,冠词、连词、代词(尤其是人称代词、关系代词)、关系副词,等等,在英语中经常使用,但译成汉语时几乎很少出现,要使译文忠实而地道,减译法就自然必不可少了。例如: 1.A book is useful.

书(是)有用(的)。 2.The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕太阳转。 3. 礼拜天我们不上学。 4.Mr.Bingley was good-looking and gentleman-like. 宾利先生风度翩翩,彬彬有礼。 5.A wise man will not marry a woman who has attainments but no virtue.聪明的人是不会娶有才无德的女子为妻的。 6write to him,the response would be absolute silence and void.你写信给他,总是石沉大海。 7.Sunday is the am least busy. 星期天我最不忙。 8.Could you help me in any way? 你能帮帮我吗? 9.Winter is the best time to study the growth of trees.Although the leaves


考试复习一、英汉互译下列习语(每小题2分,共20分) 书上或日常生活中常出现的一些习语或成语。 二、将下列句子翻译成中文,并指出使用的翻译技巧(每小题3分,共30分) 翻译常见的八种技巧: 1.重复repetition 在翻译中被称为一种技巧,自然就不是一般所说的不必要的重复,而是一种必不可少的方法。可以这样确定它的定义:在翻译中,有时为了忠实于原文,不得不重复某些词语,否则就不能忠实表达原文的意思。这种反复使用某些词语于翻译的方法就叫重译法。一般说来,重译法有如下三个作用:一是为了明确;二是为了强调;三是为了生动。 We have to analyze and solve problems.我们要分析问题,解决问题。 2.增译addition/amplification 什么叫增译法我们可以这样确定它的定义:为了使译文忠实地表达原文的意思与风格并使译文合乎表达习惯,必须增加一些词语,这就叫增译法。 送君千里,终有一别。 ,yet the parting must come at last.3.减译法deletion 和其他一切事物一样,翻译也是有增必有减。懂了增译法之后自然也就会懂得什么是减译法。它是增译法的反面:以同一个译例来说,在英译汉中如果用增译法的话,在汉译英中自然就要用减译法了。把第二节中的31个例子倒译的话(即把汉译英改为英译汉或把英译汉变为汉译英),所用的译法就不是增译法而是减译法了。 关于减译法,应该记住这样一条总原则:减译法是指原文中有些词在译文中不译出来,因为译文中虽无其词而已有其意,或者在译文中是不言而喻的;换言之,减译法是删去一些可有可无的,或者有了反嫌累赘或违背译文习惯表达法的词,但减译并不是把原文的某些思想内容删去。 此外,冠词、连词、代词(尤其是人称代词、关系代词)、关系副词,等等,在英语中经常使用,但译成汉语时几乎很少出现,要使译文忠实而地道,减译法就自然必不可少了。例如: A book is useful. 书(是)有用(的)。 4.词类转移法conversion 在翻译时,由于两种语言在语法和习惯表达上的差异,在保证原文意思不变的情况下,译文必须改变词类,这就叫词类转移法。这种方法不仅指词类的改变,而且还包括词类作用的改变和一定词序的变化。当然主要是指词类的变化,如原文中的名词可以转移成译文中的动词等词类。众所周知,语言是个无限制生成的系统,在翻译实践中,词类转移的情形也是千变万化的。重要的是,要知道在翻译中为了保证译文忠于原文并使译文合乎表达习惯,可以改变词类。下面所举的例子可以说明词类转移的一些常用情况。 The mastery of language is not easy and requires painstaking effort. 这句话的英译文应该说是忠实而地道的,但分析一下汉英文中的词类,却很少是对应的。原文中的词类到了译文中,差不多都发生了变化:“学好”是动词,意思上相应的英文词mastery是名词;“随便”是副词,意思上相应的英文词是作表语的easy,等等。假若译文中的英文词类、词序都与汉语完全相同,不作任何改变,那么这就不成一句英文句子了。


专心翻译 做到极致 常用翻译技巧之:增译法 英汉两种语言在句法、词汇、修辞等方面均存在着很大的差异,因此在进行英汉互译时必然会遇到很多困难,需要有一定的翻译技巧作指导。常用的翻译技巧有增译法、省译法、转换法、拆句法、合并法、正译法、反译法、倒置法、包孕法、插入法、重组法和综合法等。这些技巧不但可以运用于笔译之中,也可以运用于口译过程中,而且应该用得更加熟练,因为口译工作的特点决定了译员没有更多的时间进行思考。 增译法:指根据英汉两种语言不同的思维方式、语言习惯和表达方式,在翻译时增添一些词、短句或句子,以便更准确地表达出原文所包含的意义。这种方式多半用在汉译英里。汉语无主句较多,而英语句子一般都要有主语,所以在翻译汉语无主句的时候,除了少数可用英语无主句、被动语态或"There be…"结构来翻译以外,一般都要根据语境补出主语,使句子完整。英汉两种语言在名词、代词、连词、介词和冠词的使用方法上也存在很大差别。英语中代词使用频率较高,凡说到人的器官和归某人所有的或与某人有关的事物时,必须在前面加上物主代词。因此,在汉译英时需要增补物主代词,而在英译汉时又需要根据情况适当地删减。英语词与词、词组与词组以及句子与句子的逻辑关系一般用连词来表示,而汉语则往往通过上下文和语序来表示这种关系。因此,在汉译英时常常需要增补连词。英语句子离不开介词和冠词。另外,在汉译英时还要注意增补一些原文中暗含而没有明言的词语和一些概括性、注释性的词语,以确保译文意思的完整。总之,通过增译,一是保证译文语法结构的完整,二是保证译文意思的明确。如: (1)What about calling him right away? 马上给他打个电话,你觉得如何? (增译主语和谓语) (2)If only I could see the realization of the four modernizations. 要是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!(增译主句) (3) Indeed, the reverse is true 实际情况恰好相反。(增译名词) (4)就是法西斯国家本国的人民也被剥夺了人权。 Even the people in the fascist countries were stripped of their human rights.(增译物主代词) (5)只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。 While the magistrates were free to burn down house, the common people were forbidden to light lamps. (增译连词) (6)这是我们两国人民的又一个共同点。 This is yet another common point between the people of our two countries.(增译介词) (7)在人权领域,中国反对以大欺小、以强凌弱。 In the field of human rights, China opposes the practice of the big oppressing the small and the strong bullying the weak.(增译暗含词语)


简谈翻译技巧之—增译法与减译法On Translation Techniques----- Amplification and Omission He YuLin 何玉林 Under the Supervision of Liao Hong School of Foreign Languages and Cultures Panzhihua University

May 2006 Contents 摘要.................................................................................................I Abstract............................................................................................II Introduction.................................................................................................III Chapter 1Brief Introduction .. (1) 1.1The Definition of Translation. (1) 1.2The Definition and Importance of the Two Techniques (1) Chapter 2Amplification and Omission. (3) 2.1 Amplification (3) 2.1.1 Structural Amplification (4) 2.1.2 Semantic Amplification. (6) 2.1.3 Rhetorical Amplification. (7) 2.1.4 Exteriorized Amplification (7) 2.1.5 Words Supplied for Syntactic Construction and Semantic Completion (8) 2.1.6 Supplying the Omitted words in the Original Text in Translation (10) 2.1.7 Supplying Category Words (10) 2.1.8 Supplying Overlapping Words or Numerals to Express the Plural Form of Nouns (11) 2.2Omission (12) 2.2.1 English---Chinese Translation (13) 2.2.2 Chinese---English Translation (16) Chapter3S imilarities between the Two Translation Techniques (19) Conclusion (21) Notes (22)

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