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跨文化交际结课论文 英语
跨文化交际结课论文 英语


题目:The Time Difference in Intercultural



学号: 201317718



The Time Difference in Intercultural Communication Abstract:Time as a silent language and a necessary component of culture, plays a very important role in our daily life.The cultural dufference leads to the time value difference and as a result,the time differences influence the communications among people in different cultures.So it is meaningful and significant to study the time value difference of people in different culture.

Key Wards:intercultural communication;time values;time nation;integrate

Because of the social practice,ways of thinking and understanding and time of people from different cultures are different..That is to say, time ,as an objective existence,has different forms of reflection in different cultures.Time view is seen as a part of cultural deed structure,which affects people…s perception of the world,controls their judgment and determines the ways of behaviors.The vagueness and exactness Of Chinese and western cu1ture usually lead to conflicts and misunderstanding when peop1e interact with each Other.The Chinese use time Very casually and tangibly.The Chinese prefer to say some

uncertain words 1ike “at Once”,“sometimes”,“a short while”,which a1ways contrary to the westerners.Westerners prefer a correct ang clear time.Though time is a cognitive concept shared by the human society,because the social practice of people from different cultures and their different historical and geographical environments,people may differ in the meanings they give to time and the way they make use of time.Therefore,when people from different cultures carry out communication, time, as an invisible guide, will has a great effect on people?s words and deeds,which prevents communication from realizing its intended purpose.We try to discuss the difference between time values and time behaviors of Chinese cultures and Western cultures so as to analyze their impacts on the cultural communication.

Different peoples in the worId,because Of their different geographica1 environments,history and traditions,their understandings and attitudes towards time are different,which ref1ect specifically On the habits Of timing and using time.American cultural experts divided the using Of time in different cultures into two areas:One is monochromic time system and the other is polychromic time system(Hall,l 982,p.1 6).The former emphasizes schedule and punctuality.And subscription and punctuality are the customs of it.Many industrialized society.adopt monochromic time system.They plan time very carefully,arrange One thing in a period of time,not easily alter the schedule and stress

efficiency.The latter is very casual in timing and using time.Booking are regarded as nothing serious.Being punctual is important but not strict.Many Asian,Latin American,Arabic and African countries beIong to the Iatter.PoIychromic time system is the heritage of traditional agriculturaI society.Their people are used to doing severa1 different things at the same time and do things stressing ripe conditions.The Chinese think that everything in the wor1d develops with the cyc1ing Of time,so people stress ripe conditions when work.That is to say,each step Of our action is determined temporarily by our surroundings.So the Chinese action is poorly planned,very tangible but inefficient.The Chinese hardly subscribe in advance in the social activity.Friends and relatives can Visit each other at any time and place.In some occasions,peopIe can chat,read newspaper and work at the same time.The Chinese can go on with One thing next day that has not been finished 1ast day.The Chinese salesmen can check Out with the first customer on the one hand,and show the goods to a second one on the other hand,even greet a third One at the same time.However,the westerns can hardly accomplish them and also cannot accept them.

The westerns are accustomed to doing only one thing in a specific unit time.So,calendar,schedule,diary,annual and accounting ledger p1ay a very important ro1e in the western wor1d.Americans are strongly controlled by time?s iron hand.They even claim themselves to be“slave

to nothing but the clock”:They always feel that time are “ticking in thei r inner heart. There is a saying“Time is everything ?.Hall(1 982,p.20)has said:“In the western world,nobody can escape from the control Of One—way time?s iron hand.In fact,social and commercial life even sexual lives are all under time?s control. Time weave the net Of people?s life totalIy".In cross—cultural commercia1 activities,the westerners do things strictly in accordance with time table,while the Chinese stress interpersonal relationship?s harmony and ripe conditions Of things?development,not allowing the time table to interfere.So the trade of these two sides always fails because Of deadline.

With the coming of the new century,the world is changing all the time,and the competition is more acute.To any nation,looking back is useless.It can only move forwards.The power of age,experience and teacher in Chinese culture begin to be challenged.When people take their past and history correctly,they are hurrying to make plans and aims for their life at the same time.In the 2lst century,the life and future—oriented time conception that based on nationality,practicality and efficiency are gradual1y accepted by people from different culture.However,because time views of different society are factors of respective cu1tures,their biases are deep—rooted and it is not easy to be got rid of .So when people of the two sides carry out cross—communication,they should be aware of this point and try to

avoid conflicts and obstacles brought about by cultural difference of time views,so that our communication can achieve its intended aims and we can understand each other?s culture better.

Now ,the time values of both chinese and western have impacts on each other and are gradually integrated with each other.We need to know more about them so that we can form a better concept of time and take a better advantage of time in the future job market.


Cross –cultural communication Thesis statement: This paper is mainly talking about the culture differences between several countries. Outline: Chapter 1: Language and culture in communication Chapter2: Culture shock Chapter3: What’s in a name? Chapter4: Social interaction Chapter 5: Roles and relations Chapter6: Non-verbal communication Chapter 7: In other words. Chapter 8: From a primitive Tribe to a Global Village Conclusion Chapter 1: Language and culture in communication There is no denying the fact that out daily lives depend largely on communication, without it we can’t know each other. So, we should come to realize that communication is of great importance. What is communication? In total, communication can be divided into two parts; they are verbal communication and non-verbal communication. However, different people hold different opinions about communication. In general, if there is communication, there must have 4 cases: there are at least two or more people, some contact between communicators, a language shared by communicators, an exchange of information has taken place. I just take the fist one for example. Suppose there is one person, there can’t be communication. Otherwise, he may talk to himself. Communication not just exist in human-beings There are five kinds of communications they are human communication, animal communication, human-animal communication, human machine communication, machine communication. So, Animals and machines can also communicate with each other. For human beings, how can we communicate with each other? Experts say that there are various kinds of communication. Nowadays, there are different kinds of tools for us to communicate .For people we can use telephone and computer to communicate with each other. By them, finally we can receive message. What is social situation? When there are two or more people gather to do a job or an activity, then it creates a social situation. That is to say, an individual working alone can not constitute a social s A social situation may have two definitions. One is given by the community, and the other by the participants. Finally, we should notice that being polite plays a crucial role in


1.英文原声电影赏析与跨文化交际能力的培养 2."跨文化非语言交际语用失误研究 3."公示语翻译中的语用失误探析 4.国内广告语言语用失误研究现状与分析 5."全球化语境下跨文化交际失误语用归因 6."跨文化交际中的语用失误类型及对策研究 7."基于礼貌原则的跨文化语用失误分析 8."跨文化言语交际中的语用负迁移 9."浅析化妆品广告中的语用预设 10."中西方饮食文化的比较研究 11."中美时间观之对比 1 2."浅析汉英问候语中的文化差异 13."英汉词汇的文化内涵差异探析 14."英语身体语的交际功能研究 1 5."浅谈英汉身势语的表意功能之差异 16."目标语文化的理解与跨文化交际 1 7."中西文化差异对中国学生英语学生的影响 18."跨文化交际中的文化误读

9."浅析文化差异对商务谈判的影响 20."英语禁忌语的文化内涵异同研究 21."英语学习中的文化习得 2 2."英汉思维模式的差异对跨文化交际的影响 23."外语学习者的思辨能力与跨文化交际之成效 24."培养英语学习者跨文化交际能力之策略 25."英汉道歉语差异及原因 26."中西跨文化礼貌语差异探析 27."英汉语言中礼貌表达法之比较 28."英汉习惯用语的文化内涵探源 29."英语称赞语及其回应的异同研究 3 0."中美(西)家庭教育理念的差异及其对孩子的影响 31."中国英语学习者跨文化交际中的主要障碍研究 32."试析跨文化交际中角色互动的作用 3 3."本土文化与异国文化的冲突对跨文化交际的影响 34."跨文化交际中的时间观差异 35."论跨文化交际中的中西餐桌礼仪

6."关于提升英语专业学生跨文化交际能力的培养 37."涉外婚姻中的中西文化冲突 38."论跨文化广告传播中食品商标的翻译439."多媒体教学与跨文化交际能力的培养40."中西方儿童文学的差异 4 1."中西体育文化的差异及其受全球化发展的影响 42."中西传统休闲文化及其价值观的对比分析 43."简爱与林黛玉不同命运的文化透析 44."国际商务活动中礼貌原则的应用 4 5."论文化背景知识在外语阅读教学中的作用 46."国际商务交际活动中的非语言交际 47."浅析英汉汽车商标的特点及其翻译 48."英汉隐喻差异的文化阐释 49."文化语境下的英汉植物词 50."文化语境下的英汉动物词 51."从体态语探析中西文化差异 52."浅析英汉颜色词的文化内涵 53."文化视野下英语谚语的比较


浅谈跨文化交际 【摘要】在中西跨文化交际中,文化冲突的事例屡见不鲜,严重影响了交往的顺利进行,因此我们很有必要找出其深层次的原因,并采取一定的措施来培养跨文化交际的能力,避免文化冲突。 【关键词】跨文化交际、文化差异、文化冲突 随着中国对外开放程度的逐渐深入,西方社会的人和事物越来越多地走进了我们的视野,在这种情况下,跨国域、跨民族、跨文化的经济和社会交往将会与日俱增,这就为我们提供了许多与西方人接触和交往的机会,这对于加深我们的西方社会的理解是一件好事,但这并不是一件简单的事情,因为我们所面对的是来自陌生的文化和国家,思维方式、生活习惯和行为方式与我们迥然不同的人,在与之交往的过程中不可避免的会出现文化冲突的现象。 一.中西跨文化交际中经常出现的文化冲突 在中西跨文化交际中会出现的文化冲突有很多种,在这里我们不可能一一叙述,只能列出比较常见的几种。 1.隐私方面的冲突 中国人的隐私观念比较薄弱,认为个人要归属于集体,在一起讲究团结友爱,互相关心,故而中国人往往很愿意了解别人的酸甜苦辣,对方也愿意坦诚相告。而西方人则非常注重个人隐私,讲究个人空间,不愿意向别人过多提及自己的事情,更不愿意让别人干预。因此在隐私问题上中西双方经常发生冲突,例如:中国人第一次见面往往会

询问对方的年龄,婚姻状况,儿女,职业,甚至收入,在中国人的眼里这是一种礼貌,但在西方人眼里则认为这些问题侵犯了他们的隐私。 2.时间观方面的冲突 西方人的时间观和金钱观是联系在一起的,时间就是金钱的观念根深蒂固,所以它们非常珍惜时间,在生活中往往对时间都做了精心的安排和计划,并养成了按时赴约的好习惯。在西方,要拜访某人,必须事先通知或约定,并说明拜访的目的、时间和地点,经商定后方可进行。而中国人则属于多向时间习惯的国家,在时间的使用上具有很大的随意性,一般不会像西方人那样严格的按照计划进行,西方人对此往往感到不适应。 3.客套语方面的冲突 中国人注重谦虚,在与人交际时,讲求“卑己尊人”,把这看作一种美德,这是一种富有中国文化特色的礼貌现象。在别人赞扬我们时,我们往往会自贬一番,以表谦虚有礼。西方国家却没有这样的文化习惯,当他们受到赞扬时,总会很高兴地说一声“Thank you”表示接受。由于中西文化差异,我们认为西方人过于自信,毫不谦虚;而当西方人听到中国人这样否定别人对自己的赞扬或者听到他们自己否定自己的成就,甚至把自己贬得一文不值时,会感到非常惊讶,认为中国人不诚实。 4.餐饮习俗方面的冲突 中华民族素有热情好客的优良传统。在交际场合和酒席上,热情的


期末考试范围 ? 1. 阅读理解2篇(20%) ? 2. 选词填空:15个句子(15个备选项,课后的key concepts,概念的词为主。(15%) ?eg: ———the belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve wealth and fame through diligence and virtue. ? 3. 简答题:课后comprehension questions和case study( 课内或者稍微改动的)。(25%) 4. 实用写作:一封信什么的(格式)(10%) 5. 写作:给出某个文化现象观点,运用所学文化差异进行评论 (comment)。(30%) 如: 说给一个关于教育的话题(文化现象),我们要用所学的中 美教育差异进行评论,议论文形式。 价值观,家庭观,社会关系朋友观,饮食观,教育观,时间观等 篇目:Unit1: A B C Unit2 A Unit3 A B Unit5A Unit6A Unit7 A Unit10 B Unit1 A Key concepts reservation: 谦逊的coldness: 冷静的 modesty:谦虚的 humor:幽默的 sportsmanship:运动员精神 Q1、what is a reserved person like? Answer: A reserved person is one who does not talk very much to strangers, does not show much emotion, and seldom gets excited. Q2、what is the character of the Englishmen? Answer: reserved 、humor、modesty、cold、sportsmanship. Q3、what is sportsmanship? Answer: sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport according to its rules, while al so showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat. Case study Q、What made the British feel quite unhappy in this situation?


跨文化交际之中西文化冲突 “跨文化交际”的英语名称是"intercultural communication"或 “cross-cultural communication”。它指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际, 也指任何在语言和文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。 一、造成文化冲突现象的原因探究 由于不同的民族所处的生态、物质、社会及宗教等环境不同, 因而各自的语言环境产生了不同的语言习惯、社会文化、风土人情等等诸语境因素。 不同文化背景造成人们说话方式或习惯不尽相同。因此, 在交流中, 人们总喜欢用自己的说话方式来解释对方的话语,这就可能对对方的话语做出不准确的推论, 从而产生冲突和故障。在跨文化交际中,交际的双方若不能进入同一文化背景之中, 就容易产生不解或误解,从而使交际失败。 二、中西文化的产生背景差异 中国文化是在黄土高原上孕育和发展起来的,然后在华北平原,再后是往长江以南发展,保持着长期的连续性和稳定性。中国的思想文化是儒学定于一尊而又兼容释道的文化。它以其特有的悠久、单纯的传统,以其特有的凝聚力和消化力,进入了近代世界一体化和文化大交流的时期。拥有上下五千年渊源历史宝贵遗产的炎黄子孙,在当今的21世纪现代社会,仍然遗传了祖先们的优良传统。 西方近现代文化主要是从古希腊罗马的异教文化发展过来的。古希腊伦理学和价值观的基本特征则表现为尚知和崇理,至善在于"作为一个自然存在的人的完善",尤其是理智、哲学的沉思被强调为最高的德性。古希腊人是乐生的,立足此世的,他们是多神论的,他们的人生观是自然主义的。孕育和起源于海边的文化注定了他们性格上的开放。这是与中国文化的大不同! 三、中西跨文化交际中经常出现的文化冲突 在中西跨文化交际中会出现的文化冲突有很多种,在这里我们列出几种比较常见的文化冲突。 1、私方面的冲突


中西方文化差异的论文题目: 中西方时间观念的比较 中西方饮食文化的比较 中西方教育的比较 中西方问候语的比较 中西方餐桌礼仪的差异 中西方宗教文化对比 中西方儿童文学的差异 从文字比较看中西方文化差异 礼貌中的中西方“面子文化”差异 论中西方激励机制的差异比较和在医疗管 理中的应用 英语教学中的文化教学——中西方文化差 异对比分析 中西方价值观差异对交际模式的影响  从历史中透视中西方经济差异形成的原因 浅谈跨越中西方文化障碍 日常生活中的中西方文化差异 浅析中西方隐私观的差异  中西方古代体育和谐思想比较研究 中西方传统犯罪控制思想之比较 土地与海洋的对话——中西方文化与人格 差异之浅见  汉英商标翻译与中西方文化差异 中西方孝文化探析  从文化视角看中西方教育思想的差异 中西方语言与文化的差异  中西方哲学语言观的差异 浅析中西方文化差异对翻译的影响 从素质教育看中西方教育的差异及思考  中西方立宪文化差异比较——以价值观为 视角 影响跨文化交际的主要因素——中西方价值观念差异 中西方股票期权制度实际操作的差异性分 析 英美社会与文化论文 1. The Contrast and Analyses of Customs

in Britain and China 英国和中国习俗之研究 2. Cultural Connotation of English Names 英语姓名的文化内涵 3. Black Culture and American English 黑人文化与美国英语 4. The Phenomenon of “Political Correctness” in American English 论美国英语中的政治正确现象 5. English Euphemism and Culture 文化因素与委婉语 6. Cultural Differences in Address Terms: English and Chinese 英汉称呼语中的文化差异 7.Influence of Greek Myths to British and American Culture 希腊神话与英美文化 8. An Investigation on Intercultural Communication Competence and Intercultural Sensitivity Among Chinese College Students 关于中国大学生跨文化交际能力和跨文化 敏感度的调查 9. Cross-Cultural Awareness in Translating Tourist Materials 中国旅游资料翻译中的跨文化意识 10. Cross-Cultural Training in Chinese Universities 中国大学中的跨文化培训 11. Acculturation Strategies among Chinese Overseas Students 中国海外留学生的文化适应策略 12. On Tour Commentary Translation---An Intercultural Communication Perspective 从跨文化角度看导游词翻译 13. Intercultural Communication on the Internet 互联网上的跨文化交际 14. On the Application of Theatrical Tricks to


如何培养英语跨文化交际能力 中宁五中张永宏 摘要:本文通过分析我国英语教学现状,探索英语教学中培养跨文化交际能力的必要性,具体分析“跨文化交际能力”的三大组成,思考培养英语跨文化交际能力的具体方法。 关键词:跨文化交际语义文化语用文化 多年来,我国的英语教学主要采用传统的教学方法,即传统的听说法“with its end less and mind-numbing repetitive drills”和古老的以教师为中心的语法—翻译法。教师往往只注重学生语言形式的正确与否或使用是否流畅,而较少注重结合语言使用的场合来培养学生综合运用的能力。学生在这种教学模式下,经过十几年的英语学习,即使是有些成绩很好的学生也不能用所学的英语同外国人进行有效地交流。为了改变这种现状,人们必然对英语教学提出新的要求。而跨文化交际能力的培养却能在一定程度上弥补传统教学的这种缺陷。 首先,何为跨文化交际呢?“跨文化交际”的英语名称是“intercultural communication”或“cross-cultural communication”,它既指本族语者与非本族语者之间的交际,也指任何在语言和社会文化背景方面有差异的人们之间的交际。由于不同的民族所处的生态、物质社会及宗教等环境的不同,因而各自的语言环境产生了不同的社会文化、风土人情和语言习惯等诸语境因素,造成人们不同的说话方式或习惯话语。这就可能使交际双方对对方的话语做出不准确地推论,从而产生冲突、误会或交际的故障。 跨文化交际能力就是针对文化冲突提出来的,它是一种在理解、掌握外国文化知识与交际技能的基础上,灵活处理跨文化交际中出现的实际问题的能力。 一、英语教学中培养跨文化交际能力的必要性。 1、近年来, 随着改革开放步伐的加快, 对外交往日益频繁, 国与国之间的交流也越来越 广泛, 特别是社会信息化提高, 国际互联网的开通使更多的人足不出户便涉及到跨 文化交际。中国成功地加入WTO后,国际市场对能用英语熟练有效地交际的复合型人才的大量需求给外语教学提出了新的挑战,所以培养跨文化交际能力有其现实意义。 2、培养跨文化交际能力有助于我们要打破以往“就语言教语言”的模式,把交际因素引 进到英语教学中来,在英语教学过程中揭示那些隐伏在语言背后的,易引起误会和冲突的文化因素。掌握语言不只是掌握语法、音位和语义规则,还必须考虑到外国社会文化背景造成的语言之外的规则。 3、培养跨文化交际能力有利于处理好语言和文化的关系。语言和文化是不可分割的,二 者相互依存、相互影响。语言是文化的载体,又是文化的重要组成部分,也是文化的


Differences between Chinese and Western cultural communication By Yu Li Na Under the supervision of Yang Dong Min A THESIS Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of BACHELOR OF ART Intercultural communication 错误!未找到引用源。 Shaanxi Normal University June,2013

Differences between Chinese and Western cultural communication Abstract: What is culture? Simple to say, culture is one of those you don't know why but also willing to accept, rules and knowledge from the start, in practice most people can experience the benefits, or that can bring benefits, so that these rules and knowledge has become the most people choose, this constitutes the main content of culture. But if this rule or understanding has been completely objective practice proves impossible do not insist, renewal ability is also culture has. So the culture is the difficult to give the rules and knowledge about (belonging to the values and Philosophy), and has some subjectivity, continuity, group, beneficial four characteristics. Key words: culture;subjectivity;continuity, group, beneficial four characteristics. 1 Introduction For example, the Spring Festival, everyone should think over the Spring Festival, but get used to it, it is difficult to say. We must have the spring festival what necessity, but can tell some benefits, so naturally continue down. But is this kind of natural inertia, has a powerful social force, unless the social upheaval, or completely oppressed the erosion of alien culture. The process for China's traditional culture is not more than once, but they were conquered by the Chinese culture has its own rationality and strong cohesion. Here the two Chinese cultural characteristics, reason and cohesion. To give credit to the acts of such a phenomenon exists in every society groups in society, exist in a variety of language and culture, the different levels and in different degrees, reflecting the people's social activity, it can not only shorten the distance between communication, and can contact feelings, to consolidate and strengthen the communication between United, played the role of social lubricant. Pomerantz American linguists point out that language is a kind of support to give credit to the sexual behavior (supportive action), is also a sexual evaluation (assessment action), that is to say, there is praise, not only praised the language of nature, there is also the nature of the evaluation. Let us explore the Chinese and English culture in the praise of the


《英语跨文化交际》课程教学大纲 课程编号:1233201 课程名称:英语跨文化交际 总学时:16学时 试验或上机学时:无 先修课及后续课:先修课:涉外礼仪 一、课程说明 1.课程性质:本课程是继《涉外礼仪》之后的专业必修课。 2.教学目标及意义: 本课程是与专业基础课同时开设的专业课,旨在通过学习跨文化交际基础理论,结合涉外礼仪实践,分析跨文化交际案例,提高跨文化交际意识,并在语言学习的同时,更多关注相关国家的文化,特别是通过与本族文化的对比,提高跨文化交际能力。 3. 教学内容与教学要求: 英语专业教学大纲强调,在语言学习过程中要培养学生的跨文化交际意识,增强对文化差异的敏感性和宽容性,提高处理跨文化交际冲突的灵活性,即跨文化交际能力。 跨文化交际能力包括语言运用能力,相关国家文化知识以及相关专业的能力和交流能力。通常认为语言运用能力特指外语知识和外语技能,忽视了学习者对目的语国家的文化知识的要求,特别是灵活运用已有的本国和目的国的相同之处,相似之处和差异进行跨文化交流的能力。 交际的主要媒介是语言但语言并非唯一的媒介。诸多非语言手段,如手势,面部表情,时间和空间的使用等,都具有重要的交际功能。而任何交际,无论是语言的还是非语言的,都是在特定文化环境中进行的,必然受到该文化中价值观念、思维方式、传统习惯、交往规约等的影响和制约。因此,这些文化内涵也是交际能力的重要组成部分。 不同文化之间,在方方面面都存在明显的差异。实践证明,文化背景不同的人进行交际时,这些差异常常成为障碍。要减少此类交际障碍,促成有效交流,跨文化意识与跨文化交际能力必不可少。 任何人都生活在特定的文化之中,思想、语言、行为等都受到该文化的影响与支配。 文化意识即指对此有清醒的认识。跨文化意识首先涉及对文化多元的认识。对文化而言,既有国别文化的不同,一国之内亦有主流文化与种种亚文化之分,同时个体间的差异也不容忽视。因此,不能理所当然地以本文化的规则来评价不同文化背景人的交际行为。 其次,不同文化间既有异(个性),也有同(共性),要辩证的看待文化。另外,应该树立文化平等观。文化没有高低优劣之分,跨文化交际目的是理解和沟通,促进各民族间的长期友谊和共同发展,在培养文化意识和跨文化意识的同时,还要认真思考汉语与英语文化在主要方面的异同之处,分析跨文化交际中可能出现的问题及其对应策略。 本课程以语言学习为前提,强调在语言学习的过程中提高利用外语进行跨文化交际的能力,通过对交际与语言,语言与文化,文化与价值观的学习和讨论,提高跨文化交际意识;通过对文化现象的思考和讨论,反思语言学习过程,增加对文化差异的敏感性; 通过课堂活动和案例学习,提高跨文化交际意识和能力,达到有效交流的目的。 4. 教学重点和难点: 本课程内容包括:交际与文化,语言与文化,文化与价值观,语言交际和非语言交际,


西南大学本科生课程论文 论文题目:An Understanding of “Language-and-Culture, Two Sides of the Same Coin in the Perspective of Intercultural Communication” 课程名称:跨文化交际 任课教师:杨杰 专业:英语(师范) 班级:200级11班 学号:222009310011324 姓名:王小青 2011 年12 月23 日 西南大学外国语学院制

An Understanding of “Language-and-Culture, Two Sides of the Same Coin in the Perspective of Intercultural C ommunication” WANG Xiaoqing Abstract:As we all know, we express our thoughts by means of language. However, while we using language, we convey culture at the same time. As for color, it’s a part of language, so it including culture, too. There are differences in the use of colors and color words between Chinese and English cultures. The different cultures bring different attitudes toward the same color because of different culture background, they reveal wide connotation of cultures. We should pay attention to observing not only their basic meanings, but also the deep and broad symbolic meanings. The symbolic meanings of color words often have different features in different language cultures. And some of them even have become taboos and adornments since the meanings of the color words are extended and transferred. Meanwhile, the cultural exchanges and the color views have similar phenomenon and coincidence in the languages. Key W ords: Color words; cultural differences; symbolic meanings; comparison I. Introduction Color is an important part of our life. Color words help us to understand the world around, like our sense of taste and smell. The basic color words in English such as red, yellow, white, black, not only express the colors of objective things, but also the obstruct things. The color words have specified semantic meanings in different cultures. Without understanding of them, we will probably run into obstacles or make a fun of ourselves in communication. Therefore learning and grasping the symbolic meanings of color words are important. Good understanding of the symbolic meanings of color words can help us communicate effectively among people from different countries. This paper tries to illustrate the different symbolic meanings of color words in Chinese and English cultures by comparison and analysis of them. II. Color and Culture Color words, in whatever languages, are used for describing different things. The statistics show that there are more than 7 million kinds of colors can be recognized in the nature. However, the color names are very limited in the languages because there are only dozens of colors

高中英语教学论文 高中英语跨文化交际能力

高中英语教学论文:高中英语跨文化交际能力 摘要:语言与文化是密不可分的 , 在高中英语教学中要充分挖掘现有教材的文化内涵 , 在课内、课外进行文化的渗透 , 以培养学生的跨文化交际能力。这对提高学生的英语运用能力及综合素质都有着积极的意义。 关键词: 语言 ; 文化 ; 课堂教学 ; 文化渗透 ; 跨文化交际能力 在外语教学中,跨文化交际的重要性越来越受到人们的重视。所谓“跨文化交际”指的是不同文化背景的人之间的交际。外语教学的根本目的就是为了实现跨文化交际,就是为了与不同文化背景的人进行交流。因此,我们必须认识到外语教学是文化教育的重要一环,语言与文化是密不可分的一个整体。 事实上,语言习得与文化也是密不可分的。由 J.Schumann 创立的文化移入模式 ( Acculturation Model )是现代外语学习的主要理论之一。该理论认为语言学习就是文化移入( acculturation )。Schumann 在阐述其文化移入模式时指出:“ Second language acquisition is just one aspect of acculturation and the degree to which a learner acculturates to the target language will control the degree to which he acquires the second language.”(Schumann,1978) (外语习得是文化移入的一个方面,学习者对目标语的文化移入将决定他对该语言的掌握程度)我们有理由相信在文化中学语言,将外语学习和文化学习结合起来是外语学习的有效途径。 新课程标准对文化知识的内容和范围有了明确的归定:“在英语学习的较高阶段,要通过扩大学生接触异国文化的范围,帮助学生拓展视野,使他们提高对中外文化异同的敏感性和鉴别能力,进而提高跨文化交际能力。”以下是课程标准中对八级文化目标的描述: 1.理解英语中常见成语和俗语及其文化内涵; 2.理解英语交际中常见典故和传说; 3.了解英语国家主要的文学家、艺术家、科学家的经历、成就和贡献; 4. 初步了解主要英语国家的政治、经济等方面的情况; 5.了解英语国家中主要大众传播媒体的情况; 6.了解主要英语国家与中国的生活方式的异同; 7.了解英语国家人们在行为举止、待人接物等方面与中国人的异同; 8.了解英语国家主要宗教传统; 9.通过学习了解世界文化,培养世界意识; 10.通过中外文化对比,加深对中国文化的理解。


Unit1 Sportsmanship: It is the ability to practise a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s opponent and good temper in defeat. 2. Traditionally, an Englishman is thought to be reserved, unemotional, courteous, shy of strangers, suspicious of change, and slow to accept new ideas. 3.It is the ability to practise a sport according to its rules, while also showing generosity to one’s oppo nent and good temper in defeat. Moreover, sportsmanship as an idea is applied to life in general. The pioneering spirit: Except for the brought from Africa, immigrants came to America voluntarily, early in search of greater prosperity and freedom. Rags-to-riches: It is story about a poor boy who, because he was hardworking, honest, and lucky, grew up to become rich and respected. American dream: The belief that any individual, no matter how poor, can achieve weather and fame through diligence and virtue.


摘要:谚语是一个民族吸取自己优秀文化的成果,其言简意赅、内涵丰富并在民间广泛使用。本文通过对英汉谚语文化差异的分析,力求加深对英汉谚语的理解,提高对英汉谚语的运用和翻译能力。 关键词:谚语文化差异翻译 1. 引言 谚语(proverb or saying)是人民群众在生产生活中提炼出来的智慧结晶,是一个民族的语言和文化的重要组成部分。《辞海》(2000年版,491页)是这样定义的:谚语是?流传于民间的简练通俗而富于意义的语句?。《朗文当代高级辞典》给谚语下的定义是:?a short well-known supposedly wise saying in simple language?。谚语和一个民族的历史背景、生活习惯、地理环境、民族心理、意识形态等是密切相连的。 2. 英汉谚语的文化差异基于不同的文化背景而形成的谚语有着较大的差别,以下将从审美角度、自然环境、宗教信仰、思想观念等几个方面对英汉谚语的差异进行分析。 2.1 审美差异在诸多英汉谚语差异中,最为典型的要属对待动物的态度了,其中,龙的例子最为人所熟知,在中国,龙代表帝王,象征吉利的动物,有不可思议的力量。因此有谚语?龙眼识珠,凤眼识宅?、?龙投大海,虎奔高山?。而英美却认为?dragon?是邪恶的象征,如sow dragon’s teeth等等。在汉语中习惯用老虎来形容勇敢、凶猛、威严,在西方,狮子常被尊为百兽之王。因此,我们在翻译含?lion?(狮子)的习语和谚语时不妨用?虎?取而代之则更符合中国人的认同感。如:come in like a lion and go out like a lam b 虎头蛇尾;like a key in a lion' s hide狐假虎威等。 2.2 自然差异中英两国所处的地域不同,自然环境、山川物产、气候差异与历史发展轨迹千差万别。英国乃岛国,英民族生活在四面临海的岛上,擅长航海,所以英语里有很多与?航海?有关的谚语:A smooth sea never makes a skillful mariner 平静的大海练不出好水手,To keep one’s head above water奋力图存;而汉民族生活在以农业经济为主的广袤大陆上,谚语很多和农业生产有关. 民以食为天;瑞雪兆丰年;四体不勤,五谷不分等。 2.3 宗教信仰差异宗教信仰是人们精神活动的一个方面,是民族文化的重要组成部分。基督教是英美国家的主要宗教信仰,而中国人受佛教和道家思想影响较大,由此产生了许多独具宗教特色的谚语,如佛教?不看僧面看佛面?、?放下屠刀,立地成佛?、?善有善报,恶有恶报?。再如道教?八仙过海各显神通?、?道高一尺,魔高一丈?、?福兮祸之所伏,祸兮福之所倚?、等等。而英国的典故主要来自《圣经》、古希腊神话等西方经典著作,如God helps those who help themselves.天助自助者。Whom God would ruin he first sends mad.上帝欲毁灭之,必先使其疯狂。 2.4 思想观念差异英民族强调众生平等,Human blood is all of a color. 人类血的颜色是一样的。 A cat may look at a king人人平等;而汉民族却有较强的等级观念,家族讲家法,讲辈分;社会讲宗法,将尊卑。谚语中有?父母在,不远游?、?千里烧香,不如在家敬爹娘?。西方道德中,比较注重子女自己独立的人格,这一点体现在如?Children are not to be blamed for the faults of their parents.?的谚语中。还有?All stratagems are fair in love?、?Love is without reason?等就体现了男女平等 ,自由恋爱。英民族有着开拓进取、永争第一的勇气,?Keep up with the Jones. ?赶上富邻居,争比阔绰。而深受儒家?中庸?之道影响的汉民族则怕出头,?枪打出头鸟、出头的椽子先烂?等。 3. 翻译策略 正如刘宓庆说的:?文化翻译的任务不是翻译文化,而是翻译容载或含蕴着文化信息的意义。意义始终是我们关注的中心:它既是我们的出发点,又是我们的落脚点。?[1](p83)本着抛砖引玉的想法,笔者试从以下几方面谈谈英汉谚语的翻译策略。

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