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A Handbook of English for Offshore Oil Drilling


Drilling 钻井

Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program.按钻井程序进行钻井作业.

Prepared bell nipple. 准备”喇叭口”短节.

Make up 2 joints of drill pipe. 接两根钻杆.

Break out this connection. 卸开该接头.

Run hole opener to sea bed. 下扩眼器到海底

Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. 为钻导管井眼配制高粘度泥浆.

Make up bottom hole assembly. 组合下部钻具

Check and reset crown-saver on every tour. 每个班都要检查并重新调整天车防碰装置. Number stands on trip out and trip in. 起下钻时给立柱编号.

Pick up BHA and run to seafloor. 将下部钻具下到海底.

Pick up stands. 接立柱

Don’t drill faster than 15 minutes for 1 stand. 钻进速度别超过15分钟1根立柱

Drop TOTCO. 投(陶特)测斜仪

Fish TOTCO with overshot. 用打捞筒捞起测斜仪

Resume drilling to T.D. 继续钻进到总深

Circulate 15 minutes.循环15分钟

Run in hole. 下钻

Put out of hole. 起钻

Make an inventory of all ring gaskets. 开一个所有垫圈的清单

Use spinning tong. 使用气动扳手

Operate the air winch. 操作气动绞车

Lay down 57 joints of 5” drill pipe. 甩57根钻杆

Pick up drill stem test tool. 提起钻杆测试工具

Circulate mud for 2 hours. 循环泥浆2小时

Move string during circulation. 在循环时注意活动钻具

Circulate hole clean. 循环清洗井眼

Circulate bottoms up. 循环泥浆几周

Fill up every 5 stands. 每5柱灌泥浆一次

Check mud weight every 15 minutes. 每15分钟检查泥浆比重

Reverse out excess cement. 反循环替出多余的泥浆

Change/replace old mud by new mud. 用新的泥浆替换出旧的泥浆

Stop drilling. 停止钻进

Drilling ahead. 钻进

Pull out of hole bit. 起出钻头

Change bit. 换钻头

Run the wear bushing. 下抗磨补心

The bit thread type is regular pin. 钻头丝扣是正规公扣

What’s the make-up torque? 上扣扭矩要多大?

Run in 9” collars. 下9”钻铤

T he cathead can’t give enough torque. 猫头力量不够

Connect crossover sub. 接上配合接头

The tong angle is too small. 大钳的角度太小了

Stop circulating. 停止循环泥浆

Break out the stand. 卸立柱

Set the single into the mousehole. 把这个单根放进鼠洞

Can we break out the pipe with rotary table? 可用转盘卸扣吗?

No! Break it out with tong. 不行! 要用大钳卸扣

Spin it out with the air spanner. 用气动扳手卸扣

Put the pipe wiper on the string. 装上钻杆刮泥器

Don’t set this stand back. 这根钻杆不要放在钻杆盒上

Make up the lift sub. 接好提升短节

Secure the safety clamp. 上紧安全卡瓦

The bit is nearing the shoe. 钻头快到套管鞋了

Slow down the running speed. 放慢下放速度

This is the undergauged interval. 这是缩径井段

This is the drilling program. 这是钻井设计书

How much weight on bit is required? 要加多少钻压?

Keep the rotary speed at 120---140 RPM. 转速保持120---140转/分

Keep the flow rate at 3000 LPM. 保持排量3000升/分

The pump pressure is too high. 泵压太高了

Don’t ream the hole too fast. 划眼不要太快

Notice the rotary torque. 注意转盘扭矩的变化

The penetration rate is getting slower. 钻速变慢了

The bit is nearly worn out. 钻头快磨光了

Stop drilling at 2000 meters. 钻至2000米停钻

Circulate for one hour. 循环一个小时

The pump pressure has increased. 泵压升高了

One nozzle may be plugged. 可能有一个水眼(或: 喷嘴)堵了

What is the hook load? 悬重多少?

What’s the pick-up weight? 上提重量是多少?

What’s the lowering weight? 下放重量是多少?

Run in HWDP. 下加重钻杆

A stabilizer is needed here. 这里需要一个扶正器

This is a flexible sub. 这是挠性接头

This is the BHA log. 这是下部钻具组合记录

Record all outside and inside diameters. 记录好所有(入井工具的)内外径We need a short drill collar. 需要一根短钻铤

Pull the cat line. 拉猫头

Operate the break lever. 操作(或:扶)刹把

Stop the pumps. 停泵

Make a wiper trip. 通井

Retrieve wear bushing. 取出抗磨补心

Bleed off pressure. (释)放压(力)

Keep 5 wraps on the drum. 滚筒上留5圈

Set slips. 座上卡瓦

If tight hole, repeat wiper trip. 如果井眼紧, 重复划眼

Setback bottom hole assembly. 将下部钻具立于钻杆盒内

Make sure all alarms are on. 确保所有的警报信号都开着

Lay down TDS spinner. 拆下顶部驱动的旋扣器

Run in hole bit #15 to bottom. 用15号钻头下钻到井底

Run in hole to casing shoe. 下钻至套管鞋

Pick up same bit and BHA. 装上同样的钻头和钻具组合

Lay down 5” HW drill pipe. 甩5”加重钻杆

Move string every 2 hours. 每2小时活动钻具一次

Keep area around shaker clean. 保持振动筛区域干净

Control trip gas. 控制起下钻气

Ream if needed. 如必要时进行划眼

Select the best penetration rate. 选择最佳钻进速度

Fix the traveling assembly. 固定游动系统

Check power tongs and spinning rope are on drill floor. 检查动力钳和尾绳是否在钻台What’s the weight on bit? 钻压是多少?

What is the BHA of this well? 这口井的下部钻具如何组合?

Drill out cement. 钻穿水泥

Drill out 20” casing shoe. 钻穿20”套管鞋

Latch the elevator. 扣吊卡

Unlatch the elevator. 开吊卡

Set the slips. 放卡瓦

Adjust the crown-o-matic (crown saver). 调整防碰天车

Lock the hook pin. 锁紧大钩销子

Check OD of stabilizer. 检查扶正器的外径

Perform leak off test. 进行地层破裂(或:渗漏)测试

Connect kill and choke line. 接上压井和放喷管线

Reverse out the drill pipe. 反循环清洗钻杆

Make a short trip. 进行短途起下钻

Change the cutters. 换割刀

Slug the pipe. 灌重泥浆

Drill the stand down. 钻完立柱

Start/run the shale shaker. 开振动筛

Start the desanders. 开除砂器

Start the desilters. 开除泥器

Change it with a 40 mesh screen. 换成40目筛布

Shut it off. 关掉

Pull it to the cat ramp. 把它拉到坡道上去

Make a fast connection. 接单根要快

Don’t dump the m ud into the sea. 不要把泥浆排放到海里

Disconnect it with a chain tong. 用链钳卸开

Put a thread protector. 加一个(丝扣)护箍

Can we use the power slips? 可以使用动力卡瓦吗?

Casing and Cementing 下套管与固井

Run in hole to bottom for wiper trip. 下钻通井

This is the casing program. 这是套管程序

Prepare for running casing. 准备下套管

Make everything ready for running 7”casing. 做好下7”套管的准备

Make cementing job. 固井

Displace cementing with mud pump. 用泥浆泵替泥浆

Set cement plug from 2940 to 2790m. 在2940到2790米井段打水泥塞

Pick up cementing head. 接水泥头

Cement samples are hard. 水泥样已凝固

Pump in 3 cubic meters of spacer. 注3方隔离液

Pump down the plug. 泵压(胶)塞

Wait on cement. 候凝

The guide shoe will be connected. 接引鞋

Connect the floor collar. 接浮箍

Connect the air line to the casing stabbing board. 接好套管扶正台的气管线Run casing with the 350T slip elevator. 用350吨卡瓦式吊卡下套管

Clean and dry 20” casing threads with rags. 清洁并擦干20”套管丝扣

Where is the rabbit for drifting the casing? 套管通径规在哪里?

Rig Move, Anchoring and Positioning 拖航, 抛锚, 定位

What is our position now? 我们现在船位在哪里?

What’s the moving speed now? (What’s the towering speed?) 拖航速度是多少? The speed is about 4 knots. 船速是4节左右

Which one is the main tug? 主拖是哪条船?

The main tug is Nanhai 205. 主拖是南海205

Which one is the chase boat? 护航船是哪一条?

How much is the horse power? 有多大马力?

She has 6000 HP. 有6000马力

Move the rig off location 50 feet. 将平台移开50英尺

We are ready to drop the anchor. 我们已经做好抛锚的准备了

Secure all the movable equipment. 固定好各种活动的设备

Preload. (自升式)压载

Ballast. (半潜式)压载

Put the preload water into the tank. 向压载舱灌压压载水

We need 5500 tons of preload water. 需要5500吨压载水

Shall we preload right now? 马上开始压载吗?

Drain the water off. 放水

The rig is overloaded. 平台已超载

Jack up (jack down) the rig. 升(降)船

The draft is 3.5 meters. 船体吃水3.5米

The jetting pressure is 100psi. 冲桩压力是100psi

Penetrate the legs. 插桩

How much penetration do we have? 入泥多深了?

No.1 and No.2 legs indicate 10 meters. 1,2号桩腿插入10米

Fix the upper and lower wedges. 固定上下楔块

Pay out the anchor line. 放出锚缆绳

Skid the derrick. 移开井架

The rig is short of potable water now. 平台缺乏饮用水

Drop No.2 and No.3 anchors. 抛2号和3号锚

Why has the main engine stopped? 主机为什么停?

Unleash the drilling tools. 卸开钻具

Tighten up. 绷紧(或:上紧)一点

Turn on the cooling water for the windlasses. 开锚机刹车冷却水

Retrieve the No.1 to No.8 anchors. 起1到8号锚

Check the paint marks at the anchor winches. 检查锚机上的油漆记号

Prepare for a location move. 准备好移井位

Commence anchor handling. 开始起锚(或抛锚)

Secure all equipment stored on deck. 固定好所有存放在甲板上的设备

Carry out stability and load calculations. 做稳性和载荷计算

Pass pendant line, shackle and buoy to anchor handling vessel. 将起抛锚短索, 卸扣和浮标吊起给起锚船

Lower the windward anchor to seafloor. 抛上风锚到海底

Pick up the leeward anchor first. 先起下风锚

Take anchor chaser (or chaser) back to rig. 将捞/抛锚环送回平台

Hook up towing lines to tug boat. 将拖缆连接到拖轮

Sound fog signal for two seconds every twenty seconds. 发大雾信号, 每20秒钟响两秒

Fishing 打捞

The bit cutters have been lost in the hole. 牙轮落井

Run in the reverse-circulation basket. 下反循环打捞篮

There is a lot of junk in the hole. 井下有很多落物

The fish is 235.46 meters long. 落鱼长度235.46米

The fish top is at 2478.34 meters. 鱼顶位置2478.34米

Coring 取芯

Stop drilling for coring. 停钻准备取芯

Make up core bit. 接取芯钻头

What type of core bit is it? 这是什么型号的取芯钻头?

Run in a diamond core bit. 下金刚石取芯钻头

Let’s drop the ball for coring. 可以投球取芯

The core has been broken off. 岩芯断了

Put the core in the boxes. 把岩芯装在岩芯盒里

Don’t brake suddenly. 不要猛刹车

Take out the core. 岩芯出筒

How long is the core? 岩芯多长

The core recovery is 98%. 岩芯收获率是98%

Run in the core barrel again. 继续下岩芯筒(或: 取芯筒)

Run in hole core barrel. 下取芯筒

Drop ball. 投钢球

Recover core. 取出岩芯

Use same parameters as for core #1. 使用与1#取芯同样的参数

Freeing Stuck Pipe 卡钻与解卡

The down-hole problems are very complicated. 井下情况很复杂

The hole is tight. 遇阻了

Overpull while tripping out. 起钻遇卡(overpull: 超拉力)

The formation is unstable. 地层不稳定

The wall caving is severe. 井壁垮塌严重

There are many return cuttings. 返出岩屑特别多

The mud returns have decreased. 返出泥浆减少

The hole is enlarged. 井眼扩大了

The pipe’s stuck. 卡钻了

Pull up to 150 tons. 上提150吨

Slack off to 50 tons. 下放至50吨

Ream down all the tight points. 在所有遇阻点进行划眼

The rotary table can’t rotate. 转盘转不动

Where is the sticking point? 卡点在哪里

Make a tensile test. 做拉伸试验

Back it off above the free point. 在卡点以上倒扣

Where is the back-off position? 脱扣位置在哪

Plug the well for side tracking. 打水泥塞侧钻

Abnormal Well Condition and Well Control


The mud is gas out. 泥浆有气侵

The pit has lowered quickly. 泥浆池液面下降很快

The hole lost returns. 井口不返泥浆

The returns are unstable. 返出泥浆量忽大忽小

Where’s the thief zone? 漏失层在哪里

Cut down the flow rate. 降低排量

Lower the mud density. 降低比重

Cut down the hydrostatic pressure. 减少静压

The gas smell is strong. 天然气味度很浓

There’s some trace of oil. 发现有油花

The pump pressure is fluctuating. 泵压不稳

It is a zone of abnormal pressure. 这是异常压力层

The hole (well) is kicking! 井涌啦!

Shut in the BOP! 关闭防喷器

Sound the general alarm quickly! 快发出综合警报

The stand pipe pressure is 10 kg/cm2. 立管压力10公斤/厘米2

The casing pressure is 25 kg/cm2. 套压2510公斤/厘米2

Fill out the kill sheet. 填写压井记录表

Kill the well. 压井

There’s a combination of lost returns and the kick. 又喷又漏, 情况复杂Reverse the gas out of the hole. 反循环排气

What’s the lag time? 迟到时间是多少

The well is now stable. 现在井眼已经稳定

BOP and subsea Equipment 防喷器与水下设备

Cut off the 30” conductor. 割掉30”隔水管

Weld on the 30” bottom flange. 焊接30”法兰

Hoist and nipple up 30” diverter. 吊装30”转喷器

C hange the 5” pipe rams to 3-1/2” rams. 把这个5”闸板换成3-1/2” Install blind ram. 安装防喷器的盲板芯子

Check the seal ring of the conductor. 检查隔水管密封圈

Cut off the lifting eye of the conductor. 切割隔水管耳环

Test BOP. 测试防喷器

Change annular BOP packing. 更换万能防喷器芯子

Full pressure test the ram preventers. 对闸板防喷器进行全压试压

Test annular BOP at 2500psi. 万能防喷器试压至2500psi

Check annular pressure. 检查环形空间压力

Confirm the angle of the guide base. 确定基板角度

The thread is covered with the quick-release protectors. 已戴好快卸护丝Establish the guide lines. 装导向绳

Connect the TGB running tool. 接临时导向基板送入工具

Land the TGB to sea. 下临时导向基板到海底

Retrieve the running tool. 退出送入工具

石油钻井英语--课堂上学不到的内容 2

Run the BOP and risers. 下防喷器和隔水管

Pick up the marine riser. 吊出隔水管

Pick up the slip joint. 起伸缩节

Adjust the riser tensioners. 调整隔水管张力

Function test the diverter system. 对防喷器系统进行功能测试

Retrieve the pin connector. 取出销钉连接器

Move the BOP to the moonpool door. 将防喷器移到园井甲板的活动门上

Run the test plug. 下试压塞

Close the upper pipe ram. 关上部钻杆闸板防喷器

Open the kill line valve. 开压井管线阀

The compensation capacity is 400000 pounds. 补偿能力是400千磅

The locking load is 1000000 pounds. 锁紧负荷1000千磅

Support the riser. 接隔水管支撑环

Remove the hose bundles. 卸下垮接软管

Assure the self-controlled rotation. 保证自控转动

Set the LMRP on the test pump. 将下部防喷器插入总成座放到试压桩上

Connect the flex joint to the riser. 连接隔水管与挠性接头

Land the BOP onto the well head. 座防喷器到井口头

Run the subsea TV for monitoring. 下水下电视观察

Remove all the riser running tools. 取出所有的隔水管送入工具

BOP carrier. 防喷器叉车

Lower the universal guide frame. 下放万能导向架

Paint ma rk the top 6 meters of 30” conductor white. 在30”隔水管的顶部6米处用白漆涂上记号

Check adequate length for guidelines. 检查导向绳的长度是否足够

Move temporary guide base (TGB) into moonpool. 将临时导向基板到园井甲板

Test pull to check connection. 试拉检查连接

Grease TGB and running tool as required. 按要求给导向基板及下入工具上黄油

Test fit TGB and running tool. 用下入工具试临时导向基板连接

Check for junk inside shoe joint. 检查浮鞋内有无落物

Pick up 30” conductor handling slings and shackles. 吊上下30”导管的索具和卸扣

Is slope indicator properly mounted? 水平仪是否装好?

Ensure subsea TV is in good condition. 确保水下电视处于良好的状态

Place BOP stack on the test pump. 将防喷器组放在试压桩上

Check condition of all 30” casing connectors. 检查所有30”套管接头的情况

Replace O-rings as required. 按需要, 更换O性密封圈

Attach slope indicator below camera position. 在摄像机下面装上水平仪

Inspect and repair diverter. 检查并修理转喷器

Prepare spud plate and wireline to check water depth. 准备测深板和钢丝绳测量水深

Record all pressure tests on a chart recorder. 用试压表记录试压记录

Visually inspect all sealing element. 目视检查所有密封件

Check and tighten all bolts. 检查并上紧所有螺栓

Bleed off surface accumulators. 地面管线排空气

Check for leaks. 检查有无泄漏

Lift BOP stack and replace wellhead connector AX ring. 吊起防喷器组并更换连接器AX密封圈Function test wellhead. 对井口头进行功能试验

Fill kill and choke valves with seawater. 将压井阀和阻流阀注满海水

Pressure test to 500psi then bleed off test pressure. 试压到500psi, 然后放掉压力

Reduce hydraulic control manifold pressure to 5200 kpa. 将液压控制管线压力减少到5200千帕Switch to alternate control pod. 把闸门开关倒到控制面板

Guidelines are slacked off. 导向绳松了

Slack off drill pipe and release running tool. 放松钻杆并卸开下入工具

Run subsea TV to observe bit entering the TGB. 下水电视观察钻头是否进入临时导向基板Don’t rotate until hole opener passes through the TGB. 在扩眼器通过临时导向基板前不要旋转Position permanent guide base (PGB) below rotary table. 在转盘下安放永久导向基板

Monitor riser level via trip tank. 用计量罐来控制隔水管内的液面

Pressure test to 5000psi. 试压5000psi

Pick up test mandril and place in BOP. 吊起试压防喷器芯子并装入防喷器组

Safety and Firefighting 安全与消防

Get a Work Permit before you can start the hot work. 办理作业许可证才能进行动火作业Welding is not allowed. 不准动焊

Put on your (safety) helmet. 戴上安全帽

It’s a high voltage area. 这是高压区

That’s against the rule. 这是违章作业

Don’t walk under the crane load. 不要在吊物下走动

The repairing is under way. 正在检修

Keep your hands clear! (Keep you hands off! Do not touch!) 不要乱动

Wear and secure your safety belt. 戴上并系好安全带

Life jacket must be worn when working outboard or overhead. 舷外或高空作业要穿救生衣Have your breathing apparatus near you. 保持放毒面具在附近

It’s a drill. 这是演习

It was a BOP drill. 这是防喷演习

Get in the lifeboat in order. 按顺序进入救生艇

Put on life jacket! 穿好救生衣

Abandon the vessel! 弃船

Sound the abandonment alarm! 发出弃船警报

Go to the helideck! 去飞机坪集合

Aboard the lifeboat. 登上救生艇

Aboard the supply boat to shore! 乘拖船上岸

Check life saving apparatus periodically. 定期检查救生设备

It’s for fire fighting. 这是消防用的

Start the fire pump. 启动消防泵

This rope is too small. 这根绳子太细了

It should be function tested. 需做功能测试

A warning notice should be set up. 要挂警告牌

Do you have an emergency program (contingency plan)? 你们有没有应急计划?

It must be ready in an emergency condition. 必须始终保持良好的应急状态

Will the typhoon hit our rig? 台风要袭击我们的平台吗?

We will have to evacuate the rig. 我们要撤离平台

Personnel on board (POB). 在船人员总数

Sound fire alarm. 发消防警报

This is a fire drill. 这是消防演习

conduct abandon ship drill. 举行弃船演习

Release the boat hooks. 释放救生艇吊钩

Board the life boat. 登救生艇

Remove the rust and paint with anti-corrosive primer. 除锈后上防锈底漆

Three rafts are located near life boat station port side. 在左舷救生艇站附近还存放有3个救生筏

Wear work vests when working below the cellar deck. 在圆井甲板面下面工作时须穿工作救生衣The station bills need to be updated. 应急部署表须更新

Check the expiry date for all foam extinguisher. 检查所有泡沫灭火器的过期时间

Close all the water-tight doors. 关闭所有水密门

Safety procedure shall be followed at all the times. 在任何时候都应遵守安全程序

Anchor wires should have a Spelter type socket at anchor side. 抛锚绳靠锚的一端应使用锌压头

Colour code all the connection at the loading station. 在供给站管线接头处用颜色表明各管线Verify that a high level alarm is installed on the sludge tank. 确认污水舱安装有高位警报Don’t switch on during drilling operation. 钻井作业期间不能合闸

Provide two independent means to start the emergency generator engine. 应急发电机柴油机应有两套独立的起动方法

Have the boom pennant wires of port crane re-certified. 重新认证左舷吊车扒杆变幅绳

Clean the internals of the emergency switchboard. 清洁应急配电盘内部

Helicopter and Supply Vessel 直升机与供应船

Load out Contractor’s riser at Zhanjiang anchorage. 在湛江锚地把承包商的隔水管装上平台Offload casing. (从供应船上)卸套管

Load (offload or unload) the boat. 装(卸)船

Get the food container loaded on the boat. 把食品集装箱装上船

The helicopter will land on rig soon. 直升机很快就要在平台降落

Tell the base to get (or send) a chopper here. 通知基地派飞机来

Helicopters are not allowed to land here. 飞机不能降落

Report the weather condition to the pilot. 向飞行员报天气

Inform the boat come to standby. 通知拖轮过来待命

Call the boat to come along port side. 通知拖轮过来靠左舷

We will take the personnel basket. 我们乘坐吊篮

Repair and Maintenance 检修

Have an overall check. 进行全面检查

MPI the brake linkage system. 对刹车连接系统进行磁粉探伤

Demonstrate that the make-up cathead can pull 7000 lbs. 证明上扣猫头能拉到7000磅Determine the origin of the air leak and rectify this. 找出漏气的地方并处理

Adjust the brake band equalizer beam properly. 适当调整刹带平衡梁

Note that the 3000 hour inspection on TDS is due. 注意顶驱的3000小时保养时间已到

Check sheave rope pocket wear with a 1 3/8”+1 1/32 template. 用1 3/8”+1/32”量规检查绳槽磨损的情况

Repair the handrails on the crown. 修理天车台的栏杆

Function test the anti-freefall brake on monthly basis. 每月对天车防碰装置进行功能试验Get me a spanner, please. 请递给我一把扳手

Renew brake rim because of excessive wear. 更换磨损严重的刹车鼓

Clearly mark safe working load (SWL) on the air winch below the rig floor. 表明钻台底下气动绞车的安全工作负荷

Measure the master bushings for wear. 测量主补心磨损情况

Have BOP ram opened up for internal inspection. 打开防喷器闸板进行内部检查

Install a ground cable on the triplex pump motor. 给三缸泵马达安装接地线We need a 48” pipe wrench. 我们需要一把48”的管钳

Strike it with a sledge hammer. 用大锤打

We want a triangle file. 需要一把三角锉刀

Tighten up the screw. 紧一下螺丝

Check it with a level. 用水平尺量一下

Put some engine oil. 抹点黄油

Have it greased. 给它上黄油

Put out of hole test string. 取出测试管串

Check all the equipment. 检查所有设备

There’s something wrong with it. 有点毛病

Rig inspection will be performed in August. 验船安排在8月份

Maintain the hoisting system. 保养提升系统

Adjust the brake band. 调整绞车刹带

Change the oil in the rotary gear box (transmission). 更换转盘变速箱机油Replace one water pump. 倒换一台冷却泵

It’s quick-discharge air valve. 这是快速放气阀

This clutch needs repair. 这台离合器需修理

This tong needs replacing. 这把钳要更换了

Slip 6 meters of the drilling line. 滑移钻井大绳6米

Cut off 45 meters of the drilling line. 切割大绳45米

Check the pump liners and pistons. 检查(泥浆)泵缸套和活塞

The piston has been washed. 活塞刺坏了

The sup ercharge pump doesn’t take in water. 灌注泵不上水

Regulate the relief valve. 调整安全阀

This part number is wrong. 这个配件号不对

The multi-pen recorder has some problem. 多笔记录仪坏了

Miscellaneous 其他

No smoking here. 此处严禁吸烟

Everything is OK. 一切准备就绪

Speed up please. 请快点

The geologist must be present. 地质人员必须到场

We have to wait on weather. 必须等候天气

There will be strong wind. 有强风

Give me a hand, please. 请帮一下忙

Do you understand? 明白吗?

No way! 不行

Man overboard! 有人落水

Help! Help! 救命

Someone is injured. Medic! 有人受伤了, 医生

Call for the medic. 叫医生

Get a stretcher please. 拿担架来

No more than 4 persons. 不能超过4人

Drinking liquor is not allowed. 不许喝酒

Don’t overrun your equipment. 不要超负荷运转

Be careful at work. 工作时要小心

No joking here. 别开玩笑

Rig up for logging. 准备电测

What is the next step? 下一步怎么办?

Get everything ready as soon as possible! 尽快做好一切准备

附录一: 平台人员岗位名称

一. 承包商人员( Contractor’s Personnel )

Rig Manager 平台经理

Equipment Supervisor 设备总监

Materials Supervisor 材料总监

Senior Toolpusher 高级队长

Junior Toolpusher 值班队长

Driller 司钻

Sub Sea Engineer (SSE) 水下工程师

Assistant Driller (AD) 副司钻

Derrick Man 井架工

Floor Man (roughneck) 钻工

Barge Master (captain) 船长

First Mate (Barge engineer) 大副

Control Room Operator (CRO) 压载工

Ballast Control Operator (BCO) 压载工

Chief Engineer 轮机长

Head of Routabout 甲板班长

Crane Operator 吊车工

Routabout 甲板工

Mechanic 机械师

Electrician 电气师

Repairman 修理工

Motorman 轮机员

Welder 焊工

Radio Operator 电报员

Warehouse Man (stock Keeper) 材料员

Medic 医生

Safety Supervisor 安全监督

Interpreter (translator) 翻译

Chief Steward 管事

Cook 厨师

Steward 厨工

Laundry Man 洗衣工

二. 作业者及服务公司人员( Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel)

Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督

Company Man (Operator’s Representative) 公司代表Geologist 地质师

Mud Logging Engineer (Mud logger) 泥浆录井工程师

Sample Catcher 捞砂工

Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师

ROV Engineer 潜水工程师

Cementer 固井工

Cement Engineer 固井工程师

Testing Engineer 试油工程师

Coring Engineer 取芯工程师

Wireline Logging Engineer电测工程师

附录二: 平台主要设备

一. 钻井设备 (Drilling Equipment):

Drawworks 钻井绞车

Rotary Table 转盘

Bushing 补心

Top Drive System (TDS) 顶驱

Swivel 水龙头

Crown Block 天车

Traveling Block 游车

Hook 大钩

Derrick 井架

Pipe Spinning Wrench 钻杆气动扳手

Ezy-Torq 液压猫头

Elmagco Brake 涡磁刹车

Pipe handling Equipment 钻杆移动设备

Iron roughneck 铁钻工

Pipe Racking System 钻杆排放系统

Drill String 钻柱

Drilling Sub 钻井短节

Fishing Tool 打捞工具

Power Tong 动力大钳

Air Winch (air tugger) 气动绞车

Crown-O-Matic (Crown Saver) 防碰天车

二. 泥浆系统 (Mud System)

Mud Pump 泥浆泵

Shale shaker 振动筛

Mud Cleaner 泥浆清洁器

Desilter 除泥器

Desander 除砂器

Degasser 除气器

Centrifuge 离心机

Mud Agitator 泥浆搅拌器

Mud Mixing System 泥浆混合系统

Centrifugal Pump 离心泵

Standpipe Manifold 立管管汇

Rotary Hose 水龙带

Bulk Air System and Tank 吹灰系统和灰罐

三. 井控设备 (Well Control Equipment):

Ram Type Preventor 闸板防喷器

Annular Type Preventor 万能防喷器

BOP Stack 防喷器组

Gate Valve 闸阀

Choke and Kill Manifold 阻流压井管汇Remotely Operated Panel 远程控制面板

Choke Control Panel 阻流控制面板

BOP Handling Equipment 防喷器搬运设备

Diverter 转喷器

四. 海事系统 (Marine System)

Ballast System 压载系统

Bilge System 污水系统

Vent 通风口, 通气口

Air Supply Fan 供气扇

Mooring System 锚泊系统

Communication Equipment 通讯系统

Jacking System 升降系统

Skidding System 井架滑移系统

Windlass 锚机

Anchor 锚

Pendant 短索

Buoy 浮标

Lifting and Handling Equipment 起吊和搬运设备

五. 机房 (Engine Room)

Diesel Engine 柴油机

Emergency Generator 应急发电机

Water Maker (desalinization unit) 造淡机

Air Compressor 空气压缩机

Boiler 锅炉

Air-conditioning System 空调系统

Sea Water Service Pump 海水供给系统

Piping System 管汇系统

Generator 发电机

Transformer 变压器

DC Motor 直流马达

AC Motor 交流马达

六. 安全设备 (Safety Equipment)

Fire Control System 消防控制系统

Fire Detection System 火情探测系统

CO2 System 二氧化碳系统

Fixed Fire Extinguishing System 固定消防系统

Portable Extinguisher 移动灭火器

Fire-Fight Equipment 消防设备

Foam System 泡沫系统

Lifeboat 救生艇

(Inflatable) Life Raft (气涨式)救生筏

Davit 吊艇架

Escape Routes 逃生路线

Breathing Apparatus 呼吸器

Life Buoy 救生圈

Gas Detection System 气体探测系统

Helicopter Facility 直升机设施

Sick-Bay (Hospital) 医务室

Pollution Control 防污控制

七. 其他 ( Others)

Cementing Unit 固井装置

Well Testing Equipment 试油设备

Mud Logging Unit 泥浆录井房

Wire Logging Unit 电测装置

ROV 潜水器

Meter 米

Foot 英尺

Inch 英寸

Supply Boat (supply vessel) 供应船

Standby boat 值班船

Day (night) Shift 白(夜)班

Crew Change 倒班

Crew 船员, 队员, 井队

Position 岗位

Draft (draught) 吃水

Air Gap 空气间隙, 气隙

Penetration (桩腿插桩)入泥

Evacuation 撤离

Rig (Drilling rig) 钻机, 钻井船

附录三. 平台场所

Bow 船首

Stern 船尾

Forward (FWD) or fore 船首的

Aft 船尾的

Port 左舷

Starboard (STBD) 右舷

Upper Deck 上部甲板

Main Deck 主甲板

Quarters (living quarters, accommodation area) 生活区

Drill Floor (Rig floor) 钻台

Bridge (Pilot house, Steerwheel house) 驾驶室

Control Room 控制室

Helideck 直升机甲板

Cementing Unit Room 固井泵房

Air Compressor Room 空气压缩机房

BOP Control Room BOP控制房

Radio Room 报房

Engine Room 机房

Thruster Room 推进器房

Warehouse (Store) 材料库房

Paint Room (paint locker) 油漆房库

Leg 桩腿

Jacking House 升降室

Column 立柱

Sack Storage Area 散装材料储存区

Mud pit 泥浆池

Cellar Deck 圆井甲板

Riser Rack Area 隔水管排放区

Pipe Rack Area 钻杆排放区

Pipe Slide 滑道

Ramp 坡道

Spud Tank 桩脚箱

Pontoon 浮箱

Moonpool 月池/园井甲板

Pump Room 泵房

Shale Shaker House 振动筛房

Coffee Room 咖啡室

Rig Office 平台办公室

Mess (dining) Room 餐厅

Recreation Room 娱乐房

TV Room

Change Room 工衣房

Kitchen 厨房

附录四. 钻具,井口工具,打捞工具

Drill Pipe 钻杆

Drill Collar 钻铤

Heavy Weight Drill Pipe 加重钻杆Elevator 吊卡

Tong 大钳

Make-up Tong 上扣大钳

Break-out Tong 卸扣大钳

Mud Box 泥浆防喷盒

Casing Stabbing Board 套管扶正器Slips 卡瓦

Spider 卡盘

Mouse Hole 小鼠洞 (接单根用) Kelly Spinner 方钻杆旋转器

Kelly Cock 方钻杆阀

Chain Tong 链钳

Casing 套管

Tubing 油管

Drill String 钻柱

Jar (drilling jar) 震击器

Right Hand Thread 正扣

Left Hand Thread 反扣

Stabilizer 扶正器

Rabit 通管器

Liner 尾管

Conductor 导管

Thread Protector 护丝

Stand (钻杆) 立柱

Single (钻杆) 单根

Joint (钻具) 根

Bend 弯头

Sub 短节

Pup Joint 短钻杆, 短节Connector 接头

Bit 钻头

Bit Breaker 钻头盒

Box 母扣

Pin 公扣

Hole Opener 开眼钻头

Reamer 扩眼钻头

Overshot 打捞筒

Junk Basket 打捞篮

Junk Mill 平头磨鞋

Spear 打捞矛

Fishing Tap 打捞公锥

Cross Over Sub (XO Sub) 转换接头

Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) 下部钻具组合

附录五. 材料和工具

Steel 钢

Iron 铁

Wood 木

Chemicals 化学品

Cement 水泥

Barite 重晶石

Potable Water 淡水

Drilling Water 钻井水

Sea Water 海水

Fuel 柴油

Helifuel 飞机燃油

Lubricant (Lube/Lube oil) 润滑油

Grease 黄油

Thread Dope 丝扣油

Ballast Water 压载水

Bilge Water 舱底水

Gasoline 汽油

Mud 泥浆

Bentonite 般土

Additive 添加剂

Caustic Soda 烧碱

Weight Material 加重材料

Thinner 稀释剂

Oxygen 氧气

Nitrogen 痰气

Hydrogen Sulphide 二氧化硫

Acetylene 乙炔

Compressed Air 压缩空气

Hydraulic Fluid 液压油

Spanner 扳手

Hammer 铁锤

Screw Driver 螺丝刀

Multimeter 万用表

Welding Machine 焊机

Bar 撬杠

Shackle 卸扣

Sling (钢丝) 绳套

Container 集装箱

附录六. 常用缩写形式

BHA: bottom hole assembly 下部钻具组合

DP: drill pipe 钻杆

DC: drill collar 钻铤

HWDP: heavy weight drill pipe 加重钻杆

BOP: blowout preventer 防喷器

TD: total depth 总深

TVD: true vertical depth (定向井的)垂直深度

SCR: silicon controlled rectifier 可控硅

OD: outside diameter 外径

ID: inside diameter 内径

BBL: barrel 桶

LB: (拉丁语) Libra=pound (重量单位)

PSI: pound per square inch 磅/英寸2

GAL: gallon 加仑

POOH: pull out of hole 起钻

RIH: run in hole 下钻

WOW: wait on weather 等候天气

WOC: wait on cement 候凝

JU: Jackup 自升式 (钻井船)

SEMI: semi submersible 半潜式 (钻井船)

RPM: revolution per minute 转速/分钟

LPM: liter per minute 升/分钟

KN: knot 节 (海里/小时)

SWL: safe working load 安全工作负荷

API: American Petroleum Institute 美国石油协会

IADC: international association of drilling contractors 国际钻井承包商协会MPI: magnetic particle inspection 磁粉探伤


对照实物确认的钻井词汇 一、井口与井控 1.套管头升高短节(上下由法兰连接,中间是三通或四通)casing spool 2.油管悬挂器tubing hanger 3.油管悬挂器上边接有阀门的盖子tubing bonnet 4.(可焊接的)导管头(接箍)conductor connector 5.(可焊接的)套管头(接箍)casing connector 6.井口帽blanking cap & plug 7.三闸板防喷器triple slide-lok preventer 8.双闸板防喷器double slide-lok prevente 9.油/套管升高短节tubing/casing riser 10.整体式升高短节integral union riser 11.法兰×丝扣井口转换头wellhead adapter 12.井口四通两边的横向阀门wing valves 13.油管悬挂器上边的变径法兰大小头bonnet 14.上边是法兰的套管头casing flange 15.只上边是法兰,下边与表层套管焊接的套管头casing head 16.套管头内的卡瓦casing slips 17.(上法兰小,下法兰大)变径套管头casing spool crossover 18.与导管焊接的坐在圆井底的套管头landing head flange top 19.卡瓦密封套管悬挂器slips seal casing hanger

20.(上下是法兰,中间是四通的)油管升高短节tubing spool 21.柔性封隔闸板flexpacker ram 22.可变径闸板variable bore ram 23.剪切闸板shearing blind ram 24.卡瓦型套管悬挂器slip-type casing hangers 25.高负荷悬挂器high-load hanger 26.悬挂器断开式密封圈hanger isolation seal ring 27.井口封隔变径变压法兰(中间有几道密封圈,下边是低压,上边是高压)packoff/crossover flange 28.油管头(下法兰大,内带密封圈;中间是四通,上法兰小)tubing heads 29.底(下)变径法兰(下边内径大,上边内径小)basic adapter 30.单密封变径法兰(下内径大,上内径小)single seal bore adapter 31.变径大小头(下边是法兰,上边是本体上钻孔攻丝扣)coupling adapter 32.油管悬挂器转换大小头短节(上法兰小,下法兰大,下法兰内有丝扣)tubingsuspension adapter 33.双油管悬挂器dual completion tubing hanger 34.双密封孔连接法兰dual seal bore adapter 35.锁紧螺丝lockdown screw 36.(地面)单油管密封总成single packer completion 37.法兰式采油树盖子flanged tree caps 38.扰性油管悬挂器coiled tubing hanger


钻井英语缩写 1.DP drill pipe 钻杆 2.HWDP heavy weight (wall) drill pipe 加重钻杆 3.DC drill collar 钻铤 4.BHA bottom hole assembly 井下钻具组合 5.STB stabilizer 钻杆扶正器 6.PNMDC pony non-magnetic drill collar 短无磁钻铤 7.SMDC short non-magnetic drill collar 短无磁钻铤 8.PDM positive displacement motor 螺杆9.BOP blowout preventer 封井器 10.BOPE blow out preventer equipment 封井器设备 11.IBOP inside blowout preventer 内防喷工具 12.CSG casing 套管 13.TBG tubing 油管

14.JNT/JT joint 单根 15.XO cross-over 配合接头 16.IF internal flush 内平 17.FH full hole 贯眼 18.REG regular 正规 19.IU internal upset 内加厚 20.EU external upset 外加厚 21.EUE external upset 外加厚 22.IEU internal&external upset 内外加厚 23.OH open hole 裸眼 24.WOB weight on bit 钻压 25.RPM revolutions per minute 转速/分钟 26.SPM strokes per minute 冲程/每分钟 27.ECD equivalent circulating density 当量泥浆密度 28.MT metric ton 公制吨 29.DST drill stem test 钻


版本号:A 修订号:0海上石油钻井平台生产作业操作手册 文件编号:_ABC-RQ-20××__ 编制:________________ 审核:________________ 校订:________________ 批准:________________ 发布日期: 20××年1月1日生效日期:20××年1月1日分发部门■总经理■常务副总■财务副总■工程副总■××××部■××××部■××××部■××××部 ■××××部■××××部■××××部■××××部

目录 第一章拖航作业 (1) 一、钻井平台降船前检查记录 (1) (一)钻井平台降船前检查记录表 (1) (二)钻井班及水手班拖航前检查记录表 (2) 二、降船拖航作业 (2) (一)降船前应做工作 (2) 1、关闭海底阀 (2) 2、活动物品固定 (3) 3、井架固定 (3) 4、关闭风筒 (3) 5、检查冲桩管线 (3) 6、检查桩腿环形活动平台 (3) 7、上提潜水泵 (3) 8、带龙须链 (3) (二)开始降船 (4) 1、拿桩腿固桩块 (4) 2、拿卸荷块 (4) 3、降船时桩腿值班 (4) 4、提泵 (4) (三)平台降至水面 (4) (四)绷桩腿大绳的操作规程及注意事项 (4) 1、操作规程 (4) 2、注意事项 (5) 三、拖航状态 (5) 四、平台就位、升船 (5) (一)平台就位 (5) (二)升船 (6) 五、升降船人员分工 (6) 六、升降船时各桩人员注意事项 (6) 七、拖航期间检查记录 (7) 第二章钻前准备 (8) 一、移井架 (8) (一)解除井架固定 (8) (二)移井架 (8) (三)连接管线 (8) (四)钻台准备 (8) 二、解除甲板固定 (9) 三、上料 (9) (一)吊运钻具 (9) (二)吊隔水套管 (9) 1


探井钻井监督工作细则 1.钻前准备 1.1按照钻井船验船验收标准和大纲对钻井设备进行动负荷运转试 验,确认钻井设备具备开钻条件(验船大纲见附件1)。 1.2确认服务商和承包商的参加作业人员的资格。 1.3检查作业者、承包商、服务商的材料及器材的准备情况达到开钻 要求。 1.4 检查各种钻井仪表,要求灵敏可靠。 1.5 确认油水储备情况及环保设施符合要求。 2. 一开作业: 下761.99mm(30")隔水导管[或609.59mm(24")导管] 2.1检查及确认隔水导管入井顺序和下入(或入泥)深度。泥线悬挂器 及遥控接头(RRC)深度必须符合设计要求。 2.2用钻孔法下入隔水导管,按钻井设计组合开孔钻具,待风浪小,平 潮时开始入泥钻进。36"钻头入泥时要控制排量,防止对泥面过渡 冲蚀。钻到设计井深起钻前,向井筒内替入比重1.05-1.10的高 粘泥浆(150-200S),起钻后立即下入隔水导管。 2.3隔水导管下到预定深度后,采用内管注水泥法固井。特殊情况采 用平衡法固井时,要求管内留水泥塞不少于10m,准确计算泵入 海水量,防止管鞋处水泥浆压空。固井作业结束后,立即将导管 固定好,避免候疑期间导管晃动影响固井质量。 2.4在钻探井时,为防止浅层气井喷,应在761.99mm(30")导管上安 装291/2"分流器及分流管线。 3.二开作业: 钻660.39mm(26")[或444.49mm(17 1/2")]井眼及下507.99mm(20") [或339.72mm(13 3/8")]表层套管 3.1在钻出隔水导管鞋0-15m内要适当减小排量,防止导管鞋以下冲 成大井眼引起导管下沉。 3.2 制定合理的钻进措施并根据井下情况决定起下钻。


Accumulator 储能器 Active tank 循环池 Adjusting bolt (刹把)调节螺栓Admission pipe 进气管 Agitator 搅拌器 Air chamber 空气包 Air line 气管线 Air-operated hoist 气动绞车Alternating current drive 交流电驱动Annular BOP 环形BOP Ato-muffler 消音器 Ball valve 球阀 Bell nipple 井口喇叭管 Bench vise 老虎钳 bit breaker 钻头装卸器 bit gauge 钻头规 blind ram preventer 盲板防喷器BOP control panel 防喷器控制盘BOP deck 防喷器平台 Bottom plug 底塞 Brake lever (brake handle) 刹把Brake line (brake staple) 刹带Bridge plug 桥塞 Buttress 梯形扣 Butterfly valve 蝶阀 By-pass 旁通 By-pass plug 旁通塞 Calipers 卡钳 Casing coupling 套管接箍 Casing cutter 套管割刀 Casing elevator 套管吊卡 Casing hanger 套管悬挂器 Casing head 套管头 Casing monkey board 套管平台Casing scraper 刮管器 Casing shoe 套管鞋 Casing slip 套管卡瓦 Casing spear 套管打捞矛 Casing spool 套管四通 Casing tong 套管大钳 Cat line 猫头绳 Cat line grip 猫头绳爪 Cat shaft 猫头轴 Cat-head 猫头 Cellar deck 井口甲板Cement 水泥 Cement basket 水泥伞 Cement plug 水泥塞 Cement retainer 水泥阻流环 Cementing bond log 固井质量检查Cementing head 水泥头 Cementing line 固井管线 Cementing pump 固井泵 Chain 链 Chain pipe tong 链钳 Chain tong 链钳 Chamber 房间,寝室 Chamber gate 阀箱,闸室 Charge pump 灌注泵 Check valve 止回阀,回压凡尔 Choke 节流器,阻流器 Choke line 阻流管线 Choke position indicator 节流阀位置指示器Choke valve 节流阀 Choke-line manifold 阻流管汇 Clutch 离合器 Conductor 导管 Cone 牙轮 Cone fisher 牙轮打捞器 Cone lock 牙轮卡死 Cooling-water pump 冷却水泵 Core barrel shoe 取心筒鞋 Core basket 取心爪 Core bit 取心钻头 Core catcher 取心爪 Core catch case 取心爪外套 Core drying oven 岩心烘箱 Crossover joint(x/o) 变换接头 Crown block 天车 Crown block beam 天车梁 Dead line 死绳 Dead line diaphragm 死绳固定器膜片Dead line anchor 死绳固定器 Degasser 除气器 Derrick 井架 Desander (desilter) 除砂器(除泥器)Direct current drive 直流电驱动Discharge line 排除管线 Double ram type preventer 双闸板防喷器Down hole tool 入井工具


钻井现场常用英语 改编自《海洋石油钻井常用英语手册》钻井现场常用对话 Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program. 按钻井程序进行钻井作业. Prepare bell nipple. 准备”喇叭口”短节. Make up 2 joints of drill pipe. 接两根钻杆. Break out this connection. 卸开该接头. Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. 为钻导管井眼配制高粘度泥浆. Make up bottom hole assembly. 组合下部钻具 Check and reset crown-saver on every tour. 每个班都要检查并重新调整天车防碰装置. Number stands on trip out and trip in. 起下钻时给立柱编号. Pick up BHA and run to bottom. 将下部钻具下到井底. Pick up stands. 接立柱 Don’t drill faster than 15 minutes for 1 stand. 钻进速度别超过15分钟1根立柱 Drop TOTCO. 投(陶特)测斜仪 Resume drilling to T.D. 继续钻进到总深 Circulate 15 minutes.循环15分钟 Run in hole. 下钻 Put out of hole. 起钻 Make an inventory of all ring gaskets. 开一个所有垫圈的清单 Use air spanner. 使用气动扳手


目录 第一节钻井英语单词 (2) 第二节井场用语,钻井常用短语及句子 (10) 第三节钻井泥浆术语 (29) 第四节常用安全术语 (31) 第五节钻井设备英语 (33) 第六节石油钻井英语情景会话 (40) 附录一:平台人员、作业者及服务公司人员名称 (47) 附录二:主要设备名称 (48) 附录三:钻具、井口工具、打捞工具名称 (52) 附录四:材料和工具名称 (53) 附录五:常用缩写形式 (55)

第一节钻井英语单词 drilling crew 钻井队 drill floor,rig floor,floor 钻台drawworks 绞车 well-site, rig-site 井场 rig manager 平台经理 DC (drill collar) 钻铤 drilling engineer 钻井工程师 DP (drill pipe) 钻杆 toolpusher 带班队长 rotary table 转盘 driller 司钻 assistant driller 副司钻derrickman, monkeyman 井架工roughneck, floorman 钻工roustabout 场地工 liner 缸套 motor fire man 司机(motorman)wellhead 井口 circulation & solid system 循环固控系统 machinist 机械师,机工,机械大班electrician 电器师,电工,电器大班operation program 作业程序(指令) cathead 猫头 caravan 营房,大篷车 tong 大钳 elevator 吊卡 well depth 井深 slip 卡瓦makeup 上扣 spud in 开钻 breakout 卸扣 ROP (rate of penetration),drilling speed, penetration rate 钻速 trip 起下钻 diesel-engine 柴油机 loss circulation 井漏,循环漏失working uniform 工作服 brake handle, brake bar 刹把 water well condition 水井井况circulating tank, circulation tank 循环罐 normal drilling 正常钻进 reserve tank 储备罐 parameter 参数 trip tank 补给罐,尖底罐, 起下钻泥浆罐(起下钻计量罐) rotary speed 转盘转速(转速)shale shaker 振动筛 pump pressure 泵压 WOB (weight on bit) 钻压 mesh 目,网孔;啮合,编织 torque 扭矩 screen cloth 筛布 displacement 排量 safety meeting 班前会 pump stroke 泵冲 shift exchange 交班、(倒班)


顶驱&钻井英文常用词汇表 (第一版) 盘锦辽河油田天意石油装备有限公司 2010年9月

一、顶驱英文 顶部驱动系统Top drive system 车载钻机truck-mounted rig 机械的mechanical 电学的electrical 液压的hydraulic 钻井设备drilling equipment 大斜度井high-inclination well 深井deep well 丛式定向钻井cluster directional well 低温顶驱low-temperature top drive system 超深井ultra-deep well 定向井directional well 载荷load capacity 工作高度working height 电动机motor 功率power 转速rotary speed 钻井扭矩drilling torque 过载能力over load capacity 卸扣break out 上扣make-up 循环压力circulation pressure 额定压力rated pressure 电源电压power voltage 电源频率power frequency 工作电流working current 通风机ventilator 接线箱junction box 平衡油缸counterbalance cylinder 盘式刹车disc brake 电缆接插件cable connector assembly 主电机main motor 液压阀组hydraulic valve block 提环bail 鹅颈管gooseneck 油箱tank 蓄能器accumulator 齿轮箱gearbox 冲管总成wash pipe assembly 液压马达hydraulic motor 回转头rotating head 导轨guide beam 倾斜油缸tilt cylinder 防松法兰lock flange 背钳back-up tong 导向器stabbing guide 遥控IBOP upper IBOP 手动IBOP lower IBOP 吊环link 吊卡elevator 齿轮轴gear shaft 冷却风机Cooling motor 交流电机 AC motor 水龙头 Swivel 主齿轮 Driving gear 编码器 Encoder 散热器 Radiator 油道 Oil passage 密封槽Seal groove 轴承 bearing 滚轮 Roller 滑套 IBOP actuator shell 曲柄 Crank 销pin 钳牙tongdies 活塞piston 螺栓bolt 黄油grease 小车总成 Carriage accessory 气流 Air current 风道 Air duct 进风口 Air inlet 出风口 Air outlet 梨型环 Pear link 卡箍clamping band 键key


东北石油大学课程设计 年月日

东北石油大学课程设计任务书 课程 题目 专业学号 主要容、基本要求、主要参考资料等: 1、设计主要容: 根据已有的基础数据,利用所学的专业知识,完成一口井的钻井工程相关参数的计算,最终确定出钻井、完井技术措施。主要包括井身结构、钻具组合、钻井液、钻井参数设计和完井设计。 2、设计要求: 要求学生选择一口井的基础数据,在教师的指导下独立地完成设计任务,最终以设计报告的形式完成专题设计,设计报告的具体容如下: (1)井身结构设计;(2)套管强度设计;(3)钻柱设计;(4)钻井液设计;(5)钻井水力参数设计;(6)注水泥设计;(7)设计结果;(8)参考文献; 设计报告采用统一格式打印,要求图表清晰、语言流畅、书写规、论据充分、说服力强,达到工程设计的基本要求。 3、主要参考资料: 王常斌等,《石油工程设计》,东北石油大学校自编教材 涛平等,《石油工程》,石油工业,2000 《钻井手册(甲方)》编写组,《钻井手册》,石油工程,1990 完成期限

指导教师 专业负责人 年月日

前言 钻井工程设计是石油工程的一个重要部分,是确保油气钻井工程顺利实施和质量控制的重要保证,是钻井施工作业必须遵循的原则,是组织钻井生产和技术协作的基础,是搞好单井预算和决算的唯一依据。钻井设计的科学性、先进性关系到一口井作业的成败和效益。科学钻井水平的提高,在一定程度上依靠钻井设计水平的提高。 设计应在充分分析有关地质和工程资料的基础上,遵循国家及当地政府有关法律、法规和要求,按照安全、快速、优质和高效的原则进行,并且必须以保证实施地质任务为前提。主要目的层段的设计必须体现有利于发现与保护油气层,非目的层段的设计主要考虑满足钻井工程施工作业和降低成本的需要。 本设计的主要容包括:1、井身结构设计及井身质量要求:原则是能有效地保护油气层,使不同地层压力梯度的油气层不受钻井液污染损坏;应避免漏、喷、塌、卡等复杂情况发生,为全井顺利钻进创造条件,使钻井周期最短;钻下部高压地层时所用的较高密度钻井液产生的液柱压力,不致压裂上一层管鞋处薄弱的裸露地层;下套管过程中,井钻井液柱压力之间的压差不致产生压差卡套管等严重事故以及强度的校核。2、套管强度设计;3、钻柱设计:给钻头加压时下部钻柱是否会压弯,选用足够的钻铤以防钻杆受压变形;4、钻井液体系;5、水力参数设计;6,注水泥设计,钻井施工进度计划等几个方面的基本设计容。


A A-60 fire door A-60级防火门 a-hundred-year return period 百年一遇abrasive (喷砂用的)磨料abrasive paper 砂纸 AC generator 交流发电机 AC motor 交流电动机accelerated corrosion testing 加速腐蚀试验acceptance criteria 合格准则 access hole (for welding) = cope hole (焊接)工艺孔accommodation and power platform (APP) 生活动力平台according to = in accordance with = in line with = as per = in the light of 按照 acetylene gas 乙炔 acid electrode 酸性焊条 acid proof cement 防酸水泥additive 添加剂 adhere to 遵守(动词)adherence to 遵守(名词)adjacent columns 相邻立柱adverse combination of loads 载荷的不利组合adverse condition 不利条件aeronautical radio system 航空无线电系统AFC (approved for construction) 建造批准aforementioned 上述 aft winch 船艉绞车agitator 搅拌器 air blower 鼓风机 air compressor 空气压缩机 air driven pump 气动泵 air hoister 气动绞车 air manifold 气包 air tight test 气密性试验 air-hose 风带 aircraft obstruction beacon 航空障碍灯alarm buzzer 报警蜂鸣器alarm horn 报警喇叭aliphatic polyurethane 脂肪族聚氨脂漆allowable (working) stress 许用应力Aluminum alloy anode 铝合金阳极Aluminum ingot 铝锭aluminum paint 银粉漆aluminum sheet 铝皮 ambient air temperature 环境气温ambient temperature 环境温度


智能录井系统--使用手册介绍 ? 1 ? 目 次 1 概述 ....................................................................................................... 1 2 系统框图 ................................................................................................. 1 3 仪器房 . (2) 3.1 仪器房结构 (2) 3.2 吊运及安装 .......................................................................................... 2 4 配电系统 . (2) 4.1 接地 (2) 4.2 接电 (2) 4.3 配电盘 (2) 4.4 隔离变压器及UPS ................................................................................. 5 5 主机柜 .................................................................................................... 5 6 计算机系统 .............................................................................................12 7 传感器及CAN 采集系统 .............................................................................13 8 主要技术特点及性能指标 . (13) 8.1 技术特点 (13) 8.2 主要技术指标 (13)


海洋石油钻井常用英语手册 附录 海洋石油钻井常用英语手册 附录 附录一: 平台人员岗位名称 一. 承包商人员 ( Contractor’s Personnel ) Rig Manager 平台经理 Equipment Supervisor 设备总监 Materials Supervisor 材料总监 Senior Toolpusher 高级队长 Junior Toolpusher 值班队长 Driller 司钻 Sub Sea Engineer (SSE) 水下工程师 Assistant Driller (AD) 副司钻 Derrick Man 井架工 Floor Man (roughneck) 钻工 Barge Master (captain) 船长 First Mate (Barge engineer) 大副 Control Room Operator (CRO) 压载工 Ballast Control Operator (BCO) 压载工 Chief Engineer 轮机长 Head of Routabout 甲板班长 Crane Operator 吊车工 Routabout 甲板工 Mechanic 机械师 Electrician 电气师 Repairman 修理工 Motorman 轮机员 Welder 焊工 Radio Operator 电报员 Warehouse Man (stock Keeper) 材料员 Medic 医生 Safety Supervisor 安全监督 Interpreter (translator) 翻译 Chief Steward 管事 Cook 厨师 Steward 厨工 Laundry Man 洗衣工 二. 作业者及服务公司人员 ( Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel) Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督 Company Man (Operator’s Representative) 公司代表


石油钻井词汇 Part One SLICK-LINE(钢丝作业) A. TOOLS rope socket 绳帽 stem 加重杆 roll stem 滚轮加重杆 Tungsten stem 钨加重杆 Lead stem 铅加重杆 link jar 机械震击器 tubular jar 管状震击器 hydraulic jar 液压震击器 spring jar 弹簧震击器 knuckle joint 万向节 swivel joint 旋转节 wellhead adapter 井口变扣短节 X-Over 变扣 gauge cutter 通井规 selective downshift tool 选择性滑套开关工具 shiftting tool 移位工具 blind box 盲锤 L.I.B(lead impression block) 铅印swaging tool 胀管器 spear 打捞矛 prong grab 内捞矛 center spear 外捞矛 catcher 捕捉器 wirefinder 钢丝探测器 Go devil-F.B 平底撞棍 Go devil-C.B 刀杆撞棍 retriever 钢丝打捞器 overshot 卡瓦打捞筒 magnetic fishing tool 磁力打捞工具sidewall cutter 刮管刀 alligator grab 鳄鱼爪 sand bailer 捞沙筒 pipe wrench 管钳 tong chain 链钳 spanner 扳手 wireline clamp 钢丝夹 hay pulley 地滑轮 dump bailer 倾倒筒 saw 锯子 saw blade 锯条 punch 冲子 file 锉刀 flat file 板锉,扁锉 hammer 榔头 pliers,vice 老虎钳 wire cutter 断线钳forfex 剪刀 tongs 大钳,钳子,管钳 flat bit tongs 扁嘴钳 screwdriver 改锥,螺丝刀 wire stripper 剥皮钳,掳线钳 wire-stripper pliers 剥线钳 B. EQUIPMENT stuffing box 防喷盒 lubricator upper section 上防喷管 lubricator middle section 中防喷管 lubricator lower section 下防喷管 blowout preventer(BOP) 防喷器 wellhead adapter 井口变扣短节 Lincoln pump 林肯泵 hand pump assy.for stuffing box 手 压泵 Fire extinguisher 灭火器 hand tool box 手工具箱 injector 注油器 lifting cap BOP吊帽 trolly 防喷管支撑架 parasol 阳伞 work vice 台钳 chain block 链葫芦 tie down chain 系紧链 fixed pulley 定滑轮 wobble pump 手摇泵 wire line clamp 钢丝绳夹 wire rope sling 绳套,钢丝吊绳 winch 绞车 winch barrel(drum) 绞车滚筒 winch brake 绞车刹车 winch drive shaft universal joint 绞 车主动轴万向节 winch drum shaft 绞车滚动轴 winch line 吊装用绳套 winch control panel 绞车控制面板 winch truck 吊车 C. OPERATIONS RTTS Operation for Shoot and Pull RTTS完井服务 RTTS Operation for Cement Squeezing RTTS固井服务(挤水泥) Pulling Y Block 捞Y堵塞器 Open SSD(Slide Side Door) 开生产 滑套 Close SSD(Slide Side Door) 关生产 滑套 Open Circulating SSD(Slide Side Door) 开循环滑套 Close Circulating SSD(Slide Side Door) 关循环滑套 Running Gauge Cutter 通井 Clean up 地面完井放喷 Open Drain Valve 砸泻油阀 Pulling Test Plug 捞测试阀 Running Jet Pump 投射流泵 Pulling Jet Pump 捞射流泵 Running Flow Regulator 投配水器 Pulling Flow Regulator 捞配水器 Fishing Drop Bar 捞点火棒 Measuring Static Pressure 测静压 Measuring Flowing Pressure 测流压 Measuring BHPBU(Bottom Hole Pressure Build Up) 测压力恢复 Measuring BHP(Bottom Hole Pressure) Testing with Jet Pump 带 泵测压(射流泵) Multi-Rate BHP(Bottom Hole Pressure) Testing 系统试井 Slick-line Operation for Completion 钢丝配合完井服务 Slick-line Operation for acidizing 配 合酸化钢丝作业 Running Plug 投堵塞器 Pulling Plug 捞堵塞器 Run Impression Block 下铅印 Running Prong 投平衡杆 Sand Level detection 探沙面 Run Sand Bailer 下捞砂桶 Open SSSV(Sub Surface Safety Valve) by Force 强行打开井下安全 阀 Running Go Devil 剪切钢丝 Fishing Slickline 打捞钢丝 Running Side Pocket Plug 投偏心堵 塞器 Pulling Side pocket Plug 捞偏心堵 塞器 Running Side Pocket Check Valve 投 偏心阀 Pulling Side Pocket Check Valve 捞 偏心阀 Sand Sampling 取砂样 Stable Test 稳定试井 Slickline Swab 抽吸 Running Hanger 投悬挂器 Pulling Hanger 捞悬挂器 D. SPARE PARTS



现场实用词汇短语 一、甲方乙方 1. 承包商人员 ( Contractor’s Personnel ) Equipment Supervisor 设备总监 Materials Supervisor 材料总监 Senior Toolpusher 高级队长 Junior Toolpusher 值班队长 Driller 司钻 Sub Sea Engineer (SSE) 水下工程师 Assistant Driller (AD) 副司钻 Derrick Man 井架工 Floor Man (roughneck) 钻工 Crane Operator 吊车工 Mechanic 机械师 Electrician 电气师 Repairman 修理工 Welder 焊工 Radio Operator 电报员 Warehouse Man (stock Keeper) 材料员 Medic 医生 Safety Supervisor 安全监督

Interpreter (translator) 翻译 Chief Steward 管事 Cook 厨师 2、作业者及服务公司人员 ( Operator’s Personnel and Service Company Personnel) Drilling Superintendent 钻井监督 Company Man (Operator’s Representative) 公司代表 Geologist 地质师 Mud Logging Engineer (Mud logger) 泥浆录井工程师 Sample Catcher 捞砂工 Mud Engineer 泥浆工程师 ROV Engineer 潜水工程师 Cementer 固井工 Cement Engineer 固井工程师 Testing Engineer 试油工程师 Coring Engineer 取芯工程师 Wireline Logging Engineer电测工程师


钻井设计基本原则 1.钻井的目的:是为勘探和开发油气田服务。 2.钻井设计必须国家及政府有关机构的规定和要求,保证钻井设计的合法性。 3.钻井设计的主要依据: 3.1.地质设计是钻井设计必须遵循的主要依据。地质部门至少应在开始钻井作业前75 天,向钻井部门提供地质设计,并应在该设计中尽可能地提供所钻之井的地质情况(包括地层孔隙压力、破裂压力等),以及提出地质上要求的资料。 3.2.井场调查资料和邻井的钻井资料,也是进行钻井设计的主要依据。地质部门至少应 在钻井作业开始前45天做完井场调查,并将获得的各有关资料(包括井位自然环境、土壤情况、浅层气等)尽快交给钻井部门;同时,还应收集全邻井的钻井资料(包括复杂情况的处理、钻井液密度的使用情况等)。 3.3.钻井部门应根据地质部门提供的资料和邻井资料,认真分析,作好钻井设计。如存 在由于目前技术水平、设备的限制,保证不了钻井作业在安全情况下进行,或钻井作业结果达不到地质设计的要求,应尽早明确提出,以便地质部门修改地质要求或调整井位位置。 4.钻井设计应体现安全第一的原则。大到井身结构,小到每一项作业程序,都要重视安全, 既要重视井下安全,也要重视地面安全,把安全第一的原则贯穿到整个设计中。对于重大的作业和风险大的作业,还应制定相应的安全应急程序。 5.设计钻井液密度的原则。钻井液密度必须大于地层孔隙压力当量密度,小于地层破裂压 力当量密度。钻井液密度对地层孔隙压力的安全附加值,用压力表示,油井为 1.5~3.5MPa,气井为3.0~5.0MPa。 6.井身结构的设计,是钻井设计的关键内容,必须遵循下述几点: 6.1.保证井眼系统压力平衡,不出现喷漏同在一裸眼中,即钻下部高压地层时用的较高 密度的钻井液产生的液柱压力,不会压漏上部裸露的地层。 6.2.井内钻井液液柱压力和地层压力之间的压差不宜过大,以免发生压差卡钻。 6.3.为保证安全钻进,必须用套管封住复杂地层井段,如易漏、易垮塌、易缩径和易卡 钻等井段。 6.4.探井,特别是地层压力还没有被掌握的井,应设计一层套管作为备用,以保证井眼 能够钻到设计的深度。 6.5.对钻探多套压力系统的井,应采用多层套管程序,以保护油气层不受钻井液污染和 损害。


A A-60 fire door A-60级防火门Abrasive (喷砂用的)磨料abrasive paper 砂纸 AC generator 交流发电机AC motor 交流电动机Accelerated corrosion testing 加速腐蚀试验Acceptance criteria 合格准则access hole (for welding)= cope hole (焊接)工艺孔accommodation and power platform (APP) 生活动力平台 according to = in accordance with = in line with = as per = in the light of 按照acetylene gas 乙炔 acid electrode 酸性焊条 acid proof cement 防酸水泥Additive 添加剂adhere to 遵守(动词) Adherence to 遵守(名词) adjacent columns 相邻立柱adverse combination of loads 荷载的不利组合adverse condition 不利条件aeronautical radio system 航空无线电系统AFC (approved for construction)建造批准aforementioned 上述的 aft winch 船艉绞车Agitator 搅拌器 a-hundred-year return period 百年一遇 air blower 鼓风机 air compressor 空压机 air driven pump 气动泵 air hoister 气动绞车 air manifold 气包 air tight test 气密性试验aircraft obstruction beacon 航空障碍灯air-hose 风带 alarm buzzer 报警蜂鸣器alarm horn 报警喇叭aliphatic polyurethane 脂肪族聚氨酯漆Allowable(working) stress 许用应力Aluminum alloy anode 铝合金阳极 一. 技术词汇


A Handbook of English for Offshore Oil Drilling 欧阳光明(2021.03.07) 海洋石油钻井常用英语手册 Drilling 钻井 Carry out drilling operation in accordance with the drilling program.按钻井程序进行钻井作业. Prepared bell nipple. 准备”喇叭口”短节. Make up 2 joints of drill pipe. 接两根钻杆. Break out this connection. 卸开该接头. Run hole opener to sea bed. 下扩眼器到海底 Mix gel fluid for drilling conductor hole. 为钻导管井眼配制高粘度泥浆. Make up bottom hole assembly. 组合下部钻具 Check and reset crown-saver on every tour. 每个班都要检查并重新调整天车防碰装置. Number stands on trip out and trip in. 起下钻时给立柱编号. Pick up BHA and run to seafloor. 将下部钻具下到海底. Pick up stands. 接立柱 Don’t drill faster than 15 minutes for 1 stand. 钻进速度别超过15分钟1根立柱 Drop TOTCO. 投(陶特)测斜仪 Fish TOTCO with overshot. 用打捞筒捞起测斜仪 Resume drilling to T.D. 继续钻进到总深 Circulate 15 minutes.循环15分钟 Run in hole. 下钻 Put out of hole. 起钻 Make an inventory of all ring gaskets. 开一个所有垫圈的清单 Use spinning tong. 使用气动扳手 Operate the air winch. 操作气动绞车 Lay down 57 joints of 5” drill pipe. 甩57根钻杆 Pick up drill stem test tool. 提起钻杆测试工具 Circulate mud for 2 hours. 循环泥浆2小时 Move string during circulation. 在循环时注意活动钻具 Circulate hole clean. 循环清洗井眼

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