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1 咨询信

2 求职信

3 投诉信

4 感谢信

5 备忘录

6 摘要

7 告示

咨询信——inquire the information about sth


Dear Sir or Madam,

I will feel grateful for you. If some indispensable

information with regard/reference/respect/relation to学费、教学硬件、就业率、学历、专业、工作经验can be offered to me.


In the first place, I would be strikingly interested in the information concerning内容1(名词).In the second place, would you please inform me of some essential message with reference to内容2(名词)?In the lost place, I would be delighted and grateful to know something in relation to内容3(名词).


I would anticipate and appreciate what you might offer

me the information, I want at your convenience.



ask for some essential information 询问重要信息

offer me some vital information with relation to sth 给我提供关于...的重要信息

appreciate what you will do for me 为你所为我做的一切感到感谢anticipate your prompt and timing reply 期待您及时快速的回复with regard to或者with relation to或者with respect to 或者with reference to 都是表示关于的意思, 替换的是about

资讯学校: tuition fees学费curriculum program课程设置accommodation or infrastructure住宿或者基础设施

咨询旅游: trip charges旅游费用the routes线路the accommodation service食宿服务 scenic spots景点

Dear Sir or Madam,

Would you please be generous enough to offer me some essential information with regard to ....(咨询项目或题目)

The first point which draws my attention is .....(这个地方要填名词或者句子句子要加上that), and i wonder whether it is available to me. What's more, i am fairly concerned about ......(名词或者句子,句子要加上that). Lastly, the most critical piece of information I wish to derive from you is ...(名词或者句子,句子要加上that)

I sincerely wish that such inquiry does not bring any inconvenience to you and hopefully anticipate your prompt and timing reply.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

自荐信(求职信)——recommend you for sth/apply for the job

Jan,10,2009 Dear Sir or Madam,

Being a junior/senior who is keenly absorbed by the significant and helpful work of volunteers, I am writing to offer my serious application/self-recommendation for the post of being a volunteer in your department/organization.

三点式(first and foremost, moreover, last but not least; firstly, secondly, lastly)

1 profession/major

2 specialty/expertise/strength

3 hobby/interest/confidence

Firstly, the profession which I devote myself to is closely associated with the work requirements in your session. Secondly, I actually specialize in speaking fluent foreign language/the environmentally-friendly knowledge and techniques/offering the effective first-aid service. Lastly, I am infused with great confidence that the job of being a volunteer matches me most.

Since I am professional with the nature of the work of being a volunteer, I am supposed to be the fit one for this job. Several years ago, I once was recruited in a similar organization specializing in the work concerning some environmentally-friendly techniques. After that, I am strikingly confident that I am competent enough for the job offered by you.

My persuasive and attractive self-recommendation shall be exactly what you are desirous of and your response will be highly appreciated and anticipated.



write a letter to recommend yourself to ...

1自己的专业合适这份工作(profession closely related with the work advertised)

2自己有特长 (personal specialty and aptitude)

3自己充满信心 (full of confidence)

Dear Sir or Madam,

Being a new graduate who is strongly attracted by the advertisement of a vacant post offered by you, I am writing to present my serious application/self-recommendation for this job of being a ...(职位名称)

With three years' learning of my profession in college, I believe that my professional knowledge and some practical experience are strikingly essential for this job. Apart from that, my specialty in speaking foreign languages and doing the relevant work are what I believe you need in doing the job. Lastly, I am full of confidence that I would be a competent candidate for this job, hoping for the day of being a member there.

Your early and timely response with the opportunity of interviewing me will be highly appreciated and I wish my letter does not bring any much inconvenience.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

投诉信——make complaints about sth

Dear Sir or Madam,

It is of my great reluctance yet much necessity of writing to make serious complaints over…。

Firstly, what disappoints me most after purchasing the air-conditioner is the intolerable noises which render me insomniac. Secondly, the delivery system and procedure are so unsatisfactory, which postpones the arrival of the product. Lastly, the impatient and unprofessional/amateur attitude of your sales man/staff is really out of my imagination.

Several days ago, I purchased an air-conditioner from your department yet this actually annoys me in several aspects. On the first night, the noises generated by it render my whole family insomniac and sleep-deprived. Furthermore, you fail to keep your promise of delivering the product in two days on account of your erroneous system and procedure. Most importantly, the attitude of your sales man/staff is overwhelmingly impatient and unprofessional.

Your timely and satisfactory solution to my complaints is in fact what I long for and I wish there is not much inconvenience my letter causes.



Teaching assistant

Librarian/staff in the library/employees in the library

Electronic/electric fan


The plastic consumption is reduced.

The resources exhaustion is lessened

Disappoint/disappointing/unsatisfactory/not satisfied with/annoys me/troubles me/brings me much inconvenience and difficulties

write a letter to complain over sth...

买的产品质量太差(噪音大, 屏幕花, 操作难) intolerable noises, unclear or spotted screen, the operation is hard to manage/difficult

运输或者派送流程有问题the delivery or distribution system is errorneous

服务态度太不耐烦太不专业the impatient or unprofessional attitude in serving

Dear Sir or Madam,

It is of my great reluctance yet much necessity to make serious complaints over ...(产品名称, 来自于题目要求里) Firstly/To be frank, what disappoints me most in using this product is the intolerable noises which render me insomniac/sleep-deprived. Secondly/Apart from that, your delivery system and procedure are erroneous so that the arrival of the product is delayed. Lastly, the attitude of your staff is strikingly impatient and unprofessional.

Your early and timely reply with the satisfactory solution to my complaints is needed and i wish there is no much inconvenience in my letter.

Yours truly,

Li Ming

感谢信——express your thanks to sb

首段: 明确表明自己的感激之情, 并对自己所感激的缘由简单陈述一下。

中段: 细节陈述对方对自己的帮助的具体内容, 具体分几点根据题目要求来定.即题目如果是因为某个事情让你做出感谢, 可以对时间的过程进行论述, 重点突出对方对自己的帮助, 如若是人, 则可以重点去描述对方的一些优良品质, 比如耐心, 宽容, 细心等。

尾段: 再一次表达谢意并提出美好祝愿。

Dear Mr. James,

I, with strong resolution, am writing to you to express my

heartfelt gratitude for what you have done for me.

Firstly, it is …that leaves me a deep impression and helps me a lot, if without your …I would be in greater and more trouble. Secondly, your…is really what I admire. Lastly, I have to tell you that your … is actually unforgettable and impressive.

Please accept my cordial appreciation and I wish that you can live much more delightfully and cheerfully than before. Yours truly, Li Ming

慷慨方 generosity

友好好客 friendliness and hospitability

幽默温柔 sense of humor and softness

专业知识 professional knowledge

团队精神 team-spirit/cooperative spirit

备忘录——write a memo to sb

Directions: You are the president of a company. Write a memo to Percy Shelley, the vice-president on the employee’s training on computer, telling him the need to train the employees, detailed information, and ask him to write a plan.

Date:January 20, 2007 日期

To:Percy Shelley, Vice President 收文人

From:Li Ming, President 发文人

Subject:Computer Training of the Staff 事由

As we discussed earlier this week, I agree with you that our firm is faced up with problem of the high rate of computer illiteracy of the staff. We need to make up a plan

for training our employees in the new field.

I would like you to design our own in-house computer-training program. We had better classify the employees and put them through the program in turn.

Write up a brief proposal, describing what you think the program should cover. Assume the class runs four hours a week for ten weeks. Also, assume people have no prior computer knowledge or any formal course work in computer science.

一般来讲, 备忘录就是把题目里面要求展开写就可以了, 一般来讲也是写三段内容, 注意的格式就是有日期, 收文人, 发文人, 事由, 以及具体的内容, 不写称呼结束语和签名.


A. 题目保持和原中文内容结构相同(名词对名词,句

子对句子, 其中名词,动词,形容词副词以及首单

词需要大写首字母---On Economic

Globalization )

B. 摘要一般分两段(总分结构)

C. 时态人称一致(一般现在时,第三人称)

D. 摘要写作基本主抓首段,首句内容.


This essay/article chiefly/mainly/principally deals

with the issue of/that/how/why…(the essay chiefly

deals with the issue of the economic

globalization./the essay chiefly deals with how

the economic globalization comes into being./the

essay principally deals with why the economic

globalization comes into being.--natural disasters)

This essay chiefly analyzes/interprets the

reasons/contributing factors for…/the reasons

why…(the essay chiefly analyzes the reasons why the natural disasters frequently take place across the globe)

This essay principally deals with the contributing factors for (globe-wide/universal) natural disasters on earth.

The essay chiefly presents the inevitable/unavoidable consequence/outcome of….(the essay chiefly presents the inevitable consequence of the over use/abuse of natural resources)

The essay clearly demonstrates the steps/procedures of doing ….(the essay chiefly demonstrates the steps of offering the first-aid to victims/patients----this essay clearly demonstrates how one offers his first-aid to patients.)

It is in the second/following/subsequent part of my abstract that I will clarify and elaborate all the summarized details concerned, which is obviously /absolutely necessary and essential.

This Chinese essay chiefly deals with the reasons for natural disasters on earth. It is in the subsequent part of my abstract that I will clarify and elaborate all the summarized details concerned, which is absolutely necessary and essential.


The specific/concrete/detailed reasons/consequences/steps involved in this issue can be classified/presented in the following (…several)aspects. First, ….Second,….Third,…. (*There is no denying the fact that much information remained is contained in the last (two) points, which proves far from enough in the

discussion of this issue of ...)


Jan. 18th, 2011

To whomever it may concern, /Dear …, Dear all juniors, An important notice has to be officially made here that a celebrated professor from USA will deliver a lecture this afternoon. Several requirements have to be put forward here to arouse all your attention. Firstly, you need to be punctual with the relevant materials. Those who are interested in the lecture should be punctual. Secondly, it is the academic materials that have to be emphasized here.

…..purpose---重复题目(A/An (important) notice has to be officially made here that…?..)

….content(several points/requirements have to be put forward/highlighted here to arouse your attention (in order to….). Firstly …you/those who..; secondly, it is ...that…..

Yours truly,

Liming (students union)


S e c t i o n I V W r i t i n g Part A 51. Directions: You are going to host a club reading session. Write an email of about 100 words recommending a book to the club members. You should state reasons for your recommendation. You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Li Ming instead.

Do not write the address. (10 points) 【参考范文】 要点归纳: 1.题目要求写一封信,书信格式要完整; 2.收信人为俱乐部成员,是自己的朋友,用语要友好、亲切; 3.写信内容必须包括:推荐一本书,陈述推荐理由,可以从书的名气、内容和意义等方面构思理由。 Dear friends, There will be a big even for book lovers next week --- a book reading session will be hosted. For its

efficiency and effect, I’d like to recommend a book. The book deserving praise and attention is The Road Less Traveled. It is about how to be spiritually healthy and has been a best seller of psychology category for nearly 30 years. The secret of life achievement the author listed stands the test of time and proves to be more meaningful in the modern time when there are an increasing number of people suffering emotionally. It is definitely a highly informative and readable book and hopefully you will love it.


Section Ⅰ Use of English 2012年的完型填空是有关美国司法官伦理和政治关系的一篇文章,出自New York Times, June, 30th , 2011的“Ethics, Politics and the Law”一文。选材回归了2000年完型曾出过的法律类文章,而且和当年一样,也是包含几个小段落,不像以往的文章,三段或者四段论,脉络比较清晰,结构容易把握。而且,较去年比较“平易近人”的文章,这篇法律类文章背后有一定的背景知识,比较关注时事或者对这一块儿有所了解的同学,会相应得心应手一些。另外,20道题目中,多达13题都是在考查动词,虽然选项中基本不存在干扰项,除了15题一道考查两词的辨析之外,其他的选项含义都差别甚远,按理说值得高兴。但是这些考查动词的题目中,许多都考查对于熟词僻义的掌握情况,往年就是08年出现了3处,今年也出现3处。仅有2道题考查逻辑词,而且这两道题是送分题,不需要考虑太多。一向是命题人偏爱的以“able”作后缀的形容词依然出现(19题)。下面就真题作一个详细解析。 和以往一样,第一句话不设空,帮助同学们理解全文探讨的话题:美国高等法庭司法官的伦理道德问题。 题1选B。maintain. 此空有赖于对后文的理解。这直接体现了我们作完型的整体思路,也就是首先通读全文。尤其是看到最后一段直接给出提议:希望法官和政治划清界限从而保证自己的权威性,因此全文的导向和逻辑就非常清晰了。同时,题2答案(when)也顺势而出:如果法官们和政治家一样,法庭就不能捍卫自己作为法律卫道士的权威。 题2选A。这里的when其实表示条件关系,即“如果……。” 题3选择 weakened。上下文语义题+词义辨析。选项含义差别较大,要求对上下文逻辑关系掌握清楚。Yet表示一个转折:“即使这样,还是有很多法官这样做,损害了法庭独立和公正的名声。” 本题如果能把导向把握准,即可定位在B和D两项,D项eliminated 过于绝对,排除。 题4 选 D. accepted。上下文语义。依然是通过上下文逻辑关系,按段精度解题。这段用两个法官参与政治事件的例子说明他们的行为使得法院的裁决不偏不倚而被认可变得不太可能。A选项challenged 和C项suspected意义相反,和主旨矛盾,即肯定了法官参与政治行为。B项compromised “调停” 和主题无关。 题5 选C。上下文语义题。本段属于总分形式。首先提出法官参与政治导致的问题,然后分析问题的原因:“这种情况有一部分是由于法官们不受伦理道德准则的约束。” 其他三项不合逻辑,均不具干扰性。 题 6 选B。完型填空在历史上对于subject这个词一向情有独钟。04年,05年,08年以及10年选项中都出现,只有05年落选。而且这3年考查的意思都一致,即“易遭受……”,考查形式有“is subjected to”,“is subject to” 以及“subject sb. to sth。(使得某人容易遭受)”。今年依然是“subject”入选,但是这次取了大家最熟悉的意思,即“使服从,受…管制”,“法院应该依行为准则办事”。至于选项 A resistant 和 C immune 两个选项和subject 这三个词在04年的第8道题也同时出现。“Be immune to”指“对…免疫,不起作用”。可见很多时候命题人不总以内容为基础来设置干扰选项,也提醒大家要重视对于历年真题的复习。

考研 (英语一)写作大作文范文及思路

一、图画作文 1.写作攻略 图画作文是较难的题型之一,近几年考研英语写作试题均为图画题型,因此考生应该特别认真地对待。这类题一般要求考生仔细看图,根据题目要求写成自己的作文。实际上,图画作文也可以当作三段式的提纲作文来写。第一段用来描述图画并揭示其寓意(寓意一般用一句话来概括就可以),第二段分析原因,最后一段发表评论或提出建议,其中第二、三段应该是写作的重点。面对此类题型,考生应首先确定主题,然后再动笔。具体写作要点: (1) 仔细研究作文指令,弄清楚作文的要求,是否有标题?是否有提纲?然后从题目中找出中心词,分析修饰词,准确地抓住题目的中心思想。 (2)认真解读图画,因为图画是作文的信息基础。考生应对图画进行全面而细致的研究,尤其要注意图画中人或物(人与物)的体貌表情特征和背景,确定人物之间,人物与背景之间的主要关系,以便正确掌握图画所传达的信息。 (3)如果图画以系列形式(既两幅以上)出现,考生除需掌握每一幅图画的信息外,还应该对图画之间的相互联系有所理解,在整体上把握图画所传达的信息。 (4)面对图画作文,考生应该展开合理而丰富的联想,用生动恰当的言辞抒发自己对图画的所思、所想、所感。 (5)注意图画作文中的文字说明。文字说明非常重要,通常十分清楚地提供一些写作要点,考生在看说明时要看清主、谓、宾,正确理解说明的意义。 (6)草拟提纲,合理组织材料。根据图画内容的不同采用不同的段落发展方式。如图画式作文写作多要求进行描写图画。对于漫画式写作,漫画描写本身并不重要,但文章的寓意却要力求准确,不要拖泥带水。 (7)系统且突出地展开段落。展开段落要根据画面内容进行,最好能围绕每一段的主题句进行。 (8)检查与修改。考生应重点检查图画内容是否准确地被表达出来,题目所给提示是否完整地反映在文章之中。如果存在与画面不相符的内容,或未能完全涵盖题目所给提示,考生应对文章做出相应修订。 2.必背模版句型 As is described in the picture... 这幅图描述了…… The purpose of the picture is to show us that... 这幅图的目的是为了给我们展示…… We can deduce form this picture that... 从这幅图中我们可以推断…… The picture indicates / conveys the meaning that 这幅图指出/传达…… More and more people have come to realize... 越来越多的人已经意识到…… Now it is commonly held that... but I doubt whether... 现在大家都普遍认为……,但我怀疑…… As is shown in the picture, we can see clearly the relationship between... and ... 从图中我们可以清楚的看到……和……的关系。 No wonder most see the problem of... as that of ... rather than that of... 难怪大多数人把……看成……的问题,而不是……的问题。


一、网恋 Directions: Write an essay entitled On-line Love Affair, your essay should meet the requirements below: (1)its side-effect (2)your viewpoints You should write 160~200words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: Although the popular belief is that internet increasingly plays an important role in our daily life, a current survey indicates that it has also brought some youngsters great disadvantages. They can do whatever they like, such matters as playing games, chatting. And some are even falling in love with chatters, which is called on-line love. Fresh notion as on-line love is, it sounds ridiculous when analyzed profoundly. What these young people fail to understand is that both sides have not well acquainted with mutually. Some net friends are reported to have been deceived by those people who are doing some criminal activities per year through the internet. Internet has indubitably provided various information for us, and on-line love is nothing but an artifact of fictitious world offered by internet. On the other hand, it is vital that we should make internet serve us better, and at the same time,as far as on-line love is concerned, being objective and levelheaded analysis is not far from being a sensible attitude. 范文精译: 尽管大家普遍认为网络在我们的日常生活中越来越重要,但当前的调查表明它同时也给一些年轻人带来了弊端。人们可以通过网络做他们喜欢做的一切,诸如打游戏、聊天。有些人甚至与聊天者谈起了恋爱,这就是所谓的网恋。 尽管网恋比较新颖,但仔细分析过后不免有些荒唐。这些年轻人没有意识到他们双方并不彼此了解。据报道,每年都有网友被那些专门通过网络做非法勾当的人欺骗。 毋庸置疑,网络给我们提供了各种各样的信息,而网恋只不过是网络这个虚幻世界的产物。一方面,我们应该使网络更好地为我们服务;同时就网恋而言,客观对待、冷静分析才是明智之举。 二、论美女经济 Directions: Write an essay with the title of On“Beauty Economy”,and your essay should be based on the following outline : (1)describe briefly the phenomenon of “beauty economy” (2)list positive effect (3)list negative effect You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: The “beauty economy” actually is “the eyeball economy”. The beauties are used to attract the public attention and make a profit. Meanwhile, the beauty contest activity which we are familiar with is regarded as the most gigantic manifestation of beauty economy. In the supporter’s eyes, the beauty economy gains high business profits through plans, organization, propaganda of the beauty contest. The participants can have the qualifications to participate in the competition as honour. The winners make their social status reach a high position. Thereupon, people become enthusiastic about beauty economy. The merchant has been laughing uproariously which hawked. The beautiful woman has the stage which declares a position. However, others don’t agree with it. Firstly, the beauties are treated as “unliving objects” just like the flower vase, and people pay too much attention to the pretty appearance of the beauties, but their internal world is ignored. Secondly, it leads to the distorted beauty culture. Many girls even women worship blindly the beauties and spend a lot of money in face-lifting to emulate them. Then our traditional aesthetic conceptions are totally overturned, and our conventional virtues completely disappear. Last but not the least, the beauty economy misleads the values. Relying on“being beautiful”, pursuing the wealth, they go after like ducks. And it also causes them to be the money worship.


考研英语大作文10大模板 1.图画作文 It seems to me that the cartoonist is sending a message about _______(图画主题), which is ______________(进一步的说明)。 He seems to be saying that_______________(给出细节)。 In my opinion, ___________(个人阐述)。 This simple picture is a wake up call for ______(所涉群体,如the whole of the human race)。Therefore, it is imperative for us to take drastic measures to put an end to _____________(问题所在)。 One the one hand, we must _________________(建议一)。 It is clear that the drawer of the illustration is urging us to _________(进一步说明)。 On the other hand, ________________(建议二) Only in this way can we___________(展望前景)。 2.图表作文 The chart gives us an overall picture of the ____________(图表主题)。 The first thing we notice is


suppose your cousin LI MING has just been admited to a university write him/her a letter to:(1)Congratulate him/her,and(2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life you should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. DO not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use "zhangwe 考研教育网考研英语二小作文范文: Dear friend, I am writing to congratulate you on your being successfully admitted to Harvard University,which enjoys an international reputation for its academic excellence and give you some suggestions as to how to make preparation for the coming college life. In order for you to adapt yourself to the university life,you are advised to get prepared physically and intellectually. First and foremost,you need to build a strong body for the future academic pursuit,so you can take some exercises during the breaks. Secondly,since the study in university is more demanding than in your secondary school,you are highly suggested to find some introductory books from the library so as to have a good idea of the specialty you are going to take in your college life. Given your sound ability,you are sure to have a successful college life. Congratulate you again and wish you a fruitful college life. Sincerely yours, Zhang Wei



————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期: ?

大作文: (1)正面(正确、积极的):01、02、03、08、10 反面(不正确的做法、消极):04、05、06、07、09、11 (2)一幅图还是两幅图(04、06) (3)作文有无规定题目(仅02) (4)1st:描述图画,2nd:解释图画要表达的含义,3rd:严重性及采取的举措。 例如:2011环境污染;2010:一个火锅——多种文化 *2012重点预测正面 Whatthe image is trying to express is symbolic and philosophic!Featuredinthe aboveillustration are large numbers of people who ,sitting in front ofcomputer, are placedin separate rooms .However ridiculous andhumorous it mayseem at first glimpse, this cartoondoescarryrathersignificantimplications. Evidently, the cartoonistaims to enlightenus thatwe should keep a balance between interenet communication and face-to-face .A great dealofattention is being paid today to internet . Indeed ,it has lon gbeenknow that usingthe internet in a properway should be great emphasized,if we want to construct aharmonious word.to our disappointment ,however ,withanever-developing of science andtechnology ,peoplein mounting numberstendto neglecttheseriousness ofthisproblem .hence people’s emotional distancein becominglargerandlarger. keeping a balancebetween internet communication andface-t o-face ,tomy mind , is not simply good forindividuals,but alsobeneficial tothe wholesociety .Hence awidespread educ ation campaignshould be launched soas toenhance people’s awarenessof the importance of using internet in a proper way .Onlybyconcerted efforts,canweembrace a happy , healthyand harmonious world ,aswe allwish,inthelongrun! 一种事物或现象(正面意义倾向)(第一段黄色为:is a hot pot,which is a symbol of the world.二三段的中心词换为:cultural communication) 翻译;什么样的形象是想表达的是象征性的哲学!精选在上图中大量的人,坐在电脑前,被放置在单独的房间。然而荒谬和幽默似乎在第一次看到,这幅漫画进行而显着的影响。 显然,漫画家的目的是告诉我们,我们应该保持网络通信和面对面之间的平衡。很多人注意到今天的互联网。事实上,它早已知道,适当的方式使用互联网应该是伟大的强调,要建设一个和谐的世界。使我们失望的是,然而,随着科学技术的不断发展,越来越多的人往往忽略了这个问题的严重性。因此,人的情感的距离越来越大。


考研英语大作文范文之三 考研英语大作文范文之三考研英语大作文范文之三team work 一个人盖楼房很辛苦, 很多人在一起建, 他们脸上有很多笑容。 as is vividly depicted in the picture,(描述图画). the most striking feature is(图画重点信息).there is no doubt that its symbolic meaning subtly conveyed snewszw_hzh_begin-- newszw_hzh_begin-- newszw_hzh_end-- newszw_hzh_end-- hould be given deep consideration. as is symbolically revealed in the set of drawings, the fact that(重复上面的图画信息) profoundly indicates that team work is momentous (重要的) and fundamental to any one who undertakes great deeds. undoubtedly, it is team work that keeps us continually doing something valuable and admirable in spite of difficulty and discouragement , that makes us still full of energy to face the coming challenges and competition and that offers us the foundation for the coming success. unless we cooperate sincerely, , we will live a dull and depressing life and feel frustrated and humiliated, only to be eliminated. no better illustration of this idea can be thought


2012年1月考研英语一作文范文 2012年1月考研英语(一)作文范文 作文 Directions: Some international students are coming to your university. Write them an email in the name of the Students' Union to 1) extend your welcome and 2) provide some suggestions for their campus life here. You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET2. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter, Use "Li Ming"instead. Do not write the address.(10 points). 小作文范文 Dear my friends, I am writing this letter to welcome you to our university. I expect you to arrive here with increasing joy as well as excitement. It is of great pleasure to anticipate your coming soon. As foreign students, you will find everything on our campus quite different, fresh and alien. Therefore, after arriving, you can take full advantage of every opportunity to communicate with us directly to bridge the gap. To be more specific, the climate in Beijing is considerably different from your hometown, but you will soon get accustomed to living here. Finally, I hope to accompany you and introduce some special or unique campus characteristics and cultures to you so as to let you better understand our college life. We shall strive to make your visit as pleasant as possible by providing the best service as well as support for you. All of our students are looking forward to your early coming eagerly. Students' Union Li Ming Dear friends, I am very glad to hear that you would come to our school. Firstly I will extend to you our warmest welcome, and we are looking forward to the coming learning. Before you come here, I will try to make some useful


(3) Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should: 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) support your view with an example/examples. You should write on ANSWER SHEET 2. 范文: Success is always described by the old as something relevant to patience. In the picture, a man sits with a dozen of clocks around him. Beside is the subtitle saying that “success means persisting five minutes more than others”. We can infer from it that the man sets these many clocks just to remind himself that he should never give up. It is very true that success derives from persistence, for which there are several reasons. Firstly, no accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success asks for continuous industrious work and efforts. Secondly, when one is able to insist in stepping towards achievement, he must believe what he dedicates to. This belief is the source of persistence that paves the way to success. Thirdly, just as the saying goes, “Rome was not built in one day”, success is founded on the basis of patient pursuit that can never be impeded by temporary failures. To conclude, I would like to borrow another ancient saying that “He laughs best who laughs last”. Laughing symbolizes the confidence for success, and confidence always yields patience and insistence. Hence, I firmly believe that if everybody applies what the picture conveys into actual practice, they will surely reap lot more. 译文: 老人们总说成功和耐心是联系在一起的。正如这幅图所显示的那样,一个男人坐在椅子上,身边围绕着许多的钟。旁边的标题上写着“成功就是比别人多坚持五分钟”。我们可以从这幅图中推断出,这个人摆了这么多闹钟就是为了提醒自己不要轻易地放弃。 确实,成功来源于坚持,关于这一点有以下几点原因。第一,没有任何成就是可以在短


2018考研英语(一)大作文真题范文及译文 2018考研英语(一)大作文是让考生描写关于一位同学选择课程的图画,并且对背后的含义进行解读。针对本题,文都考研教学研究院英语教学研究中心提供参考范文一篇如下: 【题目】 52.Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should 1)describe the picture briefly 2)interpret the meaning, and 3)give your comments. Write your answer neatly on the ANSWER SHEET.(20 points) 2018考研英语(一)大作文真题范文及译文: As is vividly depicted in the graph that sitting in front of a computer, a student is selecting the curriculum, taking numerous elements into consideration including the innovation, the freshness of knowledge and the level of difficulty as well as the scoring, the qualified rate and burden of assignment. The caption says: The course selecting is on the way, indicating the importance of well-rounded consideration while making a choice. We can deduce from the portrayal that well-rounded contemplating, a significant quality, serves as an indispensable capability bringing about positive influence toward different aspects of our lives. It


考研英语大作文写作攻略:图表作文 .写作攻略 图表作文是考研英语写作中较为常见的题型之一,也是难度较大的一种写作题型。这类作文可综合提供题目、数据、图像、提纲,形式多样,但实际上只涉及5个方面:描述图表、指明寓意、分析原因、联系实际、给出建议,而每次考试只是从这5个方面的内容中选出3个结合在一起。从写作类型来看,基本上属于说明文。要求考生围绕题目将有关信息转化为文字形式,考生应该具有一定数据分析和材料归纳的能力,同时会运用一定的写作方法。考研试题一般以三段式写作方法来组织文章,第一段总结归纳信息反映的整体情况,点出主题思想,第二段回答第一段所得出的问题,对数字、数据等做出有条理的分析比较,第三段做出总结或给以简单的评论。表格和图表题型写作要点: (1)考生应仔细研究题目以及提示信息,认清图表中的数字、线条、阴影等部分的变化趋势和走向,抓住其主要特点,然后根据图表所显示的中心信息确定内容层次以及主题句。 (2)考生应该仔细研究图表所给出的大量信息,从中选取最重要,最有代表性的信息,然后根据全文的主旨去组织运用所获取的关键信息。切忌简单地罗列图表所给出的信息。 (3)图表作文一般采用的时态为一般现在时,但如果图表中给出了具体时间参照,考生则应对时态进行相应的调整。 (4)图表作文有一些固定句型和表达法,考生应对此融会贯通。 (5)图表作文可以细分为表格,曲线图、柱形图和饼形图。除了上述共同要点,考生还应了解这四种图在写作方面的不同特点。 -- 表格可以表示多种事物的相互关系,所以考生要对表格中所给出的大量数字进行比较分析,从中找出其变化规律。 -- 曲线图常表示事物的变化趋势,考生应认真观察坐标系所显示的数据信息,并且密切注意交汇在坐标横轴和纵轴上的数字及单位。 -- 柱形图用来表示各种事物的变化情况及相互关系,要求考生通过宽度相等的柱形的高度或长度差别来判断事物的动态发展趋势,因此考生应密切关注坐标线上的刻度单位及图表旁边的提示说明与文字。 -- 饼形图表示各事物在总体中所占的比例及相互关系,旨在要求考生准确理解并阐


考研英语一小作文真题及范文3篇 英语一小作文真题:51.direction You are to write an email to James Cooka newly-arrived Australia professorrecommending some tourist attraction in your city .Please give reason for your recommendation. You should write nearly on the answer/sheet. Dot not sign your own name at the end of the email .use "li ming"instead Do not write the address.(10 points) 参考范文1(网友版): Dear Prof. James Cook Welcome to China. I know you love tra veling so I’m writing this letter to recommend to you one of my favorite scen I think you must like it for the reasons as follows. To begin with there are an amount of beautiful scenic spots such as the Ice and Snow Kingdom in winter the Sun island the Central Street and so on. In addition you could taste a great number of snacks on the average street. Last but not least the people of Harbin are overwhelmingly hospitable and enthusiastic which is famous all over China. Owing to the reasons discuss ed above I won’t hesitate to recommend this scenic spot to you. I am sure you will enjoy it. Best wishes for you! 【参考范文2(网友版)】 Dear Mr. Cook I am writing this letter to recommend you one of the tourist attractions in my city —The Great Wall. The detailed reasons for my recommendation are listed as the following. At the top of the list the Great Wall is one of the oldest historic interests in China. In addition there are a large number of tourists in China and abroad touring the Great Wall and appreciating its grandness and

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