当前位置:文档之家› 2020年华东理工大学期末考试(大学英语4本20210110模拟卷2)







Part I Vocabulary and Structure (1 point, 20%)

1.He gave to his friends what he _____ to his family.






2. They promised him he would soon be rich _____ his wildest dreams.






3. His attitude toward us seems _____.






4. If you want to improve your English, you had better pay _____ in class.






5. I don’t think this kind of medicine has any _____.






6. Professor Smith promised to look ______ my paper, that is, to read it carefully before the defense.

A.A fter





7.It took the couple ten years to pay _____ their debt.






8.It is not until you have lost your health _______ you know its value.






9.I feel sorry because I can not find anything _____ to satisfy the children’s needs.






10.Jim denied _____ the window, but I am sure he did.

A.to break



D.to have broken 参考答案:B

11.We _____ problem right from the beginning of the project.

A.ran across

B.ran into

C.ran down

D.ran out


12.It’s time we _______ the lecture because everybody has arrived.

A.will start

B.shall start




13.It is no use_____ over spilt milk.


B.to be crying

C.to cry

D.to have cried


14. The new order means ______ overtime.



C.to work



15. Had you come five minutes earlier, you ______ the train to Birmingham. But now you missed it.

A.would catch

B.would have caught

C.could catch

D.should catch


16.Problems often seem _____ when you carry their burden alone, so talk it out.

A.more worse

B.much worse

C.too worse

D.very worse


17.I _____ to invite her to come for dinner, but she has been on business in Shanghai.



C.had thought



18.The West Lake is so beautiful that it is worth _____.

A.you to visit


C.for you to visit

D.for your visiting


19. It is time we _____ that the little boy is not much interested in any of the subjects

at school.


B.should realize


D.would realize


20. Having heard so much about Mr. Smith, they were ___ to meet and have a chat with him.






Part II Use of English (1 point, 10%)

21.Will you have some dessert, Judy? _____.

A.No, thank you. I’m on a diet.

B.Yes, I’ve had enough.

C.You are so good at making it.

D.Oh, I don’t mind.


22. I wonder if Henry will come to the party. _____.

A.The party will start soon.

B.Thank you for coming to the party.

C.Don’t worry. He always keeps his word.

D.I also wonder.


23. Can I help you to carry the box? _____.

A.No idea.

B.Thanks. It’s very kind of you.

C.Yes, let’s do it.

D.It’s no trouble at all.


24. Would you please turn down the radio? _____.

A.I’ll go there.

B.It sounds funny.

C.Never mind.

D.Sorry, I haven’t realized y ou’re sleeping.


25. Excuse me, how far is the post office from here? _____.

A.You can take bus No. 1.

B.It’s about twenty miles.

C.It’s only five dollars.

D.Of course.


26. Can I take your order? _____.

A.By no means.

B.Sorry, it’s not my order.

C.Thank you for your asking.

D.Wait a minute. Two friends are coming.


27. Would you mind if I open the window? _____.

A.That’s fine, thank you.

B.Take a rest.

C.Yes, please.

D.Of course not.


28. Which festival is the most important in Chinese? _____.

A.The Spring Festival.

B.Yes, I like it.

C.I will you later.

D.I will think about it.


29. What do you do on the weekends? _____.

A.I like it.

B.I don’t know.

C.I have a good rest.

D.I need help.


30. I find it exciting to chat on-line. How about you? _____.

A.Y es, I am.

B.No, I’m not.

C.Well, I find it rather strange.

D.I cannot find it.

参考答案:C Part III Reading Comprehension (2 points, 30%)

Passage One

Work is a very important part of life in the United States. Americans spend most of their lives working. For most Americans, their work defines them: they are what they do. What happens, then, when a person can no longer work?

Most Americans stop working at age sixty-five or seventy and retire. Because work is such an important part of life in this culture, retirement can be very difficult. Retirees often feel that they are useless and unproductive. Of course, some people are happy to retire, but leaving one’s job, whatever it is, is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring. Retirement can also bring financial problems. Many people depend on Social Security checks every month. During their working years, employees contribute a certain percentage of their salaries to the government. Each employer also gives a certain percentage to the government. When people retire, they receive this money as

income,Their checks do not provide enough money to live on, however, because prices are increasing very rapidly. Senior citizens, those over sixty-five, have to have savings in the bank or other retirement plans to make ends meet.

The rate of inflation is forcing prices higher each year; Social Security checks alone cannot cover these growing expense. The government offers some assistance, but many senior citizens have to change the life-styles after retirement. They have to spend carefully to be sure that they can afford to buy food, fuel, and other necessities.

Of course, Many senior citizens are happy with their retirement. They have time to spend with their families or to enjoy their hobbies. Some continue to work part time; others do volunteer work. Some, like those in the Retired Business Executives Association, even help young people to get started in new businesses. Many retired citizens also belong to “Golden Age” groups. These organizations plan trips and social events. There are many other opportunities for retirees.








占政府的百分比。当人们退休时,他们收到这笔钱作为收入,他们的支票没有提供足够的钱来生活,然而,因为价格正在迅速上涨。 65岁以上的老年公民必须有储蓄









31. What is the best title for this passage?

A.“Golden Age”Groups

B.The American Opinion of work

C.The Importance of Work in America

D.The Problems of Retirement in America


32. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the retirees?

A.Some retirees feel happy as they can have more time to enjoy themselves.

B.Some retirees have to be careful with their money because of the rising prices.

C.Some retirees like to work without being paid.

D.Some retirees find work in new businesses.


33. It can be inferred from the passage that

A.the Americans show their value through their work

B.the Americans government pays little attention to the life of the retirees

C.the retirees’ former employers offer some assistance to the retirees

D.the Americans can not find much time to travel before their retirement


34. Where did this passage most probably appear?

A.On the front page of a daily newspaper.

B.In a weekly news magazine with a general readership.

C.In a specialized magazine for moral philosophers.

D.In a specialized magazine for Social Security office.


35. What dose the paragraph following the passage most likely discuss?

A.An explanation of why the retirees feel lost.

B.The difficult situation the retirees have.

C.A different opinion of the physical and emotional needs of the retirees.

D.A description of other activities the retirees can have.


Passage Two

“Are you the happiest man in the world?” When asked this question, most people would say no. They don’t think they are the happiest of the people around them. They would point out that one of their neighbors is happier than any one of them, “Doctor Frank has a career himself. His wife is the most beautiful and well-educated lady in the community. No, I don’t think I am happier than Doctor Frank. At least my career is not as successful as his.” Most of us compare ourselves with anyone we think is happier – a relative, a close friend or, often, someone we even hardly know. I once met a young man who struck me as particularly successful and happy. He spoke of his love for his beautiful wife and their daughters, and of his joy at being a TV talk-show host. I remember thinking he was one of the lucky few for whom everything goes effortlessly right. Once we talked about the Internet, he is grateful for its existence. He told me, because he could look up information on diabetes (糖尿病)–the terrible disease that made his wife suffer and could possibly be passed down to his lovely children. When I heard this, I felt like a fool for taking it for granted that nothing unhappy existed in his life.

This made me think a lot and I soon drew one of the most significant conclusions about happiness: there is little relation between the situations of people’s lives and how happy they are. We all know people who are richer and have an easier life than others, yet they are essentially unhappy. And we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. Unhappiness is like looking at something and fixing on even the smallest fault. As a bald man told me, “Whenever I enter a room, all I see is hair.”

It is hard for us to give up the image of “being perfect”. As nothing is perfect, anyone can be unhappy. It takes no courage or effort to be unhappy. True happiness lies in struggling to be happy.






成功就像他的一样。“我们大多数人都把自己和我们认为更快乐的人进行比较-a 亲戚,亲密的朋友,或者,通常,我们甚至不认识的人。我见过一个年轻人
















36. According to the author, most people would ______ they are the happiest in the world.

A.doubt whether

B.like to think that

C.think about whether

D.not think that


37. The author thinks that people quite often compare themselves with ______.

A.a close friend

B.a relative

C.anyone we think is happier

D.someone we even hardly know


38. What is not true about the young man the author once met with?

A.He is a TV talk show host.

B.Everything goes effortlessly right for him.

C.He loves his wife and their daughters.

D.He is very happy with his work and his life.


39. After talking with the young man about the Internet, the author realizes ______.

A.that he is mistaken in thinking nothing unhappy existed in the latter’s life

B.how grateful the young man is for the existence of the Internet

C.how terribly the young man’s wife suffer from the disease – diabetes

D.that there is a lot of information one can look up in the Internet


40. The significant conclusion the author draws about happiness is that _____.

A.it is hard for us to give up the image of “being perfect”

B.unhappiness is like looking at something and fixing on even the smallest fault

C.we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy

D.true happiness lies in struggling to be happy


Passage Three

Computers are useful machines. They can help people a lot in their everyday life. For example, they can help people save much time, and they can help people work out many problems they can’t do easily. Our country asks everyone to learn to use computers, except the old people.

Today more and more families own computers. Parents buy computers for their children. They hope computers can help them improve their studies in school. Yet many of the children use computers to play games, to watch video or to sing karaoke, instead of studying. So many teachers and parents complain that computers can not help children to study but make them fall behind, so computers are locked by parents in the boxes.

In some other countries, even some scientists also hate computers. They say computers let millions of people lost their jobs or bring them a lot of trouble.

Will computers really bring trouble to people or can they bring people happiness? It will be decided by people themselves!











41. Computers are useful machines because _____.

A.our country asks everyone to learn it well.

B.it can help us a lot.

C.we can use it to play games.

D.it can help us work out difficult problems.


42. Many teachers and parents complain that _____.

A.their students and children use computers to play games.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ec11408726.html,puters let them lose their jobs

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ec11408726.html,puters make the students and children not study better than before

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ec11408726.html,puters bring people a lot of trouble.


43. In this passage, we know computers _____.

A.also bring us trouble.

B.bring us happiness only.

C.are hated by people.

D.are bad for people’s health


44. Can computers really help children to study?

A.Yes, they can.

B.It’s hard to say.

C.No, they can’t.

D.Of course not.


45. How do you understand the under-lined sentence of this passage? I think it means


https://www.doczj.com/doc/ec11408726.html,puters are used by people

B.people can live well without computers.

C.one must decide how to use computers

https://www.doczj.com/doc/ec11408726.html,puters are strange machines.


Part IV Cloze (1 point, 10%)

Scientists say that the disappearance of the trees is already_____changes in the climate. What will happen if_____of the Amazon forest is cut down? According to scientists, two things are _____to happen: there will be serious effects on the world’s_____ and the air we_____will lose some of its oxygen. The temperature will_____; the ice-caps at the North and South Poles will_____; the sea _____will rise, and hundreds of coastal cities will be flooded. All scientists agree that if we_____the Amazon forest, life on earth will become difficult, and it may become_____






46. A.producing B.making C.causing D.stopping


47.A.some B.any C.less D.more


48. A.like B.alike C.likewise D.likely


49.A.condition B.climate C.weather D.situation


50.A.breathe B.breath C.possess D.have


51.A.climb B.rise C.arise D.raise

参考答案:B 52. A.melt B.change C.appear D.disappear


53.A.standard B.surface C.appearance D.level


54.A.spoil B.destroy C.destruct D.cut down


55.A.good B.bad C.impossible D.possible


Part V Translation (3 points, 15%)

56.The floor wet and slippery, we’d better stay outside for a while.


57. After the government had taken some effective measures, prices began to level off.


58. He got a message from Mr. Johnson that the manager could not see him that afternoon. 参考答案:他从约翰逊先生那里得到一条消息,经理那天下午看不见他。

59. Semiconductor chips are small in size and light in weight.


60. We will never fail to live up to what our parents expect of us.


Part VI Writing (15 points, 15%)


To avoid traffic accidents以避免交通事故的发生

How to avoid traffic accidents

Recently,with more and more people owning private cars,more traffic accident are reported.

As we all know ,the traffic accidents have been the social heated topic because the number of the traffic accidents is increasing.The main reason is driving after

drinking.Besides,running the red light and the drag-racing in the cities are the causes.As a result ,more and more traffic accidents have happened.

In my opinion,if we want to reduce the accidents ,we should take action.For

example,drivers should be punishment severely without mercy.At the same

time,government should educate people to obey the traffic rules.Only when we avoid the traffic accidents can we live in a happier life.





1 - 华东理工大学2019-2020学年期中测试卷

华东理工大学2019—2020学年第二学期 《化工原理》课程期中测试卷 2020.4 开课学院: 化工学院 ,专业: 考试形式:闭卷 所需时间: 120 分钟 考生姓名: 学号: 班级: 任课教师: 一、填充(共50分) 1、吸收操作的基本依据是 (1) 。 2、吸收操作中,常用的解吸方法有 (2) 、 (3) 、 (4) 。 3、吸收操作中,总压降低,E_(5) 、H_(6) 、m_(7) 。(上升、下降、不变) 4、对流传质理论中,三个有代表性的是 (8) 、 (9) 、 (10) 。 5、3NH 、HCl 等易溶气体溶解度大,其吸收过程通常为 (11) 控制。当气相阻力控制时, Ky ≈ (12) 。 6、低浓度气体吸收计算时,引入了三个基本假设,它们是 (13) ; (14) ; (15) 。 7、料吸收塔的计算中,传质单元数OG N 表示 (16) ;而传质单元高度OG H 表示 (17) ,是吸收设备传质效能高低的反映。 8、纯溶剂逆流吸收,L/G=3,y=2x ,当塔无限高时,则在 (18) 达到相平衡。若L/G 增大,则min ,2y (19) 。(变大、变小、不变、不确定)。 9、逆流吸收过程中,进口气体组成1y 和吸收剂入口浓度2x 及流量不变,气体流量G 增加, 若为气膜控制,则2y (20) , 1x (21) 。若为液膜控制,则OG H (22) 。(变大,变小,不变,不确定) 10、操作中的吸收塔,若吸收剂入塔浓度2x 降低,其它操作条件不变,则气体出口浓度2y (23)_,推动力m y (24)_,回收率η(25)_。(变大、变小、不变、不确定) 11、精馏操作的基本依据是 (26) 。精馏和蒸馏的区别在于 (27) 。 12、恒摩尔流假定的主要前提是 (28) 。 13、在精馏操作中,回流比R 增大,则x D 增大,但是x D 不可能无限增大,因为x D 的增大受 (29) 的限制和 (30) 的限制。 14、当操作总压上升时,物系的相对挥发度_(31)_、塔顶温度_(32)_、塔底温度_(33)_。(上升、下降、不变、不确定) 15、汽液传质设备分为填料塔和板式塔。填料塔为 (34) 接触设备;板式塔为 (35) 接触设备。它们对精馏和吸收过程都是通用的。 16、理论板是指 (36) 。 17、请写出下述3种不同进料热状态下的q 值或范围,冷液: (37) ,饱和蒸汽: (38) ;过热蒸汽: (39) 。 18、间歇精馏操作中,若要保持馏出液组成不变,必须不断 (40) 回流比;若


《大学英语 2 》复习资料 一、单词或短语英汉互译 1.将下列词语译成中文 (1)economist(2)goods(3 )profit (4)consumer(5)Interest 1. 经济学家; 2. 商品; 3. 利润; 4. 消费者 5.利息 (6)charge(7 )affect(8 )industrious (9)package(10 )machinery 6.收费 7.影响 8.勤劳的 9.包装10. 机械 (11)concern(12 )furniture (13)strong-willed(14 )snowstorm 11. 关心12. 家具 13. 意志坚强14. 暴风雪 (15)cosmetics 15. 化妆品 2.将下列词语译成英文 (16)投资(17)需求(18) 炊具 (19)市场(20)制造商 16.investment17. demand18. cooker

19. Market20.manufacturer (21) 破坏(22) 受益(23) 超过 (24)进口(25)资源 21.spoil22. Benefit23. Exceed 24. Import25.resource (26)条形码(27 )结账 (28)以防万一 26. universal product code27. check out 28. In case (29)气候(30 )免费 29.climate30. Free 二、单项选择题 1. Apparently, it wasn't an accident. Someone must have done it on(B). A. intention B. determination C. purpose D. reason 2. The young doctor could not sleep at night, the worsening condition of a patient(A)him. A. disturbing B. disturbed C. being disturbed D.to disturb 3. (D) Americans have different views on many issues,

华东理工大学物理 下 期末试卷答案

华东理工大学物理B(下)期末考试A卷 选择题30’(5’×6) 1、边长为L的正方形,在其四个顶点上各放有等量的点电荷,若正方形中心O处场强值、电势值均为零,则四个顶点带电情况为? A.顶点a、b、c、d处都是负电荷 B.顶点a、b处是正电荷,顶点c、d处是负电荷 C.顶点a、c处是正电荷,顶点b、d处是负电荷D顶点a、b、c、d都是负电荷 A、D的U O≠0,B的E O≠0,由矢量叠加证明E O=0,由两等量异号电荷的中垂面为零势面证明U O=0 2、已知一高斯面所包围的体积内电荷代数和Σq=0,则能肯定? A.高斯面上各点场强均为零 B.穿过高斯面上每一面元的电场强度通量为零 C.穿过整个高斯面的电场强度通量为零 D.以上均错 3、半径R1的导体球带电q,外罩一带电Q的半径为R2的同心导体球壳,q点距球心O的距离为r,r

5、牛顿环实验装置中,曲率半径为R 的平凸透镜与平玻璃板在中心恰好接触,其间充满折射率为n 的透明介质,一真空中波长为λ的平行单色光垂直入射到该装置上,则反射光形成的干涉条纹中,暗环的半径r k 表达式为?A.n /k r k R λ= B.R n /k r k λ= C.R λkn r k = D.R λk r k =6、一动量为P 的电子,沿图示方向入射并能穿过一宽为D ,磁感应强度为B(方向垂直纸面向外)的均匀磁场区,则该电子出射、入射方向间的夹角为多少? A.α=cos -1P eBD B.α=sin -1P eBD C.α=sin -1eP BD D.α=cos -1 eP BD


2011级快班大学英语(II)期末考试A卷答案 Part I. Writing (15%) 略 Part II. Translation (10%) 1.easily snap into pieces and then melt in the mouth 2.the latest economic proposal put forward by the President 3.there was no point in adjusting the plan 4.simply lose hope, or are becoming increasingly cynical 5.it was hard for him to become conditioned to rural life again Part III. Synomys (5%) 1-5. CCAAD 6-10. DABAD Part IV. Listening Comprehension (25%) 11-15. BDDBD 16-20. CAABB 21-25. BACAA 26-30. CCCD 31-35. DBBCB Part V. Vocabulary and Structure (5%) 36-40. CBBAA 41-45. BCBBC Part VI. R eading Comprehension (30%) 46-50. ADACD 51-55. DCBDB 56-60. ACAAB Part VII. Cloze (10%) 61-66. CADAB 66-70. CCDAA 71-75. CDCBA 76-80. DBAAD


1.CA(美国化学文摘光盘版)数据库中,哪些字段更适合索引检索(Browse):选BCD B.Author C.Patent Number https://www.doczj.com/doc/ec11408726.html,anization 2.EI数据库中,检索结果最多的检索式是:B 3.能够对反应中出现的溶剂和反应步数进行分析的界面是:B 4.针对某一文献记录,SciFinder数据库的"Get Related Information"的功能,可以提供以下信息:ABCD 5.CA(美国化学文摘光盘版)数据库中,表示词组fuzzy control的多种形式,正确的表示方法为:D 6.Engineering Village数据库中,关于"换热器涂层"方面的研究,可以了解到哪些信息?ABC错BCcuoAC错 7.SciFinder数据库中,想快速了解某一课题的研究概况,可以限定检索结果为哪种文献类型?C 8.关于Engineering Village正确的说法是ABC错 9.Engineering Village数据库中,表示词组computer control的多种形式,正确的表示方法为:BC错ABC错 10.CA(美国化学文摘光盘版)数据库,收录多种文献类型,包括:A 11.EI数据库收录了世界各国的学位论文摘要。错 12.SciFinder数据库中,检索有关“两性聚电解质溶液的结构研究”(Study on the structure of polyampholyte)”的文献,正确的检索方式为:选C 13.Engineering Village数据库中,除常用的检索功能之外,还提供了

下列哪些检索功能:ABC 14.EI数据库中,检索在德国举办的有关“知识发现”的会议文献,要求在会议名称中含有“知识发现”,正确的检索式为:C 15.Physical transformations. Weikel,Ross R. 144 pp. Avail. UMI,Order No. DA3233620 From: Diss. Abstr. Int.,B 2007,67(9),5255 (English).文献类型是:D 16.在工程索引数据库中,通过Ei Controlled Term(Ei控制词)检索时,最好利用Browse Indexes。对 17.EI数据库收录了各个国家的专利。错 18.在Engineering Village中,适合使用索引检索的检索字段是:BCD 19.关于美国化学文摘光盘版和网络版,以下正确的说法是:BC 20.SciFinder数据库的分析功能可以提供给我们哪些信息?ACB 21.Engineering Village数据库中,如果检索出的文献结果过少,可以采用下列哪些办法?BD 22.下列号码中,化学物质登记号是B 23.SciFinder数据库可以根据物质的化学结构对文献进行分析。对 24.CA(美国化学文摘光盘版)数据库中,关于专利检索,正确的说法是:BC错AB错 25.SciFinder数据库中,以Reactions为检索点时,可以从以下方面限定输入物质在反应中的作用。ABCD 26. SciFinder数据库中,下列哪些角度分析检索结果的学科分布情况:ABC


微观经济学202101模拟卷1答案 一、单选题(共20题,每题2分,共40分) 1. 市场不能提供纯粹的公共物品是因为()。(2分) A.公共物品不具有排他性 B.公共物品不具有竞争性 C.消费者都想“免费搭车” D.以上三种情况都是 .★标准答案:D 2. 准租金和厂商的总利润相比()。(2分) A.相等 B.前者大 C.后者大 D.均有可能 .★标准答案:B 3. 某一经济活动存在外部不经济是指该活动的()。(2分) A.私人成本大于社会成本 B.私人成本小于社会成本 C.私人利益大于社会利益 D.私人利润小于社会利益 .★标准答案:B 4. 假定某歌唱演员的年薪为10万元,但若他从事其他职业,最多只能得到3万元,那么该歌唱演员所获得的经济租金为()。(2分) A.10万元 B.7万元 C.3万元 D.不能确定 .★标准答案:B 5. 正常利润是()。(2分) A.经济利润的一部分 B.经济成本的一部分 C.隐含成本的一部分 D.B和C都对 .★标准答案:D 6. 如果市场价格超过平均成本,边际收益大于边际成本,垄断厂商多卖1单位时()。(2分) A.对总利润没有影响,但会缩小边际收益和边际成本之间的差额 B.总利润会减少 C.厂商总收益会减少,其数额等于P-AC D.总利润会增加,其数额为MR-MC,并缩小边际收益和边际成本之间的差额。 .★标准答案:D 7. 如果上游工厂污染了下游居民的饮水,按科斯定理,(),问题就可妥善解决。(2分) A.不管产权是否明确,只要交易成本为零 B.只要产权明确,且交易成本为零 C.只要产权明确,不管交易成本有多大 D.不管产权是否明确,交易成本是否为零 .★标准答案:B 8. 由于垄断会使效率下降,因此任何垄断都是要不得的,这一命题()。(2分) A.一定是正确的 B.并不正确 C.可能是正确的 D.基本上是正确的 .★标准答案:B


▆■■■■■■■■■■■■ 福建师范大学网络与继续教育学院 《大学英语( 2)》期末考试A 卷 姓名: 学号: 专业: 学习中心: 一、阅读: 20%(每小题 2 分) 12345678910 A A D D C A A B B C 二、交际用语 20% (每小题 2 分) 12345678910 B C C C A B D D D A 三、语法与词汇: 30% (每小题 2 分) 12345678910 A B C D D B B C C C 1112131415 A B C D D 四.英译汉: 30% (答题请不要超出边框) There is no separation for you between work and home. Even when at home, your work is the top priority. You are totally committed and driven to work, and your happiness is found in your work. Work always seems to take precedence over family and leisure time. You have no social life other than work-related events. (翻译题请在此空白处答题,否则不得分) 你不分工作和家庭 即使在家,你的工作也是最重要的。 你一心扑在工作上,只有在工作中才能找到快乐。 工作似乎总是在家庭和娱乐之上。 除了与工作有关的事情,你就没有社交生活了。 一、阅读: 20% ( 所有答案必须填在答卷 ( 1 ) Cars are important in the United people feel that they are poor. And even feel really poor when he has a car. Henry started making cars in large numbers. He much the car was going to affect America United States a nation on wheels. And it what it is today. There are three main reasons the the United States. First of all, the co Americans like to move around in it. T comfortable and cheapest form of transp can go any place without spending a lot o The second reason cars are popula States never really developed an efficie public transportation. Long-distance tr common in the United States as they are Nowadays there is a good system of air- But it is too expensive to be used frequen The third reason is the most im American spirit of independence is wha Americans don ’t likewaitto for a bus They don’t like to have to follow an them the freedom to schedule their own that Americans want most to have. The gas shortage has caused a big But the answer will not be a bigger syste The real solution will have to be a new ki use so much gas.


2011年7月期末考大学英语3复习卷 I. Word Matching: Identify the Chinese equivalents of the following English words or phrases. (20%) 1. import 2. look forward to sth 3. expose 4. make it 5. complicated 6. be absorbed in 7. illustrate 8. take advantage of 9. desirable 10. in particular 11. predict 12. liberal arts 13. estimate 14. current affairs 15. negotiation 16. ill consequences 17. negative 18. criticism 19. desperation 20. be to blame 1. competence 2. overwhelming majority 3. probability 4. maintain 5. unique 6. not necessarily 7. conflict 8. business expansion 9. expectation 10. crisis 11. bargain 12. keep doing sth 13. urgency 14. in general 15. dominate 16. stand for 17. diligently 18. exert influence on… 19. enhance 20. break up with sb II.Structure (20%) 1. The millionaire has paid around 20 million dollars ____ his space trip. A. to B. for C. with D. on 2. By the end of next month, the new steel bridge ______. A. will have been completed B. will be completed C. had been completed D. has been completed 3. – How about ___Christmas evening party? – I should say it was ___success! A. a; a B. the; a C. a; / D. the; / 4.Who is ____ old man living in the cottage by the river? A. an B. a C./ D. the 5. She had made ____ progress in pronunciation that she could read English beautifully. A. such rapid B. so rapid a C. such a rapid D. so rapid 6. You object _______, don’t you? A. that they come B. that they came C. to their come D. to their coming 7. There must be something wrong with refrigerator, ____ all the food in it has been spoiled. A. because B. as C. since D. for 8. I wish everybody _______ the meeting tomorrow. A. will attend B. would attend C. had attended D. is going to attend 9. The old lady slipped and broke her leg, just as she _____ on the bus.



第一部分:交际用语(来自课后练习及统考题库)1.-What can I do for you? -_________ A. Let me have a watch. B. Could you show me the watch? C. Yes, you can. Give me the watch. D. The watch, please don't give me the pen. 2.- I don't know how to thank you enough. -_________. A. No thanks B. Thank you, too C. Never mind D. It's nothing 3. --- I'm sorry I broke your mirror. --- Oh, really? _______. A. It doesn't matter B. Don't be sorry C. Not at all D. It's OK with me 4. -Could you help me put up the signs on the wall? -_______. A. No problem B. I hope so C. That's all right D. That's a good idea 5. - Peter, don't step on the grass. - ____________. A. It doesn't matter B. I can't do it C. Don't worry D. Sorry, I won't do it again


大学英语(2)期末考试复习资料模拟题 一、阅读: ( 1 ) A young man who lived in London was in love with a beautiful girl. Soon she became his fiancée (未婚妻). The man was very poor while the girl was rich. The young man wanted to make her a present on her birthday. He wanted to buy something beautiful for her, but he had no idea how to do it, as he had very little money. The next morning he went to a shop. There were many fine things there: gold watches, diamond… but all these things were too expensive. There was one thing he could not take his eyes off. It was a beautiful vase. That was a suitable present for his fiancée. He had been looking at the vase for half an hour when the manager of the shop noticed him. The young man looked so pale, sad and unhappy that the manager asked what had happened to him. The young man told him everything. The manager felt sorry for him and decided to help him. A bright idea struck him. The manager pointed to the corner of the shop. To his great surprise the young man saw a vase broken into many pieces. The manager said: "When the servant enters the room, he will drop it." On the birthday of his fiancée the young man was very excited. Everything happened as had been planned. The servant brought in the vase, and as he entered the room, he dropped it. There was horror on everybody's face. When the box was opened, the guests saw that each piece was packed separately. 1. The story took place ______. A. in France B. in England C. in Germany D. in the United States 2. Which of the following is true? A. A rich young man fell in love with a beautiful girl. B. The young man's family was poor while the beautiful girl is rich. C. The young man loved the girl but the girl didn't love him. D. The young man had enough money to buy a beautiful vase. 3. Why did the young man want to buy a present for the girl? A. He wanted to give her a Christmas present. B. He fell in love with her. C. Her birthday was coming soon. D. They were going to get married. 4. Why did the shop manager come to talk to the young man? A. He looked very excited. B. He was poorly dressed. C. He looked pale and sad. D. He said he wanted to buy a beautiful vase. 5. On the birthday of his fiancée, the young man was excited because ____. A. the girl was in love with him B. the girl looked beautiful


华东理工大学网络教育学院 (全部答在答题纸上,请写清题号,反面可用。试卷与答题纸分开交) 宏观经济学_202101_模拟卷2_答案 一、单选题(共10题,每题2分,共20分) 1. 影响各国之间经济开放程度较小的因素是()(2分) A.边际消费倾向 B.边际进口倾向 C.国家的大小 D.开放程度 .★标准答案:C 2. 当政府实行扩张性财政政策,进行减收税收时,对消费和投资的影响分别为()。(2分) A.二者同增; B.二者同减; C.增加和减少; D.减少和增加 .★标准答案:C 3. 在下列选项中不是M1组成部分的是()(2分) A.旅行支票 B.活期存款 C.定期存款 D.现金 .★标准答案:C 4. 中央银行在公开市场上买进有价证券,应会()。(2分) A.提高利息率; B.降低利息率; C.提高贴现率; D.降低贴现率 .★标准答案:B 5. 如果上游工厂污染了下游居民的饮水,按照科斯定理,()问题可妥善解决(2分) A.不管产权是否明确,只要交易成本为零 B.不论产权是否明确,交易成本是否为零 C.只要产权明确,且交易成本为零 D.只要产权明确,不管交易成本有多大 .★标准答案:C 6. 根据凯恩斯货币需求理论,当银行利率上升时()。(2分) A.货币的交易需求上升; B.货币的预防需求下降; C.货币的投机需求下降; D.以上情况都有可能.★标准答案:C 7. 中央银行提高准备率就会()。(2分) A.提高利息率; B.降低利息率; C.提高贴现率; D.降低贴现率 .★标准答案:A 8. 当价格大于平均成本时,此时存在()(2分) A.正常利润 B.超额利润 C.贡献利润 D.亏损 .★标准答案:B 9. 经济学中短期与长期的划分取决于()(2分) A.时间长短 B.可否调整产品价格 C.可否调整产量 D.可否调整生产规模 .★标准答案:D 10. 货币供给量增加,债券价格和利息率的变动分别是()。(2分) A.上升和上升; B.上升和下降; C.下降和上升; D.下降和下降 .★标准答案:B 二、名词解释(共5题,每题4分,共20分) 1. 消费函数(4分) ★标准答案:消费函数是指消费与收入之间的数量关系。 2. 公共物品(4分) ★标准答案:公共物品是指具有非竞争性和非排他性,不能依靠市场机制实现有效配置的产品。 3. 国内生产总值(4分) ★标准答案:经济社会(即一国或一地区)在一定时期内运用生产要素所生产的全部最终产品(物品和劳务)的市场价值。 4. 结构性失业(4分) ★标准答案:指劳动力的供给和需求不匹配所造成的失业。 5. 边际消费倾向(4分) ★标准答案:增加的一单位收入中用于增加的消费部分的比率。


大学英语二期末考试试卷(A卷)(吴世文) B(时间120分钟,满分100分) 一, Blank fillings (1*10) 1.The foreigner ____ the moon cake and found it very delicious. A sampled B looked C made D threw 2. My uncle’s generous contribution(资助) helped my wish to Europe __ A come to B come true C come together D come on 3. The overcoat is ready ___ the buttons. A but B except C expect that D except for 4. Smoking is not ___ in the classroom. A allow B allowed C permit D let 5.Her husband’ scandal (丑闻) came as such a shock that it __ her __ the power of speech. A stolen…from B cheated…of C robbed…of D robbed…from 6.If the size of following (追随者的多少) were proof of quality, then Glazunov would be the a candidate (候选人) for the title if the greatest __ artist. A live B alive C living D lively 7. Racism (种族主义) is a deeply ___ prejudice which has existed for thousands years. A rooted B placed C put D grew 8. Will you ___ me? A marry with B marry to C marry D get marry 9. The new book I bought yesterday __ me 11 dollars. A spent B used C cost D paid. 10. Jane __ less than twelve pounds for her shoes. A paid B spent C cost D took 二、Match the definitions in Coolum B with the italicized words and phrases in Column A. (1*10) A B 11.Cause to become less in size, number ect. A. fixed desire 12.Eventually B. test a part of 13.Building expert C.make dirty or unfit for use 14.Promote D.at once 15.Good intention E. danger 16.Sample the pudding F. Able to produce more 17.My mother had scraped together G. collected with difficulty 18.Pollute the water H. Person with special skill or knowledge 19.I recognized it instantly I Decrease 20.hazard J. in the end 三、Reading Comprehension(30 points, 2 points for each item) Passage One:Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage. By the Treaty of Paris of 1763,which ended the war with the French and the Indians,England gained possession of Canada and all the territory east of the Mississippi River. French influence on this continent thus came to an end;England now controlled most of North America. But the war had been long and expensive. England had many debts. George III,king of England,after consulting with his advisers,decided that the American colonists(殖民者)should help pay some of the expenses of this war. A standing English army of 10,000 men had been left in the colonies(殖民地)for


1.By then our experiment had reached ___ A ____ stage. A. a profound B.an ultimate C.a perpetual D.a very important 2.The boy ' s bad behavior at school ___D _______ his parents as well as his teachers. A.sat on B.handled C.worry D.bothered 3.She promised to give me whatever help I __B __ . A.will need B.would need C.had needed D.was needing 4.He jumped onto the train just as it was pulling ___C___. A.out B.from C.away D.off 5.It ' s no use thinking too much about one ' s ___C _____ youth. A.lose B.to lose C.lost D.losing 6.The old couple decided to move out of town to a quiet ___B___ , where they had spent several years immediately after their marriage. A.space B.suburb C.neighborhood D.area 7.If I had __C__ in business, I might be a very wealthy man today. A.done B.gone C.stayed D.stopped 8.Henry is very talkative, while his twin brother is a man of __A __ words. A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 9.Though the job requires a great deal of effort, the __D ___ is quite low A.protest B.salary C.advertise D.incompetent 10.Born into a rich family, he has no idea of ___B_ to be a poor man A.what 's B.what it ' s like C.it feels D.how feel 11.Unfortunately, the hat you had just bought was no longer _A_ fashion. A.in B.for C.upon D.to 12.If you want him to __C__ you the money, you have to prove that you will be able to give it back A.give B.lent C.lend D.borrow 13 .Going ___C__ sleep for a long time makes me feel very tired.


1. 数据库收录的文献类型,包括:期刊论文、会议论文、图书、专利。选 2.在数据库中检索有关"双水相系统中(或)中酶合成()头孢氨苄()的文献,合理的检索式为:选 ( " " (* *)) 3. 数据库中以收录电子电气科学文献为主的数据库是.选 4. 数据库中,既提供物理数值检索,又提供化学数据检索的数据库是:.选 5.数据库中,检索钱旭红撰写的文章被收录的情况,允许输入的格式有错,错 6.数据库中,球形储罐()原样输入即可。错 7.数据库中,下列哪个检索式出现的检索结果最少? 选? 8.期刊的影响因子是一个固定的数值,它的大小反映了期刊的学术价值。错 9. 数据库中,引文检索界面可以从哪几个字段进行检索:被引作者、被引著作、被引文献发表年限。选 10. 数据库中,通过文献分析可以得到下面哪些信息: 选 A.某个研究主题的论文发表最多的研究机构 B.某个研究主题的论文发表最多的国家 C.某个研究主题的论文发表最多的作者 D.某个研究主题的论文发表最多的期刊 11.数据库中,表示词组的多种形式,正确的表示方法为:选" *"

12.数据库中,检索苯胺()产率大于的文献,理想的检索方法是:化学结构检索将限定为产物,并限定产率。选 13.通过数据库可以了解某个学科的重点期刊情况。对 14.数据库的主题检索字段包含下面哪些字段?标题、文摘、分类代码、控制词。选 15. 数据库可以查找期刊影响因子的子数据库是:.选 16.数据库只有网络版,没有印刷版。错 17.某位作者的论文被数据库的收录和被引用情况在一定程度上反映了作者的研究水平。对 18. 数据库中,检索华东理工大学老师撰写的,有关“聚芳基乙炔树脂()”的文献,正确的检索式为:( ) .选 19. 数据库中,经过分析可以得到某大学发表论文的被引用次数. 对 20.通过数据库了解期刊的影响因子,只能通过期刊的全名和号检索。错 21. 数据库中,一条记录的哪个链接可以使文献越查越新,反映课题的发展方向。选 22.数据库中,刊名必须要按照期刊列表中的形式输入。对 23. 数据库不收录会议文献。错 24. 检索平台中包含的子数据库有: 25. 数据库中以收录生物科学文献为主的数据库是:.选 26.数据库中,经过分析可以得到某位作者发表论文的指数。对 27.下列检索字段中,数据库特有的字段是:

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