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Problems and Answers to Chapter 2

Q1: Canada and Australia are (mainly) English-speaking countries with populations that are not too different in size (Canada’s is 60 percent larger). But Canadian trade is twice as large, relative to GDP, as Australia’s. Why should this be the case


A1:According to Gravity Model, GDP is not the only factor to explain the volume of

trade between two countries, because distance is also an important factor. Considering

the distance, the transportation cost of Australia is relatively higher than that of

Canada, so the attractiveness of trade is reduced. However, Canada is close to the

USA which is a large economy while Australia is not close to any large economy,

making Canada more open while Australia is more autarky.

GDP 不是解释两国贸易量的唯一重要因素,距离也是至关重要的因素之一。




Q2:Mexico and Brazil have very different trading patterns. Mexico trades mainly

with the United States, Brazil trades about equally with the United States and with the

European Union; Mexico does much more trade relative to its GDP. Explain these

differences using the gravity model.




A2:Mexico is close to the United States, but is very far from the European Union, so

Mexico’s value of trade with the United States is large. Brazil is far from both the

United States and European Union, thus, Brazil’s volume of trade with the United

States and with the European Union is generally equivalent. Mexico’s volume of trade

is larger than Brazil’s, for two reasons: one is that Mexico is adjacent to the United

States which is a large economy; the other is that Mexico is one of the members of

NAFTA. Brazil is far from any large economy, and the size of the economy for the

countries which have signed free trade agreements with Brazil is

relatively small.






Q3:Equation (2.1) says that trade between any two countries is

proportional to the

product of their GDPs. Does this mean that the GDP of every country in the world

were to increase by 50%, world trade would increase by 125% Analyze the question

using the simple example shown in Table 2-2.

方程(2.1) 表明两个国家之间的贸易和它们的GDP乘积成正比。这是否意味着如果

每个国家的GDP增加50%, 世界的贸易量就增加125%分析这个问题用表格2-2


A3:Yes. If both countries’GDP increase by 50%, other things equal, multiplying the

right hand side of equation (2.1) by (1+50%)*(1+50%)=225% and multiplying

the left

hand side of equation (2.1) by 1+125%=225%, therefore, the volume of trade will increase 125%. Using Table 2-2, if four countries’GDP all increase 50%,

the volume of trade will increase 125% correspondingly, so the first line of

the table will become: —1.6*225%=3.6 0.4*225% =0.9 0.4*225% =0.9

Country A’s GDP increases to 4*(1+50%) =6 > (3.6+0.9+0.9= 5.4). According to the assumption, the results are reasonable because the results mean that part of country A’s income is consumed on imports and part of country A’s income is

consumed on domestic products, although the portion consumed domestically is smaller than that of imports.

是的。如果两个国家的GDP均增加50%,其他条件不变,方程(2.1) 的右边乘以

(1+50%)*(1+50%)=225%, 方程式的左边乘以1+125%=225%,所以,世界的贸易量就增加125%。结合表格2-2,如果四个国家的GDP都增加50%倍,贸易量也增加125%,则表格第一行的数据应为:—1.6*225%=3.6 0.4*225% =0.9 0.4*225% =0.9 A

国的GDP增加到4*(1+50%)=6 > (3.6+0.9+0.9= 5.4)。根据假设,这个结果是合理的因


Q4: Over the past few decades, East Asian economies have increased their share of

world GDP. Similarly, intra-East Asian trade --- that is, trade among East Asian

nations --- has grown as a share of world trade. More than that, East Asian countries

3 do an increasing share of their trade with each other. Explain why, using the gravity






In the past, East Asian countries are all small economies, meaning that their size

of economies is small and they are unable to import a lot of goods. As these East

Asian countries become richer, the demand increases and they can import more than

before. Considering that East Asian countries have been rich countries, they become

trading partners with each other; however, they mainly imported goods from rich

countries. Based on gravity model, even if the distance between South Korea and

Taiwan is small, the volume of the two countries is very small due to their small size

of economies. But now, because their GDP have increased, the volume of trade

between the two countries increased correspondingly.



Q5:A century ago, most French imports came from relatively distant locations: North

America, Latin America, and Asia. Today, most French imports come from other

European countries. How does this fit with the changing types of goods that make up

world trade




A5:A century ago, each country’s trading products are determined by the country’

s climate and geography. The climate and natural resources endowments in French are

very similar to that of other European countries; therefore, French can only import

different products, such as, cotton, rubber, and etc, from other western hemisphere

(North America, Latin America) and Asia. However, after industrial revolution,

manufacturing trade increased dramatically. With the development of transportation

and communicate technology, French’s trade volume with other European countries

increases correspondingly, as the gravity model predicted directly.






Chapter 3

1.Home has 1200 units of labor available. It can produce two goods, apples and bananas. The unit labor requirement in apple production is 3, while in banana production it is 2.

a .Graph out the production possibilities frontier:

b .What is the opportunity cost of apples in terms of bananas?

c .In the absence of trade, what woul

d th

e price o

f apples in terms of bananas be?

In the absence of trade, since labor is the only factor of production and

supply decisions are determined by the attempts of individuals to

maximize their earnings in a competitive economy, only when

Lb La b a /a a /P P =will both goods be produced. So 1.5 /P P b a =

在没有贸易时,因为劳方是唯一的生产要素,并且供应决定取决于个体尝试最大化他们的在竞争经济的收入,只有当两件物品将被生产。 因此

2.Home is as described in problem 1. There is now also another country,

Foreign, with a labor force of 800. Foreign ’s unit labor requirement in apple production is 5, while in banana production it is 1.

a .

b .3. a . ∵When the market achieve s its equilibrium, we have

1b a )(D D -**=++=b

a b b a a P P Q Q Q Q ∴RD is a hyperbola x

y 1= b .What is the equilibrium relative price of apples?

The equilibrium relative price of apples is determined by the

intersection of the RD and RS curves.

RD: y

x 1= RS: 5


.0)5.0,0[=∈=?????+∞∈=∈y y y x x x ∴25.0==y x

∴2/=b P a P e e

c .Describe the pattern of trade.

∵b a b e a e b a P P P P P P ///>>**

∴In this two-country world, Home will specialize in the apple

production, export apples and import bananas. Foreign will specialize in the banana production, export bananas and import apples.

d .Show that both Hom

e and Foreign gain from trade.

International trade allows Home and Foreign to consume anywhere within

the colored lines, which lie outside the countries ’ production

possibility frontiers. And the indirect method, specializing in

producing only one production then trade with other country, is a more efficient method than direct production. In the absence of trade, Home could gain three bananas by foregoing two apples, and Foreign could gain by one foregoing five bananas. Trade allows each country to trade two

bananas for one apple. Home could then gain four bananas by foregoing

two apples while Foreign could gain one apple by foregoing only two

bananas. So both Home and Foreign gain from trade.


外说谎。 并且间接方法,专门研究导致一生产比直接生产然后只换与其他国家,是一个高效率的方法。 在没有贸易时,首页可能由前面二个苹果获取三个香蕉,并且外国可能由一前面五个香蕉获取。 贸易允许每个国家为一个苹果换二个香

蕉。 首页只能由前面二个苹果然后获取四个香蕉,当外国时能由前面二个香蕉获取一个苹果。 因此首页和从贸易的外国获取。

4.Suppose that instead of 1200 workers, Home had 2400. Find the equilibrium relative price. What can you say about the efficiency of world production and the division of the gains from trade between Home and Foreign in this case? RD: y

x 1= RS: 5


)1,0[=∈=?????+∞∈=∈y y y x x x ∴5.132

==y x

∴5.1/=b P a P e e

In this case, Foreign will specialize in the banana production, export

bananas and import apples. But Home will produce bananas and apples at the same time. And the opportunity cost of bananas in terms of apples for Home

remains the same. So Home neither gains nor loses but Foreign gains from trade.


5.Suppose that Home has 2400 workers, but they are only half as production in both industries as we have been assuming, Construct the world relative supply curve and determine the equilibrium relative price. How do the gains from trade compare with those in the case described in problem 4?

In this case, the labor is doubled while the productivity of labor is

halved, so the "effective labor"remains the same. So the answer is

similar to that in 3. And both Home and Foreign can gain from trade. But Foreign gains lesser compare with that in the case 4.

6.”Korean workers earn only $2.50 an hour; if we allow Korea to export as much as it likes to the United States, our workers will be forced down to the same level. You can’t import a $5 shirt without importing the $2.50 wage

that goes with it.” Discuss.

In fact, relative wage rate is determined by comparative productivity and the relative demand for goods. Korea’s low wage reflects the fact that Korea is less productive than the United States in most industries. Actually, trade with a less productive, low wage country can raise the welfare and standard of living of countries with high productivity, such as United States. So this pauper labor argument is wrong.


7.Japanese labor productivity is roughly the same as that of the United States in the manufacturing sector (higher in some industries, lower in others), while the United States, is still considerably more productive in

the service sector. But most services are non-traded. Some analysts have argued that this poses a problem for the United States, because our comparative advantage lies in things we cannot sell on world markets. What is wrong with this argument?

The competitive advantage of any industry depends on both the relative

productivities of the industries and the relative wages across industries.

So there are four aspects should be taken into account before we reach

conclusion: both the industries and service sectors of Japan and U.S., not just the two service sectors. So this statement does not bade on the

reasonable logic.


8.Anyone who has visited Japan knows it is an incredibly expensive place; although Japanese workers earn about the same as their U.S. counterparts, the purchasing power of their incomes is about one-third less. Extend your discussing from question 7 to explain this observation. (Hint: Think about wages and the implied prices of non-trade goods.)

The relative higher purchasing power of U.S. is sustained and maintained by its considerably higher productivity in services. Because most of those services are non-traded, Japanese could not benefit from those lower

service costs. And U.S. does not have to face a lower international price of services. So the purchasing power of Japanese is just one-third of their U.S. counterparts.


9.How does the fact that many goods are non-traded affect the extent of possible gains from trade?

Actually the gains from trade depended on the proportion of non-traded

goods. The gains will increase as the proportion of non-traded goods


10.We have focused on the case of trade involving only two countries.

Suppose that there are many countries capable of producing two goods, and that each country has only one factor of production, labor. What could we say about the pattern of production and in this case (Hint: Try

constructing the world relative supply curve.)

Any countries to the left of the intersection of the relative demand and relative supply curves export the good in which they have a comparative advantage relative to any country to the right of the intersection. If the intersection occurs in a horizontal portion then the country with that

price ratio produces both goods.

Chapter 4

1.In 1986, the price of oil on world markets dropped sharply. Since the

United States is an oil-importing country, this was widely regarded as good for the U.S. economy. Yet in Texas and Louisiana 1986 was a year of economic decline. Why?


It can deduce that Texas and Louisiana are oil-producing states of United States. So when the price of oil on world markets declined, the real wage of this industry fell in terms of other goods. This might be the reason of economic decline in these two states in 1986.

2。An economy can produce good 1 using labor and capital and good 2 using labor and land. The total supply of labor is 100 units. Given the supply of capital, the outputs of the two goods depends on labor input as follows: To analyze the economy’s production possibility frontier, consider how the output mix changes as labor is shifted between the two sectors.

a.Graph the production functions for good 1 and good 2.

b.Graph the production possibility frontier. Why is it curved?

The PPF is curved due to declining marginal product of labor in each good.

The total labor supply is fixed. So as L 1 rises, MPL 1 falls;

correspondingly, as L 2 falls, MPL 2 rises. So PP gets steeper as we move

down it to the right.

3. The marginal product of labor curves corresponding to the production

functions in problem2 are as follows:

a. Suppose that the price of good 2 relative to that of good 1 is 2.

Determine graphically the wage rate and the allocation of labor between the two sectors.

With the assumption that labor is freely mobile between sectors, it

will move from the low-wage sector to the high-wage sector until wages are equalized. So in equilibrium, the wage rate is equal to the value of labor ’s marginal product.


假设劳方自由地是在区段之间的机动性,它从低工资的区段将移动向high-wage 区段,直到薪水被调平。因此在平衡,工资率与labor’s边际产品的价值是相等的。

The abscissa of point of intersection illustrated above should be

between (20, 30). Since we only have to find out the approximate answer, linear function could be employed.

=27 and The labor allocation between the sectors is approximately L

1 =73. The wage rate is approximately 0.98.



被说明的交点横坐标以上应该之间(20, 30)。因为我们必须只发现近似答复,线性函数可能被使用。在区段之间的The辛苦分派是大约L1=27和L2=73。工资率是大约0.98。

https://www.doczj.com/doc/f36536868.html,ing the graph drawn for problem 2, determine the output of each

sector. Then confirm graphically that the slop of the production

possibility frontier at that point equals the relative price.


第1章绪论 重点问题:国际经济学的产生、发展、对象及其其他经济学科的关系 单选 1.国际经济学分析的最基本的出发点是(B) A经济增长 B经济自然增长 C制度创新的经济增长 D经济发展 2.经济发展是(D) A经济结构的变革 B社会和政治体制的变革 C经济自然增长 D制度创新的经济增长 3.国际经济最基本的出发点是(B ) A社会分工 B国际分工 C产业内分工 D产业之间的分工和合作 4.国际经济交往的主要方式是(A) A生产要跨国界流动 B国际分工 C商品跨国界流通 D开放经济 第2章古典国际贸易理论 重点问题:绝对利益说的基本内容及其评价比较利益说的基本内容及其评价 单选 1.在斯密的绝对优势贸易理论中,(C)。 A所有产品均具有绝对优势的国家最终将获得全部黄金和白银 B具有绝对优势的国家将获得大量贸易余额 C如果两个国家分别出口本国劳动成本相对较低的产品,将同时从贸易中获益 D如果一国不用关税壁垒保护本国产业,将丧失绝对优势 2.李嘉图的比较优势理论指出,(B)。 A贸易导致不完全专业化 B即使一个国家不具有绝对成本优势,也可以从出口绝对成本劣势相对较小的产品中获益 C与不具备绝对成本优势的国家相比,具有绝对成本优势的国家可以从贸易中获利更多 D只有具备比较优势的国家才能获得贸易余额 3.如果一个阿根廷工人能生产3蒲式耳小麦或1辆汽车,而一个巴西工人能生产4蒲式耳小麦或2辆汽车,则(D)。 A巴西在小麦和汽车生产上都具有绝对优势,而阿根廷没有比较优势 B阿根廷在小麦和汽车生产上都具有绝对优势,而巴西没有比较优势 C巴西在小麦和汽车生产上都具有绝对优势,而阿根廷在汽车生产上具有比较优势 D巴西在小麦和汽车生产上都具有绝对优势,而阿根廷在小麦生产上具有比较优势 4.根据比较优势原理的政策经验,一国从国际贸易中获益的条件是(B)。 A制造大量出口顺差 B以较低的机会成本进口商品而不是在国内生产 C本国比贸易伙伴强大 D本国相对于贸易伙伴具备绝对效率优势 5.比较利益理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是( A ) A.劳动生产率的差异 B.技术水平的差异 C.产品品质的差异 D.价格的差异 6.在比较利益模型中,两种参与贸易商品的国际比价( C ) A.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之上 B.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之下 C.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国内比价之间 D.与贸易前的任何一个国家的国内比价相同 简答: 1.请从国际贸易实际出发评价绝对利益说 P20 斯密的绝对利益学说揭示了在自由市场经济条件下,国际贸易产生的原因在于两国之间劳动生产率的绝对差异,按照绝对利益学说的原则进行国际分工,贸易的参与者与整个世界会因此而获得利益。这一学说在一定程度上反映出了国际贸易中的某些规律,为产业资本的发展提供了相应的理论支撑,具有重要的实践意义和理论意义。 从国际贸易实际出发的评价斯密的绝对利益学说在实践中运用存在着一个必要的假设前提:一国要参加国际贸易,就必然要有至少一种产品与贸易伙伴相比处于劳动生产率绝对高或生产所耗费的劳动绝对低的地位上,以便利用劳动生产率的绝对差异进人国际市场。如果一国在所有的产品生产上,劳动生产率均低于贸易对象国,该国便不具备参加国际分工的条件,或者在国际贸易中没有任何的利益获得。这一点在理论上过于绝对,在实践中也不符合实际情况(发展中国家劳动生产率很可能在所有产品上都不如发达国家,但仍然在进行国际贸易),实际上陷入了理论与实践的两难境地:如果没有超过贸易对手的高劳动生产率部门,该国便被排除在国际贸易的大门之外,或者在贸易中本国的生产部门将被对方的竞争击垮。显然,世界贸易的历史与现实并不完全、普遍地符合斯密这样的假设。

克鲁格曼《国际经济学》(第8版)笔记和课后习题详解 第2章~第4章【圣才出品】

第1篇国际贸易理论 第2章世界贸易概览 2.1复习笔记 1.经济规模与进出口总额之间的关系 (1)规模问题:引力模型 现实证明一国的经济规模与其进出口总额息息相关。把整个世界贸易看成整体,可利用引力模型(gravity model)来预测任意两国之间的贸易规模。引力模型方程式如下: 其中, T是i国与j国的贸易额,A为常量,i Y是i国的国内生产总值,j Y是j国的国 ij 内生产总值, D是两国的距离。引力模型方程式表明:其他条件不变的情况下,两国间的 ij 贸易规模与两国的GDP成正比,与两国间的距离成反比。 (2)引力模型的内在逻辑 引力模型之所以能较好地拟合两国之间的实际贸易现状,其原因在于:大的经济体收入高,因而大量进口产品;大的经济体能生产更多品种的系列产品,因而更能满足其他国家的需求,进而大量出口产品。在两国贸易中,任一方的经济规模越大,则双方的贸易量就越大。 (3)引力模型的应用:寻找反例 当两国之间的贸易量与依照引力模型计算得出的结果相差较大时,就需要从其他因素进行分析,如文化的亲和性、地理位置、运输成本等因素。事实上,这也是引力模型的重要用

途之一,即有助于明确国际贸易中的异常现象。 (4)贸易障碍:距离、壁垒和疆界 距离、壁垒和疆界对国际贸易有负面作用,会使得两国之间的贸易额大大小于根据引力模型所计算出的结果。另外,在各国GDP和距离给定的情况下,有效贸易协定(trade agreement)比无效的贸易协定更能显著增加成员国的贸易量,这也是美国与其邻国的贸易量明显大于其和相同大小的欧盟的贸易量的原因之一。 2.正在演变的世界贸易模式 (1)世界变小了吗? 人们认为,现代化的运输和通讯可以超越空间距离的束缚,世界因此成了小“村落”。事实的确如此。但是,有时候政治的力量可以超过技术进步的作用,两次世界大战、20世纪30年代的大萧条及战后全世界范围内的贸易保护主义等都严重制约着国际贸易的发展,使得国际贸易大幅萎缩,并且用了几十年才得以恢复。 (2)交易内容 从全世界范围来看,工业制成品是主要的交换产品,所占比重最大。矿产品特别是现代世界不可或缺的石油依旧是世界贸易的主要部分。引人注目的是发展中国家已经从初级产品出口国转变为主要的制成品出口国。另外,服务贸易在国际贸易中凸显重要,并且其重要性越来越突出。 (3)服务外包 随着现代信息技术的发展和应用,一种新的贸易形式——服务外包(service outsourcing)随之出现。服务外包也称之为离岸服务,是一种新兴的国际贸易现象,使得曾经必须在一国国内实现的服务现在可以在国外实现。 (4)旧规则依然可行吗?


国际经济学克鲁格曼课后习题答案章 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

第一章练习与答案 1.为什么说在决定生产和消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要? 答案提示:当生产处于生产边界线上,资源则得到了充分利用,这时,要想增加某一产品的生产,必须降低另一产品的生产,也就是说,增加某一产品的生产是有机会机本(或社会成本)的。生产可能性边界上任何一点都表示生产效率和充分就业得以实现,但究竟选择哪一点,则还要看两个商品的相对价格,即它们在市场上的交换比率。相对价格等于机会成本时,生产点在生产可能性边界上的位置也就确定了。所以,在决定生产和消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要。 2.仿效图1—6和图1—7,试推导出Y商品的国民供给曲线和国民需求曲线。 答案提示: 3.在只有两种商品的情况下,当一个商品达到均衡时,另外一个商品是否也同时达到均衡?试解释原因。 答案提示: 4.如果生产可能性边界是一条直线,试确定过剩供给(或需求)曲线。 答案提示: 5.如果改用Y商品的过剩供给曲线(B国)和过剩需求曲线(A国)来确定国际均衡价格,那么所得出的结果与图1—13中的结果是否一致? 答案提示:国际均衡价格将依旧处于贸易前两国相对价格的中间某点。 6.说明贸易条件变化如何影响国际贸易利益在两国间的分配。 答案提示:一国出口产品价格的相对上升意味着此国可以用较少的出口换得较多的进口产品,有利于此国贸易利益的获得,不过,出口价格上升将不利于出口数量的增加,有损于出口国的贸易利益;与此类似,出口商品价格的下降有利于出口商品数量的增加,但是这意味着此国用较多的出口换得较少的进口产品。对于进口国来讲,贸易条件变化对国际贸易利益的影响是相反的。 7.如果国际贸易发生在一个大国和一个小国之间,那么贸易后,国际相对价格更接近于哪一个国家在封闭下的相对价格水平? 答案提示:贸易后,国际相对价格将更接近于大国在封闭下的相对价格水平。8.根据上一题的答案,你认为哪个国家在国际贸易中福利改善程度更为明显些? 答案提示:小国。 9*.为什么说两个部门要素使用比例的不同会导致生产可能性边界曲线向外凸?


〈〈国际经济学》(国际金融)习题答案要点 第12章国民收入核算与国际收支 1、如问题所述,GNP仅仅包括最终产品和服务的价值是为了避免重复计算的问题。 在国民收入账户中,如果进口的中间品价值从GNP中减去,出口的中间品价值加 到GNP中,重复计算的问题将不会发生。例如:美国分别销售钢材给日本的丰田公司和美国的通用汽车公司。其中出售给通用公司的钢材,作为中间品其价值不被计算到美国的GNP中。出售给日本丰田公司的钢材,钢材价值通过丰田公司进入日本的GNP,而最终没有进入美国的国民收入账户。所以这部分由美国生产要素创造的中间品价值应该从日本的GNP中减去,并加入美国的GNP。 2、(1)等式12-2可以写成CA =(S P-I)? (T -G)。美国更高的进口壁垒对私人储蓄、投资和政府赤字有比较小或没有影响。(2)既然强制性的关税和配额对这些变量没有影响,所以贸易壁垒不能减少经常账户赤字。 不同情况对经常账户产生不同的影响。例如,关税保护能提高被保护行业的投资,从而使经常账户恶化。(当然,使幼稚产业有一个设备现代化机会的关税保护是合理的。)同时,当对投资中间品实行关税保护时,由于受保护行业成本的提高可能使该行业投资下降,从而改善经常项目。一般地,永久性和临时性的关税保护有不同的效果。这个问题的要点是:政策影响经常账户方式需要进行一般均衡、宏观分析。 3、 (1)、购买德国股票反映在美国金融项目的借方。相应地,当美国人通过他的瑞士银行账户用支票支付时,因为他对瑞士请求权减少,故记入美国金融项目的贷方。这是美国用一个外国资产交易另外一种外国资产的案例。 (2)、同样,购买德国股票反映在美国金融项目的借方。当德国销售商将美国支票存入德国银行并且银行将这笔资金贷给德国进口商(此时,记入美国经常项目的贷 方)或贷给个人或公司购买美国资产(此时,记入美国金融项目的贷方)。最后,银行采取的各项行为将导致记入美国国际收支表的贷方。 (3)、法国政府通过销售其持有在美国银行的美元存款干预外汇市场,代表美国金融项目的借方项目。购买美元的法国公民如果使用它们购买美国商品,这将记入美国国际收支账户经常项目的贷方;如果用来购买美国资产,这将记入美国国际收支账户金融项目的贷方。 (4)假定签发旅行支票的公司使用支票账户在法国进行支付。当此公司支付餐费给 法国餐馆时,记入美国经常项目的借方。签发旅行支票的公司必须销售资产(消耗 其在法国的支票账户)来支付,从而减少了公司在法国拥有的资产,这记入美国金融项目的贷方。 (5)、没有市场交易发生。 (6)离岸交易不影响美国国际收支账户。 4、购买answering machine记入New York收支账户的经常项目借方,记入New Jersey 收支账户经常项目的贷方。当New Jersey的公司将货款存入New York银行时,记入New York的金融项目的贷方和New Jersey金融项目的借方。如果交易用现金进 行支付,则记入New Jersey金融项目的借方和New York金融项目的贷方。New Jersey 获得美元现钞(从New York进口资产),而New York则减少了美元(出口美元资产)。最后的调整类似于金本位制下发生的情况。5、


Home's PPF 200400600800200400600800 Q apple Q banana Foreign's PPF 200400600800100080160240320400 Q*apple Q*banana Chapter 2 1a.画出本国的生产可能性边界: b. 用香蕉衡量的苹果的机会成本是, 5.1=Lb La a a c .劳动力的自由流动使两部门的工资率相等,自由竞争使得他们生产两种产品的机会成本相同。相对价格等于相对成本,后者可以表示为(*)/(*)a a b b w a w a ,由于两部门间的工资率相等,a b w w ∴=,只有在Lb La b a /a a /P P =,两种商品才都会被生产。所以 1.5 /P P b a = 2a. b. 3 a. a b b a /P P /D D =∵当市场达到均衡时, 1b a ) (D D -**=++=b a b b a a P P Q Q Q Q ∴RD 是一条双曲线 x y 1 =

b.苹果的均衡相对价格由RD 和RS 的交点决定: RD: y x 1 = RS: 5 ]5,5.1[5.1],5.0(5.0) 5.0,0[=∈=??? ??+∞∈=∈y y y x x x ∴x=0.5, y=2 ∴2/=b P a P e e c. ∵b a b e a e b a P P P P P P ///>>**∴只有两个国家的时候,本国专门生产苹果,出口苹果并进口香蕉:外国则正好相反。 d . 国际贸易允许本国和外国在阴影区内任何一点消费,专门生产某种产品然后和另一个国家进行贸易的间接方式,要比直接生产该商品的方式更有效率。在没有贸易时,本国要生产3单位的香蕉必须放弃2单位的苹果,外国要生产1单位的苹果要放弃5单位的香蕉。贸易允许两国以两单位香蕉交换一单位苹果。通过出让2单位苹果,本国可以获得四单位的香蕉;而外国可以用2单位向交换得1单位苹果。所以两个国家都从贸易中获利。 4. RD: y x 1 = RS: 5 ]5,5.1[5 .1] ,1(1)1,0[=∈=?? ???+∞∈=∈y y y x x x →5.13 2==y x →5.1/=b P a P e e 在这种情况下,外国将专门生产并出口香蕉,进口苹果。但本国将同时生产香蕉和苹果,并且香蕉相对于苹果的机会成本在本国是相同的。所以本国既没有得益也没有受损,但外国从贸易中获益了。 5.在这种情况下,劳动力总量加倍了而劳动生产率减半,所以有效劳动力总量仍是相同的。答案类似于第三小题,两国都从贸易中获益了。但是,相对于第四小题,外国的获益减少了。 6.实际上,相对工资率由相应的劳动生产率和对产品的相对需求决定。韩国的低工资率反映了韩国大部分行业的劳动生产率比美国低。和低劳动生产率,低工资率的国家进行贸易可以提高像美国那样高劳动生产率国家的福利和生活水平。所以这种贫民劳动论是错误的。


绝对优势:是指以各国生产成本的绝对差异为基础进行的国际专业化分工,并通过自由贸易获得利益的一种国际贸易理论。 李嘉图模型:是一个单一要素模型,劳动是唯一的生产要素,劳动生产率的差异是不同国家各个产业部门之间唯一的不同之处,也是决定国际贸易的唯一因素。李嘉图模型的中心含义是如果每个国家都能够专门生产并出口本国劳动生产率较高的产品,那么他们之间的贸易就会给每个国家带来利益,他的两个核心含义:劳动生产率的差异在国际贸易中占据重要地位和贸易模式取决于比较优势而非绝对优势,至今仍能得到事实支持。 机会成本:是指因一种选择而放弃的最有替换物或失去最好机会的价值,即是指经济决策中影由中选的最优方案负担的,按所放弃的次优方案潜在收益计算的那部分资源损失。 要素比例理论/赫克歇尔俄林理论:是指从资源禀赋角度对国际贸易中的生产成本和价格的差异做出解释的国际贸易理论。其内容是:各国的贸易源于不同国家之间商品的价格存在差异,而价格差异的原因在于不同国家之间的生产成本有高有低,生产成本的高低是因为各国生产要素价格有差别,生产要素价格的差异又与各国生产要素丰裕程度密切相关。生产要素丰裕,其商品价格自认就相对低一些,生产要素稀缺,其价格相对高一些。生产要素丰裕度的差异是国际贸易产生的根本原因。 出口偏向性增长:是指一国的经济增长主要源于出口产品生产能力提高的经济增长方式,表现在生产可能性边界上就是使生产可能性边界扩张偏向出口产品。 福利恶化性增长:是指一国整体福利水平恶化的经济增长方式,是发展中国家的出口偏向型增长在严格假定下可能出现的一种极端情况。一国的出口偏向性增长可能导致该国的贸易条件恶化。因此,如果一国的经济增长方式表现为极强的出口偏向性,那么贸易条件恶化带来的负面影响就会抵消生产力提高带来的正面效应,使得该国整体的福利水平恶化。 出口补贴:是指国家为了降低出口商品的价格,提高其在国际上的竞争力,对出口商品给予的现金或财政上的补贴。 动态收益递增:成本随着累计产量下降而并非随着当前劳动生产率的上升而下降的情形就是动态收益递增 倾销:出口商以低于国内市场价格的价格,甚至以低于成本的价格在国际市场上销售商品的行为。 外部规模经济是指整个行业规模和产量的扩大而使单个企业平均成本下降或收益增加的经济现象。 边际收益:在生产的技术水平和其他投入要素的数量均保持不变情况下,新增加一个单位的某种投入要素所引起的产量的增加量。 幼稚工业论:认为新兴工业在发展初期需要国家提供保护以免在外国强大的竞争下夭折,并随着新兴工业的发展和竞争力的增强而逐步取消贸易保护,为自由贸易的实行创造条件。垄断竞争:介于完全竞争和完全垄断之间的一种市场结构,这种结构下既存在垄断,又存在竞争。 价格歧视:一家企业在销售同样的商品时,对不同的顾客索取不同价格的做法 完全垄断:完全排斥竞争的一种市场结构。 内部规模经济:单个企业生产规模不断扩大时,由其自身内部引起的平均成本不断下降,收益不断增加的经济现象。 相互倾销:不同国家生产同种或类似产品的厂商都对出口产品制定一个低于国内市场价的价格并进行双向贸易的现象。 行业内贸易:在国际贸易活动中,不同国家之间就同一产业的产品所进行的贸易。

克鲁格曼《国际经济学》中文版·第九版 课后习题答案

克鲁格曼《国际经济学》中文版·第九版课后习题答案 第一章练习与答案 1.为什么说在决定生产和消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要? 答案提示:当生产处于生产边界线上,资源则得到了充分利用,这时,要想增加某一产品的生产,必须降低另一产品的生产,也就是说,增加某一产品的生产是有机会机本(或社会成本)的。生产可能性边界上任何一点都表示生产效率和充分就业得以实现,但究竟选择哪一点,则还要看两个商品的相对价格,即它们在市场上的交换比率。相对价格等于机会成本时,生产点在生产可能性边界上的位置也就确定了。所以,在决定生产和消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要。 2.仿效图1—6和图1—7,试推导出Y商品的国民供给曲线和国民需求曲线。 答案提示: 3.在只有两种商品的情况下,当一个商品达到均衡时,另外一个商品是否也同时达到均衡? 试解释原因。 答案提示: 4.如果生产可能性边界是一条直线,试确定过剩供给(或需求)曲线。 答案提示: 5.如果改用Y商品的过剩供给曲线(B国)和过剩需求曲线(A国)来确定国际均衡价格,那么所得出的结果与图1—13中的结果是否一致? 答案提示:国际均衡价格将依旧处于贸易前两国相对价格的中间某点。 6.说明贸易条件变化如何影响国际贸易利益在两国间的分配。 答案提示:一国出口产品价格的相对上升意味着此国可以用较少的出口换得较多的进口产品,有利于此国贸易利益的获得,不过,出口价格上升将不利于出口数量的增加,有损于出口国的贸易利益;与此类似,出口商品价格的下降有利于出口商品数量的增加,但是这意味着此国用较多的出口换得较少的进口产品。对于进口国来讲,贸易条件变化对国际贸易利益的影响是相反的。 7.如果国际贸易发生在一个大国和一个小国之间,那么贸易后,国际相对价格更接近于哪一个国家在封闭下的相对价格水平? 答案提示:贸易后,国际相对价格将更接近于大国在封闭下的相对价格水平。 8.根据上一题的答案,你认为哪个国家在国际贸易中福利改善程度更为明显些? 答案提示:小国。 9*.为什么说两个部门要素使用比例的不同会导致生产可能性边界曲线向外凸? 答案提示: 第二章答案 1.根据下面两个表中的数据,确定(1)贸易前的相对价格;(2)比较优势型态。


全国2007年4月高等教育自学考试 国际经济学试题 课程代码00140 一、单项选择题25小题1分25分 在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1.从十五世纪初到十八世纪中叶A A.重商主义 B.重农主义 C.重金主义 D.货币主义 2.采取进口替代战略的国家不倾向使用的政策是D A.对进口关税设置壁垒 B.对非关税设置障碍 C.对外汇实行管制 D.对本国货币低估对外价值 3.相对技术差异论的提出者是B A.斯密 B.李嘉图 C.奥林 D.赫克歇尔 4.关税与贸易总协定进行了多轮多边贸易谈判C A.日内瓦回合 B.东京回合 C.乌拉圭回合 D.安纳西回合 5.世界贸易组织成立于C A.1993年 B.1994年 C.1995年 D.1996年 6.一般而言不属于外汇市场主要参与者的是D A.商业银行 B.中央银行 C.外贸公司 D.居民个人 7.国际收支平衡表中最重要的收支差额是D A.官方结算差额 B.商品贸易差额 C.基本收支差额 D.经常项目差额 8.国际收支调整的重要基础理论是C A.调整论 B.货币论 C.弹性论 D.平衡论 9.从总体上看 产品的需求弹性的绝对值将A A.大于1 B.小于1 C.等于1 D.不确定 10.在开放经济条件下c=0.6s=0.3 考虑政府的财政收入部分C A.10/9 B.5/3 C.5/2 D.10/3 11.下列属于非关税壁垒的措施是D A.反倾销税 B.反补贴税 C.进口附加税 D.国内最低限价 12.最佳关税来源于B A.进口国厂商 B.出口国厂商 C.第三国出口厂商 D.第三国进口厂商

克鲁格曼 国际经济学第9版教材答案

Chapter 1 Introduction ?Chapter Organization What Is International Economics About? The Gains from Trade The Pattern of Trade How Much Trade? Balance of Payments Exchange Rate Determination International Policy Coordination The International Capital Market International Economics: Trade and Money ?Chapter Overview The intent of this chapter is to provide both an overview of the subject matter of international economics and to provide a guide to the organization of the text. It is relatively easy for an instructor to motivate the study of international trade and finance. The front pages of newspapers, the covers of magazines, and the lead reports on television news broadcasts herald the interdependence of the U.S. economy with the rest of the world. This interdependence may also be recognized by students through their purchases of imports of all sorts of goods, their personal observations of the effects of dislocations due to international competition, and their experience through travel abroad. The study of the theory of international economics generates an understanding of many key events that shape our domestic and international environment. In recent history, these events include the causes and consequences of the large current account deficits of the United States; the dramatic appreciation of the dollar during the first half of the 1980s followed by its rapid depreciation in the second half of the 1980s; the Latin American debt crisis of the 1980s and the Mexican crisis in late 1994; and the increased pressures for industry protection against foreign competition broadly voiced in the late 1980s and more vocally espoused in the first half of the 1990s. The financial crisis that began in East Asia in 1997 and spread to many countries around the globe and the Economic and Monetary Union in Europe highlighted the way in which various national economies are linked and how important it is for us to understand these connections. These global linkages have been highlighted yet again with the rapid spread of the financial crisis in the United States to the rest of the world. At the same time, protests at global economic meetings and a rising wave of protectionist rhetoric have highlighted opposition to globalization. The text material will enable students to understand the economic context in which such events occur. ? 2012 Pearson Education, Inc. Publishing as Addison-Wesley


克鲁格曼国际经济学课 后答案英语版 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

C H A P T E R 2 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY AN D COMPARATIV E ADVANTAGE: THE RICARDIAN MODEL ANSWERS TO TEXTBOOK PROBLEMS 1. a. The production possibility curve is a straight line that intercepts the apple axis at 400 (1200/3) and the banana axis at 600 (1200/2). b. The opportunity cost of apples in terms of bananas is 3/2. It takes three units of labor to harvest an apple but only two units of labor to harvest a banana. If one foregoes harvesting an apple, this frees up three units of labor. These 3 units of labor could then be used to harvest bananas. c. Labor mobility ensures a common wage in each sector and competition ensures the price of goods equals their cost of production. Thus, the relative price equals the relative costs, which equals the wage times the unit labor requirement for apples divided by the wage times the unit labor requirement for bananas. Since wages are equal across sectors, the price ratio equals the ratio of the unit labor requirement, which is 3 apples per 2 bananas. 2. a. The production possibility curve is linear, with the intercept on the apple axis equal to 160 (800/5) and the intercept on the banana axis equal to 800 (800/1). b. The world relative supply curve is constructed by determining the supply of apples relative to the supply of bananas at each relative price. The lowest relative price at which apples are harvested is 3 apples per 2 bananas. The relative supply curve is flat at this price. The maximum number of apples supplied at the price of 3/2 is 400 supplied by Home while, at this price, Foreign harvests 800 bananas and no apples, giving a maximum relative supply at this price of 1/2. This relative supply holds for any price between 3/2 and 5. At the price of 5, both countries would harvest apples. The relative supply curve is again flat at 5. Thus, the relative supply curve is step shaped, flat at the price 3/2 from the relative supply of 0 to 1/2, vertical at the relative quantity 1/2 rising from 3/2 to 5, and then flat again from 1/2 to infinity. 3. a. The relative demand curve includes the points (1/5, 5), (1/2, 2), (1,1), (2,1/2). b. The equilibrium relative price of apples is found at the intersection of the relative demand and relative supply curves. This is the point (1/2, 2), where the relative demand curve intersects the vertical section of the relative supply curve. Thus the equilibrium relative price is 2. c. Home produces only apples, Foreign produces only bananas, and each country trades some of its product for the product of the other country. d. In the absence of trade, Home could gain three bananas by foregoing two apples, and Foreign could gain by one apple foregoing five bananas. Trade allows each country to trade two bananas for one apple. Home could then gain four bananas by foregoing two apples while Foreign could gain one apple by foregoing only two bananas. Each country is better off with trade. 4. The increase in the number of workers at Home shifts out the relative supply schedule such that the corner points are at (1, 3/2) and (1, 5) instead of (1/2, 3/2) and (1/2, 5). The intersection of the relative demand and relative supply curves is now in the lower horizontal section, at the point (2/3, 3/2). In this case, Foreign still gains from trade but the opportunity cost of bananas in terms of apples for Home is the same whether or not there is trade, so Home neither gains nor loses from trade.

克鲁格曼《国际经济学》(第8版)课后习题详解(第9章 贸易政策中的政治经济学)【圣才出品】

第9章贸易政策中的政治经济学 一、概念题 1.约束(binding) 答:在国际贸易中,约束一般是指税率的约束,即“约束”关税的税率。约束税率是指经过谈判达成协议而固定下来的关税税率。按关贸总协定规定,缔约各国应该在互惠互利的基础上通过有选择的产品对产品的方式,或者为有关缔约国所接受的多边的程序进行谈判,谈判结果固定下来的各国税则商品的税率为约束税率,汇总起来形成减让表,作为总协定的一个附属部分付诸实施。按关贸总协定规定,关税减让谈判有四种减让形式来约束关税的税率:①降低关税并约束在降低了的关税水平;②约束现行关税税率;③约束在现行关税水平以上的某个关税水平;④约束免税待遇。 2.支持自由贸易的政治依据(political argument for free trade) 答:支持自由贸易的政治依据是指,尽管理论上可能还有比自由贸易更好的政策,但从政治上认可和支持自由贸易的原则更重要。现实中的贸易政策经常会由具有特殊利益关系的集团所左右,而不考虑国家的成本与收益。虽然从理论上可以证明某些选择性的关税和出口补贴政策能够增进整体社会福利,但现实中,任何一个政府机构在制定一套干预贸易的详细计划时都有可能被利益集团所控制,从而成为在有政治影响的部门中进行收入再分配的工具。如果上述观点正确的话,那么倡导自由贸易无疑是最好的选择。 3.集体行动(collective action) 答:集体行动是指关于经济活动中个人理性并不必然导致集体理性。如果某项活动或者

福利的获得需要两个或者两个以上的人的共同努力才能完成,集体行动问题就出现了,即决策集体的每个成员必须单方面决定是否参与提供某种集体产品。因为集体产品具有非排他性和非竞争性的特征,所以使得不为集体产品的提供付出成本的集团成员也可以获得集体产品。集团越大,分享收益的人越多,个人的行动对集团利益的影响越小,集团内的成员“搭便车”的动机就越强烈。这就意味着仅仅依靠个人的自愿,集体产品的供给将是不足的,集体产品不可能依靠个人的自愿提供来解决。因此,个人理性并不必然导致集体理性,个人理性不是实现集体理性的充分条件。 4.特惠贸易协定(preferential trading agreement) 答:特惠贸易协定是指各签约方之间相互减让关税或实行其他贸易优惠措施,但不将其给予非签约方的贸易优惠协定。由于这种协定违反了最惠国待遇原则,因而一般被世界贸易组织所禁止。但是,如果它能够促进签约方之间的自由贸易,那么世界贸易组织就允许其存在。如下两种方式的特惠贸易协定是世界贸易组织允许的: (1)自由贸易区,各签约方设立对外关税率,但相互之间免除关税和取消非关税壁垒; (2)关税同盟,各成员国制定统一的对外关税率,而成员国之间则是“特惠”的。 5.关税同盟(customs union) 答:关税同盟是指两个或两个以上参加同盟的国家划为一个关税区域,在区域内取消关税和非关税壁垒,实行自由贸易,同时对区域外采取统一的关税及其他贸易限制等措施。关税同盟是跨国区域经济一体化的一种基本形式。关税同盟可以分为完全关税同盟和不完全关税同盟。完全关税同盟是指将各加盟国的关税完全废除,这种关税同盟按惯例不受最惠国待遇原则的约束。但事实上,当关税同盟成立时,各国原有的关税并不能立即完全废除,为避


【国际经济学】英文题库 Chapter 1: Introduction Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Which of the following products are not produced at all in the United States? *A. Coffee, tea, cocoa B. steel, copper, aluminum C. petroleum, coal, natural gas D. typewriters, computers, airplanes 2. International trade is most important to the standard of living of: A. the United States *B. Switzerland C. Germany D. England 3. Over time, the economic interdependence of nations has: *A. grown B. diminished C. remained unchanged D. cannot say 4. A rough measure of the degree of economic interdependence of a nation is given by: A. the size of the nations' population B. the percentage of its population to its GDP *C. the percentage of a nation's imports and exports to its GDP D. all of the above 5. Economic interdependence is greater for: *A. small nations


1. 在古典贸易模型中,假设A 国有120名劳动力,B 国有50名劳动力,如果生产棉花的话,A 国的人均产量是2吨,B 国也是2吨;要是生产大米的话,A 国的人均产量是10吨,B 国则是16吨。画出两国的生产可能性曲线并分析两国中哪一国拥有生产大米的绝对优势?哪一国拥有生产大米的比较优势? 思路:B 国由于每人能生产16吨大米,而A 国每人仅生产10吨大米,所以B 国具有生产大米的绝对优 势。 从两国生产可能性曲线看出A 国生产大米的机会成本为,而B 国为,所以B 国生产大米的机会成本或相对成 本低于A 国,B 国生产大米具有比较优势。 2.下表列出了加拿大和中国生产1单位计算机和1单位小麦所需的劳动时间。假定生产计算机和小麦都只用劳动,加拿大的总劳动为600小时,中国总劳动为800小时。 (1) 计算不发生贸易时各国生产计算机和小麦的产量。 (2) 哪个国家具有生产计算机的比较优势?哪个国家具有生产小麦的比较优势? (3) 如果给定世界价格是1单位计算机交换22单位的小麦,加拿大参与贸易可以从每单位的进 口中节省多少劳动时间?中国可以从每单位进口中节省多少劳动时间?如果给定世界价格是1 单位计算机交换24单位的小麦,加拿大和中国分别可以从进口每单位的货物中节省多少劳动 时间? (4) 在自由贸易的情况下,各国应生产什么产品,数量是多少?整个世界的福利水平是提高还是 降低了?试用图分析。(以效用水平来衡量福利水平) 思路: (1) 中国生产计算机的机会成本为100/4=25,加拿大为60/3=20 (2) 因为加拿大生产计算机的机会成本比中国低,所以加拿大具有生产者计算机的比较优势,中国就具有生 产小麦的比较优势。 (3) 如果各国按照比较优势生产和出口,加拿大进口小麦出口计算机,中国进口计算机出口小麦。 加拿大进口一单位小麦需要出口1/22单位计算机,折合成劳动时间来算,生产一单位小麦本国要用3小 时,但生产1/22单位计算机本国要用60/22小时劳动,所以加拿大进口一单位小麦相当于用60/22小时 的劳动换回本国3小时生产的产品,节省了3-60/22=3/11小时的劳动时间。中国进口一单位计算机需要 出口22单位小麦,相当于用22*4=88小时的劳动换回本国需用100小时生产的产品,节省了100-88=12 小时的劳动时间。 如果世界价格是1单位计算机交换24单位的小麦,则相当于用60/24小时的劳动换回本国3小时生产的 产品,节省了3-60/24=1/2小时的劳动时间。中国进口一单位计算机需要出口24单位小麦,相当于用 24*4=96小时的劳动换回本国需用100小时生产的产品,节省了100-96=4小时的劳动时间。 (4) 在自由贸易的情况下,加拿大应专业生产计算机,数量为600/60=10单位;中国应专业生产小麦,数量 为800/4=200单位。 中国的福利水平从U 01上升到U 11,加拿大的福利水平从U 02上升到U 12,整个世界的福利水平上升了。 3. 假定中国总劳动为600小时,生产每单位钢铁Y 需要4小时,而生产每单位大米X 需要2小时,用图画出:

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