当前位置:文档之家› 新人教版江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2019-2020学年下学期初中七年级期中考试英语试卷











1. Where will they have lunch?

A. B. C.

2. When will they go to Singapore?

A. B. C.

3.Where are they talking?

A. B. C.

4. How does Kate go to school?

A. B. C.

5. How long does the girl spend doing the housework?

A.One hour and a half.

B. Half an hour.

C. Fifteen minutes.

6. Which floor is the woman on now?

A.The second floor.

B. The third floor.

C. The fifth floor.

7. How much will the man pay?

A. ¥350.


C. ¥700.

8. What time is it now?

A. 1:40p.m.

B. 2:20p.m.


9.What can we learn from the dialogue

A. Mr. Smith is sure the plan will work.

B. Mr. Smith isn’t sure if (是否) the plan will work.

C. Mr. Smith is sure the plan wo n’t work.

10. What does the woman mean?

A. Don’t do sport in the morning.

B.Do sport just after getting up.

C. Don’t do sport so many times a day.




11. How many people will go to the cinema?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

12. What’s the boy’s favourite football team?

A. Royal Merdrid

B. Peking Guoan Team.

C. Manchester United.


14. A. trains B. the underground C.taxis

15. A. e-bike. B. ship. C. boat.


16. What may be important than sleep according to the passage?


B. Dreams.


17. What do people do during their sleep?

A.They dream.

B. They talk.

C. They laugh.

18. Why do some people often dream about their work?

A. Because they are tired in the daytime.

B. Because they aren’t interested in their works.

C. Because maybe they are thinking about their work all day.

19.What’s the passage about?

A. What is a dream?

B. People like dreams.

C. Dreams are like films.

20. What can we get from the passage?

A. Dreams are like long films.

B. We can always remember dreams.

C. Dreaming too much can be bad.


21. A. also B. always C. salt D. walk

22. A. beach B. wheat C. mean D. really

23. A. forget B. work C. visitor D. doctor

24. A. bamboo B. palace C. balcony D. anybody

25. A. police B. kilometer C. pizza D. exit

26. A.south B. birthday C. think D. another

27. A.fridges B. balconies C. places D. oranges

28. A. lantern B. person C. quarter D. elder

29. A. because B. before C. kilometer D. enough

30. A. dangerous B. English C. dining D. design

三、单项填空在A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(本大题


31. --- I saw (看见) ________beautiful car here yesterday?

--- Is it________ red one? I saw it here ,too.

A. a; a

B. the; the

C. a; the

D. the; a

32. ---What ________ your daughter ________?

--- She’s very pretty ________ a film star.

A. does; like; likes

B. is; like; like

C. does; like, like

D. is; like, likes

33. ---Do you ________ your father’s car to school?

---No, I go to school ________ the bus.

A. by; by

B. take; by

C. in; on

D. take; on

34.Wuxi ________ about 4800 square kilometers ________.

A. has; in size C. has; on size

B. is; in size D. is; on size

35. The boy with his family lives in a town ________ here?

A. 30 miles away

C. 30 miles far away from B. 30 miles from

D. 30-mile away from

36. Jimmy, _______ the window _______ the birds ________ the tree.

A. don’t look out at; of; on C. don’t look out of; at; in

B. doesn’t look out of; at; in D. doesn’t look out of; at; on

37. Mr. Green can’t eat anything , because s he _______ about her ________son these days.

A. worries; sick

B. worries; ill

C. is worrying ;ill

D. is worrying; sick

38. Who are you waiting ________ the school gate, Millie?

A. 不填

B. for

C. at

D. for; at

39. Walk ________ the road and you’ll find the hotel ________ your right.

A. straight on; on C. straight; on

B. down; on D. alone; on

40. _______ the road, then________ the fruit shop and you’ll see the hospital.

A. Walk cross; walk pass C. Walk across; pass

B. Across; past D. Cross; past

41. Shanghai is ________ east of China and ________ north of Guangdong.

A. in the; 不填

B. 不填; to the

C. in the; on the

D. to the; on the

42. Does the machine(药) make you ________?

A. good

B. feel good

C. feel well

D. to feel well

43. I can’t find my ________ shoe? Where is it?

A. other

B. another

C. the other

D. the others

44. More than ________ the students watched the film in the school hall last Monday.

A. two thousand C. thousands of

B. two thousands D. two thousand of

45. --- Could you tell me the way to the post office?

--- ________.

A. Yes, I could

B. Go away

C. No problem

D. Yes, please



Do you like comics(漫画)? Many of the world’s most popular comics __46__ from

Japan. The drawings are wonderful, and the __47__ are interesting. Everyone says they’re

__48__ to read. The __49__ is that Japanese artists often have new ways of __50__.

These comics are often made (被制作)into cartoons. Millions of people watch

Them. Also, toys are made from the comics. So you can see, it’s a very __51__ business(生意)!

Each person __52__ his own favourite comic. Some popular __53__ are Black Jack,

Canan, and Sakura. Many artists become __54__ in Japan. Some of them are like film stars

Their fans __55__ them anytime, anywhere.

46. A. search B. happen C. remember D. come

47. A. pictures B. stories C. books D. pages

48. A. quiet B. same C. fun D. helpful

49. A. fact B. report C. show D. work

50. A. talking B. speaking C. drawing D. writing

51. A. small B. bad C. big D. lucky

52. A. thinks B. includes C. reaches D. has

53. A. comic B. ones C. artists D. signs

54. A. funny B. strange C. famous D. rude

55. A. talk B. follow C. touch D. save




An American called Simon goes to London to see his friend, Rick. Rick tells him that his flat is on the first floor. When he gets there, Simon goes straight to the first floor of the building. But people there tells him that there is no Rick on that floor. Do you know why?

In fact, English people call the first floor of a building the ground floor. The floor above the ground floor is the first floor, but Americans call it the second floor.

The story shows that there are a few culture differences(不同点) between England and America, though (虽然) they both speak English.

English people usually hide(隐藏) their feelings. They seldom start a dialogue with strangers(陌生人). For example, on the train they often spend their time reading newspapers or books. But Americans are quite different(不同的). They’re more active and easier to talk with.

English people and Americans use different terms for many things. English people usually use football,eraser and mail, but Americans use soccer,rubber and post.

56.Where is Rick’s flat?

A. B. C. D.

57.What does the underlined word “term” mean in Chinese in this passage?

A. 成果

B. 学期

C. 会议

D. 用语

58.What’s the best title for the passage?

A. Differences in culture

B. Simon’s funny story

C. Information abroad

D. Hiding the feelings


There are many things to do in London, and especially in the Regent’s Park area, that you can spend the whole day and night there. In London’s best place, ZSL London Zoo, you can get close to some wonderful animals such as giraffes and zebras. Why not take a walk up to the top of Primrose Hill and enjoy a bird’s eye view(鸟瞰)of the capital?You can see some famous faces at Madame Tussauds and then watch some Shakespeare under the stars at the Open Air Theatre. Enjoy your sport? Then watch a game of football at Lord’s football Ground. Remember to take a happy trip on traditional London Waterbus. If Shopping is your favourite, why not make your way along the Regents Canal path? All kinds of fashions are right there waiting for you.

59. What can you do on the top of Primrose Hill?

A. I can enjoy the birds.

B. I can see the bird’s eyes.

C. I can watch a football game.

D. I can see the view(风景) of London.

60. How may interesting places does the writer talk about in the Regent’s Park area?

A. 5.

B. 6.


D. 8.

61. Which of the following about the Open Air Theater is TRUE?

A. It is in the open air.

B. It opens only in the day time.

C. You can see giraffes and zebras there.

D. People go there to watch the stars.


Tom walks into a shop. It has a sign outside: “ Second hand clothes bought(买)and sold(卖).”He is carrying an old pair of trousers and asks the owner of the shop. “ How much will you give me for these?” The man looks at them and then says, “ Two dollars.” “ What!” says Tom, “ I think they are worth(价值) at least five.”

“No,” says the man, “They aren’t worth a cent(美分) more than two dollars.”

“ Well,” says Tom. Taking two dollars out of his pocket, “ Here’s your money. These trousers are hanging (挂) outside your shop. The list price of them is six dollars and a half. But I think that is too much mo ney, so I want to find out how much they are really worth.”

Before the shop owner can think of anything, Tom walks out of the shop with the pair of trousers.

62. At first the owner of the shop ________ for the old trousers.

A. will give Tom two dollars

B. will pay three dollars

C. will pay five dollars

D. will give Tom six dollars and a half

63. The shop owner insists(坚持) that the trousers are worth only two dollars because ___.

A. he wants to sell them cheaply

B. he wants to buy them cheaply

C. he doesn’t like the trousers

D. they are old and dirty

64. In fact, the trousers _______.

A. are hanging inside the shop

B. are stolen by Tom from the shop

C. are the shop owner’s

D. are Tom’s

65. From the story we know that _______ cheaper than the list price.

A. the owner sells (卖)the trousers two dollars.

B. Tom buys the trousers two dollars

C. the owner buys the trousers four dollars and a half

D. Tom buys the trousers four dollars and a half




1. How many ________ are there in the number “200100”? ( zero)

2. I need someone to fix the ________TV set. ( break)

3. How ________ he looks in a pair of big glasses? ( fun )

4. The ________ from France are my father’s friends. ( art )

5. We are getting ready for our grandpa’s ________ birthday. ( 九十)

6. The ground is covered with the yellow________. ( 叶子)

7. We don’t know the new________ names. ( 经理)

8. Don’t talk with them. They are busy ________ food for the party. ( 准备)


1. How nice the coffee ___________! ( smell )

2. There _________ two basketball matches in two days, aren’t there? ( be )

3. If he ________sure about the time to leave, he will ask the teacher. ( not be )

4. These nurses are very busy in the hospital because there are many children

__________after every day. ( look )

5. Can’t you hear him ________ in the next room? ( sing )

6. Is it fun ________ people in need? ( help )

7. ________ to him when he plays the piano. ( not talk )

8. He spends as much time as he can __________ the report about children in poor

areas. (write )


1. 那位老人常年生病住院,他希望在生活方面得到帮助。

That old man __________________________, he ___________________his life.

2. 那些大学生生正期待着在这座博物院里可以对古老中国有一个全方位的了解。

The __________________________________________old China at the museum.

3. 每位学生都乐意在5月1 日的早晨带领那些老师参观这所著名的学校。

Each of the students ____________________the famous school _________May 1st.

4. 一些猴子在跳来跳去,其它猴子在发出奇怪的(strange)声音。

Some ______________________, and __________________________________.

5. 社区中心挤满了志愿者,他们将相互分享各自的一技之长。

_______________________ volunteers and they ____________________each other.

6. 明天他们将花一个半小时乘火车去市里。

It_________________them _____________________________to the city tomorrow.

九、缺词填空先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词。所填单词在答卷横线上必须完整写出。(本大题5分,每格0.5 分)Computers are useful machines. Today more and more families o______(1) computers. Parents buy computers for their children because they hope computers can h______(2) them improve (提高) their studies at school. But many of the children u______(3) them to play games, to watch films or listen to music. So some teachers and parents t _____(4) that computers cannot help children to study but make them fall b_____(5). So some parents p_____(6) computers in the drawers(抽屉).

In some other countries, even the scientists (科学家) h_____(7) computers. They say computers let millions of people l______(8) their jobs or bring them a lot of trouble.

Will computers r______(9) bring trouble to people or bring people happiness? One must decide(决定)h______(10) to use computers.



1.在Daniel 家附近车站乘12路车到Red Star站下车;

2.沿着北大街(the North Street) 往前走,在第二个交通灯处向右转弯;

3.一直往前走,会看到一座桥,走过桥后向左转入公园路(the Park Road);





Dear Daniel,

I’m going to have a birthday party this Saturday. I hope you can come to my party.

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________






1.W: Mi ke ,take out the lunch box. We’ll have a picnic in the park .

M: Wow, that’ll be more fun than eating at home.

2.W: Are you going back to Singapore this weekend?

M: Yes, We’ll first go to Shanghai on Saturday, then we’ll fly from Shanghai to Singapore the next day.

3.M: Could you tell me when the plane will be in Hainan?

W: It will be there in about ten minutes.

4.M: I go to school by bike,but Kate doesn’t. Who takes her to school?

W: Her father does. He takes her to school on his e-bike every day.

5.M: What do you usually do after school?

W: First, I do my homework for an hour and a half. Then I help clean up the room fifteen minutes. If I have free time , I watch news on TV for half an hour.

6.W: Excuse me, where can I buy a pair of women’s shoes?

M: The women’s shoes are on the fifth floor, next to the lift. You have to go two floors up.

7.M: Hello! I’d like a double room for two nights. How much is it?

W: Sure. It’s 350 yuan a night.

8.W: What time does the talk start?

M: It starts at 2 in the afternoon. We still have 20 minutes.

9.W: Mr. Smith ,how does the plan work?

M: We’ll have to wait and see.

10.M: I want to do sport, but I ‘m not free.

M: Why not do it first thing in the morning?





W: Would you like go to the cinema with Betty and me? It’s Jackie Chan , And he’s my favourite

film star?

M: That’s a good idea! And Mary will be with us,too. When is it?

W: It’s in the afternoon and in the evening.

M: Let’s go in the evening. What about going to a football match on Sunday? It’s Manchester United , my favourite team.

W: Great!


In North America, most students go to school on the school buses. Some students also walk or ride bikes to school. In other parts of the world, things are different. In Japan, most students take trains to school, while others walk or ride bikes. In big cities, students usually ride bikes or take buses. In some places, there are rivers or lakes. Students usually go to school by boat. That must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.


Dreams may be more important than sleep. We all need to dream. People have a few dreams each night. Dreams are like short films. They are usually in colour. Some dreams are like old films. They come to us over to over again. That may be because the dreamer is worrying about something. Dreaming may be a way of trying to find an answer.

Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams. Maybe they are thinking about their work all day. Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we can’t remember the dream.

Dreaming too much can be bad, If we sleep more, we will dream longer. That’s why we may h ave a long sleep and still wake up tired.





三、单项填空(本大题15 分,每小题1分)





1. zeros

2. broken

3. funny

4. artists

5. ninetieth

6. leaves

7. managers’

8. preparing


1. smells

2. are going to be

3. isn’t

4. to look

5. singing

6. to help

7. Don’t talk

8. writing

八、句子翻译(本大题共9分,每小题1.5 分)

1. That old man is ill in hospital all year long, he hopes to get help with his life.

2. The college students are looking forward to knowing all about old China at the museum.

3. Each of the students are ready/ willing to show the teachers around the famous school_

on the morning of May 1st.

4. Some monkeys are jumping around, and others are making strange sound.

5. The community centre is full of volunteers and they will share their skills with each other.

6. It will take them one and a half hours to take the train to the city tomorrow.

九、缺词填空(本大题5分,每格0.5 分)

1. own

2. help




6. put



9.really 10 how



5.在Daniel 家附近车站乘12路车到Red Star站下车;

6.沿着北大街(the North Street) 往前走,在第二个交通灯处向右转弯;

7.一直往前走,会看到一座桥,走过桥后向左转入公园路(the Park Road);





Dear Daniel,

I’m going to have a birthday party this Saturday. I hope you can come to my party.

You can take a/ the No.12 bus near your home and get off at the Red Star bus stop. Walk along the North Street. Turn right at the second traffic lights. Walk straight on, you will see a bridge. You can go across the bridge and turn left into the Park Road. Walk past the supermarket, and you will see my house at the end of the road. My home is No. 141. You can’t miss it.

江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校 牛津译林版八年级下英语 Unit 7 Exercise D (含答案)

省锡中实验学校八年级下英语 8B Unit 7 Exercise D(含答案) 一、单选 1.--- Is your sister ill?--- No, ______, only a little cold. A.serious anything B.nothing serious C. serious nothing D. anything serious 2.Many topics _____ in the course ______ food and drinks, travel and hotels. A.cover; include B.covers; including C.are covered; include D.are covered; including 3.They boy used to ____ his pocket money on snacks, but now most of it is spent ____charities. A.spend; to support B.spending; to support C.spend; supporting D.spending; supporting 4.What was this kind of box ____ in the past? Was it a bowl? https://www.doczj.com/doc/0011279925.html,ed to doing https://www.doczj.com/doc/0011279925.html,ed to do https://www.doczj.com/doc/0011279925.html,e to do https://www.doczj.com/doc/0011279925.html,e to doing 5.If Mg ____ in O2, we ____MgO, and it ___ combination reaction(化学变化). A.will burn; get; calls B. burns; will get; called C, will burn; can get; is callingD.burns; will get; is called 6.I think I can help _____ a donation or doing some voluntary work. A.make B.by making C.makes D.making 7.Many people’s lives _____ changed ______ World War II. A.were; because of B. /; because C.have; because of D. have been; because 8.Some people plan to ____ a volunteer project to help the disabled children.


无锡新吴区公办小学施教区一览 新吴区 新区第一实验学校(小学部) 太湖花园一、二、三期 新洲小学 联心嘉园一期、二期,香梅人家、金梅苑、梅里水晶城 泰山路实验小学 瑞城国际、东鼎家园、第一国际、富力桃园 旺庄实验小学 新光村、新光嘉园、春雷村、春雷嘉园、春雷苑、红旗村、红旗花园A区、红旗花园B区、长欣公寓、长欣大厦、长江国际花园一期、长江金岸、香山名苑、银河广场、东方银座、盛业大厦、新光大厦、润泽东都、尚东雅园 春星小学 春潮园一区、春潮园二区、春潮园三区、群星村、春潮村西魏巷、春丰村、锡春华庭、新都会 高浪小学 埌下、高浪嘉园、新洲花园、新洲人家、新港公寓、星尚国际 新安实验小学 新安花苑(第一社区、第二社区、第三社区、第五社区)、新安社区、朗诗小区、太湖雍华府 新吴实验小学

和风社区、龙湖小区、国信观湖湾、协信阿卡迪亚、积水裕沁湖畔庭、琥珀澜湾、耘林公寓、远洋太湖宸章、万科观湖礼著 硕放实验小学 安桥、溇金、香楠、大墙门、东新、丰硕苑、秦村、建丰、吉祥、新锦苑、市镇、墙裕、润硕苑、咏硕苑、振发公寓、墙联(浜东、浜西、沿河、宋更上、南头、朱家浜)、丽景佳苑 南星小学 南星苑、新梅路、合新、黄家门、杨家湾、硕放、香楠佳苑、锦硕苑、云港佳苑、哥伦布广场、墙联(东小房、南小房、西小房、前鲁、中鲁、后鲁、旺家浜、唐坊上)、西典 江溪小学 叙丰村、叙丰家园南区、叙丰家园B区、叙康里、奕淳公寓、景南苑、多友大厦、前进花园、欧典家园、首创悦府园、景西苑、奕翔公寓、宝盛花园、万科东郡家园、长江国际花园二期、铭城花园、春城家园B 区、朗诗天萃苑、保利天悦华府、金轮星光名座 坊前实验小学 坊前片区村巷、万裕苑(一期、二期、三期)、新丰苑(一期、二期)、美新玫瑰庄园、金峻苑 春阳实验小学 和睦家园、中邦城市花园、花郡家园、观澜华府、新丰苑三期、海雅锦园(中海) 南丰小学


2017江苏省海门中学招聘教师20名公告 一、报考条件 1.具有中华人民共和国国籍,拥护和遵守中华人民共和国宪法和法律,具有良好的品行; 2.年龄在18周岁以上、35周岁以下(1981年12月至1998年12月期间出生); 3.2017年全日制普通高校本科及以上学历毕业,并取得相应的学位; 4.具有高级中学教师资格证(应聘人员需在聘用时提供教师资格证,否则不予聘用); 5.具备正常履行职责的身体条件; 6.具备拟报考岗位所要求的资格条件(详见《2017年江苏省海门中学公开招聘教师岗位简介表》,以下简称《岗位简介表》,附件1)。 尚未解除纪律处分或者在接受纪律审查的人员,刑事处罚期限未满或者涉嫌违法犯罪正在接受调查的人员,涉及国家和省里有规定不得应聘到事业单位有关岗位的人员,不得应聘。 二、报考岗位及要求 具体招聘人数、岗位、资格条件等详见《岗位简介表》。 三、报名 (一)报名时间:自本公告发布之日起至2016年12月15日16:00截止。 (二)报名方式及注意事项: 报名采取邮箱提交报名材料的方式进行。应聘人员报名时须提交下列材料: 1.《江苏省海门中学公开招聘教师报名表》(附件2); 2.本人身份证; 3.《毕业生双向选择就业推荐表》; 4.岗位需要的其它相关材料。 应聘人员将上述报名材料以电子文档形式打包发送到邮箱:hmzhx@https://www.doczj.com/doc/0011279925.html,,邮件主题备注名为:应聘+姓名。由江苏省海门中学负责对报名材料进行资格审查,并将资格审查情况及时反馈给应聘人员。审查通过后,由江苏省海门中学通知应聘人员参加现场资格复审。通过邮箱报名资格审查的人员于2016年12月17日9:00-11:30、13:30-16:30携带本人身份证、《毕业生双


2019无锡市省锡中初 三英语二模 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

省锡中实验学校2018——2019学年度第二学期 初三英语第二次适应性练习2019年4月 二、单项选择在A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(本大题共14小题,每小题 1分,共14分) 21. -What a bad day I have today! -Everyone has a day like this when ______ goes right. A. anything B. everything C. something D. nothing 22. -I don’t know how to DIY the bookcase which I bought from Yijia. -Don’t worry, just follow the ______. A. information B. instruments C. instructions D. introductions 23. All the flowers have come out. The sweet smell ______ the whole room and makes me comfortable. A. rushes B. fills C. covers D. spreads 24. I n America, when something unhappy happens, a “sorry” is always ______. Americans don’t care about who is responsible. A. necessary B. amazing C. welcome D. meaningful 25. T hough there are so many things around us that go ______ our will, we can’t give up because following the dream is valuable. A. through B. towards C. against D. beyond 26. Life is like a journey with trouble, but with care and wisdom you can ______ any problem you face. A. find out B. hand out C. carry out D. work out 27. -Who does the cooking when your parents are not at home? -If we are hungry, we ______ order fast food. A. simply B. exactly C. completely D. hardly 28. -People take much from the environment, and have to protect it too. -Agree with you. ______, people have to keep a balance between us humans and the environment. A. However B. Anyway C. Otherwise D. Moreover 29. -You are always on time for everything. How ______ it be that you were late for the meeting this morning 2


江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2020下学期初中七年级期中考试 英语试卷 本试卷满分为100分,考试时间为100分钟。 第一卷(选择题,共65分) 一、听力测试(本大题共20分,每小题1分) 第一节(共10小题) 听下面10段短对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。 听第1至10段材料,回答第1至10题。 1. Where will they have lunch? A. B. C. 2. When will they go to Singapore? A. B. C. 3.Where are they talking? A. B. C. 4. How does Kate go to school? A. B. C. 5. How long does the girl spend doing the housework? A.One hour and a half. B. Half an hour. C. Fifteen minutes. 6. Which floor is the woman on now? A.The second floor. B. The third floor. C. The fifth floor. 7. How much will the man pay? A. ¥350. B.¥1050. C. ¥700. 8. What time is it now?

A. 1:40p.m. B. 2:20p.m. C.1:20p.m. 9.What can we learn from the dialogue A. Mr. Smith is sure the plan will work. B. Mr. Smith isn’t sure if (是否) the plan will work. C. Mr. Smith is sure the plan wo n’t work. 10. What does the woman mean? A. Don’t do sport in the morning. B.Do sport just after getting up. C. Don’t do sport so many times a day. 第二节(共10小题) 听下面3段长对话和短文,每段对话和短文后有几个小题,从题中A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话和短文前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟,听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话和短文读两遍。 听第11段材料,回答第11、12题。 11. How many people will go to the cinema? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. 12. What’s the boy’s favourite football team? A. Royal Merdrid B. Peking Guoan Team. C. Manchester United. 听第12段材料,回答第13至15题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。 14. A. trains B. the underground C.taxis 15. A. e-bike. B. ship. C. boat. 听第13段材料,回答第16至20题。 16. What may be important than sleep according to the passage? A.Work. B. Dreams. C.Food. 17. What do people do during their sleep? A.They dream. B. They talk. C. They laugh. 18. Why do some people often dream about their work?


第八批无锡市中小学教学能手名单 (共422名) 江阴市(99名) 高中语文(4名) 徐建宇江苏省江阴高级中学李春来江苏省江阴高级中学赵妍妍江苏省江阴长泾中学夏海燕江苏省江阴长泾中学高中数学(4名) 张心刚江苏省南菁高级中学黄晓勇江苏省南菁高级中学孙金霞江阴市青阳中学沈伟江阴市成化高级中学高中英语(3名) 刘燕江苏省南菁高级中学唐艳芳江苏省南菁高级中学韩叶红江阴市澄西中学 高中物理(6名) 章强江苏省南菁高级中学王鹤新江苏省江阴市第一中学李艳军江阴市华士高级中学唐军江阴市华士高级中学汪和君江阴市成化高级中学李威江阴市祝塘中学 高中化学(2名) 曲宪春江苏省南菁高级中学李新勇江苏省江阴长泾中学高中生物(2名) 吴宜军江苏省南菁高级中学朱慧江阴市第一中学 高中政治(3名) 张丽莉江苏省江阴高级中学朱秋红江苏省江阴高级中学周贵才江阴市华士高级中学 高中历史(1名) 方亮江苏省江阴高级中学 高中地理(2名) 张蕾江苏省江阴长泾中学封其汉江阴市华士高级中学高中信息技术(1名) 秦红兵江苏省江阴高级中学 高中音乐(1名) 顾喜叶江苏省江阴高级中学

高中体育(2名) 许鸿丰江苏省南菁高级中学袁晓云江阴市第二中学 高中美术(1名) 孙永和江阴市要塞中学 高中心理健康教育(1名) 吴琼霞江苏省南菁高级中学 初中语文(6名) 陆莺音江阴市陆桥中学徐宝林江阴市临港实验学校 郁乐伟江苏省南菁高级中学实验学校刘风光江阴市华西实验学校 余碧辉江阴市南闸实验学校高殿杰江阴市华西实验学校 初中数学(5名) 王俊蓉江阴初级中学陈霞江阴初级中学 郭春芳江苏省南菁高级中学实验学校孙海锋江阴市青阳第二中学 陈俊江阴市临港实验学校 初中英语(3名) 吉莉江阴市敔山湾实验学校陆丰江阴市华士实验中学 高翔江阴市临港实验学校 初中物理(2名) 俞海阳江阴初级中学周洁江阴初级中学 初中生物(1名) 孟诚江苏省南菁高级中学实验学校 初中历史(1名) 陆益银江阴市璜土中学 初中信息技术(2名) 贡学青江阴市暨阳中学於瑞丰江苏省南菁高级中学实验学校小学语文(9名) 高翠萍江阴市实验小学姚莉莉江阴市实验小学 刘英江阴市月城实验小学牟晓云江阴市辅延中心小学 赵燕江阴市周庄实验小学陈芳江阴市周庄实验小学 江慧江阴市利港实验小学王翠萍江阴市华士实验小学 曹静芳江阴市第二实验小学 小学数学(7名)


[读后续写] 江苏省海门中学、姜堰中学、淮阴中学 2021届12月联考 读后续写(满分25分) 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。 Having held the interschool storytelling championship for the past two years, I was the shining star of my school. When it came to choosing the right candidate to participate in such competitions, I was always the first choice. Naturally, I was once again selected to represent my school in the approaching contest this year. Upon hearing the fact that I was chosen again, my classmates and friends acknowledged that I would undoubtedly emerge as the champion again. Consequently, I became conceited. I was so proud that I neglected the importance of practicing for the contest. A week before the contest, my teacher Ms. Sara asked, "Selena, would you like to stand in front of the class to rehearse for the contest?” She had tutored me in the past two competitions and knew how important practice was.“Just imagine you are on the stage in the presence of the audience,” she added. “I'm sorry, Ms. Sara,” I replied. “I have a bit of a sore throat.” This was usually the lie I would tell whenever my teacher requested me to practice in front of the class. I always found excuses to avoid


江苏省海门中学2015年分解指标招生 1 数学试题 2 3 一、填空题:本大题共13小题,每小题6分,共78分.请把答案填写在答题..4 卡相应位置上....... 5 1.已知抛物线c bx ax y ++=2的顶点为(6,8-),且它与x 轴的两个交点6 分别位于原点的两侧,则a 、b 、c 中为负数的是 ▲ . 7 2.已知17-=x ,则1205323+-+x x x 的值等于 ▲ . 8 3.已知式子|||5|a x x -+-有最小值9,则常数a 的值为 ▲ . 9 4.已知关于x 的不等式06)43(22<++-m x m x 的所有整数解之和为42,则10 实数m 的取值范围是 ▲ . 11 5.已知点)1,2(P ,则点P 到直线2 743-=x y 的距离为 ▲ . 12 6.若二次函数c bx x y +-=2的图像与x 轴只有一个交点,且过点13 ),92(),,2(n m Q n m P - 14 则n = ▲ . 15 7.如图,在平行四边形纸片ABCD 中,∠A=60°,将纸片折叠,使点A 、D 分别16 落在点A 1、D 1处,线段A 1D 1经过点B ,且点B 为A 1D 1的中点,EF 为折痕,当D 1F ⊥CD 17 时,AB AD = ▲ . 18

19 20 21 22 8.如图,在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,六边形OABCDE 的顶点坐标分别是O (0,23 0),)6,0(A ,B (4,6),C (4,4),D (6,4),E (6,0).若直线l 经过点M 24 (2,3),且将该六边形OABCDE 分割成面积相等的两部分,则直线l 的函数解25 析式是 ▲ . 26 9.已知实数q p n m ,,,满足4=+=+q p n m ,6=+nq mp , 27 则=+++)()(2222q p mn pq n m ▲ . 28 10.若ABC ?的三边长均为正整数,且AC BC AB <<,8=BC ,则满足29 条件的ABC ? 的个数为 ▲ . 30 11.若抛物线3))((----=b a x a x y 与x 轴交点的横坐标分别为31 )(,d c d c <,则化简式子||)(2d b a b a c -++--所得的结果为 32 ▲ . 33 12.已知实数b a ,满足44≤≤-a ,22≤≤-b ,若关于x 的方程34 03=++b ax x 有最大根0x ,且10+<

江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2019-2020学年第一学期牛津译林版英语9A Unit5完成句子专题整理

江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2019-2020学年第一学期 9AU5完成句子专题整理 1.你知道京剧是我国的一种古老的艺术形式吗? Do you know Beijing Opera_____________________________________________________? 2.没有人能找到比优美的音乐更令人愉快的东西了。 Nobody can___________________________________________________________________. 3.无锡因水著名,也曾因水而困。 Wuxi__________________________________its water but it once had trouble because for water. 4.互联网已经成功地帮全世界的人们构建了一座桥梁。 The Internet___________________________________________________all over the world. 5.无论什么时候苍蝇感受到空气的流动,它就会迅速飞走。 A fly quickly flies away________________________________________________________. 6.这位世界著名的音乐家去年被授予了一个奖吗? Was a medal _______________________________________________________last year? Was___________________________________________________________ a medal last year? 7.周杰伦已经成功地将中西方音乐融合在了他的作品中。 Jay Chou_________________________________________________________ in his works. 8.音乐如此优美悦耳很值得一听哦! The music is so beautiful_______________________________________________________. 9.靠纸张,石头这样的普通创作音乐是多么的神奇啊! How amazing_______________________________________________like stones and papers.


江苏省姜堰中学2020-2021年度第一学期阶段检测 高三地理试题 2020.12 一、单项选择题:本大题共24小题,每小题2分,共计48分。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。 微信已成为人们沟通交流和展示生活的重要手段,图1为淮安市(34° N ,119°E )某中学老师的朋友圈截屏图(图中照片为该老师在车内面向正前方所拍,11:30为该老师发朋友圈时间)。读图完成1~2题。 1.该老师( ) A .拍照片时正驾驶车辆朝东北方向行驶 B .发朋友圈时发现自己的日影朝向正北 C .被朋友误以为下午6:30左右拍的照片 D .回复朋友时太阳高度达一天中最大值 2.若天气等情境相同,该老师想重拍照片发同样 内容的朋友圈,至少需要再过约( ) A .50天 B .80天 C .100天 D .120天 某次山地自行车赛在图2道路中举行,要求匀速骑行(方向为从①到⑤,全程10Km ,道路为水泥路面),该比赛日图中地区无风,甲、乙、丙、丁为四个拟选看台。据此完成3~4题。 3.本次自行车赛中( ) A .骑行赛段的最大高差达22米 B .选手在④—⑤路段骑行最费力 C .选手骑行方向为自西南向东北 D .赛段从起点到终点全部为上坡 4.图中四个拟选看台中( ) A .甲处最适宜观看④—⑤之间骑行 B .乙处可观看到全部赛段骑行比赛 C .丙处可观看到①—③之间赛段骑行 D .丁处只能观看到④附近赛段的比赛 图 1 图 2

相对湿度是大气实际水汽压与同温度下饱和水汽压之比,用百分数表示。相对湿度能直接反映空气距饱和的程度,一天中相对湿度最低值一般出现在14:00左右。对农户大棚来说,棚内高湿状态易引发农作物病虫害。图3为“某地温室大棚内相对湿度日变化曲线图”,其中,a 、b 、c 三条曲线表示不同天气状况下的相对湿度变化;图4为“温室大棚通风示意图”。据此完成5~6题。 5.判断该地温室大棚内a 曲线表示的天气状况最可能为( ) A .晴朗 B .阴天 C .多云 D .雷雨 6.若冬季降低大棚内的相对湿度,最适宜的时间及通风通道组合为( ) A .早晨 m B .早晨 n C .中午 m D .中午 n 黄河上游的贵德松巴峡河段,地处青藏高原与黄土高原过渡地带,南北两侧河岸发育了多级阶地,且阶地上均堆积着多种不同颗粒大小的沉积物。图5为“贵德松巴峡黄河阶地横剖面图”。据此完成7~8题。 7. 推测该河段所在区域的地壳经历了( ) A .持续下降 B .持续抬升 C .间歇性下降 D .间歇性抬升 8.图中南岸一侧河岸T4阶地缺失,最可能的原因是( ) A .T4阶段地区缺乏良好沉积环境 B .T4阶段河流上游的泥沙来源少 C .T4阶地形成后南岸受剥蚀严重 D .T4阶地形成时期地壳活动频繁 图3 图 4 图 5


江苏省无锡市省锡中实验学校2020-2021学年七年级上学期 期中数学试题 学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________ 一、单选题 1.下列各数中与4相等的是( ) A .22- B .2(2)- C .|4|-- D .(4)-+ 2.下列各式的计算结果正确的是( ) A .2x+3y=5xy B .5x -3x=2x C .7y 2-5y 2=2 D .9a 2b -4ab 2=5a 2b 3.下列结论正确的是( ) A .有理数包括正数和负数 B .无限不循环小数叫做无理数 C .0除以任何数都得0 D .两个有理数的和一定大于每一个加数 4.在式子x +y ,0,-a ,-3x 2y , 13x +,1x 中,单项式的个数为 ( ) A .3 B .4 C .5 D .6 5.数轴上的A ,B ,C 三点所表示的数分别是a ,b ,c ,其中AB =BC ,如果a b c >>,那么该数轴的原点可能在( ) A .点A 的左边 B .点A 与点B 之间 C .点B 与点C 之间,靠近点B D .点B 与点C 之间,靠近点C 6.按如图所示的运算程序,能使输出的结果为12的是( ) A .x=-4,y=-2 B .x=3, y=3 C .x=2,y=4 D .x=4,y=0 7.若m 为有理数,则|m |-m 一定是( )

8.如图:已知正方形的边长为4,甲、乙两动点分别从正方形ABCD 的顶点A 、C 同时沿正方形的边开始移动,甲点依顺时针方向环行,乙点依逆时针方向环行,若乙的速度是甲的速度的3倍,则它们第2021次相遇在边( ) A .DA B .CD C .BC D .AB 二、填空题 9.单项式237x y z π- 的是系数_______,次数是_______. 10.()()22111n n +-+-=__________(n 为正整数). 11.5G 是第五代移动通信技术,5G 网络下载速度可以达到每秒1300000KB 以上,这意味着下载一部高清电影只需1秒,将1300000用科学记数法表示应为__________. 12.比较两个数的大小; (1)12??-- ???_______23- (2)π-_______ 3.14- 13.已知m 与n 互为相反数,且m 与n 之间的距离为6,且m <n .则m =_____,n=_______. 14.点 A 表示数轴上的一个点,将点 A 向右移动 7 个单位,再向左移动4个单位,终点恰好是原点,则点 A 表示的数是_______. 15.在数轴上表示a 、b 、c 三个数的点的位置如图所示,化简式子:|a+c|-|b -c|结果为_____________. 16.若m 2+mn =-1,n 2-3mn =10,则代数式m 2+7mn -2n 2的值为_______. 17.甲、乙两支同样的温度计如图所示放置,如果向左移动甲温度计,使其度数5正对着乙温度计的度数-17,那么此时甲温度计的度数-5正对着乙温度计的度数是_______. 18.如图,有三根针和套在一根针上的n 个金属片,按下列规则移动金属片:规则1:


最新-江苏省省锡中实验学校七年级语文上册基础知 识复习新精品 江苏省省锡中实验学校七年级语文上册基础知识复习新人教版 一、根据拼音,写出下列汉字。 liú()览quán()释chōng jǐng()qián()移默化 bì()益nà()凉半明半mèi()摇摇欲zhuì()shuāi ()败无liáo()鸟cháo()xiàn()慕nèn()绿抽ti()木jī()miǎn tiǎn()()zèng()亮cáo()杂xī()动lín xún()()反chú()找chá ()挑tī()xī()来rǎng ()往 huáng()惑牛dú()xiá cī ()()chóu chú()()jiǒng()迫干biě()chǒu()一眼zī zhū()()必较jù()契其舟bān bó()()七皱八zhě()yìyì()生辉nì()笑chà()异lián yī()qī()息xuàn()丽雕lòu()cháng yáng()记忆yóu()新juān()刻烟波浩miǎo()走tóu()无路一què()新声 míng()刻童zhì()眼花liáo()乱五彩纷chéng()沟hè()鹤lì()云端miǎo()小微物zhūn zhūn()教诲qióng()隆积zǎn()xù()叨bìng()弃xī()利怪pì()一视同rén()谈笑风shēng()xiāo()洒严jǐn()xié()取chóu chàng()huò()达huì cuì()冷sōu sōu()白jū()过隙jī()身pìn()请kū lóu()máo()塞顿开报chóu()时máo()其貌不yáng()罪kuí()祸首mǎo ()足不屈不náo()无动于zhōng()咬文jiáo()字颠bǒ()灰jìn()míng()思苦想自míng()得意xiá()


物理高考考前指导 辨难点,记盲点,滴水不漏 理思路,抓典型,触类旁通 析心理、慎解题、考后无悔 一、辨难点,记盲点,滴水不漏 (一)审题盲区 I .习惯性盲区 1.“某矢量”与“某矢量大小”。 2.“有效数字要求”与“无有效数字要求”。 3.“轻质”与“重质”(绳杆、弹簧、环等)。 4.“仰视”与“俯视”。 5.比例系数“有单位”和“无单位”。 6.书写公式中的物理量“有倍率”和“无倍率”。 7.临界讨论“想到”与“想不到”。(例如:共速、轨道作用力、几何约束、物理量限制。) 8.第一遍读题心态是“细读”与“粗读”。 9.示意图“作”与“不作”、“规范”与“随便”。 10.“重力是否有”与“重力一定有”(微观、宏观、题目隐含、水平面)。 11.方向的思维定势。(①在竖直平面内,②竖直方向,③轨道垂直。) 12. “效率”与“功率”、 “位移”与“相对位移”、 “位移” 与“位置”、 “平均值”与“有效值”、 “角速度”与“转速”、 “弹力”与“作用力”、 “作用力”与“反作用力”、 “理想气体”与“实际气体”, “Eqy ”与“q U 2 ”的区别, “单摆的摆球加速度”与“回复力产生的加速度”、 “原子核”与“核子”。 II .分析盲区 [力学] 1.静摩擦与最大静摩擦力的区分和判断(求摩擦力时应先判断是静摩擦,动摩擦?,注意f=μN 的条件及N 的含义)、流体阻力的理解,弹簧的弹力 突变是否, 弹簧称读数。 2.整体法和隔离法的灵活使用,空间力的正确处理;牛顿定律的适用范围(瞬时惯性系的理解) 特别提醒: 滑轮系统中物体加速度的算法。注意滑轮上绳子中张力不一定等于所悬挂的 物体的重力加速系统内的阿基米德定律:F 浮=ρV(g ±a) 3.超、失重的灵活运用——(变量分析、圆周运动等)。 4.匀减速运动中注意力和加速度的方向问题,减速运动的物体是否停下;往返运动的加速度是否相同;相对运动的物体是否共速;共速以后是否再相对运动。 5.曲线运动要善于分解。 6.圆周运动最高点的最小速度和最大速度,(不能乱套公式gR V ) 7.物体随、绕地球作圆周运动时受到的万有引力、重力及物体自转向心力、重力加速度。 向心加速度的区别和联系。


省锡中实验学校2020届中考英语考前综合训练(二) 一、单项选择:(本大题共14小题,每小题1分,共14分) 1. ---John, __________can you have your design ready? ---I m not sure. I'm still working on it. A. how long B. how soon C. how often D. how far 2. ---A serious study of physics is impossible____________some knowledge of maths. ---I couldn't agree more. So we should also learn maths well. A. among B. without C. against D. between 3. Adam wants to keep writing novels but he has too much homework. He has difficulty finding a_______ between his hobbies and his study. A. balance B. possibility C. relationship D. suggestion 4. ---It’s found that drinking carbonated drinks (碳酸饮料)____________the risk of cancer. ---No wonder more and more people prefer tea and juice now. A. increases B. increased C. has increased D. had increased 5. ---Who will give us the speech on public manners? ---Dr. Stark_____________. He's good at manners, but nobody knows for sure. A. can B. should C. would D. might 6.It Bays in the Bible, “Let us not love in word, _______in tongue (口头); but in deed (行动) and in truth.” A. none B. either C. no D. neither 7. Rookie players in the NBA are not always expected to give amazing performances.________,they are still learning how to play on a high level. A. Above all B. After all C. At all D.In all 8. ---Andy, when can we start to discuss the case given to you last week? ---I'll be ready to discuss it___________you have time. A.whatever B. wherever C. however D. whenever


2019—2020学年度江苏省无锡市第一学期初三期中 考试初中语文 语文试卷 一.积存与应用〔共21分〕 1.依照拼音写汉字。〔3分〕 ①ruì〔〕智②怒不可è〔〕③狡xiá〔〕 2.依照课文默写。〔8分〕 ①,只有香如故。〔陆游?卜算子·咏梅?〕 ②东篱把酒黄昏后,〔李清照?醉花阴?〕 ③今夜偏知春气暖,〔刘方平?月夜?〕 ④,枳花照驿墙。〔温庭筠?商山早行?〕 ⑤疑怪昨宵春梦好,〔晏殊?破阵子?〕 ⑥,坐断东南战未休。〔辛弃疾?南乡子·登京口北固亭有怀?〕 ⑦董事会通过慎重考虑,任命朱建国为总经理,以挽救濒临倒闭的公司,人们都用?出师表?中的一句话来颂扬朱建国是〝,〞。3.讲明以下句中加点词语的意思。〔4分〕 ①置人所罾.鱼腹中罾:②故不错.意也错: ③挟.天子而令诸侯挟:④先帝不以臣卑鄙 ..卑鄙: 4.以下句子中加点的成语使用正确的一项为哪一项:〔〕〔2分〕 A.大洪山的溶洞是大自然的造化,无不巧夺天工 ....,令人赞扬不已。 B .一时刻,满天的大雾把什么都遮没了,确实是远处的电线杆也躲得杳无音信 ....。 C.正因为他具有自命不凡 ....的崇高理想,才在工作中取得了杰出的成绩。 D.那个地点山清水秀,鸟语花香,宛假设世外桃源,令人流连忘返 ....。 5.以下句中没有语病的一项为哪一项〔〕〔2分〕 A.2009年10月1日,举行了建国60周年大阅兵。 B.只要你用心品味汉字,认读汉字,就一定会发觉她的奇异魅力。 C.尽管人一辈子的幕布慢慢拉开,但在青年的眼里,世界和以后差不多上崭新的和充满吸引力的。 D.2009年9月24日,美印三个空间探测器发觉了水遍及月球表面的〝确凿证据〞。

江苏省海门中学2018届高三 英语

英语综合练习 第I卷(满分85分) 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分) 21. Beijing, which hosted _______ "exceptional" Games in 2008, was awarded _______ 2022 Winter Olympics and promises to do even better this time. A. the, / B. an, the C. an, / D. /, the 22. The value-added tax is expected to reduce the burden facing small and medium-sized enterprises, and _______economic gains. A. govern B. negotiate C. boost D. restore 23. ---Have you read ‘A dream of the Red Chamber’, Su san? ---Yes, I finished reading it last week. It is said _______ into dozens of languages in the last decade. A. to have been translated B. to have translated C. to be translated D. to translate 24. Sometimes we all get the feeling that we ar en’t making the progress _______we want to in life. A. what B. where C. when D. that 25. Sam, who says it is _______ to see his students achieve success, is committed to the cause of education. A. promising B. rewarding C. surprising D. challenging 26. Words have power that _______ by few things in the world. A. matches B. are matched C. is matched D. have matched 27. —Is there any power left in your cell phone? Mine is dying. —Oh, sorry! There is _______ left in my cell phone, either. A. anything B. no one C. none D. nothing 28. When the price level rises, each unit of _______ buys fewer goods and services. A. inflation B. currency C. foundation D. investment 29. —How do you find your first visit to your net friend Jane? —Oh, wonderful! Her warm welcome left me completely _______. A. at ease B. under attack C. beyond doubt D. in tears 30. As the price of housing _______ these years, Sh anghai ranks 7th among the world’s top ten cities of price growing. A. grows B. was growing C. has been growing D. has grown 31. The president of the company is retiring. He is to _______ the position to the vice president next month. A. take over B. win over C. get over D. hand over 32. The weather forecast says the temperature will rise to 28℃next Monday, which shows it _______ be pretty hot in April in Southern Jiangsu sometimes. A. can B. shall C. may D. will 33. Some students who haven’t performed well in the mock exams _______ their parents. A. fade B. fake C. gaze D. fail

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