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Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

Recently, a photo showing a visitor on the Great Wall last week aroused a heated discussion on the Internet. They called it the "great queue of China". It was, with the famous structure snaking to the horizon behind him completely hidden by a mass of other tourists. The vast imperial palace, the Forbidden City, at one point welcomed more than 180,000 visitors in a single day. In the desert at Dunhuang, at least two camels transporting tourists reportedly died from overwork in the Golden Week. And Chinese media said road traffic was up by thirteen percent on last year, causing unprecedented jams.

英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练(第1套) 短篇新闻(2)

Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

These days, German government has been criticized for not doing enough to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I.

Germany has spent less on events than some other European countries.

And the events which have taken place have been seen as half-hearted by critics.

Traditionally in Germany the First World War is overshadowed by the Second World War. History teaching in German schools tends to focus on the crimes of the Nazis rather than what happened a generation earlier.

And since 1945 there's been a strong aversion in Germany to anything that might be seen as glorifying militarism.

So many people here are uncomfortable with any anniversary of a war or a battle.

There's still some disagreement among historians about who was responsible for World War I. But having spent the last 70 years making up for Nazi guilt,

many Germans have little appetite to now take on the blame for the First World War, too. Question 3.What makes the German government be criticized recently?

Question 4.What's the attitude of German people towards militarism?













问题4.德国民众对军国Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.



Passage Three

If you have a product to sell on the Internet, look to India.

"E-commerce" there has increased 400 percent in the past five years.

India now has about 20 million people who buy things over the Internet.

Many of these customers are young people who have busy lives and knowledge of technology. Most also have good jobs that pay well.

Business research companies estimate that two thirds of India's 1.2 billion people are under the age of 35.

That population group is expected to lift Internet sales from 10 billion dollars now to 70 billion dollars by 2020.

Kunal helped create a business called "https://www.doczj.com/doc/0619452040.html,". He sells coupons, discount cards,

and now many other products that people traditionally found only in stores.

Snapdeal went online three years ago. Kunal hopes his sales will hit one billion dollars by 2015. Rahul is pleased with the success of his company's website, "https://www.doczj.com/doc/0619452040.html,".

His family sells gifts and things for the home.

At first, he was concerned that buyers would miss being able to touch the products.

But he soon finds that if products are showcased well,

and the photography is good, and your integrity is good, the gap can be bridged.

But selling things on the Internet is not always easy.

Many companies are forced to cut prices and pay shipping costs if they hope to compete.

This means less profit for each product sold.

Together, Indians spend 500 billion dollars a year on retail purchases.

Internet sales are responsible for only a small part of that.

Questions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Question 23. What kind of people in India like to buy things online?

Question 24. What can dispel the customers' worry about the products online?

Question 25. What methods do companies use to compete with each other?























问题23 在印度什么样的人群喜欢在网上购物?

问题24 什么可以消除人们网络购物的担忧?

问题25 公司采取什么方式提高竞争力?



Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.

U.S. President Barack Obama has said the time has come for a review on the U.S. immigration system.

He made his case at a high school in Las Vegas, Nevada, a day after a group of senators outlined a framework for reform.

The White House and senators conceive a path to citizenship for many of an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S.

He noted that the current system was "out of date and badly broken".

Mr. Obama's case for an immigration reform reflects a blueprint he rolled out in 2011, though that did not go far.

Mr. Obama now backs the Senate plan including making illegal immigrants pay taxes and fines, and sending them to the back of the queue before they can become American citizens.

His 2011 blueprint also focused on a path to permanent residency and eventual citizenship.

After eight years, individuals would be allowed to become legal permanent residents

and would eventually become citizens five years later, according to his 2011 blueprint. Question 1.What can we know about the immigration reform?

Question 2.According to Obama' 2011 blueprint, how long would it take for illegal immigrants to gain citizenship?












问题1 关于移民体系改革我们了解到了什么?

问题2 根据奥巴马2011年的草案,非法移民需多长时间才可获得美国合法居民身份?



Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.

Elephants are used to entertain foreign and domestic tourists in Thailand.

As visitors prefer younger animals, the value of a young elephant has soared to around $33,000. To meet this demand, smugglers in Myanmar capture and tame wild elephants from the country's shrinking herds.

The young elephants are caught in pit-traps, cruelly beaten to break their spirits and then smuggled across the border.

The Thai authorities have cracked down on this trade with some success over the past two years, but campaigners believe that criminals are now stocking up,

ready to transport the animals once again, when restrictions end.

Traffic and other campaigners want to see a toughening up of the laws in Thailand.

Elephants don't have to be registered there until they are eight years old, creating an opportunity for smuggling.

According to researchers, the extra strain put on by the smuggling of live young elephants

could threaten the long-term survival of the species in Myanmar.

Question 3.What are elephants used to do in Thailand?

Question 4.According to the news, what may create an opportunity for smuggling elephants?

















Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.

Hundreds of emergency workers carefully searched the site of a five-story apartment building in southern Ukraine Thursday after a series of explosions reduced it to rubble, authority said.

The explosions happened at Wednesday night in the Black Sea resort town of Yevpatoria. According to Igor Krol, a spokesman for the Ukraine's Emergency Situations Ministry,

at least 17 people dead and 24 others missing, 21 people have been rescued.

"We are now investigating all possible reasons for the explosions," Krol said.

Volodymiyr Shandra, the Ukrainian Emergency Situations minister, told local media that

oxygen canister being stored in the basement of the building could have triggered the blasts. Television footage showed the rescuers trying to free people buried underneath fallen debris, while others scrabbled through wires, construction rods and boulders.

Question 5.When did the explosions happen?

Question 6.How many people died in the explosions?

Question 7.What can we know about the explosions?











问题5 爆炸发生在什么时间?

问题6 爆炸中有几人丧生?

问题7 关于爆炸我们了解到什么?



Conversation One

W: Hey, Tom, where've you been lately?

M: Oh, I've been doing loads of job interviews. I'm graduating soon.

W: How about your job interviews?

M: I've just got to work out what to do next. I'm torn between a big company and a small company.

W: Really? Personally I would choose the small company. What are you thinking?

M: Well, I was going to go with the big company because if it is bigger, it's got a bigger financial base, it's more secure. And also in a big company they've got to follow the laws. The things like pension and insurance are all going to be sorted out.

W: Well, I prefer a small company for almost all different reasons. It's a lot more exciting, and you're going to be treated, most importantly, like a person. And it would be nice to have the relationships with your coworkers like a human relationship instead of just one giant building. M: You've got a good point about the personal relationships, but that can also work against you. If someone has a good tight relationship with the boss, maybe they're going to get the promotion and you're going to get passed over. That kind of closeness doesn't really seem fair.

W: Well, that is a good point. But most of the people working at a small company are going to share a lot more of your ideals and you're going to have a better time of integrating yourself there.

M: I'm going to have to give this more thought.

W: OK.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 8.What has the man been doing recently?

Question 9.Why does the man prefer the big company?

Question 10.What does the woman say about the small company?

Question 11.What can be learned from the conversation?


W: 嘿,汤姆,最近忙什么呢?

M: 哦,因为马上要毕业了,我正忙着到处面试求职呢。

W: 面试的结果如何?

M: 我不知道接下来该怎么选择。我正纠结着应该选择大公司还是小公司。

W: 真的吗?我个人认为应该选择小公司。你觉得呢?

M: 嗯,我更加倾向大公司。因为大公司所能够未员工提供的安全感和优越的福利。并且大公司都是按照国家的法律法规经营的。那么退休金和保险等方面的问题就不用担心了。W: 我之所以喜欢小公司有多方面的原因。在小公司里,同事待你更加真诚,人与人之间的交往也更为融洽。与其待在一栋冰冷的大楼里,还不如尽情享受同事间亲密的人际关系。M: 人际关系这一点你说的的确在理,但也不完全正确。假如员工与老板之间的关系过于亲密,那他们很可能会抢了你的升职机会。亲密的人际关系可能会导致不公平现象的发生。W: 你说的没错。但很多在小公司工作的人都喜欢分享自己的一些观点和看法,在这样的环境下,你可以借机整合并提升自己。

M: 我还得再三考虑后再做决定。

W: 好的。


问题8 男士最近在忙些什么?

问题9 为什么男士更喜欢大公司?

问题10 女士对小公司有什么看法?



Conversation Two

W: Alan, you used to be a baker?

M: Yes, I did.

W: That's pretty cool. Can you make anything, like bread, cake?

M: Yeah. My specialty. What I did a lot of was different varieties of bread, such as white bread, sour dough, Italian bread and French bread and so on.

W: Oh, sounds good. What is the routine of a baker? Do you have to get up early, or how does that work?

M: Yes. Generally most bakeries, especially bakeries that sell bread, they start operations very early in the morning.

W: Why?

M: If you want to get the bread out as early as possible, bread bakers must start at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. They'll come in and open up the shop. They'll get everything going, fire up the ovens and start mixing the bread dough. So the bakery can open at 8 in the morning, and the customers get fresh baked bread.

W: So a baker is really diligent. And what would you say is the best thing about being a baker? M: The best thing about being a baker would be making all those fancy desserts. I enjoyed that part of baking, making those kinds of products.

W: Was there anything that you did not like about being a baker?

M: Pretty much, specifically, I didn't like the working hours. The actual work was not bad but the working hours and the pay were not so good.

W: OK, well, still you'd have to love that smell of fresh bread every day.

M: I did enjoy that.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 12.What did the man do?

Question 13.What can be learned from the man's routine?

Question 14.What does the man like best about his job?

Question 15.What can be learned about the job of being a baker?


W: 艾伦,你曾经做过面包师?

M: 是的。

W: 太棒了。那你能做面包或蛋糕之类的东西吗?

M: 当然,这是我的拿手戏。我曾经做过各式各样的糕点,比如说白面包,酸面包,意式面包和法式面包等。

W: 听起来真诱人。一位面包师的日常生活是怎样的?你需要每天早起吗,或者你觉得这份工作如何?

M: 没错。大多数烘焙师,尤其是需要售卖面包的师傅们,他们很早就起床开始工作啦。W: 为什么?

M: 如果想让面包尽早出炉,面包师们需要凌晨3、4点钟就开始准备。来到店铺后开门营业。将需要的东西准备好,把烤箱预热后让面团发酵。这样才能保证在早上8点钟准时营业,顾客也能买到新鲜的面包。

W: 所以面包师们真的很辛苦。你觉得身为一名面包师最骄傲的一点是什么?

M: 我觉得应该是可以制作出各式各样的甜点。我很享受制作各种点心的这一过程。

W: 那作为一名面包师有没有不顺心之处?

M: 那太多了,尤其是工作时间。面包师的这一工作性质还算可以,但工作时间不规律,报酬也不是很高。

W: 嗯,好的,但你还是喜欢每天沉浸在面包的香气里。

M: 是的,我很喜欢。


问题12 男士的职业是?

问题13 男士每天的日常是怎样的?

问题14 男士最喜欢这份工作的哪个特点?

问题15 面包师这一职业有什么特点?



Passage One

Do you ever feel sick of your life? Then why not sell it?

This is exactly what one man is attempting to do following the breakdown of his marriage.

Ian Usher, a 44-year-old British man living in Australia,

is using the online auction site eBay to sell not only his belongings, but his entire life.

Up for grabs are his house and everything that's in it: his car, his parachuting gear, even his pots and pans.

But what makes the auction unique is that the package also includes a two-week trial run at his job as an assistant in a rug store,

and even an introduction to his friends in the local area.

Mr. Usher said he no longer wanted to be reminded of the life he shared with his ex-wife,

and hopes the sale will raise funds for a life-changing adventure.

He said that once the sale has gone through,

he plans to "walk out of his front door with his wallet in one pocket and his passport in the other,"

and see where the plane takes him.

Bidding opened on Sunday, and by Monday morning had already reached the staggering figure of 2 million Australian dollars.

Unfortunately for Mr. Usher most of the high bids turned out to be fake,

as he had not activated a registration system that would have only let genuine bids through. Whatever the final price he receives, he is by no means the first person to try to sell something unusual online.

A fighter jet, a piece of Britney Spears' chewing gum, and even some toenail have all been sold on eBay.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Question 16. Which one is the most unusual part of Ian Usher's selling?

Question 17. Why does Ian Usher make the sale?

Question 18. What could Ian Usher do to prevent the fake bidding?

























Passage Two

Hand washing reduces the spread of germs from one person to the next.

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,

hand washing is one of the most important means of preventing the spread of infection.

If you track when you wash your hands you may find it is not as often as you think.

A recent survey found that 94% of Americans say that they always wash their hands after going to the bathroom

but observations in public restrooms show that only 68% of adults did so.

Why should you wash? Germs are so small that you cannot see them.

A few of them can cause serious and life-threatening diseases.

Washing your hands correctly greatly reduces the chances of spreading germs.

Disease-causing germs can enter your body when your unwashed hands touch your nose, mouth, and open wounds.

Some of those germs may have changed to protect themselves against an antibiotic, which is called antibiotic resistance.

While your health care providers have a professional responsibility to wash their hands,

it is important that everyone make hand washing a personal priority.

How you wash your hands is important, especially when it comes to eliminating germs.

Just washing them quickly is not enough.

When you wash your hands: Use soap and warm, running water.

Wash all surfaces thoroughly, including wrists, palms, back of hands, fingers and under the fingernails.

Rub hands together for at least 10-15 seconds.

When drying, use a clean or disposable towel if possible, and pat your skin rather than rubbing. Apply hand lotion or cream after washing to soothe your skin and help prevent drying. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.

Question 19. What does the recent survey reveal about hand-washing?

Question 20. Which is the way that germs can enter peopled bodies when people don't wash hands?

Question 21. What kind of water is preferred when people wash hands?

Question 22. What can be learned about hand washing mentioned in the passage?























问题19. 调查发现洗手存在哪些问题?

问题20. 如果不洗手,细菌是样进入人体的?

问题21. 洗手时应该使用什么样的水?

问题22. 文章中提到的与洗手相关的内容有?


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第1套-短篇新闻(1) Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. Recently, a photo showing a visitor on the Great Wall last week aroused a heated discussion on the Internet. They called it the "great queue of China". It was, with the famous structure snaking to the horizon behind him completely hidden by a mass of other tourists. The vast imperial palace, the Forbidden City, at one point welcomed more than 180,000 visitors in a single day. In the desert at Dunhuang, at least two camels transporting tourists reportedly died from overwork in the Golden Week. And Chinese media said road traffic was up by thirteen percent on last year, causing unprecedented jams. 英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练(第1套) 短篇新闻(2) Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. These days, German government has been criticized for not doing enough to commemorate the 100th anniversary of World War I. Germany has spent less on events than some other European countries. And the events which have taken place have been seen as half-hearted by critics. Traditionally in Germany the First World War is overshadowed by the Second World War. History teaching in German schools tends to focus on the crimes of the Nazis rather than what happened a generation earlier. And since 1945 there's been a strong aversion in Germany to anything that might be seen as glorifying militarism. So many people here are uncomfortable with any anniversary of a war or a battle. There's still some disagreement among historians about who was responsible for World War I. But having spent the last 70 years making up for Nazi guilt, many Germans have little appetite to now take on the blame for the First World War, too. Question 3.What makes the German government be criticized recently? Question 4.What's the attitude of German people towards militarism? 问题3和问题4是基于下面这则新闻的。 近日,德国政府被谴责的原因是因为第一次世界大战100周年的活动做得不够充分。 相比欧洲其他各国,德国对此纪念活动不够重视。 其举行的纪念活动更被民众指责敷衍了事。 在德国,第二次世界大战比第一次世界大战更受重视。 德国的的历史教学也更加侧重纳粹所犯罪行,而并非发生在上一代人身上的悲剧。 1945年以来,德国民众强烈反对任何可能被视为美化军国主义的行为。 因此,每当有任何战争或战役纪念日时,德国民众心中多有不快。 历史学家在“谁该对第一次世界大战负责”的问题上仍然存在分歧。 过去的70年里,德国一直在弥补纳粹所犯下的罪行, 因此,多数德国人认为德国也不应该为第一次世界大战担责。 问题3.德国政府因何倍受指责? 问题4.德国民众对军国Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第9套短文(1) 听力文本: Passage 1短文一The Golden Gate Bridge is celebrating its seventy-seventh anniversary. The bridge opened to vehicle traffic on May 28th, 1937.金门大桥迎来了它的77岁生日。它的开始通车时间是1937年5月28日。Since then, more than two billion vehicles have crossed the world famous structure between San Francisco and Marin County, California.迄今,在这座闻名世界、贯通加州三藩市和马林县的大桥上通行过的车辆已超过20亿。As many as 112,000 cars make the trip each day.而每天从这里经过的车辆就多达11.2万。The Golden Gate Bridge had the longest suspension span in the world, at the time it was built.金门大桥最初建成时期是世界跨度最大的悬索桥。The suspended roadway stretches 1,280 meters between the bridge's two tall towers.Today it still rates among the top ten longest bridge spans in existence.两座桥塔之间的桥身长达1280米。在现存悬索桥中仍跻身前十。Mary Currie works for the Golden Gate Bridge, Highway and Transportation District.玛丽·居里在负责大桥事务的金门大桥高速公路和交通运输区工作。She says the bridge is one of the most extraordinary engineering projects of all time.


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第9套短篇新闻(3) 听力文本: Honduran authorities dedicated to the protection of children and adolescents have undertaken a campaign to protect youngsters who beg on the streets.致力于保护儿童、青少年的宏都拉斯官方组织发起了一项旨在保护街边乞讨儿童的活动。The Honduran Institute of Childhood and Family, together with the police and the district attorney, carry out operations around the country to rescue the children and punish the parents.洪都拉斯家庭与儿童研究所协同警方和地方检察官一起在全国开展行动,拯救儿童,惩戒父母。"Many children are used for begging," said Nora Urbina, special prosecutor for children's issues.儿童问题特别检察官,诺拉·乌尔维纳,说“很多孩子被用于乞讨”。"Many children are rented and that is precisely what we hope to punish, because Article 170 of the Juvenile Penal Code sets a penalty of up to six years in detention."“很多父母竟然将自己的孩子出租去乞讨,这正是我们想要打击的。因为《少年刑法》中明确规定了这种行为应判处6年的有期徒刑。”Those children who were rescued are taken to the Honduran Institute of Childhood and Family and then handed over to their parents with the


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第7套短篇新闻(1) 听力文本: Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.问题1和问题2是关于新闻听力的。 Four American teenagers, all children of U.S. military personnel,四位均为军事人员之子的美国青少年,have been arrested on charges of attempted murder after a woman was knocked off her motorbike with rope strung across two poles, Japanese police said.据日本警方报道,他们被指控用绑在两根杆子上的绳索绊倒一位骑摩托车的女性,警方以蓄意谋杀罪名将其逮捕。The four suspects, two 15-year-old boys, a 17-year-old girl and an 18-year old man四名嫌疑人,两名15岁的男孩,一名17岁的女孩及一位18岁的青年were taken into custody on Saturday, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department said.据东京警视厅透露,已于周六被警方拘留。They are accused of causing a severe head injury to a 23-year-old girl这四名青少年被指控致一名23岁的女性头部严重受伤。who works at a restaurant by stringing a rope between poles across a road.该女性在餐馆工作,是被青少年绑在杆子上的绳索绊倒的U.S. forces in Japan was informed of the August incident in late October, a public information


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第10套短文(1) 听力文本: Picture this scene: you are walking home and there is a black cat on the path in front of you.想象一下这个场景:你走在回家的路上,突然一只黑猫出现在前方。Does it make you feel scared stiff? Perhaps it might make you feel lucky?你会不会被吓傻了?还是你会感觉自己交好运了?Putting a hat on the bed could cause evil spirits to slip into your dean sheets! And opening an umbrella indoors might bring untold punishments.把帽子放在床上,你可能会被幽灵纠缠!在房间打开伞可能会招致某种惩罚。Most superstitions are linked to something negative, or the thought that something will bring bad luck.大部分的迷信都和不好的事情或厄运相关。One of the most terrifying and long-believed of all superstitions is that breaking a mirror will bring seven years of bad luck.流传最久、最令人畏惧的一个迷信直说就是,打碎一面镜子会带来7年的霉运。In ancient Greek, Roman and Chinese cultures, many people held the belief that a mirror reflected a person's soul.在古希腊、罗马和中华文明中,很多人相信镜子反应着一个人的灵魂。If the mirror was broken, the soul would be harmed too; and the person would be frightened


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第9套短篇新闻(1) 听力文本: AT&T plans to spend 18 billion dollars in 2021 upgrading its wireless networks to handle the increasing amount of new traffic.AT&T计划于2021年投资180亿美元,用来升级无线网络,以满足不断增加的通信需求。There is roughly 2 billion dollars more than the company had invested in the previous year.相比去年,今年的投资增加了接近20亿美元。Specifically, AT&T will add 2,000 new cell sites and upgrade existing cell sites with three times more fiber links than it had in 2021.具体来说,AT&T将新建2000座中继站,并对现有中继站进行升级,升级后的中继站光纤线路数量相较2021年将增加三倍。This will increase capacity to connect the cell tower to AT&T's main network.这将大大提升中继站与AT&T主通信网络之间的连接强度。AT&T, which is the only wireless operator in the U.S. selling the iPhone, has been the target of much criticism over this past year,AT&T是唯一与苹果公司合作的无线通信运营商。在过去的一年中它饱受苹果手机用户指责,as many iPhone subscribers, particularly in densely populated urban areas, have complained about dropped calls, slow Internet access, and poor service.


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第2套短篇新闻(1) 听力文本: Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item.问题1和问题2是关于新闻听力的。 U.S. President Barack Obama has said the time has come for a review on the U.S. immigration system.美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马提出应当对美国的移民体系进行重新审视。He made his case at a high school in Las Vegas, Nevada, a day after a group of senators outlined a framework for reform.在几名议员制定出移民改革框架一天之后,奥巴马在内华达拉斯威加斯一所高中提出了这一框架。The White House and senators conceive a path to citizenship for many of an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S.美国有非法移民将近1100万人,通过这一框架美国白宫和议员为其中很多人构想出了一条获得公民身份的途径。He noted that the current system was "out of date and badly broken".他说目前的移民体系已经“十分陈旧而且支离破碎”。Mr. Obama's case for an immigration reform reflects a blueprint he rolled out in 2021, though that did not go far.奥巴马此次的移民改革计划影射了他2021年推出的一份草案,当时这份草案没有得到进一步实施。Mr. Obama now backs the Senate plan including making illegal


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第12套短文(1) 听力文本: Most people have recognized the benefits of learning a foreign language:很多人已经认识到了学习外语的好处:You can travel to foreign countries and feel comfortable, be a more productive employee in today's competitive job market, and immerse yourself in the vast cultures that surround you.它可以让你的国外之旅更顺畅;它可以让你工作更高效,在今天竞争激烈的职场上更有竞争优势;它可以让你更轻松地融入周围多样的文化当中。Scientific studies have even shown that learning a new language helps to keep memories sharp and naturally enhances overall brain function.科学研究甚至还发现学习外语能增强记忆力,自然也就增强了脑功能。But did you know that you can learn a new language in as little as 10 days?但是你知道10天之内你就可以学会一门新语言吗?The Pimsleur Approach to learning new languages helps users pick up new languages quickly.皮姆斯勒语言学习法能帮助人们快速学会语言。Even the FBI has purchased the Pimsleur Approach.甚至FBI都购买了皮姆斯勒语言学习教程。Your brain is already wired to start speaking a language in 10 days. You just need to activate it.你的大脑有能力在十天内学


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第12套短文(2) 听力文本: As we hit middle age, we often start to notice that our memory and mental clarity are not what they used to be.人到中年,我们通常会开始发觉自己的记忆力和脑力不如从前。We suddenly can't remember where we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintance's name, or the name of an old band we used to love.我们会突然忘记自己把刚放下的钥匙放哪了,或想不起旧相识的名字或曾经非常喜欢乐队的名字。This loss of mental focus can potentially have a bad impact on our professional, social, and personal well-being.这种心智上注意力的缺失可能会对我们的工作、社交以及个人生活产生不好的影响。Neuroscientists are increasingly showing that there's actually a lot that can be done.神经学家不断表明很多方法可以帮助改善这一情况。It turns out that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental workouts can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions.事实上,大脑和肌肉一样需要锻炼,而且正确的锻炼方式可以大幅提高大脑的认知功能。Thinking is essentially a process of making neural connections in the brain.思考从本质上来说是大脑中神经元之间发生联系的活


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第10套短篇新闻(2) 听力文本: U.S. President George W. Bush will lay out his new policy for Iraqi Wednesday night in a TV speech.美国总统乔治·沃克·布什周三晚间将在电视演讲中发表美对伊新政策框架。However, some details of the policy have been leaked to the media.但政策当中的部分细节已被媒体获悉。National Oil Law: A date is to be announced for the release of a national oil law in Iraq.《国家石油法》:颁布伊拉克《国家石油法》的日期敲定。The law will give the Iraqi central government the power to distribute current and future oil revenues to provinces and regions based on their population size.该法授权伊拉克政府按照各省、各地区的人口数量来分配目前及将来的石油收益。The achievement of a fair distribution of oil revenue is seen as a cornerstone of Iraqi security.石油收益的合理分配对于伊拉克国家安全来说具有十分重要的意义。More Troops: The U.S. now has 132,000 troops in Iraq. The number will temporarily be increased by 20,000.增兵:目前美驻伊拉克军队人数达13.2万。该数目将临时被增加至15.2万。A renewed construction package costing up to 1 billion U.S. dollars is also to be announced.布什总统还将宣布一项耗


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第3套短篇新闻(3) 听力文本: Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.问题5至问题7是基于下面这则新闻。 Women entrepreneurs are getting more help and resources from governments, universities and corporations—including money.现在女性企业家正在获得越来越多的政府、大学和企业的帮助和资源,包括资金。The number of women-owned businesses in the U.S. increased 44 percent from 2001 to 2021, says the Center for Women's Business Research.女性企业主研究中心信息显示,2001年至2021年美国女性创办的企业增加了44%。Raising capital is a major problem for startups because they need money to grow.创业公司遇到的主要问题是融资,因为他们需要资金来成长。In the U.S., only 2 percent of women-run startups receive funding from venture capitalists,在美国,女性创办的企业能够得到风投资金的只有2%。says a study by the National Foundation for Women Business Owners and Wells Fargo And Co.这是全美女性企业主基金会和富国银行集团一项联合调查显示的Yet women in the U.S. own 38 percent of U.S. businesses, or 9.1 million companies, says the study.但是该研究还发现在美国女性创办的企业占38%,即910


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第2套短篇新闻(2) 听力文本: Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item.问题3和问题4是基于下面这则新闻的。 Elephants are used to entertain foreign and domestic tourists in Thailand.在泰国,大象被用来娱乐国内外游客。As visitors prefer younger animals, the value of a young elephant has soared to around $33,000.因游客喜爱幼象,因此一头小象的价格飙升至3.3万美元左右。To meet this demand, smugglers in Myanmar capture and tame wild elephants from the country's shrinking herds.为满足这一市场需求,缅甸一些走私贩开始猎捕并驯化为数不多的野生大象。The young elephants are caught in pit-traps, cruelly beaten to break their spirits and then smuggled across the border.大象遭走私贩陷阱捕捉后被残暴对待,直到驯化后再被越境贩卖。The Thai authorities have cracked down on this trade with some success over the past two years,过去的两年里,泰国政府已采取措施坚决打击这一非法交易,but campaigners believe that criminals are now stocking up,但仍然有一些不法之徒蠢蠢欲动,ready to transport the animals once again, when restrictions end.准备当限制结束时伺机再度贩卖大


专业英语四级(听写听力)模拟试卷157(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. DICTATION PART I DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 1. 正确答案:Guitar Probably no other musical instrument is as popular around the world as the guitar. / Musicians use the guitar for almost every kind of music. / Country and western music would not be the same without a guitar. / The traditional Spanish folk music could not exist without a guitar. / The sound of American blues music would not be the same / without the sad cry of the guitar. / And rock and roll music would almost be impossible without this instrument. / Music experts do not agree about where the guitar first was played. / Most agree it is ancient. / 涉及知识点:听写 2. 正确答案:Thanksgiving The American Thanksgiving, by law on the fourth Thursday of November, / has a long tradition in the United States. / The first American Thanksgiving occurred in 1621, / with early North American settlers celebrating their first harvest / after a harsh winter in the new world. / In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln made it an official holiday. / Today, Thanksgiving serves as a day for family gatherings with luxurious turkey feasts, / accompanied by a wide array of side dishes and pies. / So this holiday is one of the busiest times for travel in America. / Millions of people travel by car, train, or air, to feast with family. / 涉及知识点:听写 3. 正确答案:Rock Climbing Many people take part in rock climbing around the world. / Some do it just for fun while others compete. / Rock climbing takes strength, control and good balance. / Climbers have to be strong enough to pull themselves straight up the face of high rocks or walls. / There are several kinds of rock climbing. / Traditional rock climbing is done outside. / Climbers wear ropes and attach devices to the rocks as they climb up. / Sport climbing is similar but with the protective devices permanently placed in the rock. / There is also indoor climbing, in


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第2套短篇新闻(3) 听力文本: Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item.问题5至问题7是基于下面这则新闻。 Hundreds of emergency workers carefully searched the site of a five-story apartment building in southern Ukraine Thursday after a series of explosions reduced it to rubble, authority said.官方人士称,周四数百名紧急救援人员对乌克兰南部被一系列爆炸夷为平地的大楼进行了搜索The explosions happened at Wednesday night in the Black Sea resort town of Yevpatoria.爆炸发生在周三晚上黑海地区的度假小镇耶普托尼亚。According to Igor Krol, a spokesman for the Ukraine's Emergency Situations Ministry,乌克兰紧急情况部发言人伊戈尔·克罗尔称at least 17 people dead and 24 others missing, 21 people have been rescued.至少有17人死亡,24人失踪,21获救。"We are now investigating all possible reasons for the explosions," Krol said.“我们目前正在调查所有可能导致爆炸发生的原因。”克罗尔说。Volodymiyr Shandra, the Ukrainian Emergency Situations minister, told local media that乌克兰紧急情况部部长弗拉基米尔·尚德拉告诉当地媒体,oxygen canister being stored in the basement of the


英语四级听力新题型模拟听写训练:第10套短文(2) 听力文本: When it comes to running marathons, 8 hours, 25 minutes and 16 seconds is not a world record.对于马拉松比赛来说,8小时25分16秒远成不了世界纪录。This was the time it took Fauja Singh to complete the Toronto Waterfront Marathon.但这是华嘉·辛格在多伦多湖滨马拉松赛中的成绩。Singh, born in India, is no spring chicken—he's 100 years old and his recent feat has made him the world's oldest marathon runner.辛格的出生地是印度,现在的他已经不是什么小年轻了——他今年一百岁。他的这次马拉松成绩使他成为了世界上年龄最大的马拉松选手。As an athlete, Singh was a late starter.作为一名运动员,辛格起步很晚。In his late 80s, after the deaths of his wife and son, he decided he was not yet over the hill and took up running.年过八旬时他经历了妻子和儿子的去世。但是他仍不认为自己应该走下坡路了,于是他开始跑步。For Singh, being 100 is just a number.对于辛格来说,100岁仅仅是一个数字。There aren't many centenarians in quite such rude health, but they are on the increase.百岁老人有如此强健体魄的人不多,但是人数在增加。Life expectancy in the UK today is around 80, but a total of 12,640 men and women


专业英语四级(听写听力)模拟试卷108(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. DICTATION PART I DICTATIONDirections: Listen to the following passage. Altogether the passage will be read to you four times. During the first reading, which will be done at normal speed, listen and try to understand the meaning. For the second and third readings, the passage will be read sentence by sentence, or phrase by phrase, with intervals of 15 seconds. The last reading will be done at normal speed again and during this time you should check your work. 1. 正确答案:Memory and Ageing Many people worry about their memory as they get older. / But progressive memory loss isn’t inevitable as the years pass. / Changes do occur in how the brain works and how we remember things. / And diseases contributing to a decline in mental powers do become more common. / Nevertheless, the majority of people reach their 80s or 90s without significant problems. / Although the way the brain stores memories is far from understood, / there seem to be several types of memory, / including very recent memory, short-term memory and long-term memory. / The older you get, the less efficient the brain becomes at storing and recalling memories. / Part of the reason for this is / that communications between different areas of the brain are lost / as the brain cells wither and die. / Recent memory seems to be particularly affected / since it may rely on different parts of the brain. / But long term memories may be just as clear. / 解析:记忆力和衰老随着年龄的增长,许多人会担心自己的记忆力。但是记忆力随岁月流逝而不断丧失并非不可避免。在大脑的运作模式以及我们的记忆方式上确实会发生一些改变。而且促使我们思维能力下降的疾病也确实会变得越发普遍。然而,大多数人到八九十岁时并没有出现很大的问题。尽管大脑储存记忆的方式远非我们所能理解,但似乎有以下几种:最近的记忆、短期记忆以及长期记忆。人越老,大脑储存和唤起记忆的效率就会越低。知识模块:听写 2. 正确答案:Educational Technology How do American schools use educational technology? / There is not a simple answer. / It depends on the subject and level of students, of course. / But it also depends on the interest and training of the teachers, / and the goals and budgets of the schools. / Schools are almost all connected to the Internet. / But some have more technology, and use it more than others. / For example, some schools use computers for activities like video conferencing, / to bring the world into the classroom. / And some classrooms are equipped with things like an interactive whiteboard. / Interactive whiteboards are large displays for presentations. / They connect to a computer and can operate by

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