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Unit 1

To have a mind to do a thing is to foresee a future possibility; it is to have a plan for its accomplishment; it is to note the means which make the plan capable of execution and the obstructions in the way--or,if it is really a mind to do the thing and not a vague aspiration it is to have a plan which takes account of resources and difficulties.

——John Dewey


——约翰·杜威The Good Mind Is Flexible 优秀的头脑是灵活的

Edgar Dale埃德加?戴尔

1For many years we have talked about education in a changing society but have done little to educate for uncertainty. Perhaps the best insurance we can offer for this uncertainty is the presence of a good mind. To develop a good mind the student must learn how to learn and develop a taste for learning. The world of tomorrow needs flexible individuals, intellig ently mobile individuals, individuals who can land on their feet when their jobs become technologically obsolete, individuals who can cope with the unexpected.

1 多年来,我们一直在讨论日新月异的社会中的教育问题,却没有采取切实行动来教育人们如何应对变化。或许面对变化,我们的最佳保障是拥有优秀的头脑。要培养优秀的头脑,学生需要掌握学习方法,培养学习兴趣。未来的世界所需要的人才应该具备很强的适应能力,而且他们灵活而机敏,当其所从事的工作技术上落伍时,他们依然能够于逆境之中站稳脚跟,而且他们有能力应对突发的意外。

2To educate for flexibility we must distinguish between training and education. To train is to emphasize fixed responses, to stress immediate goals to the neglect of long-term growth . To educate, however, is to foster limitless growth, lifelong learning, to develop the good mind.

2 要培养灵活的头脑,我们需要区别什么是训练,什么是教育。训练就是加强固定的反应,重视即时目标,而忽略长远发展。教育则旨在促进无限的成长,鼓励终生的学习,培养优秀的头脑。

3Mark Twain's story about the cat is in order here. He said that a cat that jumps onto a hot stove will never jump on a hot stove again. Nor, he added, will she ever jump on a cold one. The cat can be trained but, contrary to what cat-lovers may say, cannot be educated.

3 这里刚好可以用上马克?吐温讲的猫的故事。他说跳到热火炉上的猫再也不会往热火炉上跳。他还补充说,这猫甚至再也不会往冷的炉子上跳。猫可以接受训练,不过,与爱猫人士的说法相反,猫是无法被教育的。

4The person educated for flexibility will see the world in a fresh, inventive way. Such a person is not chained to the immediate, the customary, the habitual, not dependent on someone else to plan the route and show how to get there. Such persons will chart their own course.

4 懂得应对变化的人看待世界的视角新颖、富有独创性。这样的人不会受到眼前利益、传统惯例、固定习惯等的束缚,他无需依赖外人为他设定路线,指明途径。这样的人懂得绘制自己的行程。

5 To develop the flexible person with the good mind we must favor those learning experiences that have high transfer value to varied life situations. We must learn how to teach skills, attitudes, and concepts so that they not only meet current needs but can be generalized to future needs as well.

5 为了培养具备优秀头脑和良好适应力的人,我们应该提倡那些能够适用于不同人生境遇、具有高“转移价值”的学习经验。我们必须学习如何传授技巧、态度和理念,使它们不仅可以满足目前的需要,还具有普适性,能够满足未来的需要。

6、Education for flexibility will certainly include guidance in the fine arts. If we accept Dewq's definition of art as "the intensification of the ordinary," then the teacher's task is to help learners turn the common place into the creative. Mel Strawn of Antioch College described this approach to learning as "a heightening of the individual's perceptual awareness, an intensification of his sense of form. He sees more and comprehends more of what he sees."

6 适应性教育无疑应该包含艺术教育。如果我们接受杜威的定义,认为艺术是“对平常事物的强化”,那么老师的职责应该是帮助学习者化平常为新颖。安条克学院的梅尔?斯特朗将这种学习的方法描述为“提升个人的感性意识,增强对形式的领悟力。接受这种教育的人会于其所见之外有更多发现,更多感悟。”

7 In Anne Morrow Lindbergh's book, Hour of Cold, Hour of Lead: Diaries and Letters 1929-1932, she says that "an experience was not finished until it was written or shared in conversation." She also makes the point that "truth that is locked up in the heart-or in a diary-is sterile." It must be given back to life so that "the hour of lead" may be transformed or transmuted into the hour of gold. The good mind is a sharing mind.

7 安?莫罗?林德伯格在她的著作《黄金之时,领路之时,1929——1932年日记与信札》中说,“一次经历只有在写下来或对别人述说后才能算结束。”她还说,“深藏在


8 An inescapable element in education for flexibility is an attitude favorable to change.

This is hard to develop. It requires faith in oneself and in the future. Insecure people dread change. They walk backwards into the future, clinging anxiously and defensively to the past.

8 无可否认,适应性教育的要素之一是欣然接受变化的态度。这种态度不易培养。它需要人们对自我以及未来充满信心。缺乏安全感的人害怕变动。他们倒退着走向未来,焦虑而防卫性地牢牢抓紧过去。

9 Often such people think they don't amount to much. They do not accept themselves and consequently do not accept others. Thus they remain either negative or emotionally immature in their outlook toward the future. Lacking insight into their own feelings of inadequacy and unimportance, they shrink their world to meager and manageable proportions. They may wish to be more flexible, more open-minded, but they do not feel up to it.

9 通常,这些人会认为自己微不足道。他们不接受自己,所以也不接受他人。他们展望未来时,要么态度消极,要么怀着幼稚的情感。他们无法洞察自身的欠缺感和自卑感,将自己的世界压缩到了便于掌控的狭小范围。他们或许希望能够为人更加灵活,思想更加开放,但是他们觉得自己力所不能及。

10 What can the school and college do to build an attitude more favorable to unprejudiced examination of new ideas? Certainly they can and must develop the self-confidence of students, build them up with repeated success instead of constant failure. They can develop a group atmosphere friendly to and supportive of change. Schools and colleges can help students admire what is admirable, become acquainted with heroic men and women who changed the world. They can provide continuing guidance in how to become

a real person, one who has faith in the future, who has a good mind of his own.

10 学校和大学应该做些什么来培养积极的心态,使之能公正客观地评判新观点?显然他们可以而且必须培养学生的自信心,用连续的成功而不是反复的失败来激励学生。他们可以营造一个适应变化、鼓励变化的集体氛围。学校和大学可以帮助学生学会欣赏卓越,了解改造世界的英雄人物。他们可以为学生提供长期的指导,教育他们成为真正的人,成为一个相信未来、拥有优秀头脑的人。

11 To meet the striking social changes of the future, continuing education is a necessity. Emerson put it this way: "The things taught it colleges and schools are not an education

but a means of education." And Seneca noted that "You should keep on learning as long as you're ignorant. "


12 The flexibly educated person knows that today's fact may be tomorrow's fallacy. He agrees with Alfred North Whitehead that "Knowledge does not keep any better than fish" and accepts his warning against "the aimless accumulation of precise knowledge, inert and unutilized."

12 学会变通的人知道今天的事实或许是明天的谬误。他会赞同阿尔弗雷德?诺思?怀特海德的话,“知识和鱼一样无法保持新鲜。”他会接受怀特海德的警告,反对“一味地毫无目的地积累精确的知识,却从不加以利用。”

13 The test of a modem society capable of meeting change with accelerated evolution instead of revolution does not lie in asking, "Is everybody happy?" but rather, "Is everybody learning?" To be learning is not only a condition for survival; it is also the basis for being richly alive.

13 考察现代社会是否能够应对快速的渐进发展,而非重大的社会变革,我们需要问的问题不是“每个人都幸福吗”,而是“每个人都在学习吗”。学习不仅是生存的条件,同时也是充实生活的基础。

Unit 2

"Some people tell me that we professional players are football slaves. Well, if this is slavery, give me a life sentence!"

——Bobby Charlton 有人告诉我,我们职业运动员是足球的奴隶。好吧,如果这是一种奴役,给我判个无期徒刑吧。

——博比·查尔特Without passion, soccer is just another game无激情,不足球

1It's a queer thing; despised and derided, mocked and vilified, then celebrated with a level of fervour and zeal that takes one's breath away... football. Little stirs a nation to such an extreme level of breathless delight and helpless despair as swiftly as the movement of a ball across a pitch, chased by two rival teams of 11 players.

1 它很诡异:让人蔑视、嘲讽、讥笑、中伤,然后又带着让人窒息的狂热和激情来庆祝,这就是——足球。球场上,两队各11名队员追来逐去,随着足球快速地被传递,


2 Wednesday night's Champions League final between Manchester United and Chelsea was such an occasion. Two English clubs; the reds against the blues; the north versus the south; a club swilling with money; a side eager to mark 50 years on from the tragedy of the Busby Babes. The event had a fabulous narrative feel before a ball was even kicked. It had all the constituents of great drama wrapped up in overriding passion.

2 5月21日的冠军杯决赛就是这么一个激动人心的时刻。这一天,两家英国俱乐部球队——曼联和切尔西狭路相逢:红蓝对抗,南北争霸;一方富得流油,一方迫切希望籍此纪念慕尼黑空难50周年。球还没开,就已经饱含韵味;再加上球迷倾注的压倒一切的热情,这场赛事包含了伟大戏剧的所有要素。

3And that's what sport is at this level: astonishingly powerful drama. It's exciting, absorbing and above all emotional. Sport is also frustrating and intensely annoying because success matters so much, to so many, and for reasons that can be barely articulated.

3 这就是在这个水准上的体育:非常强有力的一场戏。它让人激动,让人痴迷,让人动情,但也让人沮丧和十分懊恼,因为输赢对很多人来说非常重要,即使各种原因说不清道不明。

4Manchester United fans now reside the world over and support with staggering intensity a group of players, few of whom have any relation to Manchester. To question that loyalty is to entirely misunderstand it.

4 如今曼联球迷遍布全球,以难以想象的热情支持着这支球队,虽然这些球迷基本都与曼彻斯特这座城市没什么关系。他们的忠诚不容置疑,否则便是对他们的全然误解。

5 Sport matters to so many so very deeply because it offers a fascinating insight into success and how much victory matters. Whether it's England winning the Ashes, or the rugby World Cup, or Kelly Holmes bursting through the line to win two Olympic gold medals, with pain and elation sketched across her face.

5 体育对如此多的人如此重要,因为它让人们洞察到成功的真谛和胜利的重要性;无论是赢得阿什杯英澳板球对抗赛或是赢得英式橄榄球世界杯的英格兰队,还是带着悲喜交加的表情冲过终点线两夺奥运金牌的凯莉?霍尔姆斯。

6 Sporting success transcends the sport itself. The watching of winners, the creating of winners and the sympathy with losers, attracts as much attention as the playing of the game.

6 体育的输赢超越了体育运动本身。人们在观察胜者、成就胜者和同情弱者方面的关注,丝毫不亚于对比赛过程的关注。

7 Few sporting disciplines are weighed down by judgments of their artistry; rather, they are clean-cut and definitive battles for victory. There is drama aplenty, but what separates sport from art is the competition at its core: that violent, unashamed need for there to be identifiable winners and losers. That is what makes it so compelling and produces emotion that will send grown men falling to their knees on rain-soaked foreign fields.

7 鲜有体育项目因人们对其艺术性的评判而受人贬低。相反,它们是实实在在、不折不扣的斗争,目的就是取胜。体育虽然也富于戏剧性,然而它之所以有别于艺术,正在于它崇尚竞争—强烈而坦然地追求胜负明确的结果。正因如此,体育才扣人心弦,它带来的情感才足以让七尺男儿双膝跪倒在雨水浸漫的异国球场。

8 What also makes football so compelling is its focus on the team, the deification of the 11 - while paradoxically also allowing sheer individualism to shine.

8 体育之所以如此扣人心弦,还在于它注重团队,神化11个人的团队;矛盾的是,它同时又允许纯粹的个人主义的张扬。

9 Team spirit is debated endlessly - how to create it, develop it, utilize it. But what is it? An illusion glimpsed in victory? Or something real and tangible; something important that can be built upon?

9 有关“团队精神”的争论无休无止—如何建立、培养、利用团队精神。可“团队精神”到底是什么?胜利中瞥见的一个幻象?还是某种看得见摸得着的东西?或是某种重要且可依赖的东西?

10 A club such as Manchester United, which won yesterday, has something bigger than team spirit - it has a great aura about it so that it has come almost to exist in the abstract. 10 像曼联这样的俱乐部可不光有“团队精神”—它浑身散发一种“气场”,使之近乎成为一种抽象的存在。

11 Players come and go like ghosts for their seasons; some will be remembered but none will be really missed. Instead, they'll be replaced by younger men of similar temperament and talent, whose actions will help to define a new era for the club.

11 球员们随着不同赛季,像幽灵一样悄无声息地来,又悄无声息地走了。有些球员会被记住,但没有人会真的被人们想念,反而,他们只会被新球员取代;那些新球员有着同样的性情和才华,他们将为俱乐部创造一个新时代。

12 It is the club, the team, which goes on, backed by the same supporters now delighting

in the new players.

12 只有俱乐部和球队继续被同样的支持者拥护着,而他们如今只会为新球员欢呼雀跃。

13 But football also creates individual heroes. The reputations of players twirl on football's wobbly axis; so that years of previous work can be irrationally tarnished or bolstered in one season, one game, one madly irresponsible, reckless minute. One missed penalty, one wayward attack, one cumbersome tackle... a player's reputation hinges, swells and deflates on such things.

13 但是足球也成就个人英雄。球员的名声围绕着足球那摇摆不定的中轴飞转。仅仅由于一个赛季、一场比赛甚至某一分钟那不负责任的鲁莽表现,多年以来的努力就毫无道理地被败坏或提升。一次点球的罚失、一次独断的进攻、一次拙劣的抢断…一位球员的名声就与这些紧密相关,并随之膨胀或消减。

14 Consider the plight of John Terry, the Chelsea captain, who was inconsolable after slipping in his run-up on Wednesday night, and missing a penalty which cost his team the trophy. An estimated 14.6 million people saw the miss, in addition to the thousands of fans in Moscow. Few of us have such bad days at work so publicly. He responded by slumping down on to the sodden pitch in tears. I don't blame him.

14 想想切尔西队长约翰?特里的遭遇吧,星期三晚上,因他在助跑时滑胶而错失点球,球队便与奖杯失之交臂,为此他悲痛不已。大约1,460万名观众眼睁睁看着他罚失点球,这还不包括亲临莫斯科现场的上万名球迷。我们中极少有人在众目睽睽之下有如此箱糕的工作经历。特里当时的反应是泪流满面地倒在雨水浸透的球场。我不怪他。

15 There are such moments of high drama and great intensity in all sports.

15 其实任何体育项目都会有如此戏剧性和紧张的时刻。

16 In February last year, the England rugby union team travelled to play Ireland at Croke Park, site of the Bloody Sunday massacre of 1920, when British soldiers turned on the sporting crowd and killed 14 of them.

16 去年二月,英格兰橄榄球队在爱尔兰克罗克体育场客场作战。要知道,1920年,“血腥星期日屠杀”正是发生在这里:英国士兵突然袭击现场观众并开火杀害了14名球迷。

17 There was much debate about how the Irish supporters would behave when God Save the Queen was played. Would they boo? Nope. The whole thing passed without incident as Ireland supporters respected the anthem before their players beat England on the pitch.

17 当《神佑女王》奏响时,爱尔兰队的支持者该会如何表现?对此众说纷纭。会吐声四起吗?结果不然。爱尔兰球迷敬重国歌,所以整件事波澜不惊地过去了,而随后爱尔兰队便在球场上打败了英格兰队。

18 "If Irish fans had booed, I'd have started singing the national anthem myself," one proud Irishman declared. "This is sport. It's special."

18 “要是爱尔兰球迷当时嘘场,那我就会自顾自唱起国歌,”一位爱尔兰人骄傲地表态。“这就是体育,它与众不同。”

19 Nelson Mandela made sport extra special back in 1995 when he used rugby to unite a divided nation. His appearance at the World Cup final dressed in the same shirt as the South African captain: Fran?ois Pienaar, an Afrikaner, did much to announce that sport could lift itself beyond political and racial boundaries and in doing so would remove the boundaries themselves.

19 纳尔逊?曼德拉在1995年让体育更加与众不同—他借橄榄球来弥合一个四分五裂的国家。他身穿与南非队队长弗兰克伊斯?皮尔纳—一个南非白人相同的球衣,亮相世界杯决赛现场。这一举动无异于向世人昭示:体育运动本身可以超越政治和种族界限,甚至可以藉此消除这种界限。

20 He later declared. "Sport has the power to change the world."

20 曼德拉随后还公开表示:“体育拥有改变世界的力量。”

21 Emotion, loyalty and passion are wonderful things. Sport would not survive without them; without that willing suspension of disbelief that holds together all great drama, sport would collapse in an instant.

21 情感、忠诚和激情都是好东西。没有它们,体育将不复存在。没有那种“姑且信之”来黏合一切戏剧性情节,体育将瞬息瓦解。

22 If people stopped believing sport mattered, it simply wouldn't matter. Take away the belief and you have a bunch of blokes who spend more time at the hairdresser than they do in the library, chasing a ball around for an hour and a half - now where's the fun in that? 22 如果人们不再相信体育事关重大,那它就真的会可有可无。信念一失,剩下的就只是一群在理发店的时间比在球场上追着球跑一个半小时还长的家伙——试问:何趣之有?


Three Generations on One Tiny Ship 一艘小船上的三代人

1 Our weeklong, extended-family odyssey two summers ago was my dad's inspired and generous way of celebrating his 80th birthday.We have always been a family that loves to travel.Now we would charter a gulet,a small two-masted Turkish ship,and sail along the

southwestern coast of Turkey.

1 两年前的夏天,我父亲为了庆祝他80大寿,灵感大发,慷慨地资助我们全家踏上了为期一周的长途冒险旅程。我们一直都是热爱旅行的一家子。这回我们租下了一艘游艇,一只土耳其双桅小船,沿着土耳其西南海岸航行。

2 Of course,there were moments when the idyllic-sounding phrase “Seven day on the Mediterranean!” gave way to another reality——“21 consecutive meals with the exact same people!” ——but that was invevitable.Set even the closest,most agreeable group out to sea for long enough,and any shipboard fantasy of “The Lady Eve” will have its “Lifeboat” moments.

2 当然,有些时候,那听起来如田园诗般的句子“地中海上的七天”不得不屈服于另一个现实—“连着21顿饭都与同一群人一起吃”---但那是不可避免的。无论这一群人关系多么亲密,相处多么融洽,只要在海上时间一长,船上的“淑女伊芙”都会幻想遇上“救生船”的那一刻。

3 At least the risk of an international incident was low:Three of my grandparents were Greek,but one of those three was a Turkish citizen born near what was then Smyrna.We were enthusiasts for that part of the world,period.Setting,food,culture,ambience——for us,all of those things trumped national borders and quibbles over air space.

3 至少发生国际性事故的概率很小:我的祖父母中三个是希腊人,但其中一个是出生在当时叫做“士麦那”附近的土耳其公民。我们都非常热衷于世界的那个角落,一句话。我们就是喜欢那儿。背景、食物、文化、情调—对于我们,所有这些都是超越了国界和领空的。

4 Our cast included my parents,my brother,Alexi,and me and our wives,and the three sons we have between us.Capt. Huseyin Sahin,his name,Doruk,and a cook,Erdal,served as the crew on our gullet,the Ceyda 2.We are all still speaking,even if,during the trip,one psychiatrist(my father) was heard to observe to another psychiatrist(my brother) that there was “certainly material for a study of group dynamics”.

4 我们的成员包括我的父母、我的兄弟亚历克斯和我,还有我俩的配偶和我们的3个儿子。船长侯赛因?沙欣,他的伙伴多如克和一个厨师伊尔达,这就是我们游艇“洁伊达二号”上所有的船员。尽管我们听到一个精神病医生(我父亲)对另一个精神病医生(我兄弟)说,这里显然有着“团体动力学的研究材料”,但我们仍然在旅途中不停地交谈着。

5 The family had arrived in weary installments in Istanbul and made uncharacteristically quick work of the sights——time was limited.The Hagia Sophia,the Blue Mosque, Topkapi Palace and the underground Byzantine cistern were taken more or less at a run.

5 我们全家到达伊斯坦布尔的时候很疲惫,但还是异常快速地浏览了当地的景色—时间可是有限的。圣索菲亚大教堂、蓝色清真寺、托普卡帕宫、以及地下的拜占庭池,我们都走马观花地看了一番。

6 As a group,we were both natural(a family,after all) and unnatural(each of us inclined to go his or her own way when traveling),with predictable results . Movement down the sidewalk was slow, and there were sudden , brush-fire-like squabbles . Disorganization reigned, only some of it attributable to jet lag.

6 作为一个团体,我们既可以说是轻松自然的(毕竟是一家人),也可以说是不自然的(在旅途中我们每个人都倾向于走自己的路线),有些结果是可预测的。慢慢地走下人行道时,会突然爆发灌木起火般猛烈的争论。队伍毫无组织性,其中只有一部分可归咎于时差。

7 But once at sea , our little band felt, somehow, less at sea.

7 但是我们一旦回到海上,不知怎么地,我们这个团体就好些了。

8 After a salad and spaghetti lunch at a long table in the stern,where we would have all our meals ,we pulled out of the Marmaris harbor under a cloudless sky.The mood lightened immediately.We were pointed in the dircetion of the Aegean,but in fact for the whole journey would remain, technically , on the Mediterranean side of the Bozburun Peninsula, which separates the two.

8 我们在船尾的一张长桌上吃完沙拉和意大利面午餐—我们所有的用餐都要在那里完成。晴朗的天空下,我们的船驶出马尔马里斯海港。大家马上情绪高涨起来。我们面向爱琴海方向,但事实上,整个旅程从技术层面讲只会留在博兹布伦半岛的地中海边上,该半岛将两海相隔。

9 A pattern established itself. The Ceyda 2 hugged the rocky, olive-tree-dotted coastline. We'd drop anchor in quiet bays for afternoon dips off the boat,which were followed by tea as the sun slipped behind a mountain. Evenings , we'd anchor again in some new breathtaking spot , eat dinner and spend the night. The menu became familiar. For breakfast:egg,cheese,tomatoes,cucumbers,bread,olives,juice,excellent tea, Nutella and Nescafe; lunch and dinner :borek ,a cheese-or meat-filled pastry; or grilled tsipoura (porgy);or melitzana (an eggplant dish),salad and fruit.

9 一种模式自然地产生了。“洁伊达二号”紧挨着点缀着油橄榄树的多岩石海岸前行。我们会在宁静的海湾停泊泡浴。当太阳慢慢落山后,我们便一起喝茶。每晚,我们都会在某个壮观的地点再次停泊,然后享用晚餐,共度夜晚。菜单对我们来说已经很熟悉了。早餐有鸡蛋、奶酪、西红柿、黄瓜、面包、橄榄、果汁、上等茶、能多益巧克力棒子酱和雀巢咖啡;午餐和晚餐包括博雷克,一种以奶酪或肉为陷的面


10 An unhappy surprise for the birders onboard was the utter absence of wildlife.A few flying fish and the occasional shearwater scraped the surface , but otherwise pretty

much …nothing.A brief outburst from cicadas on a distant shore was the trip's equivalent of a jungle-safari experience.This corner of the Mediterranean is a stunning two-tone blue,but barren,hot and still,rendering even more incongruous the sound of Captain Sahin's cellphone, which rang every couple of days to the tune of “Jingle Bell”.

10 对于船上的野鸟观察者来说,不幸的是旅途中完全看不到任何野生鸟兽。一些飞鱼和偶尔出现的剪嘴鸥掠过水面,然而除此之外几乎就是---什么都没有。远远的岸上突然爆发的一阵蝉鸣声,让这次旅行俨然成为了丛林探险。地中海的这个角落是两种漂亮的深浅不一的蓝色,但却贫瘠、炎热并且寂静。更不协调的是船长沙欣的手机铃声,每几天都会响起那“铃儿响叮当”的乐曲。

11 One day,as we were anchored in a cove——breeze soft,sun warm,water lapping——my father fell into conversation with the captain.

11 一天,我们停泊在一个小海湾中—和煦的微风、温暖的阳光、轻拍的海浪—我父亲与船长攀谈起来。

12 “You are 80 years old,”he said to my dad.“You are still working?”

12 “你80岁了,”他对我父亲说道,“但你还在工作?”

13 “Yes,I still work.”

13 “是的,我还在工作。”

14 The captain,after a pause:“Turkish people hazy.”

14 船长停顿了一会说:“土耳其人很懒。”

15 “So are the Greeks,”my father replied.

15 “希腊人也是。”我父亲说道。

16 A minor but significant detente.Deep down,aren't we all brothers and sisters,bonded by

a common lethargy?

16 这是个微小而意义深远的和解。归根结底,我们不都是由懒惰联接起来的兄弟姐妹么?

17 On deck,people gravitated toward the activities they enjoy.My son,Theo,who was 14,snorkeled,played backgammon and cracked jokes.My bother's sons,Julian and Aris,then 11 and 10,wore cool sunglasses and draped themselves along the cushions during the heat of the day,but were otherwise absorbed in books or their Nintendo DS.One morning after breakfast,I noticed Aris in the prow,looking quietly over the water.What does a 10-year-old boy think about as he gazes at the sea?Pirates?The Wii he left back home?

17 在甲板上,大家都积极忙活自己喜爱的活动、我的儿子西奥,14岁,在那里潜游,下双陆棋,开玩笑。我兄弟的儿子,朱利安和阿里斯,那时分别11岁和10岁,带着酷酷的太阳镜,天气炎热时随意躺在坐垫上,或者沉浸在书本或任天堂掌上游戏机中。一天早上早饭后,我注意到阿里斯在船首,平静地注视着海面。当一个10岁的男孩凝视大海时,他会想些什么呢?海盗?还是他留在家中的Wii游戏机?

18 My mom watched over everything,standing erect in one part of the boat or another; curiously,she was never actually seen to move from Point A to Point B——she simply vanished and then reappeared somewhere else.To relax,she arranged the towels and swimsuits drying on lines,redeploying clothespins with panache.

18 我母亲照看着所有事情。她总会站在船上某个地方;奇怪的是,似乎从来没人看到她怎么从地点A转移到地点B—她总是突然消失然后在另一个地方突然出现。作为消遣,她会整理绳上晾着的毛巾和游泳衣,颇为神气地重新调配晾衣服的夹子。

19 For the rest of us,bouts of reading, napping and swimming succeeded one another with blissful regularity.

19 其他人则一会儿阅读、一会儿打吨、一会儿游泳,有规律地轮换着,倒也乐在其中。

20 We took one side trip,to the Greek island of Simi.When we entered Greek waters,the captain ran a tiny Greek flag——the size of a cocktail napkin,really——up the Ceyda 2's mast.

20 我们顺道游览了希腊西米岛。进入希腊海域时,船长使用了一面较小的希腊棋帜——大小如鸡尾酒餐的餐巾纸,确实只是那么点大——他将旗帜挂上了“洁伊达二号”的桅杆。

21 Simi town is pretty and atypical for a Greek island:no whitewashed houses,but rather colors running up the hill from the harbor——mustard yellows,blues,greens,rusty reds and oranges.It felt good to stretch out and walk.After a hike,we rested with a frappe and milopita at a café.

21 西米镇很美,但对于希腊岛来说却不典型:没有墙壁刷白的房子,反而各种颜色从海港沿着山坡向上延伸—芥末黄、蓝色、绿色、锈红色和橘黄色。伸个懒腰,出去走走,妙不可言。徒步旅行后,我们在一家小餐馆休息,要了冰镇饮料和希腊苹果馅饼。

22 But back at the Ceyda 2,our anchor had become entangled with the anchor of another Turkish gullet docked just across the small harbor,and several hours of tension and uncertainty ensued.The other captain at first refused to leave his cabin to discuss disentanglement.Eventually, gesticulating from their respective decks,the two petulant

skippers shouted grievances at each other across the water:progress.That was followed by a long,complicated pas de deux involving the two boats——a sort of Rubik's Cube maneuver for gullets that seemed to do the trick.Then,in the perfect evening light,we backed into our berth again——it was too late to sail now.

22 但是我们返回“洁伊达二号”时,却发现我们的锚跟另一艘土耳其游艇的锚缠绕在一起,它正好停在小海港的对面,接下来的几个小时大家都处于十分紧张不安的状态。那艘船上的船长一开始拒绝离开他的船舱来讨论如何解开缠着的锚。最后,两个暴躁的船长站在各自的甲板上互做手势,愤怒地向对岸吼叫:这已经算是有些进展了。那之后,就是两艘船跳起了长久而复杂的“双人舞”—一种鲁比克魔方运动似乎让两艘游艇成功分离了。之后,夜幕降临,我们重新回到停泊处—由于天色太晚我们无法启航了。

23 More boat pulled into the harbor the next morning.One saiboat nearly crashed into our neighbor,sending shouting vacationers to the rail and reigniting the general bickering. “Michael,”Captain Sahin said,turning to my dad.“You have office here?Many people need psychiatrist.”

23 第二天早上停泊到港口的船只多了起来。一只帆船差点撞上我们的邻船,随即传来度假者的吼叫声,再次激发了争吵。“迈克尔,”船长沙欣转向我父亲说道,“你这里有办公室么?很多人都需要精神病医生。”

24 If we lost our momentum in Simi,we also found our rhythm.Ilooked up from my Patrick O'Brian one day and smiled to see that the cook,Erdal,had put on a “Rodos, Greece” T-shirt.The Turkish flag fluttered behind him in the hot breeze, and the stereo emitted Greek music.The night were beautiful,with some of us escaping the cabins to sleep on deck , where there was fresh air and an amazing sky: inky blackness, meteors, constellations.

24 如果说我们在西米岛失去了势头,那么我们却找到了我们的节奏。我放下正在看的派特里克?欧布莱恩的书,欣喜地看到厨师伊尔达穿上了一件“罗德斯,希腊”T 恤。那面土耳其旗帜在他背后随热风飘动,音响播放着希腊音乐。夜色撩人,我们当中一部分人离开船舱来到了甲板上睡觉,呼吸新鲜的空气,仰望迷人的夜空:墨水般漆黑的夜空,流星,还有星座。

25 The low jinks continued——I reliably bumped my head on the same spot whenever I stepped below decks,my dad failed to hear a bell for tea that was probably audible a quarter-mile away,my mom accidentally locked herself in her cabin——but so did the perfect weather as we reversed direction and headed eastward back toward Marmaris.And terra firma.And,for better or worse,our separate lives.

25 小状况依然层出不穷—每次走下船舱我的脑袋总会撞上同一地方,我父亲听不到400多米外都能听到的茶点时间鸣钟声,我母亲总是不小心将自己反锁在船舱里—但同时还有,当我们转向东返回马尔马里斯的那美好的天气。还有陆地,不管是好是坏,都是我们各自的生活。

Unit 4

Technology…is a queer thing.It brings you great gifts with one hand,and it stabs you in the back with the other.

——C. P. Snow


——毛.P.斯诺Confessions of A Cyber Columnist 一个网络专栏作家的自白

Richard Morrison ——理查德?英里森

1 Various sort of humiliation are available to the middle-aged man.You can dance in public.You can try to buy fashionable trousers in a department store,only to be told with a pitiless glance that,“They aren't made in your size,sir.”Your dentures can pop out in the canteen when you're sitting opposite that attractive girl from marketing.You can be overtaken by an old granny walking home with her shopping while you attempt to cycle uphill.

1 对于中年男人而言,羞辱无处不在:在公共场所跳舞;当在商场咨询一条时髦的裤子时,店员可能不无轻蔑地告诉你:“这个没有您的尺码,先生”,当坐在市场部年轻貌美的女子对面进餐时,假牙却不小心蹦了出来;骑车上坡,却被一个满手拎着购物袋步行回家的老太太轻松超越。

2 But is there any humiliation more irritating to a fiftysomething——more symbolic of the widening gulf between his 20th-century sensibility and the faddish,superficial epoch in which we now live——than a visit to a computer shop?Misfortune landed me in two such places on successive Saturdays.In the first I bought a small laptop computer——handy for stuffing in a jacket pocket as I rush from theaters bearing tidings of great cultural joy to Times readers.

2 但是对于一个五十几岁的人来说,还有什么羞辱比光顾一家电脑商店更令人无地自容呢?这似乎更能代表20世纪的理性和如今社会的时尚和浮华之间有越来越大的鸿沟。我连着两个周六在两个这样的地方遭受了不幸。在第一家商店,我买了一个小笔记本电脑——便于放进夹克衫口袋的那种,因为我经常要将很多给人以文化愉悦的消息从剧院带给《泰晤士报》的读者们。

3 “Is it wireless-enabled?”I asked,using a form of words I had memorized under instruction from a computer-literate friend.“Of course,”the spotty youth behind the counter answered scornfully——as if I had asked if his home had its own indoor lavvy.“These days they all are.”

3 “它可以无线上网吗?”我如一个精通电脑的朋友指导的那样问道。“当然了”,柜台后面一个长满粉刺的小青年轻蔑地答道~一仿佛我在问他他家是否有洗手间一样。“现在的电脑都有这个功能。”

4 Oh really?One week,many frustrating hours and several depressing conversations with “experts”later,I trudged into a different branch of the same chain.“Your colleague told me that this was wireless-enabled,”I said to a new youth,no less spotty.“It's not.I've tried it all over London,can't get connected anywhere.”

4 噢,真的吗?过了一个星期,在浪费了很长令人倍感挫折的时间和经过了与“专家”的数次让人沮丧的交谈之后,我拖着沉重的步伐走进了同一家连锁店的不同分店。“你同事告诉我说这个是可以无线上网的,”我对另一个同样长满粉刺的年轻小伙子说,“但是它不能。我在伦敦各个角落都试过了。在任何地方都没法连线。”

5 Wharever happened to the old maxim:“The customer is always right”?The youth looked me over,made a swift judgment about my age,possible senility and almost certain technophobia,gave a weary sigh,and said:“You're just not connecting it right.Let me show you.”

5 那句格言是怎么说的,“顾客永远是对的”?那个年轻人打量了我一下:看起来有点老态龙钟,明显患有科技恐惧症。他很快确定了我的年龄,不耐烦地叹了一口气,说道,“你没有连接对。我给你示范一下吧。”

6 Asmall crowd gathered to watch what is probably a daily ritual:the Public Ridiculing of

a Stupid Old Git.But for once Sod's Law failed to operate.What didn't work for me failed to work for him,either.Even now,though,the youth admitted no liability on his company's party.“Trouble is,”he said,“you bought a model that's almost obsolete.No wonder it's not compatible.”

6 一小群人围拢过来观看这件可能每天都司空见惯的热闹:在公共场合愚弄一位愚


7 “But why did your colleague tell me it was wireless-anabled?”I persisted.“Well,it is,”he replied,“provided you connect it to the old sort of wi-fi that nobody has any more.”

7 “那么为什么你的同事说它是可以支持无线上网的呢?”我追问道。“那只有在你用一种大家都不再使用的无线路由器来进行无线网络连接的情况下才可以。”他这样回答。

8 I recount this encounter not in an attempt to win some sort of Franz Kafka Prize for Surreal Reportage,but because it encapsulates much of what's crazy about our technologically infatuated society.We buy a gadget(let's call it item 1)because we think it will improve our lives.But item 1 isn't compatible with item 2,which we already own,so we're told we need item 3 to make them work together.Unfortunately nobody stocks item 3 any more,because only an idiot would dream of using item 2 when everyone has upgraded to item 4.Except that item 4 needs a new sort of item 1.And anyway,both will be as redundant when item 5 is launched next month.And so it goes on:this mad scramble that enslaves us to technology when it is technology that should be enslaved to us.

8 我之所以讲述我的遭遇,并不是为了赢得什么弗朗茨?卡夫卡超现实报告文学大奖,而是因为它在很大程度上概括了如今社会对科技的疯狂迷恋。我们买一个小工具(姑且称之为第一款)因为我们以为它可以改善我们的生活。但是第一款与我们已有的第二款并不兼容,所以我们被告知我们必须购买第三款来让前两者一起运行。不幸的是,第三款已经没有存货了,因为当第二款已经升级为第四款时,只有傻瓜才会想到要用它,除非第四款需要一款新的第一款。但是无论如何,下个月第五款要出炉了,第四款和新的第一款都会变成多余的。这样疯狂的争夺战就如此反复循环,让本应成为科技的主人的我们变成了科技的奴隶。

9 But even as I type those words I realize how much of a dinosaur I am.For the new thinding is that,rather than making the technology work for us,the human species needs to bind itself ever more closely to computers.And I use the word “bind ”not metaphorically but in a literal,physical sense.For what scientific visionaries such as Setphen Hswking suggest is that there's a real danger of computers taking over the world unless we link them directly to our brains.“We must quichly develop technologies so that artificial brains contribute to human intelligence rather than opposing it,”Hawking writes in The Universe in a Nutshell.

9 但是即便当我在键盘上敲打这些文字的时候,我还是意识到我是多么食古不化啊。因为时新的观点是人类应该把自己和电脑紧紧地捆绑在一起,而不是让科技为我们服务。我这里使用“捆绑”这个词,并不是指其喻义,而是其字面上的实际意义。因为诸如斯蒂温?霍金之类的科学界的先知们认为,除非我们把电脑和人脑直接联系起来,否则我们的世界就面临着被电脑所控制的危险。“我们必须迅速发展一种科技,


10 And that's the way that science seems to be going.At Reading University lately , five “artificial conversational entities”——i.e.,computers that can talk——were interviesed by examiners who didn't know whether they were speaking to humans or computers.All the computers managed to fool one or more of the examiners.

10 而科学似乎正朝着这个趋势发展。最近,在里丁大学,五个“人工对话实体”(也就是会说话的计算机)接受考官的面试,那些考官并不知道他们是在和人还是电脑交谈。所有这些电脑都成功地骗过了一个或多个考官。

11 So now they can talk like us.They are also learning to “feel”like us as well . Developments in what's called affective computing are giving machines an increasing ability to simulate emotions,make moral judgments and use social skills . Obviously , scientists argue,the next stage is to link their brains to ours.Researchers have already managed to implant electrodes into monkeys' brain that allow the apes to send signals to computers just by thinking.The implications are obvious.From monkey to Morrison is but

a small step for neuroscience.

11 因此,电脑现在可以像我们一样交谈。它们还学习像我们一样“感觉”。一种被称之为情感计算机的研究正赋予计算机一种日益高超的能力,可以让计算机激发情感,做出遣德上的判断,以及使用社交技巧。科学家们主张,显而易见,下一步就是将它们的大脑和我们的大脑联系在一起了。科学家们已经成功在猴脑中植人电极,这样猩猩在思考时就能向电脑输送信号。其含义不言而喻。从猴子到我—莫里森,对于神经科学而言不过只是一小步而已。

12 The prospect thrills scientists.But it chills me.That's partly because of what we've seen over the past month:a dizzying escalation of financial crisis into near-catastrophe because powerful computers now whiz information and billions of quid round the aspect of

light.It's a warning of what might happen if the most priceless aspect of independent human thought——common sense——is traded in for superbrains enhanced by artificial intelligence.

12 这一前景让科学家们激动不已,却令我不寒而栗。这部分是由于我们在过去的一个月里所见到的一幕:由于强大的电脑将信息和成千上亿的资产在全世界以光速传播,结果导致了几近灾难性的金融危机以令人眩晕的速度扩散。如果我们用人类思维最宝贵的东西(常识)去交换由人工智能得以增强的超级智能的话,这就是对即将发生的事情的一个预警。

13 But I also think back to what happened to me in that computer https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c17690937.html,puters have glitches.They are easily sabotaged.They force us to do things their way.And they seem to need upgrading every five minutes,because the billionaires who control the software and hardware cunningly make sure that buli-in obsolescence is a prime ingredient of the system.

13 但是我还回想起了在电脑商店中所发生的事情。电脑会有漏洞,可以被轻易破坏。他们强迫我们按照他们的方式做事。而且他们似乎每隔五分钟就需要更新,因为那些操纵软件和硬件的亿万富翁们狡诈地确保了那些内置的过时是系统的基本组成部分。

14 All that is very frustrating.But at present we are still able to turn the damn things

off,walk away and do something real in the real world.What happens when we link our brains to those of the machines?When we can't even think ofr lurselves without triggering the machines to think ofr us?Will it then be possible to walk away?Or,in the wry words of Little Britain,will it then be a case of “computer says no”?

14 所有这些都让人沮丧不已。但是现在我们还有能力关掉这些该死的机器,走开并走进真实的世界去做一些真实的事情。如果我们的大脑真的和这些机器联系在一起了的话,会发生什么事情呢?当我们不开机让这些机器为我们思考时,我们甚至就无法自己思考,那时又会怎样呢?我们还能走开吗?或者,用“小不列颠”的歪词来说,情形真的会是“电脑说不行”吗?

Unit 5

Man is a credulous animal,and must believe something;in the absence of good grounds for belief,he will be satisfied with bad ones. ——Bertrand Russell


Symptoms 症状

Jerome K. Jerome 杰罗姆·K. 杰罗姆

1With me, it was my liver that was out of order. I knew it was my liver that was out of order, because I had just been reading a patent liver-pill circular, in which were detailed the various symptoms by which a man could tell when his liver was out of order. I had them all.

1 我呢,是肝有毛病。我知道我的肝有毛病,是因为我最近看到一个非处方肝药广告,上面详细列举肝病的各种症状。对照这些症状,便可以看出自己是否得了肝病。这个广告上所说的症状,我条条都有。

2 It is a most extraordinary thing, but I never read a patent medicine advertisement without being impelled to the conclusion that I am suffering from the particular disease there in dealt with in its most virulent form. The diagnosis seems in every case to correspond exactly with all the sensations that I have ever felt.

2 说起来非常奇怪,我每看一个非处方药的广告都必然会得出这样的结论:我得了广告上说的这个病,不仅如此,而且症状很严重。广告上所作的诊断总是和我的感觉完全一致。

3 I remember going to the British Museum one day to read up the treatment for some slight ailment of which I had a touch-hay fever, I fancy it was. I got down the book, and read all I came to read:and then, in an unthinking moment, I idly turned the leaves, and began to indolently study diseases, generally. I forget which was the first distemper I plunged into-some fearful, devastating scourge, I know-and, before I had glanced half down the list of "premonitory symptoms", it was borne in upon me that I had fairly got it.

3 记得有一天,我感到身上有点不舒服,于是便去大英博物馆找书查一查这个病(我觉得有可能是花粉热)的疗法。我从书架上把书取下来,查看了我所要查的东西,然后不经意地顺手往后翻了翻,随便浏览一下其他疾病。我记不得我第一个看到的是什么病了,只记得是一种可怕的致命恶疾。没等我把书上所列举的前期症状看完,我就意识到我已经得了这种病了。

4 I sat for a while, frozen with horror; and then, in the listlessness of despair, I again turned over the pages. I came to typhoid fever-read the symptoms-discovered that I had typhoid fever, must have had it for months without knowing it-wondered what else I had got:turned up St. Vitus' s Dance-found, as I expected, that I had that too, began to get interested in my case, and determined to sift it to the bottom, and so started alphabetically-read up ague, and learnt that I was sickening for it, and that the acute stage would commence in about another fortnight. Bright's disease, I was relieved to find, I had only in a modified form, and, so far as that was concerned, I might live for years. Cholera I had, with severe complications; and diphtheria I seemed to have been born with. I plodded conscientiously through the twenty-six letters, and the only malady I could conclude I had not got was housemaid's knee.

4 我坐了一会儿,觉得毛骨悚然。在绝望的百无聊赖中,我又往后翻,翻到伤寒,读了读症状,发现我得上这个病了!已经得了几个月了,而我还一点都不知道!于是,我想,我是不是还得了其他的病?翻到舞蹈病,和我所预料的一样,我也患有这种病。这时我对我的病产生了兴趣,决定要弄个水落石出。于是我按照字母顺序从头看起。首先看到的是疟疾。发现我正开始有这个病的症状,急性期将在两周内开始。肾炎


5 I felt rather hurt about this at first; it seemed somehow to be a sort of slight. Why

hadn't I got housemaid's knee? Why this invidious reservation? After a while, however, less grasping feelings prevailed. I reflected that I had every other known malady in the pharmacology, and I grew less selfish, and determined to do without housemaid's

knee. Gout, in its most malignant stage, it would appear, had seized me without my being aware of it;and zymosis I had evidently been suffering with from boyhood.There were no more diseases after zymosis, so I concluded there was nothing else the matter with me.

5 一开始,我心里很难过,这仿佛有点瞧不起人,为什么不让我得骸前囊炎呢?为什么会出现这个令人不愉快的保留呢?可是过了一会儿,一种不怎么贪婪的心情占了上风。当我想到病理学上别的所有有名称的病我都得上了的时候,我变得不那么自私,因此决定有没有得簇前囊炎也无所谓了。正在恶性期的痛风病似乎已经神不知鬼不觉地找上了我。发酵病显然从童年时期我就得上了。发酵病以后,书上就没有其他疾病的名称了,因此我推想我也不会再有别的什么病症了。

6 I sat and pondered. I thought what an interesting case I must be from a medical point of view, what an acquisition I should be to a class!Students would have no need to "walk the hospitals", if they had me. I was a hospital in myself. All they need do would be to walk round me, and, after that, take their diploma.

6 我坐在那里沉思,心想,从医学的角度来看,我是一个非常有意思的病例。对于一个班的医学学生来说,我是多么难得啊!有了我,学生们就不必到医院去实习了。我自己就是一个医院。他们只需围着我学习学习,便可以拿到他们的毕业文凭了。

7 Then I wondered how long I had to live. I tried to examine myself. I felt my pulse I could not at fist feel any pulse at all. Then, all of a sudden, it seemed to start off. I pulled out my watch and timed it. I made it a hundred and forty-seven to the minute. I tried to feel my heart. I could not feel my heart. It had stopped beating. I have since been induced to come to the opinion that it must have been there all the time, and must have been beating, but I can not account for it. I patted myself allover my front, from what I call my waist up to my head, and I went a bit round each side, and a little way up the back. But I could not feel or hear anything. I tried to look at my tongue. I stuck it out as far as ever it would go, and I shut one eye, and tried to examine it with the other. I could only see the tip, and the only thing that I could gain from that was to feel more certain than before that I had scarlet fever.


Unit 1 To have a mind to do a thing is to foresee a future possibility; it is to have a plan for its accomplishment; it is to note the means which make the plan capable of execution and the obstructions in the way--or,if it is really a mind to do the thing and not a vague aspiration it is to have a plan which takes account of resources and difficulties. ——John Dewey 用心去做一件事,就是要预见未来的可能性,要为成功制定一个计划,要找到实施计划、避开障碍的方法——或者是一颗真正做事的心,而不是一个模糊的愿望,是考虑了所有资源和困难的计划。 ——约翰·杜威The Good Mind Is Flexible 优秀的头脑是灵活的 Edgar Dale埃德加?戴尔 1For many years we have talked about education in a changing society but have done little to educate for uncertainty. Perhaps the best insurance we can offer for this uncertainty is the presence of a good mind. To develop a good mind the student must learn how to learn and develop a taste for learning. The world of tomorrow needs flexible individuals, intellig ently mobile individuals, individuals who can land on their feet when their jobs become technologically obsolete, individuals who can cope with the unexpected. 1 多年来,我们一直在讨论日新月异的社会中的教育问题,却没有采取切实行动来教育人们如何应对变化。或许面对变化,我们的最佳保障是拥有优秀的头脑。要培养优秀的头脑,学生需要掌握学习方法,培养学习兴趣。未来的世界所需要的人才应该具备很强的适应能力,而且他们灵活而机敏,当其所从事的工作技术上落伍时,他们依然能够于逆境之中站稳脚跟,而且他们有能力应对突发的意外。 2To educate for flexibility we must distinguish between training and education. To train is to emphasize fixed responses, to stress immediate goals to the neglect of long-term growth . To educate, however, is to foster limitless growth, lifelong learning, to develop the good mind. 2 要培养灵活的头脑,我们需要区别什么是训练,什么是教育。训练就是加强固定的反应,重视即时目标,而忽略长远发展。教育则旨在促进无限的成长,鼓励终生的学习,培养优秀的头脑。 3Mark Twain's story about the cat is in order here. He said that a cat that jumps onto a hot stove will never jump on a hot stove again. Nor, he added, will she ever jump on a cold one. The cat can be trained but, contrary to what cat-lovers may say, cannot be educated.


Unit One 核心员工的特征 大卫·G.詹森1核心员工究竟是什么样子的?几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。我请一位客户——一位正参与研究的人事部经理,给我解释一下。“每家公司都有少数几个这样的员工,在某个专业领域,你可以指望他们把活儿干好。 在我的小组中,有七名化工流程工程师和生物学家,其中有那么两三个人是我赖以生存的,”他说,“他们对我的公司而言不可或缺。当请你们公司替我们招募新人的时候,我们期待你们会去其他公司找这样的人:其他公司经理不想失去的员工。我们只招募核心员工。” 2这是一段充满了鼓动性的谈话,目的是把猎头们派往竞争对手的公司去游说经验丰富的员工们做一次职业变更。他们想从另一家公司招募核心员工。然而,每家公司也从新人中招人。他们要寻找的是完全一样的东西。“我们把他们和公司顶级员工表现出的特质进行对照。假如他们看起来有同样特征的话,我们就在他们身上赌一把。”只是这样有点儿冒险。 3“这是一种有根据的猜测,”我的人事经理客户说。作为未来的一名员工,你的工作是帮助人事部经理降低这种风险,你需要帮助他们认定你有潜力成为一名核心员工。 4特征1:无私的合作者 职业顾问和化学家约翰·费策尔最早提出了这个特征。关于这个特征,人们已经写了大量的文章。它之所以值得被反复谈及,是因为这一特征是学术界和企业间最明显的差别。“这里需要合作,”费策尔说,“企业的环境并不需要单打独斗,争强好胜,所以表现出合作和无私精神的员工就脱颖而出了。在企业环境中,没有这样的思维方式就不可能成功。” 5许多博士后和研究生在进行这种过渡的过程中表现得相当费力。因为生命中有那么长一段时间他们都在扮演一个独立研究者的角色,并且要表现得比其他年轻的优秀人才更出色。你可以藉此提高在公司的吸引力:为追求一个共同的目标和来自其他实验室和学科的科学家们合作——并且为你的个人履历上的内容提供事迹证明。这个方法,加上你在描述业绩时开明地使用代词“我们”,而不是“我”,能使公司对你的看法从“单干户”转变成“合作者”。更为有利的是,要在你实验室内部,以及在和你们实验室合作的人们之间,培养一个良好声誉:一个鼓励并发动合作的人——还要保证让那些会接听调查电话的人们谈及你的这个品质。 6特征2:紧迫感 唐-豪特是一位给aaas.sciencecareers@org 网站论坛频繁写稿的撰稿人。他之前是一名科学家。许多年前他转向了企业,并一直做到高级管理的职位。他在3M公司一个部门负责策略和商业开发工作,这个部门每年上缴的税收高达24亿多美元。他就是一个重视紧迫感的人。 7“一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’。这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。” 8特征3:风险容忍度 企业要求员工能承受风险。“一名求职者需要表现出仅凭不准确、不完整的信息就做出决策的能力。他或她必须能接纳不确定因素并冒着风险做出结论,”一位客户在职业描述中写道。 9豪特赞同这一说法。“商业成功通常有这样一个特质:那就是能接受不确定因素和风险——个人的,组织上的和财务上的。这就让许多科学家感到不适应,因为学术上的成功其实是依靠认真而严谨的研究。更进一步说,伟大的科学常常是由找寻答案的过程和答案本身两者同时来定义的。因此科学家们往往沉迷于过程。在企业里,你需要了解过程,但最终你会迷上答案,然后根据你认为该答案对你的企业所具有的意义来冒风险。像这样敢冒风险是一套技能组合,是所有雇主在他们最好的员工身上所寻找的东西。”

研究生英语综合教程(上)熊海虹课后部分翻译答案 (1)1

第一单元 “一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,生意始终在进行,那意味着一年365 天,一周7 天,一天24 小时,竞争也同样在进行,”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一就是要更快地到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷,并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。 “Business happens 24/7/365, which means that competition happens 24/7/365, as well,” says Haut. “One way that companies win is by getting …there? faster, which means that you not only have to mobilize all of the functions that support a business to move q uickly, but you have to know how t o decide where …there? is! This creates a requirement not only for people who can act quickly, but for those who can think fast with the courage to act on their convictions. This needs to run throughout an organization and is not exclusive to management.” 最后,职业地位包含对职业标准的遵守。很多律师通过在行业内外把自己塑造成一个具有良好职业道德的典范来找到自我价值。对那些在所有职业行为中都表现出极度正直和谦逊有礼的律师们来说,当管理阶层对他们理应受到的特别尊重表示肯定时,便又获得了另一种形式的精神报酬。 Lastly, professional status encompasses adherence to ethical standards. Most lawyers find self worth in setting an example—both within the profession and within the larger society—as ethical actors. When management affirms the special respect due to lawyers who act with the utmost integrity and civility in all of their professional dealings, it provides yet another form of compensation. 第四单元 很多研究发现婴儿获得关爱的质量会影响到他们以后的交友,在学校的表现,如何应对陌生的或可能充满压力的情况,以及他们成年后如何建立并且维系情感连系。正是因为这些原因,人们与家庭成员的早期亲密关系才如此至关重要。在人情冷漠的环境中(如孤儿院,某些寄养家庭,或缺乏关爱的家庭)长大的孩子会出现情感和社会性发育不良,语言和运动技能迟缓,以及精神健康问题。Much research shows that the quality of care infants receive affects how they later get along with friends, how well they do in school, how they react to new and possibly stressful situations, and how they form and maintain loving relationships as adults. It is for these reasons thatpeople's early intimate relationships within their family of origin1 are so critical. Children who are raised in impersonal environments (orphanage, some foster homes, or unloving families) show emotional and social underdevelopment, language and motor skills retardation, and mental health problems. 一开始让人相互吸引的是什么?许多人相信“世上有一个人是你为之而生的”,而且命运会将你俩带到一起。这样的想法很浪漫却不现实。实证研究发现,是文化标准和价值观而非命运,将人们连系在一起。我们错过了成千上万的可能的爱人,因为他们早就被正式的或非正式的挑选理想爱人的准则筛选出局,这些准则包括年龄、种族、地域、社会阶层、宗教、性倾向、健康状况或外表。 What attracts individuals to each other in the first place? Many people believe that "there's one person out there that one is meant for" and that destiny will bring them together. Such beliefs are romantic but unrealistic. Empirical studies show that cultural norms and values, not fate, bring people together We will never meet millions of potential lovers because they are "filtered out" by formal or informal rules on partner eligibility due ton factors such as age, race, distance, Social class, religion, sexual orientation, health, or physical appearanc e. 第五单元 做瑜伽没有场地的限制,一套瑜伽动作通常需要20 分钟到两个小时或者更多的时间,而一个小时左右的时间则是一系列动作和冥想的最佳选择。根据瑜伽师和学派的不同,一些瑜伽动作做起来辛苦异常,而另一些却只是在呼吸和心跳平稳的情况下调整和伸展肢体。每天练习瑜伽会达到最好的效果,随着动作越来越熟练,你就可以加大强度和难度这样瑜伽就能成为你相伴终生的日常锻炼方式了。练习基础的瑜伽动作即可收到增强力量,改善柔韧性并使人感到舒适的效果,但要想达到完美和高深的境界还是需要日积月累的练习,这也是瑜伽吸引人的地方之一。 Yoga routines can take anywhere from 20 minutes to two or more hours, with one hour being a good time investment to perform a sequence of postures and a meditation. Some yoga routines, depending on the teacher and school, can be as strenuous as the most difficult workout, and some routines merely stretch and align the body while the breath and heart rate are kept slow and steady. Yoga achieves its best results when it is practiced as a daily discipline, and yoga can be a life-long exercise routine, offering deeper and more challenging positions as a practitioner becomes more adept. The basic positions can increase a person?s strength, flexibility and sense of well-being almost immediately, but it can take years to perfect and deepen them, which is an appealing and stimulating aspect of yoga for many. 第七单元 人性的恒定性是众所周知的,因为没有人相信一个人能够从根本上改变他的本性。这就是为什么一个恶名远扬的人很难重建公众对他的信心。人们凭经验知道某一年中表现出无赖性格的人不太可能在第二年有任何改观。小偷也不会变成值得信赖的员工。吝


高校教师如何上好一门课(上) 2014-12-24教师教学发展中心 爱是上好一门课的基因 苏联教育家苏霍姆林斯基认为: 没有爱就没有教育。 课堂教学作为教育教学的重要组成部分,爱在其中的作用和地位是不言而喻的。对高等学校而言,一门好课需要一个学校、

一个学科、一个专业数年甚至数十年、一代人甚至几代人长期积累与凝练、继承与发展,其关键是高素质的教师队伍。而上好一门课则需要教师从入职到整个教师生涯在其教学与科研的过程中潜心钻研、积极探索、用心体会、长期积累和统筹兼顾,其关键是教师个体。 如果说上好一门课这棵参天大树的土壤是学科和专业的话,教师个体就是这棵参天大树的种子,爱则是种子的基因。基因的好坏优劣取决于爱的三个方面: ?知晓爱什么 ?明晰为何要爱 ?践行好如何爱 知晓爱什么和为何爱是上好一门课的基础和原动力 无论是对学校、学科还是对教师个体来说,上好一门课都是一项系统工程,知晓爱的对象、明晰为什么要爱是该系统工程的起点,也是其努力的方向。爱教师职业、爱学生、爱自己、爱课堂教学(四爱)既是上好一门课的基础,也是上好一门课不可或缺的四个方面。

爱教师职业 幸福的人生只有两类:爱自己从事的工作和从事自己所爱的工作。只有能从工作中获得乐趣和愉悦的人,才有可能将自己的显能和潜能发挥到极致。尽管条条道路通罗马,行行出状元,但人的喜好、知识、能力优势是不一样的。另一方面,作为选择了教师职业的高校学人,作为园丁和人类灵魂工程师的教师职业,在当今也是受人羡慕的。高校教师职业值得学人追求和终生热爱。在2013年公众眼中最具幸福感职业排行中,教师职业排行前三位。 教师职业承担着为人类、国家、社会、行业和家庭的未来培养人才的崇高使命。教师在从教过程中的言行举止和喜怒哀乐及其体现出的世界观、人生观和价值观,将对学生——未来社会的栋梁产生直接和潜移默化的重要影响,高校教师更是如此。因此,对教师而言,立其身、践其言、正其行是教师爱教师职业和爱岗敬业的不二选择。 爱学生



广为流传的进化说认为男性视性背叛为更大的罪恶是因为他们在经历漫长岁月后学会了对性极度警惕——他们永远不能绝对肯定孩子源于自己的血脉。而女人为情感不忠痛苦是因为他们担心没有配偶帮 助抚养后代 Unit One Task 1 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.A 10.D 11.A 12.B Task 2 1.public(c) 2.discipline(b) 3.strength(a) 4.reference(a) 5.strength(d) 6.public(a) 7.demonstrated(b) 8.discipline(c) 9.references(c) 10.personality(a) 11.discipllining(d) 12.demonstrates(a) 13.public(d) 14.reference(b) 15.personality(c) Task 3 1.employment 2.paid 3.adjust 4.setting 5.discouraged 6.credit 7.cite 8.demonstrate

9.teamwork 10.rules Unit Two Task 1 1.A 2.B 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.C Task 2 1. bud (n.); budding (adj.) 2. access (n.); access (v.) 3. taste (n.);tasted (v.) 4. fool (n.); fooling (v.) 5. produces (v.); produce (n.) 6. garnish (v.); garnishes (n.) 7. reigns (v.); reign (n.) 8. concern (n.); concerned (v.) 9. named (v.); name (n.) 10. practiced (v.); practice (n.) Task 3 1) integration 2) choice 3)

高等学校研究生英语系列教材-综合教程(上)主编熊海虹何莲珍 1-6单元 练习参考答案

《研究生英语综合教程上》1-6单元练习参考答案 Unit One Planning Your Future Career Reading Focus Traits of the Key Players Text Exploration Task 2 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. B 10. B Vocabulary in Action Task 1 1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. D 11. A 12. B Task 2 1. public (c) 2. discipline (b) 3. strength (a) 4. reference (a) 5. strength (d) 6. public (a) 7. demonstrated (b) 8. discipline (c) 9. reference (c) 10. personality (a) 11. disciplining (d) 12. demonstrates (a) 13. public (d) 14. reference (b) 15. personality (c) Task 3 1. employment 2. paid 3. adjust

4. setting 5. discouraged 6. credit 7. cite 8. demonstrate 9. teamwork 10. rules Translation Practice Paragraph One “一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,生意始终在进行。这意味着一年365天,一周7天,一天24小时,竞争也同样在进行。”豪特说,“公司取胜的方法之一,就是要更快到达‘目的地’!这就是说,你不仅要把所有能支持公司快速运转的功能都调动起来,而且还得知道如何决定‘目的地’是哪里。这样,不仅对那些行动快速的人们,也对那些思维敏捷并有勇气按自己的想法行事的人们都提出了要求。这需要全公司各部门的运作,而不仅仅是管理部门的工作。” Paragraph Two 最后,职业地位包含对职业标准的遵守。很多律师通过在行业内外把自己塑造成一个具有良好职业道德的典范来找到自我价值。对那些在所有职业行为中都表现出极度正直和谦逊有礼的律师来说,当管理阶层对他们理应受到的特别尊重表示肯定时,便又获得了另一种形式的精神报酬。 Unit Two Arts of the Table Reading Focus Culinary Delights in China

熊海虹主编《高等学校研究生英语综合教程 下》课后习题答案

Unit One Task 1 1. provinces b. 2. woke a. 3.haunt b. 4.trouble a. 5.weathers d. 6.wakeb. 7.coined c. 8. trouble b. 9.weather c. 10. province c. 11. coin a. 12. value a. 13. haunts a. 14. has promised a. 15. trouble c. 16. coin b. 17. promise d, 18. values c. 19. refrain b. 20. valued e. Task 2 1. tranquil 2. ultimately 3. aftermath 4. cancel out 5.ordeal 6.drastic 7. legacy 8. deprivations 9. suicidal 10. anticipated 11. preoccupied 12. adversities 13. aspires 14. nostalgia 15, retrospect Task 3 1. a mind-blowing experience 2.built-in storage space 3.self-protection measures 4. short-term employment 5.distorted and negative self-perception 6. life-changing events 7. all-encompassing details 8.a good self-image Unit Two Task1 I. A. entertainment B. entertaining 2. A.attached B.attachment 3.A.historically B. historic 4. A. innovative B. Innovations 5. A. flawed B. flawless 6.A.controversy B. controversial 7. A. revise B. revisions 8. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c17690937.html,mentary B. commentator 9.A. restrictive B. restrictions 10.10. A.heroic B. heroics Task 2 1. ethnic 2.corporate 3.tragic 4. athletic 5. underlie 6. stack 7. intrinsic 8. revenue 9. engrossed 10. award Task 3 1) revenues 2)receipts 3) economic 4)rewards 5)athletes 6) sponsor 7)spectators 8) maintain 9) availability 10) stadiums 11) anticipated 12) publicity

熊海虹主编《高等学校研究生英语综合教程 上》1-10单元原文+翻译(个人整理方便学习)

Unit One TRAITS OF THE KEY PLAYERS David G. Jensen 核心员工的特征 大卫·G.詹森1 What exactly is a key player? A "Key Player" is a phrase that I've heard about from employers during just about every search I've conducted. I asked a client - a hiring manager involved in a recent search - to define it for me. "Every company has a handful of staff in a given area of expertise that you can count on to get the job done. On my team of seven process engineer and biologists, I've got two or three whom I just couldn't live without," he said. "Key players are essential to my organization. And when we hire your company to recruit for us, we expect that you'll be going into other companies and finding just that: the staff that another manager will not want to see leave. We recruit only key players." 1核心员工究竟是什么样子的?几乎每次进行调查时,我都会从雇主们那里听到“核心员工”这个名词。我请一位客户——一位正参与研究的人事部经理,给我解释一下。“每家公司都有少数几个这样的员工,在某个专业领域,你可以指望他们把活儿干好。 在我的小组中,有七名化工流程工程师和生物学家,其中有那么两三个人是我赖以生存的,”他说,“他们对我的公司而言不可或缺。当请你们公司替我们招募新人的时候,我们期待你们会去其他公司找这样的人:其他公司经理不想失去的员工。我们只招募核心员工。” 2 This is part of a pep talk intended to send headhunters into competitor's companies to talk to the most experienced staff about making a change. They want to hire a "key player" from another company. Every company also hires from the ranks of newbies, and what they're looking for is exactly the same. "We hold them up to the standards we see in our top people. If it looks like they have these same traits, we'll place a bet on them." It's just a bit riskier. 2这是一段充满了鼓动性的谈话,目的是把猎头们派往竞争对手的公司去游说经验丰富的员工们做一次职业变更。他们想从另一家公司招募核心员工。然而,每家公司也从新人中招人。他们要寻找的是完全一样的东西。“我们把他们和公司顶级员工表现出的特质进行对照。假如他们看起来有同样特征的话,我们就在他们身上赌一把。”只是这样有点儿冒险。 3 "It's an educated guess," says my hiring manager client. Your job as a future employee is to help the hiring manager mitigate that risk. You need to help them identify you as a prospective "key player". 3“这是一种有根据的猜测,”我的人事经理客户说。作为未来的一名员工,你的工作是帮助人事部经理降低这种风险,你需要帮助他们认定你有潜力成为一名核心员工。

研究生英语综合教程下第三单元课文中英文对照 熊海虹

Unit3 奥斯陆 I remember on my first trip to Europe going alone to a movie in Copenhagen. In Denmark you are given a ticket for an assigned seat. I went into the cinema and discovered that my ticket directed me to sit beside the only other people in the place, a young couple locked in the sort of passionate embrace associated with dockside reunions at the end of long wars. I could no more have sat beside them than I could have ask to join in--it would have come to mush the same thing--so I took a place a few discreet seats away. 1记得我第一次去欧洲旅行的时候,我在哥本哈根独自一人去看电影。在丹麦,电影票是对号入座的。(此文来自袁勇兵博客)我走进电影院,发现在我的票对应的座位旁,只有一对年轻情侣。这对情侣如胶似漆地拥抱在一起,如同一场持久战争结束后码头上亲人的团聚。我很不情愿坐在他们旁边,就如我绝不会要求加入他们的行为一样——这两者对我来说并没有什么不同——因此我谨慎地隔几个座位坐了下来。 People came into the cinema, consulted their ticket and filled the seats around us. By the time the film started there were about 30 of us sitting together in a tight pack in the middle of vast and otherwise empty auditorium. Two minutes into the movie, a woman laden with shopping made her way with difficulty down my row, stopped beside my seat and told me in a stern voice, full of glottal stops and indignation, that I was in her place. This cause much paly of flashlights among the usherettes and fretful re-examining of tickets by everyone in the vicinity until word got around that I was an American tourist and therefore unable to follow simple seating instructions and I was escorted in some shame back to my assigned place. 2人们陆续地走进影院,参照电影票找到位子,在我们周围坐了下来。电影开场时,这个宽敞空旷的观众席中间,扎堆地坐了约30人。电影开场两分钟后,一个拎着大包小包购物袋的女士艰难地挤到我这排,在我座位旁停下,并用严厉的口吻愤怒地朝我用充满了喉塞音的丹麦语说道,我坐在了她的位子上。女引座员马上打开手电筒查看情况,身边所有的人都不安地重新确认自己票上的座位号,直到大家都清楚了,我是一个美国游客,因此没有遵循简单的就座指示。在羞愧中我被送回指定的位子。 So we sat together and watch the movie, 30 of us crowed together like refugees in an overloaded lifeboat, rubbing shoulders and sharing small noises, and it occurred to me then that there certain things that some nations do better than everyone else and certain things that they do far worse and I began to wonder why that should be. 3接下来我们坐在一起看电影,30人如同一艘超载的救生船上的难民一般挤作一团。肩膀相互摩擦着,忍受着各种细小的噪声。那时我想,有些国家在某些事情上做的比任何其他国家都好,然而在另外一些事情上,他们却糟糕很多。我开始思考为何会有如此反差。


Unit 1 Task1 Task2 1. The __tranquil(安宁的)_ atmosphere of the inn allows guests to feel totally at home. 2. Technological advances might _ultimately(最终)_ lead to even more job losses. 3. In the __aftermath(余波)__ of the shootings, there were calls for tighter controls on gun ownership. 4. Her kindness and generosity __cancel out(抵消)__ her occasional flashes of temper. 5. He was beginning to wonder if he would survive the _ordeal(折磨)__. 6. Foreign food aid has led to a __drastic(猛烈的)_ reduction in the numbers of people dying of starvation. 7. Perhaps her most important __legacy(遗产)__ was her program of educational reform. 8. There were food shortages and other __deprivations(匮乏)_ during the Civil War. 9. The new economic policies could prove ___suicidal(自我毁灭)__ for the party. 10. The building will be completed around six months earlier than ____anticipated(预料的)__. 11. The experience was enough to keep him ____preoccupied_(心事重重)__ for some time. 12. The road to happiness is paved with __adversities(逆境)__. 13. She __aspires(渴望)____ to nothing no less than the chairmanship of the company. 14. He might be influenced by ___nostalgia(思乡情)__ for the surroundings of his happy youth. 15. In ___retrospect(回顾)_, I wish that I had thought about alternative courses of action. Task3 1. Watching your baby being born is __a mind-blowing experience___ (极其令人兴奋的经历). 2. There is _built-in storage space__ (内置储藏空间) in all bedrooms. 3. This handout focuses on ___self-protection measures__ (自我保护措施) under difficult climatic conditions. 4. I’m sure we could offer you some ___short-term employment__ (短期的工作). 5. So, how is it that we all, or at least many of us, have such a ___distorted and negative self-perception__ (歪曲的、否定的自我观念)? 6. Helen Hunt stars as a character undergoing _life-changing events_ (改变了生活的事件) in Then She Found Me. 7. She has written a book that is beautiful because of the honesty and the raw emotion that is portrayed in __all-encompassing details__ (无所不包的细节). 8. Having a decent job contributes to ___a good self-image__ (一个好的自我形象). Unit 6 Task1 1. Slavery was abolished(废除)in the United States in the 19th century. (Ended) 2. I’ll never be unfaithful again. I give you my solemn(严肃的)word. (Serious) 3. Do they observe Christmas Day in that country? (Celebrate) 4. Nothing will stop them in their quest for truth. (Search) 5. Management has given a pledge(保证)that there will be no job losses this year. (Promise) 6. These monuments are a vital part of the culture heritage(继承)of South America. (Inheritance) 7. Signing this form commits you to buying the goods. (Obligates)(使。。。承担责任) 8. The Social Departments are now in alliance with the Greens. (Union) 9. The hot sunny days were tempered(缓和的)by a light breeze. (Softened) 10. The room was converted from a kitchen to a lavatory. (Changed) 11. He was found guilty of subversion(颠覆,破坏)and imprisoned(颠覆和监禁). (Sabotage)

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