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The Principal Components Of Automotive

张可可2013210612 The Principal Components Of Automotive contains the body, the engine , the chassis , the power train system, the steering system, the suspension system and wheels , the braking system and the electrical and electronic system.

1 The body

An automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows, doors, a hood and a trunk deck built into it.It provides a protective covering for the engine, passengers and cargo. It is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, modern appearance for the vehicle.

2 The engine

The engine acts as the power unit. The internal combustion engine is most common: this obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine: gasoline (also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel (also called compression-ignition engine). Both engines are called heat engines. the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the power train.

3 The chassis

Chassis is the frame on which the engine, body, wheels etc. are built. The chassis is an assembly of those systems that are the major operating parts of a vehicle. It includes power train which conveys the drive to the wheels, steering which controls the direction of movement,suspension and wheels which absorb the road shocks, and brake which slows down the vehicle.

4 The power train system

The power train transfers turning effort from the engine to the driving wheels. It include a clutch ( manual transmission) or a torque converter (automatic transmission), a transmission drive shaft, final drive and differential gear s and driving axles. Alternatively, a transaxle may be used. A transaxle is a self-contained unit with a transmission, final drive gears and differential located in one casing.

The directional motion of vehicle is controlled by a steering system. A basic steering system has 3 main parts: a steering box connected to the steering wheel, the linkage connecting the steering box to the wheel assembly at the front wheels and front suspension parts to let the wheel assemblies pivot. When the driver turns the steering wheel,a shaft from the steering column turns the steering gear. The steering gear moves

tie-rods that connect to the front wheels. The tie-rods move the front wheels to turn the vehicle right or left.

5 The braking system and wheels

The purpose of the complete suspension system is to isolate the vehicle body from road shocks and vibrations, which will otherwise be transferred to the passengers and load. It must also keep the tires in contact with the road regardless of road surface. A basic suspension system consists of springs, axles, shock absorbers, arms, rods and ball joints.

The tire provides a cushion between the vehicle and the road to reduce the transmission of road shocks. It also provides friction to allow the vehicle to perform its normal operations. Modern tires are manufactured from a range of materials. The rubber is mainly synthetic. Two types of tire construction are common: cross-ply and radial. Most passenger cars now use radial tires, and radials are replacing cross-ply tires on 4-wheel drives and heavy vehicles.

6 The braking system

Drum brakes have a drum attached to the wheel hub, and braking occurs by means of brake shoes expanding against the inside of the drum. With disc brakes, a disc attached to the wheel hub is clenched between two brakepads. On light

vehicles, both of these systems are hydraulically operated. The brake pedal operates a master cylinder. Hydraulic lines and hoses connect the master cylinder to brake cylinders at the wheels. Most modern light vehicles have either disc brakes on the front wheels and drum brakes on the rear or disc brakes on a11 4 wheels. Disc brakes require greater forces to operate them. A brake booster assists the driver by increasing the force applied to the master cylinder when the brake is operated.

7 The electrical and electronic system

The charging system provides electrical energy for all of the electrical components on the vehicle. A typical charging system includes: a battery, an alternator, a voltage regulator which is usually integral to the alternator, a charging warning or indicator light and wiring that complete the circuits. The battery provides electrical energy for starting, then once the engine is running the alternator powers all the electrical components of the vehicle. The alternator also charges the battery to replace the energy used to start the engine. The voltage regulator prevents overcharging. The starting system consists of the battery, starter, flywheel ring gear, cables,and the ignition switch. The starter motor is powered by the battery. During starting, the pinion of the starter motor engages with

the flywheel ring gear and the starter motor then operates to crank the engine.

Electrical is related to the electricity while electronic related to the semi-conductor or microcomputers. The electrical system provides electricity to the starter, ignition, lights and heater. The electricity level is maintained by a charging circuit.

That's all.


The Principal Components Of Automotive 张可可2013210612 The Principal Components Of Automotive contains the body, the engine , the chassis , the power train system, the steering system, the suspension system and wheels , the braking system and the electrical and electronic system. 1 The body An automobile body is a sheet metal shell with windows, doors, a hood and a trunk deck built into it.It provides a protective covering for the engine, passengers and cargo. It is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable. The body styling provides an attractive, colorful, modern appearance for the vehicle. 2 The engine The engine acts as the power unit. The internal combustion engine is most common: this obtains its power by burning a liquid fuel inside the engine cylinder. There are two types of engine: gasoline (also called a spark-ignition engine) and diesel (also called compression-ignition engine). Both engines are called heat engines. the burning fuel generates heat which causes the gas inside the cylinder to increase its pressure and supply power to rotate a shaft connected to the power train.


经典文档下载后可编辑复制 湖北文理学院 毕业设计(论文)英文翻译 题目有限元热分析的陶瓷离合器 专业车辆工程 班级Xxx 姓名Xxxx 学号2010138xx 指导教师 职称Xxx 副教授 2014年2月25日

Fethermal analysis of a ceramic clutch 1. Introduction Abrasive dry running vehicle clutches are force closure couplings. Torque and speed transmission are ensured by the frictional force generated between two pressed surfaces. Reasons for the application of ceramic as a friction medium include good heat and wear resistance properties, which provide the opportunity to drive higher pressures, and a low density. Thus, an increasing power density is enabled with a parallel minimization of construction space. Measurements with a first prototype of a clutch disk using ceramic facings were performed at Karlsruhe University in a laboratory specialized in passenger car drive system testing. In the course of analysis the finite element (FE) model was to be constructed with the knowledge of measurement data and measurement conditions. Calculations were intended to determine the temperature distribution of the clutch disk and its environment at each moment in time corresponding to measurements. It is essential to be familiar with the temperature range in order to examine the wear characteristics of the system. Thus, important information is derived from measurement data. In critical load cases, the highest expected temperatures must be forecast in space and time in order to protect measuring instruments close to the location of heat generation. The goal of this study is to analyze and modify the clutch system to provide better operating conditions by improving the heat conduction and convection of the system or to increase the amount of the energy converted into frictional heat. Furthermore, it is desired to find better design solutions for more efficient clutch systems. Calculations were performed by the Cosmos Design Star software. During model development, great care had to be taken for proper simplification of geometry, the selection of element sizes, and the correct adjustment of time steps due to the substantial hardware requirements for transient calculations. Changes in thermal parameters such as the surface heat convection coefficient and thermal load had to be taken into consideration on an on-going basis in terms of time and location. The two sides of the analyzed test clutch system can only be managed by two independent models linked by heat partition,


《车辆工程导论》课程论文 在经济高速发展,社会飞速进步,人民生活水平日益提高的今天,汽车作为最重要的交通工具,已经逐步成为人们工作生活中无法替代的重要组成部分,发挥着愈来愈重的作用。与此同时汽车工业在国家的经济建设中也就起着经济支柱的重要作用,一方面,汽车的产值及销售在国家的总收入中占有相当大的比重;另一方面,汽车工业发展的同时会带动其他多种相关工业的共同发展,众所周知,一辆汽车的组成需要多种零部件,这就需要多个相关工厂的配合,以保证汽车的正常生产,所以,总的来说,汽车工业是一种综合性的组装工业,与多种相关工业部门息息相关;第三方面,汽车工业也是一种高度技术密集型工业,汽车的生产过程中涉及到许许多多的新技术,新思路,新创造,也就是说,汽车工业同样也带动了一个国家技术的改革与创新。现如今,汽车已远不只是一种机器,一种技术,而是一种文化,一种创造。下面,我将从汽车发展史,汽车构造,汽车发动机,汽车电子,新能源等几个方面总结我的学习成果,谈谈我对汽车的理解。 汽车的发展史可以追溯到1886年,本茨将他研制的单缸、两冲程汽油机装在一辆三轮车上,时速达15km/h,这就是人类历史上第一辆汽车“奔驰1号”,人们便将1886年1月29日这一天内燃机汽车的诞生日。随后,戴姆勒将一台小汽油机装在一辆四轮车上,最高时速16km/h。这辆车被认为是世界上第一辆汽油发动机驱动的四轮汽车。从此以后,汽车产业开始了高速发展,一步步更加走向成熟。 汽车外形的发展是汽车发展史中很重要的一部分,汽车外形由最开始的马车型汽车,典型代表是福特T型有篷车,变为带封闭车身和车门的有“活动房屋”美称的箱型汽车,在这一过程中,人们开始更加注重人机工程学,使汽车内部空间增大,使乘坐更加方便,但其行驶过程中阻力过大,耗用量高的缺点让人们又做了进一步创新,创造了曾经风靡一时的甲壳虫型汽车,使汽车外形向流线型发展,降低了空气阻力,但其内部空间狭小,横向风不稳定,容易跑偏。以致后来人们生产出了船型汽车,以及鱼型汽车,但其也存在着行驶和操纵不稳定及汽车高速行驶时升力过大的问题。60年代开始出现了楔形汽车,它与船型相结合较好地协调了乘坐空间、空气阻力和升力的关系,使实用性与空气动力性较好地结合在一起。人们在对汽车外形的设计中始终坚持降低空气阻力,增强行驶稳定性,增加乘坐舒适性等理念,经过几个世纪的摸索实践设计出了我们如今的现代汽车。 中国汽车工业的起步较晚,旧中国曾有过三次建汽车厂的尝试,但都因为事变、战争的爆发而被迫停产。中国汽车的起跑线严格来说是从1953年7月15日开始的,在那一天,第一汽车制造厂破土动工,并在三年后成功生产出第一辆解放牌CA10型4吨载货汽车。此后我国汽车产业积极健康发展,现在我国已有


1 机械专业英语词汇约会 金属切削 调查 机床 金属工艺学 刀具 摩擦 联结 传动 轴'?]/ 弹性[?s'?] 频率特性 误差 响应 定位 机床夹具[d?iɡ] 动力学 运动学[?n?'m?t?k] 静力学 分析力学['k?] 拉伸 压缩 剪切 扭转 弯曲应力 强度 三相交流电 磁路 变压器 异步电动机['??n?s] 几何形状 精度['??n] 正弦形的 交流电路['s?] 机械加工余量 变形力 变形 应力 硬度['d??]

退火[?'] 正火['n???] 脱碳[ɑ?r?'??n 渗碳 电路 半导体元件[?n'd??]反馈 发生器 直流电源 门电路 逻辑代数 外圆磨削 内圆磨削 平面磨削 变速箱 离合器[?t?] 绞孔 绞刀['?m?(r)] 螺纹加工 螺钉 铣削 铣刀 功率 工件 齿轮加工 齿轮 主运动 主运动方向 进给方向 进给运动 合成进给运动 合成切削运动 合成切削运动方向 切削深度 前刀面 刀尖 前角 后角 龙门刨削 主轴['] 主轴箱

2 加工中心 车刀 车床 钻削镗削 车削 磨床 基准 钳工 锻 压模 焊 拉床 拉孔 装配 铸造 流体动力学 流体力学 加工 液压?'?l?k]/ 切线['t???] 机电一体化 ['ɡ??n] 气压 稳定性 介质 液压驱动泵[?t?]离合器;控制;手;紧急关头液压泵[p?] 阀门[v?] 失效 强度 载荷 应力 安全系数['f??] 可靠性 螺纹 螺旋['] 键[] 销 滚动轴承 滑动轴承 弹簧 制动器

十字结联轴节 联轴器 链 皮带 精加工 粗加工 变速箱体 腐蚀 氧化 磨损 耐用度 随机信号 离散信号 超声传感器 集成电路 挡板 残余应力 套筒 扭力 冷加工 电动机 汽缸 过盈配合 热加工 摄像头 倒角 优化设计 工业造型设计 有限元 滚齿 插齿 伺服电机 铣床 钻床 镗床 步进电机 丝杠 导轨 组件 可编程序逻辑控制器 电火花加工 电火花线切割加工-


Automobile Brake System汽车制动系统 The braking system is the most important system in cars. If the brakes fail, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy (momentum) of the vehicle into thermal energy (heat).When stepping on the brakes, the driver commands a stopping force ten times as powerful as the force that puts the car in motion. The braking system can exert thousands of pounds of pressure on each of the four brakes. Two complete independent braking systems are used on the car. They are the service brake and the parking brake. The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The primary purpose of the brake is to hold the vehicle stationary while it is unattended. The parking brake is mechanically operated by when a separate parking brake foot pedal or hand lever is set. The brake system is composed of the following basic components: the “master cylinder” which is located under the hood, and is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts driver foot’s mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure. Steel “brake lines” and flexible “brake hoses” connect the master cylinder to the “slave cylinders” located at each wheel. Brake fluid, specially designed to work in extreme conditions, fills the system. “Shoes” and “pads” are pushed by the slave cylinders to contact the “drums” and “rotors” thus causing drag, which (hopefully) slows the c ar. The typical brake system consists of disk brakes in front and either disk or drum brakes in the rear connected by a system of tubes and hoses that link the brake at each wheel to the master cylinder (Figure). Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device forces brake shoes, or pads, against the rotating brake drum or disks at wheel. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheel so that the car is braked.


英语各类考试 三一口语(GESE)的全称为:英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE-Graded Examinations in Speakers of Other Languages),它是经英国文化委员会提议,专门为非英语国家设计的纯英语口语等级考试体系。该考试共有12个级别,分成4个档次,每个档次有三个级别,其中1-6级是非常适合孩子的,这是现有英语考试中不多的适合孩子考试之一;7级以上不太适合孩子,但也可以考。 等级考试描述 英国伦敦三一学院英语口语等级考试(GESE-Graded Examinations in Speakers of Other Languages)是经英国文化委员会提议,专门为非英语国家设计的英语口语等级考试体系。目前已在世界四十多个国家和地区开展这项考试。1995年,北京高等学校教育科技发展中心开始与伦敦三一学院在教师培训和口语考试方面进行合作并取得了较好的效果。1999年,北京教育考试院与伦敦三一学院正式签署合作协议,引进该项考试。 等级考试的权威性 伦敦三一学院(TCL-Trinity College London)是经英国政府批准、为英国文化委员会承认的考试机构。伦敦三一学院在世界各地举办音乐、戏剧、英语口语等多类考试,是英国英语口语考试和授予英语教师资格证书的主要机构之一,也是英语考试服务系统的主要国际承办者之一。1995年,伦敦三一学院因其英语教育方面的成就获得英国女王嘉奖。伦敦三一口语证书是目前最火爆的口语水平测试证书,它以其权威性、实用性、系统性成为重点中学所青睐的英语口语能力证明之一。三一口语考试共分为12个级别,每三个级别为一个阶段,三一口语考试每月底进行,一个半两个月后出成绩。 内容 三一口语测试适于6-7岁以上母语为非英语的英语学习者。此项测试共分为四段12个级别。1-3级为预备段;4-6级为初级段;7-9级为中级段;10-12级为高级段。高级别的考试涵盖低于该级别的其他级别的内容。考试形式为考生与考官进行一对一的交谈。考试成绩评定:A—优秀,B—良好,C —及格,D—不及格 优势 大家为什么要考“三一口语”这一问题,首先,从发展方面来看,三一口语存在着很多的优势: 1.三一口语是国内第一个不与笔试捆绑的专项、系统的英语口语考试。 2.所有级别的考试都实行一对一的交流形式,与人机对话的考试方式相比更显人性化。 3.每个月中下旬组织一次考试,较之公共英语(每年仅三月和九月两次)机会较多。 4.三一口语考试无职业、学历、地域、年龄等限制,任何母语非英语的人员均可参加。 5.三一口语为水平考试,考试通过率高,证书颁发得快。对急于获得证书的家长是一个不错的选择。然后,再从学习成长方面来看,三一口语可能是所有认证考试中最适合学生学习的课程。三一口语的多层次、多类别、幽默风趣的学习方式更能够调动中小学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性。三一口语更侧语言沟通的交流与表达,使得学生能在学习的过程中快速的提高自己的英语表达水平,非常有利于孩子以后的成长和发展。最后,从学习的困难


UNIT 5 FUEL INJECTION SYSTEM 燃油喷射系统 Fuel injection systems have been used on vehicles for many years. The earliest ones were purely mechanical. As technology advanced, electronic fuel injection systems became more popular. Early mechanical and electronic fuel injection systems did not use feedback controls. As emissions became more of a concern, feedback controls were adapted to both types of fuel injection systems. feedback control 反馈控制 As emissions became more of a concern 随着排放越来越受到关注 were adapted to 被应用于 Both mechanical and electronic fuel injection systems can be found on gasoline engines. Diesel engines are most commonly found with mechanical type systems, although the newest generations of these engines have been using electronic fuel injection(EFI) . gasoline engines 汽油发动机 diesel engines 柴油发动机 newest generations of 最新的 5.1 Basic Theory EFI uses solenoid valves called injectors to meter fuel delivery. Most vehicles today use 1 injector per cylinder. When the solenoid is energized, fuel sprays out into the valve port. Fuel is delivered to the injector by a high-pressure electric pump at around 40 psi. Fuel delivery is controlled by the injectors which are cycled by the computer. The computer produces a signal to open the injectors for a certain length of time depending on engine conditions relayed by sensors. The longer that the injector is open, the more fuel is injected. As engine load and rpm are increased, the injector open times are increased to match increasing airflow. This computer output signal is called the injector pulse width. The longer the pulse width, the more fuel is injected. solenoid valves 电磁阀 injector 喷油嘴,喷油器,喷射器 fuel delivery 燃油输送,燃油供给 is energized v. 使通电,供能, 激发,加强adj. 通电的,激励的,增能的energized line 带电电路,带电线路 valve port 阀口,喷油嘴 psi [psai] 每平方英寸….磅=pounds per square inch are cycled by 周期性控制 engine conditions relayed by sensors 传感器传送/输送回来的信号体现的发动机工作状况,简单的说,即:传感器信号体现的发动机工作状况 injector pulse width 喷油器脉冲宽度 5.3 Fuel System 5.4 Air Metering and Measurement 5.5 Most EFI systems measure the same basic 6 input


车辆工程概论 ——期末论文 题目:汽车电子的时代使命和研究方向 姓名:周驰(1352153) 摘要:在当今的数字时代,电子便成为了潮流领导者,汽车方 面也不例外,汽车电子是更是象征着汽车的进步与革新。汽车 电子化的程度被看作是衡量现代汽车水平的重要标志,是用来 开发新车型,改进汽车性能最重要的技术措施。汽车制造商认 为增加汽车电子设备的数量、促进汽车电子化是夺取未来汽车 市场的重要的有效手段。这也是我最倾向于的研究方向,汽车 的电子化已经成为了一个潮流。 一.汽车的历史 汽车的历史可以追溯到第一次工业革命,英国人瓦特发明了蒸汽机,在几年之后,法陆军工程师古诺制作出了第一辆蒸汽汽车,即蒸汽机驱动的汽车。之后的汽车一直都只是在此基础上稍作改进。直至1838年,英国 发明家亨纳特发明了第一台内燃机点火装置,这是也汽车工业的一次伟大进步,从此汽车走向了内燃机时代。虽然在此之前有过蓄电池驱动的汽车,但并没有很好的发展。以内燃机驱动为原型的汽车才真正代表了一个时 代,1860年,法国工程师莱诺制成了了第一部用电火花点燃煤气的煤气 机。1862,他研制出了二冲程内燃机,之后便出现了四冲程内燃机。1886年,卡尔本茨成功研制三轮汽车,这也被大多数人认为是现代汽车的开始。

同年,戴姆勒也成功研制出第一辆四轮汽车。至此,汽车工业在西方蓬勃发展,随后在汽车的外形,发动机,能源,电子配置等方面都有着不断进步,直至今日。毋庸置疑,在当今的数字时代,电子便成为了潮流领导者,汽车方面也不例外,汽车电子是更是象征着汽车的进步与革新。 二.汽车电子技术的时代 如果说整车是骨骼,发动机是心脏,空气动力学是外表,新能源是血液,汽车实验是机体的调整,营销是舞台。那么汽车电子好比是汽车的神经,控制着汽车的一举一动,如今汽车电子化被认为是汽车技术发展进程中的一次革命。汽车电子化的程度被看作是衡量现代汽车水平的重要标 志,是用来开发新车型,改进汽车性能最重要的技术措施。汽车制造商认为增加汽车电子设备的数量、促进汽车电子化是夺取未来汽车市场的重要的有效手段。这也是我最倾向于的研究方向,汽车的电子化已经成为了一个潮流,据统计,从1989年至2000年,平均每辆车上电子装置在整个 汽车制造成本中所占的比例由16%增至23%以上。汽车电子的成本也占 到了车辆总成本的绝大部分。 三.汽车电子的类别 按照对汽车行驶性能作用的影响划分,可以把汽车电子产品归纳为两类:一类是汽车电子控制装置,汽车电子控制装置要和车上机械系统进行配合使用,即所谓“机电结合”的汽车电子装置;它们包括发动机、底盘、车身电子控制。例如电子燃油喷射系统、制动防抱死控制、防滑控制、牵引力控制、电子控制悬架、电子控制自动变速器、电子动力转向等,另一类是车载汽车电子装置,车载汽车电子装置是在汽车环境下能够独立使用的电子装置,它和汽车本身的性能并无直接关系。它们包括汽车信息系统 (行车电脑)、导航系统、汽车音响及电视娱乐系统、车载通信系统、上 网设备等。


Drive force control of a parallel-series hybrid system Abstract Since each component of a hybrid system has its own limit of performance, the vehicle power depends on the weakest component. So it is necessary to design the balance of the components. The vehicle must be controlled to operate within the performance range of all the components. We designed the specifications of each component backward from the required drive force. In this paper we describe a control method for the motor torque to avoid damage to the battery, when the battery is at a low state of charge. Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, Inc. and Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction In recent years, vehicles with internal combustion engines have increasingly played an important role as a means of transportation, and are contributing much to the development of society. However, vehicle emissions contribute to air pollution and possibly even global warming, which require effective countermeasures. Various developments are being made to reduce these emissions, but no further large improvements can be expected from merely improving the current engines and transmissions. Thus, great expectations are being placed on the development of electric, hybrid and natural gas-driven vehicles. Judging from currently applicable technologies, and the currently installed infrastructure of gasoline stations, inspection and service facilities, the hybrid vehicle, driven by the combination of gasoline engine and electric motor, is considered to be one of the most realistic solutions. Generally speaking, hybrid systems are classified as series or parallel systems. At Toyota, we have developed the Toyota Hybrid System (hereinafter referred to as the THS) by combining the advantages of both systems. In this sense the THS could be classified as a parallel-series type of system. Since the THS constantly optimizes engine operation, emissions are cleaner and better fuel economy can be achieved. During braking, Kinetic energy is recovered by the motor, thereby reducing fuel consumption and subsequent CO 2 emissions. Emissions and fuel economy are greatly improved by using the THS for the power train system. However, the THS incorporates engine, motor, battery and other components, each of which has its own particular capability. In other words, the driving force must be generated within the limits of each respective component. In particular, since the battery output varies greatly depending on its level of charge, the driving force has to be controlled with this in mind. This report clarifies the performance required of the respective THS components based on the driving force necessary for a vehicle. The method of controlling the driving force, both when the battery has high and low charge, is also described. 2. Toyota hybrid system (THS) [1,2] As Fig. 1 shows, the THS is made up of a hybrid transmission, engine and battery. 2.1. Hybrid transmission The transmission consists of motor, generator, power split device and reduction gear. The power split device is a planetary gear. Sun gear, ring gear and planetary carrier are directly connected to generator, motor and engine, respectively. The ring gear is also connected to the reduction gear. Thus, engine power is split into the generator and the driving wheels. With this type of mechanism, the


车辆发动机,以及车辆的电子技术四个方面具体阐述。并表明了在学习完课程后 所产生的感想,表明了自己的努力方向。 关键字:汽车发展史发动机电子技术 汽车作为国家工业化的重要标志,作为人们日常生活最重要的交通工具,在短短的一百 多年时间里,缔造了一个又一个国家崛起和企业巨人的神话。很多人不会想到,当年那个冒 着浓烟,噪声巨大,被人们视为怪物的汽车,现在已成为了技术密集度最高,涉及产业链最 广,创新程度最高的产业。汽车,这个流动的音符,已不只是一个机械,而是一种艺术,一 种生活方式,一种文化。 接下来主要从以下几个方面谈一谈我对汽车的理解: 一、汽车的发展史 汽车的产生可以追溯到蒸汽汽车,不过现代汽车始于1886年德国人卡尔·奔驰研制的第 一辆0.9马力的三轮汽车,以及另一名德国人戴姆勒发明的四轮汽油汽车。从此,汽车开始 改变着整个世界。不过那时的司机坐在震动非常厉害的汽车上,不仅要饱受日晒雨淋和路人 的嘲笑,而且全然没有现在司机的舒服和气派。 在进入了20世纪后,美国的福特公司发明了历史上有名的“T”型车,并首次运用了流 水装配线的大量作业方式。使得汽车成本大减。汽车开始真正走向大众化。 二战以后,世界开始迎来汽车发展的大热潮。汽车迅速从一种实验性的发明转变为关联 产业最广、机械技术波及效果最大的综合性工业。其中尤以日本汽车工业的发展最为引人注 目。价廉物美的日本车迅速占领了世界市场。其所代表的低油耗,实用主义的理念也迅速风 靡。 随着现在各国汽车行业竞争的越发激烈,未来汽车的发展将会越发依赖于最高精尖的电 子技术。如微型电子计算机、无线电通讯、卫星导航等等新技术、新设备和新方法、新材料 将广泛应用于汽车工业中,汽车正在走向自动化和电子化。 二、汽车的外形发展 在外形方面,汽车业走过了翻天覆地的变化。从最早的马车型汽车,到箱型汽车,再到 风靡一时的甲壳虫型汽车,以及后来的船型汽车,鱼型汽车,楔形汽车。车型的发展始终以 降低空气阻力,提高汽车的行驶稳定性,体现以人的舒适和方便为本的人性化思维为主要的


附录一:文献翻译 载重汽车变速箱 变速箱主要指的是汽车的变速箱,它分为手动、自动两种,手动变速箱主要由齿轮和轴组成,通过不同的齿轮组合产生变速变矩;而自动变速箱AT是由液力变扭器、行星齿轮和液压操纵系统组成,通过液力传递和齿轮组合的方式来达到变速变矩。功能为:一、改变传动比;二、在发动机旋转方向不变情况下,使汽车能倒退行驶;三、利用空挡,中断动力传递,以发动机能够起动、怠速,并便于变速器换档或进行动力输出。 手动变速箱主要由齿轮和轴组成,通过不同的齿轮组合产生变速变矩;而自动变速箱AT是由液力变扭器、行星齿轮和液压操纵系统组成,通过液力传递和齿轮组合的方式来达到变速变矩。 其中液力变扭器是AT最具特点的部件,它由泵轮、涡轮和导轮等构件组成,直接输入发动机动力传递扭矩和离合作用。泵轮和涡轮是一对工作组合,它们就好似相对放置的两台风扇,一台主动风扇吹出的风力会带动另一台被动风扇的叶片旋转,流动的空气——风力成了动能传递的媒介。如果用液体代替空气成为传递动能的媒介,泵轮就会通过液体带动涡轮旋转,再在泵轮和涡轮之间加上导轮以提高液体的传递效率。由于液力变矩器自动变速变矩范围不够大且效率偏 手动变速器(MT) 手动变速器,也称手动挡,即用手拨动变速杆才能改变变速器内的齿轮啮合位置,改变传动比,从而达到变速的目的。踩下离合时,方可拨得动变速杆。如果驾驶者技术好,装手动变速器的汽车在加速、超车时比自动变速车快,也省油。 自动变速器(AT) 自动变速器,利用行星齿轮机构进行变速,它能根据油门踏板程度和车速变化,自动地进行变速。而驾驶者只需操纵加速踏板控制车速即可。 一般来讲,汽车上常用的自动变速器有以下几种类型:液力自动变速器、液压传动自动变速器、电力传动自动变速器、有级式机械自动变速器和无级式机械自动变速器等。其中,最常见的是液力自动变速器。液力自动变速器主要是由液压控制的齿轮变速系统构成,主要包含自动离合器和自动变速器两大部分。它能够根据油门的开度和车速的变化,自动地进行换挡。 无级变速器(CVT) 无级变速器是由两组变速轮盘和一条传动带组成的。 因此,其比传统自动变速器结构简单,体积更小。另外,它可以自由改变传动比,从而实现全程无级变速,使汽车的车速变化平稳,没有传统变速器换挡时那种“顿”的感觉。 无级变速器属于自动变速器的一种,但它能克服普通自动变速器“突然换挡”、油门反应慢、油耗高等缺点。 变速器是法国雷诺(Renault)发明的 普通自动变速箱 优点:使驾驶轻松惬意 缺点:不够智能,相对费油,不利于改装 普通自动变速箱是自动挡车普遍使用的变速箱形式,它的简称AT(全称是Auto



词根与词缀 1.narc(o)麻醉,睡眠 narcosis 麻醉 narcolepsy 嗜眠症 2.somn(o);somn(i);hypn(o)睡 somnolent 瞌睡的,嗜眠的 hypnosia嗜眠 troph(o)营养 trophocyte 滋养细胞https://www.doczj.com/doc/0c8272077.html,ct(o)乳,乳酸 lactobacilli 乳(酸)杆菌 lactose 乳糖 4.albumin(o)蛋白(质) albuminuria 蛋白尿 protein 蛋白质,蛋白 proteinemia 蛋白血症5.gluc(o) glyc(o)葡萄糖 glucopenia 低血糖 glycogen 糖原

6.adip(o)脂 adiposis 肥胖症 adipoma 脂瘤 7.steat(o)脂,脂肪 steatoma 脂瘤 steatosis 脂肪变性 8.lip(o)脂,脂肪 lipidosis 脂沉积症 lipoma 脂肪瘤 9.orth(o)直立,正常,正 orthodontics 正牙学,正畸学 orthogenics 优生学 10.path(o)病,疾病 pathoanatomy 病理解剖学 pathology 病理学 11.gloss(o) ; lingu(o) ;stomat(o) 舌;口;口腔 stomatitis 口炎 stomatology 口腔学 12.sial(o)涎,唾液

sialosis 流涎;多綖 sialoangiitis 涎管炎 13.or(o)口 oropharynx 口咽(部) oronasal 口鼻的 14.hydr(o)水;氢 hydrothorax 胸膜腔积水 hydroa 水疱 15.dips(o)口渴 dipsosis 烦渴 dipsia 口渴 16. syn- ,sym合,同 Conception 妊娠,概念 Synchronia 同时性,同步性 Symbiology 共生学 17.gnos(o) 感知 gnosia 认识;感知 gnosis 感悟 18.onc(o)瘤,肿

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