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答:勒布朗詹姆斯的英文是:Lebron James。


Abdur-Rahim,Shareef 谢里夫-阿卜杜-拉希姆 Acker,Alex 阿莱克斯-雅克特 Allen,Malik 马里克-阿伦 Allen,Ray 雷-阿伦 Allen,T ony 托尼-阿伦 Alston,Rafer 拉夫-阿尔斯通 Anderson,Alan 阿兰-安德森 Anderson,Shandon 山顿-安德森 Andriuskevicius,Martynas 马特纳斯-安德里尤斯克维基斯Anthony,Carmelo 卡梅隆-安东尼 Araujo,Rafael 拉菲尔-阿劳约 Arenas,Gilbert 吉尔伯特-阿里纳斯 Ariza,Trevor 特雷沃-阿里扎 Armstrong,Darrell 达雷尔-阿姆斯特朗 Arroyo,Carlos 卡洛斯-阿罗约 Artest,Ron 罗恩-阿泰斯特 Atkins,Chucky 查基-阿特金斯 Baker,Vin 文-贝克 Banks,Marcus 马库斯-班克斯 Barbosa,Leandro 林德罗-巴博萨 Barron,Earl 厄尔-巴龙 Barry,Brent 布伦特-巴里 Basden,Eddie 艾迪-巴斯顿 Bass,Brandon 布兰登-巴斯 Batista,Esteban 伊斯特班-巴蒂斯塔 Battie,T ony 托尼-巴蒂 Battier,Shane 沙恩-巴蒂尔 Bell,Charlie 查理-贝尔 Bell,Raja 拉加-贝尔 Bibby,Mike 麦克-毕比 Biedrins,Andris 安德里斯-比德林斯 Billups,Chauncey 昌西-比卢普斯 Blake,Steve 史蒂芬-布雷克 Blatche,Andray 安德鲁-博拉奇 Blount,Mark 马克-布朗特 Bogans,Keith 基斯-博甘斯 Bogut,Andrew 安德鲁-博格特 Bonner,Matt 马特-博纳尔 Booth,Calvin 卡尔文-布斯 Boozer,Carlos 卡洛斯-布泽尔 Bosh,Chris 克里斯-波什 Bowen,Bruce 布鲁斯-鲍文 Bowen,Ryan 瑞安-勃文


仁爱版八年级英语上册课文翻译2020年 Unit3topic1sectionD 宠物很特别。他们可能像狗或猫平常的宠物,也可能像蛇那样危险的宠物。宠物能给主人的生活带来爱和安慰。我很喜欢的宠物是 一头猪。我称它为皮克,因为它的颜色是浅粉色。他非常聪明,我 把它养在房间里。他很干净,他喜欢水,我经常帮他在我家后院的 池塘里洗澡。他喜欢吃水果和蔬菜。他不介意他们是好还是坏。皮 克也喜欢散步,我经常带他出去散步。他总是跟着我,就像一个小 朋友。我非常爱他,他对我很重要。 Unit3topic2sectionC沃尔夫冈神童莫扎特 “你太小啦!”莫扎特的父亲说。 当莫扎特的父亲和娜奈尔离开房间后,小沃尔夫冈来的钢琴边并按下琴键。他笑了。音乐听起来非常非常优美。莫扎特听到琴声过 来看。沃尔夫冈无需任何帮助弹的很好。莫扎特的父亲觉得给他的 小儿子上音乐课。 沃尔夫冈很快和他的姐姐娜奈尔弹得一样好。他学的如此快以至于他的父亲非常高兴。但是当沃尔夫冈开始独自谱曲的时候,莫扎 特父亲很惊讶。没有人相信一个五岁的小孩会写出如此优美的曲子。他是一个神童一个天生的音乐家。 Unit3topic2sectionD 这些孩子都是音乐迷。不同的音乐使他们很开心。 Unit3topic3sectionC卖火柴的小女孩! “卖火柴,卖火柴!”小女孩低声喊着。路过的人们没人听到她 的声音,她一根火柴也没卖出去,也没人给她一个硬币。风呼呼地 吹着,雪花落在她的长头发上。她感到又冷又饿。

每个窗户都透出光来。但没卖出一盒火柴,小女孩不敢回家,因为那样她父亲会打她。 “啊,一根燃烧的火柴可能会让我暖和起来!”她想。她点燃了 三根火柴,当火柴燃烧起来的时候,她看见了一个温暖的炉子,一 只美味的烤鹅和一颗漂亮的圣诞树,但是当火光熄灭时,这一切都 消失了。然后她又点燃了第四根火柴。一个善良的老奶奶站在那儿。 “奶奶!”小女孩喊着,“带我走吧!”她的奶奶笑着把她抱起来。 在新年的清晨,小女孩躺在墙角,死啦! Unit3topic3sectionD一段有关“周末”的短史 为解决“忧郁星期一”的问题,1874年,美国人----3---。在 一点钟所有的人停止工作。这就是周末这一想法在英国开始的原因。到1930年,大多数美国机关部门在周六下午停止办公。到1940年,美国的机关部门和工作星期六---4----。于是双休日的周末开始啦。 Unit_1 SectionA1a 迈克尔:康康,你好。 康康:而且这是本学期我们学校的第一场篮球赛。 迈克尔:你来为我们加油好吗? 康康:当然,我很乐意。我希望我们队获胜。 迈克尔:我也是。 SectionB1a 迈克尔:玛利亚,你最喜爱的运动是什么? 玛利亚:当然是篮球了。 迈克尔:我也是。那你最喜欢的运动员是谁? 玛利亚:勒布朗.詹姆斯。你呢?


答案”(Answer)——阿伦·艾弗森(除了是名字的谐音以外,还包括当球队需要他的时候,把球交到手中,你将会得到需要的答案,还有个绰号叫“小鬼魂”) “拼命三郎”——阿泰斯特(还叫摄影机杀手,原因是他和教练争吵的时候一个不识好歹的记者上前凑热闹,阿泰暴怒,摄影机边惨遭不测。还有个外号叫“野兽”) “小精灵”——尼克·范·埃克塞尔 “甜瓜”(Melo)——卡梅罗·安东尼(之所以他叫甜瓜是因为安东尼,刚进NBA就得到了乔丹在内的宠爱,并且个人能力更是最棒的,所以叫做甜瓜.还有一个原因,那就是他笑若甜瓜) “老橡树”——查尔斯·奥克利 “糖果人”——奥洛沃坎迪(打球风格,软!!!) “大梦”——哈基姆·奥拉朱旺(原因就是他如梦似幻的脚步) “0号先生”或“0号特工”(G-zero)也有的人叫他“大将军”——吉尔伯特·阿里纳斯(身穿0号) “SKIP TO MY LOU(跳跃的灵魂)可译为“死魂灵””——雷弗·阿尔斯通(也叫他街球王,场上的过人神出鬼没) “AI”--阿伦.艾弗森(也叫他“答案”,在球场上只有它能给你最终的答案)B “飞猪”——查尔斯·巴克利(那么胖,又那么能跳……) “得分机器”——里克·巴里 “大怪物”——比利·保茨 “白魔鬼”——迈克·毕比(也有叫“妖精”,"圣徒"的) “蜂王”克里斯·保罗 “大鸟”——拉里·伯德(larry bird,大鸟是英文直译) “小松鼠”——伯格斯 “强盗”——蒂尼·博格斯(矮个后卫,盗球是他的一绝) “竹竿”——肖恩·布拉德利(太和他的身材贴切了,上次麦迪用他做撑竿跳灌篮呢) “蝙蝠侠”——肖恩·巴帝尔(大部分时间都默默的守候在那个黑暗的“死角”里,在那里,他给我们展示了一个又一个“三分”;前“蝙蝠侠”皮蓬已经退役,而肖恩?巴帝尔这个当今的“蝙蝠侠”当之无愧!) “小飞侠”——科比·布莱恩特(其原因是科比的空中控制能力好)


I Don’t Wanna Stay In The Bench Lebron James I be in the best of spirits when signing up for the basketball match, the students cast approvingly, fight for honor, this is our Vincent - St. Mary's high school slogan. This makes me a little ashamed, in fact, my motivation is not the game, but as a result of the basketball Saibeidina as logistics work, I do not want to miss any opportunity to get along with her. Of course, this secret no one knows, including Bettina. When we exercise, she stood in the middle of a few girls, innocently watching basketball fly, a crazy. Listen to the school girls, Bettina loved to see NBA, is a true basketball fan, especially like Johnson. I was very excited about this news, three ball Johnson is a legend, maybe, I must learn to him. So, the next exercise, I focus on the three line, hoping to use a record three points to win Bettina's heart in the course of the future. I desperately exercise, fight for love. Unfortunately, Bettina three points, she didn't jump into the basket I went, of course, is not a separate course, but her heart has been assigned. I this discrimination is based, the exercise is completed, she picked up a bottle of water in front of our captain, please allow me to the captain's name to do a secret, Bettina was still captain cheek stealthily kissed. I suddenly feel regret, if not for the basketball team, the eye does not see the net, perhaps happy! Now, dummy eat Coptis chinensis. I can only take basketball outlet, standing in the three line, the hands of the basketball direct out, playing the captain of the head, which of course he did not know the reason, just stare at me severely, and then to call, James, you are his mother give me seriously. I am a little regret, that I had done, but, Bettina suddenly get rid of behavior that the only point of my guilt. She was captain of the initiative to the bedroom, as do, I don't know, but everybody says, the captain of her love answer ignored. Everyone knows, the captain had a girlfriend, and were meant to be, Bettina insisted on horizontal thrust a foot, people really have nothing to say. So, what I do not intend to stop, but I don't like to let my heart buried a lifetime, that afternoon, when I gave the letter had written the letter to Bettina, the heart more easily, in any case, I have no regrets. The result came out very quickly, the very next day team training, I clearly saw Bettina as in the past to go to the captain 's side, I did not look down. Next week will be the contest, perhaps, my absurd measures should also is finished, I put in the basketball


勒布朗·詹姆斯(LeBron James),1984年12月30日出生在美国俄亥俄州阿克伦,美国职业篮球运动员,司职小前锋,绰号“小皇帝”,效力于NBA克利夫兰骑士队。 勒布朗·詹姆斯在2003年NBA选秀中于首轮第1顺位被克利夫兰骑士队选中。 2003-2010年,詹姆斯效力于骑士队,期间2次当选NBA最有价值球员(MVP)。2010年,詹姆斯转会至迈阿密热火队,与德怀恩·韦德以及克里斯·波什组成“三巨头”阵容。2012年,詹姆斯得到NBA个人生涯的第3座常规赛MVP,第1个总冠军和总决赛MVP。詹姆斯代表美国男篮获得了2012年伦敦奥运会金牌,追平了迈克尔·乔丹在1992年所创的纪录。 2013年,詹姆斯获得第4个常规赛MVP、第2个NBA总冠军和第2个总决赛MVP,实现两连冠。2014年,詹姆斯回归骑士,与凯里·欧文、凯文·乐福组成“三巨头”阵容。2016年,詹姆斯带领骑士逆转战胜卫冕冠军勇士获得队史首个总冠军和个人第3个总决赛MVP。 2017年06月12日,美国《福布斯》杂志公布了2017年度全球百位名人榜,美国篮球运动员勒布朗·詹姆斯(8600万美元)排名第十。[1] NBA生涯 编辑 最初的赛季 (2003年-2005年) 2003年6月27日,NBA选秀大会上,詹姆斯被骑士队挑中。[6] 7月4日,詹姆斯与骑士签订了一份为期三年、总金额1296万美元的合同。[7] 7月8日,NBA夏季联赛展开,骑士107-80战胜魔术,詹姆斯首次出现在职业比赛,得到14分,7个篮板,另有6次助攻。 [8] 10月29日,骑士在客场挑战国王,这是詹姆斯NBA生涯的第一场正式比赛,在比赛中 他取得了25分9次助攻6个篮板以及60%的投射命中率,成为高中生处子秀得分最高的球员。[9] 11月1日骑士85比104输给开拓者的比赛中詹姆斯的NBA单场比赛得分第一次低于20分——他仅得到8分,全场比赛詹姆斯12投仅3中,不过他同时贡献了6次助攻。 在詹姆斯NBA的前3场比赛中,他已经成为全队的头号得分手。[10] 2004年2月14日NBA 全明星周末进行了第一项赛事新秀挑战赛,结果二年级队凭借阿玛雷·斯塔德迈尔的出色表现以142-118大胜詹姆斯所在的一年级球队。詹姆斯得到33分。[11] 2月9日,詹姆斯成为历史上突破1000分大关最年轻的球员。3月27日19岁零87天的詹姆斯在对篮网的比赛中得到41分,成为NBA历史上拿下40+最年轻的球员。[4]詹姆斯这个赛季平均每场贡献20.9分、5.9次助攻和5.5个篮板球,帮助上个赛季只获得17场胜利的骑士战绩提高到35胜47负。骑士最后获得东部赛区的第九名。[12]是继前辛辛那提皇家队·奥斯卡·罗伯逊(Oscar Robertson)及前公牛队·迈克尔·乔丹后,NBA史上第三位于新秀球季就得到如此数据的球员。4月20日詹姆斯击败卡梅隆·安东尼获得了赛季最佳新秀称号。[12]

恋练有词 unit1资料

Live v. 居住,生活,生存,经历; a.活的,实况直播的; (live broadcast现场直播;live performance现场表演,实况演出;live video 视频直播;) living a. 活的,现存的,活跃的,逼真的;n.生活,生存; (living room客厅;make/earn a living谋生,维持生活;living condition生活条件;living environment生活环境)(复习关于“房间”的单词:n. hall way走廊;) bedroom卧室;living room客厅;dining room餐厅;guest room客房;kitchen厨房;bathroom浴室;toilet厕所;balcony阳台;study书房;garage车库;cellar地窖;attic阁楼;alive a. 活着的,有生气的;(aliveness n. 活力)(buried alive活埋) lively a. 活泼的,生动的;(liveliness n. 活泼,热烈,鲜明)(look lively行动敏捷,干劲十足) livable a. 适于居住的,生活过得有价值的;(livable environment/city/community 宜居环境/城市/社区) China's ten largest livable city 中国十大宜居城市:深圳珠海烟台惠州信阳厦门金华柳州扬州九江 livelihood n. 生计,营生;(people's livelihood民生;means of livelihood生活资料;) (-hood:抽象名词后缀,表示气质、时期、区域等概念;例如:n. likelihood可能性;falsehood虚伪;manhood男子气概;motherhood母性;childhood童年;neighborhood邻里;)liver n. 肝脏,居住者;liverish a. 肝病的,坏脾气的;(复习关于“内脏”的单词:n. (五脏六腑))heart心;liver肝;spleen脾;lungs肺;kidney肾; stomach胃;largeintestine大肠;small intestine小肠;gallbladder胆;bladder膀胱;tri-jiao三焦;liven v. 使快活,有活力;(liven up使…有生气;)(liveness n. 活性,活跃度,现场感;) unlive v. 使…丧失生命,忘却;(un-:=the reversal of an action(相反)置于动词前,表示这个动词相反的动作)relive v. 复活,再生;(revive v. 复活,苏醒;revival n. 复活,复兴;revived a. 复活的,再生的;)deliver v. 传递,给…接生;(delivery n. 递送,分娩;deliverable a. 可以传送的;deliverer n. 投递者;)(obstetrician n. 产科医生,助产师;obstetrics n. 产科;midwife n. 助产士,接生员;v. 助出生;)outlive v. 比…活得长,比…经久;(live-out a. 不留宿的;live out住在外面)(out-+v.:动词,表示“超过…”)(outweigh超过了…(能承受的);outstand突出,杰出;outrun超过,比…快;outgrow过大,成熟;outlook展望;)slow-growing fish outlive fast-growing ones欲速则不达= more haste less speed live off 依靠,依赖;live with 忍受,与…同居;live on 以...为食,靠...生活 live with oneself会心安理得的;live to oneself过孤独的生活;live by oneself独居; live alone独自生活,独居;live apart 分居;live over 再活一次; live through度过,经受过;live under隶属于,在…统治下生活; live a … life 过着… 生活;live out one's life 度过… 的一生; live and learn学无止境,活到老学到老,活得长见识多;live from day to day 得过且过; Survive v.生存,幸免;survivaln.生存,幸存;survivor 幸存者,生还者;(survive on靠…活下来,靠…生存) 动词加-al变为抽象名词:①以-e结尾,去-e加-al;②以辅音加-y结尾,变-y为-i再加-al;③以-ay/-aw结尾直接加-al approve-approval认可;arrive-arrival到达;survive-survival生存;refuse-refusal拒绝; deny-denial否定;try-trial尝试;betray-betrayal出卖;withdraw-withdrawal撤回; Exist v.生存,活着;existence n.存在,生存;existent n. 生存者;(exist on靠…生活) Reside v.居住,居留;residence n.住宅,住处;resident n. 居民,常住者;(reside in定居于) (-sid,-sed,-sess:=to sit(坐),含有定住,不动的意思;) (《Resident Evil生化危机》2002年美国推出的系列科幻电影,主演Milla Jovovich米拉·乔沃维奇。) Inhabit v.居住于,栖息;inhabitation n.居住,住所;inhabitant n. 居民,居住者;(inhabit sp栖息)Settle v.定居,安顿;settlement n.定居,和解;settler n. 移民,定居者;(settle down定居,安下心来)(settle the issue解决问题=solve the problem;figure out a solution想出办法;work out a matter解决麻烦;)(issue n. 问题,流出,发行物;v. 发行,传下;social issue社会问题;make an issue制造争端;)Dwell v.居住,存在于;dweller n. 居民;(dwell in定居于;dwell on老想着;dwell with 和…住在一起) 辨析:live:最普通用词,指固定的居住,可以是长期的,也可以是临时的。 reside:书面用词,指合法的永久性居住,也指在豪华的住宅里居住。(sit v. 坐下,位于) inhabit:强调人或动物居住在某个地区并已适应某种特殊环境。(habit n. 习惯) dwell:文学上的用词,口语中通常用live代替。(well a. 好的;n. 井;v. 涌出) settle:侧重指某人定居于城市、国家或地区,而不指居住的住所。


nba球员英文名 2009-08-14 12:47 Abdur-Rahim,Shareef 谢里夫-阿卜杜-拉希姆Acker,Alex 阿莱克斯-雅克特Allen,Malik 马里克-阿伦Allen,Ray 雷-阿伦Allen,Tony 托尼-阿伦Alston,Rafer 拉夫-阿尔斯通Anderson,Alan 阿兰-安德森Anderson,Shandon 山顿-安德森Andriuskevicius,Martynas 马特纳斯-安德里尤斯克维基斯Anthony,Carmelo 卡梅隆-安东尼Araujo,Rafael 拉菲尔-阿劳约Arenas,Gilbert 吉尔伯特-阿里纳斯Ariza,Trevor 特雷沃-阿里扎Armstrong,Darrell 达雷尔-阿姆斯特朗Arroyo,Carlos 卡洛斯-阿罗约Artest,Ron 罗恩-阿泰斯特Atkins,Chucky 查基-阿特金斯Baker,Vin 文-贝克Banks,Marcus 马库斯-班克斯Barbosa,Leandro 林德罗-巴博萨Barron,Earl 厄尔-巴龙Barry,Brent 布伦特-巴里Basden,Eddie 艾迪-巴斯顿Bass,Brandon 布兰登-巴斯Batista,Esteban 伊斯特班-巴蒂斯塔Battie,Tony 托尼-巴蒂Battier,Shane 沙恩-巴蒂尔Bell,Charlie 查理-贝尔Bell,Raja 拉加-贝尔Bibby,Mike 麦克-毕比Biedrins,Andris 安德里斯-比德林斯Billups,Chauncey 昌西-比卢普斯Blake,Steve 史蒂芬-布雷克Blatche,Andray 安德鲁-博拉奇Blount,Mark 马克-布朗特Bogans,Keith 基斯-博甘斯Bogut,Andrew 安德鲁-博格特Bonner,Matt 马特-博纳尔Booth,Calvin 卡尔文-布斯Boozer,Carlos 卡洛斯-布泽尔Bosh,Chris 克里斯-波什Bowen,Bruce 布鲁斯-鲍文Bowen,Ryan 瑞安-勃文Boykins,Earl 厄尔-博伊金斯Brand,Elton 埃尔顿-布兰德Brezec,Primoz 普里莫兹-布雷泽克Brown,Devin 迪文-布朗Brown,Kwame 夸梅-布朗Brown,P.J. P.J.布朗Brunson,Rick 里克-布伦森Bryant,Kobe 科比-布莱恩特Buckner,Greg 格雷格-巴克纳Burke,Pat 帕特-伯克Burleson,Kevin 凯文-博列森Butler,Caron 卡龙-巴特勒Butler,Jackie 杰克-巴特勒Butler,Rasual 拉休-巴特勒Bynum,Andrew 安德鲁-拜纳姆Bynum,Will 维尔-拜姆Cabarkapa,Zarko 扎克-卡巴卡帕Calderon,Jose 约什-卡尔迪伦Camby,Marcus 马库斯-坎比Cardinal,Brian 布莱恩-卡迪纳尔Carroll,Matt 马特-卡洛Carter,Anthony 安东尼-卡特Carter,Vince 文斯-卡特Cassell,Sam 萨姆-卡塞尔Cato,Kelvin 凯文-卡托Chandler,Tyson 泰森-钱德勒Cheaney,Calbert 卡尔伯特-切尼Childress,Josh 乔什-柴德里斯Claxton,Speedy 斯皮蒂-克拉克斯顿Collins,Jarron 贾伦-科林斯Collins,Jason 贾森-科林斯Collison,Nick 尼克-科里森Cook,Brian 布莱恩-库克Crawford,Jamal 贾马尔-克劳福德Croshere,Austin 奥斯汀-克罗希尔Curry,Eddy 埃迪-库里Dalembert,Samuel 萨缪尔-戴勒姆波特 Dampier,Erick 埃里克-丹皮尔Daniels,Antonio 安东尼奥-丹尼尔斯Daniels,Marquis 马奎斯-丹尼尔斯Davis,Baron 拜伦-戴维斯Davis,Dale 戴尔-戴维斯Davis,Ricky 里基-戴维斯Delfino,Carlos 卡洛斯-德尔菲诺Delk,Tony 托尼-德尔克Deng,Luol 罗尔-邓Diaw,Boris 博伊斯-迪奥Dickau,Dan 丹-迪考Diener,Travis 特拉维斯-迪安纳Diogu,Ike 伊克-迪奥古Diop,DeSagana 德萨盖纳-迪奥普Dixon,Juan 朱安-迪克逊Doleac,Michael 迈克尔-多列亚克Dooling,Keyon 基翁-杜林Duhon,Chris 克里

English Presentation-Lebron James(英语演讲-勒布朗詹姆斯)

Good morning, ladies and gentleman, I’m very glad to be here for my presentation. Today, I’m going to tell you something about this guy, Lebron James. I know most of you guys like watching NBA, so you must know him, a famous basketball player and people use to call him “King James”. Lebron joined the NBA with the first pick in 2003 NBA Draft by Cleveland Cavaliers when he was 18. Now he has been playing basketball in NBA for 14 years.He is very talented in basketball with versatile style. He can duck, shock three point, assist, rebound, steal and block, so he is the strong core of the team whether on the offense or the defense. As we know, now, Lebron has prospered in the NBA, he is the 4-times MVP, has won 3 championships, and broke a series of record. So do you think this is why I like him? Of course yes, but it is not all the reason. He is very motivated, nice and conscientious, this is why I like him all the time. Lebronhas been in NBA for 14 years, and he never experienced severe injury, many people think it is because he is too strong, but I think it is largely because his self-discipline, he keeping-fit and has a severely restricted diet day by day. Finally, I want to say that Lebron is a very nice guy. He is always approachable to fans, and made substantial donations to charity, in a word, he has a good sense of social responsibility. OK, this is Lebron James as what I know, Ithink when we evaluate a person, we should be more reasonable and objective, rather than vilify somebody without consideration. That’s all my presentation, thank you!


nba中文翻译 NBA全称为“National Basketball Association”,是美国职业篮 球联赛的简称。下面是关于NBA的中文翻译的文章,共计 700字。 NBA(National Basketball Association)是北美职业篮球联赛的缩写,始创于1946年6月6日,是世界上最高水平和专业化 程度最高的篮球联赛。NBA联赛在全球范围内享有极高的声 誉和影响力。联盟共有30支球队,其中29支来自美国,1支 来自加拿大。 NBA的中文译名为“美国职业篮球联赛”,全名翻译为“全国篮 球协会”。NBA以其激烈的比赛节奏、高水平的球员和精彩的 比赛而闻名于世。联盟拥有众多的球星,像迈克尔·乔丹、卡 里姆·阿卜杜勒-贾巴尔、拉里·伯德、魔术师约翰逊、科比·布 莱恩特、勒布朗·詹姆斯等人在联盟历史上留下了深刻的印记。 篮球运动在中国有着广泛的影响力,NBA在中国的粉丝数量 庞大,有着极高的观看率和关注度。中国篮球迷追随各支 NBA球队和球员的比赛,热衷于讨论和分析每一场比赛的胜 负走势,球员的表现等等,篮球无疑已成为中国最受欢迎的运动之一。 NBA的赛季分为常规赛季和季后赛两个阶段。其中,常规赛 季通常在10月开始,结束时间则取决于赛季的进展。常规赛 期间,每支球队都会进行82场比赛,其中41场是主场比赛,41场是客场比赛。贡献突出的球队和球员有机会参加季后赛。

季后赛是每个球队都渴望进入的关键阶段,这是一个刺激和激烈的阶段,只有16支球队能够成功进入季后赛并竞争总冠军 荣誉。季后赛比赛通常在4月下旬开始,一直持续到6月中旬,是NBA整个赛季中最精彩也最具观赏性的一部分。 NBA联盟也经营着许多商业化的活动,例如全明星赛、三分 球大赛、扣篮大赛等。全明星赛每年都吸引了众多球迷的关注,是邀请到各支球队中表现优秀的球员进行一场盛大比赛,并且还会有许多展示节目和明星表演。 除了比赛活动,NBA联盟也致力于推动篮球在全球的发展, 联盟与许多国际篮球组织合作举办国际比赛。而在中国, NBA也在发展许多项目以推广篮球运动,包括与中国篮球协 会合作、开展校园篮球和青少年训练营等。 总之,NBA作为世界上最顶级和专业化程度最高的篮球联赛,其对于推动篮球运动的发展以及促进中美体育文化交流都发挥着重要作用。无论是全明星赛、季后赛还是常规赛,NBA都 吸引了无数的球迷的关注和热爱,成为全球篮球运动的标杆。

新教材北师大高中英语 Unit2 sports and fitness课文和翻译

新教材北师大高中英语 Unit2SPORTS AND FITNESS课文和翻译 THE UNDERDOG Part 1 Paul and I were on our school basketball team, The Lions.We loved basketball and were both huge fans of the NBA.When we weren't playing on the court which was next to our building, we were watching a game on TV.My favourite player was LeBron James. Paul's favourite player was Tyrone Bogues, a guy who played for the Charlotte Hornets, although we actually agree that they are both champions. Bogues was only 1.6 metres tall,which made him the shortest player ever in the NBA.Guess what? Paul was only 1.6 metres tall, too!Paul knew that being shorter than other players meant that he had to practise more.During all those hours of doing jump shots on his own, he used Bogues as his inspiration .Paul once said,“If Bogues could make it,why not me?” Our coach was not so sure. Paul had to try out many times just for making the team.He was still usually on the bench,being just a replacement,which was really toughon him.Everyone knew Paul had real skills, and was someone who worked really hard and had a strong desire to play for the team.However, Paul didn't get a chance. This week, The Lions were playing our main competitors,The Bears, a team whose record this season had been perfect.They hadn't lost a single game.It would be a tough one.Paul didn't know he'd soon get the chance that he'd been waiting for. 弱者 保罗和我是我们学校篮球队,狮子队的成员。我们都热爱篮球,都是NBA的铁杆球迷。当我们不在紧挨着我们大楼的球场上打球时,我们就在电视上观看比赛。我最喜欢的球员是勒布朗·詹姆斯。保罗最喜欢的球员是蒂尼·博格斯,他曾效力于夏洛特黄蜂队,尽管我们一致认为他们都是冠军(球员)。 博格斯身高只有一米六,这使他成为NBA史上最矮的球员。你猜怎么着?保罗的身高也只有一米六!保罗知道自己比其他球员矮意味着他必须多练习。在那些自己跳投的时间里,他把博格斯当作自己的动力。保罗曾经说过,“如果博格斯能成功,为什么我不行?” 我们的教练却并不太确定。保罗多次参加选拔,方才入选球队。然而,他仍旧通常“坐板凳”作为替补队员,这对他来说是真够倒霉的。所有人都知道保罗技能出众、训练刻苦,并极度渴望为球队效力。


关于勒布朗詹姆斯的英文演讲稿 Ladies and gentlemen, I stand here today to talk about one of the greatest basketball players of all time - LeBron James. LeBron not only mesmerizes us with his incredible skills on the court but also inspires us off the court with his philanthropic endeavors and leadership qualities. Throughout his career, LeBron James has proven time and again that he is much more than just an athlete; he is a role model and a game-changer. LeBron James was born on December 30, 1984, in Akron, Ohio. Coming from humble beginnings, he faced numerous challenges growing up, but that never deterred him from pursuing his dreams. He was introduced to basketball at a young age and showed exceptional talent from the start. LeBron dedicated himself to honing his skills and improving his game, which ultimately led him to become a high school basketball phenom. In 2003, LeBron James made the groundbreaking decision to skip college and directly enter the NBA Draft. This decision was met with skepticism and criticism, but LeBron silenced the doubters by making an immediate impact in the league. He was the first overall pick by the Cleveland Cavaliers and quickly became the face of the franchise. Throughout his career, LeBron has played for multiple teams, including the Miami Heat and the Los Angeles Lakers, but it was his return to the Cavaliers in 2014 that cemented his legacy. Beyond his athletic achievements, LeBron James is a catalyst for change and social justice. He has been an outspoken advocate for


詹姆斯英文介绍加中文翻译 在当今全球化的世界里,多语言沟通已成为一种重要的技能。任何一个拥有多个语言能力的人都会被视为能够与世界各地的人交流的人才。詹姆斯是一个能够说英语和中文的人才,他的多语言技能使他在职场和个人生活中处处受益。 以下是詹姆斯英文介绍加中文翻译的步骤: 第一步:介绍自己的英语水平 我叫詹姆斯,可以说是一名英语母语者。我出生在美国,毕业于加州大学。我拥有英语本科和硕士学位,同时也有丰富的英语教学经验。我熟练掌握英语口语、听力、阅读和写作。 中文翻译: My name is James and I am a native English speaker. I was born in the United States and graduated from the University of California. I have a bachelor's and master's degree in English, and I also have extensive experience in teaching English. I am proficient in speaking, listening, reading and writing English. 我叫詹姆斯,是一个英语的语言母语者,出生在美国加利福尼亚州,毕业于加州大学。我拥有英语本科和硕士学位,并有丰富的英语教学经验。我精通英语口语、听力、阅读和写作。 第二步:介绍自己的中文水平 我对中文也非常感兴趣。我开始学习中文是因为我的妻子是中国人,我想要能够和她的家人和朋友交流。我已经学习了三年中文,可以用中文进行基本的日常交流,比如问候、点餐和购物等。 中文翻译: I am also very interested in Chinese. I started learning Chinese because my wife is Chinese, and I want to be able to communicate with her family and friends. I have been studying

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