当前位置:文档之家› 长沙学院专升本英语真题



1、—How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful?

—It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted.

A. will

B. would

C. should

D. must



2.Which do you enjoy ________ your holiday, going abroad or staying at home?

A. spending

B. to spend

C. being spent

D. spend


【解析】考查目的状语。句意:出国或者在家,你更喜欢以哪种方式度过假期呢?此题极易受enjoy后接动词-ing形式的干扰,从而错选A或C。其实,enjoy的宾语是which,即在going abroad与staying at home作出选择。to spend your holiday是作目的状语的,故选B。

3. —Where is Bob?

—He ________ to Harbin for a meeting.

A. went

B. has been

C. has gone

D. go



去了北京开会。have been to指“去过(已经回来)”;have gone to指“去了(未回来)”。根据句意,故选C。

4、This washing machine is environmentally friendly because it uses ________ water and electricity than ________ models.

A. less; older

B. less; elder

C. fewer; older

D. fewer; elder


【解析】考查比较级。句意:这台洗衣机是环保的,因为它比老型号洗衣机消耗的水和电更少。water and electricity为不可数名词,故排除C、D两项。elder年长的;older更加旧的,故选A。

5、—Mr Hu, can you tell us how to learn math well?

—Sure. But remember nothing can be learned ________ hard work.

A. by

B. at

C. without

D. for


【解析】考查介词用法。句意:—胡先生,你能告诉我怎样学好数学吗?—能,但要记住不努力学习什么也学不了。用介词without 无,没有,故选C。

6、Recycling is one way to protect the environment; reusing is ________.

A. another

B. the other

C. one another

D. one


【解析】考查代词。句意:回收是保护环境的一种方法,再利用是另一种。another通常指三者或三者以上中的另外一个,表示泛指;the other特指两者中的另一个;one another互相;one泛指一个。根据句意可知,故选A。


长沙学院专升本英语真题 1、—How’s your tour around the North Lake? Is it beautiful? —It ________ be, but it is now heavily polluted. A. will B. would C. should D. must 【答案】C。 【解析】考查情态动词表推测。句意:—你在北海周围的旅行怎么样?它漂亮吗?—它本应该是漂亮的,但是现在被严重污染了。Should在此处表示推测,意为“本应该”,故选C。 2.Which do you enjoy ________ your holiday, going abroad or staying at home? A. spending B. to spend C. being spent D. spend 【答案】B。 【解析】考查目的状语。句意:出国或者在家,你更喜欢以哪种方式度过假期呢?此题极易受enjoy后接动词-ing形式的干扰,从而错选A或C。其实,enjoy的宾语是which,即在going abroad与staying at home作出选择。to spend your holiday是作目的状语的,故选B。 3. —Where is Bob? —He ________ to Harbin for a meeting. A. went B. has been C. has gone D. go 【答案】C。 【解析】考查动词时态。句意:—鲍勃去了哪里?—他


2022年长沙学院专升本《英语写作》试卷答案 People may feel excited to master a second language andlearn different customs and new values. They may also find it difficult to get used tonew food and strange behaviors. At the same time, they feel that their experienceenables them tounderstand their own society and culture better. They begin to missthe familiar loving and comfortable environment of their home country and miss theirfamily relatives and friends at home. Writing Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition of 120 to 180 words.Youl writing should be based on the title and outline given below. Finding a Job or Pursuing Further Studies 1.有些大学生一毕业就参加工作 2.另外一部分学生毕业后继续攻读学位; 3.我的看法。 【参考范文】 Finding a Job or Pursuing Further Studies After staying on campus for many years, some students become bored and can'twait to get a job. They are eager to


【2023年】湖南省株洲市-统招专升本英语 真题(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(10题) 1.I _______ her for your girlfriend when I first saw her in your home() A.figured B.thought C.considered D.regarded 2.Only by telling the truth____________ win the trust and support of your friends() A.you did B.you can C.did you D.can you 3.By the end of last year, Rose as a manager of the company for five years(() A.works B.is working C.had worked D.will have worked 4.Even if he _____ here, he would not be able to help us() A.is B.were C.has been D.will be 5.I must tell you how ______ a letter from you() A.pleased I was to receive B.pleased I was to receiving C.was I pleased to receive D.pleased I was receiving 6.When he was asked about the missing briefcase, the man ever seeing it() A.refused B.denied C.opposed D.resisted 7.Realizing that he hadn’t enough money andto borrow from his father, he decided to sell his watch() A.not wanted B.not to want C.not wanting D.wanting not


专升本考试英语真题及答案解析 随着职业发展的要求和个人发展的需要,越来越多的人选择通过专升本考试,提升自己的学历和素质,以获得更好的职业发展机会。而英语作为一门重要的学科,在专升本考试中也起到了重要的作用。为了帮助考生更好地准备考试,下面将分享一些。 第一部分:阅读理解 阅读理解是英语考试中常见的题型之一,考生需要通过阅读一段文章,然后回答相关问题。以下是一道经典的专升本英语考试阅读理解题: Passage 1: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the concept of work-life balance. Many workers feel overwhelmed and stressed due to the demands of their jobs and the struggle to maintain a healthy personal life. Achieving work-life balance has become a top priority for professionals worldwide. Question 1: What is the main idea of this passage? A. The importance of work-life balance for employees. B. The demands of jobs and personal life on workers.

C. The importance of achieving career success. D. The growing interest in personal development. 答案解析: 本文主要讨论的是近年来工作与生活平衡的概念。第一句话提到,许多工作者因为工作的要求和维持健康个人生活的努力而感到压力和不堪重负。因此,A选项符合文章的主旨。 第二部分:完形填空 完形填空是考察考生对语境理解和词汇应用能力的题型。以下是一道专升本英语考试的完形填空题: Passage 2: In order to succeed in today's highly competitive job market, it is essential to develop strong communication skills. Effective communication not only helps individuals build strong relationships with others, but it can also lead to increased job opportunities and career growth. One key aspect of effective communication is the ability to listen __1__ to others. Question 2: A. carefully B. often


统招专升本英语考试真题及答案 一、单选题 1、Although the poem contains such pessimistic overtones and pathetic acceptance of fate, there is hope to be found in the last two lines which seem to be from()the rest A.taken apart B.set aside C.set apart D.fallen apart 2、John’s never be en to New York.() A.And hasn’t Tom B.Nor he didn’t C.Neither has Tom D.Tom hasn’t neither 3、She hardly ever leaves the house after ten at night,() A.nor does she B.does she C.so does she D.doesn’t she 4、We can()with people in most parts of the world by telephone

A.communicate B.tell C.relate D.connect 5、When she retired, she did a lot of()work for the Red Cross A.social B.portable C.prominent D.voluntary 6、The improvements in technology have()the prices of computer considerably in recent months A.brought back B.brought down C.brought on D.brought up 7、We are quite sure that we can()our present difficulties and finish the task on schedule A.get across B.get over C.get away D.get off 8、Color-blind people often find it difficult to()blue and


湖南护理专升本英语真题 一、单选题 1.-When shall we meet again -Make it day you like,it's up to you. A、one B、any C、another D、some 2.I first met Mary three years ago when we in a middle school together. A、have worked B、had been working C、were working D、had worked 3. Paul doesn't have to be made He is always a hard-working student. A、study B、to study C、studied D、studying 4. The book by a famous writer. A、was believed to write B、believed to be written C、was believed to be written D、believe to write 5.Our team the match yesterday. A、won B、beat C、defeated D、caught 6. you understand this rule, you'11 have no further difficulty. A、Once B、Unless C、Only D、Until 7.I am looking forward to from you as soon as possible. A、hear B、be hearing C、hearing D、have heard 8.-She asked you when again! -Tell her thatI'1l let her know when he . A、he came; comes B.would he come; will come C、he came; will come D、he would come;comes 9. Young as Bill Gates was, he was very good at the computer problems. A、handling B、designing C、changing D、supplying 10. The fight lasted but a few minutes, when the enemy soldiers before us for twelve miles. A、vanished B、retreated C、approached D、proceeded 1. You should not the peace of others by speaking so loudly. A、prohibit B、disturb C、collapse D、ban


专升本考试:2021专升本《英语》真题及答 案(5) 共250道题 1、What does the underlined word "case" in Paragraph 3 refer to?(单选题) A. Container. B. Evidence. C. Problem. D. Product. 试题答案:A 2、What does the underlined word“trilogy”in Paragraph 4 mean?(单选题) A. A work in three volumes. B. An imaginative work. C. A collection of stories. D. Memoirs of famous people. 试题答案:A 3、Why couldn´ t the woman stand and walk?(单选题) A. She had lost too much blood. B. She was scared. C. She drank too much. D. She had a sudden stomachache. 试题答案:C 4、请填写最佳答案()(单选题)

A. same B. special C. common D. traditional 试题答案:B 5、What is the main idea of this passage?(单选题) A. Polite behaviour varies with differentcultures. B. Less mobile societies have fewer rules. C. People from mobile societies are morepolite. D. Cultural differences are important. 试题答案:A 6、Bob doesn´t look his age.I think he´s somewhere__.(单选题) A. in forty B. in forties C. in his forty D. in his forties 试题答案:D 7、选出下列选项中划线部分读音不同的选项( )(单选题) A. symp athy B. m aterial C. cour age D. analysis 试题答案:C 8、Which of the following suggests that you have pre-diabetes?(单选题)


【2023年】湖南省长沙市-统招专升本英语 测试卷(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(10题) 1.Why can’t you do this small()for me? I’ve helped you often enough in the past https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,mand B.demand C.effort D.favor 2.A class is said rather vaguely to()group of persons sharing similar occupations and incomes, and as a consequence similar life-styles and beliefs A.consist of B.contrast with C.contribute in https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,posed of 3.We can’t ________one to change the habits in a short time() A.hope B.wait C.expect D.imagine 4.Lin Daiyu is so _____ that she even cries for the falling flowers in spring () A.impressive B.sensitive C.sensible D.attractive 5.After()seemed ages, the newsman disclosed the facts A.there B.which C.what D.that 6.Professor Black has us ________ compositions every day() A.to write B.write C.written D.writing 7.As population increases,() A.industrial output also does B.as industrial output does C.industrial output does too D.so does industrial output


2023年湖南省常德市-统招专升本英语真题 (含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(10题) 1.They are very jealous()his reputation A.of B.at C.for D.against 2.Alexander tried to get his work__________in the medical circles() A.to recognize B.recognizing C.recognize D.recognized 3.Some people believe that nuclear power poses a threat to the world peace () A.does B.do C.have D.has 4.__________ is known to all, too much stress can cause disease() A.Which B.That C.It D.As 5.When she retired, she did a lot of work for the Red Cross() A.valid B.portable C.prosperous D.voluntary 6.John and I ______ friends for eight years. We first got to know each other at a Christmas party. But we ______ each other a couple of times before that () A.had been; have seen B.have been; have seen C.had been; had seen D.have been; had seen 7.—What does encyclopedia mean, John? —Sorry, I have no idea. You’d betterin the dictionary()


(2023年)湖南省长沙市-统招专升本英语 真题(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(10题) 1.It was already ten o’clock in the evening()we arrived at the hotel A.since B.while C.that D.when 2.The Blacks are _____ people in the little town() A.possible the richest B.the much richest C.the richest by far D.by far the richest 3.Teachers have free_____ to the library that can provide a lot of data() A.admission B.access C.account D.approach 4._____ with developed countries,some African countries are left far behind in terms of people’s living standard() https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,pare B.To compare https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,pared https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,paring 5.()that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent A.So clever are the construction robots B.So clever the construction robots are C.Such construction robots are clever D.Such clever construction robots are 6.Never _________ the farm work before, because he has lived in the city since he was young()


(2022年)湖南省长沙市-统招专升本英语 真题(含答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(10题) 1.She is one of the top students in her class she studies very hard() A.because B.so C.unless D.though 2.Some expensive drugs can be economical() A.at long last B.in the long way C.in the long run D.at long length 3.Our department has a large collection of books, _____ are in English() A.many of which B.many of them C.many ones D.their many 4.She is that she can make much progress in the math exam() A.so a clever girl B.such a clever girl C.so clever girl D.such clever girl 5.Many teenagers feel no difficulty()computer A.to learn B.learn C.in learning D.learned 6.—I’m sure Andrew will win first prize in the final exam. —I think so. He_____ for it for months() A.is preparing B.was preparing C.had been preparing


2023年湖南省长沙市统招专升本英语自考 测试卷(含答案带解析) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(20题) 1.We are quite sure that we can our present difficulties and finish the task on schedule() A.get across B.get over C.get away D.get off 2.She missed the train because she had been ____ the traffic jam() A.stuck in B.struck in C.struck to D.stuck to 3.He is()by far, and will be for a time , the best basketball player in the history of the game https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,ing B.to come C.to have come D.to be coming 4.I bought a new bicycle, _____ was very high() A.the price of which B.which price C.price of which D.which the price 5.Five days enough for us to complete the assignment() A.have B.are C.is D.has 6.It is believed that a man is innocent until he is guilty() A.to prove B.proved C.having been proved D.to have proved 7.Would yo u join us in the picnic this afternoon? Oh, _____, but I have an appointment() A.I'd love B.I'd love it C.I'd love to D.I'd love to do


专升本英语真题及答案 Part IV Vocabulary and Structure (1 point each。30 points in total) ns: There are 30 XXX appropriate word or words from the four choices marked A。B。C。and D。then write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.Will you speak louder so that people can hear you。 2.The car industry cannot XXX。 3.I had considerable difficulty persuading her to go out for a drink with me。 4.Mr。Black。our new English teacher。is strict but kind。 5.Reading China Today is a good way of improving our English。 6.If I were you。I wouldn't miss the XXX. 7.Those who want to attend the meeting should fill in the form.

8.After being interviewed for the job。the interviewees will be required to take a health check. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,pared with our small flat。Bill’s house seemed like a palace. 10.- Each of the hard-working students hopes to go to college. So do we. 11.XXX most of his words. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,nguage is a tool by means of which people XXX. 13.XXX't have XXX. 14.He is pleased with what you have given him. 15.XXX. 16.It is XXX.


2023年湖南省衡阳市统招专升本英语自考 真题(含答案带解析) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(20题) 1.What we want to know is he will come to give us a speech tomorrow() A.if B.whether C.that D.which 2._______ tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao() A.Whatever the weather is like B.Whatever is the weather like C.However is the weather like D.However the weather is like 3.the fog,the crew can distinguish the coastline fairly well() A.In spite of B.Because of C.Instead of D.On account of 4.To a great_____ , the way you learn at college is different from that when you were in high school() A.amount B.extent C.reason D.goal 5.can be good at something for 40 years if he doesn't love it() A.Anybody B.Everybody C.Nobody D.Somebody 6.Every boy and every girl their parents to give them more pocket money() A.expects B.expect C.have expected D.are expecting 7.I decide to leave the company next month, where I for exactly three years () A.work B.is working C.will be working D.will have worked


2021年湖南省普通高校专升本考试英语真题 姓名年级学号 题型选择题填空题解答题判断题计算题附加题总分得分 评卷人得分 一、Vocabulary and Structure 1.Jane hadn’t been to London before. ______ had her husband. A.Neither √ B.Either C.So D.Or 2.No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news. A.when B.than √ C.then D.until 3.Mr. Cook has not commented ______ these reports. A.in B.of C.with D.on √ 4.It is ______ to stare directly at the sun.

A.harmful √ B.harmless https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,fortable D.safe 5.It’s no use ______ with a drunken man. A.argue B.to argue C.arguing √ D.being argued 6. The program on education is ______ watching. A.worthy B.worthily C.worthiness D.worth √ 7. ______ the garden, the old man went to have a rest. A.Having been watered B.Watering C.Having watered √ D.Being watered 8. Her ______ to the job left her with very little free time. A.devotion √ B.faith C.trust D.interest 9.The children have been ______ since their father left. A.out of style B.under control C.out of control √ D.in style 10. It is reported ______ great changes have been made there. A.which

湖南大学自考专升本 英语(二)真题及答案

湖南大学自考专升本 英语(二)试题及答案 一、Vocabulary and Structure(10 points,1 point for each item)从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并在答题卡上将相应的字母涂黑。(转自https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,) 1.Experts have found that normal sleep can be divided into five______stages. A.moderate B.initial C.distinct D.advanced 答案:C 2.The student_____described the beautiful mountains and rivers in his home town. A.artificially B.vividly C.critically D.viciously 答案:B 3.What her grandfather said left a_____impression on her mind.She still remembers it. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html, A.final B.vague C.deep D.main 答案:C 4.By the end of next year the bridge _____. A.is to complete B.has been completed https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html, C.will be completing D.will have been completed 答案:D 5.We have greatly _____the procedure according to the chairmans suggestion. A.stimulated B.perceived C.obscured D.simplified 答案:D


湖南省长沙市成考专升本2022-2023学年 英语自考真题(附答案) 学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________ 一、单选题(30题) 1. ______today, be would get there by Friday. A.Were he leave B.Was be leaving C.Were he to leave D.If he leaves 2.The scientists all agreed that rules of physics, ______ we are all familiar, govern the world A.to which B.on which C.which D.with which 3.We can assign the work to__________is reliable. A.whose B.whom C.whoever D.whomever 4. —There must be a dozen pens in this house but I can never find one when I need them. —Keep looking. ______ is sure to turn up. A.One B.It C.That D.This 5. I can never forget ______ the famous actress during her visit to our school. A.having been met B.to meet C.to have met D.meeting 6.Mary,_________ here——everybody else,stay where you are. https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,e https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,es C.to come https://www.doczj.com/doc/0f19478348.html,ing 7.—Has the wallet been returned yet? —No,but we expect ______ any day now. A.to return it B.it to return C.it to be returned D.it returned

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