当前位置:文档之家› 雅思经验:大作文开头实用写法







Thanks totechnological advances, we have spawned numerous products like the computersand the Internet and thus altered our lifestyles completely. However, somepeople argue that the recent technologies have destroyed the bond betweenfamilies and friends and brought much more negative effects to the society.Personally, I would disagree.




Shoppinghas become a favorite pastime for some young people. Do we need to encourageyoung people to do something more useful in their free time? What is youropinion?



People arenow able to perform everyday tasks such as shopping, banking, businesstransactions without meeting others face-to-face. What are the effects on bothindividuals and the society as a whole?

这个考题的核心词汇就不如之前那个题目那么容易找到了,我们需要具备一定的概括能力才能使用诸如modern lifestyle或者e-commerce之类的词来作为第一句话的主语。同时,在题目中它涉及的几个例子,像在线银行交易,网购等其实也可以作为主语,2类主语选择的区别我想大家应该可以通过前面一个例子的分解明白了吧?


Televisionis a powerful tool of communication.



Computersare now essential in our daily life.

之前我们提到了背景导入句如果已经将题干充分导入进作文中的话,则无需继续进行背景描述,但若没有做到这一点,我们则需要继续导入,这时候我们一般会使用2种方式,第一种是直接给出一个第三方观点,或者也叫做甲方乙方的观点;另外一种方式则是通过因果关系继续发展背景导入句,使其充分将题干引入。我们先来将上篇中使用的2个考题的引言段补写完整:It is truethat our tiny individual actions often seem insignificant compared to the scaleand complexity of global environmental problems such as pollution,deforestation and depletion of natural resources. But that does not relieveour duty as individuals to do as much as we can to deal with these problems.


Theconstruction of new sports facilities are definitely needed in an environmentwhere peoples health is in a declining state. However, there are those whobelieve that the way to improving peoples health should lie in other measuresthat governments have to come up with to get people to live more healthily.



Newspapershave become an enormous influence on peoples ideas and opinions. Why is thisthe case? Is it a desirable or undesirable situation?

从这个题干中,我们可以提取的名词为newspaper; media等,经过一定的扩展,可以写出下面的背景导入句:

In almostevery modern society, newspapers have been playing an essential role in shaping peoples thoughts on a wide range of issues and are always regarded as an indispensable source of information.

在这个导入句里,我们分别使用了2个主谓宾的简单句组合成了一个并列句,第一个句子从主语的影响/作用入手;而第二个句子则使用被动语态作为意思的切入方法。再加上了状语等修饰成分的扩展,从而写出了以上这个背景导入句。从效果来说,这个句子的意思已经将题干的内容充分引入到了文章里,因此,我们只需要在这个句子后直接给出自己的观点或主题即可:In myopinion, this complex phenomenon can be boiled down to several key factors, andboth its positive and negative aspects need to be analyzed thoroughly.


此外,在写观点导入句时我们还需注意几点:一是观点导入句表示的是甲方或乙方的观点,因此在主语的选择上不能太绝对,不能出现all the people; most people等词;第二是观点导入句一般只需要写一个即可,不要同时将所有观点都导入进你的作文,否则可能会使文章观点不清晰和臃肿。第三点是观点导入句的写作目的是为了简化后面的主题句,因此,当你写完一个观点导入句后,主题句通常只需要对其表达赞同或反对即可,而无需重新再把立场讲一遍。最后一点要注意的是观点导入句是可写可不写的。下面我们来看一个例子:

Somepeople argue that the technology such as mobile phone (cell phone) destroyssocial interaction. Do you agree or disagree?

Technologicaladvances in the past decades have changed the lifestyles around the world andspawned new products such as mobile phone, the Internet, to name just a few. However,some people argue that social interaction has been influenced and evendestroyed by those latest technologies. Personally, I strongly oppose this statement.


最后,笔者再来说一下主题句的写法,其实这个环节已经比较容易了,我们只要记住常用的几种主题句的句型即可。一般来说,跟在观点导入句后的主题句我们都用简单句来写,只需要表达赞同或者反对的态度;而跟在背景导入句后的主题句,我们则可以使用宾语从句,表语从句等名词性从句来写,如:I agree that...; My view is that...等。


雅思大作文开头段模板 第一大模板法:①引题+ ②一方观点+另一方观点+ ③我方观点 ①引题:九大引题方法 一:①在谈到……时,人们对于这个充满争议的话题所持的观点各不相同。 ①When talking about (/it comes to /it refers to) _____, people’s opinions are divergent on such a controversial 有争议的issue. 有分歧的 二:①最近经常辩论的一个问题是…… ①A much debated issue these days is whether …… ①There is a public (/general) debate (/discussion/ controversy) today (/nowadays) on (/about/ over/ as to) the problem (/issue) of …… 三:①最近……的问题已经引起了人们广泛的争议。 ①Recently the problem(/issue)of _____ + has drawn(/aroused) public (/worldwide) attention. + has caused(/aroused) wide (/general/ considerable/ international) concern. + has arisen(/loomed up/ cropped up) as controversial(/as noteworthy/ more distinctly for settlement). 四:①近来……的问题已经广为天下人所知。 ①Recently the issue(/problem) of ……has been in the limelight (/brought into focus/ brought to public attention/ posed among the general public). 在公众的注意之下 五:①在过去的……年里,很多城市面临了……的严重问题。 ①In recent(/ the past ……) years, many cities (/nations/ people) have been faced with (/plagued with/ troubled with/ experienced/ witnessed/ undergone) the(/a/an) serious problem of(/acute shortage of/ alarming increase in) …… 六:①如今我们国家面临的最为紧迫的任务之一是…… ①One of the burning(/pressing/interesting) problems facing (/confronting/ troubling) our nation (/society/ world/ community) today is that …… 七:①现在很多人谈论的最热门的话题之一是…… ①One of the biggest issues(/ hottest topics/ most popular things/ most serious problems)many people talk (/complain) about now is …… 八:①随着…… ①With the rapid(/marked/ amazing) development(/increase/improvement/expansion/growth/ decline) of __, ①With the general(/growing/ common) recognition (/realization/ acknowledgment) of _____, ①With the general (/growing/ common) commitment (/devotion/ dedication) to_____, ①With the general(/growing/ common) interest in(/concern over/ enthusiasm for)_____, ①With _____ playing an increasingly big role in _____, a growing number of _____. ①With _____ attaching much importance to _____, an increasing number of _____. 九:①如今有一种……趋势。 ①Nowadays(Currently/ Recently), there is a growing (/ unhealthy) tendency to (/in/ that) …… ②一方观点+ 另一方观点:两大表述方法 一:②一些人认为……,另一些人认为……。


【表格的写法】 开头段: 中间段:1. 分析“行” 2. 分析“列” 结尾段:重述或补充说明总体特征(也可不写) *在描写行和列时注意避免重复,后写的可以概括一些 The table gives a breakdown of the different marriage figures in the UK during a long period from 1950 to 2000. The number of first marriages was 330 thousand in 1950, increasing steadily for the following two decades and peaking at 389 thousand in 1970. However, from then on, it experienced a sharp fall to 180 thousand in 2000, the lowest of the whole period. Similarly, the number of re-marriages had generally increased from 78 thousand in 1950 to a peak of 140 thousand in 1980, though its lowest point (58,000) was reached in 1960. The following decade from 1990 to 2000 witnessed an insignificant decrease to 126,000. Since marriages are a sum of first marriages and re-marriages, it can e clearly seen that the trend of marriage saw an overall slump, with its record low (306,000) in 2000, about a third less than its peak (471,000) in 1970


雅思口语part2中不建议背诵范文 背诵的痕迹如果比较明显在雅思口语中是很不利的,下面一起来看看有哪些需要注意的吧! 雅思口语part 2中不建议背诵范文 有很多同学常常觉得雅思口语考试从6分到7分是一个不可逾越的鸿沟,其实大家如果能够将自己的语言丰富一些,细节描述更多一些,获得7分以上,还是很有机会的。 对于一些描述性的雅思口语part 2题目,不少同学表示可说的内容比较少,所以在2分钟之内的表达显得干巴巴的,没有什么实质性的东西。事实上,如果能够提升自己对于细节的专注程度,在part 2的考试中能够令人眼前一亮。 我们以“描述你在特殊场合穿着的衣服”这个话题为例。如果仅仅描述一件衣服,那么可说的内容很少。但是如果我们更加专注于如何描述这件衣服的背景和增添一些比较地道的描述,那么实际的效果是大不相同的。仅以下文为例,供广大考生参考。 Describe a piece of clothing you wear on a special occasion Key points:Graduation,school,pink dress,accessory, Actually,in my high school,students are required to wear the school uniforms each day at school. Everyone looks the same to a great extent.【程度的描述】No one's special. So after a while,we all have the similar physical features. Baggy pants,oversized jackets,and big glasses on our faces,【生动的描述】of course【的语序】. Lucky enough【选取比较自然的连接词】,we had a graduation ceremony,and the high school allowed us to wear something casual 【转换词性】on that very day. For this special day,I picked up a really nice dress. My mum and I found it at an elegant shopping mall,which was stunning in the store window.【还是细节描写,而且增添了背景故事】I had my eyes on that dress immediately. It was a pink dress with a black leather belt,which was neither too fancy nor too formal.【加入形容的部分】It boasts an graceful cutting style with a U-neck shape. Somehow,it reminded me of a typical Chanel dress.【加入了西方背景知识】My mum said it might be too mature for my age,but I believe it was OK.【自然


雅思写作技巧-大作文开头段经典套句 A proverb says:"..." 有句谚语说:“...” As the proverb says:"..." 如谚语说:“...” Everybody knows that... 每个人都知道... Generally speaking... 一般说来... It can be easily proved that... 很容易证明... It goes without saying that... 不用说... It is quite clear that...because... 很明显...,因为... It is often said that... 人们常说... Many people often ask this question:"...?" 很多人常问这个问题:“...?” It is ture that... ...是真实的 No one can deny that... 谁也不能否认... One thing which is equally important to the above mentioned is... 与上述同样重要的一件事是... The chief reason why... 为什么...的主要原因是... We must recognize that... 我们必须承认... There is no doubt that... 无疑... I'm of the opinion that... 我认为... In my point of view... 在我看来...

This can be expressed as follows... 这能够从以下几点说明... The reasons are presented below... 原因例举如下... To take... for an example... 以...为例... Therefore we should realize that... 所以我们应该了解... We have reasons to believe that... 我们有理由相信... Now that we know that... 既然我们知道... What is more serious is that... 更严重的是... Anyway,I agree with the idea of... 不管怎样,我同意... I side with the latter opinion... 我同意后一个观点... In a word... 总来说之... In conclusion... 由此得出结论... On account of this we can find that... 由此我们能够知道... The result is depend on... 结果视...而定 Therefore,the findings reveal the following information... 所以,这些发现揭示了以下信息... Thus,this is the reason why we must... 所以,这就是我们为 什么必须... To sum up... 总来说之...


雅思大作文开头最实用写法 关于雅思考试大作文,多考生担心写不出好的议论文开头,或者担心写出来的内容千篇一律,无法吸引考官的眼球。 为此,不少同学苦练各种个性化开头或者冥思苦想高级词汇。但真正上了考场,这些都是浮云。要在考场中写出最实用且又不会雷同又可以顺利引出下文的开头其实很容易,看了笔者接下来的分析,大家就一定可以掌握。 导入句和主题句,二者缺一不可。而导入句又分为背景导入句和观点导入句。考虑到主题句和观点导入句都是属于非常简单的环节,笔者接下来将重点讲解背景导入句的写法。我们先来看一个引言段:Thanks totechnological advances, we have spawned numerous products like the computersand the Internet and thus altered our lifestyles completely. However, somepeople argue that the recent technologies have destroyed the bond betweenfamilies and friends and brought much more negative effects to the society.Personally, I would disagree. 这是一个标准的50字左右的雅思大作文引言段,应该说总体写得还是很流畅的,比如它的导入句意思衔接合理,观点鲜明且导入题目充分,所以这样一个引言段若是能够在考场中写出来的话应该可以满足大部分考生的期望。然而,如果我们深入分解了这个引言段后,我们其实不难发现,写法技巧上非常朴实,第一个句子是对于题目的背景描述,第二个句子给出了第三方的立场,而最后一个句子表明了自己的态度。这样一气呵成的写作方式就是笔者马上会给大家详细介绍


雅思小作文类型解读 雅思小作文共有六类,即柱状图,线图,饼图,表格图,流程图以及地图。对于不同类型的小作文考生是否完全掌握了呢?本文就为大家解读雅思小作文类型,把这些不同类型的小作文进行划分,以便帮助考生更好的理解。 一、按照是否有数据来分,即数据统计类与非数据类。 数据统计类包括柱状图,线图,饼图,表格图。通常在这几种类型的图中会给出一些数据,考生要进行客观分析与描述,这就要求考生掌握相关的词汇、句式或是一些数据分析方法了。不管是在数据表达上还是数据分析上,一旦出错,会让考官觉得考生的用词不到位或是逻辑有问题了,也会在一定程度上影响分数。因此,考生要格外注意。 非数据类则指的是流程图与地图。这两类虽然不需要进行数据分析,但却是让考生非常苦恼的两类作文,原因在于中国雅思考生对这两类作文接触的不多,所以想要完全突破,还需多投入时间与精力。 二、按照是否有时间推移变化来分,即动态图与静态图。 动态图: 有时间推移变化的图我们通常叫做动态图。在六类题型中,线图为动态图,但是对于表格图,饼图和柱状图却有动态和静态之分,流程图与地图则无动静态之分。对于大多数的动态图我们都可以大致当作线图来处理,动态图的重点在于数字变化的表达上,考生要懂得利用主语句型的不同和衔接词来展开。 不同类的题目有不同的解题思路,考生也要熟悉掌握。比如表格题的动态题解题思路为:先把数据相减,也就是年份大的减去年份小的;之后在进行分类,例如表示上升的归为一类,表示下降的分为一类;然后在再其中挑出极值,如最大值和最小值;此外,还要挑选出数值,数值指的是表示倍数

关系或是变化明显的数值。再如动态饼图的写作,更多的是按照扇形面积变化幅度的大小关系,按照从大到小的顺序来写的。考生可以把图形中的每种颜色看作是一条线,然后把相同、相反的颜色放在一起写,很多时候也可以把占的比例最大的单独写一部分。 静态图: 静态图常见的是柱状图,饼图和表格图,无时间推移变化。此类的写作思路相对比较多元化,重点在比较关系上,利用比较句式和排序方式来展开。 不同题型同样有不同的写法,比如静态表格题的核心在于极值和排名情况,即Task Achievement 的要求,但如果要拿高分,即真正漂亮的写作中必须要有明确的趋势表达,这一内容建议放在文中的第二段。另外,数据的比较也是一个重要的拿分点。所以,此类题型的写作思路可以为第一段用一句话概括介绍图表内容,第三段进行分类详述,第四段总结概括。熟悉掌握各类题型写法的话考生还是要多加练习。 以上就是雅思小作文类型解读的详细内容,不管是哪一种类型,考生在平时要用心准备,相信考生一定可以取得满意的雅思成绩,更多雅思备考经验我们将会陆续为大家更新,欢迎咨询我们的热线电话400-890-6000。


以下是我的整理资料,基本上都是自己一个个字从电脑上打上去的,决不是随便从哪个网站上抄来的,请大家熟练背诵,书信写作的开头结尾部分再不是问题! 1. 一般开头 How is everything going with you? I am writing to extend my heart-felt thanks to you for …(感谢) Thank you for your letter of February 8 informing me that I have been accepted by yo ur college. But I must apologize to you for… (道歉) I am writing to inform you that ... (通知) I am writing to seek your assistance in… to request to(请求) I am writing to express my views on … (建议) I am writing in response to your… (回应) I am writing to apply for the scholarship that your department offers to students fr om other countries. (申请) I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regardi ng…(咨询) I am writing to express my disappointment/dissatisfaction about … to complain about …(抱怨) I am writing to lodge a claim for the suitcase I lost on my journey to … (挂失) I have learned from…that you are looking for …. And I am writing to recommend …fo r the post.(推荐) 补充句型:I am writing this letter for the purpose of doing sth. (较为正式) 2. 表达感谢的句型 I am most grateful to you for your… I am writing this letter to express my sincere gratitude for… I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks for… I feel greatly indebted to you for …. I am writing to tell you how greatly I appreciate all you have done for me. But for your kind assistance, I would have … I must thank you again for your generous help. My thanks to you for you generous help are beyond words. Please accept my deepest gratitude. 3. 表达道歉的句型


15句逻辑框架 Some people think that universities should provide graduates with the knowledge and skills needed in the workplace rather than pure knowledge. To what extent do you agree or disagree. 第1句:背景介绍

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purpose of university education. 现在,越来越多的人关心大学教育的目的。 Explanation: ●Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the phenomenon that … ●Nowadays, an increasing number of people are concerned about the purposes that university education serves. ●Nowadays, more and more students are concerned about what they will learn in the universities. ●Universities are one of the most important institutions in modern society. 如果很难再短时间内想出第一句内容,就直接表达观点,两句话写完首段。 ●I agree with this opinion. Reasons are as follows. 我赞同的观点是……原因如下。 第2句:交代辩论话题 A. “是否应该……” However, whether universities should mainly provide job-related skills to graduates is a controversial issue. 但是,大学是否应该主要提供给学生工作相关的技能是一个饱受争议的话题。


雅思作文常见开头结尾形式 注:如下方式,雅思写作针对性强,且略带模板印迹,同学应在充分理解结构的基础上,用上面的方法去灵活写作 雅思大作文第一段一定要包括这样三个基本要素:“背景句”,“话题”和“观点”。这三个部分是完整统一的,一定不能忽略。 第一,背景句:背景句主要起到引题的作用,但要紧密联系题目中的话题。其方法是围绕题干中的关键词或核心词展开。 背景句的写作方法: 1 联系社会背景:任何一个话题肯定都于一定的社会发展息息相关,所以联系关键词的社会背景是一种最简单、最常用的方法。具体可以有以下5种句式: 1) The 21st century witnesses --- 2) With the development of science and technology,--- 3) In modern society, --- 4) It is quite common these days that --- 5) Recently,--- 例如:There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones? 参考背景句: The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to a series of technological innovations, including the mobile phone. 或with the development of science and technology, the mobile phone is more and more available to and popular with common people. 2 重述话题:有的时候题干里是有一个背景介绍的,这时候我们只需将题目所给话题重新复述一遍即可。但切忌原样照搬照抄,不过可以将原文中的词汇和句式进行同义转换。转换句型可以有以下三种. 1) it is generally believed that --- 2) it is said that--- 3) it is reported that--- 例如:Nowadays, people are facing more and more work-related stress. State the possible reasons for this phenomenon and make some recommendations about how to combat it. 参考背景句: It is generally believed that individuals are confronted with psychological and physical stress coming from work. 3解释中心词: 即将中心词进行解释或展开说明。此种方法一般适合容易下定义的词比如图书馆。可以有以下三个句型: 1)It is known to all that --- 2)As is known to all, --- 3)--- is known as--- 例如:The main purpose of public libraries is to provide books and they should not waste their


满分雅思大作文赏析 对于雅思写作的复习,一些雅思大作文范文,例文还是很有必要自己观摩的,为此小编特收集整理了这篇雅思大作文九分例文点评,分享给大家。希望考生能从中总结出对自己有用的知识点。 满分雅思大作文赏析 范文第一段: C h i l d r e n w h o g r o w u p i n f a m i l i e s w h i c h a r e s h o r t o f m o n e y a r e b e t t e r p r e p a r e d t o d e a l w i t h t h e p r o b l e m s o f a d u l t l i f e t h a n c h i l d r e n w h o a r e b r o u g h t u p b y w e a l t h y p a r e n t s.T o w h a t e x t e n t d o y o u a g r e e o r d i s a g r e e? S o m e f e e l t h a t t h e c h i l d r e n o f l o w i n c o m e f a m i l i e s a r e b e t t e r e q u i p p e d t o d e a l w i t h d i f f i c u l t i e s p o s e d b y t h e r e a l w o r l d w h e n t h e y g r o w u p a n d t h e y a l s o b e l i e v e t h e p r i v i l e g e d c h i l d r e n o f w e a l t h y f a m i l i e s a r e l e s s f i t t o d e a l w i t h t h e s e d i f f i c u l t i e s .T h e i m p l i c a t i o n s a n d v e r a c i t y o f t h i s a r g u m e n t s e e m s e l f-e v i d e n t,b u t i n f a c t r e q u i r e c l o s e r e x a m i n a t i o n.(58w o r d s) 名师点评:


雅思作文背景句应该怎么写?这是很多考生困扰的地方。怎样写出一个好的开头而让考官眼前一亮?下面介绍了几种方法供同学们选择。 [1] 背景与方法介绍 [2] 背景句型介绍 --------------------------------------- 三方面介绍背景句: I 背景介绍: 在具体写作的过程中,考生要遇到的第一步事情应该是引言段的写作。俗话说,万事开头难。很多考生不知道如何开头,浪费时间,导致无法在规定时间内完成250个单词的大作文。其实,就笔者归纳,引言段可先通过对background 的描写来引出话题。 II Background 方法介绍 笔者就从教来的总结归纳来介绍Background的写作,认为应该从内容同句型上同时做到补充。下面先给大家介绍下扩充背景句的方法: 1). 追根溯源法。即从题目给出的话题中找出这个现象产生的原因来扩展背景句。这种方法适合大多数的话题,考生要尽量在考前做练习,这样在考试就可以得心应手了。 请看下面的例子: There are social, medical and technical problems associated with the use of mobile phones. What forms do they take? Do you agree that the problems outweigh the benefits of mobile phones? (高分范文P76) 这个题目中给出的话题是mobile phone,所以考生可以从它产生的原因来考虑,就是科技的繁荣,而科技的繁荣,手机的广泛使用是在20世纪末,这样背景句就有内容可写了。当然要通过相应的句型来写了。如 … (time) witnessed … 这个背景句就可以写成:The late 20th century witnessed the boom of science and technology, which gave rise to a series of technological innovations, including the mobile phone. 再看一例: Nowadays, some universities offer students skills that assist them to find employment, but some people believe that the main function of a university should be to provide students with access to knowledge for its sake. What is your opinion? 这题要求大家讨论大学是提供职业技能还是传授知识。那从传统观点来看,大学是传授知识的地方,为什么会提出要传授技能呢,所以这里考生也可以用追根溯源法思考下,大家肯定可以想到是由于找


小作文功能句型 表示上升: (1) The house price increased / grew / went up / rose / soared by *** / to ***. (2) The number of overseas students increased steadily / significantly / moderately / slightly from *** to ***. (3) The decade saw / witnessed an increase/ rise in the spending on education. (4) The consumption of chicken showed / experienced a rising / upward trend during this period. (5) There was a dramatic increase in the amount of chicken consumed. 表示下降: (1) The number of Japanese tourists dropped / decreased / declined / went down / fell by *** / to ***. (2) Beef consumption has declined rapidly / significantly / sharply / steadily / moderately from *** to ***. (3) The decade saw / witnessed a decrease / decline in the spending on public service. (4) The divorce rate showed / experienced a falling / downward trend. (5) There was a slight decrease in the amount of fish consumed. “比较”表示法 (1) The consumption of beef was 70 grams more / less than that of lamb. (2) Women spent 36 hours on housework, compared with men who spent 25 hours at home. (3) The number of visitors from France was the largest in the four countries / larger than any other countries. (4) Students who watch less television have higher scores. (5) The consumption of beef ranked first in the four foods. “倍数”表示法 (1) The amount of coal consumed was three times as much as / more than that of oil. (2) The number of cars produced in factory A was three times as many as that in factory B. (3) The amount of beef consumed almost doubled / tripled, up / rising / climbing from *** to ***. (4) The percentage of female students increased four times. (5) Factory A produced three times as many cars as Factory B. 表示“平稳”或者“波动” (1) The amount of water used for agriculture remained/stayed stable/steady/unchanged for 5 years in a row. (2) The unemployment rate was flat at 6%. (3) The house price stabilized at a high level from 1998 to 2000. (4) The power consumption fluctuated in this period.


雅思大作文开篇如何让人眼前一亮 雅思写作除了词汇量要达到以外,还有很多提分点的哦。出guo 为雅思栏目大家带来雅思大作文开篇如何让人眼前一亮,希望对大家备考雅思有所帮助! 正所谓好的开始是成功的一半,雅思大作文的写作也一次次验证了这个道理。很多同学往往不重视雅思大作文开头段的写作,只是简单套用一些现成的模板,殊不知这样已经给考官留下“背诵模板”的印象,这样一来,不仅给后面的主体段带来了巨大压力,而且人的第一印象往往是很难改变的。大作文开头段往往要包含如下几个关键内容,即,介绍背景,引出有争议的话题,阐述对立观点和陈述作者自己的观点。无论使用还是不使用模板,这几个关键信息是一定要包含在开头段落当中的,不然云里雾里,只能是适得其反。 根据这些信息,备战过的考生们一定都熟悉下面这一套开头写作流程,首先It is quite mon these days...介绍背景,或者用The issue of ... is a plex and sensitive one.这样的句型来引出有争议话题,然后千篇一律地分别介绍对立双方观点,如Some individuals believe that..., while others hold the view that...最终用Personally, I agree with...至此,内容上完美无

瑕,但恐怕考官心中已经大大打下“模板”两个字的烙印,这无疑对于想取得6分及以上的同学最不利的事情。 例如,一道雅思写作高频题目,讨论到底大学应该教授实用性课程(如计算机和商科课程)还是传统课程(如历史和地理)。我们依然按照开头段应该包含的关键信息开始写作,但是却可以这样轻松突破:These day there is a growing tendency for college students to have difficulties in finding jobs when they graduate.(介绍背景)A large number of people hold the opinion that lack of practical knowledge, among other things, contributes to this situation. In light of this, they contend that college teachers should lay more stress on practical courses than on traditional ones. (引出有争议的话题,并阐述大多数人的观点)For my part, I am in favour of their viewpoint.(作者观点)这一段写得非常灵巧,第一句结合题目背景,介绍现如今有一种趋势,即大学毕业生很难找到工作,紧接着作者陈述有许多人认为这是由于学生缺少实用性的知识,并因此提出大学应该更多关注于教授实用性的知识,这一句将有争议话题的其中一方观点用因果链条清晰阐述。最后一句表达作者自己的立场,就是支持前面大多数人的想法。总的来看,这一段只提及了对立双方的其中一方观点,然后表达自己支持这一方观点。这就是一种对于开头段模板的超越,简单可行,只对其中一方观点清晰论


雅思经验:大作文开头实用写法 关于雅思考试大作文,多考生担心写不出好的议论文开头,或者担心写出来的内容千篇一律,无法吸引考官的眼球。 为此,不少同学苦练各种个性化开头或者冥思苦想高级词汇。但真正上了考场,这些都是浮云。要在考场中写出最实用且又不会雷同又可以顺利引出下文的开头其实很容易,看了笔者接下来的分析,大家就一定可以掌握。 导入句和主题句,二者缺一不可。而导入句又分为背景导入句和观点导入句。考虑到主题句和观点导入句都是属于非常简单的环节,笔者接下来将重点讲解背景导入句的写法。我们先来看一个引言段: Thanks totechnological advances, we have spawned numerous products like the computersand the Internet and thus altered our lifestyles completely. However, somepeople argue that the recent technologies have destroyed the bond betweenfamilies and friends and brought much more negative effects to the society.Personally, I would disagree. 这是一个标准的50字左右的雅思大作文引言段,应该说总体写得还是很流畅的,比如它的导入句意思衔接合理,观点鲜明且导入题目充分,所以这样一个引言段若是能够在考场中写出来的话应该可以满足大部分考生的期望。然而,如果我们深入分解了这个引言段后,我们其实不难发现,写法技巧上非常朴实,第

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