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浙江省天台县平桥第二中学2020届高三英语 上学期阅读理解备考复习1

浙江省天台县平桥第二中学2020届高三英语 上学期阅读理解备考复习1
浙江省天台县平桥第二中学2020届高三英语 上学期阅读理解备考复习1



Th e Healthy Habits Survey(调查)shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice.

1.How many times did you brush your tee th yesterday?

·Finding:A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day.

·Step:Remove the 300 types of bacte ria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes, at least twice a day.

2.How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday?

·Finding:Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30%wash their hands only 4 times a day---half of the number doctors recommend.

·Step:We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day---often inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes. Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most important, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds.

3. How often do you think about fighting germs?

·Finding:Seniors are not fighting germs as well as they should.

·Step:Be aware of germs. Do you know it is not your toilet but your kitchen sponge(海绵)that can carry more germs than anything else? To kill these germs, keep your sponge in the microwave for 10 seconds.

56. What is found out about American seniors?

A. Most of them have good habits.

B. Nearly 30%of them bathe three days a week .

C. All of them are fighting germs better than expected .

D. About one third of them brush their teeth only once a day.

57. Doctors suggest that people should wash their hands .

A. twice a day

B. three times a day

C. four times a day

D. eight times a day

58. Which of the following is true according to the text ?

A. We should keep fr om touching our faces .

B. There are less than 300 types of bacteria in the mouth .

C.A kitchen sponge can carry more germs than a toilet .

D. We should wash our hands before touching a door handle .

59. The text probably comes from .

A. a guide book

B. a popular magazine

C. a book review D .an official document


Using too much water or throwing rubbish into our rivers are clear ways that humans can put our water supply in danger ,but we also affect our water supply in less obvious ways .You may wonder how paving(铺砌) a road can lead to less useable fresh water . A major part of the water we use every day is groundwater . Groundwater does not come from la kes or rivers .It comes from underground . The more roads and parking lots we pave , the less water can flow into the ground to become groundwater . Human activity is not responsible for all water shortages(短缺). Drier climates are of course more likely to have droughts(干旱) than areas with more rainfall, but in any case, good management can help to make sure there is enough water to meet our basic needs .

Thinking about the way we use water every day can make a big difference, too. In the United States , a family of four can use 1.5tons of water a day ! This shows how much we depend on water to live, but there’s a lot we can

do to lower the number.

You can take steps to save water in your home .To start with , use the same glass for your drinking water all day .Wash it only once a day .Run your dishwasher (洗碗机)only when it is full . Help your parents fix any leaks in your home. You can even help to keep our water supply clean by recycling batteries instead of throwing them away.

60. Which of the following is most likely to lead to less groundwater ?

A. Using river water . B .Throwing batteries away .

C. Paving parking lots .

D. Throwing rubbish into lakes .


When 19-year-old Sophia Giorgi said she was thinking of volunteering to

help the Make-A-Wish Foundation (基金会), nobody understood what she was talking about .But Sophia knew just how important Make –A –Wish could be because this special organization had helped to make a dream come true for one of her best friends .We were interested in finding out more ,so we went along to meet Sophia and listen to what she had to say .

Sophia told us that Make – A –Wish is a worldwide organization that started in the United States in 1980. “It’s a charity(慈善机构)th at helps children who have got very serious illnesses. Make – A –Wish helps children feel happy even though they are sick, by making their wishes and dreams come true ,” Sophia explained .

We asked Sophia how Make – A –W ish had first started .She said it had all begun with a very sick young boy called Chris ,who had been dreaming for a long time of becoming a policeman .Sophia said lots of people had wanted to find a way to make Chris’s dream come true ----so, with everybody’s help , Chris, only seven years old at the time ,had been a “policeman”for a day . “When people saw how delighted Chris was when his dream came true, they decided to try and help other sick children too ,and that was the beginning of Make – A –Wish,” explained Sophia Sophia also told us the Foundation tries to give children and their fa milies a special, happy time. A Make-A-Wish volunteer visits the families an

d asks th

e children what they would wish for i

f they could have anythin

g in the world. Sophia said the volunteers were important because they were t

h e ones who helped to make the wishes come true. They do this either by pr oviding things

that are necessary, or by raising money or helping out in whatever way the y can.

64. Sophia found out about Make-A-Wish because her best friend had ____ ____________ .

A. benefited from it

B. volunteered to help it

C. dreamed about it

D. told the author about it

65. According to Sophia, Make-A-Wish ___________________ .

A. is an international charity

B. was understood by nobody at first

C. raises money for very poor families

D. started by drawing the interest of the public

66. What is said about Chris in P aragraph3?

A. He has been a policeman since he was seven.

B. He gave people the idea of starting Make-A-Wish

C. He wanted people to help make his dream come true.

D. He was the first child Make-A-Wish helped after it had been set up.

67. Which of the following is true about Make-A-Wish volunteers?

A. They are important for making wishes come true.

B. They try to help children get over their illnesses.

C. They visit sick children to make them feel special.

D. They provide what is necessary to make Make-A-Wish popular.


“People are ruder today because they are rushed and more ‘time poor’ than ever before,” says Patsy Rowe, “ Manners have fallen off the radar(雷达).” Due to our strong attraction to electronic equipment it is a wonder more people don’t wake up each morning and greet the singing birds with a complaint(抱怨)about the noise. Here are some examples of rudeness. Some people prefer to do almost everything over the internet. To them, dealing with an actual human is like an evolutionary step backward. It feels very slow because humans don’t work at 4G speeds. When you have dinner with friends, you will often notice someone paying more attention to his mobile phone. We have programmed ourselves to think that every new message brings life-changing news, so taking calls and checking our texts

are more important than talking to the people we are with. What is worse, some people even tend to send anonymous(匿名的)rude messages by email.

However, rudeness is never acceptable. Don’t assume it is OK to be rude if the person you’re in touch with won’t recognize you. If you have something awful to say, have the courage to face the person and say it, write a letter or email and sign it, or forget it. Upsetting people with unsigned messages is cruel and disgusting.

We shouldn’t blame technology for our shortcomings. Technology is here to help us, but we should not allow it to take over our lives. An important step is acknowledging our shortcomings. People spend a lot of time pointing out bad manners but it would be even more help if we’d publicly acknowledge good manners when we see them.

68.What can be inferred from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1?

A. People can tell good from bad behavior.

B. Radar is able to observe human behavior.

C. People care little about their behavior.

D. Radar can be used to predict human behavior.

69.Some people are less willing to deal with humans because_____________ .

A. they are becoming less patient

B. they are growing too independent

C. they have to handle many important messages

D. they have to follow an evolutionary step backward.

70.The author thinks sending unsigned awful messages is ______________ .

A. ridiculous

B. disgusting

C. acceptable

D. reasonable

71.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. We should applaud good behavior.

B. Technology can never be blamed

C. We should keep pointing out mistakes.

D. Technology will take over our lives one day.


Argentina in the late nineteenth century was an exciting place. Around

1870,it was experiencing an economic(经济的)boom, and the capital, Buenos Aires, attracted many people. Farmers, as well as a flood of foreigners from Spain and Italy, came to Buenos Aires seeking jobs. These jobs didn’t pay well, and the people felt lonely and disappointed with their new life in the city. As the unhappy newcomers mixed togethe r in the poor parts of the city, the dance known as the tango(探戈舞)came into being.

At the beginning the tango was a dance of the lower classes. It was danced in the bars and streets. At that time there were many fewer women than men, so if a man didn’t want to be left out, his only choice was to dance with another man so that he could attract the attention of the few available women. Gradually, the dance spread into the upper classes of Argentinean society and became more respectable.

In Europe at this time, strong interest in dance from around the world was beginning. This interest in international dance was especially evident in Paris. Every kind of dance from ballet(芭蕾舞)to belly dancing could be found on the stages of the Paris theaters. After tango dances from Argentina arrive in Europe, they began to draw the interest of the public as they performed their exiting dance in cafes, Though not everyone approved of the new dance, saying it was a little too shocking, the dance did find enough supporters to make it popular.

The popularity(流行)of the tango continued to grow in many other parts of the world. Soldiers who returned to the United States from World War I brought the tango to North America. It reached Japan in 1926, and in 2020 the Argentinean embassy in Seoul hired a local tango dancer to act as a kind of dance ambassador, and promote tango dancing throughout South Korea.

72. The o rigin of the tango is associated with ________________ .

A belly dances

B .American soldiers

C. a Spanish city

D. the capital of Argentina

73. Which of the following is true about the tango?

A. It was created by foreigners from Spain and Italy.

B. People of the upper classes loved the tango most.

C. It was often danced by two males in the beginning.

D.A dancer in Seoul became the Argentinean ambassador.

74. Befo re World War I, the tango spread to _________________ .

A. America

B. Japan

C. France

D. South Korea

75 What can be the best title for the text?

A. How to Dance the Tango

B. The History of the Tango

C. How to Promote the Tango

D. The Modern Tango Boom


56—59 DDCB

60—63 CBDD

64—67 AABA

68—71 CABA

72—75 DCCB


(A ) A coal-fire stove(炉灶)provided heating for Zhao Yaoqin's courtyard bungalow in a Beijing hutong all her life. This winter, however, the stove has disappeared from the 66-year-old's life, and an electric radiator takes its place beside her bed, a product of a government to use clean energy in the national capital. With the Olympics to be staged in Beijing next August, the city is determined to eliminate the use of coal within the Third Ring Road that circles the city before the Games. The project to replace the stoves with electric radiators has been part of the effort. When the city's four-month long heating season started on Thursday, coal-fired stoves, known as a big source of pollution in the big city, have disappeared from some 20,000 local households like Zhao's bungalow in the inner city "hutong" -- traditional alleyways(小巷) that date back centuries. "We used to boil water or bake bread on the stove," said Zhao, sounding sentimental(伤感) to the disappearance of the coal furnace from her life. Late in the 1990s, Beijing's air quality monitoring office found that the emissions(排放) of sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide from the hutong areas have been higher than the city's average in winter, mainly because of the coal stoves. With the project to switch to clean energy for heating launched in 1999, the emission level of the two poisonous substances decreased by 42 percent and 44 percent, respectively, this year from 2001 levels. Zhao said the fee for electrical heat for the entire winter was usually around 2,400 yuan (US$323) per household. With the government's subsidy(补贴), however, she only needed to pay about 500 yuan, nearly the same price as that for coal. 1.Zhao Yaoqin’ example in the passage is to tell us that_______. A.people in Beijing using electric radiators to welcome the Olympics. B.people in Beijing are doing something to protect the environment. C.hutongs in Beijing have a long history. D.People pay more money to use electric radiators than before. 2. The underlined word eliminate probably means________ A. cut down. B. increase. C. get rid of. D. replace 3. We can infer from the passage that ______ A. Zhao Yaoqin has a strong and deep emotion with the use of coal-fire stove. B. The government will pay most of the fee. C. The air of Beijing has been badly polluted since 1990s. D. The people do not use coal eight months in one year. 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The clean air is important when the Olympics Games is held in Beijing. B. The success of the Olympics Games depends on the clean air. C. The government spare no effort to make the environment better. D. The emission level of poisonous substances will be low in 2008.


最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻! 洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:(报名网址) Many a young person tells me he wants to be a writer. I always __1__ such people, but I also explain that there’sa big difference between "being a writer" and writing. In most cases these individuals are dreaming of __2__ and fame, notthe long hours alone at a typewriter. "You’ve got to want to write," I say to them, "not want to be a writer."The reality is that writing is a __3__, private and poor-paying affair. For every writer kissed by fortune there arethousands more whose longing is never __4__. When I left a 20-year career in the US. Coast Guard to become a freelancewriter(自由撰稿人), I had no __5__ at all. What I did have was a friend who found me my room in a New York apartment building. It didn’t even matter that it was __6__and had no bathroom. I immediately bought a used manual typewriter and feltlike a __7__ writer.After a year or so, however, I still hadn’t gotten a break and began to __8__ myself. It was so hard to sell a storythat __9__ made enough to eat. But I knew I wanted to write. I had dreamed about it for years. I wasn’t going to be one ofthose people who die wondering, what if? I would keeo putting my dream to the test----even though it meant living with __10__and fear of failure. This is the Shadow land of hope, and anyone with a dream learn to live there. A) barely B) genuine C) rewarded D) doubt E) lonely F) poverty G) persuade H) prospects I) uncertainty J)impossibly K) encourage L)awarded M) alone N)wealth O)cold 【答案】 1.选K)。此处应填动词的原形。可选项有doubt, persuade, encourage, 但由always推知,作者是在鼓励那些想要成为作家的人,而不是怀疑也不是说服,故排除doubt和persuade而选encourage。 2.选N)。由空格后的fame可知,此处应填名词。可选项有prospects和wealth,但由dreaming of 与第二段中The reality is... poor-paying可推知,那些想当作家的人梦想的是金钱和名誉,而不是前途,故排除prospects而选wealth。


Units Learning about language

Discovering useful words and expressions

1.various several different types of 2.theme _ the main subject of a talk, book, film or something else 3.preserve to keep something as it is; an area of land made available for a special group of people or animals to live in . 4.wherever to or at any place, position or situation 5.fantasy something that is pleasant to think about but is not real 6.deed action, usually a very great one or a very bad one

7length the measurement of something from one end to the other 8unique being the only one of its kind, unlike anything else 9Central加(屁middle of an area or an object 10门° wonder without doubt

■ 1. Before buying a car y my dad always looks at its engine . 2. Early American settlers were 曲 W 懿v could amusement cartoons .,仝 watcn just for . about 60 different kinds of eagles around the world, but only two kinds live in North America. is a big business for small countries like Singapore. build almost anything from wood. Both adults and children like to 3. 4. There are ^Tourism 3 ?


(英语)高三英语阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 The setting was a packed gymnasium just before the start of a game against another school. There were five girls who were members of the Danville High School basketball team—all of them starters. They were not in uniform to play that night and would not be on the team for the rest of this season. They were there to admit their breaking of team rules. They were there to support their coach's decision to take them off the team. They were there to let the town know there was a problem in their little community that needed to be addressed. And they did it with sincere regret rather than defensiveness. While the school had been out for the New Year's holiday, the five girls had gone to the party with several of their friends. There was alcohol there. And they all drank some. Coach Rainville has a zero tolerance rule on drugs and alcohol for her members though it was a hard decision to make. When classes resumed and accounts of holiday parties were shared, rumors about the five girls began closing in on them. The coach said she couldn't back down on her rules. And the players—two junior students and three senior students—agreed. That night in the gym was part of their public support of the coach's decision. “We hope you will understand that we are not bad kids. What we did was definitely not worth it. We hope this event will make everyone realize that there is a big drug and alcohol problem in our community,” one of the senior students said, “And if you work with us to try to solve this problem, you will help us feel that we have not been thrown off our basketball team for nothing.” The five left the floor to deafening applause. The team may not win another game this year. But they've learnt something about personal responsibility, the effect of one's action on others, and honesty that will serve them well throughout life. (1)It can be inferred from the passage that the five girls who were kicked off the team were ________. A. very good players on the team B. addicted to alcohol and drugs C. three junior students and two senior students D. scolded by their parents for drinking alcohol (2)What did the girls do to support their coach's decision? A. They didn't fight for Danville High School any more. B. They all gave speeches to apologize in the local press. C. They admitted their mistake in public in the gymnasium. D. They would never drink any alcohol throughout their life. (3)Which word best describes the coach Rainville? A. Indifferent. B. Strict. C. Stubborn. D. Cruel. (4)Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Growing up with pain B. A bad mistake C. Team rules are everything D. Basketball girls in high school 【答案】(1)A


高三英语阅读理解专项训练及答案含解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Average humans can consume 15 or more drinks in plastic bottles a month. If you were born after 1978, and live until 80 years old, you will leave behind a minimum of 14,400 plastic bottles on this planet. These bottles take hundreds of years to break down into tiny pieces of plastic, never to completely disappear. Most of the waste is consumed by fish and birds, which has shortened their lifetime greatly. The Plastic Bottle Village is just a great idea that might finally save us from being buried in plastic. It's a community in Panama that is going to be made of used bottles. The design process begins with building steel frames, which are then filled with these bottles. Once this step is complete, and electrical and plumbing (管道装置) lines are put inside, the plastic walls are covered by concrete—both inside and outside. So no one will actually be able to tell that the walls are made of plastic. Besides, the material will keep the house 17°C cooler than the outside, which is the biggest benefit to people living inside. The village is the brainchild (主意) of Robert Bezeau with the intention of setting up several environmental projects. Having started a recycling program four years ago, during which a number of plastic bottles were collected, he started to think of how they could be put to use. Soon enough, he decided to use them to build houses, and came up with a basic idea for the construction process. The project hopes to make people conscious of the waste that these bottles create so that they can do more to protect the environment. The village will also create an education center that will teach individuals from the world how to reuse plastic bottles as construction materials for shelter. Recycled bottles could neutralize the negative effect of your passage on this planet, and move closer to leaving only your “footprints”. (1)What does Paragraph 1 intend to tell us? A. The reason for buying fewer drinks. B. The difficult situation of wildlife. C. The amount of plastic waste. D. The seriousness of plastic pollution. (2)What is the biggest benefit to people living in the Plastic Bottle Village? A. The house will be much cooler than normal ones. B. The material of construction will be reduced a lot. C. The newly-made house can save a lot of electricity. D. The waste of the house can be consumed by fish and birds. (3)Which of the following words can best describe Robert? A. Creative. B. Courageous. C. Enthusiastic. D. Sensitive.(4)The main purpose of Robert's projects is to A. provide shelter for locals B. reuse all deserted plastic bottles C. popularize the use of plastic bottles D. raise people's environmental awareness 【答案】(1)D (2)A


考研英语阅读理解模拟试题及答案(三) Passage 11 Dream is a story that a personwatchesor even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer's life. They seem real while they are taking place. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams. Dreams involve little logical thought. In most dreams, the dreamer cannot control what happens to him. The story may be confusing, and things happen that would not happen in real life. People see in most dreams, but they may also hear, smell, touch, and taste in their dreams. Most dreams occur in color. but persons who have been blind since birth do not see at all in dreams. Dreams are a product of the sleeper's mind. They

浙江省天台县平桥第二中学2020届高三英语 上学期阅读理解备考复习1

浙江省天台县平桥第二中学2020届高三英语上学期阅读理解备考 复习1 Th e Healthy Habits Survey(调查)shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice. 1.How many times did you brush your tee th yesterday? ·Finding:A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day. ·Step:Remove the 300 types of bacte ria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes, at least twice a day. 2.How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday? ·Finding:Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30%wash their hands only 4 times a day---half of the number doctors recommend. ·Step:We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day---often inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes. Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most important, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds. 3. How often do you think about fighting germs?


I watched from a distance as the homeless man quarreled with those who did not leave money for him – the majority. I walked up to him and right on queue he asked me for a quarter. “I’ll give you a quarter if you tell me your story.” He laughed, “You’ll give me a quarter for my story?” I lay the qu front of him and corrected myself –“Nah, here’s the quarter but it would be nice to hear your story.” I followed his eyes to the quarter and for a brief moment I saw a glimmer of reflection. I sat down next to him and waited. I was a sniper(狙击手)and was supposed to shoot down the “I was in the army,” he said. “ carefully to his grizzly voice as he went deeper into the story. enemy from the distance.” I listened He wore dirty old torn clothes and smelled like a dead rat left in a mouse trap. He told me how he used to hunt with his family and was really good at it. He had his own way of respecting animals by not wasting what he killed for food and not killing more than he needed. When the army came knocking on his door, he felt pride and joined up. All those years of polishing his hunting skills could now serve a larger purpose—to defend us from the bad guys. He set out to fight in Iraq. It wasn’t long before he realized his ideals and expectations were just a shadow of the truth. He became disillusioned with the killings, which he felt were of innocent people. “I was a sniper but I never really killed anyone,” he said. “One day I had to do it. They asked me to shoot this lady from the distance. I saw kids near that lady and my hands were on the trigger (扳机). Man, I was tearing up ... I couldn’t do it. She wasn’t doing anything to anyone and she was with the kids—I couldn’t see through my tears. It just didn’t make any sense to me.” The story goes on as he describes eventually being put into prison for 180 days for refusing to follow orders. He told me how he was black listed so that he couldn’t get a job. All the rights we take for granted were taken away from him. Why? Here was a man who was being punished—and for what? For refusing to kill the lady? For being a hero? “I have no regrets,”  anyone the homeless man said. “I may be homeless now, but I never killed that lady. I never killed He in the army. It didn’t feel right. I didn’t go there to do that. I went there to save people.”  okay. But I wouldn’t be able to live with continued, “I can live with being homeless—that’s killing innocent people.” On that lonely Friday night, I met a hero. It just never occurred to me that a hero could be a smelly old man left on streets. 1. It can be learned from the passage that the homeless man_______. () A. never killed animals B. had a strong respect for life C. deserved the punishment he received D. felt guilty about disobeying the order


初三英语阅读理解模拟试题 9. Mathew Brady______________. A.was very lifelike B. was famous for his unusual pictures C. was quite strong D. took many pictures of moving people 10.This passage tells us_____________. A. how photography was developed B. how to show your ideas and feelings in pictures C. how to take pictures in the world D. how to use different cameras (C)

Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车) A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel They could all travel together. Mr.Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and bus a van. Their children sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents’home , the suitcases are brought into the two seats can then carry the grandparents.


高中英语阅读理解专题复习资料(故事8篇) 1、A survey in the Philippines has shown the country uses a "shocking" amount of single-use plastic, including nearly 60 billion sachets(小袋)a year, a new report said Friday. The report, produced by the non-governmental organization GALA, is part of an effort to collect data on plastic consumption as environmentalists push for government action to reduce plastic waste. It contains shocking figures: every day, almost 48 million shopping bags are used throughout the Philippines, adding up to more than 17 billion a year. And that figure does not include the smaller, thinner and often transparent plastic bags known as "labo" bags-around 16.5 billion of those are used per year across the country, the report says. The figures are based on 21 waste assessments conducted in 13 cities across the Philippines, with the national figures produced by extrapolating(推断)from local results. More than half of non-recyclable plastic analyzed in the survey came from sachets-small plastic packets often lined with aluminium or containing other materials that make them non-recyclable. Small portions of products ranging from coffee to shampoo are often sold in sachets in the Philippines, and are seen as an affordable solution for consumers. But Grate said the popularity appeared to be more a result of what is available, with wealthier consumers simply buying multiple sachets. "If you,to the supermarkets, it’s rare for you to be able to buy coffee in bigger containers; it’s all in sachets," he said. The survey is the first time an organization has tried to quantify(确定数量) sachet use, and the NGO hopes to pressure both the government and industry to take action on controlling single-use plastic. The report found that where local-level plastic bag bans have been put in place and strictly enforced, usage has dropped dramatically. It urged the government to "institute a comprehensive national plastic bag ban that promotes reusable bags". And it wants regulations on other single-use plastic products and rules requiring companies to redesign products and packaging to minimize plastic waste. 1.What’s the purpose of GALA in carrying out the survey? A.To show how shocking the amount of plastic waste can be. B.To get people and the government know better about its final goal. C.To collect accurate numbers of plastic bags used in the whole country. D.To help make the government take measures to reduce plastic waste. 2.Why can’t many sachets be recycled?

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