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Part One:English Poetry

1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18

?Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer?s day? And who could `thee` be?

Because summer?s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love.

?What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why?

Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May.

?How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line?

Thee is more beautiful than summer.

?What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal?

Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal.

?What figures of speech are used in this poem?

Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on .

?What is the theme of the poem?

Love conquers all, Beauty lives on.

2. Thomas Nashe Spring

?Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images.

There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!”

The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people?s relationship.

?Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem?

In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ].

3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning

?What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die?

Why does the speaker forbid mourning?

No, it is about the lover s?separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife?s love is sacred, he didn?t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.

? 2. Explain the metaphors in the poem.

In the first verse, the poet used virtuous men?s death metaphor for lovers?separation, in the third verse he used “moving of the earth” and “trepidation of the spheres” metaphor for lovers? separation and the result of separation, in the last three verse he used stiff twin compasses?two legs metaphor for poet himself and his wife. All these metaphors show poet opinion that he will separate from his wife in peace, their love is a scared love, when they away from each other, they will not be hurt by the pain of the separation. He and his wife will not really separate. They care about each other and listen to the other one?s heart, their trust and loyalty makes their love perfect like the circle made by a twin compasses.

4.William Blake The Tiger

?What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger?

The symbol of the Tiger is unclear what it exactly symbolizes, but scholars have hypothesized that the Tiger could be inspiration, the divine, artistic creation, history, the sublime, or vision itself. The list is almost infinite. The point is, the Tiger is important, and Blake?s poem barely limits the possibilities.

Here are two major symbolisms:

The tiger is the embodiment of God's power in creation.

The tiger shows the force of French Revolution.

?What paradox can you find in the poem?

"Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" It challenges the one-track religious views of the 18?s century. The view only concluded that god create the lame, he is so kind a father. But it didn?t know god also create the tough tiger. He can also be very serious. The god is someone who can?t be truly understood by human beings.

5.Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose

?How dose the narrator in the love song express his love?

In stanza 1, the narrator presents two similes, the first comparing his love to a rose and the second comparing his love to a melody.

In stanza 2, the narrator addresses the young lady as bonnie. In the last line of the stanza, he presents hyperbole, a figure of speech that exaggerates.

In stanza 3, the man promises eternal love for her.

In stanza 4, the poet vows to love her however far he may go.

?Why is this poem so touching to the readers?

Because this poem professes the poet?s true love for his beloved girl, and uses the mentioned above to touch the readers.

6.William Wordsw orth I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

?What does the poet see?

He sees some daffodils.

?What is the poet?s mood before he sees the daffodils?

Vacant and pensive.

?What is the poet?s mood after he sees the daffodils?

He is very pleasant.

?How does the magical change occur?

Those daffodils show a fantastic picture to the poet, and the poet has been deeply affected by the scene, and his mood changes.

?What is the theme of the poem? Or what does the poet want to tell you?

It shows the beauty of nature, and the nature?s beauty uplifts the human spirit, and the harmony between human and nature.

7.Robert Browning My Last Duchess

? 1. In this poem, who and on what occasion is speaking to whom?

The Duke is the speaker of the poem, and tells us he is entertaining an emissary who has come to negotiate the Duke’s marriage (he has recently been widowed) to the daughter of another powerful family.

?What sort of person is the Duke’s last Duchess?

She is kind, easy-going, innocent and lively.

?And what became of her in the end?

She became very upset and worrying. The duchess died under suspicious circumstances on April 21, 1561, just two years after he married her. She may have been poisoned.

? 2. What sort of person is the Duke?

He is outrageously arrogant, narrow-minded, selfish, hypocritical, cold-blooded, crucial, greedy and treacherous.

8.Walt Whitman O Captain! My Captain!

?Q:Walt Whitman?s poem “O Captain! My Captain!” is written in the form of an allegory. What is the overall connotative meaning in the poem?

A: Ship?s implied meaning is America; M y captain? implied meaning is Abraham Lincoln who leaded America to triumph in American Civil War then;

our fearful trip?s implied meaning is American Civil War after which Lincoln was assassinated. In this poem author spoken highly of Linco ln? contribution and expressed his sorrow for Lincoln? death.

9.Emily Dickinson (1)Success is counted sweetest (67)

?According to the poem, who can understand success most? Do you agree or not with the poet?s view that “Success is counted sweetest by those who ne?er succeed”?

The person who best understands the meaning of success is the person who fails

?What sort of feelings does the poet show toward the victor and the defeated?

The poet shows her awareness of the complicated truths of human desire.

Success can be comprehended by someone who need it; the defeated, dying man understand victory more clearly than the victorious army does.

(2)Because I could not stop for Death (712)

?How many people are there in the carriage? And where are they going right now?

There are three in the carriage, the Poet, Death, and Immortality.

?Where did they pass? What can these places remind us of?

They passed the school, the fields of Gazing grain, the Setting Sun. It reminds us

of childhood, maturity and old age, the children are evident symbols of the beginning of things, the grain rip of the adulthood, and the sun setting of the rest of the days.

?What is the poet?s attitude toward death and life implied in the poem?

The poet?s attitude is that death is nothing to be forced since it is natural part of the endless cycle of nature, it?s only the beginning ;to die is to go on another journey, although death takes one away from the earthy world ;there is still something to look forward to when one dies, death means eternity.

10.Robert Frost Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

?Why did the speaker stop?

Literally he was fascinated by the beautiful night scene and stoped his horse to watch the woods fill up with the snow,it was also a little break for the long travel. But in fact,it's symbolism,the 'woods' stands for the nature,the 'village' stands for the human world, 'horse' for the animal world. The poem represents

a moment of relaxation from the burdensome journey of life, an almost

aesthetic enjoyment and appreciation of natural beauty which is wholesome and restorative against the chaotic existence of modern man.

?Why did he later decide to go?

As the last sentence said 'But I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep.'

His 'horse' shake the bell to ask if they should go,which is actually a symbol of vitality, urges him to go. He lives in the real life, and he has his own obligation "promise to keep',he hasn't achieve it, so he must go on his trip,leave the beautiful scene.Though the scene is so amazing,he has to have the real life.

Though the real life is so hard,he must back to it,and reach his goal. One leaves no regrets after he dies, as long as one has reached his goal.

?What is your understanding of “promises to keep”?

“The promise” could be an obligation or a go al. One cannot die before fulfilling one?s dream. The poet uses “sleep” to represent death, just as we usually do. People have their own dream or goal,it's also the duty for us to finish, we live for ourselves and we make life wonderful by keeping on reaching our goal,no regrets leaves as long as we have reached our goals. 11. Ezra Pound In a Station of the Metro

Part Two: English Fiction

12. Jonathan Swift Gulliver’s Travels

●In this chapter, Swift describes the smallness of the Lilliputians. What does

t his “smallness” imply in the author?s satire of the aristocratic bourgeois society of the time?

Key: The Lilliput scene depicted in the first volume of the novel is a microcosm of the British Empire. The perennial endless struggle between UK Tories and Whigs and external war are essentially just politicians intrigue in the section has nothing to do with the national economy and the people's livelihood. The “smallness” imply that …

●What is the cause of the civil strife and war between Lilliput and the

neighb ouring empire of Blefuscu? What is the target of the author?s satire? (1)Key: The parties are divided as high-heeled party and low-heeled party according

to the height of the heel. The relationship between parties is irreconcilable;

Neighboring countries not only want to conquer and enslave the other, but also argue about trifles such as which head we should knock when we will eat eggs . (2) Key: The author uses irony and innuendo tactics to reflect the British social contradictions among first half of the 18th century, to criticize the British parliamentary politics and reactionary religious forces, to expose the corruption and evil of the ruling clique, and to criticize the hazards of a war of aggression and colonialism.

13Jane Austen Pride and Prejudice

1.Do you agree with the statement “it is truth universally acknowledged that a single

man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife”? What is the relationship between money and marriage?

Key: (1) I agree with this statement. In my view, a bachelor who has lots of money is supposed to have a wife to company him. The amount of money demonstrates the ability of a person. The beauties and the wits should come together.

(2) First, the relationship between marriage and money is very close; we can say that the money is the basis of marriage. This is just from the material conditions of life. However, the amount of money can?t measure the quality of marriage. A determinant of marriage is the couple's feelings, and if the lack of the feelings, life is not a happy marriage even though has more money.

2.What do you think of Mrs. Bennet? How can you characterize her?

Key: (1) Mrs. Bennet - a foolish, noisy woman whose only goal in life is to see her daughters married. Because of her low breeding and often unbecoming behavior, Mrs. Bennet often repels the very suitors whom she tries to attract for her daughters.

(2) Mrs. Bennet is a miraculously tiresome character, who is noisy and foolish. And Mrs. Bennet is totally obedient and submissive in her marriage. Mrs. Bennet is a self-centered woman with the attitude that what is good enough for her is good enough for her children.

14. Emily Bronte Wuthering Heights

1.What is the main plot of the whole novel? What causes the tragic ending of the

love between Heathcliff and Catherine? Would it have been possible, under the circumstances, for the victimized lovers to find a way out?

Key: Novel?s theme is vengeance. Katherine's character flaws is the root causes of the tragedy, Heathcliff to lost love human distortion conducted a series of revenge activities, the capitalist society for the generation of tragedy provides fertile soil. If Heathcliff get marry with Katherine, they?ll be happiness.

2.Is Heathcliff?s revenge upon the Earnshaw and Linton families justifiable? What

is the author?s attitude toward Heathcliff, judging from the final futility of the revenge?

Key: For the vengeance of the people is right .but it?s wrong in law. It?s love, but Heathcliff?s love is crazy.

15. Kate Chopin The Story of an Hour

?What kind of character is Louise Mallard?

Key: Mrs. Mallard is a sympathetic character with strength and insight.

?What are the themes of this short story?

Key: It?s mainly about the awakening of feminine awareness and the fruitless struggle of women for freedom in a man-centered world. It is about marriage bondages and celibacy freedom.

?What do “heart trouble” and “the open window” symbolize?

Key: (1) heart trouble symbolizes

(2) the open window symbolizes

16. Earnest Hemingway Hills like White Elephants

?1. What is a “white elephant ” according to the dictionary definition? What does a “white elephant” symbolize in the story?

(1) Key:a: a property requiring much care and expense and yielding little


b : an object no longer of value to its owner but of value to others

c : something of little or no value

(2)Key: The woman is pregnant, and the White Elephant is a hint of the body of

the women. The fact that the two. This matter becomes a heavy burden for the two people.

? 2. List the evidence that tells what kind of operation Jig is confronting.

How risky is it physically and emotionally?

(1) evidence:

1.'It's really an awfully simple operation, Jig,' the man said. 'It's not really an

operation at all.'

2. 'I know you wouldn't mind it, Jig. It's really not anything. It's just to let the

air in.'

3. 'They just let the air in and then it's all perfectly natural.'

4. 'I know we will. Yon don't have to be afraid. I've known lots of people that have done it.'

5. 'But I know it's perfectly simple.'

(2) Key:

1. Do affect her health, result that the body is badly weakened and be reduced

immunity in the aspect of physical.

2. Do be Frustrated, empty and depressed mood which leads to that she can

not be quiet in the aspect of emotion.

? 3. Has Jig made up her mind to do the operation?

Key: The question about whether to do an abortion, the article comes a stop suddenly at the end. So we can?t make sure whether Jig has made up her mind to do the operation.

? 4. If the operation is something already decided on, then what upsets Jig?

What is the real conflict between the couple?

Key: (1) She worries that she could not get happiness as before with the man. She upsets that he would leave her for ever.

(2) The real conflict between the couple is that whether the man likes the

women from the deep heart and their attitudes towards life.

? 5. What kind of girl is Jig? How is their relation like? Does the American love Jig?

Key: (1) She is restless and confused and longing for the deeper love from the man.

(2) There could be many situations: first, a married man compels his lover

to have a abortion; second, as a bachelor, he worries the baby would make his life be complex and so on.

(3) Because of the various situations, we could not make an accurate

conclusion that the man loves Jig. However, on some degree the man loves the woman by analyzing the conversation between them.

? 6. What is Hemingway’s style?

Key: Hemingway?s style is laconic. The characteristic is reflected in that

When writing, he is very clear what kind of content could pit one against ten. It is both an immediate situation and also containing other deeper meanings, which can be informed in the way of exploring something by the readers.

17.William Faulkner A Rose for Emily

? 1. What is the meaning of the title?

Key: A rose is a funeral flower. It?s author?s tribute to Emily, and also to south, Emily is the symbol. And it has an ironic meaning to this story.

? 2. What kind of woman is Miss Emily?

Key: She is embodiment of south, the old and traditional, also obstinate, resists to change anything ,a determined,dignified, valiant and literate woman.

? 3. How did the townspeople think of her?

Key: The townspeople had mixed feelings—she was “dear inescapable, impervious, tranquil”, and perverse. Also she was always expected to bring honor to the town and set a good example for the young.

? 4. What is the symbolic meaning of Emily’s house?

Key: Emily?s house, like Emily herself, is a monument, the only remaining emblem of a dying world of southern aristocracy, also represents alienation and death.

? 5. What is special about the narration of this story?

Key: The writing style of the novel is using flashbacks and narration interspersed with flashbacks. The author let us know the independent but closely related events skillfully under the premise of being not exposed the true intentions, which makes us draw attention to the development of the plot without boring.

Part Three: English Drama

18. William Shakespeare Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

? 1. Why does sleep appear to be so fearful for Hamlet even though it can put an end to the numerous headaches in our life?

Key: As described in the text, Hamlet thinks that sleep is different from death. Death means the end of life, you may go to the unknown world and you can?t comeback. If he dies, Hamlet can?t realize his will. Sleep can?t end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks. He can?t revenge and get relief through this way. He is frightened by

the possible suffering in the long “dream”. He can?t predict what will happen in the sleep, may be good or evil.

? 2. Why would most people prefer to bear all the sufferings in life rather than choose death as a means to end them?

Key: 1. As it goes that …Adversity makes growth?, by solving the problems we can acknowledge plenty of skills and overcome the sufferings in life. If we choose death as a means to end them, it is too passive for us to face the obstacles in life, which will lead to the failure in life.

2. Because people hold the same idea "to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but

that the dread of something after death-the undiscovered country, form whose bourn no traveler returns-puzzle the will, and make us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we don?t know.”People also are frightened by the myths in another world after death.

Romeo and Juliet

?What does it mean when Juliet says “That which we call a rose / By my other name would smell as sweet”?

Key:In Shakespeare's time, name on behalf of their family, and his family represents the social status. And personal just only on behalf of their inner identity.And Juliet says strongly reflects her humanist outlook on life and the concept of the ideal.

19. Oscar Wilde The Importance of Being Earnest

1.How do you understand the title of the play? What is your impression of

Gwendolen? What are the most striking traits in Lady Bracknell?s character? (1) Key: Here is a pun. It?s important to be a serious man. And the author wants to satirize the triviality with which it treats institutions as serious as marriage, and the resulting satire of Victorian ways.

(2) Key: She advocates sincere, do be intelligent and friendly, and is able to forgive the mistakes of others. She do be a earnest person.

(3) Key: Lady Bracknell embodies the stereotype of the Victorian English aristocrat woman. She belongs to aristocratic society and is a typical Victorian snob, who is arrogant, formal and concerned with money. She is interested only in a materialistic world.

20. Eugene O’Neill The Hairy Ape

1.Yank assumes more than once the posture of Rodin?s “The Thinker” in the play.

What does it have to do with the play?s motif and tone? What are the major images and symbols employed in the play to dramatize the theme?

(1) Key: 1. The themes of this article are modern man loses his sense of belonging under technological progress and humanity is in a predicament by creating a world he does not belong to.

2. The Thinker is often painful, which demonstrates the profoundly tragic matter of modern people like Yank: he is thinking and looks forward to a better life, but he doesn?t find the answer. In O'Neill?s opinion, there exists no answer. Therefore, he is destined to be a loser.

3. In summary, the description of his behavior makes the theme more significant.

2.Why do you think the play is subtitled “A Comedy of Ancient and Modern Life in

Eight Scenes”?

Key: 1. The hairy ape is a comedy of ancient and modern life which shows O'Neill's social concern for the oppressed industrial working class. It presents an extremely negative view of the state, of mechanized America, where the worker best adjusted to the system is a “hairy ape,” and where the “Capitalist class”is even more terribly dehumanized , for it has lost all connection with life , is simply “a procession of gaudy marionettes.”

2. The play was created in 20th century when western people suffered unprecedented intellectual crisis. Human beings lost their absolute value, which made people fall into confusion and desperation. Besides, man?s desire to emotions was ignored in the rapid development of technology. People put existence of individuality first at that time.

3. N umerous obstacles and frustrations occur in the way of Yank?s seeking for his position, which reflects survival crisis of most modern people. The more people think about, the clearer people realize about freedom.


《研究生英语英美文学欣赏》课程简介 课程编号: 课程名称:研究生英语英美文学欣赏 学时与学分:34学时/1学分 时间:2013-2 ---- 2013-7 教学对象:全日制非英语专业研究生 教师:刘晓燕等 课程描叙 一、课程性质和任务 本课程的目的是为培养理解和鉴赏英国和美国文学原著的能力而设置一门选修课程,旨在使学生掌握英国和美国文学源流和发展的基础上,通过阅读代表性的英国和美国文学作品,理解作品的内容,学会分析作品的艺术特色,并努力掌握正确评价文学作品的标准和方法,增强对作品中表现的社会生活和人物感情的理解,提高语言基本功和阅读文学作品的能力和鉴赏水平,提升整体人文素质。本课程的主要内容包括英国和美国文学史上代表作家的简要介绍和作品选读,结合英国和美国文学各个历史断代的主要历史背景,文学文化思潮和流派,社会政治、经济、文化等对英国和美国文学史上最具有影响、最具有代表性的作家的作品中的艺术特色、主题结构、人物刻画、语言风格和思想意义等进行深入地分析。 本课程主要为英美文学欣赏课,课堂讲授与研讨相结合。教师布置学生课前对作家生平、历史背景、和阅读材料进行研究,课堂上进行重点阅读和分析。本课程要求学生大量阅读,结合课堂上所讲授的英美文学的基本知识点和文学理论批评方法,体会经典文学作品的语言精妙之处、人物塑造方法、情节架构、文学修辞手法、写作技巧等等,并进而了解历史时代背景、文化知识、社会政经形势等。此外,本课程还要求学生能积极参与课堂讨论,鼓励新观点和新视角,能运用文学理论批评方法研究作品,学期中将不定期地布置相关作业,学期末将以学术论文的形式考查学习效果。 二、课程的教学内容及学时分配 第1学时英国文艺复兴时期简介 重点:文艺复兴;人文主义;主要作家和艺术特色 第2-3学时莎士比亚(I)(II) 重点:要重点理解莎士比亚思想和创作风格的变化,了解莎士比亚十四行诗的特点,品味莎士比亚作品的特色,能够对莎士比亚部分作品进行现代阐释。 第4学时弗朗西斯·培根和约翰·多恩 重点:理解培根的“论学习”的主要内容和修辞手法的运用;理解玄学派诗歌在16、17世纪的发展,其文艺宗旨与当时的文艺思潮的区别。


Old English Literature 古英语文学 (450-1066年) Beowulf (贝奥武甫)---The first English national epic 中世纪英语文学(1066-1500) Geoffrey Chaucer(乔叟,c. 1343–1400) was an English poet. He is remembered for his The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》, called the father of English litera ture―英国文学之父‖William Langland (朗格兰,1330?-1400?),the author of the 14th-century English long narrative poem Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》. 文艺复兴(16-17世纪) William Shakespeare (莎士比亚,1564-1616), English poet and playwright, his surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets, two long narrative poems Venus and Adonis 《维拉斯和阿多尼斯》The Rape of Lucrece.《鲁克丽丝受辱记》 Shakespeare‘s greatest works: greatest tragedies are King Lear 《李尔王》,Macbeth《麦克白》,Hamlet《哈姆雷特》, Othello 《奥赛罗》,Romeo and Juliet 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》 grea t comedies: A Midsumme r Night‘s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》,As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》,The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》, Twelfth Night 《第十二夜》 great historical plays: Richard III 《理查三世》,Henry IV 《亨利四世》, Henry V 《亨利五世》, Henry VII 《亨利八世》 John Milton (弥尔顿, 1608-1674)was an English poet and civil servant for the Commonwealth of England. He is best known for his epic poem Paradise Lost《失乐园》, Paradise Regained《复乐园》Samson 《力士参孙》. 18世纪文学和新古典主义 Alexander Pope (浦柏,1688-1744 ) is generally regarded as the greatest English poet of the eighteenth century, best known for his satirical epigram 讽刺隽语and heroic couplet英雄双韵体.His major works include mock epic satirical poem An Essay on Man 《人论》and An Essay on Criticism 《论批评》 Daniel Defoe ( 笛福,1660—1731)was an English writer who gained enduring fame for his novel Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》, spokesman for middle-class people Henry Fielding (菲尔丁, 1707 ---1754) ,an English novelist known for his novel:The History of Tom Jones. Jonathan Swift (斯威夫特,1667-1745), was an Anglo-Irish novelist, satirist. He is remembered for novel such as Gulliver‘s Travels《格列佛游记》. Richard Sheridan ( 谢立丹,1751—1816), Irish playwright ,known for his satirical play School of Scandal(造谣学校). He was a represntative writer of Comedies of Manners. Laurence Sterne (斯特恩,1713—1768 ), an English novelist. He is best known for his novel Tristram Shandy (《商第传》). Oliver Goldsmith (哥尔德斯密斯,1728-1774)English novelist, known for his novel Vicar of Wakefield (《威克菲尔德牧师传记》) Thomas Gray (托马斯?格雷1716—1771 ),an English poet, author of Elegy Written in a


一、名词解释: 渊源学: 渊源学又称为源流学,属于影响研究的畴。从接受者的角度,即从作为“终点”的接受者出发,往往是在起点不明确或不清楚之时,由终点出发去探求作为“出发点”的放送者,细密地考察一个作家或一部作品所曾吸取和改造的外来因素,揭示出接收者和放送者之间的某种因果关系,是一种典型的影响研究的方法,是一种对跨国影响渊源的实证和研究。在西方被普遍使用,且成就很大。例: 悟空、十四行诗、西来东去的“志怪”和“加帆车”。影响研究: 影响是指一国文学在另一国文学中的传播,接收并产生某种结果(积极或消极) 朗松《试论影响的概念》中关于“影响”的定义:真正的影响是当一国文学的突变无法用该国以往的文学传统和各个作家的独创性来加以解释时,在该国文学中所呈现的情状。 (北大资料版)影响研究是比较文学学科中最早的研究方法。它奠定了比较文学的作为一门独立学科的理论与研究的基础,主要采用历时性的考证法考察国际文学之间文学交流中的事实。在追根溯源的过程中,不仅要发现文学联系的事实,更重要的是分析这些联系,并将分析的结果上升到理论的高度,以便得出更为普遍的具有文化意义的结论。它把两种或两种以上的民族文学,包括作品、作家、文学思潮等的相互作用、相互联系作为研究的中心。它是法国学派主要采用的研究方法。它以实证主义的方法,作为主要的研究手段,探究文学现象之间事实上的联系。 (ppt版)影响研究的定义:比较文学的基本研究类型之一,早期实践中的唯一类型,以一种强烈的历时意识通过广泛搜集材料,对事实和进行严密考据、分析、归纳,来研究各民族文学之间建立在事实基础上的、超越国界的相互联系和相互影响,包含着对艺术创作活动本质的理解。例:元杂剧《氏孤儿》与伏尔泰的《中国孤儿》、中国古典诗歌对美国意象派诗歌的影响、美国意象派诗歌对中国新诗的影响、拜伦在中国、村上春树在中国、西方“现代派”文学与中国新时期文学。 文类学: 文类学就是研究文学的种类和类型,也就是研究文学的题材,它可以研究没有事实联系的同一题材在不同民族文学中的发展过程及其共同规律和特点,也可以研究某些文学类型,产生于一个民族文学之中,又流传到其他民族文学的历史背景以及变化发展过程。它以跨越性的宏阔视野研究如何按照文学本身的特点来对文学进行分类,研究各种文类的特征及其在发展中的相互影响与演变。 文类是对文学作品的表现形式进行分类的结果;文类学(Genology)是专门针对文学的类别及其风格、体式与形制等进行的研究。而在比较文学畴,文学类型学则是针对时空不一的文学现象在诗学品格上的类似、遥契、相近和相合进行的研究。 文类学是对于文学形式的各个种类和类型以及文学风格的比较研究,通过历时的和共识的方法,了解文类发展的历史和基本特征,认识作家的独创和文学的民族传统、民族特征。文类学的研究围和对象大致可以分为五个方面:一是文学的分类研究;二是文学体裁研究;三是文类理论批评;四是文类实用批评;五是文学风格的研究。 套话: 美国学者瓦尔特·利普曼在《公众舆论》分析套话是“是我们头脑中存在的形象”在形象学中,套话是指一个民族在长时间反复使用、用来描写异国或异国人的约定俗成的词组。也由学者译为“滞定型”,或把套话描述为“我们头脑中已有的先入之见”。“套话”也是自我关于“他者”的社会集体想象物,是他者形象在文本中的最小单位,是在民族心理定势推动下一种不由分说的表述,标志着对“他者”的凝固看法。 套话,又称惯用语,是不同民族文学中经常出现的习惯性的称谓、表述等等。如西方文


历届内分泌考题整理【2009-2015】 【15临八】2018/4/26 一、选择题1’x20 考得很细,而且有一些点很偏,记了几道比较难的点【个人觉得】 肾上腺髓质激素的化学结构? 下列哪些不属于弥散性神经内分泌系统? 滤泡旁细胞/滤泡上皮细胞/胰岛/下丘脑视上核/下丘脑室旁核 异位ACTH最常见于什么? 二甲双胍的作用机制 生长激素分泌的昼夜节律 ACTH分泌的昼夜规律 哪些病理变化是二型糖尿病有而一型没有的 二、名词解释3’x8 1.thyrotoxicosis 2.IGT 3.myxedema 4.chromaffin cells 5.graves 病 6. pituitary microadenoma 7. hypophyseal portal system 8.20α-hydroxylase 三、解答题56’ 1.Diagnostic criteria and clinical classification of diabetes. 2.Histologic features of papillary thyroid carcinoma. 3.胰岛素和胰高血糖素如何控制血糖稳定? 4.酪氨酸能够合成什么激素?它的代谢过程是?(场所,关键酶,过程) 5.糖皮质激素治疗顽固性哮喘的药理机制是?在治疗中的注意以及应对措施。By 15临八三班王麒钧/傅圆圆 【14临八】 名词解释 1.垂体远侧部细胞 2.肾上腺皮质结构激素 3.Somatomedin 4.垂体卒中 5.异位ACTH 6.PKA 7.单纯甲状腺肿 8.儿茶酚胺类激素 大题 1.VD3 ,PTH,CT 2.胰岛素分泌的调节 3.糖尿病病理改变 4.糖皮质激素的停药、措施,对代谢的影响 5.甲亢治疗原则


比较文学期末考试复习资料 名词解释5分×3、填空2分×12、简答7分×3、材料分析10分×1、论述15分×2 1.真正最早使Comparative Literature进入比较文学学科理论的是波斯奈特, 1886,他以此为书名出版了世界上第一部比较文学专著。(p5) 2.法国学派的四大代表人物:巴尔登斯伯格、梵·第根、卡雷、基亚。(p10) 3.教堂山会议:1958年,在美国北卡罗来纳州教堂山举行的国际比较文学协会 第二届年会,(会上韦勒克宣读论文《比较文学的危机》),以韦勒克为代表的一些美国学者对法国学派的“定义”发起了大胆的挑战。韦勒克指出“‘比较’文学和‘总体’文学之间的人为界限应当废除,‘比较’文学已经成为一个确认的术语,指的是超越国别文学局限的文学研究。”(p12) 4.有人认为,是美国学派提出了比较文学的“比较”——平行研究。(p10) 5.比较文学中国学派的基本特色是跨文明研究。(p20) 6.苏联学者日尔蒙斯基提出了历史类型学的观点与方法。(p27) 7.中国内地第一部比较文学概论性著作卢康华、孙景尧的《比较文学导论》。(p27) 8.比较文学的定义:是以世界性眼光和胸怀来从事不同国家、不同文明和不同 学科之间的跨越式文学比较研究。它主要研究各种跨越中文学的同源性、变异性、类同性、异质性和互补性,以实证性影响研究、文学变异研究、平行研究和总体文学研究为基本方法论,其目的在于以世界性眼光来总结文学规律和文学审美特性,加强世界文学的相互了解与整合,推动世界文学的发展。 (p30) 9.比较文学的可比性(p31-p32) (一)同源性,在法国学派的理论体系里,影响研究的对象是存在着事实联系的不同国家的文学,其理论支柱是媒介学、流传学和渊源学。它的研究目标是通过清理“影响”得以发生的“经过路线”,寻找两种或多种文学间的同源性关系,同源性成为法国学派学科理论体系可比性的基础。在线路的清理中,其源头是相同的,影响研究的可比性就是同源性。 (二)变异性,同源的文学在不同国家、不同文明的传播与交流中,在语言翻译层面、文学形象层面、文学文本层面、文化层面产生了文化过滤、误读与“创造性叛逆”,产生了形象的变异鱼接受的变异,甚至发生了“他国化” 式的蜕变,这些都是变异学关注的要点,在这里,变异性成为可比性的核心内容。 (三)类同性,所指的是没有任何关联的不同国家的文学在风格、结构、内容、形式、流派、情节、技巧、手法、情调、形象、主题、思潮乃至文学规律等方面所表现出的相似和契合之处。平行研究的可比性就在于类同性与综

when you are old(英美文学阅读与欣赏)

英美文学阅读与鉴赏 When you are old By William Butler Yeats

When you are old W hen you are old and grey and full of sleep. And nodding by the fire, take down this book. And slowly read, and dream of the soft look Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep. How many loved your moments of glad grace. And loved your beauty with love false or true. But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you. And loved the sorrows of your changing face; And bending down beside the glowing bars, Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled. And paced upon the mountains overhead And hid his face amid a crowd of stars. Yeats pain and misfortune hopeless for Mao De Gang love, prompting Yeats to write down a lot for Mao De Gang poetry, in dozens of years, from various angles, Mao De Gang Yeats continue to inspire creative inspiration;


英美文学欣赏知识点100句 1.The work that presented,for the first time in English literature,a comprehensive realistic picture of the medieval English society and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life is Geoffrey Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales. 首次在英国文学,中世纪英国社会的全面逼真的画面,创造了从各行各业生动的人物整体画廊是杰弗里·乔叟的坎特伯雷故事集。 2. Geoffrey Chaucer is regarded as the father of English poetry. 乔叟被看作是英国诗歌之父。 3. The verse form of heroic couplet was introduced into English poetry and employed in the poem with true ease and charm for the first time in the history of English literature by Geoffrey Chaucer. 3.英雄对联的诗体被引入英国诗歌和诗与真正的轻松和魅力,第一次在英国文学的杰弗里·乔叟的历史就业。 4. The Canterbury Tales presents a whole gallery of vivid characters,the team of pilgrims,people from all walks of life,including 31 members altogether. 4.坎特伯雷故事呈现生动的人物整体画廊,朝圣者的队伍,来自各行各业,其中包括31名成员共有人。 5. Generally,Renaissance refers to the intellectual movement during the period between 14th and mid-17th centuries,its essence was humanism. 5.一般来说,文艺复兴是指智力运动在14和中17世纪之间的时期,它的本质是人文精神。 6. English Renaissance Period was an age of poetry and drama.


1、比较文学的定义: ①性质:是文学研究的一支,是一门独立的学科 ②研究对象:跨民族、跨语言、跨文化和跨学科的各种文学关系 ③研究理论和方法:具有比较自觉的自觉意识和兼容并包的特色。 ④特征:开放性、宏观性 2、比较文学三派及其观点、代表人物代表作 在20世纪50年代,法美两派论战 法国学派:主影响研究。 ①比较文学是文学史的一支,偏重于从文学史的角度给比较文学下定义。 ②研究国际间、跨民族、跨语言、跨国界的作家与作品间相互影响的文体史实。 (就是探求不同民族不同国家文学之间的影响,寻找一种文学现象的渊源和亲缘 关系。) ③强调事实联系的实据考证的方法。 ④观点不足:拒绝把美学作为方法论带入比较文学研究,研究视域较小 ⑤法国派代表人物及其作品: a巴尔登斯伯格: 法国派第一位代表人物,作品《歌德在法国》《文学史研究》 《巴尔扎克作品中的外国倾向》; b梵第根:法国第一个系统、全面阐述法国学派的观点,作品《比较文学论》 (1937戴望舒中译本) c卡雷和基亚:继承和发展梵第根的理论并确立法国学派体系, 卡雷代表作《歌德在英国》 基亚代表作《比较文学》 ⑥优点:1)为比较文学学科的建立和发展作出了开创性的重大贡献。2)严谨的定 义,材料的确凿,为比较文学学科的地位,奠定了坚实的理论基础,建立了严 密的方法体系。3)影响研究仍是今天比较文学研究的重要手段。 美国学派:主平行研究。 ①比较文学是文学研究,指向文学批评和文学理论, ②研究围是超一国围之的,多国的 ③采用大规模结合比较和审美批评的方法,进行无事实联系的文学关系的研究 ④把比较文学研究的界限延展到其他相关的学科去,提出跨学科的研究。(与法 最大不同:跨学科) ⑤美国派代表人物及其作品: a韦勒克《文学理论》(与沃伦合著)、《比较文学的概念》、《比较文学的名称 和实质》,教堂山会议上宣读了一篇题为《比较文学的危机》的论文,揭开两个学 派论战,被看做美国学派的宣言。教堂山会议是比较文学发展史上的一个转折点。 b雷马克《比较文学的定义和功用》 c列文对“主题学”的界定和实践 ⑥缺点:1)美国学派的理论不够严密,容易产生牵强附会的比附。2)跨学科比 较有可能使思想史、文化交流史的研究也成为比较文学,最终使比较文学的 独立性消亡。 中国学派:以跨异质文明研究为基本特征,主双向阐发研究。最先由我国学者提出,包括用外来的(本民族的)文学理论来阐发本民族的(外来的)文学作品和文学现象、不同民族文学理论的相互阐发和别的学科及理论来对文学进行阐发、解释文学现象。是一种双向的、相互的阐发,通过具体的、细微的研究来说明基本道理。

wset3 历年考题整理

What is Gamay? a) A quality category for vineyards. b) A region in Southern France. c) A grape variety used to make Beaujolais. d) A method for making rosé wines. 2) Which one of the following varieties is often used in South Africa for inexpensive unoaked white wines? a) Malbec. b) Chenin Blanc. c) Shiraz. d) Trebbiano. 3) Which grape varieties are used for the production of Champagne? a) Syrah and Pinot Grigio. b) Gewurztraminer and Riesling. c) Sémillon and Viognier. d) Chardonnay and Pinot Noir. 4) A wine looks fine, but has a musty aroma. What is the most likely reason for this? a) The wine is too old. b) The wine is affected by cork taint. c) It is part of the character of the wine. d) The wine has been stored in hot conditions. 5) Compared to red wines, what temperature are white wines generally fermented at? a) Either higher or lower temperatures. b) The same temperature. c) Higher temperatures. d) Lower temperatures. 6) From which grape variety is 'Californian Fumé Blanc' made? a) Chenin Blanc. b) Viognier. c) Sauvignon Blanc. d) Chardonnay. 7) Which one of the following grape varieties would NOT ripen properly if grown in a cool-climate wine region? a) Grenache. b) Sauvignon Blanc. c) Pinot Noir. d) Chardonnay.


Part One:English Poetry 1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 ?Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer?s day? And who could `thee` be? Because summer?s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love. ?What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why? Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May. ?How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line? Thee is more beautiful than summer. ?What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal? Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal. ?What figures of speech are used in this poem? Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on . ?What is the theme of the poem? Love conquers all, Beauty lives on. 2. Thomas Nashe Spring ?Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images. There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!” The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people?s relationship. ?Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem? In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ]. 3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning ?What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die? Why does the speaker forbid mourning? No, it is about the lover s?separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife?s love is sacred, he didn?t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.


比较文学论文范文精选范文2篇 比较文学论文范文一:瑶族文学植入比较文学教学思路 [摘要]比较文学课程的教学,离不开丰富的跨文化、跨语言、跨区域的实例。将当代广东瑶族文学植入比较文学的教学中,既能形成较有岭南特色的少数民族比较文学教学,又能彰显教学改革实践中比较文学课程的民族文化资源整合特色。本文就此展开教学实例研究,以期实现比较文学特色教学的目标。 [关键词]比较文学教学;瑶族文学;实例研究 比较文学课程是当代高校中文系课程中较为重要的一环。比较文学相对其他分门别类的文学课程而言,其最鲜明的课程特色是跨文化、跨语言、跨国别、跨区域,这一课程特色决定了在教学过程中的通识指向,区域特色资源整合利用到比较文学的教学之中,有着事半功倍的效果。在广东高校的比较文学教学中,将瑶族文学植入比较文学的课程实践,有着广泛的学科基础和地缘优势。从教学对象来看,学生中的少数民族学生群体,大多来自广东省连南、乳源等瑶族自治县的瑶族学生,其对民族文学加入教学内容的接受也更为清晰。因此在比较文学课程中,结合少数民族文学、尤其是当代瑶族文学与文化的内容,是可行而且必要的。本文试图从教学目的、教学内容、教学方法三个方面全方位展示比较文学教学与当代广东瑶族文学相结合的教学实例研究。 一、教学目标



... .. ........... 脅爲 201(年4月行政管理学试题 课程代码:00277 一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题1分,共30分)在每小题列出的四个备选项中只有一个是符合题目要求的,请将其代码填写在题后的括号内。错选、多选或未选均无分。 1?行政管理学的创始人是( C )1-9 A.泰罗 B.古德诺 C.威尔逊 D.法约尔 2?霍桑实验提出了( A )1-14 A. “社会人”假设 B. “政治人”假设 C. “经济人”假设 D. “道德人”假设 3?研究和学习行政管理学的具体方法中,主要注重个别事例 特殊性研究的方法是( D )1-23 A.比较方法 B.经验方法 C.规范方法 D.案例方法 4?对特定行政系统的战略性、长期性与全面性存在与运行产生根本性影响的各种环境因素集合,指的是(B )2-32 A.微观行政环境 B.宏观行政环境 C.中观行政环境 D.外部行政环境 5?在雷格斯提出的“融合一棱柱一衍射的行政模型”中,棱 柱型行政模式是(A )2-35 A.过渡型社会的行政模式 B.工业社会的行政模式 C.农业社会的行政模式 D.信息社会的行政模式 6?我国的政权组织形式是(C )2-50 A.人民民主专政 B.中国共产党领导下的多党合作制 C.人民代表大会制度 D.三权分立制 7?在下列国家中,实行联邦制的是(D )3-81 A.中国 B.英国 C.日本 D.美国 8?行政权力合法性的基础是(A )3-70 A.公共性B ?强制性 C.自主性 D.有限性 9?强势政府时期,行政职能所具有的特点是( A )4-102 A.行政职能范围大大拓展 B.政府很少对经济进行干预 C.政府职能非常有限 D.适应自由资本主义的发展 10.行政管理活动的实质和核心是(C )4-95 A.行政权力 B.行政组织 C.行政职能 D.行政发展 11?行政管理机构设置的最基本原则是( A )5-137 A.适应性B .协调性 C?法制性D?精干高效 12?从行政管理机构的性质看,统计局属于(C )5-135 A.咨询机构 B.监督机构 C.信息机构 D.执行机构 13. 外交部在国外的使馆、领馆属于(B )5- 136 A.辅助机构 B.派出机构 C.执行机构 D.咨询机构 14. 人事行政管理最经常的职责和最大量的活动是 (C )6-164 A.计划和组织 B.制度建设与具体落实 C.使用和开发行政人员 D.激励和监督行政人员 15. 预算管理实质上是一种(B )6-168 A.技术性的管理活动 B.政治性的行政活动 C.经济性的分配活动 D.经济性的技术活动 16. 在西方国家,文官制度最早产生于( A )6-165 A.英国 B.美国 C.法国 D.德国 17. 行政组织中最活跃的要素是(C )7-198 A.行政权力 B.行政职位 C.行政人员 D.行政体制 18. 解决上下级行政组织冲突的常见方式是(A )7-208 A.服从权威 B.谈判 C.冷处理 D.调解 19. 渐进决策模式理论的提出者是(A ) 8-236 A.林德布洛姆 B.阿?埃佐尼 C.杜鲁门 D.赫伯特?西蒙 20. 最典型的事前行政监督是(C )8-254 A.国政调查 B.质询 C.听证会制度 D.人大代表视察 21. 使行政管理思想变为现实状态的中间媒介是 (D )9-263 A.行政管理制度 B.行政控制技术 C.行政领导方式 D.行政管理方法 22. 经济方法利用经济杠杆对组织和个人行为进行调节和影 响,因而具有(C )9-269 A.无偿性B .强制性 C.间接性 D.垂直性 23. 所谓破釜沉舟、背水一战属于(D )9-275 A.目标激励 B.奖励激励 C.竞争激励 D.反激励 24. 建立在“性恶论”伦理哲学基础上的行政管理原则与管 理模式是( C )10-315 A.以德行政 B.诚信行政 C.依法行政 D.透明行政 25. 行政职业道德的核心规范,也是为人民服务准则的最基本规范要 求是(D ) A.廉政 B.遵纪守法 C.实事求是 D.勤政 26. 在我国,有权制定行政法规的是( A )10-296 A.国务院 B.全国人大及其常委会 C.国务院各职能部门 D.省级人民政府 27. 一般来说,一国的行政经济绩效主要是指( B )11-330 A.GDP增长速度 B.宏观经济发展水平 C.财政收入状况 D.人民收入水平 28. 开展政府绩效评估的前提和基础是(A )11-353 A.立法保障B?公民参与


一、填空:(16分) 1、英文中的“比较文学”一词是年由在一书中确定并使用的。 2、比较文学作为一门学科最终诞生于世纪年代末至90年代。 3、比较文学诞生的标志是、比较文学理论著作的问世、和比较文学学位论文与工具书的出现。 5、世界比较文学大致可以分为、和三大学派。 7、当代文类学把文学作品分、和戏剧类三大类。 8、《文心雕龙》的作者是。 10、形象学的研究内容包括和 两方面。 12、中国大陆第一部比较文学概论性著作是1984年卢康华、孙景尧所著 的。 二、简要回答:(30分) 1、什么是比较文学的可比性? 2、什么是“期待视野”? 3、什么是“社会总体想象物”? 三、论述:(54分) 1、试论述跨学科研究。 2、试述文学翻译中“文化误读”的消极作用和积极意义。

一、填空:(16分) 1、比较文学诞生的标志是比较文学杂志的出现、、比较文学作为一门正式的课程进入高等学校的课堂和。 2、中国的比较文学研究开始得比较早,但是形成一门独立的学科则是在 世纪年代。 3、渊源学分为,,, 和集体的渊源。 4、当代文类学把文学作品分抒情类、和三大类。 5、比较文学的可比性由、跨越性和三个条件组成。 6、比较文学研究领域的各种文学关系大致包括、 和三个方面。 7、《管锥编》的作者是。 二、简要回答:(30分) 1、什么是题材研究? 2、什么是“文学误读”? 3、什么是“套话”? 三、论述:(54分) 1、试从形象学研究的角度谈19世纪中叶以后,西方人对中国人形象的描写发生了怎样的变化? 2、试述比较文学的三大学派及其基本特征。

一、填空(每空1分,共16分)。 1、英文中的“比较文学”一词是年由在一书中确定并使用的。 2、中国的比较文学研究开始得比较早,但是形成一门独立的学科则是在 世纪年代。 3、世界比较文学大致可以分为、和三大学派。 4、中国大陆第一部比较文学概论性著作是1984年卢康华、孙景尧所著 的。 5、比较文学的变异研究包 括、、、接受学 和。 6、梵·第根的代表作是。 7、中国大陆第一部以“比较诗学”为名的著作是。 8、《原始文化》的作者是。 二、简答题(每题10分,共40分)。 1、什么是比较文学? 2、跨文明阐发研究的主要方式有哪些? 3、在文学的他国化过程中,接受国如何以本民族的文化规则和思维方式为主? 4、跨文明对话研究的主要方式有哪些?三、论述题(每题22分,共44分)。 1、试述比较文学的三大学派及其基本特征。 2、试论述诗学与比较诗学的区别和联系。


《中央美术学院》 2014考题 造型专业校考考题 命题创作考题:《人都藏哪去了》。要求画面中不得少于5个人。 色彩考题:奶奶家的厨房。 素描考题:男子半身像(右手拿杯子放在左手上,两只手在腿上) 速写考题:女子色彩半身像(双手交叉放在腿上,目光平视) 设计专业校考考题 设计素描:衬布覆盖的椅子。 速写考题:考场一角,4人场景。色彩考题:奶奶家的厨房命题设计(三小时):《浮》(双设计,15X15,8开) 建筑专业校考考题 色彩考题:三个瓶罐的相遇。 素描考题:自行车。 立体构成考题 1.假设正方体边长为a,从第一个正方体中垂直地面相隔切出一个1/4体及2个1/8体来,原正方体中需剩下4个长方体,此4个长方体均其中一边的边长及高度为a; 2.从相同第二个正方体中正交切除3个正四棱柱,其中边长为1/4a的正四棱柱1个,此高度为1/2a,边长为1/8a的正四棱柱2个,高度均为a; 3.只能用第一个正方体中剩下的4个长方体和第二个正方体中切出的3个正四棱柱设计一个空间组合模型,可组合及穿插,但体之间不能相叠; 4.作画要求:画出最终立体空间组合模型的轴测图,用素描方式表现,同时用线条小轴测图图解表示以上3个步骤。 2013年考题 设计专业: 素描:《书房一角》 速写:考场一角4个人物 色彩:晨光下的室外一角 平面设计:线的两端 造型专业: 素描:半身像写生 色彩:色彩头像写生 创作考题:紧张关系 建筑专业: 素描:《屋里屋外》

色彩:一个有些多扇窗户的居民楼面。(要求:要特写,可以不画全景,专注于一个有着6-10扇窗户的居民楼表面。) 立构:用两个圆柱,两个三棱柱和四个长方体随机组合。(要求:两圆柱的顶面在空间上要互相垂直,但不能相交,两三棱柱要有相交的关系,四个长方体中,两个大小比例要相同,另外两个也要相同。) 2012年考题 建筑专业: 素描:堆放家具的库房 色彩:深秋城市 命题创作:《晨》要求画面出现两人或两人以上,除油彩外,其他材料工具不限。 设计专业: 素描:我记忆中的中国地图(2小时) 速写:考场写生六人组合(40分钟) 色彩:午后的室内一角(3小时) 2011年考题 素描:餐桌的一角 速写:一站姿、一蹲姿,一男一女(成年人)默画可适当加场景 色彩:阳光下的树荫 2010年考题 造型专业: 素描:“男青年半身带手人像”,左手托左腮,左胳膊放在膝盖上,胳膊肘往外拐。 色彩:“女青年头像”(头戴白帽,头略往斜上方看) 速写:男青年右腿踩在凳子上,左胳膊放在右腿上 命题创作:《家有乐事》 设计专业: 素描:请以“彩虹”两汉字的几何形体立体构成组成一幅画面。 速写:场景速写:考张一角,画面中必须出现3-5个人物,工具不限。 色彩:蔬菜静物 中国画专业: 素描:头像。 速写:三个动态动作。 创作:“人与人”、“新绿”任选一题。 专业写生:半身像。 书法:王维诗“山居秋暝”(共二幅) 建筑专业:

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