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2014年内蒙古大学翻译硕士考研真题及答案 各位考研的同学们,大家好!我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上研究生,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。 一翻译句子 1)这次长江流域的水灾是44年来最严重的。 the flood in yangtze river are the worst in the past fourty-four years. 2)官方的数字表明已有2000多人死亡,1380万人被迫离开家园。 official figure indicates that more than 2000 people have been drowned and 13.8 million have been driven from their home. 3)占中国总耕地面积3%的450万公顷(hectare)的农作物被毁。 crops have been destroyed on 4.5 million hactare, 3 percent of china's total cropland. 4)工厂被迫停工,产量受到影响。 the industrial output has suffered as the factories have had to shut. 5)客运和货运也被迫中断。 the transportation of goods and people has been disrupted. 6)在未来的许多岁月里,人民都会感受到洪灾对中国经济的总体影响。 the overall effects on china's economy will be felt for many months. 7)尽管损失如此严重,举国上下,展开与洪水的斗争是非常值得称赞的。 despite the serious damage,china deserves a lot credit for its nationawide efforts to deal with flooding. 8)在抗洪斗争中,中国人民显示了令人叹服的守堤防洪的能力。 during which,the chinese have demonstrated a remarkable capability for shoring up dikes and protecting them from flooding. 9)例如这次国家调动了160万军队去守护大堤,将被洪水淹没地区的百姓迁走。


英语翻译基础教程 总主编:冯庆华主编:冯庆华陈科芳 1 “意思”的译法 甲:这是一点小意思,请务必收下。 乙:你这个人真是有意思,怎么也来这一套。甲:哎,只是意思意思,乙:啊,真是不好意思。 译文:A:This is a little gift as a token of my appreciation .Please do take it . B:Oh, aren't you a bit too polite ? you should not do that . A: Well ,it just conveys my gratitude. B: Ah, thank you then ,though i really do not deserve it . 2 “说” (1)阿Q将衣服摔在地上,吐一口唾沫,说:“这毛虫”!《阿Q正传》 译文:Ah Q flung his jacket on the ground ,spat ,and swore ,“hairy worm!” (2) “三个臭皮匠,合成个诸葛亮”,这就是说,群众有伟大的创造力。《毛泽东选集》 文: The old saying ,"three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Zhuge Liang the mastermind ,"simple means the masses have great creative power. (3):也不知安居乐业,最早见于什么典籍,四个字一针见血的点名了生活中的一个因果关系。译文:I can not say in what canon the words "secure in one's home and happy in one's work" first appeared ,but that expression cuts to the core of a primary determinant in human life. 3 你们偶然看见一颗花生瑟缩的长在地上,不能立刻分辨出它有没有果实,非得等到你接触到它时你才能知道。 译文1:When you come upon a peanut plant lying curled up on the ground ,you can never immediately tell whether or not it bears ant nuts until you touch them . 译文2:When you come upon a peanut plant lying curled up on the ground ,you can never tell whether or not it bears any nuts until you dig it up. 4金杯牌充气床垫工艺先进,结构新颖,造型美观,款式繁多,舒适大方,携带方便。译文:The 'Gold cup' Brand air-filled bed cushions are made in advanced technology .with novel,structure, beautiful shape and various patterns ,they are comfortable and convenient to carry. 5 人民犯了法,也要受处罚,也要坐班房。 译文:when anyone among the people breaks the law ,he too should be punished ,imprisoned.. 6只有充分发展商品经济,才能把经济真正搞活,使各企业增加效率。译文:the development of a commodity economy is the only way to invigorate our economy and promp t enterprise to raise their efficiency . 7 我的姐姐又因为我不爱整洁而向我唠叨地劝戒了。 译文:my sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness. 8我国人民在中国共产党第十五次全国代表大会的精神鼓舞下,正沿着建设有中国特色的社会主义道路,满怀信心,昂首阔步地迈向二十一世纪。 Inspired by the spirit of 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China , the people of C hina are advancing confidently towards the 21st century along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics . 9本公司生产的地毯美丽大方、光彩夺目,富丽堂皇。 The carpets made in our company are beautiful and magnificent . 10我们进行了长期不懈的努力。 We have made unremitting efforts for it .

冯庆华 《实用翻译教程》四 论述文体

1 罗斯福演讲 Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Fourth Inaugural Address We Americans of today, together with our allies, are passing through a period of supreme test. It is a test of our courage—of our resolve—of our wisdom—our essential democracy. If we meet that test—successfully and honorably—we shall perform a service of historic importance which men and women and children will honor throughout all time. As I stand here today, having taken the solemn oath of office in the presence of my fellow countrymen—in the presence of our God—I know that it is America's purpose that we shall not fail. In the days and in the years that are to come we shall work for a just and honorable peace, a durable peace, as today we work and fight for total victory in war. We can and we will achieve such a peace. We shall strive for perfection. We shall not achieve it immediately—but we still shall strive. We may make mistakes—but they must never be mistakes which result from faintness of heart or abandonment of moral principle. I remember that my old schoolmaster, Dr. Peabody, said, in days that seemed to us then to be secure and untroubled: "Things in life will not always run smoothly. Sometimes we will be rising toward the heights—then all will seem to reverse itself and start downward. The great fact to remember is that the trend of civilization itself is forever upward; that a line drawn through the middle of the peaks and the valleys of the centuries always has an upward trend." Our Constitution of 1787 was not a perfect instrument; it is not perfect yet. But it provided a firm base upon which all manner of men, of all races and colors and creeds, could build our solid structure of democracy. And so today, in this year of war, 1945, we have learned lessons—at a fearful cost—and we shall profit by them. We have learned that we cannot live alone, at peace; that our own well-being is dependent on the well-being of other nations far away. We have learned that we must live as men, not as ostriches, nor as dogs in the manger. We have learned to be citizens of the world, members of the human community. We have learned the simple truth, as Emerson said, that "The only way to have a friend is to be one." We can gain no lasting peace if we approach it with suspicion and mistrust or with fear. We can gain it only if we proceed with the understanding, the confidence, and the courage which flow from conviction.


英译汉 课程类别:专业核心课 课程性质:必修 学时:64学时(第五、六学期) 学分:4学分 教材:普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材《英汉翻译基础教程》 总主编冯庆华主编陈科芳高等教育出版社 第一单元 翻译概论 主要内容: ⏹翻译的目的 ⏹翻译的分类 ⏹翻译史简介 ⏹翻译的主体 ⏹译者的素质 ⏹翻译的标准 ⏹翻译的过程 翻译的标准 ⏹翻译是把用一种语言表达的信息用另一种语言表达出来的活动或行为。翻译的标准即衡量翻译作品的准绳与尺度。随着时代的变迁,翻译理论研究的深入及翻译水平的提高,翻译的标准也在不断地变化发展。 ❑传统语文学研究阶段 ❑现代语言学研究阶段 ❑当代多元化研究阶段 (文学、文化、交际、认知、….) 一、国外翻译理论 ❑泰特勒的翻译三原则 译作应该完全传达原作的思想;译作的风格与笔调应该与原作保持一致;译作应该和原作一样流畅。 ❑纽马克的交际翻译与语义翻译 交际翻译力图对译作读者产生尽可能接近原作读者所获得的效果;语义翻译力图在译作语言的语义结构和语法结构允许的情况下,译出原作在上下文中的准确意义。 ❑奈达的功能对等 最低限度切合实际的功能对等定义:译文读者对译文的理解应当达到能够想象出原文读者是怎样理解和领会原文的程度;最高限度合乎理想的功能对等定义:译文读者应当能够基本上按照原文读者理解和领会原文的方式来理解和领会译文 二、国内翻译理论 ❑玄奘:既需求真,又需喻俗 ❑严复:信、达、雅 ❑鲁迅:信、顺 ❑林语堂:忠实、通顺、美 ❑傅雷:神似 ❑钱钟书:化境 ❑刘重德:信(于内容)、达(如其分)、切(合风格) ❑许渊冲:三重标准 三、翻译的标准:忠实+通顺

英汉翻译练习题与答案 (2)

Translation Improvement(改错) 例:原文:He asked after you.译文:他在你之后发问。改译:他问起你的情况。 4) 等到所有的伤员都被转移了,白求恩大夫才离开医院。 译文:Dr.Bethune left the hospital until all the wounded soldiers were carried away. 改正:Dr.Bethune didn?t leave the hospital until all the wounded soldiers were carried away. 5) 这篇文章给我们介绍了他们的教学方法。 译文:This article tells us their teaching method. 改正:This article introduces us their teaching method. 6) 工人们用的这些工作台需要加高。 译文:The worktables where the workers sit need being heightened. 改正:The worktables where the workers sit need heightening. 7) 海洋覆盖了地球表面的71%,是全球生命支持系统的一个基本组成部分。 译文:The ocean covers 71 percent of the earth's surface and is a basic component of the global bio-support system. 改正:The ocean covers 71 percent of the earth's surface and it is a basic component of the global bio-support system. 8) 一班的学生和二班的一样专心。 译文:The students of Class One are as attentive as Class Two. 改正:The students of Class One are as attentive as those of Class Two. 9) It is time we took effective measures to deal with the problem of pollution. 译文:这时,我们已采取了有效措施来处理污染这一问题。 改正:该是时候采取措施来处理污染这一问题了。 10)In any case it was a bad scene and one in which 1 would just glad never have taken part. 译文:总而言之,这是一个狼狈的场面,我很高兴,我永远也不会参与进去。 改正:无论如何,这是一个狼狈的场面,我很高兴,我永远也不会参与进去。11) A visit to the slum areas of the town brought home to me what poverty really means. 译文:对该市贫民区的访问使我把贫穷的真正含义带回了国内。 改正:对该市贫民区的访问使我对贫穷有了真正了解。 14)Eggs are supposed to be one of the most healthful foods.——Next to potatoes.I think. 译文:鸡蛋被认为是最有益于健康的食品。——我想与土豆接近。


Translation exercises:((汉语无主句的翻译) 教材及参考书目: 陈宏薇《英汉翻译基础》上海外语教育出版社 范勇《新汉英翻译教程》南京大学出版社 方梦之《英汉-汉英应用翻译综合教程》上海外语教育出版社 李青《新编英汉汉英翻译教程:翻译技巧与误译评析》北京大学出版社范仲英《实用翻译教程》外语教学与研究出版社 陈文伯《教你如何掌握汉译英技巧》世界知识出版社 贾德江《英汉语对比研究与翻译》国防科技大学出版社 王治奎《大学汉英翻译教程》山东大学出版社 吕瑞昌《汉英翻译教程》陕西人民出版社 宋天锡《英汉互译实用教程》国防工业出版社 杨自俭《英汉语比较与翻译》上海外语教育出版社 黄志顺《中级汉英翻译解析》广东人民出版社 许建平《英汉互译实践与技巧》清华大学出版社 冯庆华《实用翻译教程》上海外语教育出版社 柯平《英汉与汉英翻译教程》北京大学出版社 陈安定《英汉比较与翻译》中国对外翻译出版社 吴伟雄《实用英语翻译技巧》云南人民出版社 赵世开《汉英对比语法论集》上海外语教育出版社 黄新渠《汉译英基本技巧》四川人民出版社 钟述孔《英汉翻译手册》世界知识出版社 蒋坚松《英汉对比与汉译英研究》湖南人民出版社 方梦之《翻译新论实践》青岛出版社 《中国科技翻译》杂志 《中国翻译》杂志 A very useful website for C-E Translation China daily Translation (useful to check out some popular Chinese words) 请参看:赵东辉的“辨析汉语非主谓句与英语祈使句” 1.忠诚党的教育事业。 Be devoted to the party’s educational task. 2.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s den? 3.前头坐着一位老人。 Ahead sat an old man. 4.没有矛盾,就没有世界。 Without contradiction nothing would exist. 5.以下是代表的名单。 The following is a list of the delegates. 6.留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。 As long as the green mountains are there, one need not worry about firewood.


2015年北京第二外国语学院翻译硕士考研真题答案解析 各位考研的同学们,大家好!我是才思的一名学员,现在已经顺利的考上北京第二外国语学院翻译硕士,今天和大家分享一下这个专业的真题,方便大家准备考研,希望给大家一定的帮助。 百科知识部分 论述题 1、答:佛教自东汉传入中国,逐渐本土化,并对中国的文化发生了巨大的影响,文学也概莫能外,而作为中国文学的正宗的诗歌更是蒙受其沾溉,其对中国诗歌创作的影响有如下几点: A,对格律诗的形成起了作用。佛教传入后,由于其佛经诵读梵呗之声,使得中国人发现了汉语四声的特点,经过永明体作者的努力,汉语四声的特点终于成为诗歌艺术zhog 极为重要的一环。汉语诗歌在文人手中,脱离了音乐,但诗歌本质上要求要有规律,于是,通过文字本身的特点来体现韵律成为诗歌的当务之急,而四声的发现则满足了这一要求。于是,人们理清了汉字的平仄关系后,格律诗也就呼之欲出了。 B,扩大了中国古代诗歌的意境创造空间。印度人士最富于想象力的民族,尤其是在佛教中有关地狱与西方极乐世界的想象力令人惊叹。而中华民族一直是关注现实的民族,在玄想方面要有所欠缺。佛教的传入丰富了中华民族的想象力,使得中华艺术中,掺进了一些光怪陆离的想象,这得益于佛教不少。而诗歌的意境创造也自魏晋以来,得益于佛教不少,甚至到了后世,中国化了的佛教支派禅宗对中国诗歌的思维方式还有更有更为重要的影响。

C,扩大了诗作者的范围。纵观中国古代诗歌史,诗僧是一个大量的存在,他们以他们独特的双重身份,写出了不少独具特色的诗歌作品来。 D,扩大了诗歌描写的题材范围。古代诗歌的题材范围并不时在一开始就无所不包的,而是在历史诗人开创性的创造后逐渐蔚为大观的。而自从有了佛教的传入,他们便带来了一整套的文化,而面对这些,古代的诗人们写出了大量优秀的作品。比如大量吟咏寺庙或与僧人交往酬答的作品。 E,为诗歌创作提供了更多可以使用的典故。使用典故是中国古典诗歌的主要特点。这可以扩大诗作的信息量,以简约的语言表达丰富的情思。中国诗歌主要的典故来源多是儒家经典与历史著作,而自从佛教典籍本土化后,使用佛典入诗也成为了一个值得注意的趋向。 2、答:科举考试时中国古代的一种选官制度,它萌芽于隋,成熟于唐,此后,历宋元明清,虽代有沿革,然而也历千余年而不衰,最终在清光绪三十年(1904)因时移事变加上其本身积弊丛生而被废除。 在中国历史上,科举考试的功是显而易见的: A,科举考试实行后,大批下层士人通过考试进入了国家机器,这事实上在很大程度上保了统治集团内部的活力以及其统治力量的相对制衡。这对于中国古代的政治是有积极作用的,改变了隋唐以前普通士人无法跻身于政治的中心。 B,科举的实行,也缓解了下层人民与上层统治者间的矛盾冲突,在一定程度上起到了平定社会心理的作用,“朝为田舍郎,暮登天子堂”对每个士人都是一种诱惑,而且有实现的途径,于是,对于统治者的不满情绪便会在一定程度得到消解。


第一章翻译概论 第一节中外翻译史简介 四、课内练习 1. 东汉至唐宋时期。 2. 玄奘不仅译出了75 部佛经,而且还把老子的部分著作译成梵文,成为第一个向国外介绍汉语著作的中国人。 3. 20 世纪初的“五四”新文化运动,开创了白话文学和白话翻译的新纪元,语言从文言正宗转为白话本位。五四运动前后,东西方各国的优秀文学作品,特别是俄国和苏联的作品开始被介绍进来,《共产党宣言》等一批马克思主义著作的译文就发表在“五四”时期,为中国后来的革命做了充分的理论和思想准备。 4. 圣经的翻译成为了西方翻译研究的重要源头之一。 5. 中外悠久的翻译历史已为我们积累了一份宝贵的文化遗产。我们应当认真总结前人的翻译经验,借鉴吸收前人从实践中总结出的理论、方法,以便继续提高我们的翻译水平,为中外文化交流做出自己的贡献。 五、课后练习 (一)将下列段落译成中文: 一百年前的今天:一些海鸥;北卡罗来纳州杀魔山海岸警卫队的三个队员;救生站以及一些本地人,见证了威尔帕·莱特(Wilbur Wright)和奥维尔·莱特(Orville Wright)兄弟的第一次机动飞机飞行。1903 年12 月17 日,莱特兄弟第一次用比空气重的飞行器进行了有动力的持续飞行。1932 年,90 英尺高的杀魔山顶立起了一座60 英尺高的花岗岩纪念碑,用以纪念这两个来自俄亥俄州代顿市的梦想家。莱特兄弟来自于美国中部。他们有着天空般广阔的眼界,也有着十分务实的作风。1892 年,他们在俄亥俄州的代顿开创了自己的自行车企业:莱特自行车公司。虽然在当时世纪之交的美国,有着数不清的自行车公司,但只有一个在造轮子的同时造出了翅膀。当莱特兄弟在1903 年最终着眼于动力载人飞行器,他们成功地使世界变小了…… (二)将下列段落译成英文: As Jia baoyu,Xue Baoqin,Xing youyan and Ping’er had birthdays on the same day,the young ladies held a hilarious drinking party in the hall of the peony garden for them. When it was Xiangyun’s turn to compose a verse amid a drinking game,she made fun of the service maids by saying,holding a duck head in hand,“This ya tou (referring to the duck head in hand)is not that ya tou (referring to the service maids around,as both are homophones in Chinese),for this ya tou has applied no hair oil….”Everybody roared with laughter. Some service maids protested,laughing,“You made fun of us,so you have to drink another cup. Let’s pour a full cup her….”As the party went on drinkers’games continued with ceaseless laughter and people suddenly noticed that Xiangyun had disappeared. While they looked this way and that,a service maid rushed in laughing,“Young ladies. Hurry to have a look at the Lady Xiangyun. She’s sleeping on the stone bench over there.”The group tiptoed over,and sure enough,saw Xiangyun sleeping soundly. Fallen flowers scattered on her body,her hair and her face. Her fan had dropped on the ground aside. Bees danced in the air around her. Under her head was a make-shift pillow of peony flowers wrapped with her handkerchief. Amid laughter service girls gently woke her up and helped her-she was still mumbling something drunkenly-get inside the


新英汉翻译教程第二章课堂互动及综合练习答案 课堂互动一 1.无论是中国还是美国,都不会缩小贸易的重要性。 2.几乎是毫无意识地,我用手指抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶子和新开的花朵迎来了南方美好的春天。 3.人生的幸福只需要三条:有所爱,有所为,有所盼。 4.听完这话,她笑了,双唇合成一条曲线,露出一副悔恨的样子。但两眼仍熠熠发光,脉脉含情。这种情感她不敢认同。 5.爱丽丝无所事事,跟姐姐一起闲坐岸边,开始感到厌倦了。姐姐正在看书。她瞥了一两眼,但是那书上并没有图画或对话。爱丽丝想,一本书中如果没有图画或是对话,那它又有什么用呢。 课堂互动二 1.他在各方面都优于他人。 2.这么莽撞无礼,没完没了。真让我生气。 3.中国幅员辽阔、人口众多。 4.耐心是一切的关键,小鸡是从蛋里孵出来的,不是把蛋壳敲破取出来的。 5.读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深沉,伦理使人庄重,逻辑和修辞使人善辩,能够争论。 课堂互动三 1.男人在25岁前的十年中身体最棒、肌肉最结实、对感冒和传染病的抵御力最强、身体摄取营养的效率最高。

2.唱完歌,观众不给她鼓掌。 3.每次来纽约,他都要痛饮一番。 4比赛因雨暂停举行。 5.如有火情,请拨打火警电话119. 课堂互动四 1.人人都知道讲一口流利的英语有多重要。在学校,我们学习和练习的主要内容之一是读写英语,殊不知在日常生活中我们与人交流思想时发现说比写的机会要多得多。 2.幻想常把我们带入虚无之乡,而缺乏想象只会使我们驻足不前。 3.世界上只有三种人;实干者,旁观者,打探者。 4.谈话的艺术不仅是善于分别场合、说话得当。而且要在忍不住的场合强忍下不得当的话。 5.仁慈的心肠是花园,高尚的情操是根基,友好的话语是花朵,慷慨的行为是硕果。 课堂互动五 1.上学可不是一件轻松的事,而且大部分也有什么趣味。不过要是 你的造化好,也许会碰上个真正的好老师。我最大的幸运,就是一生中有过三位这样的好老师。 2.可是,克隆动物究竟是怎么回事?克隆动物来自基因与供体动物 相同的一个胚胎,该胚胎由另一个母体代孕至足月。由此而来的新生命本质上是供体“父母”的同卵双生。具有该动物孪生者之异同。


How to explain that I was not a proud owner seeking admiration for his vehicle, but a tourist who had broken down 如何解释,我不是一个骄傲的主人寻求佩服他的汽车,但游客坏了吗 Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruptions that last less than two hours. 特种设备确保计算机就不会被打断,力量持续不到两个小时。 It is actually very, very old and was not always as beautiful as it is now. It is not certain how the Earth began. Probably it began as a huge globe of gas and dust. The globe became smaller and denser. Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard, 它实际上是非常非常老的,并不总是像现在这样美丽。这都是不确定的地球就开始了。可能起源于一个由气体和尘埃组成的庞大球体。地球变得更小且致密。今天的外层或地壳是凉爽且硬, It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, not horror, nor any of the other emotions that she had been prepared for. 那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是嫌恶,也不是她原先准备应付的任务一种感情。 Modern geology has for its aim the deciphering of the whole evolution of the earth from the time of the earlier records that can be recognized in the rocks to the present day. 当代地质解释为其目标的整体演化的地球早期的时间记录,可以识别岩石到当代。 1. Promotions are wonderful but they must be deserved. And we deserve it, only if we serve the people. 【译文】提升是件好事。但必须是那些值得提升的人。而我们只有为人民服务才算得上值得。 2. It looks like it will be a mild, but rainy weekend. 【译文】看来天气温和,但周末有雨。 3. It emerged casually and as a byproduct of our conversation. 【译文】它偶然地冒了出来,就像我们谈话的副产品。 4. His air of self-assurance and somewhat lordly bearing would have frightened me, had it not been for his warm and hearty handshake. 【译文】他那自信的神气和略为高傲的派头就要使我害怕了,不过他和我握手的时候是那样热情,那样真挚。 1 / 6


冯庆华实用翻译教程 冯庆华(实用翻译教程(上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002. P226-235 Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin. Mr. Bennet made no answer. 班纳特先生没有理睬她. (王科一译) 贝内特先生没有答话. (孙致礼; 张隆胜译) 本内特先生没答腔. (张玲&张扬译) 贝内特先生没有回答她. (义海译) 贝内特先生没有吭声. (张经浩译) 本内特先生没有搭理她. (张小余译) P216-221 When We Two Parted By George Gordon Byron When we two parted In silence ad tears, Half broken-hearted, To sever for years, Pale grew thy cheek and cold, Colder thy kiss; Truly that hour foretold Sorrow to this! 想当年我们俩分手 想当年我们俩分手, 也沉默也流泪, 要分开好几个年头 想起来心就碎; 苍白、冰冷,你的脸,

更冷是嘴唇; 当时真是像预言 今天的悲痛。 (卞之琳译) 当初我俩分离时 当初我俩分离时, 默默无语泪满面, 离愁绞得心半碎--- 一别将是若干年; 你的脸苍白冰冷, 你的吻冷而又冷; 真就是那个时光, 预示了今日悲恨~(黄杲炘译)xin1 昔日依依别 昔日依依别, 泪流默无言; 离恨肝肠断, 此别又几年。 冷颊何惨然, 一吻寒更添; 日后伤心事, 此刻已预言。(陈锡麟译) 那年离别日 那年离别日, 默默双泪垂,


《新英汉翻译教程》章课后答案 How to explain that I was not a proud owner seeking admiration for his vehicle, but a tourist who had broken down 如何解释,我不是一个骄傲的主人寻求佩服他的汽车,但游客坏了吗Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruptions that last less than two hours. 特种设备确保计算机就不会被打断,力量持续不到两个小时。 It is actually very, very old and was not always as beautiful as it is now. It is not certain how the Earth began. Probably it began as a huge globe of gas and dust. The globe became smaller and denser. Today the outer layer or crust is cool and hard, 它实际上是非常非常老的,并不总是像现在这样美丽。这都是不确定的地球就开始了。可能起源于一个由气体和尘埃组成的庞大球体。地球变得更小且致密。今天的外层或地壳是凉爽且硬, It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, not horror, nor any of the other emotions that she had been prepared for. 那表情不是生气,不是惊讶,不是不满,不是嫌恶,也不是她原先准备应付的任务一种感情。 Modern geology has for its aim the deciphering of the whole evolution of the earth from the time of the earlier records that can be recognized in the rocks to the present day. 当代地质解释为其目标的整体演化的地球早期的时间记录,可以识别岩石到当代。 1. Promotions are wonderful but they must be deserved. And we deserve it, only if we serve the people. 【译文】提升是件好事。但必须是那些值得提升的人。而我们只有为人民服务才算得上值得。 2. It looks like it will be a mild, but rainy weekend. 【译文】看来天气温和,但周末有雨。


普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材 英译汉教程 练习参考答案 连淑能 厦门大学教授、博导

Chapter 1 General Principles Drills 1.3.1 (1) 1. 这对克服困难很有帮助。(go a long way towards something/doing something = help greatly in [achieving] something, OALD 2002: 525;《新英汉词典》2000: 1577) 2. 趁你还年轻的时候,加油吧!/青春不再,趁早努力。(go it = act in a manner that is quicker, more lively, impatient, etc., than is usual. Longman Dictionary of English Idioms1979: 130;《英汉大词典》1993: 740) 3. 我需要更多空闲的时间。(could do with something = need or want something, LDCE 1998: 435) 4. 这次失败促使他成功。([the making of] = a means of gaining great improvement or success, LDCE 1998: 918) 5. 我盼望在最后一刻可以挽救和平。(the eleventh hour = the very last moment, LDCE 1998: 478) 6.她对此事很了解。(know a thing or two [about somebody/something] = know a lot [about somebody/something], OALD 2002: 825) 7. 她真是爱说话。/她太喜欢说话了。(ready = willing to do, LDCE 1998: 1249, 参见“学 生用书”243页) 8.无线电传来了该地区发现大油田的消息。(of-短语修饰news, 也可修饰wireless) 9. 他根据当时已出现的情况,深信以后会有一场漫长而艰难的斗争。(was convinced + that-从句, on the basis of… 短语修饰convinced) 10. 民族解放运动的前景以及中国同第三世界国家之间的关系的前景是怎样的呢?/民族 解放运动以及中国同第三世界国家之间的关系,其前景是怎样的呢?(perspectives 是复数形式,被2个修饰语修饰) (2) 1. 这是一台可以连续运转100小时而不出毛病的发动机。(原译只注意字面对应,没有 根据意思增补) 2.《牛津英语词典》是有关英语单词的一切问题的最高权威。/有关英语单词的一切问题, 只有《牛津英语词典》才能解决。(原译注意字面对应,没有适当引申) 3. 他想学习,增长知识,也愿意教人。/他想学习知识,增长知识,也想传授知识。(原 译a)只注意字面机械对应;b) 发挥过头) 4. 琳达能歌善舞,很会演戏,又很会开玩笑。(原句的名词应转换为动词) 5. 我们不知不觉地朝公园走去。(非人称主语宜转换为人称主语,参见“学生用书”118 页) 6. 你最近过得如何?/近来还可以吧?/近况如何?(宜改变说法) 7. 1919年“五四”运动以后,开始了“新红学”时代,代表人物有胡适、俞平伯等这样 一些学者。(应转换非人称主语,拆译) 8. 这小伙子面相老实,性情随和,(因此)到处吃得开(有人缘)。(应转换非人称主语, 引申词义) 9. 一批又一批的热切群众涌入镇里,情绪非常激动。(应转换非人称主语,引申词义) 10. 这座色彩缤纷、古意盎然的城镇,触发了随队摄影记者的灵感。他们要乒乓球选手 列队拍照,不时高声要他们“笑!笑!”(应拆译) Drills 1.3.2

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