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The Literary Principles of the 18th Century English Literature

The 18th century was generally considered as “the Age of Reason”. In the period Enlightenment prevailed in England and most European countries. Most of the literary works put significant emphasis on the social order, morality, justice and freedom of human nature, which are the essence of Enlightenment. Reason, which Enlightenment advocated, was the most important mode for the English people in the 18th century. The main tasks of the Enlighteners were to call for the elimination of the feudal remnants and religious ignorance, and to pave the path for the development of the bourgeoisie.

The 18th century was of great significance in English history. Owing to the enormous strides in politics and economy, the literature of the century entered the period of prosperity.

1. Historical Background

In politics, the “Glorious Revolution” in 1688 made the smooth transition to a constitutional monarchy in peace come into realization, and afterwards Capitalism was definitely established in Britain. After many centuries of wars and civil trifles, the 18th century saw a period for the English people to enjoy peace and tranquility in their social and political life.

The power of the monarch was deprived and fell into the hands of the Parliament, which was under the control of two major political parties, the Whigs and the Tories. Even though the Whigs were for the democracy and the Tories were the supporters of the British monarchy, the two parties had no much dispute in economic development and the policy of moderation, which ensured a relatively speedy development of the English society in economy and in democracy.

The Act of Union united England, Scotland and Welsh into one country, which laid a foundation for the rise of the British Empire in the middle of the 18th century.

In economy, the international trading and the lucrative slave trade brought

tremendous wealth. Although almost all the European countries had been on the process of industrialization, in England the development was accelerated with the help of the new inventions and a large-scale Enclosure Movement all over the country. The social status of the newly rising bourgeoisie was gradually set up by the boom of economy at home and abroad.

However, the time the capitalists accumulated the enormous profits was the time thousands of peasants were expropriated off the land and the labor workers lost their jobs. The gap between the ruling class and the oppressed was aggravated. The social contradictions were accumulated and deteriorated.

In social life, economic development also brought changes for the English people’s way of life. The people began to have more energy to participate in the social life. Such places for the social activities as the coffeehouse, the theaters and libraries gradually thrived. In the coffeehouse, information, opinions and even gossips on various issues were exchanged and the style of literature was formed and influenced in the public way.

The economic prosperity and the rising of the bourgeois class produced a new requirement for a new social order and rules to meet the need of the social development in politics and morality, and the need of a way to clear away the feudal remnants. The literary men achieved the aim by means of the introduction of the reason, morality, and equality. The development of science and technology boosted the process. Isaac Newton exerted great influence upon Enlightenment with his law of gravitation, which smashed the medieval superstition to the natural forces.

2. The Principles of Literary

It was impossible to make a clear distinction of the different literary genres with so many factors mixed together. Roughly, the literature in the 18th century was divided into three periods, from the late of the 17th century to the middle of the 18th century the popularity of the Neoclassicism, the early to the middle 18th century the rapid growth of the realistic novels of Defoe, and the outstanding novelists Fielding and Smollett, and the last decades of the prevalence of Sentimentalism and the

罗经国《新编英国文学选读》(第4版)教材-第7章 18世纪(1688~1798)【圣才出品】

第7章18世纪(1688~1798) 7.1 复习笔记 Ⅰ. Historical background(历史背景) With the ascent of the bourgeoisie cultural life,some special features are worthy of our notice: 随着市民阶层文化生活的提升,以下几点值得我们的注意: (1) Political writings(政治写作) The rise of the political parties and their rivalry called forth writers,literary men willing to work for either party in order to help either of them win more votes. 政党的崛起,他们的竞争对手召集作家进行创作,而作家们一般都愿意帮助其中任何一派来替他们拉选票。 (2) Newspapers and journals(报纸和期刊) With the coming of the 18th century a new mass media came into being. Both parties printed newspapers as a means to express their views. Besides, the rise of the middle class also helped the growth of the newspapers. 随着18世纪的到来,一种新的媒介开始形成。双方政党都印刷报纸作为宣传他们主张的媒介。此外,正在上升的中产阶级也推动了报业的发展。 (3) Coffeehouses(咖啡屋) In the latter half of the 17th century and throughout the 18th century, the coffeehouses in London served as informal meeting houses for men of all classes,


The Literary Principles of the 18th Century English Literature The 18th century was generally considered as “the Age of Reason”. In the period Enlightenment prevailed in England and most European countries. Most of the literary works put significant emphasis on the social order, morality, justice and freedom of human nature, which are the essence of Enlightenment. Reason, which Enlightenment advocated, was the most important mode for the English people in the 18th century. The main tasks of the Enlighteners were to call for the elimination of the feudal remnants and religious ignorance, and to pave the path for the development of the bourgeoisie. The 18th century was of great significance in English history. Owing to the enormous strides in politics and economy, the literature of the century entered the period of prosperity. 1. Historical Background In politics, the “Glorious Revolution” in 1688 made the smooth transition to a constitutional monarchy in peace come into realization, and afterwards Capitalism was definitely established in Britain. After many centuries of wars and civil trifles, the 18th century saw a period for the English people to enjoy peace and tranquility in their social and political life. The power of the monarch was deprived and fell into the hands of the Parliament, which was under the control of two major political parties, the Whigs and the Tories. Even though the Whigs were for the democracy and the Tories were the supporters of the British monarchy, the two parties had no much dispute in economic development and the policy of moderation, which ensured a relatively speedy development of the English society in economy and in democracy. The Act of Union united England, Scotland and Welsh into one country, which laid a foundation for the rise of the British Empire in the middle of the 18th century. In economy, the international trading and the lucrative slave trade brought


18世纪 散文和期刊文学

18世纪 ?18世纪前半叶﹐英国社会安定﹐文学上崇尚新古典主义﹐其代表者是诗人蒲柏。 ?他运用英雄偶句体极为纯熟﹐擅长写讽刺诗﹐但以发泄私怨居多。表现出启蒙主义精神的主要是散文作家﹐他们推进了散文艺术﹐还开拓了两个文学新领域﹐即期刊随笔和现实主义小说。

?蒲柏出生于一个罗马天主教家庭,由于当时英国法律规定学校要强制推行英国国教圣公会,学习了拉丁文、希腊文、法文和意大利文的大量作品。 ?蒲柏的诗多用“英雄双韵体”。他的许多词句写得工整、精练、富有哲理性,有些诗行几乎成为格言。

?代表作 ?他的第一部重要作品是1711年他23岁时出版的诗体《批评论》,其中许多名句已经成为英语成语。 ?蒲柏深受法国古典主义文学理论家布瓦落的影响,在《批评论》一诗中提出只有自然才是值得研究和描写的对象,诗人不能离开自然,并认为古希腊、罗马的诗歌是最优秀的艺术典范。蒲柏遵循着这种古典主义的原则进行文学创作。

?1712年他写作了长篇讽刺诗《夺发记》,1714年又补充了两章。 ?这首诗描写一家男孩偷剪了另一家女孩的一绺金发,因为此事引起两家的争执,写成了一部英雄史诗。 ?1713年起,他着手翻译荷马的史诗《伊利亚特》和《奥德赛》,是根据当时英国时代精神进行再创作,第一部英语词典的编纂者约翰逊博士称赞为“世界前所未见的高贵的诗译作”。

?蒲柏的代表作是讽刺长诗《鬈发遇劫记》(THE RAPE OF THE LOCK,1714),诗人称之为“英雄滑稽诗”(AN HEROI-COMICAL POEM)。 ?这部作品对英国上流社会的无聊生活提出了温和的批评。蒲柏的 其他诗作还有讽刺长诗《愚人志》(THE DUNCIAD,1742)、哲 理诗《道德论》(MORAL ESSAYS,1731-1735)、《人论》(AN ESSAY ON MAN,1734)和《与阿布斯诺博士书》(EPISTLE TO DR. ARBUTHNOT,1735)等。另外,蒲柏还编纂了莎士比亚的戏剧集。


学术界!(双月刊) 总第126期,2007.5 ACADEM I C S I N CH I NA No.5Sep.2007 十八世纪英国小说的文化解读 ?贺宁杉 (南京审计学院 外语系,江苏 南京 211800) #摘 要?小说是英国文艺复兴之后文学发展的新模式,它一反过去旧文学表现贵族生活的传统,主要描述普通人的生活方式,展示了他们的精神境界、价值观念、道德情操,表达了这一时期大众文化的审美理念,说明了这一时期的大众文化已成为社会的主流文化。 #关键词?小说;普通民众;审美理念;大众文化 文化是一定时期社会的政治、经济、宗教、伦理、法律、价值观念、生产力水平以及人们的生活习俗等方面的总和,它决定了特定时期社会文明的程度。文学艺术作为社会的审美意识形态,在一定意义上是一种具有特殊文化属性的精神活动。它所描述的生活场景,所塑造的人物形象,所表达的审美理念都反映出一定文化模式下的人们的生产方式、生存方式、情感体验以及对生命意义的探索。因此,栩栩如生的人物形象,丰富生动的社会生活场景都突现出社会文化的丰富信息。 一 小说是十八世纪英国文学的主要成就,也是英国文学在文艺复兴之后文学发展的新模式。文艺复兴时期文学的主要成就是戏剧,那时人们坐在戏院中欣赏戏剧,了解社会,把握生活,提升境界,陶冶情操。而到了十八世纪人们对文学的欣赏转变到了对叙事文学文本的阅读,人们在平实的语言中了解普通人的生活故事,体验他们在生活中的复杂情感。这种文学模式的变化,反映了这一时期 作者简介:贺宁杉(1972 ),南京审计学院外语系讲师,研究方向为英语语言文学。

学术界2007.5%学者专论 社会发展的变化,正如约翰%理查得在他的十八世纪小说!中所说的&在英国我们称为小说的东西,是作为一种对深远文化和社会变化的文学的反映而出现的?。#1?这种文学创作及欣赏的变化肯定与当时社会文化的发展变化有密切的联系,归纳起来至少有以下几方面的因素起到了决定性的作用: 首先是社会读者阶层的不断扩大。十八世纪,英国的生产方式发生了重大变革,当时航海、经商、海外冒险成为社会新的生产方式,它所带来的社会财富远远超过过去传统的生产方式。许多人驾船远航,满怀信心地去寻找更好的栖息之地,去寻找宝藏,去经营农场,种植烟草等,个人经济主义成为社会的时尚。这说明,随着生产方式的变革,普通人成为新的生产力中的重要因素,也代表了当时社会先进的生产方式。&这是一个公众阅读兴趣异常突出而且不断增长的时代?。#2?这说明普通人在社会生活中许多方面的影响日益显现出来,这自然改变了社会文化的传播模式。公众读者阶层的不断扩大,也必然为文学接受提供了条件,为文学的发展开拓了更加广阔的空间。 第二,当时英国报刊业的发展,改变了人们的阅读兴趣,也是影响小说兴起的重要原因。报纸主要以刊登真实的新闻为主,对真实性的要求是人们文学欣赏重要的社会心理基础。作为新兴社会大众阶层的奋斗,个人成功的故事层出不穷,它使人们对社会发展进步的把握也以追求真实性为主。这引导了人们对小说这样的叙事文学的欣赏趣味,从而,使小说作为一种新的文学模式得以在社会上广为流行。 第三,个人经济能力以及社会流通图书馆的普及,也为小说的繁荣起到了至关重要的作用。当时,对那些店主、零售商及行政事务机关的工作人员而言,小说的价格是公道的。而且,一部小说分为几小册出售,使他们完全可以把这些小说作为消费品带回家中慢慢阅读欣赏。&十八世纪的小说比之许多业已确立的,高雅的文学形式和学术研究,更接近加入了读者大众队伍的中产阶级的经济能力?。#3? 所以,普通人登上社会历史舞台,以他们为中心的读者大众的经济能力,读者的类型、文化水平,阅读欣赏趣味以及社会图书馆的普及促成了十八世纪英国小说的流行,在它的背后,展示了大众文化生活的真实内容。 二 这一时期的现实主义小说在题材上主要写普通人的生活,它打破了传统文学专门描写帝王将相,才子佳人的生活题材的传统。这一文学题材的变化,绝非一般的过渡,其深层的社会文化是文学的审美理念发生了根本的变化。英国是一个海岛国家,航海能力一直被认为是国家综合国力的体现。十六世纪早期,西班牙以自己强大的海军力量控制了海上霸权,成为当时欧洲的霸主。1588年号称世界第一的&无敌舰队?被英国舰队消灭,从此,西班牙一蹶不振,而英国凭借自己强大的海上力量,控制了海上霸权。英国舰队可以到更远的地方去掠夺财


第五章18世纪文学 一、单项选择题 1、被誉为“第一部英国现代小说”的作品是() A.《杰克上校》 B.《克拉丽莎》 C.《帕美勒》 D.《天真汉》 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:参见教材P81。 2、长于使用书信体叙述故事的英国作家是() A.斯威夫特 B.理查逊 C.菲尔丁 D.笛福 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:参见教材P81。 3、代表18世纪英国现实主义小说最高成就的作家是()A.理查逊菲尔丁B. 笛福C. 斯威夫特D. B 【正确答案】:。【答案解析】:参见教材P82 、菲尔丁的代表作是()4 A.《克拉丽莎》 B.《格列佛游记》·琼斯的故事》C.《弃儿汤姆弗兰德斯》D.《摩尔· C 【正确答案】:参见教材P82。【答案解析】:)、518世纪英国的讽刺作家是( A.笛福理查逊 B. 菲尔丁 C. D.斯威夫特 【正确答案】:D 【答案解析】:参见教材P82。 6、对浪漫主义文学有直接影响的文学是() A.感伤主义文学 B.人文主义文学 C.古典主义文学 D.流浪汉小说 【正确答案】:A 【答案解析】:参见教材P82。 7、欧洲启蒙运动的中心是() A.德国 B.法国 C.英国 D.西班牙

【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:参见教材P83。 8、伏尔泰最出色的哲理小说是() A.《天真汉》 B.《老实人》 C.《查第格》 D.《中国孤儿》 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:参见教材P83。 9、“德国第一部有政治倾向性的戏剧”是() ·退尔》A.《威廉《华伦斯坦》B. 《阴谋与爱情》C. D.《强盗》 C 【正确答案】:。P86参见教材【答案解析】: 10、德国历史上最重要的古典时期的辉煌成就是唯心主义哲学和()的文学。 A.席勒 B.歌德 C.莱辛 D.卢梭 【正确答案】:B 【答案解析】:参见教材P87。 11、歌德的自传是() A.《少年维特之烦恼》 B.《浮士德》 C.《诗与真》 D.《亲和力》 【正确答案】:C 【答案解析】:参见教材P89。 12、《浮士德博士的悲剧》的作者是() A.马洛(也译为马娄)李利B. 格林C. 基德D. A 【正确答案】:【答案解析】:参见教材P91。二、多项选择题、伏尔泰创作的悲剧主要有()1 A.《俄狄浦斯王》《凯撒之死》B. 《穆罕默德》C. 《中国孤儿》D. 《老实人》E. ABCD 【正确答案】:参见教材P83。【答案解析】:)严肃剧2、狄德罗“”的代表作品有( 《修女》A. 《私生子》B. C.《双生子》《拉摩的侄儿》D. E.《一家之主》 【正确答案】:BE 【答案解析】:参见教材P84。 3、狂飙突进运动的代表作家有()


四.资产阶级革命及启蒙时期(Revolutionary and Enlightenment Period 17世纪—18世纪) 约翰·多恩(John Donne): 杰出的诗人,“玄学派”诗歌(Metaphysical Poetry)的创始人。代表作《歌曲与十四行诗》(Songs and Sonnets); 诗作The Flea。 乔治·赫伯特(George Herbert): “玄学派诗圣”(the saint of the Metaphysical school),代表作诗集《神殿》(The Temple)。安德鲁·马韦尔(Andrew Marwell): “玄学派”诗人,代表作《致他的娇羞女友》(To his Coy Mistress)。 约翰·弥尔顿(John Milton): 杰出的清教徒诗人,是英国历史上仅次于莎士比亚的伟大作家。代表作有《为英国人民而辩》(Defence of the English People),《为英国人民再辩》(Second Defence of the English People),《失乐园》(Paradise Lost),《复乐园》(Paradise Regained),诗剧(poetical drama)《力士参孙》(Samson Agoniste s)。 约翰·班扬(John Bunyan): 杰出的清教徒散文家,代表作《天路历程》(Pilgrim’s Progress)。 约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden): 桂冠诗人(poet laureate)、戏剧家、文艺批评家。代表作颂诗《亚历山大的宴会》(Alexander’s Feast),政治讽刺诗《押沙龙与阿齐托菲尔》(Absalom and Achitophel),文学评论作品《论戏剧诗》(An Essay of Dramatick Poesie),“英雄悲剧”《印第安女王》(The Indian Queen)、《印第安皇帝》(The Indian Emperor)、《格兰纳达的征服》(The Conquest of Granada)、《残酷的爱情》(Tyrannick Love)和《一切为了爱情》(All for Love)。 亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope): 杰出的诗人,是英国新古典主义(Neo-classicalism)诗歌的重要代表。擅长写讽刺诗和运用“英雄双韵体”(heroic couplet),被伏尔泰誉为“欧洲最伟大的诗人”。代表作《田园组诗》(Pastorals),讽刺诗《卷发遇劫记》(The Rape of the Lock)、《愚人记》(The Duncia d),哲理诗《批评论》(Essay on Criticism),《人论》(Essay on Man),翻译作品《荷马史诗》(Homer Epics)(包括《伊里亚特》(The Iliad)和《奥德赛》(The Odyssey))。 理查德·斯蒂尔(Richard Steel)和约瑟夫·艾迪生(Joseph Addison): 合伙创办了《闲谈者》(The Tatler)和《旁观者》(The Spectator)。


《英国18世纪文学史》 Daniel Defoe (1660-1731): Robinson Crusoe《鲁滨逊漂流记》 丹尼尔·笛福出生于英国伦敦的一个小商人家庭, 信奉不同于国教的长老会。笛福原姓福(Foe),1703年后自称笛福(Defoe)。笛福没有受过大学古典文学教育,仅接受过中等教育。早年经商,经营过内衣、烟酒业等,曾到过欧洲大陆的许多国家。1692年经商破产转而以其他方式谋生。他反对封建专制,主张发展资本主义工商业,善于写政论和讽刺诗,曾因讽刺政府入狱。1683年,笛福曾被海盗俘虏过。他一生充满冒险与刺激,他的经历可以说毫不逊色于其小说《鲁滨逊漂流记》中的主人公鲁滨逊。 笛福在59岁时开始小说创作,他的小说从一个侧面反映了十八世纪英国海外扩张的历史。《鲁滨逊漂流记》(Robinson Crusoe)就是最具代表性的一部海上和荒岛历险小说。小说题材取材于苏格兰水手亚历山大·塞尔柯克的历险及作者本人被海盗俘虏的经历,1719年发表后迅即赢得读者的欢迎。此后,他创作了大量海上历险及传奇故事,如《辛格尔顿船长》(,英文 1720)、《摩尔·费兰德斯》(,英文 1722)、《杰克上校》(,英文1722)和《罗克萨娜》(,英文 1724)等。此外,他还发表了若干传记、游记,及几部有关经商的书。笛福是英国启蒙时期现实主义小说的奠基人,被后人尊称为“小说之父”。 笛福的小说大多与海洋有关,小说传承了文艺复兴时期西班牙流浪汉小说的格调。小说中的主人公往往出身卑微却拥有超人的聪明才智,能在不利的环境中战服重重困难,靠机智和个人奋斗而获得成功。笛福善于描写人物,他的主人公一般充满活力且不信天命。故事情节大多由主人公自述,这样的叙事技巧让小说阅读者在阅读时倍感亲切。其小说细节逼真,语言自然,使读者犹如身临其境。 《鲁滨逊漂流记》是笛福的代表作。这部小说问世一年之内竟连出了四版。小说从初版至今,已出了几百版,几乎译成了世界上所有的语言文字,至今仍被世界各国广为阅读。小说讲述了一个在海难中逃生的水手在一个荒岛上如何战胜险恶的自然环境,终于获救回到英国的故事。这是一部历险小说,鲁滨逊在岛上艰难、惊险的经历是该小说的重点。小说主人公鲁滨逊出身于一个体面的商人家庭,他父亲常常教育他要知足常乐,要满足现状,不要出海。但海外的新世界像一块巨大的磁铁一样强烈地吸引着他。鲁滨逊渴望航海,一心一意想要去海外闯荡。他多次瞒着父亲出海。第一次航行即遭不幸,船只因遇到大风浪而沉没,他千辛万苦才得以保命。第二次出海去非洲经商,很幸运地小赚了一笔钱。第三次出海被摩尔人俘获而当了奴隶,后偷了主人的小船而脱逃,途中被一艘葡萄牙货船救走。船到巴西后,鲁滨逊买了一个庄园,做了庄园主。他不甘心于这样的发财致富,又再次出海,到非洲贩卖奴隶。船在途中遇到风暴触礁,船上人员全部遇难,唯有鲁滨逊一个人幸存下来,只身飘流到一个荒芜的孤岛上。孤立无援中,鲁滨逊克服了最初到荒岛时的悲观绝望情绪,凭着顽强的毅力开始了征服大自然的斗争。他修建住处、种植粮食、驯养家畜、制造器具、缝制衣服,把荒岛改造成了可居之处。在与大自然的搏斗中,鲁滨逊表现出了非凡的毅力。在荒岛上,鲁滨逊被大海包围,孤立无援。鲁滨逊坚韧不拔的精神、改造自然的毅力和战胜孤独的勇气,是这部小说历久弥新的艺术魅力所在。 然而,笛福在鲁滨孙身上也反映了资产阶级的两重性。虽然本书颂扬了劳动,肯定了人类同大自然的斗争精神,但与此同时也把一切人际关系变成了对物质财富占有的关系,并把殖民主义行为合法化。在鲁宾孙眼里,也是笛福眼里,世界的中心是白人,“人权”和“自由”并不适用于未开化的民族,“星期五”只有做他的奴仆才能获得“幸福”。P174-179 7.Jonathan Swift: Gulliver's Travels 《格列佛游记》 Gulliver's Travels 《格列佛游记》1726年在英国首次出版,受到读者喜爱,


启蒙时期文学(17世纪后期—18世纪中期) 1688年的“光荣革命”推翻复辟王朝,确定了君主立宪制,建立起资产阶级和新贵族领导的政权,英国从此进入一个相对安定的发展时期。 18世纪初,新古典主义成为时尚。新古典主义推崇理性,强调明晰、对称、节制、优雅,追求艺术形式的完美与和谐。 亚历山大·蒲柏(Alexander Pope, 1688-1744)是新古典主义诗歌的代表,他模仿罗马诗人,诗风精巧隽俏,内容以说教与讽刺为主,形式多用英雄双韵体,但缺乏深厚感情。 18世纪英国散文出现繁荣,散文风格基本建立在新古典主义美学原则之上。理查德·斯梯尔(Richard Steele, 1672-1729)与约瑟夫·艾迪生(Joseph Addison, 1672-1719)创办《闲谈者》(Tatler)与《观察者》(Spectator)刊物,发表了许多以当时社会风俗、日常生活、文学趣味等为题材的文章,他们清新秀雅、轻捷流畅的文体成为后人模仿的典范。乔纳森·斯威夫特(Jonathan Swift, 1667-1745)是英国文学史上最伟大的讽刺散文作家,他的文风纯朴平易而有力。斯威夫特的杰作《格列佛游记》(Gulliver's Travels)是一部极具魅力的儿童故事,同时包含着深刻的思想内容。作者通过对小人国、大人国、飞岛国、慧马国等虚构国度的描写,以理性为尺度,极其尖锐地讽刺和抨击了英国社会各领域的黑暗和罪恶。塞缪尔·约翰逊(Samuel Johnson, 1709-1784)是18世纪英国人文主义文学批评的巨擘,《莎士比亚戏剧集序言》(The Preface to Shakespeare)和《诗人传》(Lives


一)、17世纪是英国历史上最为动荡的时期,由于社会生活及社会结构的巨大改变,最终贵族王室与英国资产阶级之间的强烈冲突导致1642-1649年的内战。这就是英国历史上的资产阶级革命。新兴的资产阶级倡导清教主义信念(Puritan)。它主张勤俭节约(frugal),辛勤工作(hard work),反对享乐(against pleasure)。清教精神成为资产阶级的信条,所以又称为“清教革命”(Puritan revolution)。其后,在1688年新教派的政治领袖发动了“光荣革命”(Restroration)。 (二)、The 16th-18th century english literature’s masters are Donne,Milton and Deyden。With the back ground of conflict between royalist and puritans Donne appeared。Milton was appeared during the Revolution.And Dryden was appeared during the Restroration. (三)、17世纪初的文学流派主要有两种:玄学派诗人(Metaphysical Poets),骑士派诗人(Cavalier Poets)。 1、骑士派诗人包括罗伯特*赫里克(Robet Herrick)和约翰*萨克林(John Suckings)。他们都继承了文艺复兴时期的剧作家琼生的古典主义倾向,宣扬及时行乐(Curp Diem)的思想。CurpDiem(拉丁语,及时行乐):It means seize the day in English,the theme of cavalier poems esp. in Robet Herrick’s“Gather ye rose buds while ye may。” 2、清教文学的代表人物是弥尔顿(Milton )他的文学功绩使文学史曾将他所在的那个时代称为“弥尔顿时代”。他的三部著名的长篇诗作有《失乐园》(Paradise Lost),《复乐园》(Paradise Regained》,《力士参孙》(Samson Agonistes)。 3、宗教作家在王政复辟时期最受欢迎的代表作家是班扬(John Bunyan)。他的代表作有《天路历程》(The pilgrim's progress).最重要的文学家是德莱顿(John Dryden),他在戏剧、诗歌、散文和戏剧理论都有建树,被认为是承上启下的人物。德莱顿在当时的文坛上的地位十分重要,有论者将17和18世纪之交称作“德莱顿时代”(The Age of Dryden)。 4、玄学派诗人(Metaphysical Poets):17世纪初英国出现一批诗人,他们才智过人。喜欢使用“玄学奇喻”被称为玄学派诗人。 玄学奇喻(Conceit):A suprising metapher,comparing two very dissimilar things,to startle his reader。It is used in John Donne’s poems。 玄学派的主要代表人物有约翰*多恩(John Donne),乔治*赫伯特(George Herbert),理查德*克拉肖(Richard Crashaw),亨利*沃恩(Henrry Vangham),安德鲁*马维尔(Andrew Mawell)。The Metaphysical Poet's leader is John Donne .George Herbert was a saint of God.Andrew Mawell's best well known work is <>(致他的羞涩女郎)。


各国社会政治情况 英国 法国 德国 意大利 俄国 18世纪的欧洲是反封建斗争最激烈的时期。 启蒙运动与启蒙主义文学 启蒙运动 背景: 1)科学与生产力的突破性发展,工业文明的到来; 2)英国资产阶级革命的影响及其进步思想的传播; 3)资产阶级力量的壮大,不满于旧的等级制度; 4)封建统治和教会特权阻碍生产力的发展。 启蒙运动的性质、代表人物及思想内涵 性质:继文艺复兴后欧洲的又一次反封建反教会的思想文化运动。 代表人物及主要阵地:法国“百科全书派”。 思想内涵: 1)思想核心:理性主义; 2)宗教上:反对宗教狂热/迷信,崇尚自然神论、无神论; 3)政治上:反对封建专制,主张天赋人权思想,提倡自由、平等、博爱; 4)经济上:提倡自由竞争,反对国家干预; 5)文化上:倡导文化教育和科学技术。 启蒙运动旨在建立一种新的资产积极思想体系,为资产积极革命和资本主义制度奠定基础。启蒙文学的特点 目的:宣传知识,开启蒙昧,唤醒民众 特点: 1)推崇理性; 2)政治性和革命性; 3)哲理性与政论性(说教性); 4)文体的创新性与多样性(散文时代、正剧、书信体小说、哲理小说、自传、对话体);5)主人公的平凡化. 英国18世纪文学概述 一、18世纪初期,温和的古典主义倾向,“蒲伯时代”。 二、20-50年代:具有启蒙性质的写实小说。(链接) 三、中后期:1、感伤主义文学:斯特恩、墓园诗派(链接) 2、戏剧:(链接) 3、诗歌(链接) 4、哥特式小说(链接)(反对) 写实小说兴起的意义及原因 是一个伟大的文学事件:它标志两千余年的史诗传统的终结,一个以个人主义和日常生活为文学题材的小说时代的到来。 英国小说得以在18世纪发展的原因:

Part Ⅳ 十八世纪英国文学作品

Part ⅣThe Eighteenth Century(1688-1780) Chapter 8 The Age of Classicism 1.The changes in political power: William and Mary →Queen Anne(Mary's sister ) → George Hanover( representing the beginning of Hanoverian House ) 2.Constitutional monarchy was further consolidated to guarantee the controlling power of the bourgeoisie. 3.In 1769, James Watt invented the steam engine. 4.England became the world's NO.1 capitalist and imperialist country in the first half of the 18th century. 5.Adam Smith: An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (《国富论》) ; laissez faire et laissez passer (《自由经营许可证》). 6.The Enlightenment Movement: the most well-known figures in England were John Locke, Shaftsbury, Newtown and Darwin. 7.The changes in religion: Trinity →Unitarianism(上帝一位论) →Deism(自然神论) → God becoming identical to the Nature →Christian being able to contact with God through prayers, meditation and self-examination. 8.The Age of Classicism or Neoclassicism is also known as the Age of Reason, the Augustan Age or the Age of Pope. 9.Alexander Pope: He is the greatest poet of the Augustan Age,who brought heroic couplet to its perfection. His literary achievements: a)An Essay on Criticism (《论批评》) b)The Rape of the Lock (《夺发记》)——mock epic. c)Translation of Homer (《史诗译本》) d)An Essay on Man (《人论》) e)The Dunciad (《愚人记》) 10.Jonathan Swift: He is the most outstanding prose writer and satirist of the age of classicism, who is also the first English writer writing his own epitaph. He was also regarded as the national hero of Scotland. His literary achievements: a)Gulliver's Travels (《格列佛游记》)——satirical allegory (Gulliver had traveled to four countries: Lilliput小人国、Brobdingnag大人国、Flying Island飞岛国、Houyhnhnms 慧骃国) b)Drapier's Letters (《布商的信》) c) A Modest Proposal (《一个小小的请求》)——an political essay. 11.Joseph Addison: The Tatler (《闲谈者》) Richard Steele: The Spectator (《旁观者》) 12.Samuel Johnson: He is regarded as the lion dominating the mid-century literary stage of England whose death represented the end of the Age of Neoclassicism. His literary achievements: a) A Dictionary of the English Language (《英语词典》) b)Letter to Lord Chesterfield(《致切斯菲尔德伯爵书》)——marking the end of the English patron system. c)The Preface to the Plays of Shakespeare (《莎士比亚戏剧的序言》) d)Lives of the English Poets(《英国作家传》)——in this book, he firstly combining


English Novels’ Development of the 18th Century Ⅰ.Historical Background The Revolution of 1688 ended the long struggle for political freedom in England. Sooner, the emergence of the two main parties Tories and Whigs made power shift easily from one to the other. Then newspapers and journals appeared and the press became a might power in England. Another feature of the age was the rapid development of social life. A large number of public coffeehouses and private clubs appeared in London, which were important sources to writing and the social centers. Science and technology changed people’s views toward world and life. And French classicism which focused on reason influenced English writing. Furthermore, Enlightenment was launched and enlighteners argued that science and reason were more important than religion and tradition and believed that reason should be the only basis of one’s thinking and acting. Ⅱ.Early English Novel The development of English novel can be divided into two periods-- early English novel and the maturity of the novel. The first period early English novel includes realistic novel, immature dramatizing, the mid-class audience and the bourgeois adventures. Daniel Defoe and Jonathan Swift are the most important figures in this period. Daniel Defoe is often given the credit for the discovery of the


English Literature in the 18th Century (the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason) Background Some Important Terms Three Stages in the Enlightenment

Politically ?Glorious Revolution in 1688 ended the monarchy, replacing it with a constitutional monarchy. ?The power passed from the king gradually to the parliament. ?the Tory and the Whig dominated the parliament by turns

Socially ?the rapid growth of middle class ?The Puritan spirit of wisdom, diligence, honesty, and thriftiness, self-discipline ?better education was available ?more schools and social clubs were established

Economically ◆Industrial Revolution, the 1st powerful industrial country ◆continued to expand its colonies Ideologically Under the influence of scientific discoveries ( Galileo,Newton) and flourishing of philosophies, French enlightenment started.

18th century liteerature(十八世纪英国文学)

The 18th Century Literature Key Points: Terms: neoclassicism, sentimentalism Literary achievement: the rise of the English Novel Writer: Alexander Pope Works: Robinson Crusoe Gulliver’s Travels I. Historical Background the Age of Reason the Age of Elegance the Age of Classicism A comparatively peaceful development & a time of amazing expansion Industrial Revolution (1760s-) Leading naval power The bourgeois middle class grew rapidly. a stable increase of its population & labor force supply Enlightenment II. Literary Achievements 1. General Introduction Literature was heavily didactic. There are a great number of satirical writings. Different types of writings: the Development of Poetry the Prosperity of Prose the Rise of Novel the Decline of Drama Neoclassicism(新古典主义) --A tendency in literature brought about by Enlightenment. It was a revival of classical standards of order, balance and harmony in literature. It led to a change of taste in the late 17th and 18th century, and a reaction against intricacy and obscurity, boldness and extravagance; in favor of simplicity, clarity, restraint, regularity and good sense. Dryden and Pope were major exponents of the school. Chief characteristics of neoclassical literature The neoclassical poetry differs from that of Elizabethan Age in 3 ways: a. more formal: follow exact rules b. more artificial, polished, prosaic and dull, lacks vigor. c. chief poetic form is heroic couplet d. critical, moral and satirical 2. The Age of Dryden (1660-1700)(Restoration literature/ emergence of neoclassicism)

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