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unit1 (2)

Unit3 (5)

Unit5 (9)

UNIT 7 (13)

Unit 9 (16)

Unit 11 (20)

Unit 13 (24)

Unit 15 (28)

Unit 17 (32)

Unit 19 (36)

Unit 21 (40)

Unit 23 (43)

Unit 25 (48)

Unit 27 (52)

Unit 29 (56)

UNIT 31 (59)

Unit 33 (62)

Unit 35 (66)


1.It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to be welcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends . The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed.

2.It is s sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning. This year, we have taken the theme “the challenge of Gl obalization” our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me.

3.On 11 September, I, along with a number of world

statemen, was in Beijing to discuss china and the world in the 21st century. None of us could possibly have known as we debated economic development, environmental change and security issues what was going to happen that day. But many of the speakers warned of the fragility of the world order. It made me realize more clearly than at any other time just how very important “understanding” between the nations of the world is.

4.Our forum, and the discussions we will have in the next day and a half, is part of this vital process of understanding. Globalization is a challenge for all of us, both developed and developing countries and we have a lot to share and learn. As globalization increases and as all our countries come to terms with the global reach of many industries, we can, as different nations, work together to understand the issues and effects these developments bring.

5.People can only grasp these opportunities. People talking, travelling, exchanging ideas and experiences.

And that is what we are here today to do. Our discussions here will centre around a number of very interesting issues: trade and the environment in the globalisation of the economy , chinese culture facing the world, e-learning and e-commerce, balancing public purposes and commercial interests in the media, and China after WTO to name but a few.

6.As far as I can see, joining the WTO presents ha huge chanllenge for China. The requirements of joining WTO for corporate governance, for transparency and for reliable and enforceable laws. Whilst producing some pain in short term, will no doubt be part of the way in which economic growth can be encouraged and sustained.

I personally am much looking forward to my own involvement in the discussions on small and medium sized enterprises.

7.China’s decision to embrace the dynamism of the private sector brings up the role small firms can play in achieving rapid growth and innovation. They are, and

can be, a significant engine for economic development. Therefore, we have much work to do in our forum. We want to show our Chinese friends how much of a partner the UK can be but also that as a sign of a mature and true relationship, we can afford to be frank and open in our discussions with one another.

8.This will be particularly true in the sessions on issues of competitiveness and corporate governance that will be held tomorrow. We ate building on discussions and relationships that are already well founded and I believe that this forum will take the special role that our meeting plays in the relations between our two countries further forward.


1.In the space of a single generation, relations between the UK and the People’s Republic of China have been transformed. Government-to-government and business-to-business links are closer and more varied than ever before. But the most exciting changes have

been in the links between the British and Chinese peoples. Chinese communities have long existed as a respected and cherished presence in British cities.

2.But today , more and more British people are visiting China to see for themselves the new dynamism of great cities like Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou. We are re-discovering Chin a’s incomparably rich cultural heritage, as well as its immense economic potential. The Chinese are re-discovering Britain, too. We are delighted to welcome more Chinese visitors to our country each year. Many more Chinese are finding out about Britain through modern media like television and the internet.

3.Indeed , there are more Chinese people learning the English language than there are native speakers of English in the world today. This growing relationship is measurable, too, in financial terms. British firms now have a huge presence in China, a sign of their confidence in the country and its future. The UK is the

largest European investor, and a British company, BP, is investing more capital in China than any other foreign firm. The largest foreign manufacturing investment in Western China is also British.

4.The UK is China’s second largest European trading partner. British exports to China last year, at $3.72 billion were up 17% on the year 2000. China’s exports to Britain are at an all-time high. Many Chinese enterprises now regard Britain ‘s flexible and open economy has an ideal launching pad into the wider European market. All this is a far cry from 1972, when the UK and the PRC first exchanged Ambassadors. Then, there were virtually no Chinese student in Britain. Today, there are over 20,000 –one of the largest overseas communities at our universities.

5.Then , there were no direct air services between Beijing and London . this year , more than a quarter of a million British tourists will travel to China, then , no serving British Prime Minister or Foreign Secretary

had ever visited chan. last year , there were visits from eleven British ministers. The changing nature of international relations requires governments to work ever more closely together for their mutual benefit. In the globalised world economy, the security and prosperity of individual countries often depends on events beyond our borders.

6.We are interdependent as well as independent. Challenges such as fighting environmental damage ,ensuring global human rights are properly observed, removing barriers to trade and investment , and reducing poverty , have become truly global issues. They loom larger on the agendas of multilateral organizations like the UN, the WTO and ASEM. In the 21st century , bilateral relations between countries will depend on progress on issues like these.

7.As two of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council, our government work together on a daily basis on problems affecting every corner of the

world. Another change in the relationship between Britain and China has been developments in Hong Kong.

I am delighted that Hong Kong has prospered since 1997, and that “one country , two systems” is proving such an effective approach.

8.As a signatory of the joint declaration, he UK has an abiding interest in the continued well-being of the Special Administration Region. But this is only a part of our wider commitment to China, we are increasing the resources we allocate through our department for international development to poverty reduction in China from 25m this year to 60m by 2004.


1.Good morning everybody. And welcome to the launch of our new L50, and to this presentation . In a way, launch is no longer the correct word. Many of you have already had a chance to get to know the new car in your test drive this morning. So , i will not dwell on the technical capabilities of this car. What i would like

to do is to share with you the thoughts that have gone into developing this new model so that you’ll have a better idea of why it’s such an exciting car to drive.

2.I will also talk a bit about what has been happening in our company –the direction we are heading, our strategy, and our ambitions. After that, I’ll talk about some of the major stages in our design and development of this model. After this presentation , We’ll have lunch, which is served in the main conference hall. Our chef has promised a few surprises. I ‘m curious as you are about what these might be , but , back to the presentation.

3.Our new L50 is the first in a family of new car to be launched this year and in the next couples of years. It’s the result of the most ambitious investment in our company’s history-125m, in design and development, in production capabilities, in sales network and in our own people. The investment is base on our understanding of the market and our goal for the future. so what are they


4.We want to sell 800,000 cars a year for the next

5 years . so far this year, we’ve already sold 560,000,and congratulations to those of you that have contributed to this success. This represent nearly 20 % increase over the previous year at a time when the market had declined by nearly 10% .much of the increase sales have come from the commitment and dedication of our dealers and our staff . thank you and well done.

5.The launch of this L50 will mark the beginning of

a series of launches, giving us a full range of new cars, 3-door,5-door, estate, diesel, and from 1 liter all the way up to our luxury 2 liter saloon. A convertible and a 4-wheel drive are also in the final design stage. With this new family, we’ll be able to compete robustly with any competitor in US, and will be able to take on the EU market too. But products alone are not enough.

6.We’ve put substantial amount of money and e ffort into upgrading our retail operation , into our dealer

network and into our own sales forces. This is built on our in-depth knowledge of our customers, what they want and what they need. It is base on the strength of our brand. If you visit one of our re-branded showrooms, you’ll get a strong impression of our brand and what we stand for. We are taking market shares from our competitors. .we are on target to take even more.

7.We believe that the most effective way of getting more customers and growing our business is by new cars. Not just any new cars. It had to be new cars that re-enforce our brand value. Having test driven the L50, I am sure you will all agree with me that the new L50 is exactly that-an embodiment of performance, safety, and functionality. These are the core elements of our brand value. These are features that have caught the attention of media across Europe. These will be repeated in each and every new member of the family.

8.That’s all I’d like to say at this stage. My colleagues will now take you through some of the

highlights in the design and development. This is a short video we produced just before this launch. It is meant to answer some questions, what is the thinking behind this development? How do we translate concepts into a new model? How does our core value influence the thinking of people on the factory floor and in showrooms? Ladies and gentlemen, the new L50.


1.Traditionally HM Treasury , along with the bank of England ,has been responsible for deciding all aspects o f the UK’S economic and financial policy. Following the 1997 election, in which the Labour Party came to power, the macroeconomic policy framework has been reformed. The aim of this reform is to help provide a framework for improved macroeconomic stability and economic growth.

2.I would like to explain the key features of the UK economic policy framework, identify the key institutions, their leaders and main responsibilities.

There are three main institutions. The first is HM Treasury which is responsible for the overall economic framework and for fiscal policy in particular. It is led by the Chancellor, Gordon Brown who is an elected politician.

3.He is supported by 4 junior minister with specific responsibilities, who are also elected politician . the ministers receive advice from three main source: civil servants, political advisers. And for some specific projects, business leaders also prepare advice. Fiscal policy is decided through two main processes: the budget and the spending review process.

4.The budget is presented each spring to parliament. It sets out tax policy for the year. Since 1997 there has also been a pre-budget report. This explains progress and suggests some ideas for discussion. Later in the spring budget s decision is made. Spending policy is decided every three years. There are two main elements of spending policy. Both are decided at the same time.

5.One , the amount of money which each department receives and two, using this money, targets each department will achieve. For example for the education department a target for how many children pass exams. The second main institution is the bank of England . it is led by someone non-political, at the moment, Eddie George. In 1997 it was given full independent to set interest rates. A committee , which includes a Treasury civil servant , makes the decision.

6.The level of interest rates is set in order to achieve a certain rate of inflation. This target is decided by the chancellor. Therefore although the bank can decide the level of interest rates without any interference, the macroeconomic position is guided by an elected politician who is responsible to the country. The bank also deals in the foreign exchange market.

7.Finally, the financial services authority is responsible for monitoring and regulating the financial services industry. It has four main aims. One,


林超伦实战口译笔记实例详解 时间:2008-10-06 16:02来源:实战口译网站作者:林超伦点击:5367次 在这里,我将举实例介绍我的笔记方法,以及我如何以笔记与大脑短期记忆互动的方式保证译文的精确度。 由于口译条件的限制,其精确度不能以笔译的尺度衡量,也没有必要这样做。口译的听众与笔译的读者,需求不同,预期也不同。 由于使用实例讲解,无法把口译要点分门别类地举例。我将顺着例子讲下去。讲完之后,各项要点也就都包括其中了。 人脑思维速度极快,一闪而过的念头,解说起来会显得繁杂。不过,我希望你能在开始时,多一点耐心。很快你就会发现,我的讲解读起来似乎繁杂,但背后的思路,也就是说一旦使用起来,要明快得多。 开始前,提醒一下,不要忘了笔记是必需和记忆互动的。二者缺一不可。以下的实例解说,均以此为基础。 讲话原文 Following the 1997 election, in which the Labour Party came to power, the macroeconomic policy framework has been reformed. 第一层次:一个箭头,加97,再加"选",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"1997年大选之后"。 第二层次:一个"工"加圆圈,提醒"工"字后面还有话。另外,一条垂直线体现出第二层与第一层有关联。此后一个箭头,再加"权",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"工党上台掌权"。

第三层次:一个"M"加圆圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。从短期记忆中回顾出"宏观经济框架"。 接着,一条横线体现关联,线后一个"改"字,于是补齐译文:"对宏观经济框架进行了改革"。 最后划圈,带横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:使用的4个汉字都经过"理顺"。其中2个是一笔成字。 The aim of this reform is to help provide a framework for improved macroeconomic stability and economic growth. 承上启下:一划从上段的"改"字左斜拉下来,接着往右一拐弯。足以从短期记忆中回顾出:"改革的目的"。 第一层次:写一个"框"字。从短期记忆中顺着上文,不难说出:"是为了提供一个框架"。 届此,听到"improved",随之划一条上行箭头,再补一个"M"加圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。这样就不难说出:"以改善宏观经济稳定"。 若担心"M"不够,则可以加"稳"字,或一条水平横线代表之。 第二层次:此时,已听到"and economic growth",于是在"M"之下写"经"字,或"E"外带上弧线。这就不难说出:"促进经济增长"。 最后划个圈,顺手一横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:采用了同传里的断句和变通技巧,在"框架"后断句,"improved"翻做"改善";加"经济增长"前加"促进"两字完句。


unit1 (2) Unit3 (5) Unit5 (9) UNIT 7 (13) Unit 9 (16) Unit 11 (20) Unit 13 (24) Unit 15 (28) Unit 17 (32) Unit 19 (36) Unit 21 (40) Unit 23 (43) Unit 25 (48) Unit 27 (52) Unit 29 (56) UNIT 31 (59) Unit 33 (62) Unit 35 (66)

unit1 1.It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to be welcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends . The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed. 2.It is s sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning. This year, we have taken the theme “the challenge of Gl obalization” our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me. 3.On 11 September, I, along with a number of world


林超伦讲解实战口译笔记要点 笔记是高级口译的关键。使用笔记,是为了补充大脑短期记忆和耐久力的不足,以保证译文的精确度,并保证其不受讲话人持续时间的影响。 如果完全依赖记忆,又没有异常的天赋,即使精力充沛的年青人,也不能胜任高级口译对精确度和耐久力的要求。实际例子,我在工作中多次碰到过。高级口译员没有不靠笔记的。但是,高级口译使用的笔记与一般的概念,风马牛不相及。 请注意,每个人的记忆,思维,和反应都有各自的特点。没有必要全部照搬我的方法。最好用的笔记方式是你自己发展出来的,适合自己的系统。我的介绍是为了给你开个头,起个指点方向,打开思路的作用。 比如,笔记越简单,记录就越迅速。但笔记简单了,对短期记忆的要求就相对提高了。所以,笔记多少为最佳,因人而易,需要摸索出适合于自己的平衡。 要点是: 1. 少写多划。划线条比写文字快。线条形象,相当于翻译的"半成品",有助译员眼看笔记,口出译文。两种情况下应该尽量用线条: 表示动作和动态的词句。比如,以上升的斜线代表"发展","增加","进步","进一步";以下降的斜线代表"减少","下降","恶化"等等。 表示因果或前后关系的词句。比如,用一条线代表"因为/所以","…之后","在…之前",以体现出上下前后之间的关联关系。 2. 少字多意。养成一个词的笔记不超过一个字的习惯。中文里有大量的词汇是由两个,或两个以上的字组成。只要看到其中一个,你的短期记忆就应该能够补齐其余的字。不必多写。比如,"中国"最多写个"中"。"北京"最多写个"北"。英文词也同理处理。"politics" 最多写"poli","government"最多写"gov",等等。另外,需要培养以笔记与记忆互动;看到一个字能说出几个字,甚至一串词的能力。在有上下文的情况下,这不难。比如,谈中国的近况,听到"改革,开放"记一个"改"字,不难从短期记忆中说出原文。听到"British Prime Minister Tony Blair",记"PM",也同样能说出原文。 3. 少线多指。通用一小组线条/标记。否则在自己本来熟悉的中英文之外,又编出一套自己不熟悉的文码使用,会导致需要想一想用哪个符号的情况,适得其反。 4. 少横多竖。采取从上往下的阶梯结构记录,尽量少用通常书写时的横向记录。阶梯结构形象地体现出上下文的逻辑结构,简化了译员的思维过程,方便出译文。 5. 快速书写。必须发展自己的汉字快速书写系统。口译笔记完全是自己看,而且只需要几分钟之内能看懂就行。很多汉字笔划减少后,并不影响确认。我这里讲的不是潦草,而是除了实际口译经常不得不潦草之外,花一些时间,把练习中或口译工作中常用的字琢磨一下,看看可以怎样减少笔划,或理顺笔划,一笔成字。


“所谓的比别人有天赋只不过是比别人勤奋,比别人对英文更感兴趣而已。” 联合国网:英文版 https://www.doczj.com/doc/2811380982.html,/en/ 和其对应的中文版 https://www.doczj.com/doc/2811380982.html,/zh/(很多考试选材都来自联合国官方重要文件。) 2. 国新办(基本上每场发布会都带交传的,可以学习其他译员的长处。) 3. catti官方论坛(打算考人事部翻译资格证的可以去逛逛,我碰巧过了笔译和口译的2级。) 4. 英文巴士:https://www.doczj.com/doc/2811380982.html,/ 强烈推荐(一个新兴的翻译站点,创办者为第四届优 萌杯竞赛获奖者,偏重文学翻译,汇集了不少背景资料和翻译赛事。) 5. 译言:https://www.doczj.com/doc/2811380982.html,/?from_com(大名鼎鼎,由三名在美国留学的清华毕业生创办,高水平的译者可与之签约。) 6. 林超伦·实战口译(对外经贸大校友,英国外交部首席中文翻译,网站上有在线模拟练习。) 7. 口译网:https://www.doczj.com/doc/2811380982.html,/(国内开办比较早,有一定知名度的口译站,不过,更新比较慢。) 8. 北外高翻院长李长栓教授的博客(有历年北外高翻试题提供哦。) 9. 周蕴仪的博客(李长栓教授的得意门生之一) 10. 双子同声传译工作室(同传译员梁潇方的个人网站,广外高翻毕业,有多年大型国际会议口译经验。) 11. 徐华飞的博客(此人上外毕业,很牛气,考了不少翻译证书,现为同传译员。) 12. 联译网(原来的https://www.doczj.com/doc/2811380982.html,网站。) 13. 北大译坛(北大翻译协会办的。) 14. ECO中文论坛(主要是经济方面的时文翻译,已举办两届比赛。) 15. 口译天下(其创办者 jackyhuang112 用一年时间考上了欧盟口译司,现在新加坡任职。) 16. UN Interpreters (联合国译员网,提供联合国的一些官方文件。) 17. Interpreter Training Resources (一些免费的口笔译技巧。) 18. 传译在线(资料还是比较丰富,但有些需要注册才能获取。) 同声传译姚斌 https://www.doczj.com/doc/2811380982.html,/ 陈建军 https://www.doczj.com/doc/2811380982.html,/professionaltranslator (北外高翻毕业)


林超伦实战口译笔记实例详解 在这里,我将举实例介绍我的笔记方法,以及我如何以笔记与大脑短期记忆互动的方式保证译文的精确度。 由于口译条件的限制,其精确度不能以笔译的尺度衡量,也没有必要这样做。口译的听众与笔译的读者,需求不同,预期也不同。 由于使用实例讲解,无法把口译要点分门别类地举例。我将顺着例子讲下去。讲完之后,各项要点也就都包括其中了。 人脑思维速度极快,一闪而过的念头,解说起来会显得繁杂。不过,我希望你能在开始时,多一点耐心。很快你就会发现,我的讲解读起来似乎繁杂,但背后的 思路,也就是说一旦使用起来,要明快得多。 开始前,提醒一下,不要忘了笔记是必需和记忆互动的。二者缺一不可。以下的实例解说,均以此为基础。 讲话原文 Following the 1997 election, in which the Labour Party came to power, the macroeconomic policy framework has been reformed. 第一层次:一个箭头,加97,再加"选",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"1997年大选之后"。 第二层次:一个"工"加圆圈,提醒"工"字后面还有话。另外,一条垂直线体现出第二层与第一层有关联。此后一个箭头,再加"权",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"工党上台掌权"。 第三层次:一个"M"加圆圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。从短期记忆中回顾出"宏观经济框架"。 接着,一条横线体现关联,线后一个"改"字,于是补齐译文:"对宏观经济框架进行了改革"。

最后划圈,带横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:使用的4个汉字都经过"理顺"。其中2个是一笔成字。 The aim of this reform is to help provide a framework for improved macroeconomic stability and economic growth. 承上启下:一划从上段的"改"字左斜拉下来,接着往右一拐弯。足以从短期记忆中回顾出:"改革的目的"。 第一层次:写一个"框"字。从短期记忆中顺着上文,不难说出:"是为了提供一个框架"。 届此,听到"improved",随之划一条上行箭头,再补一个"M"加圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。这样就不难说出:"以改善宏观经济稳定"。 若担心"M"不够,则可以加"稳"字,或一条水平横线代表之。 第二层次:此时,已听到"and economic growth",于是在"M"之下写"经"字,或"E"外带上弧线。这就不难说出:"促进经济增长"。 最后划个圈,顺手一横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:采用了同传里的断句和变通技巧,在"框架"后断句,"improved"翻做"改善";加"经济增长"前加"促进"两字完句。 I would like to explain the key features of the UK economic policy framework, identify the key institutions, their leaders and their main responsibilities. There are three main institutions. 第一层次:首先写一个理顺过的"我"字,一横杆代表所做之事, 写一个"特"字加圈,提醒字后有话。至此不难说出:"我想解释一 下"。 第二层次:谁的特点呢,正好是下一层的意思,于是,划垂直 线表示关联,写"U" 加圈代表英国,接着写"E",如感不够,再加"P"。


正式口译四大要领:(林超伦) 别停下,别露馅,别着急,别太久 由于正式口译的任务是把讲话人的意图和效果传达给听众,译员的首要任务就是保持这种过程持续不断,而译文质量如何是第二考虑。无论什么原因,如果译员停顿下来,过程完全中断,也就没有质量可言了。 在英文里,这个过程叫delivery,指的不仅是口头说出的内容,还有译员声音的使用、形体与表情、与讲话人的默契、与听众的交流等。中文里“表达”这个词似乎仅强调了译员的行动,但没有涵盖所有上述内容。而“送达”又太强调结果了,对于表达的过程本身说明不够。“传达”这个词,既照顾了“传”的过程,又强调了“达”的结果。 传达的基本技能归纳成四大要领:别停下,别露馅,别着急,别太久。 别停下:听懂什么记什么,记下什么译什么,无论如何不能卡住。如果译不下去了,要马上从下一个会译的地方开始。如果当时自己话说到一半,还没有“完句”,就尽量说点不痛不痒、不会有错的话,或是换个方式,重复有把握的几个字过渡一下。只要顶过去了,把该译的一段话译完了,就是完成任务。漏译,甚至错译,都比僵场好。设想一下,如果译员没词了,全场鸦雀无声是什么结果。 这一点似乎与人们一般的本能反应相抵触。在没有把握的时候,

人们通常要先想一想,即使想不出来也不瞎说。实战口译则必须有敢于硬着头皮说下去的本领,即使知道说得不准确也必须说下去。这当然不是说出错没关系,而是说实战口译的最高原则不是对与错,而是必须把句子说完,把话说完。 别露馅:千万不要从表情和形体动作上暴露出自己没听懂,或没记下,或是在硬着头皮翻译。实战口译中,译员是什么水准就是什么水准,表示尴尬无助于提高质量。注重口译水准当然重要,但是口译现场根本不是译员表现自己觉悟的时候,也不是提高水平的机会。现场是要完成任务,轮不到译员自责、尴尬或谦虚。不懂双语的听众完全依赖译员,如果译员在台上面露苦笑,摇头叹气,让听众怎么办?是继续听呢,还是不听? 另外还需要说明一点,口译做多了就知道绝大多数的听众都是译员的朋友,大家都希望译员不要被难点卡住。我可以毫不夸张地说,听众经常是眼巴巴地盼望译员说下去。这种心情不难理解,听众不是考官,不是来挑译员的错。他们来是出席一场活动,谁都不希望看到活动僵场。译员顶过去了,听众心中也石头落地。 听众都比较友好,不会站起来大声纠正译员的情况。即使是在比较轻松的场合,也是以很友好的态度,提供生词的翻译,帮助译员渡过难关。 别着急:把握住自己说话的节奏,把握住作为译员特有的控制权。经验不足者常见的毛病是在口译中说话时陕时慢。往往是笔记清楚、翻译顺利的时候说得快。原话没听清楚,或笔记不理想,或翻译吃不


教案 系教研室翻译系 课程名称口译理论与实践山东工商学院外国语学院

【首页】 课程类型必修课 院级公共课();基础或专业基础课();专业 课(√) 选修课限选课();任选课() 授课方式课堂讲授(√); 实践课() 考核 方式 考试(√);考查() 课程教学 总学时数 32 学时分配课堂讲授 32 学时;实践课学时 教材名称《中级口译教程》第四版 出版社及 作者 上海外语教育出版社梅德明编著 指定参考书作者出版社出版 时间 1.《高级汉英口译教程》2.《实战口译》 3. 《汉英口译入门》 4. 《商务口译教材》 5.《新编经贸口译教程》王逢鑫 林超伦 李长栓 梅德明 王学文 外文出版社 外语教学与研究 外语教学与研究 人民教育出版社 中国对外经济贸易出版社 2004版 2004 2000版 2004版 2004版

课程名称:口译理论与实践章 节 名 称 第一讲口译基础知识授 课方式理论课(1);实践课(1); 实习() 教学 时数 2 教学目的及要求1.掌握口译相关理论基础知识 2.了解口译历史发展、定义、特点、标准、过程、类型、模式 3.了解理论研究现状 教学 重点 与 难点 口译的分类、标准和学习方法 教学 手段 课堂讲授与学生实践相结合

教学主要内容 时间 分配 一.引言 二.主要内容 1、掌握口译相关理论基础知识口译历史发展、定义、特点、标准、 过程、类型、模式、理论研究现状 2、译员的素质和训练(思想品德、心理素质、语言、知识结构、 健康体魄等) 3、口译课程学习要求、自主学习方法讲解以及口译各类考试介绍 4、口译技巧(一)听辨(范例分析与集体实练相结合) 5、自主学习(一)口译小组安排、计划、听辨训练 三.布置作业和思考问题 课时分配: 1、2 约为1.25 课时, 3、4 为0.75 课时,5 为课后1 小时 复习思考题 1. 阅读课本第一部分口译概论 2. 思考题:衡量口译的标准是什么? 教学后记 本章课堂教学讨论口译的基本概念和做好一名口译员的基本要求。教学过程中采用任务型教学法,通过设问、启发、讨论等互动方式,鼓励学生主动参与学习。结合学生的实际经验,帮助学生掌握口译定义、特点及分类,激发学生的学习兴趣。


单元1 中英论坛讲话1 It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to be welcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends. The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed. 我很高兴地宣布我们论坛的第三次会议正式开幕,并在这里欢迎来自我们两国高层的、具有影响力的代表们。我们中的很多人都已经是老朋友了。论坛是为了体现我们两国这间关系的力量——在政治关系之外的力量。环视今日会场,显然,我们的关系非常坚固。 It is a sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning. This year, we have taken the theme "The Challenge of Globalization" for our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me. 这是一个迹象,表明我们的论坛越来越强大。我相信,论坛在我们两国关系中扮演着一个关键的角色。今早,首相在我们拜访他时就确认了这一点。今年,我们选择的主题是“全球化的挑战”,我们将就此进行会谈和讨论。对于这个主题,我尤其有感触。 On 11th September, I, along with a number of world statesmen, was in Beijing to discuss China and the World in the 21st Century. None of us could possibly have known as we debated economic development, environmental change and security issues what was going to happen that day. But many of the speakers warned of the fragility of the world order. It made me realize more clearly than at any other time just how very important "understanding" between the nations of the world is. 9月11号那天,我正在与一些国际政治家们在北京讨论中国与21世纪的世界。我们当中谁也没有想到,就在我们辩论经济发展、环境改变和安全问题的时候,那天将要发生什么事情。但是,很多发言人都警告说,世界秩序很脆弱。这使我比以往任何时候都更加清楚地认识到国家之间相互理解的重要性。 Our Forum, and the discussions we will have in the next day and a half, are part of this vital process of understanding. Globalization is a challenge for all of us, both developed and developing countries and we have a lot to share and learn. As globalization increases and as all our countries come to terms with the global reach of many industries, we can, as different nations, work together to understand the issues and effects these developments bring. 我们的论坛,以及今后一天半内的讨论,就是这种关键的相互理解过程中的组成部分。全球化对我们大家都是一个挑战,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都一样。我们有很多需要分享和学习之处。随着全球化的发展,各国都在接受很多行业都已经跨国经营的现实。作为不同的国家,我们可以相互合作,认识这些问题以及这些发展带来的影响。 These opportunities can only be grasped by people. People talking, travelling, exchanging ideas and experiences. And that is what we are here today to do. Our discussions here will centre around a number of very interesting issues: trade and the environment in the globalization of the economy, Chinese culture facing the world, e-learning and e-commerce, balancing public purposes and commercial interests in the media, and China after WTO to name but a few. 这些机遇必须由人来把握:人们之间互相交谈、旅行、交流看法和经验。这正是我们今天要做的事情。我们这里的讨论将集中于几个很有意思的问题。经济全球化过程中的贸易与环境、面向世界的中国文化、电子学习、电子商务、在媒体的公共责任和商业利益之间保持平衡、中国入世之后等等。 As far as I can see, joining the WTO presents a huge challenge for China. The requirements of joining WTO for corporate governance, for transparency and for reliable and enforceable laws, whilst producing some pain in the short term, will no doubt be part of the way in which economic growth can be encouraged and sustained. I personally am much looking forward to my own involvement in the discussions on small and medium sized enterprises. 在我看来,加入世贸组织对中国是个巨大的挑战。世贸组织的要求包括公司行为准则,透明度,以及可靠的、可执行的法律。这些东西短期内可能带来痛苦,但无疑是鼓励经济增长、实现持续发展的必


林超伦实战口译札记 发生巨大变化to undergo yet more changes 中国将更加遵循……原则china will bring its own practices in line with …… 拉动世界经济to provide substantial impetus to the world economy require 这个词很重要比如“这都需要在国际合作的环境中才能实现”all of the above requires an environment of internat ional cooperation 给一个比较叼的说法“中国以敞开大门,张开双手”china has thrown its door wide open, and reached out with open arms 看起来比较还不多的哦,但是一个句子利用了两个open。 表示对下一步工作的继续进行,用continue 什么工作就好了。 有利于推动……的发展be conductive to the development of sth (二) 做到……的统一struck the balance of …… 我们应该清楚地意识到it is clear to us that 保持经济的长盛不衰perpetuate an economic boom ……是有目共睹的be there for all to see

经济形势不是economic situation 而是economic climate 国企改革问题、大量失业待业问题、生态环境破坏问题、金融风险问题、腐败问题等需要重点记住,这里不列英语了 需要尽快找到解决方法to require our immediate attention and effective solutions in the shortest time possible 盲目发展blind development 调控regulate 这是一个把握分寸的问题this is an issue of maintaining the right balance 上市seek listing on the stock market 在金融全球化的潮流中急流勇进to ride the wave of financial globalization 表示数量很多的a handful of 省级银行provincial level banks 重点看省级的即是怎么表示出来的法人在林超伦的翻译中是legal person,而经过我的查找,corporation 和artificial person比较正确而且常见。 试点金融机构pilot financial institution


林超伦实战口译笔记实例详解时间:2008-10-06 16:02来源:实战口译网站作者:林超伦点击:8322次 在这里,我将举实例介绍我的笔记方法,以及我如何以笔记与大脑短期记忆互动的方式保证译文的精确度。 由于口译条件的限制,其精确度不能以笔译的尺度衡量,也没有必要这样做。口译的听众与笔译的读者,需求不同,预期也不同。 由于使用实例讲解,无法把口译要点分门别类地举例。我将顺着例子讲下去。讲完之后,各项要点也就都包括其中了。 人脑思维速度极快,一闪而过的念头,解说起来会显得繁杂。不过,我希望你能在开始时,多一点耐心。很快你就会发现,我的讲解读起来似乎繁杂,但背后的思路,也就是说一旦使用起来,要明快得多。 开始前,提醒一下,不要忘了笔记是必需和记忆互动的。二者缺一不可。以下的实例解说,均以此为基础。 讲话原文 Following the 1997 election, in which the Labour Party came to power, the macroeconomic policy framework has been reformed. 第一层次:一个箭头,加97,再加"选",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"1997年大选之后"。 第二层次:一个"工"加圆圈,提醒"工"字后面还有话。另外,一条垂直线体现出第二层与第一层有关联。此后一个箭头,再加"权",足以帮助短期记忆,说出译文:"工党上台掌权"。 第三层次:一个"M"加圆圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。从短期记忆中回顾出"宏观经济框架"。 接着,一条横线体现关联,线后一个"改"字,于是补齐译文:"对宏观经济框架进行了改革"。 最后划圈,带横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:使用的4个汉字都经过"理顺"。其中2个是一笔成字。 The aim of this reform is to help provide a framework for improved macroeconomic stability and economic growth. 承上启下:一划从上段的"改"字左斜拉下来,接着往右一拐弯。足以从短期记忆中回顾出:"改革的目的"。 第一层次:写一个"框"字。从短期记忆中顺着上文,不难说出:"是为了提供一个框架"。 届此,听到"improved",随之划一条上行箭头,再补一个"M"加圈,提醒"M"字后面还有话。这样就不难说出:"以改善宏观经济稳定"。 若担心"M"不够,则可以加"稳"字,或一条水平横线代表之。 第二层次:此时,已听到"and economic growth",于是在"M"之下写"经"字,或"E"外带上弧线。这就不难说出:"促进经济增长"。 最后划个圈,顺手一横杆,表示本段讲话到此结束。 备注:采用了同传里的断句和变通技巧,在"框架"后断句,"improved"翻做"改善";加"经济增长"前加"促进"两字完句。 I would like to explain the key features of the UK economic policy framework, identify the key institutions, their leaders and their main responsibilities. There are three main institutions. 第一层次:首先写一个理顺过的"我"字,一横杆代表所做之事,写一个"特"字加圈,提


unit1 (1) Unit3 (2) Unit5 (3) UNIT 7 (4) Unit 9 (5) Unit 11 (6) Unit 13 (7) Unit 15 (9) Unit 17 (10) Unit 19 (11) Unit 21 (12) Unit 23 (13) Unit 25 (14) Unit 27 (15) Unit 29 (16) UNIT 31 (17) Unit 33 (18) Unit 35 (19) unit1 1.It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to be welcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends . The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed. 2.It is s sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning. This year, we have taken the theme “the challenge of Globalization” our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me. 3.On 11 September, I, along with a number of world statemen, was in Beijing to discuss china and the world in the 21st century. None of us could possibly have known as we debated economic development, environmental change and security issues what was going to happen that day. But many of the speakers warned of the fragility of the world order. It made me realize more clearly than at any other time just how very important “understanding” between the nations of the world is. 4.Our forum, and the discussions we will have in the next day and a half, is part of this vital process of understanding. Globalization is a challenge for all of us, both developed and developing countries and we have a lot to share and learn. As globalization increases and as



单元1 中英论坛讲话1 It is a real pleasure to be here to open the third meeting of our forum and to be welcoming such a distinguished and influential group of people from both our countries, many of whom are now old friends. The forum aims to represent the strength of the relationship between our two countries outside the political relationship and looking round today it is clear that the relationship is very strong indeed. 我很高兴地宣布我们论坛的第三次会议正式开幕,并在这里欢迎来自我们两国高层的、具有影响力的代表们。我们中的很多人都已经是老朋友了。论坛是为了体现我们两国这间关系的力量——在政治关系之外的力量。环视今日会场,显然,我们的关系非常坚固。 It is a sign for me that the forum goes from strength to strength and I believe it is playing a key role in the relations between our two countries as confirmed by the Prime Minister in our call on him this morning. This year, we have taken the theme "The Challenge of Globalization" for our meetings and discussions. This theme has a particular resonance for me. 这是一个迹象,表明我们的论坛越来越强大。我相信,论坛在我们两国关系中扮演着一个关键的角色。今早,首相在我们拜访他时就确认了这一点。今年,我们选择的主题是“全球化的挑战”,我们将就此进行会谈和讨论。对于这个主题,我尤其有感触。 On 11th September, I, along with a number of world statesmen, was in Beijing to discuss China and the World in the 21st Century. None of us could possibly have known as we debated economic development, environmental change and security issues what was going to happen that day. But many of the speakers warned of the fragility of the world order. It made me realize more clearly than at any other time just how very important "understanding" between the nations of the world is. 9月11号那天,我正在与一些国际政治家们在北京讨论中国与21世纪的世界。我们当中谁也没有想到,就在我们辩论经济发展、环境改变和安全问题的时候,那天将要发生什么事情。但是,很多发言人都警告说,世界秩序很脆弱。这使我比以往任何时候都更加清楚地认识到国家之间相互理解的重要性。 Our Forum, and the discussions we will have in the next day and a half, are part of this vital process of understanding. Globalization is a challenge for all of us, both developed and developing countries and we have a lot to share and learn. As globalization increases and as all our countries come to terms with the global reach of many industries, we can, as different nations, work together to understand the issues and effects these developments bring. 我们的论坛,以及今后一天半内的讨论,就是这种关键的相互理解过程中的组成部分。全球化对我们大家都是一个挑战,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家都一样。我们有很多需要分享和学习之处。随着全球化的发展,各国都在接受很多行业都已经跨国经营的现实。作为不同的国家,我们可以相互合作,认识这些问题以及这些发展带来的影响。 These opportunities can only be grasped by people. People talking, travelling, exchanging ideas and experiences. And that is what we are here today to do. Our discussions here will centre around a number of very interesting issues: trade and the environment in the globalization of the economy, Chinese culture facing the world, e-learning and e-commerce, balancing public purposes and commercial interests in the media, and China after WTO to name but a few. 这些机遇必须由人来把握:人们之间互相交谈、旅行、交流看法和经验。这正是我们今天要做的事情。我们这里的讨论将集中于几个很有意思的问题。经济全球化过程中的贸易与环境、面向世界的中国文化、电子学习、电子商务、在媒体的公共责任和商业利益之间保持平衡、中国入世之后等等。 As far as I can see, joining the WTO presents a huge challenge for China. The requirements of joining WTO for corporate governance, for transparency and for reliable and enforceable laws, whilst producing some pain in the short term, will no doubt be part of the way in which economic growth can be

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