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摘要 (ii)

Abstract (iii)

Contents (v)

Introduction (1)

Chapter One Literature Review (3)

1.1General Introduction to Simultaneous Interpreting (3)

1.1.1Definition and Characteristics of SI (3)

1.1.2History of Simultaneous Interpreting (5)

1.2Studies of Stress in Interpretation (6)

1.3Daniel Gile’s Effort Model in SI (7)

Chapter Two Psychological Stress Suffered by Interpreters in Simultaneous Interpreting (10)

2.1Brief Introduction of Psychological Stress in Psychology (10)

2.1.1Definition of Psychological Stress (10)

2.1.2CPT Model of Stress in Psychology (13)

2.2Brief Introduction of Psychological Stress in SI (14)

2.2.1The Phenomenon of Interpreter’s Stress in SI (14)

2.2.2Symptoms and Consequences of Psychological Stress in SI (16)

2.3The Potential Stressors in SI Process in light of Gile’s Effort Model and the

Cognitive Factor (18)

2.3.1The Potential Stressors in SI Process in light of Gile’s Effort Model (19)

2.3.2The Potential Stressors in SI in Psychology (21)

Chapter Three Causes of Psychological Stress in SI (23)

3.1Methodology (23)

3.1.1The Justification of the Questionnaire (23)

3.1.2Subjects (24)

3.1.3Analytical Procedure (24)

3.1.4Results and Analyses (25)

3.2Causes of Psychological Stress on Simultaneous Interpreters (29)

3.2.1External Causes (29)

3.2.2Internal Causes (36)

Chapter Four Counterstrategies for Psychological Stress in Simultaneous Interpreting (43)

4.1Improving Professional Foundation (43)

4.1.1Having Solid Linguistic Competence (43)

4.1.2Accumulating Encyclopedia Knowledge (44)

4.1.3Improving Memory Capacity (45)

4.2Making Adequate Advance Preparations (46)

4.2.1Adequate Advance Preparations (46)

4.2.2Familiarity with Speakers and Audiences (47)

4.3Strengthening Psychological Quality (47)

4.3.1Proper Self-evaluation (47)

4.3.2Positive Self-suggestion (48)

4.3.3Holding a Proper Attitude towards Errors (49)

4.4Highlighting Health Issues (50)

4.5Improving the Interpreters’Working Environment (51)

Conclusion (53)

Bibliography (55)

Appendix (57)


With the rapid development in science and technology,the increasing trend of globalization obscures national and cultural boundaries and unites the world into a global village.It seems that various communication barriers have almost been eliminated in the village.Actually,there is no mean can solve all communication obstacles,here means the language barrier.Thus,interpreting,as a bridge to cross-cultural communication,has been developing with an unprecedented speed in recent years.As reform deepens and China opens up even more to the outside word, interpreting has infiltrated into every aspect of China’s international communications, becoming a crucial part of China’s economic,political,social and cultural life. Therefore,the demand for interpreting talents is gradually increasing in China, especially the simultaneous interpreters.Almost all large and small international occasions involving foreign affairs need qualified and skillful simultaneous interpreters.In2000,the Ministry of Education in China approved158universities and colleges to open the Master of Translation and Interpreting to cultivate interpreting talents.It’s apparently proved that interpreting is attracting attention from both government and scholars.

Simultaneous interpreting(SI)is a demanding,highly skilled knack which is used for communicating in multiple languages.SI is not a mechanical process but a rather complex psychological cognitive activity,interpreters need to understand the message they receive from the speaker and it is a mental process that includes the analysis of the source language and its conversion of target language for the audience. Experts and scholars have made theoretical and practical studies on SI from various aspects such as anticipation techniques,listening and analyzing skills,short-term memory and Gile’s Effort Model,and proposed some effective strategies to help interpreters face interpreting problems so as to improve their professional competence and interpreting quality.However,the non-linguistic factor---psychological stress,

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