当前位置:文档之家› 英文中正确使用逗号




* He promised to come to the meeting,however,he didn't appear.他答应来开会,但是没有来。(however之前不能用逗号,应该是分号。)

* I didn't know,where I should go.我不知道我该去哪。(where之前的逗号应该去掉。)* We realized,that the girl was a foreigner.我们了解到那个女孩是个外国人。(that之前的逗号应该去掉。)




The children sang,danced, jumped and chased each other.孩子们唱歌、跳舞、欢跃,互相追逐。

I spent yesterday playing basketball,drinking beer,and telling stories.我在打篮球、喝啤酒和讲故事中度过了昨天。


He wanted to go on,but other people disagreed.他想继续,但其他人不同意。

The young man tried,yet he failed to convince her.这个年轻人试图说服她,但是失败了。



Tell me what you are going to do.告诉我你打算干什么。

Tom wondered if the dinner was ready.汤姆不知道晚餐准备好了没有。



Some listeners,bored by the lengthy talk,closed their eyes and dozed off.有些听众,由于厌烦那冗长的谈话,闭起眼睛打盹儿。

To my delight,he passed the entrance examination of our institute.使我高兴的是,他通过了我们学院的入学考试。

Come and look me up if you are ever in Beijing.如果你什么时候来北京,就来看我。

5.句中如有限制性从句或词组(即需要用从句给修饰词以明确的含义)时,不用逗号;如果是非限制性从句或词组,则需要用逗号把它与句子的其他部分隔开。例如:This is the lab where students listen to tapes and see films.这是学生们听磁带、看电影的实验室。

Mr.Li,the new CEO of the company,will soon announce his plansfor reforms.李先生,该公司的新任首席执行官,不久将宣布他的改革计划。


My father had,surprisingly,kept his temper all day.我父亲整天都不发脾气,这让人感到意外。

They were,believe it or not,in love with each other.信不信由你,他们在相爱。


This is Zhang Hong,monitor of Class 1.这是张红,一班的班长。

The machines you have supplied us with,I'm glad to tell you,work very well.我高兴地告诉你,你提供给我们的机器很好用。

Many interesting places in Beijing,such as the Summer Palaceand Temple of Heaven,attract thousands of visitors daily.北京许多好玩的地方,如颐和园和天坛,每天都吸引着成千上万的参观者。

"Tell me."he said,"what did you think of the discussion?"“告诉我”,他说,“你认为这个讨论会怎么样?”


Hongkong was returned to China on July 1,1997.香港于1997年7月1日回归中国。


The girl was born on 15 May 1991.这女孩出生于1991年5月15日。


67,865,243 1,876,468,200


My address is "52 Yingzi Lane,Xidan,Beijing."我的地址是“北京西单樱子胡同52号。”



Our monitor didn't hear the report; therefore,he didn't know what new decisions were made.我们班长没有听报告。因此,他不知道所做的新决定是什么。



逗号的作用 1.把非谓语动词做伴随状语的部分,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。2)非谓语动词中分词的独立结构,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。eg.The content of tomato sauce cooked in an iron pot for three hours showed a striking increase,the level going up nearly 30 times.在这里the level going up nearly 30 times做独立结构,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。3)分词短语可做非限定性定语(非限定性定语从句起补充说明作用,缺少也不会影响全句的理解,在非限定性定语从句的前面往往有逗号隔开,如若将非限定性定语从句放在句子中间,起前后都需要用逗号隔开。 1.限定性定语从句: 从句不能省略,如果省略整个句子意思不完整。 非限定性定语从句: 从句可以省略,如果省略整个句子意思仍然完整。 2.限定性定语从句: 先行词可以用that 引导。 非限定性定语从句: 先行词不可以用that 引导。 3.限定性定语从句: 引导词有时可以省略。 非限定性定语从句:引导词不可以省略。 4.限定性定语从句:主句与从句不需要用逗号隔开。 非限定性定语从句:主句与从句需要用逗号隔开。 5.限定性定语从句: 从句只修饰先行词。 非限定性定语从句:从句既可以修饰先行词,也可以修饰整个句子或句子的一部分。),用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。eg.But the buffalo nickel,produced from 1931to 1938,honored a pair of connected tragedies from the settlement of the American frontier---------.在这里produced from 1931to 1938做非限定性定语,修饰the buffalo nickel,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。4)在状语从句中,用逗号把从句和主句分开。5)把两个用and或but连接的完整句子,用逗号在and或but前分开。6)把两个或两个以上并列的平行成分,用逗号隔开。I reach for the light switch,and as it silently lights the scene,I return to bed to observe the patient with an unemotional,medical eye.在这里第一个逗号是and 连接两个完整的句子,第二个逗号是把as 引导的时间状语从句的从句和主句分开,第三个逗号是把两个或两个以上并列的平行成分,用逗号隔开。7)在非限定性定语从句中,用逗号把从句和主句分开。eg.The only light in her room is coming from a piece of medical equipment,which is flashing its red light sa if in warning.8)把插入语,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。eg.And people who are likely to have low iron should avoid drinking coffee and tea with meals,she says,since substances in these drinks can interfere with iron being absorbed into the body. she says是插入语。9)把句子的同位语,用逗号和它前面所解释的名词或名词词组分开。eg.The first and most common is having low iron reserves,a condition that tapically has no symptoms.在这里a condition ---做同位语解释low iron reserves,用


英语写作中逗号的使用规范 逗号的作用 逗号用来表示一个句子中的简短停暂。逗号的使用不能大意,因为一个错位的逗号可以改变整句话的原意。例如: James hit Lane, and Edward, then ran away. 詹姆斯打了莱恩和爱德华,然后跑掉了。 James hit Lane, and Edward then ran away.詹姆斯打了莱恩,然后爱德华跑掉了。 同时,当有必要澄清一个意思的时候,应该用逗号。如果随意省略逗号的使用,往往会导致歧义或者误解,例如: This lawyer, said the judge, is a fool. This lawyer said the judge is a fool. 逗号使用的场合 1. 用逗号来分开两项以上物品。在一个清单(list)中,如有超过两项以上物品,要用逗号将其分开。例如:?cars, trucks, vans, and tractors?. 在van之前加上一个逗号来区别tractor 和其他车辆不是同一类的。 2. 用逗号来分开两个平行主句。例如:?cars should park here, and trucks shoul d continue straight on?. 3. 在从句的首尾部加上逗号。例如:?Legaltranz, which is a legal English website, shares translation knowledge?. 4. 在某些引导从句后加上逗号。例如,?Having visited https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e6401541.html,, I found it very useful?. 5. 为了避免误解,在主句中,用逗号将从句或短语分开。例如:?I did not go to work yesterd ay, because I was unwell?. 6. 在直接引语后面加逗号。例如, …He said, “my lawyer is a genius!”?. 7. 在形容词之间加上逗号(如果每个形容词用相类似属性修饰其管辖的名词)。例如:?a small, dark room?. 不过,但形容词用不同属性修饰其管辖的名词时,就不需要使用逗号。例如:?a distinguished international lawyer? 或…a shiny blue suit?.内容来源于英果网。


英语中标点符号的用法大全 1、逗号(comma) , 英文中逗号的作用和汉语是一样的。另外,逗号还使用于用who和which的定于从句。 英文中的分号和逗号是同一符号。分号隔开并列关系的单词和短语。需要注意的是,使用了分号的短语一般最后一项内容前都是用了and或者or,此时和汉语所不同的是and或or前也应该使用分号(这是最最最常犯的语法错误之一,很多英语使用者都不知道),否则有可能造成歧义。比如,猫、狗和牛应该是"cat, dog, and ox"而非"cat, dog and ox"。 2、句号(period) . 英文中的句号的作用和汉语一样。 英文中的简写符号和句号是同一符号,比如Mr.、 Ms.、etc.等等。如果句号作为简写符号使用,那么这个词语简写前后面的符号应该照常写上,因为简写号并非句号,也不遵循句号的语法。比如Entreprise Co., Ltd或者I invited Tom, Jerry, etc..(注意两个点)。

3、冒号(colon) : 英文中的冒号的作用和汉语一样。当冒号后是引用一个人说的话,也可以使用逗号。 4、分号(semi-colon) ; 英文中的分号的作用和汉语一样。需要注意的是,分号和逗号有时是可以互相交替的,比如如下的情况。 Tom met me, and later he met Joan. Tom met me; later he met Joan. 或 Tom hates cheese, but he likes butter. Tom hates cheese; he like butter, though. 当只有两个句子相并列时,分号可以和被逗号+连结词互替。但注意第二个例子里,but的转接意是需要用其他成份补充的。 5、引号(quotation mark) 英文中的引号的作用和汉语一样,可用于引用和戏虐。 引号同时可以作为书名号,但只能使用于短诗歌,短故事,短电影和歌曲上。参见下文中“斜体字”。在英国,引用原话应该使用单引号,而话中话应该使用双引号。自然,引用和戏虐应该使用单引号了。 在美国,情况恰恰相反。另外,在美国,如果后引号和一


外教一对一https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e6401541.html, 英文“逗号(comma)”用法 1. 从句什么时候用逗号,什么时候不用逗号? 简单来说,主句是重点信息,从句是补充信息。英语在句子结构上也要突出重点:当主句在句首的时候,从句前不加逗号;当从句在句首,为了突出重点,需要加入逗号突出主句。 I will visit the Tower if I go to Beijing. 重点在句首,if前就不必加逗号。If I go to Beijing, I will visit the Tower. 从句在句首,为了刻意强调重点,主句用逗号隔开。 再比如: A car might crash into his house if he were to build it on Interstate-40. if he were to build it on Interstate-40, A car might crash into his house. 2. 虚拟语气的倒装 如果你稍稍了解虚拟语气的知识,那么你应该明白一条规则:在 if 引导的虚拟语气中,可以省略掉if,将were / should/ had 提前。 所以在美国中学生必读的一本小说《To Kill a Mockingbird》中,有这样一句话: He would probably poured it into his milk glass had I not asked what the sam hill he was doing. 我现在直接告诉你这句话是一句虚拟语气,那么按照我们这条规则,上面的话就是倒装,而原本的句子应该是: He would probably poured it into his milk glass if I had not asked what the sam hill he was doing. 是不是句子一下子就变成了我们喜闻乐见的if从句,一下子就清晰了起来有木有? 而且,根据第一部分的理论,这里的 if 从句前没有必要加逗号。而且即在这句话的倒装形式里,也没有加逗号啊! 再来看题目中的句子, Violet might have won the competition to be Willy Wonka's successor, had she not eaten the inflatable gum and turned into a giant blueberry. 我还是直接告诉你这依然是一个虚拟语气,如果还原一下,把 if 加进去,变成了: Violet might have won the competition to be Willy Wonka's successor, if she had not eaten the inflatable gum and turned into a giant blueberry. 咦,为什么 if 放在后面也有一个逗号呢?


在英语写作练习中,标点符号是最容易被忽视的一个问题。有的学生整篇文章一逗到底;有的则相反,全文都用句号。这样,无论文章的内容多好,结构多紧凑,逻辑性多强,但由于标点符号错误过多,文章变得不知所云。逗号是最常用的标点符号之一,也是使用中出现错误最多的。典型错误如: * He promised to come to the meeting,however,he didn't appear.他答应来开会,但是没有来。(however之前不能用逗号,应该是分号。) * I didn't know,where I should go.我不知道我该去哪。(where之前的逗号应该去掉。)* We realized,that the girl was a foreigner.我们了解到那个女孩是个外国人。(that之前的逗号应该去掉。) 那末,如何正确使用逗号呢? 1.逗号用来隔开句中的并列成分,在最后两个成分之间的连接词之前,一般不用逗号;但如果最后两个成分太长,最好用逗号隔开,以免引起歧义。 例如: The children sang,danced, jumped and chased each other.孩子们唱歌、跳舞、欢跃,互相追逐。 I spent yesterday playing basketball,drinking beer,and telling stories.我在打篮球、喝啤酒和讲故事中度过了昨天。 2.逗号用来连接并列分句,用在连接词and,but,or,for,so,nor,yet等之前。例如: He wanted to go on,but other people disagreed.他想继续,但其他人不同意。 The young man tried,yet he failed to convince her.这个年轻人试图说服她,但是失败了。 但应注意:在汉语中,单独的逗号可以连接分句;在英语中,一般来说逗号必须与连接词一起才能连接并列分句,否则是错误的。 3.句中的名词性从句(如由that,what,where,when,if等引导)作动词的宾语时,该从句之前不用逗号。例如: Tell me what you are going to do.告诉我你打算干什么。 Tom wondered if the dinner was ready.汤姆不知道晚餐准备好了没有。 4.状语从句、介词短语或分词短语在句中作状语,放在主语之前或插在句中,其后应该


COMMA (逗号) 1. In a Series –Place a comma between three or more items connected by a coordinating conjunction (在一系列——三个或三个以上项目之间放置一个逗号由并列连接词连接) Caution: Do not place commas between two items separated by and or between three items separated from one another by ands. (警告:两个项目之间不加逗号隔开或由and三个项目之间彼此分开) Incorrect(错误的): Correct: Remember to place a comma before the coordinating conjunction joining the last two elements of the series. Otherwise, the intended meaning of the sentence may not be clear. (记得把逗号并列连接词前加入的最后两个元素系列。否则,句子的含义可能不清楚。)Confusing:

Confusing: 2. Between Coordinate Adjectives –Place commas between equal adjectives with no coordinating conjunction between them. (之间协调的形容词——与不平等的形容词之间加逗号协调它们之间的结合。) Example:


几个容易用错的英语标点符号用法 整理了一些标点符号的用法,希望能与英语爱好者一同学习、进步,同时,也欢迎大 家来补充一些有关于标点符号的用法。 I.逗号(,) 1.在并列句中,连词(and, but, or, for, so, nor, yet)的前面用逗号。 应当指出,如果两个或三个并列从句都很简短,意思又紧密相连,它们之间可以不用 连词而只用逗号: A memoir is history, it is based on evidence. 2.写日期时,如次序是月-日-年,在日和年之间加逗号。如次序是日-月-年,则 不加逗号: He was born on October 15,1983. He was born on 15 October 1983. 注意:英文中是没有顿号的,基本上可以说在中文中用顿号的地方可以用逗号取代。 II.句号(.) 1.省略词一般加句号,如:Mr. Mrs. Ms. B.A. p.m. 注意在B.A. 等词后面那个句号不要丢掉,现在有趋势在省略词后面不加句号,尤其 是在团体、通讯社和广播电台名称后面:UN NATO BBC NBC UNESCO

2.如果在一个句子后面使用省略号,后面还得加句号,即变成四个句号。 III.分号(;) 1.有些起连系作用的副词,如 however, therefore, hence, nevertheless, moreover , thus, otherwise, besides等等,不应该用作连词来联系并列从句,在它们之间应 该用分号而不是逗号。 2.如从句内已经已有标点,即使从句中有连词仍应用分号:Unfortunately, Tom couldn't come; and his absence made things difficult for us. 3. 如若干项内已有逗号,可用分号将各项分开: On the committee are quite a few well-known people; for example, Professor Zhao, Dean of the Normal College; Mr. Han, editor-in-chief of the local evening paper; Miss Xu, a popular actress; and Mr. Hu, Director of the Bureau of Culture. VI.问号(?) 1.一个文句涉及多项时,各项之后皆可打问号: Did she buy butter? milk? eggs? apples? books? 2.放在括号中的问号表示不能肯定它前面的那个词、数字或日期的准确性: The author of this strange book was born in 1078(?) and died


英语中有哪些单词或短语在使用时用逗号隔开啊?比如HOWEVER,for example,还有哪些啊? 主要分几类: 1.用and,or,for,so,but连接的两个完整句中间要用逗号,当然是用在连接词前(这里完整句子是指必须都有主语和动词) 像:I cycle to school, and I walk home.这就要逗号 如果改下:I cycle to school and walk home.这就不用逗号,注意区别 2.不独立句+独立句,中间要逗号。比如像这种:When I was a child, I always played with my father.(句子内容比较弱智,主要看结构) 如果把when的部分放到后面,就不要逗号了 3.短语+句子,中间要逗号。 这个就很多了: For example, Then, After that, However, 反正就是不是句子的 4.地址每一级中间要逗号 街道,城市,省,国家 5.还有超过两个的并列成分要逗号:We bought sugar, tea, coffee, and butter.注意最后一个and前的逗号一定不要掉,我在国内的时候一直以为最后and前不用逗号…… 6.然后是插入语用逗号“夹”起来(觉得这个动词最贴切……):Cellphone, a modern communication device, is very important to me. 再就是一些特殊的: 像You are kidding, right? 我不知道这种叫什么 今天刚学到的新东西,英文中逗号和句号之后都需要一个英文的空格。

Commas usage 英语中逗号的使用原则

Commas This handout offers seven easy steps to becoming a comma superhero. Commas, commas, and more commas Commas help your reader figure out which words go together in a sentence and which parts of your sentences are most important. Using commas incorrectly may confuse the reader, signal ignorance of writing rules, or indicate carelessness. Although using commas correctly may seem mysterious, it can be easy if you follow a few guidelines. Beware of popular myths of comma usage: MYTH: Long sentences need a comma. A really long sentence may be perfectly correct without commas. The length of a sentence does not determine whether you need a comma. MYTH: You should add a comma wherever you pause. Where you pause or breathe in a sentence does not reliably indicate where a comma belongs. Different readers pause or breathe in different places. MYTH: Commas are so mysterious that it’s impossible to figure out where they belong! Some rules are flexible, but most of the time, commas belong in very predictable places. You can learn to identify many of those places using the tips in this handout. You probably already know at least one of the following guidelines and just have to practice the others. These guidelines are basically all you need to know; if you learn them once, you’re set for most situations. 1. Introductory bits (small-medium-large) Setting off introductory words, phrases, or clauses with a comma lets the reader know that the main subject and main verb of the sentence come later. There are basically three kinds of introductory bits: small, medium, and large ones. No matter what size they are, an introductory bit cannot stand alone as a complete thought. It simply introduces the main subject and verb. There are small (just one word) introductory bits: Generally, extraterrestrials are friendly and helpful. Moreover, some will knit booties for you if you ask nicely.


Rule 1.To avoid confusion, use commas to separate words and word groups with a series of three or more. Example:My $10million estate is to be split among my husband, daughter, son, and nephew. Omitting the comma after son would indicate that the son and nephew would have to split one-third of the estate. Rule https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e6401541.html,e a comma to separate two adjectives when the word and can be inserted between them. Examples:He is a strong, healthy man. We stayed at an expensive summer resort. You would not say expensive and summer resort, so no comma. Rule https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e6401541.html,e a comma when an -ly adjective is used with other adjectives. NOTE:To test whether an -ly word is an adjective, see if it can be used alone with the noun. If it can, use the comma. Examples:Felix was a lonely, young boy. I get headaches in brightly lit rooms.Brightly is not an adjective because it cannot be used alone with rooms; therefore, no comma is used between brightly and lit. Rule https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e6401541.html,e commas before or surrounding the name or title of a person directly addressed. Examples:Will you, Aisha, do that assignment for me? Yes, Doctor, I will. NOTE:Capitalize a title when directly addressing


1)把非谓语动词做伴随状语的部分,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。 2)非谓语动词中分词的独立结构,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。 The content of tomato sauce cooked in an iron pot for three hours showed a striking increase,the level going up nearly 30 times. 在这里the level going up nearly 30 times做独立结构,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。 3)分词短语可做非限定性定语,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。 But the buffalo nickel,produced from 1931to 1938,honored a pairof connected tragedies from the settlement of the American frontier---------. 在这里produced from 1931to 1938做非限定性定语,修饰the buffalo nickel,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。 4)在状语从句中,用逗号把从句和主句分开。 5)把两个用and或but连接的完整句子,用逗号在and或but前分开。 6)把两个或两个以上并列的平行成分,用逗号隔开。 I reach for the light switch,and as it silently lights the scene,I

return to bed to observe the patient with an unemotional,medical eye. 在这里第一个逗号是and 连接两个完整的句子,第二个逗号是把as引导的时间状语从句的从句和主句分开,第三个逗号是把两个或两个以上并列的平行成分,用逗号隔开。 7)在非限定性定语从句中,用逗号把从句和主句分开。The only light in her room is coming from a piece of medical equipment,which is flashing its red light as if in warning. 8)把插入语,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。 And people who are likely to have low iron should avoid drinking coffee and tea with meals,she says,since substances in these drinks can interfere with iron being absorbed into the body. she says是插入语。 9)把句子的同位语,用逗号和它前面所解释的名词或名词词组分开。 The first and most common is having low iron reserves,a condition that typically has no symptoms. 在这里a condition ---做同位语解释low iron reserves,用逗号和它前面所解释的名词或名词词组分开。 10)把句子中的独立成分,用逗号和句子的其他部分分开。以上几种逗号的作用并不是独立的,有时在一句话会用到上面好几种逗号的作用。


英语写作中的标点符号用法 (一)逗号的用法 1. 在并列连词(and, but, for, nor, or, yet )前使用,用来连接句中的各分句。 In fact you do, but you may not remember me. (p17 全日制普通高级中学教科书(必修)英语第一册(下)Senior English for China Student’s Book 1B 以下标有页码未特别注明出处的皆出自本书) 2. 用逗号来分隔一系列单词、词组和从句。 In summer, people like to go sailing, swimming, horse-riding and rock-climbing in the mountains. (p42) Red, pink, yellow and white roses filled the huge vases. (牛津现代高级英汉双解词典第6版附录4 标点使用法) In the summer of 1984, many trees died. 3. 逗号用来分隔与句子其他部分密切相连的简短插入语或旁白。(较长的,更为突兀的或复杂的插入成分的则用破折号或圆括号。) Chemical fertilization,for example, helps to produce better crops, but is harmful to the environment. (p45-46) 4. 在并列形容词,即分别修饰同一个名词的形容词之间使用逗号,但也有的形容词之间不加逗号的。 For men, heroism was usually described as bravery and the active, successful overcoming of adversity. 5. 用逗号来分隔非限定性修饰语,即该修饰语对于句子的意义并非必不可少。非限定性修饰语与限定性修饰语的区别在于,它即使被省略,也不会改变句子的主要意思。 (1) 同位语 Ma De, former Party secretary of Suihua, in Northeast China’s Heilongjiang Province, was charged with taking bribes worth 6.03 million yuan during his 10 years in various government positions. (China Daily July29, 2005) At the World Park, one of the largest theme parks in China, visitors can look at buildings, castles and statues from more than thirty countries. (P66) 注意:限定性同位语不用逗号隔开。 US President George W. Bush said on Wednesday that he looked forward to meeting President Hu Jintao later this year. (China Daily July29, 2005) (2) 从句 A brief comparison with the most famous chivalric drama, which was written fifteen years earlier, clarifies the uniqueness of Thon’s play. 与那部最著名的,完成于十五年前的骑士剧的简短比较,表明了索恩这部剧作的独特性。 When they discovered it about 1,000 years ago, they called it Aotearoa, which means “Land of the long white cloud”. (P38) (3) 副词短语和从句


一、标点符号的运用 1.引号的用法 (1)用于引用某说话人或作者的话 1)被引用的句子首字母需要大写 如果引用部分被隔开,后半部分的引用部分首字母不需要大些,除非前一部分的话已经说完整而引用的后半部分又是另一个新句子 .“Didyouknow,”saidthenutritionexpert,“thatit’shealthiertobetenpoun dsoverweight” “IfIgowithyoutothedinnerparty,”myfriendsaid,“youmustpromisenott odiscusspolitics.” 3)引用部分如需和句子其他部分隔开要使用逗号 4)引号总位于句子标点符号的外面 (2)用于标出短篇作品的名称 文章标题、报纸、杂志、书名等一般需要用引号标出,也可以在名称下加下划线。在使用电脑写作时,可以用斜体字来表示这些名称。 话里有话,或者话里需要引用使用单引号 ‘WorkandEnergy.’” 2.逗号的用法

(1)在并列句中,连词(and,but,or,for,so,nor,yet)的前面用逗号:Heaskedthequestioninaloudvoice,butnooneanswered. Comeearly,oryou’llmisstheshow. (2)状语从句或短语(介词短语、分词短语)在主语之前或在句子中间时,后面用逗号 在句中起同样作用的一系列词语或短语要用逗号分开。 前面的都好可以省去,不过一般都会使用逗号。 (4)插入语的前后用逗号分开 Thedirector,infact,hasdoneverylittlework. Yourwork,I’msorrytosay,isnotsatisfactory. (5)非限定性从句或短语和句子的主要部分之间要用逗号隔开WangLing,whoisthebestsingeroftheclass,willteachustosingthesong. 3.冒号 (1)引进解释 引进引语 引进一个list 公事信函中的称呼之后;演讲稿中听众的称呼之后 分号


英文标点符号的使用的论文 句点(full stop / period,“.”) 问号(question mark,“?”) 感叹号(exclamation mark,“!”) 逗点(comma,“,”) 冒号(colon,“:”) 分号(semicolon,“;”) 连字符(hyphen,“-”) 连接号(en dash,“–”) 破折号(em dash,“—”) 括号(parentheses,小括号“( )”;中括号“[]”;大括号“{}”) 引号(quotation marks,双引号““”;单引号“‘”) 缩写及所有格符号(apostrophe,“‘”) 一、.句点 1.句点用于当一句话完全结束时。 2.句点也可以用于英文单词的缩写,如mrs., dr., 等。但要注意的是当缩写的字母形成了一个单词的时候就不要使用句点。如ibm, dna 等。 二、?问号 问号要用在一个直接的问句,而不是间接的。 如how will you solve the problem?是正确的用法,但用在i wonder how you will solve the problem?就不对了,应该使用句点而不是问号。 另外,在客气的用语中,也是用句点而不是问号. 如will you please give me a call tomorrow. 三、! 感叹号 感叹号用于感叹和惊叹的陈述中,在商业写作中要注意感叹号的应用,因为不恰当的使用会显得突兀及不稳重。 四、;分号 1.与中文一样,分号用于分隔地位平等的独立子句。在某些情况下,使用分号比使用句点更显出子句之间的紧密联系,另外分号也经常与连接副词thus, however, therefore一起使用(放在这些词语之前)。如i realize i need exercise; however, i’ll lie down first to think about it. 2.在句子中如果已经使用过逗点,为了避免歧义的产生,就用分号来分隔相似的内容。如 the employees were tom hanks, the manager; jim white, the engineer; and dr. jack lee. 需要注意的是:一个完整的句子以大写字母开始,以句点结束。写英文时用逗点代替句点 、分号、冒号或破折号叫“逗号错”,这正是中国学生所要避免的。请比较下列例句:误:it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields. (注意:上面句子中划横线的部分是两个不同的主语,而且逗点前后的句子是完整的-----单独拿出来都能代表一个完整的意思。因此,用逗号违反了英文规定,即一个句子只能有一套主干。) 正:it was raining hard; they could not work in the fields. it was raining hard. they could not work in the fields. it was raining so hard that they could not work in the fields.


英语标点符号的用法 Comma (,) 逗号、逗点 在英文里,逗号的用途有: * 连接句子里不同的成份 * 分开句子里不同的成份 * 突出句子里的某个成份 * 替代句子里的某个成份 成份指:词、短语(phrase)、子句(clause)等。 2.1连接句子里不同的成份 2.1.1 逗号用在以and, but, for, nor, or, so, yet等连接词的两个主要子句之间: 1. My father is fond of fishing, but my mother prefers hiking. (以,but 连接两个子句) 2. He painted the exterior of the house, and she painted the interior. (以,and 连接两个子句) ======================================================== 2.2分开句子里不同的成份 2.2.1 用逗号分开两个以上的并列形容词:(如果并列的形容词之间可加上and, but等,那就加上逗号;否则不可) 1. That tall, distinguished, good looking fellow. (可写成He is a tall and distinguished fellow.) 2.She is a little and old lady. (不可写成She is a little, old lady.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.2在两个修饰主语的短语之间加上逗号(句短可不加): 1. While waiting for the bus on that cold rainy night, she started sneezing. (主语she) 2.At 10 o'clock the bus arrived.(不必写成At 10 o'clock, the bus arrived.) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 2.2.3在Jr., Sr., Esq., Ph.D., F.R.S., Inc., 等名称之前及后都要加上逗号(除了所有格的名称): 1. They identified him as Howard R. Williams, Jr., chairman of their board.(,Jr.,)

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