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PartⅠ. Choose the relevant match from Column B for each item in Column A. (10%) Section A


(1)Shakespeare ( ) A. Jude the Obscure

(2)Henry Fielding ( ) B. Persuasion

(3)Charles Dickens ( ) C. Hard Times

(4)Jane Austen ( ) D. Tom Jones

(5)Thomas Hardy ( ) E. The Tempest

Section B


(1) Hamlet( ) A. Friday

(2) Robinson Crusoe ( ) B. Sir Peter Teazle

(3) The School for Scandal ( ) C. Gertrude

(4) Pride and Prejudice ( ) D. Angel Clare

(5) Tess of the D’Urbervilles( ) E. Elizabeth Bennet

Part Ⅱ. Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook. (5%)

1. The Renaissance movement embraced almost the whole of Europe. _______ is the essence of the movement.

2. In the last few decades of the 18th century, the neoclassical doctrines were rebelled against or challenged by the _______.

3. The two major novelists of the _______ period are Jane Austen and Walter Scott.

4. Charlotte Bront e ‘s works are usually concerned about some neglected young women with a fierce longing for _______, understanding and a full, happy life.

5. James Joyce is the most out-standing stream-of-consciousness novelist of the _______ century. Part Ⅲ. Each of the following statements below is followed by four alternative answers.

Choose the one that would best complete the statement. (50%)


1. About the Renaissance humanists which of the following statements is true? ( )

A. They thought money and social status was the measure of all things.

B. They thought people were largely subordinated to the ruling class without any freedom and independence.

C. They couldn’t see the human values in their works.

D. They emphasized the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life.

2. In his tragedy Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare eulogizes ( ).

A. the spirit of pursuing religious freedom

B. the faithfulness of love

C. the heroine’s great beauty, wit and loyalty

D. both A and B

3. One of the distinct features of the Elizabethan time is ( ).

A. the flourishing of the drama

B. the popularity of the realistic novel

C. the domination of the classical poetry

D. the close-down of all the theatres

4. Which of the following works was written by John Milton? ( )

A. The Song of Beowulf.

B. Canterbury Tales .

C. Samson Agonistes.

D. Othello.

5. Which of the following terms can be used to refer to the 18th-century English literature?

( )

A. The Age of Romance.

B. The Age of Drama .

C. The Age of Prose.

D. The Age of Poetry.

6. Which of the following authors does not belong to the enlighteners of the 18th century?

( )

A. Jonathan Swift.

B. Walter Scott .

C. Daniel Defoe.

D. Henry Fielding.

7. The middle of the 18th century saw a newly rising literary form—( ).

A. the modern English drama

B. the modern English poetry

C. the modern English novel

D. both A and B


8. Which of the following statements about the metaphysical poets is true? ( )

A. They tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry.

B. John Donne is the leading figure of the metaphysical school.

C. They are not as rebellious as the sentimentalists.

D. Both A and B.

9. Britain witnessed two major romantic poets in the latter half of the 18th century. They are

( ).

A. John Milton and William Blake

B. Robert Burns and John Keats

C. George Herbert and John Donne

D. Robert Burns and William Blake

10. The language in Robinson Crusoe is ( ).

A. easy, smooth and colloquial

B. difficult and artificial

C. lengthy and imaginative

D. obscene and difficult

11. Which of the following is true about Jonathan Swift’s thoughts as a representative of the

enlightenment movement? ( )

A. To better human life, enlightenment is unnecessary.

B. Human nature is simple and naive.

C. Human nature was destined and couldn’t be changed.

D. It’s possible to reform and improve human nature and human institutions.

12. Henry Fielding is mainly concerned about ( ) in his works.

A. the miserable life of the middle-class people

B. the ordinary and usually ridiculous life of the common people

C. the special life style of some groups

D. the real life of the upper-class people

13. In The School for Scandal the author satirizes the following except ( ).

A. the austere life of the middle class

B. the reckless life of extravagance and love intrigues in the high society

C. the vicious scandal-mongering among the idle rich

D. the immorality and hypocrisy of the upper class


14. Which of the following novelists belongs to the Romantic period? ( )

A. Jane Austen .

B. George Eliot.

C. Henry Fielding .

D. Charles Dickens.

15. Which of the following statements is true about William Blake’s Songs of

Experience?( )

A. It portrays a world of loss and institutional cruelty with sufferings.

B. It describes a world of happiness and love and romantic ideals.

C. It depicts a world of misery, poverty mixed with love and happiness.

D. It paints a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression.

16. In many of Byron’s poems, the romantic poet created a well-known hero who is( ).

A. a brilliant, independent and romantic figure of his time

B. a brave and stubborn rebel figure of noble origin

C. an arrogant and mysterious rebel figure of lower origin

D. a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin

17. As a woman writer, Jane Austen always portrays the quiet daily country life of ( ).

A. the upper-class English

B. the upper-middle-class English

C. the lower-class English

D. the lower-middle-class English

18. As a realist, in his works Dickens intends to expose and criticize ( ).

A. the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy and corruptness around him

B. the capitalist solutions to the social plights

C. some ineffective reforms

D. both B and C

19. In her works George Eliot is deeply concerned with the people and life of her time and tries to

pursue( ).

A. the perfect love between men and women

B. the secrets of inward propensity and outward circumstances

C. the fundamental moral truth about human life

D. the inner contradictions in people’s heart


20. In Hardy’s novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles, what kind of character is Tess described

as?( )

A. A simple, innocent and faithful country girl.

B. A cunning, strong-minded and passionate girl.

C. A beautiful, natural girl as well as a victim of the society.

D. Both A and C.

21. Which of the following statements is true about the modernist writers? ( )

A. They are more concerned with the outward appearance of an individual.

B. They are more concerned with the harmonious human relationships.

C. They are more concerned with the distorted, alienated and ill relationships

D. They are more concerned with the normal and united relationships.

22. In The Man of Property, which of the following statements is true about the typical

Forsyte ?( )

A. It symbolizes the traditional and conservative values of the contemporary society.

B. It represents the essence of the new rising bourgeoisie.

C. It refers to the predominant possessive instinct of the upper class.

D. It represents the essence of the principle that the accumulation of wealth is the sole aim of life.

23. Which of the following is the most outstanding stream-of-consciousness novelist? ( )

A. Virginia Woolf.

B. John Galsworthy .

C. James Joyce .

D. William Thackery.

24. In many of G B Shaw’s early plays, he severely attacked and criticized ( ).

A. the evil people of the lower-class people

B. the cruelty and madness of World War I

C. the contemporary social , economic, moral and religious evils

D. the contemporary radical reformist point of view

25. In his masterpiece Ulysses, Joyce intends to present a microcosm of the whole human life by

depicting ( ).

A. a single event which contains all the events of its kind

B. a broad life experience of the whole mankind

C. a deep psychological world of various individuals


D. both A and C

Part Ⅳ. Interpretation (20%)

Read the following selections and then answer the questions.


Then I saw in my dream, that when they were got out of the wilderness, they presently saw a town before them, and the name of that town is Vanity; and at the town there is a fair kept, called Vanity Fair ;it is kept all the year long; it bearth the name of Vanity Fair because the town where it is kept is lighter than vanity; and also because all that is there sold, or that cometh thither, is vanity. As is the saying of the wise, “All that cometh is vanity.”

This fair is no new-erected business, but a thing of ancient standing; I will show you the original of it.

Almost five thousand years agone, there were pilgrims walking to the Celestial City, as theses two honest persons are; and Beelzebub, Apollyon, and Legion, with their companions, perceiving by the path that the pilgrims made, that their way to the city lay through this town of Vanity, they contrived to set up a fair; a fair wherein should be sold all sorts of vanity, and that it should last all the year long. Therefore at this fair are all such merchandise sold, as houses, land, trades, places, honors, preferments, titles, countries, kingdoms, lusts, pleasures, and delights of all sorts, as whores, bawds, wives, husbands, children, masters, servants, lives, blood, bodies, souls, silver, gold, pearls, precious stones, and what not.

And , moreover, at this fair here is at all times to be seen jugglings, cheats, games, plays, fools, apes, knaves, and rogues, and that of every kind.Here are to be seen, too, and that for nothing, thefts, murders, adulteries, false swearers, and that of a blood-red colour.

1. Which book is this passage taken from? Who is the author?

2. What kind of fair is the Vanity Fair in the passage?


“Who, who?”cries Tom; but without waiting for an answer, having discovered the features of his Molly through all the discomposure in which they now were, he hastily alighted, turned his horse loose, and, leaping over the wall, ran to her. She now first bursting into tears, told him how barbarously she had been treated.Upon which, forgetting the sex of Goody Brown, or perhaps not knowing it in his rage—for, in reality, she had no feminine appearance but a petticoat, which he


might not observe—he gave her a lash or two with his horsewhip; and then flying at the mob, who were all accused by Moll, he dealt his blows so profusely on all sides, that unless I would again invoke the Muse (which the good-natured reader may think a little too hard upon her, as she hath so lately been violently sweated), it would be impossible for me to recount the horsewhipping of that day.

Having scoured the whole coast of the enemy, as well as any of Homer’s horses ever did, or as Don Quixote or any knight-errant in the world could have done, he returned to Molly, whom he found in a condition which must give both me and my reader pain, was it to be described here. Tom raved like a madman, beat his breast, tore his hair, stamped on the ground, and vowed the utmost vengeance on all who had been concerned.He then pulled off his coat, and buttoned it round her, put his hat upon her head, wiped the blood from her face as well as he could with his handkerchief, and called out to the servant to ride as fast as possible for a side-saddle, or a pillion, that he might carry her safe home.

Master Blifil objected to the sending away the servant, as they had only one with them; but as Square seconded the order of Jones, he was obliged to comply.

The servant returned in a very short time with the pillion, and Molly, having collected her rags as well as she could, was placed behind him. In which manner she was carried home, Square, Blifil, and Jones attending.

Here Jones having received his coat, given her a sly kiss, and whispered her, that he would return in the evening, quitted his Molly, and rode on after his companions.

3. What can be seen about the hero Tom’s character from this accident?

4. How do you comment on the art form of the novel?


She dwelt among the untrodden ways

Beside the springs of Dove,

A Maid whom there were none to praise

And very few to love:

A violet by a mossy stone

Half hidden from the eye!

—Fair as a star, when only one


Is shining in the sky.

She lived unknown, and few could know

When Lucy ceased to be;

But she is in her grave, and, oh,

The difference to me!

5. What is the theme of this poem?

Part V. Give brief answers to the following questions. (15%)

1. Make a brief comment on the major features of Jane Austen’s novel writing.

2. Make a comment on the themes of Ulysses by James Joyce.



Unit 1 Geoffrey Chaucer 1343-1400 夏雨给大地带来了喜悦送走了土壤干裂的三月沐浴着草木的丝丝经络顿时百花盛开生机勃勃西风轻吹留下清香缕缕田野复苏吐出芳草绿绿碧蓝的天空腾起一轮红日青春的太阳洒下万道金辉小鸟的歌喉多么清脆优美迷人的夏夜怎好安然入睡美丽的自然撩拨万物的心弦多情的鸟儿歌唱爱情的欣欢香客盼望膜拜圣徒的灵台僧侣立愿云游陌生的滨海信徒来自全国东西南北众人结伴奔向坎特伯雷去朝谢医病救世的恩主以缅怀大恩大德的圣徒那是个初夏方临的日子我到泰巴旅店投宿歇息怀着一颗虔诚的赤子心我准备翌日出发去朝圣黄昏前后华灯初上时分旅店院里涌入很多客人二十九人来自各行各业不期而遇都到旅店过夜这些香客人人虔心诚意次日要骑马去坎特伯雷客房与马厩宽敞又洁净店主的招待周到而殷勤夕阳刚从地平线上消失众人同我已经相互结识大家约好不等鸡鸣就起床迎着熹微晨光干燥把路上可是在我叙述故事之前让我占用诸位一点时间依我之见似乎还很必要把每人的情况作些介绍谈谈他们从事什么行业社会地位属于哪个阶层容貌衣着举止又是如何那么我就先把骑士说说骑士的人品出众而且高尚自从军以来就驰骋于疆场待人彬彬有礼大度而豪爽珍惜荣誉节操和骑士风尚为君主效命创辉煌战绩所到国家之远无人能比转战于基督和异教之邦因功勋卓著缕缕受表彰他攻打过亚历山大利亚在普鲁士庆功宴上有他这位佼佼者多次坐首席从立陶宛直打到俄罗斯同级的骑士都大为逊色攻克阿给西勒有他一个还出征到过柏尔玛利亚夺取烈亚斯和萨塔利亚他还

多次游弋于地中海跟随登陆大军将敌战败十五次比武他大显身手为捍卫信仰而浴血奋斗在战场上三次杀死敌将高贵的武士美名传四方他还侍奉过柏拉西亚国君讨伐另一支土耳其异教军没有一次不赢得最高荣誉他骁勇善战聪慧而不痴愚他温柔顺从像个大姑娘一生无论是在什么地方对谁也没有讲过半个脏字堪称一个完美的真骑士他有一批俊美的千里马但是他的衣着朴实无华开价的底下是结识的布衣上上下下到处是斑斑污迹他风尘仆仆刚从战场归来片刻未休息就急忙去朝拜 Unit 2 William Shakespeare 1564-1616 生存或毁灭这是个必答之问题是否应默默的忍受坎苛命运之无情打击还是应与深如大海之无涯苦难奋然为敌并将其克服此二抉择就竟是哪个较崇高死即睡眠它不过如此倘若一眠能了结心灵之苦楚与肉体之百患那么此结局是可盼的死去睡去但在睡眠中可能有梦啊这就是个阻碍当我们摆脱了此垂死之皮囊在死之长眠中会有何梦来临它令我们踌躇使我们心甘情愿的承受长年之灾否则谁肯容忍人间之百般折磨如暴君之政骄者之傲失恋之痛法章之慢贪官之侮或庸民之辱假如他能简单的一刃了之还有谁会肯去做牛做马终生疲於操劳默默的忍受其苦其难而不远走高飞飘於渺茫之境倘若他不是因恐惧身后之事而使他犹豫不前此境乃无人知晓之邦自古无返者所以「理智」能使我们成为懦夫而「顾虑」能使我们本来辉煌之心志变得黯然无光像个病夫再之这些更能坏大事乱大谋使它们失去魄力第二场同前凯普莱特家的花园罗密欧上罗密欧没有受过伤的才会讥笑别人身上的创痕朱丽叶自上方


考试课程:英国文学史及选读考核类型:A 卷 考试方式:闭卷出卷教师: XXX 考试专业:英语考试班级:英语xx班 I.Multiple choice (30 points, 1 point for each) select from the four choices of each item the one that best answers the question or completes the statement. 1._____,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons. A.The Canterbury Tales B.The Ballad of Robin Hood C.The Song of Beowulf D.Sir Gawain and the Green Kinght 2._____is the most common foot in English poetry. A.The anapest B.The trochee C.The iamb D.The dactyl 3.The Renaissance is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, which one of the following is NOT such an event? A.The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture. B.England’s domestic rest C.New discovery in geography and astrology D.The religious reformation and the economic expansion 4._____is the most successful religious allegory in the English language. A.The Pilgrims Progress B.Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners C.The Life and Death of Mr.Badman D.The Holy War 5.Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is _____. A.science B.philosophy C.arts D.humanism 6.“So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see,/So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.”(Shakespeare, Sonnets18)What does“this”refer to ? A.Lover. B.Time. C.Summer. D.Poetry. 7.“O prince, O chief of my throned powers, /That led th’ embattled seraphim to war/Under thy conduct, and in dreadful deeds/Fearless, endangered Heaven’s perpetual king”In the third line of the above passage quoted from Milton’s Paradise Los t, the phrase“thy conduct”refers to _____conduct. A.God’s B.Satan’s C.Adam’s D.Eve’s


第1章盎格鲁-撒克逊时期(450~1066) 1.1 复习笔记 Ⅰ. Historical Background(历史背景) (1) The earliest settlers of the British Isles were the Celts, who migrated to the British Isles about 600 B.C. 不列颠群岛最早的定居者是凯尔特人,他们大约在公元前600年移民到不列颠群岛。 (2) From 55 B.C. to 407 A.D. the British Isles were under the rule of the Roman Empire. 从公元前55年到公元407年,不列颠群岛处于罗马帝国的统治之下。 (3) About 450 A.D., waves of the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes invaded the British Isles. They settled in England, and drove the Celts into Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. 公元450年左右,盎格鲁人、撒克逊人和朱特人占领了不列颠群岛。他们在英格兰定居,将凯尔特人驱逐到威尔士、苏格兰和爱尔兰。 (4) It was around 500 A.D., in the struggle against Cerdic, the founder of the kingdom of Wessex, that the Celtic King Arthur, a legendary figure, is said to have acquired his fame. 大约在公元500年,在与威塞克斯王国创始人塞迪奇的斗争中,传说中的凯尔特王亚瑟获得了他的名声。 (5) Beginning from the later part of the 8th century, the Danes, or the Vikings, came to invade England, at first, along the eastern coast, but later they threatened


英国文学选读》课程教学大纲 课程编号: 01120280 学分:2 学时: 34(其中实践学时: 0) 授课学期:第 5 学期 一、课程的性质、地位、作用及与其他课程的联系 该课程的目的在于培养学生阅读、欣赏、理解英语文学原著的能力,掌握文学批评的 基本知识和方法。通过阅读和分析英国文学作品,使学生了解英国的历史、地理、社会、政 治等方面的情况及文化传统, 促进学生对西方文学及文化的了解, 提高学生对文化差异的敏 感性、宽容性和处理文化差异的灵活性, 培养学生的跨文化交际能力。 授课的内容包括: ( 1) 文学导论;英语文学常识;( 2)英国文学史;( 3)英国文学经典作品导读;( 4)英国文 学批评。选用《新编英国文学选读》(上、下册),罗经国 编著;北京大学出版社; 2005。 期望达到如下教学要求: 1. 对英国文学的发展概况有清晰的了解; 2. 对重要的文学术语有相当的了解并能在文学批评中加以运用; 3. 能读懂英语国家出版的有一定难度的历史传记和文学作品; 4. 熟悉英国主要作家代表作、其写作风格和所属流派; 5. 要求在理解的基础上分析文章的思想观点、篇章结构、语言特点、修辞手法、文体 风格; 6. 要求学生有较强的跨文化交际的能力。 二、课程的教学内容与要求 Chapter One The Anglo-Saxon Period (450-1066) 教学目标】帮助学生了解古英语诗歌的源泉及其韵律特点 教学内容】 1. Historical background 2. Northumbrian School and Wessex Literature 3. Anglo-Saxon Poetry : Beowulf 教学重点与难点】古英语文学的代表人物 King Alfred; Beowulf Chapter Two The Norman Period (1066-1350) 教学目标】帮助学生了解诺曼时期英国骑士文学和法国文学对英国文学的影响。 4. Romance and the influence of French literature 教学重点与难点】骑士文学和宗教文学的特点。 教学内容】 1. Historical background 2. Middle English 3. Religious literature 4.


浙江科技学院自考-学前教育专业自学考试一:专业分析 学前教育专业发展特点:改革开放以来,全县幼儿教育事业随着基础教育的发展,无论在数量和教学质量及管理方面,都有快速的发展和提高,体现了启蒙教育的特点,为小学的发展奠定了基础。 幼师专业是对0岁至入小学前儿童实施教育应遵循的基本要求。幼儿园教育工作的原则是:体、智、德、美诸方面的发展应互相渗透,有机结合;遵循幼儿身心发展的规律,符合幼儿的年龄特点,注重个体差异,因人施教,引导幼儿个性健康发展;面向全体幼儿;热爱幼儿,坚持积极鼓励、启发诱导的正面教育。 二:发展前景 我国的早教市场在1998年开始萌芽,经过10多年的发展,早教机构已经走过了一波迅速扩张期。以东方爱婴、红黄蓝等为代表的本土早教机构和以金宝贝、天才宝贝等为代表的海外品牌共同占据着当前的早教市场。充实队伍,强化师资。幼儿是娇嫩的花朵,幼师是护花的园丁。截止到2013年4月全国在园幼儿近3000万,幼儿教师只有130万,有较大缺口。今后10年,我国学前三年适龄儿童人口将增至约5000万。必须扩大充实幼儿教师队伍,

四:学生问答 问:幼师专业怎么样?学前教育自考毕业好找工作吗? 答:我是学幼师的,就快毕业了!~话说幼师工作是好找,工资也是因人而异!私立和公立差别很大的。但是主要还是自己得学号。而且幼师一定要有爱心,责任心,对孩子要很高的关注心!~幼师的表现(演)欲要很强,会很夸张!~面对小孩和大人完全会不一样!~我个人认为的。 小孩会有很多你想不到的问题问你,你的回答会影响她的看法~~不过学幼师,以后自己的小孩应该会很不错吧!~自己会懂得应该怎么样教小孩!~至少不会盲目! 幼师要能弹、能唱、能跳、能说、能画!~~五项全能!~~ 五:就业方向 【实习特点】主要是到幼儿园观察有经验的教师的教学以方便自己未来的教学。 【就业前景】主要到托幼机构从事保教和研究工作的教师、学前教育行政人员以及其他有关机构的教学、研究的工作。


《英国文学史及作品选读》教学大纲 一、课程说明 1. 课程中文名称:英国文学史及作品选读 2 课程英文名称:History and Selected Readings of English Literature 3. 课程总学时数:32 4. 课程学分数: 2 5. 授课对象:英语专业本科学生 6. 本课程的性质、地位和作用 本课程为面向英语专业高年级(三年级)学生开设的一门专业选修课,在学科体系中居重要地位。要求学生以先修英语阅读、综合英语、英美文化和英美概况等课程为基础。通过教学,使学生对英国文学有一个概观了解,同时初步培养学生对英国文学作品的鉴赏能力,增强学生对西方文学及文化的了解。该课程有助于增强学生的语言基本功,丰富学生的人文知识、充实学生的文化修养,提高学生的精神素质。 二、教学基本要求 1. 本课程的目的、任务 英国文学史及文学作品包含着历史的记忆和哲学的睿智,是英语语言艺术的结晶。本课程旨在介绍英国文学各个时期的主要文化思潮,文学流派,主要作家及其代表作,使学生对英国文学的发展脉络有一个大概的了解和认识,提高他们对文学作品的阅读鉴赏能力,并能掌握文学批评的基本知识和方法。要求学生在阅读和分析英国文学作品的基础上了解英国的历史、社会、政治等方面的情况及传统,促进学生对西方文学及文化的了解,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性,培养学生对作品的洞察批判能力,从而丰富提升学生人文素养。 2. 本课程的教学要求 了解英国文学的发展概况,熟悉发展过程中出现的历史事件,文学思潮,文学流派;熟悉具体作家的文学生涯,创作思想,艺术特色和所属流派;能读懂代表作家的经典作品,并能分析评介作品的主题思想,人物形象,篇章结构、语言


2018年自学《英国文学选读》试题及答案 1. What are Shakespeare ’s achievements? a. Shakespeare represented the trend of history in giving voice to de desires and aspirations of the people. b. Shakespeare’s humanism: more important than his historical sense of his time, Shakespeare in his plays reflects the spirit of his age. c. Shakespeare’s characterization: Shakespeare was most successful in his characterization. In his plays he described a great number of characters. d. Shakespeare’s originality: Shakespeare drew most of his materials from sources that were known to his audienc e. But his plays are original because he instilled into the old materials a new spirit that gives new life to his plays. e. Shakespeare as a great poet: Shakespeare was not only a great dramatist, but also a great poet. Apart from his sonnets and long poems, his dramas are poetry. f. Shakespeare as master of the English language. 2. What are the basic characteristics of ballads? a. The beginning is often abrupt. b. There are strong dramatic elements. c. The story is often told through dialogue and action. d. The theme is often tragic, though there are a number of comic


Geoffrey Chaucer (1343-1400) 乔叟He was born in 1343 in London. He died in 1400 and was buried in Westminster Abbey, thus founding the “Poets Corner”.The father of English Poetry and one of the greatest narrative poets of England.“The Canterbury Tales” (1387-1400) It is Chaucer?s masterpiece and one of the monumental works in English literature. Chaucer’s Contribution to English Literature Chaucer is regarded as the founder of English poetry and has been called “the founder of English realism.” He is the firs t great poet who wrote in the English language. He introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types, especially the “heroic couplet” (英雄双韵体) to English poetry.His masterpiece “The Canterbury T ales” is one of the monumental works in English literature 公爵夫人之书,百鸟议会,声誉之堂,特罗勒思和克里西德 Structure of a poem: A poem can be broken down into three parts: (1) Stanza (节) : a group of lines set off from the other lines in a poem. It is the poetic equivalent of a paragraph in prose. In traditional poems, the stanza usually contains a unit of thought.(2) The line (行) : a single line of poetry (3) The foot (音步) : a syllable or a group of 2 or 3 syllables. T o scan a line of poetry one counts the number of feet in a line. For a beginner, the easiest thing to do is to count the number of stresses. Typically a foot will contain a stressed and an unstressed syllable. William Shakespeare (1564-1616)playwright, poet, actor.Shakespeare and Aeschylus are the two greatest dramatic geniuses the world has ever known.—Carl Marks.The Great Tragedies: 《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet,1601 ) 《奥赛罗》(Othello, 1604) 《李尔王》(King Lear, 1605) 《麦克白》(Macbeth, 1606) The Great Comedies威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of Venice, 1596) 《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream,1596) 《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night, 1600) 《皆大欢喜》(As You Like It, 1601) Shakespeare’s car eer as a dramatist may be divided into four major phases.: The First Period(1590-1594) This period is the period of his apprenticeship in play-writing. Works: Henry VI The Comedy of Errors《错误的喜剧》/《连环错》Love?s Labor?s Lost 《迷失的爱》/《空爱一场》/《爱的徒劳》Romeo and Juliet, etc. The Second Period (1595-1600) This period is his mature period, mainly a period of “great comedies” and mature historical plays. It includes 6 comedies, 5 historical plays and 1 Roman tragedy. His sonnets are also thought to be written in this period. The Third Period (1601-1607) The third period of Shakespeare?s dramatic career is mainly the period of “great tragedies” and “dark comedies”. It includes 5 tragedies, 3 comedies and 2 Roman tragedies.Major works written in this period:Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra The Fourth Period (1608-1612) The fourth period of Shakespeare?s work is the period of romantic drama. It includes 4 romances or “reconciliation(和解,复合)plays”. Shakespeare’s Literary Position:Shakespeare and the Authorized Version of the English Bible are the two greatest treasuries of the English language. Shakespeare has been universally acknowledged to be the summit of the English Renaissance, and one of the greatest writers in world literature. Hamlet:Hamle t is considered the summit of Shakespeare?s art. It is one of Shakespeare?s canon, and it is universally included in the list of the world?s greatest works.It?s written in the form of blank verse.blank verse : poetry in rhymeless iambic pentameter.(素体诗剧)The story, coming from an old Danish legend, is a tragedy of the “revenge” genre. Shakespeare incorporates into the medieval story other major humanistic themes, including love, justice, good and evil, and most notably, madness, and the spirit of the time Injustice, conspiracy, and betrayal in the society。1. first blow: father?s murder and mother?s re-marriage2.second blow: betrayal of his two former friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern3. third blow: betrayal of his girl friend OpheliaThe greatness o f the play: in praise of the noble quality of Prince Hamlet as a representative of humanist thinkers and his disillusionment with the corrupt and degenerated society in which he lived.


The Tiger P50 1.Why does the poet mention the Lamb? Do you think both the Lamb and the Ti ger can illuminate each other? The Tyger is corresponding to The Lamb. Both the poems show the poet ’s exploration, understanding and plaint of the mysterious creation. In this poem, the author implies that the Tiger is created by God as well as the Lamb. S o either the Tiger or the Lamb is essential to God. I think both the Lamb and the Tiger can illuminate each other. Although the Lamb can represent the kind “innocent society”, it will be lack of enough motivation to make progress. While the Tiger will caus e social misery, unrest or even disruption, but it can make people release their creativity. So the poet believes that the Tiger is the symbol of strength and courage. And he also praises its passion, desire and all the lofty beauty. 2.What is the symbolic meaning of the tiger? What idea does the poet want to express? The symbol of the Tyger is one of the two central mysteries of the poem (the other being the Tyger ’s creator). It is unclear what it exactly symbolizes, but scholars have hypothesized that the Tyger could be inspiration, the divine, artistic creation, history, the sublime (the big, mysterious, powerful and sometimes scary. Read more on this in the "Themes and Quotes" section), or vision itself. Really, the list is almost infinite. The point is, the Tyger is important, and Blake’s poem barely limits the possibilities The tiger is the embodiment of God's power in creation: the animal is terrifying in its beauty, strength, complexity and vitality. The poem is divided into six parts. In the first part, the author imagined that he met a terrible tiger on a dark night and was frightened by its awful eyesight. There are creations and creators. How great the creator is that he could create such an awful creation like tiger! In the second part, the author continues to ask, where comes the eyesight like fire, sea or sky? The following two parts, the author describes the creator as a smith. He creates the tiger. What behind the questions is the frightening and respect of the author to the creator. In the fif th part, the author changes his tone and asks when the stars throw down their spears, why they are not happy? The last part is as same as the first part, the creator is too mysterious to understand. The tiger shows its outstanding energy. It’s the vitality which the author thinks highly of. The key sentence of the poem is "Did he who made the Lamb make thee?" It challenges the one-track religious views of the 18 ’s century. The view only concluded that god create the lame, he is so kind a father. But it didn ’t know god also create the tough tiger. He can also be very serious. The god is someone who can’t be truly understood by human beings. Ode to the West Wind P83西风颂 第一节 哦,狂暴的西风,秋之生命的呼吸!你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫, 有如鬼魅碰到了巫师,纷纷逃避:黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨, 呵,重染疫疠的一群:西风呵,是你以车驾把有翼的种子催送到 黑暗的冬床上,它们就躺在那里,像是墓中的死穴,冰冷,深藏,低贱, 直等到春天,你碧空的姊妹吹起她的喇叭,在沉睡的大地上响遍,


[10074]室内设计制图自学考试大纲 浙江省高等教育自学考试办公室二OO三年四月 自学用书:《室内设计制图》,马晓星,中国纺织出版社 一、课程性质和学习目的 本课程是装潢设计的基础课程,它对制图规范提出了严格地要求,其内容函盖了正投影及画法几何基本知识,投影制图和室内设计图三大部分。学习本课程能够为设计提供制图的依据,也为其它后续课程作铺垫。 二、课程内容及考核要求 总体要求:通过本课程的学习,了解制图,投影、点、线、面的基本知识,以及立体的投影和直线、平面与立体相交,视图、剖面图、断面图和室内图等的各种制图方法。室内设计的概念、演变及其方法步骤。 第一章制图基本知识 第一节绘图工具及其使用方法第二节制图的常用规定第三节几何制图方法 要求:了解绘图工具及其使用方法,掌握制图的常用规范以及几何制图的基本要求。 第二章投影基本知识 第一节投影正投影图 要求:了解投影的基本分类和各项特性,着重掌握正投影的制图方法。 第三章点和直线的投影 第一节点的投影第二节直线的投影 要求:掌握点的投影及其规律,直线的投影及其规律:重点掌握重影点及其可见性。 第四章平面 第一节各种位置平面的投影第二节平面内的直线与点 第二节直线与平面、平面与平面相交 要求:了解投影面平行面、垂直面、一般位置平面的投影特性,着重掌握直线与平面相交的作图规律。第六章立体的投影及直线、平面与立体相交 第一节平面体的投影及其表面上的点第二节曲面体及其表面上的点第三节平面与立体相交第三节直线与立体相交 要求:了解平面体的投影特性,以及各种平面体的定义,着重掌握平面与立体相交的各个面的情况。 第七章两立体相交 第一节两平面立体相交第二节平面立体与曲面立体相交 要求:掌握平面体相交形成的各个点的位置,以求的相贯线。 第八章轴测投影图 第一节轴测投影基本知识第二节轴测投影图的画法第三节圆的轴测投影 第四节回转体的轴测图画法第五节轴测投影的选择 要求:了解轴测图投影的基本知识和画法,掌握正等测、斜二测轴测图的制图步骤,能运用四点发和八点发绘制圆的轴测图。 第九章视图、剖面图和断面图 第一节视图第二节组合体视图的画法与读法第三节剖面图和断面图第四节视图、剖面图的应用 要求:加强对工程图纸的认识,能通过图纸的阅读理解工程的结构、尺寸及要求,在此基础上将自己的设计方案表现在施工图纸上。 第十章室内设计图 第一节平面图第二节立面图第三节详图 要求:掌握平、立面的画法,并能根据设计要求绘制施工节点和详图。 三、题型举例 1.解释棱柱的定义 答:相对的两个平面互相平行,每相邻两个面的交线都互相平行的平面体叫棱柱。


Selected Readings of English Literature “英国文学选读”课程研究论文写作规范和要求 一、论文写作规范 1、逻辑思维训练: 整理引入眼帘的简单物件,按一定思路规则分类,注意物品的外延与内涵关系;大家在整理思路时,就要用我们做的逻辑思维训练方法: (1)把你所有的想法、本文要素、理论概论等等(大-小,简单-复杂,前-后)都写下来:就像写下屋子里所有物件; (2)仔细审视这些想法、要素、概念,试着按你一定的规律排列起来。注意这些想法或要素之间的关系,外延与内涵关系、因果关系、前后关系等等;(3)保留你最感兴趣,组织最合理的部分,细化成为你的论文主题。 2、写作基本原则 - 基本原则:读书要宽,下笔要窄 - 细读文学文本; - 读作家自己的文论、日记、信件,搜寻作家创作动机和理念作为直接证据- 读文学评论家的评论,搜集旁证 3、论文基本要素 1)标题 2)开篇章 3)文献综述(这次省略) 4)主题 5)问题切入点与理论视角 6)论证(相关文本论据、作者的非文本论据、其他论据) 7)结论 8)引用文献 二、论文题目(从以下所列的论文标题中选一个进行写作)

The Canterbury Tales: A Song of Spring Sonnet 18: A Song of Eternity On the Rhetoric Skills in Sonnet 18 On the Rhetoric Skills in The Canterbury Tales On the Themes of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 The View of Love in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning The Use of Metaphor and Conceits in A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning On the Themes of Robinson Crusoe Satires and Symbols in Gulliver’s Travels 三、论文写作内容 1、开篇章Introduction / Opening Paragraph / Topic Sentence 交代时代背景、作家简介 2、论证与论据 论据:相关文本论据(被评论作品)、作者的非文本论据(作家本人的文论、日记、书信等)、其他论据(文学评论家的论著) 3、结语 总结你自己的论文中所假设的研究论题是否已经得到解决,得到什么样的结论。一般用完成时。 注意:不是总结该部作品;切忌不要又开始论证。 四、长度、参考文献 1、页数:5页(正文:小四号或者12号;1.5倍行距) 2、参考文献:4-5条英文论著来源(包括被评论作品)。各条文献按字母顺序排 列,小四号字。 3、采用MLA格式标注:包括文内参考文献标注和文尾的引用作品。 五、评分标准 Idea (40%) Structure (20%) Language (30%) Format (10%) Total (100%)

新编英国文学选读 第二版 复习资料

Chapter 8 The age of Romanticism: 1.From the publication of Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798 to the death of Sir Walter Scott in 1832, a new movement appeared on the literary arena. The essence of this new movement is the glorification of instinct and emotion, a deep veneration of nature, and a flaming zeal to remark the world. 2.The political and social factors that gave rise to the romantic movement were the three revolution: American and French Revolution; national liberation movements; democratic movements. 3.And Industrial Revolution: brought great wealth to the rich and worsened the living condition of the poor; Workers organized themselves and gave voice to their distress by breaking machines, which is called Machine breaking movement(Luddite movement) 4.The shift in literature from emphasis on reason to instinct and emotion was intellectually prepared for by a number of thinkers in the later half of the 18th century. 5.Rousseau: the father of Romanticism. He rejects the worship of reason. He maintains in the really vital problems of life, it is much safer to rely on feelings, to follow our instincts and emotions. He preaches that civilized man should return to nature, praised the natural man as the noble savage and attacks the civilized man as the depraved animals. 6.Edmund Burke: As a political philosopher he is known for his Reflection on the Revolution in France. He distinguished between two kinds of beauty—the sublime and the beautiful. 7.Thomas Paine: He published The Rights of Man in 1791 to answer to Burke’s Reflection. The Rights of Man asserts that man has no property in man and justifies the radical actions of French people in the revolution, claiming that it is the right of people to overthrown a government that opposes humanity. 8.Characteristic features of the romantic movement: 1)Subjectivism: romantic poets describe poetry as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which express the poet’s mind.The interest of romantic poets is not objective world or the action of men, but in the feelings, thoughts, and experience of the poets themselves. 2)Spontaneity: Wordsworth defines poetry as the spontaneous overflow of feelings. Romanticism is an assertion of independence, a departure from the neo-classis rules. 3)Singularity 4)Worship of nature 5)Simplicity 6)Melancholy 7)It was an age of poetry by which the poets outpoured their feelings and emotions. Romantic poets loved to use a freer verse form. 9.Romanticism is a term that denotes most of the writings that were written between 1798 and 1832. Wordsworth:

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