当前位置:文档之家› 江苏省丹徒高级中学、句容实验高中、扬中二中2019-2020学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题+含答案










1. What color is the woman’s sweater?


B. Green.

C. Yellow.

2. What is the man doing?

A. Driving.

B. Reading.

C. Shopping.

3. What’s the weather like today?

A. Fine.

B. Cloudy.


4. What do we know about Lucy?

A. She is out of work.

B. She doesn’t like chatting.

C. She likes watching movie.

5. When was the camp held?

A. On Saturday.

B. On Friday.

C. On Sunday.




6. How many times has Mr. Wilson been to Beijing?

A. Once.

B. Twice.

C. Three times.

7. Which season is it in Beijing now?

A. Spring.

B. Summer.

C. Autumn.


8. What’s the probable r elationship between the two speakers?

A. Teacher and student.

B. Brother and sister.

C. Friends.

9. Where is the Chinese restaurant?

A.On King Street.

B. On Green Street.

C. On Queen Street.

10. How will the woman most probably get to the place?

A. By car.

B.By bus.

C. On foot.


11. What’s wrong with the woman?

A. She has a bad headache.

B. She has had a cough for three days.

C. She has run a high fever these days.

12. What does the man tell the woman to do?

A. Take a walk by the lake.

B. Come to see him tomorrow.

C. Stay in bed for a couple of days.

13. What caused the woman’s illness?

A. The water .

B. The smell of roses.

C. The rain.


14. What was the man told to do?

A. To keep the parcel light.

B. To make sure the parcel is safe.

C. To make sure the parcel won’t be opened.

15. How long will it take the man to arrive at the post office?

A. Six minutes.

B. Ten minutes.

C. Thirty minutes.

16. How soon will the parcel arrive if it is received before 10 a.m.?

A. In two days.

B. In three days.

C. In four days.


17. What is the topic of the talk?

A.Table manners.

B. Ways of eating.

C. How to live abroad.

18. According to the speaker, in which country is it all right to make a noise while eating?

A. Mexico.

B. Japan.

C. Britain.

19. Which of the following is considered bad in Britain during a meal?

A.Lifting the bowl for more food.

B. Putting your hands on the table.

C. Using a bowl to have liquid food.

20. What is considered impolite in Arab countries?

A. To eat with both hands.

B. To eat with the right hand.

C. To eat with the left hand.



21.So long as you do what you can, no one will blame you _______ you might fail in the future.

A.even if

B. as though

C. in case

D. now that

22. was needed at that time, she told me, was some good luck.

A. That

B. As

C. It


23. With his great talents, the new boy soon became and whatever he said was law to all the other boys.

A. the black sheep

B. all ears

C. a wet blanket

D. the top dog

24.A survey _____ now about whether students should have extra lessons during the holidays.

A.is being carried out

B. has carried out

C. has been carried out

D. had been carried out

25. In Britain today, women ______ 44% of the workforce, and nearly half the mothers with children are in paid work.

A. take up

B. pick up

C. make up

D. give up

26. Many a student in the class ______ that Jack is the only one of the students who ____ the chance to attend a key university.

A. think; has

B. think; have

C. thinks; has

D. thinks; have

27.Training of the employees was suggested as one _____ to dealing with the problem of low efficiency.

A. method

B. approach


D. means

28. There is a common belief among the students in our school _____ they should make great efforts to learn and reach the peak of their academic performances.

A. which

B. that

C. whether

D. if

29. That is the only way we can imagine the overuse of water in students' bathrooms.

A. reducing

B. reduce

C. reduced

D. to reduce

30. There is hardly anybody walking in the street in the night, _______ ?

A. is there

B. isn’t there

C.isn’t it

D. is it



It’s easy to see how to help others, but what about those whose needs aren’t so obvious? This story may have happened a while back, but it was a(n) 31 which has stayed with me and helped me ever since.

It was Thanksgiving and I was volunteering with my 32 at a shelter for the poor. We stood behind the counter dishing out hot food to 33 came in. Most of our diners looked like they had been having 34 times, their clothes old, worn and dry. In 35 , they looked poor!

Then, a man came in, who looked 36 but poor. He was well dressed, wearing a(n) 37 suit. I wondered what he was doing there and my jaw dropped in 38 when he joined the line for food. The 39 he came to my service station, the more I muttered. What was this man doing? I wanted to know. 40 he wasn’t go ing to take food.

Then my mother quietly took me to one side. She said, “You have 41 that the needs of the people who come here must be purely physical: poverty, hunger or 42 shelter? What if he needs comfort, 43 or just to be among other human beings?”

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks! I felt like I should 44 to the man, but I didn’t. About a week later the shelter received a large 45 from an anonymous (匿名的) source. I can’t 46 but wonder if it came from that man.

Now, whenever I meet others, I 47 my mother’s words and try to send kindness and blessings to them, 48 of how they look.

Needs aren’t always 49 . But kindness always makes a(n) 50 .

31. A. activity B. story C. lesson D. performance

32. A. cousin B. brother C. sister D. parents

33. A. anyone B. whoever C. who D. whom

34. A. hard B. easy C. cozy D. smooth

35. A. total B. all C. word D. short

36. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything

37. A. cheap B. ordinary C. strange D. expensive

38. A. amazement B. disappointment C. embarrassment D. appreciation

39. A. close B. closer C. far D. farther

40. A. Likely B. Surely C. Immediately D. Instantly

41. A. said B. required C. wanted D. thought

42. A. enough B. great C. inadequate D. comfortable

43. A. friends B. work C. assistants D. money

44. A. refer B. shout C.belong D. apologize

45. A. collection B. contribution C. donation D. affection

46. A. expect B. help C. assist D. wait

47. A. remind B. remember C. think D. forget

48. A. regardless B. despite C. beside D. instead

49. A. obvious B. shown C. hidden D. unclear

50. A. effect B. breakthrough C. impression D. difference




The International Voluntary Service runs a number of Youth Exchanges throughout the year. Youth Exchanges give small groups of 4-5 young people the opportunity to take part in volunteering trips abroad for an average of two weeks. These young people are joined by 4-5 young people from 3-4 other nationalities and are a wonderful intercultural experience in a safe environment. Example Youth Exchanges:

Youth Exchange 1


Other nationalities:Ireland, Spain, Italy, Hungary

Theme:Focuses on the topic of community reconstruction and community activities-exploring how local issues facing our communities are connected to global issues. The group will also learn about the eco-village as an example of a community and take part in team-building activities.

Youth Exchange 2


Other nationalities:Bulgaria, Italy, France

Theme:Organic gardening & continual living. This project will take place in a natural park,where the group will take part in gardening activities and games/workshops about continuous development.

Youth Exchange 3


Other nationalities:Serbia, Turkey, Ireland

Theme:Foster social inclusion and motivate personal development of young people through sports and outdoor activities. Promote outdoor activities as a tool to help inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.

Youth Exchange 4


Other nationalities:Italy, Bulgaria, Greece

Theme:A social-environmental project that intends to promote social inclusion and continuable development, regarded as a process of civil rights and active citizenship. Over 10 days, the group will participate in activities to raise awareness about the effect of our behavior on the environment.

51. What do you focus on when travelling in France ?

A. Civil rights

B. Gardening work.

C. Developing social inclusion.

D. Rebuilding communities

52. If you are interested in protecting the environment, you can take part in _________?

A. Youth Exchange 1

B. Youth Exchange 2

C. Youth Exchange 3

D. Youth Exchange 4

53. Which nationality are Youth Exchanges most popular with ?

A. Italy

B. Spain

C. Ireland

D. France


My name is Sara. When I was little, I played the drums. I also had a guitar. In fourth grade, I started playing the trombone(长号). I practised about four hours a week. All of this

might not seem like a big deal for a lot of kids, but there’s something about me that makes

me a bit different from others. I was born without hands. Since I was about one year old,

I’ve worn prosthetics(假肢).

This year, I got an invitation to join the high school marching band(行进管乐队). I told my mom I wanted to do it. But I had an instructor who thought I would not be able to march in the band—not because it was a high school band and I was only in seventh grade, but probably because my body was different. All I wanted was to show that I could do it, so I joined the band. And it paid off !

Music gives me energy. That happens sometimes. One time I was so down, I didn’t even want to get out of bed. Then I hit my MP3 player by accident. A song came on, and I got up and started dancing. It helped me say to myself, “OK, I can get through today.”

Around my musician friends, we all share the same problems, like working out how many beats there are in a measure(小节). I have a hard time counting the beats, but so do a lot of the other kids. It’s a normal problem that we musicians share. When I’m with the band, I don’t feel as different as I

do in other situations. It’s just another way that music makes me want to go on, and not to just sit down by myself and not care about life.

54.In what way is Sara different from other kids?

A. She knows how to play many instruments.

B. There’s something wrong with her body.

C. She learned to play the drums at a very early age.

D. She kept playing the trombone for the longest hours.

55. When invited to join the marching band, Sara________.

A. believed that she would make it

B. had no idea what to do

C. followed the instructor’s advice

D. said no at first

56. How does Sara probably feel when she’s with t he band?

A. Bored

B. Afraid

C. Successful

D. Relaxed

57. What would be the best title for the text?

A. My Love for Music

B. A Young Drummer

C. A High School Band

D. My Magic Hands


There are many useful suggestions and pieces of advice that can help one to improve English. Here are some useful suggestions and new tips to increase one’s English language vocabulary.

Learning English vocabulary is about much more than just learning the right words.

A broad grasp of vocabulary in the English language is based on understanding important expressions.

Learning a word will not help very much if you quickly forget it. Research shows that it takes from 10 to 20 repetitions to really make a word part of your vocabulary. Since most words are

learned from how they are used in context, the more words one is shown, the better vocabulary one will have. Keep a piece of paper close to you. When you read, pay more attention to the word you do not know, write the word down and try to figure out its meaning from the context. Then look up the word in a dictionary.

Remember that if you do not use English words that you have just learned in conversation or writing, you will forget them very quickly. So the best way to learn new words effectively is just by trying to use them in conversation and writing. Remember also that practice is the key to fluent spoken English.

Building vocabulary is a life-long task. Remember, “In the beginning was the word.” Your future could depend on how rich your voc abulary is. It will also determine the quality of your communication.


A.requires one to understand important expressions

B.is about remembering more and more words

C.doesn’t require one to learn expressions

D.is just about learning the right words

59.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.If you remember a word, you are still able to forget it if you don’t use it.

B.To master a word, you need to repeat it 10-20 times.

C.Practice is very important in fluent spoken English.

D.It doesn’t take long to build one’s vocabulary.


A.reading them loudly over and over again

B.writing them down over and over again

C.always looking them up in the dictionary

D.trying to use them while speaking and writing

61.What is the passage mainly about?

A.How to enrich your English vocabulary

B.How to have a good conversation in English

C.Why context is important in learning English

D.How to improve the quality of communication


Are some people born clever, and others born stupid? Or is intelligence (智力) developed by our environment and our experiences? Strangely enough, the answer to both these questions is yes. To some extent our intelligence is given us at birth, and no amount of special education can make a genius out of a child born with low intelligence. On the other hand, a child who lives in a boring environment will develop his intelligence less than one who lives in rich and varied circumstances. Thus the limits of a person's intelligence are fixed at birth, but whether or not he reaches those

limits will depend on his environment. This view, now held by most experts, can be supported in a number of ways.

It is easy to show that intelligence is to some extent something we are born with. The closer the blood relationship between two people, the closer they are likely to be in intelligence. Thus if we take two unrelated people at random(随机地) from the population,it is likely that their degrees of intelligence will be completely different. If on the other hand we take two identical (完全相同的) twins they will very likely be as intelligent as each other. Relations like brothers and sisters, parents and children, usually have similar intelligence, and this clearly suggests that intelligence depends on birth.

Imagine now that we take two identical twins and put them in different environments. We might send one, for example, to a university and the other to a factory where the work is boring. We would soon find differences in intelligence developing, and this indicates that environment as well as birth plays a part. This conclusion is also suggested by the fact that people who live in close contact with each other, but who are not related at all, are likely to have similar degrees of intelligence.

62. Which of these sentences best describes the writer’s point in Para. 1?

A. To some extent, intelligence is given at birth.

B. Intelligence is developed by the environment.

C. Some people are born clever and others born stupid.

D. Intelligence is fixed at birth, but is developed by the environment.

63. It is suggested in this passage that ________ .

A. unrelated people are not likely to have different intelligence

B.close relations usually have similar intelligence

C. the closer the blood relationship between people, the more different they are likely to be in intelligence

D. people who live in close contact with each other are not likely to have similar degrees of intelligence

64. In Para.1, the word "circumstances" means ________ .

A. intelligence

B. life

C. housing

D. environments

65.The best title for this article would be ________ .

A. On Intelligence

B. What Intelligence Means

C. We are Born with Intelligence

D. Environment Plays a Part in Developing Intelligence



Tips for cooking on a Tight Schedule

From my experience, there are three main reasons why people don’t cook more often: ability, money and time. 66 Money is a topi c I’ll save for another day. So today I want to give you some wisdom about how to make the most of the time you spend in the kitchen. Here are three tips for great cooking on a tight schedule.

Think ahead. The moments when I think cooking is a pain are whe n I’m already hungry and there is nothing ready to eat. So think about of the coming week. When will you have time to cook? Do you have the right materials ready? 67

Make your time worth it. When you do find time to cook a meal, make the most of it and save yourself time later on. Are you making one loaf of bread? 68 it takes around the same amount of time to make more of something. So save yourself the effort for a future meal.

69 . This may surprise you, but one of the best tools for making cooking worth your time is experimentation. It gives you the chance to hit upon new ideas and recipes that can work well with your appetite and schedule. The more you learn and the more you try, the more ability you have to take control of your food and your schedule.

Hopefully that gives you a good start. 70 and don’t let a busy schedule discourage you from making some great changes in the way you eat and live!

A. Try new things.

B. Make three or four instead.

C. Ability is easily improved.

D. Understand your food better.

E. Cooking is a burden for many people.

F. A little time planning ahead can save a lot of work later on.

G. Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden.




Last week, 100 restaurants across Shanghai advocated the use of serving utensils(器具),as it is a key point for the control and (71) (prevent) of the COVID-19.

Chinese people often eat together and share their (72) (dish) with others. The new system suggests (73) (add) separate chopsticks and spoons for serving when people dine together. Such a change of etiquette(礼仪) allows diners (74) (avoid) using their own chopsticks to pick food from the plates, and therefore (75) (great) reduces the chances of spread of many diseases.

Many restaurants (76) (adopt) the policy after the Municipal Office for Civilized Society published the suggestion, (77) also encourages the public to use separate utensils for shared food at home.

According to Qu Qi, a person in charge (78)_________ a restaurant in Xuhui district, a sign (79) __________ (put) up on the tables to inform people of the importance of using serving utensils, since the start of business on February 21. The waiters and waitresses are also trained to supply a separate spoon or pair of chopsticks for the diners. So far, (80) service has been well accepted by the majority of the public

This will be a long term measure. In the future, each diner on the table will have their own serving chopsticks and spoons so as to prevent sharing of any manner of viruses and bacteria.



81.Human fingerprints are u__________, making them suitable as long-term markers of human identity(身份).

82.The teacher grew angry when he noticed that the student was w________ the answer to his desk-mate.

83.The students all breathed a sigh of r__________ learning that the exam was put off because of

the heavy snow.

84.Colour-blind people often find it hard to d____________ between blue and green.

85.With my tenth birthday a_________ , I couldn’t help imagining what kind of present my parents would give me.

86.WeChat is like China’s own ________ (版本) of Facebook, where people can post pictures, their life stories and communicate with others.

87.The Silk Road Economic Belt, a land-based route between China and Europe, links many __________ (文明).

88.The forest where we used to have picnics was completely _________(摧毁) by the fire caused by a cigarette end.

89.Many overseas summer programs are actually ___________(商业化的) and expensive activities, not as culture-centered as promoted.

90.His interest in English _____________(逐渐地) increased with the help of his knowledgeable teacher.



Getting up early has been regarded as a good habit since ancient times. Many years ago, people thought that if we went to bed early and got up early, we would be energetic the whole day. So, getting up early is of great importance to us all.

In fact, morning is the best time of a day. In the morning, the air is the freshest and people are usually in the best condition. Many of us may have the experiences that we memorize some things more quickly and correctly in the morning than at any other time of the day. And it is certain that we find it easier to understand what we learn in the morning. If we get up early and do some morning exercise or only take a short walk in the morning, without doubt we can build up our bodies and become much healthier. Also we will have enough time to make a plan and get ready for our work or study of the day if we get up early. For example, if everyone in the family gets up early, wives will have enough time to prepare the breakfast for the whole family; children will have enough time to catch the school bus, and husbands will never forget to change their dirty shirt. Everything will be in order. However, if we get up late, we'll probably have to do everything in a hurry.

Let us remember getting up early is a good habit and try our best to keep it. Late risers may find it difficult to form the habit of getting up early. They have to make an effort to do so. If we stick to getting up early every day, we will certainly benefit a lot from it.

______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________






1-5 CABAA 6-10 BCCAC 11-15 BCCBC 16-20 BABBC


21~25ADDAC 26~30CBBDA


31-35CDBAD 36-40ADABB 41-45DCADC 46-50BBAAD


51-53 BDA 54~57 BADA 58~61 ADDA 62~65 DBDA





71.prevention 72. dishes 73. adding 74. to avoid 75. greatly

76.adopted 77. which 78. of 79. has been put 80. the


81.unique 82. whispering 83. relief 84. distinguish 85. approaching 86.approaching 87. civilizations 88. destroyed 89. commercial 90. gradually

第三部分: 书面表达(20分)

One possible version:

Great importance has been attached to getting up early since ancient times. (早起的重要性)(要点1)To begin with, morning is a fantastic time to enjoy the freshest air and have a more accurate memory. (对记忆的好处) (要点2)In addition, people who stick to physical exercise in the morning will be healthier. (锻炼)(要点三)Last but not least, getting up early enables us to make good preparations for the day. (做好一天的准备)(要点4)To sum up, we are supposed to stick to the good habit , which will benefit us a lot .(建议)(要点5)


Text 1

M: You look so cool in this yellow sweater.

W: Thank you. In fact, green is my favorite color, but the sales girl said the green ones were sold out.

Text 2

W: Look, the bookstore is over there.

M: I’m sorry but I can't stop there. There is no place to park my car.

Text 3

M: Rainy day isn’t it?

W: No, it's like what the radio said. It’s cloudy.

M: I wish it would be fine for the weekend.

Text 4

W: I find Lucy often surfs the Internet these days. Is she chatting or watching movies?

M: No. She was fired last week; she's looking for a new job on the Internet.

Text 5

W: Hello, David. What about the camping on Saturday?

M: Great, but I didn't see you in the camp, Jane. Did you go and enjoy yourself?

W: No, I didn't. I fell sick on Friday night and didn't get better until Sunday.

Text 6

W: Here is your coffee.

M: Thank you, it is just to my taste.

W: Did you have a nice flight?

M: Yes, it was pleasant, but it was a little too long, I wish Beijing were much closer to San Francisco.

W: Is this your first trip to Beijing?

M: No, this is my second visit, in fact, I came here last spring. It was very windy then. It's much nicer now.

W: Yes, autumn is the best season here. You came here at just the right time. Oh, here comes Mr.

Smith, it was nice talking to you Mr. Wilson.

M: Same here, Miss Lee.

Text 7

M: Hello Debbie.

W: Hello Paul. I haven’t heard from you for a long time. How are you doing?

M: Fine. I’m calling to ask if you'd like to have dinner with me this eve ning.

W: Why not? Where?

M: Let's go to the Chinese restaurant on King Street.

W: Is it very far from my place? How can I get there?

M: Not very far and you can walk there in ten minutes. Go out of your office and turn right. Walk along Queen Street, turn down Green Street and take the second turning on the right. That’s King Street.

W: Wait, wait, turn down Green Street and take the second turning on the right.

M: Right. The restaurant is on the corner, next to the Sun Hotel.

W: Next to the Sun Hotel. Goo d. So see you at…

M: Six thirty, okay?

W: Okay Paul. Thank you for your invitation

M: It's my pleasure.

Text 8

M: Hello, Carol. What seems to be the trouble?

W: So kind of you to come to see me. I don't know what's wrong. Three days ago while planting r oses in the garden, it rained and I got completely wet, and I’ve had a cough since that night.

Now I ache all over.

M: Well, let me take a look. are you still coughing very much?

W: Yes and my stomach has been upset. In addition, I always feel sick.

M: M m. You are running a high fever, I’m afraid.

W: Oh, no wonder I’ve got a hot face.

M: Well, Carol, I think you’ve got the flu. These days there has been a lot of flu going around. I want you to stay in bed for at least two days, drink plenty of water, and take the medicine three

times a day. I'll look in on you tomorrow morning.

W: Very good. Thank you so much. .

Text 9

W: Good morning, this is the Post Office.

M: Good morning. I want to send a parcel to Paris. Can you tell me what to do, please?

W: We need the full name, address and the phone number of the person who will receive the parcel. M: Just a moment, I’m taking notes. Name, address and phone number, right?

W: You also have to leave your name and phone number.

M: Okay. Anything else?

W: There also should be a brief description of the things you're sending. You should prove the parcel is safe.

M: Okay. I see.

W: You should leave it open so that we can check it when you arrive here.

M: Could you send someone to my home? It will take me thirty minutes to go to your office.

W: I'm sorry, but you have to come to our office. Our office will be open until six p.m.

M: Fine. How long will it take to get the parcel to Paris?

W: Three or four working days. It is Monday today. If we receive the parcel before ten a.m. today, it will arrive in Paris on Thursday. But it will arrive on Friday if we receive the parcel after ten a.m.

Text 10

Today I’m going to tell you something about table manners in some countries. I think you already know that people in different countries have different ways of doing things. Something that

is rude in one country may well be quite polite in another. For example, in Britain you mustn’t lift your bowl to your mouth when you're having some liquid food. And in Japan you needn't worry about making a noise when you drink it. It shows that you are enjoying it. But that's considered bad manners in Britain.

In Britain we try not to put our hands on the table at all during a meal. In Mexico, however, guests are expected to keep their hands on the table throughout a meal. But it is in the Arab countries that we really must be careful with our hands. You see in Arab countries you mustn't eat with your left hand. This is considered to be very impolite. So what should you do if you visit another country? Well you needn't worry. You can ask the native people there for help or just watch carefully and try

to do as they do, not as you do at home.


附件 江苏省教授级中学高级教师 评审通过人员名单 一、南京市(17人) 高淳县湖滨高级中学夏季云物理 溧水县教学研究室黄本荣语文 南京航空航天大学附属高级中学蒋国和政治 南京师范大学附属中学孙小红地理 南京师范大学附属中学李晓晖音乐 南京师范大学附属中学徐险峰英语 南京市第十三中学张桂宁体育 南京市第一中学尤小平数学 南京市建邺高级中学胡云信语文 南京市江宁区教育局研究室叶平物理 南京市教学研究室官思渡音乐 南京市教学研究室杨昭政治 南京市金陵中学陈益化学 南京市金陵中学蒋桂林生物 南京市科利华中学高建君信息技术南京田家炳高级中学马春生化学 南京外国语学校谢嗣极语文

二、无锡市(5人) 江苏省锡山高级中学王汉权物理江苏省锡山高级中学张克中语文无锡市滨湖区教育研究发展中心吴伟昌语文无锡市第一中学顾军生物无锡市市北高级中学李树民地理 三、徐州市(10人) 江苏省丰县中学王素芬政治徐州高级中学秦晓华语文徐州市第八中学徐明物理徐州市第三十五中学赵伟数学徐州市第三中学张裕琴英语徐州市第一中学郭军英生物徐州市第一中学陈美兰政治徐州市贾汪区英才中学肖桂林化学徐州市铜山区铜山中学姚焕成历史徐州市中小学教学研究室徐永峰语文 四、常州市(8人) 常州市第一中学房宏化学常州市第一中学李金蛟数学

常州市第一中学陶兆宝物理 常州市第一中学陈宝祥语文 常州市教育教研室龚国胜政治 常州市教育教研室顾润生政治 常州市武进区教育局教研室徐惠仁政治 常州市中天实验学校仇定荣语文 五、苏州市(7人) 江苏省木渎高级中学钱家荣心理健康苏州市草桥中学校蒋玉红体育 苏州市第一中学校汪慧琴物理 苏州市教育科学研究院徐祥宝物理 苏州市教育科学研究院袁卫星语文 苏州外国语学校曹伦华英语 张家港市教育局教学研究室袁建中语文 六、南通市(13人) 海门市东洲中学陈铁梅美术 江苏省海门中学黄晏物理 江苏省南通中学姚天勇物理 江苏省南通中学周建民政治 江苏省启东中学陈仲刘语文


江苏省句容高级中学2014届高三12月调研测试(政治) nba(体育) 2014-12-11 1713 江苏省句容高级中学2014届高三12月调研测试 政治试卷 一.单项选择题:本大题共33小题,每小题2分,共计66分。在每题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是最符合题意的。 1.中国上海世界博览会,将于2014年5月1日—2014月31日举办。上海世博会的门票为:平日普通票价格为160元人民币、指定日普通票价格为200元人民币、指定日优惠票价格为120元人民币、平日优惠票价格为20140元人民币、夜间票价格为90元人民币等不同档次。货币在门票定价中 ①执行价值尺度职能②是观念中的货币③执行流通手段职能④是现实的货币 A.①④ B.③④ C.①② D.②③ 2.假设1部手机=4部自行车=2克黄金成立,若手机行业劳动生产率翻一番,自行车行业劳动生产率翻两番,而黄金的社会必要劳动时间延长一倍,其他条件忽略不计,则下列等式成立的是 A.1部手机=16辆自行车=1克黄金 B.1部手机=8辆自行车=1克黄金 C.2部手机=16辆自行车=1克黄金 D.2部手机=32辆自行车=1克黄金 3.2014年2014月12日,国务院总理温家宝主持召开国务院常务会议,分析农业生产形势,研究部署做好秋冬种工作。会议决定,明年小麦各品种最低收购价每市斤均提高3分钱,其中,白小麦每市斤提高到0.9元,红麦和混合麦每市斤提高到0.86元,同时适当提高稻谷特别是优质稻最低收购价格。上述做法 ①有利于扩大农村小麦的生产规模②说明小麦生产供不应求③说明价格是调节供求关系和实现资源合理配置的重要机制④说明商品价格主要是由国家决定


丹徒高级中学高三5-9班数学周末练习 班级 学号 姓名 一、填空题 1、sin600o的值为 2、已知 ,23παπ<<,那么 的值是 3、函数f(x)=cos(3x+φ)是奇函数,则φ的值为 4、已知=(1,2),=(x,1),当+2与2-共线时,x 值为 5、已知向量a 与b 都是单位向量,它们的夹角为120?,且3=+b a k ,则实数k 的值是 6、若向量a =)(,2x x ,b =)(3,2x -,且a ,b 的夹角为钝角则x 的取值范围是 7、已知正方形ABCD 的边长为1, =,=, =,则|++|为 8、函数()x e x f x -=的单调增区间 9、已知)sin ,2(cos αα=,)1sin 2,1(-=α,且),2(ππ α∈,若52=?,则tan()4 πα+=________________ 10、若B A B A 22cos cos ,3 2+=+则π的值的范围是 二、解答题 11、已知函数2 3bx ax y +=,当1x =时,有极大值3; (1)求,a b 的值;(2)求函数y 的极小值

12、已知向量)2,(sin -=θa 与)cos ,1(θ=b 互相垂直,其中)2,0(π θ∈ (1)求θsin 和θcos 的值(2)若??θcos 53)cos(5=-,<


'. 一、四星级普通高中(97所) 南京市(13所) 南京师范大学附属中学南京市金陵中学 南京市第一中学江苏教育学院附属中学 南京市第十三中学南京市中华中学 南京市第九中学南京师范大学附属扬子中学南京市行知实验中学南京市江宁高级中学 江苏省六合高级中学南京市宁海中学 江苏省高淳高级中学 无锡市(16所) 无锡市第一中学无锡市辅仁高级中学 江苏省锡山高级中学江苏省天一中学 江苏省梅村高级中学江苏省太湖高级中学 江苏省羊尖高级中学江苏省南菁高级中学 江苏省江阴高级中学江阴市华士高级中学 江阴市第一中学江阴市青阳中学 江阴市长泾中学江苏省宜兴中学 宜兴市第一中学江苏省怀仁高级中学 徐州市(5所) 徐州市第一中学丰县中学 江苏省郑集高级中学中国石化管道储运公司中学江苏省侯集高级中学 常州市(7所) 江苏省常州高级中学常州市第一中学 江苏省前黄高级中学江苏省武进高级中学 江苏省奔牛高级中学江苏省华罗庚中学 江苏省溧阳中学 苏州市(12所) 江苏省苏州中学苏州市第一中学 江苏省苏州第十中学苏州市第六中学 江苏省苏州实验中学江苏省梁丰高级中学 江苏省木渎高级中学江苏省昆山中学 江苏省太仓高级中学太仓市沙溪高级中学 江苏省常熟中学常熟市中学 南通市(11所) 江苏省南通第一中学江苏省如东高级中学 江苏省海门中学江苏省启东中学江苏省海安高级中学江苏省通州高级中学江苏省西亭高级中学江苏省如皋中学 江苏省白蒲高级中学江苏省平潮高级中学南通市第三中学 连云港市(4所) 江苏省新海高级中学江苏省海州高级中学江苏省灌云高级中学江苏省赣榆高级中学 淮安市(4所) 江苏省淮阴中学江苏省淮安中学 涟水县中学江苏省清江中学 盐城市(9所) 江苏省盐城中学盐城市第一中学 江苏省东台中学江苏省滨海中学 江苏省建湖高级中学江苏省射阳中学 江苏省响水中学江苏省上冈高级中学江苏省阜宁中学 扬州市(3所) 江苏省扬州中学江苏省邗江中学 江苏省江都中学 镇江市(4所) 江苏省镇江第一中学江苏省镇江中学 江苏省丹阳高级中学江苏省扬中高级中学 泰州市(7所) 江苏省泰州中学江苏省姜堰中学 姜堰市第二中学江苏省靖江高级中学江苏省泰兴中学江苏省黄桥中学 江苏省口岸中学 宿迁市(2所) 江苏省泗阳中学江苏省沭阳高级中学 二、三星级普通高中(113所) 南京市(7所) 南京市第四中学南京市第六中学 南京市人民中学南京大学附属中学


江苏省扬中高级中学体育公开教研活动(扬中市级) 体育舞蹈选修课教案 教者:蒋元兰 开课时间:2006年12月8日地点:体育舞蹈房 一、指导思想 本课根据“健康第一”、“终身体育”的指导思想,开设我校体育校本课程-----《体育舞蹈课程》,让学生学会体育舞蹈基本动作,学会一种锻炼身体的方法,用于健身的同时发挥体育舞蹈娱乐健心的目的,学会欣赏,学会娱乐,学会与人合作交流。把学校体育教育与社会体育需要相结合,成为国家全民健身计划的有效组成部分。二、教材和学生状况分析 我校全面实施体育新课程改革,体育舞蹈班作为女生专修项目,是全校选修项目中人数较多的班级,学生对新鲜事物比较感兴趣,而且学生受我市社区健身热潮的影响有普遍想选修体育舞蹈,用于现在和将来作为健身有效手段的愿望。学生没有体育舞蹈基础,因此,从引起学生学习兴趣入手,选择优美动听的音乐、华尔兹等基本动作入手进行我校体育舞蹈专修课程的教学。兴趣是最好的老师,学生的需求是动力之源。 三、教学特点 利用多媒体手段进行体育教学,用音乐代替教师的口令,学生配对进行研究探索性学习。音乐是舞蹈的灵魂,充分发挥音乐的感染力,充分挖掘学生的主动参与意识,体现舞蹈的韵律与美感去感染学生,充分发挥体育舞蹈的娱乐健身功能,关注每一个学生,使每一个学生能享受健身的乐趣,在愉快的教学环境下完成体育舞蹈的教学。 四、学习阶段水平五 五、学习目标 (1)通过本次课的学习使学生能够复习华尔兹基本步、转体步、放风筝、套环并能做到随着舞蹈音乐能基本熟练掌握华尔兹基本动作,身心愉快地参与锻炼。 (2)学习华尔兹组合练习,跟随教师进行变化步的练习,了解伴奏音乐的特点与华


2011-2012学年第二学期高二英语双休作业(八) 练习范围:易错题巩固时间:2012. 05. 12 单项选择(共20题,每小题1分,满分20分) 1. —Why didn’t you call her last night? —I __________ her, but the line was busy then. A.had really called B.didn’t call C.did call D.was calling 2. The great hall was crowded with many people, __________ many children __________ on their parents' laps. A.including; seated B.including; seating C.included; sat D.included; sitting 3. __________, the sun was rising in the east. A.Arriving there B.We arriving there C.Having arrived there D.We arrived 4. __________ about the universe up till now. A.So little had me known B.Only a little do we know C.Very little have we known D.Little shall we know 5. At the sight of the policeman, __________ from behind the door. A.did the boy rush out B.the boy was rushing out C.rushing out was the boy D.out rushed the boy 6. —The old couple are heart-broken indeed. —I'm sorry I'd rather you __________ them of the news. A.won't tell B.hadn't informed C.didn't tell D.don't have to inform 7. Great changes __________ in the past few years in China. A.were taken place B.happened C.have been happened D.have happened 8. It __________ during the past century that learning is a lifelong task for human being. A.is proved B.proves C.has proved D.has been proved 9. Why __________ we eat out when can easily cook ourselves at home? A.must B.shall C.can D.may 10. __________ is known to us all is that the 2012 Olympic Games will take place in London. A.As B.What C.That D.It 11. It is the ability to do the job __________ matters not where you come from or what you are. A.one B.that C.what D.it 12. Nine in ten parents said there were significant differences in their approach to educating their children compared with __________ of their parents. A.those B.one C.both D.that 13. Visitors __________ not to touch the exhibits. A.will request B.request C.are requesting D.are requested 14. —__________ that makes her different from the other students? —Honesty, hard work and, I suppose, a bit of imagination.


江苏省丹徒高级中学、句容实验高中、扬中二中2021-2022高一物理 下学期期中试题 一.单项选择题:每小题只有一个 ....选项符合题意(本大题13小题,每小题2分,共26分)1.发现万有引力定律和测出引力常数的科学家分别是 A.开普勒、卡文迪许 B.牛顿、伽利略 C.牛顿、卡文迪许 D.开普勒、伽利略 2.自然界中有很多物体做曲线运动,在所有的曲线运动中,物体的运动速度 A.方向一定改变 B.方向一定不变 C.大小一定改变 D.大小一定不变 3.物体做曲线运动的条件为 A.物体运动的初速度不为零 B.物体所受的合外力为变力 C.物体所受的合外力的方向与速度的方向在同一条直线上 D.物体所受的合外力的方向与速度的方向不在同—条直线上 4.如图所示为运动员抛出的铅球运动轨迹(铅球视为质点)A、B、C为曲线上的三点,关于铅球在B点的速度方向下列说法正确的是 A.为AB的方向 B.为BC的方向 C.为BD的方向 D.为BE的方向 5.下列叙述中的力,属于万有引力的是 A.马拉车的力 B.钢绳吊起重物的力 C.太阳与地球之间的吸引力 D.两个异名磁极之间的吸引力 6.2012年12月,经国际小行星命名委员会批准,紫金山天文台发现的一颗绕太阳运 行的小行星被命名为“南大仙林星”。如图所示,轨道上a、b、c、d四个位置中, 该行星受太阳引力最大的是 A.a B.b C.c D.d 7.我国于2007年10月24日成功发射了“嫦娥一号”探月卫星,若卫星在半径为r的绕月圆形轨道上运行的周期T,则其线速度大小是

A ./T r B ./2T r π C ./r T D .2/r T π 8.火星的质量和半径分别约为地球的1/10和1/2,地球表面的重力加速度为g ,则火星表面的重力加速度约为 A .0.2g B .0.4g C .2.5g D .5g 9.一个物体做匀速圆周运动,关于其向心加速度的方向,下列说法中正确的是 A .与线速度方向相同 B .与线速度方向相反 C .背离圆心 D .指向圆心 10.如图所示用起瓶器打开瓶盖,起瓶器上A 、B 两点绕O 点转动的角速度分别为ωA 和ωB 线速度大小分别为v A 和v B ,则 A .ωA =ωB , v A v B C .ωA <ωB , v A =v B D. ωA >ωB , v A =v B 11.两物体做匀速圆周运动,运动半径之比为4︰3,角速度之比为3︰4,则这两物体的线速度之比为 A .16︰9 B .9︰16 C .1︰1 D .4︰3 12.有A 、B 两颗行星环绕某恒星运动,它们的运动周期比为27:1,则它们的轨道半径之比为 A . 3:1 B .1:9 C .27:1 D .9:1 13.一质量为 2.0×103 kg 的汽车在水平公路上行驶,路面对轮胎的侧向最大静摩擦力为1.4×104 N ,当汽车经过半径为80 m 的弯道时,下列判断正确的是 A .汽车转弯时所受的力有重力、弹力、摩擦力和向心力 B .汽车转弯的速度为20 m/s 时所需的向心力为1.4×104 N C .汽车转弯的速度为20 m/s 时汽车会发生侧滑 D .汽车能安全转弯的向心加速度不超过7.0 m/s 2 二.多项选择题: 每小题有多个选项....符合题意。(本大题4小题,每小题4分,共16分). 14.2012年6月16日18时37分,“神舟九号”飞船在酒泉卫星发射中心发射升空,不久后在预定的轨道上做匀速圆周运动并准备与在较高轨道上做匀速圆周运动的“天宫一号”空间


江苏省高中阶段招生计划 镇江高中招生计划 镇江市区: 江苏省镇江中学900人,江苏省镇江第一中学900人,镇江市实验高级中学900人(含2个艺术班,1个日语课程实验班),镇江市第二中学赛珍珠班100人;三星级高中市第二中学300人;镇江市国际学校160人(民办)。 丹徒:省大港中学700人,丹徒高级中学810人。 丹阳:省丹阳高级中学750人,省丹中国际部100人,吕叔湘中学900人,市第五中学1000人,市第六中学980人(含1个女足班30人),市第五中学艺术班50人,市教师进修学校艺术班100人,珥陵高级中学500人,吕城高级中学400人,访仙中学300人。 扬中:省扬中高级中学520人,新坝中学(重点班)104人,市第二高级中学(重点班)208人,新坝中学104人,市第二高级中学312人,市教师进修学校(艺术)60人。 句容:省句容高级中学832人,市实验高级中学832人,市第三中学832人,市第三中学玉清分校416人(民办)(含1个美术班)。 南京市教育局(3201) 76所 直属学校(320100):8 南京市第一中学、南京市中华中学、南京外国语学校、南京外国语学校中加国际高中、南京外国语学校剑桥国际高中、南京市金陵中学、南京市金陵中学剑桥国际课程班、南京师范大学附属中学 玄武区教育局(320102):8 南京市第九中学、南京市第十三中学、南京市第十三中学中加国际高中、南京市第三十四中学、南京市人民中学、南京市梅园中学、南京市第九中学震旦校区、南京体育学院附属中学 白下区教育局(320103):5 南京市第三高级中学、南京市第五中学、南京市第六中学、南京航空航天大学附属高级中学、南京市行知实验中学 秦淮区教育局(320104)2:南京市文枢中学、南京市第二十七高级中学 建邺区教育局(320105):3 南京市金陵中学河西分校、南京市金陵中学河西分校国际课程班、南京市建邺高级中学 鼓楼区教育局(320106):8 江苏教育学院附属高级中学、南京大学附属中学、南京大学附属中学中加国际高中、南京田家炳高级中学、南京田家炳高级中学中日课程班、南京市第四中学、南京市宁海中学、南京育英外国语学校 下关区教育局(320107):4 南京市第十二中学、南京市第六十六中学、南京市第三十九中学、南京南侨高级中学 浦口区教育局(320111):4 江苏省江浦高级中学、江苏省江浦高级中学文昌校区、南京市第十四中学、南京市实验国际学校 栖霞区教育局(320113):7 南京市燕子矶中学、南京市栖霞中学栖霞校区、南京市栖霞中学烷基苯校区、南京师范大学附属实验学校、南京外国语学校仙林分校、南京外国语学校仙林分校德国高中课程班、南京外国语学校仙林分校澳洲vce课程班 雨花区教育局(320114):20 南京市雨花台中学、南京市板桥中学、南京民办实验学校、南京市江宁高级中学、南京市江宁区秦淮中学、南京市江宁区临江高级中学、南京市江宁区天印高级中学、南京市江宁区湖熟高级中学、南京市江宁区秣陵中学、南京东山外国语学校、南师大附中江宁分校、南京英华学校、南京华夏实验学校、江苏省六合高级中学、南京市六合实验高级中学、南京市六合区实验高级中学瓜埠分校、南京市六合区程桥高级中学、南京市六合区横梁高级中学、南京市大厂高级中学、南京师范大学附属扬子中学 溧水县教育局(320124):3 江苏省溧水高级中学、溧水县第二高级中学、溧水县第三高级中学 高淳县教育局(320125):4 江苏省高淳高级中学、高淳县湖滨高级中学、高淳县湖滨高级中学永丰分校、高淳县淳辉高级中学 无锡市教育局(3202) 54所 直属学校(320201):4 无锡市大桥实验中学、无锡培林高级中学、无锡市运河实验中学、私立无锡光华学校 锡山区教育局(320205):6 江苏省天一中学、江苏省羊尖高级中学、江苏省怀仁中学、无锡市荡口中学、无锡市东亭中学、无锡市东北塘中学 惠山区教育局(320206):4 江苏省锡山高级中学、无锡市洛社高级中学、无锡市玉祁高级中学、无锡市堰桥中学 滨湖区教育局(320211):15 江苏省太湖高级中学、无锡市立人高中、无锡市胡埭中学、无锡市硕放中学、无锡市第一中学、无锡市辅仁高级中学、江苏省梅村高级中学、无锡市第一女子中学、无锡市第三高级中学、无锡市市北高级中学、无锡市青山高级中学、无锡市第六高级中学、无锡市广瑞高级中学、无锡市湖滨中学、无锡市综合高级中学、 江阴市教育局(320281):13


三星级高中的学校(198所) 南京市(18所) 南京市第五中学、南京市第三中学、南京市第四中学、南京市第二中学、南京市第六中学 南京市第十二中学、南京市第二十七中学、南京市人民中学、南京航空航天大学附属中学 南化公司第一中学、南京市大厂中学、南京市秦淮中学、南京市雨花台中学、江苏省江浦高级中学、江苏省溧水高级中学、南京大学附属中学南京市梅园中学、南京市燕子矶中学无锡市 (12所) 无锡市市北高级中学、无锡市青山高级中学、无锡市第三高级中学、无锡市东林中学、无锡市玉祁中学、无锡市洛社高级中学、江阴市祝塘中学、江阴市成化高级中学、宜兴市官林中学、宜兴市张渚高级中学、宜兴市和桥高级中学、宜兴市丁蜀高级中学 徐州市(19所) 徐州市第三中学、徐州市第七中学、徐州市高级中学、铜山县夹河中学、新沂市第一中学、新沂市第三中学、睢宁县中学、江苏省运河中学、徐州市第二中学、徐州市第五中学、铜山县棠张中学、铜山县茅村中学、睢宁县李集中学、沛县湖西中学、邳州市八义集中学、邳州市官湖中学、邳州市宿羊山高级中学、沛县中学、铜山县大许中学 常州市(17所) 常州市第二中学、常州市第三中学、常州市第五中学、常州市田家炳实验中学、常州市武进区湟里高级中学、常州市北郊中学、常州市武进区洛阳中学、常州市武进区横林中学、常州市武进区横山桥中学、溧阳市光华中学、溧阳市戴埠高级中学、溧阳市南渡高级中学、溧阳市埭头中学、金坛市第一中学、常州市武进区三河口中学、金坛市第四中学、金坛市直溪高级中学 苏州市(30所) 苏州市第三中学、苏州新区第一中学、苏州市相城区陆慕高级中学、苏州市吴中区苏苑中学、苏州市吴中区甪直中学、苏州大学附属中学、苏州工业园区唯亭中学、江苏省黄埭中学、吴县中学、吴江市中学、吴江市高级中学、吴江市盛泽中学、江苏省震泽中学、常熟市练塘中、常熟市王淦昌中学、常熟市莫城中学、常熟市梅李中学、常熟市浒浦中学、常熟市大义中学、太仓市实验高级中学、太仓市明德高级中学、昆山市震川高级中学、昆山市第一中学、张家港市塘桥高级中学、张家港市沙洲中学、张家港市乐余高级中学、张家港市暨阳高级中学、张家港市后塍高级中学、张家港市高级中学、昆山市陆家中学 南通市(17所) 江苏省南通中学、如东县栟茶中学、如东县马塘中学、如皋市搬经中学、如皋市江安中学 如皋市石庄中学、海门市包场中学、海门市三厂中学、海门市麒麟中学、海门市四甲中学、海安县曲塘中学、海安县李堡中学、启东市东南中学、启东市大江中学、启东市汇龙中学 如皋市第一中学、南通市西藏民族中学 连云港市(15所) 灌云县板浦中学、赣榆县厉庄中学、赣榆县赣马中、江苏省东海高级中学、东海县第二中学、灌南县中学、连云港市东方中学、赣榆县海头中学、赣榆县城头中学、赣榆县青口第一中学、灌云县伊山中学、灌云县扬集中学、东海县石榴中学、东海县房山中学、东海县白塔中学 淮安市(10所) 盱眙县中学、盱眙县马坝中学、江苏省金湖中学、淮安市淮州中学、淮安市清浦中学、洪泽县中学、涟水县郑梁梅中学、淮阴师范学院附属中学、淮安市淮海中学、洪泽县第二中学盐城市(16所)


2019~2020学年度第二学期期中考试 高一英语试题 (考试时间:120分钟总分:150分) 第一卷(共110分) 第一部分:听力(共两节,20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What color is the woman’s sweater? A.Black. B. Green. C. Yellow. 2. What is the man doing? A. Driving. B. Reading. C. Shopping. 3. What’s the weather like today? A. Fine. B. Cloudy. C.Rainy. 4. What do we know about Lucy? A. She is out of work. B. She doesn’t like chatting. C. She likes watching movie. 5. When was the camp held? A. On Saturday. B. On Friday. C. On Sunday. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. How many times has Mr. Wilson been to Beijing? A. Once. B. Twice. C. Three times. 7. Which season is it in Beijing now? A. Spring. B. Summer. C. Autumn. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What’s the probable r elationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Brother and sister. C. Friends. 9. Where is the Chinese restaurant? A.On King Street. B. On Green Street. C. On Queen Street. 10. How will the woman most probably get to the place? A. By car. B.By bus. C. On foot.


........ 1.已知集合{} {}3,0,1,2,3x A y y B ===,则A B ?= ( ) A .{}1,2,3 B .(0,)+∞ C .{}0,1,2 D .[0,)+∞ 2.复数(1)2(z i i i -=为虚数单位),则z 等于 ( ) A .1i + B .1i - C .1i -+ D .1i -- 3.若从甲、乙、丙、丁4人中选出3名代表参加学校会议,则甲被选中的概率为 ( ) A . 14 B .13 C .12 D .3 4 4.下列函数中,既是奇函数又在区间(1,1)-上是增函数的是 ( ) A .1 y x = B .tan y x = C .sin y x =- D .cos y x = 5.若sin cos 1sin cos 3 αααα+=-,则tan α= ( ) A .2- B .34 C .4 3 - D .2 6.已知菱形ABCD 的边长为04,60,ABC E ∠=是BC 的中点, 2DF AF =-,则AE BF ?= ( ) A .24 B .7- C .10- D .12- 7.《周髀算经》是中国古代重要的数学著作,其记载的“日月力法”曰:“阴阳之数,日月之法,十九岁为一章,四章为一部,部为七十六岁,二十部为一遂,遂千百五十二十岁,生住有数皆终,万物复苏,天以更元作记历”,某老年公寓20位老人,他们的年龄(都为正整数)之和恰好为一遂,其中年长者已是奔百之龄(年龄介于90至100),其余19人的年龄依次相差一岁,则年长者的年龄为 ( ) A .94 B .95 C .96 D .98 8.已知函数ln ,1(),()11,14 x x f x g x ax x x >?? ==?+≤??,则方程()()g x f x =恰有两个不同的实根时,实数a 的 取值范围是 ( ) A .1 (0,)e B .11[,)4e C .1(0,]4 D .1(,)4 e 二、多选题:(每小题给出的四个选项中,不止一项是符合题目要求的,请把正确的所有选项填涂在答题卡相应的位置上) 9.设正实数,a b 满足1a b +=,则下列结论正确的是 ( ) A . 11 a b +有最小值4 B 有最小值12 C D .22a b +有最小值12 10.将函数cos y x =的图象向左平移32 π 个单位,得到函数()y f x =的函数图象,则下列说法正确的是( ) A B E C D F

题1190:【基础】高精度乘 - 江苏省句容高级中学

题1811:【入门】语文成绩 【试题描述】 给出N(5 <= N <= 150)个人的语文成绩,求N个人的语文总分和平均分,并按成绩高低排序后输出。 【输入描述】 第1行:一个整数N。 第2行:空格隔开的N个整数,表示N个人的语文成绩。 【输出描述】 三行。 第1行:一个整数,为N个人的总分。 第2行:N个人的语文平均分,保留两位小数。 第3行:N个空格隔开的整数,为从高到低输出的N个人的成绩。 【输入样例】 5 72 98 95 81 86 【输出样例】 432 86.40 98 95 86 81 72 program zf_pjf; var n,s,i,j,t:integer; a:array[1..150] of integer; begin read(n); s:=0; for i:=1 to n do begin read(a[i]); s:=s+a[i]; end; writeln(s); writeln(s/n:0:2); for i:=1 to n-1 do for j:=i+1 to n do if a[i]

【输入描述】 第1行:2个整数N M。 第2..N+1行:每行M个整数,第i+1行为第i个人的M科成绩。 【输出描述】第1..N+M+1行:每行两个数,为总分和平均分,平均分保留3位小数。【输入样例】 3 2 90 91 80 85 73 82 【输出样例】 181 90.500 165 82.500 155 77.500 243 81.000 258 86.000 【解题提示】 输出说明: 前N行为N个人的总分、平均分;后M行为M科成绩的总分、平均分。 program zf_pjf; var n,m,s,x,i,j:integer; a:array[1..50] of integer; begin read(n,m); fillchar(a,sizeof(a),0); for i:=1 to n do begin s:=0; for j:=1 to m do begin read(x); s:=s+x; a[j]:=a[j]+x end; writeln(s,' ',s/m:0:3); end; for i:=1 to m do writeln(a[i],' ',a[i]/n:0:3) ; end.

江苏省句容高中 溧水高中 大港中学、镇江一中、省扬中高中2018-2019学年高二12月五校联考语文附加题+答案

江苏省句容高级中学溧水高级中学 大港中学镇江第一中学省扬中高级中学五校2018-2019学年高二12月联考 语文附加试题 注意事项: 1.本试卷共2页,8小题,满分40分。考试时间30分钟。 2.请按照题号将答案填涂或书写在答题卷对应的答题区域内,将答案直接书写在试卷上无效。 一、阅读材料,完成19~21题。(10分) 又李西涯作诗三卷,次第咏古,自谓乐府。此文既不谐于金石,则非乐也;又不取古题,则不应附于乐府也;又不咏时事,如汉人歌谣及杜陵新题乐府,直是有韵史论,自可题曰史赞,或曰咏史诗,则可矣,不应曰乐府也。诗之为文一出一入有切言者有微言者轻重无准唯在达其志耳。故孟子曰:“不以文害词,不以词害志。以意逆志,是为得之。”(节选自冯班《钝吟杂录》) 19.用斜线“/”给上面文言文中的画线部分断句。(限5处)(5分) 20.“杜陵新题乐府”中杜陵的“三吏”包括:《新安吏》 。(2分) 21.根据材料,概括“乐府”的特点。(3分) 答: 二、名著阅读题(15分) 22.下列对有关名著的说明,不正确的两项是(5分) A.《哈姆莱特》中,奥菲利娅要把礼物退还给哈姆莱特是因为她受克劳狄斯等人的利用,以此试探哈姆莱特对自己的感情,借以探察哈姆莱特是不是真疯。 B.《茶馆》中,常四爷因说了一句“反正打不起来”,惹恼了打手二德子,他欲对常四爷动武,却被对方轻轻闪过,二德子自觉不是对手,赶紧溜走了。 C.《红楼梦》中,贾探春最初并不引人注目,但在“辱亲女愚妾争闲气”和“敏探春兴利除宿弊”两回中显露了志趣抱负和精明才干,凤姐由此对她刮目相看。 D.《茶馆》中,黄胖子与二德子等人在茶馆后院调停鸽子之争,卖东西的老人一句“这年月呀,人还不如一只鸽子呢!”表达了对清朝末年民不聊生的愤慨。 E.《哈姆莱特》中,奥菲利娅发疯后,手握花草与众人告别。其中,她送给王后的迷迭香 第1 页共4 页


江苏省丹徒高级中学、句容实验高中、扬中二中2019-2020学年高一数学下学期期中试题 考试时间:120分钟 试卷总分150分 一.单项选择题(本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共计40分). 1. 若直线经过(1,0),(4,3)A B -两点,则直线AB 的倾斜角为( ) A .6π B .3π C .23π D .56π 2. 复数1i -的虚部为( ) A .1 B . -1 C .i D .i - 3. 已知向量()()1,2,3,1a b ==-,则2a b -等于( ) A.(5,3) B.(5,1) C.(-1,3) D.(-5,-3) 4. 如图,已知向量,,a b c ,那么下列结论正确的是( ) A .a b c += B .a b c -=- C .a b c +=- D .b c a += 5. 在△ABC 中,a =2,b =2,B =6π,则角A 为( ) A .4π B .3π C .34π D .4π或34π 6. 在△ABC 中,角A ,B ,C 所对的边分别为a ,b ,c ,若,则△ABC 的形状为( ) A .直角三角形 B .等腰三角形 C .等腰直角三角形 D .等腰或直角三角形 7. 在边长为2的正方形ABCD 中,E,F 分别为BC 和DC 的中点,则( ) A .52 B . 52- C .4 D .4 8. 在△ABC 中,A =60°,b =1,3,ABC S ?= 求2sin 2sin sin a b c A B C ++++=( ) A .3 B . 43 C .2 D .239 二.多项选择题(本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.漏选得3分,错选不得分). 9. 在下列四个命题中,错误的有( ) h 5 0 .


***苏省教育科研先进个人名单 高等院校 吕林海**大学 张胤**大学 樊泽恒**大学 陈亚玲(女)**大学 吴洁(女)**大学 周萍(女)**大学 李峻**大学 王强**大学 吴立保**大学 唐文(女)**大学 何培玲(女)**学院 张蕴琨(女)**学院 庄元**学院 纪蔚蔚(女)**学院 王基林**学院 朱明**学院 程振响江苏教育学院 吴洁(女)**大学 陈琳徐州师范大学 郑葵阳徐州医学院 韦洪涛苏州科技学院 乔晖(女)**学院 洪林**学院 彭怀祖**大学 伍红林**学院 朱中华**学院 杨守吉**学院

王明伦江苏技术师范学院 龚方红**大学 屠锦红**学院 马能和**学院 张旭翔**学院 张有根无锡科技**学院 李德才**学院 丁钢镇江高等专科学校 邰沛沛(女)**学院 杨德山**市职业大学 张建华**学院 孔晓明**学院 夏红(女)**学院 徐兵**学院 何涛**学院 郑兴国南通农业职业技术学院周大农**学院 朱葛俊**学院 潘小明泰州师范高等专科学校严东强(女)江苏食品职业技术学院刘耀福**学院 李国志**学院 朱凯**学校 **市 郭其俊**市宁海中学 李洪祥**市江宁实验小学 范云良**市力学小学 石骏**市燕子矶中学 潘来强**市板桥中心小学

葛华钦溧水县特殊教育学校 朱国美(女)**市虹苑中学 丁玉祥**市**区教师进修学校 谢丽(女)**大学附属小学 白连顺**市清水亭学校 张金星高淳县漆桥中心小学 田国生**市金陵中学 汤家合**大学附属扬子中学 胡文宇(女)**市第十二中学 张涓(女)江苏省六合高级中学 李兆文**市琅琊路小学明发滨江分校刘红(女)**市夫子庙小学 杨健**市凤游寺小学 李铭(女)**市长江路小学幼儿园 朱善萍(女)南京外国语学校 汪丽(女)**市太平巷幼儿园 姜峻南京金陵中等专业学校 蒋卫平南京江宁中等专业学校 江新顺江苏省高淳中等专业学校 孙兵**市玄武中等专业学校 任涛(女)**市盲人学校 陈建生**市鼓楼中等专业学校 **市 邹建平江苏省镇江第一中学 林莉(女)**市第三中学 李强江苏省扬中高级中学 蒋红(女)**市第四中学 徐春英(女)**市桃园中心小学 吴斌毅**市丹徒高级中学


江苏省扬中高级中学高考化学模拟考试二 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、考试号等填写清晰。 2.本试卷分为第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分。选择题答案填在第Ⅱ卷前面的选择题答案栏中。 3.考试时刻120分钟。 可能用到的相对原子质量:Na-23 O-16 C-12 H-1 K-39 Cl—35.5 Fe—56 Cu—64 Ba—137 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共74分) 一、选择题(本题包括8个小题,每小题4分,共32分。每小题只有一个选项符合题意。)1.1998年,中国十大科技成果之一是合成纳米氮化镓,其化学式应当是( ) A.GaN B.Ga2N3 C.Ga3N2D.Ga5N3 2.IP产业中一些车间要求必须做到无尘生产,工人在车间内工作时的服装需经静电除尘处理。这种处理方法应用的原理是( ) A.胶体的丁达尔现象B.胶体的布朗运动 C.胶体的电泳D.渗析 3.测一种未知溶液的PH值时,若先用蒸馏水将PH试纸潮湿,对实验结果产生的阻碍是 ( ) A.偏大B.偏小C.偏大或偏小D.偏大或偏小或无阻碍4.已知pOH=-lg[c(OH—)],又知正常人的血液PH=7.35。则此人血液的pOH值为 ( ) A.等于7.35 B.等于6.65 C.大于7.35 D.小于6.65 5.已知硫酸铜晶体的溶解过程是吸热的。把一小块缺角的硫酸铜晶体悬挂在饱和硫酸铜溶液中,过几天发觉这块晶体变得完整无缺。若上述过程在温度不变的密闭系统内进行,则上述过程的热效应是( ) A.吸热的B.放热的C.差不多无热量变化D.无法判定 6.下列说法不正确的是: ( ) ①质子数相同的粒子一定属于同种元素。 ②同位素的性质几乎相同。 ③只由一种元素构成的物质一定是纯洁物。 ④元素的相对原子质量近似值为该元素原子的质量数。 A.①②③B.②③④C.①②④D.①②③④ 7.有一瓶新制的氯水,将其均分为甲、乙、丙三份,甲中加少量NaHCO3粉末,乙中加少量NaHSO3粉末(与甲中NaHCO3等物质的量),丙不变。则甲、乙、丙中次氯酸的浓度大小关系是()A.甲=乙>丙B.甲>丙>乙C.丙>甲=乙D.乙>丙>甲


高三百日誓师大会班主任发言稿 各位领导、各位老师、同学们: 下午好! 在距离高考100天的时候,在吹响进军号角的时候,我很荣幸能代表丹徒高级中学谏壁校区20xx届13位班主任在此发言,并借这个机会,送上我们全体班主任对所有高三学子的祝福,还有涌动在我们心中的千言万语。 在过去的两年半里,我们与同学们风雨同行,共同尝试着人生的酸甜苦辣,建立了深厚的友谊,我们已亲如一家。经过了两年半的磨练,我们变得更加成熟,羽翼已丰。现在,已经到了我们收获丰硕果实的时候了!距离201年高考仅剩100天了,此时我们所能做的,不是彷徨,不是退缩,我们只能勇往直前。长风猎猎战鼓催,旌旗飞扬马蹄碎,我们是狂奔的骏马,哪怕千难万险,我们是飞翔的雄鹰,何惧狂风雷电。寒窗苦读十多年,烈火熊熊铸长剑,大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里。同学们,让我们一起,在201年高考中不鸣则以,一鸣惊人;不飞则以,一飞冲天。 高考是人生一场重大的战役,作为班主任,此时此刻,我还要告诉你们,高考对于我们丹徒高级中学谏壁校区的学子更应是一个节日,一个辉煌的节日。请你相信,位于长江边上,古运河畔的丹徒高级中学谏壁校区,是一块创造奇迹的土地;请你们相信,就在谏壁校区这块圣土上,有一群能够帮助你们实现人生目标的师长;请你们相信,我们13位班主任有实力带领你们走向成功。我们已经立下誓言,

愿与你们,艰难同担,风雨同行!你们应该感到庆幸,在丹徒高级中学谏壁校区度过了这段时光;你们应该感到自信,你们是丹徒高级中学谏壁校区的学生;你们应该感到荣幸,有这样一批老师,这样一群班主任为你们领路指航。你们应该无所畏惧!作为丹徒高级中学谏壁校区的学子,就用你们的汗水和智慧去迎接201年高考吧!让201年高考来得更猛烈些,让节日来得更盛大一些吧! 同学们,作为师长、作为班主任,此时此刻,我真的非常敬佩你们,因为在你们稚嫩的肩膀上,肩负着太多的理想和众人的期望;作为班主任,此时此刻,我们虽然无法给予你们更多的东西,但一定会倾其所有。100天时间里,我们会对你们有更苛刻的要求,更艰苦的训练,更严厉的批评。但请相信,这一切都是为了你们,为了你们更快成熟,更加努力;为了你们出类拔萃,金榜题名。同学们,在距离高考最后100天的时间里,如果你们有什么疑惑,有什么困难,请告诉我们,13位班主任及全体高三老师将是你们这100天里的指路明灯,将是你们坚强的后盾。 同学们,冰雪消融,化作千顷碧波;朗朗书声,铺就锦绣前程。望同学们增强,时间意识,拼搏意识,奋战百日,铸我辉煌! 最后祝同学们,梦圆20xx!祝20xx年高考再创辉煌! 我的发言结束。谢谢大家!

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