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附录 1 冷轧横向偏移量的控制性能




板带材冷扎机的设计需要在两个物理因素之间协调衡量:当增大轧辊直径时,总轧制力会增大;当减小轧辊直径时,变形量又会增大。轧辊的变形使板带的材质不均匀性减小,但是使产品的外形尺寸精度和平面度得不到保证。设计轧机时应协调这些因素,并应通过可控制的激励对因材料不均匀性引起的变形进行补偿。一些更先进的轧机允许工作棍或支撑棍在水平面内可控制的窜动,这是靠轴承在与被轧板带平行的平面内移动实现的。图 1 示意了这个过程。这样的水平窜动是为了更好的保证被轧板带的平面度,但是没有专著论述这种方法,因为这方面的论文都假定所有的轧辊都在一个平面内。但是事实上,轧机的轧辊即使没有任何的滚动偏移,也会因为摩擦力的不平衡在水平面内变形。已经发表了的关于轧制偏斜的分析论述中最早的是 Townsend 和 Shohet,他们的模型已经大大扩展并得到了广泛印证。他们的方法是把所有偏斜向轴向和水平方向分解,再用数学方法描述每一种变形。Pawelski, Rasp 和 Rieckman 证实了这种模型适用于六棍轧机,而且他们和 Wang, Pan 证明了连续不确定变化拱形是怎么形成的,在这里,一对扎根反对称拱形轴向窜动可以被联系起来。这些模型都是用简单的一维形式,建立在与轧辊和轧辊变形都垂直的方向上。更精确一点,板带对轧辊的压力场应该是二维的,为此 Berger Pawelski 和Funke 给出了轧辊表面压扁率这样一个更精确的描述。所有这些模型都遇到了同样的难题,就是用数学模型来表示不同的激励形式引起的轧辊之间的变形。Allwood 和 Bryant 论证了怎样借鉴 Allwood, Bryant 和 Stubbs解决接触问题的方法,用简单的运算法则把Shohet 和Townsend 的模型转化为矩阵问题。Hacquin,Montmittonet 和 Guillerault 给出了用这些近似方法预测外形和有限元分析之间的详细对比,得出两种方法高度一致,但是也得出了卷端影响由两个修正因



轧辊系模型和水平偏移量 所有现有的轧棍系模型都可以用数字矩阵来描述,每一个位置对应一个轧辊表面或轧辊之间的接触面。这种矩阵通过简单的力分解以向量和线性的有特定意义的复数记录和描述。一个典型的这样的表面位置计算应该做下面的变形

123422()x A f f A u A u

y r A f x


其中,x 是描述分布式轧辊轴位置的量 y-描述轧辊表面与其他部件接触部分的位置

2f -描述由变量y 确定的接触面上的垂直力

1f -描述除由变量y 确定的表面以外的任何表面的垂直力, 例如轧辊之间的接触力

u- 描述轧辊轴承上的力

v -描述轧辊轴端上点的位置

r -描述轧辊的变形(在轧辊长度方向上的直径变化)

1A -描述轧辊轴的大的变形,一般是将梁弯曲的理论加以修正用于计算大直径的轧辊轴的变形

2A -描述轧辊表面的局部变形, 一般是用Boussinesq 理论, 假设力只作用于一点,而表面是无限大平面

3A -描述由于轧辊轴承受力而引起的变形

4A -给出了轧辊轴端两点之间的线插补。轧辊堆叠模型建立的条件是必须保证轧辊之间或轧辊与其他部件之间不能粘连或者相互压入。这里的第二个条件需要模型解决这样一个问题,假设部件a 和b(假定a 在b 的上面),则它们之间的距离d 应满足:

(2) lower upper a b

d y y =-

00d f ≤≤00d f

≤≤ 在这里,y 表示的两个表面位置可由式(1)计算得出。 如插图2所示。方法预测外形和有限元分析之间的详细对比,得出两种方法高度一致,但是也得出了卷端影响由两个修正因素引起. 假定在每一个取样点,表面张力和分离距离d


()00()Cd I C f I C d Cf +-=≤-=()00()Cd I C f I C d Cf

+-=≤-= 这里,C 是一个对角矩阵,在表示接触面的位置都是1,其他位置都是0,Z 是单位矩阵。用公式(2)中的第一个式子和公式(1)中的两个式子可得,轧辊间距d 在公式(3)中可表示为线性的力分布,因此,轧辊堆叠模型就可以解决了。接触线长度取决于被轧件的布置形式,所以矩阵C 必须在模型解决方法中确定。


轧辊的三维变形已由Stubbs 给出,在这一节会详细介绍。如图3所示,两个没有变形的轧辊是平行排布的,当轧机运转,压力作用在轧辊上,轧辊之间靠分布的摩擦了传递扭矩。在这两个力的作用下,轧辊在水平垂直方向均变形,以至于相互“缠绕”。这种“缠绕”可用两个相互垂直平面之间的夹角和接触线长度沿轧辊轴向的变化来表示。

通过轧辊的一部分,图4a 表示了轧辊表面的力,图4b 表示了轧辊的相互变形。在相互接触的表面存在着沿接触线方向分布的接触力。可以假设力只沿轧辊轴向分布,但是那样的话将转化为二维问题。电机驱动一个轧辊,在轧辊之间产生剪力。图4a 也表示了轧辊除了受压以外,还要受到上面或下面部件的摩擦力。 图 3 水平偏移轧辊于相邻轧辊的扭曲 根据现有的垂直模型,轧辊变形包括局部表面压扁和轴向变形,而在交界面上,公式(2)的两个条件中的一个必须得到满足。在轧辊 a 和 b 接触的区域接触力需进行分解,如图四 b 所示,沿水平和垂直方向分解为.轧辊间距是沿轧辊轴纵向量取的,

所以 cos va vb d y y θ=-

其中,cos θ 被假定为一个对角矩阵。

表面张力的作用方向平行于 d ,因此表面位置 y 和轴向位置 x 有如下关系,

2252cos ()va va a a a y x r A f A t θ=---

2252cos ()vb vb b b b y x r A f A t θ=+--

其中,5A 示摩擦力 t 引起的表面变形。

为了确定轧辊系中每一个轧辊的变形位置,假定所有变形都可以分解为水平和垂直两个方向。 Hacquin , Montmittonet 和 Guillerault 进行了校验工作,因此这种做法被认为适用于轧辊偏斜的计算。同样的影响函数矩阵用来表示垂直


134,,A A A 用来 表示垂直和水平方向 。


2222111111112222134134(cos sin )(cos sin )

(cos sin )(cos sin )

v h v v v v

h h h h

f f t f t f t f t f x A f A u A v x A f A u A v θθθθθθθθ=--+=-++=++=++

Vh 表示轧辊轴承的水平偏移量,在本文中不考虑这个量的影响。解决堆叠模型中的偏移和扭曲需要把公式(6)代入到公式(5)中,再把公式(5)代入到公式(4)中,再和公式(3)相比较来解决。如前文所述,轧辊平衡和板带所受名义约束也应考虑。 2.2 轧辊之间的摩擦力轧辊之间的摩擦力

大多数的轧辊部件都是靠电机带动一对轧辊,一般是支撑棍。电机的扭矩靠轧辊之间的摩擦力传递到工作棍, 这就是前一小节提到的力 t.这些力可以在库仑定律中找到,在该定律中为了加强对不受电机直接带动的轧辊的扭矩的平衡,乘上了系数ρ.很显然,这种摩擦力的存在不完全是因为轧辊轴承存在摩擦阻力,所以有摩擦定律,

t mf μ=

对角矩阵 m 是对摩擦力的分布的平均值的描述。

2.3 模型的迭代解法模型的迭代解法


2tan()()/()ha hb va vb x x x x θ=-- (8)

其中, ‘./’是由被分解的元素决定的。轴向位置矩阵 x 是由公式(6)计算出来的。然而在最初只有θ 的估计值θ 是已知的,而且需要通过解决模型来修正改估计值,并且要用到公式:

12arctan ()/()hb va vb

n n n n n ha x x x x θ+⎡⎤=--⎣⎦ (9) 其中n θ 是对θ 的 n 次估计。运用这种方法会发现,各个角度迅速收敛于一个相对精确的值。 重复迭代需要解决图五所示的接触力矩阵C 和扭转角θ 的问题。内部循环则类似于现有的垂直轧辊系模型。3.横向控制分析横向控制分析

横向轧制参数要么通过轮廓扫描仪测板厚,要么通过测板带平面内的残余应力来确定。测出的测量值相对于参考值(通常是 0)的偏差被反馈到调整轧辊系动力部件的控制端。控制端响应的稳定性和精度取决于可预知的动力部件的灵敏


为了深入了解板带材控制系统的内部结构,下面提到由 Duncan , Allwood 和 Garimella [lo]提出的方法。如果用γ 表示板带的纵向距离,对动力部件 j 的响应()j g r 可以简单的表示为,



N j i j i i g r c r φ==∑ (10) 其中, 是,i j c -延展系数, ()i r φ-是主函数,一个 Chebyshev 多项式。激励来源于轧辊弯曲和热胀冷缩等物理效应,所以激励的响应不大可能包括高频的成分,这一观点证实了上述论断。计算过程中21j N =的值将被用到。系数,i j c 的量




工作棍直径,cm 50――100

中间棍直径,cm 100

支撑棍直径,cm 200

轧辊长度,cm 400

轧辊支撑之间的距离,cm 500

板带宽度,cm 350

入口厚度,mm 23

出口厚度,mm 15

总轧制力,t 4750

中间棍水平偏移量 0

工作棍水平偏移量,cm -12.5――12.5

水平轧辊偏移的影响将通过表一中的六棍系和板带几何数据给出。轧辊轴的硬度与直径的四次方成正 比,水平偏移的的主要影响与工作棍有关,而相对于支撑棍,中间棍的影响可以忽略不计。假定轧辊系有六个横向控制激励:

(1) 工作棍水平压力

(2) 中间棍水平压力

(3) 中间棍水平窜动





图 6 给出了在第三节列出的各个激励在给定点对平面度影响的范围。所有的插图频谱都由有对称效应的激励的偶分支决定,所以偶次多项式的系数决定了它们的分解结果。对于四个主要的激励,它们的响应受控于第二,第四多项式。另外两个较分散的激励则有更复杂的响应。对于每一个激励,图六都给出了三个包迹图。中间的狭长带显示了频谱是由二维的轧辊系模型得到的。上下两个宽带显示的是工作棍水平偏移的端点值和工作棍直径。很显然工作棍的水平偏移对激励的灵敏度有很大的影响。例如,考虑到中间棍弯曲的影响,会得到灵敏度由其它的小扰动影响的二维结果。与此相反,如果存在工作棍水平偏移,则灵敏度会出现出新组分。

图 6 表示中间棍激励的灵敏度是如何受(a)工作棍直径(也与中间棍有关)和(b)水平偏移的影响而改变的。瀑布似的图形表示了灵敏度大小沿板带边沿的变化,图 6b 则给出了大的负偏移的四次多项式响应和主要的正偏移响应。

如图六所示,所有激励的响应都是二次或四次多项式。图 7 和图 8 给出了这两个组分的频谱是如何随工作棍直径和它的水平偏移量的变化而变化的。在本模型中,表面也被进行二维处理,因此当水平变形被忽视时,任何相对于零偏移的背离都将视为是不精确的。

图 7 和图 8 显示,激励的响应主要受工作棍的水平偏移的影响。而受分散的激励(例如‘震颤’)的影响很小。在这两种情况下,都是较细的负偏移的轧辊的响应改变量大。表面区域的重要性表现在,在六棍轧机中只驱动支撑滚,中间棍和工作棍之间的摩擦力是沿工作棍变形的反方向的。如果工作棍正偏移,则由中间棍承担变形力,但是如果工作棍负偏移,则变形量会减小甚至会脱离中间棍。这种情况会很糟糕,但是实际上是不会出现的,因为这样的话就会出现工作棍和中间棍之间的剧烈震颤。

图 7a—c 和图 8a—c 表示了轧辊偏移影响着主要激励。但是图 7 却给出了虽然对于大部分典型响应,偏移量影响的响应的大小,不过在二维范围内有20%左右的响应不受偏移量影响,有些甚至发生在工作棍。总之,轧辊直径的对激励的影响相对与偏移量要小的多。

最后,图 6 和图 7d 证实了,工作棍水平偏移有可能成为有用的激励。平面度的变化和和工作棍偏移有很相像的构成,在极端情况下都包含四次组分。不






2.1 弹性阻尼体技术在轧机上的应用


2.2 弹性阻尼体技术及其应用

2.2.1 弹性阻尼体性能

弹性阻尼体是一种由多种化合物合成的高分子材料,该材料于 1964 年首次被用于工业减震器的设计开发,并在其后的几十年中不断完善和发展。今天,弹性阻尼减震、缓冲技术已经成为国际公认的成熟技术,并被许多诸如马来西亚等著名生产厂家直接设计选用。 粘性

性阻尼体可产生极强的粘稠摩擦力,吸收活塞运动时外力所产生的巨大能量,这种特性使减震器或或缓冲器具有特殊的减震缓冲功能。 可压缩性

当弹性阻尼体受到很大外力时,其体积缩小、收缩部分体积与液体相似,其收缩率可达 15%,这种特性使它具备了优于弹簧的功能。以上特点决定了弹性阻尼体可被置于一密闭容器中,以一定的机械结构来实现其减震、平衡、缓冲功能,采用这一技术生产出的弹性阻尼体减震缓冲产品性能良好,贮能大,无须维修,无老化现象,工作可靠,易于安装,并可省去其它类缓冲减震器所需的弹簧预应力装置、外部电源等辅助设备,其优点是显而易见的。

2.2.2 弹性阻尼体的制备及性能特点

弹性阻尼体母体是由精选的多种化工原料合成稳定的高分子化合物后,经水解、裂解,然后在催化剂作用下,进行离子型开环聚合而成的性能稳定的高分子化合物。母体制成后,需经过补强、抗老化、增粘等多道工序,以完善其各项物理指标性能。最后配置出的高分子化合物为酮类制品,根据不同需要,分子量稳定在 40 万-70 万之间,以聚合物形态出现,呈鲜红色半流体状,静置后,表面呈现金属光泽。

特性 :

(1) 高粘性

(2) 强压缩性

(3) 良好的热稳定性

(4) 特殊的化学惰性

(5) 无老化现象

附录2 外文文献原文

Elastic damping material shock absorber for rolling mill

2.1 The application of elastic damping material technique in

rolling mill

Roll balance dividing device is the important part of rolling mill. For a long time, the device uses traditional balance ways, such as spring, rubber backing

and hydraulic etc. there are many problems in practice by using these balance ways, for example, the pressing force of spring is not insufficient, it is easy to damage and move up and down seriously when rolling so that affect the product

precision; using a rubber backing to balance, the balance force is too large ,the

roll often break because it has deflection; hydraulic balance has too many links

so that troubles often arise and it is easy to pollute. In order to solve these problems, rolling mill in 1964 which was on the basis of elastic damping technique, the shock absorber has a small volume, large load-carrying ability and long service life, it was easy to use ,worked stably and didn’t need external device, it was accepted by many iron&steel enterprises soon.

2.2 The brief introduction of the elastic damping technology&application

2.2.1 The property of elastic damping materials

Elastic damping material is a macromolecule material synthesized by

many compounds, it was first used for industrial shock absorber in 1964 and has been continually improved and developed in the past decades. Today, elastic damping shock absorbing and suffering techniques have become international acknowledged mature techniques and have been used by many famous machinery manufactures, such as SMS Schloemann-Siemag AG.

(1) Viscosity

The viscosity of pasty elastic material can produce very strong stick friction

and absorb tremendous energy produced by external force when piston moves, this special property makes shock absorber or buffer have special damping and buffering functions.

(2) Compressibility

When elastic damping material is exerted a very big external force, its volume contracts, the volume of contracted part is similar to liquid, its contraction can reach 15%.The special property makes its function better than


2.2.2 Preparation of elastic damping materials and their property

The mother body of elastic damping material is a stable macromolecule compound, after it is synthesized by many kinds of carefully chosen industrial chemicals, through hydrolysis and crack then under the action of catalyst, make

ionic open-loop polymerizing. After the mother body is finished, supplying intensity, anti-ageing and adding viscosity etc. many processes are needed to

perfect its different physical properties. Last finished macromolecule compounds are ketonic products, according to different requirements, their molecular weights are between 4 hundred thousand-7 hundred thousand, they appear in polymer form and scarlet, half fluid, put them aside for a while, their surface shows metallic luster.

Special properties:

(1) High viscosity

(2) Strong compressibility

(3) Good thermal stability

(4) Special chemical inertia

(5) Without ageing phenomenon

2.3.1 High energy elastic damping disc shock absorber

High energy elastic damping material disc shock absorber produced by Jerrat (shorter form: disc shock absorber) are annular high energy damping shock absorber, its structure is compact and there is shock absorbing need in the direction of axial. Compared with disc spring, disc shock absorber eliminates

complicated process of superposition mounting, its mounting is simple and doesn’t need to maintain. Because it realizes shock absorbing way with a shock

absorbing instead of steel springs superposition, so its advantages of rigidity,

ageing resistance stable mechanical property shown in practice are beyond comparison. Excellent properties of elastic damping materials enable disc shock absorber to satisfy big load shock absorbing requirement at very small volume

so that effectively save design space. Its these good properties are also suitable

for the anchor bolt shock absorbing etc. situations.

2.3.2 High energy damping buffer Basic principle

By the action of dynamic applied force, the fast insertion of piston will result in steep increase of friction between piston and damping material and piston rod is decided by moving speed, both are in direct proportion. The friction between solid sealing parts is decided by internal pressure, i.e., the larger internal

pressure is, the larger friction is (the pressure is produced by compressing the volume of elastic material chamber). This shows that high energy damping buffer makes full use of compressibility and high viscosity of elastic damping

medium, it converts instantaneous impact energy into elastic potential energy(produced by compressing medium)and thermal energy(produced by friction)and rapid release. High energy damping buffer made by using above principle has strong buffering ability, and its volume is small, weight is light, its buffering energy is 3 times of which rubber buffer had at same volume, the highest energy absorptivity can reach 85%. The advantages of products

Compared with rubber buffer, high energy damping buffer can resist high temperature and corrosion, can suit adverse circumstances, it has strong rigidity

and high shock strength, it works stably and has no ageing and failure phenomenon. Compared with traditional pneumatic buffer and air oil buffer or hydraulic buffer, it is easy to mount ,its structure is compact, volume is small, weight is light and service life is long, it doesn’t need daily maintenance. Because it has fewer sealing links and is not easy to damage, it is more suitable for high temperature circumstances in which pneumatic buffer and hydraulic buffer can not work, and it doesn’t need other complicated auxiliary devices, it has no air leak and oil leak phenomenon, it works stably and reliably. Scope of application High energy damping buffers have been widely applied in iron&steel industry and heavy machinery industry, such as: buffer for baffle plate and loop in rolling mill, for adjustable end stop, for limits of soaking hood and various moving machinery, lifting machinery etc. many places where buffering and guard are needed, the use result is very ideal, they can increase collision safety coefficient of equipment with the highest limit at a limited design

space and guard the main equipment well.


外文文献: This analysis used a case study methodology to analyze the issues surrounding the partial collapse of the roof of a building housing the headquarters of the Standards Association of Zimbabwe (SAZ). In particular, it examined the prior roles played by the team of construction professionals. The analysis revealed that the SAZ’s traditional construction project was generally characterized by high risk. There was a clear indication of the failure of a contractor and architects in preventing and/or mitigating potential construction problems as alleged by the plaintiff. It was reasonable to conclude that between them the defects should have been detected earlier and rectified in good time before the partial roof failure. It appeared justified for the plaintiff to have brought a negligence claim against both the contractor and the architects. The risk analysis facilitated, through its multi-dimensional approach to a critical examination of a construction problem, the identification of an effective risk management strategy for future construction prject and risk The structural design of the reinforced concrete elements was done by consulting engineers Knight Piesold (KP). Quantity surveying services were provided by Hawkins, Leshnick & Bath (HLB). The contract was awarded to Central African Building Corporation (CABCO) who was also responsible for the provision of a specialist roof structure using patented “gang nail” roof trusses. The building construction proceeded to completion and was handed over to the owners on Sept. 12, 1991. The SAZ took effective occupation of the headquarters building without a certificate of occupation. Also, the defects liability period was only three months . The roof structure was in place 10 years At first the SAZ decided to go to arbitration, but this failed to yield an immediate solution. The SAZ then decided to

轧钢 外文翻译 外文文献 轧机用弹性阻尼体减震

轧机用弹性阻尼体减震 2.1 弹性阻尼体技术在轧机上的应用 轧机的轧辊平衡分离装置是轧机的重要组成部分。长期以来,该装置采用传统的弹簧、橡胶垫、液压等平衡装置,实践中发现采用这些平衡方式存在许多弊端,如弹簧平衡压下不足、易损坏、过钢时跳动严重,影响产品精度;橡胶垫平衡,平衡力过大,常因轧辊产生挠度而断辊;液压平衡环节过多、故障频繁、易污染等。为了合理的解决这一问题,欧洲轧机制造厂家于1964年推出了基于弹性阻尼体技术生产的轧机用阻尼平衡减震器,该减震器的体积小、使用方便、承载力大、寿命长、工作稳定、无需外接设备,很快为许多钢铁企业所接受。2.2 弹性阻尼体技术及其应用 2.2.1 弹性阻尼体性能 弹性阻尼体是一种由多种化合物合成的高分子材料,该材料于 1964 年首次被用于工业减震器的设计开发,并在其后的几十年中不断完善和发展。今天,弹性阻尼减震、缓冲技术已经成为国际公认的成熟技术,并被许多诸如马来西亚等著名生产厂家直接设计选用。 粘性 性阻尼体可产生极强的粘稠摩擦力,吸收活塞运动时外力所产生的巨大能量,这种特性使减震器或或缓冲器具有特殊的减震缓冲功能。 可压缩性 当弹性阻尼体受到很大外力时,其体积缩小、收缩部分体积与液体相似,其收缩率可达 15%,这种特性使它具备了优于弹簧的功能。以上特点决定了弹性阻尼体可被置于一密闭容器中,以一定的机械结构来实现其减震、平衡、缓冲功能,采用这一技术生产出的弹性阻尼体减震缓冲产品性能良好,贮能大,无须维修,无老化现象,工作可靠,易于安装,并可省去其它类缓冲减震器所需的弹簧预应力装置、外部电源等辅助设备,其优点是显而易见的。 2.2.2 弹性阻尼体的制备及性能特点 弹性阻尼体母体是由精选的多种化工原料合成稳定的高分子化合物后,经水解、裂解,然后在催化剂作用下,进行离子型开环聚合而成的性能稳定的高分子化合物。母体制成后,需经过补强、抗老化、增粘等多道工序,以完善其各项物理指标性能。最后配置出的高分子化合物为酮类制品,根据不同需要,分子量稳

建筑 土木工程 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献及译文 土工织物加筋垫层加固软土地基

Geotextile reinforced by soft soil 1. Introduction Geotextile known, it has high tensile strength, durability, corrosion resistance, texture, flexibility, combined with good sand, to form reinforced composite foundation, effectively increase the shear strength , tensile properties, and enhance the integrity and continuity of soil. Strengthening mechanism for the early 60's in the 20th century, Henri Vidal on the use of triaxial tests found a small amount of fiber in the sand, the soil shear strength can improve the image of more than 4 times in recent years, China's rock Laboratory workers also proved in the reinforced sand can effectively improve the soil's bearing capacity, reduce the vertical ground settlement, effectively overcome the poor soil and continuity of overall poor performance. As with the above properties of reinforced soil and the characteristics of its low price, so the project has broad application prospects. 2.1 Project Overview The proposed retaining wall using rubble retaining wall of gravity, the wall is 6 meters high, the bearing capacity of foundation soil required to 250kPa, while the basement geology from the top down as follows: ①clay to a thickness of 0.7 to 2 meters saturated, soft plastic; ② muddy soil, about 22 - 24 meters thick, saturated, mainly plastic flow, local soft plastic; ③ sand layer to a thickness of 5 to 10 meters, containing silty soil and organic matter, saturated, slightly wet; ④ gravel layer, the thickness of the uneven distribution points, about 0 to 2.2 meters, slightly dense; ⑤ weathered sandstone. Including clay and silty soil bearing capacity is 70kPa, obviously do foundation reinforcement. 2.2 Enhanced Treatment of reinforced foundation cushion Reinforcement replacement method can be used for sand and gravel used for


热轧棒材冷却过程中相变和机械性能的计算机建模 Computational modeling of phase transformations and mechanicalproperties during the cooling of hot rolled rod Sameer Phadke, Praveen Pauskar, Rajiv Shivpuri Department of Industrial Welding and Systems Engineering, Ohio State University, 210 Baker System Engineering Building, 1971 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210, USA 摘要 近期,热轧控冷越发重视对所需微观结构和机械性能的满足。这种方式通过改进微观结构和热轧时的温度来将奥氏体转变为不同体积分数的马氏体,贝氏体,珠光体和铁素体。本文提出了一种使用Sellar演化方程的热轧过程中晶粒尺寸变化和终轧温度预测的计算方法。这是根据数字化的连续冷却曲线来确定热轧冷却过程中各相的体积分数。机械性能由相变体积分数与钢材的标准关系来衡量。这些演化、转化以及性能间的关系在使用刚粘塑性材料模型并有一个基于微结构的流动应力模块的3D有限元程序中得以实现。这种方法的有效性已通过八道次方圆棒材轧制来证实,这种方法已被证实是一种强大分析方式,并可在孔型设计中廉价替换原有试错方式。 关键词:微观结构演化,相变,热轧 1、简介 作为工程材料的钢铁,其出色的性能是由微观结构和可能受加工和热处理影响的机 械性能决定的。轧钢产品的这些性能是由其材料组成、在轧机中的变形和轧后热处理决 定的。由于大量变量的涉及,为了能够生产所需公差和性能的产品,在设计轧制过程时 需要相当数量的生产试验。这种试错方式不仅增加了生产成本,也延长了生产时间。钢 铁企业间竞争的加剧凸现了对首次生产就可以得到所需产品的设计轧辊孔型序列的需 要。 对热轧钢材尺寸和材料特性的准确预测需要对轧制过程中材料机械特性在辊缝和 机架间微观组织演化和轧后控冷过程中的相变进行模拟。建立一个全面的热轧模型需要 采用综合方式对金属流、温度分布、微观结构演化以及相变进行模拟。近年来对微观结 构演化的模拟已经取得了显著的进展[1~6]。数学建模作为一种对金属流和轧制过程中冶 金变化进行离线分析的强大工具获得了广泛认可。最近,在多机架棒材和板材轧制中, 对金属流和微观结构演化的计算模型的开发取得了进展。在俄亥俄州立大学,一个三维 有限元程序ROLPAS被开发出来用于模拟多机架型材轧制。这个有限元程序可用来预测 温度分布、应变、应变率、金属流以及轧辊的力和力矩。一些钢铁企业已经用这个程序 来模拟金属流,经过测试,取得了不错的效果。 ROLPAS的非等温变形分析基于材料特性中的刚粘塑性假设,采用八节点等参六面


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土木工程外文文献翻译 数学模型预测水运输混凝土结构中的渗透性 eluozo,s.n 全文 粗骨料细砂的混凝土构件,大孔隙混凝土率确定孔隙率和混凝土结构孔隙比,渗透系数的影响确定率水运混凝土。数学模型来预测渗透率对水率交通是数学发展,该模型是监测水运输的混凝土率结构。渗透性建立大孔上构成的影响下一种关系,即由混凝土制成,应用混凝土浇筑的决定渗透性的沉积速率混凝土结构,渗透性建立是大孔的混合物之间的影响下通过水泥净浆,考虑到系统中的变量,数学模型的建立是为了监测水通过通过具体的速度,也确定渗透系数的率对混凝土结构。 关键字:混凝土结构、渗透性和数学模型 一、简介 混凝土结构的耐久性依赖于通过频密迁移率的熔化的成分。这种搬迁就是通过磁导率的影响。在排序该条件混凝土混合物就是通过中存有的基质中的微孔隙的已连续网络混凝土协调比。其他影响就是通过存有于的界面的孔隙率骨料的级分体式结构。本研究中,其特征测量的快速和精确度在煮混凝土的渗透性,这包含创建理论模型的叙述渗透性对混凝土结构的影响。实验中采用的就是瞬时顺利完成渗透性设备监控措施细骨料细沙和水是这种材料例如混凝土称作孔隙率和孔隙率中的组件之间的微孔混凝土结构中,渗透系数的影响确认水的速率运输在混凝土加水物水分搬迁混凝土,设备容许快速和精确测量在混凝土加水水中搬迁。混凝土就是一种类型的多孔材料做成,并且可以由于在物理上和化学受损其曝露在各种环境中从混凝土浇筑至其使用寿命。在特别就是,一些外部有毒元素,例如硫酸根,氯离子,和二氧化碳,扩散在混凝土少于长期周期做为溶液或气体状态,并引致物理侵害,由于化学反应。这些反应可以影响应用领域中钢筋破损具体内容的,这减少了耐热寿命, 例如钢筋和力量。因此,它是非常重要的是插入腐蚀抑制剂为在超过临界恶化元件的情况下钢棒腐蚀的钢筋的位置量[1]。然而,这是非常困难的保证在使用该应用传统技术钢筋位置的耐腐蚀性腐蚀抑制剂仅在混凝土[2-3]的表面上。本研究试图开发一种方法渗透腐蚀抑制剂高达钢筋的位置和调查穿透深度腐蚀抑制剂通过验证下混凝土中水分迁移施加的压力。中的水在混凝土中的渗透,根据穿透深度时间的流逝可以使用达西定律,这也适用于进行估计低压条件下砂地层的渗透率。同时,有必要分析在高压下伴随着内部变形的渗透扩散流条件[4]。在这种情况下,本研究采用实验的渗透的水使用自来水的压力钢筋混凝土结构深度施加到孔中具体为变量。根据本实验的结果,本研究还计算水的渗透和扩散系数和估计的穿透深度为根据水加压时间和压力的混凝土。此外,本研究试图提供了基础数据的扩散法与高压渗透发展腐蚀抑制剂,通过穿透抑制剂钢筋的位置采用有限元分



题目:小型轧钢机设计 一.文献综述 1.轧钢机的发展 轧钢机是实现金属轧制过程的设备。泛指完成轧材生产全过程的装备﹐包括有主要设备﹑辅助设备、起重运输设备和附属设备等。但一般所说的轧钢机往往仅指主要设备。据说在 14世纪欧洲就有轧钢机,但有记载的是 1480 年意大利人达·芬奇 (Leonardo da Vinci) 设计出轧钢机的草图。 1553 年法国人布律列尔轧制出金和银板材,用以制造钱币。此后在西班牙﹑比利时和英国相继出现轧机。英国于 1766 年有了串行式小型轧钢机,19世纪中中期,第一台可逆式板材轧钢机在英国投产,并轧出了船用铁板。 1848 年德国发明了万能式轧钢机,1853 年美国开始用三辊式的型材轧钢机,并用蒸汽机传动的升降台实现机械化。接着美国出现了劳特式轧机。 1859 年建造了第一台连轧钢机。万能式型材轧钢机是在 1872 年出现的;20世纪,随着冶金工业的发展,已出现多种类型的轧钢机,其中有用三辊粗轧钢机和五架四辊稿轧钢机组成的半连续式带轧钢机[1]。 现代轧钢机发展的趋向是连续化、自动化、专业、,产品质量高、消耗低。60年代以来轧机在设计,研究和制造方面取得了很大的进展,使带材冷热轧机、厚板轧机、高速线材轧机、H型材轧机和连轧管机组等性能更加完善,并出现了轧制速度高达每秒钟115米的线材轧机、全连续式带材冷轧机、5500毫米宽厚板轧机和连续式 H型钢轧机等一系列先进设备。轧机用的原料单重增大,液压 AGC、板形控制、电子计算机程序控制及测试手段越来越完善,轧制品种不断扩大。一些适用于连续铸轧、控制轧制等新轧制方法,以及适应新的产品质量要求和提高经济效益的各种特殊结构的轧机都在发展中[2]。 2.轧机的主要设备 由轧辊、轧辊轴承、轧机机架、轧机轨座、轧辊调整装置、上轧辊平衡装置、传动装置、附属设备等组成。 3.轧钢技术发展前景 世界轧钢工业的技术进步主要集中在生产工艺流程的缩短和简化上,最终形成轧材性能高品质化、品种规格多样化、控制管理计算机化等。展望未来,轧钢工艺和技术的


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外文原文: Linearized Dynamic Models EXAMPLES AND CLASSIFICATIONS OF CONTROL SYSTEMS Control systems exist in a virtually infinite, both in type of application and level of sophistication. The heating system and the water heater in a house are systems in which only the sign of the difference between desired and actual temperatures is used for control. If the temperature drops below a set value, a constant heat is switched on, to be switched off again when the temperature rises above a set maximum. Variations of such relay or on-off control systems, sometimes quite sophisticated, are very common in practice because of their relatively low cost. In the nature of such control systems, the controlled variable will oscillate continuously between maximum and minimum limits. For many applications the control is not sufficiently smooth or accurate. In the Power steering of a car, the controlled variable or system output is the angle of the front wheels, it must follow the system input, the angle of the steering wheel, as closely as possible but at a much higher Power level. In the Process industries, including refineries and chemical plants, there are many temperatures and level to be held to usually constant values in the presence of various disturbance. of an electric power generation Plant, controlled values of voltage and frequency are outputs, but inside such a plant there are again many temperatures, levels, pressures, and, other variables to be controlled. In aerospace, the control of aircraft, missiles, and satellites is an area of often very advanced system. One Classification of control systems Is the following: 1. Process control or regulator systems: The controlled variable, or output, must be held as close as possible to a usually constant desired value, or input, despite any


机械类数控外文翻译外文文献英文 文献数控 Introduction In recent years, with the rapid development of science and technology, the traditional manufacturing industry has been facing tremendous challenges. In this context, computerized numerical control (CNC) technology has emerged as a revolutionary methodology that greatly improves the efficiency and accuracy of manufacturing processes. Specifically, CNC technology is a type of automated control system that uses a set of computer instructions to direct the movement and operation of machinery in the manufacturing process. In this regard, this paper will provide a comprehensive overview of CNC technology, including its history, applications, advantages, and challenges. History of CNC Technology CNC technology has a history that can be traced back to the 1940s. At that time, the aviation industry in the United States was seeking a way to improve the efficiency and accuracy of manufacturing. Therefore, the US Air Force and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) cooperated to develop a system that automatically controlled the movement of


土木工程学院交通工程专业 中英文翻译 Road Design 专业:交通工程 英文原文 The Basics of a Good Road We have known how to build good roads for a longtime. Archaeologists have found ancient Egyptian roadsthat carried blocks to the pyramids in 4600 BCE. Later,the Romans built an extensive road system,using thesame principles we use today。Some of these roads are still in service. If you follow the basic concepts of road building,youwill create a road that will last。The ten commandmentsof a good road are: (1)Get water away from the road (2)Build on a firm foundation (3)Use the best materials (4)Compact all layers properly (5)Design for traffic loads and volumes (6)Design for maintenance (7)Pave only when ready (8)Build from the bottom up (9)Protect your investment (10)Keep good records 1.Get water away from the road 35324 89FC 觼30582 7776 睶21205 52D5 動/34600 8728 蜨6s We can’t overemphasize the importance of good drainage.Engineers estimate that at least 90% of a road'sproblems can be related to excess water or to poor waterdrainage. Too much water in any layer of a road’sstructure can weaken that layer, leading to failure。 In the surface layer, water can cause cracks andpotholes. In lower layers it undermines support, causingcracks and potholes。A common sign of water in anasphalt road surface is alligator cracking — an interconnectedpattern of cracks forming small irregular shapedpieces that look like alligator skin. Edge cracking, frostheaves, and spring breakup of pavements also point tomoisture problems。 To prevent these problems remember that water: • flows downhill • needs to flow someplace • is a problem if it is not flowing Effective drainage systems divert, drain and dispose ofwater. To do this they use interceptor ditches and slopes,road crowns, and ditch and culvert systems. Divert —Interceptor ditches,located between the roadand higher ground along the road, keep the water


PROGRESS AND PROSPECT OF STEEL ROLLING TECHNIQUE IN CHINA Zhang Shutang Chen Qi’an Wang Guodong Zhou Jizhi Liu Xianghua CSM Institute of Metalworking Xue Yuan Nan Lu 76, Beijing, China Fax:0086 10 62183320 E-mail:csm.imw@https://www.doczj.com/doc/3a19240057.html, Abstract:In the last 10 years of 20th century, the progress of steel rolling technique in China was obtained and has mainly been observed in following areas: gradual set-up of advanced production route; modernization of steel rolling equipment and technique; increase of domestic manufacturing ratio for new and revamping projects, adoption of new technique; primary results of rolled product variety adjustment obtained, improvement of product quality; major progress of some R & D projects. Key Words:steel rolling technique, modernization, rolled product variety adjustment From 1990 to 1995, the average crude steel output increment in China was 7.2%. In 1996, the crude steel output was over 100 mil.t . The output of steel product in 2000 was 131.97 mil.t and 157.45 mil.t ( in 2001). and in China the shortage in general steel product supply was eliminated finally. But at the time of great increase of output, it has been recognized that it is necessary to consider how to transfer the increment mode of steel industry from quantitative to qualitative and of profitable. That means, the variety structure should be modified, the product quality should be improved with cost reduction to increase the competitive power of the products. Today, with the crude steel output stabilized at a level of 100 mil.t/a for several years already in China , above-mentioned targets , which should be reached by technical progress , have become common sense of metallurgical colleagues and activities of metallurgical enterprises in China. This trend is reflected more obviously in steel rolling , the reason is that the steel rolling is the last step of steel production , which is more sensible to the market demands for variety , specification , quality and price . In the last 10 years of 20th Century , the steel rolling technique was developed rapidly with implementation of high-level automatization , continuation and accuracy in the world . The performance of rolled products has been improved drastically with reduced price. Thus the steel products are able to keep their position of main structural material in the furious competition with non-ferrous metals , plastics and ceramics . The progress of steel rolling technique in China was obtained just on such an international background. In these years , the progress of steel rolling technique in China has mainly been observed in following areas: 1.Gradual stet-up of advanced production route Build-up and operation of thin –slab casting and rolling line: In China, 3 (three) CSP lines have been imported, among them, the lines at Zhujiang steel and Handan Steel have been put in operation already and expected results have been obtained. The line at Baotou Steel is to be put in operation in the near future. Now, another two thin-slab casting and rolling lines are under consideration. Continuous wire rod mills becoming main stream of long product production with retirement of open train mills: Now, the quantity of continuous or semi-continuous bar mills and high speed wire rod mills has been increased tremendously and their products account over 50% of total domestic long products. At the same time, the backward open train mills are gradually removed from the competition due to inherent shortcomings. According to the state regulations for metallurgical industry, the open train mills should be removed totally before 2005.

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