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Lesson five first principles

What do u learn about laura?Why were her parents so proud of her?

Laura was a slim,dark-haired girl of fourteen. she was smart and a pupil at Green Valley Academy. Christmas Day was coming,laura wanted a ballerina dress as a gift from her parents to attend some parties. But when laura‘s mother told her about her father’s unemployment,she understood them and said she didn‘t care about presents or parties. During the time when the family spent Christmas Day at the farm,laura seemed to radiate happiness. It was laura’s obvious pleasure that had a wonderful Christmas Day. Therefore,laura‘s parents were proud of her.

Lesson six The beauty of Britain

Britain is a small but beautiful country .One of its charms lies in its variety with the territory of 240500 square kilometers,it has mountains,plains and lakes as other countries. Someone perhaps says that the mountains there are only mountains in miniature . Although those mountains are small,they all have the air of great mountains .Another characteristic of Britain is its happy surprise. A traveler will kept being pleasantly astonished by the landscape. On a rolling plain,you might suddenly noticed mountains with step slopes ahead. In a highly developed industrial district,he would see out of expectation a rough wilderness. But the most impressing would be the happy compromise between Nature and Man,country and city .This characteristic is obvious in suburbs where the inhabitants can not only enjoy the civilization of the city,but also live a comfortable country gentlemen‘s life .

Lesson seven some meanings of authentic love

In author‘s opinion,what does love mean?

1. Love means I know the person I love.

2. Love means that I care about the welfare of the person I love.

3. Love means having respect for the dignity of the person I love.

4. Love means having a responsibility toward the person I love.

5. Love means growth for both myself and the person I love.

6. Love can tolerate imperfection.

7. Love is freeing. 8. Love is expansive. 9. Love means having a want for the person

I love without having a need for that person in order to be complete. 10. Love means identifying with the person I love. 11. Love is selfish. 12. Love involves seeing the potential within the person we love.


Lesson ten On friendship

Four different-kinds of friendship:


Few American stay put for a lifetime. Americans use the word“friend”to a wide range from someone known only a few weeks,most people,old and young r called by first name,and friends flow in and out American family with little ceremony.很少美国人一辈子呆在一个地方的。美国人使用朋友一词时,朋友可适用广泛只结识几个星期的,朋友们进进出出美国家庭很少有礼节。


In France,as in many European countries,friends generally are of the same sex,and friendship is seen as basically a relationship between men.正如许多欧洲国家一样,在法国,朋友通常都是性别相同之人,友谊被视为是男士间的基本关系。

For the French,friendship is a one-to-one relationship that demands a keen awareness of the other person‘s intellect,temperament and particular interests.法国人所认为的友情是一种一对一的关系,要求一方能敏锐地察觉另一方的才智、性情以及特别的兴趣爱好。

The special relationship of friendship is based on what the French value most–on the mind,on having the same of outlook,on vivid awareness of some chosen area of life.友谊这一特殊关系以法国人最珍视的东西为基础——思想、观点的一致以及对生活中某一方面的具体感悟。


In Germany,friendship is much more clearly a matter of feeling,from deeply sentimental attachments,not so much to polish their wits as to share their hopes and fears and dreams. Within the family,the closest relationship over the lifetime is between brothers and sisters. Outside the family,men and women find in their closest friends of the same sex the devotion of sister,the loyalty of a brother.在德国友谊更明确地表现为感情问题,彼此建立起深厚的感情,其目的并不是为了增加自己的智慧,而是为了分享彼此的愿望、忧虑与梦想。在家庭内部,一生中最亲密的关系存在于兄弟姐妹之间。在家庭以外,人们在同性间最亲密的朋友身上发现如姐妹般的奉献,如兄弟般的忠诚。



English friendships,their basis is shared activity. In the midst of the activity,whatever it may be,people fall into step.英国人之间的友情建立的基础是共同的行为。无论是何种行为,在行为的过程中人们的步调变得一致。

And a break in an English friendship comes not necessarily as a result of misjudgement,where one friend seriously misjudges how the other will think or feel

act,so that suddenly they are out of step.此外英国人友谊的中断并不是由于见解不同或情感不和造成的,而是由于判断失误造成的,一个人可能会很严重地对另一个人的思维方式、感受或行为方式做出了错误的判断,于是彼此间突然变得不默契。

What's the friendship?

There is the recognition that friendships r formed,in contrast with kinship,through freedom of choice. A friend is someone who choose and is chosen. Related to this is the sense each friend gives the other of being a special individual,on whatever grounds this recognition is based. And between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give and take.人们一致认为,与亲属关系不同,友谊建立在自由选择的基础上。朋友既是选择别人又为别人所选择的人。随之而来的是在朋友之间双方都能使对方感到自己是与众不同的,无论这种感觉的依据是什么。此外朋友间不可避免地要有来有往,互让互谅。

Lesson thirteen How to grow old?


Psychologically there are two dangers to be guarded against in old age. One of these is too great an absorption in the past. One should not live in memories,in regrets for the good old days,or in sa dness about friend who are dead. One‘s thoughts must be directed to the future,and to things about which there is something to be done. This is not always easy;one’s own past is a gradually increasing weight. It is easy to think to oneself that one‘s emoti ons used to be more vivid than they are,and one’s mind more keen. If this is true it should be forgotten,and if it is forgotten it will probably not be true.从心理角度来说,老年时期要提防两种危险。一是沉湎于过去。人不应该生活在记忆之中,不要总为一去不复返的好时光而懊丧,不要总为故去的朋友而悲伤。人的思想应该转向未来,应该转向自己还能有所作为的那些事情上去。要做到这一点并非易事;自己的过去逐渐成了精神负担。人很容易自思自量,感到自己的感情不如以往强烈,思维不如以往敏锐。如果真是如此,就别去想它,假如你根本不去想它,也许这就不会成真。

The other thing to be avoided is clinging to youth in the hope of finding strength in its vitality. When your children are grown up they want to live their own lives,and if you continue to be as interested in them as you were when they were young,you are likely to become a burden to them,unless they are unusually insensible.

I do not mean that one should be without interest in them,but one‘s interest should be contemplative and,if possible,philanthropic,but not too emotional.另一件要避免的事,就是依恋子女,希望从他们身上的活力中获取生命的力量。孩子们长大之后,想过自己的生活,如果你还是像他们小时候那样关注他们,你很可能会成为他们的负担,除非他们十分麻木而感觉不到这一点。我不是说不应该关注他们,而是说对他们的关注应该是含蓄的,如果有可能还应是宽厚的,但感情上不要过于依赖他们。


Don‘t fear to d eath,the best way to overcome it is to make your interests gradually wider and more impersonal,until bit by bit the walls of the ego recede,and your life becomes increasingly part of the universal life.不要害怕死亡,克服怕死心理的最好办法就是使你的兴趣更加广博,更加超脱具体的个人,直至包围自我的围墙一点点地消失,直至你的生命逐渐溶入整个宇宙之中,成为其一部分。


An individual human existence should be like a river——small at first,narrowly contained within its banks,and rushing passionately past rocks and over waterfalls. Gradually the river grows wider,the banks recede,the waters flow more quietly,and in the end,without any visible break,they become part of the sea,and painlessly lose their individual being. The man who,in old age,can see his life in this way,will not suffer from the fear of death,since the thing be cares for will continue 一个人的生命历程应该是像江河一样——开始是细小的,让两岸紧紧抱住,然后奔腾直泻,流过山岩,飞越瀑布,然后河面渐渐变宽,堤岸慢慢后退,水流趋缓,最后不留一丝痕迹地溶入大海,毫无痛苦的失去了自身的存在。垂幕之年这样看待人生的人,是不会因接近死亡而恐惧和烦恼的,因为他喜爱的事业会继续下去。


1.The longing for love. He has sought love,first,because it brings ecstasy,next,because it relieves loneliness. Finally,because in the union of love. He has seen,in a mystic miniature,the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined.对爱的渴望。他寻求过爱情,首先是因为它使人心醉神迷,其次因为它能使人摆脱孤独。最后,从融洽的爱中他看到了一种奇妙的微观形式,向他预示了圣人和诗人所想象的天堂

2.The search for knowledge. With equal passion he has sought knowledge.对知识的渴求。他以同样的热情寻求知识。

3.Unbearable pity for suffering of mankind. Love and knowledge,so far as they were possible,led upward toward the heavens. But always pity brought him back to earth. He longs for alleviate the evil,but he can not,and he too suffer.对人类苦难的深深同情。爱情和知识在其可能性的范围内把他带到了天堂。但怜悯心总是又把他带回人间。他渴望减少邪恶,但我无能为力,因而他也感到痛苦。


Lesson fifteen Edison:Inventor of Invention

What was the most important contribution of Edison to people?

It is impossible to measure the importance of Edison by adding up the specific

inventions with which his name is associated. Far-reaching as many of them have been in their effect upon modern civilization,the total effect of Edison‘s career surpasses the sum of al of them. He did not merely make the incandescent lamp and the phonograph and innumerable other devices practicable for general use;it was given to him to demonstrate the power of applied science so concretely,to understandably,so convincingly that he altered the mentality of mankind. Because of Edison,more than of any other man,scientific research has an established place in our society:because of the demonstrations he made,the money of taxpayers and stockholders has become available for studies the nature. The lighthouse keeper,83 years old,lived alone on a rock island,took care of the lighthouse and the great lamp,which spoke majestic,silent messages of light to the ships at sea. He was a huge old man with a grizzled beard that came down over his chest.

(1)He was hospitable. He welcomed the stranger,Rudolf,warmly,offered him black bread and boiled potatoes,etc. and talked with him earnestly.

(2)The lighthouse keeper loved his work and was devoted to his duty .When the storm was coming,he was busy preparing for the storm,attending to the great lamp in the tower,that dominated the whole region.

(3)He was equable,deliberate. Even when the storm hammered like a battering ram on the walls of the lighthouse,he sat there,gentle and reflective,as if there was nothing happened. Generally,the lighthouse keeper was a deliberate,equable toiler. He loved life without excessive demands.


lessone six What are the three geographical characteristics of Britain?

The beauty of Britain is as hard to define as it is easy to enjoy.

(1)The first characteristic is that it is varied within a small range,It seems that nature has carefully adjusted things-mountains,plants,rivers,lakes,to the scale of the island itself. there is astonishing variety almost everywhere,everything is in miniature. some mountains,for example,although not very high,have all the air of great mountains.

(2)Secondly,surprise goes with variety. the country is full of happy surprises. one can always be pleasantly astonished while traveling.

(3)The third characteristic of the landscape is its exquisite moderation. it has been born of a compromise between wildness and tameness,between nature and man. there is compromise in the surburb,where the inhabitants feel that they have one

foot in the city and one in the country. there is also harmony in the country where the cottages fit snugly into the landscape.


]]一、解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days, we have to face I problem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, (说明A的现状).Second, (举例进一步说明现状) Confronted with A, we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, (解决方法一). For another (解决方法二). Finally, 解决方法三). Personally, I believe that (我的解决方法). Consequently, I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because (带来的好处). In,recent days,we have to face a problem, Whicn is becoming more and more serious. First, Second, Confronted with,A, we shoud take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, For another, Finally, Personally,I belive that Consequently,I am confident that a bright future is awaiting us because 二、对比选择型作文模板 When it comes to ____ ,different people hold different views . Some contend that____. For one thing,____ .For another,___ . In spite of all these claims, others maintain that ____,They point out that____ .Another instance often cited is that____ . It’s no easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the issue. As for me, there’s some truth to both arguments .It’s advisable to ______. 职业生涯的选择 When it come to (the career choice),different people hold different views.Some contend that (you should be committed to a lifetime career).For one thing,(you must show you loyalty).For another( you can have more room to improve yourself in one protessional.) In spite of all these claims,others maintain that( you can change jobs fairly often),and they point out that( job-hop canbroaden your horizons). Another instance often cited is that (is that you can have better chance to earn more durin the process of job-hop). It’s no easy task to find a satisfactory answer to the issue.As for me,there’s some truth to both arguments. It’s a advisable to (make your choice depending on a ccording to your context).


1.现如今,人们对于______这个话题广泛关注。事实上,对于______这个问题也是有利有弊。总的来说人们普遍认为有如下好处: Nowdays,there is widespread concern over (the issue that+句子) 题目. In fact,there are both advantages and disadvantages in 题目议题. Generally speaking,it is widely believed that there are several positive aspects as follows: First, 优点一 And second, 优点二 2.正如依据流行的谚语所说,“事物都有两面性”。___也不例外,换句话说,它也有一些缺点。 Just as a popular saying goes”every cion has two sides”, 讨论议题is no exception,and in other words,it still has negative aspects. To begain with, 缺点一 In addition, 缺点二 3.总的来说,我们要把讨论议题的优点发挥到极致,同时把它的缺点降到最低。只有这样,我们才能真正更好的利用_______ To sum up,we should try to bring the advantages of讨论议题into full play,and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that fact,we will definitely make a better use of the讨论议题


重点单词扩充讲解: 1. organizational: a 组织上的 由此我们可以联想到:organize: v 组织;organization: n 组织;organizer: n 组织者 请看下列习题,选择该组词里恰当的词填空: 1). Last week, our school __organized_____ a spring outing. 2). The task calls for the highest _organizational_ skill. 3). China has joined World Trade _organization_________. 4). He is the ____organizer______ of the speech contest. Answers: organized, organizational, Organization, organizer 2. objective: n 目标; a 客观的,反义词subjective: 主观的 3. predict: v 预言、预示; 由此我们可以联想到:prediction: n 预言;predictable: a 可预测的;predictor: n 预言家 4. simplify: v 简化 由此我们可以联想到:simple: a 简单的;simply: ad 简单地,仅仅地;simplification: n 简化;simplified: a 被简

Exercises for the above words: 1). The machine is simple_____ in operation but complex in structure. 2). Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in the original is beyond our capacity while __simplified__ edition is quite easy. 3). There is no point in arguing about it, becau se it is __simply_____ a question of procedure. 4). The _simplification_____ of working process freed the workers fro heavy labor. Answers: simple; simplified; simply; simplification 5. tendency: n 趋势、倾向;tend : v 倾向于…,tend to do sth e.g. old people have the tendency of getting fatter. Or old people tend to get fatter. 6. managerial: a 经理的、经营上的; 由此我们可以联想到:manage: v管理、经营;management: n; manager: n 经营者,管理者;manageable: a 可管理的、可经营的。 7. argue: v 争辩、争论,常用固定搭配:argu with sb about/over sth由于某事而同某人争论;argue sb into doing sth说服某人做某事;argue sb out of doing sth说服某人不


自考英语二 ]]一、解决方法题型 要求考生列举出解决问题的多种途径 1.问题现状 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days,we have to face I problem-----A,which is becoming more and more serious.First,(说明A的现状).Second,(举例进一步说明现状) Confronted with A,we should take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation.For one thing,(解决方法一).For another(解决方法二).Finally,解决方法三). Personally,I believe that(我的解决方法).Consequently,I’m confident that a bright future is awaiting us because(带来的好处). In,recent days,we have to face a problem, Whicn is becoming more and more serious. First, Second, Confronted with,A, we shoud take a series of effective measures to cope with the situation. For one thing, For another, Finally, Personally,I belive that Consequently,I am confident that a bright future is awaiting us because 二、对比选择型作文模板 When it comes to____,different people hold different views.


自考英语二复习计划 为便于同学们更好地进行复习,并在考试中取得好成绩,我为你搜集了,希望可以帮助到你。 课本知识学扎实 备考英语(二)最大的资本就是课本,考生最少要留一个月时间,把课文从头到尾复习一遍,力求吃透课本知识。1个月复习时间比较紧张,基础不好的考生还要多下功夫。课本学习重点是A课文,也不能放弃B课文,但如果时间紧,首先要保证A课文的学习,包括A课文后面的练习题都要认真做,因为A课文大约要占到80%的比重。在历年10月份英语(二)考试中看,从书中出题的比例很大,甚至最后一道英译汉也是从课文中选取的。如果时间允许,要先复习英语(一),复习的策略是把考试大纲规定的单词背好,涉及到英语(一)的基础语法弄懂,课文就可以不。 单词背诵要贯穿始终,每天都要坚持背点,多重复,多回头看,多比较,可以采用联想、口诀、拆分等方法来记忆单词,日积月累才会收到良好效果。单词背诵主要以考试大纲为蓝本。可以把单词分为会拼、会用、会认三个层次,考拼写的一般不会太难,基本上中等难度,尤其字母和读音不太对称的喜欢考。词组一般要会用,剩下大部分单词会认就行。当然,每个单词都达到会拼会用就更好了。 如果考生有时间,报个fudao班跟着老师复习可能会更系统些,但要注意选择权威的辅导班。考生也可xuan权威的guang盘在家复习。

多做真题善积累 第二个月复习重点是做题,做题要选择英语(二)历年真题。因为真题的含金量最大,考生可以通过历年真题了解到考试重点和题型分布。对于以前做过的题目,不妨回头再做,有的题隔一段时间再做,可以加强复习效果。对于像完型填空、阅读理解等和书上内容无关的题型,只有多做练习才能提高成绩。 考生还可以留两套最新的真题到临近考试时测试用。在做题过程中,如果发现不懂的地方,要及时翻书,再把知识点夯实。 在做真题的同时,还要选择一些适合的模拟题来做。模拟题一定要找适合自考水平的题,如果选择太难或太易的题,对于英语(二)考试没有太大的作用。通过做题要掌握解题技巧,摸清出题思路,达到熟能生巧。 考生平时还要注意多积累课本以外的知识,这对提高阅读理解解题能力有较大帮助。例如,考生如果有时间就要多看看与自考难易程度相当的文章。不能选择四、六级、考、托福等考试的阅读来做,难度大会打击考生信心,可以看些《大学英语》、《英语sha龙》等有英汉对照的刊物来看。还有阅读的题材,在英语(二)中,阅读理解喜欢考教育、社会问题、风俗习惯、科普等题材文章,考生可以在这些领域多了解点。 查漏补缺进状态 考生可根据自己的情况重点复习,例如重点的语法。语法复习在英语学习中占有很重要的地位,但英语语法学习不能死学,一定要把记和练结合起来。有的考生往往把语法术语记得很熟,但是一到做题时就傻眼了。在英语(二)考试中,像虚拟语气,谓语动词、非谓语动词,各种从句等都是


2020年自考《英语二》作文优秀满分范文模板(2) 【题目要求】 假定你是校排球队队长李华。请写封邮件告知你的队友Chris球队近期将参加比赛,内容包括: 1. 比赛信息; 2. 赛前准备; 3. 表达期待。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 能够适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【满分优秀范文】 Dear Chris, How is everything going? I have good news to tell you. A volleyball match is going to be held in a few weeks and our team will participate. As for the detailed information of the match, there will be probably dozens of teams which are going to make a revolving competition. Additionally, not only can the top three teams each be awarded a medal but all the other teams taking part in it will get a reward as well. What will be the most attractive is that it will be a great honor for the top three teams to receive special volleyballs that have the name of the most popular volleyball player on them. Therefore, we


自考《英语二》汉译英重点复习资料自学考试备考工作正在火热进行中,考生们英语二科目复习得怎么样呢?以下是小编搜索整理的关于自考《英语二》汉译英重点复习资料,供参考复习,希望对大家有所帮助!想了解更多相关信息请持续关注我们()! 1、他由朋友陪同去听音乐会。 He was accompanied to the concert by his friend. 2、他已说服她改变决定。 He has argued her out of the decision. 3、在某种程度上,他的成功是由于幸运。 In part, his success is due to good luck. 由于is because / is brought about by 4、按照他的建议,手续已经大大简化。 According to his suggestion, the procedures have been greatly simplified. 5、电台预报明天天气会变冷。 The radio station predicts that it will be cold tomorrow. Broadcasting 6、黑洞产生很强的引力。 Black holes exert a strong gravitation pull. Gravity 7、由于管理不善,他的公司垮台了。

Because of bad management, his company collapsed. 8、80年代我国发射了多颗卫星。 Our country launched several satellites in the 1980s. (主动) Our country launched several satellites in the 1980s. (主动) Several satellites were launched in our country in the 1980s.(被动) 9、药物开始见效了吗? Has the medicine begun to operate? 10、如果我们认识了黑洞,黑洞就不那么可怕了。 If we understand black holes, they will not be terrible. 11、他的身影消失在黑暗中。 His figure was swallowed up in the dark. By darkness 12、安乐死的确能解除临终病的痛苦。 Euthanasia does end the suffering of dying patients. 13、你知不知道荷兰是欧洲唯一允许施行安乐死的国家。 Do you know (that) the Netherlands is the only country in Europe which permits euthanasia? 14、支持这一观点的医生并不意味着他们不关心病人。 Doctors for this view don‘t mean that they care


自考英语二00015作文写作 英语二作文,有人觉得无话可说,写不到100词;有人直接摘抄阅读的原文,胡写一通。针对菜鸟,我给出这样一份参考资料,希望有帮助。句式及题目资料来自群里或者网络,我仅作句式的精简和延伸讲解。 下图是近几年英语二的题目,除了15年10月之外,其他各次考试都是议论文,所以我们今天提供的思路也是适用于议论文的。议论文的结构很简单——开头、阐述观点、论证观点、总结号召,四个部分,每个部分记住1-2个句式,实际写几篇来熟悉下,考试拿到70%的分数问题不大。 一、开头 句式一:It is well-known to us that……(众所周知......)或者It is commonly believed that……(人们一般认为……) 省略位置加一个句子,比如:It is well-known to us that reading is very useful.这两个句式可以用于14年4月,15-4,16-4,甚至可以用于除了15-10的每一个,但需要合理构思。 句式二:Recently the problem of……has been brought into focus. 省略位置加名次、动名词或词组,比如:Recently the problem of fight against haze has been brought into focus.这个句式可以用于比较“麻烦”的话题,比如“雾霾”,或者“肥胖”。 二、阐述观点 句式一:In my opinion,……或者I sincerely believe that……(我认为......)


自考的写作模板&注意点大学英语写作基本属于控制命题模式。除了主题被限定以外,每一段的内容也被命题人所限定,所以考生需要做的就是按照固定模式创作。那么大家需要思考的还有段落结构设置,也就是分段的具体问题。 其实,一般采用的都是提纲作文模式,题目中已经提供了提纲,在提纲的暗示作用下,我们的分段也就简单清晰了。由于大多数作文要求的都是三方面内容,三段式作文创作当然是最佳分段模式。 作文的提纲多数都符合这样的模式: 首段现象、背景、观点——目前有越来越多的……或……问题日益严重 中段不同人对此持不同观点,背后隐藏的各种原因,或从几个方面提出自己的建议和安排 尾段个人看法,解决措施,或者深入分析现象的社会影响 以下是三大段的经典模板句型,供大家背诵使用: 首段:启动观点、引出话题。 经典句型: 1. Nowadays, there is a growing concern over the issue(问题)of… 2. Recently the issue of …has been brought to public attention. 3. When it comes to…(当提到.....), people‘s notions may vary from one to another. 4. When asked about…, different people will hold different opinions.

5. With the development of…, the problem of…has become increasingly serious. 6. Nowadays, …plays an increasingly important role in our everyday life. 中段:承接论据,正反论述。 经典句型: 1. To understand the point of…, it is necessary to discuss/analyze… 2. There is no denying that… 3. There is no doubt that… 4. It is reported that… 5. A close study of...will probably make this point clear. 6. We must recognize that… 7. Some people hold the view that…while other people argue that… 8. Some other people have expressed the opposite opinion. 尾段:合并总结,归纳全文 经典句型: 1. On the basis of the analyses above, we may confidently come to a conclusion that… 2. All the evidence supports a sound conclusion that…


自学考试《英语(二)》复习资料 I. Reading Section A Task1 Directions: after reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 11 to 15. For each questions or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the paper. If you are a male and you are reading this, congratulations: you are a survivor. According to statistics. You are more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer as a woman, and nine times more likely to die of AIDS. Assuming you make it to the end of your natural term, about 78 years for men in Australia, you will die on average five years before a woman. There are many reasons for this typically, men take more risks than woman and are more likely to drink and smoke but perhaps more importantly, men don't go to the doctor. “Men aren't seeing doctors as often as they should,”says Dr.Gullotta,“This is particularly so for the over-40s, when diseases tend to strike.”Gullotta says a healthy man should visit the doctor every year or two. For those over 45. it should be at least once a year. Two months ago Gullotta saw a 50-year-old man who had delayed doing anything about his smoker's cough for a year. “When I finally saw him it had already spread and he has since died from lung cancer,”he says,“Earlier detection and treatment may not have cured him,but it would have prolonged this life.”According to a recent survey,95%of women aged between 15 and early 40s see a doctor once a year, compared to 70% of men in the same age group. “A lot of men think they are invincible(不可战胜的)”Gullotta says“They only come in when a friend drops dead on the golf course and they think.”Geez., if it could happen to him.Then there is the ostrich approach,“some men are scared of what might be there and would rather not know,”says Dr. Ross Cart mill.“Most men get their car serviced more regularly than they service their bodies,”Cartmill says.He believes most diseases t hat commonly affect men could be addressed b y preventive check-ups. Regular check-ups for men would inevitably place strain on the public purse, Cartmill says.“But prevention is cheaper in the long run than having to treat the diseases. B esides, the ultimate cost is far greater: it is called premature death.” 1.Why does the author congratulate his male readers at the beginning of the passage? A.They are more likely to survive serious diseases today. B.Their average life span has been considerably extended. C.They have lived long enough to read this article. D.They are sure to enjoy a longer and happier live. 2. What does the author state is the most important reason men die five years earlier on average than women?


自考《英语二》满分作文范文二 【题目要求】 假定你是校排球队队长李华。请写封邮件告知你的队友Chris球队近期将参加比赛,内容包括: 1. 比赛信息; 2. 赛前准备; 3. 表达期待。 注意: 1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 【满分优秀范文】 Dear Chris, How is everything going? I have good news to tell you. A volleyball match is going to be held in a few weeks and our team will participate. As for the detailed information of the match, there will be probably dozens of teams which are going to make a revolving competition. Additionally, not only can the top three teams each be awarded a medal but all the other teams taking part in it will get a reward as well. What will be the most attractive is that it will be a great honor for the top three teams to receive special volleyballs that have the name of the most popular volleyball player on them. Therefore, we must do enough preparations before the match, such as training as frequently as we can. So excited am I that I can’t wait to join in it.How about you? Looking forward to your reply. Yours,


? UNIT 1 ? 重点单词和短语 ? objective accomplish predict accompany attain scheme skilled argue define ? interview prospect ? course of action in the way(by the way, in no way, in a way) make a guess at contribute to and the like (and so on) ? seek to do sth. in part point of view vary from…to … ! ? apply for (to) ? have no idea bring about take the trouble to do ? put oneself in one’s place ? to one’s advantage at a disadvantage ask for in hand turn down (up, on, off, out, over, back) ? 重点、难点句子详解 ? decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available. ? 解析:courses of action 意思是行动方案、做事步骤;made 是过去分词;from among — 为二重介词 ? 例:We ’ll inform you as soon as tickets become _____. (06-4) ? A. valuable B. capable C. acceptable D. available (D) ? 2. … some suggest that the management process is decision making. ? 解析:suggest 表示认为、提出、暗示意思,后面不用虚拟语气,表示建议意思, 后面用虚拟语气。 ? 例:It is suggested that the meeting (should) be held (hold)at some other time. 、 ? 3. … decision making includes limiting alternatives as well as identifying them. ? 解析:as well as 意思是既…又… ? 4. In fact, I did have several questions, but you have already answered them all. ? 解析:助动词do 在肯定句中用在动词之前表示强调,意思是确实。 ? 5. … but do not let it worry you too much. ? 解析:动词let, make, have, hear, see, observe 等词之后的宾语补足语为省略to 的 不定式结构。 ? 6. There is little likelihood that … ! ? 对比:There is a/ every/no likelihood that/of ? 例:The two sisters are ___ in many ways, not only in appearance but also in temperament.(06-4) ? A. like B. likely C. alike D. lively (C) ? ? UNIT2 ? 重点单词和短语 : ? exert collapse shrink basis launch convince operate revolve glitter unlikely (be likely to) whereas concerned (be concerned about) plateau ? in theory apply to depend on research into swallow up make use of together with in every respect in other words consist of a great many under the circumstances make a difference above all as a rule ? seek to do sth. in part point of view vary from…to … ? 例:I hope my boy friend will be handsome, strong and ___ kind. (06-4) — ? A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all (A) ? 重点、难点句子详解 ? 1. Einstein claimed that matter and energy are interchangeable… ? 例:爱因斯坦声称物质和能量是可以相互转化的,因此没有绝对的时间和空间。 (05-4-68) ? 2. It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. ? 例1:It is on Friday ___ we will hold the meeting. . ? A. that B. when C. in that time D. what (A) ? 例2: As a painter, Ted was very ___ about the colors he used. (03-10) ? A. specific B. special C. peculiar D. particular (D) ? 3. The earth is one of mine planets which move in orbit round the sun. ? 对比:The earth is the only one of the nine planets which has life on it. ? 4. The total water area is about three times as large as the land area. ? 解析:数词+times + as +形容词+as 是表示倍数的表达法。 ? 例:It is important to note that a reading of 4 indicates an earthquake ten times as strong -


自考英语(二)作文写作通用模版1、利弊分析型作文模板: 思路:1、描述现象 2、介绍观点(第二段,利;第三段,弊)3、作者观点/结论 范例作文:网络,是新世纪的科技产物,也是新世纪的代名词。我们的前辈不会上网,懂得什么叫“伊妹儿”的人真可谓“凤毛麟角”。而今,如果你不懂网络,那你就会成为新世纪“盲人”。 请就网络对日常生活的影响发表你的看法。 At present, there is no doubt that network plays an increasingly important role in our lives . We are all aware that, like everything else, networks have both favorable and unfavorable aspects (have both advantages and disadvantages). Generally speaking, there are several main advantages of network. With the development of technology, a lot of information is gathered together through networks. Information is shared and exchanged quickly. By accessing networks through various means, people truly realized to find the information they need everywhere on the networks from time to time. Networks greatly facilitate the people’s live, work and entertainment. Even people staying at home, work, shopping, entertainment, information retrieval and etc. can be completed through networks.


2011年自考英语二复习资料汇总(一) Key words and phrases 1. efficiency : n 效率,其他同根词:efficient: a 高效率的;inefficient: a 效率低的;inefficiency : n; effective: a 有效果的 1). He has done much to increase the ____ of English teaching. 2). She is very _____ in reducing waste. 3). His ____ study method caused his failure.转自环球网校 https://www.doczj.com/doc/402426864.html, 4). The city government took some _____ measures to reduce unemployment. Answers: efficiency, efficient; inefficient, effective 2. increasingly: ad不断增加地,由此可以联想到: increase:v 增加; increasing: a 不断增加的; decrease: v减少; 1). Drinking and smoking among young people _____ to an alarming extent. 2). The truth is becoming ______ apparent. 3). The ____ friendly relations between the two countries strengthen the cultural exchanges between them. 3. prevalent: a 流行的,普通的 = popular 4. calculator : n 计算者,计算器,calculate: v 计算;calculation : n 计算; calculating: a 诡计多端的 5. expose: v 使暴露,揭露,揭发,exposure: n; expose sb to sth让 某人接触。。。 6. completion: n 完成、结束,由此可以联想到: complete: v完成,a 完整的,completeness: n 完整;incomplete: a 不 完整的 1). He ____ denied the existence of god.

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