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When Henry ford decided to produce his famous v-8 motor, he chose to build an engine with the entire eight cylinders cast in one block, and instructed his engineers to produce a design in one for the engine. The design was placed on paper, but the engineers agreed, to a man, that it was simply impossible to cast an eight-cylinder engine-block in one piece.

Ford said, “Produce it anyway.”

“But,” they replied, “It’s impossible!”

“Go ahead.” Ford commanded, “And stay on the job until you succeed, no matter how much time i s required.”

The engineers went ahead. There was nothing else for them to do, if they were to remain on the ford staff. Six months passed and nothing happened. Another six months passed, and still nothing happened. The engineers tried every conceivable plan to carry out the orders, but the thing seemed out of the question:“impossible!”

At the end of the year ford checked with his engineers, and again they informed him they had found no way to carry out his orders.

“go right head,” said ford, “I want it, and I’ll have it.”

They went ahead, and then, as if by a stroke of magic, the secret was discovered.

The ford determination had won once more!

This story may not be described with minute accuracy, but the sum and substance of it is correct. Deduce from it, you who wish to think and grow rich, the secret of the ford millions, if you can. You’ll not have to look very far.

Henry ford was successful, because he understood and applied the principles of success. One of these is desire: knowing out the lines in which the secret of his stupendous achievement have been described. If you can do this, if you can lay your finger on the particular group of principles which made Henry ford rich, you can equal his achievements in almost any calling for which you are suited.














龟兔赛跑 Intheforest,thereisafastrabbit.Helikestoraceotheran imals.Healwayswins."Iamveryfast,"hesays."Icanwinany race." Oneday,therabbitseesaturtle."Youaresoslow.Iamfaster thanyou,"hesays."Doyouwanttoraceme" "Yes,"saystheturtle."Ha,ha.Itwillbeeasytowin,"laugh stherabbit."Youwilllose.Yourlegsaretooshort." "Tomorrowwewillhavearace,"saystherabbit.Alloftheani malsareexcited.Theywanttoseetherace."Theturtlewilll ose.Heistooslow,"theyallsay. Theturtlegetsupearlyinthemorning.Theraceistoday.The rearemanyanimalsattherace.Theturtlewalkstothestarti ngline.Alltheanimalslaughathim. Therabbitiswaitingfortheturtle."Iwillwin,"laughsthe rabbit."Iwilltrymybest,"saystheturtle. Theracebegins.Alloftheotheranimalsareexcited."Go,go ,go,"theysay.Therabbitrunsveryquickly.Theturtlewalk sslowly.


大学英语故事带翻译大全 学习英语是很多英语学习者的必备之一,因为,它对英语提高有很大的帮助,以 下是小编给大家整理的关于大学英语故事带翻译大全,希望可以帮到大家关于大学英语故事带翻译大全<一> I looked at my beautiful Christmas tree and sighed. It was time. The New Year was a week old and my tree still stood in the corner of our room with its collection of memories proudly displayed in a shower of colorful lights. I'd procrastinated long enough. 我望着我的美丽圣诞树叹了口气,是时候该把树收起来了。新年已经过了一个星期,而我的圣诞树依然挺立在我们房间的角落里,在缤纷的彩灯光辉中骄傲地展示着 它珍藏其中的种种回忆。(对于收起圣诞树)我已经拖了很长时间了。 I got up, went to the garage and hauled all the boxes into the room. The garland was the first to come down. The tree looked naked already. I took the large ornaments off next. They made a large pile on our bed. An hour later, our bed was covered with Christmas memories. Each pile contained an ornament along with its matching brothers and sisters from sets purchased many years ago. 我起身去了车库,把所有的盒子都拖进了房间。花环首先被摘了下来,圣诞树看 上去就显得光秃秃的了,然后我又把大的装饰物拿了下来,它们在我们的床上堆了很 大一堆。一小时后,我们的床上堆满了圣诞回忆。每一堆都包含着一件多年前购买的 装饰物以及与之相配套的其他装饰品。 I prepared the boxes and carefully placed ornaments in their protective packaging, pausing every few minutes to admire a favorite. "Hey, little Santa!" I held the Santa from my childhood. "Thanks for being my friend for almost fifty years." He was a little ragged but still gives me a flood of wonderful memories. —Until next year, my dear friend." 我准备好盒子并把这些装饰物小心地放进包装袋内,每过几分钟就会停下来欣赏 一件我最爱的饰品。“嗨,小圣诞老人!”我拿着自童年起就陪伴我的圣诞老人,“谢谢你和我做了将近50年的朋友。”圣诞老人有一点破旧了,但仍然带给我如潮般的美好回忆,“明年再见啦,我亲爱的朋友。” There was a collection of handmade ones. My children made in their first years of school, more than twenty years ago. Made by tiny hands, they are far from perfect


英语演讲励志小故事 The hidden gold 隐藏的金子 There was once a farmer who had a fine olive(橄榄树) orchard (果园) . He was very hardworking, and the farm always prospered under his care. But he knew that his three sons despised(轻视,看不起) the farm work, and were eager to make wealth, trough adventure. 从前有一个农民,他有一座漂亮的橄榄园。他非常勤劳,而且农场在他的照管下蒸蒸日上。可他知道自己的三个儿子瞧不起农活,都迫不及待的想通过冒险发家致富。 When the farmer was old, and felt that his time had e to die, he called the three sons to him and said, "My sons, there is a pot of gold hidden in the olive orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it." 这个农民上了年岁,感到死期快要来临时,将三个儿子叫到身边说:“儿子们,橄榄园里藏有一罐金子。你们想要,就去挖吧。”

The sons tried to get him to tell them in what part of the orchard the gold was hidden; but he would tell them nothing more. 儿子们想让父亲告诉他们金子藏在果园的那一块地方,可他什么也没再给他们说。 After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; since they did not know where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin in a line, at one end of the orchard, and to dig until one of them should find the money. They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the other, round the tree-roots and between them. But no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone must have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering(漫游,闲逛) in his wits. The three sons were bitterly disappointed to have all their work for nothing. 那个农民死后,三个儿子就开始挖地,想找到那罐金子;因为他们不知道金子藏在什么地方,所以他们一致同意排成一行从果园的一头开始挖起,知道其中一人挖到金子为止.The next olive season, the olive trees in the orchard bore more fruit than they had


英语励志故事(中学组) 孤岛上的故事,痛苦有时是上天的恩典 The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. [e?] [??unli] [s??vaiv?] [?v] [?] [???p?rek] [w?z] [w??t] [?p] [?n] [?] [sm?:l], [??n?n'h?b?t?d][?ail?nd] 在一场船难中,唯一的生存者随着潮水,漂流到一座无人岛上。 He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him, [hi:] [preid] [?fi:v?r??l?] [f?:] [ɡ?d] [tu:] [?reskju:] [him] 他天天激动地祈祷神救他能够早日离开此处,回到家乡。 and every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. [?nd] [?evri] [dei] [hi:] [sk?nd] [e?] [h??ra?zn] [f?:] [help], [b?t] [n?n] [si:md] [f?:θ?k?mi?] 他还每天注视着海上有否可搭救他的人,但却是除了汪洋一片,什么也没有。 Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him [?g?z?:st?d], [hi:] [i?ventju?li] [?m?nid?d] [tu:] [bild] [?] [?litl] [h?t] [aut] [?v] [?d riftwud] [tu:] [pr??tekt] [him] from the elements, and to store his few possessions. [fr?m] [e?] [?elim?nts], [?nd] [tu:] [st?:] [hiz] [fju:] [p??ze??ns] 后来,他决定用那片带他到小岛的木头造一个简陋的小木屋,以保护他在这险恶的环境中生存,并0且保存他所有剩下的东西。 But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in [b?t] [een] [w?n] [dei], [?ɑ:ft?]['sk?v?nd???][f?:] [fud], [hi:] [??raivd] [h?um] [tu:] [fa?nd] [hiz] [?l?tl] [h?t] [?n] flames, the smoke rolling up to the sky. [fleims], [e?] [sm?uk] [?r??l??] [?p] [tu:] [e?] [skai] 但有一天,在他捕完食物后,准备回小屋时,突然发现他的小屋竟然陷在熊熊烈火之中,大火引起的浓烟不断向天上窜。 The worst had happened; everything was lost. [e?] [w?:st] [h?d] [?h?p?nd], [?evriθi?] [w?z] [l?st] 最悲惨的是:他所有的一切东西,在这一瞬间通通化为乌有了。 He was stunned with grief and anger. “God how could you do this to me!” he cried. [hi:] [w?z] [st?nd] [wie] [ɡri:f] [?nd] [???ɡ?]. [ɡ?d] [hau] [kud] [ju:] [du:] [e?s] [tu:] [mi:] [hi:] [kra?d]悲痛的他,气愤的对天吶喊着:神啊!你怎么可以这样对待我!顿时,眼泪从他的眼角中流出。 Early the next day, however, he was awakened by the sound of a ship that was [??rli ] [e?] [nekst] [dei], [hau?ev?], [hi:] [w?z] [??we?k?nd] [ba?] [e?] [saund] [?v] [?] [?ip] [w?z]


初中英语故事带翻译欣赏 狮子和老鼠 Lion was awakened from sleep by a mouse running over his face. Rising up in anger, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the mouse piteouslyentreated, saying: "If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness." The lion laughed and let him go. It happened shortly after this that the lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground. The mouse, recognizing his roar, came up, and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and setting him free, exclaimed: "You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, not expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favour; but now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a lion." Little friends may prove great friends. 一只老鼠从一只狮子面前跑过去,将它从梦中吵醒。 狮子生气地跳起来,捉住老鼠,要弄死它。老鼠哀求说:“只要你肯饶恕我这条小生命,我将来一定会报答你的大恩。”狮子便笑着放了它。 后来狮子被几个猎人捉住,用粗绳捆绑倒在地上。 老鼠听出是狮子的吼声,走来用牙齿咬断绳索,释放了牠,并大声说:“你当时嘲笑我想帮你的忙,而且也不指望我有什么机会报答。但是你现在知道了,就算是小老鼠,也能向狮子效劳的。” 强者不会永远是强者,强者也会有需要弱者帮助的时候。 驴子与蚱蜢 An ass having heard some grasshoppers chirping, was highly enchanted; and, desiring to possess the same charms of melody, demanded what sort of food they lived on to give them such beautiful voices. They replied, "The dew."


篇一:励志小故事(中英文对照) 2上帝那里没有现成的果实 三个人千辛万苦找到了上帝,请求他给予帮助。上帝问他们各需要什么。第一个人说他要一座大宅院;第二个人说,他要一个农庄;第三个人说他要一块大金条。上帝说他可以满足他们的需要。于是上帝给了第一个人一堆砖头,给了第二个人一把种子,给了第三个人一把沙子。 no ready-made fruit in god’s hand three guys finally got the god through trials and errors. they were eager to ask god for help. right after the god asked what they want, the first man claim a big courtyard, the second a farmstead, and the third a bar of gold. god promised them. at last, the first man was given a pile of bricks, the second a bag of seed and the third a mass of sand. 3虫子的压力 有这么一种虫子,它的体长还不到一毫米,也许因为在电子显微镜下看起来像一头黑熊,所以人们叫它雄虫。它主要生活在淡水的沉渣,潮湿土壤以及苔藓植物的水膜中。最近日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久发现了一个惊人的现象:当20只小熊虫被放入密封的容器内,在实验室制造的7.5万个大气压下,20只熊虫只有两只死亡,其余的18只安然无恙。7.5万个大气压!它相当于每平方豪米要承受700多千克重物的压力,它足以上淀粉瞬间变性,生米顷刻为熟饭。自然条件下,地球上也只有180千米的地幔深处才拥有如此大的压力。 至今没有人能弄清楚熊虫为何如此能忍。不只是出于对这种超强生命力的尊重还是怀疑,有人叫它地狱之虫。一个长度不超过1毫米的微不足道的虫子,能承受命运给他如此的压力,相比较而言,我们这些自称是高级动物,智慧生命,万物之灵的人呢?在人的现实生活中,有多少小小的心结,小小的压力构成我们所谓的生存压力。在这样的压力下又有多少悲观失落之人将美好的人生称作地狱?现在一比才觉得,其实我们的压力就好比是真空,我饿美女的地狱就是天堂中的天堂。在那一刻,我在心里默默地鞠了一躬,不是为熊虫,而是感谢造物主没有把这样的压力降在人间。 worm’s pressure this is a worm whose body is no less than one millimeter. it is called 熊虫(xc) perhaps for the reason that it looks like a black bear under the microscop. the xc usually habited in the slurry of fresh water, wet soil and the 水膜 of moss plants. recently, there was an amazing news discovered by 日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久: when 20 little xc were placed in a sealed container under the 7.5 万个大气压 making in experiment condition, there were only two died and the other 18 have no trouble at all. 7.5 万个大气压, equal to over 700 kilogram stress per square meter, which is powerful enough to它足以上淀粉瞬间变性 and the rice ready to eat. in natural condition, this pressure can only be found in the 地幔 beneath the earth 180 kilogram. 9.豪华大厦意味着衰落 珀金森的―办公大楼法则‖是:某个组织的办公大楼设计得越完美,装饰得越豪华,该组织离解题的时间越进。 他发现,有许多生意兴隆的公司影响巨大的组织都设在不起眼的地方,住在简陋的房屋里,一旦搬进豪华的大厦,便转到衰退的轨道。例如,圣彼得教堂、罗马教堂、梵蒂冈教堂等宗教组织,就是在极盛时期开始修建这些教堂,宗教组织的实力就开始走下坡路了。国际联盟大厦、凡尔赛宫、白金汉宫、英国殖民部办工大楼等政治组织的大楼,都是在落成典礼之后,组织权势便发生大幅度的下降,甚至带来了厄运。


A man was going to the house of some rich person. 一个人正朝着一个富人的房子走去, As he went along the road, he saw a box of good apples at the side of the road. 当他沿着路走时,在路的一边他发现一箱好苹果 He said, "I do not want to eat those apples; for the rich man will give me much food; he will give me very nice food to eat." 他说:“我不打算吃那些苹果,因为富人会给我更多的食物,他会给我很好吃的东西。” Then he took the apples and threw them away into the dust. 然后他拿起苹果,一把扔到土里去。 He went on and came to a river. The river had become very big; 他继续走,来到河边,河涨水了 so he could not go over it. He waited for some time; 因此,他到不了河对岸,他等了一会儿 then he said, "I cannot go to the rich man's house today, for I cannot get over the river." 然后他说:“今天我去不了富人家了,因为我不能渡过河。” He began to go home. He had eaten no food that day. He began to want food. 他开始回家,那天他没有吃东西。他就开始去找吃的, He came to the apples, and he was glad to take them out of the dust and eat them. 他找到苹果,很高兴地把它们从尘土中翻出来吃了。 Do not throw good things away; you may be glad to have them at some other time. 不要把好东西扔掉,换个时候你会觉得它们大有用处。

英文励志 小故事

A young man asked Socrates the secret to success. Socrates told the young man to meet him near the river the next morning. They met. Socrates asked the young man to walk with him toward the river. When the water got up to their neck, Socrates took the young man by surprise and ducked(vt. 将……猛按入水) him into the water. The boy struggled to get out but Socrates was strong and kept him there until the boy started turning blue. Socrates pulled his head out of the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp(vi.喘息) and take a deep breath of air. Socrates asked, “What did you want the most when you were there?” The boy replied, “Air.”Socrates said, “That is the secret to success. When you want success as badly as you wanted the air, then you will get it.There is no other secret.” 一个年轻人向苏格拉底询问成功的秘诀,苏格拉底让年轻人第二天早晨到河边见他。他们见面后,苏格拉底叫年轻人和他一起走向河里,当河水淹至他们的脖子时,苏格拉底出其不意地抓住年轻人并把其压入水中,那人想要挣出水面,而强壮有力的苏格拉底将他摁在水中直到他变得无力抗争,脸色发青。苏格拉底将他的头拖出水面,这个年轻人所做的第一件事就是大口喘息后,深吸一口气。苏格拉底问:“当你闷在水里的时候你最想要的是什么?”年轻人回答说:“空气。”苏格拉底说:“那就是成功的秘诀。当你像渴望空气一样渴望成功, 你就能够获得它!没有其他的秘密了。”


小学生英语励志小故事 很多小学生都会有找一些英语励志小故事来看的习惯,那么小学生英语励志小故事都有哪些呢?一起来看看吧。 The bat, the birds,and the beasts There was a big fight between the birds and the beasts. The bat did not join in the fight. Some birds said to the bat, "Come with us." But he replied, "I am a beast." Later on, some beasts said to him, "Come with us." But he replied, "I am a bird." At last the fighting ended peacefully. The bat first went to the birds, and wanted to join in the celebration, but they all turned against him. He then went to the beasts, but was also driven away. 蝙蝠、鸟和野兽

鸟与野兽宣战,蝙蝠没有参战。 鸟对蝙蝠说:“加入我们吧。”蝙蝠回答说:“我是野兽。” 后来,一些野兽对蝙蝠说:“加入我们吧。”但是蝙蝠回答说:“我是鸟。” 当鸟和野兽宣告停战和平时,交战双方明白了蝙蝠的欺骗行为。 蝙蝠来到鸟类当中,他们都敌视他,蝙蝠去野兽那里,也被赶走。 寓意: 两面三刀的人,最终不会有好的下场。 Hercules and Pallas When Hercules was walking in the forest, he saw a ball lying on the ground. He kicked it because it blocked his way. To his surprise, the ball did not roll away, but grew much bigger than before. So he kicked it again much harder.


英语小故事,带翻译.txt你不能让所有人满意,因为不是所有的人都是人成功人士是—在牛B 的路上,一路勃起你以为我会眼睁睁看着你去送死吗?我会闭上眼睛的中秋节来历(英文版)The joyous Mid-Autumn Festival was celebrated on the fifteenth day of the eighth moon, around the time of the autumn equinox(秋分). Many referred to it simply as the "Fifteenth of the Eighth Moon". 农历8月15日是中国的中秋节,接近秋分时节。很多人将中秋节简单的理解为与“8月15的月亮”相关。 This day was also considered as a harvest festival since fruits, vegetables and grain had been harvested by this time and food was abundant. Food offerings were placed on an altar set up in the courtyard. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, pomegranates(石榴), melons, oranges and pomelos(柚子) might be seen. Special foods for the festival included moon cakes, cooked taro(芋头)and water caltrope(菱角), a type of water chestnut resembling black buffalo horns. Some people insisted that cooked taro be included because at the time of creation, taro was the first food discovered at night in the moonlight. Of all these foods, it could not be omitted from the Mid-Autumn Festival. The round moon cakes, measuring about three inches in diameter and one and a half inches in thickness, resembled Western fruitcakes in taste and consistency. These cakes were made with melon seeds(西瓜子), lotus seeds(莲籽), almonds(杏仁), minced meats, bean paste, orange peels and lard(猪油). A golden yolk(蛋黄) from a salted duck egg was placed at the center of each cake, and the golden brown crust was decorated with symbols of the festival. Traditionally, thirteen moon cakes were piled in a pyramid to symbolize the thirteen moons of a "complete year," that is, twelve moons plus one intercalary(闰月的) moon. uUlsda E The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional festivity for both the Han and minority nationalities. The custom of worshipping the moon can be traced back as far as the ancient Xia and Shang Dynasties (2000 B.C.-1066 B.C.). In the Zhou Dynasty(1066 B.C.-221 B.C.), people hold ceremonies to greet winter and worship the moon whenever the Mid-Autumn Festival sets in. It becomes very prevalent in the Tang Dynasty(618-907 A.D.) that people enjoy and worship the full moon. In the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279 A.D.), however, people send round moon cakes to their relatives as gifts in expression of their best wishes of family reunion. When it becomes dark, they look up at the full silver moon or go sightseeing on lakes to celebrate the festival. Since the Ming (1368-1644 A.D. ) and Qing Dynasties (1644-1911A.D.), the custom of Mid-Autumn Festival celebration becomes unprecedented popular. Together with the celebration there appear some special customs in different parts of the country, such as burning incense(熏香), planting Mid-Autumn trees, lighting lanterns on towers and fire dragon dances. However, the custom of playing under the moon is not so popular as it used to be nowadays, but it is not less popular to enjoy the bright silver moon. Whenever the festival sets in, people will look up at the full silver moon, drinking wine to celebrate their happy life or thinking of their relatives and friends far from home, and extending all of their best wishes to them. Moon Cakes月饼


2上帝那里没有现成的果实 三个人千辛万苦找到了上帝,请求他给予帮助。上帝问他们各需要什么。第一个人说他要一座大宅院;第二个人说,他要一个农庄;第三个人说他要一块大金条。上帝说他可以满足他们的需要。于是上帝给了第一个人一堆砖头,给了第二个人一把种子,给了第三个人一把沙子。 No Ready-made Fruit in God’s Hand Three guys finally got the God through trials and errors. They were eager to ask God for help. Right after the God asked what they want, the first man claim a big courtyard, the second a farmstead, and the third a bar of gold. God promised them. At last, the first man was given a pile of bricks, the second a bag of seed and the third a mass of sand. 3虫子的压力 有这么一种虫子,它的体长还不到一毫米,也许因为在电子显微镜下看起来像一头黑熊,所以人们叫它雄虫。它主要生活在淡水的沉渣,潮湿土壤以及苔藓植物的水膜中。最近日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久发现了一个惊人的现象:当20只小熊虫被放入密封的容器内,在实验室制造的7.5万个大气压下,20只熊虫只有两只死亡,其余的18只安然无恙。7.5万个大气压!它相当于每平方豪米要承受700多千克重物的压力,它足以上淀粉瞬间变性,生米顷刻为熟饭。自然条件下,地球上也只有180千米的地幔深处才拥有如此大的压力。 至今没有人能弄清楚熊虫为何如此能忍。不只是出于对这种超强生命力的尊重还是怀疑,有人叫它地狱之虫。一个长度不超过1毫米的微不足道的虫子,能承受命运给他如此的压力,相比较而言,我们这些自称是高级动物,智慧生命,万物之灵的人呢?在人的现实生活中,有多少小小的心结,小小的压力构成我们所谓的生存压力。在这样的压力下又有多少悲观失落之人将美好的人生称作地狱?现在一比才觉得,其实我们的压力就好比是真空,我饿美女的地狱就是天堂中的天堂。在那一刻,我在心里默默地鞠了一躬,不是为熊虫,而是感谢造物主没有把这样的压力降在人间。 W orm’s Pressure This is a worm whose body is no less than one millimeter. It is called 熊虫(XC) perhaps for the reason that it looks like a black bear under the microscop. The XC usually habited in the slurry of fresh water, wet soil and the 水膜of moss plants. Recently, there was an amazing news discovered by 日本冈山大学物理学家小野文久: when 20 little XC were placed in a sealed container under the 7.5 万个大气压making in experiment condition, there were only two died and the other 18 have no trouble at all. 7.5 万个大气压, equal to over 700 kilogram stress per square meter, which is powerful enough to它足以上淀粉瞬间变性and the rice ready to eat. In natural condition, this pressure can only be found in the 地幔beneath the earth 180 kilogram. Till now, nobody have an idea about the tolerance of XC. Someone also call it worm of hell out of admiration or suspicion. A worm, with its length less than one


英语寓言故事带翻译 一、站在屋顶的小山羊与狼 Standing on the roof of a small goat and the Wolf Kid standing on the roof and saw the Wolf walked through the bottom and then abuse him, and laughed at him. The Wolf said, "oh, buddy, scold me is not you, but your terrain." This story to illustrate, dili and cat often give a person the courage to fight against the strong. 翻译:站在屋顶的小山羊与狼 小山羊站在屋顶上,看见狼从底下走过,便谩骂他,嘲笑他。狼说道:“啊,伙计,骂我的不是你,而是你所处的地势。” ) 这故事说明,地利与天机常常给人勇气去与强者抗争。 二、狗和狼 The simple English fable:The dog and the wolf A wolf was almost dead with hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked, "Friend, your irregular life will soon ruin you. "Why don't you work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly " "I would have no objection," said the wolf, "if I could only get a place." "I will help you," said the dog. "Come with me to my master, and you shall share my work." So the wolf and the dog went to the town together. On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog' s neck.


小学生英语励志小故事 一些比较短小简单的英语励志小故事可以锻炼小学生的阅读能力,那么小学生英语励志小故事都有哪些呢?一起来看看吧。 小学生英语励志小故事:聪明的乌龟 A Smart Tortoise A tiger is hungry, he is looking for food. He sees a frog in front of him. "Haha! A frog! My dinner!" so he rushes at the frog. Behind the tiger, there is a tortoise. The little tortoise sees it; he bites the tiger’s tail. "Ouch!" cries the tiger and he looks back. The frog hears the voice and jumps into water. "Thank you, little tortoise." says the frog. But the tiger is very angry. "Bother it! I’ll throw you to the sky!" "Thank you, I like flying in the sky," says the tortoise. The tiger stops, "I will throw you into the river." "Oh, no! I can’t swim; I will die if you throw me into the water." The tiger threw the tortoise into the water quickly. "Thank you, Mr. Tiger. Bye-bye." The tortoise and the frog swim away together.

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