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Unit2 My Family单元测试题及答案

Unit2 My Family单元测试题及答案
Unit2 My Family单元测试题及答案




Listening Part (50分)


( )1. A. BEC B. BDC C. DBC

( )2. A. efi B. ife C. ifg

( )3. A. father B. brother C. mother

( )4. A. family B. funny C. really

( )5. A. come in B. come on C. welcome

( )6. A. dad B. dog C. duck

( )7. A. mom B. man C. me

( )8. A. grandpa B. grandma C. grandmother

( )9. A. great B. green C. grandpa

( )10.A. she B. he C. we


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


() () () () () () 四、听音,根据你所听到的问句,选择正确答语。(8分)

( )1. A. She's my mother. B. She's my sister. C. He's my brother. ( )2. A. He's my brother. B. She's my mother. C. She's my sister. ( )3. A. Good morning! B. Good afternoon! C. See you!

( )4. A. I'm Amy. B. I'm from America. C. My name's Amy. 五、听音,按照录音所读的顺序,用大写字母给下列句子标号。(10分)

( ) What a big fish!

( ) This is my family! X kb1.c om

( ) Who's that girl?

( ) He's my father.

( ) I'm from Canada.

Writing Part (50分)

一、找出下列单词中不同类的一项,并将序号填在( )内。(10分)

( )1. A. grandma B. grandpa C. ice-cream

( )2. A. water B. hot dog C. hamburger

( )3. A. dad B. teacher C. mom

( )4. A. boy B. girl C. student

( )5. A. and B. elephant C. squirrel


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、补充写出下列大、小写字母的左邻右舍。(5分)

Model: A B C a b c

1. C F G

2.e ɡ h


( )1. What's your name? A. Sure. Here you are.

( )2. Where are you from? B. Great!

( )3. Who's that man? C. My name is Tutu.

( )4. May I have a look? D. I'm from China.

( )5. Let's watch TV! E. He's my grandpa.

五、看图,选择下面的句子,把对话补充完整,将序号填在( )内。(8分)

( )1. A. I'm four. B. Four. C. I'm fine, thank you. ( )2. A. She's my mother. B. He's my father. C. He's my brother. ( )3. A. Nice to meet you. B. Good morning. C. Good afternoon. ( )4. A. He's my father. B. She's my sister. C. He's my brother.

1. 2. 3. 4.

六、这是Ann的家谱树,请帮她把相对应的人物名称的序号填在( )内。(12分)

A. brother

B. sister

C. father

D. mother

E. grandmother

F. grandfather



Unit 2 My Family

Listening content:


1. Show me the letter BEC.

2. Show me the letter ifg.

3. That woman is my mother.

4. I love my family.

5. Come in, please.

6. Look, I have a dog.

7. Who's that man? 8. This is Chen Jie's grandpa.

9. The apple is green. 10.We have a new friend today.


A. G H I, fly a kite.

B. Hello, I'm Mike. I'm from Canada.

C. A B C, look and see.

D. Wow, what a big fish!

E. Point to the letter H I G H.


1. C D E, draw a tree.

2. Big letter A.

3. E F G, have a seat.

4. Show me the letter F A C E.

5. This is my mother.

6. E F G H I, say “Goodbye”.


1. Who's that woman?

2. Who's this boy?

3. See you!

4. Where are you from?


A. Who's that girl?

B. He's my father.

C. I'm from Canada.

D. This is my family!

E. What a big fish!


Listening Part

一、A C C A A B B A B C

二、D A E B C


四、A A C B

五、E D A B C

Writing Part

一、C A B C A



四、C D E A B

五、B A A C



第三单元检测试卷 班级:座号:姓名:得分: 一、语言知识及其运用(10分) 1、下列各组词语中加点字的注音,全对的一项是(A) A、陌.生(mò)宿.儒(s ù)秕.谷(bǐ)暂.时(zàn) B、确凿.(záo)绽.开(dìng)惭愧.(kuì)赠.送(zēng) C、自卑.(bēi)浸.满(qìng)弹簧(dàn)尴尬.(gà) D、蝉蜕.(duì)搓捻.(niǎn)唾.沫(cuí)贪婪.(lán) 2.下列标点符号使用正确的一项是( B ) A.“这究竟是怎么回事呢?同志们。”厂长严肃地说。 B.我要给爷爷理发,爷爷笑了:“你?笤帚疙瘩戴帽子——充人哩。” C.基础知识究竟扎实不扎实?对今后的继续深造有重要影响。 D.今天去呢?还是明天去呢?我实在拿不定主意。 3、回顾课文结合语境对加点词语解释不正确的一项是(C ) A、他很高兴,但竟给那走来夜谈的老和尚识破了机关 ..。 机关:这里是秘密的意思。 B、他是渊博的宿儒 ..,这些知识不至于不知道。 宿儒:书念得多的老学者。 C、一页,两页,我如饥饿的瘦狼,贪婪 ..地吞读下去。 贪婪:贪得无厌。 D、从此以后,以这种不求甚解 ....的方式,我学会了拼写词语。 不求甚解:指读书学习只求懂得大概,不求深刻了解。 4、下列句子没有语病的一项是( B ) A、能不能切实提高广大市民的综合素质,是创建文明城市的关键。 B、月球“玉兔”其实是一个小型化、低功耗、高集成的机器人。 C、经过这次月考动员大会,使我端正了学习态度。 D、她那活泼可爱的形象,清脆悦耳的嗓音,时时浮现在眼前。 5、下列句子只采用一种修辞方法的一项是(C) A、盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天的脚步近了。 B、“吹面不寒杨柳风”,不错的,像母亲的手抚摸着你。 C、那是雨,是使人静谧、使人怀想、使人动情的秋雨啊! D、看,像牛毛,像花针,像细丝,密密地斜织着。 二、古诗文阅读与积累(24分) (一)阅读下面这首诗,完成第6-7题。(4分) 立春偶成 [宋]张栻 律回①岁晚②冰霜少, 春到人间草木知。 便觉眼前生意满, 东风吹水绿参差③。 [注释]①律回:即大地回春的意思。②岁晚:写这首诗时的立春是在年前,民间称作内,所以叫岁晚。③参差:不齐的样子。 6.诗中写实的诗句是(A ) A、律回岁晚冰霜少 B、春到人间草木知 C、便觉眼前生意满 D、东风吹水绿参差7.下面对诗的理解不正确的一项是(D) A. 诗人紧紧把握住立春这一节气真实地描绘了春到人间的动人情景。 B.从“草木知”到“生意满”诗人在作品中富有层次地再现了大自然的这一变化过程。 C.“便觉”写出了诗人因春回大地而无比喜悦的心情。 D.此诗流露出了感叹时光流逝的淡淡忧愁。 (二)文言文阅读(12分) 铁杵磨针 磨针溪,在眉州象耳山下。世传李太白读书山中,未成,弃去。过小溪,逢老媪方磨铁杵,问之,曰:“欲作针。”太白感其意,还卒业。媪自言姓武。今溪旁有武氏岩。 [注释](1)[媪]ǎo,年老的妇女。(2)[卒]完成。 8.用“/”给下面的句子划分节奏(只划一处)(2分) 逢老媪方磨铁杵 9.解释文中划线词的意思。(4分) 去:_离开______ 方:___正________ 欲:__想要_______ 还:____回去_____ 10.解释下列句子中“之”字各指代什么。(2分) (1)问之,曰:“欲作针。”__代老妪___________ (2)学而时习之____代以前学过的知识 11.翻译下面的句子。(2分) 太白感其意,还卒业。 ______李白被老妇人感动了,回去完成了学业。_______________________________ 12.用一个成语来概括这段文字的中心并且说说本文给你的启示。(2分) _______铁杵磨针。只要有决心,肯下功夫,无论多么难的事情都会成功。________________ ___ 13.填补下列名句的空缺处或按要求填空。(每空1分,增、漏、错、别字均不得分) (1)我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西。(李白《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》) (2)枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家。(马致远《天净沙·秋思》) (3)《论语》中表明学与思辩证关系的是学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。 (4)《论语》中说向一切人学习,随时随地都要注意学习的句子__三人行___ ,必有我师焉。 (5)孔子感叹时光易逝,以勉励自己和学生要珍惜时间求学的句子是逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。 三、现代文阅读(30分) (一)阅读《三分春色一分愁》,完成第14-18题。(16分)


Unit2单元测试题 一. 选词填空 sure, be interested in, dark, be terrified of, be afraid of 1.It’s _____ outside now. I can see nothing. 2.Don’t _____the snake. I’ll give you a hand. 3.I’m ____ that he can come here on time. 4.Tracy____ being left alone in the house. 5.Paul_____ everything new he meets. 二、单项选择。 1. I ___________ frustrated when I wasn’t sure of the correct answer. A. may be B. used to C. used to be D. use to be 2. When I was a child, I used to ___________ chocolate. A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes 3. ___________ work in Microsoft? A. Did you used to B. Did you use to C. Do you used to D. Do you use to 4. Where ___________ live before you came here? A. did you used to B. did you use to C. use he to D. he used to 5. No one likes him ___________. A. still B. never C. anymore D. too


Unit2This is my sister. SectionA(1a-1c) 知能演练提升 Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 father’s mother is my g. father’s father is my g. father and my mother are my p. is my f.There are four people in it. parents’ daughter (女儿) is my s. Ⅱ.根据句意写出画线部分的对应词 is my is my . is her skirt and is her jacket. . Smith is her . Smith is her . pens are blue and ones are red. is my grandfather and that is my . Ⅲ.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空 (that) your books? are my (brother). and Jack are my (friend). 4.(this) are my grandparents. these your (parent)? Ⅳ.按要求改写下列句子 is my father.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) —your father? —Yes, . is Alice.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答) —Alice? —No, . those your pens?(作否定回答) ,. is my key.(改为复数句) my . are his brothers.(改为单数句) his .

答案:Ⅰ. Ⅱ. Ⅲ. Ⅳ. this;it is that;it isn’t;they aren’t are;keys is;brother SectionA(2a-3c)知能演练提升 Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 and Lily are s. p are workers. is my f, but we aren’t in the same school. mother’s mother is my g. Ⅱ.从方框内选择适当的单词填空,每词限用一次 this that these those 1.—Mom, is my English teacher,Miss Li. —Nice to meet you,Miss Li. 2.—What’s over there (在那边)? —It’s a bike. 3.—Are your pencils? — are my pencils. 4.—Are your keys? —Yes,they are. Ⅲ.单项选择 1.—Is she your friend? —Yes, . is isn’t is ’t this your? picture pictures Mary’s ? ;book ;book ;books ;book 4.—?


Unit 2 单元测试题 Ⅳ.单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( ) 16. Paul usually has breakfast ______ seven o’clock. A. in B. at C. on D. for ( ) 17. Alan always gets up late and then goes to school, so he ______ eats breakfast. A. always B. usually C. never D. sometimes ( ) 18. Miss Brown plays volleyball ______ runs before breakfast. A. or B. but C. so D. then ( ) 19. What ______ your father usually do after work? A. is B. do C. does D. am ( ) 20. —______ do you go to school every day? —I go to school at half past seven. A. Where B. Who C. What D. When ( ) 21. I like the beef soup because it ______ nice. A. tastes B. sounds C. looks D. gets ( ) 22. We need to ______ after eating to have good teeth. A. get up B. brush our teeth C. get dressed D. do our homework ( ) 23. Sam has a relaxing ______. He only works on weekends.


九年级英语单元检测(Unit 2) 一、选择与划线部分意思相同或相近的选项。(5分) ( A )1. In the end,he got the full mark in the math exam. A. At last B. At the end C. At first ( B )2. He made a decision to leave his family. A. decide B. decided C. decides ( A )3. We are proud of our strong country. A. take pride in B. take pride C. are pride of ( C )4. She used to be afraid of the dark.. A. be afraid to B. be terrified C. be terrified of ( B )5. Wang ping is no longer a child. A. not…any more B. not…any longer C. not more 二、选择填空,从各题的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(共25分,每小题1分) ( B )6. They enjoyed _____ piano. A. play B. playing the C. playing ( A )7. _____ you _____ to go to the park when they were children? A. Did, use B. Did, used C. Do, use ( B )8. Mary _____ six dollars for the pen. A. spent B. paid C. cost ( B )9. I’m _____ in the _____ film. A. interested, interested B. interested, interesting C. interesting, interested ( A )10. --- _______________________? --- She is medium height. A. What’s she like? B. How is she? C. What does she like? ( B )11. He _____ has time for concerts, does he? A. hard B. hardly C. already ( C )12. My life _____ a lot in the last few years. A. change B. changed C. has changed ( A )13. I will eat ice, meat _____ noodles.

Unit 2 单元测试题 2

Unit 2 单元测试题 Written test part (共80分) Ⅳ. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )16. —Does Jill eat _______ lunch at school? —Yes. She has _______ good lunch there. A. the; a B. 不填; the C. the; the D. 不填; a ( )17. Mary is a good student. She’s never late _______ school. A. about B. to C. of D. for ( )18. My mother has a busy _______, so she has much _______ to do every day. A. work; work B. job; work C. job; job D. work; job ( )19. David doesn’t like baseball, so he _______ plays it. A. always B. usually C. sometimes D. never ( )20. The hamburger _______ good. Do you want one? A. tastes B. sounds C. taste D. sound ( )21. Tom gets up late, so he eats breakfast _______ and goes to school. A. early B. well C. quickly D. happily ( )22. Either I or my sister _______ the shoes for my parents on weekends. A. brush B. ask C. brushes D. asks ( )23. Sorry, I can’t play games with you. I have ________ homework to do. A. a lot B. lots of C. a pair D. pairs of


Unit 2 单元过关检测(100分) 时间:45分钟 Ⅰ.词汇。(10分) (A)用所给单词的适当形式填空:(5分) 1. Lily brushes her (tooth)after getting up every morning. 2. That’s a (fun)time for breakfast. 3. My father often does some (exercise). 4. Tom sometimes (eat)some meat and vegetables. 5. We must have fruit and vegetables (keep)healthy. (B)根据句意和首字母提示写单词。(5分) 6. Mary likes eating ice-cream. It t good. 7. In the evening, Tony e watches TV or plays games. 8. Eating q isn’t a good habit for us. 9. I think playing basketball is a h sport for students. 10. He s goes to school at 7:30, but he is never late. Ⅱ. 选择填空。(10分) -thirty. () 11. ---What’s the time? ---It’s _______ three A. of B. around C. at () 12. I usually go to bed _______ ten o’clock. A. in B. at C. on () 13. Please write and tell me _______ your school lady. A. about B. for C. with () 14. We often do _______ homework at home. A. we B. us C. our () 15. _______ interesting movie it is! A. What B. How C. What an () 16. Please come _______ here. Don’t go _______ now. A. to; home B. /; to home C. /; home () 17. I usually watch TV _______ Saturday evenings.


第三单元练习题 1、下列划线字注音正确的一项是() A、饿殍(piǎo)逡巡(qūn)弃甲曳兵(yè)丢三落四(luó) B、中绳(zhóng)句读(dóu)瓮牖绳枢(yǒu)心广体胖(pàng) C、庠序(yáng)氓隶(méng)度长絜大(duò)抛头露面(lù) D、供养(gōng)经传(zhuàn)贻笑大方(yí)间不容发(jiān) 2、下列各组词语中,有错别字的一项是() A、殊俗叩关不测之渊兵刃既接 B、迁徙须臾约从离衡防微杜渐 C、崛起堕落追亡逐北要言不烦 D、谪戍孝悌锲而不舍人才汇萃 3、下列各句中“胜”字的含义与“予观夫巴陵胜状,在洞庭一湖”中“胜”字相同的一项是() A、此所谓战胜于朝廷 B、不违农时,谷不可胜食也 C、日出江花江胜火 D、引人入胜 4、下列句式与其他三项不同的一项是() A、师不必贤于弟子 B、颁白者不负戴于道路矣 C、申之以孝悌之义 D、未之有也 5、下列句中划线的字,词类活用不相同的一项是() A、孔子师郯子、苌弘、师襄、老聃 B、序八州而朝同列 C、假舟楫者,非能水也 D、有席卷天下,包举宇内,囊括四海之意 6、下列句中划线的词语,解释不正确的一项是() A、用心一也用:使用。 B、余威震于殊俗殊俗:不同的风俗,指边远的地方。 C、小学而大遗小学:小的方面学习。 D、六艺经传皆通习之经传:经文和传文。 7、下列有关文学常识的表述,错误的一项是() A、《孟子》是记载战国时期思想家孟轲言行的书,由孟轲及其弟子编成。 B、《荀子》,战国末期思想家荀况所作,一小部分出于弟子之手,现存32篇。

C、《过秦论》选自《新书》,作者贾谊,西汉人。“过秦”即指出秦的过失。 D、《师说》选自《昌黎先生集》,作者韩愈,字退之,世称“韩昌黎”。欧阳修称他“文起八代之衰”,明人列之为“唐宋八大家”之首。 8、下列横线上,应填的词语依次是() ②嘉其能行古道,作《师说》以__之。 ②及至始皇,奋六世之余烈,__长策而御宇内,吞二周而亡诸侯。 ③__之以孝悌之义。 A、遗振述 B、贻振申 C、贻震述 D、遗震申 9.选出与“寡人之于国也”的“于”意义相同的一项() A.河内凶,则移其民于河东B.王如知此,则无望民之多于邻国也 C.季氏将有事于颛臾D.冰,水为之,而寒于水 10.选出“之”字用法归类正确的一项() ①邻国之民不加少②填然鼓之 ③久之,目似瞑,意暇甚④寡人之于国也 ⑤然而不王者,未之有也⑥申之以孝悌之义(前面的之) ⑦王无罪岁,斯天下之民至焉 A.①④/②③/⑤⑥/⑦B.①②/④/③⑤/⑥⑦ C.①⑦/②③/④/⑤⑥D.①⑦/②③/④⑥/⑤ 11.对“察邻国之政,无如寡人之用心者”的含义理解正确的一项是() A.考察邻国的政治,没有像我这样用心的 B.体察邻国的政令,不如我这样用心的 C.考察邻国的政治,不如我的用心 D.了解邻国的政令,没有像我这般用心的 12.对“兵刃既接,弃甲曳兵而走”一句理解正确的是 A.兵器拿到手,(士卒们就)抛下武器而逃跑 B.兵器已经接触,(士卒们)抛下盔甲拖着武器逃跑 C.兵器已经握在手,(士兵们)丢下大部队拖着武器逃跑 D.兵器刚接触,(士兵们就)甩下盔甲、武器走了 13.对下列划线的词语解释,有误的一组是() A.劝学(鼓励) 中规(圆规)槁暴(晒) B.中绳(合乎)用心(使用)受绳(经墨线比量过) C.就砺(接近)就砺(磨刀石)参省(验、检查) D.神明(人的智慧)须臾(片刻)博见(见得广)


Unit2单元测试(2018.9.25) 第I卷选择部分(共35分) I.单项选择(共15题,15分) ()1.—Didyouseethefilmlastnight? —Yes,Idid.AndIthink______it’sfuntowatch. A.if B.whether C.what D.that ()2.Ifoundaletter______onthefloorwhenIcameintotheclassroom. A.lying https://www.doczj.com/doc/4a16578948.html,y C.lie D.lies ()3.Idon’tknow______ornotheshouldentertherace. ()15.—Let’sgotothecommunit yifit______tomorrow. —Butnobodyknowsifit______tomorrow. A.won’train;rains B.doesn’train;rains C.doesn’train;willrain D.won’train;willrain 第II卷?非选择题(共65分) III.根据首字母或所给汉义补全单词。(共20题,20分) 1.Weofteneatm________onMid-AutumnDay. 2.Sheisafraidofspeakingtos____________. 3.Igotlotsofp__________onmybirthdayparty. 4.Hewasfivep__________atbirth.

5.Bobisabadboy,hes__________somemoneyfromhishouselastweek. 6.Therearelotsofflowersinhisg__________. 7.WesterncountriescelebratetheirC_________DayonDecember25th. 8.Wealla_________thefullmoononMid-Autumnnightlastyear. 9.Jim’sgrandpahasbeend___________forfiveyears. 10.TocelebratetheMid-AutumnDay,hisparentsl_____outmanydeliciousfoodlastnight. 11.IwillgotoShanghaitovisitmy___________(亲戚)thisSunday.Ihaven’tseenthemforalongtime. 12.Afterdinner,weatesome____________(甜食). 13.It’sliketheWaterFestivalofDaipeopleinYunnan___________(省). 14.Jimisjusta___________(生意)partnerofmine. 15.Hewas__________(惩罚)becausehestolesomething. A. Father'sDayhasaveryshorthistory.ItwasstartedbecausetherewasaMother'sDay,andjustbecausesomeAmericansthoughtthatifwehadaMother'sDay,weshouldalsohaveaFather'sDay.Father'sDayhasbecomeimportantinNorthAmerica.Andshopkeepers(店主)founditwasagoodwaytogetpeopletobuypresentsfortheirfathersfromtheirshops. Bytheway,veryfewcountrieshaveaFather'sDay,thoughsomehaveChildren'sDay,oraspecialdayforboysandanotherforgirls.MoreandmorecountriesarehavingMother'sDay,somaybeFather'sDaywillalsobecomepopular.Now,whatdopeopleinNorthAmericadoonFather'sDay?Thenewspapers,radios,

Unit2 单元练习题

Unit2 单元练习题 一、英汉互译。 1. these toy animals 2. make a fruit salad 3.有一个香蕉- 4.给你 5.这些猴子 6.Do you like apples? 7.有一个菠萝8. like bananas 9.喜欢猫10.一些葡萄 二、按要求写单词。 1.Let’s(完全形式) 2.lovely(近义词) 3.Thank you.(同义词) 4.mango(复数) 5.do not(缩略形式) 三、从下列4个选项中,选择一个不同于其它3项的。 ( )1. A. banana. B. parrot C. orange D. pear ( ) 2.A.pencil B. ruler C. bed D. rubber ( ) 3. A. cat B. pen C. ruler D. rubber ( ) 4.A.great B.nice C. cute D. have ( ) 5.A.mango B. father C. sister D. brother 四、选择正确的答案,把序号写在提前括号里。 ( ) 1.Do you have ______oranges?. A. some B. any C. many ( )2. Look at these toy animals, ______ A. boy and girls B. boys and girls C. boys and girl ( )3. Have a hot cake ______ mangoes. A. have B. in C. with ( )4.——Do you like elephants?——______ A. Yes, I don’t B. Yes, I do C. No, I do ( ) 5. ——Would you like a pie? ——______ A. Yes, please. B. No, please. C. Yes,a pie ( ) 6.________eggs do you have?I have four .. A.How many B. How much C. How ( ) 7. Would you like ______ egg? A. a B. \ C. an ( ) 8. ——Look at my T-shirt. ——______ A. Yes, it is. B. They are nice C. It’s cute ( )9. ——Let’s ______a fruit salad. —— Great. A.make B. cake C. mike ( ) 10.—— Do you have a banana?——______ A. Yes, I do B .Yes, I don’t. C. I like bananas. 五、选择正确的答句。


Unit2单元测试卷(含答案) ) 1、 Sounds great、 A、 a B、 / C、 an D、 the( ) 2、Usually_______ nine o’clock、 A、 on B、 in C、 at D、 to ( ) 3、__________ six o’clock、 A、 Its B、It’s C、 This is D、 They are ( ) 4、 Two、 So he only drinks some milk、 A、 books B、 chairs C、 groups

D、 teeth ( ) 5、 Yes, his classes are ____ interesting、 A、 always B、 never C、 sometimes D、 seldom ( ) 6、The vegetable soup delicious、Can I have more? A、looks B、tastes C、sounds D、feels( ) 7、He quickly and has no breakfast to work、 A、get dressed B、gets dress C、get dress D、gets dressed( ) 8、It is so hot today、You should and have a rest(休息)、 A、to take a shower B、take a shower

C、taking a shower D、take shower( ) 9、Lily goes to school every day、She is late for class、 A、late;never B、early;never C、early;always D、early;usually( ) 10、 、 A、exercise;On weekends B、exercises;On weekend C、exercises;On weekends D、exercise;On weekend( )1 1、The little boy __________ every morning、 A、 brushes his tooth B、 brushes his teeth C、 brush his tooth D、 brush his teeth( ) 12、No, he isn’t、 A、 Does; late for


五年级语文上册第三单元测试题 姓名: 班别: 成绩: 一、读拼音,写汉字。(6分) lǜpàn dù dào zào fèi 过()()断()子()窃()音()水 二、多音字组词。(6分) cánɡ()diào() cháo() 藏调朝 zànɡ()tiáo()zhāo() 三、组词。(4分) 肺()夹()藕()柿() 矮()嫌()胎()粘() 四、把下列词语补充完整。(8分) 安然()恙古往今()庞然大()气象万() 藕断()连干干净()蛰伏()动来无影去无() 五、选词填空。(8分) 突然果然居然仍然 1、天下着大雨,解放军战士()冒雨前进。 2、夜深了,博物馆里()传出了急促的报警声。 3、气象预报员说:“今天有雨”。到了下午三点钟,()下起雨来。 4、我们在自家的后院荒地里种了花生,没过几个月,()收获了。 六、给加点字选择正确的解释。(6分) 软:A物体内部的组织疏松,受外力作用后容易改变,与“硬”相对;B柔和;C软弱; D容易被感动或动摇。 1、老师的话语像春天里的柳条一样柔软。() 2、我的同桌总是欺软怕硬。() 3、他妈妈是个耳朵软的人,被儿子缠了一通,只好答应让他去参加电脑培训班。() 七、判断句子的正误,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。(6分) 1、鲸跟牛马一样用肺呼吸。() 2、齿鲸主要吃虾和小鱼。() 3、鲸的寿命很短,一般只活几年。() 4、松鼠喜欢下水。() 5、松鼠经常在高处活动,从这棵树跳到那棵树。() 6、“变色玻璃”能够对阳光起反射作用。() 八、修改病句(在原句修改)。(8分) 1、鲸的后肢经过漫长的年代,终于变化了。 2、鲸跟牛羊一样用肺呼气,这证明它不属于鱼类。 3、博物馆里陈旧着许多珍贵文物,供人参观。 4、窗口装了“隔热玻璃”,就能阻止强烈的阳光。 九、阅读短文,回答问题。(18分) 松鼠是一种漂亮的小动物,乖巧,(驯训)良,很讨人喜欢。它们虽然有时也捕捉鸟雀,却不是肉食动物,常吃的是杏仁、榛子、榉实和橡栗。它们面容清秀,眼睛闪闪发光,身体(矫骄)健,四肢轻快,非常敏捷,非常机警。玲(珑拢)的小面孔,衬上一条帽缨形的美丽尾巴,显得格外漂亮。尾巴老是翘起来,一直翘到头上,自己就躲在尾巴底下歇凉。它们常常直竖着身子(坐座)着,像人们用手一样,用前爪往嘴里送东西吃。可以说,松鼠最不像四足兽了。 1、把文段中括号里不恰当的词语划去。(4分) 2、按要求写词语。(4分)


Unit1—2测试卷 Ⅰ根据汉语提示,用单词或词组的适当形式填空:(2×5 10分) 1. We hope the _________ between our countries will last long. (友谊) 2. Yesterday he ___________ that he made a lot of mistakes at last. (认识到) 3. We should not be afraid of any ____________ outside. (挑战) 4. He was very ___________ by what his father did. (使感动) 5. I really don’t know how to _____________ the problem? (处理) Ⅱ单项选择(1×25 25分) ( ) 1. He learnt English by ____________ English songs. A. listen B. listen to C. listening D. listening to ( ) 2. If you practice ________ English every morning, you will improve it quickly. A. to read B. reading C. read D. be reading ( ) 3. It’s Sunday today. What about __________ the mountains? A. to climb B. climb C. climbing D. climbed ( ) 4She said she had some trouble ___________ her homework. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finished ( ) 5Can you tell me the best way ________ the problem? A. solve B. solved C. to solve D. solving ( ) 6 Jenny does not know where __________ on National Day. A. to go B. going C. goes D. will go ( ) 7 I spend some time ________ newspaper every day. A. read B. reading C. to read D. on read ( ) 8. . I read very slowly. I can’t spell some English words, _____. A. also B. either C. but ( ) 9. Lucy thinks that ____ English movies isn’t a good way. A. watch B. watched C. watching ( ) 10. Why don’t you _____ to cassettes? A. listening B. listen C. listened


八年级英语下册unit2练习题 Unit2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks . 一、单元知识梳理 Words and expressions: clean up, cheer, cheer up, give out, volunteer, come up with, put off, sign, notice,hand out,call up, used to, lonely ,care for, several, strong, feeling, satisfaction, joy, owner, try out, journey, raise, alone, repair, fix, fix up, give away, take after, broken, wheel, letter, Miss, set up, disabled, make a difference, blind, deaf, imagine, difficulty, open, door, carry, train, excited, training, kindness, clever, understand, change, interest, sir, madam Sentences: I’d like to help homeless people. She decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids and cheer them up. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. She volunteers there once a week to help kids learn to read. I’m making some signs to put up around the school. Mario loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. I want to learn more about how to care for animals. Mario and Marry give up several hours each week to help others.


Unit 2 Ⅰ. 词汇冲浪(15分) A)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。(5分) 1. —Do you often go to movies on w________? —Yes, I do. 2. There are forty s________ in our class, 22 boys and 18 girls. 3. His f________ actor is Jackie Chan. 4. Where do you f________ the set of keys? 5. Bob likes all k________ of movies. B) 每词用一次。(5分) 6. Mr. Bean is a very _______ movie. 7. My backpack is old, but my sister’s is ________. 8. ________ movies make you cry. 9. My sister thinks action movies are boring, but I think they are ________. 10. Jane doesn’t like thrillers. She thinks they are ________. C) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分) 11. Paul Jackson is my uncle’s favorite ________ (act). 12. This movie is very ________ (fun). We all like it. 13. Do you want ________ (have) a party for your grandmother? 14. Tom with his friends often ________ (play) basketball on weekends. 15. My mother likes ________ (comedy), but she doesn’t like thrillers. Ⅱ. 对话乐园(10分) A)从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。(5分) A: Hey, Peter. Let’s go to the movies this afternoon. B: 16_________________ A: What kind of movies do you like? B: 17_________________ A: Me, too. Who is your favorite actor?

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