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英国IGCSE剑桥初中剑桥高中考试数学专业词汇中英文对照IGCSE 数学中英对照词汇



add,plus 加

subtract 减

difference 差

multiply times 乘

product 积

divide 除

divisible 可被整除的

divided evenly 被整除

dividend 被除数

divisor 因子,除数

quotient 商

remainder 余数

factorial 阶乘

power 乘方

radical sign, root sign 根号

round to 四舍五入

to the nearest 四舍五入


union 并集

proper subset 真子集

solution set 解集


algebraic term 代数项

like terms, similar terms 同类项


arithmetic mean 算术平均值

weighted average 加权平均值

geometric mean 几何平均数

exponent 指数,幂

base 乘幂的底数,底边

cube 立方数,立方体

square root 平方根

cube root 立方根

common logarithm 常用对数

digit 数字

constant 常数

variable 变量

inverse function 反函数

complementary function 余函数


/ 1


linear 一次的,线性的

factorization 因式分解

absolute value 绝对值

round off 四舍五入


natural number 自然数

positive number 正数

negative number 负数

odd integer 奇整数,

odd number 奇数

even integer, even number 偶数

integer, whole number 整数


proper fraction真分数

improper fraction假分数

mixed number带分数

vulgar fraction,common fraction普通分数

simple fraction简分数

complex fraction繁分数



(least)common denominator(最小)公分母


decimal fraction纯小数

infinite decimal无穷小数

recurring decimal循环小数

tenths unit十分位



composite number合数


common divisor公约数


(least)common multiple(最小)公倍数


common factor公因子

prime number质数

ordinary scale, decimal scale十进制






common ratio公比


/ 2


positive whole number 正整数

negative whole number 负整数

consecutive number 连续整数

real number, rational number 实数,有理数

arentheses 括号=32

proportion 比例

permutation 排列

combination 组合

table 表格

trigonometric function 三角函数

unit 单位,位

numerical coefficient 数字系数

inequality 不等式

triangle inequality 三角不等式

range 值域

original equation 原方程

equivalent equation 同解方程等价方程

linear equation 线性方程(e.g.5x+6=22)


arithmetic progression(sequence)等差数列

geometric progression(sequence)等比数列


approximate 近似


cardinal 基数

ordinal 序数

direct proportion 正比

distinct 不同的

estimation 估计,近似



alternate angle 内错角

corresponding angle 同位角

vertical angle 对顶角

central angle 圆心角

interior angle 内角

exterior angle 外角

supplementary angles 补角

complementary angle 余角

adjacent angle 邻角

acute angle 锐角

obtuse angle 钝角

right angle 直角


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round angle 周角

straight angle 平角

included angle 夹角


equilateral triangle 等边三角形

scalene triangle 不等边三角形

isosceles triangle 等腰三角形

right triangle 直角三角形

oblique 斜三角形

inscribed triangle 内接三角形

solid 立体的

cone 圆锥

sphere 球体


cube 立方体,立方数

rectangular solid 长方体

regular solid/regular polyhedron 正多面体

circular cylinder 圆柱体

tangent 切线的

transversal 截线

intercept 截距


altitude 高

depth 深度

side 边长

circumference, perimeter 周长

radian 弧度

surface area 表面积

volume 体积

arm 直角三角形的股

cross section 横截面

center of acircle 圆心

chord 弦

radius 半径

angle bisector 角平分线

diagonal 对角线

diameter 直径

edge 棱

face of a solid 立体的面

hypotenuse 斜边


semicircle 半圆

concentric circles 同心圆

quadrilateral 四边形


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pentagon 五边形

hexagon 六边形

heptagon 七边形

octagon 八边形

nonagon 九边形

decagon 十边形polygon 多边形

parallelogram 平行四边形

equilateral 等边形

plane 平面

square 正方形,平方

rectangle 长方形

regular polygon 正多边形

rhombus 菱形

trapezoid 梯形


arc 弧

line, straight line 直线

line segment 线段

parallel lines 平行线

segment of a circle 弧形


cent 美分

penny 一美分硬币

included side 夹边

leg 三角形的直角边

median of a triangle 三角形的中线

base 底边,底数(e.g.2 的5 次方,2 就是底数)

opposite 直角三角形中的对边

midpoint 中点

endpoint 端点


quart 夸脱

gallon 加仑(1gallon=4quart)

yard 码

meter 米

micron 微米

inch 英寸


coordinate system 坐标系

rectangular coordinate 直角坐标系

origin 原点

abscissa 横坐标

ordinate 纵坐标

Number line 数轴


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quadrant 象限

slope 斜率

complex plane 复平面


plane geometry 平面几何

trigonometry 三角学

bisect 平分

circumscribe 外切

inscribe 内切

intersect 相交

nickel 5 美分硬币

dime 一角硬币

dozen 打(12 个)

score 廿(20 个)

Centigrade 摄氏

Fahrenheit 华氏

foot 英尺

minute 分(角度的度量单位,60 分=1 度)

square measure 平方单位制

cubic meter 立方米

pint 品脱(干量或液量的单位) perpendicular 垂直Pythagorean theorem 勾股定理congruent 全等的

multilateral 多边的


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Igcse 数学 历年真题 2

4400/4H Edexcel IGCSE Mathematics Paper 4H Higher Tier Friday 11 June 2010 – Afternoon Time: 2 hours Materials required for examination Items included with question papers Ruler graduated in centimetres and Nil millimetres, protractor, compasses, pen, HB pencil, eraser, calculator. Tracing paper may be used. Instructions to Candidates In the boxes above, write your centre number, candidate number, your surname, initials and signature. Check that you have the correct question paper. Answer ALL the questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this question paper. You must NOT write on the formulae page. Anything you write on the formulae page will gain NO credit. If you need more space to complete your answer to any question, use additional answer sheets. Information for Candidates The marks for individual questions and the parts of questions are shown in round brackets: e.g. (2). There are 22 questions in this question paper. The total mark for this paper is 100. You may use a calculator. Advice to Candidates Write your answers neatly and in good English. This publication may be reproduced only in accordance with Edexcel Limited copyright policy. ?2010 Edexcel Limited. Printer’s Log. No. N36905A


汇总—《剑桥国际少儿英语》第4册单词句型 Hello, there! 1、四会词汇(7个) teacher, doctor, dentist, farmer, always, sometimes, never; 2、了解词汇(4个) routine, no time to lose, picnic thief, somebody; 3、重点句型(1个) What does Stella want to be? She wants to be a (doctor); Unit1 1、四会词汇(7个) Boring, busy, careful, difficult, easy, exciting, terrible; 2、了解词汇(8个) important, naughty, lunch time, interesting, work in, careful with, talk to, lots of; 3、重点句型(3个) ①.She’s the woman who’s wearing the long green skirt; ②.It’s a new club where we can do lot’s of interesting things; ③.** think(s) Maths is exciting; 4、了解句型(3个) How tall are you? How heavy are you? How long is your…?

1、四会词汇 (15个) 运动词汇:fish, skate, sail, water sports, rock climbing, cycling; 副词:badly, carefully, quickly, slowly, well, loudly, quietly, happily, easily; 2、了解词汇(7个) swimming club, coach, competition, activity centre, good swimmer, inside, outside; 3、重点句型(3个) ①.What can I learn to do? ②.What do you want to do? ③.** want(s) to learn to...; ④.** don’t /doesn’t want to learn to… ; 4、了解句型(1个) What do you want to do?


UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS International General Certificate of Secondary Education * 8 6 8 1 7 5 4 8*ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS 0606/12Paper 1 October/November 2012 2 hours Candidates answer on the Question Paper.Additional Materials: Electronic calculator.READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in. Write in dark blue or black pen. Y ou may use a pencil for any diagrams or graphs. Do not use staples, paper clips, highlighters, glue or correction fluid. Answer all the questions. Give non-exact numerical answers correct to 3 significant figures, or 1 decimal place in the case of angles in degrees, unless a different level of accuracy is specified in the question. The use of an electronic calculator is expected, where appropriate. Y ou are reminded of the need for clear presentation in your answers. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question. The total number of marks for this paper is 80.For Examiner’s Use 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Total

IGCSE 教学大纲

NAEI(IGCSE)数学教学大纲 教学内容及教学大纲 1.数、集合的表示方法和语言 (1)使学生进一步认识并整理数的分类,了解自然数、整数、奇数、偶数、有理数、无理数、实数、质数、公因数、公倍数、平方数及立方数的概念;掌握重要数学符号的英文表达;会用科学计算器计算数的基本运算。 (2)掌握集合的表示方法,理解并会求几个集合的交集、并集、补集等;要求会画文氏图。 2.平方数和立方数 (1)掌握平方数、立方数的概念。 (2)能够计算一个数的平方、平方根;立方、立方根。 3.整数 (1)了解数的概念及负数的引入。 (2)运用在实际生活中整数的概念(如温度的变话等)。 4.小数、分数、百分数 深入了解小数、分数、百分数之间的转化及等量关系。 5.排序 用数学符号进行数的排序。 6 科学计数法 能够正确表达整数和小数的科学计数法形式。 7. 四则运算法则 能够运用四则运算法则进行整数、小数、分数、带分数之间的运算。 8. 估算 能够估算数、长度、精确一个数到有效数字及小数位。 9. 精确值 要求学生会求已知数据的近似上限及下限并运用上限及下限计算一些实际的问题(特别是加减乘除四则运算的近似顺序)。 10. 比、比例及比率 理解掌握比例的定义及符号、正比例及反比例、一个量与另一个量的比,运用比例解决实际问题(如求平均速度等)。

11. 百分数 (1)要求学生会计算一个给定量的百分比,表达一个量占另一个量的百分比,计算百分比的增加或减少量。 (2)计算相关的百分比,例如销售问题中求售价与成本的价钱与获利百分比。 12.科学计算器的应用 (1)能够科学、合理的运用计算器。 (2)运用计算器检查答案的准确性。 13. 测量 掌握质量、长度、面积、体积、容积等单位,掌握各个单位之间的转化。 14.时间 计算与时间相关的问题,学会24小时制及12小时制之间的区别与转化,认识时钟以及时间表。 15. 钱 能够掌握和钱有关的计算并能熟练的进行货币的转换。 16.个人理财 (1)能够运用已知数据去解决个人及家庭理财问题,包括工资、简单利率和复利率问题(复利率的公式不需要记,老师可以根据学生的实际情况进行推导)、折扣问题、盈利、亏损问题。 (2)能够通过表格和图形筛选相应的数据。 17. 实际问题中函数图象的应用 (1)了解笛卡尔坐标系有关概念。 (2)理解并能准确读出实际问题的函数图象所展示信息,如行程问题(老师一定要分析路程、时间图像;速度、时间图像等)、分析加速度、减速度,通过速度时间的图像计算行程距离。 18. 函数图像 (1)学会利用表格构造函数图像。 (2)掌握求直线斜率的方法。 (3)用图像法解一次方程与二次方程的解。 (4)学会求曲线的斜率。 (5) 能够用图像法解相应的方程。 19.直线 (1)了解直线方程的一般形式y=mx+c。 (2)会求一条平行于已知直线的直线方程。 (3)要求学生学会通过直线上两点坐标求直线的斜率。 (4)要求学生学会通过已知线段的终点坐标求中点坐标及线段长度。


……………………………………………………………最新资料推荐………………………………………………… 三级词汇210个:四会词汇为145个,要求学生能听、说、读、写、运用及听写;了解词汇65个,要求学生能听、说、读; Hello helicopter 直升机doll 洋娃娃computer 电脑kite 风筝game 游戏lorry 货车camera 照相机train 火车bike 自行车monster 怪物ride-riding骑talk-talking说话walk-walking 走fly-flying 飞 drive-driving驾驶 bounce-bouncing 拍 Detective Agency侦探所 fur 皮毛 leave a message 留言 look for 寻找 Lock and Key锁和钥匙 Unit1 aunt 阿姨 daughter 女儿 granddaughter 孙女 grandson 孙子 grandparents 祖父母 grandchildren孙儿(女) son 儿子 uncle 叔叔 thief 盗贼 dirty 脏的 jacket 夹克衫 enjoy/like/love 喜欢 read about 读关于...的书 science 科学 clever 聪明的 want to be 想成为... doctor 医生 really +adj 真的... because 因为 naughty 淘气的 moustache 八字胡 straight 直的 curly 弯曲的 beard 胡须 farmer 农民 fair 金色的 Unit2 city 城市 town 城镇 village 村庄 country 乡下 street 街道 balcony 阳台 Words


Unit 14 Let’s help the old. 教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands 通过学习本单元,使学生逐步培养扶老携幼的意识 学习和掌握一定数量的动词短语词组 继续学习字母组合th 的读音 交际用语 Expressions in communication What is he/she doing? He/she is mopping the floor. Here we are. Would you like to listen to my story? Yes, thanks a lot. Would you like a cup of tea? I’ll clean the kitchen. How can we make grandpa and grandma happy? 重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions tidy, feed, bookcase, sofa, mop, floor, sweep, wash, Tomato, scrub, tea, clean, window, comb, hair, Kitchen, cupboard, cross, street, fast, kind, welcome 所需教具 Materials for teaching 本单元动词短语的图片及词组卡片 自己家爷爷、奶奶的照片,老人的照片或图片 字母组合th 的图片及读音卡片 一条白毛巾(扮演老人)和一根拐杖 鸟的图片或玩具 如何导入教学? 上课时,教师拿出自己家老人的照片对学生说:“Please look here. Can you guess who he/she is ? Who can have a guess? Who is this old man/woman?” 学生能回答时,教师说:“Right, this is a grandfather. He is my grandfather. He is 74 years old. This is my grandmother. She is 72 years old. Have you got a grandpa and a grandma?” 教师只需学生回答Yes 或No. 然后,教师继续问大家:“Do you often do things for your grandpa and grandma?” a)“What do you often do?” 教师边说边拿出动词的图片,接着问:“Do you often do this for your grandpa? (扫地图片,拖地图片) Now let’s see what we can do for our grandparents.” 教师拿出图,让学生学习动词词组。教师可先教动词原形,然后再教现在分词形式的短语。 b)Combing hair, washing tomatoes, sweeping the floor, mopping the floor, scrubbing the floor, cleaning the window c)教师可以就本单元的主图提问题,问题如下:“What’s he doing? What’s she doing? What’s Sam doing? What’s Pat doing?”如果第一部分熟练的话,这部分可以让学生自己多练习几遍,也可以让学生表演动作,其他同学来猜。 d)教师可以让学生两人一组描述这张主图,如:This boy is feeding the bird. He is mopping the floor. She is sweeping the floor. He is washing the tomatoes. He is scrubbing the floor. She is making tea. She is feeding the dog. He is cleaning the cupboard…学生需把词组变成句子,并把句子连接起来。教师应多给学生提供练习语言的机会。可以动作示意学生,让他们


A开头 1. a bottle of 一瓶 2. a glass of 一杯 3. a cup of 一杯 4. A little 一点,少量的 5. A few 一些,少数几个 6. A lot 很,非常 7. A lot of 许多,大量 8. A piece of 一片(一张,一块) 9. A bit (of)少量(的),一点 10. A pair of 一对,一双 11. A moment later 片刻之后 12. A place of interest 名胜 13. A moment ago 刚才 14. All day 一整天,一天到晚 15. All right 好,行,不错 16. All the same 仍然,还是 17. All the time 一直,始终,总是 18. All the year round 一年到头 19. All by oneself 独立,单独 20. All kinds of 各种各样的 21. All over 遍及 22. After a while 过了一会儿 23. Again and again 再三地,一再地,反复地 24. Ask for 请求,询问 25. As.................as 与.......一样 26. As soon as 一.........就............ 27. As usual 像平常一样 28. As if 好像 29. As long as 长达,只要 30. As soon as possible因可能早地,尽快 31. As well 也,又,同样地 32. At home 在家 33. At school 在学校 34. At work 在工作 35. At night 在夜里 36. At first 起初 37. At the end of 在....结尾,到.......尽头 38. At the same time 同时 39. At times 有时,偶尔 40. At once 立刻,马上 41. At midnight 在半夜 42. At the head of 在........的前头43. At the moment 此刻 44. At last 终于,最后 45. At least 至少,起码 46. At sea 在大海上 47. At the age of 在......岁时 48. At the beginning of 起初,开始 B开头 Be full of 充满.......... Be good at 在.....方面(学得,做得) Be later for 迟到 Be able to 能,会 Be afraid of 害怕 Be amazed at 对.....感到惊讶 Be busy doing 忙于....... Be excited about 对....感到兴奋 Be filled with 用.......充满 Be made of 由..组成,由.....构成(物理变化) Be made in 在.......生产或制造 Be pleased with 对....感到满意 Be proud of 以...而自豪 Be used to 用于 Be born 出生于 Be angry with 对(某人)发脾气 Be awake 醒着的 Be famous for 因....而有名 Be fed up with 厌倦 Be interest in 对....感兴趣 Be/get lost 迷失(道路) Before long 不久 Beg one's pardon 请原谅,对不起Both....and... ......和......都.........(指两人或物) By air /plane /sea/ship 乘飞机/船 By the way 顺便说,顺便问一下 By the time 到.......的时候 C开头 Come in 进来,进入 Come on 来吧,跟着来,赶快 Come out 出来,开花,发芽


三级词汇210个:四会词汇为145个,要求学生能听、说、读、写、运用及听写;了解词汇65个,要求学生能听、说、读; Hello helicopter 直升机doll 洋娃娃computer 电脑kite 风筝game 游戏lorry 货车camera 照相机train 火车bike 自行车monster 怪物ride-riding骑talk-talking说话walk-walking 走fly-flying 飞 drive-driving驾驶 bounce-bouncing 拍 Detective Agency侦探所 fur 皮毛 leave a message 留言 look for 寻找 Lock and Key锁和钥匙 Unit1 aunt 阿姨 daughter 女儿 granddaughter 孙女 grandson 孙子 grandparents 祖父母 grandchildren孙儿(女) son 儿子 uncle 叔叔 thief 盗贼 dirty 脏的 jacket 夹克衫 enjoy/like/love 喜欢 read about 读关于...的书 science 科学 clever 聪明的 want to be 想成为... doctor 医生 really +adj 真的... because 因为 naughty 淘气的 moustache 八字胡 straight 直的 curly 弯曲的 beard 胡须 farmer 农民 fair 金色的 Unit2 city 城市 town 城镇 village 村庄 country 乡下 street 街道 balcony 阳台 Words 1


Words 三级词汇210个:四会词汇为145个,要求学生能听、说、读、写、运用及听写;了解词汇65个,要求学生能听、说、读;

Hello helicopter 直升机doll 洋娃娃computer 电脑kite 风筝game 游戏lorry 货车camera 照相机train 火车bike 自行车monster 怪物ride-riding骑talk-talking说话walk-walking 走fly-flying 飞drive-driving驾驶 bounce-bouncing 拍 Detective Agency侦探所 fur 皮毛 leave a message 留言 look for 寻找 Lock and Key锁和钥匙 Unit1 aunt 阿姨 daughter 女儿 granddaughter 孙女 grandson 孙子 grandparents 祖父母 grandchildren孙儿(女) son 儿子 uncle 叔叔 thief 盗贼 dirty? 脏的 jacket 夹克衫 enjoy/like/love 喜欢 read about 读关于...的书 science 科学 clever 聪明的 want to be 想成为... doctor 医生 really +adj 真的... because 因为 naughty 淘气的 moustache 八字胡 straight 直的 curly 弯曲的 beard 胡须 farmer 农民 fair 金色的 Unit2 city 城市 town 城镇 village 村庄 country 乡下 street 街道 balcony 阳台 basement 地下室 downstairs 楼下的 lift 电梯 floor 地板


剑桥一级A书复习资料 四会单词:(听,说,读,写) 文具类:pen(钢笔) pencil(铅笔)pencil-case(铅笔盒)ruler(尺子) book(书)bag(书包)eraser(橡皮) 水果蔬菜类:pineapple(菠萝) watermelon(西瓜)peach(桃子)pear(梨子)strawberry(草莓)grape(葡萄)potato(土豆) tomato(西红柿) carrot(红箩卜) bean(豆角) 动物类:cat(小猫)duck(鸭子)dog(小狗)pig(猪)fish(鱼)frog(青蛙)giraffe(长颈鹿)bee(蜜蜂)horse(马)rabbit(兔子) snake(蛇)turtle(乌龟)monkey(猴子)kangaroo(袋鼠)fox(狐狸) zebra(斑马)ant(蚂蚁)bird(小鸟)cow(奶牛)sheep(绵羊) deer(鹿)goat(山羊)lion(狮子) 衣服类:shirt(衬衣)dress(长裙)skirt(短裙)T-shirt(T血衫)hat(帽子)jacket(夹克)sock(袜子)glass(眼镜)trouser(裤子)short(短裤) jean(牛仔裤)pant(长裤)shoe (鞋子) vest(背心)cap(帽子) 颜色类:blue(蓝色)white(白色)red(红色)black(黑色)pink(粉红色)purple(紫色)yellow(黄色)orange(橙色)green(绿色)grey(灰色) brown(棕色) 数字类:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty 学校类:pen(钢笔)paint(绘画笔)brush(刷子)pencil(铅笔)ruler(尺子)eraser(橡皮)girl(女孩)boy(男孩)teacher(老师)student(学生) friend(朋友) 教室类: desk(桌子)door(门)bookshop(书店)chair(椅子)table(桌子)computer(电脑) board(写字板) fan(风扇) light(灯) picture(图片) wall(墙) floor(地板) math(数学) Chinese(语文) English(英语) P.E(体育) music(音乐) class(课程) 动词类:touch(摸) pick(捡起) catch(抓住) write(写) hold(握住) clap(拍手) stand(站立) run(跑) kick(踢) jump(跳) hop(单腿跳) stamp(跺脚) 家庭类:mother(妈妈) father(爸爸) brother(哥哥) sister(妹妹) uncle(舅舅) grandmother(外祖母) niece(外甥女) cousin(堂兄弟) nephew(外甥) grandfather(外祖父) aunt(阿姨) 重点词组和句子: 1. This is my new pencil.(这是我的新铅笔。) 2. What is your name?(你的名字是什么?)I am Lucy.(我是露西) 3.What is this?(这是什么?)It’s a goat.(它是一只山羊) 4.What would you like?(你想要什么?)I want some apples.(我想要一些苹果) How many do you want?(你想要多少?) I would like one.(我想要一个) 5.What is on the table now?(现在桌子上是什么?)A bird!(一只鸟) 6.Touch your mouth.(摸你的嘴巴) 7.Where is Sam?(Sanm在哪里?)He must be in the lemon house.(他一定在柠檬房子里)8.What colour have you got?(你有什么颜色?)My cap is blue.(我的帽子是蓝色的) 9. Where is my toy car?(我的玩具汽车在哪?)It is under the cap.(它在帽子底下)


IGCSE-Mathematics Chapter1:Reviewing number concepts 一:Glossary&Expressions 1.1Different types of numbers 1.natural number[数]自然数(5星) 2.whole number整数(5星) 3.even number[数]偶数(5星) 4.odd number[数]奇数(5星) 5.integer['intid]n.[数]整数;整体;完整的事物(5星) 6.prime number[数]素数(5星) 7.prime[praim]adj.主要的;最好的;基本的(4星) 8.square[skwε]n.平方;正方形adj.平方的;正方形的;直角的;正直的vt.使成方形;vi.成方形adv.成直角地(5星) 9.square number[数]平方数(5星) 10.fraction['fr k n]n.分数;部分;小部分;(5星) 11.negative['neɡtiv]n.负数;adj.[数]负的;(5星) 12.negative integers负整数(5星) 13.consecutive[k n'sekjutiv]adj.连贯的;连续不断的(5星) https://www.doczj.com/doc/5318573032.html,mon fraction[数]普通分数;[数]简分数(5星)

15.decimal['desim?l]n.小数adj.小数的;十进位的(5星) 16.is equal to等于(5星) 17.equal['i:kw?l]n.相等的事物adj.平等的;相等的;vt.等于;比得上(5星) 18.is not equal to不等于(5星) 19.is approximately equal to约等于(4星) 20.approximately[?'pr?ksimitli]adv.大约,近似地;近于(4星) 21.is less than小于(5星) 22.is less than or equal to小于等于(5星) 23.is greater than大于(5星) 24.is greater than or equal to大于等于(5星) 25.therefore['eε?f?:]adv.因此;所以(4星) 26.square root of的算术平方根(5星) 27.add[?d]n.加法,加法运算vi.加;增加;加起来;做加法vt.增加,添加;计算…总和(5星) 28.addition[?'di??n]n.添加;[数]加法;增加物(5星) 29.minus['main?s]prep.减,减去n.负号,减号;不足;负数adj.减的;负的(5星) 30.subtract[s?b'tr?kt]vt.减去;(5星) 31.subtraction[s?b'tr?k??n]n.[数]减法;减少;差集(5星)


剑桥国际少儿英语KB3单词及句型汇总? 一、词汇210个:四会词汇为145个,要求学生能听、说、读、写、运用及听写;? 了解词汇65个,要求学生能听、说、读;? 二、句型28个:重点句型25个,要求学生听、说、读、写、运用;? 了解句型3个,要求学生能认读。? Hello? 1、四会词汇(16)helicopter, doll, computer, kite, game, lorry, camera, train,? bike, monster, riding, talking, walking, flying, driving, bouncing,? 2、了解词汇(4)Detective Agency, fur, leave a message, look for, Lock and Key;? 3、重点句型(3)①What’s your favorite toy called It’s called TOM.? ②Have you got a brother or a sister Yes, I have.\No, I haven’t. ③What’s he doing He is flyin g a kite.? Unit1? 1、四会词汇(8)aunt, daughter, granddaughter, grandson, grandparents, grandchildren,? son, uncle;? 2、了解词汇(18)thief, dirty, jacket; enjoy/like/love reading about, science, clever, want? to be, doctor, really +adj, because, naughty, moustache, straight, curly, beard, moustache, farmer, fair,? 3、重点句型(4)? ①Do you like flying a kite Yes, I do.? ②Do you want to go to the countryside Yes, I do. ③What do you want to do I want to have a picnic.? ④like, love, enjoy+ -ing/名词:I like /love/enjoy swimming/apples.? 4、了解句型(1)My father is my grandparents’ son.? Unit2? 1、四会词汇(24)city, town, village, country, street, balcony, basement, downstairs,? lift, floor, home, stairs, upstairs, flat ,apartment; 数字20-100的整数;? 2、了解词汇(14)need, address, move house, carry, above, below, between, next to, at, apple tree, plants, flowers, place, phone number;? 3、重点句型(4)? ①Where do you live I live in Chongqing. ②Where does he/she live He lives in Shanghai. ③What’s your address My address is Tianbao Road. ④Do you like l iving in the city Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.? 4、了解句型(1)What’s the ** made of/from? Unit3? 1、四会词汇(20)get dressed, get undressed, get up, wake up, put on, take off, wash,? go to bed, go to school, have a shower, Monday, Tuesday,? Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, always, sometimes, never;? 2、了解词汇(7)come home, have breakfast, have lunch, have dinner, every day,? week, weekend;? 3、重点句型(5)? ①What time do you (get up) I get up at 7 O’clock.? ②What time does he (get dressed) He get dressed at 7 o’cl ock. ③What do you do before/after (breakfast)? I wash my face before breakfast.\ I go to school after breakfast. ④What day is it today It’s Monday. ⑤How often do you go to the zoo Sometimes.? Unit4? 1、四会词汇(14)bank, bus station, café, cinema, hospital, library, market, shop,? sports centre, supermarket, swimming pool, near, opposite, map; 2、了解词汇(6)?


英国IGCSE剑桥初中剑桥高中考试数学专业词汇中英文对照IGCSE 数学中英对照词汇 代数部分 1.基础 add,plus 加 subtract 减 difference 差 multiply times 乘 product 积 divide 除 divisible 可被整除的 divided evenly 被整除 dividend 被除数 divisor 因子,除数 quotient 商 remainder 余数 factorial 阶乘 power 乘方 radical sign, root sign 根号 round to 四舍五入 to the nearest 四舍五入 2.有关集合 union 并集 proper subset 真子集 solution set 解集 3.有关代数式、方程和不等式 algebraic term 代数项 like terms, similar terms 同类项 5.基本数学概念 arithmetic mean 算术平均值 weighted average 加权平均值 geometric mean 几何平均数 exponent 指数,幂 base 乘幂的底数,底边 cube 立方数,立方体 square root 平方根 cube root 立方根 common logarithm 常用对数 digit 数字

constant 常数 variable 变量 inverse function 反函数 complementary function 余函数 6 / 1 英国IGCSE剑桥初中剑桥高中考试数学专业词汇中英文对照 linear 一次的,线性的 factorization 因式分解 absolute value 绝对值 round off 四舍五入 6.有关数论 natural number 自然数 positive number 正数 negative number 负数 odd integer 奇整数, odd number 奇数 even integer, even number 偶数 integer, whole number 整数 4.有关分数和小数 proper fraction真分数 improper fraction假分数 mixed number带分数 vulgar fraction,common fraction普通分数 simple fraction简分数 complex fraction繁分数 numerator分子 denominator分母 (least)common denominator(最小)公分母 quarter四分之一 decimal fraction纯小数 infinite decimal无穷小数 recurring decimal循环小数 tenths unit十分位 irrational(number)无理数 inverse倒数 composite number合数 reciprocal倒数 common divisor公约数 multiple倍数 (least)common multiple(最小)公倍数 (prime)factor(质)因子 common factor公因子

IGCSE math 数学试卷0580_s17_qp_43

This document consists of 19 printed pages and 1 blank page. DC (NH/JG) 130218/2? UCLES 2017 [Turn over *0731247115 * MATHEMATICS 0580/43 Paper 4 (Extended) May/June 2017 2 hours 30 minutes Candidates answer on the Question Paper.Additional Materials: Electronic calculator Geometrical instruments Tracing paper (optional). READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS FIRST Write your Centre number, candidate number and name on all the work you hand in.Write in dark blue or black pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.Do not use staples, paper clips, glue or correction fluid.DO NOT WRITE IN ANY BARCODES. Answer all questions. If working is needed for any question it must be shown below that question.Electronic calculators should be used. If the degree of accuracy is not specified in the question, and if the answer is not exact, give the answer to three significant figures. Give answers in degrees to one decimal place.For π, use either your calculator value or 3.142. At the end of the examination, fasten all your work securely together. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part question.The total of the marks for this paper is 130. Cambridge International Examinations Cambridge International General Certificate of Secondary Education

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