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1.Decision-thinking is not unlike poker---it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think.

2.Their study found that theobromine,found in cocoa,was nearly a third more effective in stopping coughs than codeine,which was considered the best cough medicine at present.The Imperial College London researchers who published their results online said the discovery could lead to more effective cough treatment,“while coughing is not necessarily harmful(有害的) ,it can have a major effect on the quality of life and this discovery could be a huge step forward in treating this problem,”said Professor Peter Barnes. (2008全国D篇)

3.Y ou want to get your message across, to talk to someone in English, as quickly and as well as you can, and even though sometimes you may use a wrong word or tense, it doesn't matter because the person you are speaking to will understand you and make allowances for any mistakes he hears.

4.With their shining brown eyes, wagging tails, and unconditional love, dogs can provide the nonjudgmental listeners needed for a beginning reader to gain confidence, according to Intermountain Therapy Animals(ITA)in salt Lake City.(NMET2003.B篇)


(1) 结构分析法




①However, many scientists who specialize in ageing are doubtful about it and say the human body is just not designed to last past about 120 years.

此句的主语为many scientists,主语里面包含了一个由who引导的定语从句。主句有两个谓语,即are doubtful和say,say后面又包含了一个宾语从句。

②Some companies have made the manufacturing of clean and safe products their main selling point and emphasize it in their advertising.

此句的主语为some companies,有两个谓语,即have made和emphasize。

③At the press of a button, a microcomputer locks all other floors chute(道) doors and sets the recycling container turning until the right box comes under the chute.

此句的主语为a microcomputer,也有两个谓语,即locks 和sets。


①The hot sun had caused the dough (面团) to double in size and fermenting yeast(酵母) made the surface shake and sigh as though it was breathing.

②Miss Germaine’s mother looked anxious through the wedding and Mr. Cordell’s parents are

reported to be less than delighted.

第一句话中第一个and和第2句中的and是连接两个并列成分的,两句话的and 都是



①Whereas a woman’s closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave afailing marriage,it wasn’t unusual to hear a man say he didn’t know his friend’s marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa.

whereas引导了一个从句,即 a woman’s closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave afailing marriage, 而it wasn’t unusual to hear a man say he didn’t know his friend’s marriagewas in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa.为主句,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语为不定式。

方法四:并列和主从复合句并存的处理方法——先读懂并列复合句,再看主从复合句If you ask people to name one person who had the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like “Shakespeare”, “Samuel Johnson”, and “Webster”, but none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man who didn’t even speak English—William, the Conqueror.




When two cars travelling at 30 mh hit each other①, an unbelted driver would meet the windshield②with a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a height of 10 meters③.



例1 What Winter knows of the 19-year-old who saved his life is only that he died in a car accident and that his family was willing to honor his wishes and donate his organs for transplantation(移植).

解析:此句的主语为What Winter knows of the 19-year-old who saved his life整个从句,其中主语里面又包含了一个由who引导的定语从句;主语的谓语为is,后面的that引导两个并列的表语从句。


例2 Pasteur discovered that heating the wine gently for a few minutes after it had fermented would kill off the yeast that was left in the wine, with the result that the wine would remain fresh for much longer.




1. This chance discovery ended a 12-day search by the Library Company of Philadelphia for a historical treasure—a 120-page diary kept 190 years ago by Deborah Logan—“a woman who knew everybody of her day,” James Green, the librarian told the magazine “American Libraries”.

分析:第一句的主语为James Green, the librarian,谓语为told,第一个宾语为the magazine “American Libraries”,第二个宾语为宾语从句,此宾语从句的主语为This chance

discovery,谓语即ended,后面宾语的中心词为a 12-day search。

2. The alarm had been raised because Vicki became suspicious(怀疑) of the guest who checked in at 3 pm the day before New Y ear’s Eve with little luggage and wearing sunglasses and a hat pulled down over his face ...

分析:The alarm had been raised为主句,because 引导一个原因状语从句,原因状语从句里又包含了一个由who引导的定语从句。

3. At the conference in San Francisco, Donald Louria, a professor at New Jersey Medical School in Newark said advances in using genes as well as nanotechnology(纳米技术) make it likely that humans will live in the future beyond what has been possible in the past.

分析:主语为Donald Louria, a professor at New Jersey Medical School in Newark,主语中心词为Donald Louria,谓语为said,said后面都是省略了that的宾语从句,宾语从句的主语为advances in using genes as well as nanotechnology,主语中心词为advances,谓语为make,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为that引导的宾语从句。


1. First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab Polytechnique.

2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet.

3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market.

4. The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste.

5. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers.

6. Before 1066, in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to two major language groups.

7. After their stay, all visitors receive a survival certificate recording their success, that is, when guests leave the igloo hotel they will receive a paper stating that they have had a taste of adventure.

8. The major market force rests in the growing population of white-collar employees, who can afford the new service, in other words, Shanghai’s car rental industry is growing so fast mainly due to the increasing number of white-collar employees.

9. Decision-thinking is not unlike poker—it often matters not only what you think, but also what others think you think and what you think they think you think.

10. After all, what lively children wouldn’t settle for spending only half the day doing ordinary school work, and acting, singing or dancing their way through the other half of the day?

11. Still, he could not help thinking that if anything should happen, the nearest person he could contact by radio, unless there was a ship nearby, would be on an island 885 miles away.

12. I went around to the front of the house, sat down on the steps, and, the crying over, I ached, and my father must have hurt, too, a little.

1. 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,它曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展。她曾女扮男装只为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。


2. 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作了,也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。

简析:本句夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词为just about“几乎”;overtime“超时地”。

3. 或许,表明电脑及因特网的使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。


4. 这个行动组也发现一种人们可接受的纸,制成这种纸的原料不是木料,而是农业废料。

简析:关键词为other than“而不是”。

5. 这些术语,主要借用于英语和汉语,经常会变成不再被说本族语的人们理解的形式。


6. 1066年以前,在我们现在称为大不列颠的土地上,住着属于两个主要语种的民族。


7. 在他们逗留之后,所有的游客都会收到一份生存证明来记录他们的成功,也就是说当游客离开小冰屋旅馆时,他们会得到一份证明,表明他们曾尝试过冒险。


8. 主要的市场力量在于白领工人的人数不断增加,这些人付得起这种新型服务,换句话说,上海的汽车出租行业发展如此快主要是因为白领工人人数的增加。

简析:关键词为rest in“在于”。

9. 做决策像打扑克牌,起作用的不但是你怎么想的,还包括别人对你的想法是怎么看的以及你对别人的看法是如何考虑的。

简析:含较复杂的句型结构not unlike = like,not only ... but also ... 不仅……而且……

10. 究竟是什么样的活泼孩子不满足于半天搞普通教育的文化课,半天搞表演、唱歌、舞蹈等舞台训练呢?


11. 他禁不住寻思起来,要是果真有什么意外,除非附近有条船,他用无线电能联系上的最近的人也远在885英里以外的岛上。


12. 我绕到房子的前面,坐在台阶上,哭了一阵之后,我感到阵阵心痛,我的父亲心里肯定也有一点不好受。



1.Anyone who cares about what schools and colleges teach and how their students learn will be interested in the memoir(回忆录)of Ralph W. Tyler, who is one of the most famous men in American education.(全国卷1)

2.They honestly admit, however, that they hard-ly know a thing when it comes to understanding how a piece of music is made. (全国卷2)

3.A4-minute complete workout is no longer hard to believe for all the people who have bought our excellent Range for 30 days end up buying it,due to the health benefits experienced during that tryout and the ROM performance score that tells the story of health and fitness improvement. (北京卷)

4.Of course,there are some who truly believe that the killing is not really the important thing,and that the chief pleasure lies in the joy of the hunt and the beauties of the wild countryside. (北京卷)

5.Not to be confused with the geographic North Pole—the northern extremity of the Earth’s axis(地轴),the north magnetic pole (where the Earth’s magnetic field is directed downward)is moving due to natural changes in the Earth’s magnetic field, a process that originates about 3, 000 kilometers below our feet, in the outer core(核心)of the planet. (湖南卷)6.In a research, Professor Alex Michalos found that the people whose desires-not just for money, but for friends, family, job, health-rose furthest beyond what they already had, tended to be less happy than those who felt a smaller gap(差距)。(湖北卷)

7.It' s also quite normal for top managers from department stores to spend a day or two each month visiting stores and mixing freely with the public, as if they were ordinary customers, to get an idea of how customers act. (安徽)

8.What she meant was not that we could take drawing classes or painting classes but that we would have to spend one afternoon a week with her at the Fine Arts Museum. (安徽卷)9.When Andrea Peterson landed her first teaching job, she faced the daunting task of creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standards-based learning was the focus and music just provided a break for students and teachers. (山东)

10.When one of my teachers suggested to his sleepy tenth-grade English class that a person could not have a "complicated (复杂的)idea" until he had read at least two thousand books, I heard the words without recognizing either its irony (嘲讽)or its very complicated truth. (四川)


历届高考英语长难句100句精选(1) 1.First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique. (NMET2003.C篇) 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. (NMET2003.E篇) 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. (NMET2003.E篇) 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。 4. The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste. (NMET2003.E篇) 这个行动组也发现一种人们可接受的纸,制成这种纸的原料不是木料,而是农业废料。 简析:关键词other than而不是。 5. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers. (NMET2003.D篇)


英语长难句结构分析(含 2019 年高考全国 1-3 卷长难句) 英语中句子最基本的句式只有五种,其他各种句式都是由这五种基本句式转换而来。五种基本句式如下: 1主语+谓语(不及物动词) 2主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语 3主语+系动词+表语 4主语+谓语(及物动词)+间接宾语+直接宾语 5主语+谓语(及物动词)+宾语+宾语补足语 此外还有特殊句式如there be-, 强调句,倒装句等。 但是在真实的语言环境中,句子结构远非这么简单。复杂主语、复杂宾语、复杂介词短语,还有各种复杂的定语和状语等修饰成分让句子变得异常复杂。高考阅读理解、完型填空和语法填空经常出现结构复杂的长难句,影响考生对语篇文段的理解。另外,新高考将包括两个写作题:读后续写(概要写作)和应 用文写作。在评分标准中把“尽力使用较复杂语法结构”视为是否得高分的标准之一。因此,学会分析长难句显得格外重要。 一个句子之所以成为长难句,就是因为句子各部分成分和结构复杂,具体说就是句中出现了复杂主语、复杂宾语、复杂修饰语(介词短语、非谓语动词、定语和状语)以及各种从句等。下面分类解析: 1、复杂主语 包括下列情形:含有连词如and, both...and..., either...or..., neither...nor..., not only...but (also), as well as;非谓语动词做主语;主语从句充当主语;同位语结构做主语等。如: Those who were highest in status in high school, as well as those least liked in elementary school, are “most likely to engage ( 从事) in dangerous and risky behavior.”(2019高考全国Ⅰ卷阅读理解D) (as well as 连接those who...与those least liked ...做主语)


掌门1对1教育高中英语 历年高考英语长难句精选100句(51-75) 51. News reports say peace talks between the two countries have broken down with no agreement reached.(NMET2003.31) 新闻报道说这两个国家的和平谈判失败,没有达成协议。 简析:关键词break down失败,reach an agreement达成协议。 52. The old couple have been married for 40 years and never once have they quarreled with each other.(NMET2003.34) 这对老年夫妇结婚40年了,两人从来没有一次争吵。 简析:含主谓倒装句。 53. After all, Ed’s idea of exercise has always been nothing more effort-making than lifting a fork to his mouth.(NMET2003) 要记住的是,伊德搞锻炼的想法根本没有进餐使用刀叉那么费力。 简析:含比较级句型。 54.As a result , at the point in our game when I’d have figured on (predicted) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor , it was instead 7 to 9 —and Ed was leading.(NMET2003) 就在我们比赛之前,我曾预料这场比赛对我有利,比分大概是9比1,结果比分反而是7比9,伊德暂时领先。 简析:关键词figure on预计,估计;in one’s favor对某人有利。 55.So when Ed arrived for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered


历届高考英语长难句100 句精选 1.First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique.(NMET2003.C篇) 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难, 包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理 工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet.(NMET2003.E篇) 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的 人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求 主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. (NMET2003.E 篇) 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身, 印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。


高考真题长难句荟萃1 长难句1:To be narrower than a piece of A4 you need to have roughly a 25-inch waist or less, which is much thinner than the 35-inch average American waist, practically impossible for most human beings. 译文:为了让你的腰比一张A4纸还要窄,你需要大约25英寸的腰围,甚至更小。这比一般美国人35英寸的腰围小多了,对大多数人几乎是不可能的。 分析:这个句子虽然很长,但结构还是很清晰的。To be narrower ... 在句首作目的状语,主句为you need to ... less,which引导一个非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a 25-inch waist or less。 点拨: roughly:大致地;about practically:几乎;差不多 长难句2:Reviewers have severely criticized the strange trend for pressuring women to try to reach an unachievable goal. 译文:评论家们严厉批评了这种奇怪的趋势,在这种趋势下,女性会迫于压力,努力去达到一个根本不可能实现的目标。 分析:本句的结构比较简单,主干为sb criticize sb / sth for ... 点拨: pressure:[熟词生义]迫使(同义替换force,帮助理解pressure) 长难句3:The fact that members of one culture do not express their emotions as openly as do members of another does not mean that they do not experience emotions. 译文:一种文化背景下的人不像另一种文化背景下的人一样直率地表达他们的情感,并不意味着他们没有这些情感。


2020高考英语长难句80句学生版 第1组 1 .We should always bear in mind that if we are ignorant of our health for promotion, disease will gradually approach us with the help of tiredness. 核心词汇promotion approach tiredness 核心短语 bear in mind be ignorant of with the help of 参考译文 2.There are so many reference books on this romantic poet for me to choose from that I can’t make up my mind which to choose. 核心词汇romantic poet 核心短语 reference book make up one’s mind 参考译文 3.It seemed that the handsome actor was not a bit worried, but in fact, he was not a little concerned about the result of the investigation, which may destroy his bright future. 核心词汇investigation destroy bright 核心短语 not a bit in fact be concerned about 参考译文 4.Unluckily, the delegate felt so sleepy that he soon fell asleep without realizing that he had left his passport and the draft of his speech in the taxi. 核心词汇delegate


历年高考英语长难句100例大汇总(上) 1. First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique. 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,虽然几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。 4. The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste. 这个行动组也发现一种人们可接受的纸,制成这种纸的原料不是木料,而是农业废料。 简析:关键词other than而不是。 5. Mostly borrowed from English and Chinese, these terms are often changed into forms no longer understood by native speakers. 这些术语,主要从英语和汉语引入,经常会变成不再被说本族语的人们理解的形式。 简析:关键词term术语。 6. It is one of many language books that are now flying off booksellers’ shelves. 它是现在很畅销的许多外语书中的一本。 简析:比喻生动形象。 7. The mass media and government white papers play an important part in the spread of foreign words. 大众传播媒介和政府白皮书(正式报告)在外国词传播过程中起重要作用。 简析:关键词the mass media and government white papers大众传播媒介和政府白皮书(正式报告)。


高考英语试题中长难句翻译与解析(一) 1. Swimming pools, wine tasting, and pink sunsets (at normal evening hours, not 4 in the afternoon) filled the weekend, but the best part--particularly to my taste, dulled by months of cold-weather root vegetables--was a 7 a.m. adventure to the Sarasota farmers’ market that proved to be more than worth the early wake-up call. (全国I卷B篇) 【译文】游泳,品酒以及欣赏粉红色的落日(一般在傍晚时分,而不是下午四点)把整个周末填的满满的,但精彩的部分也是让我最中意的是上午7点的萨拉索塔市农贸市场的一次历险,尤其是被数月寒天块根蔬菜弄得生活沉闷之后,这次探索之旅证明早起还是值得的。 【背景知识】Sarasota(萨拉索塔市)位于美国佛罗里达州的西南海岸线,濒临墨西哥湾,人口60余万,北邻海牛县,南靠夏洛特县,与两县共同构成佛罗里达州第七大市场和商业繁盛区。萨市文化底蕴深厚,是世界著名的“马戏城”和“艺术都会”,因马戏而建城,演员剧团演出的百老汇歌剧蜚声全美。 最适宜人居之家园。萨拉索塔市位于墨西哥湾海岸线,碧水围城,绿色遍地,四季常绿植物和灌木丛座拥这座海上城市,空气清新,气候冬暖夏凉。高雅的芭蕾舞和百老汇歌剧给萨拉索塔市笼上了神秘的艺术色彩,装点着市民的休闲生活。户外活动丰富多彩,高尔夫、游艇、划船、网球、滑水等应有尽有,萨市因此被誉为“探索者的天堂”。在萨市参观,街道干净整洁,房屋多为别墅,间距合理,错落有致,整个城市风格铺展着一幅南美风情的特有画卷。白色的沙滩、精湛的艺术、一流的商场、旖旎的自然风光和宜人的气候, 使萨市成为美国最适宜居住的15个城市之一,是众多游客向往的度假休闲目的地。 【考查】25. What made the author’s getting up late early worthwhile? A. Having a swim. B. Breathing in fresh air. C. Walking in the morning sun. D. Visiting a local farmer’s market.【D】 【词汇解析】be to one’s taste 适合某人口味;合某人得意root vegetables 块根类蔬菜 The early wake-up call 早醒电话;叫早电话(尤其在宾馆、酒店常有这种服务) 2. Delighted as I was by the tomatoes in sight, my happiness dee pened when I learned that Brown’s Grove Farm is one of the suppliers for Jack Dusty, a newly-opened restaurant at the Sarasota Ritz Carlton, where-- luckily for me-- I was planning to have dinner that very night. (全国I卷B篇)【译文】虽然那些新鲜柔嫩的西红柿让我欣喜,但当我了解到一个新开张的饭馆Jack Dusty供应商就是Brown’s Grove Farm时,我更加开心不已,因为幸运的是那家饭馆就是我们打算那晚在萨拉索塔市的丽丝卡尔顿大酒店the Sarasota Ritz Carlton就餐的地方。 【背景知识】丽丝卡尔顿(Ritz Carlton)是一个高级酒店及度假村品牌,现时拥有超过70个酒店物业,分布在24戈国家的主要城市。The Ritz Carlton在国际高档酒店业,被公认为首屈一指的超级品牌。 【考查】27. What was the author going to that evening? A. Go to a farm. B. Check into a hotel. C. Eat in a restaurant. D. Buy fresh vegetables. 【C】 【词汇解析】Delighted as I was by the tomatoes in sight, my happiness deepened when... 本句是as 引导的让步状语从句,表语部分delighted前置。意为“尽管看到那些西红柿我很高兴不已,但...时我的幸福感大增。”supplier 供应商newly-opened新开张(业)的 3. The fine selection of the major works was done in close collaboration (合作)with the Museo Nacional Reina Sofia in Madrid, Spain, and with contributions from other institutions like the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg. (全国I卷C篇) 【译文】本次展览与西班牙马德里雷纳索非亚国家博物馆密切合作展出了萨尔瓦多.达利的精品之作,以及来自于圣彼得堡萨尔瓦多.达利博物馆等其它机构提供的艺术作品。 【背景知识】Museo Nacional Reina Sofia:雷纳·索菲亚博物馆是西班牙马德里的一座国立20世纪美术博物馆。这座美术馆于1992年9月10日正式开幕,得名于西班牙索菲亚王后。索菲亚王后艺术中心靠近阿托查车站和地铁站,位于沿着普拉多大道的所谓艺术金三角(Triángulo del Arte auch Triángulo de Oro)的南端(还包括普拉多博物馆和蒂森-博尔内米萨博物馆)。 索菲亚博物馆主要收藏西班牙艺术品,其亮点是20世纪西班牙两位大师的杰作:巴勃罗·毕加索的《格尔尼卡》,以及萨尔瓦多·达利的作品。外国艺术家的作品不多。 the Salvador Dali Museum in St. Petersburg位于美国佛罗里达州圣彼德堡场地面积:66000平方英尺(约合6131.60平方米)HOK联手Beck Group一同设计了一个新的博物馆,用来陈列萨尔瓦多·达利的作品。这个新的博物馆坐落于美国佛罗里达州圣彼得斯堡。设计灵感正来自于萨尔瓦多·达利这位超现实主义者本人,结合传统和幻想元素。设计反映了达利的精华,同时为应对佛罗里达的恶劣天气融合了相关功能元素。 【考查】31. What does the word “contribution” in the last paragraph refer to? A. Artworks. B. Projects. C. Donations. D. Documents. 【A】 【词汇解析】in close collaboration with sb. 与某人密切合作 5. Over the years, Parisian cafes have fallen victim to changes in the French lifestyle--longer working hours, a fast food boom and a younger generation’s desire to spend more time at home.(全国I卷D篇)【译文】多年来,法国生活方式的变化(如:工作时间的延长,快餐业的繁荣以及年青一代渴望在家多呆些时间等)让巴黎的咖啡馆深受其害。 【背景知识】到巴黎旅游,在游览卢浮宫、埃菲尔铁塔、凯旋门等名胜之余,可以去一些著名咖啡馆(Café)去用餐、喝咖啡,体会巴黎历史与文化的深韵。 Café遍布巴黎,是人们饮食、休憩、社交的重要场所。巴黎人一天中有很多时间都是在Café中度过的。早上,在Café喝一杯咖啡,吃上一个牛角包;中午,享用一份法式三明治,小憩片刻;晚上,要一杯红酒,与朋友一起畅谈至深夜。座落在巴黎各个角落的Café目睹了这个城市中发生的各种前尘往事。 【考查】33.How are cafes affected by French lifestyle changes? A. They are less frequently visited. B. They stay open for longer hours. C. They have bigger night crowds. D. They start to serve fast food. 【A】 【词汇解析】fall victim to sth. 成为...的受害者;使...深受其害boom 指经济等的繁荣;迅速发展。 【译文】【背景知识】【考查】【词汇解析】


高考英语阅读长难句 1 Researchers analyzing word-of-mouth communication —e-mails, Web posts and reviews, face-to-face conversations — found that it tended to be more positive than negative, but that didn't necessarily mean people preferred positive news 2 Those given night milk, which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin, were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime, according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food. 3.While the effect of cows milk harvested at different time has not been tested on humans up to now, taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night. 4 CCM organizes a variety of events, including performances by the well-known LaSalle Quartet, CCM's Philharmonic Orchestra, and various groups of musicians presenting Baroque through modern music. 5 To people who are used to the limited choice of apples such as Golden Delicious and Royal Gala in supermarkets, it can be quite an eye opener to see the range of classical apples still in existence, such as Decio which was grown by the Romans. 6 For many older people, particularly those living alone or in the country, driving is important for preserving their independence, giving them the freedom to get out and about without having to rely on others. 7.But we all have to accept that as we get older our reactions slow down and this often results in people avoiding any potentially challenging driving conditions and losing confidence in their driving skills. 8 The proposal attempts to deal with what some call the “death valley”of autonomous vehicles: the grey area between semi-autonomous and fully driverless cars that could delay the driverless future. 9 The friendship that grew out of the experience of making that film and The Sting four years later had its root in the fact that although there was an age difference, we both came from a tradition of theater and live TV. 10.We shared the belief that if you’re fortunate enough to have success, you should put something back - he with his Newman’s Own food and his Hole in the Wall camps for kids who are seriously ill, and me with Sundance and the institute and the festival. 11 TOKNOW makes complex ideas attractive and accessible to children, who can become involved in advanced concepts and even philosophy—and they will soon discover that TOKNOW feels more like a club than just a magazine.


高考英语-经典长难句解析及翻译 7. 2018年全国Ⅰ卷,阅读理解D篇 The team' s data only went up to2007,but the researchers also explored what would happen if consumers replaced old products with new electronics that serve more than one function, such as a tablet for word processing and TV viewing. 生词: function n. 功能 tablet n. 平板电脑 第一步:有并列结构(but) 第二部:分析主干和定状 The team' s data(主语)only(小状)went(谓语)up to 2007(小状), the researchers(主语)also explored(谓语)what would happen(宾语)if consumers replaced old products with new electronics(状语,从句)that serve more than one function (定语), such as a tablet for word processing and TV viewing(同位语). 第三步: 根据状语倒序前置,定语倒序前置的翻译方法,我们可也把这句话翻译为: “这个团队的数据截止到2007年”

“如果消费者用不止一个功能的新电器,比如可以处理文字并且看电视的平板,来取代老的产品,研究者们也弄清楚了将会发生什么事情。” 第四步:合并并列结构并翻译: “这个团队的数据截止到2007年。但是,如果消费者用不止一个功能的新电器,比如可以处理文字并且看电视的平板,来取代老的产品,研究者们也弄清楚了将会发生什么事情。” Get busy living or get busy dying 6. 2018年全国Ⅰ卷,阅读理解D篇 According to the analysis of Babbitt's team, old desktop monitors and box TVs with cathode ray tubes are the worst devices with their energy consumption and contribution to greenhouse gas emissions (排放) more than doubling during the 1992 to 2007 window. 生词: analysis n. 分析 cathode ray tubes 阴极射线管 consumption n. 消耗 第一步:没有并列结构 第二部:分析主干和定状 According to the analysis(状1,分词短语)of Babbitt's team(状2,介词短语), old desktop monitors and box TVs(主语)with cathode ray tubes(定语)are(系)the worst devices


历届高考英语长难句100句精选 1.First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre de Format in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique. (NMET2003.C篇) 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. (NMET200 3.E篇) 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,然而几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。

历年高考英语长难句100例大汇总 教师版

历年高考英语长难句100例大汇总 1. First put forward by the French mathematician Pierre in the seventeenth century, the theorem had baffled and beaten the finest mathematical minds, including a French woman scientist who made a major advance in working out the problem, and who had to dress like a man in order to be able to study at the Ecolab polytechnique. 这个定理,先是由十七世纪法国数学家皮尔法特提出,曾使一批杰出的数学大师为难,包括一位法国女科学家,她在解决这个难题方面取得了重大的进展,她曾女扮男装为了能够在伊科尔理工学院学习。 简析:夹杂过去分词短语,现在分词短语,动名词及两个定语从句。 2. It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. That is, the growing demand for paper in recent years is largely due to the increased use of the Internet. 由于因特网的使用,计算所使用的纸张的数量是很难的,虽然几乎任何在办公室工作的人能告诉你,当引进电子邮件后,打印机就开始超时工作。也就是说近年来人们对于纸张的日益需求主要是由于因特网越来越多的使用。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词just about几乎;overtime超时地。 3. Perhaps the best sign of how computer and internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new market. 或许,表明电脑及因特网使用促进人们对于纸张的需求的最好迹象源于高科技产业本身,印刷业被认为是高科技产业极有前景的新市场之一。 简析:夹杂较复杂的句型结构,关键词promising有前途的。 4. The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste. 这个行动组也发现一种人们可接受的纸,制成这种纸的原料不是木料,而是农业废料。

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