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英文缩写 VCD 视频高密光盘 IT是指信息技术,即英文Information Technology 的缩写 BT是一种P2P共享软件,全名叫"BitTorrent",中文全称:"比特流"又名"变态下载" DIY是每个电脑爱好者熟悉的新名词,是英文Do It Yourself的首字母缩写,自己动手制作的意思,硬件爱好者也被俗称DIYer. OEM是英文Original Equipment Manufacturer的缩写,意思是原设备制造商。 BBS是英文Bulletin Board System的缩写,中文意思是电子公告板系统,现在国内统称做论坛。 XP,是英文Experience(体验)的缩写, 自从微软发布Office XP后,成为软件流行命名概念. 论坛上常见文章标有zt字样,新手不知所云,其实不过是"转帖"的拼音缩写而已. ps是什么意思?在网上,常用软件一般都用缩写代替photoshop简称ps,DreamWeaver简称dw. ID是英文IDentity的缩写,ID是身份标识号码的意思. 为了使Internet上的众多电脑主机在通信时能够相互识别,Internet上的每一台主机都分配有一个唯一的32位地址,该地址称为IP地址,也称作网际地址。IP地址由4个数组成,每个数可取值0~255,各数之间用一个点号“.” MSN 即MICROSOFT NETWORK, 是微软公司的一个门户站点. MSN作为互联网上最受欢迎的一个门户, 具备了为用户提供了在线调查、浏览和购买各种产品和服务的能力. DJ是DISCO JOCIKEY(唱片骑士)的英文缩写,以DISCO为主,DJ这两个字现在已经代表了最新、最劲、最毒、最HIGH的Muisc。 URL是英文Uniform Resoure Locator的缩写,即统一资源定位器,它是WWW网页的地址 OVA是英文录象带的缩写. MC的意思是Micphone Controller的意思,翻译差不多是“控制麦克风的人”。也可以理解为Rapper,很多Rap都在自己的艺名前面加上“MC”,比如台湾的MChotdog,香港的MCYan,美国的MC Hammer等。 CS是非常流行的网络游戏,中文名是反恐精英。 SOHO,是SMALLOFFICEHOMEOFFICER的简称,意思是“在家办公”。还有就是SOHO网啦! BANNER是横幅广告,logo是图标广告. FTP是英文File Transfer Protocol的缩写,即文本传输协议。 pm是什么意思 Private Messages 论坛短信 在英语中,bug表示“臭虫”的意思。但在电脑行业却把电脑内部发生的小故障也称为 “bug”,如程序运行不畅等,这种叫法也许与臭虫不无关系。有人猜测,之所以用bug,是因为它非常简洁明快。其次,臭虫也确实使人连休息也不得安宁,如同电脑中的小故障一样,它虽小,但麻烦还是很大的。 国家: PRC 中国: People's Republic of China国际组织、机构、公司: CAAC 中国民航: Civil Aviation Administration of China SARS 非典: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome BSE 疯牛病: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy BBC British Broadcasting Corporation英国广播公司 CNN美国有线新闻网络Cable News Network 考试: NMET 全国普通高等学校入学考试: National Matriculation Entrance Test CET 大学英语等级考试: College English Test PETS 全国公共英语等级考试: The Public English Test System TOEFL 托福: Test of English as a Foreign Language IELTS 雅思: International English Language Testing System GRE (Graduate Record Examination) 美国研究生入学考试 电子、通讯: IT 信息技术: Information Technology VCD 激光视盘: Video Compact Disc GPS 全球定位系统: Global Positioning System


热工常用英文缩写 缩 写 全 称 汉 A/D analog to digital 模拟/数字['?n ?l ?:g] ACK acknowledge 确认['did ?it ?l] AI analog input 模拟量输入 AMM analog master module 模拟主模件 AMPL amplifier 放大器['?mplifai ?] ANAL analysis 分析[?'n ?l ?sis] ANALZ analyzer 分析机 ['?n ?,laiz ?] ANLG analog 模拟[?'n ?n ?ieit ?] 通告者 ANN annunciator system 报警系统 ANN annunciator 信号装置,报警器 AO analog output 模拟量输出 AO analog output 模拟输出 AOL analog output to loop (圈,环) 对FC30环的模拟输出 AVG average 平均的 APO auxiliary[?:g'zilj ?ri](辅助的) plant operator 辅助设备操作员 BK brake 制动器 ATTEN attenuator [?'tenjueit ?]衰减器,消声器 AVAIL available 可用的 BHP brake horsepower 制动马力 BLK block 程序块,封闭 BLNK blank 空白,熄灭 C-C centure-to-centure 中心距,中心之间 CFGN configuration 轮廓,构架,组态 CH chain 链,环[k ?n,figju'rei ??n] 结构 CHAN channel 通道 CHG change 改变 CIU computer interface unit 计算机接口单元 ['int ?feis] 界面,分界面 接合部 CL centure line 总线,中心线 CMS computer monitoring system 计算机监视系统 CNDNR conditioner [k ?n'di ??n ?]调节器 CNGR congruence 相同,重合 CNT contact ['k ?nt ?kt]接触,触点 CNTL control 控制 CNTLR controller 控制器 CNVR conveyor [k ?n'vei ?]传送装置 CON connector 连接器 CONST constant ['k ?nst ?nt]恒定的,常数 CONT continuous 连续的 CONV converter [k ?n'v ?:t ?]转换器 COORD coordinator/coordinate 调度员/协调 [k ?u'?:dineit ?] 协调者 CR control relay 控制继电器 CRT cathode['k ?θ?ud](阴极)ray tube 显示器 CS control switch 控制开关 CTR centre 中央 CTRLZD centralized ['s ?ntr ?laiz] 集中 CV control valve 控制调门,调节器 D/A digital to analog converter 数字/模拟转换器 DAS data acquisition system 数据采集系统 DAS data acquisition system 数据采集系统 DCS distributed control system 分散控制系统 DCS distributed control system 分散控制 系统 DD device driver(fc123) 设备驱动器 DET detector 检测器 DETD detected 检测到的 DETN detection 检测 DEVN deviation 偏差 DI digital input 数字输入 DIAGL diagonal 对角的 DIAPH diaphragm 流量孔板,薄膜 DIFF differential 有差的 DIFFT differential temperature 温差 DIG digital 数字 DISTRB disturbance 扰动,干扰 DLY delay 延迟,滞后 DO digital output 数字输出 DOL digital output to loop(fn45) 到FN45环的数字输出 DP differential pressure 压差


和老外聊天、发邮件常用英语缩写? 邮件里常用的四个英文缩写 CC,FYI,ASAP,RESEND ? 1. CC 抄送? Literal meaning: Carbon Copy. When used in an e-mail, it means to send a copy of the e-mail to someone else. ? Hidden meaning: If you are on the CC list, you may simply read the e-mail. You're not always obligated to reply. But if an e-mail sent to you has your boss' e-mail on the CC list, watch out. When the boss is involved, you'd better take the e-mail more seriously. ? 2. FYI 供你参考? Literal meaning: For your information. ? Hidden meaning: By adding "FYI", the sender indicates that the e-mail contains information that may be valuable to your company or job responsibilities. ? 3. ASAP / urgent 紧急文件? Literal meaning: As soon as possible. ? Hidden meaning: When you see "ASAP" or "urgent" in an e-mail or document, you should quickly carry out the e-mail's orders. ? 4. RESEND! 重传? Literal meaning: Please resend your reply to me. ? Hidden meaning: "I haven't received your reply. I don't have much time. Please hurry." You might get such a message from someone who sent you an e-mail, to which you've yet to reply. ? others: ? 数字:? 2 = to/too ? 2B or not 2B = To be or not to be ? 4 = for ? 4ever = forever ? A:? ASL = Age/Sex/Location ? AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned ? AFAIK = As Far As I Know ? AFK = Away From Keyboard ? AIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle ? AISI = As I See It ? AKA = Also Known As ? AMBW = All My Best Wishes ? ANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor ? AOTS = All Of The Sudden ? ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible ? ASAP = As Soon As Possible ? ATST = At The Same Time ? AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again ? AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again ? AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something ? ? B:? B4 = Before ? B4N = Bye For Now ? BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel ? BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit ? BBIAF = Be Back In A Few ? BBL = Be Back Later ? BBN = Bye Bye Now ? BCNU = Be Seein’ You ? BF = Boyfriend ? BFD = Big Fing Deal ? BFN = Bye For Now ? BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart ? BIF = Basis In Fact ? BITD = Back In The Day ? Biz = Business ? BM = Byte Me ? BMOTA = Byte Me On The Ass ? BNF = Big Name Fan ? BOHICA = Bend Over Here It Comes Again ? BR = Best regards ? BRB = Be Right Back ? BRT = Be Right There ? BS = Big Smile ? BT = Byte This ? BTDT = Been There Done That ? BTSOOM = Beats The Sh Out Of Me ? BTW = By The Way ? BTWBO = Be There With Bells On ? BWDIK = But What Do I Know? ? BWO = Black, White or Other ? ? C:? Cam = Web Camera ? CIAO = Goodbye (in Italian) ? CID = Consider It Done ? CIS = CompuServe Information Service ?


Media-RIMM,媒体RIMM扩展槽) MSI(Message Signaled Interrupt,信息信号中断) MSPCE(Multiple Streams with Pipelining and Concurrent Execution,多重数 据流的流水线式传输与并发执行) MT=MegaTransfers(兆传输率) MTH(Memory Transfer Hub,内存转换中心) MuTIOL(Multi-Threaded I/O link,多线程I/O链路) NCQ(Native Command Qu,本地命令序列) NGIO(Next Generation Input/Output,新一代输入/输出标准) NPPA(nForce Platform Processor Architecture,nForce平台处理架构)OHCI(Open Host Controller Interface,开放式主控制器接口) ORB(operation request block,操作请求块) ORS(Over Reflow Soldering,再流回焊接,SMT元件的焊接方式) P64H(64-bit PCI Controller Hub,64位PCI控制中心) PCB(printed circuit board,印刷电路板) PCBA(Printed Circuit Board Assembly,印刷电路板装配) PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect,互连外围设备) PCI SIG(Peripheral Component Interconnect Special Interest Group,互连 外围设备专业组) PDD(Performance Driven Design,性能驱动设计) PHY(Port Physical Layer,端口物理层) POST(Power On Self Test,加电自测试) PS/2(Personal System 2,第二代个人系统) PTH(Plated-Through-Hole technology,镀通孔技术) RE(Read Enable,可读取) QP(Quad-Pumped,四倍泵) RBB(Rapid BIOS Boot,快速BIOS启动) RNG(Random number Generator,随机数字发生器) RTC(Real Time Clock,实时时钟) KBC(KeyBroad Control,键盘控制器) SAP(Sideband Address Port,边带寻址端口) SBA(Side Band Addressing,边带寻址) SBC(single board computer,单板计算机) SBP-2(serial bus protocol 2,第二代串行总线协协) SCI(Serial Communications Interface,串行通讯接口) SCK (CMOS clock,CMOS时钟) SDU(segment data unit,分段数据单元) SFF(Small Form Factor,小尺寸架构) SFS(Stepless Frequency Selection,步进频率选项) SMA(Share Memory Architecture,共享内存结构) SMT(Surface Mounted Technology,表面黏贴式封装) SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface,串行外围设备接口)


邮件里常用的英文缩写 1. CC 抄送 Literal meaning: Carbon Copy. When used in an e-mail, it means to send a copy of the e-mail to someone else. Hidden meaning: If you are on the CC list, you may simply read the e-mail. You're not always obligated to reply. But if an e-mail sent to you has your boss' e-mail on the CC list, watch out. When the boss is involved, you'd better take the e-mail more seriously. 2. FYI 供你参考 Literal meaning: For your information. Hidden meaning: By adding "FYI", the sender indicates that the e-mail contains information that may be valuable to your company or job responsibilities. 3. ASAP / urgent 紧急文件 Literal meaning: As soon as possible. Hidden meaning: When you see "ASAP" or "urgent" in an e-mail or document, you should quickly carry out the e-mail's orders. 4. RESEND! 重传9(9\kQj{C Literal meaning: Please resend your reply to me. i;


全国人民代表大会National People's Congress (NPC) 主席团Presidium 常务委员会Standing Committee 办公厅General Office 秘书处Secretariat 代表资格审查委员会Credentials Committee 提案审查委员会Motions Examination Committee 民族委员会Ethnic Affairs Committee 法律委员会Law Committee 财政经济委员会Finance and Economy Committee 外事委员会Foreign Affairs Committee 教育、科学、文化和卫生委员会Education,Science,Culture and Public Health Committee 内务司法委员会Committee for Internal and Judicial Affairs 华侨委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Committee 法制工作委员会Commission of Legislative Affairs 特定问题调查委员会Commission of Inquiry into Specific Questions 宪法修改委员会Committee for Revision of the Constitution 2、中华人民共和国主席President of the People's Republic of China 3、中央军事委员会Central Military Commission 4、最高人民法院Supreme People's Court


热工常用英文缩写 缩写全称汉 A/D analog to digital 模拟/ 数字 ['?n ?l ?:g] ACK acknowledge 确认['did ?t ?l] AI analog input 模拟量输入 AMM analog master module 模拟主模件AMPL amplifier 放大器['?mplifai ?| ANAL analysis 分析[?'n? l?sis] ANALZ analyzer 分析机['? n?,laiz ?] ANLG analog 模拟[?'n?n?ieit ?]通告者 ANN annunciator system 报警系统 ANN annunciator 信号装置,报警器 AO analog output 模拟量输出 AO analog output 模拟输出 AOL analog output to loop (圈,环)对FC30环的模拟输出AVG average 平 均的 APO auxiliary] ?g'zilj ?ri](辅助 的)plant operator 辅助设备操作员BK brake 制动器 ATTE N attenuator [ ?'tenjueit ?]衰减器,消声 器 AVAIL available 可用的 BHP brake horsepower 制动马力 BLK block 程序块,封闭 BLNK blank 空白,熄灭 C-C centure-to-centure 中心距,中心之间 CFGN configuration 轮廓,构架,组态 CH chain 链,环[k ?n,figju'rei ?n]结构CHAN channel 通道 CHG change 改变 CIU computer interface unit 计算机接口单元['int ?feis] 界面,分界面接合部 CL centure line 总线,中心线 CMS computer monitoring system 计算机监视系统 CNDNR conditioner [k ?n'di 加刁调节器 CNGR congruence 相同,重合 CNT contact ['k ?nt?kt]接触,触点 CNTL control 控制 CNTL R : controller 控制器 CNVR conveyor [k ?n'vei ?]传送装置CON connector 连接器 CONST constant ['k ?nst ?nt]恒定的,常数 CONT continuous 连续的 CONV converter [k ?n'v ?:t ?]转换器 COORD coordinator/coordinate 调度员/ 协调 [k ?u' ?dineit ?] 协调者 CR control relay 控制继电器 CRT cathode['k? 0 ?ud](阴极)ray tube 显示器 CS control switch 控制开关 CTR centre 中央 CTRLZD centralized ['s ?ntr ?laiz]集中 CV control valve 控制调门,调节器 D/A digital to analog converter 数字/模拟转换器 DAS data acquisition system 数据 米集系统 DAS data acquisition system 数据 米集系统 DCS distributed control system 分散控制系统 DCS distributed control system 分散控制系统 DD device driver(fc123) 设备驱动器 DET detector 检测器 DETD detected 检测到的 DETN detection 检测 DEVN deviation 偏差 DI digital input 数字输入 DIAGL diagona l 对角的 DIAPH diaphragm 流量孔板,薄膜 DIFF differential 有差的 DIFFT differential temperature 温差 DIG digital 数字 DISTRB disturbance 扰动,干扰 DLY delay 延迟,滞后 DO digital output 数字输出 DOL digital output to loop(fn45) 至 U FN45环的数字输出 DP differential pressure 压差DSBL D ) disabled 不能的


邮件中常用英文缩写 您肯定有时会在电子邮件或信件中看到不理解的奇怪缩写词。是否想知道它们表示什么?下面是一个有用列表,相信会对您有所帮助。一些缩写(标有*)也会用在日常对话中。 i.e.*:that is(即)的缩写(“We will do it by eob, i.e. 5:30 pm(我们将在下班前完成,即,下午5:30之前)”,发音为“eye-ee”) incl.:including(包括)的缩写(“Pls send it incl. new propsal asap.(请尽快发送,包括新的建议书。)”) info.:information(信息)的缩写(“Thanks in advance for the info.(提前感谢提供该信息。)”)IOU*:I owe you(欠条)的缩写(“We will send an IOU (我们将发给您一张欠条)”,发音为“I owe you”) K*:a thousand(一千)的缩写(“It will cost around 3K(将花费大约三千)”,发音为“three-kay”)max.*:maximum(最多)的缩写(“It will cost 3K max.(最多将花费三千。)”)MD*:managing director(总经理)的缩写(“He’s our MD(他是我们的总经理)”,发音为“em-dee”) min.*:minimum(最少)的缩写(“It will cost 3K min.(最少将花费三千。)”) n/a:not applicable(不适用)的缩写(“This is n/a in th is context.(在此上下文中不适用。)”)NB:please note(请注意)的缩写(用在文档的末尾,“NB: Holidays this year are cancelled.(请注意:本年度的假期被取消。)”) no.:number(编号)的缩写(“Pls advise no. of deliveries.(请建议交付编号。)”)p.a.:per year(每年)的缩写(“How much p.a.?(每年有多少?)”) pd:paid(已支付)的缩写(“This invoice was pd in December.(此发票在12月份已支付。)”)pls:please(请)的缩写(“Pls advise.(请建议。)”) PTO:please turn over(请翻页)的缩写(用在页面末尾) p.w.:per week(每周)的缩写(“How many p.w.?(每周多少?)”)


lamant_sarah 单片机英文缩写全称及中文名称 一、寄存器部分 SFR= special function register //特殊功能寄存器(片内RAM 80H~FFH) ACC= accumulate //累加器 PSW= programmer status word //程序状态字 SP= stack point //堆栈指针 DPL,DPH=DPTR(data point register //数据指针寄存器)的低8位和高8位IE =interrupt enable // 中断使能 IP= interrupt priority //中断优先级 PCON =power control //电源控制 SCON= serial control //串行口控制

SBUF= serial buffer //串行数据缓冲 TCON =timer control //定时器控制 TMOD= timer mode //定时器方式 PSW: CY= carry (psw.7) //进位(标志) AC= auxiliary carry (psw.6) //辅助进位 F0= (psw.5) //用户自定义标志位 RS1,RS0=register selection (psw.4,psw.3)//工作寄存器组选择位OV=overflow (psw.2) //溢出 P=parity (psw.0) //奇偶校验位

IE: EA=Enable All Interrupt //CPU开/关中断控制位ET=Enable Timer //定时器溢出中断允许位 ES=Enable Serial Port //串行口中断允许位 EX=Enable External //外部中断的中断允许位 IP: PS=Priority Serial //串口优先级 PT=Priority Timer //定时器优先级 PX=Priority External //外部中断优先级


65个商务邮件常用语(中英对照)1. If you’re any questions please let me know. 如有任何问题,请告诉我。 refer tentative schedule as follow: 请参照下面的暂定计划 3. Please recheck your record and advise if you find any differences. are following your instruction on the basis of your confirmation我们在您确认的基础上按您的指示行事。 are you doing 还好吧? 6. Thanks in advance and best regards. 7. Looking forward seeing you soon. there is anything else I can help, please let me know. `s why: 原因如下 review, and let’s discuss how we should move forward. 请检讨,并让我们一起讨论我们应该怎样继续。 would like to lock up this business. 我们想锁定这笔生意 you respond to the above questions, we will decide which option we would like to pursue. 你们对上述问题回复后,我们会立即决定我们会选择哪个方案。 for your understanding. 谢谢您的谅解 please let me know if you need any other information 另外,你们还需要其他信息吗? get back to you ASAP. 会尽快回复你! `s discuss this then 到时我们讨论下这个问题。 review the below email our US office and advise.请查看以下我们US办公室发的E-mail并进行回复 and understand all below. review and advise us with any questions. `s give it a try to make it happen…It is for a good cause让我们试试吧…这是值得支持的 are a lots of lose ends now…How once you going to execute this现在有很多问题,我们怎样处理 I explained over the phone,today,如同我今天在电话中解释的那样 we will have one chance only.既然我们只要一个选择 note and proceed as is,请注意,并按现况继续 see the reply below in red 请看如下红色的回复


企业管理常见英文缩写 QMS: Quality Management Systems 质量管理体系 EMS:Environment Management Systems 环境管理体系 SA :社会责任 Social Accoutability HACCP :危害分析与关键控制点 Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point RoHS:电气电子设备中限制使用某些有害物质指令 The Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronic Equipment WEEE:报废电子电气设备指令 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment IAF: International Accreditation Forum 国际认可论坛 IAF/MLA: 国际认可论坛多边承认协议 CNAB:中国认证机构国家认可委员会英文名称为:China National Accreditation Board for Certifiers CNAT:中国认证人员与培训机构国家认可委员会(CHINA NATIONAL AUDITOR AND TRAINING ACCREDITATION BOARD,简称CNAT) CNAL:中国实验室国家认可委员会英文名称为CHINA NATIONAL ACCREDITATION BOARD FOR LABORATORIES IECQ:是国际电工委员会电子委员会电子元器件质量评定体系International Electrotechnical Commission Quality IEC是国际电工委员会 International Electrotechnical Commission National/International/Customer Standard. Control Procedure. 国家国际客户标准控 制程序 Product Document Control Procedure. 产品文件控制程序 Stock Taking Procedure. 仓库盘点控制程序 New Suppliers/Sub-contractor Evaluation.


和美国客户发邮件。有个LMK的缩写。想了半天,后天查了网络,才知道是LET ME KNOW 的意思。我没有想的那么正确。所以知道一些简单的缩写是很有必要的,我在网上查了一些。不知道你们之前看过没。 数字: 2 = to/too 2B or not 2B = To be or not to be 4 = for 4ever = forever A: ASL = Age/Sex/Location AFAIC = As Far As I’m Concerned AFAIK = As Far As I Know AFK = Away From Keyboard AIAMU = And I’m A Monkey’s Uncle AISI = As I See It AKA = Also Known As AMBW = All My Best Wishes ANFAWFOWS = And Now For A Word Word From Our Web Sponsor AOTS = All Of The Sudden ASAFP = As Soon As "Friggin" Possible ASAP = As Soon As Possible ATST = At The Same Time AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again AWGTHTGTTSA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Sh Again AYSOS = Are You Stupid Or Something B: B4 = Before B4N = Bye For Now BBFBBM = Body By Fisher, Brains by Mattel BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit BBIAF = Be Back In A Few BBL = Be Back Later BBN = Bye Bye Now BCNU = Be Seein’ You BF = Boyfriend BFD = Big Fing Deal BFN = Bye For Now BHOF = Bald Headed Old Fart BIF = Basis In Fact BITD = Back In The Day Biz = Business BM = Byte Me


最常用的英文缩写和短信缩写 由于英文的字母太多,不方便的时候发短信很慢,所以外国人很多都在短信上输入缩写,这样就节省了很多时间。需要说明的是,不是所有的人都明白这些缩写是什么意思,因为太多了,这里也不是所有的,只是选了一些比较有意思的,并标红了那些在英国最常用的。 从数字到Z的顺序列出,其实还蛮多的。前面大写的是缩写(如果发短信的话不需要大写),后面附加的是英文和中文翻译。大家可以快速过一下前面的英文缩写(但注重记一下标红的那些),建议花多点时间看看后面的英文解释,因为很多都是非常生活化,很本土的英文短句,是出国留学的朋友们必须了解和明白的,中文翻译翻的比较中国化,没有那么生硬,这样大家应该能够更好的理解。 P.S (postscript附录):如果你知道还有什么很常用的英文缩写,请与我们交流。Others & Numbers @TEOTD– At the end of the day 最后 121 – One-to-one 一对一 10X – Thanks 谢谢 10Q – Thank you 谢谢你 1CE– Once 从前 1DR – I wonder 我想 1NAM – One in a million 100个里头的一个 2– Meaning ‘to’ in SMS 英文的“to” 2EZ – Too easy 太简单了 2moro– Tomorrow 明天 2nite– Tonight 今晚 4– Short for ‘for’ in SMS 英文的“for” 411 – Information 信息 4COL – For crying out loud 搞什么名堂;哎呀 4EAE – Forever and ever 永永远远 4EVER– Forever 永远 ^5 – High-five 击掌 6Y – Sexy 性感 7K – Sick 生病 A A3 – Anytime, anywhere, anyplace 哪里都成 AAP – Always a pleasure 很高兴 AAR – At any rate 任何价格 AB/ ABT– About 关于 ABT2 – Meaning ‘about to’将…… ACC – Anyone can come 谁都能来 ACK – Acknowledgement 感谢 ADBB – All done, bye-bye 完了,再见 ADD/ ADR– Address 地址 ADMIN– Administrator 管理员

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