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跨文化交际教案chapter 4 interculture communication

跨文化交际教案chapter 4 interculture communication
跨文化交际教案chapter 4 interculture communication

Chapter IV Intercultural Communication

ⅠTeaching Objectives

1.To identify the definitions of intercultural communication, interpersonal communication,

intracultural communication, cross-cultural communication, international communication, interethnic communication, interracial communication, interregional communication.

2.To understand the four fundamental values of western ethics.

3.To understand the different ethics that belongs to the different part of the world.

4.To understand the definition and main components of intercultural communication.

ⅡLeading in

ⅢT eaching Procedures

Step 1

Have students listen to the lead-in case What is Wrong?

Ask students warming-up questions:

●What is going wrong in this case?

●Have you ever misunderstood someone who came from a different culture?

●What is intercultural communication?

●What intercultural communication skills do you know? Please list some of them.

Step 2

Culture and Communication

The metaphor of the journey and the map can help us understand the relationship between culture and communication. Cultures are both the maps of a place (the rules and conventions) and the journeys that take place there (actual practices).

Intercultural communication defined

Forms of Intercultural communication

a. Interpersonal Communication

b. Intracultural Communication

c. International Communication

d. Interethnic Communication

e. Interracial Communication

f. interregional Communication

4.3.1 Interpersonal communication

Interpersonal communication is a form of communication that involves

both to adapt their messages specifically for those others and to obtain immediate interpretations

Intracultural communication is defined as communication between and among members

Generally, people who are of the same race, political persuasion, and religion or who share the same interests communicate intraculturally.

4.3.3 International communication

4.3.4 Interethnic communication

4.3.5 Interracial communication

Interracial communication occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages are from

4.3.6 Interregional communication

Interregional Communication refers to the exchange of messages between members of the dominant culture within a country.

Intercultural communication ethics

4.4.1 Western ethics

Being free to act consistent with one’ own principles.

Impartiality; giving each person his or her legitimate due or portion of the whole.

Accountability for the consequences of one’s actions, including a failure to act.

Partiality to those who cannot protect themselves and to whom we are in special relationships.

4.4.2 African ethics


4.4.3 Buddhist ethics

Value is placed which are to be pursued for the betterment of the person if not in this life, then in the next.

4.4.4 Hindu ethics

Hinduism strives for the for including individualism, to merge with the absolute.

4.4.5 Islamic ethics

Traditional Islamic perspectives on ethics are based on its religious concepts. There are different rules of ethical conduct for women and for men.


Raising Intercultural Awareness:


活动目的:该课堂活动旨在帮助学生了解不同文化对待某些事物看法和态度的异同。 活动过程描述:



表7-6 样卷













Homework and After-class activities

●Write a paper on Ethical Perspectives from Different Religions

●Surf on the internet to collect the information about the traditional Chinese ethics


Test Your Intercultural Competence

_____1.Generally, I am comfortable interacting with a group of people from different cultures.

_____2.I am tense and nervous while interacting in group discussions with people from different cultures.

_____3.While conversing with a person from a different culture, I feel very relaxed.

_____4.I’m afraid to speak up in conversations with a person from a different culture.

_____5.I face the prospect of interacting with people from different cultures with confidence.

_____6.My thoughts become confused and jumbled when interacting with people from different cultures.

_____https://www.doczj.com/doc/6417078173.html,municating with people from different cultures makes me feel uncomfortable. ⅣSupplimentary Materials

1. Key Terms:

1.Intercultural communication refers to communication between people whose cultural

perceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.(跨文化交际是指拥有不同文化认知和符号体系的人们之间进行的交际)

2.The term cross-cultural communication is typically used to refer to the study of a particular

idea or concept within many cultures. The goal of such investigations is to conduct a series of intercultural analysis in order to compare one culture to another on the attributes of interests.


3.Interpersonal communication is a form of communication that involves a small number of

individuals who are interacting exclusively with one another and who therefore have the ability both to adapt their messages specifically for those others and to obtain immediate interpretations from them.(人际交际是指少数人之间的交往,他们既能根据对方调整自己的信息又能立即从对方那里获得解释。)

4.Intracultural communication is defined as communication between and among members of

the same culture. Generally, people who are of the same race, political persuasion, and religion or who share the same interests communicate intraculturally.(内文化交际是指同一文化内其成员之间的交际。总的来说,同一种族、政治倾向、宗教或者具有同样兴趣的人们之间的交际就是内文化交际。)

5.International communication takes place between nations and governments rather than

individuals; it is quite formal and ritualized. (国家间的交际是指国家和政府而非个人之间的交际。此种交际非常正式和仪式化)

6.Interethnic communication refers to communication between people of the same race but

different ethnic backgrounds.(跨民族交际是指同一种族不同民族背景的人们之间的交际)7.Interracial communication occurs when the sender and the receiver exchanging messages

are from different races that pertain to different physical characteristics. (跨种族交际是指信息源和信息接收者来自不同的种族,这些种族具有不同的身体特征。)

8.Interregional Communication refers to the exchange of messages between members of the

dominant culture within a country. (跨地区交际是指一个国家内主流文化成员之间的信息交换过程。)

2. Additional Information:

1.Communication: the Process of Understanding and Sharing Meaning

The word communication is used in a variety of ways. Before we use the term any further, we should establish a common understanding of its definition. Communication comes from the Latin communicare, which means to make common. This original definition of the word is consistent with the definition of communication used in this text.

In this text, communication is defined as the process of understanding and sharing meaning. Communication is considered a process because it is an activity, exchange, of set of behaviors—not an unchanging, static product, in which we participate. David Berlo, a well-known communication figure, probably provides the clearest statement about communication as a process.

Berlo wrote: If we accept the concept of process, we view events and relationships as dynamic, ongoing, ever-changing, continuous. When we label something as a process, we also mean that it does not have a beginning, an end, a fixed sequence of events. It is not static, at rest. It is moving. The ingredients within a process interact, each affects all of the others.

What is an example of how a process operates in everyday communication? Picture two students passing on the sidewalk between classes and exchanging a few sentences. Did this very tiny communication episode really begin and end with their first and last word: Do we have to consider that both of them spoke to each other in English, that they must have had some prior encounter, or that they would not have stopped to exchange messages, If they have a common understanding of what was said, then they must share some experiences that shape their perceptions similarly. Didn’t their message go beyond the words to how they looked, if they smiled, and how much volume they use? Did the episode end with the last word and look or was it used to solidify their relationship: would their brief conversation be thought about later that day and the next, and did it lead to another meeting that night? Communication is a complicated process. It is variable, active, and dynamic. It starts long before the words begin to flow and can last long after the words stop.

Communication is a process that requires understanding. Your professor asks, what is the ontogeny of your misogeny? You hear the words, but you may not be able to understand or interpret them, An Asian student who has to struggle with English as a second language may have the same trouble with words that most Americans regard as easy to understand. Understanding, or grasping, the meaning of another person’s message does not occur unless the two communicators can elicit common meanings for words, phrases, and nonverbal codes. The importance of this kind of understanding was emphasized by humanistic psychologist Carl Rogers in his book On Becoming a Person., He wrote, I have found it of enormous value when I can permit myself to understand another person.

In addition to understanding, communication involves sharing. Consider the popular use of the word sharing. We share a meal, we share an event, we share a sunset. Sharing is a gift that people exchange. We can also share with ourselves when we allow ourselves time to relax and daydream, time to consider who we are and what our goals are. We share with others when we talk to them alone or in larger groups. Regardless of the context, communication involves sharing.

What exactly is understood and shared in the communication process? When you use language for expression, meaning is the shared understanding of your feelings. When you use language for pragmatic purposes, meaning is the appropriate response that indicates the message was understood. For example, you ask for a drink, and the other person gives you one. Meaning is the message you construct in your mind as you interpret the message sent.

An example of how meaning operates is the Rodney King incident in which people around the world saw an African American being beaten by Los Angeles police. The meaning of the videotaped event was whatever interpretation people developed in their own minds. Most people

perceived the incident as police power gone away. When the jury acquitted the police, many people interpreted the decision as a miscarriage of justice. Everyone who saw the videotapes of who read about the verdict constructed their own meaning, their own interpretation of the incident. The meaning attributed to the incident fashioned responses from agreement, to disbelief, to violence.

(Source: Judy Cornelia Pearson, Paul Edward Nelson. Understanding and Sharing An Introduction to Speech communication .Wm .C. Brown Communications, Inc.1994.5-8) Questions:

1.How do you understand the statement that communication is a process of understanding and sharing?

2.What is understood and shared in a successful interaction?

3.What must speakers share if they want to understand each other in a conversation?

4.What implications does this passage have on the study of intercultural communication?

2.Students can be divided into several groups to discuss the topic---what intercultural communication competence should a person have to be an effective intercultural communicator?

Good intercultural communicators have personality strength (strong sense of self and socially relaxed), communication skills (verbal and nonverbal), psychological adjustment (ability to adapt to new situations), and cultural awareness (understanding how people of different cultures think and act).These areas can be divided into eight different skills: self-awareness, self-respect, interaction, empathy, adaptability, certainty, initiative and acceptance.

4.3 Cross-cultural tips

4.3.1 Chinese Culture

The Ethical Principles of Confucianism

Confucianism had been regarded as an ethic-political system in ancient China. For more than two thousand years it has moulded and shaped the civilization of China and exerted a profound influence upon almost one fourth pf the human race.

Confucianism has left us a rich literary heritage known as the Four Books and Five Classics; The Great Learning (《大学》), The Mean (《中庸》), Analects (《论语》), and Mencius (《孟子》); Book of Change(《易经》), Book of History (《尚书》), Book of Odes (《诗经》), Book of Rites (《礼记》) and Spring and Autumn Anna ls(《春秋》) For six centuries (1313—1905) these four texts became the elementary requirements of Chinese education in the feudal society and served as the basis of the civil service examination (科举考试) by which scholars were selected for official posts at various levels of the government.

The ethical principle of Confucianism is its discovery of the ultimate in the moral character of human relationships in which Confucius offered the solution for the ills and evils of his day. That is the well-known Five Relationships: ruler-minister, father-son, husband-wife, elder-and-younger brother, and friend-friend. The responsibilities ensuing from

these relationships are mutual and reciprocal. A minister owes loyalty to his ruler, and a child filial respect to his parent. But the ruler must care for his subjects, and the parent for the child. Just as Confucius said of the doctrine of reciprocity and neighborliness: "Within the four seas all men are brothers. " ( 四海之内皆兄弟) " Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you. " (己所不欲,勿施于人)

Confucius' central doctrine is that of the virtue of ren (仁). What is ren? Ren is translated variously as goodness, benevolence, humanity, and human-heartedness. In short, ren means affection and love. "A man of ren loves others" (任者爱人) .Fan Chi asked about " ren". Confucius said, "Love all men. " (樊迟问任,子曰“爱人”)

The ethical thought of Confucius can be summed up as the following five cardinal virtues;

1. ren (仁), the will to show benevolence to others (the root)

2. yi (义), righteousness by justice (the trunk)

3. li ( 礼), moral ways of conduct (the branches)

4. zhi (智), wisdom (the flower)

5. xin (信), faithfulness (the fruit)

In my opinion Confucianism's greatest contribution to the Chinese nation is its shaping and moulding of the Chinese character and national soul and its founding of the complete system of knowledge. Just as Dr. Sun Yat-sen said; "Therefore the old morals of loyalty (忠) and piety (孝), affection and love (仁爱), faithfulness and righteousness(信义), are superior to those of the foreign countries, let alone that of peace and harmony (和平). These high standards of morals are our national spirit. "(所以中国从前的忠孝、仁爱、信义种种就倒地,固然是驾乎外国人,说到和平的道德,更是驾乎外国人。这种特别好的道德,便是我们的民族精神。《孙中山选集》684页)

The complete system of knowledge is laid down in the book of Great Learning:

The way of the Great Learning lies in illustrating virtue, rejuvenating the people, and reaching perfection. ... The ancients who wished to illustrate virtue throughout the world

would first govern well their own state. To govern their state well, they would first regulate their families. To regulate their families, they would first cultivate their own personality. To cultivate their personality they would rectify their minds. To rectify their minds, they would first strive to be sincere in their thoughts. Wishing for sincerity in their thoughts, they would expand their knowledge. The expansion of knowledge lay in the investigation of things. (The Text of Confucius)




4.3.2 The Comparison of Western and Eastern Customs









4.3.3 The comparison of Western and Eastern etiquette























1.跨文化交流Larry A. Samovar & Richard E. Porter 北京大学出版社2004 Page 15

2. 跨文化交际学贾玉新上海外语教育出版社1997 Page 23—28

3. 跨文化交际导论宋莉哈尔滨工业大学出版社2004 Page 3—15

4. 全球环境中的跨文化沟通Linda Beamer & Iris Varner 清华大学出版社2003 Page 31

5. 跨文化英语教程许力生上海外语教育出版社2004 Page 60—61

6. Intercultural Communication in Contexts Judith N.Martin & Thomas K. Nakayama.

McGraw-Hill Publishing House1997, Page 41—58

7. American Cultural Patterns Edward C. Stewart & Milton J.Ben nett Intercultrual Press.Inc. Page



《跨文化交际学概论》第七章社会交往五、宴请招待p132 Case One: Setting Rules for a Guest – American Hospitality 案例: When Zhang Tao traveled in America, he lived in the home of his American friend, Bill. Once after he had traveled back, he found Bill was in a bad mood. When he asked what the problem was, Bill told Zhang Tao that his son Adam got furious about the noise Zhang made when walking upstairs and also because he was using too much water in the solar powered shower and Adam had to have his shower in cold water. Bill told Zhang Tao that he should walk more softly in future, and have a fast shower to save water. Zhang Tao felt uneasy. How could the host set such rules for his guest! Question: Why did Zhang Tao feel uneasy? 分析: 1) In China, when people host someone, they put the guest in the place of honor to show hospitality. They try to take care of the guest,and try to make the guest feel comfortable and at ease. 2) In America, people tend to give the guest great freedom and treat a guest more casually, naturally and truthfully. 3) Zhang Tao knew he was a guest, and thought in terms of Chinese expectations of hospitality. He thought Bill should treat him courteously instead of setting rules for him. 4) Since Zhang Tao lived in American surroundings, he should have known about the customs there sooner. Case Two: 案例: Lin had traveled 20 hours from Beijing to New York. He needed a good meal. His American friend, Mike, met him. But Mike only offered him a plate of roasted chicken and a glass of orange juice. Lin was used to having a main course, and asked Mike if he had any rice. Mike said he only had fried noodles, and Lin had to make do with it. Though Lin knew Americans didn’t care very much about what food they ate, he still felt surprised because he had taken Mike to the most famous duck restaurant in Beijing -- Quanjude -- when he arrived in Beijing. Question: Why did Lin feel surprised? Offer some advice to him about adjusting to his new environment in America.


Intercultural communication is a form of global communication. It is used to describe the wide range of communication problems that naturally appear within an organization made up of individuals from different religious, social, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.As a separate notion, it studies situations where people from different cultural backgrounds interact. Aside from language, intercultural communication focuses on social attributes, thought patterns, and the cultures of different groups of people. It also involves understanding the different cultures, languages and customs of people from other countries. Intercultural communication plays a role in social sciences such as anthropology, cultural studies, linguistics psychology and communication studies. Intercultural communication is also referred to as the base for international businesses. There are several cross-cultural service providers around who can assist with the development of intercultural communication skills. Research is a major part of the development of intercultural communication skills. As we all know, there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list all of their different aspects. I will focus on the differences of diet custom and teaching system. For your better understand , I will set examples of China and America. It is no doubt that it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese. But people in America prefer to forks and knives. This different result is based on different food they are like .Americans choose to eat beefsteak, bread, and salad, while Chinese people choose noodles, pancakes and rice. What is more, the custom of drinking tea in China and drinking coffee in America are stand out particularly .However, there is a trend that the food in both countries has been mixture. For example, the coffee and bread have introduced to China. The famous KFC is very popular at children. The gap of teaching system between China and America is big. Chinese students always complain about their homework. Too much homework has limited the time to exercise and relax. They have to recite many things as to get a high mark. Homework comes the first to them. In my opinion, the study in America is more interesting .Teachers pay attentions t o training students? skills in thinking in realistic life not to emphasis on the importan ce of memories. In a addition, the rate of going to school ,the salary of teaching ,and t he job of graduates are quite different, too. I should say that China government should make great efforts to improve its teaching system. I am also expect to be one day ,the West give more cheers to our country. “Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the me mbers of one category of people from another.” It is inevitable that the cultural difference has impact on business. For example, when a company is having meeting, the word “table” they mention in American Engli sh means to put something on the agenda, but in British English it means to put somet hing off the agenda. This example indicated how the culture affects the business. In Western wedding culture and the first in the West in thinking about the differe


第一讲跨文化交际 1. 在你的日常活动中哪些是比较典型的跨文化交际? 答:(1)具有不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程就是跨文化交际。 (2)日常活动中比较典型的跨文化交际有: ①中外领导人谈判、进出口公司的工作人员与外国商人谈生意; ②和外国旅游者、外国留学生、外国教师交往; ③阅读外国小说、观看外国电影、电视节目。 2. 你认为强调个人之间的文化差异有什么利弊? 答:强调个人之间的文化差异有如下利弊: (1)利:每个人都隶属于若干群体,而且没有哪两个人隶属的群体是完全相同的。即使在同一群体中,每个人的态度、价值和信念也不会完全一样。因此,每个人都应该被认为是独特的。强调个人的差异,就是在从地区、职业、年龄、性别等方面来研究不同文化对个体的影响,这有助于跨文化交际深入开展。 (2)弊:过于强调个人之间的文化差异也有一定的弊端。个体只是一种或多种文化的具体情况。根据传统的观念,文化通常不是指个人行为,而是指一个群体的生活方式和习惯,个人之间的差异研究只有在把他们当作群体代表时才有意义。过于强调个人文化之间的差异会使跨文化交际变得非常繁琐,实际上取消了跨文化研究的意义。 3. 我国的地区文化差异是否可以作为跨文化交际研究的重要方面? 答:我国的地区文化差异可以作为跨文化交际研究的重要方面。 (1)跨文化交际研究的重要性排序如下:主流文化—亚文化—地区文化—小群体文化。 (2)地区文化的差异是跨文化交际研究的重要课题之一。我国幅员辽阔、地域广袤,地势高低起伏,地形复杂多变,由于空间分布差异,各地区形成了具有各自地方特斯的区域文化。 (3)同时,我国是一个多民族国家,每个民族都有自己的民族文化传统,这些也构成了地区文化的一部分。这些地区文化从总体上看,特点显著,区别性强,差异性大,值得进行跨文化研究。


《跨文化交际》 课程教学大纲 课程名称:英语教学论 课程类别:专业必修课 考核类别:考试 适用对象:本科 适用专业:英语 总学时、学分:36学时2学分 一、课程教学目的 该课程旨在扩大学生的知识面,对西方文化的不同层面有所了解,以提高学生的交际能力。在传统的外语教学中, 人们往往忽视文化的重要作用, 只注重语言能力的培养而未能顾及交际能力的提高。近年来国内学者认识到外语教学必须引进文化知识的对比,训练学生灵活运用语言知识, 更好地与外国人沟通, 减少和避免误解。 1

二、课程教学要求 该课程教学要求学生提高对文化差异的敏感性, 更有效地与外国人进行交际,为英语专业课程的学习和翻译实践能力的提高奠定基础。 三、先修课程 跨文化交际是英语专业的必修课, 是在完成了精读、泛读、综合英语、写作等基本技能训练后开设的,旨在增强文化差异的敏感性,增强跨文化交际意识,有助于英语专业课程的学习和翻译实践能力的提高。因此,学生先期完成英语听说读写等技能训练基本课程,如《基础英语》、《英国文学选读》等课程。 四、课程教学重、难点 该课程教学重点在于培养学生对英语国家文化的 2

了解及跨文化交际意识, 提高驾驭英语语言的能力, 从而使其能得体地运用语言与操英语的外国人士进行交流。教师的讲授重点是帮助学生认识中西文化的异同,分析文化差异的根源, 帮助学生深化对西方文化的理解。中西文化的差异在表层上很容易识别,但对造成差异的原因却需追根溯源。东西方在历史,思维方式以及哲学等方面的差异则是造成中国学生对西方文化不解的主要原因,也是该课程的难点。 五、课程教学方法(或手段) 教学方法:以课堂讲授为主,适当组织课堂讨论,鼓励学生充分利用课外资源进行探索性、研究性学习。 六、课程教学内容 Unit 1 Communication Across Cultures(4学时) 3


汉硕案例分析答题技巧 最近很多人问关于汉语国际教育考试中的案例分析题该怎样答,我根据自己的粗浅经验,现总结如下: 1.答题思路:按照发现问题-- 分析问题-- 解决问题的思路。具体如下:(1)发现问题:也就是提出问题。在所给的案例中,某个出国教汉语的志愿者教师或来中国教外语的外教等,遇到了什么样的困难。遇到的困难可能是课堂教学时的,比如学生上课都不积极回答问题,不愿意参与老师精心设计的课堂活动,或者问老师一些可能涉及到“隐私”的问题;也可以是这位老师在生活上遇到的问题,比如无法与当地人沟通或交流(语言障碍,文化障碍),无法适应当地人的生活,或不理解当地人做某事时为什么会采取那样的方式,等等。注意:遇到的问题可能是多方面的,要从多角度分析,一般情况下,也不只是一个问题,所以,要按条来答。 (2)分析问题:要求你具体分析一下这位老师或某人遇到这种困难是什么原因引起的,主要是文化方面的原因,可能还涉及到一些他所采用的文化策略等。比如,他由于对对方国家文化不了解,对方国家可能很注重“隐私”,而在我们国家这不被看做是“隐私”。同时要求你分析出我们的母语文化具有什么样的特点,最主要的是和对方国家有什么不一样,哪里不一样,因此造成了他在文化方面的不适应,以至于教学和生活中都出现了问题或遇到了困难。关于他所使用的文化策略,主要就是他自身有没有做到尊重当地的文化,有没有试着去融入这种文化,接受这种文化,还是一味的采取排斥策略,认为自己的一切都好,别人的一切都不好。这就是分析问题了。 (3)解决问题:这是最关键的部分了。怎么解决他遇到的问题或困难?你自己提出个对策就行了,当然,要根据一些你所知道的文化常识和应对策略。比如首先尊重当地文化,多和当地人交流,努力让自己适应当地人的文化和生活方式,做到求同存异,等等。这里需要注意的就是,有些文化的知识是很灵活的,比如中国人的谦虚、中庸的思想等等,都是我们日常生活就知道的,就是稍微总结一下,理顺一下,就能答题了。关于这个,如果时间还来得及,就看一下程裕祯的《中国文化要略》,看一下中国文化的特点等,很多东西是很细致的,自己要稍加总结。如果时间不是很充分了,就把刘珣的《对外汉语教育学引论》上的关于“跨文化交际”的那个章节仔细看一下,我觉得应对这道题应该够用了。 2.答题方法:其实思路清晰了就很好弄了,老师会看你的逻辑分析能力。强烈建议大家一定要分条论述,千万别想到哪说到哪,写出一大片,阅卷老师还得自己去给你找点,这样,老师会很疲劳的,老师最不喜欢的就是这种思维混乱的。所以说,大家答题时我觉得可以按两种方法来写: 第一种:按发现问题---分析问题---解决问题来写,一共三条,然后在每条的下边分几个小点,因为发现的问题肯定不止一个,相应的分析问题和解决问题也会不止一条。 第二种:按一共出现了几个问题分条,第一条,问题1:发现问题--分析问题--解决问题;问题2:发现问题--分析问题--解决问题;问题3--以此类推。 总结一下,以上两种方法都各有利弊,因为有时不同的问题是由同一个原因产生的,或者需要同一种解决策略。所以,大家可以根据自己的喜好来选择其中一种。按以上的问题全部分析完以后,最好再来个综述,大致总结一下,字数不用太多,就是有个小结尾。 最后,要跟大家说的是,字数和字迹的问题。这个案例分析要求是1000字以上


对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院 2009-2010学年第二学期 跨文化交际导论(英) 复习大纲 课程名称: ENG338a【跨文化交际导论(英)】 考核方式: 开卷笔试[占总分的70%] 复习范围:以指定教材(第1-9章)为主,课件内容为辅。 试题形式:客观试题50 题,每题2分,题型共三种形式: I. Definition Matching.Match the terms with their definitions. (给 术语配对定义,10题,1题2分,共20分) II. True-False. Circle A if the statement is true; circle B if it is false. (判断各句是否正确,20题,1题2分,共40分) III. Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the correct response. (在所给的4个选项中选择一个最恰当的答案,20题,1题2分,共40分) 复习方法: ●认真学习指定教材,结合课件的教学内容,全面复习,从总体上掌握这 门跨学科课程的特点; ●理解各讲中的主要教学内容,即每讲开始前的Learning Objectives, 不要死记硬背,重理解、勤思考、细观察,从跨文化交际的角度对文化 差异进行分析、记忆、总结;

●要力图将跨文化交际理论与交往实践相结合,将西方文化交际的理论与 实践与中国的本土文化相结合,通过大量真实生动的交际的成败案例的 学习,提高分析问题和解决问题的能力; ●参考指定教材各章后的练习以及书后附的两套模拟自测题,术语定义配 对题、是非题和多项选择题可帮助复习检验对所学内容熟悉的掌握程度,熟悉客观题型,问答题和案例有助于进一步理解。 跨文化交际导论课程期末考试模拟题 (答案供参考) Ⅰ. Match the following terms with their definition. (20%) 1.the study of the way that people use physical space to convey messages. B 2.the way in which time is used in a culture. A 3.the actual practice of concepts or beliefs. E 4.the total activity of learning one's culture. C 5.social principles, goals, or standards accepted by persons in a culture. D A.Temporal language/chronemics B.Behavior communication C.Spatial language/proxemics D.Enculturation E.Values 6. between nations and governments rather than individuals A 7. perceptions about certain groups of people or nationalities C 8. a learned organization of rules for making choices and for solving conflicts B 9. volume, pitch, and rate that affects message meaning E 10. the idea that every act of communication must happen in some sort of surroundings D A.international B.context C.value


第二语言教学跨文化交际案例分析 案例分析与写作(共40分) 七、请根据以下材料,按照“发现问题——分析问题——解决问题”的思路,写一篇1500字以上的案例分析,要求观点明确、材料 充实、结构严谨、条理清楚、语言规范、卷面清洁。 材料: 李晓雨是云南大学的一名毕业生,毕业后通过汉办的志愿者选拔,被派往泰国,成为一名汉语教师志愿者。她性格一直比较开朗,所以当她只身一人前往泰国北部的一个中学任教时,也是满怀憧憬;但是她却发现来机场接她的学校人员对她很冷漠,从机场到学校8个小时的路途上几乎没与她说一句话。她知道绝不是因为语言不通。李晓雨是个爱说爱笑的人,她几次想打破沉默,但一直不明白自己到底在什么地方得罪了来接她的人,还是别人根本不想和自己说话。她只好一个人看着车窗外本来很美但不再觉得美的景色。到了目的地,司机和接待的人把她放到一间小房子里,就走了。房间里只有一张平板床,没有任何铺盖。一个初来乍到的女孩,好几个小时没吃饭,没喝水,又不知道商店在那里,身上也没有当地的钱币。晓雨真的有些受不了了,趴在床板上泪水忍不住簌簌而下。她问自己到底做错了什么,为什么别人对自己如此冷漠,为什么和她想象中热情好客的泰国人差距这么大。第一天到学校上班,她的感觉仍然不好,似乎每个学生和老师都对她很冷,没有真诚的微笑,没有主动的招呼。这下可把晓雨急坏了,她开始注意自己每一个细小的举止言行,生怕别人不喜欢。她一直觉得是因为自己做得还不够好,所以别人不接受自己,甚至不接收中文老师的课程。 晓雨是个倔强、好强的女孩。她不服输,认真地向泰国老师学习他们对待学生和同事的方式,积极参加他们的各种活动。有一次她在办公室里看到一个30岁左右的女教师批改了一个学生的作业之后在那个初中学生的脸颊上亲吻了一下。晓雨觉得自己长这么大从来没接受甚至看到过老师亲吻学生的,然而在这里她发现效果真的很好,那个老师和学生的关系非常融洽和谐。在那个教师的鼓励下,她也开始尝试亲吻学生的脸颊,她发现效果出人意料的好!越来越多的人认识了晓雨并成为了她的朋友。她慢慢体会了到冰在融化的感觉。有一次一个老教师来问她是否要去参加学校的升国旗活动,她爽快地回答说:“好啊!”那位老教师有些惊讶地说:“你们中国来的老师不是不愿意参加我们的升国旗仪式吗?你是真的愿意还是假的?”她坚定地说:“我愿意!”从那之后,她每周都很早来到升泰国国旗的地方集合。老师们和同学们对她的态度都发生了很大的变化,这次升旗成了一个分水岭。 答案:案例中的李晓雨同学只身一人被派往泰国,成为一名汉语教师志愿者。在她刚刚到达目的地时,却发现前来接他的当地学校人员态度并不像她想象的那样热情,反而十分冷淡,对于初来乍到的她也没有给予相应的帮助和照顾。在接下来的工作中,李晓雨发现,学校里其他泰国老师对她的态度也并不热情。不仅没有帮助她适应教学工作,甚至连主动的招呼也没有。学生也没有和她建立起和睦融洽的师生关系,这样的问题还影响到了汉语的教学。 从案例中我们可以了解到,李晓雨与当地人之间交际的问题并不是由语言障碍所引起的,文化障碍则是最主要的原因。 跨文化交际过程大体上可分为蜜月期,挫折,调整和适应四个阶段。李晓雨在一开始对泰国人抱有一种思维定式,即原有的“文化成见”。在她的想象中,泰国人是“热情好客”的。而当她受到接待人员的冷漠对待时,想象与实际情况之间的巨大差距使她很难及时调整好自己的心态来适应这一状况,甚至不断地质疑自己的行为。这使得李晓雨在同泰国人的跨文化交际中迅速从蜜月期进入到了挫折阶段。 在接下来一段时间的工作中,李晓雨开始注意自己的行为举止,直到她看到一位泰国教师在批改了学生的作业后亲吻了学生的脸颊。这件事给李晓雨带来的触动很大,因为她以前从未有过教师亲吻学生的经历。这部分是由于中国的传统文化一直强调“尊师重道”,教师常常是高高在上不容冒犯的对象,泰国教师与学生间亲吻脸颊这样的动作在中国是绝少会发生的。部分也与中国人含蓄、内敛的性格传统有关。因此我们不难看出,母语文化与异文化的差异也是造成跨文化交际障碍的一个重要原因。由于对异文化的不了解,很容易将母语文化的思维方式带入跨文化交际中,以致于加深双方的隔阂。在李晓雨意识到这一问题之后,她也开始尝试按照当地人的方式来进行交际,并尝试亲吻了学生的脸颊,效果出乎她意料的好,她与当地人的交际也开始融洽起来。这时的李晓雨已能够逐步克服母语文化与异文化之间差异带来的交际障碍,并逐步进入到调整阶段。 案例中提及的另一个重要事件是升旗事件。李晓雨热情爽快地同意参加泰国学校的升旗仪式,使当地教师十分惊讶,从此其他泰国老师和学生对她的态度也发生了很大变化。这次事件是一个分水岭,李晓雨开始进入适应阶段,这与她坚持不懈地融入异文化的努力是分不开的。另一方面我们可以从泰国老师表现出的惊讶看出,之前学校里的中国教师在与当地人的跨文化交际中并没有采取正确的文化策略,也没有积极尝试与异文化的沟通,因此给对方造成了中国人不尊重泰国文化的负面印象,这也是最初的接待人员对李晓宇态度冷漠的原因。由此可以看出正确的文化策略在跨文化交际中具有重要作用,它不仅会影响到自身交际的正常进行,还会对本群体中其他成员的跨文化交际带来一定影响。 对于一名李晓雨这样的汉语教师来说,在进行正常的汉语教学之前,先要实现同当地人,特别是同学生的和谐交际。通过上文对案例中提及到的问题的分析我们能够认识到,在进行跨文化交际之前首先要尊重当地文化,应当多了解,多吸收异文化的文化知


《跨文化交际学概论》读后感 AP0802325 钟欣奕 在学习《跨文化交际》这门课程和看完《跨文化交际学概论》这本书之前,我对“跨文化交际”的认识是:两个来自不同国家的人、组织或是国家之间的交流和沟通就是跨文化交际,而同一个国家的两个不同地区的文化的交流并不是跨文化交际。因为我认为既然是“‘跨’文化”,那这两种文化之间的差异应该是很大的,有非常不一样的文化来源和文化背景,有不一样的发展历程和演变过程,形成了两种很不一样的文化内涵。比如,美索不达米亚平原和幼发拉底河孕育的文化、黄河孕育的文化都是各有各的特点。随着经济的发展,交通工具的进步与通讯手段的发展,跨文化交际成了人们的需求,成为经济全球化和“地球村”的需求。 但是,《跨文化交际学概论》这本书中的第一部分第一章中提到:任何两份人之间的交际都是跨文化交际。这让我对“跨文化交际”有了一种新的认识。 有些学者就认为,跨文化交际研究的范围应该也包括地区、职业、年龄、性别等方面的文化差异探讨。地区之间文化的差异,特别是在饮食方面还是比较明显的。在肇庆一些地方,番薯和南瓜是很少被当做是一道菜,更多的是当早餐或者是相当于正餐的米饭,但是同属广东,有一些地方又偏爱“蒜炒南瓜”。又比如,在我的家乡—海南,人们很爱吃生芒果,吃法也很特别:有的人会蘸盐吃,但更多人,包括我,更喜欢蘸调料吃,这种调料是用酱油、白砂糖、海南灯笼椒、或虾酱调制而成的。我周围的朋友都觉得这种吃法很奇怪,无法想象竟然用水果蘸酱油吃。不过我们当地人觉得味道还挺不错的。 正所谓“隔行如隔山”,每种行业之间虽然有互通的知识,但是之间的差别还是挺大的。对大多数学习文史类的人来说,理工科的公式换算简直就是“鬼画符”一样难懂。具体来说,要一个只专长与计算机编程的人去欣赏充满意境、“形散神聚”的散文,也是一件很难的事情。


大学英语跨文化交际案例分析 Case 2 (P8) White Dress 女王的白色长裙:Case analysis: The Indian women might think the wedding ceremony is a funeral if they see the western bride in white gown. The case reflects the similes and metaphors in the text. 案例分析:印度女人可能觉得婚礼是一个葬礼,如果他们看到西方的新娘的白色礼服。这个案例反映了明喻和隐喻在文本。 Culture is like an iceberg: we can identify the color of the dress worn by women in different cultures, but we do not know the values underneath. Culture is like the water a fish swims in: people wear dress of different colors for different context but they usually take it for granted and never ask why . 文化是 像冰山:我们可以辨认颜色衣服的妇女所穿不同的文化,但我们不知道下面的值。文化是像水鱼游 在: 人们穿不同颜色的衣服为不同的上下文, 但他们通常是理所当然的,从不问为什么。 Case 4 (P18) Coconut-skating 椰子-溜冰:Case analysis: The case reflects the characteristics of culture. We Can tell from the CaSe that CUItUre is PerVaSiVe and it 案例分析Ie 这个e事件反映了文化 的特点。我们可以告诉从案件,文化是普遍的,这是学习。 People may invent different ways for things even as simple as the issue of floor moping. The Philippine woman must have learned this way of mopping from her own culture. 人们可能发明东西 甚至不同的方式为这样简单的问题的地板闷闷不乐。菲律宾女人必须学习这种方式从她自己的文化的拖地。 Case 7 (P30) Clean UP the Bathroom! 清理浴室!:CaSe analySiS: CUltUral differenCeS deCide the two StUdentS are going to CommUniCate in different wayS. 案例分析:文化差异决定这两个学生要沟通的方式不同。 The Chinese student wants the American student to understand the underlying means of his words, but the American student is used to the direct style of communication. This is decided by culture. In Chinese culture, people want to save face of both themselves and others, so they would not express their ideas directly. However, in the United States, unless you express yourself clearly and directly, the OtherS CannOt Understand you.中国学生想要美国学生理解底层的手段,他的话,但是美国学生用来 直接的交流方式。这是由文化决定的。在中国文化中,人们想要挽回面子的两个自己和他人,所以 他们不会直接表达自己的想法。然而,在美国,除非你清楚地表达自己,别人不能直接理解你。 Case 8 (P34) She HaS Three HandS 她有三个指针:ThiS CaSe Can refleCt the different CommUniCation StyleS between ChineSe and CanadianS. In weStern CUltUreS, CommUniCation iS the meanS of tranSmitting ideaS. WeStern PeoPle USUally CommUniCate direCtly with eaCh other. 这种情况下可以反映出不同的沟通方式在中国和加拿大人。在西方文化中,沟通是传播方式的想法。西方的人们通常直接彼此通信。 That is why the Canadian in this Case says what is in his mind direCtly in frOnt Of the Chinese wOman withOut hiding anything. While Chinese Culture stresses harmOny and emphasizes the relatiOnships between the COmmuniCatOrs. Chinese peOple view COmmuniCatiOn as a prOCess where all parties are searChing tO develOp and maintain a sOCial relatiOnship. SO the Chinese wOman in this Case tries nOt tO argue With the Can adia n face to face to keep the “ harm OnioUS relati On Sh这就是为什betwee n them. 么加拿大在这种情况下说什么是在他的脑海里的正前方的中国女人没有隐瞒任何事。虽然中国 文化强调和谐,强调了沟通者之间的关系。中国人民视图通信作为一个过程,各方正在寻求开发和维护一个社会关系。所以中国女人在这种情况下努力不认为与加拿大面对面保持“和谐关系”他们。 Case 12 (P57) Why Don‘ tYou Eat the Pizza? 你为什么不吃比萨饼?: This case can reflect the problems appearing during intercultural communication and how ignoring cultural differences can affect communication. 种情况下可以反映


跨文化交际学概论笔记 第一章跨文化交际 一、什么是跨文化交际——具有不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程跨文化交际之所以在今天日益引起人们的注意,主要原因是由于交通工具的进步与通讯手段的发展,使得不同国家、不同种族、不同民族的人能够频繁地接触和交往。L.S.Harms 认为,在世界范围内的交际经历了五个阶段:语言的产生;文字的使用;印刷技术的发明;近百年交通工具的进步和通讯手段的迅速发展;跨文化交际。近二十年来的交际是以跨文化为特征的。 二、第二章跨文化交际学 跨文化交际学在美国Intercultural Communication (与人类学、心理学、传播学关系密切) 1.首先在美国兴起。美国有来自各个国家的移民,有各自的文化系统和风俗习惯,逐渐在美国社会形成了多元文化的格局;美国与各国交往频繁。 2.Edwar Hall 《无声的语言》跨文化交际学的奠基之作。认为不同文化背景的人们在使用时间、空间表达意义方面表现出明显的差异。(对时间、空间、交际的关系作了深入探讨) 3.1970 年是具有重要意义的一年在这一年,国际传播学会承认跨文化交际学是传播学的一个分支,成立了跨文化交际学分会。1972 年,第一届跨文化交际学国际会议,日本东京。 第四章交际 一、交际与传播 这两词来源于同一英语communication表示的是同一个概念,不同学科背景的人采用不同术语。有语言学背景的学者大多使用“交际”,从事传播学教学和研究的学者都采用“传播”。 三、传播的种类 传播可分为人类传播和非人类传播;人类传播又可分为社会传播和非社会传播。非社会传播指内向传播(自我传播),社会传播包括人际传播,组织传播,大众传播。 内向传播(intarpersonal communication)只一个人自己脑子里在自我交流活动或是自言自语 人际传播(interpersonal communication)两个人或以上的信息传受过程。如交谈,书信,小组讨论,大会演讲等。 组织传播(organizational communication)在学校,公司,工厂,机关,军队,党派,群众团体等内部的传播,不都是自上而下的,可具有不同模式,纵式或横式,要注意因文化差异造成的传播不通的局面。 大众传播(mass communication)职业化的传播机构利用机械化,电子化的技术手段向不特定的多数人传送信息的行为或过程,如报刊杂志,广播电视,因特网信息等。 第四章语言交际 一、语言与文化密不可分 (语言反映一个民族的文化,同时有受到文化的巨大影响。)语言与文化有着密切的关系。由于语言的产生和发展,人类文化才得以产生和传承。不存在没有语言的文化,也不存在没有文化的语言。广义的文化包括语言,同时文化又无时无刻不在影响语言,使语言为了适应文化发展变化的需要而变得更加精确和缜密。语言既是文化的载体,又是文化的写照。 E.g.①亲属称谓是语言反映文化的一个突出例证。汉族不仅注重长幼顺序,而且对于是父系、母系或婚系亦十分重视。古人有强烈的传宗接代的观念,按血缘远近区别亲疏,家族里又有内外嫡庶之别。——后来亲属称谓的简化,意味着家族关系在社会生活中不占那么重要的地位。在我国个别地区的亲属称谓中,只有男性称谓,没有女性称谓,可能是古代父系社会的


第一部分绪论:跨文化交际与跨文化交际学 第一章跨文化交际 一、什么是跨文化交际——具有不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程跨文化交际之所以在今天日益引起人们的注意,主要原因是由于交通工具的进步与通讯手段的发展,使得不同国家、不同种族、不同民族的人能够频繁地接触和交往。L.S.Harms 认为,在世界范围内的交际经历了五个阶段:语言的产生;文字的使用;印刷技术的发明;近百年交通工具的进步和通讯手段的迅速发展;跨文化交际。近二十年来的交际是以跨文化为特征的。 二、对跨文化交际的不同理解:有的人认为每个人在文化上都是独特的,所以任何两个人之间的交际都是跨文化交际。有的人认为,不同国籍人们之间的文化差异与不同职业的人们之间的文化差异并没有什么本质上的区别,只是程度上的差异。有的人认为,跨文化交际研究应该把重点放在亚文化系统的语篇系统方面。有的人认为,作大范围的国与国之间的对比对于改进跨文化交际益处不大,应该把眼光放在更具体的文化差异上。跨文化交际研究的范围应该也包括地区、职业、年龄、性别等方面的文化差异的探讨。文化通常不是指个人的行为,而是指一个群体的生活方式和习惯。作者认为作跨国、跨种族、跨民族研究不仅应该是跨文化交际研究包括的内容,而且应该是放在首位的。至于地区、

阶级、阶层、职业、性别、年龄等不同层次的差异也应该给予关注。至于个人之间的差异的研究只是在我们把他们当做群体的代表时才有意义。在研究一个国家的文化特点时,我们的眼光首先应集中在它的主流文化主流文化上,其次才注意它的亚文化和地区文化的特点。主流文化-主流文化-亚文化-地区文化-小群体文化(不同年龄、职业、性别群体的文化) 三、第二章跨文化交际学 跨文化交际学在美国Intercultural Communication (与人类学、心理学、传播学关系密切) 1.首先在美国兴起。美国有来自各个国家的移民,有各自的文化系统和风俗习惯,逐渐在美国社会形成了多元文化的格局;美国与各国交往频繁。 2.Edwar Hall 《无声的语言》跨文化交际学的奠基之作。认为不同文化背景的人们在使用时间、空间表达意义方面表现出明显的差异。(对时间、空间、交际的关系作了深入探讨) 3.1970 年是具有重要意义的一年,在这一年,国际传播学会承认跨文化交际学是传播学的一个分支,成立了跨文化交际学分会。1972 年,第一届跨文化交际学国际会议,日本东京。 4.70 年代,影响最大的书籍Samovar&Richard《跨文化交

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