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美国文学史及选读平时作业学号:20131101984 姓名:高洁班级:13汉英分数:______

A Comment on The Scarlet Letter

In the 17th century, in Boston, Hester Prynne was found guilty of adultery by a court of Puritan judges and there is a scarlet letter A hanging on the breast. It must be hung in the rest of her life. She stepped the scaffold and insisted on the secret of the child(Pearl)’ s father’ s name, Arthur Dimmesdale who was a young pastor, but she saw her husband, Roger Chillingworth, who has disappeared for 2 years. He swore that he would take revenge for the loss of his dignity and threatened Hester not to tell anyone their relationship. Chillingworth became the doctor of Dimmesdale for the minister had been in ill health. He began to know Dimmesdale’ s deep thoughts and feelings and be curious about this man. One night, he found the red letter on the Dimmesdale’s chest and confirmed that he was Pearl’s father. So he used Dimmsdale’s weakness of guilty, self-accusation and regret to torture him. Dimmsdale didn’t suspect him, either. Due to the heavy guilty, Dimmesdale stepped on the scaffold like sleepwalk and announced his sin with Hester and little Pearl but this was stopped by Chillingworth with a excuse of sleepwalk. Chillingworth has tortured Dimmesdale for many years but Hester couldn’t bear this, so she told Dimmesdale the true identification of Chillingworth and began to escape with Dimmesdale. Unfortunately, all this was stopped by Chillingworth again. Finally, the guilty and pain made Dimmesdale escape from Chillingworth’ s hand so he told the whole world the truth and died on the scaffold. But after this successful revenge, Chillingworth’s spirit was distorted and he died, too. Pearl got married after a few years on the other side of the ocean but Hester returned to Boston. She died after many years.

This novel is a strongly symbolic story which touch the deepest roots of man’s moral nature and in this novel each word, image, and event show the weakness of human nature, such as guilty, sin, cattiness, cunning, distorting and so on. The scarlet letter“A”, which covers through the whole novel, was given a variety of symbolic meanings. The writer expressed his feelings, emotions, will and concept through the scarlet letter “A”, some natural scenery, and some of the major characters. The use of symbolism gives romantic thoughts and great subjective ideals to readers. Hawthorne's symbolism in The Scarlet Letter is distinctive. This technique helps to deepen the theme of the story and fire the readers' imagination. It also reveals the cruelty of law, the fraud of religion and the hypocrisy of morality in the 19th century in the United States, especially the black background of capitalism. It truly reflects the desire hidden in the heart of Hawthorne. His rich and unique symbolic uses make the symbolic literary fiction an independent classification in America. What stuck me when I read this, and remains with me today,is that it is those who presume to punish sin who are the real sinners. This novel lighted the America’s literature at that time, and it also explores the human nature at that dark age.


红字背后成长的野玫瑰 ————论海斯特的孤独、痛苦、罪《红字》是美国十九世纪最有影响力的浪漫主义小说家纳撒尼尔??霍桑第一部长篇小说,该小说情节简明,内容深刻,矛盾突出,构思新颖,手法独到,语言生动,心理描写细致入微,使它成为“心理罗曼史”,美国浪漫主义小说和心理分析小说及象征主义小说的开山之作。该小说讲述了17世纪的波士顿,一个犯了通奸罪的女人(海斯特?普林)和女儿(珍珠)与海斯特情夫(亚瑟?迪梅斯戴尔)、前夫(罗杰?奇林沃思)的爱恨情仇故事。深受清教思想影响的霍桑在《红字》中反复强调生活中悲观的一面,使读者在读完作品后心中留下三个关键词“孤独”、“痛苦”、“罪”。 女主人公海斯特?普林是一个善良、聪明,美丽的姑娘,因与年轻牧师亚瑟?迪梅斯戴尔先生相爱并产下一女而受到政教合一的当局的责罚,罚她胸前永远带着红A字(英文通奸Adultery的缩写)。第二章中,海斯特首次亮相便以其庄重的气质和亮丽的外表使众人无不感到惊讶和震撼,仿佛从牢中走出的海斯特是一位高贵淑女,而非一个罪妇。然而当人们的视线下移,看到她胸前佩戴的闪闪发光的红字时,这红字便即刻产生了一种魔力,使她脱离了一般的人际关系,并自我封闭起来。自此,孤独,痛苦,罪,便陪伴着海斯特走过了余下的生活。 海斯特是如此孤独,为了不使心爱之人遭受连累,她毅然独自担起了所有罪行的惩罚。受到众人的唾弃,海斯特便带着孩子住在远离其他居民区的一间小茅屋里,孤立无援,世上没有一个朋友敢亲近她。由于无法从外界得到解脱,海斯特不得不从内心世界寻求帮助-----她的记忆和想象中的世界。依靠着坚强,她忍受着众人对于她通奸罪的愤慨。整个故事中,海斯特一直都保持缄默,接受着清教徒上至大人下到孩子对她的欺凌,这种态度使海斯特散发出一股孤傲的气质,但显然,孤傲是无奈之举,如不孤傲,海斯特早就会被这种奇特而孤独的痛苦生活摧毁。海斯特是如此孤单,孤单到小珍珠就是她的全世界。当得知某些头面人物想剥夺她的孩子时,她失去了平日的缄默,失声尖叫,显出一副不怕一切的样子,甚至几近疯狂。她被弃于世,所以才会如此激动得决心不惜牺牲一切来保护她的“世界”。 伴随着孤独的是海斯特随处可见的痛苦。从少女时,与罗杰的婚姻就埋葬了海斯特的青春和欢笑。随后与亚瑟的爱情本该是一段才子佳人的美好爱情,但无奈清教教规森严,上帝给了海斯特短暂的快乐后就给了她更为致命的打击。在绞刑架上,她本可以说出亚瑟的名字,得到更大的宽恕,可是她没有这么做,她相信爱情,追求爱情,也勇敢得保护了自己的爱人,情愿用自己单薄的身体去承担双人份的痛苦,独自面对世人对她的咒骂,鄙夷和践踏。A字将海斯特打入了地狱,甚至阳光一旦遇到她和她的红字,就会消失得无影无踪。 罪是书中另一个关键词。是以海斯特的通奸罪为本质,以A字为表现形式,以小珍珠为载体,贯穿了整个小说。前两者较容易理解,小珍珠对于海斯特的意义却并非只有女儿那么简单,她是海斯特的罪恶之花。在第八章中,海斯特向总督陈情时说道,珍珠是她的幸福和希望,也是她的磨难,珍珠就是红字。可见,珍珠一面带给海斯特生的希望,一面又时时刻刻提醒着海斯特自己的罪过。她就像A字,无论海斯特出现在哪,她总在身旁。在第十九章中,当海斯特取下A字时,珍珠拒绝来到海斯特的身边,而当海斯特重新戴上A字时,珍珠才又回来,这是多么有意思的一幕,明显得暗示了珍珠与A字有着很大的共


Symbols in the Scarlet Letter The Symbolic Meaning of “A”: From beginning to end in the novel, the most typical symbol is the scarlet letter “A”. As a key to the whole novel, the letter “A” takes on different layers of symbolic meanings as the plot develops and people come up with different interpretations. The letter "A" begins as a symbol of sin. It then becomes a symbol of alone and alienation, and finally it becomes a symbol of able, angel and admirable. 1、Adultery The letter "A", worn on Hester's bosom, is a symbol of her adultery against Roger Chillingworth. This is the puritan way of treating her as a criminal, for the crime of adultery. The puritan treatment continues, because as Hester walks through the streets, she will be looked down upon as if she is some sort of demon from hell that commits a terrible crime. This letter is meant to be worn in shame, and to make Hester feel unwanted. Hester is ashamed of her sin, but she chooses not to show it. She commits this sin in the heat of passion, and fully admits it because, though she is ashamed, she also receives her greatest treasure, Pearl, out of it. She is a very strong woman to be able to hold up so well against what she must face. Many will have fled Boston, and seek a place where no one knows of her great sin. Hester chooses to stay though, which shows a lot of strength and integrity. Any woman with enough nerve to hold up against a town, which despises her very existence, and to stay in a place where her daughter is referred to as a "devil child," either has some sort of psychological problem, or is a very tough woman. 2、Alone and Alienation The scarlet letter "A" also stands for Hester's lonely life in New England. After she is released, Hester lives in a cottage near the outskirts


《红字》中红字“A”的不同象征意义 一、私通(Adultery)的象征 红字“A”挂在海丝特的胸前,象征了她违背她丈夫齐灵渥斯的意愿与别人的私通。这是因为她犯了私通罪而作为罪犯被清教徒惩罚的方式。这种惩罚方式继续,因为,当海丝特走过大街的时候,人们瞧不起她,仿佛她是犯了可怕罪行的从地狱里出来的魔鬼。这个字母的意义必定使佩戴者感到耻辱,使她感到想要摘下来。“她对自己说,这里曾是她犯下罪孽的地方,这里也应是她接受人间惩罚的地方”。海丝特因为她得罪孽而感到耻辱,但是,她选择深藏不露。她在爱情的怀抱犯下了罪孽,而且完全承认这个罪孽,因为,尽管她感到耻辱,但是她也由此获得了最伟大的珍宝———女儿珠儿。她是一个坚强的妇女,尽管她面对非常恶劣的条件,但是,她却能越过越好。像她那样的许多人也许会逃离波士顿,寻找一个没人知道她罪孽的地方。海丝特选择停留,就这一点,就显示了她的坚强和伟大。面对一个鄙视她的这样一个城镇,而且住在一个人们把她女儿叫做“魔鬼的孩子”的地方,她有足够的勇气坚持下去,就表明她是一个坚强不屈的妇女。(1)孤独(Alone)和异化(Alienation)的象征 红字“A”也代表了海丝特在新英格兰孤独的生活。在海丝特释放出来以后,她就住在城市郊区的茅屋里。“这是原先的一位移民建起后又放弃了的,因为那一带土地过于贫瘠,不宜耕种,况且离群索居,而社会活动当时已成为移民的一个显著的习惯。”因为海丝特耻辱的历史,她几乎没有什么社会活动。由于她生性倔强而且才能出众,她在人世上有了自己的一席之地。可是,没有什么东西可以使她感到她好像属于这个世界。“然而,他在同社会的一切交往中,却只能有格格不入之感。同她有所接触的那些人的一举一动、一言一行,甚至他们的沉默不语,都在暗示,往往还表明:她是被排除在外的;而她的孤凄的处境似乎证明:她是生活在另一个世界中的,只有靠与众不同的感官来同其余的人类交流。对于人们感兴趣的道德问题,她避之犹恐不及…‥似乎成了她在世人心目中所保留的惟一份额了。”海丝特在这个世界上没有朋友,小珠儿是她孤独生活的唯一伴侣,因此,红字“A”也是以a 开头的“孤独(Alone)”和“异化(Alienate)”的象征。 (2)能干的(Able)、值得尊敬的(Admirable)和天使(Angel)的象征后来,红字“A”变化了意思,成了“能干的、值得尊敬的和天使的象征”。开始,整个镇上的人谴责海丝特,但是,后来他们认为红字代表了做漂亮手工活的能力和她对于贫穷和生病的人的大公无私的援助。“那字母成了她响应感召的象征。由于从她身上可以得到那么多的支援——她深富同情心又极肯助人——许多人都不肯再按本意来解释那红色的字母“A”了。”到了这时,许多镇上的人意识到,海丝特是一个拥有高贵品质的人。“‘你看见那个佩带刺绣的徽记的好人了吗?’他们会对陌生人这样说。‘她是我们的海丝特——我们这镇上的海丝特,她对穷人多么好心肠,对病人多么肯帮忙,对遭难的人多么有安慰啊!’”镇上的人很快开始相信,这个徽记可以避邪,海丝特也渐渐成了镇上值得尊敬的人。海丝特用她灵魂里的的纯洁和善良克服了她罪孽中的耻辱,她无私的把自己的时间和爱奉献给了那些需要她的人,这证明,她是值得获得她最终的命运的。(3)前进(Advance)的象征 在读完整个小说之后,读者意识到,红字“A”还代表前进。实际上,霍桑在《红字》中关心的是“善”与“恶”的关心。社会现状使他迷惑,他对社会变革产生不解和恐惧,这些与他的宗教信仰产生矛盾,作者把故事中心场景的示


Analysis on the heroine Hester’s character in"The scarlet letter" Abstract:The scarlet letter is one of the masterpieces of American romantic novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne,which exposes and interprets spiritual oppression and Imprisonment of Puritanism via shaping the character of Hester successfully. The author highlights the brave pursuit for true love and freedom of the heroine. Key words: character , rebellion , contradiction , redemption Body: The heroine Hester lived in such a religious background where pilgrims emphasized ration and rejected emotion.It was in this particular situation that Hester dared to break the marriage tie which was abnormal and unhappy.Therefore,it doomed a tragic ending.As a victim of Puritanism,Hester was still determined to pursue true love and freedom.However,she chose to give in to reality for the benefit of her daughter.Although she tried her best to bear the punishment and misfortune on her own, Hester worried that her daughter might repeat her mistake and suffering.Hester decided to endure silently , and meanwhile hoped to get psychological comfort and public recognition by doing good things.By this means she expected to attain redemption.Fundamentally, Hester still couldn’t get rid of the religious imprisonment. Bravery and rebellion are the main characters of Hester Prynne,which embodies the author’s main idea.But it is not the ultimate goal the author tries to portray by shaping Hester Prynne's image.The compromise in Hester Prynne's character is another aspect the author tries to deliver.After leaving the colony for many years,Hester Prynne returned,burdening her shame again which had been abandoned a long time ago! Because"there has been her sins, her grief, and her confession here". Anyway,Hester Prynne’s image is vividly shaped in the author’s writing.Through her complicated characters we can have a good knowledge of the folk’s life and Puritanism belonging to that particular time.


目录 摘要-----------------------------------------------------------4 Abstract-------------------------------------------------------5 引文-----------------------------------------------------------6 一、红字的象征意义----------------------------------------------8 (一)通奸(Adultery)---------------------------------------8 (二)孤独(Alone)------------------------------------------9 (三)女斗士(Amazon)---------------------------------------9 (四)艺术(Art)、能干(Able)、天使(Angle)-----------------9 二、人物的象征意义----------------------------------------------11 (一)海斯特的象征意义---------------------------------------11 (二)丁梅斯代尔的象征意义-----------------------------------11 (三)齐灵沃斯的象征意义-------------------------------------11 (四)小珠儿的象征意义---------------------------------------12 (五)贝灵汉总督的象征意义-----------------------------------13 三、场景的象征意义----------------------------------------------14 (一)刑台---------------------------------------------------14 (二)监狱、墓地---------------------------------------------14 (三)小溪---------------------------------------------------14 四、总结--------------------------------------------------------16



吉林工商学院 毕业论文 题目名称:浅谈《红字》的象征意义 院系:外语分院 专业:英语 学生姓名: 656 学号:15 指导教师:454 2012年 5月 14日

毕业论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交毕业论文,是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 论文作者签名:年月日

浅析《红字》的象征意义 摘要:象征主义作为一种文学流派, 出现于19 世纪末至20 世纪30 年代, 是欧美现代派文学的一个重要分支。纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorn, 1804- 1864) 是美国19 世纪杰出的浪漫主义小说家,其代表作《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)更是将象征主义运用的淋漓尽致,以细致入微的心理分析和寓意深刻的象征手法剖析人类的罪恶根源, 揭示“人性恶”这一古老而永恒的主题。《红字》以17 世纪北美清教(加尔文教) 殖民统治下的新英格兰为背景, 描写两个触犯清教戒律的教徒悔罪的心理历程。《红字》中,霍桑成功地运用多重象征, 从不同的侧面暗示《红字》的主题,包括其中各个人物、不同的场景, 以及红字本身所蕴涵的象征意义, 赋予主题以具体的形象, 从而使整部小说的含义更含蓄、更丰富,《红字》使霍桑成为现代象征主义文学的开创者之一。我将会在论文中从各个方面,不同角度来分析《红字》的象征意义。 关键词:象征写作手法;宗教;意义

红字的象征意义The Symbolic Meaning of the Scarlet Letter

The Symbolic Meaning of the Scarlet Letter Hester Prynne always wears on her chest a scarlet letter “A”, which is the central symbol of the novel. It shows different identities of Hester. And the symbolic meaning changes from “Adultery” to “Angel”. I will analyze it from the following three aspects. 1. Adultery During that time, the strict Puritans rule Boston and they punish the people who break their rules. Hester really commits a crime of adultery. When she stands on the platform, the letter “A”is the sign of punishment of her adultery, and the color scarlet is a symbol of sin. The scarlet looks like blood and fire, which can be regarded as desire. There is passionate love between Hester and the priest, but it brings them misfortune. Hester has to wear the scarlet “A” as a punishment and she will never forget her crime. With the shame, she is regarded as a naughty woman. Red should be regarded as the symbol of love and life, but under the control of Puritan strictness, it’s a symbol of shame and punishment. When Hester first appears, she doesn’t look like a criminal but a loving mother. She is grace and elegant, holding her baby to the chest. She stands proudly to bear her punishment. That is impressive to me. Her spirit is full of disobedience and strength. In addition, from the words I can see the elegantly sewn letter “A” is an art. 2. Alone and Alienation Hester lives a lonely life without friend. Only her daughter Pearl accompanies her. What’s worse, because her crime is still within town, people insult her and treat her badly. Even children are afraid to get close to her. She suffers great from the mental torment. If I were she, I couldn’t stand such kind of pressure. I would leave for a new place where no one knows me and begin a new life. However, she chooses to face the reality rather than escape from it. She is patient to those insulting words and even tries to forgive those people. 3. Able, Admirable and Angle


《红字》的深层解读 摘要:《红字》是美国著名作家霍桑于1850年发表的长篇小说。这篇小说将19世纪美国复杂的社会问题揭露出来。在这部作品中,霍桑把自己对于爱情、宗教信仰、女性意识等问题的观点都蕴含在小说之中。《红字》成功塑造了海丝特这一女性形象。她以自己的方式捍卫自己作为女人应得的权利,她从一个被侮辱被损害的女性,逐渐发展成为一个永不放弃追求幸福的自由思想者,甚至妇女活动家。通过对海丝特这一女性人物的塑造,体现了霍桑的女性主义意识,本文从几下几个方面对《红字》进行解读。 关键词: 一、海丝特形象塑造方面《红字》这部作品共24章,其中有18章是用来描写海丝特这一女性形象的。这种布局安排无疑将海丝特置于文中的主体地位。而小说中的主要男性人物——齐灵渥斯和丁梅斯代尔则处于相对次要的地位。霍桑一改男权社会中应当把男性作为主要人物的传统观念,在作品里为海丝特赢得了一个前所未有的“主体”的位置,这一做法将作者潜在的女性主义意识表露出来。海丝特一出场,霍桑就对海丝特的形象作了正面、积极的刻画:“要是有一个罗马天主教徒,他准会从这美丽的妇人,从她那绚烂如画的服饰和仪态,从她怀中的婴儿,联想到被无数著名的画家竞相表现的圣母形象。”通过作者的描写,海丝特追求美的天性、自由奔放的气质,对清教教规的反抗,对社会习俗的轻视以及追求爱情的精神都得到了最好的阐释与肯定。二、海丝特对话语权的争取《红字》以十

七世纪的波士顿作为大背景,在当时,清教统治者为了统治、囚禁妇女设立了一系列严厉的法案法规。在当时的社会里男人是主导,是中心,而女性只能处于从属地位,受到压迫和排挤。在这样一个环境里,海丝特不仅不臣服于传统的男尊女卑观念,还通过对社会的拒绝表达了她与清教社会的针锋相对。海丝特由于犯了所谓的通奸罪,受到当权者逼迫,必须在胸前带有象征着耻辱的标记“A”。当她怀抱婴孩,站在邢台上接受权利机构对她的审判时;当他们以拯救海丝特灵魂为借口,想要用神圣、感化的语言诱导她说出同伙的名字时,海丝特坚决并大声地回答说“我不说!……这红字烙得太深了,你无法把它取下来。”在男权社会里,语言是男性的专利,在这样一种情况下,海丝特竟敢用语言驳回了权力机构对她的审问,表达出自己的思想,这一切都将她追求自由爱情的精神和勇于承担后果的勇气表露出来。 三、经济方面要求独立女人要想追求自由和解放,这主要根源于经济上的独立和人格上平等。独立的自我以及对生活炽烈的追求一直都是支撑海丝特走下去的力量所在。由于这种力量,“在过去的这些年里,她用这种疏远的目光来看人类社会的各种制度,以及牧师们和立法者们所建立起来的一切。她以印第安人看待牧师的宽领带,法官的长袍,颈手枷,家庭或宗教的那种老大不敬的态度批判一切。”在这种极为痛苦的生活中,海丝特勇敢地承受着人们的蔑视与冷淡。她以自己微薄的收入维持着母女俩简单的生活,并且以顽强的生活意志和善良的本性感动了周围人们,通过海斯特的坚持和努力许多人都不再以原有的意义去理解那刻在衣服上鲜红的 A 字了,在他们的眼

霍桑《红字》书评 Book review of the Scarlet Letter

Book review of the Scarlet Letter This is the story of a young woman who fall in love with a young man in Colonial America. They find each other irresistible and concieve a child out of wedlock. In the Puritan world of early America this is a heinous crime and for this, Hester Prine the central character of the novel, is severely punished. With a battered heart she is forced out of town. In the forest where she now finds herself, she finds great comfort from the beauty that surrounds her and fulfillment in her beautiful young child. The townspeople still want her to answer the question she will not answer, who is the child's father, as he must bear the responsibility and the punishment he deserves. But Hester will not tell. Who is this golden child's daddy? Hester, however, will not reveal the identity of her lover, and is content to bare the shame of the scarlet letter on her own. When Mr. Prynne, soon-to-be-known as Roger Chillingworth, arrives, he begins a careful mind game to unravel the identity of Hester's lover, or at the very least, make him snap. Hester ends up being a woman of great principle and quiet purpose. She accepts her sin as dictated to her by society and continues her life waiting for it to wear off. She believes she deserves it. Dimmesdale, on the other hand, never confesses and allows himself to be tormented by Chillingworth. Dimmesdale's lies lead to his downfall, and Chillingworth never gets his young wife. It is only Pearl who grows into a glorious being and settles into a fine life back in the old world, living off Roger Chillingworth's money. Nathaniel Hawthorne's background influenced him to write the bold novel The Scarlet Letter. One important influence on the story is money. Hawthorne had never made much money as an author and the birth of his first daughter added to the financial burden. He received a job at the Salem Custom House only to lose it three years later and be forced to write again to support his family. Consequently, The Scarlet Letter was published a year later. It was only intended to be a long short story, but the extra money a novel would bring in was needed. Hawthorne then wrote an introduction section titled "The Custom House" to extend the length of the book and The Scarlet Letter became a full novel. In addition to financial worries, another influence on the story is Hawthorne's rejection of his ancestors. His forefathers were strict Puritans, and John Hathorne, his great-great-grandfather, was a judge presiding during the Salem witch trials. Hawthorne did not condone their acts and actually spent a great deal of his life renouncing the Puritans in general. Similarly, the Scarlet Letter was a literal "soapbox" for Hawthorne to convey to the world that the majority of Puritans were strict and unfeeling. For example, before Hester emerges from the prison she is being scorned by a group of women who feel that she deserves a larger punishment than she actually receives. Instead of only being made to stand on the scaffold and wear the scarlet letter on her chest, they suggest that she have it branded on her forehead or even be put to death. Perhaps the most important influence on the story is the author's interest in the "dark side". Unlike the transcendentalists of the era, Hawthorne "confronted reality, rather than evading it".


吉林工商学院 毕业论文 题目名称:浅谈《红字》的象征意义 院系:外语分院 专业:英语 学生姓名:656 学号:15 指导教师:454 2012年 5月 14日

毕业论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交毕业论文,是本人在指导教师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 论文作者签名:年月日

浅析《红字》的象征意义 摘要:象征主义作为一种文学流派, 出现于19 世纪末至20 世纪30 年代, 是欧美现代派文学的一个重要分支。纳撒尼尔〃霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorn, 1804- 1864) 是美国19 世纪杰出的浪漫主义小说家,其代表作《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)更是将象征主义运用的淋漓尽致,以细致入微的心理分析和寓意深刻的象征手法剖析人类的罪恶根源, 揭示“人性恶”这一古老而永恒的主题。《红字》以17 世纪北美清教(加尔文教) 殖民统治下的新英格兰为背景, 描写两个触犯清教戒律的教徒悔罪的心理历程。《红字》中,霍桑成功地运用多重象征, 从不同的侧面暗示《红字》的主题,包括其中各个人物、不同的场景, 以及红字本身所蕴涵的象征意义, 赋予主题以具体的形象, 从而使整部小说的含义更含蓄、更丰富,《红字》使霍桑成为现代象征主义文学的开创者之一。我将会在论文中从各个方面,不同角度来分析《红字》的象征意义。 关键词:象征写作手法;宗教;意义


Appreciation of "the scarlet letter" Abstract:The scarlet letter in 17th century Puritan under colonial rule of New England as the background, drawing on the year in Boston a love tragedy. Key words:Family background、Writing background、Symbolism Hawthorne was born in 1804 in new England a buckeen family. Christian Puritan family. After the death of his father, he with his mother moved to Salem public, Salem strong religious atmosphere and fierce sectarian strife and Hawthorne's a religious traditions are of Hawthorne's thought and his later works produced great impact. He has been interested in literature and art since his childhood, and after graduating from college, he served in the customs, and he was influenced by the French utopian socialism, and he formulated the implementation of the utopian socialist scheme on the Brook farm.. Hawthorne at the time of the American social moral on funeral and bourgeois hypocrisy dissatisfaction, but he did not want to fundamentally change the unreasonable social system, only to seek the improvement of social morality, preached God, advocate of moral self perfection. Almost all of Hawthorne's works were based on the history of the new North American colony of England.. In his works clearly reflects the Hawthorne's complex and contradictory character, on the one hand, he was deeply the influence of Calvinism, believe that the "original sin", on the other hand, he deeply experience to Calvinism fanaticism, bossy and hypocrisy; on the one hand he accepted Emerson's philosophical view, I believe there is a mysterious force in the social reality, on the other hand, he was subject to the control of the religious consciousness, the Calvinist concepts of good and evil, as understanding of social standard, explore the inherent "evil" that "evil" is at the root of social problems. Symbolism is an artistic technique in the creation of literature, with the help of specific things and images to reveal the concept or meaning of abstract, and thus to induce readers' imagination and association.. "Sananier Hawthorne is good at using the symbolic things to reveal the specific things behind the deep meaning of", is regarded as a pioneer in modern literature of symbolism. In the novel "the scarlet


分析霍桑在红字中对人物性格的塑造摘要: 作为美国生活中的一个支配性因素, 清教主义对于美国思想及文学都具有极其深远的影响力。可以说,如果对清教思想没有一定的理解那就不可能真正地理解美国及其文学。霍桑的《红字》是一部反映美国清教思想的代表性作品。 通过分析霍桑在《红字》中对人物性格的塑造及命运的安排可以看出霍桑虽出身并成长于清教思想盛行的环境但他的思想同清教思想是存在矛盾冲突的甚至可以说具有反叛清教思想的性质。 1 美国的清教主义思想及其对美国文学的影响 17世纪早期,英国人开始在北美大陆定居。这些创建了美国的第一批移民大多数是清教徒。清教徒是16世纪中叶由英国基督教新教分化出来的宗教分支。 他们是一群理想主义者相信教堂应该恢复耶酥?基督创建时的纯净。对他们来说,宗教是第一重要的东西,督促和看到人们在上帝的恩泽下生活和思考是他们首要的任务。 “简约朴素的风格满怀创建新伊甸园的期望不懈地寻找上帝与个人之间的关系 上帝意图与个人意识的关系”,[1]这就是这些分离主义者们离开英国去创建圣经中所描绘的乐园时身上所具有的那些最基本的特点。 他们把自己的人生观、价值观以及对于生命的哲学理解都带到这个新世界并使它们在这里生根发芽,茁壮成长,发展成后来众所周知的清教思想并成为本美国生活中的一个统治性因素。清教主义是清教徒的思想和他们所信仰的教义。清教的历史观建立在基督教理论和原则之上。清教徒信奉严格的宗教和道德原则,他们接受“命定论”,“原罪说”,“完全的堕落”和“通过上帝的仁慈所带来的有限的救赎”这些教义。清教徒显著的特点是对于宗教和道德的狂热精神,因此他们具有勤奋、自制和吃苦耐劳的品质,注重理智,排斥感情,推崇理想,禁绝欲望,但后来却发展到极端,对触犯教规的人进行公开和严厉的惩罚。作为一种文化遗产清 教主义思想对于美国思想及文学具有持久的决定性影响力。可以说,如果对清教思想没有一定的理解,那就不可能真正地理解美国及其文学”。清教思想极大地影响了美国文学。早期移民刚到新大陆时忙于生存斗争所以开始时文学发展比较缓慢。最早发表的关于北美的作品是游记、日记之类的文字,作者都是英国人。英国殖民地建立之后,统治者利用宗教,主要是 清教主义作为控制殖民地思想意识的主要手段,因此许多出版物是关于神学的研究。殖民地时期许多作品尽管文学性不强,但它们都为19世纪的美国文学奠定了基础。 清教主义不仅仅是一种教义,更是一种文化氛围,对美国性格和美国文学有根深蒂固的影响。无论是殖民地初期文学中的宗教狂热,还是传奇浪漫主义文学中有关清教主义原罪等观念的叙述抑或是超验主义文学强化人与自然的和谐和对道德纯正的重视都可见清教主义的影响。另外,美国文学中的象征主义手法继承于清教徒的传统。 象征主义早在美国的初期拓荒者们———清教徒的身上已初见端倪,他们满怀着要创建一个新伊甸园的愿望来到美洲,以不屈不挠的勇气进行工作。对虔诚的清教徒来说,物质的世界就是上帝的象征,物质生活同时也是精神的他们认为自然与上帝是一体的。作为象征主义大师,霍桑的作品中处处可见象征主义的痕迹。 例如“A”是《红字》中主要的象征。此后麦尔维尔、豪威尔斯和很多其他作家纷纷尝试这种手法象征主义作为一种技巧成为了美国文学中的普遍实践。 因此,美国文学是清教传统影响下的产物,而美国的作家们也就自然地成为了这种传统2. 2 《红字》人物性格和命运分析 霍桑在《红字》中塑造了美国小说中第一位真正的女英雄,这就是女主角海斯特。 之所以这样说,是因为她深深地牵连在了她所生活的存在性别差异的社会里是因为她坚定地选择了“适合于”一位女性的“爱情”。她是一位女英雄是因为她是一位有个性的女性敢于

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