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教师寄语:Reading makes people wise!

Looking to peace

A HUGE military parade (阅兵) rolled through Tian’anmen Square on Sept 3. It involved a total of 12,000 Chinese soldiers, 500 pieces of military equipment and nearly 200 aircraft flying overhead in formation.

The spectacle (壮观景象) was part of the country’s celebrations to honor the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II as well as victory in the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

China had not held such an event since the end of World War II. The parade carried many messages, yet all of them came from one basic point: China is pursuing (追求) mankind’s common aspiration (心愿) for peace.

“The experience of war makes people value peace even more,” said President Xi Jinping before the parade kicked off. “China will never seek to expand and will never inflict (强加) the tragedies it suffered in the past upon others.”

China was the first country in the world to fight against fascist (法西斯主义的) forces when Japanese troops began their invasion (侵略) of Northeast China on Sept 18, 1931. Japan began its full-scale (全面的) invasion of China in 1937. In the following years, China paid a heavy price for refusing to give in. By the end of World War II, more than 35 million Chinese people had been killed or wounded.

China learned a bitter (痛苦的) lesson from its 14 years of suffering under Japanese invasion. That lesson was that peace can be secured (确保) only when one is strong enough to defend oneself, according to Xinhua.

In recent years, China has seen rapid growth, including its military. However, that doesn’t mean that the jets and tanks on display were meant to make any other country feel threatened, as some speculation suggested.

“What China aims to demonstrate (展示) through the parade is its determination and capability to safeguard justice and peace,” wrote People’s Daily.

China, together with many other developing nations, has benefited from a largely peaceful international environment, and now the country, determined to build a moderate ( 稳定的) and prosperous (繁荣的) society by 2020, needs a peaceful environment all the more.

Before the parade, Xi also announced that China would cut its number of troops by 300,000. It will be the country’s fourth cut in tro ops since the 1980s.

Therefore, by holding the parade, the country is “telling the world loud and clear that China cherishes (珍惜) peace and its military power serves as an effective guarantee of it”, commented Xinhua. Realistic expenses

THE cost of higher education has risen sharply over the last 30 years. Now experts are warning teenagers about another hidden cost apart from tuition fees (学费) – living expenses.

According to a study by Wisconsin HOPE Lab, a research organization, one-third of colleges in the US advertise (宣传) that families and prospective (预期的) students need to budget at least $3,000 (19,000 yuan) for the cost of attendance. But the bottom line isn’t realistic.

“In the last few years, the total cost of attending college has incre ased at 2 to 3 percent more the rate

of inflation (通货膨胀), which means costs are still rising well above any growth in family income,” said Robert Kelchen, one of the study’s co-authors.

Kelchen and his colleagues studied several factors when analyzing rising costs. From a greater demand (需求) for higher education to an increase in the cost of basic necessities, there are now even more reasons why students simply need to spend more. And they may not even realize some of the hidden costs until they arrive on campus.

Babson College sophomore (高二学生) Angela Leung said she experienced this firsthand when she realized the cost of her commute (通勤) was adding up.

“Living in the suburbs (郊区) of Boston equals thousands of dollars spent on cars to get into the city,” she explained.

While these costs may not be a surprise to some, researchers found that colleges don’t always communicate these price rises to the public.

Braden Hosch, co-author of the HOPE Lab study, said a lot of colleges have come up with widely different amounts of costs. The difference could mislead students.

“Colleges may want to overestimate (高估) living expenses in order for students to get enough government financial aid,” Kelchen said. “Underestimating costs could make college look cheaper. But it also means that students can’t get enough financial aid to pay for college.”

Still, these di scoveries shouldn’t make teenagers shy away from higher education. From getting scholarships (奖学金) to applying for aid, students can use a variety of tools to avoid big surprises.

“The best thing to do is to contact the colleges you’re planning to go t o and see what kind of information they can help you with,” Hosch said. “Always stay informed.”

1. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the article?

A. To inform the reader of the hidden costs of higher education.

B. To report on a study of the rising costs of higher education.

C. To give students tips on how to deal with the rising costs of higher education.

D. To analyze the reasons for a greater demand for higher education in the US.

2. According to a study by Wisconsin HOPE Lab, ______.

A. $3,000 could cover the total cost of attending most colleges in the US

B. living in the suburbs could help US students reduce the cost of attending college

C. students tend to find that they have to spend more when they arrive on campus

D. inflation is the leading cause of rising costs in higher education in the US

3. What is the main reason why colleges may want to overestimate living expenses?

A. To include all possible hidden costs of attending college.

B. To make families set aside enough money for college.

C. To help students get enough government financial aid.

D. To inspire students to work hard to get scholarships.

4. What does Hosch advise students to do before going to college?

A. Do some part-time jobs to pay for college.

B. Choose colleges where living expenses are lower.

C. Stay optimistic despite the rising costs of higher education.

D. Try to get help from the college they’re planning to go to.

My garden fight

EVERY May it happens. I drop to my knees just outside the back door, raise my arms to the sky and shout: “That’s it! I give up! Take my flower beds, you killer weeds! Blackberry vines (藤蔓), this land is yours! Ivy (常春藤), crawl up and kill my trees one by one! I’m done!”

Then I get up, lie down on the swing, and close my eyes. I’m sure I can hear the weeds growing and the vines creeping in (悄悄爬进). I swear they’re all snickering (偷笑), too. They don’t even have the manners to wait until I leave there.

There’s no denying that gardens are battle (战斗) zones in the spring. I blame it on those April and May rains. Once the heat moves in, I can control what gets watered and survives, but those early showers even out (平均分配) the battlefield.

Garden tools alone make it clear that gardening isn’t an easy thing. My old wheelbarrow (独轮手推车) seems to have the personality of a tank, and I’m pretty sure my trowel (小铲子) is second cousin to a dagger (匕首).

I could tell battle exhaustion had set in early last year when my brother and his wife invited us to see their new house being built. A quiet stream ran behind the house. Beside it was a tree with ivy running all the way up the trunk. I was alarmed.

“Steve, you’ve got to get rid of that ivy,” I said, trying to keep the panic out of my voice. “It’ll kill the tree.”

“Well, that’s in a greenbe lt (绿化带) area,” he said. “It’s protected.”

“So go out after dark and deal with it!” I shouted. “All you need is to cut it off at the base.” Secretly, though, I was wondering if I had something in the car that would work. My fingers were itching (痒) like crazy.

He quickly changed the subject, but I decided to bring my tools when we came for the housewarming (乔迁庆祝).

By late June both sides are worn down. I’ve given some of the yard over to the weeds – you just can’t win them all. That’s a battle for next year. There’s been no clear victory for me, but I’ve stood my ground for yet another season.

1. What is the story mainly about?

A. The author’s fight with weeds.

B. How the author loved her yard.

C. The author’s gardening skills.

D. The author’s ga rdening friend.

2. What is the meaning of the third paragraph?

A. Spring is the best time in which to kill weeds.

B. Spring makes it hard for the author to win her battle with weeds.

C. Spring’s heat helps weeds to win some of the battlefield.

D. In the spring, the author tries to help the plants not to suffer from too much rain.

3. Why does the writer say her fingers were itching like crazy in Paragraph 8?

A. The writer was mad at her brother’s response.

B. The writer longed to cut down the ivy.

C. The writer was bitten by some insects in the weeds.

D. The writer left something in her car and wanted to get it back.

4. What can we learn from the text?

A. The author has decided to battle with the weeds next year.

B. The author is exhausted by the battle and has finally given up.

C. The author enjoys the battle with the weeds and expects another fight.

D. The author does not want to kill all the weeds since they are also helpful.


时文阅读精选 一、爱的姿势 澜涛 (1)救援人员发现她的时候,她已经死了,是被跨塌下来的房子压死的。透过废墟的间隙,救援人员看到她双膝跪地,整个上身向前匍匐着,双手扶地支撑着身体,有些像古人行跪拜礼,只是身体被压得变形了,看上去有些怪异。救援人员从废墟的空隙间伸进手去,确认她已经死亡,又冲着废墟喊了几声,用撬棍在砖头上敲了几下,她都没有任何反应,废墟里也没有任何回应。还有太多的被困者等待救援,救援人员立刻向新的目标搜寻,当救援人员在下一处废墟前探寻是否有生还者时,救援队长隐约听到从她那里传来婴孩的啼哭声。救援人员立刻纷纷跑回她的尸体前,救援队长再次将手伸进她的尸体底下,仔细地摸索着,摸了几下,救援队长高声喊道“”有人,有个孩子,还活着!” (2)经过一番努力,救援人员小心地把挡着她的废墟清理开,在她的尸体下发现了一个包裹在红色带黄花的小被子里的、三四个月大的婴儿。因为有她身体的庇护,婴儿毫发未伤。 (3)随行的医生过来解开被子准备给婴儿做些检查,发现有一部手机塞在被子里。医生下意识地看了一下手机屏幕,发现屏幕上是一条已经写好的短信:“亲爱的宝贝,如果你能活着,一定要记住我爱你。” (4)瞿万容是一位幼儿园老师。地震发生时,她正和其他4名老师在校,照看着80多个孩子午睡。她悄声和另外几名老师说,等孩子们午睡醒来后,她要教孩子们做一个她新学的游戏,她说的时候,脸上满是明媚和喜悦。 (5)然而,地震突然而至,欲将所有的美丽撕碎。 (6)5名老师,80个孩子。将孩子们都疏散到安全地带成了老师们不可能完成的任务。但老师们齐声喊了一句“救孩子”后,就转身冲向酣睡着的孩子,她也毫不迟疑地冲向一个孩子。接下来,她都做了什么,无人得知。 (7)地震过去之后,只有30名孩子和两名老师生还。当救援人员在废墟中发现她时,她扑在地上,后背上压着一块垮塌的水泥板,怀里紧抱着一个小孩。小孩生还了,她却已经没有了呼吸。 ——选自《读者》2008年12期 1、“爱的姿势”在文中指什么?在“爱的姿势”下产生了什么奇迹?(用原文回答) 2、文章第4、5、6三段在记叙顺序上属于,作用是什么? 3、“她悄声和另外几名老师说,等孩子们午睡醒来后,她要教孩子们做一个她新学的游戏,她说的时候,脸上满是明媚和喜悦。”一句中,请你发挥想象,揣测瞿万容老师“脸上满是明媚和喜悦”时的心理活动。 4联系语境,体会加点词的表达作用。 经过一番努力 ...把挡着她的废墟清理开 ..,救援人员小心地 5、请你为瞿万荣老师写一段墓志铭。


本人本科就读于河北医科大学,2008年参加研究生入学考试,以总分388分的成绩考到了北京协和医学院。因为当年看了很多好帖,对我帮助很大,就决定如果自己考上了也来写一篇回报大家。之所以拖了这么久,是因为一直没把握写出来的东西能有什么新意,能否对大家有所帮助,至少不要误导大家。这样沉淀了一年多,期间又陪女朋友经历了一次考研(她最后上的卫生部北京老年医学研究所),终于决定试一试。 本贴的初衷是对各个阶段的同学都有用,所以写得比较细,希望不同阶段的同学有选择性的看,有不同意见也欢迎大家指出探讨。 一、考研时间表: 一般7、8月份大纲出,8、9月份各招生单位的招生简章及招生目录就陆陆续续出了吧(这个没有求证),9月下旬预报名(只针对应届生的),10月中下旬正式网上报名(截止到10月31号),11月中旬现场确认,次年1月20号前后的某个周末初试,3月初出初试成绩,大多数招生单位在3月底至4月中上旬安排复试,之后是调剂,大概到5月份调剂结束,这一年的招生工作基本告一段落了,之后就是政审,调档,6月下旬发放录取通知书。 二、关于报名: 这个看起来简单,但实际操作起来是很是头疼。关于报什么学校?什么方向?技能型还是科研型?虽然正式报名是在10月份,但是这些问题最好能提前想清楚,否则报名的时候会深受这些问题折磨,打乱复习节奏。需要一提的是9月下旬有一个预报名,只针对应届生的,为的是照顾应届生使其熟悉报名系统,这个与正式报名是等效的,预报名了正式报名时可直接修改信息。也可以不预报名,正式报名时再报。报名时要填的信息很多,一定要仔细阅读当地招生部门和拟报考院校的招生公告,去年陕西就发生过一起几百考生因为没有仔细阅读公告选错报考点最后导致报名无效的事,这是血的教训,一定要引以为戒。报上名后在截止日期以前可修改报名信息,最好能打印下来,提前多检查几次,不要等最后一天发现问题再去改,因为到时系统往往会很忙,可能会有打不开的情况。不要让自己处于这样的境地。 关于择校,这是一个大话题,详细情况大家可以去看专门的贴子。我只简章说几句。考研,最终的复习效果取决于一个人的心态、毅力和学习方法的总和,我认为这三方面等重的。所以在决定考什么学校之前,先对自己这三个方面作一大致评价,只要这三方面总体上能给自己打一及格分,同时如果希望自己能有一个比较好的未来,那么恭喜你,你可以考虑从国内一流院校中选择要报考的学校了。不要担心自己本科学校不好,因为越是好学校,对实习抓得越严,都没有时间给学生们看书,所以往往考上一流学校的都是那些来自二、三流学校的学生。好学校并不像我们想象中那么难考,我同学中就有320多分考上华西的,310多分考上中山的…最后你会发现上好学校的不是那些考得分高的,而是胆子大的。毛主席有句话常被引用在这里,叫做“人有多大胆,地有多大产”。重要的是一旦你报了这个学校,你就不要再质疑自己,你就要坚信自己一定能考上,从此就把自己看成这个学校的人了,这样你就一定能考上。看到很多基础很好最后考得比较高的同学上的学校并不好,真的是很令人惋惜。 至于考研同时要不要实习,这个问题比较痛苦,我的经验是,如果一门心思想考研的话,还是放弃实习吧,除非你基础超级好,或者精力超级过剩,否则如果不全心全意的去复习,是很难成功的。考研最忌讳的就是分心和犹豫。同样奉劝那些还在考研与工作之间摇摆的人,早点儿拿定主意,工作的话就去好好实习,考研的话就放弃实习并至少暂时打消找工作的念头。


英语时文阅读 TTA standardization office【TTA 5AB- TTAK 08- TTA 2C】

英语时文阅读第一篇 A ban on setting off firecrackers? XINHUA 话题:“过年要不要燃放烟花爆竹”这个讨论从年前争论到年后,从减少环卫工人负担到降低空气污染,反对者的声音高涨。但也有人认为,作为传统节日活动,应该燃放烟花爆竹。你怎么看 Wang Xingyue, 14, from Shanghai: I don’t think we should set off firecrackers (爆竹) during holidays. It is really noisy. Some people fire them during midnight. People around cannot sleep well. Besides, it brings air pollution (污染) and lots of rubbish. Most people do not clean the rubbish after they set off firecrackers. So I think there is no need to set them off anymore during holidays. Liu Ran, 14, from Shandong: Setting off firecrackers is a tradition during Chinese festivals. They set them off to celebrate or wish a happy new year. The ceremony (仪式) is very important in Chinese people’s lives. And it also reminds (提醒) us of one of the four great inventions (发明) of China, gunpowder (火药). We cannot give it up. It is good to have this ceremony during holidays. Do you agree with me Lin Yisong, 15, from Zhejiang: I think we should control (控制) the setting off of firecrackers. During holidays, the government could get people together in a place. They can set off some firecrackers or fireworks and people can watch. It is safer to do this and people can also enjoy their holiday tradition. Zhang Qi, 14, from Guangxi: Firecrackers are dangerous and bad for the air. But it is really an important tradition in Chinese festivals. So I think we can use something else to replace (代替) them. For example, we can use LED fireworks instead. It is also beautiful and attractive. And it is much safer. Even kids can play with them. Li Qing, 14, from Jiangsu:

高考语文 时文阅读精选 败走麦城新解素材

且说关公将残兵屯于麦城,由于战事失利,再加上右臂箭疮复发,心里一直郁郁不乐。正在这时,关平前来禀告:“爹爹!小小麦城竟然出现十二个自称华佗的神医,一时难辨,请父亲定夺!” 关羽长叹一声:“细想起来,前日给我医伤的华佗必定是冒牌之货。刮骨疗毒简直就不是什么医术,杀牛宰猪之流也能做,只要心狠手黑就行。现在我的臂膀仍在剧痛,不会是把纱布一类的留在里面了吧?唉,后悔当初没有查验一下他的行医资格证。” 关平苦笑:“现在这一群华佗个个证照齐全,而且其中五人竟然拿到了魏国医学院的博士学位。” 关羽一挥手:“先暂时收押,回头再做处理。如今为父右臂运转不灵,武功大打折扣,那八十二斤的青龙偃月刀再难舞动。吩咐下去,给我重新打造一把略轻的备用刀。这是图纸,记住一定按流程严格操作。” 关平领命而去。 关公率队出麦城北门,投小路前往西川。没曾想约走二十余里,忽金鼓大作,东吴大将潘璋舞刀杀来。云长抡刀相迎。“叮叮”兵刃相击之声不绝于耳。只三回合,潘璋放声大笑:“君侯,还不早降,你瞧你的大刀成了啥德行?” 关羽展目一看不禁大惊失色——只见刚打造的这把青龙刀,刀刃卷了,刀头歪了,刀身竟然扭成了一根大麻花! 潘璋得意地说道:“你治下不严,荆州地面都是小炼炉。你这刀一看就知道是地条钢打造的!哈哈……” 关羽不敢恋战,急往山路而走。潘璋随后追赶。奔上山路,关公心下着急,紧催赤兔马,可这匹千里马却像腿上拴了石头,一路扭起了秧歌,看来一定是连日征战而又饲料不足所致。正进退两难之际,一声喊起,现出一将,正是东吴马忠! 马忠遥指关羽:“关将军速速下马,否则……嘿嘿……我已为你备下十根绊马,就是神仙也休想闯得过!” 关羽大怒:“呸!无名鼠辈!就是刀山火海又奈我何?区区几条柴火绳就想拦住我,白日做梦!” 马忠阴阴一笑:“好,今天就叫你见识见识我们江东名牌七七四十九股绞丝绳,让你死得心服口服。起!” 话音刚落,一道粗如儿臂的绳索突地绷起!赤兔马不由倒退了几大步,四腿不住打颤。 关羽倒抽一口凉气,果真厉害。看来今天凶多吉少,只有硬闯了。心念至此,便将自己的手掌紧紧贴在马的脑门上,一股真气缓缓注入马体之内。这一招果然见效,只见赤兔马长啸一声,头一昂,尾一甩,猛地朝前冲去!四十九股绞丝绳一触马体竟然断成了好几截!关



英语时文阅读 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

英语时文阅读 第一篇 A ban on setting off firecrackers XINHUA 话题:“过年要不要燃放烟花爆竹”这个讨论从年前争论到年后,从减少环卫工人负担到降低空气污染,反对者的声音高涨。但也有人认为,作为传统节日活动,应该燃放烟花爆竹。你怎么看 Wang Xingyue, 14, from Shanghai: I don’t think we should set off firecrackers (爆竹) during holidays. It is really noisy. Some people fire them during midnight. People around cannot sleep well. Besides, it brings air pollution (污染) and lots of rubbish. Most people do not clean the rubbish after they set off firecrackers. So I think there is no need to set them off anymore during holidays. Liu Ran, 14, from Shandong: Setting off firecrackers is a tradition during Chinese festivals. They set them off to celebrate or wish a happy new year. The ceremony (仪式) is very important in Chinese people’s lives. And it also reminds (提醒) us of one of the four great inventions (发明) of China, gunpowder (火药). We cannot give it up. It is good to have this ceremony during holidays. Do you agree with me


时文阅读含解析 2 New York Tim—A gunman killed eight people at a mall in Omaha this afternoon and then killed himself, setting off panic among holiday shoppers, the police said. “The person who we believe to be the shooter has died from self-inflicted gunshot wounds,” Sgt. Teresa Negron of the Omaha Police Department said at televised news. “We have been able to clear the mall,” she said. “We don’t believe we have any other shooters.” The police said that at least five other people had been injured in the shootings. She did not give the shooter’s identity. “We are still conducting the investigation,”Sergeant Negron said, adding that the city’s mayor, who was out of town, was on his way back to Omaha. She said the police received a 911 call from someone inside the Westroads Mall on the west side of Omaha, and shots could be heard in the background. The first police officers arrived at the mall six minutes after the first call, she said, but by then the shootings were over. It is reported that the gunman left a suicide note that was found at his home by relatives. A law enforcement official who spoke on condition of anonymity (匿名) said the note indicated that the gunman wanted to “go out style”. The shootings broke the usually banal routine of holiday shopping. The gunman was said by some witnesses to have fired about 20 shots into a crowd. Some customers and workers ran screaming from the mall, while others dived into dressing rooms to hide from the shooter. Some customers and workers ran screaming from the mall, while others dived into dressing rooms to hide from the shooter. Shoppers and store workers were trapped inside the mall, which has roughly 135 stores. Others streamed out of mall exits with their hands raised. President Bush was in Omaha this morning to deliver a speech, but he had left the city by the time the shootings took place. 1. Where did the shooting first come out? A. On a newspaper. B. In the Internet. C. In TV news. D. In a police poster. 2. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. Nobody knows why the shooter did so and nothing was found at his home. B. The city’s mayor happened not to be in the city when the shooting took place. C. Police arrived at the mall before the shootings were over and rescued customers. D. The official who showed what the note mean have no request of his own identity. 3. We can infer from the passage that _______. A. there is only one shooter in this event B. the shooting created fears among the customers C. an important holiday is coming soon D. president Bush came here for the shooting 4. Which of the following can be the best title of the news? A. Gunman Kills Eight People, and Himself at a Mall in Omaha B. Shoppers in Great Panic before the Holiday C. Bush Happened to Escape a Shot D. Shooter Found Dead in a Mall on the West of Omaha 本文报道了在一个购物中心发生的枪击事件以及事件的来龙去脉。 1. C 推理判断题。虽然这是一篇报纸上的报道,但是最早报道这个时间的应该是电视,因

2020高考语文 时文阅读精选 交流平台素材

交流平台 ? ·感悟· 大学不是造富机器 大学是教学和研究并不断向社会输送“各学科、各领域的杰出人才”的地方,而不是“生产大款”的地方。如今,全国最具影响力的两所大学,竟以培养了多少“亿万富豪”、稳居“造富冠军”榜首为荣耀,令人唏嘘——这还是“自强不息,厚德载物”的大学吗?难怪钱学森会有“为什么我们的学校总是培养不出杰出人才”的疑问。 “学为人师,行为世范”的老师,直言“四十岁赚不到四千万别说是我学生”。可以想象,这样的老师会培养出什么样的“杰出人才”!他们在纯洁的课堂上向学生灌输“赚钱第一”的理念,学子们踏出校门后会以怎样的态度面对社会、面对人生?那些唯利是图、贪赃枉法的风气与这样的教育难道没有关系吗? 无论多么知名的大学,都不可能把每个学生培养成“大师”或“大款”,而且让“赚钱第一”的老师站在讲台上,肯定出不了大师,即便出了几个大款,这些大款可能也只剩下钱了。 (读2020年6月[中]《大学“生产”大师而非大款》) 马骏(重庆) 凡事不能偏颇 我忍不住赞一句:杂志中的插图很精彩!与杂文相映成趣,其实它们本身就是一篇篇杂文。例如,第三十五页插图《失衡》形象生动,而且简洁,能让我们瞬间领悟:唯有双脚健康的人才能行走稳健,凡事皆如此。插图中描绘的显然是“跛脚”之辈:“财富之脚”粗壮且先行;“道德之脚”细小且拄拐。更有趣的是,“拐杖”仍旧是由金钱来充当的。试想,用金钱“续貂”,怎能比得过“原装”?现实中存在不少类似的现象,人们太迷信金钱的力量,以为它能主宰和“扶正”一切,孰不知,一旦它介入,一切反而呈畸形发展的势态,令人步履蹒跚。 (读2020年6月[中]《飞机运西红柿》插图) 盛赛红(江西) 仇富源于嫌贫 有句话说得很到位:“恨官源于欺民,仇富源于嫌贫。”大款征婚公然要求“纯洁之身”


考研备考英语时文阅读:Burnished Up goes gold, down goes the dollar Most economists hate gold. Not, you understand, that they would turn up their noses at a bar or two. But they find the reverence in which many hold the metal almost irrational. That it was used as money for millennia is irrelevant: it isn't any more. Modern money takes the form of paper or, more often, electronic data. To economists, gold is now just another commodity. So why is its price soaring? Over the past week, this has topped $450 a troy ounce, up by 9% since the beginning of the year and 77% since April 2001. Ah, comes the reply, gold transactions are denominated in dollars, and the rise in the price simply reflects the dollar's fall in terms of other currencies, especially the euro, against which it hit a new low this week. Expressed in euros, the gold price has moved much less. However, there is no iron link, as it were, between the value of the dollar and the value of gold. A rising price of gold, like that of anything else, can reflect an increase in demand as well as a depreciation of its unit of account. This is where gold bulls come in. The fall in the dollar is important, but mainly because as a store of value the dollar stinks. With a few longish rallies, the greenback has been on a downward trend since it came off the gold standard in 1971. Now it is suffering one of its sharper declines. At the margin, extra demand has come from those who think dollars--indeed any money backed by nothing more than promises to keep inflation low--a decidedly risky investment, mainly because America, with the world's reserve currency, has been able to create and borrow so many of them. The least painful way of repaying those dollars is to make them worth less. The striking exception to this extra demand comes from central banks, which would like to sell some of the gold they already have. As a legacy of the days when their currencies were backed by the metal, central banks still hold one-fifth of the world's gold. Last month the Bank of France said it would sell 500 tonnes in coming years. But big sales by central banks can cause the price to plunge--as when the Bank of England sold 395 tonnes between 1999 and 2002. The result was an agreement between central banks to co-ordinate and limit future sales. If the price of gold marches higher, this agreement will presumably be ripped up, although a dollar crisis might make central banks think twice about switching into paper money. Will the overhang of central-bank gold drag the price down again? Not necessarily. As James Grant, gold bug and publisher of Grant's Interest Rate Observer, a newsletter, points out, in recent years the huge glut of government debt has not stopped a sharp rise in its price. 注(1):本文选自Economist;12/4/2004, p76-76, 1/3p; 注(2):本文习题命题模仿2000年真题text 4第3题(1),2001年真题text 4第2题(2),text 1第2题(3),2002年真题text 2第2题(4)和text 5第3题(5); 1.In economists’eyes, gold is something__________. [A] they look down upon that can be exchanged in the market


生活指南:简单一小步丰富每一天 I love to have simple ways to improve my life. Everyday is a chance for improving our life, and it's up to us to best use it. What I want is to have good, balanced progress everyday. 我喜欢用简单的方法提升自己的生活质量。对我们来说每天都是一个新的机遇,关键在于我们如何最有效地利用它。我所希望的便是每天都可以有良好平稳的提升。 To ensure balance, my favorite way is using the four facets of prosperity: material, spiritual, physical, and social. By achieving material prosperity, spiritual prosperity, physical prosperity, and social prosperity, I believe I can have complete and balanced prosperity in my life. 我最倾向于通过物质生活、精神境界、身体素质、社交活动四个方面的互补来保持生活的平衡。如果可以达到物质富足、精神愉悦、身体健康以及社交活跃,那么你一定会拥有和谐美妙而丰富多彩的生活。 You may add other facets of prosperity if they work for you, but in my opinion these four facets are easy to remember and already cover practically everything. 当然啦,你还可以添加一些你认为对你有用的东西。不过,我认为以上的四个方面很容易记住,它们基本已经包涵了所有。 To put this concept into practice, what I do is ensuring that I do something to improve each facet everyday. Here is how I do it: 为了实践这个观念,我每天都会努力来完善这四个方面。下面是我的个人做法: 1. Decide on something to do daily in each facet 1. 每天都要做一些关于这几个方面的事情。 To keep things simple, choose only one or two tasks to do daily in each facet. More than that, it could be difficult to keep up with them. Of course, you may want to do more than just one or two tasks to improve

高考语文 时文阅读精选 最后悔的总是年轻的时光素材

一家权威机构曾向60岁以上的老人就“你今生最后悔的是什么”这一问题做过调查。结果显示,虽然每个人的出身、学识、性格等各不相同,但后悔的时光都是年轻的时候,在后悔的内容上更有很多相似之处。 后悔年轻时努力不够。这正验证了那句古诗:“少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。”是啊,年轻时都不努力,要到何时才发奋呢?青春不会永驻,人生不过百年。虽说一寸光阴不是一寸金,但虚掷时光,蹉跎岁月总是不对的。毕竟,脚踏实地,日积月累,方有收获之时。有的人迷信天分,寄托运气,殊不知,天赋、好运固然有,可垂青于自己的几率有多大?凭什么又是你?倒是勤能补拙,天道酬勤适合于任何人。就算是贩夫走卒,如果怀着不屈的心与生活抗争,也会有所作为。记住,没有一成不变的人生,没有一种人生不能改变。 后悔年轻时选错了职业。这与年轻人的心态不无关系。或急功近利,或反复好变,或贪图安逸,以至于读了那么多书,考了那么多试,依然不清楚自己究竟喜欢“吃”什么,“胃口”有多大。于是,在职场上“走马灯”似的从一个槽头跳到另一个槽头,也许“饲料”是越来越精,可随之而来的是专业抛弃了,优势抛弃了,激情抛弃了,人也越来越没方向了。也有一类人,是“从一而终”、“不事二主”的,可在岗不爱岗,从业不敬业,抱着“不求有功,但求无过”的思想度日,又怎能演绎一番轰轰烈烈?其实,没有哪一种职业绝对优越,绝对适合。只要正视自己,尽力而为,一旦选准、敲定,就付诸耐力、毅力和定力,晚年便多了一份满足,少了一声长叹。 后悔年轻时教育子女不当。众所周知,中国的父母很重视子女的教育。可问题是,怎样的教育才算成功?衡量的标准又是什么?在传统教育的桎梏中,父母并没有太多的选择。从孩子上幼儿园的那天起,就眼睁睁地看着孩子一路上把天真丢了,把童年丢了,把思想丢了,把梦想丢了,把锋芒丢了,最后不知剩下什么。而所有的文凭、证书,无非是为了高薪、香车、别墅,如果没有,就是没本事、没出息,就活该遭人鄙视。陷在这样的误区,还有多少父母认为自己家教成功呢?如果父母们是在悔恨自己的子女在功名利禄、权势尊位上不如人,倒不如反省自己有没有给孩子快乐的童年、强健的体魄、良好的修养和健全的人格。 后悔年轻时没珍惜伴侣。如今这年头,什么“比翼鸟”、“连理枝”、“相濡以沫”、“与子偕老”,一天比一天稀缺。所以,闪婚和闪离都司空见惯,反正关系越简单,就越能便捷地解决问题。说到底,是自私成分居多,各人顾各人。到了晚年,才知道老本、老友与老伴不可或缺,而没有老伴又是不幸中最不幸的事。其实,婚姻是一本存折,年轻时,夫妻两人往里面存理解、信任和忍让,到了岁数,才能连本带利提取温暖、幸福与和谐。如果年轻时不好好相处,倍加珍惜,又哪来的“夕阳无限好”? 人生后悔的事还有很多,比如后悔年轻时锻炼身体不力,后悔年轻时孝顺双亲不够,后


考研时文阅读(2) Altruism(利他主义), according to the text books, has two forms. One is known technically as kin selection, and familiarly as nepotism. This spreads an individual's genes collaterally, rather than directly, but is otherwise similar to his helping his own offspring. The second form is reciprocal altruism, or “you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours”. It relies on trust, and a good memory for favours given and received, but is otherwise not much different from simultaneous collaboration (such as a wolf pack hunting) in that the benefit exceeds the cost for all parties involved. Humans, however, show a third sort of altruism—one that has no obvious pay-off. This is altruism towards strangers, for example, charity. That may enhance reputation. But how does an enhanced reputation weigh in the Darwinian balance? To investigate this question, the researchers made an interesting link. At first sight, helping charities looks to be at the opposite end of the selfishness spectrum from conspicuous consumption. Yet they have something in common: both involve the profligate deployment of resources. That is characteristic of the consequences of sexual selection. An individual shows he (or she) has resources to burn—whether those are biochemical reserves, time or, in the human instance, money—by using them to make costly signals. That demonstrates underlying fitness of the sort favoured by evolution. Viewed this way, both conspicuous consumption and what the researchers call “blatant benevolence” are costly signals. A nd since they are behaviours rather than structures, and thus controlled by the brain, they may be part of the mating mind. Researchers divided a bunch of volunteers into two groups. Those in one were put into what the researchers hoped would be a “romantic mindset” by being shown pictures of attractive members of the opposite sex. They were each asked to write a description of a perfect date with one of these people. The unlucky members of the other group were shown pictures of buildings and told to write about the weather. The participants were then asked two things. The first was to imagine they had $5,000 in the bank. They could spend part or all of it on various luxury items such as a new car, a dinner party at a restaurant or a holiday in Europe. They were also asked what fraction of a hypothetical 60 hours of leisure time during the course of a month they would devote to volunteer work. The results were just what the researchers hoped for. In the romantically primed group, the men went wild with the Monopoly money. Conversely, the women volunteered their lives away. Those women continued, however, to be skinflints, and the men remained callously indifferent to those less fortunate than themselves. Meanwhile, in the other group there was little inclination either to profligate spending or to good works. Based on this result, it looks as though the sexes do, indeed, have different strategies for showing off. Moreover, they do not waste their resources by behaving like that all the time. Only when it counts sexually are men profligate and women helpful. (选自Economist, 08/02/2007) 参考译文根据教科书,利他主义有两种表现形式:一种就是所谓的血缘选择,即家庭亲戚关系。这种利他主义是通过一个人的基因间接传播的,而不是直接的,但是另一方面也就像一个人会无私地帮助自己的孩子一样。第二种形式是互惠的利他主义,或者说“你帮我搓背我也帮你搓背”。这种利他主义的基础在于信任,并对自己得到和付出过的帮助保持较好的记忆,但是除此以外,这种利他主义和物种天然的合作关系(比如狼群共同寻找猎物)没有什么大的区别,因为对于所有的参与者来说,他们合作的所得远远超过其付出。但是人类却表现出了第三种利他主义—一种不会有什么赢利的利他主义。这是一种对陌生人的利他主义,

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