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人教版高一英语必修一Unit 3词汇解释

人教版高一英语必修一Unit 3词汇解释
人教版高一英语必修一Unit 3词汇解释

必修1-Unit 3词汇手记名词篇——我包揽主宾的n.君喊你的名字你敢应吗?= ̄ω ̄= 1.journal 日志/(学术)期刊



→keep a journal

(n.) journalist新闻记者

(n.) journalism 新闻业

2.transport (英)

也作v. 运输/运送

=(n.) transport ation (美)不作v.

a) 运送/运输

→the transport of goods

b) 交通工具/运输方式

→public transport

→air/rail/road transport


(adj.) disadvantag eous 不利的


(adj.) advantageous

4.fare 指车/船票费用;

fee 指上学、求医及找律师等的费用,还指入会费、借书费等;price指商品出售明码价格。也能引申出“代价”的意思;

cost 指获得某东西的成本,也泛指商品的价格(可与price换用);charge指提供服务/商品时被索取的费用;

→free of charge=with no cost

expense 指费用总额,指钱的花费,也指代价

→at the expense of sth.=at the price of sth.

5.rout e路线/路途(概念)

→the most direct route home


rout ine惯例/例行公事

→daily routine

6.schedule 日程/进度表



也作v. 定时间

→The elections are scheduled for mid-June.

7.shortcoming 缺点(可数)

8.detail n. 细节/详情

→She told me every detail of her trip.

go into detail详细地说

in detail详细地

(adj.) detailed

9.source 来源/(水)源头

→the source of the problem

也作v. 从…获得

→Fish for the restaurant is sourced daily from British ports.


→water resources水力资源

→water source某个具体水源

10.j ourney 旅行/旅程

journey从A到B的远途陆路旅行,抽象也表示人生旅程(life journey)voyage指乘船/飞机去某地,故译作“航海/航空”




11.a ltitude 海拔高度/高处



12.a tlas 地图集(单数的),里面可以有好多张maps


13.g lacier 冰河/冰川

14.T ibet西藏/藏族

(adj./n.) Tibetan

15.r apids 急流

16.v alley(山)谷;流域

17.w aterfall 瀑布

18.b end

a) 拐角

→a sharp bend in the road

drive sb. round the bend惹恼某人

→His attitude drives me round the bend.

也作v. 弯/扭曲

(ben t/ben t)

bend down指蹲下,包括一个腿部动作

bend over是弯腰,单指腰部

bend the truth歪曲事实

(adj.) bended

19.m eander(指河流等)蜿蜒缓慢流动

20.d elta 三角洲

21.a ttitude 态度/看法

attitude to/towards sth. 对…的态度

22.f orecast预测/预报

→weather forecast天气预报



→Rain was forecast for the weekend.

(n.) forecas ting

23.p arcel 小包/(邮寄来的)包裹

24.i nsurance 保险

insurance on sth. 关于…的保险

insurance against sth. 防范…(不好的东西)的保险

词源(v.) insure投保

25.w ool羊毛

(adj.) woolen

26.v iew

a) 风景/视野

→We’d like a room with a view of the sea.





b) 观点/见解


→What’s your view on the subject?

也作v. 观看/注视/考虑

→view sth. from a … perspective/standpoint以…的角度/立场看待某物

→view sth. as sth. 把某物看作某物

→view with caution仔细地看

27.y ak 牦牛

28.p illow 枕头


29.m idnight 午夜

at dusk在黄昏at dawn在黎明at noon在中午at night 在晚上at midnight在半夜

30.f lame火焰;光芒;热情

31.L aos老挝(东南亚国家)

(n./adj.) Laotian老挝人(的)

32.T emple

a) 寺庙

b) 太阳穴

33.c ave洞穴/地窖

也作v. cave in

a) 坍塌

→The roof of the tunnel(隧道) caved in on them.

b) 同give in

→cave in to pressure from your parents



a) 喜爱的

be fond of sth./doing sth. 喜爱/喜欢

→I’m not overly fond of cooking.

b) 慈爱的

→a fond father

c) 深情/柔情的

→a fond look/smile/action

(n.) fond ness (for)

2.stu bb orn 顽固的;固执的

(n.) stu bb or nness

3.rel iable 可信赖的;可靠的


词源(v.) rely (on sth.) 依靠

(n.) relia bility可信性


1.prefer 更喜欢/倾向某物

(prefe rr ing/prefe rr ed/prefe rr ed)

a) prefer sth./sb./doing to sth./sb./doing

→a child that prefers his imaginary world to reality

prefer to do与prefer doing的区别

prefer to do指在某一场合下宁愿做什么(一次性)

→I prefer to wear clothes in light colors.

prefer doing指平时偏爱/倾向做什么(经常性)

→I prefer reading a novel before bed.

进阶①prefer to do sth. rather than do

→I prefer to watch TV rather than read when I have time.

进阶②prefer doing sth. to doing sth.

→I prefer travelling to staying at home during holidays.

(n.) prefer ence偏好

(adj.) preferred优先的/首选的

(adj.) prefe r able 更可取的(本身是比较级,所有没有比较级)

2.flow 流动/流出

可以“flow”的东西:water, air, electricity, money, car, people, conversation, feelings, hair

也作n. 流动/流量

→XXX flow or the flow of XXX

(adj.) flow ing流动的

3.persuade 说服/劝说

persuade sb. to do sth. =persuade sb. into doing sth.

→He tries to persuade his wife to buy him a new mobile.

=He tries to persuade his wife into buying him a new mobile. (n.) persua sion

(n.) persuad er

(adj.) persua sive有说服力的


a) 骑自行车

→Caius cycles to work.

(n.) cycl ist骑自行车的人

b) 循环

→The water is cycled through the machine and reused.

也作n. 循环/周期

→life cycle

→the cycle of the seasons

(adj.) cycl ic

(n.) bi cycle自行车

形近词(n.) circle圆形


→Kate graduated from medical school last year.

也作n. 毕业生

(n.) gradua tion 毕业生

(n.) under graduate本科生

(n.) post graduate硕士生

https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f7075804.html,anize 组织/安排/管理

→Students need to learn how to organize their work.

(n.) organiz er

(n.) organiz ation组织/团体/机构

(adj.) organizational

(n.) organ器官


a) 确定

→Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire.

b) 决定/下定决心(正式)

→We determined to leave at once.

(adj.) determine d坚决的/有决心的

(n.) determin ation 决心

(adj.) determin ant 决定性的

8.pace 缓慢而行/踱步

→pace the floor/room在房间内来回踱步

pace yourself调整(生活/工作)节奏

→You need to pace yourself and decide which tasks are the most important.

也作n. 步伐/速度(同speed)/步调

→The pace of change in our lives is becoming faster and faster.

→progress at a steady pace稳步前行

→a few paces away几步之遥


a) (指液体)沸腾

b) 用开水煮

→Boil the rice for 15 minutes.

c) 发怒

→smile on the outside but be boiling with rage insides表面笑嘻嘻心里mmp (adj.) boiling沸腾的

(adj.) boiled 煮过的

副词篇——不是只会跟v.君混分身炒鸡多还能进化成从句形态的adv.君(?▽?) 1.final ly最后;终于

(adj.) final

(v.) final ize定案/定最终

(n.) final ist 决赛选手

介词篇——居无定所,来去自如,任性如我的prep.君~(~ ̄? ̄)~

1.beneath 在……下面


→His apartment is below ours on the left.


→The water lies just beneath the surface of the earth.


→The pen was under the desk.


→I found the book underneath the sofa.


1.ever since从那以后(直到目前),多用于有完成时态的句子

→Ever since he was 6, he has lived there.

(adv.) since ever从这以后(直到永远),后面不接句子或短语

→I will love you since ever

2.care about关心/忧虑/惦念

→People don’t care about you if you only care about yourself.

3.change one’s mind (to do)改变主意

→Her boss changed his mind after her resignation.

4.make up one’s mind (to do)下决心/决定

=decide to do sth.

5.give in (to sth./doing sth.) 投降/屈服/让步

→Nobody wants to give in to the demands of terrorists give up (sth./doing sth.) 放弃(某个机会,某件事) give up on sth. 对…表示绝望

→They refused to give up on their hopes.

6.as usual 照常


Unit3 知识点(班二) 词汇要点 1.determine vt.决定,决心,确定,测定 Determination n. 决心,毅力determined adj. 坚毅的,下决心的decide[同义]v.决定典型用法be determined to do sth ⑴She is a girl of great ______________ (determine). ⑵He is determined ________ (face) out the situation. ⑶There is a ____________ (determine) look on his face. 2.similar adj. 类似的,相似的 be similar to[搭配]类似于,与……相似the same ...as...[近义]与……相同 https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f7075804.html,anize v.组织 organization n.组织,机构organizer n.组织者organized adj. 有组织的 4.surprise vt.使惊奇,使诧异n. 惊奇,诧异 Surprised adj. 感到惊讶的surprising adj. 令人惊讶的 be surprised at 对…感到惊讶to one,s surprise (=surprisingly) 令人感到惊奇地是 (1) Everybody here was ____ (surprise)the news. (2) ________________________ (surprise),he was so frank that he told me all of his secrets. 5..transport n.& v.运送;运输 派生:transportation n.运输;交通工具 6.persuade vt.说服,劝说 persuade sb. to do 说服/劝服某人去做 persuade sb. into doing 说服/劝服某人去做 persuade sb. out of doing说服/劝服某人不做 注意:劝而不服则要用advise sb.to do sth.或者try to persuade sb.to do sth.。 ⑴我们劝李老师戒烟,他不再抽烟啦! __________________________________,and he never smoked at last. ⑵我们劝王老师戒烟,可他不戒。 ___________________________________________________________,but he didn’t. 7.graduate v.毕业n.大学毕业生派生:graduation n.毕业 短语:graduate from 毕业于 (1)After ____________ (graduate),what are you going to do? (2)My sister graduated ______ Beijing University ____ 1982. (3) He is _____ graduate of Oxford. (填冠词) 8..care vi.关心;介意n.关心;照顾 care about ( be worried about/concerned with)忧虑;担心;惦念


1.transport vt.运输;运送;输送;搬运: (1).to transport mail by air 空运邮件 (2).Wheat is transported from the farms to the mills. 小麦从农场运到面粉厂。 n.运输;运送过程 [英国英语]运输工具 (1).Meanwhile we must do a good job in transport and communications. 同时我们要搞好交通运输工作 (2).We reduce the traffic required to transport staff and customers to these locations. 我们将降低将职员和顾客运输到这些场所的交通流量。 passenger transport客运 public transport公交车 transport system运输系统;传输系统 air transport航空运输 2.prefer vt.宁可;宁愿(选择);更喜欢;觉得还是…更可取: (1).She chose Spain, but personally I'd prefer to go to France. 她选择了西班牙,而我个人倒更愿意去法国。 (2).Would you prefer milk or coffee? 你喜欢牛奶还是咖啡? (3).Most people prefer buying to sewing. 大多数人宁愿买现成的衣服而不自己缝制了。 would prefer宁愿;更喜欢 prefer to do宁可做某事;更喜欢做某事 prefer doing喜欢做某事 prefer to do ...rather than do...宁愿做某事而不做某事


人教版2018高一英语必修一Unit 3单词 表 人教版2018高一英语必修一 Unit3单词表 Unit3 journaln.日记;杂志;定期刊物 transportn.运送; 运输 vt?运输;运送 prefervt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)disadvantagen.不利条件;不便之处 faren.费用 Arouten.路线;路途 Aeongn.湄公河 flowvi.流动;流出 n.流动;流量eversince从那以后 persuadevt.说服;劝说cyclevi.骑自行车 graduatevi.毕业 n?大学毕业生finallyadv.最后;终于 schedulen.时间表;进度表 vt ?为某事安排时间

fondadj.喜爱的;慈爱的;宠爱的 shortcoingn.缺点 stubbornadj.顽固的;固执的 organizevt.组织;成立 careabout 关心;忧虑;惦念 Adetailn.细节;详情 Asourcen.来源;水源 deterinevt.决定;确定;下定决心 deterinedadj.坚决的;有决心的 changeone ,sind 改变主意 journeyn.旅行;旅程 altituden.海拔高度;高处 aeupone 9 sind 下决心;决定 givein 投降;屈 服;让步 Aatlasn.地图;地图集 Aglaciern.冰河;冰川 ATibetanadj. x 藏的;藏族的; 藏族人的 n.(西)藏语;x 藏人; 藏族人 Arapidsn.急流befondof 喜 爱;

valleyn?(山)谷;流域 Awaterfalln.瀑布 pacevi.缓慢而行;踱步 n. 一步;速度;步调 bendn?弯;拐角 vt?(bent,bent)使弯曲 vi?弯身;弯腰 Aeandern?(指河流等)蜿蜒缓慢流动 Adeltan.三角洲 attituden.态度;看法 AQoolangan.珠穆朗玛峰 bo订vi?(指液体)沸腾;(水)开forecastn. ≈ vt.预测;预报parceln.小包; insurancen.保险 wooln.羊毛;毛织品 asusual 常 reliableadj.可信赖的;可靠的 viewn?风景; 视野;观点; 见解 vt?观看;注视;考虑 Ayan.耗牛 pillown.枕头;枕垫 idnightn.午夜;子夜 atidnight在午 夜 flaen.火焰;光芒;热情


UNIT3 journal :n. 日记;杂志;定期刊物 transport: n. 运送;运输v. 运输;运送 作动词时:transport sth./sb. from ···to ···把某物或某人从某地运到某地eg. They transported the wheat from the farm to a mill. 他们把小麦(wheat)从农场运到面粉厂(mill)。 做名词时:运送;运输;交通工具 eg. My friend is using my car, so I have no transport. 我的朋友正用我的车,所以我没有交通工具 prefer: vt. 更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)(preferred/preferring) eg. Would you prefer milk or coffee? [重点用法] prefer to do 更喜欢做…… eg. Many people prefer to live in the country. prefer doing 更喜欢做…… eg.He prefers travelling by train. prefer doing to doing宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 eg.He prefers doing to saying. prefer to do rather than do 与其…不如…宁愿而不愿 eg.I prefer to stay at home rather than play football. prefer sb (not) to do (宁愿某人做某事) eg.I prefer you not to come back. disadvantage: n. 不利条件;不便 advantages and disadvantages 优劣 take advantage of fare:费用 flow:vi. 流动;流出n.流动,流量 ever since:从那以后 Ever since middle school, my sister Wang Wei and I taking a great bike trip. 从高中起,我姐姐王维和我就一直梦想做一次伟大的自行车旅行。 since then 自从那时至今 persuade:v.说服,劝说 persuade sb. to do sth. / into doing sth:说服某人干某事 eg. How can you persuade him to change his mind/ into changing his mind? persuade sb out of doing sth 说服某人不要干某事 eg. Finally, we persuaded her out of traveling by plane. cycle: vi. 骑自行车


北师大版高中英语必修 一第7讲:U n i t3-C e l e b r a t i o n-词汇篇 1(教师版) https://www.doczj.com/doc/6f7075804.html,work Information Technology Company.2020YEAR

Unit 3 Celebration 词汇篇1 ___________________________________________________________________________ _______ ___________________________________________________________________________ _______ 1、掌握第三单元第一课及第二课的重点单词||,短语及句型||。 2、灵活运用第三单元第一课及第二课的重点单词||,短语及句型||。 1.occasion n. 时刻||,时机 词汇拓展: ①occasional adj. 偶尔的 ②occasionally adv. 有时||,偶尔 短语拓展: ①on occasion(s) 偶尔||,有时 ②on the occasion of 在…的时候 ③on one/this/that occasion 一次/这次/那次 2. including prep. 包括…在内 易混辨析: including||, included including: 介词||,“包括…在内”||,后接名词||,代词||,动名词作宾语||。included: include的过去分词形式||,常做后置定语||。 例:There are 40 students in the classroom||, including me. = There are 40 students in the classroom||, me included. 包括我在内||,教室里有40个学生||。 include||, contain include: “包括”||,侧重被包含者是整体中的一部分||,通常是同类的人或物||。contain: “包含||,含有”||,侧重一个整体中包含的内容或成分||,通常是不同类的人或物||。 例:①The tour includes a visit to the science museum. 这次游览包含参观科学博物馆||。 ②The book contains all the information you need. 这本书包含所有你需要的信息||。 3. celebration n. 庆祝活动||,庆典 词汇拓展: celebrate vt. 庆祝||,庆贺


Book 1 Unit3 1.prefer vt 更喜欢,选择某物(而不选其他) ①prefer A/doing to B/doing 更喜欢A…比起B ②prefer to do rather than do 宁愿干…而不愿意干 ③prefer sb to do sth宁愿让某人干某事 ④preference n 偏爱,最喜欢的东西 I much 猫和狗之间我更喜欢狗。 他更喜欢读书胜过玩。 He prefers reading .= He prefers to 2.fare(公共汽车,火车,出租车等的)车费,(飞机等的)票价 ①a bus/taxi fare 公共汽车费、出租车费 ② an air fare 飞机票价 ③ travel at half/full fare 半价、全价旅行 辨析fare 与fee fare 指乘坐公共汽车、轮船、出租车等的交通工具费用。 fee 常用复数fees,指①给律师、医生等的专业人员的服务费、酬金②报名费entry fee ③(加入俱乐部)会费entrance fee If you want to join, there is of $20入会需缴会费20美元。 3.reliable adj.可信赖的,可靠的 ①rely vi 依靠,依赖 ②rely on sb/sth 依靠某人/某物 ③rely on sb to do sth依靠某人做某事 You can you.你尽管信赖我,我一定会帮你。 4.view ①[c]观点,看法②[c]风景,景色③[u]视野④vt 观看;看待 拓展①in one’s view=in one’s opinion 据某人看来 ②in view of鉴于,考虑到,由于 ③in view 可以看到,在看得见的范围内反义词看不见,不在视野之内 ④come into view 进入视野 ⑤view作“景色”解时指从某一特定角度所看到的景色,尤指从高处或远处。have/get a good view of ,she is a fool.依我看,他是一个傻瓜 There was no shelter .举目四望,看不到可以栖身的地方。 This hotel has a very good location. You can have a good from here. 5.ever since 从那以后(至今),常与现在完成时态连用。 since 可作介词、连词或副词,所以其后可加时间名词、从句或单独使用。常与现在完成时态连用 I want to see how much he has changed . 我想看看自从上次看见他后,他的变化有多大。 She left school three years ago and as a nurse . She as a nurse three years ago. She as a nurse she school three years ago. 她三年前毕业,从那时起便一直当护士。 拓展It is / has been +时间段+since从句,若从句谓语为瞬间动词,意为“自从…至今已经多久了”。若从句谓语为持续性动词,意为“自不…至今已经多久了”。 It’s five years since I started the project. It’s five years since I worked in the factory.


全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选 教案设计

A. He doesn’t li ke her at all. B. He is a bit proud of her and admires her. C. He has to obey her because she is his sister. D. He thinks that her knowledge of geography is very poor. (2)Altogether there are______________ people who have to take the great bike trip. A. one B. two C. three D. four (3)According to the text, which of the following statements is not true? A. Wang Kun thinks that it is too cold and too high to start their trip in Qinghai. B. They found a large atlas with good maps in the library. C. At first, the Mekong River is small, and the water is clear and warm. D. The Mekong River finally flows into the South China Sea. (4)Which is the proper order according to the text? a. The Mekong River enters the South China Sea. b. The Mekong River begins at a glacier on a Tibetan mountain. c. At first, the Mekong River is small, and the water is clear and col d. d. The Mekong River enters Southeast Asia. e. The Mekong River travels across western Y unnan Province. f. The Mekong River leaves China. A. b, c, e, f, a, d B. b, c, e, f, d, a C. c, b, e, f, d, a D. c, b, f, e, a, d (5)It can be inferred from the passage that Wang Kun is a______________ person. A. brave B. kind C. timid D. careful 3. Language problems(猜测词义、分析长难句) While checking the answers with the whole class, deal with any language problems to see whether the students can guess the meanings of new vocabulary such as persuade, determined, altitude, etc. 1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River from where it begins to where it ends. (It is/was. . . who/that. . . ) 2. Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she insisted that we find the source of the river and begin our journey there. (insist that sb. do. . . ) 3. She gave me a determined look—the kind that said she wouldn’t change her mind. (the Attributive Clause) 4. It becomes rapids as it passes through deep valleys, traveling across western Yunnan Province. (the present participle used as adverbial) 4.Retell the text. 5.小组讨论、模拟采访:The students discuss in pairs: Wang Wei’s and Wang Kun’s similar and different attitudes about the trip (Comprehending Exercise 3 on Page 19).Then suppose you are a reporter and give an interview to your partner. Similar attitudes about the trip Different attitudes about the trip Both Wang Wei and Wang Kun think. . . 1. 2. Wang Wei believes. . . 1. 2.


.精品文档 . 人教版 2018 高一英语必修一Unit3 单词表 人教版 2018 高一英语必修一Unit 3单词表 Unit 3 urnal n.日记;杂志;定期刊物 transprt n.运送;运输 vt.运输;运送 prefer vt.更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)disadvantage n.不利条件;不便之处 fare n.费用 △r ute n. 路线;路途 △e kng n. 湄公河 flw vi.流动;流出 n.流动;流量 ever sine从那以后 persuade vt.说服;劝说 yle vi.骑自行车 graduate vi.毕业 n.大学毕业生 finally adv. shedule n. 最后;终于时间表;进度表 vt.为某事安排时间

fnd ad.喜爱的;慈爱的;宠爱的 be fnd f喜爱;喜欢 shrting n.缺点 stubbrn ad.顽固的;固执的rganize vt.组织;成立 are abut关心;忧虑;惦念 △d etail n.细节;详情 △s ure n. ;水 deterine vt.决定;确定;下定决心deterined ad.坚决的;有决心的hange ne ’ s ind改变主意 urney n.旅行;旅程 altitude n.海拔高度;高处 ake up ne ’s ind下决心;决定give in投降;屈服;让步 △a tlas n.地图;地图集 △g laier n.冰河;冰川 △T ibetan ad. 西藏的;藏族的;藏 族人的 n.(西)藏语;西藏人; 藏族人 △rapids n.急流


高中英语(必修一------选修八)单词表 目录 必修一 unit1 (2) unit2 (2) unit3 (3) unit4 (4) unit5 (5) 必修二 unit1 (6) unit2 (6) unit3 (7) unit4 (8) unit5 (9) 必修三 unit1 (9) unit2 (11) unit3 (12) unit4 (13) unit5 (14) 必修四 unit1 (15) unit2 (16) unit3 (17) unit4 (18) unit5 (19) 必修五 unit1.....................19 unit2 (21) unit3 (22) unit4 (23) unit5 (24) 选修六 unit1 (25) unit2 (27) unit3 (28) unit4 (29) unit5 (31) 选修七 unit1 (32) unit2 (33) unit3 (34) unit4 (36) unit5 (37) 选修八 unit1 (38) unit2 (39) unit3 (41) unit4 (42) unit5 (43)

必修一 UNIT1 survey 调查;测验 add up 合计 upset adj.心烦意乱的;不安的;不适的 vt.使不安;使心烦。 ignore 不理睬,忽视 calm vt.vi(使)平静;(使)镇定 adj.平静的;镇静的;沉着的 calm (…)down (使)平静下来;(使)镇静下来 have got to 不得不;必须 concern (使)担忧;涉及;关系 be concerned about 关心;挂念 walk the dog 遛狗 loose 松的;松开的 vet 兽医 go through 经历;经受 Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹(荷兰首都)Netherlands 荷兰(荷兰国家) Jewish 犹太人;犹太族的 German 德国的;德国人的;德语的;德国人;德语 Nazi n.纳粹党人adj.纳粹党的 set down 记下;放下;登记 series 连续;系列 a series of 一连串的;一系列;一套outdoors 在户外;在野外 spellbinding 迷住;迷惑 on purpose 故意 in order to 为了… dusk 黄昏;傍晚at dusk 在黄昏时刻 thunder v打雷;雷鸣;n雷;雷声 entire 整个的;完全的;全部的 entirely 完全地;全然地;整个地 power 能力;力量;权力 face to face 面对面地 curtain 窗帘;门帘;幕布 dusty 积满灰尘的 no longer\not…any longer 不再 partner 伙伴;合作者;合伙人 settle 安家;定居;停留使定居;安排;解决 suffer 遭受;忍受;经历 suffer from 遭受;患病 loneliness 孤单;寂寞 highway 公路;大路;<美>高速公路 recover 痊愈;恢复;重新获得 get\be tired of 对…厌烦 pack 捆扎;包装;打行李小包;包裹 pack(sth)up 将(东西)装箱打包 suitcase 手提箱;衣箱 overcoat 大衣;外套 teenager 十几岁的青少年 get along with 与…相处;发展 gossip 闲话;闲谈 fall in love 相爱爱上 exactly 确实如此;正式;确切地 disagree 不同意 grateful 感激的;表示谢意的 dislike 不喜欢;厌恶 join in 参加;加入 tip n.揭示;技巧;尖;尖端;消费 vt. 倾斜;翻到 secondly 第二;其次 swap 交换 item 项目;条款 UNIT2 subway 地下人行道;<美>地铁 elevator 电梯直升机


高一必修一英语Unit3单词表单词是构成英语文章的骨架,背好了单词,英语的学习之路也就成功了一大步了。下面是为你推荐高一必修一英语Unit3单词表,希望能帮到你。 journal日记;杂志;定期刊物谐音?热闹?日记里记热闹的事 transport运送;运输船是跑的→运输 prefer更喜欢选择某事物而不选择其他事物 disadvantage不利条件;不便之处advantage有利条件;利益,好处偶的完(美)体质就是我成就事业的?优点,有利条件? dis表示否定 fare费用费儿——什么费儿——车费或船费

route路线;路途?入塔的路线? flow流动;流出n.流动;流量?腐漏?腐烂漏了就流出来了 persuade说服;劝说 cycle骑自行车 graduate毕业 n 大学毕业生毕业后哥要追她 finally最后;终于 schedule进度表

fond心喜爱的;慈祥的宠爱的 be fond of喜爱;喜欢 shortcoming缺点变:shortcoming=short+com+ing stubborn顽固的;固执的谐音?是大笨?笨了就顽固organize组织;成立 detail细节;详情 source n.来源;水源

determine vt.决定;确定;下定决心直接把[di’t ?:min]谐音过去→狄特民(姓狄名特民,狄仁杰的狄) 句子:狄特民决定去了(决心已定) determined adj.坚决的;有决心的 change one‘s mind改变主意 journey旅行;旅程接你(旅行) altitude海拔高度;高处 altitude & attitude(态度) 站得越高,态度要越好 make up one‘s mind下决心;决定

人教版高一英语必修一Unit 3词汇解释

必修1-Unit 3词汇手记名词篇——我包揽主宾的n.君喊你的名字你敢应吗?= ̄ω ̄= 1.journal 日志/(学术)期刊 journal是较正式的有任务性质的日志 diary是私密的随心写的日记 →keep a journal (n.) journalist新闻记者 (n.) journalism 新闻业 2.transport (英) 也作v. 运输/运送 =(n.) transport ation (美)不作v. a) 运送/运输 →the transport of goods b) 交通工具/运输方式 →public transport →air/rail/road transport 3.disadvantage不利条件/缺点(可数) (adj.) disadvantag eous 不利的 反义词advantage (adj.) advantageous 4.fare 指车/船票费用; fee 指上学、求医及找律师等的费用,还指入会费、借书费等;price指商品出售明码价格。也能引申出“代价”的意思; cost 指获得某东西的成本,也泛指商品的价格(可与price换用);charge指提供服务/商品时被索取的费用; →free of charge=with no cost expense 指费用总额,指钱的花费,也指代价 →at the expense of sth.=at the price of sth. 5.rout e路线/路途(概念) →the most direct route home road路(实体) rout ine惯例/例行公事 →daily routine 6.schedule 日程/进度表 schedule指议事日程,事项计划,比如工作安排 timetable指时间规划,比如公交时刻表,课程表 也作v. 定时间 →The elections are scheduled for mid-June. 7.shortcoming 缺点(可数)


人教版必修一Unit3 单词默写姓名___________ 分数__________ 1. journal n.__________________________ 2. 运送.运输v.&n.__________________________ 3. 更喜欢v. __________________________ 4.不利条件;不便之处__________________________ 5. fare n. __________________________ 6. 流动.流出n 流动.流量_____________________ 7. 从那以后__________________________ 8. 说服.劝说__________________________ 9. cylce v. __________________________ 10. v.毕业n 大学毕业生________________________ 11.最后.终于_________________________ 12. n.时间表; n.为某事安排时间____________________ 13.喜爱;喜欢(短语) ______________________ 14. shortcoming n. _____________________ 15.stubborn adj. ___________________________ 16. 组织,成立__________________________ 17. 关心;忧虑;惦念(短语)________________ 18. detail n. _______________________ 19. 决定,确定;下定决心___________________ 20. 坚决的,有决心的adj. __________________ 21. 改变主意__________________________ 22. 旅行.旅程__________________________ 23. altitude n. _______________________ 24. 下决心.决定(短语) __________________________ 25. 投降.屈服.让步___________________ 26. valley n. _________________________ 27. pace v.& n. ________________________ 28. n.拐角;使弯曲;vi弯身;弯腰________________ 29.看法n. _______________________ 30. (液体)沸腾,(水)开v._____________________ 31. parcel n. __________________________ 32. insurance n. ______________________ 33. wool n. ______________________ 34. 照常__________________________ 35.可信赖的.可靠的______________ 36.风景;视野,观点vt 观看;注视;考虑_____________ 39. pillow n. ___________________ 40. 在午夜(短语) __________________________ 41.flame n. __________________________ 42. beneath prep. __________________________ 43. temple n. _______________________ 44. cave n. ___________________________


Unit 3 journal n. 日记;杂志;定期刊物[?d??:nl] →journalist n.记者 transport n. 运送;运输 vt. 运输;运送[tr?ns?p?:t] →transportation n.交通工具 prefer vt. 更喜欢;选择某事物(而不选择其他事物)[pri?f?:] →preferable adj.较适合的;更可取的→preference n.偏爱;爱好;喜爱 disadvantage n. 不利条件;不便之处 [?dis?d?vɑ:ntid?] →advantage(反义词) fare n. 费用 [f??] △route n. 路线;路途[ru:t] △Mekong n. 湄公河 flow vi. 流动;流出 n. 流动;流量 [fl?u] ever since 从那以后 persuade vt. 说服;劝说 [p??sweid] →persuasion n.劝服→persuasive adj.劝说的;有说服力的 cycle vi. 骑自行车 graduate vi. 毕业 n. 大学毕业生 [?ɡr?djuit]→graduation n.毕业 finally adv. 最后;终于→final adj.最后的,最终的 schedule n. 时间表;进度表 vt. 为某事安排时间 [??edju:?l] fond adj. 喜爱的;慈爱的;宠爱的 be fond of 喜爱;喜欢 shortcoming n. 缺点[???:tk?mi?] stubborn adj. 顽固的;固执的 [?st?b?n] organize vt. 组织;成立 [??rɡ??na?z] →organized adj.有组织的→organization n.组织 care about 关心;忧虑;惦念 △detail n. 细节;详情[?di:teil] △source n. 来源;水源 [s?:s] determine vt. 决定;确定;下定决心 [di?t?:min] →determined adj.坚决的;有决心的→determination n.决心 change one’s mind 改变主意 journey n. 旅行;旅程[?d??:ni] altitude n. 海拔高度;高处 [??ltitju:d] make up one’s mind 下决心;决定 give in 投降;屈服;让步 △atlas n. 地图;地图集 [??tl?s] △glacier n. 冰河;冰川 [?ɡl?sj?] △Tibetan adj. 西藏的;藏族的;藏族人的 [t??betn]n. (西)藏语;西藏人;藏族人 △rapids n. 急流[?r?p?dz] valley n. (山)谷;流域 [?v?li] △waterfall n. 瀑布 pace vi. 缓慢而行;踱步 n. 一步;速度;步调 bend n.弯;拐角 vt. (bent, bent) 使弯曲 vi. 弯身;弯腰 △meander n. (指河流等)蜿蜒缓慢流动 [mi:??nd?] △delta n. 三角洲[?delt?] attitude n. 态度;看法 [??titju:d] △Qomolangma n. 珠穆朗玛峰 boil vi. (指液体)沸腾;(水)开 [b?il] forecast n. & vt. 预测;预报 [?f?:-kɑ:st] parcel n. 小包;包裹 [?pɑ:s?l] insurance n.保险 [in??u?r?ns] →insurant n.保险契约者;被保险人 wool n. 羊毛;毛织品 [wul] as usual 照常 reliable adj.可信赖的;可靠的 [ri?lai?bl] →rely v. 依赖,依靠 view n. 风景;视野;观点;见解 vt. 观看;注视;考虑 [vju:] △yak n. 牦牛 pillow n. 枕头;枕垫 [?pil?u] midnight n. 午夜;子夜 at midnight 在午夜 flame n. 火焰;光芒;热情 [fleim] beneath prep. 在……下面 [bi?ni:θ]

牛津高中英语必修一Unit 3 单词讲解

Unit3 (M1) 1. work out锻炼(vi.),计算出;解决;制定;成功地发展vi I work out regularly to keep fit. I believe that you can work out this math problem by yourself. The police worked out a plan to catch the thief. Her first job didn’t work out. 2. slim(adj.)苗条的,纤细的slimmer slimmest 3. figure(n.)体形;数字;人物 keep a slim figure the latest sales figures a public figure figure out 弄清楚,弄明白;计算出 I can't figure out why he is absent. 4. ashamed(adj.)惭愧的,羞愧的 be ashamed of sth be ashamed that… She was deeply ashamed of her behavior at the party. He was ashamed that he had lied. shame(n.)羞耻,羞愧;可惜 She hung her head in shame. What a shame/pity! shameful(adj.)可耻的,丢脸的 shameful behavior 5. weight-loss减肥,瘦身 lose weight gain weight = put on weight 6. pill(n.)药丸,药片 7. kilogram(n.)千克,公斤 kilometre 8. work(vi.)起作用,有效果,奏效 The weight-loss pills didn’t work at all. 9. energetic(adj.)精力充沛的,充满活力的 energy(n.)精力;能源 She is always full of energy. = She is always energetic. 10. recover(vi.)复原,恢复健康;(vt.)重新获得;找回,寻回recover from an operation recover a stolen painting recovery(n.)恢复,痊愈 She made a quick recovery from her illness. 11. liver(n.)肝脏 12. failure(n.)衰退,衰竭;失败;故障,失灵 liver failure Failure is the mother of success.

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