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2019年雅思考试巩固模拟试题及答案1 Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief, continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in 2007. Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in 2006 the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag, 2006’s improv ement in economic growth will have its impact in 2007, though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in 2001. And in 2005 they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm



2011.1.8 图表写作:对比英国本科和PHD毕业生2003年的就业情况有:employment in UK/unemployment/ further study/ combination of study and work/full-time employment overseas 论文写作:robots的开发,有人说是develop of humans' future有人说有negative effect on society。Discuss both and state your own opinion. 2011.1.15 图表写作:比较UK三年的一个major road bridge 的车辆通行比例。Bar charts talking about the information of different types of vehicle used in a major road bridge in 1965, 1985 and 2005 论文写作:Some workplaces are employing an equal number of men and women. DO you think it is positive or negative? 2011.1.22

图表写作:两个柱图,分别是世界六个地区的人口比重和教育花费的对比。The graphs compared the distribution of the world of population with the spending on education between developing and industrialized countries (new topic & chart) in 2000. 论文写作:What is the causes of anti-social behaves such as committing crimes. Who should take responsibility for dealing with it? 产生的原因和谁应该对此负责. 2011.1.22 图表写作:The chart below gives information about the population, literacy rate(male and female) and infant mortality rate in four different countries (Poland, Brazil, Egypt and Pakistan) in 2002.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.



Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty A. After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief,continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in . Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter. B. There are several reasons for Europe’s recovering self-confidence. For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America (to say nothing of Asia), but in the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade, briefly outstripping America in terms of growth. Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag,’s improvement in economic growth will have its impact in , though the recovery may be ebbing by then. C. The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law. Every four or five years, European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty: the Maastricht treaty in 1992, the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997, the Treaty of Nice in . And in they were supposed to ratify a European constitution, laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters. But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted,not immobilised, by this setback. D. In the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome, its founding charter. Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously, restating their commitment to “ever closer union” and the basic ideals of European unity. By itself, and in normal circumstances, the EU’s 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless, a routine expression of European good fellowship. But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration (and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto


雅思历年真题口语题目汇总 version 01old person describe an old man influenced you 1.who was he 2.when did you know him 3.what he did and explain why he influenced you part3 1.老人的经验有什么问题存在? 2.喜欢什么艺术品? 3.给老人拍照片时候注意什么呢? 4.你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 5.你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 6.老人在你们家有什么影响? 7.你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样? 8.他们对大家有什么影响? version 02 city 1.where it is located? 2. what special for you? 3. why you want to stay there? part 3 1.please compare 100 hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the future. 2.上海是个怎样的城市 3.都有那些著名建筑

4.你想为这个城市做些什么? 5.有哪些现象有待提高或者那些提倡 version 03 room part2: 1.what's your favorite room in your home 2.what it likes you live 3.what you do in the room normally and explain why you like it part3: 1.你认识你的邻居吗? 2.城市里的房子和乡村有什么不同? 2003年9月换题后的口语topic Old person Describe a older person you know You should say:Who he or she is How you know him or her How he or she is And explain what infection he or she give you and in what aspect Further question: 1、你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 2、你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 3、老人在你们家有什么影响? 4、你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样? 5、他们对大家有什么影响?


Time to cool it 1 REFRIGERATORS are the epitome of clunky technology: solid, reliable and just a little bit dull. They have not changed much over the past century, but then they have not needed to. They are based on a robust and effective idea--draw heat from the thing you want to cool by evaporating a liquid next to it, and then dump that heat by pumping the vapour elsewhere and condensing it. This method of pumping heat from one place to another served mankind well when refrigerators' main jobs were preserving food and, as air conditioners, cooling buildings. Today's high-tech world, however, demands high-tech refrigeration. Heat pumps are no longer up to the job. The search is on for something to replace them. 2 One set of candidates are known as paraelectric materials. These act like batteries when they undergo a temperature change: attach electrodes to them and they generate a current. This effect is used in infra-red cameras. An array of tiny pieces of paraelectric material can sense the heat radiated by, for example, a person, and the pattern of the array's electrical outputs can then be used to construct an image. But until recently no one had bothered much with the inverse of this process. That inverse exists, however. Apply an appropriate current to a paraelectric material and it will cool down. 3 Someone who is looking at this inverse effect is Alex Mischenko, of Cambridge University. Using commercially available paraelectric film, he and his colleagues have generated temperature drops five times bigger than any previously recorded. That may be enough to change the phenomenon from a laboratory curiosity to something with commercial applications. 4 As to what those applications might be, Dr Mischenko is still a little hazy. He has, nevertheless, set up a company to pursue them. He foresees putting his discovery to use in more efficient domestic fridges and air conditioners. The real money, though, may be in cooling computers. 5 Gadgets containing microprocessors have been getting hotter for a long time. One consequence of Moore's Law, which describes the doubling of the number of transistors on a chip every 18 months, is that the amount of heat produced doubles as well. In fact, it more than doubles, because besides increasing in number,the components are getting faster. Heat is released every time a logical operation is performed inside a microprocessor, so the faster the processor is, the more heat it generates. Doubling the frequency quadruples the heat output. And the frequency has doubled a lot. The first Pentium chips sold by Dr Moore's company,Intel, in 1993, ran at 60m cycles a second. The Pentium 4--the last "single-core" desktop processor--clocked up 3.2 billion cycles a second. 6 Disposing of this heat is a big obstruction to further miniaturisation and higher speeds. The innards of a desktop computer commonly hit 80℃. At 85℃, they


0107 国内 A 类小作文流程图大作文:需不需要把艺术课列为高中必修课。 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 Many universities offer online courses to student instead of delivering on campus. 积极还是消极 development 0112 国内小作文柱图大作文 Some cities have vehicle-free days, when private cars, trucks, motorcycles are banned in the city center. Public transportations like buses, taxis and metros are advised. To what extent do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 is it neither possible nor useful for a country to provide university places for 一大批年轻人? 0114 国内 A 类小作文 table 三年的 income output profit 大作文 Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security, others think people cannot always enjoy their jobs. So having a permanent job is more important. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 澳洲 A 类小作文饼图,大作文 some girls tend to choose arts subjects, but boys choose to study science subjects. What are the reasons? Do you think this trend should be changed? 0121 国内 A 类小作文饼图留在英国和离开的原因大作文:The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transport 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. AD? 澳洲 A 类 3 个饼图关于中学生毕业后就业率,失业率和继续读书。大作文:很多年轻人花太多的课余时间在买东西上,这是不好的影响,agree or disagree。 0211 国内 A 类小作文柱图,大作文 In modern society, ambition is more and more important. How important is ambition for being successful in life ? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic? 澳洲 A 类小作文柱图买 food and other goods in three European countries


2019年雅思IELTS考试备考资料模拟试题及答案14 The nervous system of vertebrates is characterized by a hollow, dorsal nerve cord that ends in the head region as an enlargement, the brain. Even in its most primitive form this cord and its attached nerves are the result of evolutionary specialization, and their further evolution from lower to higher vertebrate classes is a process that is far from fully understood. Nevertheless, the basic arrangements are similar in all vertebrates, and the study of lower animals gives insight into the form and structure of the nervous system of higher animals. Moreover, for any species, the study of the embryological development of the nervous system is indispensable for an understanding of adult morphology. In any vertebrate two chief parts of the nervous system may be distinguished. These are the central nervous system (the nerve cord mentions above), consisting of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system, consisting of the cranial, spinal, and peripheral nerves, together with their motor and sensory endings. The term "autonomic nervous system" refers to the parts of the central and peripheral systems that supply and regulate the activity of cardiac muscle, smooth muscle, and many glands. The nervous system is composed of many millions of nerve and glial cells, together with blood vessels and a small amount of connective tissue. The nerve cells, or "neurons", are characterized by many processes and are specialized in that they exhibit to a great degree the phenomena of irritability and conductivity. The glial cells of the central nervous system are supporting cells collectively termed


雅思历年真题口语题目汇总 version01old person describe an old man influenced you 1.who was he 2.when did you know him 3.what he did and explain why he influeced you part3 1.老人的经验有什么问题存在? 2.喜欢什么艺术品? 3.给老人拍照片时候注意什么呢? 4.你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 5.你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 6.老人在你们家有什么影响? 7.你认为老年人在看问题的时候跟年轻人有什么不一样? 8.他们对大家有什么影响? version02city 1.where it is located? 2.what special for you? 3.why you want to stay there? part3 1.please compare100hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the futu re. 2.上海是个怎样的城市 新东方批改网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/719643940.html,),在线雅思作文批改,雅思口语批改。语法纠错、恶补,制定考试计划,

3.都有那些著名建筑 4.你想为这个城市做些什么? 5.有哪些现象有待提高或者那些提倡 version03room part2: 1.what's your favorite room in your home 2.what it likes you live 3.what you do in the room normally and explain why you like it part3: 1.你认识你的邻居吗? 2.城市里的房子和乡村有什么不同? 2003年9月换题后的口语topic Old person Describe a older person you know You should say:Who he or she is How you know him or her How he or she is And explain what infection he or she give you and in what aspect Further question: 1、你们国家对老年人是什么态度? 2、你认为这个社会在哪些方面对老年人不太好? 3、老人在你们家有什么影响? 新东方批改网(https://www.doczj.com/doc/719643940.html,),在线雅思作文批改,雅思口语批改。语法纠错、恶补,制定考试计划,


2019年12月17日雅思大作文真题及范文 Task:Some people think getting old is entirely bad, but other people do think it’s much better for old people to live now than in the past. Please show your idea with explanation, examples and your knowledge. Sample answer: It has become a common phenomenon for people in a number of countries to enjoy an increasing life expectancy. While some people believe it is horrible just to imagine getting old , I think the situation has completely changed comparing to decades ago and now elderly people can lead a happy life. In some cases, the seniors do experience empty nest syndrome because their children are away from home. However, things are different nowadays. There are numerous residential homes with trained carers in a country and they have become a perfect place for the elderly to stay after retirement, where the elderly will not feel lonely and bored with the company of their peers. Another concern for numerous senior citizens is the health problem. In the past, without advanced medical science, the seniors tend to suffer from various kinds of diseases, which decrease their quality of life at great extent. By contrast, the medical science is developing at an amazing speed and this trend can at least delay the onset of some chronic conditions and with healthy body, the elderly can enjoy happier lives.

雅思阅读试卷 附完整参考答案

Section I Words A.Match the words with the same meaning.W rite down the letters on you answer sheet. (1(1’’*6) 1.epidermic 2.motivate 3.assume 4.appealing 5.controversy 6expertise A.skill or knowledge in a particular area B.dispute,argument C.attractive D.an outbreak of a contagious disease that spreads rapidly and widely E.to provide with an incentive;impel . F.to take for granted,suppose B.Fill in the blanks with proper forms of words given in the box,one word can be used more than once.(1(1’’*10) evolve prepare propose minimum peer through cheat weep address exploit except 1.Not surprisingly,his was not well received,even though it seemed to agree with the scientific information available at the time.. 2.The little girl with disappointment when she learned that her favourite Barbie Dolls were sold out. 3.The price is her,she refuses to lower it any further. 4.Apes,monkeys and many other primates have fairly elaborate systems of calls for communicating with other members of their species. 5.Some melodies are quite manipulative,working on our emotions very effectively,and composers have often this to the full. 6.I realized I’d been when I saw the painting on sale for half the price I paid for it. 7.To this problem,Counter Intelligence built a kitchen of its own and started making gagets to fill it with. 8.Most birds don’t have a good sense of smell,but fish-eaters such as petrels and shearwaters are significant. 9.Why bother a clear door,when you can put a camera in the oven to broadcast snapshots of the activities in the oven to a screen in another room? 10.Exploration will allow us to make suitable for dealing with any dangers that we might face,and we may be able to find physical resources such as minerals. SectionⅡ.Translation A.Translate the following sentences into English.(3(3’’*5) 1.Despite the hardship he encountered,Mark never (放弃对知识的追求) 2.由于缺乏对这种病的了解,许多人依然认为HIV受害者都是自作自受。(owing to; ignorance)


2020年11月21日雅思考试真题及答案 雅思线下11月21日已结束,雅思又上热搜,很多小伙伴看到阅读的书剑,内心都一惊。11月难度再次刷新,不知道12月的会不会简单点……那么2020年11月21日雅思考试试题如何呢?我们一起回顾下: 2020年11月21日雅思听力真题及答案SECTION 1 主题:旅游咨询 题型:填空 参考答案: 1. 13 July 2. Temple 3. ferry 4. moderate 5. dancing 6. castle 7. breakfast 8. house 9. Harvey 10. 45 days SECTION 2

主题:交响音乐会介绍 题型:选择+匹配 参考答案: 11. new people 12. who can play violin 13. attend two rehearsals every week 14. play in local area 15. E 16. F 17. A 18. G 19. B 20. H SECTION 3 主题:关于学习的调研网课讨论 题型:选择+匹配 SECTION 4 主题:气候与建筑 题型:填空 参考答案: 31. both in rural areas and in cities 32. received funds of a city bank

33. skyscrapers: lower levels of acid in damaging pollutants 34. in recent years, Alter Project focuses on the buildings made of stone 35. glasses used to reduce pollution in skyscrapers 36. are affected by the increased rainfall 37. humidity affects the constrictions made of wood 38. are worried about the soil that protects the foundation of buildings 39. architects monitor the evidence of the movement of buildings 40. government should make guidelines for architects 2020年11月21日雅思阅读真题及答案Passage 1 主题:新旧公园 题型:匹配+选择 参考答案: 1. A:visibility and accessibility of parks 2. B:park numbers increased 3. C:reasons why park popularity declined 4. D:importance of park design 5. E:different opinions in the park roles 6. F:different functions of parks 7. David 8. James


雅思作文题目必备的十个雅思话题 一、教育类别 1. 教育会囊括一些什么内容? 母题:It is generally believed that education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and the well-being of societies. What should education consist of to fulfill both these functions? (050312) 提示:本题围绕教育的两大功能来展开(个人与社会),准备好这篇文章,即可应付教育类话题中的最大分支—教育的功能,做到以不变应万变。对于社会角度,可以从促进经济发展、增加社会流动性(social mobility)、维护社会稳定这几个方面来展开,对于个人,可以写改变思维模式、有利于就业和便利生活来写。 子题:大学应当教授理论知识还是实践技能?大学的是应当把学生培养成合格的公民还是让他们自己得益?准备未来职业最好的方法是 上大学还是尽快离校积累工作经验?大学要不要扩招?中学阶段应 当提供通才教育还是专才教育?要不要延长义务教育年限?要不要 让农村地区的学生更容易上学?老师要教学生如何判断是非吗? 2. 学校的科目谁来选择?

母题:Some people think that the government should decide which subjects students should study at the university, while others think that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer. Discuss the two views and give your opinion. (060916) 提示:这类题目采取的策略就是“双批判”,因为题目中提供的两种选择往往都是错误的。 子题1:政府选课or 老师选课?学生选择所有的科目or根据兴趣自行选择? 子题2:要不要学国际新闻?要不要学历史?要不要中学阶段就学习外语?要不要学数学哲学这类的科目? 3. 什么样的教学方式最好? 母题:Many people use distance-learning programmes (study material post, TV, Internet, etc.) to study at home, but some people think that it cannot bring the benefit as much as attending college or university. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? (041113, 081023, 100515) 提示:远程教育最大的好处,就在于三个any:anybody, anywhere, any time. 缺点是缺乏师生之间以及学生之间的interaction, 缺乏

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