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Kenyan environmentalist and human rights campaigner Wangari Maathai has won the Nobel Peace Prize. She is the first African woman to be awarded the peace prize since it was created in 1901.

A surprised Mrs Maathai broke the news to reporters minutes before the official announcement.

The prize committee says Mrs Maathai, Kenya's Deputy Environment Minister(助理环境部长), is an example for all Africans fighting for democracy and peace.

The delighted 64-year-old professor said the award was completely unexpected.

"This is extremely encouraging to the people of Africa and the African woman," she told the BBC.

"It is a recognition of the many efforts of African women, who continue to struggle despite all the problems they face."

In the late 1970s, Mrs Maathai led a campaign called the Green Belt Movement to plant tens of millions of trees across Africa to slow deforestation(采伐森林) .

The movement grew to include projects to preserve biodiversity, educate people about their environment and promote the rights of women and girls.

Known as "The Tree Woman" in Kenya, Mrs Maathai celebrated by planting a Nandi flame tree(凤凰木) in her home town of Nyeri, in the

shadow of Mount Kenya.

She said she was delighted that the vital role of the environment had been recognised.

"The environment is very important in the aspects of peace because when we destroy our resources and our resources become scarce, we fight over that".

"I am working to make sure we don't only protect the environment, we also improve governance," she added.

The committee says she has combined science with social engagement and politics, and has worked both locally and internationally.

The professor was the 12th woman peace laureate since the first award was first made in 1901.

A spokesman for the Kenyan government said his country was honoured. "This is a great moment in Kenyan history. To us this shows that what Wangari Maathai has been doing here has been recognised," Alfred Mutua said.

"We're very proud of her and she deserves all the credit."

Mrs Maathai beat a record 194 nominations, including former chief United Nations weapons inspector Hans Blix and the head of the UN energy watchdog, Mohamed ElBaradei, to win the prize.

Mrs Maathai is the second woman in a row to be awarded the peace prize, which last year went to Iranian lawyer Shirin Ebadi for her work for the

rights of women and children in Iran.

The award, which includes 10 million Swedish kronor ($1.3m) is awarded in Oslo on 10 December each year.

Reeve was real-life 'Superman'

Although he will always be remembered for portraying "Superman," the greatest role of actor Christopher Reeve's life was as a champion of sufferers of spinal cord injuries(脊椎损伤患者中的斗士) and an advocate of stem cell research(干细胞研究).

Unlike the man of steel, he wasn't faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive and he couldn't leap tall buildings in a single bound.

But the courage and determination Reeve displayed in trying to overcome his paralysis from a 1995 horse-riding accident far surpassed any of the feats of the comic book hero(连环画英雄).

"He became a real-life Superman. His heroism, his courage was extraordinary," Colin Blakemore, the chief executive of Britain's Medical Research Council(英国医学研究学会主任) said.

"Like many people who suffer some terrible injury, Christopher Reeve was reinvented(彻底改变) by that experience and brought the kind of energy and enthusiasm that made him successful as a film star to an entirely different issue, with huge effect."

Reeve, 52, died on October 10 of heart failure(心脏功能衰竭) after having treatment for an infected pressure wound(伤口严重感染) without realizing his dream of walking again.

But in the nine years since his accident, he made personal progress to regain some feeling(重新获得了人们的尊敬和欣赏), established the Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation, a non-profit research organization, and used his fame to raise millions of dollars for research into spinal cord injuries.

He also provided hope and inspiration to other patients and lobbied for scientists to be allowed to conduct stem cell research in the hopes of eventually curing paralysis and other illnesses such as diabetes and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease(糖尿病、阿兹海默症和巴金森氏症).

"He has been our champion. If you think of spinal injuries you automatically conjure up(想起、回忆) a picture of Christopher Reeve," said Paul Smith, executive director of the Spinal Injuries Association in England.

It is because of Reeve that spinal cord injuries and stem cell research are so widely discussed, according to Smith. The fact that it happened to Reeve showed it can affect anyone, even Superman.

Reeve did not live long enough to see whether stem cell research could help restore movement to the paralyzed. The research is still in its early days and no one knows what advances it may bring.

Adventurer Fossett launches solo balloon trip

The giant high-altitude balloon, bathed in the desert's golden morning light, drifted slowly into the sky above Northam, a small mining town 100 km (62 miles) east of Perth, just after 7.00 a.m. (2300 GMT).

Fossett had delayed inflating the aircraft for six and a half hours due to unfavourable winds, but with time running out before the arrival of the

morning's hot thermals, he gave the order to fill the balloon with helium for a dawn launch.

Fossett waved to around 100 townsfolk as he entered the capsule for an eastward circumnavigation that he expects will take 15 days.

"I am a bit nervous about the first night," Fossett said before take-off.

"On the first night I will find out if everything works, if there are any leaks in the balloon, if there are any failures in communications and if the all-important heating works," he said.

The millionaire former stockbroker has made a series of failed attempts to fly solo in a balloon around the world.

The last attempt to inflate the giant balloon for a launch on June 17 from the Australian gold mining town of Kalgoorlie ended in disaster when a freak wind tore it apart.

Fossett's fourth solo bid ended in near disaster in 1998, when a thunderstorm off Australia's northeastern coast shredded his canopy and sent him plummeting 29,000 feet (9,000 metres) into the Coral Sea. He

was unhurt.

This year Fossett, 57, decided to launch in western Australia, some 600 km (400 miles) from the Indian Ocean, to have a better chance of avoiding thunderstorms in the South Pacific and gain time to detect problems while still over land.

Laughing Matter-Woman Resorts to Comedy to Confront the Trauma of Cancer

"In a flash moment, I went from being a happy expectant mother, to being someone afraid for her life," she told reporters.

Minutes after doctors delivered Nate by emergency C-section, Southcott went into surgery. The diagnosis was ovarian cancer.

Suddenly tears and chemotherapy overtook her life. But the lowest moment came after she lost all her hair and a free wig arrived.

She tried it on as her older son Kyler watched.

"I thought I can cry about this bad wig and he'll remember it, or I can laugh about it and he will remember that," Southcott said.

That was when she started laughing a lot, and found it was the perfect medicine.

"I spent a lot time looking for anything humor based for cancer patients," she said. "And I'll tell you what: There isn't much out there."

Using herself as a bald model, Bonnie started her own line of greeting cards and a calendar. Each pose pokes fun at the tribulations of chemo.

"We desperately need to laugh," she said. "It's vital to our joy."

Even though Southcott's ovarian cancer is in remission, the diagnosis is no laughing matter - a 25-percent chance she will live for another


She plans to appreciate every moment of motherhood. And she plans to laugh.

Spacewoman Stuck in Orbit with Too Much Shrimp

Peggy Whitson, the American astronaut spending her 130th day in space, said on Sunday that she was happy in orbit, but maybe she brought along too much shrimp.

"Sometimes, when you come to space, your tastes change. One of my favorite foods on the ground is shrimp, and up here I can't stand it," said Whitson, the science officer on the International Space Station .

A quick check of the station's manifest showed that Whitson had planned more than 40 shrimp meals for her stay.

"The guys like it because they get all my shrimp," she said, referring to her two Russian crewmates, Valery Korzun and Sergei Treshcvev.

The three members of the space station's Expedition Five team held a joint news conference with the six astronauts from the space shuttle Atlantis on Sunday.

"I'm having a great time up here. It's fun to live here and do the science,"

said Whitson, a biochemist conducting and monitoring dozens of studies on the station.

When someone asked about her plans for Christmas, Whitson said "It's hard to imagine being back home because I guess I feel like this is my home right now. I don't have my husband, but other than that, this is my home."

Whitson, due to return to Earth with Korzun and Treschev aboard a U.S. shuttle in November, said some changes in space take more getting used to than others.

Salsa can usually overcome space blandness. "We could probably eat paper if we had it with salsa," she said.

But calluses are another matter. In weightlessness, she never actually stands, but does sway about with her feet in foot restraints.

"It was really interesting to me to lose the calluses from the bottom of your feet and to get calluses on the top of your feet after being up here for a few months," she said.

'Professor Popsicle' Proves Cold No Barrier

During a cold stretch that had many Canadians scurrying indoors, a researcher known as "Professor Popsicle" has found humans can successfully spend days on end in the bitter cold.

Gordon Giesbrecht has spent the past 26 days skiing the isolated, frozen expanse of Lake Winnipeg as part of his research for the University of Manitoba on how the body copes with the cold.

Temperatures averaged 15 degrees below zero and dipped as low as 31 below during his 240-mile trek on cross-country skis.

"Now when I'm outside and it's -25 C, it's not really a big problem," he told reporters by satellite phone from his small tent on the world's tenth largest lake.

"This has been more a test of just dealing with the cold and living with it, and getting your clothing and your actions coordinated so that you don't end up getting frostbite or anything," explained Giesbrecht.

Soft, deep snow made for some tough slogging with his backpack and sled carrying his food and gear. On two mornings, Giesbrecht emerged from his tent to find the wind so fierce that his tent was almost flat.

"The most vulnerable time of the day is when you are trying to set up your tent, and I was not about to take that chance," he wrote on a Web site updated by his family.

Other than numb fingertips, which will likely take a month to return to normal, Giesbrecht said he feels fine.

The flying Frenchman set to smash round the world record

They are calling him the Bob Beamon of sailing. And just like Beamon, who astonished the world with his record-breaking long-jump in 1968, the French sailor Francis Joyon is rewriting the nautical record books in an unprecedented fashion.

Joyon, 47, is now in the final stages of an incredible voyage and on course to smash the existing non-stop solo round-the-world record by 20 days. Once he crosses the finish line off the Channel port of Brest on the

morning of February 3, he will have completed one of the greatest feats of single-handed sailing in history.

Just like Beamon, whose leap at the Mexico Olympics in 1968 broke the world record by an almost unbelievable 21in - which stood unbeaten until 1991 - Joyon's expected time of 73 days for the 26,000-mile global course will have far exceeded what most thought possible for a solo sailor.

Joyon set sail in November on an adventure some predicted would end in disaster. The father of four from La Trinité-sur-Mer in Brittany was undertaking the voyage in the 90ft trimaran IDEC, a boat of tremendous power with a huge rotating mast that had been built to be raced by a crew of up to ten.

Many were worried that Joyon would end up exhausted and IDEC would simply flip over as she ran out of control in the Southern Ocean.

Others predicted that Joyon would be unable to handle IDEC's enormous sails or that the boat could lose her mast in the rough conditions that any round-the-world sailor inevitably would face.

There were also all the usual dangers - collision with debris in the water,

with ice around Antarctica or the possibility that Joyon would collide with a ship while sleeping.

When he set off, the solo record stood at 93 days. Although Joyon was sailing a much faster boat than the previous record-holder, most saw little chance of him getting even close to 80 days.

Joyon had other ideas and over the past 71 days he has enjoyed good fortune with the weather, rarely running out of wind. He has, however, also displayed extraordinary stamina, determination and seamanship in keeping IDEC running close to her full potential.

Ronaldo: King of the World

Ronaldo Luiz Nazario de Lima was born on 22 September 1976 in a poor suburb of Rio de Janeiro. Like most of his childhood friends, Ronaldo began his soccer career playing barefoot in the streets of his neighborhood. At the age of 14, he joined S Cristovo soccer club and only two years later became the star of Cruzeiro Belo Horizonte scoring a total of 58 goals in 60 matches and earning himself a reputation for his explosive pace and outstanding finishing skills. His goal-scoring record and unusual agility led him to be included in the Brazilian World Cup

winning team the following year. After the World Cup, many top European football clubs were trying to sign him. Many people, including Brazilian football legend Pelé, referred to him as the most promising footballer of his generation.

Since his transfer to Dutch team PSV Eindhoven, Ronaldo s biography is one of success after success. Two Copa América s, a UEFA Cup, a Dutch Cup, a Spanish League Cup, and two awards as best player in the world, all in the space of two years, are some of Ronaldo s impressive achievements. On arrival to Inter-Milan in 1997, Ronaldo became the idol of the local fans who refer to him as “il Fenomeno.”

Since the 98 World Cup he has suffered two serious knee injuries that have severely limited his appearances. Just when people began to wonder whether Ronaldo would be able to continue with his football career, he proved to the world that he still could play. In the World Cup held in Korea and Japan, the magical striker won the Golden Shoe award and tied Pelé's Brazilian record for career World Cup goals with 12. He helped Brazil capture its fifth World Cup championship on June 30 with a 2-0 win over Germany. It was the third time that Ronaldo has ever played in the World Cup.

Hewitt: I Came, I Saw, I Conquered

Lleyton Hewitt was born in Adelaide, Australia on 24 February, 1981. His mother is a former champion netballer, his father is a league footballer, and his sister is already ranked number one in Australia for her age in tennis. She has achieved already more in tennis than Lleyton had at the same age.

The Hewitt's have a grass court at their home. This was where young Lleyton began his tennis career. When Lleyton showed an unusual ability for a 4-year-old and he was hitting balls consistently over the net, his parents decided it was time to find him a coach.

“Rather than get into bad habits, it was best he learnt how to hit the ball correctly.” says his father. Two years later, they go t Peter Smith as his coach.

At the age of five, when most children that age are playing hide and seek or getting into all sorts of trouble, Lleyton and his family would

make the trip to Melbourne for the Australian Open. Lleyton would sit for up to 12 hours a day watching players practise.

Lleyton's career as a tennis player was planned by his parents who tried their best to keep him away from football. Lleyton's parents thought it was too risky to play football since he might get hurt. Had Lleyton played football, it is quite possible he may have ended up playing for his favorite team—the Adelaide Crows. As his mother says, “I guess we've guided him into things we felt good for him before he did.”

By the time Lleyton was eight, he was winning “und er-10 games” and always won a year ahead of his age. A professional career was looking very promising. Lleyton officially turned pro in 1997.

£400,000 advance for student's first novel

An 18-year-old author has received a £400,000 advance for her debut novel, one of the biggest deals for a young author in British publishing history.

Helen Oyeyemi, a first-year student at Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, is now in the top bracket of British authors and shares an

accountant with J. K. Rowling and Zadie Smith.

Ms Oyeyemi struck a two-book deal with Bloomsbury after the publisher was bowled over by her novel The Icarus Girl. The story concerns Jessamy, an eight-year-old genius who, while on a visit to relatives in Nigeria, meets Tilly Tilly, a friend whom only she can see.

Their relationship is friendly at first but becomes darker as it appears that Tilly Tilly is a ghost who wants Jessamy's body for her own.

In an interview, the Nigerian-born author said that she was astonished at the speed with which she was snapped up. "I had to sign the contract between my exams. It was on the day of my theology A level," she said.

Ms Oyeyemi, whose father is a teacher and whose mother is training to become a driver for London Underground, began writing at the age of seven.

"I rewrote Little Women so that Laurie married Jo because I thought that was a better ending."

She began writing The Icarus Girl last year when she was in the sixth

form of Notre Dame School. Her agent, Robin Wade, showed the book to Alexandra Pringle, editor-in-chief at Bloomsbury, who is also Donna Tartt's editor. "The prose sings immediately right from the first page," Ms Pringle said.

Ms Oyeyemi does not believe that she will become a full-time writer, however. "I don't think that many people can do that these days," she said. "I would quite like to be a literary agent."

101-year-old man parachutes into record book

A 101-year-old man is believed to be the world's oldest skydiver after he accepted a dare from friends and jumped out of an airplane at nearly 10,000 feet.

Frank Moody, from Holloways Beach on Australia's northeastern coast, beat the record set by a 94-year-old Norwegian in 1999, said Amanda Pilkington, from Skydive Cairns, which organized the jump.

On the morning of June 16, Moody jumped in tandem with an experienced skydiver from more than 9,900 feet, she said.

"He's an absolute legend. It was a bit of a drunken dare by some of his mates at the local Holloways Beach football club. He said: 'Sure, I'll go jump out of an airplane,'" Pilkington quoted him as saying, adding she nearly fell off her chair when she first heard Moody go for the record.

"We decided to attempt to beat the record as well as giving Frank an awesome experience and one that he'll remember for the rest of his life. He's very switched-on and very witty and charming. It's an absolute pleasure to have done this for him," she said.

Pilkington said the club would send video of the jump and other details to the Guinness Book of Records head office in London and expects confirmation of the record shortly.

Moody went down to the football club with his son John after the jump to have a Guinness beer to celebrate and collect on bets place by his friends.

"He's been given his footage and photographs so he's got proof and evidence that he's done it," Pilkington said.


王东:SAT作文全面解析之挑战权威 挑战权威类的SAT作文题目是最常见的一类,也是考生们在备考中相对比较头疼的。其实准备这个作文题目是有一定的规律可以遵循的,那么是什么规律呢?下面小编就请天道培训的王东老师为大家详细的分析一下吧。 本文为天道培训王东老师原创,转载请注明出处和作者,违者必究! 王东老师简介: 主讲:托福写作 SAT阅读/写作 特色:严谨,负责,亲和,幽默。能针对不同程度的学生因材施教,迅速找到其问题所在并予以解决。善于启发和引导学生进行独立思考,领略阅读和写作的乐趣。 经历:华东师范大学硕士。老托福考试647分。从大学开始就积累了丰富的英语教育培训经验,培训的学员大多数取得了sat作文10分以上,托福作文25分以上的高分成绩。

SAT作文虽然不像托福ibt独立写作一样每次考试前有一些预测机经,但根据历年的考题总结来看其出题还是有一定的规律可循。同学们准备作文时应该先把常考的几个类别的思路和素材准备好,再把最近3年的真题都过一遍,这样上考场心里就有底了。今天我们来讲解sat作文中最常考的一类题型——挑战权威型。 一、审题 我们先来看一道题,2009年12月亚洲地区的考题: Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. (2009.12) Many people believe in the truth of certain “facts” or ideas merely because someone with authority has told them that these things are true. However, many facts and ideas once upheld by experts or authority figures have turned out to be false, including some that have been generally believed and accepted. Thus, people should never assume the truth of anything that they have not carefully examined or tested for themselves. Assignment: Is it a mistake to believe something simply because an authority claims that it is true? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations. 摘录(excerpt)中的句子意为: 许多人相信某些“事实”或者想法的真实性仅仅因为某个具有权威性的人告诉他们这些事是真的。但是,许多专家和权威人物所认定的事实和想法最后证明是错的,包括一些也被大众所相信和接受的。因此,在未经仔细审视之前,人们永远不应该假定任何事情的真实性。 需要我们回答的问题是: Is it a mistake to believe something simply because an authority claims that it is true? 仅仅因为一个权威声称某件事是真实的就去相信它是一个错误吗?


教你如何去写SAT作文 在SAT写作考试中,考生想要写出一篇完美的文章是很不容易的,那我们应该在备考时怎样去屑SAT作文呢?下面三立小编为你带来教你如何去写SAT 作文,让你学到技巧,减少分数的丢失,希望对你有所帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线教育,专业老师为你在线解答相关疑问。 DIRECTIONS The essay gives you an opportunity to show how effectively you can read and comprehend a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage. In your essay, you should demonstrate that you have read the passage carefully, present a clear and logical analysis, and use language precisely. 第一段提出了明确要求: 1. read the passage carefully 认真阅读文章; 2. present a clear and logical analysis 分析清楚有逻辑性; 3. use language precisely 言简意赅。 第一段也说明了写作立场:you …read…a passage and write an essay analyzing the passage。对别人的文章进行阅读分析,而不是表达自己的情感或者观点。 Your essay must be written on the lines provided in your answer booklet; except for the Planning Page of the answer booklet, you will receive no other paper on which to write. You will have enough space if you write on every line, avoid wide margins, and keep your handwriting


SAT写作经典例子:Chris Gardner 下面为大家整理的是关于SAT写作经典例子:Chris Gardner,主要介绍了一位一直想要成为一名股票经纪人的父亲的故事,其实就是电影《幸福来敲门》的原型。大家在备考成功,选择之类的SAT写作题目的时候,可以选择恰当的切入点进行描述。 Chris Gardner Chris Gardner has become famous for his miraculous life journey from a vagrant to a reputed Wall Street stockbroker within dozens of years. Born in a poor fatherless family in 1950s, he tried multiple ways to strive for a living by himself. He ever wandered along streets with his toddler son, and got put into jail, but he never quit his dream of being a stockbroker. One of his words goes like this: “In the darkest moments of your life, the one who can help you is only yourself.” With an awareness of the significance of tenacity and diligence, Gardner finally got a chance to be trained in a brokerage in spite that he did not


抗疫写作素材集 一、从50篇评论中精选出的抗疫素材 (一)短句及其示例 1.你的样子,就是中国的样子。 运用示例:你的样子我们铭记在心,你的精神我们世代传唱,你的勇气我 们继承发扬,因为你的样子,就是中国的样子,你什么样,中国就什么样。让14亿中国人都成为你的样子,我们就能在春暖花开之时,看到你脱下防护服、揭开口罩露出灿烂的笑容。(摘自天府网评) 2.一方有难,八方支援,全力以赴,共克时艰。 运用示例:一方有难,八方支援,全力以赴,共克时艰。每一次重大灾害 的袭击,都是对我们的一次极端考验。但凡不能征服我们的,都会让我们 变得更强大。相信在全国众志成城之下,冬日的阴霾终将散去,春暖花开 的日子一定会到来。(根据评论改编) 3.一人守法就是一道城墙,千万人守法就是钢铁长城。 运用示例:法治兴则国兴,法治强则国强。在疫情防控的特殊时期,一人 守法就是一道城墙,千万人守法就是钢铁长城。人人都应把法则记在心里、把法“责”扛在肩上,为共同战“疫”构筑有力有序的社会基础。(摘自钱江潮评) 4.侠之大者,为国为民;侠之小者,为友为邻! 运用示例:侠之大者,为国为民;侠之小者,为友为邻!疫情面前,做好 自己,每个人都是防线:戴口罩、少外出、勤洗手、常通风、拒野味、不 传谣——鼠年伊始,从身边点滴做起,我们就是最好的战士、最好的防线!(摘自华龙两江评) 5.积力之所举,则无不胜也;众智之所为,则无不成也。(《淮南子》)

运用示例:“积力之所举,则无不胜也;众智之所为,则无不成也”。要打赢这一场疫情防控战,我们需要有“壮志如铁”的决心,也需要有“精准用力”的细心,更需要有“风雨同舟”的真心,凝聚众智,汇聚众力,我们就将所向披靡,无坚不摧。(摘自中安时评) 6.万众一心,没有翻不过的山;心手相牵,没有跨不过的坎。 运用示例:万众一心,没有翻不过的山;心手相牵,没有跨不过的坎。疫 情当前,社会各界、各条战线涌现出许多积极的参与者、有力的支持者。 用关爱去善待他人,以尽责来主动作为,必能守护好我们共同的家园。(摘自燕鸣时评) (二)值得参考的观点 1.战“疫”在云端,防控有力量。 织密防疫网络,“云防控”强信心。 搭建便利桥梁,“云服务”暖人心。 筑牢战斗堡垒,“云传播”聚民心。 这是新闻晚报评论的标题和框架,论述的是以互联网为代表的“云端”抗疫,观点新颖别致,具有很强的时代性,我个人非常喜欢,写高考作文可以参考。 2.疫情面前,每个人都是防线。 国之领导者,在参战,筑起精神防线。 国之脊梁者,在参战,筑起科学防线。 国之冲锋者,在参战,筑起攻坚防线。 国之守卫者,在参战,筑起身边防线。 这是华龙两江评的标题和框架,论述的是举国上下,共同“抗疫”。面对疫情,地不分南北,人不分男女老幼,都守土有责,共同铸就一条钢铁防线。当然,会有不同的角色分工,像钟南山,是国之脊梁者;像白衣天使们,是 国之冲锋者,而在后方生产物资的企业、宅在窝里做好自我防护的普通人,是国之守卫者。每个人都参与其中,共同铸造抗疫防线。


SA T考试写作步骤详解 SA T写作考试对中国考生来说是比较有难度的,大家在备考的时候,掌握一定顺序的SA T 写作步骤是十分有好处的。为了让大家更好的理解SA T写作步骤,下面分成了4个部分,进行了详细的介绍,下面教你SA T写作步骤,希望大家都可以掌握。 想要掌握适合自己的SA T写作步骤,考生需要明白在自己的SA T写作中大致要做的工作有哪些: 首先,大家需要在开篇亮出自己的观点。 其次,要清楚且富有逻辑地论证自己的观点。 最后,在写完后一定要留出时间检查自己的文章,尽可能避免犯一些小的拼写或语法错误。 SA T写作步骤:头脑风暴,列提纲,写作和检查。 这四步看起来非常的普通,和我们平时的写作很像。但是,SA T写作有自己的要求和考试的特点,而且时间非常紧张,需要大家经过一定时间的练习才能达到。 下面具体来解释一下这几个SA T写作步骤: 一、头脑风暴 首先看到SA T写作的题目,根据Prompt和assignment来确定自己的写作观点,然后再寻找相关的例子来支持自己的观点。这里一定要确保自己所选择的立场能够有至少两个例子来支撑。 二、列提纲 一旦确定了自己的SA T写作观点,接下来要做的是就是迅速列出行文的提纲。用两至三个例子来支持自己的观点。要确保所有的例子都能很切题地论证自己的观点。接下来,需要给自己的例子排序,以使他们能够更好地支持自己的观点。 三、写作 在SA T写作步骤中,正式的写作过程一定要仔细地跟随自己的提纲,但是在例子的选择上可以具有一定的弹性。因为大家在写作的过程中可能会突然想到一个新的例子。如果你觉得这个例子比之前想到的例子要好,那就迅速取代它。 什么样的例子才算是好例子呢? 好的例子首先要切题,也就是能够充分地论证自己的观点,而不是为了写例子而写例子。例子最好是关于时事、文学、历史的。当然很多关于个人经验的例子也可以论证自己的观点,但是全都是关于自己的例子不具有权威性,也很难让阅卷官喜欢。 四、检查 如果可以,在最后一定要留出3分钟左右的时间从头到尾检查一下自己的文章,确保自己没有任何拼写上的错误,尽可能减少语法上的错误。 以上就是关于SA T写作步骤的全部内容,通过上面所介绍的SA T写作步骤,大家可以在备考的时候,进行适当的练习,在练习的过程中,一定要对时间问题进行更加严格的把握,以免在考试的时候发生时间不够的情况。 更多信息请查询四达教育官网:https://www.doczj.com/doc/7516212664.html,

SAT 作文新题与难题解析——2013年SAT年度报告和2014年考情预测

SAT 作文新题与难题解析 [ 新东方教育科技集团美本考试研究院研究员] 何湜 对于近几年的题目,不少人觉得很难。笔者总被学生和其他科目的老师问到这个问题:“最近作文题目改革了,套不了以前的例子了,需要改变准备套路么?”之所以会有上面的问题,是因为在他们的印象中,SAT 写作都是诸如以下的题目: (2008.5)Are there benefits tobe gained from avoiding the useof modern technology, even when using it would make life easier? (200610)Isitimportanttoquestion the ideas and decisionsof people in positions of authority? (2006 1)Can any obstacleor disadvantage be turned intosomething good? (2006.1)Do people accomplishmore when they are allowed to dothings in their own way? (2006 1)Can any obstacleor disadvantage be turned intosomething good? (SAT 官方指南) Is deception ever justified? 所以,当考生面对下面这些题目的时候自然会哀叹自己晚生了几年: (2013.10)Does having too muchinformation about public figuresdistract us from the important issues? (2013.10)Do we place too littlevalue on privacy?

新SAT写作证据(Evidence)分析解读之Example(例证)— 李盛

新SAT写作证据(Evidence)分析解读之Example(例证) 新东方在线SAT教研组李盛在议论文写作中,Example(例子)是经常使用的一种论证形式。作者往往会给读者呈现具体的细节,从而证明自己观点的正确性。 请阅读下面从文章中节选的段落: The rest of the world depends on darkness as well, including nocturnal and crepuscular species of birds, insects, mammals, fish and reptiles. Some examples are well known—the 400 species of birds that migrate at night in North America, the sea turtles that come ashore to lay their eggs—and some are not, such as the bats that save American farmers billions in pest control and the moths that pollinate 80% of the world’s flora. Ecological light pollution is like the bulldozer of the night, wrecking habitat and disrupting ecosystems several billion years in the making. S imply put, without darkness, Earth’s ecology would collapse . . . . 在上面这段话中,为了说明黑暗对于动物的重要性,作者列举了若干个例子:Some examples are well known—the 400 species of birds that migrate at night in North America, the sea turtles that come ashore to lay their eggs—and some are not, such as the bats that save American farmers billions in pest control and the moths that pollinate 80% of the world’s flora.这里,作者通过几个例子说明了各种动物是如何依赖黑暗生存及在生物圈做出贡献的。所以很明显地属于example。在识别了该证据形式之后,考试需要写出证据的内容,由于选文的信息比较多,考生可以对于例子的内容进行总结(summarize):Thewriterlists examples of howsome particular species (birds,turtles,batsandmoths)relyondarknesstosurviveandcontributeto human beingsintheecologicalcycle. 最后需要去分析该例子的作用。作者列举这几个例子的目的是为了证明本段开头的观点(The rest of the world depends on darkness as well),即动物们也是需要黑暗环境的。通过给出这样的例子,能够让读者清晰地了解动物是如


sat作文题目汇总 【篇一:2014年sat写作题目汇总】 2014年sat写作题目汇总 2014.01.25 1. 2. 3. successful than those who do? 4. forward? 2014.03.08 5.assignment: should people who are more fortunate than others have more of a moral obligation to help those who are less fortunate? 6. 7. 2014.05.03 8. achievements? 9.assignment: should we express our disagreement with authority figures权威人物, even if there are negative consequences? assignment: should people focus on enjoying the present moment instead of following a plan for future achievement? 2014.06.07 achievement? another? 2014年10月 ice? assignment: is envy necessarily a bad thing? 2014年11月8日 assignment: is quitting ever a good idea? assignment: should we complain to get what we want? 2014年12月6日 assignment: are snap judgments better than decisions to which people give a lot of thought? assignment: is most of what people buy totally unnecessary?

sat写作经典例子:Chris Gardner

https://www.doczj.com/doc/7516212664.html, SAT写作经典例子:Chris Gardner 下面为大家整理的是关于SAT写作经典例子:Chris Gardner,主要介绍了一位一直想要成为一名股票经纪人的父亲的故事,其实就是电影《幸福来敲门》的原型。大家在备考成功,选择之类的SAT写作题目的时候,可以选择恰当的切入点进行描述。 Chris Gardner Chris Gardner has become famous for his miraculous life journey from a vagrant to a reputed Wall Street stockbroker within dozens of years. Born in a poor fatherless family in 1950s, he tried multiple ways to strive for a living by himself. He ever wandered along streets with his toddler son, and got put into jail, but he never quit his dream of being a stockbroker. One of his words goes like this: “In the darkest moments of your life, the one who can help you is only yourself.” With an awareness of the significance of tenacity and diligence, Gardner finally got a chance to be trained in a brokerage in spite that he did not have any college diploma or experience. When he passed examinations and earned a license as a stockbroker, he was exhilarated. He just knew that a promising future was awaiting him. After he embarked on the track of stockbroking, things went much more smoothly. In 1987 he launched his own brokerage firm in Chicago and soon developed into a millionaire. Recently besides managing his firm and playing the role of a good father, he is devoting to philanthropic undertakings in South Africa, hoping to help the poor to live better. 克里斯?加德纳 克里斯?加德纳因他的传奇人生而出名,在几十年间他从一个流浪汉摇身一变变为一位著名的华尔街股票经纪人。在二十世纪五十年代,他出生于一个穷苦家庭,从小没有父亲,只能靠自己试图用各种方式养活自己。他带着自己的儿子流浪街头,也曾踉跄入狱,但他始终没有放弃心中的梦——成为一名股票经纪人。 他常说这么一句话:“在你生命中最黑暗的时刻,能帮到你的唯有你自己而已。”加德纳深知坚强和勤奋的重要性,虽然他没有任何大学文凭,也没有任何和股票经纪相关的工作经验,但是他的不懈努力最终为他赢得了一次在经纪公司培训的机会。当他通过考试并拿到经纪执照的时候,他简直乐坏了。他坚信未来是充满希望的,而他正在走向未来! 自从他开始从事股票经纪,一切都顺理成章了。在1987年他在芝加哥开设了自己的股票经纪公司,并迅速一跃成为百万富翁。最近他除了管理公司和当个好爸爸之外,也竭尽所能地投入南非的慈善事业中,他希望能够帮助南非的穷人们,让他们活得更好。


修辞手法在SAT写作中的应用 SAT写作修辞手法,往往可以让同学们的作文在最后一搏中锦上添花,博取高分。为此文都国际教育小编和大家一起分享修辞手法在SAT写作中的应用,供大家学习和参考。 在SAT写作的时候如果掌握了一定的写作技巧再配上修辞方法一定能给考试成绩加分,把一篇文章写得活灵活现,一是展示了自己额文采功底,二是激发读者的兴趣。所以说大家在备考的时候就应该抓住修辞方法和写作技巧进行练习。 形象化描写,就是在写作中,使用形象化的语言(常常和明喻、暗喻及拟人手法等交织使用),刺激读者的感官,激发读者的想象力。 Imagery的使用,必须要是能够刺激到我们的视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉或味觉,例如: 视觉:It was dark and dim in the forest. 听觉:The children are screaming and yelling on the playground. 嗅觉:He whiffed the aroma of the brewed coffee. 触觉:The lady ran her hands on a soft fabric. 味觉:The fresh and juicy orange is very cold and sweet. 因此,在SAT作文中,重要带有描述性质的,特别是在读者讲述个人经历时候,分析其使用imagery的写作方法肯定没错。 Imagery就是用形象的语言描述现象,在北美,学生写作文时候,老师也经常说be as descriptive as possible。当这个描述可以调动我们的视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉、或是味觉时,这个描述就是个imagery。当然,一个imagery不一定要唤起读者上述的全部感觉。 Imagery在诗歌语言中使用的最多,当然在现代的报刊杂志及新闻报道中也是屡见不鲜,其目的都是为了唤起读者的五觉,刺激读者的想象力,让人有身临其境的感觉。 使用imagery,可以充分调动读者的参与感,能在读者的心里创造一个生动的画面,有助于读者想象故事人物的所闻所见,所悲所喜。在文学作品中,imagery 的文字往往生动优美,朗朗上口,为作品增加很多色彩。 其他常用的修辞和写作手法


SAT写作八大领域的名人例子 虽然SAT改革之后,写作部分成为选考,但是很多院校还是要求同学提供SAT写作的成绩,因此大家还是需要参加SAT写作考试的。下面三立小编为你带来SAT写作八大领域的名人例子,让你学到技巧,减少分数的丢失,希望对你有所帮助,更多资讯请访问三立在线教育,专业老师为你在线解答相关疑问。 1 文学 文学领域,有一本经典名著推荐大家读一下——《动物庄园》(Animal Farm),书不厚,语言也不难,建议大家直接买原版来读。作者乔治奥威尔,他的另外一本书“1984”同样也是经典。《动物庄园》这本书被誉为二十世纪最伟大的政治寓言。讲的是一个动物农场中动物们不满人类主人的虐待,联合起来把主人赶跑了,成了一个动物“自治”的庄园。结果慢慢的,猪成了新的统治阶级,用谎言和欺骗压榨剥削其他的动物。在小说中,动物们对新的权威——猪深信不疑,乃至让猪日渐嚣张跋扈作威作福,而他们自己最终沦落到悲惨的境地。比如猪在革命时曾说:所有动物生而平等(ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL)。等猪成了统治者之后,偷偷在这句话后面加上了:有些动物比其他动物更平等(BUT SOME ANIMALS ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS)。此外,猪为了维护统治还刻意涂改历史、通过保持神秘感、垄断教育、树立劳模等方式来愚弄动物们,和某些国家的做法如出一辙,真的很有意思。 2 电影 涉及挑战权威主题的电影也有很多,在这里推荐一部电影——《三个傻瓜》(Three Idiots),相信有不少同学已经看过。电影描述的是三个大学生反抗死板的大学教育体制的故事,其中作为权威的代表帝国理工学院院长韦鲁博士(Dr. Viru)主张死记硬背的教学方式,压制学生的创造性思想和创新精神,甚至逼死了学生及自己的儿子。以兰乔为首的学生们不


2014高考语文作文素材:成功需要全力以赴 在德国,许多人对保罗·路德汉这个名字都耳熟能详,因为他从事过十来个职业,而且每一项职业都能做到不一般。尤其是晚年时候,他喜欢上写作,只用不到9个月的时间就写出了小说《莱茵河的夜晚》,并荣登当年最畅销小说榜首。 2008年,德国SAT1电视台邀请保罗·路德汉做嘉宾,与观众交流互动。节目一开始,主持人就问:“这么多年来,你在许多领域都做出了不错的成绩,我和广大观众一样,都很希望能听听你的经验之谈。” 保罗·路德汉淡淡一笑,说:“一直以来,我认为就算注定要做个扫大街的清洁工,也要对自己的职责全力以赴,就好像米开朗基罗作画、贝多芬作曲或是莎士比亚作诗那般投入。倾注全力达到最高境界的工作表现,让每个人都为我驻足赞叹:这个清洁工人的表现真是杰出。” 对一个人来说,凡事成功与否,很多时候,其实仅仅在于能不能做到像保罗·路德汉一样全力以赴而已,就这么简单! 【素材点拨】乔布斯曾坦言自己成功的秘诀——专注和简单。专注即全力地投入;简单即心思单纯,无论摆在自己眼前是一份怎样的工作,都不会在乎。我们也一样,面对学习或生活中的难题,只要你肯动手做,肯全力以赴,总有一天会收获成功。 【适用主题】成功的秘诀;一分耕耘,一分收获;专注的力量…… 诺奖得主的停车位 付勤 美国加州大学伯克利分校教授索尔·佩尔马特,和另外两位科学家一起获得了2011年度的诺贝尔物理奖。这位天体物理学家得到消息时正在监考。据学生们在校内网上说,教授淡定地告诉大家:“我终于也有自己的停车位了。” 历年来曾在伯克利工作或深造的诺贝尔奖得主,不少于66位。在该校物理系前,车位只有5个。得了诺贝尔奖,不涨工资不升职,照样上课,照样监考,照样做实验,不同的是咱的车终于有地儿停了。 对于这个奖励措施,伯克利的教授是这样阐述的:“做学问如果没有一颗淡定的心,没法继续,更不可能前进。” 【素材点拨】桂冠,由月桂的枝条编成,它闪耀的不是黄金或钻石的光芒,只有久远的芬芳。狷介自守,不骄不躁,这样淡然处之的态度,让桂冠回归了它的本质。诺贝尔奖不是功劳簿,更不是终身成就奖,它激励着精英们不断向未知领域探索,永不失去推动人类社会向前的动力与热情。伯克利为什么能走出60多位诺贝尔奖得主?“抢车位”也许是原因之一。【适用主题】桂冠的本质;淡泊明志,宁静致远;奖励是荣誉,更是激励……


Sat写作题目大全 sat写作对于很多童鞋来说都是一件头疼的事情,今天小编就为大家汇总整理了sat写作题目大全,希望可以帮助到大家! 1. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.3) Assignment: Is the opinion of the majority—in government or in any other circumstances—a poor guide? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation. 2. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.3) Assignment: Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observation. 3. Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and assignment below: (2005.3)


2017年3月11日SAT考试真题分析 北美2017年3月11日的sat写作考试已经结束快半年了,总体而言,本次sat写作考试整体偏难。故今天的文章,文都国际教育小编与分享3月11日的sat写作真题。希望对大家有所帮助。 一、阅读部分 本次阅读难度适中稍难,出现了2篇Science文章(其中1篇还是paired passage),1篇Social Science文章,1篇History文章,还有一篇文学类文章。 其中History的文章是Emerson之于政府和个人关系的论述,也可算作Social Science政治类文章。 由此可见,Science类型的文章占比进一步加大! 第一篇: 文学类文章,小说,难度稍易 文章大意:节选的是小说中第一章刚开始的部分,描述了Briony这个孩子的一些性格特点和爱好。比如非常爱整洁,喜欢藏秘密,11岁开始写自己第一个故事等。将这个女孩栩栩如生的刻画出来。题目多为细节题。 第二篇: 社科类Social Science文章,难度适中 文章大意:本文讲述了一个概念 - metaphor(隐喻手法),以及它对人心理产生的印象和作用。文章开头举了一个metaphor的例子,说如果没有去过一个城市,而另一个人对这个城市的描述是脏乱差,这个隐喻手法就会在我们脑子中根深蒂固,即使发现是不准确的,也很难被去除。文章随后用科学实验的例子,继续通过数据去说明metaphor对人心理产生的影响。例子是描述一个城市的犯罪,用两个不同的词汇描述,一个描述犯罪是“像猛兽肆虐城市”,一个是像“病毒散播城市”,然后让受访者选择解决方案,凶猛型的“增加警力和监狱”和温和型“教育并扶植经济”,结果完全不一样。 第三篇: 科学Science类,难度稍高 本文讲述的通过研究动物骨头标本的一种实验方法,来推断恐龙的年龄,以及它们体重和年龄的关系。文章给出了不同恐龙种族,如暴龙等,它们年龄和体重的关系图。本篇涉及多道图表题。 第四篇: 历史政治History类,难度稍高


蓝色字为注释,红色字为尚待校正部分。 00 年10 月托福听力文字 Part A 1. M: I can't seem to find my calculator. Did I lend to you by any chance? W: No, but you are welcome to mine if you need it, as long as I get it back by Thursday. Q: What does the woman mean? 2. M: Wow, I’ve alrea dy taken one of those pills for my headache, but it's still bothering me. W: Why not take another? The recommended dose. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 3. W: Do you want to go running down by the lake after psychology class. I really like to take advantage of the beautiful weather this afternoon. M: Well, normally I begin to gather with my study group then, but I guess I can skip that just this once. Q: What does the man imply? 4. W: Great haircut, James. You go to a new barbershop or something? M: Oh, thanks. No, it was the same place, just another guy. Q: What does the man mean? 5. M: I can't believe it. At the bookstore today, I had to unload two dozens boxes of textbooks, and there are more to do tomorrow. W: But it's always busy at the start of a new year, isn't it? Q: What does the woman imply? 6. W: Oh, man, I feel awful. I think I’m coming down with that flu everybody's been laid up with(卧床). Do you have it too? M: No, I mean I probably look terrible 'cause I stayed up all last night studying, but I should be fine after some sleep. Q: What does the man mean? 7. M: Excuse me, can you tell me which bus to take to get to the art museum? W: Well, that would be the number of 42. But I wouldn't think you want to go there today. They are closed on Mondays. Q: What does the woman mean? 8. M: I really like this green jacket. The fit is perfect, but I’m not sure about the color. What do you think? W: Hum. Try it another one. It’s the same s tyle, but blue suits you better Q: What does the woman mean? 9. W: Hey, Dan, do you think you might hurry up just a bit you've been standing in front of that sandwich counter forever. And you know, I got class in ten minutes, and so do you, by the way. M: Sorry, oh, I just wish they didn't give me so many choices. Q: What does the man imply? 10. M: Hey, didn't your sister get here yet? W: No, I can hardly wait. I haven't seen her in three months. Q: What does the woman mean? 11. M: This looks like the way to Susan's house, but I don't know. I wish I’ve written down the directions. W: At this rate, we will be lucky to get there in time for desert


SAT作文例子 1. The Last Leaf by O. Henry Johnsy is an inhabitant of an art colony in Greenwich Village, where pneumonia is taking its toll. Eventually, Johnsy is stricken with the disease and gives up all desire to live. Outside her window resides an old ivy vine on which only a few leaves remain. Convinced that she will die when the last leaf falls, Johnsy watches the vine incessantly. This morbid fascination distresses her big hearted neighbor Mr. Berhman, an old painter scraping by as an artist’s model and still dreaming of painting his masterpiece. Time passes, Johnsy remains fascinated by the withering vine. To her growing astonishment, a single last leaf remains attached firmly to the vine. Taking this as an embodiment of hope, Johnsy’s condition ameliorated. In the meantime, her neighbor contracts pneumonia and has been taken to hospital, where he later dies. It is later discovered that he had contracted the disease after staying up all night to paint the perfect image of a single leaf on the brick wall outside Johnsy’s window.(168字) 2. Charles Schulz Charles Monroe Schulz is an American cartoonist, whose comic strip Peanuts is considered to be one of the most popular and influential in the history of the medium. Although Charles is a shy, timid teenager, he is steadfast and persistent. It is his self-defeating stubbornness and admirable perseverance in trying his best against all odds that made him a popular figure. He can never win a ballgame but continues to play baseball; he can never fly a kite successfully but continues to do so. Although his drawings were first rejected by his high school yearbook and then refused

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