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2015上海中考英语作文+范文i want to invent

2015上海中考英语作文+范文i want to invent
2015上海中考英语作文+范文i want to invent


题目:i want to invent


I want to invent a flying car

It is not uncommon to meet traffic problems and serious air pollution in big city.It is a must to have a plan to improve the serious condition.

I get an idea to design my own flying machine like a car which can drive well in the street as well as fly between the high rises to avoid the traffic jam.What’s more,when it is moving,it can transform the motion energy into electricity to drive the engine.Thus,it is possible to save a lot of fuel and reduce the air pollution.It is of great use to solve the problems of traffic jam and air pollution,and even save the natural resource.

Bright idea can only be achieved with the determination and courage.I believe my idea will turn a new leaf of future life.




亮点二:it is a must活用高频词



亮点五:be of great use名词结构更高端


亮点七:turn a new leaf of future life翻开未来生活的新篇章



I want to invent a time machine

As a student who is experiencing unprecedented modern life nowadays,I would rather learn about the history and the future life of human being from a real experience than learn from a textbook.That’s why if I can work as a great inventor, inventing a time machine will be my first choice.The most important usage of my time machine will be visiting one of best schools in Tang Dynasty.As we all know,Tang Dynasty is famous for its open-minded education.Therefore,when I visit the school of the ancient city,I can not only try different ways of studying but communicate with people from different countries as https://www.doczj.com/doc/7f335349.html,ing a time machine is the most vivid way to learn history as it is both a record of mankind and a mirror of past,I am looking forward to the day when my time machine comes out.




亮点二:用would rather…than…表达学生的意愿


亮点四:be famous for因…而著名

亮点五:not only…but…as well不但…而且…






I Want To Invent A Family Doctor Robot

I want to invent a family doctor robot,which can be used to cure the illness without going out of their home.As far as I’m concerned,it will be extremely helpful and useful because of the following reasons:

First,you can see the doctor immediately at home when you feel sick or get hurt.It can save us a lot of time,especially in emergency situations.

Furthermore,hospitals today are always filled with patients, not everyone can be taken good care of.However,with the help of our robot doctors,you can talk to your personal doctor one to one whenever you want.

In short,family doctor robots can make great contribution to our society.



亮点一:全文巧用“first,furthermore,in short”等连接词,把家庭



亮点三:文中出现了“extremely,make contribution to”这些超纲单词及词组,恰到好处地强调了家庭机器人医生的重要性,且为文采再次进行润色。














2017年上海市中考英语试卷 I. Listening comprehension(听力理解)(共30分) A.Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)1. B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案) 7.A.Pink. B.Blue. C.White. D.Brown. 8.A.For one week. B.For one year. C.For two weeks. D.For two years. 9.A.By making a call.B.By sending an email.C.By writing a letter.D.By leaving a message.

10.A.On Monday.B.On Wednesday.C.On Thursday.D.On Friday. 11.A.To visit China. B.To try something new. C.To make friends. D.To learn something easy. 12.A.Work on her project. B.Go to the school dance. C.Take a physics exam. D.Meet her dance teacher. 13.A.In a hotel. B.In a bookshop. C.In a cinema. D.In a classroom. 14.A.The food. B.Their car. C.The supermarket. D.Their house. C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following sentences are true or false 15.判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T“表示,不符合的用“F“表示 15.Peter makes hamburgers for customers in a fast food restaurant. 16.Once,Peter delivered 30 sets of hamburger meals to a school with his partner.17.The students were waiting at the school gate when Peter arrived. 18.There would be a sports meeting for the student the next day. 19.The teacher ordered the hamburger meals to encourage the students.20.Peter loves his job as he gains happiness from his working experiences.


1.悄悄地提醒 喧嚣与繁杂,成了这时代的通病;炒作与呵斥,演绎了诸多的新闻;悄悄地提醒,来得实在正是时候;心灵鸡汤,抚慰了一颗躁动的心灵。 你悄悄地提醒我,我悄悄地提醒你。让我们真正和谐地奔向美好的明天! 你的真诚,是那么地感人;你的善意,是那么地清纯;你的美德,是那么地高尚;你的一个悄悄地提醒,是那么神奇、那么地能够扭转乾坤。 不需要三令五声,不需要大张旗鼓,不需要声嘶力竭,不需要文山会海,也不需要十二道金牌,更不需要强力推进……只需要你一个悄悄地提醒,就足够改变我的命运。 在我迷茫的时候,你一个眼神,充满了鼓励;在我失意的时候,你一个开心的笑容,传递了信心;在我失败的时候,你一条短信,燃起了我的激情……悄悄地提醒,胜过那雷霆万钧。 小时候,我顽皮地下河洗澡,是妈妈大声地喊我回家,并给了我一次悄悄地提醒——“不要做水鬼的孩子!”在我的心里烙下了深深的印痕。 小学的时候,下大雨,我的油纸伞使劲地转来转去,看那水珠成圆圈状飞洒,忽然一阵大风起兮伞飞扬,戳破了同伴的油纸伞,我吓得不知道怎么办才好。是父亲悄悄地提醒——“快去,与那同学换把伞。”在我的心里播下了善良的种子。 当年中考前夕的时候,一次体育课,我不小心把脚踝骨扭了,老师把我背到医院,同学们也纷纷看望我,面对紧张的复习,我急得不知如是好。是班主任悄悄地提醒我——“相信自己,我能行!”在我的心田上绽放了一朵盛开的莲花。 工作以来,面对那些不太听话的孩子们,总希望他们端正态度,明确目标,改进方法,千方百计地提高成绩,养成问了礼貌的习惯和优良的情操。有时候就悄悄地提醒——“在危险的边缘,不要滑得太远。”也让许多的孩子们铭记在心。 贪污腐败,是缺乏有人悄悄地提醒——党纪国法之外的一个悄悄地提醒;失去理智,是缺乏有人悄悄地提醒——冲动就要受到惩罚的悄悄地提醒;心生邪念,是缺乏有人悄悄地提醒——忠言逆耳利于行的悄悄地提醒。 忠诚于事业,忠实于家庭,忠贞于爱情,忠爱于大自然,钟情于人生——让我们互相多一点悄悄地提醒! 2.悄悄地提醒 上海一考生 喧嚣与繁杂,成了这时代的通病;炒作与呵斥,演绎了诸多的新闻;悄悄地提醒,来得实在正是时候;心灵鸡汤,抚慰了一颗躁动的心灵。 你悄悄地提醒我,我悄悄地提醒你。让我们真正和谐地奔向美好的明天! 你的真诚,是那么感人;你的善意,是那么清纯;你的美德,是那么高尚;你的一个悄悄地提醒,是那么神奇、那么能够扭转乾坤。 不需要三令五申,不需要大张旗鼓,不需要声嘶力竭,不需要文山会海,也不需要十二道金牌,更不需要强力推进……只需要你一个悄悄地提醒,就足够改变我的命运。 在我迷茫的时候,你一个眼神,充满了鼓励;在我失意的时候,你一个开心的笑容,传递了信心;在我失败的时候,你一条短信,燃起了我的激情……悄悄地提醒,胜过那雷霆万钧。 小时候,我顽皮地下河洗澡,是妈妈大声地喊我回家,并给了我一次悄悄地提醒—— “不要做水鬼的孩子﹗”在我的心里烙下了深深的印痕。 小学的时候,下大雨,我的油纸伞使劲地转来转去,看那水珠成圆圈状飞洒,忽然一阵 大风起兮伞飞扬,戳破了同伴的油纸伞,我吓得不知道怎么办才好。是父亲悄悄地提醒——“快去,与那同学换把伞。”在我的心里播下了善良的种子。 当年中考前夕的时候,一次体育课,我不小心把脚躁骨扭了,老师把我背到医院,同学 们也纷纷看望我,面对紧张的复习,我急得不知如是好。是班主任悄悄地提醒我——“相信自己,我能行!”在我的心田上绽放了一朵盛开的莲花。


2015年最新的初中英语作文范文4篇 2015年最新的初中英语作文范文一:地震Earthquake May 12th, 2008. That’s the most mournful day for our Chinese that will never be forgotten, because a horrible earthquake happened in Wenchuan, which caused tens of thousands of children’s death. 2008年5月12日。那是我们中国人最悲痛的一天,它将永远不会被我们忘记,因为汶川发生了可怕的地震,导致成千上万儿童死的亡。 On hearing the news, I felt so sorrowful. “Why was the god so cruel to them?”I asked. They were still at the entrance of the life. They seemed like little eagles that were willing to open their wings and hover in the sky. Maybe they would have their brilliant future. What a great loss to our nation! I had my deepest sympathy on the people in the disastrous area. So I donated some money and clothes to them. And I also prayed for the dead people sincerely. I eagerly hope that there would be no earthquakes in the future, so that we could live a more peaceful life. 听到这个消息,我感到感到非常悲伤。“为什么上帝对他们如此


上海历年中考满分作文8篇 “请问,你的梦想是什么?”这本应该是再普通不过的一个问题,我本应该自信满满,流利地完整答出它。可一时间心头思绪万千,喉中更像有一团棉絮涩涩地堵着。我愣愣地站在那儿,最后只能含糊不清地吐出几个字:“我……我没有梦想。” 其实心中早已有一个明确的答案;其实比谁都迫切地希望能亲手实现这个答案;其实家中收藏的,那几百张印有不同异国风光的明信片中的每一处风景都已牢牢地记在心中................

可是还是没有勇气说出来。它太庞大,太难以实现了。不,甚至可以说是基本没有实现的可能。它之于我,就是一簇冰火,一簇在绽放至极臻时被冻住的冰火,美丽、寒冷又炽热,可永远只可远视,不可亵玩。 改变了我这种想法的,是一部电影。影片的主角是一个“傻子”,一个低能儿,一个被所有人嘲笑欺辱的孩子。可正因为他“傻”,他才比常人更乐观,更善良,更坚持执着于自己的梦想,更为之不懈努力,哪怕被世人所嘲笑;正因为他“呆”,他才不畏艰难,不惧挫折,不怕阻挠,更是从没有,哪怕是一秒,放弃过自己最初的梦想。他叫阿甘,一个从没长大的孩子,一位称职的父亲,一个越战归来的战士,更是一位成功的商人。

他让我看到,梦想没有难易之分,没有贵践之分,更没有成败之分;而所有你坚持的梦想,总有一天,如蛹褪壳成蝶,会成为现实。 纵使时间不可以倒流,我仍然希望能回到那一刻,回到老师询问我梦想的那一刻。趟若今天,乃至今后人生的道路上,再次与这种问题不期而遇,我一定不会胆怯。我一定不会退缩。我一定不会将那那个答案深深地埋藏在心中。我一定会堂堂正正地,昂首挺胸地大声将心中答案说出:“我的梦想是周游世界!是用自己的双脚走一遍丝绸之路;是用自己的双手扶摸尼罗河较真久经风沙的金字塔;是用自己的双眼品味卢浮宫中的历史沉淀;是用自己的双耳聆听多瑙河边潺潺流动的圆舞曲!这,就是我的梦想!”篇二:心里美滋滋的晚深了,默地坐在书桌前,楞楞地盯着手机,心中满是忐忑。离校前的那一天,同学李衙内许诺会在今晚给我


上海中考英语A篇阅读理解解题技巧讲解 一、知识框架 二、知识点梳理 Ⅰ. 细节理解题 一、解题思路 1.凡属针对特定细节的考题,其正确答案大都可以在阅读材料中找到对应的文字部分作为验 证。这一部分可能是一个词或短语,也可能是一个句子或相关的若干句子,但句式、用词和表达方式不同。 2.干扰项往往是主体思想与细节混杂,正确答案细节和非正确答案的细节混杂,甚至真假混杂。因此,要做好阅读理解中的确定细节和事实的题目,一要在文章中找出相应的信息点, 二要排除干扰项。 【案例分析】 Lin's enjoyment of basketball actually began in Taiwan, where his father started watching it. Lin's father moved to U.S., and passed on this love of basketball to his son, the young Lin spent much of his youth playing basketball for fun, learning from his father and older brother. But his family taught him about more than basketball. After games, his parents would discuss not only his

score but also his conduct toward other players. This taught Lin that character was more important than playing well. 74. Lin’s enjoyment of basketball started in . A. Taiwan B. the U.S C. Harvard University D. NBA 【解析】 1.断案—extract the key word in the question Lin’s enjoyment ; basketball; started 2.去案发现场寻找蛛丝马迹—find the original sentence in the passage Lin's enjoyment of basketball; began in = start 3:找到证据,破解案情—get answers near the sentence Lin's enjoyment of basketball actually began in Taiwan Ⅰ. 理解推断题 一、解题思路 推断题就是根据某个事实推断结论,主要考查学生的理解力和推断力。这类推断通常包括:数据事实推断、常识推断以及作者的写作目的、态度和倾向等的推断。做此类题时,应 根据短文中的相关语句,对与事实有关的细节加以分析,找出线索,悟出字里行间的意思, 反复比较,从而做出合乎逻辑的判断。 二、设题方式 常以infer(推断),imply(暗示),suggest, conclude(推断),learn, intend(意指),mean, describe, purpose等词提问。提问方式如下: 1. We can guess the writer of the letter may be a ______. 2. We can infer from the text that _______. 3. From the story we can guess ______.


中考英语作文范文30篇文章 Model Writings (以下30篇文章仅供同学对不同题材的参考) 句型:下划线 词组短语:黑体 精美句子:方框 1. How to Make Friends It’s hard to make friends if you stay alone all the time. It’s easier to make friends when you have similar interests. Look at people in the eyes when you ta lk to them. Don’t be afraid to show people what you are really good at. Talk about the things you like and do best. Be a good listener. Let people talk about themselves before talking about yourself. Be friendly to a lot of people. Try to help your friends when they are in trouble because a friend in need is a friend indeed. That way you’ll have a bigger group to choose from and have more chances to make friends. 2. My View on Television Television has been in our life for many years. We can’t live happily without television. It can give us the latest information and news. It can open up our eyes and enlarge our knowledge. We can get happiness from the plays on television. We’ll be bored all day if there is no television. Television programs are attractive. After a whole day’s hard work, we can sit before the television and drink a cup of tea. How wonderful it is! Television is also bad for people’s health. It’s not good for you to watch TV for too long, especially bad for your eyes. It is true that watching TV can influence our behavior and achievement. However, it depends on what we do. 3. Talk about Internet Today,I’ll talk about going online. We know that there are too many net-bars (网吧) around us. The Internet can make our lives interesting and enjoyable. Many of us like going online very much because we can learn how to use the computer and get more information from the Internet. We can learn English. We can read some good newspapers and magazines. It can make us clever through playing computer games. I can send e-mails to our friends quickly. We can chat online with our friends. It can help us get in touch with (取得联系)


上海市初中毕业生统一学业考试英语试卷 阅读部分 F. Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答下列问题): ( 12分) 08年 English is an important international language, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy to learn. Many experts have tried to make English easier to learn —but they weren’t always successful. In 1930, Professor C.K. Ogden of Cambridge University invented Basic English. It had only 850 words (and just eighteen verbs) and Ogden said most people could learn it in just thirty hours. The problem was that people who learned Basic English could write and say simple messages, but they couldn’t understand the answers in ‘real’ English! It was also impossible to explain a word if it wasn’t in the Basic English word list. R.E. Zachrisson, a university professor in Sweden, decided that the biggest problem for learners of English was spelling, so he invented a language with the name Anglic. Anglic was similar to English, but with much simpler spelling. ‘Father’ became ‘faadher’, ‘new’ became ‘nue’ and ‘years’ became ‘yeerz’. Unluckily, Anglic never became p opular. In the age of international communication through the Internet, who knows what will happen? ... a new form of English might appear. A large


2013上海中考满分作文:悄悄地提醒 喧嚣与繁杂,成了这时代的通病;炒作与呵斥,演绎了诸多的新闻;悄悄地提醒,来得实在正是时候;心灵鸡汤,抚慰了一颗躁动的心灵。 你悄悄地提醒我,我悄悄地提醒你。让我们真正和谐地奔向美好的明天! 你的真诚,是那么地感人;你的善意,是那么地清纯;你的美德,是那么地高尚;你的一个悄悄地提醒,是那么神奇、那么地能够扭转乾坤。 不需要三令五声,不需要大张旗鼓,不需要声嘶力竭,不需要文山会海,也不需要十二道金牌,更不需要强力推进,只需要你一个悄悄地提醒,就足够改变我的命运。 在我迷茫的时候,你一个眼神,充满了鼓励;在我失意的时候,你一个开心的笑容,传递了信心;在我失败的时候,你一条短信,燃起了我的激情,萠葠だ提醒,胜过那雷霆万钧。 小时候,我顽皮地下河洗澡,是妈妈大声地喊我回家,并给了我一次悄悄地提醒——“不要做水鬼的孩子!”在我的心里烙下了深深的印痕。 小学的时候,下大雨,我的油纸伞使劲地转来转去,看那水珠成圆圈状飞洒,忽然一阵大风起兮伞飞扬,戳破了同伴的油纸伞,我吓得不知道怎么办才好。是父亲悄悄地提醒——“快去,与那同学换把伞。”在我的心理播下了善良的种子。 当年中考前夕的时候,一次体育课,我不小心把脚踝骨扭了,老师把我背到医院,同学们也纷纷看望我,面对紧张的复习,我急得不知如是好。是班主任悄悄地提醒我——“相信自己,我能行!”在我的心田上绽放了一朵盛开的莲花。 工作以来,面对那些不太听话的孩子们,总希望他们端正态度,明确目标,改进方法,千方百计地提高成绩,养成问了礼貌的习惯和优良的情操。有时候就悄悄地提醒——“在危险的边缘,不要滑得太远。”也让许多的孩子们铭记在心。 贪污****,是缺乏有人悄悄地提醒——党纪国法之外的一个悄悄地提醒;失去理智,是缺乏有人悄悄地提醒——冲动就要受到惩罚的悄悄地提醒;心生邪念,是缺乏有人悄悄地提醒——忠言逆耳利于行的悄悄地提醒。 忠诚于事业,忠实于家庭,忠贞于爱情,忠爱于大自然,钟情于人生——让我们互相多一点悄悄地提醒! —北大资源研修学院


书面表达写作模板 1:阐述主题题型----要求从一句话或一个主题出发,按照提纲的要求进行论述. 1.问题现状, 2.怎样解决(解决方案的优缺点) In recent days, we have to face a problem-----A, which is becoming more and more serious. First, ------------(说明A的现状).Second, ---------------(举例进一步说明现状) Confronted with(面对) A, we should take a series of effective ways to deal with the situation. For one thing, ---------------(解决方法一). For another -------------(解决方法二). Finally, ----------(解决方法三). Personally, I believe that -------------(我的解决方法). Therefore(所以,因此), I’m confident that a bright future is waiting for us because --------------(带来的好处). 2:说明利弊题型----这种题型往往要求先说明一下现状,再对比事物本身的利弊,有时也会单从一个角度(利 或弊)出发,最后往往要求考生表明自己的态度(或对事物前景提出预测) 1.说明事物现状,2.事物本身的优缺点(或一方面)3.你对现状(或前景)的看法 Nowadays many people prefer A because it has a important role in our daily life. Generally, its advantages can be seen as follows. First ----------(A的优点之一). Besides ---------------(A的优点之二). But every coin has two sides. The negative(否定的,消极的)aspects(方面)are also apparent(显然的). One of the important disadvantages is that ----------------(A的第一个缺点).To make matters worse,------------------(A的第二个缺点). Through the above analysis(分析), I believe that the positive aspects overweigh the negative ones. Therefore, I would like to ---------------(我的看法). (From the comparison(比较)between these positive and negative effects of A, we should take it reasonably(合理地) and do it according to the situation we are in. Only by this way, -----(对前景的预测).) 3:议论文的框架 (1) 不同观点列举型(选择型) There is a widespread(广泛的)concern over(对…关心)the problem that __作文题目_____. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic Most people think that观点一___. In their views there are 2 factors(要素) contributing to(有助于)this attitude 。In the first place(首先),原因一__.Furthermore(此外), in the second place, 原因二__. However, People differ in(在…方面不同)their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that观点二___. In their point of view, on the one hand(一方面),原因一___. On the other hand(另一方面),原因二___. Therefore, there is no doubt that观点二____. As far as(就…而言)I am concerned, I firmly(坚定地)support the view that 观点一或二____.It is not only because ____, but also because ____. The more_______, the more ________. (2)利弊型的议论文 Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over the 文题______. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in议题_____. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly,优点一______. And secondly 优点二_____. Just As a popular saying goes, "every coin has two sides", 讨论议题___ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with(首先),缺点一____. In addition(除…之外), 缺点二____. In a word(总之), we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play(有效发挥,充分发挥), and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum(最小化)at the same time. In that case(假如那样的话), we will definitely make a better use of the 讨论议题___. 4:现象说明文 Recently, what amazes us most is————现象. There are many reasons explaining(现象). The main reason is________. what is more(而且,更重要的是)___. Thirdly __. As a result __. In Conclusion(总之,最后)_____. 5:说明原因型


上海中考满分作文 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

上海中考满分作文 不止一次,我努力尝试 【误区】 误区一:审题不当。对于本道作文的写作,大部分考生审题是准确的,因而,能够扣题选材、立意,但也有一些考生,因对核心词“尝试”理解不欠当,导致偏题或扣题不紧而失分。 误区二:选材不准。即有部分考生所选素材不够准确,明显带有套作、宿构之嫌,影响了得分、 误区三:语言不畅。有的是引用欠当,不理解所引用古诗文和名人名言的意思;有的是生造词语,或是运用了网络语言,上下文的语意不够自然衔接、贯通和流畅。这是在构思和行文过程中表现出了的不足与缺失。 误区四:立意不深。部分考生只是泛泛地记叙了自己两次或多次努力尝试的事例,但没有很好地揭示出其中蕴涵的深刻道理,显得肤浅,这实际上也是构思、谋篇缺乏整体设计的问题与失误。 【范文】 不止一次,我努力尝试 一路上,望着远处的阳光灿烂,我努力尝试,忘却砂砾带来的疼痛;一路上,面对困难和挫折,我努力尝试,穿越丛生的荆棘,想要到达山顶。 不止一次,我努力尝试。 当我的指尖触上黑键白键,我就知道,我不是一个音乐天才,我必须付出比别人更多的努力。很快,我就遇到了困难。我发现别的同学指下流淌出的,是清澈的小溪,向前向前,最终汇入大海;我的琴声却总是遇见石头和高山的阻隔,断断续续。 于是,我开始努力尝试。我尝试把一首曲子分成很多的小部分,然后一部分一部分去练。把每一小部分都练熟,最后连贯起来,就是一曲完整的歌。我努力地练,一段一段乐声融在空气里,一次一次忍着手的酸疼,一遍一遍甩过手后继续执着地练习。日复一日,终于,我的小溪,经过坎坎坷坷,居然也流入了一片汪洋。 那一次次的努力尝试,连起一个个音符,把汗水,变成了微笑。 可是后来,同学们都说我只是连贯,曲调却毫无变化。甚至还有人嘲笑我,说我根本不懂什么是弹琴。我难过,我困惑,我的琴声里好像缺了一点重要的东西。直到看着老师弹琴时忧伤抑或欣喜的表情,我懂得了什么。 弹琴,无关技艺,关键在于用心。 我再次努力尝试,去用心弹琴,去表现作者的情感。如果作者欣喜,大笑,就弹出“乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪”的豪放;如果作者悠然,就弹出“小楼一夜听春雨,深巷明朝卖杏花”的闲适;如果作者忧伤,就弹出“泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去”的伤感……让心与作者的心贴近,去品味每一个音符背后的情感。

最新整理上海中考英语阅读理解训练:Mr Brown

上海中考英语阅读理解训练:M r B r o w n M r B r o w n l i k e s t o b e e x a c t(确切的)。O n e d a y w h e n h e t o o k a w a l k i n t h e s t r e e t,a m a n c a m e u p a n d a s k e d h i m t h e w a y t o t h e b o o k s h o p.H e s a i d t o h i m,“C r o s s t h e b r i d g e(过桥)a n d t u r n t o t h e r i g h t.”T h e m a n a s k e d a g a i n,“I s t h e b r i d g e v e r y l o n g?”“O n l y t h i r t y m e t r e s l o n g.” T h e m a n t h a n k e d h i m a n d w e n t t o t h e b r i d g e.S u d d e n l y h e h e a r d a m a n r u n n i n g a f t e r h i m.“S t o p!”M r B r o w n s a i d t o t h e m a n.“I’m s o r r y.I f o r g e t t h e b r i d g e i s f o r t y m e t r e s l o n g.I f y o u w a l k t h i r t y m e t r e s l o n g a n d t u r n t o t h e r i g h t,y o u w i l l f a l l i n t o t h e r i v e r.” 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F)。 1.M r B r o w n l i k e s g o i n g t o t h e b o o k s h o p. 2.T h e b o o k s h o p i s o n t h e o t h e r s i d e o f t h e r i v e r. 3.T h e b r i d g e i s f o r t y m e t r e s l o n g. 4.M r B r o w n r a n a f t e r t h e m a n t o t e l l h i m h o w l o n g t h e b r i d g e i s e x a c t l y. 5.T h e m a n w o u l d f a l l i n t o t h e r i v e r i f M r B r o w n d i d n’t t e l l h i m h o w l o n g t h e b r i d g e w a s.


2015中考英语作文模板汇总 2015中考英语作文模板:议论文的框架 以下是无忧考网为大家整理的《2015中考英语作文模板:议论文的框架》的文章,供大家参考阅读! 议论文的框架(1) 不同观点列举型( 选择型 ) There is a widespread concern over the issue that __作文题目_____. But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. A majority of people think that _ 观点一________. In their views there are 2 factors contributing to this attitude as follows: in the first place, ___原因一 _______.Furthermore, in the second place, ___原因二_____. So it goes without saying that ___观点一_____. People, however, differ in their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that ___观点二_______. In their point of view, on the one hand, ___原因一_______. On the other hand, ____原因二_____. Therefore, there is no doubt that ___观点二______. As far as I am concerned, I firmly support the view that __观点一或二______. It is not only because ________, but also because _________. The more _______, the more ________. (2)利弊型的议论文 Nowadays, there is a widespread concern over (the issue that)___作文题目______. In fact, there are both advantages and disadvantages in __题目议题_____. Generally speaking, it is widely believed there are several positive aspects as follows. Firstly, ___优点一______. And secondly ___优点二_____. Just As a popular saying goes, every coin has two sides, __讨论议题______ is no exception, and in another word, it still has negative aspects. To begin with, ___缺点一______. In addition, ____缺点二______. To sum up, we should try to bring the advantages of __讨论议题____ into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. In that case, we will definitely make a better use of the ____讨论议题___.


上海中考满分作文 不止一次,我努力尝试 【误区】 误区一:审题不当。对于本道作文的写作,大部分考生审题是准确的,因而,能够扣题选材、立意,但也有一些考生,因对核心词“尝试”理解不欠当,导致偏题或扣题不紧而失分。 误区二:选材不准。即有部分考生所选素材不够准确,明显带有套作、宿构之嫌,影响了得分、 误区三:语言不畅。有的是引用欠当,不理解所引用古诗文和名人名言的意思;有的是生造词语,或是运用了网络语言,上下文的语意不够自然衔接、贯通和流畅。这是在构思和行文过程中表现出了的不足与缺失。 误区四:立意不深。部分考生只是泛泛地记叙了自己两次或多次努力尝试的事例,但没有很好地揭示出其中蕴涵的深刻道理,显得肤浅,这实际上也是构思、谋篇缺乏整体设计的问题与失误。 【范文】 不止一次,我努力尝试 一路上,望着远处的阳光灿烂,我努力尝试,忘却砂砾带来的疼痛;一路上,面对困难和挫折,我努力尝试,穿越丛生的荆棘,想要到达山顶。 不止一次,我努力尝试。 当我的指尖触上黑键白键,我就知道,我不是一个音乐天才,我必须付出比别人更多的努力。很快,我就遇到了困难。我发现别的同学指下流淌出的,是清澈的小溪,向前向前,最终汇入大海;我的琴声却总是遇见石头和高山的阻隔,断断续续。 于是,我开始努力尝试。我尝试把一首曲子分成很多的小部分,然后一部分一部分去练。把每一小部分都练熟,最后连贯起来,就是一曲完整的歌。我努力地练,一段一段乐声融在空气里,一次一次忍着手的酸疼,一遍一遍甩过手后继续执著地练习。日复一日,终于,我的小溪,经过坎坎坷坷,居然也流入了一片汪洋。 那一次次的努力尝试,连起一个个音符,把汗水,变成了微笑。 可是后来,同学们都说我只是连贯,曲调却毫无变化。甚至还有人嘲笑我,说我根本不懂什么是弹琴。我难过,我困惑,我的琴声里好像缺了一点重要的东西。直到看着老师弹琴时忧伤抑或欣喜的表情,我懂得了什么。 弹琴,无关技艺,关键在于用心。 我再次努力尝试,去用心弹琴,去表现作者的情感。如果作者欣喜,大笑,就弹出“乱石穿空,惊涛拍岸,卷起千堆雪”的豪放;如果作者悠然,就弹出“小楼一夜听春雨,深巷

上海市中考英语英语 任务型阅读理解专题练习(附答案)

上海市中考英语英语任务型阅读理解专题练习(附答案) 一、英语任务型阅读 1.根据短文内容,完成问题。 Pakistani girl Malala Yousafzai is the youngest ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize. She has become the voice of girls throughout the world. Born in Swat Valley in Pakistan in 1997, Malala lived a quiet life until 2009, when the Taliban(塔利班), an Islamic organization of violence(暴力) took control of her village. ① . They believed educating girls was against Islam. But Malala didn't agree. She wouldn't give up her education and kept going to school. ② "What is wrong with us girl students? We want all girls to get their schools back," she wrote. Her hard work encouraged many young girls in Swat Valley. ③ On Oct.9, 2012, when Malala was taking a bus home, a Taliban man got on the bus with a gun in his hand. A bullet immediately hit her in the face. Luckily, the shot didn't kill her. She was taken to a hospital in the UK. The shot didn't kill her courage, either. ④ Her courage made her famous. She has spoken at the United Nations, met world leaders and written a book named I Am Malala. OnOct.10, 2013, the EP awarded Malala the top human rights prize. They said," She is an icon(符号) of courage for all teenagers who dare to follow their aspirations(愿望)." ①________②________③________④________ (2)What may be the best title for this passage? A. Dreans of peace B. A gun shot in Pakistan C. Voice of courage D. Education rights for girls 【答案】(1)B;D;A;C (2)C 【解析】【分析】主要讲了巴基斯坦女孩尤萨夫扎伊是有史以来获得诺贝尔和平奖最年轻的人。她不放弃教育,一直学习,她的艰辛工作鼓励着许多女孩,已成为全世界女孩勇气的声音。 (1)A. However, her actions also put her in danger.然而,她的行为也使她处于危险之中。 B. They stopped girls from getting an education.他们阻止女孩接受教育。 C. Now she is still calling for education rights for girls.现在她仍在呼吁女孩享有受教育的权利。 D. And she started to write a blog against the Taliban.她开始写一篇反对塔利班的博客。 ①根据后句They believed educating girls was against Islam.可知他们认为教育女孩是违背伊

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