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Passage 1

Satiric Literature1

Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness, its originality of perspective. Satire rarely offers original ideas. Instead, it presents the familiar in a new form. Satirists do not offer the world new philosophies. What they do is look at familiar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish, harmful, or affected. Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false. Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd; Brave New World ridicules the pretensions of science; A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating cannibalism. None of these ideas is original. Chivalry was suspected before Cervantes2, humanists objected to the claims of pure science before Aldous Huxley3, and people were aware of famine before Swift4. It was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popular. It was the manner of expression,the satiric method, that made them interesting and entertaining. Satires are read because they are aesthetically satisfying works of art, not because they are morally wholesome or ethically instructive. They are stimulating and refreshing because with commonsense briskness5 they brush away illusions and secondhand opinions6. With spontaneous irreverence, satire rearranges perspectives, scrambles familiar objects into incongruous juxtaposition, and speaks in a personal idiom instead of abstract platitude.

Satire exists because there is need for it. It has lived because readers appreciate a refreshing stimulus, an irreverent reminder that they live in a world of platitudinous thinking, cheap moralizing7, and foolish philosophy. Satire serves to prod people into an awareness of truth, though rarely to any action on behalf of truth. Satire tends to remind people that much of what they see, hear, and read in popular media is sanctimonious, sentimental, and only partially true. Life resembles in only a slight degree the popular image of it. Soldiers rarely hold the ideals that movies attribute to them, not do ordinary citizens devote their lives to unselfish service of humanity. Intelligent people know these things but tend to forget them when they do not hear them expressed8.



2.Cervantes: 塞万提斯(1754-1616),西班牙伟大的作家、诗人、戏剧家。

3.Aldous Huxley:奥尔德斯·赫胥黎(1825-1895),英国生物学家,作家。

4.Swift: 斯威夫特(1667-1745),英国作家,擅长用讽刺和幽默揭露社会黑暗现象。5.briskness:brisk意为keen or sharp in speech or manner。

6.secondhand opinions:不可翻译为“二手的观点”,应该是“人云亦云的的观点”。7.cheap moralizing:这里cheap意思不是“便宜的”,而是vulgar, contemptible; moralizing 不是“道德”,而是“说教”。

8.when they do not hear them expressed:当直译不方便时,我们可用视点转移法:但是当周围人不谈起时





Passage 2

American Folk Art

What we today call American folk art was, art of, by, and for ordinary, everyday1 “folks”who, with increasing prosperity and leisure, created a market for art of all kinds, and especially for portraits. Citizens of prosperous, essentially middle-class republics—whether ancient Romans, seventeenth-century Dutch burghers, or nineteenth-century Americans—have always shown a marked taste for portraiture. Starting in the late eighteenth century, the United States contained increasing number of such people, and of the artists who could meet their demands.

The earliest American folk art portraits come, not surprisingly, from New England —especially Connecticut and Massachusetts—for this was a wealthy and populous region and the center of a strong craft tradition. Within a few decades after the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the population was pushing westward, and the portrait painters could be found at work in western New York, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri. Midway through its first century2 as a nation, the United States’ population had increased roughly five times, and eleven new states had been added to original thirteen. During these years, the demand for portraits grew and grew, eventually to be satisfied by camera. In 1839 the daguerreotype was introduced to America, ushering in the age of photography, and within a generation the new invention put an end to the popularity of painted portraits. Once again an original portrait became a luxury, commissioned by the wealthy and executed by the professional.

But in the heyday of portrait painting—from the late eighteenth century until the 1850’s —anyone with a modicum of artistic ability could become a limner, as such a portraitist3 was called.

Local craftspeople—sign, coach, and house painters—began to paint portraits as a profitable sideline; sometimes a talented man or woman who began by sketching family members gained a local reputation and was besieged with requests for portraits; artists found it worth their while to pack their paints, canvasses, and brushes and to travel the countryside, often combining house decorating with portrait painting.


everyday: 意为commonplace, ordinary

midway through its first century: 美国独立后50年间







Passage 3


Crows are probably the most frequently met and easily identifiable members of the native fauna of the United States. The great number of tales, legends, and myths about these birds indicates that people have been exceptionally interested in them for a long time. On the other hand, when it comes to substantive─particularly behavioral─information, crows are less well known than many comparably common species and, for that matter, not a few quite uncommon ones, the endangered California condor, to cite one obvious example .There are practical reasons for this.

Crows are notoriously poor and aggravating subjects for field research. Keen observers and quick learners, they are astute about the intentions of other creatures, including researchers, and adept at avoiding them. Because they are so numerous, active, and monochromatic, it is difficult to distinguish one crow from another. Bands, radio transmitters, or other identifying devices can be attached to them, but this of course requires catching live crows, who are among the wariest and most untrappable of birds.

Technical difficulties aside, crow research is daunting because the ways of these birds are so complex and various. As preeminent generalists, members of this species ingeniously exploit a great range of habitats and resources, and they can quickly adjust to changes in their circumstances. Being so educable, individual birds have markedly different interests and inclinations, strategies and scams. For example, one pet crow learned how to let a dog out of its kennel by pulling the pin on the door. When the dog escaped, the bird went into the kennel and ate its food.







英译汉短文翻译 1. Job security is extremely hard to come by these days, no matter what profession you choose. It isn't enough to pursue a field with perceived stability, say the experts. You'll want to find something you feel passionate about, can make a living doing and that involves using skills you can easily apply to other fields. 在当前的经济形势下,无论你从事何种职业,就业稳定都很难找到稳定的就业机会。专家们表示,光是追求预计能够带来稳定就业的领域是不够的。你希望追求的方向应该是你所热爱的、能够借以维持生计的职业,并且能够运用到一些你可以轻松转换到其它领域的技能。 2. Love plays a pivotal role on out life. Love makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could go hayward and also become cruel and ferocious. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who shower us with unconditional love and care, they teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad. But we always tend to take this for granted. It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands and becomes sensitive to others feelings. Kids make a person responsible and mature and help us to understand life better. 爱在生活之外扮演了一个关键的角色。爱使你想要得到些什么。没有爱,一个人将走向不归路,变得凶暴、残忍。在我们最初的人生道路上,我们的父母给予了我们无条件的关爱,他们教会我们判断正确与错误、好与坏。然而我们常常把这想当然了,只有等到我们结了婚并且有了孩子之后,一个人才会懂得并注意别人的感受。孩子让我们变得富有责任心、变得成熟稳重,并且更好的理解人生 3. When companies have different employees on the same job and one of them is paid differently, many unfairness issues surface. "It can happen in any 'open shop' that differentiates pay for any reason (seniority, performance, etc.)," says Dauphinais. You could run the risk of alienating valued colleagues if they learn you earn more for what they perceive to be the same job. 公司雇佣不同的人员从事同一岗位的工作时,如果其中有个人的薪资不同时,很多不公平的问题就会浮出水面。Dauphinais 说:“这种情况在任何开放行业都有可能发生,因为不同的原因(资历,表现等)员工的薪酬不同”。如果你让同事知道你们在做相同的工作,而你的工资比他们高,那么你就可能会被你很重视的同事疏远。 4. Spouses are a bigger source of stress than bosses, research shows. There may be no place like home, but if you want to relax then you might be better off at work, according to the survey.


第六单元文体翻译 第一节新闻报道 一、新闻翻译的特点 1、翻译讲求实效 2、可以适当增减 ?翻译:遵循翻译标准进行全文翻译。 ?编译:紧扣原作主题思想,从原作选取最有价值的内容,遵循篇章构建的一般规律,基本按照原作的时间先后顺序和逻辑关系组织行文,再按照翻译的一般原则,将其译成目的语的过程。(王涛2004) ?摘译:摘取一些认为重要的或者说传达了重要信息的段落和内容。(俞建村2001)(注意:必须完整地翻译抽取的内容。) ?参见教材第十章“翻译的类型” p135. 3、符合写作要求 (1)手法: ?以尽可能有趣的方式将一定事实展现出来。 (2)结构: ?编年史法(chronological method ): 依照事实发生先后按时间顺序叙述。 ?新闻导语法(news lead method ): 依照事实的重要性来铺陈、排列事实。 (3)语言: ?具体、准确、简明、通俗、生动。 4、内容力求准确 二、新闻的翻译 ?标题的翻译 ?电头的翻译 ?导语的翻译 ?正文的翻译 ?了解背景知识 例: US Missile Targets Iraqi Radar Site W ASHINGTON: A United States Air Force F-16 fighter plane fired a missile at an Iraqi radar site after the jet was tracked electronically while in the “no-fly” zone over southern Iraq, the Pentagon said yesterday. But the White House, explaining a long delay in announcing the strike, said it was unclear whether Iraqi radar has “locked on” to the plane on Saturday. A Pentagon spokesman said the F-16 returned safely to its base in Saudi Arabia. It was not immediately known if the Iraqi site was damaged. The spokesman, confirming the strike about 18 hours after it occurred, said an investigation was under way. Iraq denied any such incident had taken place. 美导弹击中伊拉克雷达基地 华盛顿电:五角大楼昨日宣称:一架美空军F-16战斗机在伊拉克南部禁飞区被电子跟踪后,向伊一雷达基地发射了导弹。 但是白宫在解释拖延很久才公布这次打击行动的原因时称:星期六时尚不清楚伊雷达是否已“锁定”了这架飞机。 五角大楼的一位发言人说,该F—16战斗机已安全返回设在沙特阿拉伯的基地,伊雷


situations. 【参考译文】 ①玩视频游戏鼓励孩子的即刻满足。 ②连续数小时看带有预录笑声的电视节目,只会使孩子以消极的方式处理信息。 ③同时,长时间通过耳机听节奏单调的音乐鼓励孩子待在自己封闭的天地里,而不是去做其他的尝试。 ④所有这些行为会阻止重要的交流与思考技能的提高,并且使孩子很难发展持久的注意力,而这将是未来他们从事的众多工作所需要的。 ⑤他们应该知道如何处理挫折、压力和不称职感。 ⑥他们还应该学习如何解决问题和化解冲突,学习开动脑筋和批判性思维的方法。 ⑦家庭讨论可以帮助孩子练习,并且帮助他们将这些技能应用到日常生活当中。 “搭配记忆法”对我们记忆单词、攻克翻译题有很大的帮助,但任何巧妙的方法都需要在长久的练习中熟能生巧,希望大家在以后的复习过程中,能按照这种方法把真题吃透,学英语贵在积累,三天打鱼两天晒网的学习方式要不得,只要坚持下去,终有一天,你的英语会变得很不一样!

【参考译文】 ①想要申请攻读博士学位的每一个学生都应该阅读一下这本精妙的、睿智的小书:《思想的市场:美国大学的改革和抗拒》。 ②然后他们可能会决定另觅他路。 ③因为在美国大学里已经发生了某种奇妙的事情,哈佛大学英语教授Louis Menand敏锐地捕捉到了这一点。 ④他关注的主要是人文学科:文学、语言、哲学等类似的学科。 ⑤这些都是要过时了的学科:现在美国大学的研究生中有22%的学生选择商务为自己的专业,与之相比只有2%的人主修历史专业,4%的学生主修英语专业。 “搭配记忆法”对我们记忆单词、攻克翻译题有很大的帮助,但任何巧妙的方法都需要在长久的练习中熟能生巧,希望大家在以后的复习过程中,能按照这种方法把真题吃透,学英语贵在积累,三天打鱼两天晒网的学习方式要不得,只要坚持下去,终有一天,你的英语会变得很不一样!


第10章Division(拆译法) 10.1 复习笔记 In division, we have to determine where to divide, how to divide, what the subject or the predicate of the new clause or sentence should be, and how to rearrange various parts of the original sentence. These may involve such techniques as Conversion, Addition and Inversion. 拆分时要注意以下问题:在哪里拆分,怎样拆分,新的从句或句子的主语、谓语分别是什么,以及如何重新组织这些部分。这里涉及到的技巧有转换法、增补法和倒置法。 一、Picking Out of Words(拆译单词) It is advisable to pick out those words which are hard to reproduce in the original structure and expand them into Chinese word groups, clauses or sentences. There are usually three steps to deal with such words: 翻译过程中,如果一个单词的意义很难用汉语在原有句法框架下表达出来,就可以把该单词抽取出来,并将其扩展为汉语词组、从句或句子。具体操作步骤如下: 1. Determine which word(s) to pick out; 确定需要抽取出来的单词; 2. Apply Conversion or Addition, if necessary, to make the translated version smooth and well-connected; 必要时运用转换法或增补法,使译文流畅、通顺;


英译汉练习短文6篇· Passage 1 Satiric Literature1 Perhaps the most striking quality of satiric literature is its freshness, its originality of perspective. Satire rarely offers original ideas. Instead, it presents the familiar in a new form. Satirists do not offer the world new philosophies. What they do is look at familiar conditions from a perspective that makes these conditions seem foolish, harmful, or affected. Satire jars us out of complacence into a pleasantly shocked realization that many of the values we unquestioningly accept are false. Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd; Brave New World ridicules the pretensions of science; A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocating cannibalism. None of these ideas is original. Chivalry was suspected before Cervantes2, humanists objected to the claims of pure science before Aldous Huxley3, and people were aware of famine before Swift4. It was not the originality of the idea that made these satires popular. It was the manner of expression,the satiric method, that made them interesting and entertaining. Satires are read because they are aesthetically satisfying works of art, not because they are


题型说明:下列各句中只有一个恰当的译文,请选出 Test 1 1.Earlier scientists thought that during a man's lifetime the power of his brain decreased. A.早些时候的科学家们认为,在人的一生中,脑子的机能会逐渐减弱。 B.从前科学家认为,人越老,脑子的机能越衰弱。 C.先前,科学家们的观点是:人从生到死,脑力减弱。 2.He is above cheating in the exam. A.他高于在考试中欺骗。 B.他是考试作弊的高手。 C.他绝不会考试作弊。 3.A thousand mustaches can live together,but not four breasts. A.一千条胡子能一起生活,但是,四只乳房不能在一起生活。 B.一千个男人可以住在一起,而两个女人却不行。 C.千条汉子能共处,两个婆娘难相容。 4.Listening to classical music is my cup of tea. A.古典音乐我最爱听。 B.听古典音乐是我的一杯茶。 C.听古典音乐是我的业余爱好。 5.Of course,alcohol and tobacco were forbidden. A.当然,酒精和烟草是被禁止的。 B.当然,喝酒吸烟是绝对不允许的。 C.当然,禁止酿酒,禁止种烟。 6.When will he be available? A.他什么时候在家? B.他什么时候可以达到? C.他什么时候是有效的? 7.Are you a father? A.你是父亲吗? B.你有孩子吗? C.你当爸爸了吧? 8.Thank you for not smoking. A.请勿吸烟,谢谢。 B.请勿吸烟。 C.谢谢你不吸烟。 9.Don't turn your back on friends who are down and out. A.不要用背对着被人打倒而且完全失败的朋友。 B.不要不理睬穷困潦倒的朋友。 C.对于失意落魄的朋友,不要拒之于千里之外。 10."I don't know why," my father held his ground. "Isn't there enough lousy poetry in the world already? No laws say Buddy has to be a poet." A.“我不知道为什么,”我的父亲站在地上说,“世界上难道还有比这更啥也不是的诗吗?法律可没有明文规定,巴迪非得当个诗人不可。”


英译汉历年真题全文翻译 1994年真题参考译文 新学派科学家们认为,在扩大科学知识范围的过程中,技术是一股被忽视了的力量(71)他们认为,科学之所以向前发展,与其说是因为天才伟人的真知灼见,还不如说是因为像改进了的技术和工具之类更为普遍的东西。(72)一位新学派的领袖人物坚持说,简言之,所谓的科学革命主要是指一系列工具的改进、发明和使用;这一系列工具的改进、发明和使用在无数个方面拓展了科学的领域。(73)多年来,工具和技术本身作为根本性革新的源泉在很大程度上被历史学家和思想家们所忽视了。肯定技术的现代派认为,诸如伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯韦、爱因斯坦这样的著名科学大师以及像爱迪生这样的发明家都十分重视各种不同的、可用于科学实验的工艺信息和技术装臵并从中获益匪浅,提倡肯定技术、

否定天才的论点之核心是对伽利略在科学革命的初期所起作用的分析。当时人们对天体的认识源于公元二世纪时的天文学家托勒密。他认为,在复杂的天体系统中所有的天体都围绕着地球运动。(74)伽利略最伟大的成就在于,在l 609年他是第一个用新发明的望远镜来观察天空的人,以证实行星是围绕太阳旋转而不是围绕地球旋转的。但故事中真正的英雄,新学派科学家们认为,是改进制作眼镜的机器的漫长过程。 联邦政府的政策不可避免地卷入了这场?技术?对?天才?之争。(75)政府是应该以牺牲技术作为代价来增加对纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这常常取决于人们把哪一个看作驱动力量。 1995年真题参考译文

广泛用来帮助选拔、分类、委派或者提拔学生、雇员和军事人员的标准化教育或心理测试最近在图书、杂志、日报甚至国会中成了攻击的目标。(71)把标准化测试作为抨击的目标是错误的,因为在抨击这些测试的时候,批评家没有注意到错误在于那些不甚了解或者是不能胜任的使用者。测试本身只是工具,其特点是在具体条件下可以得到相当精确的测定。测试结果究竟是有价值、无意义或者有误导作用在部分程度上取决于工具本身,但在很大程度上取决于使用者。 所有对未来表现有根据的预测都取决于对相关的过去表现的一些了解:学习成绩、研究能力、销售纪录或者任何合适的信息。(72)这些测试将在多大程度上为后来的表现所证实,这取决于所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适应性,还取决于解释这些信息的技能和才智。任何认真记分的人都知道,能获得的信息往往不全面,而且预测很容易出现错误。


英译汉部分--单项选择 题型说明:下列各句中只有一个恰当的译文,请选出 Test 1 1.Earlier scientists thought that during a man's lifetime the power of his brain decreased. A.早些时候的科学家们认为,在人的一生中,脑子的机能会逐渐减弱。 B.从前科学家认为,人越老,脑子的机能越衰弱。 C.先前,科学家们的观点是:人从生到死,脑力减弱。 2.He is above cheating in the exam. A.他高于在考试中欺骗。 B.他是考试作弊的高手。 C.他绝不会考试作弊。 3.A thousand mustaches can live together,but not four breasts. A.一千条胡子能一起生活,但是,四只乳房不能在一起生活。 B.一千个男人可以住在一起,而两个女人却不行。 C.千条汉子能共处,两个婆娘难相容。 4.Listening to classical music is my cup of tea. A.古典音乐我最爱听。 B.听古典音乐是我的一杯茶。 C.听古典音乐是我的业余爱好。 5.Of course,alcohol and tobacco were forbidden. A.当然,酒精和烟草是被禁止的。 B.当然,喝酒吸烟是绝对不允许的。 C.当然,禁止酿酒,禁止种烟。 6.When will he be available? A.他什么时候在家? B.他什么时候可以达到? C.他什么时候是有效的? 7.Are you a father? A.你是父亲吗? B.你有孩子吗? C.你当爸爸了吧? 8.Thank you for not smoking. A.请勿吸烟,谢谢。 B.请勿吸烟。 C.谢谢你不吸烟。 9.Don't turn your back on friends who are down and out. A.不要用背对着被人打倒而且完全失败的朋友。 B.不要不理睬穷困潦倒的朋友。 C.对于失意落魄的朋友,不要拒之于千里之外。 10."I don't know why," my father held his ground. "Isn't there enough lousy poetry in the world already? No laws say Buddy has to be a poet." A.“我不知道为什么,”我的父亲站在地上说,“世界上难道还有比这更啥也不是的诗吗?


内蒙古医学院 2009级英语专业第三学年第五学期 翻译理论与实践(英译汉)模拟试题 2011年12月 (试题册) Section A Multiple Choice Questions (10 points) Section B T ranslation Improvement (10 points) Section C T ranslation of Phrases (10 points) Section D T ranslation of Sentences (10 points) Section E T ranslation of Paragraph (10 points) Section F T ranslation of T ext (20 points)

Section A Multiple Choice Questions (5×2=10 points) I. Directions: Choose the best answer from the choices marked A,B,C or D. 1. The translation process generally includes the following except __________. A. understanding B. revision C. transition D. expression 2. The translation levels generally cover the following except__________. A. text B. clusters of phrases C.word D.sentence 3. The translator should always avoid such two problems in expression as__________. A. over-statement & under-statement B. over-presentation & under- presentation C. over-revision & under-revision D. over-understanding & under-understanding 4. Translation skills include the following except__________. A. expression. B. annotation C. amplification D. adaptation 5. The following words are onomatopoeic words except__________. A.Smile B. giggle C. whiz D. murmur Section B T ranslation Improvement (5×2=10 points) Directions: Each of the following Chinese translations has one or two inadequacies. Improve the given translations by making minor changes Example: 原文:This thesis leaves much to be desired. 译文:这篇文章有很多地方让人喜欢。 改译:这篇文章有很多地方有待完善。 6.原文:With this faith we will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.. 译文:随着这个信念,我们就能将刺耳、喧闹之声变成美丽的兄弟交响曲。 改译:。 7.原文:Of poetry I don’t read much and when I do I choose the dead lion in preference to the living dog . 译文:诗歌我读得不多,但如果要我选择的话,我喜欢死狮子胜过活狗。 改译:。


英译汉篇章翻译练习(2) Proverbs are the popular sayings that brighten so much Latin American talk, the boiled-down wisdom that you are as apt to hear from professors as from peasants, from beggars as from elegances. Brief and colorful, they more often than not carry a sting. When a neighbor?s dismally unattractive daughter announced her engagement, Imelda remarked, “You know what they say, Senora: …There?s no pot so ugly it can?t find a lid.?” And when her son-in-law blustered about how he was going to get even with the boss who had docked his pay, Imelda fixed him with a cold eye and said, “Little fish does not eat big fish.” One afternoon, I heard Imelda and her daughter arguing in the kitchen. Her daughter had quarreled with her husband?s parents, and Imelda was in sisting that she apologized to them. Her daughter objected. “But, Mama, I just can?t swallow them, not even with honey. They talk so big until we need something; then they?re too poor. So today when they wouldn?t even lend us enough to pay for a new bed, a ll I did was say something that I?ve heard you say a hundred times: …If so grand, why so poor? If so poor, why so grand?” “Impertinent!” snorted Imelda. “Have I not also taught you, …What the tongue says, the neck pays for?? I will not have it said that I could never teach my daughter proper respect for her elders. And before you go to beg their pardon, change those trousers for a dress. You know how your mother-in-law feels about pants on a woman. She always says, …What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster!” Her daughter made one more try. “But Mama, you often say, …If the saint is annoyed, don?t pray to him until he gets over it.? Can?t I leave it for tomorrow?” “No, no and no! Remember: …If the dose is nasty, swallow it fast.? You know, my child, you did wrong. But, …A gift is the key to open the door closed against you.? I have a cake in the oven that I was making for the Senora?s dinner, I will explain to the Senora. Now, dear, hurry home and make yourself pretty in your pink dress. By the time you get back, I will have the cake ready for you to take to your mother-in-law. She will be so pleased that she may make your father-in-law pay for the bed. Remember: …One hand washes the other, but together they wash the face.?”

英译汉教程Unit 4 conversion 课后习题答案

Unit 4 Conversion(转换法)Drills 4.1.1a. 16. 绝不允许违反这个规则。 17.我无意让这件事是你厌烦。 18.激光视近年来最为轰动的成就之一,因为激光可以应用于许多科学领域,也适合于各种实际用途。 19.关切保护公共财物,应不限于仅防止盗窃与破坏。 20.我们反对一切侵略战争。 21.屠杀共和党人的事件,以及随之颁布的取缔报刊和结社权利的九月法令,都是他一手干出来的。 22.难怪老一辈的许多人见了这个就会想起三十六年前的往事。 23.必须明确承认国与国之间平等的原则。 24.这一发现开创了空气静力学这一门学科。 25.这样的岩石最适宜储存地下水。 26.这家商店有多种鞋帽可供选购。 27.总统竭力主张大大扩大导弹和空间计划。 28.要不是我能干重活,早就给辞退了。 29.两位领导人就中美关系和国际事务认真、坦率地交换了意见。 30.海洋法条约的谈判,经过六年的审议,实际上已与上周结束了。 31.演讲者号召人们打到帝国主义,消灭人剥削人的制度,解放中国和受压迫者。 32.从事诸如武装进攻、海上封锁和向武装恐怖分子集团提供援助之类的行动,都被认为是一种侵略。 33.第三代电子电路是沿着晶体管的发展趋势发展起来的。 34.本文结尾讨论了使用数学力学模型来研究地质构造成因的重要性。 35.这个王宫综合了不同时期的不同建筑风格。 36.这表示承认你个人的资格及贵国为国际合作所做的贡献。 37.每个国家需要什么来保卫自己的安全,只有它自己才能做出做好的决定。 38.人群一看见贵宾的车队,就关乎起来了。 39.要交流世界各国文化,就必须学习外语。 40.使用原子武器显然违反国际法。 41.他们慢慢地顺着北冰洋沿岸航行,一路仔细观察。 42.该国再三企图把这条原则说成是宣传花招。 43.晶体管是最近才发展起来的。 44.我们只有充分发挥人的主动性,才能更好地利用机器来改造自然。 Drills 4.1.1 b (1)加注S(主)或O(宾)并翻译。 1.我回忆布朗先生。O 2.林肯遇刺。O 3.他的记忆力很差。S 为纪念他而立的碑。O


英译汉文章翻译赏析 时间:2009年06月01日 【英译中选段六】原文(by Robert Frost) The Gift Outright The land was once ours before we were the land’s. She was our land more than a hundred years. Before we were her people. She was ours In Massachusetts, in Virginia; But we were England’s, still colonials, Possessing what we still were unpossessed by, Possessed by what we now no more possessed. Something we were withholding made us weak Until we found out that it was ourselves We were withholding from our land of living, And forthwith found salvation in surrender. Such as we were we gave ourselves outright (The deed of gift was many deeds of war) To the land vaguely realizing westward, But still unstoried, artless, unenhanced, Such as she was, such as she would become. (原载https://www.doczj.com/doc/8414217224.html, ) 译文(余光中译): 全心的奉献 土地先属于我们,我们才属于土地。 她成为我们的土地历一百余年, 我们才成为她的人民。当时 她属于我们,在麻萨诸塞,在佛吉尼亚, 但我们属于英国,仍是殖民之身, 我们拥有的,我们仍漠不关心, 我们关心的,我们已不再拥有。 我们保留的一些什么使自己贫弱, 直到我们发现,原来是我们自己, 保留着,不肯给自己生息之地, 立刻,在献身之中找到了生机。 赤裸裸地,我们全心将自己奉献, (献身的事迹是多次的战迹) 献身与斯土,斯土正浑沦拓展,向西, 但迄未经人述说,朴实无华,未加渲染。 当时她如此,且预示她仍将如是。 (原载《余光中选集第五卷:译品集》,黄维樑、江弱水编选,安徽教育出版社,1999)【英译中选段七】 原文(by Fancis Bacon) Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight, is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition of


翻译——英译汉 英译汉部分要求翻译单句, 而不是段落或篇章。考生首先要读懂句子,了解句子的语法结构、使用的固定词组、习惯用法及词与词之间的语义关系, 然后, 再正确分析原文的语言现象和逻辑关系,进行透彻的理解, 最后, 力图用简洁明了的汉语表达出原文的意思。因此, 考生有必要掌握一些基本的翻译技巧。 一、翻译技巧一 一般的英译汉考题不会只是简单句。我们在做题时, 首先要从语法入手, 找寻和确定句子大的框架结构, 通过分析把句中的从句和插入部分先排除掉, 明确句子结构有助于我们正确理解整句话的意思。 (一)重点分析句子结构 其实, 就英语的句子结构而言, 是有规律可循的。除去省略句、倒装句、感叹句和 一些特殊句子外, 英语句子的结构可归纳为三类: 1. to be句型: 主语 + be + 表语 Miss Jones is a manager. 琼斯小姐是位经理。 2. to do句型: 主语 + do + (宾语) + (状语) He teaches English in this school. 他在这所学校教英语。 3. there be句型: There be + 主语 + 状语 There are beautiful wildflowers in the hills. 山中有美丽的野花。 (二)确定语法现象和惯用结构 英译汉考题中常见的重点语法有: 时态、语态、主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、 同位语从句、定语从句、状语从句、动词不定式、动名词、分词、虚拟语气、倒装句、强调句等。考生要非常熟悉这些语法现象, 才不至于对句子产生误解。例如: ?Anyone who is interested in it can go with us. 对这事感兴趣的人可以跟我们去。(who引导定语从句修饰主语anyone) ?The problem discussed at yesterday’s meeting is very important. 昨天会上讨论过的那个问题非常重要。(过去分词短语作后置定语修饰主语the problem) ?You could have done better if you had been more careful. 要是细心一点的话,你就会做得更好。(if 引导虚拟语气的条件状语从句) ?Hardly had I said that when she entered the room. 我刚说完,她就进来了。(倒装句, 否定词hardly位于句首, 助动词had 放在主语I之前 ) ?It was not until last night that I noticed this matter. 直到昨晚我才注意到这件事。(强调句: It was not until+强调成分+that句子其 余成分)


英译汉复习要领 一、真题回顾 1.大纲对翻译部分的基本要求 在职人员攻读硕士学位入学英语考试中的翻译项目旨在通过翻译测试考生正确理解英文原句的能力以及汉语的书面表达能力。本部分采用语篇翻译的考试形式。要求考生将一篇120~150词的一般性题材的英语段落翻译成汉语。本部分满分为15分,考试时间为30分钟。对考生的要求是对原文理解正确,译文表达准确、通顺。因此,读懂原文,正确理解英文原文的意思是确保译文准确的前提,而通顺的表达则是获取高分的保障。 翻译考题是英文和中文两种语言的综合考试,难度较大。这一部分考生得分率普遍不是很高,是考生们复习的难点。但这部分有一个显著的特点,即翻译的技巧性强。因此考生们应特别注意翻译的方法和技巧。 下面通过对2003年在职人员攻读硕士学位入学英语考试中翻译真题的分析,让考生进一步了解翻译考题的难度和考点,把握复习思路和正确的解题技巧。 Part V Translation (30 minutes, 15 points) Directions: Translate the following passage into Chinese and put your translation on the ANSWER SHEET. The generation gap is so great in Hong Kong that the teenagers there rarely turn to their parents or teachers for advice on anything. Whether it be sex, AIDS, school worries or family problems, adults are not considered up to the job. Until now, no one has asked Hong Kong youth, “What do you think?” Some understanding of the emotions of Hong Kong’s youth, however, has come from the work of Dr. Jeffrey Day—at the University of Hong Kong. His survey of young people does not focus, for example, on how many drugs they take—but tries to answer the question why. Dr. Day hopes the results, which he plans to explain in full next week, will reveal what troubles—as well as pleases—today’s high-school students. Conclusions will be passed on not only to government departments but back to the schools which took part.

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