当前位置:文档之家› (英语)高一英语完形填空试题(有答案和解析)






Another person's enthusiasm was what set me moving toward the success I have achieved. That person was my stepmother.

I was nine years old when she entered our home in rural Virginia. My father 1 me to her with these words: "I would like you to meet the fellow who is 2 for being the worst boy in this county and will probably start throwing rocks at you no 3 than tomorrow morning."

My stepmother walked over to me, 4 my head slightly upward, and looked me right in the eye. Then she looked at my father and replied, "You are 5 .This is not the worst boy at all, 6 the smartest one who hasn't yet found an outlet(释放的途径)for his enthusiasm."

That statement began a(n) 7 between us. No one had ever called me smart, My family and neighbors had built me up in my 8 as a bad boy. My stepmother changed all that.

She changed many things. She 9 my father to go to a dental school, from which he graduated with honors. She moved our family into the county seat, where my father's career could be more 10 and my brother and I could be better 11 .

When I turned fourteen, she bought me a secondhand 12 and told me that she believed that I could become a writer. I knew her enthusiasm, I 13 it, and I saw how it had already improved our lives. I accepted her 14 and began to write for local newspapers. I was doing the same kind of 15 that great day I went to interview Andrew Carnegie and received the task which became my life's work later. I wasn't the 16 beneficiary (受益者).My father became the 17 man in town. My brother and stepbrothers became a physician, a dentist, a lawyer, and a college president.

What power 18 has! When that power is released to support the certainty of one's purpose and is 19 strengthened by faith, it becomes an irresistible(不可抗拒的)force which poverty and temporary defeat can never 20 .

You can communicate that power to anyone who needs it. This is probably the greatest work you can do with your enthusiasm.

1. A. rushed B. introduced C. carried D. sent

2. A. distinguished B. favored C. mistaken D. rewarded

3. A. sooner B. earlier C. longer D. later

4. A. dragged B. shook C. raised D. bent

5. A. perfect B. right C. wrong D. impolite

6. A. but B. so C. and D. or

7. A. agreement B. friendship C. gap D. relationship

8. A. opinion B. image C. expectation D. mind

9. A. begged B. persuaded C. ordered D. invited

10. A. successful B. meaningful C. helpful D. useful

11. A. treated B. entertained C. educated D. respected

12. A. camera B. radio C. bicycle D. typewriter

13. A. considered B. suspected C. ignored D. appreciated

14. A. belief B. request C. criticism D. description

15. A. teaching B. studying C. writing D. reading

16. A. next B. same C. only D. real

17. A. cleverest B. strongest C. wealthiest D. healthiest

18. A. enthusiasm B. sympathy C. fortune D. confidence

19. A. deliberately B. happily C. traditionally D. constantly

20. A. match B. win C. reach D. doubt



(1)考查动词。A. rushed“冲”;B. introduced“介绍”;C. carried“运送”;D. sent“送,派遣”。根据下文“I would like you to meet the fellow,”可知这里指爸爸把我介绍给了继母。故选B。

(2)考查形容词。A. distinguished“著名的”;B. favored“支持的,有利的”;C. mistaken“错误的”;D. rewarded“受到奖励的”。根据上文的“for being the worst boy”可知,作者因为是最坏的孩子而著名。故选A。

(3)考查副词。A. sooner“很快”;B. earlier“更早”;C. longer“更长”;D. l ater“后来,迟于”。这里指作者不迟于明天早上就会向继母扔石头。no later than“不迟于”,故选D。(4)考查动词。A. dragged“拖拉”;B. shook“震动,摇晃”;C. raised“举起,提高,筹集,饲养”;D. bent“弯腰”。根据后面的单词upward,可知继母轻轻的抬起我的头。故选C。(5)考查形容词。A. perfect“完美的”;B. right“正确的”;C. wrong“错误的”;D. impolite“不礼貌的”。根据下文的“This is not the worst boy at all, ”可知是反驳爸爸的话,你错了。故选C。

(6)考查连词。A. but“但是”;B. so“因此”;C. and“并且”;D. or“或者”。这句话使用的是not…but…结构,这不是最坏的男孩而是最好的男孩还没有找到热情的出口。故选A。(7)考查名词。A. agreement“同意”;B. friendship“友谊”;C. gap“缺口,分歧,间隔”;D. relationship“关系”。这句话开始了我们之间的友谊,用友谊说明关系的亲密。故选B。(8)考查名词。A. opinion“观点”;B. image“形象”;C. expectation“期望”;D. mind“思维”。我的家庭和邻居让我在内心认定自己一直是一个坏男孩。故选D。

(9)考查动词。A. begged“乞求”;B. persuaded“说服”;C. ordered“命令”;D. invited“邀请”。继母说服了我父亲去上一个牙科学校。故选B。

(10)考查形容词。A. successful“成功的”;B. meaningful“有意义的”;C. helpful“有帮助的”;D. u seful“有用的”。修饰career用successful,在那儿我父亲的事业将更加成功。故选A。

(11)考查动词。A. treated“对待”;B. entertained“娱乐”;C. educated“教育”;D. respected“尊敬”。因为是说孩子们的,可知在那,我们弟兄们可以得到更好的教育。故选C。

(12)考查名词。A. camera“照相机”;B. radio“收音机”;C. bicycle“自行车”;D. typewriter“打字机”。根据下文“told me that she believed that I could become a writer.”可知继母相信作者能成为一个作家,所以给他买了个二手打字机。故选 D。

(13)考查动词。A. considered“考虑”;B. suspected“怀疑”;C. ignored“忽视”;D. appreciated“感激”。根据下文“I saw how it had already improved our lives.”可知,我非常感激她的热心。故选D。

(14)考查名词。A. belief“信念”;B. reques t“要求”;C. criticism“批评”;D. description“描述”。根据上文“she believed that I could become a writer.”可知,我接受了她的信念。故选A。

(15)考查动词。A. teaching“教学”;B. studying“学习”;C. writing“写作”;D. reading“阅读”。我从事的写作,故选B。

(16)考查形容词。A. next“下一个”;B. same“同样的”;C. only“唯一的”;D. real“真的”。根据下文的“My father became the ___17___man in town.”可知我不是唯一的受益者。故选C。

(17)考查形容词。A. cleverest“最聪明的”;B. strongest“最强大的”;C. wealthiest“最有钱的”;D. healthiest“最健康的”。前面说:我不是唯一的受益者,可知我爸爸也事业有成,成了我们镇上最富裕的人。故选C。

(18)考查名词。A. enthusiasm“热情”;B. sympathy“同情”;C. fortune“运气,财产”;D. confidence“自信”。根据上文“Another person's enthusiasm was what set me moving toward the success”可知热情有着强大的力量。故选A。

(19)考查副词。A. deliberately“故意地”;B. happily“快乐地”;C. traditionally“传统地”;D. constantly“不断地”。根据下文的“it becomes an irresistible force”可知热情不断得到增强。故选D 。

(20)考查动词。A. match“相比,匹配”;B. win“赢得”;C. reach“到达”;D. doubt“怀疑”。这种力量是贫穷和暂时的挫折所不能相比的。故选A。



A young student was one day taking a walk with a professor, who was commonly called the students' friend. As they 1 along, they saw a pair of old shoes 2 on the road, which they thought belonged to a poor man who was working in a field nearby. The student 3 to the professor, saying, "Let us play a 4 on the man: we will 5 his shoes, and conceal (隐藏) ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his anxiety 6 he cannot find them."

"My young friend," answered the professor, "we 7 never enjoy ourselves by 8 the poor. Since you are 9 , why not give yourself a much greater pleasure by helping the poor man? Put a(n) 10 into each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and 11 how the discovery affects him." The student did so, and they both hid themselves behind the 12 .

The poor man soon 13 his work, and came across the field to the road 14 he had left his shoes. While putting on his shoes, he felt something 15 . He stooped (弯腰) down

to see 16 it was, and found the coin. He was greatly surprised. He then 17 him on

all sides, but found nobody. He then put the coin into his pocket, and his surprise was doubled when he found 18 coin. He fell upon his knees, looked up to heaven and uttered aloud a fervent (热烈的) thanksgiving, in which he 19 his sick wife and his children without bread.

The student was 20 moved and his eyes were filled with tears.

1. A. ran B. went C. got D. came

2. A. laying B. lying C. putting D. sitting

3. A. turned B. took C. rushed D. reached

4. A. game B. match C. trick D. present

5. A. buy B. sell C. borrow D. hide

6. A. when B. since C. while D. until

7. A. must B. should C. would D. need

8. A. taking care of B. looking down upon C. making fun of D. making use of

9. A. young B. old C. poor D. rich

10. A. coin B. gift C. stone D. egg

11. A. hear B. listen C. watch D. ask

12. A. house B. door C. bushes D. trees

13. A. began B. finished C. ended D. refused

14. A. where B. when C. that D. which

15. A. light B. heavy C. soft D. hard

16. A. how B. which C. who D. what

17. A. looked around B. looked after C. turned around D. turned off

18. A. another B. other C. the other D. others

19. A. talked about B. spoke of C. thought of D. thought over

20. A. quickly B. slowly C. suddenly D. deeply





(1)考查动词。句意:当散步时,他们看见路上有一双鞋,并且认为这双鞋是附近干农活的一个穷人的。A. ran“跑”;B. went “走”;C. got“得到,到达”;D. came“来”。根据上文的“A young student was one day taking a walk with a professor”可知学生和教授一起散步,故选B。

(2)考查动词。句意:当散步时,他们看见路上有一双鞋,并且认为这双鞋是附近干农活的一个穷人的。A. laying“放置,产卵”;B. lying“躺,位于”;C. putting“放”;D. sitting“坐”。此处是指一双鞋在路上,用“位于”符合语境,故选B。

(3)考查动词。句意:学生转过头对教授说:“我们来捉弄一下这个人,把他的鞋藏起来,然后我们躲在灌木丛的后面,等着看他找不到鞋时的焦虑。” A. turned“转”;B. took“带”;C. rushed “冲”;D. reached“到达”。结合上文可知学生和教授并排散步,故此处用“转过头对教授说”符合语境和逻辑,故选A。

(4)考查名词。句意:学生转过头对教授说:“我们来捉弄一下这个人,把他的鞋藏起来,然后我们躲在灌木丛的后面,等着看他找不到鞋时的焦虑。”A. game“游戏”;B. match“比赛”;C. trick“把戏,戏弄”;D. present“礼物”。根据下文的“we will____5____his shoes, and conceal (隐藏) ourselves behind those bushes, and wait to see his anxiety___6___he cannot find them.”可知学生想要看穷人找不到鞋的那种焦虑,故推测他想捉弄别人,play a trick on sb固定短语”捉弄某人“,故选C。

(5)考查动词。句意:学生转过头对教授说:“我们来捉弄一下这个人,把他的鞋藏起来,然后我们躲在灌木丛的后面,等着看他找不到鞋时的焦虑。”A. buy”买“;B. sell”卖“;C. borrow”借“;D. hide”藏“。根据下文的”and conceal (隐藏) ourselves behind those bushes“可知选D。

(6)考查连词。句意:学生转过头对教授说:“我们来捉弄一下这个人,把他的鞋藏起来,然后我们躲在灌木丛的后面,等着看他找不到鞋时的焦虑。”A. when” 当......的时候“;

B. since”自从“;

C. while”当.......的时候,然而“;

D. until”直到“。结合上下文此处是指学生想看穷人找不到鞋时的那种焦虑,故用“当”符合语境,while作为此意时引导的句子必须是延续性动词,故选A。

(7)考查情态动词。句意:教授回答道:“我年轻的朋友,我们不应该通过捉弄别人来娱乐自己。” A. must”必须“;B. should”应该“;C. would”会“;D. need”需要“。根据下文”Since you are___9___, why not give yourself a much greater pleasure by helping the poor man?“可知教授建议学生放硬币在穷人的鞋里,故推测他觉得“不应该捉弄别人”符合语境,故选B。(8)考查动词短语。句意:教授回答道:“我年轻的朋友,我们不应该通过捉弄别人来娱乐自己。”A. taking care of ”照顾“;B. looking down upon”轻视“;C. making fun of ”捉弄“;D. making use of”利用“。根据上文的”Let us play a____4____on the man“可知此处用“捉弄”符合语境,故选C。

(9)考查形容词。句意:既然你富裕,何不通过帮助这个人让你自己得到更大的快乐呢?A. young”年轻的“;B. old”老的“;C. poor”穷的“;D. rich”富裕的“。根据下文的”He stooped (弯腰) down to see____16____it was, and found the coin.“可知学生在穷人的鞋里放了硬币,故此处用“富裕的”符合语境,故选D。


么影响。A. coin”硬币“;B. gift”礼物“;C. stone”石头“;D. egg”鸡蛋“。根据下文的”He stooped (弯腰) down to see____16____it was, and found the coin.“可知此处用“硬币”符合语境,coin是原词复现,故选A。

(11)考查动词。句意:每只鞋里放一个硬币,然后我们躲起来观察,这个发现对他有什么影响。A. hear”听见“;B. lis ten”听“;C. watch”观察“;D. ask”问“。根据上文的”wait to see his anxiety___6___he cannot find them.”可知此处用“观察”符合语境,watch和see是同义词复现,故选C。

(12)考查名词。句意:学生照做了,然后他们二人躲在灌木丛的后面。A. house“房子”;B. door“门”;C. bushes“灌木”;D. trees“树”。根据上文的“and conceal (隐藏) ourselves behind those bush es”可知此处用“灌木”符合语境,bushes是原词复现,故选C。


A. began“开始”;

B. finished“完成”;

C. ended“结束”;

D. refused“拒绝”。根据下文的“While putting on his shoes”,可知穷人穿上了鞋,故推测他已经完成了田里的工作,故选B。(14)考查定语从句。句意:穷人很快完成了他的工作,然后穿过田地来到之前放鞋的地方。先行词road在从句中作地点状语应用关系副词where,故选A。

(15)考查形容词。句意:当穿鞋时,他感觉到硬的东西。A. light“浅的,轻的”;B. heavy“重的”;C. soft“柔软的”;D. hard“硬的”。根据下文的“and found the coin.”可知穷人的鞋里有硬币,故此处用“硬的”符合语境,故选D。


(17)考查动词。句意:然后他环顾四周,没有发现任何人。A. loo ked around“环顾四周”;B. looked after “照顾”;C. turned around“转动,扭转”;D. turned off“关掉”。根据下文的“but found nobody.”可知穷人没发现周围有人,故此处用“环顾四周”符合语境,look around和found是同义词复现,故选A。

(18)考查代词。句意:他把硬币放进口袋里,当他发现另一个硬币时更加惊讶。A. another“另一个”;B. other“其它的”;C. the other“另一个(总数为2)”;D. o thers“其它”。根据上文的“Put a(n)____10____into each shoe”,可知总共放了两枚硬币,两者中的另一个是the other,故选C。

(19)考查动词短语。句意:他跪在地上,大声对上帝说出了他的感恩,其中讲到了他生病的妻子和挨饿的孩子。A. talked about“谈论”;B. spoke of“讲到”;C. thought of “想起”;D. thought over“沉思”。结合上下文,此处是指穷人在感谢上帝时提到了自己的妻子和孩子,故用“讲到”符合语境,故选B。

(20)考查副词。句意:这个学生被深深地感动了,他的眼里充满了泪水。A. quickly“迅速的”;B. slowly“慢慢地”;C. suddenly“突然地”;D. deeply“深深地”。根据下文的“his eyes were filled with tears.”可推测学生被深深地感动了,故选D。




Zigfried, a little mouse, blew his breath on the frosty window of the farmhouse and rubbed it

to see the outside. Still nobody came. Maybe today, he thought 1 . It was only a few days before Christmas and he was watching for a miracle (奇迹).

This farmhouse had been 2 too long. It needed a family. Zigfried's 3 made a noise. He realized that he hadn't eaten anything since yesterday. He jumped from the windowsill (窗沿), grabbed a 4 from his home, and went next door to Farmer Mike's.

Farmer Mike's house had been a great place for the little mouse 5 the farmer married a wife who had a cat. Zigfried 6 when he thought of it. He looked around cautiously as he 7 into the room where grain was stored and was quite 8 as he filled his bag with wheat. He was turning to leave when suddenly he 9 a hot breath about his ear. His heart beat 10 , and without thinking he started to run and luckily 11 the cat's paws (爪子).

The next afternoon Zigfried heard some good news: a 12 family would be moving into the farmhouse soon. Zigfried's granny would arrive on Christmas Eve to 13 with him. He hoped that the family would come before his granny came. Before long, a car came 14 the road leading to the house, with butter sandwiches, cheese and chocolate.

Zigfried's Christmas miracle did arrive!

The house came 15 the next few days. Zigfried 16 every single hour of them.

17 the day before Christmas when he was drinking hot chocolate with a 18 smile at the door of his home, he heard the 19 of the children of the family about what they might get for Christmas. What? A cat? The 20 froze on his face; his mouth fell wide open. After a long while, he at last found his voice: "Hey! Whose Christmas miracle is this?"

1. A. carefully B. excitedly C. hopefully D. proudly

2. A. dirty B. noisy C. messy D. empty

3. A. mouth B. nose C. stomach D. throat

4. A. bag B. stick C. bowl D. coat

5. A. although B. until C. when D. unless

6. A. jumped B. shocked C. trembled D. run

7. A. broke B. marched C. paced D. stole

8. A. curious B. nervous C. pitiful D. enjoyable

9. A. took B. released C. felt D. drew

10. A. strongly B. irregularly C. slowly D. wildly

11. A. escaped B. touched C. rubbed D. hold

12. A. close B. happy C. new D. young

13. A. celebrate B. communicate C. compete D. charge

14. A. across B. from C. off D. up

15. A. alive B. loose C. open D. still

16. A. counted B. enjoyed C. missed D. wasted

17. A. However B. Instead C. Moreover D. Therefore

18. A. sad B. forced C. polite D. satisfied

19. A. introduction B. discussion C. comment D. debate

20. A. blood B. smile C. tear D. sweat







(6)考查动词。A. jump"跳跃";B.shocked“使震惊";C.tremble"颤抖,发抖";D.run"跑,经营"。老鼠害怕猫是常识.句意:一想到他家的那只猫,Zigfried就害怕得浑身发抖,故选C。

(7)考查动词。A.broke” 弄坏“;B.marched”前进,行军“;C.paced”踱步,走来走去“;D.stole”偷“。这里用steal(into)描述小老鼠小心翼翼的神态和动作:它一边谨慎地向四周看,一边蹑手蹑脚地溜进存放谷物的房间。故选D。

(8)考查形容词。A.curious”好奇的“;B.nervous”紧张的,不安的“;C.pitiful”可怜的,可鄙的“;D.enjoyable”欢乐的“。根据上文,因为害怕那只猫,它很小心,因此在往袋子里装粮食的时候"很紧张".nervous形象地描述了老鼠当时害怕的心理,故选B。(9)考查动词。A.took ”拿走“;B.released”释放“;C.felt”感觉“;D.drew”绘画“。就在老鼠转身准备离开的时候,它感觉到耳旁有呼出的热气.这里用feel表示"感觉"到外来的呼吸,选C。


“;.C.slowly”慢慢地“;D.wildly”疯狂地“。老鼠知道形势不妙,猫来了,就在它旁边,面对危机,老鼠的心怦怦乱跳。one's heart beat wildly"心怦怦乱跳",故选D。

(11)A 考查动词。A.escaped”逃脱“;B.touched”接触,触摸“;C.rubbed”擦,摩擦“;D.held ”持,握“。老鼠赶紧逃窜,幸运地躲过了那只猫的抓捕。故选A。


(13)考查动词.A.celebrate”庆祝“;B.communicate”交流“;C.compete”比赛“;D.charge ”控制“。语境表示奶奶要来跟它一起庆祝这个圣诞节,故选A。

(14)考查介词。句意:不久,一辆汽车沿着通向这座房子的路驶来,载着黄油三明治、奶酪和巧克力。A.across”穿过“;B.from”从“;C.off ”远离“;D.up”向上“。这里用介词up描述动作由远及近的方向,come up the road固定短语,”沿着这条路驶来“,故选D。


(16)考查动词。A.counted ”数数,重要“;B.enjoyed”喜爱“;C.missed”错过,想念“;D.wasted”浪费“。句中的them指前面提到的days,有人搬进来了,接下来的几天里,房子里面又开始活跃起来了,Zigfried尽情享受着每时每刻。故选B。

(17)考查副词。A.However”然而“;B.Instead”代替“;C.Moreover”另外,此外“;D.Therefore”因此“。根据下文"What?A cat?"可知,孩子们是讨论圣诞节用猫做礼物的信息,老鼠的好日子到头了,故用转折副词however,选A。

(18)考查形容词。A.sad”悲伤的“;B.forced”被迫的“;C.polite”有礼貌的“;D.satisfied ”满意的“。这家原先没人居住,老鼠总是挨饿,而现在,它在自家门口喝着热巧克力,当然是觉得很满足了.a satisfied smile"满足的笑容",因此选D。





A man, aged 26, whose ability to walk was threatened after a car accident in his teens, completed a 200-mile cycle across Baffin Island in the Arctic. It took him eight days to complete the 1 . This man was Ben Rockett, from Taunton, England.

He battled 2 temperatures of minus 27℃ and wound up to 100 knots to raise more

than $1,000 for the charity Action for Children. Ben had to cycle in 3 conditions, but was helped with a(n) 4 designed bike. He spent months 5 for the challenge with David Hempleman-Adams, who was the first person to reach the geographic and magnetic North and South Poles.

Ben said, "I've always loved to cycle in 6 places and this was an amazing experience. When I first arrived, it was nearly minus 30℃, but the wind was the most 7 thing ---it was extremely strong and made 8 on the bike extremely difficult.” He 9 , " Any part of the skin that wasn't covered ran the 10 of getting frostbite (冻疮). I had to cycle with my face covered and I wasn't able to 11 any clothing for more than a minute at the most. I 12 had to keep changing the distribution of weight on my bike to stop it from 13 into the deep snow!" Despite the great risk involved, he remained optimistic about his surroundings saying, “The 14 was breathtaking and impressive. My 15 part was cycling on top of

a river that was frozen 16 . It was so clear that it was like hovering (盘旋) above the ground!"

Ben decided to 17 his Arctic adventure after completing a PhD at the University of Bath, where he studied the 18 of long-term foster care placements (寄养安排) on children and carers. It was then that he knew about the 19 of Action for Children, and wanted to 20 money and raise awareness about the charity.

1. A. project B. survey C. challenge D. connection

2. A. on B. against C. with D. at

3. A. tough B. specific C. actual D. present

4. A. officially B. specially C. comfortably D. recently

5. A. pushing B. applying C. preparing D. searching

6. A. unusual B. public C. proper D. unknown

7. A. surprising B. worrying C. disappointing D. tiring

8. A. sleeping B. standing C. balancing D. resting

9. A. advertised B. reported C. announced D. added

10. A. expense B. center C. start D. risk

11. A. remove B. change C. wear D. buy

12. A. again B. also C. even D. thus

13. A. bumping B. skiing C. springing D. sinking

14. A. display B. scenery C. flood D. fantasy

15. A. bitter B. valuable C. favourite D. abnormal

16. A. shut B. mixed C. black D. solid

17. A. take up B. take over C. take down D. take in

18. A. regulations B. agreements C. effects D. advantages

19. A. progress B. ordinance C. automation D. work

20. A. collect B. save C. invest D. make



【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,一位叫做Ben Rockett的男子通过骑自行车北极挑战,意识到应该为孩子们做点事了,他想收集钱,提高慈善意识。

(1)考查名词。A. project“项目”;B. survey“调查”;C. challenge“挑战”;D. conn ection“连接”。完成这次挑战花费了他八天时间。故选C。

(2)考查介词。A. on“在……表面”;B. against“反对”;C. with“借助,和”;D. at“在”。他对抗零下27度的温度。故选B。

(3)考查形容词。A. tough“艰难的”;B. specific“特别的”;C. actual“真实的”;D. present“目前的”。根据上文:要对抗零下27度,可知处于困难的状况。故选A。

(4)考查副词。A. officially“官方地”;B. specially“特别地,专门的”;C. comfortably“舒适地”;D. recently“最近”。但是有专门的自行车帮忙。故选B。

(5)考查动词。A. pushing“推”;B. applying“申请”;C. preparing“准备”;D. searching“搜索”。他花了数月为这次挑战做准备。故选C。

(6)考查形容词。A. unusual“不同寻常的”;B. public“公共的”;C. proper“合适的”;D. unknown“未知的”。我总是喜欢在不寻常的地方骑自行车,这是一次令人惊讶的挑战。故选A。

(7)考查形容词。A. surprising“令人惊讶的”;B. worrying“令人担心的”;C. disappointing“令人失望的”;D. tiring“累人的”。当我到达时几乎是零下30度,但风是最令人担忧的。故选B。

(8)考查动词。A. sleeping“睡觉”;B. standing“站立”;C. balancing“平衡”;D. resting“休息”。但风是最令人担忧的,风极其大,很难掌握自行车的平衡。故选C。

(9)考查动词。A. advertised“登广告”;B. rep orted“报道”;C. announced“宣布”;D. added“添加,补充”。他补充道。故选D。

(10)考查名词。A. expense“花费”;B. center“中心”;C. start“开始”;D. risk“冒险”。没有被覆盖的任何皮肤经历着变成冻疮的冒险。故选D。

(11)考查动词。A. remove“移动”;B. change“改变”;C. wear“穿”;D. buy“买”。我必须盖着脸骑自行车,我移开遮脸的东西最多不能超过一分多钟。故选A。

(12)考查副词。A. again“再”;B. also“也”;C. even“甚至”;D. thus“因此”。我也必须持续改变自行车上重量的分配,以免陷在深雪里。故选B。

(13)考查动词。A. bumping“碰撞”;B. skiing“滑雪”;C. springing“弹起”;D. sinking“沉没,沉陷”。我也必须持续改变自行车上重量的分配,以免陷在深雪里。故选D。

(14)考查名词。A. display“展示”;B. scenery“风景”;C. flood“洪水”;D. fantasy“幻想”。景色是令人激动和印象深刻的。故选B。

(15)考查形容词。A. bitter“苦的”;B. valuable“有价值的”;C. favourite“最爱的”;D. abnormal“不正常的”。我最喜欢的时候是在冻结的河上骑车。故选C。

(16)考查形容词。A. shut“关闭的”;B. mixed“混合的”;C. black“黑色的”;D. solid“固体的”。也就是水结冰成固体。故选D。

(17)考查动词短语。A. take up“拿起,从事”;B. take over“接管”;C. take down“记下”;D. ta ke in“领会”。Ben决定在英国巴斯大学完成博士之后从事他的北极冒险。故选A。

(18)考查名词。A. regulations“条例”;B. agreements“协议”;C. effects“效果”;D. advantages“优点”。在英国巴斯大学他研究长期寄养安排对孩子和守护者的影响。故选C。(19)考查名词。A. progress“进步”;B. ordinance“条例”;C. automation“自动化”;D. work“工作”。是那时他才知道要为孩子做实际工作。故选D。

(20)考查动词。A. collect“收集”;B. save“拯救”;C. invest“投资”;D. make“制造”。他想



5.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处


My neighbor's eight-year-old daughter used to live in the countryside, her native place. Recently her parents 1 her to town to live with them. Wild and uneducated, she would use 2 words when she was angry. Sometimes she went so far as to 3 on the ground,

to the 4 of all people around. Her parents tried to 5 her by beating and kicking. However, she became more 6 . Finally they became thoroughly 7 with her.

One day their next-door 8 , a retired teacher, gave the girl a snow-white dress, which was very 9 . It immediately caught the girl's 10 and made them shine brightly.

The girl put on the dress and became quite a 11 person. She no longer acted rudely or

hit others. She 12 seldom rolled on the floor. She knew running wild was not 13 for her in a beautiful dress. Since then, the girl had been 14 , neat, and lovely.

The story set me 15 a lot. Perhaps everyone has a beautiful dress 16 somewhere

in his or her heart. Only some people are not aware of it, 17 it or take no notice of it.

18 is a powerful force or weapon — that's something 19 by many of us. It can arouse fine qualities that humans are 20 with but have so far hidden somewhere. It has a soul-shaking influence that is indeed unmatched.

1. A. left B. brought C. met D. taught

2. A. dirty B. new C. creative D. attractive

3. A. trap B. weep C. roll D. jump

4. A. surprise B. delight C. mercy D. regret

5. A. advise B. encourage C. support D. educate

6. A. mature B. violent C. changeable D. considerate

7. A. tired B. pleased C. relaxed D. disappointed

8. A. office B. stranger C. neighbor D. apartment

9. A. beautiful B. modern C. shabby D. fragile

10. A. attention B. ears C. eyes D. imagination

11. A. rude B. different C. violent D. unique

12. A. even B. also C. still D. ever

13. A. bad B. much C. enough D. suitable

14. A. voluntary B. conscious C. merciful D. gentle

15. A. imagining B. moving C. thinking D. puzzling

16. A. ruined B. hidden C. disappeared D. rediscovered

17. A. forget B. criticize C. advocate D. remember

18. A. Love B. Violence C. Beauty D. Honesty

19. A. cared B. valued C. unlearnt D. unrealized

20. A. dealt B. born C. grown D. lived



(1)考查动词。A. left“离开”;B. brought“带来”;C. met“遇见”;D. taught“教”。最近她的父母把她带到城里和他们住在一起。故选B。

(2)考查形容词。A. dirty“脏的”;B. new“新的”;C. creative“有创造力的”;D. attractive“有吸引力的”。她粗野无知,一生气就说脏话。故选A。

(3)考查动词。A. trap“围困,使陷入”;B. weep“哭泣,流泪”;C. roll“滚动”;D. jump“跳跃”。有时她甚至在地上打滚,让周围的人都大吃一惊。故选C。

(4)考查名词。A. surprise“惊奇”;B. delight“高兴”;C. mercy“仁慈,宽容”;D. regret“后悔,遗憾”。有时她甚至在地上打滚,让周围的人都大吃一惊。故选A。

(5)考查动词。A. advise“建议”;B. encourage“鼓励”;C. support“支持”;D. educate“教育”。她的父母试图用拳打脚踢来教育她。故选D。

(6)考查形容词。A. mature “成熟的”;B. violent “暴力的,猛烈的”;C. changeabl e“可改变的,易变的”;D. considerate“考虑周到的,体谅的”。然而,她变得更加暴力。故选B。(7)考查形容词。A. tired“疲倦的”;B. pleased“高兴的”;C. relaxed “放松的”;D. disappointed“感到失望的”。最后他们对她彻底失望了。故选D。

(8)考查名词。 A. office“办公室”;B. stranger“陌生人”;C. neighbor“邻居”;D. apartment“公寓,房间”。有一天,他们的邻居,一位退休教师,送给小女孩一件雪白的裙子,非常漂亮。故选C。

(9)考查形容词。A. beautiful“美丽的”;B. modern“现代的”;C. shabby“破旧的”;D. fragile“易碎的”。有一天,他们的邻居,一位退休教师,送给小女孩一件雪白的裙子,非常漂亮。故选A。

(10)考查名词。A. attention“注意力,关心”;B. ears“耳朵”;C. eyes“眼睛”;D. imagination“想象”。它立刻抓住了女孩的眼睛,使它们闪闪发光。故选C。

(11)考查形容词。A. rude“粗鲁的”;B. dif ferent“不相同的”;C. violent“暴力的”;D. unique“独一无二的”。女孩穿上裙子,变成了一个完全不同的人。故选B。

(12)考查副词。A. even“甚至”;B. also“也”;C. still“仍然”;D. ever“永远,曾经”。她甚至很少在地板上打滚。故选A。

(13)考查形容词。A. bad“坏的”;B. much “大量的”;C. enough“足够的”;D. suitable“合适的”。她知道穿着漂亮的衣服狂奔是不适合她的。故选D。

(14)考查形容词。A. v oluntary“自愿的”;B. conscious“意识到的”;C. merciful“仁慈的,宽容的”;D. gentle“温柔的”。从那时起,这个女孩变得温柔、整洁、可爱。故选D。(15)考查动词。A. imagining“想象”;B. moving“移动”;C. thinking “想,认为”;D. puzzling“疑惑”。这个故事让我思考了很多。故选C。

(16)考查动词。A. ruined“毁灭”;B. hidden“躲藏”;C. disappeared“消失”;D. rediscove red“重新发现”。也许每个人心里都藏着一件漂亮的衣服。故选B。

(17)考查动词。A. forget“忘记”;B. criticize“批评,评论”;C. advocate“提倡,主张”;D. remember“记得”。只有一些人没有意识到它,忘记它或没有注意到它。故选A。

(18)考查名词。A. Love“爱”;B. Violence“暴力”;C. Beauty“美丽”;D. Honesty“诚实”。美是一种强大的力量或武器——这是我们许多人没有意识到的。故选C。

(19)考查动词。A. care d“照顾,关心”;B. valued“珍惜,估价”;C. unlearnt“忘却”;D. unrealized“未意识到”。美是一种强大的力量或武器——这是我们许多人没有意识到的。故选D。

(20)考查动词。A. dealt“处理”;B. born“出生”;C. grown“生长,变成”;D. lived“居住”。它可以激发人类与生俱来的优良品质,但迄今为止却一直隐藏在某个地方。故选B。



An 18-year-old student was struggling to pay his tuition fees. As an orphan, he didn't know whom to 1 to for money. So he decided to host a musical concert at Standford University to 2 money for his education.

He reached out to the great 3 , Ignacy Jan Paderewski. Paderewski 4 a fee of Us $2,000 for the piano concert. A deal was 5 . And the boy began to 6 to make the concert a success.

The 7 day arrived. Paderewski performed at Standford University. But 8 , the boy hadn't managed to sell enough tickets. The total 9 was only US 1, 600. Disappointed, he went to Paderewski and 10 his plight (困境). He gave Paderewski the entire US $ 1, 600, plus a cheque for the 11 of US $4, 00. The boy promised to 12 the money as soon as possible.

Paderewski tore up the cheque, 13 the US $1,600 and told the boy, " 14 the money for your tuition fees, and just give me whatever is left." The boy was very 15 , and thanked him sincerely.

It was a small 16 of kindness. We all come across 17 like this in our lives. And

most of us only think, "If I helped them, what would happen to me?" The truly 18 people would think, "If I don't help them, what would happen to them? They don't do it 19 something in return. They do it because they feel it's the 20 thing to do.

1. A. turn B. apply C. relate D. refer

2. A. borrow B. raise C. make D. beg

3. A. pianist B. violinist C. drummer D. singer

4. A. promised B. demanded C. suggested D. charged

5. A. drafted B. recorded C. struck D. postponed

6. A. play B. work C. practice D. cooperate

7. A. bright B. easy C. warm D. big

8. A. unfortunately B. unfaithfully C. unwillingly D. uncertainly

9. A. charge B. collection C. gain D. cost

10. A. analysed B. announced C. consulted D. explained

11. A. interest B. price C. balance D. income

12. A. give back B. put away C. take down D. leave out

13. A. hid B. divided C. cast D. returned

14. A. Get B. Accept C. Keep D. Withdraw

15. A. surprised B. panicked C. embarrassed D. terrified

16. A. choice B. act C. habit D. wish

17. A. conversations B. examples C. situations D. processes

18. A. brave B. smart C. great D. curious

19. A. accepting B. predicting C. charging D. expecting

20. A. good B. wise C. real D. right




(1)考查动词。A. turn“转变”;B. apply“申请”;C. relate“涉及”;D. refer“更喜欢”。作为一

个孤儿,他不知道该向谁借钱。turn to sb . for sth.固定短语,“向某人寻求帮助”。故选A。(2)考查动词。A. borrow“借入”;B. raise“提高”;C. make“制造”;D. beg“祈求”。所以他

决定在斯坦福大学举办一场音乐会,为他的教育筹集资金。raise money固定短语,“筹集


(3)考查名词。A. pianist“钢琴家”;B. violinist“小提琴家”;C. drummer“鼓手”;D. singer“歌手”。他找到了伟大的钢琴家伊格纳西·扬·帕岱莱夫斯基(Ignacy Jan Paderewski)。根据下文的“piano concert”,此处应选A。

(4)考查动词。A. promised“许诺”;B. demanded“要求”;C. suggested“建议”;D. charged“填充,控告”。帕岱莱夫斯基要求为钢琴音乐会支付2000美元。此处用demanded


(5)考查动词。A. drafted“设计,草拟”;B. recorded“记录”;C. struck“打击”;D. postponed“延期”。协议达成了。strike a deal固定短语,“达成协议”。故选C。

(6)考查动词。A. play“玩”;B. work“工作”;C. practice“练习”;D. cooperate“合作”。达成协议之后,小伙子开始努力工作来主办一场成功的音乐会。故选B。

(7)考查形容词。A. bright“明亮的”;B. easy“容易的”;C. warm“温暖的”;D. big“大的”。音乐会这样重要的日子到了。此处big表示重要的,重大的。故选D。

(8)考查副词。A. unfortunately“遗憾地”;B. unfaithfully“不忠实地”;C. unwillingly“不愿意地”;D. uncertainly“不确定地”。但不幸的是,这个男孩没能卖出足够的票。结合but以及下文的disappointed,可知结果没有达到预期,故选A。

(9)考查名词。A. charge“指责,控告,对……索费”;B. collection“收集”;C. gain“获得”;

D. cos t“费用”。总共只有1600件。collection表示筹集的资金;gain作名词表示利润时通常具有贬义。故选B。

(10)考查动词。A. analysed“分析”;B. announced“宣布”;C. consulted“咨询”;D. explained“解释”。失望的小伙子向钢琴家解释了自己的情况。故选D。

(11)考查名词。A. interest“兴趣,利益”;B. price“价格”;C. balance“平衡”;D. income“收入”。他把全部1600美元都给了帕岱莱夫斯基,另外还给了他一张4美元余额的支票。balance此处表示“余额”。故选C。

(12)考查动词短语。A. give back“归还”;B. put away“把……收好”;C. take down “记下,拆除”;D. leave out “省略”。结合语境,此处表示小伙子会尽快还钱给钢琴家。故选A。(13)考查动词。A. hid“躲藏”;B. divided“分开”;C. cast“投,掷”;D. returned“归还”。结合下文,钢琴家将支票撕毁,并把钱还给了小伙子。故选D。

(14)考查动词。A. Get“得到”;B. Accept“接受”;C. Keep“保持”;D. Withdraw“撤退”。钱本来就是小伙子筹集的,所以此处钢琴家应该是让小伙子把钱留着交学费。故选C。(15)考查动词。A. surprised“感到惊讶”;B. panicked“惊慌”;C. embarrassed“尴尬”;D. terrified“感到恐惧”。钢琴家说的话出乎小伙子的意料,故选A。

(16)考查名词。A. choice“选择”;B. act“行为”;C. habit“习惯”;D. wish“愿望”。此处表示善良的小举动,其他选项不符合文意。故选B。

(17)考查名词。A. conversations“谈话”;B. examples“例子”;C. situations“境况”;D. processes“过程”。此句表示我们都经历了类似的情况,故选C。

(18)考查形容词。A. brave“勇敢的”;B. smart“聪明的”;C. great“伟大的”;D. curious“好奇的”。此句表示真正伟大的人会为他人的利益考虑,而大多数平凡的人总是先顾及自己的利益。故选C。

(19)考查动词。A. accepting“接受”;B. predicting“预测”;C. charging“使充电”;D. expecting“期待”。结合上文,真正伟大的人帮助他人不求回报,expect表示期待。故选D。

(20)考查形容词。A. good“好的”;B. wise“明智的”;C. real“真的”;D. right“正确的”。真正伟大的人认为帮助他人是正确的选择。故选D。




It was an extraordinarily busy time of year. I felt some 1 to head straight home after a long meeting. So I headed to the 2 nearby for some therapeutic (治疗性的) hiking. As I reached the top and admired the view, my unclear mind 3 . Re-energized, I knew that I could deal with the 4 that waited for me upon my 5 . When I arrived back in the office the next day, I was full of energy, and finished my work 6 .

It was almost 20 years ago that I learned how 7 it is for me to carve out time to escape

to the wild. I had finished my Ph.D. , 8 soil and water conservation in Honduras, but I wasn't sure what 9 I wanted to have. So, I decided to act on a dream I had been nursing

for a few years, 10 my mom showed me a magazine article about a man who had 11 around America. I figured that I could 12 cycling with research for a book on American agriculture while I worked out my next career step.

So I did it. During the cycling 13 , I found the clearness I needed to 14 my next career move. Talking with farmers I met along the way, I learned that their biggest 15 was selling their produce. I decided to broaden my 16 from land management to improving farmers' access to markets. My 17 interest led to working for a nongovernmental organization and I did eventually 18 a book on. American agriculture.

The 19 is to find your source of inspiration and make good use of it. For me, I always get nourishment (营养) from being 20 in the outdoors.

1. A. pressure B. danger C. shame D. embarrassment

2. A. forest B. park C. hospital D. mountain

3. A. calmed B. wandered C. developed D. appeared

4. A. meeting B. change C. work D. time

5. A. reply B. return C. relaxation D. recovery

6. A. successfully B. casually C. anxiously D. constantly

7. A. strange B. important C. difficult D. interesting

8. A. continuing B. choosing C. studying D. supporting

9. A. tour B. book C. career D. major

10. A. unless B. if C. though D. since

11. A. run B. cycled C. driven D. flown

12. A. combine B. compare C. replace D. practise

13. A. competition B. history C. performance D. trip

14. A. insist on B. put down C. figure out D. learn from

15. A. challenge B. progress C. adventure D. sacrifice

16. A. experience B. focus C. discussion D. search

17. A. deep B. particular C. personal D. new

18. A. buy B. borrow C. publish D. notice

19. A. reason B. problem C. result D. key

20. A. active B. alone C. confident D. brave



(1)考查名词。A. pressure“压力”;B. danger“危险”;C. shame“羞愧”;D. embarrassment“尴尬”。根据下文“an extraordinarily busy time of year &a long meeting” 可推测,紧忙的工作给作者带来了压力。故选A。

(2)考查名词。A. forest“森林”;B. park“公园”;C. hospital“医院”;D. mountain“山脉”。根据下句中的the top可推测,作者去了附近的一座山徒步。故选D。

(3)考查动词。A. calmed“冷静”;B. wandered“漫步”;C. developed“发展”;D. appeared“出现”。根据下句中的Re-energized 可知,登高望远后,作者冷静了下来。故选A。

(4)考查名词。A. meeting“会议”;B. change“改变”;C. work“工作”;D. time“时间”。下句中的finished my work提示了本题答案。故选C。

(5)考查名词。A. reply“回答”;B. return“返回”;C. relaxation“放松”;D. recovery“恢复”。根据下文中“arrived back in the office”可知,这里指作者回办公室以后。故选B。

(6)考查副词。A. successfu lly“成功地”;B. casually“随便地”;C. anxiously“不安地”;D. constantly“不断地”。根据本空前的“full of energy”可推测,作者能量满满,成功地完成了工作。故选A。

(7)考查形容词。A. strange“奇怪的”;B. important“重要的”;C. difficult“困难的”;D. interesting“有趣的”。根据全文内容不难看出,户外运动为作者提供动力和能量供给,帮助作者成功应对各种难题,因此挤出时间亲近大自然对作者很重要。故选B。

(8)考查动词。A. continuing“继续”;B. choosing“选择”;C. studying“学习”;D. supporting“支持”。根据下文“...soil and water conservation in Honduras”是在解释说明作者的博士研究方向,故选C。

(9)考查名词。A. tour“旅游”;B. book“书籍”;C. career“事业,职业”;D. major“主修”。根据下文“worked out my next career step”可知,作者取得博士学位后,并不确定将来从事什么职业。故选C。

(10)考查连词。A. unless“除非”;B. if“如果”;C. though“尽管”;D. since“自从,既然”。作者心里多年的梦想是在妈妈给作者看了一篇杂志上的文章以后滋生的,故选D。

(11)考查动词。A. run“跑”;B. cycled“循环”;C. driven“驾驶”;D. flown“飞行”。下句中的cycling提示了本题答案。故选B。

(12)考查动词。A. combine“结合”;B. compare“比较”;C. replace“替代”;D. practise“练习”。由于作者当时并不清楚自己将来想做什么,所以他想将骑车旅行于自己专业相关的研究结合起来,故combine(结合,联合)符合此处语境。故选A。

(13)考查名词。A. competition“竞争”;B. history“历史”;C. performance“表现”;D.


(14)考查动词短语。A. insist on“坚持”;B. put down“记下”;C. figure out“想清楚”;D.

l earn from“向……学习”。根据上文中的“worked out my next career step”可知,作者在旅行中


(15)考查名词。A. challenge“挑战,难题”;B. progress“进步”;C. adventure“冒险”;D. sacrifice“牺牲”。根据本段中的improving farmers' access to markets 可推测,农民最大的难


(16)考查名词。A. experience“经历”;B. focus“集中,关注点”;C. discussion“讨论”;D. search“搜索”。根据上文了解了农民的难题之后,作者决定除了原有的研究领域外,扩大自


(17)考查形容词。A. deep“深的”;B. particular“特别”;C. personal“私人的”;D. new“新的”。上句中improving farmers' access to markets是作者的新兴趣。故选D。

(18)考查动词。A. buy“购买”;B. borrow“借”;C. publish“出版”;D. notice“注意到”。根

据上文中的“research for a book on American agriculture”可知,作者最终如愿以偿,成功出


(19)考查名词。A. reason“理由”;B. problem“问题”;C. result“结果”;D. key“关键”。作


(20)考查形容词。A. active“活跃的”;B. alone“独自的”;C. confiden t“自信的”;D. brave“勇敢的”。根据上文内容可知,作者积极投身户外,获得源源不断的动力和能量供给。故选A。



Double Trouble

When I was eight, I wanted a toy and needed $10 to buy it. But, as usual, I was broken. I decided to ask my 11-year-old sister, Kathleen, for a loan. I went to her room, 1 her for the cash. Laughing, she agreed to 2 me the money, but added, "I will charge you 10 percent compound interest every 3 until you pay me back."

"Compound interest---what's that?" I asked.

"Well, interest is what you call the 4 money borrowers have to pay back on a loan," she explained. "Compound interest means that the interest payments get bigger and bigger the 5 you take to pay back the loan. To repay the loan, you will need to give me $11 after one month. If you wait two months to pay me back, your 6 will grow from $10 to $11. So I'll be charging you interest on $11. Then I will add that interest to the $11 you already owe me, for a 7 of $12.10. That's what you'll owe after two months."

"Sure. I get it," I said. Though truthfully, I was getting 8 .

Kathleen lent me the money, and I bought the toy. My birthday came a month later, and my mom gave me $10. 9 , that was just the amount I needed to buy another toy I wanted

10 . I put off paying my sister for a month. After another month, I 11 about the loan. Several months later, on Christmas morning, my sister and I each found a $02 bill in our stockings. I was just putting it into my pocket 12 Kathleen tapped me on the shoulder.

"Sorry, kiddo. That's mine. I'm 13 on your debt."

"Huh?" Then I remembered the loan. "Hey! How can it be that much? I 14 borrowed $10."

"True," she said, "but interest has been compounding for eight months. Now you 15 me $21.43." She paused, then added. "You can pay me the $1.43."

I 16 to believe that a $10 loan could more than double so quickly. Much to my

17 , my sister got her pencil and tablet and showed me exactly how it all added up.

My head 18 as I tried to keep track of Kathleen's 19 , but this time, I got the basic idea of compound interest. I 20 the hard way that borrowing money can be "double trouble" in no time.

1. A. blaming B. begging C. searching D. preparing

2. A. pay B. send C. lend D. hand

3. A. month B. year C. week D. day

4. A. little B. same C. enough D. extra

5. A. shorter B. longer C. more D. less

6. A. cash B. saving C. note D. debt

7. A. total B. cost C. number D. bill

8. A. encouraged B. shocked C. confused D. satisfied

9. A. Gradually B. Obviously C. Unfortunately D. Hopefully

10. A. seriously B. anxiously C. secretly D. desperately

11. A. forgot B. knew C. talked D. cared

12. A. after B. until C. while D. when

13. A. carrying B. collecting C. relying D. focusing

14. A. normally B. nearly C. only D. really

15. A. owe B. offer C. take D. give

16. A. decided B. refused C. pretended D. managed

17. A. relief B. delight C. annoyance D. regret

18. A. turned B. nodded C. stuck D. hurt

19. A. calculations B. excuses C. directions D. discoveries

20. A. explored B. learned C. explained D. questioned






高一英语完形填空专项训练及答案及解析 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读短文,从短文后各题所给的A、 B、 C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。 In a clean, clinical room, ray best friend was dying in my aims. His eyes, dark brown and trusting, would soon1forever. Heartbroken, I said, "Flash, you2so much happiness to me. I will do something good as a3." Flash came into my4when I was nine. From the moment my parents brought this cute dog home, he5my family with joy. Then,6happened. My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer when I was 11. Then my grandma, who was my7, passed away. My sister developed Crohn's Disease and while being tested,8 a heart attack. I was being bullied at school and started to 9classes and avoid seeing people. Flash soon gave me all the10he could offer. There were times when I felt there was no11, but a pair of brown eyes and loving face would somehow ease me. I knew he was 12there for me. I knew he understood. Now after 15 years, Flash was13. I thought doing charity work was the best reward for him. I14in a non-profit organization in Southampton and contributed about 3,500 hours to15children with special needs, which completely changed my life. I learned to love the 16I had been on, and even accept the17bits. I still miss Flash. It was him that had somehow18me to helping others. Flash's death was one of the19moments of my life. But it was also an inspiring moment that 20who I was-in the best possible way-forever. 1.A. open B. close C. shine D. fade 2.A. brought B. told C. saved D. owed 3.A. relief B. chance C. bonus D. reward 4.A. mind B. room C. world D. power 5.A. helped B. filled C. protected D. decorated 6.A. disasters B. stories C. wonders D. mistakes 7.A. burden B. trouble C. strength D. challenge 8.A. caused B. noticed C. fought D. suffered 9.A. skip B. give C. take D. enjoy 10. A. comment B. comfort C. expectation D. relaxation 11. A. hope B. time C. money D. use 12. A. frequently B. sometimes C. hardly D. always 13. A. aging B. gone C. missing D. deserted 14. A. searched B. competed C. volunteered D. performed 15. A. attending to B. meeting with C. talking about D. bringing up 16. A. earth B. journey C. holiday D. street


高一英语完形填空(2篇)(含答案及解析) 一、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并写在答题卡上。 We, Patty and I, had been best friends since Grade Four. Just about everywhere we went, people 1 we were best friends. We 2 secrets over popcorn and soda year after year. But the best part about having a best friend was taking 3 sleeping over on Friday nights. Then in Grade Eight, everything changed. Suddenly, my interest in make-up and clothes 4 even my mom. I 5 believe Patty started the first day of school 6 the same pigtails(辫子)she had worn forever. What was happening?Other girls seemed more 7 than Patty. I started avoiding her and making excuses. 8 , during the middle of the year, as we were sitting in my backyard, the 9 broke out. I said, “Go home, Patty, and don’t come back.” I ran into the house crying. Mom sat me down and I told her 10 .I’ll never forget her words. She said, “11 will come and go in and out of your life forever. You are 12 and it’s okay for both of you to make new friends. 13 is happening is hard but perfectly 14 .” Time healed(治愈)a lot of the 15 , and over the next few years, we clearly went down 16 paths. Still, when I saw her in the halls of high school. I 17 a strange sadness. I thought if I went back and

高中英语完形填空单元测试题含答案 百度文库

一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 I began to do volunteer work in grade seven. I experienced many meaningful moments, and the most 1 ones were when I was volunteering as a swimming 2 at the YMCA in Brockton, Massachusetts. At first, I was a teacher's 3 . "What are we going to do next?" When is the play time? These were just two of the questions I was often 4 there. On the day of my first class, I thought it was going to be a(n) 5 job. I 6 that since I had taken swimming lessons from the age of five, I knew the 7 about swimming. After all, I was good at all 8 of swimming! 9 , I soon found out there was more about teaching swimming than just knowing how to swim. During my first class, I assisted the swimming teacher in teaching a group of five-year-old kids. From that moment on, my 10 of teaching changed. Teaching is communicating. To instruct children, one has to make the lessons 11 and interesting for them to learn. I had to learn many games that would help the children to 12 as swimmers. Such as "Red Light, Green Light" and "Blast-Off." I must devote myself to teaching them and set a(n) 13 example to them. I expected to teach a group of children, but it 14 my students were the ones who taught me how to be a(n) 15 teacher. Not only was it challenging to learn the children's names, but it was also challenging to 16 to their many personalities and moods. There were many 17 that went along with helping these children, among which was seeing a child 18 a task that he or she could not do before they met me. 19 , through the volunteer work, I learned that there would always be rewards by giving, and there would be 20 by making efforts. 1. A. peaceful B. optimistic C. independent D. unforgettable 2. A. learner B. athlete C. Instructor D. official 3. A. student B. assistant C. colleague D. servant 4. A. asked B. taught C. doubted D. explained 5. A. interesting B. ordinary C. challenging D. creative 6. A. declared B. stressed C. assume d D. concluded 7. A. fare B. trick C. ambition D. process 8. A. jobs B. abilities C. components D. styles 9. A. However B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise 10. A. expectation B. instruction C. requirement D. assessment 11. A. important B. enjoyable C. famous D. flexible 12. A. develop B. promise C. discuss D. introduce 13. A. extreme B. classic C. active D. secure 14. A. turned out B. figured out C. came out D. pointed out


高中英语完形填空解题技巧和训练 一、首句信息 完形填空通常首句不设空,目的是让考生迅速进入主题,熟悉语言环境,建立正确的思维导向。英语中首句通常是文章的主题句,把握了主旨句对于理解全文和解题很有帮助。 (广东卷) It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. The __1__ is based on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by __2__ situation that has designed for the __3__ children. 1. A. principle B. theory C. argument D. classification 2. A. designing B. grouping C. learning D. living 3. A. smart B. curious C. mature D. average 二、注意前后语境,暗示信息 考查考生根据上下文提供的信息进行分析及推理的能力。 考生在做题时要有全局观念,进行连贯性思维,做题时要把每个空白处的含义与前后句的意思联系起来理解,进行合乎逻辑的推理判断。难选之处通常前后多有暗示。 这种暗示多为后面暗示前面。 (广东卷)“As a matter of fact, I’ve got someone in the office at this very moment who might ___49___.” She wrote down a number, and held it out to me, saying: “Ring up this lady. She wants a cook immediately. In fact, you would have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner for ten people.” 49. A. hire B. accept C. suit D. offer 三、注意固定搭配,熟记常见句型, 考查考生对常见的英语固定短语和习惯用法的掌握情况。如动词与名词的搭配;动词与介词或副词的搭配;介词与名词的搭配等。这类搭配在高考完形填空中时有出现。 I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them ___44___the telephone. 44. A. with B. by C. from D. on (陕西)The second rich man, seeing the worrying situation, stopped for a short time and gave the villagers all his food and drink, since he could see that money would be of little __34__ to them. 34. A. interest B. concern C. use D. attraction 四、注意词语辨析 考查考生在特定语境中区别近义词的能力。四个选项词性相同,意义相近,要求在特定的语境中区分它们之间的细微差别。一般说来,其中的两个选项容易排除,难辨的是两个。 Although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his ___37_ qualities. First of all … 37. A. basic B. special C. common D. particular (全国卷)Once he ___42___ sang a song in class in order to make a point clear. 42. A. also B. nearly C. even D. only


1 My conscience(良心) opened its mouth and swallowed me in one big bite. I couldn’t 44 45 for my stolen pizza. I was so upset that over it. I just couldn’t go back to the cashier and I 46 to give myself the pleasure of an ice cream for 47 that someone would say, “Hey, Jeff, why don’t you use the change 48 the pizza instead of that nice, new $ 20 bill?” I was not so 49 of my cash now. For the next two years, whenever I was 50 of the “pizza incident”, I would say to myself, “Don’t think about it ……” I have learned two things from this 51 . Maybe I was a fool for 52 in to my conscience, and being too stupid to enjoy a 53 pizza. But the real lesson is that even if you get away from what you have done, your conscience will 54 up with you. coward (懦夫) dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies one.” I This reflects (反映) the saying, “A was a coward and have felt terrible about that incident at least a thousand times. If I had been a “55 ” and gone back to pay for the pizza, I would have felt a little uncomfortable about it only once, or maybe twice. 36. A. say B. talk C. share D. explain 37. A. as B. while C. then D. when 38. A. lost B. tired C. hungry D. anxious 39. A. excited B. eager C. satisfied D. encouraged 40. A. rest B. food C. travel D. drink 41. A. Luckily B. Finally C. Immediately D. Actually 42. A. thought B. recognized C. noticed D. realized 43. A. walked B. left C. worked D. found 44. A. look B. get C. turn D. think 45. A. ask B. pay C. apologize D. send 46. A. refused B. wanted C. hoped D. meant 47. A. hope B. surprise C. anger D. fear 48. A. into B. with C. for D. from 49. A. sure B. upset C. proud D. pleased 50. A. warned B. reminded C. thought D. told 51. A. experience B. experiment C. story D. mistake 52. A. turning B. taking C. handing D. giving 53. A. free B. cheap C. plain (简单的) D. delicious 54. A. make B. wake C. catch D. put 55. A. coward B. fool C. loser D. hero 2 Last year I ruined my summer vacation by bringing along a modern convenience: the iPad. Instead of looking at nature, I 31 my e-mail. Instead of paddling an old boat, I32my Twitter feed. Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading four33 each morning. And that was the problem: I was acting34I were still in the office. My body was on vacation but my head wasn’t. So this year I made up my mind to try something35 : getting away from the Internet. I knew it -control. But I was determined. I started by 36 the wouldn’t be easy, since I’m not good at self iPad to my wife. Then, a stroke of luck: The cell phone signal at our cabin was 37 than in the


高一英语完形填空专项 训练一 Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】

1 One morning Raman, a true master of the art of archery (箭术), invited his “How often have you seen me practice the sport of archery” Raman asked rose from three hundred paces away.”

the tree, missing the target by a few meters. one will ever hit a target they cannot see.” 1 A.thought B.seen C.heard D.felt . 2 A.teacher B.boss C.father D.monitor . 3 A.wall B.tree C.pole D.house . A.buried B.educated C.signed D.placed 4

. 5 . A.first B.now C.then D.finally 6 . A.bow B.hammer C.apple D.knife 7 . A.arrow B.shoe C.flower D.bag 8 . A.advised B.expected C.encouraged D.asked 9 . A.planned B.imagined C.requested D.promised 10 .A.angrily B.calmly C.disappointedl y D.sadly 11 . A.never B.almost C.always D.also


【英语】高一英语完形填空解析版汇编含解析 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I have a close childhood friend. He spent the last eight years attending night 1 to get his bachelor's degree (学士学位) while also doing a full-time job. Last month, after years of late nights and weekends of studying, he 2 graduated. He 3 in our hometown after high school, 4 most of his friends, myself included, left long ago for other states for university and jobs. Over time, work, families, and other 5 have made it difficult for us all to be 6 in our hometown at the same time. I put forward a wonderful idea: plan a weekend that we'd all be 7 to fly back to our hometown to surprise him and celebrate his 8 . It was so much fun 9 the affair. The bait (诱饵): his mom told him that he was going to have 10 with just his grandparents to celebrate. Little did he know that the family dinner would 11 a 20-person affair with friends from all around the states. I got to 12 a cake so that everyone 13 could enjoy it. When the guest of honour arrived to "dinner with the 14 ", he was greatly surprised and told us it made him feel special. The "white lie" dinner plan was a great 15 for me. 1. A. club B. party C. cafe D. school 2. A. finally B. quickly C. suddenly D. luckily 3. A. taught B. stayed C. arrived D. married 4. A. but B. so C. or D. for 5. A. adventures B. requests C. experiences D. arrangements 6. A. inside B. apart C. back D. out 7. A. safe B. eager C. free D. anxious 8. A. birthday B. achievement C. examination D. wisdom 9. A. debating B. studying C. planning D. controlling 10. A. lunch B. dinner C. time D. fun 11. A. turn into B. give up C. relate to D. focus on 12. A. sell B. deliver C. cut D. order 13. A. attending B. leaving C. receiving D. tasting 14. A. teachers B. grandparents C. classmates D. friends 15. A. surprise B. worry C. success D. stress 【答案】(1)D;(2)A;(3)B;(4)A;(5)D;(6)C;(7)C;(8)B;(9)C;(10)B;(11)A;(12)D;(13)A;(14)B;(15)C; 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者儿时朋友在家乡花了八年时间读夜校,终于拿 到了学士学位。他的大多数朋友,包括作者自己都离开家乡外出求学和工作,很少回家乡 与他相聚。这次为了庆祝他通过千辛万苦获得学士学位,作者和其他朋友为他专门举办了 一个惊喜毕业宴会。


II.完形填空:(每题1.5分,共30分) Youeitherhaveit,oryoudon’t----asenseof16,thatis.But17isitthatso mepeoplecouldfindtheirwayacrosstheSaharawithoutamap,whileotherscan18 themselvesinthenextstreet Scientistssaywe’reall19withasenseofdirection,20 itisnotproperlyunderstoodhowitworks.Onetheory(理 论)isthatpeoplewithagoodsenseofdirectionhaveworkedhardat21it.Researc hbeing22outatLiverpoolUniversity23thisideaandsuggeststhatifwedon’tu seit,weloseif. “Childrenasyoungassevenhavetheability(能 力)tofindtheirway24,”saysJimMartland,ResearchDirectoroftheproject.“However,25theyarenotallowedoutaloneoraretakeneverywherebycar,theyw ill26developtheskills.” JimMartlandalsoemphasizes(强 调)thatyoungpeopleshouldbetaughtcertain27toimprovetheirsenseofdirect ion.Hemakesthefollowingsuggestions: *Ifyouareusinga28,turnitsoit29tothewayyouarefacing. *Ifyouleaveyourbikeinastrangeplace,putitnear30likeabigstoneorat ree.Notelandmarks(路标)ontheroute(路 线)asyougoawayfromyourbike.Whenyoureturn,gobackalong31route. *Simplify(简 化)thewayoffindingyourdirectionbyusinglinessuchasstreetsinat own,streams,orwallsinthecountrysideto32you.33yoursteps34youk nowhowfaryouhavegoneandnoteanylandmarkssuchastowerblocksorhi llswhichcanhelptofindoutwhereyouare. Nowyouwillnevergetlost35! 16.A.smellB.touchC.directionD.sight 17.A.whatB.whyC.whenD.where 18.A.loseB.desertC.findD.miss 19.A.popularB.familiarC.bornD.please 20.A.howeverB.asC.butD.so 21.A.discussingB.developingC.discoveringD.displaying 22.A.carriedB.checkedC.workedD.ruled 23.A.agreesB.supportsC.ignoresD.celebrates 24.A.awayB.acrossC.nearbyD.around 25.A.becauseB.sinceC.ifD.unless 26.A.almostB.alwaysC.possiblyD.never 27.A.programsB.skillsC.reasonsD.advices 28.A.bookB.torchC.mapD.radio https://www.doczj.com/doc/8914151423.html,esC.getsD.leads 30.A.anythingB.everythingC.nothingD.something 31.A.thedifficultB.thesameC.theotherD.theextra https://www.doczj.com/doc/8914151423.html,rm 33.A.CountB.WatchC.MindD.Find


例题精选 [例1] Mrs. Jones was over eighty, but she still drove her old car like a woman half her age. She loved driving very fast, and was proud of the fact 1 she had never, in her thirty-five years of driving, been punished 2 a driving offence (犯规,犯法). Then one day she nearly 3 her record. A police car 4 her, and the policemen in it saw her 5 a red light without stopping. Of course, she was stopped. It seemed 6 that she would be punished. 7 Mrs. Jones came up to the judge, he looked at her seriously and said that she was 8 old to drive a car, and that the 9 why she had not stopped at the red 10 was most probably that her eyes had become weak 11 old age, so that she had simply not seen it. When the judge had finished what he was 12, Mrs. Jones opened the big handbag she was 13 and took out her sewing. Without saying a word, she 14 a needle with a very small eye, and threaded it at her first attempt. When she had 15 done this, she took the thread out of the needle again and handed 16 the needle and the thread to the judge, saying, “Now it is your 17. I suppose you drive a car, and that you are quite sure about your own eyesight.” The judge took the 18 and tried to thread it. After half a dozen tries, he had still not succeeded. The case (案例) against Mrs. Jones was 19, and her record 20 unbroken. 1. A. which B. when C. that D. this 2. A. about B. on C. to D. for 3. A. kept B. won C. missed D. lost 4. A. watched B. after C. followed D. ran after 5. A. pass B. go C. run D. rush 6. A. sure B. indeed C. certain D. perhaps 7. A. Before B. While C. Until D. When 8. A. so B. very C. too D. quite 9. A. cause B. reason C. matter D. trouble


高二英语完形填空试题(有答案和解析) 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的 最佳选项。 Once there was a farmer in Africa named Hafiz who was happy and content. One day a(n) 1 man came to him and told him about the glory of diamonds and the 2 that goes along with them. The wise man said, "If you had a diamond the size of your thumb, you could have your own city. If you had a diamond the size of your fist, you could probably own your own 3 ." With that said, he went away. That night the farmer couldn't 4 . He was unhappy and he was 5 . The next morning he sold off his farm, took care of his family and went 6 diamonds. He looked all over Africa and couldn't find any. He looked all through Europe and couldn't find any. When he got to Spain, he was emotionally, 7 and financially broke. He got so 8 that he threw himself into Barcelona River and committed suicide. Back home, the person who had 9 his farm was watering the camels at a 10 that ran through the farm. Across the stream, the rays of the morning sun hit a stone and made it 11 like a rainbow. He picked up the stone and 12 it in the living room. That afternoon the wise man came and saw the stone sparkling. He asked, "Is Hafiz 13 ?" The new owner said, " No, why do you ask?" The wise man said, "Because that is a diamond. I recognize one 14 I see one." The man said, "No, that's just a stone I 15 from the stream. Come, I'll show you. There are many more." They went and picked some samples and sent them for 16 . Sure enough, the stones were diamonds. They found that the farm was indeed 17 with diamonds. When our 18 is right, we realize that we are all walking on acres and acres of diamonds. Opportunity is always under our feet. We don't have to go anywhere. All we need to do is 19 it. When people don't know how to recognize opportunity, they complain of 20 when it knocks. The same opportunity never knocks twice. The next one may be better or worse, but it is never the same one. 1. A. young B. wise C. old D. poor 2. A. history B. meaning C. power D. legend 3. A. country B. house C. factory D. farm 4. A. eat B. wake C. stand D. sleep 5. A. tired B. discontent C. confused D. sick 6. A. in search of B. in need of C. by name of D. by way of 7. A. similarly B. gradually C. actually D. physically 8. A. puzzled B. discouraged C. impatient D. exhausted 9. A. robbed B. seized C. paid D. bought 10. A. pool B. river C. stream D. lake 11. A. smooth B. sparkle C. rise D. flow

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