当前位置:文档之家› 高一英语完形填空专项练习(共16篇)





I first started writing in the summer of 1998. Back then I was a teacher. After years of dreaming, I decided it was finally time to write a book. For 10 years I wrote, __36__ four middle-grade novels and six picture books almost only to editors. This was __37__ in the snail-mail age. Remember the __38__ you experienced as a child waiting for birthday presents to arrive in the mail? That was me for the better part of a decade.

In Spring 2009, at the last minute, I decided to hand in a middle-grade historical novel-in-verse to a __39__ at a local writing conference. I knew in my heart that it was my __40__ work, but I wasn't sure how it would be __41__ alongside pieces meant for the adult market. But then—I won. My prize __42__ a one-on-one interview with an editor who, after __43__ my manuscript, asked, “Why don't you have a(n) __44__ yet?”

Not long after that, I __45__ with my first agent. Then in 2013, after parting with my first agent, I was again faced with the __46__ for representation. This time I submitted to three agencies and got two __47__. Over the span of 20 years, I've got 18 completed manuscripts and was __48__ almost 350 times. It took me 14 years to see my first book __49__ the shelf. You could look at these numbers and get pretty __50__. I can look at these numbers and feel the same. I know plenty of people with a __51__ apprenticeship(学徒期). I have friends who have been more __52__. All sorts of authors I __53__ with in 2012 have published far more than I have. But here's the __54__ thing I've learned in the last 20 years: My process is mine. My journey is mine. Each book finds its way on its own.

The writing life is a long-term journey. There is no right way. There is no __55__ fix. There is no easy road. There is a lot of frustration and disappointment, but there is joy and satisfaction, too.

()36. A. submitting B. lending C. keeping D. presenting

()37. A. soon B. back C. already D. later

()38. A. appreciation B. entertainment C. anticipation D. embarrassment

()39. A. publisher B. newspaper C. reception D. competition

()40. A. initial B. casual C. innovative D. subjective

()41. A. criticized B. processed C. received D. distributed

()42. A. followed B. included C. ensured D. confirmed

()43. A. correcting B. polishing C. monitoring D. reviewing

()44. A. agent B. client C. instructor D. fan

()45. A. signed B. bargained C. dealt D. reasoned

()46. A. excuse B. affection C. hunt D. request

()47. A. offers B. substitutions C. professions D. complaints

()48. A. registered B. rejected C. defeated D. deserted

()49. A. under B. beside C. off D. on

()50. A. amused B. inspired C. touched D. frustrated

()51. A. longer B. heavier C. shorter D. newer

()52. A. famous B. intelligent C. enthusiastic D. productive

()53. A. debated B. mixed C. cooperated D. disagreed

()54. A. key B. handy C. funny D. lively

()55. A. temporary B. quick C. possible D. flexible


Last summer I went on a two-day river rafting trip with my teenage daughter as the river guide. I was proud to see my baby girl ______36__ and confidently moving our raft through a variety of __37__ white-water conditions. I also found it____38__to have my daughter giving commands and barking __39__ as to when and how to paddle(用桨划船).

As we approached the largest __40__ on the river I could feel my heart beating faster. Upon __41__ the turbulent(湍急的) water, our boat got __42____ on a large rock. I was in the front of the boat and reached __43__ with my paddle, thinking I would help __44__ us away from the rock. In the next instant I could feel myself falling out of the boat and into the river. I did have my moments of __45__ and terror.

This resistance disappeared quickly, __46__ I landed in the cold, powerfully turbulent water. __47__ my high-quality flotation vest, I was pulled underwater, __48__ thankfully, within seconds I popped(冒出) back up to the __49__. A few moments later one of the other trip leaders called for me to __50__ toward his boat, where I was quickly pulled up and in. I was shaken, out of breath, and quite __51__to be out of the turbulent water.

An equivalent of this experience happens all the time in our lives. This is life. You cannot count on things going __52__. When we do, we often __53__ disappointed and unhappy. Resisting __54__,which often arrives suddenly and unexpectedly, keeps us from __55__ the scenario(可能要发生的事) unfolding before us clearly, and it can keep us from acting in ways that are smart and effective and that lead to results that make us feel good and proud of ourselves.

()36. A. painfully B. gradually C. extremely D. skillfully

()37. A. freezing B. challenging C. fascinating D. thrilling

()38. A. ashamed B. annoying C. unbearable D. troublesome

()39. A. opinions B. lectures C. orders D. lessons

()40. A. rapid B. rock C. gap D. target

()41. A. pouring B. pumping C. entering D. covering

()42. A. occupied B. stuck C. rescued D. damaged

()43. A. backward B. down C. forward D. across

()44. A. scare B. hide C. pull D. push

()45. A. excitement B. performance C. suffering D. resistance

()46. A. before B. while C. because D. as

()47. A. With B. Despite C. In D. Below

()48. A. but B. therefore C. so D. or

()49. A. boat B. surface C. water D. terror

()50. A. wander B. flow C. float D. swing

()51. A. shocked B. relieved C. disturbed D. embarrassed

()52. A. potentially B. randomly C. smoothly D. quickly

()53. A. wind up B. hurry up C. think up D. come up

()54. A. change B. temptation C. pressure D. effort

()55. A. assessing B. seeing C. appreciating D. minding


Tomorrow was Mother's Day, but the glasses with pink flowers on them for Mom were broken. We spent all

our money on them! Aiden's lower lip __36__. “Mom…Mom would've __37__ those glasses.”

I thought about __38__ Mom had been before the divorce. She used to joke around and __39__ a lot. Now she had a deep worry line between her eyes and __40__ smiled.

“Maybe we can make a present for Mom.”I said, trying to __41__ Aiden.

Aiden's eyes __42__. “At school we cut out pictures and __43__ them on paper. We could find pictures in old magazines and __44__ her a card.”

The next morning we __45__ Mom from her bedroom into the kitchen, where we had set out her favorite __46__. Mom put her hand over her __47__ saying she had forgotten it was Mother's Day. Aiden handed her the card he'd made out of bright red construction paper with pictures of pink flowers __48__ across it. I waved some cards in the air. Every card has a riddle __49__ Mom used to love riddles. When Aiden saw big __50__ shining in Mom's eyes, he threw himself onto the floor.

“Aiden!” Mom pulled him to his __51__ and kissed him. “I love your presents. I'm crying because you've made me so __52__.”

The anger left Aiden's face as he took his card from Morn and turned it over and over full of __53__.

“What is black and white and red all over?” I read one card.

“A newspaper?” Mom asked.

“Nope,”I said as Aiden shouted, “A __54__ zebra(斑马)!”

Mom looked at us and smiled. It was a __55__ smile at first, but it grew big and bright.

()36. A. broke B. trembled C. sank D. whispered

()37. A. loved B. bought C. mended D. missed

()38. A. when B. where C. who D. how

()39. A. sigh B. talk C. laugh D. shout

()40. A. often B. hardly C. always D. sometimes

()41. A. cater for B. put down C. cheer up D. take over

()42. A. looked up B. turned up C. lit up D. rolled up

()43. A. glue B. spread C. draw D. copy

()44. A. buy B. send C. make D. show

()45. A. pulled B. hugged C. carried D. hid

()46. A. present B. glasses C. flowers D. breakfast

()47. A. eyes B. heart C. face D. mouth

()48. A. taken B. dotted C. printed D. hung

()49. A. though B. if C. because D. before

()50. A. sadness B. confusion C. joy D. tears

()51. A. feet B. hands C. knees D. arms

()52. A. nervous B. shocked C. noble D. happy

()53. A. pride B. embarrassment C. trust D. regret

()54. A. blackened B. sunburnt C. muddy D. clean

()55. A. broad B. polite C. quiet D. pretty


We don't meet people by accident.

Every person you meet will have a(n) __36__ in your life, big or small. Some will help you grow and inspire you to do better, __37__ some will let you down or even hurt you. At the same time, you are __38__ some role in their lives as well. After all, paths __39__ for a reason and we are supposed to treat people with significance.

The best teachers are those who don't tell you how to get there but __40__ the way.

There is no better joy than __41__ people see a vision for themselves, seeing them go to levels __42__ than they ever would have imagined on their own. But that doesn't __43__ you have to fix them or enable them; instead, __44__ them to the source of their own power. Offer them support and __45__ to fight as they find their own way and show you __46__ they're capable of. All you have to do is believe in them.

Never __47__ someone even if he fails unless you are helping them up.

We like to think of life as a meritocracy(精英), so it's easy to look down on someone who isn't as __48__ or accomplished or well educated as you are. But you have no idea how __49__ that person has already climbed or where they will __50__. Time could easily reverse(翻转) your __51__,so be sure you treat everyone with __52__.

__53__ those who have supported you, forgive those who have __54__ you, help those who need you.

Business is complicated, life is complex, and leadership is difficult. Treat all people—including

yourself—with love and compassion(同情), and you can't __55__.

Treat people the way you want to be treated and life will instantly get better.

()36. A. chance B. role C. relation D. place

()37. A. while B. if C. when D. though

()38. A. changing B. creating C. finding D. playing

()39. A. cross B. end C. wind D. begin

()40. A. push B. find C. show D. feel

()41. A. helping B. making C. having D. letting

()42. A. better B. higher C. richer D. farther

()43. A. say B. mean C. explain D. describe

()44. A. attach B. relate C. adapt D. guide

()45. A. motivation B. shelter C. prediction D. evidence

()46. A. that B. which C. what D. how

()47. A. look down on B. take care of C. put up with D. show respect for

()48. A. lucky B. wise C. enthusiastic D. successful

()49. A. far B. long C. many D. much

()50. A. work out B. fade away C. end up D. get along

()51. A. instructions B. positions C. directions D. situations

()52. A. equality B. respect C. quality D. identity

()53. A. Praise B. Appreciate C. Tolerate D. Expect

()54. A. hurt B. hated C. interrupted D. annoyed

()55. A. go back B. go wrong C. go blind D. go out


After suffering severe burns to her back and other parts of her body at the age of three, Sylvia,49, had spent her life covering up her scars. Her confidence was destroyed by years of __36__ comments. At her lowest she had

considered __37____ her own life.

“I didn't really know what __38__ was. I didn't realize my mental health was being affected—I __39__ thought this was a __40____ thing.”

The accident that left her __41__ happened during a __42__ game of hide and seek with her sister. Afterward, a life of __43____ herself up and hiding from attention followed, until a turning point in July last year.

Sylvia was on holiday with her mother when she __44__ a man's camera phone following her around the hotel pool. She and her mother left for the beach, but she was struck by the __45__ the encounter had on her mother.

“I could see her __46__ at my scars. She just looked so sad,” Sylvia recalled.

So she started to __47__,calling out to her mum to make her smile.

“I had been in such a bad place before. I was so __48__. I was in such a horrible place for so many years. I looked back and felt like I'd destroyed my fa mily's lives and I thought, now is the time for me to stop.”

Sylvia felt it was time not just to make a __49__for herself, but to help others with disfigurements(外形的损毁) and to raise awareness.

She __50____a Facebook group, Love Disfigure, and now runs swimming sessions at Highbury pool in Islinton, north London, with the aim of helping increase the __51__ of people with disfigurements or __52____and health conditions.

For Sylvia, last year has been __53__. Having __54__ her body, and had depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder(创伤后应激障碍), she now hopes her story will ____55____others.

()36. A. hopeful B. delightful C. hurtful D. regretful

()37. A. sharing B. ending C. enriching D. sparing

()38. A. wonder B. kindness C. pity D. depression

()39. A. even B. just C. seldom D. almost

()40. A. formal B. personal C. social D. physical

()41. A. scarred B. disabled C. surprised D. scared

()42. A. neighborhood B. parenthood C. adulthood D. childhood

()43. A. taking B. holding C. putting D. covering

()44. A. kept B. avoided C. sensed D. stopped

()45. A. impression B. effect C. suffering D. doubt

()46. A. staring B. glancing C. glaring D. watching

()47. A. hesitate B. scream C. pose D. exchange

()48. A. optimistic B. desperate C. careful D. negative

()49. A. sacrifice B. profit C. change D. wish

()50. A. set up B. set down C. set out D. set off

()51. A. knowledge B. curiosity C. desperation D. confidence

()52. A. skin B. leg C. arm D. back

()53. A. familiar B. magic C. serious D. dangerous

()54. A. shown B. tolerated C. uncovered D. hidden

()55. A. remind B. require C. inspire D. inform


After graduation, Susan was asked to become the executive director of the Floating Hospital. She __36__ at first, as it was a very big job and she didn't know if she could __37__ it. But finally, she __38__. While her job was rewarding, she soon got tired of it. When she sat at her desk one day, the __39__ came into her mind to go down to the New School for Social Research. __40__ she was learning to trust her intuition(直觉), she decided to have a go.

Without any forethought, she titled the __41__ “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway”. Susan was __42__ as she faced the first session of the twelve-week course. The two hours went well, but she then was challenged with a __43__ fear, for she didn't know what to teach the next week. But every week she found she had more to say. And her __44__ level grew. She realized she had learned so much over the years about __45__ fear. And her students were drinking it up. At the end of the course, they were __46__ at how shifting their thinking really changed their lives.

Susan __47__ decided to write a book based on the course she had taught. She faced many roadblocks. And after four agents and fifteen __48__ from various publishers, she __49__ put the proposal in a drawer.

After three years of writing, she was going through the drawer that __50__ her much-rejected book proposal. Picking it up, she had a(n) __51__ sense that she held something in her hands that many people __52__ to read. So, she set out with much __53__ to find a publisher who believed in her book the __54__ way she did. This time, she succeeded. She succeeded __55__ her wildest dreams.

She was so happy she followed her heart and never gave up overcoming fears that stood in her way.

()36. A. admitted B. wondered C. hesitated D. recognized

()37. A. help B. handle C. hatch D. have

()38. A. explained B. paused C. ignored D. agreed

()39. A. thought B. chance C. approach D. demand

()40. A. While B. Since C. If D. Though

()41. A. book B. talk C. speech D. course

()42. A. nervous B. energetic C. delicate D. depressed

()43. A. general B. constant C. pure D. new

()44. A. balance B. confidence C. happiness D. success

()45. A. handing over B. taking over C. getting over D. looking over

()46. A. relieved B. puzzled C. amazed D. amused

()47. A. eventually B. gradually C. originally D. temporarily

()48. A. rejections B. applications C. indications D. restrictions

()49. A. hopefully B. swiftly C. unconsciously D. unwillingly

()50. A. held B. emptied C. removed D. supported

()51. A. vague B. slight C. acute D. basic

()52. A. happened B. afforded C. agreed D. needed

()53. A. determination B. hesitation C. satisfaction D. imagination

()54. A. right B. ideal C. same D. obvious

()55. A. within B. beyond C. behind D. through


Julie was one of my favorite students at the University of Nebraska. I remember her coming to me after class one day. While most students hurriedly left, Julie __36__ to ask questions about the next week's exam.

Julie never __37__ it to the exam, though. The day after our conversation, she was tragically struck by a truck.

In Julie's ward, her parents stood in quiet __38__. The physician entered, cleared his __39__,and said, “Your Julie has only a few __40__ to live.” He felt the __41__ to ask, “Would you consider donating some of her organs?”

__42__,in a neighboring state, Mary leaned forward, her eyes following every movement of her child. She was __43__ memories to enjoy when she could no longer __44__ him.

Several states away, John, 26, was reading to his sons, his body connected to a life-giving “artificial kidney”. Doctors had given him a __45__ of only weeks to live. His only hope was a kidney transplant.

Julie's grief-stricken parents __46__ the physician's question in their mind. Julie had once said she wanted to be an organ donor __47__ her death. __48__ as they were, they turned to the physician, responding, “Yes. Julie always gave to others while living. She would want to give in death.”

Within 24 hours, Mary was informed she would receive one of Julie's eyes, and John was told to prepare for a kidney transplant. Julie's other organs would give life and __49__ to other waiting recipients.

“Julie died right after her twentieth birthday. My heart breaks again and again, at each birthday, at each __50__:when she might have graduated; when she might have married …”says Julie's mother. “But Julie's life was a __51__ to us. Knowing that in her death, she gave life and sight to others is __52__ to us, and remembering that we carried out her __53__ has helped us __54__ the loss of her.”

I may have had a small part in teaching Julie how to live. But she, and her family, are still teaching me an even greater lesson—how to __55__.

()36. A. continued B. offered C. remained D. came

()37. A. got B. made C. took D. deserved

()38. A. embarrassment B. shock C. disbelief D. desperation

()39. A. hand B. mind C. throat D. pocket

()40. A. months B. hours C. minutes D. weeks

()41. A. urge B. pressure C. freedom D. pride

()42. A. However B. Meanwhile C. Anyhow D. Somewhat

()43. A. calling up B. picking up C. setting up D. storing up

()44. A. see B. touch C. hug D. feel

()45. A. prescription B. notice C. diagnosis D. prediction

()46. A. turned over B. figured out C. thought up D. took in

()47. A. by virtue of B. in the event of C. on account of D. for fear of

()48. A. Miserable B. Hesitant C. Passionate D. Motivated

()49. A. happiness B. sight C. encouragement D. promise

()50. A. ceremony B. crossroads C. milestone D. junction

()51. A. lesson B. bless C. gift D. chance

()52. A. comforting B. heartbreaking C. rewarding D. demanding

()53. A. arrangements B. expectations C. wishes D. values

()54. A. over B. through C. beyond D. with

()55. A. give B. sacrifice C. help D. die


I was holding her hand when the man in the white coat came in. __36__ both sets of X-rays high, he said seriously: Her lungs were filling up with fluid(液体). This meant that __37__ I would need to consult with specialists, and stop whatever was __38__ into my mother's lungs.

__39__,this doctor seemed to have another plan. He began speaking to me about “the quality of life”. He gave me a list of my mother's __40__ and then concluded that they added up to the __41__ of her life. I had heard their phrase “We can make her __42__” too many times. Now I calmed down, and I was more __43__ than hurt when doctors wanted to kill my mother.

My mother couldn't walk, talk or swallow after her stroke, but nursing her was not __44__. Whenever I asked her if her diseases were too hard on her, she just __45__ her head. She was conveying to me her love and understanding beyond __46__. And not just to me.

A young nurse stopped me just before the doctor appeared: “You know, I __47__ my new job to your mother: Her optimism __48__ me to learn to drive, so I would be not __49__ buses and I could come to the hospital to work.”

So, I couldn't help questioning the doctor's __50__ of quality of life. How did he arrive at the __51__ that my mother should die? Was he making a(n) __52__ calculation, that to keep a bedridden(卧床不起的) person alive was costly? He certainly did not “calculate” her endless love, the way it __53__ everyone who came in contact with her. If human life is __54__ to cost-benefit analyses, all forms of caring for any reason other than self-interest will be __55__. Can we do better?

()36. A. Looking up B. Holding up C. Setting up D. Drawing up

()37. A. immediately B. occasionally C. eventually D. surprisingly

()38. A. stealing B. marching C. rushing D. storming

()39. A. Therefore B. Moreover C. However D. Otherwise

()40. A. vices B. strengths C. privileges D. disabilities

()41. A. whole B. peak C. future D. end

()42. A. unbearable B. moveable C. unconscious D. comfortable

()43. A. relieved B. excited C. disappointed D. ashamed

()44. A. tiring B. easy C. casual D. pleasant

()45. A. nodded B. hung C. shook D. lifted

()46. A. reach B. words C. belief D. hope

()47. A. relate B. owe C. lose D. submit

()48. A. forced B. encouraged C. intended D. ordered

()49. A. at the mercy of B. at a loss for C. in favor of D. in charge of

()50. A. framework B. instruction C. warning D. measure

()51. A. conclusion B. agreement C. consensus D. answer

()52. A. precise B. rough C. arithmetic D. economic

()53. A. transmitted B. transferred C. transformed D. transported

()54. A. admitted B. reduced C. sentenced D. committed

()55. A. included B. robbed C. excluded D. confirmed


When I was 13 years old, I stopped speaking. I’m still not exactly sure36 一I think I felt that words got meinto trouble. The boys in my class were always 37 me, telling me to shut up. One day, I 38

into uncontrollable sobs behind the sports hall.

So throughout my 39 , I clammed up一dealing with the wider world only in whispers and shrugs. My

isolation(孤立)led to indescribable 40 that nothing could relieve. I couldn’t 41 1 or socialise. Then, at 15, a psychologist saw 42 in me—She said I was in intelligent but 43 , and needed to change schools for a freshstart.

My parents sent me to a different comprehensive. I knew no one and I had the chance to 44 myself. Cheered by the psychologist’s 45 in me, I worked hard and became a swot(刻苦学习的人).As a result, my parents were 46 . Finally at 20, I was referred to a psychiatrist and he diagnosed me with a mild form of autism(自闭症).It was sucha(n) 47 to know what was happening that I cried on the bus on the way home.

It took a further five years to 48 again, a decision that was as much a surprise to me as it was to everyone else. I 49 myself hard, becoming more confident. Gradually, I 50 my speech. I definitely get more than usual pleasure from the use of 51 . It’s still such a fresh expe rience for me 52 different words—ones that can soundso complex, and carry so much 53 .

When I think of what I have 54 , I feel like crying, but I don’t 55 it up anymore. Instead, I enjoy talkingabout i

36. A. when B. why C. how D. where

37. A. encouraging B. teasing C. ignoring D. praising

38. A. collapsed B. divided C. looked D. laughed

39. A. teens B. experiences https://www.doczj.com/doc/f818207449.html,cation D.life

40. A. tiredness B. boredom C. loneliness D. guilt

41. A. wait B. sing C.mix D.move

42. A. potential B. weakness C. justice D. ambition

43, A.arbitrary B.innocent C.conventional D.insecure

44. A.entertain B.abandon https://www.doczj.com/doc/f818207449.html,fort D.reinvent

45. A.interest B.faith C.investment D.patience

46. A. proud B. passive C. cautious D. curious

47. A. surprise B. embarrassment C. pity D. relief

48. A. complain B. connect C. study D. speak

49. A.struck B. drew N C.pushed D. rushed

50.A. put out B. built up C.looked through D. took down

51. A. language B. knowledge C. wisdom D. imagination

52. A.discovering B.underlining https://www.doczj.com/doc/f818207449.html,piling D.creating

53. A.responsibility B.flexibility C.emotion D.depression

54. A.held on to B.looked forward to C. stayed away from D.missed out on

55. A.sum B.bottle C.think D.polish


I did my first marathon at 25. I'd __36__ running to get fit and thought I'd give it a go. I started too fast, found it very painful but __37__ to finish.

Then, seven years ago, I went to a talk by someone who had just done the Sahara desert race. I felt so __38__. I've always wanted to do something __39__. I registered for the 2007 Sahara marathon. My __40__ was shocking and I was two stone (12.7 kg) overweight, but __41__ I'd paid the £3,000 deposit, I knew there was no going back.

On my first five-mile run, I kept pretending my shoelaces(鞋带) needed tying just so I could __42__. But I kept __43__ until I was doing 30, then 40 miles. People assumed I found it easy by then—I didn't. I just learned to push through the __44__.

But nothing can truly prepare you for running in desert temperatures. As the __45__ always looked the same, the distance never seemed to get any shorter. __46__,I was never bored—I was too focused on reaching the checkpoints, and the water waiting there. Blisters(水泡) were unavoidable—the __47__ gets everywhere. At night, the doctors treating us would __48__ them off with knives.

In the following days, my feet would be hurting. I kept telling myself couldn't __49__. If I quit, the pain would stop, but I knew I would __50__ it for the rest of my life. Finally, I finished. Any suffering you experience is overridden(压倒) by the sense of __51__ at the end.

It's been a long progression, from being a(n) __52__ slacker(懒虫) to __53__ I am now. I've lost 10lb (4.5 kg) of body fat, but gained a lot of __54__ —I have a better body now than at any point in my life. Anyone can do this. I'm not superhuman, I'm just __55__.

()36. A. ended up B. taken up C. given up D. backed up

()37. A. hated B. refused C. struggled D. offered

()38. A. inspired B. bored C. panicked D. confused

()39. A. strange B. ordinary C. secret D. extreme

()40. A. fitness B. height C. strength D. wisdom

()41. A. until B. once C. unless D. while

()42. A. wait B. stop C. complain D. drink

()43. A. dropping off B. tripping over C. building up D. slowing down

()44. A. tension B. shame C. fear D. pain

()45. A. surroundings B. volunteers C. sandstorms D. athletes

()46. A. Therefore B. However C. Moreover D. Otherwise

()47. A. sand B. water C. grass D. rubbish

()48. A. tear B. strike C. knock D. slice

()49. A. fail B. run C. bear D. cry

()50. A. treasure B. regret C. forget D. appreciate

()51. A. belonging B. failure C. equality D. achievement

()52. A. proud B. brave C. unfit D. unfriendly

()53. A. which B. when C. where D. why

()54. A. time B. muscle C. reputation D. support

()55. A. learned B. considerate C. determined D. fortunate


I don’t talk with passengers on airplanes. My flight time is 36 for turning the pages of a good book. That changed, 37 , on a flight from Tampa to Newark when I sat next to her ---the lady in Seat 26B.

After 38 my seat, I opened my book.

Then she 39 me. “And where are you traveling to? Home or on vacation?”

“Heading home,” I closed my book. “You?”

“Oh, home, too,”she began, “I come from a(n) 40 family. Nine kids! I’m the oldest 41 alive---eighty-nine!” And then she laughed, joyfully. I wouldn’t have 42 she was nearly ninety, though.

“Good book?” she asked, pointing to my paperback.

“Yes. Do you read?”

“Oh, I don’t have 43 to read,” she replied.

I’m sixty years younger than 26B, yet she’s the one who’s too busy to read? What on earth could she be doing with her 44 ?

“Well,” she began, “I work at Costco. There are 45 nice people. There are also the 46 ones, but I enjoy them, too!”She laughed again, and I 47 her ability to not let negative energies affect her 48 . I wondered how I could 49 that, too.

“What’s your secret,” I asked, “to sounding so 50 and healthy?”

“My husband died ten years ago,”she said, 51 . “I thought to myself, I’m not going to just 52 !

That’s when I got my Costco job. I believe in being active.”

“Life is so good,” she 53 , “I’m just excited every day to live it!”

I wanted that plane ride to reroute to California so I would have more time to learn about her energy for life. I became more 54 with each mile we flew.

I told myself, if someone who is eighty-nine years old can choose to live her life with such 55 and passion, I can, too. If you have the drive!

36. A. reserved B. adjusted C. squeezed D. limited

37.A. thus B. instead C. though D. rather

38.A. slipping into B. searching for C. clearing up D. settling into

39. A. came to B. bent to C. turned to D . pointed to

40. A. complex B. nuclear C. wealthy D. extended

41. A. yet B. even C. still D. ever

42.A. predicted B. admitted C. guessed D. doubted

43.A. time B. patience C. abilities D. chances

44.A. days B. talent C. books D. interest

45.A. really B. actually C. seemingly D. probably

46.A. learned B. weird C. ambitious D. innocent

47.A. weighed B. admired C. realized D. identified

48.A. aim B. fate C. taste D. mood

49. A. obtain B. manage C. control D. imagine

50. A. academic B. realistic C. positive D. creative

51.A. sadly B. coldly C. seriously D. peacefully

52.A. hang out B. sit around C. step back D. get away

53.A, responded B. continued C. recalled D. declared

54.A. astonished B. satisfied C. delighted D. inspired

55.A. desire B. wisdom C. courage D. confidence


You did it! You survived the passage of time and __36__ it to another year. Please enjoy the moment of __37__,because before you know it, 2019 will become just as exhausting and weird.

__38__,there are some fascinating, significant, entertaining and promising things coming down the road that are __39__ to be bright spots no matter what 2019 __40__. Let's enjoy them together.

Every year, the Cleveland Clinic __41__ the most important medical advancements for the coming year, and at the top of list for 2019 is pain __42__ therapies(疗法). So, expect more of these breakthroughs.

First came love, then __43__,and now Prince Harry and Princess Meghan are __44__ their first baby. We can look forward to a beautiful __45__ to the royal Windsor line sometime in the spring when the __46__ date comes.

Also expect 2019 to be the year when 3D printing really, really comes into the __47__. We're talking about 3D bio printing in the __48__ field, advanced 3D metal printing and even more accessible 3D printing at home.

Japan will be making history when Emperor Akihito __49__ in April. His son, Crown Prince Naruhito, will immediately take up the throne(王位) in May.

If movies are your __50__,Avengers: Endgame will be one of the most __51__ films of the year, and it's __52__ to drop in April. But don't forget about Captain Marvel, another hot Disney/Marvel property that will __53__ in theatres in March.

Are you ready to have your soul absolutely __54__ by some amazing television? The final season of Game of Thrones __55__ in April, so any GOT fan you know is going to be a weck(失去健康的人) for a few months.

()36. A. made B. managed C. got D. took

()37. A. appreciation B. creation C. relaxation D. determination

()38. A. However B. Therefore C. Besides D. Otherwise

()39. A. adequate B. bound C. desperate D. reluctant

()40. A. adopts B. advocates C. brings D. blesses

()41. A. releases B. relieves C. reveals D. reserves

()42. A. assessment B. judgement C. management D. development

()43. A. friendship B. marriage C. admiration D. closeness

()44. A. educating B. delivering C. expecting D. raising

()45. A. attraction B. attention C. addiction D. addition

()46. A. due B. sure C. done D. final

()47. A. minimum B. margin C. majority D. mainstream

()48. A. magical B. historical C. educational D. medical

()49. A. stepped down B. took down C. let down D. broke down

()50. A. matter B. thing C. issue D. topic

()51. A. applied B. attached C. anticipated D. assumed

()52. A. driven B. adapted C. set D. advised

()53. A. launch B. shoot C. land D. film

()54. A. reserved B. rocked C. quaked D. honoured

()55. A. drops B. approaches C. appeals D. returns


As a child I never worried about losing my hearing, even though many other members of my family had done so. It seemed I was one of the __36__ ones. I had a lovely voice and felt __37__ about my singing. At 13,I made my debut(初次登台) in a school production of Carlo Menotti's opera and knew then that I __38__ on stage.

But then I noticed that __39__ I didn't sit at the front in lectures, I would __40__ to hear. I went to the hospital to have a __41__ test. I felt desperate,my ambitions __42__ by a diagnosis of incurable nerve deafness.

However, my bravery persuaded me to __43__ my plans and I went on to study at the Royal Northern College of Music. I kept my __44__ a closely guarded secret, convinced that admitting it would __45__ my career. I won roles on merit (凭成绩), but the added fear and anxiety at auditions(试音) __46__ me.

At 28, I made my debut at New Sadler's Wells Opera. But my hearing loss was __47__. I couldn't hear myself sing well any more. I'd get a feeling of terror and want to __48__ before every performance. __49__,a superb technician fitted in-the-ear hearing aids, making me self-conscious and my confidence __50__. I was fast learning to __51__,singing by sensation. Recording music is now a joy and acoustic (原声的)sounds through the headphones help me __52__.

__53__ in technology mean my latest hearing aids are wireless, and my __54__ is at its peak. I continue to tour the world. This year, I decided it was time to be __55__,not ashamed, and went public as the only deaf mezzo-soprano in the world.

()36. A. clever B. lucky C. pitiful D. active

()37. A. curious B. anxious C. awkward D. confident

()38. A. belonged B. sacrificed C. survived D. trembled

()39. A. though B. since C. if D. after

()40. A. struggle B. hesitate C. pretend D. cease

()41. A. blood B. hearing C. sight D. memory

()42. A. achieved B. developed C. crushed D. extended

()43. A. figure out B. stick to C. go over D. give up

()44. A. background B. scores C. ambitions D. deafness

()45. A. start B. further C. change D. ruin

()46. A. puzzled B. consumed C. impressed D. motivated

()47. A. accelerating B. compensating C. recovering D. disappearing

()48. A. rest B. play C. drill D. flee

()49. A. Thankfully B. Clearly C. Actually D. Generally

()50. A. faded B. grew C. counted D. helped

()51. A. forget B. judge C. cooperate D. adapt

()52. A. laugh B. howl C. relax D. sleep

()53. A. Drawbacks B. Applications C. Improvements D. Regulations

()54. A. attention B. performance C. intelligence D. energy

()55. A. famous B. creative C. proud D. innocent


“What’s a llthis tree-planting for?” I was asked when I began writing about 36_ a piece of land 1 had bought in Somerset. The truth is, I just love trees. And I am not 37. “As 1 g et older, all I really 38 is to plant trees,” Prince Charles says in a BBC documentary in which he is 39 in the wood he planted on the day Prince George was born.

There are40and wonderful trees in our cities and villages. They were planted, orself-sown, years, even centuries ago. We take them for granted,41 the creatures living among them, remain in ignorance of the42 trees are

doing us (cleaning the air9 for instance)and cut them down for new 43 Yet we keep a feeling of 44 for them. This mayaccount for the45the government faced in 2010 when it sought to sell off publicly ownedwoods, and for the wide support that the Woodland Trust (a tree-protecting charity)46.

Trees need47, which is why I, a city-resident, bought my Somerset woodland in 1999.At that time, climate change was already well proved,48 my hopes of planting long-lived oaks and pines gradually developed into anxiety about their 49. Tree diseases new to the UK, wind, drought and flood were all 50against them.

But I did not 51 things to move so fast The woodland is still good, the new trees aregrowing like mad, but the creatures are52. The rabbits have disappeared and the owl has moved. The bees and butterflies are53there but in smaller numbers. How can this happen on land 54pesticides (杀虫剂)?Surely, it indicates we need to give nature the chance torestore its own 55. Meanwhile, I love my wood, and so do many of its visitors. Andtree-planting has done wonders for restoring my balance between town and country.

36. A. replacing B. restoring C. recycling D. returning

37. A. rich B. weak C. alone D. social

38. A. apply for B. wait for C. make for D. long Tor

39. A. filmed B. tracked C. reflected D. discovered

40. A. holy B.young C. mature D. mysterious

41. A. raise B. watch C. ignore D. abuse

42. A. honor B. good C. credit D. justice

43. A. use B. spirit C. life D. hope

44. A. trust B. sadness C. betrayal D. affection

45. A. approval B. opposition C. option D. dilemma

46. A. wins B. rejects C. requires D. withdraws

47. A. space B. time C. company D. nutrition

48. A. since B. for C.yct D.so

49. A. benefits B. chances C. location D. appearance

50. A. piling up B. speeding up C. keeping up D. mixing up


高一英语完形填空(2篇)(含答案及解析) 一、完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并写在答题卡上。 We, Patty and I, had been best friends since Grade Four. Just about everywhere we went, people 1 we were best friends. We 2 secrets over popcorn and soda year after year. But the best part about having a best friend was taking 3 sleeping over on Friday nights. Then in Grade Eight, everything changed. Suddenly, my interest in make-up and clothes 4 even my mom. I 5 believe Patty started the first day of school 6 the same pigtails(辫子)she had worn forever. What was happening?Other girls seemed more 7 than Patty. I started avoiding her and making excuses. 8 , during the middle of the year, as we were sitting in my backyard, the 9 broke out. I said, “Go home, Patty, and don’t come back.” I ran into the house crying. Mom sat me down and I told her 10 .I’ll never forget her words. She said, “11 will come and go in and out of your life forever. You are 12 and it’s okay for both of you to make new friends. 13 is happening is hard but perfectly 14 .” Time healed(治愈)a lot of the 15 , and over the next few years, we clearly went down 16 paths. Still, when I saw her in the halls of high school. I 17 a strange sadness. I thought if I went back and

高中英语完形填空单元测试题含答案 百度文库

一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 I began to do volunteer work in grade seven. I experienced many meaningful moments, and the most 1 ones were when I was volunteering as a swimming 2 at the YMCA in Brockton, Massachusetts. At first, I was a teacher's 3 . "What are we going to do next?" When is the play time? These were just two of the questions I was often 4 there. On the day of my first class, I thought it was going to be a(n) 5 job. I 6 that since I had taken swimming lessons from the age of five, I knew the 7 about swimming. After all, I was good at all 8 of swimming! 9 , I soon found out there was more about teaching swimming than just knowing how to swim. During my first class, I assisted the swimming teacher in teaching a group of five-year-old kids. From that moment on, my 10 of teaching changed. Teaching is communicating. To instruct children, one has to make the lessons 11 and interesting for them to learn. I had to learn many games that would help the children to 12 as swimmers. Such as "Red Light, Green Light" and "Blast-Off." I must devote myself to teaching them and set a(n) 13 example to them. I expected to teach a group of children, but it 14 my students were the ones who taught me how to be a(n) 15 teacher. Not only was it challenging to learn the children's names, but it was also challenging to 16 to their many personalities and moods. There were many 17 that went along with helping these children, among which was seeing a child 18 a task that he or she could not do before they met me. 19 , through the volunteer work, I learned that there would always be rewards by giving, and there would be 20 by making efforts. 1. A. peaceful B. optimistic C. independent D. unforgettable 2. A. learner B. athlete C. Instructor D. official 3. A. student B. assistant C. colleague D. servant 4. A. asked B. taught C. doubted D. explained 5. A. interesting B. ordinary C. challenging D. creative 6. A. declared B. stressed C. assume d D. concluded 7. A. fare B. trick C. ambition D. process 8. A. jobs B. abilities C. components D. styles 9. A. However B. Therefore C. Moreover D. Otherwise 10. A. expectation B. instruction C. requirement D. assessment 11. A. important B. enjoyable C. famous D. flexible 12. A. develop B. promise C. discuss D. introduce 13. A. extreme B. classic C. active D. secure 14. A. turned out B. figured out C. came out D. pointed out


高中英语完形填空解题技巧和训练 一、首句信息 完形填空通常首句不设空,目的是让考生迅速进入主题,熟悉语言环境,建立正确的思维导向。英语中首句通常是文章的主题句,把握了主旨句对于理解全文和解题很有帮助。 (广东卷) It has been argued by some that gifted children should be grouped in special classes. The __1__ is based on the belief that in regular classes these children are held back in their intellectual (智力的) growth by __2__ situation that has designed for the __3__ children. 1. A. principle B. theory C. argument D. classification 2. A. designing B. grouping C. learning D. living 3. A. smart B. curious C. mature D. average 二、注意前后语境,暗示信息 考查考生根据上下文提供的信息进行分析及推理的能力。 考生在做题时要有全局观念,进行连贯性思维,做题时要把每个空白处的含义与前后句的意思联系起来理解,进行合乎逻辑的推理判断。难选之处通常前后多有暗示。 这种暗示多为后面暗示前面。 (广东卷)“As a matter of fact, I’ve got someone in the office at this very moment who might ___49___.” She wrote down a number, and held it out to me, saying: “Ring up this lady. She wants a cook immediately. In fact, you would have to start tomorrow by cooking a dinner for ten people.” 49. A. hire B. accept C. suit D. offer 三、注意固定搭配,熟记常见句型, 考查考生对常见的英语固定短语和习惯用法的掌握情况。如动词与名词的搭配;动词与介词或副词的搭配;介词与名词的搭配等。这类搭配在高考完形填空中时有出现。 I admired the fact that he would talk to students outside the classroom or talk with them ___44___the telephone. 44. A. with B. by C. from D. on (陕西)The second rich man, seeing the worrying situation, stopped for a short time and gave the villagers all his food and drink, since he could see that money would be of little __34__ to them. 34. A. interest B. concern C. use D. attraction 四、注意词语辨析 考查考生在特定语境中区别近义词的能力。四个选项词性相同,意义相近,要求在特定的语境中区分它们之间的细微差别。一般说来,其中的两个选项容易排除,难辨的是两个。 Although I last met this man eight years ago, I have not forgotten his ___37_ qualities. First of all … 37. A. basic B. special C. common D. particular (全国卷)Once he ___42___ sang a song in class in order to make a point clear. 42. A. also B. nearly C. even D. only

最新 高考英语完形填空练习题(含答案)

最新高考英语完形填空练习题(含答案) 一、高中英语完形填空 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出可以填入空 白处的最佳选项。 My cousin is nine years old, a little bit fat and doesn't do really well at school. She is heavily 1 , and thus has developed some resistance and 2 towards adults, who usually don't put high hopes in her. Yesterday we went to an art 3 together. There were paintings from kids with disabilities. My little girl has a 4 eye, for the paintings she liked most were also the best of the show. She voluntarily helped to 5 the chairs and table for a sharing session, painted by herself alongside new friends while I attended the sharing, and also 6 helped me to get my bag from another room, 7 that doesn't happen often at home as she's usually 8 to her iPad. In the afternoon, we went to buy books together. I bought a book written by a mom 9 her journey with her autistic (自闭的) son. On the bus back home, I briefly 10 the book to my cousin, and to my surprise she was 11 interested. She kept asking me to tell more stories about the boy in the book who 12 with small things in life. Even when the subject strayed (偏离) elsewhere, she 13 hearing more about this boy. This is the first time I've seen her so interested in a 14 . Usually when she talks to me she describes events at school and at home without a 15 focus. I'm very 16 that the life of a 17 has found its way into this little girl's heart. I'm very thankful for the 18 of books, for the beauty that my cousin revealed to me, and for the time we had together. I 19 that I can keep seeing clearly the wonderful things in her, so that whenever the not-so-kind world puts her 20 , I can remind her how truly wonderful she has always been. 1. A. abused B. adored C. challenged D. teased 2. A. satisfaction B. dependence C. distrust D. appreciation 3. A. exhibition B. performance C. interview D. course 4. A. curious B. blind C. doubtful D. sharp 5. A. donate B. rent C. arrange D. distribute 6. A. finally B. unwillingly C. cheerfully D. secretly 7. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything 8. A. adjusted B. glued C. admitted D. opposed 9. A. beginning B. advertising C. recording D. taking; 10. A. sent B. lent C. owed D. introduced 11. A. nearly B. hardly C. slightly D. truly 12. A. struggles B. plays C. deals D. lives 13. A. insisted on B. dreamed of C. worried about D. objected to


1 My conscience(良心) opened its mouth and swallowed me in one big bite. I couldn’t 44 45 for my stolen pizza. I was so upset that over it. I just couldn’t go back to the cashier and I 46 to give myself the pleasure of an ice cream for 47 that someone would say, “Hey, Jeff, why don’t you use the change 48 the pizza instead of that nice, new $ 20 bill?” I was not so 49 of my cash now. For the next two years, whenever I was 50 of the “pizza incident”, I would say to myself, “Don’t think about it ……” I have learned two things from this 51 . Maybe I was a fool for 52 in to my conscience, and being too stupid to enjoy a 53 pizza. But the real lesson is that even if you get away from what you have done, your conscience will 54 up with you. coward (懦夫) dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies one.” I This reflects (反映) the saying, “A was a coward and have felt terrible about that incident at least a thousand times. If I had been a “55 ” and gone back to pay for the pizza, I would have felt a little uncomfortable about it only once, or maybe twice. 36. A. say B. talk C. share D. explain 37. A. as B. while C. then D. when 38. A. lost B. tired C. hungry D. anxious 39. A. excited B. eager C. satisfied D. encouraged 40. A. rest B. food C. travel D. drink 41. A. Luckily B. Finally C. Immediately D. Actually 42. A. thought B. recognized C. noticed D. realized 43. A. walked B. left C. worked D. found 44. A. look B. get C. turn D. think 45. A. ask B. pay C. apologize D. send 46. A. refused B. wanted C. hoped D. meant 47. A. hope B. surprise C. anger D. fear 48. A. into B. with C. for D. from 49. A. sure B. upset C. proud D. pleased 50. A. warned B. reminded C. thought D. told 51. A. experience B. experiment C. story D. mistake 52. A. turning B. taking C. handing D. giving 53. A. free B. cheap C. plain (简单的) D. delicious 54. A. make B. wake C. catch D. put 55. A. coward B. fool C. loser D. hero 2 Last year I ruined my summer vacation by bringing along a modern convenience: the iPad. Instead of looking at nature, I 31 my e-mail. Instead of paddling an old boat, I32my Twitter feed. Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading four33 each morning. And that was the problem: I was acting34I were still in the office. My body was on vacation but my head wasn’t. So this year I made up my mind to try something35 : getting away from the Internet. I knew it -control. But I was determined. I started by 36 the wouldn’t be easy, since I’m not good at self iPad to my wife. Then, a stroke of luck: The cell phone signal at our cabin was 37 than in the


高一英语完形填空专项 训练一 Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】

1 One morning Raman, a true master of the art of archery (箭术), invited his “How often have you seen me practice the sport of archery” Raman asked rose from three hundred paces away.”

the tree, missing the target by a few meters. one will ever hit a target they cannot see.” 1 A.thought B.seen C.heard D.felt . 2 A.teacher B.boss C.father D.monitor . 3 A.wall B.tree C.pole D.house . A.buried B.educated C.signed D.placed 4

. 5 . A.first B.now C.then D.finally 6 . A.bow B.hammer C.apple D.knife 7 . A.arrow B.shoe C.flower D.bag 8 . A.advised B.expected C.encouraged D.asked 9 . A.planned B.imagined C.requested D.promised 10 .A.angrily B.calmly C.disappointedl y D.sadly 11 . A.never B.almost C.always D.also


高一英语阅读理解专讲专练含答案及解析九 On October 12, 1989, some British scientists were working at the computers to look for the information they needed. Suddenly they saw a lot of very bright points crossing the computers screens. At the same time the computers were working much slower. To find out what was happening they stopped their work to check some parts of the computers. To their horror (恐怖), they found out that most of their stored information was got rid of by computer viruses (病毒) ! Clearly all these computers had been infected (感染) by computer viruses. It is said that the computer viruses were made by a group of young men fond of playing tricks. ① They all had excellent education. They created the viruses just to show their intelligence (才能) . These kinds of computer viruses are named Jerusalem Viruses. These viruses can stay in computers for a long time. When the time comes they will attack (袭击) the computers by lowering the functions (功能) , damaging their normal programs or even getting rid of all the information. ② We now come to know that Jerusalem Viruses often attack computers on Friday and that they are spreading (传播) to a lot of computers. Among the countries that were attacked by computer viruses last year are Britain, Australia, Switzerland and the . But till now, how to get rid of the terrible viruses remains a problem. 根据文章内容,选择正确答案: 1. When the viruses attack the computers, the computers will work____ . A. normally B. slowly C. faster D. well 2. The group of young men created the viruses to ____ . A. damage the computers B. test their ability C. tell people that they were intelligent D. play a trick on users of the computers 3. According to the passage, computer viruses seem to ____. A. have been in nature for years B. stay in any computers C. be difficult to get rid of at present D. be able to be got rid of in the near future 4. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE A. Last year four countries found their computer were infected by viruses. B. The viruses will come to a new computer after staying in the old one for some time. C. Scientists are trying to find a way to get rid of the viruses.


II.完形填空:(每题1.5分,共30分) Youeitherhaveit,oryoudon’t----asenseof16,thatis.But17isitthatso mepeoplecouldfindtheirwayacrosstheSaharawithoutamap,whileotherscan18 themselvesinthenextstreet Scientistssaywe’reall19withasenseofdirection,20 itisnotproperlyunderstoodhowitworks.Onetheory(理 论)isthatpeoplewithagoodsenseofdirectionhaveworkedhardat21it.Researc hbeing22outatLiverpoolUniversity23thisideaandsuggeststhatifwedon’tu seit,weloseif. “Childrenasyoungassevenhavetheability(能 力)tofindtheirway24,”saysJimMartland,ResearchDirectoroftheproject.“However,25theyarenotallowedoutaloneoraretakeneverywherebycar,theyw ill26developtheskills.” JimMartlandalsoemphasizes(强 调)thatyoungpeopleshouldbetaughtcertain27toimprovetheirsenseofdirect ion.Hemakesthefollowingsuggestions: *Ifyouareusinga28,turnitsoit29tothewayyouarefacing. *Ifyouleaveyourbikeinastrangeplace,putitnear30likeabigstoneorat ree.Notelandmarks(路标)ontheroute(路 线)asyougoawayfromyourbike.Whenyoureturn,gobackalong31route. *Simplify(简 化)thewayoffindingyourdirectionbyusinglinessuchasstreetsinat own,streams,orwallsinthecountrysideto32you.33yoursteps34youk nowhowfaryouhavegoneandnoteanylandmarkssuchastowerblocksorhi llswhichcanhelptofindoutwhereyouare. Nowyouwillnevergetlost35! 16.A.smellB.touchC.directionD.sight 17.A.whatB.whyC.whenD.where 18.A.loseB.desertC.findD.miss 19.A.popularB.familiarC.bornD.please 20.A.howeverB.asC.butD.so 21.A.discussingB.developingC.discoveringD.displaying 22.A.carriedB.checkedC.workedD.ruled 23.A.agreesB.supportsC.ignoresD.celebrates 24.A.awayB.acrossC.nearbyD.around 25.A.becauseB.sinceC.ifD.unless 26.A.almostB.alwaysC.possiblyD.never 27.A.programsB.skillsC.reasonsD.advices 28.A.bookB.torchC.mapD.radio https://www.doczj.com/doc/f818207449.html,esC.getsD.leads 30.A.anythingB.everythingC.nothingD.something 31.A.thedifficultB.thesameC.theotherD.theextra https://www.doczj.com/doc/f818207449.html,rm 33.A.CountB.WatchC.MindD.Find


例题精选 [例1] Mrs. Jones was over eighty, but she still drove her old car like a woman half her age. She loved driving very fast, and was proud of the fact 1 she had never, in her thirty-five years of driving, been punished 2 a driving offence (犯规,犯法). Then one day she nearly 3 her record. A police car 4 her, and the policemen in it saw her 5 a red light without stopping. Of course, she was stopped. It seemed 6 that she would be punished. 7 Mrs. Jones came up to the judge, he looked at her seriously and said that she was 8 old to drive a car, and that the 9 why she had not stopped at the red 10 was most probably that her eyes had become weak 11 old age, so that she had simply not seen it. When the judge had finished what he was 12, Mrs. Jones opened the big handbag she was 13 and took out her sewing. Without saying a word, she 14 a needle with a very small eye, and threaded it at her first attempt. When she had 15 done this, she took the thread out of the needle again and handed 16 the needle and the thread to the judge, saying, “Now it is your 17. I suppose you drive a car, and that you are quite sure about your own eyesight.” The judge took the 18 and tried to thread it. After half a dozen tries, he had still not succeeded. The case (案例) against Mrs. Jones was 19, and her record 20 unbroken. 1. A. which B. when C. that D. this 2. A. about B. on C. to D. for 3. A. kept B. won C. missed D. lost 4. A. watched B. after C. followed D. ran after 5. A. pass B. go C. run D. rush 6. A. sure B. indeed C. certain D. perhaps 7. A. Before B. While C. Until D. When 8. A. so B. very C. too D. quite 9. A. cause B. reason C. matter D. trouble


高一英语完形填空及答 案 标准化管理处编码[BBX968T-XBB8968-NNJ668-MM9N]

1 My conscience (良心) opened its mouth and swallowed me in one big bite. I couldn’t 44 over it. I just couldn’t go back to the cashier and 45 for my stolen pizza. I was so upset that I 46 to give myself the pleasure of an ice cream for 47 that someone would say, “Hey, Jeff, why don’t you use the change 48 the pizza instead of that nice, new $ 20 bill?” I was not so 49 of my cash now. For the next two years, whenever I was 50 of the “pizza incident”, I would say to myself, “Don’t think about it … …” I have learned two things from this 51 . Maybe I was a fool for 52 in to my conscience, and being too stupid to enjoy a 53 pizza. But the real lesson is that even if you get away from what you have done, your conscience will 54 up with you. This reflects (反映) the saying, “A coward (懦夫) dies a thousand deaths, a hero dies one.” I was a coward and have felt terrible about that incident at least a thousand times. If I had been a “ 55 ” and gone back to pay for the pizza, I would have felt a little uncomfortable about it only once, or maybe twice. 36. A. say B. talk C. share D. explain


1 One morning Raman, a true master of the art of archery (箭术), invited his favorite student to watch a display of his skill. The student had 36 this more than a hundred times before, but he still obeyed his 37. Together, they went into a nearby wood and reached a tall 38. Raman picked a rose flower and 39 it on one of the branches of the tree. He 40 opened his bag and took out three objects. his 41, an arrow and a white handkerchief. Raman stood one hundred paces from the spot where he had placed the 42. Facing his target, he 43 his student to blindfold (蒙住眼睛) him with the handkerchief. The student did as his teacher 44. “How often have you seen me practice the sport of archery?” Raman asked him 45. “Every day,” replied his student. “And you have 46 managed to hit the rose from three hundred paces away.” With his eyes covered by the 47, Raman placed his feet firmly on the ground and 48 the bowstring (弓弦) with all his strength. Aiming at the rose on the 49, he let the arrow fly. The arrow whistled through the air, 50 it did not even hit the tree, missing the target by a few meters. “Did I 51 it?” said Raman, removing the handkerchief from his eyes. “No, you missed 52,” replied the student. “I thought you were going to 53 me the power of thought and your ability to perform magic.” “I have 54 taught you the most important lesson about the power of thought.” replied Raman. “When you 55 something, concentrate only on that. No one will ever hit a target they cannot see.” 1. A.thought B.seen C.heard D.felt 2. A.teacher B.boss C.father D.monitor 3. A.wall B.tree C.pole D.house 4. A.buried B.educated C.signed D.placed 5. A.first B.now C.then D.finally 6. A.bow B.hammer C.apple D.knife 7. A.arrow B.shoe C.flower D.bag 8. A.advised B.expected C.encouraged D.asked 9. A.planned B.imagined C.requested D.promised 10. A.angrily B.calmly C.disappointedly D.sadly 11. A.never B.almost C.always D.also 12. A.cloth B.handkerchief C.paper D.leaf 13. A.drew back B.brought up C.held back D.took off 14. A.ground B.branch C.tip D.root 15. A.and B.for C.so D.but 16. A.touch B.learn C.miss D.hit 17. A.completely B.suddenly C.quickly D.carefully 18. A.show B.give C.offer D.lend 19. A.again B.even C.just D.seldom 20. A.buy B.find C.notice D.want

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