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公司英文简介填写模版 使用方法:按照括号中提示填写相应的英文即可。 模版A: Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称) is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用manufacturer and trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access.All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future. 对应中文翻译: ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产XXX产品,集产品研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX 市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。 如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。 模版B: Established in (成立年份), (公司英文名称)is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design, development and production of(行业产品). We are located in (公司所在城市), with convenient transportation access.All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world. We have over (员工人数) employees, boast an annual sales figure that exceeds USD (销售额) and currently export(出口比例) of our production worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excellent quality control throughout all stages of production enable us to guarantee total customer satisfaction. As a result of our high quality products and outstanding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching(主要出口国家). If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to contact us. We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future. ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产和出口XXX产品,集产品设计、研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。


英语公司产品介绍范文用英语介绍一个产品 Now let us take a look at this product. this product was made from (material name) , which has special construction and advantage.Ok, I start to demonstrate it performance. you can use it at..., this product will help you ... . Our pany has been developed this kind of products for several years. and its price is feasible.I hope this product will bring more benefits to you.If you have any question, please let me answer now. 现在让我们看看这个新产品,这个产品是用的XX材料,这种材料 有特殊的构造和优势. 好的,我开始给大家演示它的性能,你可以在...情况下用它 ,这个产品可以帮你干.... 我公司这几年一直开 发这类产品.它的价格很合理,我希望这个产品能带来更多好处给你.如果你有什么问题,请现在向我提问,我当场回答. This tray mainly is makes with the wood and the leather, its insideis makes with the wood, outside is pastes on with the leather, you mayuse for to put the teacup, the coffee cup, the fruit and so on othersome things; If you want to understand more details, please use EMAILto relate with us!


北京胡同历史介绍 北京胡同简介 进入现代化的北京城,人们感兴趣的往往不是那鳞次栉比的高楼大厦、四通八达的宽马路,而是那曲折幽深的小小胡同,温馨美丽的四合院。因此,有人称北京的古都文化为“胡同文化”或“四合院文化”,此话实不为过。 来到北京的游客,经常问到的一个问题就是“北京的胡同在哪里”。北京胡同最早起源于元代,最多时有6000多条,历史最早的是朝阳门内大街和东四之间的一片胡同,规划相当整齐,胡同与胡同之间的距离大致相同。南北走向的一般为街,相对较宽,如从北京火车站到朝阳门内大街的南小街和北小街,因过去以走马车为主,所以也叫马路。东西走向的一般为胡同,相对较窄,以走人为主。胡同两边一般都是四合院。 北京的胡同有上千条,形成于中国历史上的元朝、明朝、清朝三个朝代,其中的大多数形成于13世纪的元朝。胡同的走向多为正东正西,宽度一般不过九米。胡同两旁的建筑大多都是四合院。四合院是一种由东西南北四座房屋以四四方方的对称形式围在一起的建筑物。大大小小的四合院一个紧挨一个排列起来,它们之间的通道就是胡同。 胡同从外表上看模样都差不多,但其内在特色却各不相同,它们不仅是城市的脉搏,更是北京普通老百姓生活的场所。北京人对胡同有着特殊感情,它是百姓们出入家门的通道,更是一座座民俗风情博物馆,烙下了许多社会生活的印记。胡同一般距离闹市很近,但没有车水马龙的喧闹,可谓闹中取静。而且对于邻里关系的融洽,胡同在其中发挥了有效的作用。 胡同现已成为北京文化的载体。老北京的生活气息就在这胡同的角落里,在这四合院的一砖一瓦里,在居民之间的邻里之情里。外人只有身处其中才能得到最深的体会。 历史渊源 胡同是元朝的产物,蒙古人把元大都的街巷叫做胡同——据说这蒙古语的意思是指水井。莫非那时候每条胡同都挖有一眼水井作微型水库,供居住的军民饮用?想一想也可以理解,来自沙漠与草原的游牧民族,是很重视水源的。当年水井可是深宅大院的居民人抬头不见低头见、摩肩接踵的社交场所,在井边与左邻右舍谈天说地、嘘寒问暖,恰恰可以弥补四合院的封闭性所带来的不足——既保护了每个家庭的隐秘空间,又为邻里之间提供了交流的机会。 胡同与四合院的完美组合。体现出元大都统治者在城市建设与管理方面的聪明之处。胡同横平竖直,四合院错落有致,怎么看都像是军事化管理的结果。有了胡同的分割与疏通,北京城便成了一座由游牧民族安营扎寨的大军营。难怪汪曾祺要赞叹:“北京城像一块大豆腐,四方四正。城里有大街,有胡同。大街、胡同都有是正南正北,正东正西。北


北京胡同游导游词参考文档Beijing Hutong tour guide words reference document 编订:JinTai College

北京胡同游导游词参考文档 前言:导游词是导游人员引导游客观光游览时的讲解词,是导游员同 游客交流思想,向游客传播文化知识的工具,也是应用写作研究的文 体之一。本文档根据导游词内容要求和针对旅游地点是北京的特点展 开说明,具有实践指导意义,便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随 意调整修改及打印。 北京胡同是久远历史的产物,它反映了北京历史的面貌,是有丰富内容的。小泰给大家分享几篇关于北京胡同的导游词,希望你们喜欢哦。 北京胡同导游词 以目前通用的什刹海西岸、后海,鼓楼等三轮车路线为 主要参考。这里是北京市划出的25个文化区中最大的一个, 极有典型意义。 (开场白) 女士们、先生们:咱们今天下午的活动内容是逛胡同和 参观四合院。胡同和四合院是历史上北京城的有机体,是组成社会的细胞,是老北京人休养生息、繁衍挣扎的地方,是北京

城历史演进的的有力见证。我们想真正地了解北京人的生活,就得钻胡同,串四合院。 为了使大家游览中增加情趣,现在利用乘车的时间,向大家介绍一些有关胡同和四合院的知识。 (导游员可利用适当的时间,向客人们总述或分段介绍下面的内容) 女士们、先生们,大家千万不可小看北京的胡同和四合院,更不能把它们看成是仅供人们栖身住宿的地方,如果听我稍加讲解,就可发现,原来北京的胡同和四合院蕴藏着如此丰富的中华文化内涵!我先介绍一些有关“胡同”的知识。 (胡同一词的由来) 北京城内的胡同与繁华的大街比起来,确实有些不起眼,但是据专家们考证,明朝就有人对胡同进行研究了,至今已有了五六百年的研究史。胡同的写法明朝与现在不同,是将“胡同”二字,分别夹在“行”字的中间,如明嘉靖三十九年(1560)出版的《京师五城坊巷吞[集》中的“吞[”二字,就是典型的早期文献证明。明朝人对这种写法非常得意,说胡和同是“胡人大同”的意思,从表面上看具有“少数民族团结”


?ABC公司是XX产品的生产商,拥有齐全的检测设备和雄厚的技术力量。 品种齐全,质量好,价格合理,外观精美,我们的产品广泛的应用于XX(应用 的行业领域)和其他行业。 我们的产品已得到广大用户的一致认可和信赖,并能满足不断发展的经济和社会需求。我们热诚欢迎各行各业的商友,期望与您建立友好合作的商务联系并达到 双赢的目标。 对应英文介绍模板 (公司英文名称) is a manufacturer of (主营产品) with well-equipped testing facilities and strong technical force. With a wide range, good quality, reasonable prices and stylish designs, our products are extensively used in (应用的行业领域) and other industries. Our products are widely recognized and trusted by users and can meet continuously changing economic and social needs. We welcome new and old customers from all walks of life to contact us for future business relationships and mutual success! 中文介绍模板 ?XX公司地处XX,专业生产ABC产品。公司拥有一支经验丰富的专业队伍。我们的产品出口到全世界很多国家和地区,特别是XX。产品深受客户的 好评。 我们欢迎客户、商业协会以及来自世界各地的朋友联系我们,寻求共赢的合作。 对应英文介绍模板 (公司英文名称) is located in (公司所在城市) and is specialized in manufacturing (主营产品). With an experienced and professional team, we have exported our products to many countries and regions all over the world, especially (产品销往地).Our products enjoy a good reputation among our customers. We welcome customers, business associations and friends from all parts of the world to contact us and seek cooperation for mutual benefits.


中国传统节日Traditional Chinese holiday 中国的传统节庆膳食是节日必不可少的伴侣。例如,我国的端午节(the Dragon Boat Festival)是纪念古代诗人屈原的日子。那一天,人们通常要赛龙舟、 吃粽子(zongzi)。中秋节是观赏满月的日子。圆圆的月亮象征着圆满,象征着家 庭团聚。因此,中秋节(TheMid-autumnFestival)的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。 ,除了常见的家禽和春节是中国的农历新年(the Chinese lunar New Year’s holiday) 肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制传统食物,如饺子和年糕。 端午节The Duanwu Festival 端午节,又叫龙舟节,是为了纪念爱国诗人屈原。屈原是一位忠诚和受人 敬仰的大臣,他给国家带来了和平和繁荣。但最后因为受到诽谤(vilify)而最终 投河自尽。人们撑船到他自尽的地方,抛下粽子,希望鱼儿吃粽子,不要吃屈 原的身躯。几千年来,端午节的特色在于吃粽子(glutinous dumplings)和赛龙舟,尤其是在一些河湖密布的南方省份。 春节The Spring Festival 在我国,一年有很多节日,在这些节日中,我最喜欢春节。这不仅因为它 是一年中最大的节日,更因为它是新一年的开始,给人们带来新的希望,也因 为它是亲朋好友团聚的时刻。不管身在何方,人们总会在春节前回到家里准备 过节。通常,我们会在除夕夜吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,之后家人团座一起,分享一 年以来的生活以及新年计划。有的人则会玩游戏或者出去玩。 大年初一,人们通常会早起,会与见到的人说吉祥话。孩子们会得到压岁 钱。在接下来的几天里,人们会带上新年祝福互相串门拜年。总之,春节是一 个欢聚一堂、供人享乐的日子。 元旦New Year's Day -day holiday, so I can go out have fun Today is the New Year’s Day. I have a three or stay at hometo have a good rest. Today, my parents take me out. We go to the mall. Many things are cheap somy mother buys many. I have a new cloth and a pair


公司产品介绍必备英文术语 用料上乘selected materials (high quality materials) 优质原料superior materials 原料精选choice materials 巧用原料to make best use of materials 做工精细perfect in workmanship (exquisite workmanship) 技艺精湛exquisite craftsmanship (excellent craftsmanship) 制作精巧skillful manufacture 工艺精良sophisticated technology 最新工艺latest technology 加工精细finely processed 设计精巧deft design 造型新颖modern design 造型优美beautiful design 设计合理professional design 造型富丽华贵luxuriant in design 结构合理rational construction 款式新颖attractive design 款式齐全various styles 式样优雅elegant shape 花色入时fashionable patterns 任君选择for your selection

五彩缤纷colorful 色彩艳丽beautiful in colors 色泽光润color brilliancy 色泽素雅delicate colors 瑰丽多彩pretty and colorful 洁白透明pure white and translucence 洁白纯正pure whiteness 新增品质优良excellent quality(high quality) 质量上乘superior quality 质量稳定stable quality 质量可靠reliable quality 品种繁多wide varieties 规格齐全complete in specifications 保质保量quality and quantity assured 性能可靠dependable performance 操作简便easy and simple to handle 使用方便easy to use 经久耐用durable in use 以质优而闻名well-known for its fine quality 数量之首The king of quantity 质量最佳The queen of quality 信誉可靠reliable reputation


Good morning,Ladies and Gentlemen:Welcome to Beijing,and welcome to today's Hutong tour!First of all,I would like to start with the term"Hutong",H-U-T-O-N-G what does Hutong mean? According to experts,the word Hutong originated from Mongolian language meaning"Well".In ancient times,people tended to gather and live around wells. So the original meaning of Hutong should be"a place where people gather and live." Nobody knows exactly how many Hutongs there are in nowadays Beijing. But one thing is for sure,if we connected all the Hutongs together,their total length would even be longer than the famous Great wall,which is about 4000 miles longer. Today you can find various Hutongs with different shapes,lengths or directions.The shortest one is only 40 centimeters wide, And some Hutongs have more than 20 turns.As we walk through the Hutongs,you may find most of them look almost the same with gray-colored walls and bricks. Actually inside those walls are the courtyard houses,where people live. In Chinese we call them"siheyuan". The gate building of each Siheyuan is the only thing that we can see along the Hutongs. Chinese people used to try to protect their privacy from being intruded by strangers. So the gate building,in old times,was a symbol to show the position of each house owner. look at thtis one nest door,it has the lion design,because that owner used to be a military officer. Interesting? Now let's see the doorway. Almost every doorway has a threshold,that high step over there. For what reason they put a big step at the door?You know Chinese people believe all the evil spirits are short. They can not jump over high steps. So the threshold is actually for warding off evil spirits. In old times,transportation was not as convenient as today,so street vendors played a very important role in Hutong life. They wandered from lane to lane selling various goods or providing all kind of services. People could judge the goods or services from their peddling or the sounds of their special instruments. The food they sold usually include baked pancakes,seasoned millet mush,or Youzhaguo,a kind of deep-fried twisted dough sticks,and all kinds of vegetables. But now,with modern life all around,it's hard for people to hear the traditional melodious hawking. Look at the crowd sitting over there!What do you think they are doing?Talking about Vic Tanny?Oprah's?Or just gossiping?Any ideas?Let's go and see! Oh,they are building a new Great Wall. But their bricks are Chinese Mahjong!A very popular pastime among the Hutong people,especially among the senior citizens who have retired. The main attraction of Hutong life is friendly and interpersonal communication.


外贸公司英文面试自我介绍范文 well. During my four years college learning, I have got full training of occupational skills. However, I still pay more attention to improve myself in all aspects. When I was in the university, I participated in the English Association of our college (TEE) actively and was elected the president of TEE and Association Minister of Foreign Language Department, well-praised for my hard-working. I think I have got a lot of strength from this experience, such as the ability of communication, expression, and the attitude towards life and work. Optimism, calmness, diligence and innovation strive to be my characteristics conscientiously. I’d like to apply for post like manager assistant in corporation which relate to my major. With great confidence, responsibility and enthusiasm, I believe that I can bear heavy burden on my shoulder. Please offer me a chance and I will give a surprise back to you


公司介绍范文英语 用英语介绍自己的公司的话,肯定是从最好的方面写。下面是给大家整理的公司介绍英语范文,供大家参阅! 公司介绍英语范文模板1建于XX 年,公司致力于XX 贸易。 座落于XX ,我司拥有便利的交通环境。我司占地XX ,员工数量达。并且,我们采用现今先进的设备和严格的质检程序以保证产品质量。 由于稳定及时的产品供应能力,优质产品质量和真诚的服务,产品畅销海内外。如您对我们的产品感兴趣或有特殊产品要求,请与我们联系。我们将尽力满足您的要求。 对应英文介绍模板 Established in ______ (成立年份), ______ (公司名称) specializes in the business of (主营产品). Located in ________ (公司所在城市), we enjoy convenient access to major transportation networks. Our company covers an area of ________ (占地面积) and has around ______ (员工人数) staff members. Furthermore, all our products are manufactured with advanced equipment and strict QC procedures in order to ensure high quality. Guaranteeing stable and timely supply, credible quality and sincere service, our products sell well in


八大胡同 北京的胡同多如牛毛,独独八大胡同闻名中外。因为当年,这里曾是烟叶花柳巷的代名词。“八大胡同”在西珠市口大街以北、铁树斜街以南,由西往东依次为:百顺胡同、胭脂胡同、韩家潭、陕西巷、石头胡同、王广福斜街、朱家胡同、李纱帽胡同(外郎营、皮条营)。其实,老北京人所说的“八大胡同”,并不专指这八条街巷,而是泛指前门外大栅栏一带,因为在这八条街巷之外的胡同里,还分布着近百家大小妓院。只不过当年,这八条胡同的妓院多是一等二等,妓女的“档次”也比较高,所以才如此知名。 八大胡同位于北京前门外大栅栏地区,1.26平方公里,西边是现在的新华街,东边到前门大街,南边在珠市口,北边就在前门大街。八大胡同不仅是娼妓业的代名词,还是老北京商业繁荣的缩影。据载,当年这里不仅妓院林立,还是老字商号、会馆文化及戏曲文化的发源地。八大胡同的形成,它一定是依靠了当年繁华的商业。从清初开始繁荣,到乾隆,到清末一直非常繁华。 八大胡同的成名与大栅栏的崛起密不可分。大栅栏的繁荣起源于清初的“旗民分住”政策。大清朝的这一国策形成了满汉分治的格局,这也意外地带火了今天前门外大栅栏一带。随着汉人外迁,北京的商业娱乐中心开始转移到大栅栏一带。这里也成了戏园子、饭馆子、窑子的汇集之所。 大栅栏一带至今还集中了北京最多的老字号。其中有家鞋店叫内联升。内联升是河北武清县人赵廷于100多年前创办的。有趣的是,当时就凭“内联升”这三个字,他的鞋店竟火爆了京城的官场天成斋,做老百姓穿的低档鞋,而内联升专做坐轿子的人穿的鞋。当时,北京有句俗语,叫“爷不爷,先看鞋”,是说鞋能抬高人的身价,赵廷把眼光盯上了官员们上朝穿的朝靴。妙招:就是把清政府大小官员范式在他店里买过朝靴的人的姓名、年龄、住址、靴子尺寸、特殊爱好、特殊脚型等计入专门的账中,叫做《履中备载》。根据这个《履中备载》做的靴子准保合脚。甚至他媳妇、孩子穿多大的鞋都有记载,不让别人看。据说,一些官员经常到他这里来打听上司或恩师的“足下之需”,花重金给上司或恩师制作几双朝靴送去。连上司穿多大尺寸的鞋都知道,自然是“心腹”之人。因此,内联升生产的朝靴身价倍增,一双可卖白银数十两。 还有一招:顾客一进门,门口有一个沙子的箱子,一踩就过去了,后边的伙计就赶紧给你量鞋底子的长度,等于你还没说话呢,店里就已经知道你穿多大的鞋子。 鞋店的成功还得益于鞋店的字号。“内联升”这三个字是赵廷专门为逢迎做官者心理取的,“内”指大内宫廷,“连升”寓意穿他的鞋能官运亨生。甚至皇帝的龙靴也出自内联升。 老北京城的妓院分若干等级。最早的妓院分布在内城,多是官妓。现东四南大街路东有几条胡同,曾是明朝官妓的所在地,如演乐胡同,是官妓乐队演习奏乐之所。内务部街在明清时叫勾栏胡同,是由妓女和艺人扶着栏杆卖唱演绎而来的。以后“勾栏”成为妓院的别称。明清时期,当官的和有钱的饮宴时要妓女陪酒、奏乐、演唱,叫做“叫条子”,在妓女一方,则叫“出条子”。百顺胡同到了清末民初,妓院主要集中在前门外大街,一是因为这里离内城较近,官员们出城享乐比较方便;二是这里有火车站,南来北往的旅客多;三是前门外大街是京城著名的商业街,相当繁华;四是这一带是戏园子、茶馆、酒楼的集中地,吃喝玩乐,可自成一体。据30年代末的一份统计资料,当时“八大胡同”入册登记准予营业的妓院达117家,妓女有750多人,这只是正式“挂牌”的,还不算“野妓”和“暗娼”。老北京的妓女分为“南班”与“北班”两种,一般来说,“南班”的妓女主要是江南一带的女子,档次高一些,不但有色,而且有才。这样的妓女陪的多是达官显贵,如京城名妓赛金


产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好 Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 畅销全球 selling well all over the world 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 定型耐久 durable modeling 方便顾客 making things convenient for customers 方便群众 making things convenient for the people; to suit the people's convenience 方便商品 convenience goods 方便生活 bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life; providing amenities for the people; making life easier for the population 各式俱全 wide selection; large assortment 顾客第一 Customers first 顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods. 规格齐全 a complete range of specifications; complete in specifications 花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs 货色齐全 goods of every description are available. 客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first 款式多样 a great variety of models 款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style 款式齐全 various styles 款式新颖 attractive designs; fashionable(in) style; novel (in) design; up-to-date styling 款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs 美观大方 elegant appearance


北京胡同的列表(部分新老胡同名对照) 新街口地区 大丰胡同:旧称观音庵胡同、观音庵,已经是居民小区马相胡同:旧称马香胡同 长青胡同:旧称松树庵 双寺胡同:旧称双寺胡同(北药王庙并入) 水车胡同 水章胡同:旧称水罐胡同 玉芙胡同:旧称玉佛寺(蔡家大门并入) 甘露胡同:旧称甘水桥胡同、甘水桥 东光胡同:旧称轿子胡同 东明胡同:旧称观音寺胡同 四环胡同:旧称草场大坑 永泰胡同:旧称永泰寺 西井胡同:旧称井儿胡同 西章胡同:旧称三官庙 西绦胡同:旧称西绦儿胡同(北城根、北药王胡同并入)西魏胡同:旧称西位胡同 有果胡同:旧称油炸鬼湖同(小三条并入) 光泽胡同:旧称火药局、大火药局(小火药局并入) 后坑胡同:旧称后坑 后章胡同:旧称后张公园、张公园 羊房胡同:旧称羊房胡同 阳泉胡同:旧称羊圈 红园胡同:旧称官菜园、菜园六条(骆驼胡同并入) 寿屏胡同:旧称烧饼胡同 苇坑胡同:旧称苇坑 孝友胡同:旧称药酒葫芦胡同 邱家胡同:旧称邱家胡同 辛勤胡同:旧称抄手胡同 罗儿胡同 朋奖胡同:旧称彭家楼胡同 鸦儿胡同:旧称鸭儿胡同、广化寺街(侯位胡同并入)前章胡同:旧称前张公园、张公园 铁炉胡同:旧称铁香炉 高井胡同 棠花胡同:旧称糖房胡同(糖房大院并入) 景尔胡同:旧称井儿胡同 黑塔胡同:旧称黑塔寺 阔带胡同:旧称口袋胡同 铸钟胡同:旧称铸钟厂 槐树胡同

新开胡同:旧称南新开路(酱房大院并入) 滨海胡同:旧称段家胡同 碧峰胡同:旧称碧峰寺(新开路并入) 潜学胡同:旧称前桌子胡同 八步口胡同:旧称八步口 小石桥胡同:旧称小石桥 小半截胡同:旧称小半截胡同 小黑虎胡同:旧称小黑虎胡同 小铜井胡同:旧称小铜井 大石桥胡同:旧称大石桥 大半截胡同:旧称半截胡同 大黑虎胡同:旧称黑虎胡同 大铜井胡同:旧称大铜井 五根檩胡同:旧称五根檩胡同 中教场胡同:旧称中街(洋溢滋、长图治、剃头栅并入) 东桃园胡同:旧称后桃园 东轿杆胡同:旧称东轿杆 东教场胡同:旧称东教场,有一个四合院保留比较完整。 东新开胡同:旧称东新开路、新开路(崇元观并入),已经拆掉建立小区,仅剩的几个小院也要拆除 北草厂胡同:旧称北草厂、草厂(钱筒子并入) 西轿杆胡同:旧称西轿杆 西教场胡同:旧称西教场(绵长胡同、草料铺并入) 迁善居胡同:旧称迁善居 后马厂胡同:旧称后马家厂(酱房大院并入) 后牛角胡同:旧称后牛犄角胡同 后英房胡同:旧称鹰房胡同、营房 后桃园胡同:旧称后桃园 时刻亮胡同:旧称屎壳郎胡同 前马厂胡同:旧称前马厂、前马家厂、马厂胡同 前牛角胡同:旧称前牛犄角胡同 前英房胡同:旧称前营房 前桃园胡同:旧称前桃园 穿堂门胡同:旧称川堂门 北顺城街 福绥境地区 北大安胡同:旧称北扒儿胡同,现已不存在 葱店胡同:旧称葱店(妙清观并入),现已不存在 南大安胡同:旧称大安胡同、大扒儿胡同,现已不存在 晓安胡同:旧称小南扒胡同、南扒胡同,现已不存在 永祥胡同:旧称永祥寺,现已不存在 永祥东巷:旧称永祥寺,现已不存在


英语作文介绍北京胡同 篇一:英语作文欣赏 1.On Overseas Study(出国留学) 1.有人认为出国留学是个人发展的最佳选择; 2.也有人坚持在国内也能实现自己的理想; 3.我的看法。 With the deepening of reform and opening-up of our country, many people dream of going abroad for further study. They insist that there are more modern research facilities, world famous professors and excellent environment in some foreign colleges and universities, which lay a perfect foundation for their future development. However, there are still many people who favor studying at home. They argue that studying abroad is too expensive and therefore doesn’t pay. They also point out that there are no language and cultural barriers if they study in our country. Just as the old saying goes, "Every advantage has its disadvantage.Both opinions are acceptable in some sense. If students have the chances and financial resources, (转自:wWw.bdFqy.com 千叶帆文摘:英语作文介绍北京胡同)they


公司简介的英语范文 你知道应该怎么用英语翻译公司的简介吗?下面由为你提供的公司简介的英语范文,希望能帮到你。 公司简介的英语范文(一) Tishman Speyer is one of the leading owners, developers, operators and fund managers of first-class real estate worldwide. Across North America, Europe, Latin America, India and China, many of the world’s most prestigious corporations rely on Tishman Speyer to meet their space needs. Since our inception in 1978, we have acquired, developed and operated 391 projects totaling over 166 million square feet. We have assembled a property portfolio in excess of US $80.2 billion in total value across the United States, Europe, Latin America, India and China. Our global real estate professionals blend local knowledge and market-driven insights with an international wealth of expertise and experience.


模版A : Established in ________ (成立年份), ________________________ (公司英文名称)is a manufacturer ( 生产兼贸易,可用 manufacturer and trader ) specialized in the research, developme nt and product ion of ______________________ (公司主打产品 ).We are located in ___________ (公司所在城市 ),with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of differe nt markets throughout the world. If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to con tact us. We are look ing forward to formi ng successful bus in ess relati on ships with new clie nts around the world in the n ear future. 对应中文翻译: ABC 公司成立于XX 年,专业生产 XXX 产品,集产品研发和生产于一体。我公司地处 XX 市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。 模版B : Established in _________ (成立年份) , _______________________ (公司英文名称) is a professi onal manu facturer and exporter that is concerned with the desig n, developme nt and production of _____________________ (行业产品 ).We are located in ________ (公司所在城 市),with convenient tran sportati on access. All of our products comply with intern ati onal quality sta ndards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of differe nt markets throughout the world. We have over _________ (员工人数 )employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD _________ (销售额)and are curre ntly export ing ________ (出口比例 )of our product ion worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excelle nt quality con trol throughout all stages of producti on en ables us to guara ntee total customer satisfact ion. As a result of our high quality products and outsta nding customer service, we have gained a global sales network reaching _________________ (主要出口国家 ). If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to con tact us. We are look ing forward to formi ng successful bus in ess relati on ships with new clie nts around the world in the n ear future. ABC 公司成立于XX 年,专业生产和出口 XXX 产品,集产品设计、研发和生产于一体。我 公司地处XX 市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外 众多市场。 我司现拥有XX 名员工,年销售额逾 XX 美金,百分之 XX 的产品远销海外。为了保证客户 满意度,我们引入了先进的设备设施,并在生产各个环节贯彻完善的质量检查措施。 如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向, 手 合作,共创未来。 欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携

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