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Section A




Section B





give a(good)hand to向…鼓掌

give praise to赞美

give a shout大喊


suspicious of是常见搭配,definite of没见过,anxious一般后接about,for,curious不合语境3.C








stumble over,get over,dash to,give out[发表,公布]










He didn’t know anything about business,so starting his own was______.

a clim

b to power,a leap in the dark[冒险的行动],

a run on the bank,a step backwards






A quick wit and a warm smile were the salesman’s stock in trade.

Remark:stock in trade—the goods,tools and other requisites of a profession.



set the stage for

shed light on为...提供线索,对...透露情况,使...清楚地显出,阐明...

make sense of搞清...的意思

give a hand to


far from being symptomatic of a lack of______





train oneself in(the)economy of expression[精炼的表达]





shy away from躲避

stay away外出

slip away溜走


It is better to disarm the feeling than to let it build up.




I once married a man I thought was totally unlike my father and I imagined a whole new world of freedomemerging.Five years later it was clear even to me-floating face down in a wash of despair-that I had simply chosen a replica[=duplicate]of my handsome daddy-true.The updated version

spoke English like an angel but-good God!-underneath he was my father exactly:wonderful,but not the right man for me.

Most people I know have at one time or another been fouled up[=messed up]by their childhood experiences.Patterns tend to sink into the unconscious only to reappear,disguised,unseen,like marionette strings,pulling us this way or that.Whatever ails people-keeps them up at night,tossing and turning[辗转反侧]-also ails movements no matter how historically huge or politically important.The women's movement cannotremake consciousness,or reshape the future,without acknowledging and shedding all the unnecessary and ugly baggage of the past.It's easy enough now to see where men have kept us out of clubs,baseball games,graduate schools;it's easy enough to recognize the hidden directions that limit Sis to cake-baking and Junior to bridge-building;it's now possible for even Miss America herself to identify what they have done to us, and,of course,they have and they did and they are....But along the way we also developed our own hiddenprejudices,class assumptions and an anti-male humor and collection of expectations that gave us,like alloppressed groups,a secret sense of superiority co-existing with a poor self-image.


Confessions of a Female Chauvinist Sow



Anne Roiphe is an author and journalist whose works include Digging Out(1967),Up the Sandbox (1970),and Long Division(1972).In the following essay she works against the grain of feminism. Her argument,however,is not a defense of the traditional view of women.Consider as you read, exactly what Roiphe is arguing and what kind of evidence she calls upon.

1I once married a man I thought was totally unlike my father and I imagined a whole new world of freedom emerging.Five years later it was clear even to me-floating face down in a wash of despair-that I had simply chosen a replica of my handsome daddy-true.The updated version spoke English like an angel but-good God!-underneath he was my father exactly:wonderful,but not the right man for me.

2Most people I know have at one time or another been fouled up by their childhood experiences. Patterns tend to sink into the unconscious only to reappear,disguised,unseen,like marionette strings,pulling us this way or that.\Vhatever ails people-keeps them up at night,tossing and turning-also ails movements no matter how historically huge or politically important.The women's movement cannot remake consciousness,or reshape the future,without acknowledging and shedding all the unnecessary and ugly baggage of the past.It's easy enough now to see where men have kept us out of clubs,baseball games,graduate schools;it's easy enough to recognize the hidden directions that limit Sis to cake-baking and Junior to bridge-building;it's now possible for even Miss America herself to identify what they have done to us,and,of course,they have and they did and they are....But along the way we also developed our own hidden prejudices,class assumptions and an anti-male humor and collection of expectations that gave us,like all oppressed groups,a secret sense of superiority(co-existing with a poor self-image-it's not news that people can believe two contradictory things at once)s.

3Listen to any group that suffers materially and socially.They have a lexicon with which they tease the enemy:ofay,goy,hanky,gringo."Poor pale devils,"said Malcolm X loud enough for us to hear,although blacks had joked about that to each other for years.Behind some of the women's liberation thinking lurk the rumors,the prejudices,the defense systems of generations of oppressed women whispering in the kitchen together,presenting one face to their menfolk and another to their card clubs,their mothers and sisters.All this is natural enough but potentially dangerous in a revolutionary situation in which you hope to create a future that does not mirror the past.The hidden anti-male feelings,a result of the old system,will foul us up if they are allowed to persist.

4During my teen years I never left the house on my Saturday night dates without my mother slipping me a few extra dollars-mad money,it was called.I'll explain what it was for the benefit of the new generation in which people just sleep with each other:the fellow was supposed to bring me home,lead me safely through the asphalt jungle,protect me from slithering snakes,rapists and the like.But my mother and I knew young men were apt to drink too much,to slosh down so many rye-and-gingers that some hero might well lead me in front of an oncoming bus,smash his daddy's car into Tiffany's window or,less gallantly,throw up on my new dress.Mad money was for getting home on your own,no matter what form of insanity your date happened to evidence.Mad money was also a wallflower's rope ladder;if the guy you came with suddenly fancied someone else,well, you didn't have to stay there and suffer,you could go home.Boys were fickle and likely to be unkind;my mother and I knew that,as surely as we knew they tried to make you do things in the dark they wouldn't respect you for afterwards,and in fact would spread the word and spoil your rep. Boys liked to be flattered;if you made them feel important they would eat out of your hand.So talk to them about their interests,don't alarm them with displays of intelligence-we all knew that, we groups of girls talking into the wee hours of the night in a kind of easy companionship we thought impossible with boys.Boys were prone to have a good time,get you pregnant,and then pretend they didn't know your name when you came knocking on their door for finances or comfort.In short,we believed boys were less moral than we were.They appeared to be hypocritical,self-seeking,exploitative,untrustworthy and very likely to be showing off their precious masculinity.I never had a girl friend I thought would be unkind or embarrass me in public.

I never expected a girl to lie to me about her marks or sports skill or how good she was in bed. Altogether without anyone's directly coming out and saying so-I gathered that men were sexy, powerful,very interesting,but not very nice,not very moral,humane and tender,like us.Girls played fairly while men,unfortunately,reserved their honor for the battlefield.

5Why are there laws insisting on alimony and child support?Well,everyone knows that men don't have an instinct to protect their young and,given half a chance,with the moon in the right phase, they will run off and disappear.Everyone assumes a mother will not let her child starve,yet it is necessary to legislate that a father must not do so.We are taught to accept the idea that men are less than decent;their charms may be manifold but their characters are riddled with faults.To this day I never blink if I hear that a man has gone to find his fortune in South America,having left his pregnant wife,his blind mother and taken the family car.I still gasp in horror when I hear of a woman leaving her asthmatic infant for a rock group in Taos because I can't seem to avoid the assumption that men are naturally heels and women the ordained carriers of what little is moral in our dubious civilization.

6My mother never gave me mad money thinking I would ditch a fellow for some other guy or that I would pass out drunk on the floor.She knew I would be considerate of my companion because,

after all,I was more mature than the boys that gathered about.Why was I more mature?Women just are people-oriented;they learn to be empathetic at an early age.Most English students (students interested in humanity,not artifacts)are women.Men and boys-so the myth goes-conceal their feelings and lose interest in anybody else's.Everyone knows that even little boys can tell the difference between one kind of a car and another-proof that their souls are mechanical,their attention directed to the nonhuman.

7I remember shivering in the cold vestibule of a famous men's athletic club.Women and girls are not permitted inside the club's door.What are they doing in there,I asked?They're naked,said my mother,they're sweating,jumping up and down a lot,telling each other dirty jokes and bragging about their stock market exploits.Why can't we go in?I asked.Well,my mother told me,they're afraid we'd laugh at them.

8The prejudices of childhood are hard to outgrow.I confess that every time my business takes me past that club,I shudder.Images of large bellies resting on massage tables and flaccid penises rising and falling with the Dow Jones average flash through my head.There it is,chauvinism waving its cancerous tentacles from the depths of my psyche.

9Minorities automatically feel superior to the oppressor because,after all,they are not hurting anybody.In fact,they feel they are morally better.The old canard that women need love,men need sex-believed too long by both sexes-attributes moral and spiritual superiority to women and makes of men beasts whose urges send them prowling into the night.This false division of good and bad, placing deforming pressures on everyone,doesn't have to contaminate the future.We know that the assumptions we make about each other become a part of the cultural air we breathe and,in fact, become social truths.Women who want equality must be prepared to give it and to believe in it, and in order to do that it is not enough to state that you are as good as any man,but also it must be stated that he is as good as you and both will be humans together.If we want men to share in the care of the family in a new way,we must assume them as capable of consistent loving tenderness as we.

10I rummage about and find in my thinking all kinds of anti-male prejudices.Some are just jokes and others I will have a hard time abandoning.First,I share an emotional conviction with many sisters that women given power would not create wars.Intellectually I know that's ridiculous;great queens have waged war before;the likes of Lurleen Wallace,Pat Nixon and Mrs.General Lavelle can be depended upon in the future to guiltlessly condemn to death other people's children in the name of some ideal of their own.Little girls,of course,don't take toy guns out of their hip pockets and say"Pow,pow"to all their neighbors and friends like the average well-adjusted little boy. However,if we gave little girls the sixshooters,we would soon have double the pretend body count. 11Aggression is not,as I secretly think,a male-sex-linked characteristic:brutality is masculine only by virtue of opportunity.True,there are1,000Jack the Rippers for every Lizzie Borden,but that surely is the result of social forms.Women as a group are indeed more masochistic than men. The practical result of this division is that women seem nicer and kinder,but when the world changes,women will have a fuller opportunity to be just as rotten as men and there will be fewer claims of female moral superiority.

12Now that I am entering early middle age,I hear many women complaining of husbands and ex-husbands who are attracted to younger females.This strikes the older woman as unfair,of course. But I remember a time when I thought all boys around my age and grade were creeps and bores.I wanted to go out with an older man:a senior or,miraculously,a college man.I had a certain

contempt for my coevals,not realizing that the freshman in college I thought so desirable,was some older girl's creep.Some women never lose that contempt for men of their own age.That isn't fair either and may be one reason why some sensible men of middle years find solace in young women.

13I remember coming home from school one day to find my mother's card game dissolved in hysterical laughter.The cards were floating in black rivers of running mascara.What was so funny?

A woman named Helen was lying on a couch pretending to be her husband with a cold.She was issuing demands for orange juice,aspirin,suggesting a call to a specialist,complaining of neglect, of fate's cruel finger,of heat,of cold,of sharp pains on the bridge of the nose that might indicate brain involvement.What was so funny?The ladies explained to me that all men behave just like that with colds,they are reduced to temper tantrums by simple nasal congestion,men cannot stand any little physical discomfort-on and on the laughter went.

14The point of this vignette is the nature of the laughter-us laughing at them,us feeling superior to them,us ridiculing them behind their backs.If they were doing it to us we'd call it male chauvinist pigness;if we do it to them,it is inescapably female chauvinist sowness and,whatever its roots,it leads to the same isolation.Boys are messy,boys are mean,boys are rough,boys are stupid and have sloppy handwriting.A cacophony of childhood memories rushes through my head,balanced, of course,by all the well-documented feelings of inferiority and envy.But the important thing,the hard thing,is to wipe the slate clean,to start again without the meanness of the past.That's why it's so important that the women's movement not become antimale and allow its most prejudiced spokesmen total leadership.The much-chewed-over abortion issue illustrates this.The women's-liberation position,insisting on a woman's right to determine her own body's destiny,leads in fanatical extreme to a kind of emotional immaculate conception in which the father is not judged even half-responsible--he has no rights,and no consideration is to be given to his concern for either the woman or the fetus.

15Woman,who once was abandoned and disgraced by an unwanted pregnancy,has recently arrived at a new pride of ownership or disposal.She has traveled in a straight line that still excludes her sexual partner from an equal share in the wanted or unwanted pregnancy.A better style of life may develop from an assumption that men are as human as we.Why not ask the child's father if he would like to bring up the child?Why not share decisions,when possible,with the male?If we cut them out,assuming an old-style indifference on their part,we perpetuate the ugly divisiveness that has characterized relations between the sexes so far.

16Hard as it is for many of us to believe,women are not really superior to men in intelligence or humanity-they are only equal.











见On How To Grow Old(PDF格式文件)






2016年全国医学博士英语统一入学考试试卷完整版 注:本答案非旭晨考博网出,完整参考答案请及时关注《2017年旭晨医学考博英语一本通第11版》后续更新,将免费提供。 Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A 1. B. At three next Wednesday. 2. B. A piercing pain. 3. A. He is going to get married. 4. D. She couldn't agree with the man more. 5. A. Jack's girlfriend is mad at him. 6. B. It's wise to be prepared. 7. B. He is a trouble-maker. 8. D. $30 9. C. Work out in the gym. 10. B. 232 11. A. Mary isn't his type. 12. A. Play tennis. 13. C. In the hospital. 14. A. She is seriously ill. 15. B. She makes a living now as a landlady. Section B Dialogue 16. A. A duodenal ulcer. 17. B. Try medical means. 18. A. Overweight. 19. C. He is a heavy smoker. 20. D. Make an appointment with Dr. Oaks. Passage One 21. D. He is the creator of a website on longevity. 22. C. Women develop cardiovascular disease much later than men. 23. B. In their 60s and 70s. 24. D. Iron. 25. C. Another possibility for women's longevity. Passage Two 26. C. He struggled under the strain of poverty. 27. B. He is an investment advisor. 28. D. Fear. 29. B. He began reading investment books and then began practicing. 30. C. Where there is a will, there is a way. Part II Vocabulary (10%) Section A Directions: In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A, B, C


词汇(无) 完型(网络上找到的原文,试题没有这么长,压缩了。划线部分为虫友考后忆起的待选空及答案) In the last post, we discussed why fabrication and falsification are harmful to scientific knowledge-building. The short version is that if you’re trying to build a body of reliable knowledge about the world, making stuff up (rather than, say, making careful observations of that world and reporting those observations accurately) tends not to get you closer to that goal. Along with fabrication and falsification, plagiarism is widely recognized as a high crime against the project of science, but the explanations for why it’s harmful generally make it look like a different kind of crime than fabrication and falsification. For example, Donald E. Buzzelli (1999) writes: [P]lagiarism is an instance of robbing a scientific worker of the credit for his or her work, not a matter of corrupting the record. (p. 278) Kenneth D, Pimple (2002) writes: One ideal of science, identified by Robert Merton as ―disinterestedness,‖ holds that what matters is the finding, not who makes the finding. Under this norm, scientists do not judge each other’s work by reference to the race, religion, gender, prestige, or any other incidental characteristic of the researcher; the work is judged by the work, not the worker. No harm would be done to the Theory of Relativity if we discovered Einstein had plagiarized it… [P]lagiarism … is an offense against the community of scientists, rather than against science itself. Who makes a particular finding will not matter to science in one hundred years, but today it matters deeply to the community of scientists. Plagiarism is a way of stealing credit, of gaining credit where credit is not due, and credit, typically in the form of authorship, is the coin of the realm in science. An offense against scientists qua scientists is an offense against science, and in its way plagiarism is as deep an offense against scientists as falsification and fabrication are offenses against science. (p. 196) Pimple is claiming that plagiarism is not an offense that undermines(zqc2849) the knowledge-building project of science per se. Rather, the crime is in depriving other scientists of the reward they are due for participating in this knowledge-building project. In other words, Pimple says that plagiarism is problematic not because it is dishonest, but rather because it is unfair. While I think Pimple is right to identify an additional component of responsible conduct of science besides honesty, namely, a certain kind of fairness to one’s fellow scientists, I also think this analysis of plagiarism misses an important way(whj19890715) in which misrepresenting the source of words, ideas, methods, or results can undermine the knowledge-building project of science. On the surface, plagiarism, while potentially nasty to the person whose report is being stolen, might seem not to undermine the scientific community’s evaluation(zqc2849) of the phenomena. We are still, after all, bringing together and comparing a number of different observation reports to determine the stable features of our experience of the phenomenon. But this comparison often involves a dialogue as well. As part of the


gain . Furthermore federal regulations designed to promote the New Town idea do not consider social need s as the European New Town plans do. In fact, our regulations specify virtual y all the ingredients of the typical suburban community, with a bit of political rhetoric thrown in. A workable American New Town formula should be established as firmly here as the national formula was in Britain. All possible social and governme ntal innovations as well as financial fac tors s hould be thoroughly considered and accommodated in this policy. Its objectives should be clearly stated, and both incentives and penalties should be provided to ensure that the objectives are pursued. If s uch a poli cy is developed, then the New Town approach can pla y an important role in alleviating American's urban problems. 36. As revealed in Para 1, the author considers the American New Town approach_____ A. atypical B. irrelevant C. impractical D.unprecedented 37. According to the author, the present New Town plan will _____ A. fail t o bring about the i ntended re sults B. produce genuinely needed New Towns C. bridge the gap between the poor and the rich – D. help resolve the spreading urban problems 38. The author believes that the New Town projects will lead to _____ A. m ore brisk co mmercial activities in th e cities B. more l ow-income people living in the s uburbs C. higher incidence of tax avoidance by industries D. heavier tax burdens on the remaining citi zens 39. In the author's o pinion. the European New Town plans are superior to the America's in their concern for A. the typical suburban community B. the interests of the promoters C . the welfare of the general public D. the government's political achievement


2018考博英语翻译练习题及答案【十篇】 仰望天空时,什么都比你高,你会自卑;俯视大地时,什么都比你低,你会自负;只有放宽视野,把天空和大地尽收眼底,才能在苍穹泛土之间找到你真正的位置。无须自卑,不要自负,坚持自信。以下我无忧考网为考生整理的《2018考博英语翻译练习题及答案第二部分【十篇】》供您查阅。 2018考博英语翻译练习:泡腊八蒜 考博英语翻译题型多为汉译英,各博士招生院校大多都有此题型,考博英语复习初期阶段新东方在线考博频道为考博生们整理了一些考博英语翻译练习,供大家平日复习。 泡腊八蒜是中国北方,尤其是华北地区的一个习俗。顾名思义,就是在阴历腊月初八的这天来泡制大蒜。其实材料非常简单,就是醋和大蒜瓣儿。做法也是极其简单,将剥了皮的蒜瓣儿放到一个可以密封的罐子、瓶子之类的容器里面,然后倒入醋,封上口放到一个冷的地方。慢慢地,泡在醋中的蒜就会变绿,最后会变得通体碧绿的,如同翡翠碧玉。老北京人家,一到腊月初八,过年的气氛一天赛过一天,

华北大部分地区在腊月初八这天有用醋泡蒜的习俗。 译文参考: Laba garlic bulbs in the north,particularly in North China,a custom. As the name suggests,at the eighth daytime of the twelfth lunar day the Chinese people are apt to cook garlic.In fact,the materials is very easy, that is,vinegar and garlic petal.Approach is extremely simple too,the rinded garlic cloves can be sealed into a jar,flasks and the favor inside the container,then pour vinegar,sealed port into a cold location. Slowly, the garlic drenched in vinegar ambition turn green,and finally transform entire body green as emerald jade.Old Beijing human,1 to the eighth daytime of the twelfth lunar month,one day outdo the air of Chinese New Year day in most parts of north China this day be serviceable in the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month vinegar and garlic bulbs custom. 解析: 大蒜:garlic


上海交大2013年考博英语试题及答案 第一篇 There are desert plants which survive the dry season in the form of inactive seeds. There are also desert insects which survive as inactive larvae (幼虫). In addition, difficult as it is to believe, there are desert fish which can survive through years of drought (干旱) in the form of inactive eggs. These are the shrimps (小虾) that live in the Mojave Desert, an intensely dry region in the south-west of the United States where shade temperatures of over 50C are often recorded. The eggs of the Mojave shrimps are the size and have the appearance of grains of sand. When sufficient spring rain falls to form a lake, once every two to five years, these eggs hatch (孵化). Then the water is soon filled with millions of tiny shrimps about a millimetre long which feed on tiny plant and animal organisms which also grow in the temporary desert lake. Within a week, the shrimps grow from their original 1 millimetre to a length of about 1.5 centimetres. Throughout the time that the shrimps are rapidly maturing, the water in the lake equally rapidly evaporates. Therefore, for the shrimps it is a race against time. By the twelfth day, however, when they are about 3 centimetre long, hundreds of tiny eggs form on the underbodies of the females. Usually by this time, all that remains of the lake is a large, muddy patch of wet soil. On the thirteenth day and the next, during the final hours of their brief lives, the shrimps lay their eggs in the mud. Then, having ensured that their species will survive, the shrimps die as the last of the water evaporates. If sufficient rain falls the next year to form another lake, the eggs hatch, and once again the shrimps pass rapidly through their cycle of growth, adulthood, egg-laying, and death. Some years there is insufficient rain to form a lake: in this case, the eggs will remain dormant for another years, or even longer if necessary. Very, very occasionally, perhaps twice in a hundred years, sufficient rain falls to form a deep lake that lasts a month or more. In this case, the species passes through two cycles of growth, egg-laying, and death. Thus, on such occasions, the species multiplies considerably, which further ensures its survival. 1.Which of the following is the MOST distinctive feature of Mojave shrimps? A) Their lives are brief. B) They feed on plant and animal organisms.


中国科学院(中科院)考博历年试题汇总 中科院发育遗传所2002生物化学(博士) 注:请将试卷写在答题纸上;不用抄题,但要写请题号;草稿纸上答题无效。一、名次解释:(20分) 二、以动物细胞或植物细胞为例说明细胞中的膜结构及其功能。(12分) 三、在研究位置基因的功能时往往采用推定的该基因所编码的氨基酸序列与已知功能的蛋白质的氨基酸序列比较来推断,你认为这种比较应采用什么原则?为什么?(12分) 四、真核基因在原核细胞中表达的蛋白质常常失去生物活性,为什么?举例说明。(12分) 五、简述信号肽的结构特点、功能和从蛋白质产物中切除的机理。(12分) 六、分子筛、离子交换和亲和层析是三种分离、醇化蛋白质的方法,你如何根据所要分离、纯化的蛋白质的性质选择使用。(12分) 七、酶联免疫吸附实验(ELISA)的基本原理是什么?如何用此方法检测样品中的抗原和抗体?(12分) 八、某一个蛋白,SDS凝胶电泳表明其分子量位于16900于37100标准带之间,当用巯基乙醇和碘乙酸处理该蛋白后经SDS凝胶电泳分析仍得到一条带,但分子量接近标准带13370处,请推断此蛋白质的结构?为什么第二次用前要加碘乙酸?(8分) 中科院发育遗传所2000-2001生物化学(博士) 2000年博士研究生入学考试 生物化学试题 1.酶蛋白的构象决定了酶对底物的专一性,请描述并图示酶与底物相互关系的几种学说。(20分) 2.什么是DNA的半保留复制和半不连续复制?如何证明?真核细胞与原核细胞的DNA复制有何不同?(20分) 3.概述可作为纯化依据的蛋白质性质及据此发展的方法。(20分) 4.简述酵解和发酵两个过程并说明两者的异同。(15分) 5.吃多了高蛋白食物为什么需要多喝水?(10分) 6.在非极端环境的生物体中是否存在氰化物不敏感的呼吸作用?如果有,其可能的生物学意义是什么?(5分) 以下两题中任选一题(10分) 7.概述植物或微生物细胞感应(应答)环境刺激因子(如养分缺乏、热、冷、干旱、


General English Admission Test For Non-English Major Ph.D. program (Harbin Institute of Technology) Passage One Questions 1-7 are based on the following passage: According to a recent theory, Archean-age gold-quartz vein systems were formed over two billion years ago from magmatic fluids that originated from molten granitelike bodies deep beneath the surface of the Earth. This theory is contrary to the widely held view that the systems were deposited from metamorphic fluids, that is, from fluids that formed during the dehydration of wet sedimentary rocks. The recently developed theory has considerable practical importance. Most of the gold deposits discovered during the original gold rushes were exposed at the Earth’s surface and were found because they had shed trails of alluvial gold that were easily traced by simple prospecting methods. Although these same methods still leas to an occasional discovery, most deposits not yet discovered have gone undetected because they are buried and have no surface expression. The challenge in exploration is therefore to unravel the subsurface geology of an area and pinpoint the position of buried minerals. Methods widely used today include analysis of aerial images that yield a broad


2013年全国医学博士外语统一考试英语试题及详解 试卷一(Paper One) Part I Listening Comprehension (30%) Section A Directions: In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, you will hear a question about what is said. The question will be read only once. After you hear the question, read the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Listen to the following example. You will hear: Woman: I feel faint. Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day. Question: What’s the matter with the woman? You will read: A. She is sick. B. She was bitten by an ant. C. She is hungry. D. She spilled her paint.


中国科学院大学2015考博英语复习“四大策略”攻破低分城墙 考博英语复习是一个长期慢慢积累提高的过程,只有脑海中有大量的英语词汇才能做到阅读速度快给接下来答题的争取更多的时间,出来积累一定量的词汇外就是加强语法的学习。海量的词汇、语法、完美的结合,平常在注意培养下语感,离高分的步伐会越来越近。下面育明考博的考博英语辅导老师给大家说下几个注意问题:联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 一、梳理基础,积累海量词汇 考博英语词汇是一个水滴石穿的过程,需要时间的积累,同时,词汇也是完成各种题型的基础,如果没有词汇量的积累,想要拿高分更是难上建难。暑期,考生都比较有充裕的时间,所以,考生可以借助这段时间将英语基础打牢。词汇是考博英语的基石,词汇量积累的多少非常影响考生在做题时的信心、心态、做题速度以及准确率。因此熟练掌握考博大纲单词尤为重要。 复习词汇的有效办法:避免枯燥乏味的记忆,从词形、词义和词法的角度把握词汇,这涉及眼、口、手、耳、脑并用,充分调动自己学习词汇的主观积极性。这一阶段对词汇的学习是复习和巩固,所以节奏上需要有所加快,遇到一个单词,扫一眼,快速朗读一遍,之后动手默写一遍,在大脑留下印记。如果能够下载词汇书的音频,可以在复习完当天的单词之后,再听听词汇音频,听的时候可以努力回忆词汇的拼写、发音、含义和用法。通过这种方式,全方位地调动自己的感官,达到良好的学习效果。 我在前一段的复习过程中单词已经背的差不多了,现在还再复习单词是不是有点浪费时间。对于已经把大纲上所列单词背的比较熟练得同学来说,在现阶段的首要任务就是把它们放到试题中去,放到活生生的语境中去,认真体会其引申含义和感情色彩。同时也应注意,有些同学的确已经将考博词


让我感受最深的是,做事一定要制定合理的计划。凡事预则立不预则废,真的太有道理了,绝不能率性而为。我要给学生上课,没那么多时间坐下来看书,所以精确的计划对我尤为重要。中科院最难搞的就是英语了(迄今为止,我所经历的大大小小考试中,这个难度最大,基本上是bt的难度),花样多、题量大、时间紧,考验人类极限能力的一个科目。备战这个科目,除了要大量记忆词汇、阅读文章、做复习题,还要积极锻炼身体,储备体能(累死到考场上就亏大了)。专业课难度虽然也不小,不过还好,毕竟是本国语言,看得懂在说什么。不过想要吃透,也必须最少看书3-5遍,起码将3级以上知识点全部记牢。鉴于此,我最终制定并执行的方案是: 1、考试之前英语单词量12000以上,每天100词,3个月一个循环,1年之内牢记这12000词。我用的字典是世图的王湘云的那本考博词汇手册,特点是便携、针对性强、精炼。联系我们扣扣:四九三三七一六二六。电话:四零零六六八六九七八 2、每天阅读英文原版书籍或期刊杂志。书最好是近几年出版的小说(我看的是哈利波特系列),期刊就无所谓了,看娱乐八卦都可以,主要是为了增强阅读能力。ps:这个对我帮助很大,对比之下我才知道自己从前的语言逻辑、语句组织其实问题很大。 3、最后4个月吧,集中开始做题。推荐先做清华、北大、复旦等高校题目热热身,最后做中科院的历年真题。数目不一定多,每周2套,大约30套左右吧,重点在于做完后的复盘,这个很管用。 4、专业课书目做到2个月看1遍,记3便笔记。有时间的话,可以看看相关书籍。我的感觉是中科院考题比较活,和实际结合得相当紧密,不怎么考一些死记硬背的东西。师从生活吧,处处留心皆学问。ps:专业考试一样有陷阱,眼神要好(眼睛度数不够的考前抓紧配),精力要集中。我的专业课,


2018年中山大考博英语真题 Directions: In each question, decide which of the choices given will most suitably complete the sentences if inserted at the place marked. Write your choices on the Answer Sheet. 31. The secretary was harshly——by her boss for misplacing some important files. A) rebuked B)teased C) washed D) accused 32. The jet airliner has ——from the Wright brothers’ small airplane. A) Involved B) evolved C) devolved D) revolved 33. Chinese products enjoy high international prestige because of their, quality. A) Indistinctive B) indisputable C) indispensable D) indistinguishable 34. This can something that the students may not have comprehended in English. A) Signify B) specify C) clarify D) testify 35. I must you on your handling of a very difficult situation. A) meditate B) complement C) elaborate D) compliment 36. I've had my car examined three times now but no mechanic has been able to the problem. A) deduce B) notify C) highlight D) pinpoint 37. Architectural pressure groups fought unsuccessfully to save a terrace of eighteenth century houses from _ A) abolition B) demolition C) disruption D) dismantling 38.Having decided to rent a flat, we____ contacting all the accommodation dt, agencies in the city. A) set out B) set to C) set about D) set off 39. The police decided to the department store after they had received a bomb warning. A) evict B) expel C) abandon D) evacuate 40. If the work-force respected you, you wouldn't need to your authority so often, A) affirm B) restrain C) assert D) maintain 41. Miss Rosemary Adang went through the composition carefully to all errors from it. A) eliminate B) terminate C) illuminate D) alleviate 42. Several months previously, the workers had petitioned the company for a 25 percent wage increase and of stricter safety regulations. A) implement B) endowment C) enforcement D) engagement 43. The rebel army __ the democratic government of the, country lawlessly. A) overthrew B) overtook C) overturned D) overruled 44. Judges are ____increasingly heavy fines for minor driving offences A). B) demanding C) imparting D) imposing 45. The of all kinds of necessary goods was caused by natural calamity. A) variety B) scarcity C) solidarity D) commodity 46. It is essential to be on the for any signs of movement in the undergrowth since there are poisonous snakes in the area. A) guard B) care C) alert D) alarm


2015年山东大学考博英语部分试题 完形填空 A recent poll indicated that half the teenagers in the United States believe that communication between them and their parents is__1__and further that one of the prime causes of this gap is __2__listening behavior. As a(an)__3__ in point,one parent believed that her daughter had a severe__4__problem. She was so __5__that she took her to an audiologist to have her ear tested. The audiologist carefully tested both ears and reported back to the parent:“There‘s nothing wrong with her hearing. She’s just __6__you out.” A leading cause of the __7__divorce rate(more than half of all marriages end in divorce)is the failure of husbands and wives to __8__effectively. They don‘t listen to each other. Neither person__9__to the actual message sent by the other. In __10__fashion,political scientists report that a growing number of people believe that their elected and __11__officials are out of__12__with the constituents they are supposedly __13__. Why?Because they don‘t believe that they listen to them. In fact,it seems that sometimes our politicians don’t even listen to themselves. The following is a true story:At a national__14__conference held in Albuquerque some years ago,then Senator Joseph Montoya was__15__a copy of a press release by a press aide shortly before he got up before the audience to__16__ a speech. When he rose to speak,__17__the horror of the press aide and the__18__of his audience,Montoya began reading the press release,not his speech. He began,“For immediate release. Senator Joseph M. Montoya,Democrat of New Mexico,last night told the National……”Montoya read the entire six-page release,__19__ with the statement that he“was repeatedly __20__by applause.” 1.[A] scarce [B] little [C] rare [D] poor 2.[A] malignant [B] deficient [C] ineffective [D] feeble 3.[A] case [B] example [C] lesson [D] suggestion 4.[A] audio [B] aural [C] hearing [D] listening 5.[A] believing [B] convinced [C] assured [D] doubtless 6.[A] turning [B] tuning [C] tucking [D] tugging 7.[A] rising [B] arising [C] raising [D] arousing 8.[A] exchange [B] interchange [C] encounter [D] interact 9.[A] relates [B] refers [C] responds [D] resorts 10.[A] like [B] alike [C] likely [D] likewise 11.[A] nominated [B] selected [C] appointed [D] supported 12.[A] connection [B] reach [C] association [D] touch 13.[A] leading [B] representing [C]delegating [D] supporting 14.[A] legislative [B] legitimate [C] legalized [D] liberal 15.[A] distributed [B] awarded [C] handed [D] submitted 16.[A] present [B] publish [C] deliver [D] pursue 17.[A] to [B] with [C] for [D] on 18.[A] joy [B] enjoyment [C] amusement [D] delight 19.[A] conclude [B] to conclude [C] concluding [D] concluded 20.[A] disrupted [B] interfered [C] interrupted [D] stopped 阅读理解 第一篇

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