当前位置:文档之家› 连系动词的记忆和用法归纳






⑴be(am, is, are, was, were);

⑵“变”系列:become, get, turn, grow, go等;

⑶“...起来”系列:feel(感觉,摸起来),look,smell, taste, sound等;

⑷“保持某种状态”系列:keep, stay, remain, stand等;

⑸“像”系列:seem, appear等。

如:This kind of cloth feels smooth.


The girl seems unhappy.



1.(2015鄂州)— Do you know the song Where has the time gone?

— Sure. It _____beautiful. I like it a lot.

A. smells

B. tastes

C. sounds

D. looks

2.(2015张家界)The money _____ real.In fact,it’s not.

A. is

B. looks

C. must be

3.(2015淮安)---Jenny, shall we watch the movie Fast & Farious 7 this weekend?

---It sounds _______! I can’t wait to see it!

A . strange B. bad C. great D. awful

4.(2015青岛)The meat on the plate A so delicious. Let's try it together.

A. smells

B. sounds

C. sees

D. feels

5.(2015丹东)—Dinner is ready. Help yourself, please!

—Wow! It ________ delicious. You are really good at cooking.

A. gets

B. sounds

C. tastes

D. turns


英语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择动词 1.The doctor said jokingly that his own infection of the virus _____ the discovery of a vaccine (疫苗)of the disease. A.stood for B.called for C.paid for D.contributed to 【答案】D 【解析】 短语辨析。A.代表 B. 呼吁 C. 为……付出代价 D.导致。句意:医生开玩笑的说,他自己被病毒的感染导致发现了这种病毒的疫苗。故选D。 2.100.----I have been watching “I am a singer” and Gloria Tang (邓紫棋) is my favorite star. ----- Me, too. Her new album is said to be ______ next month. By then, we , fans, will buy some. A.relieved B.delivered C.produced D.released 【答案】D 【解析】D考查动词。句意:--我一直在看“我是一个歌手”而且邓紫棋是我最喜欢的明星。--我也是。她的新专辑将于下月发行。到那时,我们的粉丝们会买一些。A减轻,解除;B 递送;C产生,制造;D发行,发布。故选D。 3.Two lawyers have donated $50,000 to ________ our school’s campaign “Help the Needy”, which was started by our former headmaster three years ago. A.sponsor B.launch C.organize D.plan 【答案】A 【解析】 考查动词辨析。难度中等。 【解题思路】该句意为:两位律师捐赠了5,0000美元赞助我校“帮助贫困生”活动…… A项意为“赞助”,符合句意;B项意为“发射,开办”,C项意为“组织”,D项意为“计划”,都与句意不同。故A项正确。 4.It is beyond awkward when everyone around you ______________ laughing at a joke that you do not find funny, especially if it’s a joke told in a foreign language. A.run into B.bursts out C.yells out D.falls into 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语的词义辨析。A.run into快速进入,碰撞;B. bursts out 爆发;C. yells out 大声说出来;D. falls into落入,分成。句意:当你身边的人因一个你不觉得有趣的笑话尤其是用外语来说的笑话而突然爆笑时,你是非常尴尬的。故选B。 考点:考查动词短语的词义辨析

中考英语知识点:feel用作连系动词的用法 -

中考英语知识点:feel用作连系动词的用法中考英语知识点:feel用作连系动词的用法 1. 表示某人的感觉,以人作主语。feel+adj 如:I dont feel very well today. 我今天感到不太舒服。 We all felt rather worried. 我们都感到很着急。 注】用于此义时,可用于进行时态。 如:I feel/am feeling] very well. 我感觉很好。 2. 表示某物摸起来给人的感觉,通常要以被摸之物作主语。 如:Your hand feels cold. 你的手摸起来很凉。 Ice feels cold. 冰感觉起来是凉的。 Silk feels soft and smooth. 丝绸摸起来很柔软平滑。

注】该用法虽有被动含义,但不用于被动语态;同时也不用于进行时态,并且其后一般也不接to be。 如:玻璃摸起来是光滑的。 误:Glass is felt smooth. 误:Glass is feeling smooth. 误:Glass feels to be smooth. 正:Glass feels smooth. 3. 表示使人感觉起来有什么特征等,通常要以被感觉之物作主语。 如:It felt pleasant to be going to work. 上班去是很愉快的。 To lie on the beach feels comfortable. 躺在海滩上让人感到很舒服。 Nothing feels right in our new house. 我们新房子里,样样



动词不定式用法归纳 动词不定式没有人称和数的变化,在句中不能独立作谓语。但动词不定式具有名词、形容词和副词特征,在句中可以作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语、表语和状语等多种成分。另外,动词不定式具有动词特点,可以有自己的宾语和状语,组成动词不定式短语。动词不定式的肯定形式是to+do;其否定形式是not to+do。 1.作主语 可以直接作主语。如: To see is to believe. 但在英语中,常用it作形式主语,真正的主语即动词不定式放在后面。如: It's wrong to play tricks on other people. It's our duty to keep our environment clean and tidy.(Lesson 10). 点击规律:动词不定式在句中作主语时,常放在It is +adj.(形容词)+to do sth.或 It is +n.(名词)+to do sth.句型中,it仅作形式主语。 2.作宾语 a.以下动词只能to do 作宾语。 attempt企图 enable能够 neglect忽视 afford负担得起 demand要求 long渴望 arrange 安排 mean意欲,打算 begin开始 expect期望 appear似乎,显得 determine决定 manage设法 cease停止 hate憎恨,厌恶 pretend假装 ask问 need需要 agree同意 desire愿望 love爱 swear宣誓 volunteer志愿 wish希望 bear承受 endeavor努力 offer提供 beg请求 fail不能 plan计划 bother扰乱;烦恼 forget忘记 prefer喜欢,宁愿 care关心,喜欢 happen碰巧 prepare准备 decide决定 learn学习 regret抱歉,遗憾 choose选择 hesitate犹豫 profess表明 claim要求 hope希望 promise承诺,允许 start 开始 undertake承接 want想要 intend想要 refuse拒绝 decide决定 learn学习 contrive设法,图谋 incline有…倾向 propose提议 seek找,寻觅 try试图 b.love,like ,begin,start,hate ,prefer等词后面可以接不定式。 点击规律:上述动词后面除接不定式外,还可以接动名词,意思无很大区别。 提示板:like doing指经常性动作,而like to do指一次性的动作。如: I like swimming,but I don't like to swim now.我喜欢游泳,但我现在不想游。 c.stop,forget,remember,go on ,try等词或短语后面可以接不定式。 点击规律:上述动词后面接不定式和接动名词意思大不相同。 1)stop to do sth.:停止一件事,去做另一件事。 stop doing sth.:停止正在做的事。 例句:When the teacher came in,the students stopped talking;when he came out,the students stopped to talk. 当老师走进来时,学生们停止说话;当老师走出去时,学生们又开始说话。 2)思考:forget,remember,go on,try等词或短语后面接不定式和动名词用法有何区别d.在find/feel+it+adj.+to do sth.句型中,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的动词不定式。如: The man downstairs found it difficult to get to sleep. I feel it easy to recite the text. 点击规律:某些动词或短语后面既可以接动词不定式作宾语,又可接动名词作宾语,二者用法上的区别可以通过造句子加以区分,如上面stop例句。 3.作宾语补足语 a.下面的动词要求不定式做宾补:动词+宾语+动词不定式 ask要求,邀请 get请,得到 prompt促使 allow允许 forbid禁止 prefer喜欢,宁愿 announce


中考连系动词考点系统归纳(适用于九 年级) 第一部分 连系动词本身有一定词义,但不完整,不能独立作谓语,必须与表语一起构成合成谓语。 一. 连系动词分类 1. “状态”类:常见的有: be (是),keep (保持),stay (保持),remain (依然),seem (似乎是),appear (似乎,显得),prove (证明是),这类词表示具有或保持某种特征或状态。 1.He is director of our department.他是我们部门的主任。 2.The meat will keep/stay fresh for several days.肉会保鲜好几天的。 3.The store remains closed.What’s the matter?已经是上午十点了,商店仍然关 着门,是怎么回事? 4.The chairwoman seemed very surprised about the question I asked. 女主席似乎对我提出的问题感到吃惊。 5. The sky appears blue on the earth.从地球上看天空似乎是蓝色的。 6.As time went on,his theory proved (to be) true.随着时间的推移,他的理论 证明是正确的。 ◆keep, remain, stay用法区别 ① keep “保持……状态”,后接adj.或介词短语。其后常见:alive, awake, cheerful, silent, dry, well, fit, fine, close, clean, happy, firm,in one’s stand等。


初中系动词总复习 定义 系动词亦称连系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语)(形容词),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。 说明: 有些系动词又是实义动词,该动词表达实义时,有词义,可单独作谓语,例如: He feels ill yesterday. 他昨天病了。(feel是系动词,后跟补足语,说明主语情况。)] 分类 1)状态系动词 用来表示主语性质或状态,只有be一词,例如: He is a teacher. 他是一名教师。(表示主语的身份--性质) He is ill. 他病了。(表示主语的状态) 2)持续系动词 用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, 例如: He always kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默。 This matter rests a mystery. 此事仍是一个谜。 3)表像系动词 用来表示"看起来像"这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look, 例如: He looks tired. 他看起来很累。 He seems (to be) very sad. 他看起来很伤心。 4)感官系动词 感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, 例如: This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布手感很软。

This flower smells very sweet. 这朵花闻起来很香。 5)变化系动词 这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, t urn, fall, get, go, come, run. 例如: He became mad after that. 自那之后,他疯了。 She grew rich within a short time. 她没多长时间就富了。 6)终止系动词 表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, turn out, 表达"证实","变成"之意,例如: The rumor proved false. 这谣言证实有假。 The search proved difficult. 搜查证实很难。 His plan turned out a success. 他的计划终于成功了。(turn out 表终止性结果)] 注意事项 系动词本身有一定的词义,不能单独作谓语,后面必须与表语连用。复习系动词时,必须注意以下几个问题: 1. be是最重要的系动词,主语不同,be的形式也不同,且有时态的变化。 通常表示主语的特征、状态和身份等,后面接形容词、副词、名词、介词短语、不定式、v-ing、过去分词及表语从句作表语。 特别要注意“由be+过去分词”所构成的系表结构与“由be+过去分词”所构成的被动语态的区别。 前者侧重于表示主语的特征或所处的状态,通常没有由by引导的介词短语。 如:The door was closed. 后者侧重于强调主语是谓语动词所示动作的承受者,表示动作;句中可以用由by引导的介词短语。如:The door was closed by me. 还要注意“由be+ V-ing所构成的系表结构与“由be+ V-ing”所构成的进行时态的区别。


英语连系动词的分类及用法 从意义上讲,连系动词可分为两大类: 一类表示某种相对静止的特征或状态,(表示状态和状态的持续,) 如:be(是), seem(似乎), look(看起来), appear(似乎), feel(觉得), sound(听起来), smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来), keep(保持), remain(保持), stand(站立), lie(躺), stay(停留)等。 另一类表示某种状态的变化演变过程。(表示从一种状态转变为另一种状态,) 如:become(变成), go(变得), get(变得), turn(变成), grow(长成), fall(变成某种状态), come(成为), run(变成)等。 补充:一些感官动词也可以作联系动词()例如:look, sound , smell, taste, feel, see, watch, hear 等。(没有被动式) (1)状态系动词:用来表示主语状态,只有be一词, 例如:He is a teacher. 他是一名教师。(is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。) She is always like that. 她总是那样。 I am used to going about alone. 我习惯于独来独往。 These shoes are too tight for me. 这双鞋我穿太小。 (2)持续系动词:表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, remain, stay, rest, lie, stand。 如:I hope you’ll keep fit. 我希望你身体好。 He always kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默。 The door remained closed. 门仍然关着。 We can remain friends. 我们可以继续做朋友。 Please stay seated. 请继续坐着。 He stayed single. 他仍然是单身。 (3) 表像系动词:表示“看起来好像”,主要有seem, appear, look等。如: He looks tired. 他看起来很累。 He seems (to be) quite happy. 他好像很快活。 The doctor seemed very capable. 那医生似乎很能干。 He appeared quite well. 他显得身体相当好。 He appeared taken aback. 他似乎很吃惊。 She appeared perplexed. 她显得迷惑不解。 (4) 感官系动词:表示“……起来”,有feel(摸起来,感觉) , smell(闻起来) , sound(听起来) , taste(尝起来,吃起来) 等。没有被动式 如: 中文:他保持沉默. (误)He is remained silent. (正)He remains silent. This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布摸起来很软。 He looks honest, but actually he’s a rogue. 他看起来很老实,实际他是一个坏蛋。 They all look alike to me. 他们的模样我看起来都一样。 Everybody feels contented. 每个人都感到很满足。 Ice feels cold. 冰感觉起来是凉的。 Silk feels soft and smooth. 丝绸摸起来很柔软平滑。 It sounds a good idea. 这听起来是个好主意。 This food tastes good. 这菜好吃。


英语表示“变化”连系动词的用法 英语中表示“变化”的连系动词主要有 become, come, go, get, grow, turn 等。使用时注意以下几点: 一、become 和get的用法 二、主要指一个人暂时性的身心变化或永久性的自然变化。如:Hearing this, the boss became [got] angry 听到这事,老板就生气。 三、The travelers became [got] thirsty. 旅客们渴了。 Soon the man became famous. 不久后这个人就出名了。 If you eat such food you’ll get [become] fat. 如果你吃那样的食物,你会发胖的。 另外,还有become [get] ill, old, well, deaf, strong, etc (得病,变老,痊愈,变聋,变强,等)。另外,become 和 get 还可用于指天气的变化和社会的趋势。如:It’s becoming [getting] cold (dark, cloudy). 天渐冷了(黑了,多云了)。 Divorce is becoming [getting] more common. 离婚现象越来越常见了。 This design of resident buildings is becoming [getting] fashionable. 这种住宅楼的设计正在逐渐流行起来。 二、go 和come 的用法 两者均可表示变化,但前者主要指一种由强到弱或由好到坏的变化(可用于人或事物),后者则主要指向好的方面变化。如:go bald (deaf, mad, etc) 发秃,变聋,发疯,等 The meat’s gone off [gone bad]. 肉变味(变坏)了。 The radio’s gone wrong. 收音机出毛病了。 Her wish came true. 她的愿望实现了。 Everything came right. 一切顺利。 另外,go还可用于人或事物颜色的变色,与turngo用法相同。 如:She went [turned] blue with cold. 她冻得脸色发青了。 The rotten meat went [turned] green. 这块腐烂的肉变绿了。


连系动词 连系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。表语通常由名词、形容词,或相当于名词或形容词的词或短语等充当,说明主语是什么或怎么样。 连系动词(又称系动词) 一连系动词的类型 可分为六类: 1、状态系动词 2、持续系动词 3、表像系动词 4、感官系动词 5、变化系动词 6、终止系动词 状态系动词:只有be一词。如: She is always like that. 她总是那样。 持续系动词:表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, remain, stay, rest, lie, stand。如:I hope you’ll keep fit. 我希望你身体好。 He stayed single. 他仍然是单身。 表像系动词:表示“看起来好像”,主要有seem, appear, look等。如: He looks tired. 他看起来很累。 He seems (to be) quite happy. 他好像很快活。 感官系动词:表示“……起来”,有feel(摸起来,感觉) , smell(闻起来) , sound(听起来) , taste(尝起来,吃起来) 等。如: This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布摸起来很软。 He looks honest, but actually he’s a rogue. 他看起来很老实,实际他是一个坏蛋。They all look alike to me. 他们的模样我看起来都一样。 Everybody feels contented. 每个人都感到很满足。 变化系动词:表示主语变成什么样,主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run 这个不太好理解,多来点例句。 He became mad after that. 自那之后,他疯了。 She had grown thinner and thinner. 她越来越瘦了。 His cold was growing worse. 他的感冒越来越严重了。 She’s growing fat. 她正在发胖。 He’s grown used to it. 他对此已经习惯。 When she saw this, she turned red. 她看到这,脸红了。 His hair turned grey in a few weeks. 在几个星期中他头发就变灰白了。 The milk will soon turn sour. 牛奶很快就会变酸。 Several people fell ill, victims of blood poisoning. 几个人生病了,都是血中毒的受害者。 We get wiser as we get old. 随着年岁的增长,我们也变得聪明些了。 Your hair has gone quite white! 你的头发全白了!


【英语】英语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择动词 1.It was so dark in the cinema that I could hardly___my friend. A.turn out B.bring out C.call out D.pick out 【答案】D 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词短语辨析。句意:电影院里太黑了,我几乎不能认出我的朋友。pick out 意为“认出,选出”。根据所提供的情景“It was so dark in the cinema”可判断出由于电影院里很黑,很难认出朋友。turn out意为“发生,结果是”;bring out意为“使显示,出版,生产,说出”;call out意为“出动,唤起,大声叫唤”。故选D。 2.Jess was sad and her friend helped her ___ the first awful weeks after her husband Bill died. A.break through B.break down C.get through D.get rid of 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:考查词组:A. break through突破,B. break down崩溃,垮掉,抛锚,C. get through 接通,度过,完成,D. get rid of克服,句意:在丈夫Bill去世后,Jess很难过,她的朋友帮助她度过前几个难过的星期。选C。 考点:考查词组 3.Your own personal behavior as a teacher, outside school hours, _______ on the school itself. A.resembles B.reminds C.reflects D.remains 【答案】C 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:作为一名教师,你在课外的个人行为会给学校带来不良影响。 A. resembles 相似 B. reminds提醒 C. reflects反应 D. remains保持。reflect on导致,招致,根据句意可知,选C。 4.He had been struggling for many years and finally ________ his fantasies. A.lived up B.lived on C.lived through D.lived out 【答案】D 【解析】


连系动词的用法和习 题

英语连系动词的分类及用法 从意义上讲,连系动词可分为两大类: 一类表示某种相对静止的特征或状态,(表示状态和状态的持续,) 如:be(是), seem(似乎), look(看起来), appear(似乎), feel(觉得), sound(听起来), smell(闻起来), taste(尝起来), keep(保持), remain(保持), stand(站立), lie(躺), stay(停留)等。 另一类表示某种状态的变化演变过程。(表示从一种状态转变为另一种状态,) 如:become(变成), go(变得), get(变得), turn(变成), grow(长成), fall(变成某种状态), come(成为), run(变成)等。 补充:一些感官动词也可以作联系动词(link.v)例如:look, sound , smell, taste, feel, see, watch, hear 等。(没有被动式) (1)状态系动词:用来表示主语状态,只有be一词, 例如:He is a teacher. 他是一名教师。(is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。) She is always like that. 她总是那样。 I am used to going about alone. 我习惯于独来独往。 These shoes are too tight for me. 这双鞋我穿太小。 (2)持续系动词:表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, remain, stay, rest, lie, stand。 如:I hope you’ll keep fit. 我希望你身体好。 He always kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默。 The door remained closed. 门仍然关着。

be 动词用法归纳

be 动词用法归纳 be是一个多功能动词,现将它的用法归纳如下: 一、系动词be be可以用作连系动词,中心词义是“是”,句型为“主+系+表”结构。be的形式常用am, is, are(现在式);was, were(过去式);will/can/may/must be(助动词/情态动词+原形);have/has/had been(助动词+过去分词)等。如: To help animals is helping people. (一般现在时) 帮助动物就是帮助人类。 The twins were very busy yesterday.(一般过去时) 这对双胞胎昨天很忙。 It will be sunny tomorrow.(一般将来时) 明天天气晴朗。 She has been ill for over a week.(现在完成时) 她已经病了一个星期多了。 【注意】有以下三类系动词: 1. “存在”类:表示存在或具有某种特征或状态,这类连系动词强调“存在”。常见的有:be(是),look(看起来),feel(摸上去), seem(似乎是),appear(似乎、显得),prove(证明是),smell(闻起来)taste(尝起来),sound(听起来)等。如: The story sounds beautiful. 这故事听起来很动听。 Those oranges taste good. 这些桔子尝起来很好。 2. “持续”类:表示某种情况或状态的持续。这类连系动词强调“持续”。常见的有:remain(依然),keep(保持),stay(保持),continue(继续、仍旧),stand(处于某状况或情形)等。如: Why don't you put the meat in the fridge? It will stay fresh for several days. 你为什么不把肉放到冰箱里呢?它将会保鲜几天。 Please keep quiet in the reading room. 阅览室里请保持安静。 3. “变化”类:表示由一种情况或状态变化成另一种情况或状态。这类连系动词强调“变化”后的情况或状态。常见的有:become(变成),turn(变成),grow(变得), go(变得)等。如: Put the fish in the fridge, or it will go bad in hot weather. 在热天,把鱼放到冰箱里,否则它要变坏的。


不规则动词表 动词原形过去式过去分词arise起来升起arose arisen awake唤起叫醒awoke/awaked awoken be 是was been bear出生(携带) bore born(borne) beat 跳动敲打连击beat beaten become变为成为became become begin 开始began begun befall落到…身上降临于befell befallen bend弄弯使弯曲bent bent bind捆绑捆扎bound bound bite咬bit bit,bitten bleed流血出血bled bled blend温和把…混为一体blended blent bless祈祷为…祝福blessed blest blow 吹blew blown break 打破broke broken breed 培养bred bred bring 带来brought brought build 建筑built built burn 燃烧burnt/burned burnt/burned burst爆发burst burst buy 买bought bought can能could ____ cast 抛掷cast cast catch 捉抓caught caught choose 选择chose chosen cleave劈开,剁开,割开clove/cleft cloven/cleft cling 依俯clung clung clothe给…穿衣clothed/clad clothed/clad come 来came come cost 值花费cost cost creep 爬crept crept cut 割cut cut dare 敢dared/durst dared deal 分配对付dealt dealt dig 挖掘dug dug


连系动词的用法讲解及练习题 一"be":is am are 四"变":get become turn go 五"感官":feel taste smell sound look 系动词 系动词亦称联系动词(Link Verb),作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(亦称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。 说明: 有些系动词又是实义动词,该动词表达实义时,有词义,可单独作谓语,例如: He fell ill yesterday. 他昨天病了。(fell是系动词,后跟补足语,说明主语情况。) He fell off the ladder. 他从梯子上摔下来。fell是实义动词,单独作谓语。 1)状态系动词 用来表示主语状态,只有be一词,例如: He is a teacher. 他是一名教师。(is与补足语一起说明主语的身份。) 2)持续系动词 用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, 例如: He always kept silent at meeting. 他开会时总保持沉默。 This matter rests a mystery. 此事仍是一个谜。 3)表像系动词 用来表示"看起来像"这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look, 例如: He looks tired. 他看起来很累。 He seems (to be) very sad. 他看起来很伤心。 4)感官系动词 感官系动词主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, 例如: This kind of cloth feels very soft. 这种布手感很软。 This flower smells very sweet. 这朵花闻起来很香。 5)变化系动词 这些系动词表示主语变成什么样,变化系动词主要有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run. 例如: He became mad after that. 自那之后,他疯了。 She grew rich within a short time. 她没多长时间就富了。


高考英语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择动词 1.The shopkeeper wanted to sell me the dress for 30 dollars, and I wanted to pay 20 dollars for it, so we ________ on 25 dollars. A.communicated B.compromised C.bargained D.concentrated 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查动词词义辨析。句意:店主想以30美元的价格把那件衣服卖给我,而我想付20美元,所以我们折中了25美元。A. communicated交流;B. compromised妥协,折中;C. bargained讨价还价;D. concentrated集中。结合句意故选B。 2.If the service is awful, a customer has the right to to the manager. A.react B.apply C.complain D.suggest 【答案】C 【解析】 试题分析:句意:如果服务很糟糕,顾客有权向经理申诉。React反应 apply应用 complain 申诉suggest建议,选C。 考点:考查词义辨析 3.You probably have noticed that people express similar ideas in different ways, _______ the situation they are in. A.bringing about B.depending on C.getting into D.leading to 【答案】B 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语。句意:你可能会发现人们会用不同的方式表达相同的观点,这主要取决于他们所处的情景。A. bringing about带来;B. depending on取决;C. getting into 进入;D. leading to导致;根据情景和词义,故选B项。 考点:考查动词短语 4.To get promoted, I must _____ my colleagues, who are committed to their jobs. A.take after B.take to C.take in D.take on 【答案】A 【解析】 试题分析:考查动词短语辨析。短语take after长得像,性格类似于,效仿;take to喜欢上,沉溺于;take in吸收,理解,欺骗,收养;take on雇佣,呈现;句意:为了被提拔,我要消防我的同事们,他们工作非常努力。根据句意可知take after意为“效仿”,符合上下


1 ?____ everyone here today A. Be B. Are C. Is D. Am 2 Harry is older than I. But he _______ younger than I. A. look B. looks C. looked D. looking 3. It _____ like the singing of the birds. A. sounds B. Iooks C. smells D. tastes 4. This kind of cake tastes ______ . A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well 5. The children all looked ______ at the broken model plane and felt quite __________ A. sad, sad B. sadly, sadly C. sad, sadly D. sadly, sad 6. This kind of paper ______ nice. A. feel B. felt C. is feeling D. feels 7. This math problem is _______ and I can do it _____ . A. easy, easily B. easily, easily C. easy, easy D. easily, easy 8. Coffee is ready. How nice it _______ ! Would you like some A. Iooks B. smells C. sounds D. feels 9. In winter the days _______ colder and colder. A. gets B. getting C. got D. get 10. He _____ pale at the thought. A. got B. Iooked C. turned D. seemed 【答案详解】 1. Co当复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 2. B。根据句意和前句时态,后句应用一般现在时。 3. A。根据语境,只有sou nds(听起来)符合题意。looks意为”看起来” ,smells意为”闻起来” ,tastes意为“尝起来”。 4. A。连系动词taste后应接形容词作表语。 5. D。根据句意,句中的look at是行为动词,所以修饰此动词时应用副词;在连系动词feel后应用形容词作表语。 6. D。当this kind of…作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 7. A。连系动词is后接形容词。根据句意,修饰行为动词do用副词。 8. B。根据语境和首句(Coffee is ready),此处用smell才符合题意。 9. Do根据常识我们知道冬季天气寒冷,故用一般现在时。 10. Co根据语境只能使用turned ,句意为“一想到这儿,他的脸就发白了” 。


1.everyone here today? A.Be B. Are C. Is D. Am 2.Harry is older than I. But he younger than I. A.look B. looks C. looked D. looking 3.It like the singing of the birds. A.sounds B. looks C. smells D. tastes 4.This kind of cake tastes . A.good B. well C. to be good D. to be well 5.The children all looked at the broken model plane and felt quite . A.sad, sad B. sadly, sadly C. sad, sadly D. sadly, sad 6.This kind of paper nice. A.feel B. felt C. is feeling D. feels 7.This math problem is and I can do it . A.easy, easily B. easily, easily C. easy, easy D. easily, easy 8.Coffee is ready. How nice it ! Would you like some? A.looks B. smells C. sounds D. feels 9.In winter the days colder and colder. A.gets B. getting C. got D. get 10.He pale at the thought. A.got B. looked C. turned D. seemed 【答案详解】 1.C。当复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 2.B。根据句意和前句时态,后句应用一般现在时。 3.A。根据语境,只有sounds(听起来)符合题意。looks 意为“看起来”,smells 意为“闻起来”,tastes 意为“尝起来”。 4.A。连系动词taste 后应接形容词作表语。 5.D。根据句意,句中的look at 是行为动词,所以修饰此动词时应用副词;在连系动词feel 后应用形容词作表语。 6.D。当this kind of…作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 7.A。连系动词is 后接形容词。根据句意,修饰行为动词do 用副词。 8.B。根据语境和首句(Coffee is ready),此处用smell 才符合题意。 9.D。根据常识我们知道冬季天气寒冷,故用一般现在时。 10.C。根据语境只能使用turned,句意为“一想到这儿,他的脸就发白了”。

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