当前位置:文档之家› 2017托福口语真题分析与范文





Task 1

The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below, which do you prefer and why.

l A theater performance by the student actors

l A concert provided by professional musician

l A lecture from a professor

Sample Answer:

Well, as a student, I will choose a theater performance by the student actors. For one thing, this kind of activity will improve their cooperation skills. To be more specific, a theater performance includes the whole process of organizing, participating, and promoting an event. Whether the student director or the actor take the responsibility to achieve his/her duty, so this is a great opportunity for them to learn how to deal with other people. Moreover, a performance could greatly inspire them to be more creative. I mean, in order to make a good show, students may have lots of difficulties to cope with, so they have to be flexible to face any emergency. As a result, they may come up with lots of new ideas to make it. Because of these two reasons, I believe this is the best choice. (140 words)

Task 2

Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why?

Sample Answer:

Of course I agree with this idea. Firstly people are bound to be different. We have various family background as well as education background even though we are friends. So it is quite naturally that there come up different ideas toward one problem. For example I like watching movie in the movie theatre while my best friend Amy hate sitting in the dark place. But I never require her to go with me; we are still very close friends. Also, the friend who holds a different attitude with me sometimes could inspire me to think from another way. Maybe a very sharp discussion can lead me to an inspiring idea. After all, the experiences and knowledge of one person is limited. For me, I like the friend who are differ from me. (132 words)

Task 3


标题:Create a Student Magazine

原因1: Students spend a lot of time on their paper, and some of them have high quality. So we need a magazine to publish those good quality papers.

原因2: Publish students’ paper can share information about their academic achievement and provide them confidence



原因1:There are a lot of paper, we can select some of them to publish on a magazine. This will be an encouragement for the students.

原因2:Other students will be able to find useful material from these paper and they can learn how to organize their own paper.

Sample Answer:

The student in the letter suggests that school should create a Student Magazine because they need a magazine to publish those good quality papers written by students and in this way students can share information about their academic achievement and provide them confidence. The man in the conversation totally agrees with this idea because for one thing, there are a lot of papers for them to select some of them to publish on a magazine, especially those good quality ones. This will be a great encouragement for the students. For another thing, other students will be able to find useful materials from these papers so they can learn how to organize their own paper. Considering those benefits, the man thinks it is a good idea. (125 words)

Task 4


标题:Life Stage of Animal Migration

定义:In different life stages, some animal need to migrate to various places to live, because of the diet and safety. When they are young, they may safe and have enough food in the original place. However, if they grow older, the original place may have threads from the predators and the food may be insufficient.


例子:Anglerfish lay eggs in deep sea. Then, the eggs will float to the surface of the sea, where the younger Anglerfish can enjoy enough food and sunlight. But when they grow older, they predator will be a great threat to them, so they will migrate to the deep sea. Sample Answer:

Life Stage of Animal Migration means in different life stages, some animal need to migrate to various places to live because of the diet and safety. When they are young, they may safe and have enough food in the original place while they may migrate to other places when their lives are threatened by their predators. The professor takes anglerfish as an example. The anglerfish lay eggs in deep sea. Then the eggs will float to the surface of the sea where the younger anglerfish can enjoy enough food and sunlight. But when they grow older, their predator will be a great threat to them, which means the original place which means that the food may be insufficient for them to live on. As a result, they will migrate to the deep sea to survive. (135 words)

Task 5

问题:The girl moved to a new apartment, and the window glass was broken when her friend help her hanging a picture to the wall. They need to replace the glass, but it is expensive.

解决方案1:Her friend and she share the cost of window glass.

优点1:it is not much money if they share the cost. Only 50 dollar each.

缺点1:Her friend came to help her and does not break it purposely. She feels it’s unfair for her friend.

解决方案2:She will cover the whole cost.

优点2:it will be fair for her friend and she will feel better.

缺点2:100 dollar is expensive for her.

Sample Answer:

The woman’s problem is that she just moved to a new apartment, but the window glass was broken when her friend help her hanging a picture on the wall. They need to replace the glass, but it is quite expensive. There are two solutions, the first is that she and her friend could split the cost of window glass which is only 50 dollar for each person but she feels it’s unfair for her friend. The other solution is that she will cover the whole cost but 100 dollar is expensive to her. I prefer she take the second solution for sure. For one thing, her friend didn’t break the window purposely and it was a gre at favor that the friend helped her. Moreover, money is not a big problem comparing with her friend’s kindness and maybe she could do some part-time job to make the money back which is not that difficult. (153 words)

Task 6

话题:Business Networks

要点1:We are in a business network. Different people engage in various occupations. They have different knowledge and skills.

例子1:A woman running a restaurant may have friends or customers engaged in various occupations. When she needs an accountant, she will find one from her business network. She will trust more on the accountant whom she knew than those she does not know.

要点2: In a business network, we not only trust the people from our own networks, we also trust the persons who are recommended by the people we knew.

例子2: The women will introduce one of her friends to another, who may need the professional help but does not know a person in his/her own network.

Sample Answer:

In the lecture, the professor mainly talks about two aspects of business networks. The first point is people may have different knowledge and skills from business networks because they engage in various occupations. For example, a woman running a restaurant

may have friends or customers engaged in various occupations. When she needs an accountant, she will find one from her business network. She will trust more on the accountant whom she knew than those she does not know. The second point is that in a business network, we not only trust the people from our own networks, we also trust the persons who are recommended by the people we knew. Also take the woman as an example, she will introduce one of her friends to another, who may need the professional help but does not know a person in his/her own network. (142 words)


Task 1

You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose?

1. Act out a scene from a play(with a partner)

2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read

3. Read a selection of poem

Sample Answer:

Among the three presentation choices, I would choose to act out a play with my partner. As a literature major, I have been deeply entranced by dramas, accordingly, I'd rather consider acting as a form of amusement than regarding it as a job. To illustrate, I remember the first year in college, I made a rather unusual decision to deliver a performance on Shakespeare's Drama-Hamlet at New Year’s party instead of participating in student’s choir in singing. As a result, the decision paid off since I was granted an acting position at city's drama club, as a reward for my authentic and impressive performance. Ever since then, acting has become part of my daily ritual for my passion and adoration for it never dies out. (125 words)

Task 2

Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better?

Sample Answer:

I am in favor of working in a large corporation rather than a small firm because large corporations often are ruled and governed by stable regulations whereas small firm often undergoes management transformations in which causing employees time to adjust and adapt to the new leaderships. Take my brother Jim as an illustration, he used to work as a high-tech personal in a petite firm which was specializing in virtual reality technology. Initially he was so passionate about the job that he barely took any weekends off for his own pleasure, he was so determined that he'd be promoted with such exceptional skills and professionalism. But he was wrong, after a few years, he was spiritually and psychically worn out because the management seats were constantly going through changes and his promotions were never brought up on the agenda because the new supervisors always bring their own personals to take charge in company affairs. Consequently, Jim had no choice but to quit the old firm and join an elite corporation that has business dealings nationwide, his excellent work has soon to be spotted by the management and he was granted promotion in a short term. Therefore, I'm inclined to listen to my brother Jim and work in a large company with stable leadership. (213 words) Task 3


标题:Weekend Art Workshop

原因1:This will provide students whose majors are not art a relaxed environment to learn art without concerning about grade.

原因2:This will give art-majored students more opportunities to practice.




原因二:这对于艺术专业的学生并不会有好处,Weekend Art Workshop在周末会占用教室,会cut the time available on weekends。比如女生要做一个雕塑,需要花很长时间,她不可能周末搬回宿舍去做。

Sample Answer:

School has implemented a new policy to carry out a weekend art workshop for students as it is believed that the program will provide non-art major students a relaxing environment to learn art without concerning about the grade. In addition, the new program will give art-majored students more opportunities to practice. The woman in the dialogue holds a negative opinion on this matter, she points out that there already have established optional art course for students, and it is not going to be scored in chart, students who are intrigued in art could choose this course without having to worry about the grade, it serves similar purpose as the art workshop. In addition, the new program will not benefit art major students whatsoever as the art workshop will be carried out on weekends, so it will occupy classrooms that were initially available for art students who wish to complete assignments on weekend. For example, the woman needs to finish a sculpture in the classroom, it is not possible that she carries the sculpture back in the dorm to complete on weekends. Therefore, the woman believes the proposal to be voided. (190 words)

Task 4


标题: Predator Release

定义:When human control the number of predators, the population of preys will increase. This will lead to some consequences.


例子:Sea urchins feed on coral reefs. Triggerfish feed on sea urchins. But recently, tourists came fishing, causing the decline of triggerfish. As a result, sea urchins grow to larger size, destroying coral reefs, which are habitats for many ocean animals.

Sample Answer:

Predator Release refers to a term that when human control the number of predators, the population of preys will increase. This will lead to some consequences.

In the lecture, professor further illustrated the term by using an example. Sea urchins feed on coral reefs and Triggerfish feed on sea urchins as a purpose to keep the food-chain system balanced. But recently, tourists came fishing in the area, causing the decline of triggerfish. As a result, sea urchins grow to larger size, destroy coral reefs, which are habitats for many ocean animals. As such, many other animals may also find themselves in grave danger. (103 words)

Task 5

问题:The woman is concerned about her living situation. Because her sister will come to live with her. The thing is her apartment is too small for two of them to live.

解决方案1:She can put a bed in the living room and live with her sister in the old small apartment.


缺点1:have no privacy

解决方案2:She can find a new and bigger apartment herself.

优点2:They will have bigger rooms separately


Sample Answer:

The woman is concerned about her living situation because her sister will come to live with her, but her apartment is too small for two people. She can either put a bed in the living room or live with her sister in the old small apartment or to find a bigger apartment herself. I am in favor of the second solution as privacy is of essence for an adult, without such, they may find themselves constantly disturbing and offending each other, eventually lead to a relationship breakdown. In addition, if she is so worried about not having sufficient time for searching for an apartment, why not call an agency to deal with the issue? In this way, she could not only have all the time by herself to fulfill her studies also to have a brand new apartment for the two of them. (143 words)

Task 6

话题:Business has two ways to extend a product’s life cycle.




例子2:baking soda: 一开始作为baking的ingredient, 满满人们bake less后baking soda 就不畅销了。后来把它作为清洁产品销售,延长了产品的life cycle.

Sample Answer:

Professor illustrated two strate gies for corporations to extend a product’s life cycle. One is to develop new customer base or to explore new market segments. Take an example of a soft drink company which was beaten up in the market shares for its existence do not stimulate customer`s interests anymore, they`ve decided to have the drink introduced to a new market and clients to resolve the issue. The other strategy being utilized is to exploit an alternative purpose for the product. Take baking soda as an example, it was initially utilize d as a baking ingredient, but the customer’s enthusiasm towards the product has worn out because people started to bake less. Now the company promotes the product in another angle as cleaning product to extend its life cycle. (128 words)


Task 1

1. Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to country's success

1.many business opportunities

2.well rounded medical care system

3.a developed educational system

Task 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before.

Task 3


标题: top chemistry student should receive money

原因1:encourages students to work harder

原因2:make use of 100.000 dollar recently donated to the chemistry department




原因2:可以买一些设备。现在学院的设备比较old and outdated ,买新设备可以让所有的学生获益。

Task 4


标题:student centered teaching



例子:教授的女儿anna 12岁的时候去学吉他,一开始老师演示,她学,但是总是分神并day dreaming ,效果不好,后来老师换成让她回家录制自己喜欢的歌拿来学,anna学的很有兴趣,进步很大

Task 5








Task 6





例子2:例如雌性moth 释放费洛蒙,雄性接受。


Task 1

Your friend will move to a school and worried about making new friends there. What kind of

advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why? Sample Answer:

Suppose my friend Philip will move to a school and is worried about making new friends there, I

would recommend that he should join a book club since he loves reading novels all the time. It

will be quite easy to break the ice if Philip and members of the club share some interest in,

say, the new Harry Potter book. They can have discussions over a cup of coffee about the

highlights in the book and its relevance to the first seven novels. While Philip expresses how

thrilled he is when he reads the book, other members of the club can relate to the situation.

Naturally, Philip can make some new friends at the new school. (117 words)

Task 2

Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices.

Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer? Why?

Sample Answer:

Many people prefer to read books in electronic books on their laptops, tablets or cellphones.

However, I prefer to read paper printed copies when it comes to best-selling novels. You can

call me a nerd, but when the new Harry Potter book came out, I was really thrilled to have one

more chance to enjoy the adventures in the world of magic. When the first seven books were

introduced in my country, paper printed copies were what I saw. It would feel so wrong if I

read the eighth book on my tablet or other electronic devices. I just love the feeling of

turning the pages with my fingers and the new book is such a page-turner. (117 words) Task 3


标题:Research Thesis Presentation

原因1:学生可以gather wider range of topics and ideas by

reading others' thesis







原因2:论文通常很复杂很长,节选或提纲只能让别人有一个片面的认识,不能看到the whole picture.

Sample Answer:

Students are supposed to make a presentation on their research theses to gather a wider range

of topics and ideas by reading others ‘theses. Although their theses are often long and

complicated, students can give outlines and highlights of their theses. The woman/man finds the

plan unconvincing. Firstly, the students in this university can have other ways to get

information for their theses. They can get more information on the website of the university so

that they can know a wider range of topics for academic development. Secondly, the theses are

too long and too complicated for students to handle. Outlines and highlights can only give

students a partial picture rather than a whole picture of the arguments in the theses. (121


Task 4


标题:Peak-End Rules

定义:与传统的将广告放到电视、报考、杂志上不同,ambient 人们在回忆过去的经历时通常只会回忆起记









Sample Answer:

The professor uses his personal experience to illustrate the concept of peak-end rules which

means that people only remember the most intense part and the ending segment of any event. At

the beginning of the vacation the weather was a bit nasty and the professor had to stay in his

hotel room, reading books and watching TV. When the weather cleared up, the professor and

others sailed on the sea. The scenery was breath-taking and the sharks swam in groups, which

gave the professor great experience. In the following days, nothing extraordinary happened. The

professor just read books and chilled on the beach. At the end of the vacation, the professor

went to a party at which he met a person who came from his hometown. When his coworkers asked

him about the vacation, the professor only remembered the sailing trip and the party, the most

intense and the ending segment of the experience.(154 words)

Task 5

问题:作为head-editors,男生遇到的问题是有一个news reporter always

makes mistakes about the facts。有一次搞错一个教授的教龄和背景,之后还继续犯错。

方法1:give him other assignments, such as comment on movies and campus issues. 缺点: 这个reporter喜欢news reports

方法2: 他自己花额外时间多检查几遍他的文章,保证正确。

缺点: 对于他来说工作量很大,而且不知道值不值得这么做。

Sample Answer:

The male student is a head editor and one of his news reporters always makes mistakes about the

facts, such as the working experience and educational background of a professor. I recommend

that the student should give the reporter other assignments rather than check his articles for

the reporter. The reporter may show great enthusiasm in news reports; however, he will work

even harder if the head editor assigns other tasks to him. It is possible that the reporter can

learn to be detail-oriented when he finds that basic facts in movies and campus issues are

important. Besides, the editor already has a lot on his plate and does not have time to check

the possible errors for the reporter. Even if he finds time to do this, the reporter will not

have the opportunity to grow as a qualified news reporter. (142 words)

Task 6


1. Grasp and hold to the branches


2. 准确测量树枝与树枝的距离

有时候从一个树枝到另一个树枝比较远,需要swing to other branches 而不


Sample Answer:

Some primates living on trees have two adaptations to avoid falling from the trees. The first

adaptation is to grasp and hold onto the branches of the trees on which they live. Some

primates use their tails to wrap around the branches so tightly that it is almost impossible

for them to fall from the tree if they are careful with their movements on the tree. Another

adaptation is to measure in accuracy the distance between branches. When there is a wider

distance between the branch the primates are standing and the other branch, it makes more sense

if the primates swing rather than run to their destination. Under this circumstance, the

primates measure the distance accurately in order to swing to the other branch. These are the

adaptations some primates make to avoid falling from trees. (137 words)


Task 1

The student is asked to write final project about the famous Historical city Which you're located in. Which we do you choose?

1 video the famous building

2 visit the old people

3 Research and write paper

Sample Answer:

To know the famous historical city which I am located in, I prefer the second way, that is, to visit the old people in the city. For example, there is a cleaner who pushes a garbage truck, walking in the streets of the city every day. When I am free, I hear and chat with the old man, surely I feel the strong academic atmosphere of the city and learn about the story of many celebrities. Once a few tourists asked for the way, he not only showed them the way, also told them the origin and history of the road, to his surprise, the tourists were captivated by him. Later, many of the tourists name him as a tour guide, and he always makes them satisfied. So I believe the second way is very helpful. (136 words)

Task 2

Some students think that they are graded by participating in the discussion class, while others think that they are graded only by written work, such as paper. Which opinion would you prefer and give your reasons.

Sample Answer:

I agree with the idea that students are graded only by written work, such as research paper, etc. Writing needs thinking. It's a way to cultivate students' thinking ability. Also it benefits students' ability of reading, analyzing and organizing. With the topic, they must collect related materials and do some research, such as questionnaire, field study, case study, etc, which are beneficial to them. Furthermore, an excellent paper can get recognition from others. This may greatly encourage students and boost their self-confidence, in turn, students can create more valuable written work. (91 words)

Task 3


标题:Fund academic conferences for students


原因2:Expensive and some students cannot afford





Sample Answer:

In the reading part, the school decides to fund academic conferences for students. There are two reasons, one is to have more opportunities for some students to attend academic conferences, the other one is that the fee for academic conferences is always so expensive that some students cannot afford it. The man in the listening part thinks it is a great idea. The budget can create more opportunities for some students to expand knowledge for their major. Also, the school can advertise more to let more students afford it, as do it in English department and physical department. (98 words)

Task 4


标题:Maturation effect

定义:新产品在消费者使用过程中,要多关注它的natural and mental activity.


例子:教授提到某新产品定位给青少年使用,他们在使用过程中会发生一些变化. Sample Answer:

In the process of consumer using the new product, the producer should pay attention to its natural and mental activity, then find its change. In the dialogue, the professor mentions a new product oriented for teens. The teens used it over a year, maturation effect of the product arise. At that time, the producer can observe and ask teens how they think and they evaluate. (65 words)

Task 5








Sample Answer:

The man’s problem is that he has a paper to meet a deadline at the same time he has a meeting to attend. One solution is that he writes a paper and does not attend a meeting, but he thinks the meeting is important for him. The other solution is that he attends the meeting but does not finish the paper in time, so he should e-mail to the professor. I think he should choose the first one. After all, as a student, schoolwork is also very important for him. If he does not finish the paper in time, this may influence professor’s evaluation on him. In the long run, it may do harm to him. (116 words)

Task 6



例子1:某种鸟通过Coastline 等导航

要点2:通过 smell

例子2:某种fish 通过smell 定位,最后lay eggs.

Sample Answer:

Animals navigate through two ways during the long distance immigration. First, they can navigate through signs, such as coastline by the sea, etc. Take a certain American duck for example, the ducks fly at night. They can distinguish their way by star. Second, some animals can navigate by smell. For instance, the fish called salmon tracks unique scent released by plants or something in the river to reach specific sites and lay eggs. (73 words)


Task 1

Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict.

Task 2

If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper, which one do you prefer and why?

Task 3


标题: library make private study booth available to graduate students





原因1:研究生一般要完成比较长的论文,所需要的资料很多,背包很重,可以将资料放在booth 里,省了背着重包往返学校

原因2:高层安静很重要,因为study area 一般比较吵闹。对于本科生还好,他们需要社交。但是研究生需要很多的独处的时间。

Task 4


标题:weather modification




Task 5

问题:学生要开音乐会,但是买的uniform 不合身。裤子衣服都比较长。



缺点1:但是shipping 的费用要自己承担,而自己最近已经花了很多钱,所以觉得shipping太贵。



缺点2:但是stuck with the choice, 以后再换就换不了了。

Task 6


要点1:mail your target customer


要点2:mail the target design



Task 1

Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have recently done that, ten years ago, you never imagined you would do.

Sample Answer:

Working as a Simultaneous interpreter is a remarkable and unexpected thing for me in the past. It’s extremely difficult to achieve since I did not show any talent in language learning. In fact, as an interpreter, it requires us to master good language skills. Like be capable to switch seamlessly between two languages, like my ability expressing thoughts clearly and concisely in both languages, and more intimate familiarity with both cultures. That’s pretty cool, but clearly I can’t. Because of the shyness and weak grammar even awkward phrasing, any of them could be a huge obstacle in my way of language learning. Until one day, I receive the contempt from peers in the class, at that moment, I was shocked to realize t hat it’s time to change the current situation. Why not try to enjoy and appreciate the subject and combine it in our daily life. That’s when surprise starts, exactly from the conscious awareness.

(155 words)

Task 2

You live in a crowded city with only one green space-the city park. The government recently proposes to build a housing complex on this only green space. Do you think this is a good idea?

Sample Answer:

My firm position is that the government should not do this. Since it’s the only green space-the city park which will help to encourage citizens to lead healthier lifestyles, because it can reduce money spent on insurance and medical care. People who live in the narrow apartment are under great pressures, so it’s more likely for them to become depressed .if you can easily find a space to build your body or walk in a park with your friends or family members, it would be a great relief .If more individuals have an incentive to do preventive health care, they would enjoy their longevity, and at the same

time provide more labor force and fortune to the society Also, It is of more benefits for the government, people’s being healthy is good for our economic growth and the social harmony. If the government adjusted to build more housing complex, it would bring us lower life quality and chaotic situations. Consequently, clearing a space for citizen is worthwhile.

(167 words)

Task 3


标题:Professor should grade all students’ assignment


原因1:Professor can give more detailed and useful feedback compared with those graduate students, who might be learning themselves.

原因2:Professor can have a better understanding of students’ progress and adapt the class to students’ need.



原因一: graduate students批改作业分散任务,不累。通常一个班级100多人,如果教授一个人要批改所有作业,教授会很辛苦,并且没有那么多时间。

原因二:目前教授也能很好地了解学生的学习进度,因为教授每个星期都要和graduate students讨论学生的作业情况。教授会花时间讲解学生作业中出现的问题。

Sample Answer:

A student proposes that professor should grade all the assignments because it can make sure that students will get more detailed response and make more progress easily. The man in the conversation doesn't think it’s a great idea. Firstly, he says it’s easy for graduates do that since the tasks would be dispersed. While is different for professor, they will feel tired and in fact they are always not available, Secondly, he mentions professors are also keeping close eye on every student based on the discussion with graduates about the course work. Besides, the problems which arises in the paper would be emphasized during the class. Therefore, because of these two reasons, the man agrees with the proposal. (118 words)

Task 4


标题: Fear Appeal

2017 年01月07日 托福写作考题回忆与范文

4.15 / 2.25 2017 年01月07日托福写作考题回忆 综合 防止海龟减少的办法是否有用 阅读:有3种办法防止海龟减少 1建立金属围栏,防止海龟蛋被素食者吃掉 2禁用塑料袋,海龟吃了塑料袋,消化道会被堵塞 3把传统渔网改成只能捕鱼而不会限制海龟的,海龟被渔网捉住,会溺水 听力:上述办法都不行 1. 金属围栏会阻碍小海龟的磁场发育,海龟靠磁场导航,找食物,找配偶,找地方产卵。 没有发育好的磁场,海龟根本无法生存,繁衍。 2. 限制塑料袋或许有用。问题是,现在海里已经有成千上万的塑料袋了,即使分解成了 小片,一样会危害海龟。所以限塑解决不了燃眉之急。 3. 改进的渔网,渔民会拒绝使用,因为网到的鱼会减少,收入会减少。即使有法律规定 必须使用,渔民也会趁没人使用传统渔网,回到岸上再换成改进渔网。 Sample Answer: When it comes to the decrease of sea turtle?s population, the reading puts forward three solutions to prevent this tendency. However, all these three solutions are regarded as invalid in the listening. First, the idea that building a metal fence will work. Not as it puts in the reading, the listening argues that the mental fence will hinder the development of magnetic field which exerts influence on the growth of the little sea turtles. The listening further illustrates that sea turtles rely on magnetic field to navigate, find food and mates as well as find a suitable place to lay eggs. Without a fully developed magnetic field, they cannot live and reproduce. As to the second measure of a ban of the plastic bags, the listening still refutes it. As a matter of fact, there are already thousands of plastic bags in the sea, which, although decomposing into small pieces, still pose great threat to sea turtles. Therefore, the ban of plastic bags is not the point. Lastly, the reading calls on to transform the traditional fishing nets into those catching only fish but not sea turtles. Unfortunately, the third solution is not able to work well. The listening explains that the fishermen will refuse to use the transformed fishing nets


TOEFL Speaking 2017 March & April 1.Your friend wants to come to your country and what things do you suggest him to do and not to do to be polite and respectful. 2.If you have more money, you want to spend your money on objects like clothes and electronic devices or spend your money on experience. 3.Which of the following areas of current events do you most like to read? 1. Politics; 2. Sports; 3. Arts and films. 4.Some students prefer to study for exam in the night other students prefer to study in the day. Which do you prefer and why? 5.The university currently requires all the students to take the physical education course to graduate. Which of the following will you choose? A. Soccer; B. Dancing 6.Imagine that you have been accepted by two different universities, one university is well-known for its excellent academic progr am, but it’s expensive, while the other is less well-known but has offered you with scholarship. Which university would you prefer, explain why. 7.The university international office is going to hold a social events. Which one of the following choices do you think is the best? 1. International food fair; 2. International music festival; 3. International film festival 8.Some people prefer sending messages while others prefer making phone calls directly, which one do you prefer? 9.Things always change in an unexpected way. Please describe a thing you have done that you never imagined you would do. 10.You live in a crowded city with only one green space, the city park. The government recently proposed to build a housing complex on it. Do you think it is a good idea? 11.Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict. 12.If you are to choose between 2 apartments to live in next semester, one apartment is near the campus but slightly expensive, the other is a little far from the campus but cheaper, which one do you prefer and why? January & February 13.If you are asked to write a final project about a famous historical city. Which of the following activity do you prefer? 1. Visit the famous building; 2. Visit the old people; 3. Research and write paper 14.Some students think that they should be graded by participating in the discussion class, while others think that they should be graded only by written work, such as paper. Which opinion would you prefer and why? 15.Your friend will move to a school but worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why?


2017年01月07日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below, which do you prefer and why. l A theater performance by the student actors l A concert provided by professional musician l A lecture from a professor Task 2 Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why 2017年01月14日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose 1. Act out a scene from a play(with a partner) 2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read 3. Read a selection of poem Task 2 Someone choose to work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer to work in a large company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do you think is better 2017年2月18日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 1. Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to country's success business opportunities rounded medical care system developed educational system Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before. 2017年02月25日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 Your friend will move to a school and worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school Why Task 2 Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer Why 2017年02月26日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The student is asked to write final project about the famous Historical city Which


1: Do you think it is a good idea to let students keep pets in dorms Task 2: Do you agree that celebrities are good examples for young people 1: Which one of the following history courses should be added 1. history of science 2. art history 3. modern history of the 20th century Task 2: Some people prefer to make a plan with their friends about social activities, while others prefer to decide about what to do when they meet their friends. Which do you prefer 1: Which of the following volunteer jobs would you like to choose 1. clean up the park 2. plant trees 3. build a bicycle lane Task 2: Do you agree that universities are successful because of experienced professors 1: What hobby would you recommend to a friend who is busy with work Task 2: Which is more important to the success of an artist: natural talent or hard work 1: What are the disadvantages of moving to new places for work or education Task 2: Do you agree that schools should encourage students to be creative and imaginative in order for them to be successful 1: What is the biggest challenge for university students and why Task 2: Do you agree that it is more important to maintain the relationship with family members than with friends 1: Which one of the following should be done in order to improve the quality of life and study for the students 1. repairing the swimming pool 2. building a new cafeteria 3. improving laboratory equipment Task 2: Some people tend to judge a person on the basis of the first observation, while other people believe that it takes a long time to know a person well. Which do you think is better 1: If you are a member of a tutor group, which of the following places would you like to take the students to go on a field trip 1. a science museum 2. a local farm 3. a theater Task 2: Do you agree that students should be allowed to take additional courses to graduate as soon as possible 1: What do you think of the school you went to for the first time Was it a good school and why Task 2: Some students prefer to study alone, while others prefer to study with a group of students. Which do you prefer 1: Describe one of the most popular websites in your country.


托福写作题库 来源:王春广的日志 写作题库分类 1.建造问题: 2) It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your ne ighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and de tails to support your answer 你家附近将要建一个大饭店。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。 4) It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in you r neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons an d details to support your answer. 你家附近将要建一个电影院。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。 5) The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. C ompare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific details in your discussion 政府打算建一所新大学,有人认为你家附近是个合适的地方。比较好处与坏处,详细阐述。 6) It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your c ommunity. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and det ails in your answer. 可能在你们社区内建一所高中。你同意还是反对,详细阐述原因。 7) Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous perso n in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to s upport your choice 你的城市要建一个名人纪念碑或雕塑。你会选择谁?说出详细原因和具体例子。 8) A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some pe ople want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research i n agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recom mend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation.


Task 1 The university wants to provide student more entertainments and three choices provided below, which do you prefer and why. l A theater performance by the student actors l A concert provided by professional musician l A lecture from a professor Task 2 Friends may disagree with each other, and still maintain friendship. Do you agree with or disagree with this idea, why? 2017年 01月 14日 托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 You will need to accomplish an assignment to do a presentation. Which will you choose? 1. Act out a scene from a play(with a partner) 2. Explain your review of a novel you recently you read 3. Read a selection of poem Task 2 Someonechoose to to work in a large is better? 2017 年 2 月 18 日 Task 1 1. Which of following aspects do you think contributes most to country's success business opportunities rounded medical care system developed educational system Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the popularity of the technology that focuses on entertainment, people read fewer books than before. 2017 年 02 月 25 日托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 Your friend will move to a school and worried about making new friends there. What kind of advice will you give him to help him make new friend in the new school? Why? Task 2 Many people prefer to read books in electronic format on a computer screen or other devices. Some other people prefer to read books on paper printed copies. Which way do you prefer? Why? 2017 年 02 月 26 日 托福口语考题回忆 Task 1 The student is asked to write final project about the famous Historical city Which you're located in. Which we do you choose? 1 video the famous building 2 visit the old people 3 Research and write paper 2 0 1 7 年 0 1 月 0 7 日 托福口语考 题回忆 work in a small company or organization with a few workers. Others prefer company or organization with thousands of employees. Which do 托福口语考题回忆


2016年托福写作真题及解析 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了托福真题解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 2016年托福阅读真题及解析1 托福阅读第一篇欧洲人口增加 原文回顾:欧洲经济发展相关,工业化和食物的增长促进了人口的增长。高速城市化:人们开始从乡下往城镇转移,因此带来了工作,生活资料等一系列的变化。细节讲到了熟练工和普通人的区别,考了两个题。最后讲到了人口的增加导致人均工资下降的问题。 学习: After a century of virtually no population growth, the countries of Western Europe experienced dramatic population increases between 1750 and 1800. Many countries doubled in size. In some countries, the growth continued through the nineteenth century. The population of Great Britain, for instance, doubled between 1750 and 1800 and then tripled between 1800 and 1900. There were several reasons for the sudden increase. Medical advances and improved hygiene limited the devastation caused by epidemic diseases and


?日期教育/学习/学校(19道) 2017/1/14As a student of university that has a long break between university semesters, the university requires all students to do one of the following for one month during the break: 1. Students must take a course on the subject that has no direct connection to their majors of study ( For example, a student majoring in engineering may take course in ?ne arts or social science.) 2. Students must volunteer to work in the university’s city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of life of the city or their own town.( For example, students may help local primary school children with their homework.) Which one do you think is more bene?cial for students in their university? Why? 2017/3/25Which ONE of the following factors do you believe is most important in helping students succeed in their studies at college or university? Why? 1. Having access at the university to tutors who can provide individual instruction for students who have di?culty with schoolwork 2. Having the support and encouragement of family and friends while attending university 3. Receiving a high-quality education from excellent teachers while in high school 2017/4/23Some young people are free in the evenings or have days o? at school, which way can bring them the most bene?t? 1. to accumulate work experience by a part-time job or volunteering in a community 2. learning to play a sport 3. learning to play a musical instrument 2017/5/20At some universities, students are allowed to take part in deciding issues that a?ect everyone in their daily life on campus such as how many hours that libraries should be open each day or what kinds of food should be served in the cafeteria. But at some other universities, experts are hired to make these decisions while students almost never involved. Which approach do you prefer and why? 2017/6/3Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot about a person from the type of friends this person has. 2017/7/2The city wants to help teachers of its high school students (ages 14—18) improve their teaching. It is considering two choices: 1. Choose a group of excellent teachers; these teachers will attend a class led by an expert for additional training in how to teach e?ectively, and they will then come back to their schools and provide that training for the other teachers in the school. 2. Provide additional training in teaching e?ectively for all high school teachers, using online material that each teacher will study individually. Which one of these plans would you support? Why? 2017/7/15 上午场Students aged 13-18 are taught di?erent subjects by di?erent teachers while younger students are taught by only one teacher all day long. Some people suggest it would bene?t young students to be taught by di?erent teachers. Do you agree with this view? Why or why not? 2017/9/9Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Your friend has the opportunity to choose either one of two types of major ?eld of study, which one would you suggest your friend to choose and why? 1.A major that would allow him to complete and get a degree faster (so that your friend could start working full-time sooner). 2.A major that requires many years of study but would provide him with more employment opportunities and job o?ers in the future. 2017/9/16Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simple toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children’s development. Do you agree or disagree? 2017/9/17High school students now cheat more than before in homework assignments, by asking other students for answers. Which of the following do you think is the most e?ective way to stop this phenomenon? 1. asking parents to monitor (signing homework to prove no cheating involved) 2. increasing penalty or punishment to the students who cheat 3. asking teacher to create homework assignment in which students can hardly cheat 2017/9/23Many universities are trying to help new students adapt to the life on campus. If you were a new college student, which of the following do you prefer to participate in? - Attending a one-week orientation or introduction program on campus, and it will begin before you have classes. - Meeting regularly in your ?rst year with a student in your major who has been in the university for several years.


2.25 2017年01月07日托福口语考题回忆 Task1 TheuniversitRwantstoprovidestudentmoreentertainmentsandthreechoicesprovidedbelow, whichdoRoupreferandwhR. lAtheaterperformancebRthestudentactors lAconcertprovidedbRprofessionalmusician lAlecturefromaprofessor SampleAnswer: Well,asastudent,IwillchooseatheaterperformancebRthestudentactors.Foronething,thiskind ofactivitRwillimprovetheircooperationskills.Tobemorespecific,atheaterperformanceincludes thewholeprocessoforganizing,participating,andpromotinganevent.Whetherthestudentdirec torortheactortaketheresponsibilitRtoachievehis/herdutR,sothisisagreatopportunitRforthem tolearnhowtodealwithotherpeople.Moreover,aperformancecouldgreatlRinspirethemtobem orecreative.Imean,inordertomakeagoodshow,studentsmaRhavelotsofdifficultiestocopewith ,sotheRhavetobefleRibletofaceanRemergencR.Asaresult,theRmaRcomeupwithlotsofnewid eastomakeit.Becauseofthesetworeasons,Ibelievethisisthebestchoice.(140words) Task2 FriendsmaRdisagreewitheachother,andstillmaintainfriendship.DoRouagreewithordisagree withthisidea,whR? SampleAnswer: OfcourseIagreewiththisidea.FirstlRpeopleareboundtobedifferent.WehavevariousfamilRbac kgroundaswellaseducationbackgroundeventhoughwearefriends.SoitisquitenaturallRthatth erecomeupdifferentideastowardoneproblem.ForeRampleIlikewatchingmovieinthemoviethe atrewhilemRbestfriendAmRhatesittinginthedarkplace.ButIneverrequirehertogowithme;wea restillverRclosefriends.Also,thefriendwhoholdsadifferentattitudewithmesometimescouldins piremetothinkfromanotherwaR.MaRbeaverRsharpdiscussioncanleadmetoaninspiringidea.A fterall,theeRperiencesandknowledgeofonepersonislimited.Forme,Ilikethefriendwhoarediffe rfromme.(132words) Task3 阅读 标题:CreateaStudentMagazine 原因1: Studentsspendalotoftimeontheirpaper,andsomeofthemhavehighqualitR.Soweneedamagazi netopublishthosegoodqualitRpapers. 原因2:Publishstudents’papercanshareinformationabouttheiracademicachievementandprovidethemconfidence 听力

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