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短句两句,长句一句。较难的分会高80~95之间6月18号晚5点半,22-204 202候考,领登分卡









Example 1


As for the full convertibility of RMB, that is, the full convertibility of RMB under the capital account, it should be postponed until some time later, according to our reform schedule. This may take some time. When? When the supervision of the Central Bank of China is good enough, we will achieve this goal.

Example 2

China would view two things threatening to China regarding Taiwan: one would be Taiwan declaring independence; the other would be the intervention by foreign force.


Example 3

London is the capital of the United Kingdom and chief city of the British Commonwealth. With a population of about 7 million and an area of 1580 square kilometers, this vast metropolis is by far the largest city in Europe.


Example 4

Two-way trade has risen sharply in a few short years. The United States is now China’s third largest trading partner. Our bilateral trade and economic cooperation show great promise for the future.


Example 5

America has need of idealism and courage, because we have essential work at home—the unfinished work of American freedom. In a world moving toward liberty, we are determined to show the meaning and promise of liberty.


Example 6

That vast distance is one we have now crossed. We have communication, cooperation, trade, investment, tourism, and cultural and scientific exchanges. For example, in 1972, there were no Americans as tourists in the P.R.C.; last year there were over 100,000. In 1972, there were no students form the P.R.C studying in the United States; last year there were over 12,000. In 1972, there was no trade between the two countries; last year trade went over six billion dollars. That’s an indication of what has happened in just 13 short years.

Example 7

For an ambitious business such as Motorola, it is just not enough to become a household name. Our company wants to shape your entire home entertainment network in the coming age of broadband, and as a result become just as important as other well-known business like Intel and Microsoft.



Protocol routine

Useful words and expressions

●To claim baggage


●To proceed through the Customs 进行海关检查

●To recover from the jet lag


●Warm hospitality


●Thoughtful arrangement




●Farewell speech


Useful words and expressions


To bid farewell to

●欢迎词Welcome speech


At your request


To hold a banquet/reception dinner in honor of sb.


To come all the way to


This is a token of our appreciation.


After you.

Useful words and expressions


I have long been looking forward to meeting you.


Take care.

Introducing people

●Mr. Johnson, I would like to introduce you to …, the CEO of ….

●It is my honor to introduce …

●I have the honor to introduce …

●I would like to introduce the honored guests attending the party …

Welcoming people

●You must be our long-expected guest …

●Excuse me, but I haven’t had the honor of meeti ng you.


●I am delighted/pleased to make your acquaintance.

●Welcome to ….

●Did you have a nice trip?

●How was the journey?

Welcoming people

●How are you after such a long flight?

●Thank you so much for coming all the way to meet me.

●I hope you will enjoy your stay here.

●Wish your visit a complete success.

●I would appreciate your comments.

Bidding farewell

●I would like to take this opportunity to thank … for the warm hospitality and thoughtful arrangements.

●The gracious hospitality of our host will remain in my memory forever.

●I am looking forward to visiting your country in the near future.

●With great reluctance, we bid farewell today to …

●I wish you a pleasant journey.

●Have a nice trip.

●Do come again.

●Take care.

How to meet a foreign guest(1)

●Usually you should let the guests walk on the right.

●It is polite for you to open the door and let him/her go through the door first.

●It is offending to call a young lady “Madam”, and you should not ask her about her age, salary and other private matters.

How to meet a foreign guest(2)

●Do not smoke unless you are permitted.

●Make sure you are clean and tidy.

●On a formal occasion, it is best to address in black or blue.

●Do not be humble or pushy, but show respect for them and their customs.

●You must be punctual and keep your promise.

How to meet a foreign guest(3)

●When shaking hands, you can use a little strength, but not too tightly.

●You should always use “please” or “thanks” in your talks.

●Get ready to help your guest before they are in trouble.

When hosting a foreign delegation (1)

The following elements should be considered:

●Be aware of your visitors background and prepare to meet them as soon as they arrive.

●Make sure you understand the visitors’ objectives and their desired itinerary.

When hosting a foreign delegation (2)

●Contact the departments to be visited.

●Make suggestions to enable your visitor to make best use of their time.

●Draft a reception proposal which covers the following:

Meeting the visitors at the airport or station

Interviews/meetings/field visits



utterance interpreting

●I would like to extend, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and in my own name, our cordial greetings and best wishes to your people.


●We gather here today with great pleasure to welcome Mr. Brown from the ABC Company.


●It was a real pleasure having you with us. We wish to thank you for your coming.



Mr. Smith, I am very happy to welcome you and all the other members of your delegation to our company. We hope you will have a pleasant visit.


Allow me to express our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guests coming from afar.


We haven't seen each other for years since our last brief/short talk in Paris.


I hope you will be frank with us and give whatever opinions and suggestions you may have in regard to the tentative schedule. We will see what we can do to meet your wishes.


The past six days in China have been truly enjoyable and memorable. I wish to take this opportunity to thank you for your gracious hospitality.


Luggage cart


Baggage carrousel expressions

名片business card Prestigious 知名的会议议程表

conference program

投影仪overhead projector


host/hold a reception

dinner in one’s honor


会场Conference venue


Keynote speaker

2.访问和旅行Visits and Travels Basic vocabulary

?个人物品Personal effects

?Expense account



?round tour


?duration of stay


?residence permit


?travel permit

旅行证?exit/entry/tr ansit/visitor’s visa


Terminal building


Departure lounge


Information desk


Security check


cosmopolitan city

Utterance interpretation


?If you want to visit more places, Huanghe Lou or Yellow Crane Tower is worth visiting.

Suzhou is really a fantastic city. It is famous for its classical gardens, so it is called a garden city. But it is also a modern city. By the end of July, it has attracted foreign investment totaling 40 billion us dollars. The first foreign-funded enterprise was set up in 1984 and now the number grows into 7950. There are five state-level industrial zones and ten provincial-level industrial zones. Among 500 world’s top industries, 80 have built up their companies in Suzhou.


Wellington is a city in central New Zealand, capital of the country. Situated in an agricultural region, it is a major seaport, a rail center, and a commercial and manufacturing center. Principal products of the area are transportation equipment, processed food, textiles, clothing, machinery, and printed materials. Government operations and tourism are of prime impo rtance to Wellington’s economic base. Wellington contains a number of New Zealand’s finest cultural and educational facilities, including the National Library, the National Art Gallery, the Parliament Buildings, and an Anglican Church. The site of the city was found in 1840 by emigrants from Great Britain and it became the new capital of the country in 1865, replacing Auckland.



Dialogue interpretation

?Hangzhou Silk Market

?丝织品silk fabric

?Embroidery 刺绣

?Exquisite 精美的


?好烧海参braised sea-cucumber ?Savory 可口的;味美的

?香酥鸭crispy roast duck


?红烧扣肉菠菜braised pork slices with spinach

3、礼仪祝词Ceremonial Address(1)



?致辞开始一般都以Ladies and gentlemen称呼听众,结束时一般要以Thank you 致谢。








Basic vocabulary

?opening/closing ceremony 开幕/闭幕式

?goodwill visit


?on the occasion of


?take this opportunity to


a farewell party





to host a banquet for ?欢聚一堂

to have...with us

utterance interpreting

?I am very much impressed by the hospitality and warmth by which you have received us.


?I hope that Mr. Fang and our other Chinese friends will be able to visit our country in the future, so that we will have the chance to be host and return some of your kindness. ?我希望方先生和其他中国朋友能到我国访问,让我们有机会一尽地主之谊,答谢


?In that spirit, I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to Mr. Prime Minister, and to the friendship between the Chinese people and the American people which can lead to friendship and peace for all people in the world.



Please join me in a toast to our enduring friendship.


I would like to propose a toast to your good health and to your bright future.


I feel so privileged and honored to be invited to this grand meeting.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to this party. First of all, I would like to thank you for your generous support which has made this evening possible.


Our biggest thanks should go to the Secretary General of the organizing committee. Now I would like to propose a toast to him, for without him this conference would not be so successful.


Your Excellency 阁下

Reciprocate 回报

Bilateral economic linkage 双边经济联系

To be listed 上市

Singapore Exchange 新加坡证交所Enduring friendship 长久的友谊传媒mass media

媒介经济学media economics


TV broadcasting and mass media industry 信息传播技术

Information communication technology

3、礼仪祝词Ceremonial address( 2)

Useful words and expressions ●signing ceremony


●last but not least


●at one’s earliest convenience 在某人方便的时候

●in the spirit of


express/extend...welcome/thanks/ congratulations/greetings/invitation


extend cordial greetings and best wishes to


no words can fully express our gratitude

Sample sentences

To propose a toast

●I would like to propose a toast to the friendship between our two countries.

●Please join me in a toast to the good health of our guests.

To express one’s grat itude

●I would like to thank you for your dedication and assistance in the past years.

●We are particularly grateful to the organizer of this meeting.

●My special thanks also go to those staff who have put so much efforts into making today’s forum so successf ul.

Speech at a farewell dinner

●We wish you a pleasant journey tomorrow.

●My best wishes go with you until we meet again.

●May you have a happy memory of your stay in China.

Utterance interpreting

●Good evening! I am very delighted to be with you here to join in the opening ceremony of the 2005 Fortune Global Forum in Beijing on this beautiful evening.


●To begin with, I would like to on behalf of the Chinese government, and also in my personal name, to express my sincere welcome to all of you.


●Looking into the future, as the economic globalization is speeding up and the bilateral friendly relations are developing, we are full of confidence in the further development of the Sino-EU economic and trade relationship.



We are delighted to welcome friends, old and new from around the world to the fourth China Hi-Tech Fair on the beautiful coast of South China Sea in this golden fall. ?十月的北京,天高气爽,秋色宜人。世界旅游组织第15届全体大会今天在这里隆重开幕。我代表中国政府,向各位来宾表示诚挚的欢迎!向大会表示热烈的祝贺!

?At this October time when Beijing is offering us its charming autumn scenery in a most fresh air and clear weather, the 15th General Assembly Session of the World Tourism Organization is officially opened here. On behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to extend our sincere welcome to all the guests here and to express our warm congratulations on the convening of this session.


Today I would like to talk about the financial reform in China. China has achieved a great deal in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, but we still have a lot to do.

speech interpretation

My dear friends:

Thank you very much. We’re delighted to be here today. My wife and I are privileged to

have the opportunity once again to travel in China. We are grateful for the welcome and kind reception we have received here. We thank you for the honor, and we bring you good wishes from President George W. Bush and the people of the United States.



speech 2



?Ladies and gentlemen, China has been one of the largest destinations of foreign investment and will become an increasingly important source of investment outflow into the world. The Chinese economy is growing and the society is progressing. A more open China will be an excellent partner for all countries in the world. Interdependent, mutually beneficial and win-win economic and trade relationship will serve as a strong driving force for common development and prosperity.


The Fifth China International Fair for Investment and Trade

4、人物与访谈Talks and Interviews

Useful words and expressions






resident correspondent


accredited journalist

utterance interpreting

●Thank you very much for sharing your experience with us today.


●How do you handle success and failure? What do you say to yourself?


●As a matter of interest, what are the responsibilities of a director of human resources?


●As you know, the world has entered the information era in which telecommunications is evolving as the universal framework for human interaction.



●May I ask you to comment upon your experience of doing business with China?


Tell us briefly how you started your career in America.


●She has a perfect command of the Chinese language, and is very popular with the legal and business circles here.


Going public with that story, was that difficult for you?

●今天我们邀请到的嘉宾是海尔集团的董事局主席兼首席执行官张瑞敏先生。Today let’s meet our distinguished guest Zhang Ruimin, Haier’s Chairman and CEO. Here is Mr. X, the founder and CEO of …company;

Welcome Mr. X, the general manager and chief representative of the …company;

Now let us give Mr. X a big hand.

I’m here with Mr. X, the president of …company.


Welcome to our talk show. Today we have Ang Lee with us. He is a movie director from Taiwan.

Short speech interpreting

passage 1 Yo-Yo Ma



●马友友1955年生于法国巴黎,父母都是音乐家,母亲是歌唱家,父亲是作曲家。4岁起由父亲启蒙学习大提琴,并和家人迁居纽约。之后于茱丽亚音乐学院师事李纳德-罗斯(Leonard Rose)。1976年,他从哈佛大学毕业,取得人类学学位,为他开启传统音乐学院教育外的另一扇窗。马友友与妻子育有一对儿女。

Short speech interpreting

speech 1

●Today we will meet one of the greatest cellists of our times, Yo-Yo Ma. His career as a professional cellist spans more than 20 years and over 50 albums. He has been honored for his music with many awards including an amazing 14 Grammy. He has played on many important occasions including the Grammy and the Olympics.





















































2021年英语翻译口译笔译考试初级口译模拟试 题(3) Part A: Translate the following passages from English into Chinese(two passages, each 25 points) Passage 1 : Can man be credited with choosing the right path when he knows only one?Can he be congratulated for his wise decision when only one judgment is possible? If he knows nothing of vice, is he to be praised for adhering to virtue? Wisdom consists of the deliberate exercise of judgment; knowledge comes in the discrimination between those known alternatives. Weighing these alternatives is the way of maturity. Only then does man have the strength to follow his choice without wavering, since that choice is based firmly on knowledge rather than on an uncertain, dangerously shallow foundation of ignorance. Passage 2 :


Lesson 10 10.3 中与欧盟的关系 女士们、先生们、朋友们: 今天,我很荣幸给大家介绍欧盟的一些情况以及欧盟与中国的关系。 欧盟全称为欧洲联盟,是在欧洲共同体基础上由25个(27)独立的国家组成的,目的是为了加强政治、经济和社会合作。原来称“欧共体”或“欧洲经济共同体”。 目前的25个成员国是奥地利、比利时、丹麦、芬兰、法国、希腊、爱尔兰、意大利、卢森堡、荷兰、葡萄牙、西班牙、瑞典、英国、塞浦路斯(希腊部分)、捷克共和国、爱沙尼亚、匈牙利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、马耳他、欧兰、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚。 欧盟25国总面积400万平方公里,接近半个中国的面积。总人口数为4.544亿,排行第三,仅次于中国和印度,约占世界总人口的7%。 欧盟统一货币为欧元,2002年1月1日正式启用。到目前为止,已经有12个欧盟成员国用欧元取代其本国货币。统一货币使人们出门旅行、对比价格更为容易,它还为欧洲的商业往来、刺激增长与竞争创造了一个稳定的环境。 到目前为止,欧盟的国内生产总值逾10万亿美元。作为一个整体,这个规模与它的主要竞争对手美国差不多。经济总量和贸易总额分别占全球25%和35%。 欧盟与中国关系十分友好。今年5月欧盟与中国就建交30周年了。去年,欧盟与中国的进出口贸易总额达到2,000亿欧元。德国是中国最大的贸易伙伴,英国、荷兰名列第二和第三。 欧盟正抓住当前大好的历史机遇——团结曾经分裂的欧洲大陆,创造一个和平、稳定、民主的欧洲。*** 这次欧盟的扩大还将创造一个几乎拥有5亿消费者的统一市场,这个市场饱含经济增长和不断繁荣的极大潜力。 我的话讲完了,谢谢大家!

10.4 中国与东盟的关系 A: Excuse me, could you tell me when ASEAN was established? And how many member countries does it have now? B: 东盟于1967年8月8日成立,目前有10个成员国,它们是:文莱、柬埔寨、印度尼西亚、老挝、马来西亚、缅甸、菲律宾、泰国、新加坡和越南。 A: Besides these 10 member countries, ASEAN also always holds the 10+1, 10+3 meetings. Does it mean that ASEAN has some dialogue partners? B: 是的。东盟有10个对话伙伴,它们是澳大利亚、加拿大、中国、欧盟、印度、日本、俄罗斯、新西兰、韩国和美国。 A:What is the area that ASEAN covers? How man languages are spoken in this region? What is the total population? B: 东盟地区面积大约有450万平方公里,有14中官方语言和7种宗教。人口总数在2000年有5.12亿。 A: 4.5 million square kilometers is about half of China’s territory, such a big regional organization neighboring China. How is the relationship between ASEAN and China now? B:东盟不仅在区域上面积广大,在经济、政治、科技上也是一个举足轻重的地区。所有的东盟成员国都是中国的友好近邻。自从上世纪90年代以来,中国与东盟的关系一直很好,政治联系日益密切。 A:Can you give some data? B: 在中国与东盟的关系中,经贸、科技方面的合作是基本的组成部分。1994年的贸易总额从120亿增加到235亿美元,其中中国出口额109.2亿美元,进口123.6亿美元。双方的相互投资过去几年也不断增加。东盟在劳务合作和项目建设方面已经成为中国的重要市场。中国和东盟已经同意用8年的时间创建世界人口最密集的自由贸易区。 A:The relationship is very good economically, but how about

06-07 C卷 口译理论与实践 期末考试 试卷 答案

Interpretation Training Test Paper C (Tape script) Part A ( E-C) (50%) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in English. Each passage consists of two paragraphs. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese. You may take notes while listening. Passage 1 (25%): Mr. President, your state visit to our country gives us the opportunity and responsibility to chart a course for the future that is more positive, more stable and, hopefully, more productive than our relations have been for the last few years. China is a great country with a rich and proud history and strong future. The direction China takes toward cooperation or conflict will profoundly affect Asia, America, and the world for decades. The emergence of a China as a power that is stable, open and non-aggressive, that embraces free markets, and that works with us to build a secure international order is deeply in the interest of our people. Passage 2 (25%): For most people, almost any place can become a tourist destination as long as it is different from the place where the traveler usually lives. New York may not be a tourist attraction to a New Yorker, but for a Londoner it may have many charms. The famous tourist sites of many big cities offer a unique historic atmosphere, such as the Great Wall and the Palace Museum of Beijing, and the Buckingham Palace and St Paul’s Cathedral of London. Tourists will indeed be affected by the unusual atmosphere of those cities. Smaller towns and rural areas throughout the world have attractions of this kind for tourists. An excellent example is the small village town of Zhou Zhuang in China, known as “the Venice of the Orient”. Of course, natural scenery has always been an attraction for tourists. Tens of thousands of people visit Niagara Falls every year, for example. Its reputation as a place for honeymoon is world-famous. Part B ( C-E) (50%) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear two passages in Chinese. Each passage consists of two paragraphs. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it


数字口译基础练习 Part A . 3,899 3,908 7009 780,120 504,781 五千 九亿三千六百七十七万七千 Part C. 1. The population of this city in 2004 was 78,872,890. 2. The natural reserve takes up an area of 123,880,000 square kilometers. 3. The coastal line of this country is 7,723,605 meters. 4. The n umber of college graduated will climb 30,009 90,591 79,301 67,900 Part 六万 四百六十七万 九 百六^一万 七百五 十万 十^一亿七千 五百万 五十七万 五千九百三十三万 三千五百三十八万

to a record high of 328 million this summer, an increase of 540,000, or 34%, over the year 2000. 5.Austrilia, with its landmass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has a population of 18,742,000. Part D .以下是世界上五个主要英语国家的人口与国土面积的情况,请听译成汉语。 The United States has a population of 301,257,800, with a total area of 9,372,610 square kilometers, or 3,618,765 square miles. Canada ,a country with a population of only 31,519,500, has a total area slightly larger than that of the United States, that is , an area of 9,946,140 square kilometers, or 3,851,788 square miles. The United Kingdom, whose population amounts to 60,315,600, has a total land area of 244,820 square kilometers, or 94,525 square miles. Austrilia, with its land-mass of 7,686,850 square kilometers, or 2,967,893 square miles, has

基础口译教程-U10 词汇短语表

基础口译教程词汇短语表 U10 Culture and history Warming-up Practice 1. Everyday etiquette etiquette /'et?ket/ n.the formal rules for polite behaviour in society or in a particular group礼仪,礼节 spoil /sp??l/ vi. to start to decay〔开始〕变质,变坏,腐败 delicately /'del?k?tl?/ adv. 谨慎地;委婉地 that is to say也就是说,换句话说 tone /t??n/ cn. the way your voice sounds, which shows how you are feeling or what you mean〔说话的〕语气,口气,腔调 in case万一 contact sb.联系某人 replacement /r?'ple?sm?nt/ un. when you get something that is newer or better than the one you had before更换;替换 2. The American national flag national flag国旗 stripe /stra?p/ n. a line of colour, especially one of several lines of colour all close together条纹, 线条 original /?'r?d??n?l/ adj. existing or happening first, before other people or things原先的,最早的,最初的 decorative /'dek?r?t?v/ adj. pretty or attractive, but not always necessary or useful装饰(性)的,装饰用的 3. Christmas traditions wreath /ri?θ/ n. a circle of leaves or flowers that people use to decorate their houses at Christmas 〔圣诞节期间装饰屋子的〕花环 get the custom of ...沿袭了……的传统 holly /'h?l?/ n. a small tree with sharp dark green leaves and red berries ( berry ), or the leaves and berries of this tree, used as a decoration at Christmas冬青树〔用作圣诞节装饰的〕冬青树叶及浆果 dark, bitterly cold winter阴沉苦寒的冬天 symbolize /'s?mb?la?z/ v. if something symbolizes a quality, feeling etc, it represents it象征,代表;用符号表示 promise /'pr?m?s/ n. a sign that something, usually something good, may happen迹象;〔通常指〕吉兆


人口老龄化population aging 可持续发展sustainable development 防控重大疾病 to prevent and control the outbreak of major disease 食品药品安全food and drug safety 临床经验clinical experience 免疫系统immune system 器官移植organ transplant 县级医院country-level hospital 试管婴儿test-tube baby 运动医学sports medicine 运动创伤sports injure 运动营养sports nutrition 运动康复sports recovery 医务监督medical supervision 固定资产fixed assets 工业产值industrial output 现 代化企业制度modern corporate system 社会主义市场经济socialist market economy 以市场为导向market-oriented 国际标准化组织International Standars Organization 首席执行官Chief Executive Officer 家用电器household electric appliance 质量检查quality control 国有企业state-owned enterprise 非国有企业 non-state enterprise 中外合资企业sino-foreign joint venture 独资企业wholly foreign-owned enterprise 外资企业foreign-funded enterprise 宏观经济管理macroeconomic management 农业基础设施agriculture infrastructure 饮食习惯/结构dietary habits/structure 杂交水稻hybrid rice 陶制兵马俑terracotta warriors and horses 少数民族ethnic minority 了解民情to keep abreast of public feelings 交通动脉traffic artery 每隔一段距离at regular intervals 外事办公室Foreign Affairs Office 竞技性运动competitive sports 平均期望值average life expectancy 轨道交通系统rail transportation system 快速交通系统the rapid bus transit system 国家队national team 种子队seed team 主队home team 客队visiting team 行业、企业、事业单位industries ,businessess and public industries 入学率enrollment rate of school-age children 素质教育essential-quality-oriented education 改善办学条件to improve schooling condition 终身学习系统lifelong learning system 现代远程教育modern distance education 知识经济时代an era of knowledge economy 科教兴国战略the strategy of rejuvenating the nation through science and education 提高妇女地位to raise women ' s status 优化组合to optimize the production 家庭暴力family violence at home 国有企业state-run enterprise 世界卫生组织World Health Organization 总趋势the general trend 建筑面积floor space 人口密度population density 计划生育family planning 缺少劳动力to be short of manpower 集约/ 粗放型农业Intensive/Extensive agriculture 投资环境investment environment 公用事业单位public utilities 国家经济技术开发区state-level economic and technological development zone 势头良好show good momentum 深加工业deep processing industry 研发中心Research and Development Center 西电东送West-East Power Transmission Project 西气东输West-East Gas Pipeline Project 南水北调South-North Water Diversion Project 加入世贸组织accession to the WTO 经济全球化economic globalization 联合国安全理事会Unite Nations Security Council 联合国秘书处United Nations Secretariat 联合国开发计划署Unite Nations Development Program 联合国工发组织Unite Nations Industrial Development Organization 联合国人口活动基金会Unite Nations Fund for Population Activities 联合国儿童基金会Unite Nations International Children ' s Emergency Fund 联合国粮农组织Unite Nations Food an Agriculture Organization 联合国环境规划署Unite Nations Environment Program 联合国教科文组织Unite Nations Educational,Scientific and Culture Organization 联合国经社理事会Unite Nations Economic and Social Council


Unit 1 ?李颖:We are going to ascend the great wall tomorrow morning. So I’d like to go to bed early and have a good sleep this evening. You know climbing the great wall is not an easy job. ?明天早上我们计划去爬长城,所以我想今晚早点休息,好好睡一觉。你知道爬长城可不是一件简单的事情。 ?Jack: Great. The Great Wall is very famous and becomes a must for tourist in Beijing. Would you tell me something about it? ?好啊。长城那么有名,是游客来北京必去的景点。你能和我说一说长城么? ?李颖:OK. The construction of the great wall took altogether over 2000years.it started in the Zhou dynasty in the 7th century. B.C. And continued until Ming Dynasty in the 15th century A.D. The existing wall was built in the Ming Dynasty. ?好。长城的整个建筑过程持续了总共两千多年,始于公元七世纪的周朝,后来一直延续到公元后十五世纪的明朝。现存的城墙都是明朝修建的。 ?Jack: The Great Wall is indeed the crystallization of the industry and wisdom of the Chinese people and also a symbol of ancient Chinese culture. Then why the ancient people built the wall? ?长城的确是中国人民勤劳智慧的结晶,同时也是中国古代文化的象征.那么为什么古代人民要修建长城呢? ?李颖:It was constructed to guard against the invasion by nomadic tribes from the north. When enemy troops approached, guards on watch would send smoke signals from the beacon-fire towers as an alarm. ?修建长城是为了抵御来自北方游牧民族的入侵。敌军逼近时,放哨的警卫就会在烽火台上发送烟雾信号作为警报。 ?Jack: How did they manage to do so? Can you be more specific? ?他们怎么发送烟雾信号作为警报呢?你能说的具体点么? ?李颖:Those towers on the wall are spaced at equal distances from each other. When guards in a tower saw the signals from its neighbor, they immediately did the same thing .In this way; the signals would be relayed to the capital. ?长城上的烽火台是均匀分布的。如果烽火台上的警卫看到相邻烽火台上发出的信号,他们就会立刻跟着发出信号。这样一个接一个信号就传到了都城。 ?Jack: what the smart idea the ancient people had! I was told that in china. People usually call the Great Wall “Ten Thousand Li Long Wall”. Does it really mean that long? ?古代人民的想法真是巧妙啊!我听说在中国人们通常把长城称作“万里长城”。真的有那么长么? ?李颖:Yes, exactly. It runs all the way across the eastern half of china with a length of about 6 000 kilometers. 是的,正是这样。长城绵延约6 000公里,穿越了中国的东半部。 ?Jack: 6 000 kilometers! It is unbelievable. 6 000公里!难以置信。 ?李颖:The Great Wall is said to be the only building on the earth that can be seen from the outer space. 据说万里长城是从外太空可以看到的地球上唯一的建筑。


基础口译教程词汇短语表 U4 Humanity and Environment Warming-up Practice 1. Plant and animal habitats will be changed by global warming. habitat /'h?b?t?t/ n. the natural home of a plant or animal〔动植物的〕生活环境;栖息地global /'gl??b(?)l/ warming: a general increase in world temperatures caused by increased amounts of carbon dioxide around the Earth全球变暖 predict /pr?'d?kt/ v. to say that something will happen, before it happens预言,预料,预测 one-third 1/3 significantly /s?g'n?f?k(?)ntl?/ adv. in an important way or to an important degree显著地 species /'spi??i?z/ n. a group of animals or plants whose members are similar and can breed together to produce young animals or plants〔动植物的〕物种,种 carbon dioxide: /'kɑ?b(?)n/ /d a?'?ksa?d/ the gas produced when animals breathe out, when carbon is burned in air, or when animal or vegetable substances decay二氧化碳 content /'k?ntent/ n. the amount of a substance that is contained in something含量 atmosphere /'?tm?sf??/ n. the mixture of gases that surrounds the Earth〔地球的〕大气(层)give top priority to 给予优先考虑 pollution /p?'lu??(?)n/ n. the process of making air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for people to use, or the state of being dangerously dirty污染 summit /'s?m?t/ n. an important meeting or set of meetings between the leaders of several governments首脑会议,最高级会议,峰会 miss the chance错过机会 catastrophe /k?'t?str?f?/ n. a terrible event in which there is a lot of destruction, suffering, or death 灾难,大祸,严重的不幸 2. Asia is facing serious environmental problems. face: v. if you face or are faced with a difficult situation, or if a difficult situation faces you, it is going to affect you and you must deal with it面临〔困难〕,面对〔困境〕 serious /'s??r??s/ adj. extremely bad or dangerous〔情况、问题、事故等〕严重的 release /r?'li?s/ v. to let news or official information be known and printed公开发表,发布 threat /θret/ n. a statement in which you tell someone that you will cause them harm or trouble if they do not do what you want威胁,恐吓 rapid /'r?p?d/ adj. happening or done very quickly and in a very short time快速的,迅速的shrink /?r??k/v. to become smaller使缩小; 缩小 rain forest: a tropical forest with tall trees that are very close together, growing in an area where it rains a lot(热带)雨林 especially /?'spe?(?)l?/ adv. used to emphasize that something is more important or happens more with one particular thing than with others尤其 Malaysia /m??le???/ n. 马来西亚 Philippines /'filipi:nz/ n. 菲律宾 Thailand /'ta?l?nd/ n. 泰国 according to根据……


P23页 1.我在上午说过,今天我们各国面临一个机会,可以分别和共同作出具体承诺和采取明确措施,确保核材料的安全,防止核材料落入那些无疑会利用它们的恐怖主义分子手中。 2.今晚,我可以这么说,我们成功地把握了这一机遇,作为具体的国家和国际社会,我们已经采取了措施,美国人民将因此更安全,世界将更稳定。 3.我谨在此感谢出席这一具有历史意义的峰会的全体代表,来自世界各地区的49位领导人。今天之所以能取得进展,是因为这些领导人不仅与会发言,而且采取行动;不是含糊地承诺在未来采取行动,而是承诺他们准备立即实施的有意义的步骤。 4.我还要感谢各位同仁在讨论中所表现的坦率与合作精神。今天并无冗长的讲话,亦无要求别国如何是从的训诫。我们互相倾听、互相尊重。我们认识到,虽然不同国家面临不同的挑战,但我们有着共同的利益,即确保这些危险核材料的安全。 P52页 1.在二十一世纪,你们必须承担不分国界的国际金融系统的重任。当香港和雅加达的股票市场下跌时,其影响再也不是局部性,而是全球性的。因此,贵国充满生机的经济成长同整个亚太地区恢复稳定和经济发展紧密相连。 2.在最近一次的金融危机中,中国坚定不移地承担了对本地区和全世界的责任,帮助避免了又一个危险的货币贬值周期。我们必须继续携手合作,对付全球金融系统面临的威胁以及对整个亚太地区本应有的发展和繁荣的威胁。 3.在我以上列举的每一个关键领域,显然,只要我们相互合作而不是互不往来,我们就能取得更大的成就。因此,我们应该努力,确保双方之间目前的建设性关系在下个世纪结出圆满的协作果实。 4.要做到这一点,我们就必须更好地相互了解,了解各自的共同利益、共有的期望和真诚的分歧。我相信这种公开直接的交流有助于澄清和缩小我们的分歧。更为重要的是,允许人们理解、辩论和探讨这些问题,能使他们对我们建设美好的未来更加充满信心。 P69页 1. Presenting gifts is one of the important contents of modern business activities, in order to establish friendly relations, progress friendship, and also can be applied to advertising and promoting. It’s important to select a gift, because it transmits the information of culture, economy, status, knowledge and other aspects. It’s probably both may improve the image of the company and may damage it. 2. Presenting gifts in business activities can generally divide into several conditions as following: (1) Presenting gifts for employees and rewarding their hard work. (2) Presenting gifts for enhancing the business connection with customers. (3) Presenting gifts for each other to build relationships with business counterparts. 3. Therefore, more and more companies realize that presenting gifts in business activities is not only advertising, but also a important tool


历年英语翻译初级口译考试真题及答案 上午卷: 英译中: (1) New Zealand is a South Pacific country located midway between the Equator and the South Pole, with a land of 268,105 square kilometers and a population of over three million. (第63页-黄) 新西兰是一个南太平洋国家,位于赤道和南极洲之间,国土面积为268105平方公里,人口为300多万。 简析:纵观口译考题,出题者十分聪明地将有关课文的每篇的首句作为考题来出,真是用心良苦。试想每篇文章的首句或每段文章的第一句话不是有提纲挈领的作用吗?理解了首句往往就能了解文章的大概。这和阅读理解的要求有着很大的相通性。所以加强平日对英语句子的敏感性十分有必要。 2) When the washing cycle is over, the machine fries the plates and glasses with its own heart, and indeed they can be left inside until they are needed for the next meal. (P.367) 洗涤过程完成后,洗碗机用自身的热量将盘子和杯子烘干。杯盘还可以留在机内待下一餐使用时再取出。 中译英: (1)为了过好学校里的公寓生活,学生应该学会自己洗衣服,整理房间,甚至于买菜做饭。(第355页) To manage apartment living in school successfully, the students must learn to do their own washing and cleaning, and even buy and cool their own food. (2)据估计,全球毒品的贸易额以达到每年4000亿美元之巨。吸毒者约占全世界人口的3%。(p36蓝)


李天舒 主审:冯伟年 编委李天舒朱益平李艳李淑侠赵晓铃 张春娟张录侠何华李超慧宋美盈 世界图书出版公司2003 年出版定价:15 元 本教材出版后已作为英语系2001 级,辅修班2002 级,专升本2001 级学生口译课教材。 : 1.题材广泛,内容丰富,实用性强。本教材以我国对外交流与合作及口译工作的实际为出发 点,集口译理论、技巧和实践为一体。内容主要包括口译的基本理论、方法和技巧,涉外工作的礼仪 和程序等,重点是口译工作所涉及的各种话题的英汉互译。这些专题材料主要选自国内外中英文报 刊和有关网站的最新资料。题材广泛,内容丰富、涵盖了我国对外交流中可能涉及到的各种话题,旨 在通过大量的英汉互译实践,使学生掌握口译的基本理论和技巧。 2.英译汉、汉译英并重,双向训练同步进行。口译教学不同于书面翻译教学,可采取英译汉、 汉译英分阶段进行。口头交际是一种双向交际活动;口译通常是在两种语言连续交替转换模式中进 行。因此,口译教学采取英汉互译,双向训练同步进行为好。本教材的总体框架就是根据这一原则设 计和编写的。口译实践是全书的主体部分 本教材分两大部分,十八个单元。第一部分三个单元。第一单元着重介绍口译的基本理论,包括 口译的产生、发展、特点、标准、类型、过程及口译人员的基本素质要求等。第二、三单元集中介绍口译 的一些基本方法和技巧,包括直译法、反译法、意译法、增减译法、口译笔记及各种数字的口译及习语、 引语的口译。另外,第二、三单元在介绍了每一种口译技巧之后都附有相应的英汉互译练习及练习参 考答案。在使用本教材时,教师可根据教材顺序,集中一段时间进行口译理论和技巧教学,着重对 学生进行单项口译技巧训练,使他们通过口译实践尽快掌握口译的基本理论、方法和技巧,闯过口 译中经常遇到的几个难点,为在后面的专题口译训练中能灵活机动、综合运用各种口译技巧,顺利 进行英汉互译打好基础。


1.感谢您不辞辛劳,从百忙中抽空来我公司指导。(unit 2) We’re very grateful that you took time from your busy schedule and came to out company to give us advice. 2.各位能够赏光来此共度一年中的这个美好时光,我感到非常荣幸。(unit2) I consider it a great honor to have you all here for this wonderful time of the year. Let’s drink to the health, great career and happy family of everyone present. 3. 中央政府很重视全面对外开放,不仅开放沿海城市,也开放内地,尽可能吸引外资。The central government focuses a lot of attention on opening the country up to the outside world in all directions, including coastal cities and interior areas. 4. 中国幅员辽阔,自然资源丰富,劳动力低廉,税收低,消费者市场潜力大,社会环境稳定,投资政策有人,经济回报率高。 China is known for her massive land, abundant natural resources, cheap labor, low taxation, potential consumer market, stable social environment, attractive investment policies, and high economic returns of investment. 5.我希望这次晚会可以使我们有机会无所拘束地了解彼此,增进个人之间的友谊。 I hope this party will give us an opportunity to get to know each other better in a less formal way and to increase personal friendships. 6. 这是一次具有历史意义的开拓性的会议,它对形成一个新的世界格局将产生积极的影响。The conference is one of the pioneering endeavor and historic significance, one that will have a positive impact on the shaping of a new world order. 7. 我们愿在平等友好的基础上,就广泛领域里的合作以及建立新的伙伴关系交换我们的意见。 I wish to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to the host for hosting this conference successfully. 8. 中国农历5月5日的端午节旨在纪念古代诗人屈原。 The Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th day of the 5th month of China’s lunar calendar is set aside and celebrated in memory of the ancient poet Qu Y uan. 9. 春节是中国的农历新年,其日期按农历而定,通常出现在公历2月份前半个月的某一天。The Spring Festival, or the Chinese lunar New Y ear, is celebrated according to the lunar calendar, and generally occurs some time in the first half of February. 10. 我们并没有在取得的丰硕成果面前停止前进的脚步 We have not ceased our advancement in front of the prolific achievements. 英译中 1. This is a fantastic airport, absolutely one of the top-notch international airports. 这个机场太美了,绝对是一个顶尖的国际机场 2.I’d like to have a 7 o’clock morning call, breakfast sent up to my room, laundry done, some documents photocopied, an express mail sent out, and something like that. 我要早上7点叫醒,早餐送我房间,衣服要洗熨,文件要复印,邮件要快递,诸如此类的事情需要服务。 3.It is my great pleasure and privilege to have received your gracious invitation and work with a distinguished group of China’s automobile specialists. 我为自己能受到贵方的友好邀请,与一组优秀的中国汽车专家合作共事而深感愉快和荣幸。

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