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Steps for Close Reading or Explication de texte:

Patterns, polarities, problems, paradigm, puzzles, perception

An explication de texte (cf. Latin explicare, to unfold, to fold out, or to make clear the meaning of) is a finely detailed, very specific examination of a short poem or short selected passage from a longer work, in order to find the focus or design of the work, either in its entirety in the case of the shorter poem or, in the case of the selected passage, the meaning of the microcosm, containing or signaling the meaning of the macrocosm (the longer work of which it is a part).

Close Reading or Explication de texte operates on the premise that literature, as artifice, will be more fully understood and appreciated to the extent that the nature and interrelations of its parts are perceived, and that that understanding will take the form of insight into the theme of the work in question. This kind of work must be done before you can begin to appropriate any theoretical or specific literary approach.

Textual explication Format

I. 1. Brief, relevant history of poem and poet

2. [Read the poem] Re-state/parse the poem

II. Form:

1. Meter, rhyme scheme, stress

2. Special characteristics if any [e.g. alliteration, personification, metaphor, etc.], and their importance to meaning.

III. Content:

1. theme

2. Your individual understanding of the poem


Sample Textual explication

John Lyly (1554-1606), “Cupid and My Campaspes”

Cupid and my Campaspe played

At cards for kisses; Cupid paid.

He stakes his quiver, bows, and arrows.

His mother’s doves and team of sparrows,

Loses them too; then down he throws

The coral of his lips, the rose

Growing on’s cheek (but none knows how),

With these the crystal of his brow,

And then the dimple of his chin:

All these did my Campaspe win.

At last he set her both his eyes;

She won, and Cupid blind did rise.

Oh Love! Has she done this to thee?

What shall, alas, become of me?

I. John Lyly was an English writer, poet, dramatist, playwright, and politician, best known for his books Euphues, The Anatomy of Wit (1578) and Euphues and His England (1580). Lyly's literary style, originating in his first books, is known as euphuism. John Lyly produced his

comedy Campaspe in 1584. Campaspe was Alexander the Great's mistress. She was famously painted by a number of ancient painters. "Campaspe" eventually became a generic name for a man's mistress in poetry.

2. Parse

Cupid plays cards with my lover in order to win kisses, but he keeps losing. He risks his quiver, bows, arrows, his mother Venus’ doves and team of sparrows for the game, but loses all the stuff. Then, my lover wins all of his godlike good looks (his red lips, the red flush on his cheek, his fine brow, his dimple and his eyes). Finally, Cupid has to quit the game and flies away

without eyes (this explains why love is blind). Oh, the god of love, Cupid! Has my lover done this to you? Are you blind? Alas, if that is the case, what shall happen to me?

II. Form:

1.This poem contains fourteen lines of iambic tetrameter rimed aa bb cc dd ee ff gg, with

exceptions occur in line 1 ' U/ U' / U' / U' (Cupid and my Campaspe played), line 5 ' U/ U' / U' / U' (Loses them too; then down he throws) and line 7 ' U/ U' / U' / U' (Growing on’s cheek but none knows how).

2.There are three unusual features in this poem: the enjambment that occurs between line 5 and

line 6 (Loses them too; then down he throws/ The coral of his lips, the rose) as well as line 6 and line 7(The coral of his lips, the rose/ Growing on’s cheek (but none knows how)); the caesura occurs in line 2 and line 13; and the personification of love that occurs at the last couplet.

III. Content:

1. theme

The theme of the poem is ‘the blindness of love’. The poet stresses the power of love through an imagined game in which the lover of ‘I’ beats Cupid in a card game, and thus expresses his feeling of being overwhelmed by love and not able to escape from the charm of his lover. If this woman is able to so completely dominate a GOD, how can the poet resist her power and charms?

2. Evaluation

This poem applies excellent imagination and personification to achieve the purpose of influencing the reader. This is similar to Drayton’s‘since there’s no help, come let us kiss and part,’ in which personification and imagination are highly exposed. And this poem is that Lyly amusingly combines the classical (Campaspe, Cupid) with the contemporary (gambling).


I.Multiple Choice 1.To commerate the death of his young wife, __________wrote the poem Annabel Lee. a. D.H. Lawrence b. John Milton c. Philip Phreneau d. Edgar Allan Poe 2. In Leisure, ____________ thinks that it is a poor life if “we have no time to stand and stare” a. John Keats b. William Henry Davies c. Alexander Pope d. John Donne 3.. In Amy Lowell’s Falling Snow, the poet says that “When the temple bell rings again/ they will be covered and gone”. “They” here refers to ______ a. the wooden clogs b. footprints c. the pilgrims d. none of the above 4. The “busy archer”in Philip Sydney’s To the Moon refers to____ a. the poet himself b. Cupid c. a comrade-in-arms of the poet d. none of the above 5. “Act____act in the glorious present”is perphaps the most soul-stirring line in _________’s poem A Psalm of Life. a. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow b. Percy Bissy Shelly c. Walt Whitman d. Carl Sandburg 6. In Song of the Rain, _________ paints a rosy picture of happy family life where the poet is “Safe in the House with my boyhood love/ And our children are asleep in the attic above”. a. Kenneth Mackenzie b. Carl Sandburg c. Hugh MacCrae d. Jerard Manley Hopkins 7. “Day brought back my night”is a well-praised phrase from __________’s On His Deceased Wife. a. Edgar Allan Poe b. Robert Frost c. John Milton d. Philip Sydney 8. In James Shirley’s poem Death the Leveller, the word “leveller” means a. something that reduces everything to nothing b. something that brings equality to all c. something that levels the ground d. none of the abov e. 9. What does “Fire” in Robert Frost’s poem Fire and Ice symbolize? a. war b. anger c. love d. desire 10. In John Keat’s poem The Terror of Death, the phrase “unreflecting love” means a. love without calculation b. love without preparation c. love never thought of d. love involving many considerations II.Blank Filling 1.One word is too often ________, For me to ________ it One feeling is too ______distained, For ______ to distain it .


一.中古英语时期 ?Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and the most important specimen (范例、典范)of Anglo-Saxon literature, and also the oldest surviving epic in the English language. ?The romance is a popular literary form in the medieval period(中世纪). It uses verse or prose to sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds. ?Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the greatest English poets, whose masterpiece, The Canterbury Tales(《坎特伯雷故事集》),was one of the most important influences on the development of English literature. ?Chaucer is considered as the father of English poetry and the founder of English realism. 二.文艺复兴Renaissance ?Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It marks a transition(过渡) from the medieval to the modern world. ?It started in Italy with the flowering of painting, sculpture(雕塑)and literature, and then spread to the rest of Europe. ?Humanism is the essence of Renaissance -----Man is the measure of all things. ?This was England’s Golden Age in literature. Queen Elizabeth reigned over the country in this period. The real mainstream of the English Renaissance is the Elizabethan drama. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England ? ?“Of Studies” is the most popular of Bacon’s 58 essays. ?Thomas More ——Utopia ?Edmund Spenser——The Faerie Queene 相关练习 ? 1. Which is the oldest poem in the English language? ? A. Utopia B. Faerie Queene ? C. Beowulf D. Hamlet ? 2. _____ is the father of English poetry. ? A. Edmund Spenser B. William Shakespeare ? C. Francis Bacon D. Geoffrey Chaucer ? 3. ____ is not a playwright during the Renaissance period on England. ? A. William Shakespeare B. Geoffrey Chaucer ? C. Christopher Marlowe D. Ben Johnson 三.莎士比亚William Shakespeare ?“All the world 's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.”——William Shakespeare ?William Shakespeare is considered the greatest playwright in the world and the finest poet who has written in the English language. Shakespeare understood people more than any other writers. He could create characters that have

华师 2013秋《英国文学》作业

The best-known of all Shelley’s lyrics is ______. A.Ode to a Skylark B.Ode to the Nightingale C.Prometheus Unbound D.Ode on a Grecian Urn 您的答案:A 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 2.第2题 ‘Thou still unravish’d bride of quietness,/ Thou foster-child of silece and slow time,”This bride refers to ______. A.a maiden B.a Grecian urn C.a nightingale D.a water-nymph 您的答案:B 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 3.第3题 Among the following writers, ______ was known for his/her psychological insight into the development of character and falir for country scenes and speech. A.Emily Bronte B.Charlotte Bronte C.. Dickens D.George Eliot 您的答案:D 题目分数:2 此题得分:2.0 4.第6题 In the late nineteenth century, modernism flourished in English literature. Unlike modern poets and novelists, modem dramatists____ A.a. showed an optimistic emotion toward life B.did not make innovations in techniques and forms at all. C.inherited fully the romantic spirit of the early 19th century. D.borrowed a lot from the irrational philosophy and psychoanalysis. 您的答案:B


Sonnet 18 William Shakespeare S hall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And of ten is his gold complexion dimm’d; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance, or n ature’s changing course untrimm’d; But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st; N or shall Death brag thou wander’st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st: So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, So long lives this and this gives life to thee Selected Metaphysical poems by John Donne I. THE FLEA Mark but this flea, and mark in this, How little that which thou deniest me is ; It suck'd me first, and now sucks thee, And in this flea our two bloods mingled be. Thou know'st that this cannot be said A sin, nor shame, nor loss of maidenhead; Yet this enjoys before it woo, And pamper'd swells with one blood made of two ; And this, alas ! is more than we would do. O stay, three lives in one flea spare, Where we almost, yea, more than married are. This flea is you and I, and this Our marriage bed, and marriage temple is. Though parents grudge, and you, we're met, And cloister'd in these living walls of jet. Though use make you apt to kill me, Let not to that self-murder added be, And sacrilege, three sins in killing three.

英国文学选读一考试大题必备 重点题目分析(人物分析 诗歌分析 三大主义)

Hamlet is the first work of literature to look squarely at the stupidity, falsity and sham of everyday life, without laughing and without easy answers. In a world where things are not as they seem, Hamlet…s genuineness, thoughtfulness, and sincerity make him special. Hamlet is no saint. But unlike most of the other characters (and most people today), Hamlet chooses not to compromise with evil. Dying, Hamlet reaffirms the tragic dignity of a basically decent person in a bad world Hamlet is the first work of literature to show an ordinary person looking at the futility and wrongs in life, asking the toughest questions and coming up with honest semi-answers like most people do today. Unlike so much of popular culture today, "Hamlet" leaves us with the message that life is indeed worth living, even by imperfect people in an imperfect world. 犹豫scholars have debated for centuries about Hamlet's hesitation in killing his uncle. Some see it as a plot device to prolong the action, and others see it as the result of pressure exerted by the complex philosophical and ethical issues that surround cold-blooded murder, calculated revenge and thwarted desire. More recently, psychoanalytic critics have examined Hamlet's unconscious desires (Freud concludes that Hamlet has an "Oedipal desire for his mother and the subsequent guilt [is] preventing him from murdering the man [Claudius] who has done what he unconsciously wanted to do". Robinson Crusoe is a grand hero in westerners? eyes. He survived in the deserted island and lived a meaningful life. He almost has everything needed for becoming a successful man, such as his excellent creativity, great working capacity, courage, and persistence in overcoming obstacles. But he has shortcomings, too. Sometimes he was irresolute; he was not confident; he was fetishistic, although his belief had done him much good. He serves somehow as a lighthouse for the ambitious people. It?s also instructive for average people. Robinson was the representative of the bourgeois of the 18th C. It was the time when bourgeois grew stronger and stronger. The author Defoe paid a tribute to bourgeois by creating such a rational, powerful, clever, and successful man. 【Themes of Robinson Crusoe】 1. The ambivalence of mastery In short, while Crusoe seems praiseworthy in mastering his fate by overcoming his obstacles, and controlling his environment, the praiseworthiness of his mastery over his fellow human Friday is more doubtful. Defoe explores the link between the two in his depiction of the colonial mind. 2. The necessity of Repentance Crusoe?s experiences constitute not simply an adventure story in which thrilling things happen, but also a moral tale illustrating the right and wrong ways to live one?s life. Crusoe?s story instruct s others in God?s wisdom, and one vital part of this wisdom is the importance of repenting one?s sins. 3. The Importance of Self-Awareness Crusoe?s arrival on the island does not make him revert to a brute existence and he remains conscious of himself at all times. His island existence actually deepens his self-awareness as he withdraws from the external society and turns inward. The idea that the individual must keep a careful reckoning of the state of his own soul is a key point in the Presbyterian doctrine that the aothor took seriously all his life. ·Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte The protagonist and title character, orphaned as a baby. She is a plain-featured, small and reserved but talented, sympathetic, hard-working, honest and passionate girl. Skilled at studying, drawing, and teaching, she works as a governess at Thornfield Hall and falls in love with her wealthy employer, Edward Rochester. But her strong sense of conscience does not permit her to become his mistress, and she does not return to him until his insane wife is dead and she herself has come into an inheritance. 【Themes of Jane Eyre】 1. Gender relations A particularly important theme in the novel is patriarchalism and Jane…s efforts to assert her own identity within male-dominated society. Among the three of the main male characters,


《再别康桥》英汉语版本及诗歌赏析Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again By Xu Zhimo 再别康桥 徐志摩 Very quietly I take my leave As quietly as I came here Quietly I wave good-bye To the rosy clouds in the western sky 轻轻的我走了 正如我轻轻的来 我轻轻的招手 作别西天的云彩 The golden willows by the riverside Are young brides in the setting sun Their reflections on the shimmering waves Always linger in the depth of my heart 那河畔的金柳 是夕阳中的新娘 波光里的艳影 在我的心头荡漾 The floating heart growing in the sludge Sways leisurely under the water In the gentle waves of Cambridge I would be a water plant 软泥上的青荇 油油的在水底招摇 在康桥的柔波里 我甘心做一条水草 That pool under the shade of elm trees Holds not water but the rainbow from the sky Shattered to pieces among the duckweeds Is the sediment of a rainbow-like dream 那榆荫下的一潭 不是清泉,是天上虹 揉碎在浮藻间 沉淀着彩虹似的梦 To seek a dream? Just to pole a boat upstream To where the green grass is more verdant Or to have the boat fully loaded with starlight And sing aloud in the splendour of starlight 寻梦?撑一支长蒿 向青草更青处漫溯 满载一船星辉 在星辉斑斓里放歌


2014春华南师范大学《英国文学》在线 作业及满分答案 内容摘要:英国文学1、In the late nineteenth century, modernism flourished in English literature. Unlike modern poets and novelists, mo... 1、In the late nineteenth century, modernism flourished in English literature. Unlike modern poets and novelists, modem dramatists____ B.did not make innovations in techniques and forms at all. 2.第10题 _______ by Bernard Shaw belonged to what he called “Plays Unpleasant.” D.Mrs. Warren’s Profession 3.第11题 The Canterbury Tales was written for the greater part in ____couplets. C.heroic 4.第12题 Thomas More gave a profound and truthful picture of the people’s sufferings and put forward his ideal of a future happy society in his ___. B.Utopia 5.第13题 “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”This is the beginning line of ____. B.Sonnet 16 6.第14题 Many of Wordsworth’s poems in his Lyrical Ballads were devoted to ____. https://www.doczj.com/doc/9014555496.html,ndless peasants 7.第15题 Much of Charles Dickens‘s youth is infused into his novel____, making it highly autobiographical.


《外国文学史》练习题 一、填空题 1、希腊神话包括神的故事和___英雄___传说两部分内容。 2、马克思指出:“希腊神话不只是希腊艺术的武库,而且是它的___土壤_____”。 3、希腊英雄传说中最著名的英雄是_赫拉克勒斯_________ ________。 4、希腊的悲剧和喜剧都起源于___酒神颂歌_________祭祀。 5、古希腊悲剧的奠基人是______埃斯库罗斯______________。 6、马克思称赞_____普罗米修斯_____________是“哲学的日历中最高尚的圣者和殉道者”。 7、古希腊最著名的喜剧家是__阿里斯托芬_______________。 8、希腊新喜剧的代表性作家是___米南德____________。 9、柏拉图的《________理想国__》是欧洲唯心主义文艺理论的肇始之作。 10、古希腊最著名的独唱琴歌女诗人是_萨福__________________。 11、亚里斯多德的《______诗学_________》是欧洲美学史上第一部有系统的重要文献。 12、贺拉斯在《诗艺》中提出了“______寓教于乐________”的文艺观。 13、奥维德的《____变形记______》诗古代希腊罗马神话的汇集。 14、维吉尔的《埃涅阿斯记》是欧洲文学史上第一部“____个人创作_______________史诗”。 15、荷马史诗包括《依利亚特》和《___奥德赛____________》两部作品。 16、骑士文学的主要体裁是骑士抒情诗和______骑士传奇_________。 17、但丁早期创作的代表作是描写爱情的诗集《_____新生____________》。 18、但丁的代表作《神曲》的原名是《___喜剧________》。 19、14至17世纪初,欧洲新兴资产阶级反封建反教会的思想文化运动被称为文艺复兴运动。 20、“人文主义之父”彼特拉克的艺术实践使欧洲_______抒情诗_____诗体达到完美的境界。 21、欧洲文学史上第一部现实主义小说《十日谈》采用了《一千零一夜》式的_大故事套小故事框式___结构。 22、“西班牙戏剧之父”维伽的代表作是《__羊泉村___》。 23、乔叟的代表作《_坎特伯雷故事集________》在结构上类似《十日谈》。 24、《堂吉珂德》中与主人公相辅相成的生动形象是__桑丘·潘沙________。 25、莎士比亚历史剧的代表作是《____亨利四世__________》。 26、莎士比亚在《威尼斯商人》中塑造的新女性形象是_______鲍西娅______。 27、运用三一律创作最为成功的法国古典主义悲剧作家是____拉辛_________。 28、布瓦洛的诗体理论著作《__诗艺_______》是古典主义创作的法典。 29、恩格斯认为笛福笔下的_____鲁滨孙_____是一个“真正的资产者”。 30、斯威夫特的代表作是《____格列佛游记_________》。 31、菲尔丁的代表作是《_汤姆·琼斯___________》。 32、狄德罗的《___哲学思想录___________》被恩格斯誉为“辩证法的杰作”。 33、《费加罗的婚姻》的作者是_博马舍_____________。


一、english renaissance 文艺复兴 1、william shakespeare 威廉。莎士比亚Sonnets 骚体十四行诗五步抑扬格 四大悲剧:《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)、《奥赛罗》(Othello)、《麦克白》(Macbeth)、《李尔王》(King Lear)。 四大喜剧:《威尼斯商人》(The Merchant of venice)、《仲夏夜之梦》(A Midsummer Night's Dream)、《皆大欢喜》(As You Like It)、《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night)。 To be or not to be.That is a question. 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得考虑的问题。(哈姆雷特) Hamlet is the greatest tragedy of his hamlet,the melancholic scholar-prince,faces the dilemma between action and mind. 二、17世纪早期 2、John Dunn约翰·多恩“玄学派诗人” Metaphysical poets “Song”、“devotions upon emergent occasions”紧急时刻祈祷文、“poems”诗歌 “The flea”跳蚤(男主人公试图劝诱情人放弃无用的贞操观,与他及时行乐) 3、jone milton 约翰。弥尔顿英国文学巨匠 “On the morning of christ’s nativity”圣诞清晨歌、“areopagitica”论出版自由“When I consider how my light is spent”(十四行诗) “Paradise lost”失乐园无韵体五步抑扬格 (the story of Satan’s rebellion against God, and of the disobedience and fall of Adam and Eve. It is the only generally acknowledged epic in english literature since Beowulf.) 三、复辟和十八世纪 4、daniel defoe 丹尼尔。笛福英国报刊业的奠基人和现实主义小说家 “The trueborn englishman”真正的英国人、“the shortest way with the dissenters”消灭不同教派的捷径、“hymn to the pillory”立枷颂、“captain singleton”辛格尔顿船长、“moll flanders”摩尔。弗兰德斯、“Robinson crusoe”鲁滨逊漂流记(the novel eulogizes the hero of the hard-working class, and shows his sympathy for the poor and the unfortunate in his society.) Spirit: indomitable(不屈不饶的)、adventurous、independent To-day we love what to-morrow we hate; to-day we seek what to-morrow we shun; to-day we desire what tomorrow we fear.(我们今天所爱的,往往是我们明天所恨的;我们今天所追求的,往往是我们明天所逃避的;我们今天所愿望的,往往是我们明天所害怕的。) 5、jonathan swift 乔纳森。斯威夫特satire(讽刺文学)、prose(散文) “A tale of a tub”一只桶的故事、“the battle of books”书籍之战、“drapier’letter”布商来信、 “A modest proposal”一个温和的建议、“verses on the death of dr. swift”斯威夫特博士死亡之诗 “Gulliver’s travels “格列佛游记is designed to ridicule all false taste in learning. But it comes to criticize the dirty society and ugly human nature. It gives a severe and full attack on the english government, society, religion, monarchism, parties and colonialism, and express the auther’s wish of clean politics, humane and virtuous monarch. 6、alexander pope 亚历山大。蒲伯 新古典主义的代表neoclassical poet 讽刺诗人作家verse satirist “The rape of the lock”夺发记、“windsor forest”温莎森林、“the dunciad”愚人记“An essay on criticism”论批评the well-received poem cemented his reputation. Its flawless texture and profound critical insights struck the literary world. It expresses Pope’s opinions about the critic s’duties and


Part One:English Poetry 1.William Shakespeare Sonnet 18 ?Why does the poet compare `thee` to a summer?s day? And who could `thee` be? Because summer?s day and thee both represent beauty . thee could be beauty, love. ?What picture have you got of English summer, and could you explain why? Warm, beautiful, sunshine. Because summer is the best season of a year ,the most beautiful season. It is like our May. ?How does the poet answer the question he puts forth in the first line? Thee is more beautiful than summer. ?What makes the poet think that “thou” can be more fair than summer and immortal? Because humanism is more eternal than summer and immortal. ?What figures of speech are used in this poem? Simile, metaphor, personification, oxymoron and so on . ?What is the theme of the poem? Love conquers all, Beauty lives on. 2. Thomas Nashe Spring ?Read the poem carefully, pay attention to those image- bearing words, and see how many images the poet created in the poem and what sense impressions you can get from those images. There is “Blooms each thing, maids dance in a ring, the pretty birds do sing, the palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk' and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes bur ears do greet!” The “Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit,”impressions me most because of the harmony of the people?s relationship. ?Can you point out and explain the sound and their musical effect in the poem? In the Poem, each section has four lines, each line has ten syllables ( five tone step ) . In order to give the reader a spring breeze , streams , flowers , winding , Song Xin texture of sound and light flavor, Naixi greater uses English word S , z , f , V , R , L , and θconsonants means. In Naixi's poem, the use of phonological is also very harmonious, very smooth , very mellow. Section I of the poetry has Three pairs [ ing ] , section II of the poem has three pairs [ ei ] and the third quarter has three pairs [ i : ]. 3.John Donne A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning ?What is a “valediction” any way? Is the speaker in the poem about to die? Why does the speaker forbid mourning? No, it is about the lover s?separation. As the poem metaphors, the poet believed he and his wife?s love is sacred, he didn?t hope they cry when separation comes, let their love be stained by the ordinary and mundane.

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