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on the Puritan soil (Romanticism )

led the Mayflower endeavor and became the first governor of the Plymouth Plantation that he established with his group of pilgrim fathers(William Bradford)

In writing Absalom, Absalom!, Williams Faulkner was inspired by many things. But one of his inspirations was the story of King David and his son Absalom in the ______.(the Bible)

____ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club(.Emerson )

_____ was a great American Transcendentalist and revolutionary Romanticist, whose first book Nature is the fundamental document of his philosophy.(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

_____ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club. (Emerson )

______ is an appalling fictional version of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s belief that “the wrong doing of one generation lives into the successive ones”and that evil will come out of evil though it may take generations to happen(.The House of Seven Gables)

________ by T. S. Eliot is regarded as a central text of modernism. It is said to catch precisely the state of culture and society after World War Ⅰand graphically illustrate the spiritual poverty of the West of that time.(The Waste Land)

_________ championed the imagist movement from 1912 to 1914, setting down the imagist principles. Then Amy Lowell led the movement into the period of “Amygism,”as Pound called it, from 1914 to 1917.(Ezra Pound)

________is a literary device used when a character reveals his or her innermost thoughts and feelings, those that are hidden throughout the course of the story line, through a poem or a speech(Dramatic monologue)

_______’s poems have the musical quality and romantic beauty. The Raven is his best-known poem.(Edgar Allan Poe)

_______was America’s first dramatist of world renown. His long and prolific career won him four Pulitzer prizes and the Nobel Prize for literature in 1936.(Eugene O'Neill; O'Neill)

______was the foremost American southern writer of the 20th century with nineteen novels, four collections of about seventy short stories, and two volumes of poetry under his name(William Faulkner)

_____carries the voice not of an individual but of a whole people. It is more than writing of the revolutionary period. It defined the meaning of the American Revolution.(Declaration of Independence)

_____is famous for writing stories about the sea and the islands of the Southern Pacific. In his masterpiece Moby Dick, he tells a story of a Whaling voyage which is set a symbolic account of the conflict between man and his fate. (Herman Melville)

_____was the first American to achieve an international literary reputation after the Revolutionary War.(Washington Irving)

____’s Rip Van Winkle is a fantasy tale about a man who somehow stepped outside the main stream of life.(Washington Irving)

____was regarded as the first great prose stylist of American romanticism(.Washington Irving)

___was considered as the “poet of the American Revolution”(Philip Freneau)

“He got me, aw right. I’m trou. Even him didn’t tink I belonged.”In these sentences taken from The Hairy Ape, the words “he”and “him”both refer to ___ (God)

“The universe is composed of Nature and the soul…Spirit is present everywhere”. This is the voice of the book Nature written by Ralph Waldo Emerson, which pushed American romanticism

into a new Phase, the phase of New England ______.( C. Transcendentalism )

“There was music from my neighbor ’s house through the summer nights. In his blue gardens

men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the

stars …” This quotation is taken from ______.(The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald )

“These are the times that try men ’s souls ”. These words were once read to Washington troops

and much to shore up the spirits of the revolutionary soldiers. Who is the author of these words?

(Thomas Paine )

new _____ had appeared in England in the last years of the 18th century. It spread to

continental Europe and then came to America early in the 19th century.(Romanticism )

A series of sixteen pamphlets by Paine was entitled_______.(The American Crisis )

African American literature attained to a higher degree of maturity in 1952 when Ralph Ellison ’s

______ appeared in print, which tells an archetypal existential story of the unnamed African

American protagonist seeking for his identity.(Invisible Man)

Alice Walker is a feminist African American writer. She is best known for______ published in

1982, a novel which has won both the American Book Award and the Pulitzer Prize.(The Color


Allen Ginsberg is a central figure and a guru in the “beat ” counterculture. His best and most

influential poem is _____.(Howl)

Among the following writers, who is often acclaimed literary spokesman of the Jazz Age?(F.

Scott Fitzgerald )

Among the members of the small band of Jamestown settlers was ________, an English soldier of

fortune, whose reports of exploration, published in the early 1600s, have been described as the

first distinct American literature written in English.(Captain John Smith )

Anne Bradstreet was a puritan poet. Her poems made such a stir in England that she become

known as the “_______” who appeared in America.(Tenth Muse )

Another renowned New England Transcendentalist was ____, a friend of Ralph Waldo Emerson

and his junior by some 14 years(Henry David Thoreau)

As a philosophical and literary movement, _____ flourished in New England form the 1830s to

the Civil War (.B. Transcendentalism )

At 19 in 1802____began to write a series of sketches or essays on the theatre and the New York

society, using the name of Jonathan Oldstyle.(Washington Irving)

At the reason and revolutionary period, Americans were influenced by the European movement

called the______.(Enlightenment Movement )

efore his death, Jonathan ______had gained a position as America ’s first systematic

philosopher.(Edwards )

Benjamin Franklin was the epitome of the ____.(American Enlightenment )

hoose the works which is not written by Paine.(Poor Richards Almanac )

Choose Washington Irving ’s works from the following items(.A History of New York )

Choose William Cullen Bryant ’s poem from the following ones.(C. Thanatopsis ) arly in the seventeenth century, the English settlements in ________began the main

stream of what we recognize as the American national history.(Virginia and

Massachusetts )

Emerson ’s first book in 1836____brought American Romanticism into a new phase, the phase of A B C E

New England Transcendentalism. (Nature )

Emerson ’s truest disciple, the man who put into practice many of Emerson ’s theories, was Henry

____ Thoreau. (David )

Eugene O ’Neill ’s The Hairy Ape explores the problem of ____in the early twentieth century(the

loss of human identity)

. Scott Fitzgerald is NOT the author of _____(.In Our Time )

Faulkner once said that The Sound and the Fury is the tragedy of two women. He was

referring to _____(Caddy and her daughter)

For the whole 19th century ____was the only woman poet who enjoys high academic esteem

today. She has been acclaimed as a poet of philosophical and tragic dimensions, a poet who was

responsive to the challenging questions of man, nature and human consciousness.(Emily


Form the following, choose the characteristics of Ralph Waldo Emerson ’s poetry. (D. All of the


Franklin ’s Autobiography is a document.(Puritan )

Franklin ’s best writing is found in his masterpiece_____.(Autobiography )

From 1732 to 1758, Benjamin Franklin wrote and published his famous _______, an annual

collection of proverbs.(Poor Richard ’s Almanac )

From Henry David Thoreau ’s jail experience came his famous essay, ______ which states

Thoreau ’s belief that no man should violate his conscience at the command of a

government.(Civil Disobedience)

enerally considered the leader of the imagist movement, _________ borrowed

techniques from classical Chinese and Japanese poetry and produced poems stressing

clarity, precision, and economy of language, and foregoing traditional rhyme and meter.

(Ezra Pound; Pound )

ard work, thrift, piety and sobriety, these were the _____values that dominated much of

the early American writing.(Puritan )

Herman Melville called his friend Nathaniel Hawthorne ______ in American literature.

(D. The largest brain with the largest heart )

Herman Melville is best known as the author of one book named ____, which is, critics have

agreed, one of the world ’s greatest masterpieces(.Moby Dick)

Herman Melville ’s _____ is not only an adventure story, but also a significant philosophical work

on spiritual exploration.(Moby Dick )

Herman Melville ’s ______ is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc, in

addition to a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry.(Moby Dick)

Herman Melville ’s novel____ is a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voyage in pursuit of a

seemingly supernatural white whale.(Moby Dick)

Herman Melville ’s world classic novel Moby Dick was dedicated to ____, a novelist.(Nathaniel


Hester Prynne is the heroine in Hawthorne ’s novel ____.(The Scarlet Letter )

magism is a poetic movement of England and The United States, which flourished

from________ to 1917.(1908)

In 1620 a number of Puritans came to settle in ________.(Massachusetts )

In 1817, the stately poem called Thanatopsis introduced he best poet _____ to appear in America F G H I

up to that time(.William Cullen Bryant)

In 1823 Cooper James Fenimore wrote The Pioneers, the first of the five novels that make up ____.The remaining four books: The Last of Mohicans (1826), The Prairie (1827), The Pathfinder (1840), and The Deerslayer (1841), continue the story of Natty Bumppo, one of the most famous characters in American fiction.(Leatherstocking Tales)

In 1836, a little book came out which made a tremendous impact on the intellectual life of America. It was entitled Nature by ____.(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

In 1845, Thoreau began a two year residence at ____ Pond(Walden)

IIn 1850, Nathaniel Hawthorne brought out his masterpiece ____, the story of a triangular love affair in colonial America(The Scarlet Letter)

In 1927 T. S. Eliot became a /an ___________citizen and converted from the Unitarian Church to the Church of England.(British; English)

In addition to his novels, _______ wrote about 120 short stories and sketches. Among them are Young Goodman Brown and The Minister’s Black Veil(.Nathaniel Hawthorne)

In American literature, the eighteenth century was an Age of__ and Revolution.(Reason)

In American literature, the eighteenth century was the age of the Enlightenment. _(Rationalism)_ was the dominant spirit.

In the 19th century America, Romanticism had certain general characteristics. Choose such characteristics from the following items.(All of the above)

In the early 19th century American moral values were essentially Puritan. Nothing has left a deeper imprint on the character of the people as a whole than did _____.(C. Puritanism )

In the early 19th century Rip Van Winkle had established __________’s reputation at home and abroad, and designated the beginning of American Romanticism(Washington Irving)

In the early 19th century Rip Van Winkle had established __________’s reputation at home and abroad, and designated the beginning of American Romanticism.(Washington Irving)

In the early 19th century, Washington Irving wrote ___which became the first work by an American writer to win financial success on both sides of the Atlantic(The Sketch Book)

In The Pioneers, ____ represents the ideal American, living a virtuous and free life in God’s world.(Natty Bumppo)

In Washington Irving’s work ____appeared the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature(t.he Sketch Book)

In which of the works of Hemingway does the character Santiago occur?(The Old Man and the Sea)

It was not until January 1776 that a widely heard public voice demanded complete separation from England. The voice was that of ___, whose pamphlet Common Sense, with its heated language, increased the growing demand for separation.(Thomas Paine)


onathan Edwards worked as a minister and was an important figure in “”(a serious religious revivals which occurred in the 1730s and 1740s on North continent).(Great Awakening)

Jonathan Edwards’best and most representative sermon was _________.(Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God)

eaves of Grass, either in content or form, is an epoch-making work in American literature; its democratic content marked the shift from romanticism to realism, and its ____form broke from old poetic conventions to open a new road for American poetry. (free verse) Led by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Ralph Waldo Emerson and _____, there arose a kind of teaching of transcendentalism in the early 19th century (Henry David Thoreau ) N

athaniel Hawthorne is a master of psychological insight and central subject of his major works is the human soul. Choose his short story from the following ones. (Young Goodman Brown )

’Neill ’s inventiveness seemingly knew no limits. He was constantly experimenting when new styles and forms for his plays, especially during the twenties when _____was in full swing.(expressionism )

Of all Faulkner ’s novels, The Sound and the Fury, _______and Go Down, Moses are masterpieces by any literary standards.(Absalom, Absalom! )

Of all the plays that O ’Neill wrote, most of them are _____, dealing with the basic issues of human existence and predicament as life and death.(Tragedies)

Of the following American writers, who has NOT been an expatriate in Paris?(Emily Dickinson ) On January 10, 1776, Paine ’s famous pamphlet appeared.(Common Sense ) aine ’s second most important work __ as an impassioned plea against hereditary monarchy.(The Rights of Man )

Philip Freneau was a close friend and political associate of president _____.(Thomas Jefferson )

Philip Freneau was noteworthy first because of nature of his poem. They were truly American and very patriotic. In this respect, he reflected the spirit of his age. Therefore, he has been called the “__ of American poetry ”.(father )

Pioneer of modern American poetry, _________ did not only produce great poetry himself but also helped his contemporary poets including T. S. Eliot, H. D., and Robert Frost with their literary careers.(Ezra Pound)

Published in 1823, _____ was the first of the Leatherstcoking Tales, in their order of publication L M

any Puritan wrote verse, but the work of two writers, Anne Bradstreet and Edward ______, rose to the level of real poetry.(Taylor ) O P

time, and probably the first true romance of the frontier in American literature (The Pioneers )

alph ____ Emerson was responsible for bringing Transcendentalism to New


Ralph Waldo Emerson ’s essay ____ has been regarded as “Americas Declaration of

Intellectual Independence ”. It called on American writers to write about America in a way

peculiarly American.(The American Scholar)

Ralph Waldo Emerson ’s first book _____ is the fundamental document of his philosophy, and

expresses his constant, deeply felt love for he natural scenes.(A. Nature )

omewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean ______delivered his sermon A Model of

Christian Charity. It became his important work.(John Winthrop )

Strong affinity to the Chinese and oriental literature can be found in the works of

______(Ezra Pound)

. S. Eliot was a __________.( playwright, critic and poet)

The American poets who emerged in the seventeenth century adapted the style of

established European poets to the subject matter confronted in a strange, new

environment. _______Bradstreet was one such poet. (Anne )

The American Romantic Period stretches form the end of the 18th century through the outburst of

the ____.(Civil War)

The American Transcendentalists formed a club called______(the Transcendental Club)

The appearance of The Scarlet letter marked the maturity of Nathaniel Hawthorne as a novelist.

Soon he composed the other three important novels including _____, The Blithedale Romance and

The Marble Faun.(B. The House of the Seven Gables )

The author of Desire under the Elms (1924) is______(Eugene O ’Neill )

The author of Flowering Judas is ______.(Katherine Anne Porter)

The best of Puritan poets was ______, whose complete edition of poems appeared in 1960, more

than two hundred years after his death.(Edward Taylor )

The central figure in the Leatherstocking Tales is ____, who goes by the various names of

Leatherstocking, Deerslayer, Pathfinder and Hawkeye.(Natty Bumppo)

The civil war of 1861~1865 ended in the defeat of the Southerners and the abolition


The common thread throughout American literature has been the emphasis on the _

(individualism )______.

The early history of ________ Colony was the history of Bradford ’s leadership. (Plymouth )

The English author named _____ was, in a way, responsible for the romantic description of

landscape in American literature and the development of American Indian romance. His Waverly

novels were models for American historical romance.(Sir Walter Scott)

The English colonies in North America rose in arms against their parent country and the

continental congress adopted ___in 1776.(the Declaration of Independence )

The fictional place that bears marked similarities to the town where _______had been raised was

called by himself his “little postage stamp of native soil (William Faulkner )

The finest example of Nathaniel Hawthorne ’s symbolism is the recreation of Puritan ______.(The

Scarlet Letter )

The first important American novelist was ____.(James Fenimore Cooper)

The first pamphlet published in America to urge immediate independence from Britain is__R S T

(Common Sense)_.

The first permanent English settlement in North American was established at _____, Virginia.(Jamestown)

The first writings that we call American were the narratives and _______of the early settlements.(journals)

The founder of the American drama is _____(Eugene O’Neill)

The Hamlet, The Town and _______by William Faulkner compose The Snopes Trilogy about the rising bourgeoisies.(The Mansion)

The imagist poets followed three principles; they are ________, direct treatment and economy of expression.(musical rhythm)

The most outstanding poet in American of the 18thcentury was ____.(Philip Freneau)

The Puritan philosophy known as ______ was important in New England during colonial time, and had a profound influence on the early American mind for several generations.(Puritanism)The secular ideals of the American Enlightenment were exemplified in the life and career of ___.(Benjamin Franklin)

The ship “_______”carried about one hundred Pilgrims and took 66 days to beat its way across the Atlantic. In December of 1620, it put the Pilgrims ashore at Plymouth, Massachusetts.(Mayflower)

The short story The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is taken from Washington Irving’s work named______.(The Sketch Book)

The Sound and the Fury has four sections with _____4___different narrators. The daughter of the Compson family named Caddy who is the only one capable of loving among the Compson children, appears in all the narratives.

The term “Puritan”was applied to those settlers who originally were devout members of the Church of ______.(England)

The term “the lost generation”stems from a remark made by_______ to Ernest Hemingway“You are all a lost generation.”(Gertrude Stein)

The title of The Sound and the Fury comes from the speech of the title character in Shakespeare’s play_______.(Macbeth)

The Transcendental Club often met at _____’s home in Concord.(Ralph Waldo Emerson)The way in which ____ wrote The Scarlet letter suggests that American Romanticism adapted itself to American puritan moralism.(Nathaniel Hawthorne)

There is a good reason to state that New England Transcendentalism was actually

There is a good reason to state that New England Transcendentalism was actually on the Puritan soil.(Romanticism )

They were truly American and very patriotic. In this respect, he reflected the spirit of his age. Therefore, he has been called the “__ of American poetry”.(father)

Thomas Jefferson’s attitude, that is, a firm belief in progress, and the pursuit of happiness, is typical the period we now call_____.(Age of Reason)

To A Waterfowl is perhaps the peak of ____’s work, it has been called by an eminent English critic “the most perfect brief poem in the language.”(William Cullen Bryant)

Toni Morrison is best known for her fifth novel______, which is based on the true story of a slave mother killing her own children just for them to avoid slavery.(Beloved)

Toni Morrison’s first novel ______ came out in 1970. It deals with a young black girl who wishes

to have a pair of big and beautiful eyes but is raped by her own father and is finally driven to insanity.(The Bluest Eye)

Transcendentalism appealed to those who disdained the hash God of the Puritan ancestors, and it appealed to those who scorned the pale deity of New England _____(Unitarianism) Transcendentalist doctrines found their greatest literary advocates in _____ and Thoreau (Emerson)

Transcendentalists recognized ______ as the “highest power of the soul”(intuition)W

ashington Irving’s first book appeared in 1809, titled ______.(The History of New


Washington Irving’s works are numerous, but his most successful work is The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, of which the most famous and anthologized is____(Rip V an Winkle)

Washington Irving’s works are numerous, but his most successful work is The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, of which the most famous and anthologized is____.(Rip Van Winkle)Washington Irving’s works are numerous, but his most successful work is The Sketch Book, of which the most famous and anthologized are ____ and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.(Rip Van Winkle )

What style did the seventeenth century American poets adapt to the subject matter confronted in a strangely new environment?(The style of established European poets.)

Which essay is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson?(Of Studies)

Which is generally as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism? (Nature )

Which is not connected with Thomas Paine?(The Autobiography)

Which is regarded as the “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”?(C. The American Scholar )

Which is the character who appears in the novel Moby Dick?(Ahab )

Which of the following American writers has NOT been a Nobel Prize winner?(F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Which of the following does not belong to the literary period of Reason and Revolution(The Waste Land)

Which of the following is Hemingway’s Spanish Civil War novel?(For Whom the Bell Tolls)Which of the following poets is a Nobel Prize winner?(T. S. Eliot )

Which of the following poets is NOT member of the Black Mountain poets?(Theodore Roethke)Which of the following statements concerning Ernest Hemingway is NOT true?(His work is preoccupied with the cultural and psychological meanings of femininity)

Which of the following statements concerning Eugene O’Neill is NOT correct?(The unity of his work lies in its controlling intellectual idea.)

Which of the following statements concerning O’Neill’s Long Day’s Journey into Night is NOT true?(The author focuses on the person, rather than the family in the play as the fundamental human unit.)

Which of the following statements concerning the role of the sea in Hemingway’s novella The Old Man and the Sea is NOT correct?(The sea symbolizes the benevolent side of nature.)

Which of the following statements is NOT true in describing American naturalists?(they used more serious and sympathetic tone in writing than realists.)

Which of the following was not written by Robert Frost?(A Pact)

Which poem is not written by Philip Freneau?(The Day of Doom)

Which statement about Franklin is not true?(He was a Puritan.)

Which statement about Philip Freneau is not true?(He was a singer)

Who has made the statement that all modern American literature comes from a single book called The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn?(Ernest Hemingway)

Who was considered as the “poet of American revolution”? (Philip Freneau)

Who was the first American author that won the Nobel Prize in 1930?(Sinclair Lewis)

Whose reports of exploration, published in the early 1600s, have been regarded as the first distinct American literature written in English? (John Smith’s)

William Faulkner, a preeminent figure in 20th-century American literature, is known for his novels about the conflict between the old, pre-Civil War South and ______.(the new South)


东方文学史-网课答案 1. 单选题“省”在古代汉语中的意思是()。 从属 2. 单选题谷崎润一郎的第一部小说是()。 《刺青》 3. 单选题鲁迅最早翻译的夏目漱石的小说是()。《挂福》、《克莱克先生》 4. 单选题《河边的台阶》中主人公是一个()。寡妇 5. 单选题日本近代()被称为“国民大作家”。夏目漱石 6. 单选题民间文学的人物应该称为()。 类型 7. 单选题被誉为“日本的海明威”的是()。 三岛由纪夫 8. 单选题日本近代()被称为“国民大作家”。夏目漱石 9. 单选题民间文学的人物应该称为()。 类型 10. 单选题被誉为“日本的海明威”的是()。

三岛由纪夫 11. 单选题国木田独步是日本近代()作家的代表。 短篇小说 12. 单选题中国文学史上的写实主义相当于()。 欧洲的现实主义 13. 单选题《沙恭达罗》的前半部分表现出的味是()。 艳情味 14. 单选题不属于西方戏剧的基本样式的是()。 舞台剧 15. 单选题日本人将能乐演出当中表演的幕间戏称为()。 狂言 16. 单选题印度在8世纪之前文化的传承主要是依靠()。 口耳相传 17. 单选题朝鲜人创立本土文字的时期对应的中国是()。 明代 18. 单选题中国50年代出版的泰戈尔戏剧集有()本。 四 19. 单选题下列作品有王道乾译本的是()。 《情人》 20. 单选题日本文学的最大特点是充满()。 幽玄感 21. 单选题想要了解中国知识分子可以阅读中国古代作品()。

《儒林外史》 22. 单选题《舞论》一书的核心概念是()。 情和味 23. 单选题日本物语的鼻祖是()。 《竹取物语》 24. 单选题盘腿坐在日本称为()。 胡坐 25. 单选题汉诗在日本退至第二位最明显的转变时期是()。 公元10世纪 26. 单选题《圣经》中的神话受到一些原生态文化的影响,其中不包括()。 古印度 27. 单选题《饥饿的石头》是泰戈尔的一部()。 短篇小说 28. 单选题周作人的散文创作语言平淡且有()。 涩味 29. 单选题《吉尔伽美什》的汉译本是译者根据()本翻译而成。日语 30. 单选题“东方”形成的主义从()时期就开始了。 古希腊 31. 单选题下列生产方式中()的最基本特点是出现在以农业为基础的社会。


一.The Literature of Colonial America(Puritanism) 1.The first English colony: Jamestown in Virginia in 1607 2.The first American writer: John Smith 3.Anne Bradstreet: first American woman poet; a Puritan poet; once called “Tenth Muse”; 二.Literature of Reason and Revolution War of Independence (1775-1783);The French and Indian War / the Seven Y ears’War(1756-1763) 1..Benjamin Franklin: Autobiography; Richard’s Almanac Maxims from Poor Richard’s Almanac (proverbs that give practical wisdom) 2..Thomas Paine (1737-1809): Common Sense: a strong push for the Revolution W ar; four parts (British enslavement of the colonies; praising democratic election; America’s economic and military potential to protect the rights of people) 3..Philip Freneau (1752-1832) The first American-born poet;“Poet of the American Revolution”, “Father of American Poetry”, the most significant poet of 18th century America W orks:The Wild Honey Suckle《野忍冬花》on mortality, The Indian Burying Ground 《印第安人殡葬地》on the imagined afterlife, The British Prison Ship《英国囚船》about his imprisoned experience. 三.Romanticism The American Romantic period is considered one of the most important periods, the first literary Renaissance, in the history of American literature. It stretches from the end of the 18th century through the outbreak of the Civil W ar. It started with the publication of W ashington Irving’s The Sketch Book and ended with Whitman’s Leaves of Grass. 1.Washington Irving (1783-1859) Literary status: the first American to earn an international reputation; Father of the American short stories The Sketch Book: winning him international popularity,the first modern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature. Major works: A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty under the name of “Diedrich Knickerbocker


Part I The Literature of Colonial America I.Historical Introduction The colonial period stretched roughly from the settlement of America in the early 17th century through the end of the 18th. The first permanent settlement in America was established by English in 1607. ( A group of people was sent by the English King James I to hunt for gold. They arrived at Virginia in 1607. They named the James River and build the James town.) II.The pre-revolutionary writing in the colonies was essentially of two kinds: 1) Practical matter-of-fact accounts of farming, hunting, travel, etc. designed to inform people "at home" what life was like in the new world, and, often, to induce their immigration 2) Highly theoretical, generally polemical, discussions of religious questions. III.The First American Writer The first writings that we call American were the narratives and journals of these settlements. They wrote about their voyage to the new land, their lives in the new land, their dealings with Indians. Captain John Smith is the first American writer. A True Relation of such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony (1608) A Map of Virginia: A Description of the Country (1612) General History of Virgini a (1624): the Indian princess Pocahontas Captain John Smith was one of the first early 17th-century British settlers in North America. He was one of the founders of the colony of Jamestown, Virginia. His writings about North America became the source of information about the New World for later settlers. One of the things he wrote about that has become an American legend was his capture by the Indians and his rescue by the famous Indian Princess, Pocahontas. IV.Early New England Literature William Bradford and John Winthrop John Cotton and Roger Williams Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor V.Puritan Thoughts 1. The origin of puritan In the mediaeval Europe, there was widespread religious revolution. In the 16th Century, the English King Henry VIII (At that time, the Catholics were not allowed to divorce unless they have the Pope's permission. Henry VIII wanted to divorce his wife because she couldn't bear him a son. But the Pope didn't allow him to divorce, so he) broke away from the Roman Catholic Church & established the Church of


湖州师范学院外国语学院2008— 2009学年第二学期 《美国文学》期末考试试卷(A卷)答案暨评分标准 I. Write the names of the authors. (10%) ①Walt Whitman ②Edgar Allen Poe ③Wallace Stevens ④Franklin Norris ⑤Stephen Crane ⑥William Faulkner ⑦Sinclair Lewis ⑧John Steinbeck ⑨Langston Hughes ⑩Tennessee Williams II. Fill in the following blanks with appropriate information.(10%) ①New England ②Regionalism or Local color writing ③semi-autobiographical ④anti-realism ⑤Imagist ⑥Santiago ⑦multiple narrations or points of view ⑧1930 ⑨Harlem Renaissance ⑩Eugene O’Neill III. Choose only one answer form the four choices as the most appropriate answer. (20%) 1-5. A D C B B 6-10. D B E B A IV. Identify the author and the title of the work from which each of the following excerpts is taken. And then answer the question after each excerpt. (20%) Passage 1 the author: Walt Whitman (1%) the title of the work : Songs of Myself (1%) Question: What is the poet celebrating? (2%) The poet is celebrating individualism and nationalism, singing of all those people who form the American nationality.


绪论(五) 1关于东西方思维方式的说法,正确的是:() A 东方是一种综合性思维方式,西方是一种分析性思维方 2从下列哪个角度看民族心理是最可靠的:() D 文学作品 3下列关于东西方文化的特点,说法正确的是:() C 东方是一种权力文化,西方是一种宗教文化 4一般而言认为西方人总体是? A 分析性思维方式 5《东西方民族心理比较研究》的作者是? B 中村元 6传统东方文化中弘扬的是? C 集体主义 7我们今天所谓的“东方学”大概是什么时候建立起来的? C 19世纪 8“东方学”这门学科的基础工作是什么? C考古发掘 9东方文学独立成一门学科大概是在哪一时期? C 20世纪 10下列描述符合19世纪“东方学”学科发展的是? D 识读东方古文字 11历史上的印度一直是一个统一的国家。错 12马克思.韦伯认为东方的宗教是禁欲主义宗教。错 13马克思·韦伯认为西方宗教诗禁欲主义宗教?对 14印度从来没有统一成一个完整的国家?错 15.20世纪的东方学发展往往集中在古典文学领域。对 16东方各国社会由于在近代受到西方的冲击和刺激,其统一性表现得更为明显。对 17近代至现代的东方社会具有高层次上的统一性。错

绪论(六) 1中国最大规模的现代小说史的作者是:() D 刘义(其实是杨义,题目错误) 2《文心雕龙》的作者是:() A 刘勰 3下列说法正确的是:() C 现有的文学史多了,就更容易写了,就更不容易写好了 4下列哪本书试图做过文学史的努力? A 文心雕龙 5《中国人史纲》的作者是? D 柏杨 6下列哪一本是杨义写的? C 中国现代小说史 7“仁义礼智信忠孝”是哪一种伦理道德的典型价值? B 儒家伦理 8按照马克思的观点,东方文化意识的核心内容是什么? D 宗教伦理 9印度的伦理制度是以什么为中心的? C 种姓伦理 10“人天生是政治的动物”这句话是谁首先提出的? C 亚里士多德 11最早给写中国文学史的并不是中国人。 对 12文学作品都具有艺术特色。 错 13最早写中国文学史的是中国人? 错 14加藤株说“世界上最愿意研究日本人是什么人的人就是日本人”?对


美国文学期末考试复习必备(精) 1. What’s Puritanism? A religious and political movement which appeals to the right of the individual to political & religious independence. It includes three parts: a code of values, a point of view & a philosophy of life 2. What are the basic Puritan beliefs? 1). Total Depravity 2). Unconditional Election 3). Limited Atonement 4). Irresistible Grace 5). Perseverance of the "saints" 3. What are American Puritan values? Sobriety thrift, Self-reliance Diligence, Struggle, simple tastes 4. What are the features of American literature in the Colonial Period? A. Humble origins: diaries, journals, histories, letters. Its various forms, occupy a major position in the literature of the early colonial period. B. in content: serving either god or colonial expansion or both C. in form: imitating English literary traditions. D. in style: tight and logic structure, precise and compact expression, avoidance of rhetorical decoration, adoption of homely imagery and simplicity of diction. E. Symbolism formed in this period ------To the pious Puritan, the physical, phenomenal world was nothing but a symbol of God. F. Simple, fresh and direct style


1、The Colonial Period(1607-1765) American Puritanism ( in the early 17th century through the end of the 18th) 北美第一位女诗人Anne Bradstreet(宗教气息,夫妻恩爱) Edward Taylor 都受英国玄学派影响(metaphysical) 2、The Enlightenment and Revolution Period Benjamin Franklin:Poor Richard's Almanac The Autobiography---“美国梦”的根源 3、American Romanticism(end of 18th to the civil war) American writers emphasis upon the imaginative and emotional qualities of literature. 早期浪漫主义Washington Irving father of American Literature 短篇小说 James Fenimore Cooper 历史,冒险,边疆小说《The Leather-stocking Tales>文明发展对大 自然的摧残与破坏 William Cullen Bryant 美国第一个浪漫主义诗人《To a Waterfowl>美国 山水,讴歌大自然,歌颂美国生活现实 Edgar Allan Poe ---(48 poems,70 short stories) He greatly influenced the devotees of “Art for art’s sake.” He was father of psychoanalytic criticism , and the detective story. Ralph Waldo Emerson---The chief spokesman of New England Transcendentalism American Transcendentalism (also known as “American Renaissance”) It is the high tide of American romanticism Transcendentalists spoke for the cultural rejuvenation and against the materialism of American society. 《Nature》---the Bible of Transcendentalism by Emerson 《Self-Reliance》表达他的超验主义观点Henry David Thoreau------ Walden he regarded nature as a symbol of spirit.Thoreau was very critical of modern civilization. 小说家:Hawthorne-赞成超验He is a master of symbolism The Scarlet Letter《红字》 Melville 怀疑,悲观,sailing experiences Moby Dick百科全书式性质/海洋作品/动物史诗 诗人Longfellow《I Shot an Arrow...》《A Psalm of Life》第一首被完整地介绍到中国的美国诗歌Whitman (Free Verse---without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme ) 《Leaves of Grass》《One's Self I Sing》《O Captain! My Captain!》song Dickinson inner life of the individual ---died for beauty 4、The Age of Realism James upper reaches of American society. <一位女士的肖像》inner world of man Howells, concerned himself chiefly with middle class life. Twain the lower strata of society. humor and local colorism American Naturalism 自然主义(新型现实) Stephen Crane;《Maggie: A Girl of the Streets》《The Red Badge of Courage》pessimistic Theodore Dreiser;Sister Carrie;Jennie Gerhardt;An American Tragedy(Trilogy of Desire) O.Henry (William Sydney Porter):The Gift of the Magi;The Cop and the anthem Jack London:The Call of the Wild;Martin Eden 5、The Modern Period The 1920s-1930s ( the second renaissance of American literature) The Roaring Twenties ,The Jazz Age ,“lost”(Gertrude Stein) and “waste land”(T.S.Eliot) 现代主义小说家 F. Scott Fitzgerald:《The Great Gatsby》被视为美国文学“爵士时代”的象征,以美国梦American Dream 为主线。


大四美国文学期末考试题型及例题: 1.选择/对错60分(40道选择,20个对错) 2.名词解释10分(5个) 3.选段配对10分(5个) 4.问答20分(10/2) 1.历史:Father / poetess… 2. 名作家:Hemingway, Faulkner, Poe, Hawthorne, Emerson 3.作品:The W asteland/Moby Dick/Scarlet Letter 1.a)选择题(40个,40分) 1. At the age of reason and revolution, Americans were influenced by the European movement called the ________. A. Chartist Movement B. Romanticist Movement C. Enlightenment Movement D. Modernist Movement 2. Which is NOT connected to Benjamin Franklin? ________ A. He was born in a poor family. B. He was a pious puritan. C. He was phrased as “Jack of all trades”. D. He was a master of diplomacy. 3. Ernest Hemingway is noted for the following EXCEPT ________. A. Lost Generation B. Iceberg theory C. American Dream D. Code Heroes 4. Which character is NOT from The Scarlet Letter? ________ A. Hester Prynne B. Roger Chillingworth C. Captain Ahab D. Pearl 5. Jack London’s semi-biographical novel ________well presents the disillusionment of American Dream. A. The American Tragedy B. The Call of the Wild C. Martin Eden D. The Grapes of Wrath b)判断对错题(20个,20分) 1. Poe’s masterpiece “To Helen” is written to memorize his deceased wife. (F) 2. The tone of “Annabel Lee” is optimistic and hopeful. (F) 3. Mark Twain's novel Jumping Frog was an artistic failure, but it gave its name to the America of the postbellum period which it attempts to satirize. (F) 4. Sister Carrie ended up in tragedy because she could not control her fate. (F)


一、 单选题(题数:50,共 50.0 分)
1.0 分
正确答案: D 我的答案:D
1.0 分

正确答案: C 我的答案:C
1.0 分
正确答案: B 我的答案:B
1.0 分

正确答案: D 我的答案:D
1.0 分
正确答案: B 我的答案:B


名词解释: Imagism: It’s a poetic movement of England and the U.S. flourished from 1909 to 1917.The movement insists on the creation of images in poetry by “the direct treatment of the thing” and the economy of wording. The leaders of this movement were Ezra Pound and Amy Lowell. Beat generation: The term was coined by Jack Kerouac in 1948 to refer to a group of disillusioned writers following World War Two. Later, this literary and cultural movement continued into the 1960s. The Beat Generation must not be confused with the Lost Generation of writers. Spokesmen and representatives of the Beat Generation were Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg and others. They revolted against an America that was materialistic, belligerent and frustrating. Social, intellectual and sexual freedom was advocated. Traditional culture and normal social behavior were attacked and violated. Many of them were drug addicts wearing long hair and dirty clothes. They were fond of slangs and jazz. Masterpieces created by writers of this g roup include Kerouac’s On the Road and Ginsberg’s Howl and Other Poems, which were regarded as pocket Bibles of that generation. Other prominent Beats include William S. Burroughs, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Gregory Corso, Michael McClure, and Neal Cassady. The Beat Generation, had greatly influenced the countercultural movements of the 1960s and the adolescents and adults in other countries. In England, the “angry young men” made an echo and imitated the American “beatnik.” 二、1. Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature: it is generally regarded as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism. The American Scholar:it has been regarded as “America’s Declaration of Intellectual Independence”. 2. Henry David Thoreau: Walden 3. Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter: 主题:Hawthorne focuses his attention on the moral, emotional, and psychological effects or consequences of the sin on the people in general and those main characters in particular, so as to show us the tension between society and individuals. To Hawthorne, everybody is potentially a sinner, and great moral courage is therefore indispensable for the improvement of human nature. 4. Herman Melville: Moby Dick A. 作品分析: (1)Moby Dick represents the sum total of Melville’s bleak view of the world in which he lived. It is at once godless and purposeless. The loss of faith and the sense of futility and meaningless which characterize modern life of the West were expresse d in Melville’s work so well that the twentieth century has found it both fascinating and great. (2) One of the major themes of this novel is alienation, which exists in the life of Melville on different levels, between man and man, man and society, and man and nature. Melville also criticizes New England Transcendentalism of its emphasis on individualism and Oversoul. Another theme of this novel is “rejection and quest.” (3) The novel is highly symbolic. The voyage itself is a metaphor for “search and discovery, the search for the ultimate truth of experience.” Moby Dick is the most conspicuous symbol in the book and it is capable of many interpretations. It is a symbol of evil to some, one of goodness to others, and both to still others. Its whiteness is a paradoxical color, signifying as it does death and corruption as well as purity, innocence, and youth. It represents the final mystery of the universe which man will do well to desist from pursuing. (4) Melville manages to achieve the effect of ambiguity through employing the technique of multiple views of his narratives. He tends to write periodic sentences. His rich rhythmical prose and his poetic power have been profusely commented upon and praised. B. what does the white whale in Moby Dick symbolize? Why do you think so? For Captain Ahab, the white whale represents evil. After the loss of his leg in his encounter with the white whale, Ahab begins to hate Moby Dick and tries his best to kill the whale. It seems that he embodies all of the evil he once consigned to the white whale. For other members on the whaling ship, the white whale symbolizes the unknown, mysterious natural force of the universe. For the readers, the white whale is capable of many interpretations, for it is “paradoxically benign an d malevolent, nourishing and destructive,” “massive, brutal, monolithic, but at the same time protean, erotically beautiful, infinitely variable.” C. Major themes: obsession, religion, and idealism versus pragmatism, revenge, racism, sanity, hierarchical relationships, and politics. D. the Pequod is the microcosm of human society and the voyage becomes a search for truth. Moby Dick is a mystery, an ultimate mystery of the universe, and the voyage of the mind will forever remain a search, not a discovery, of the truth. The whole story turns out to be a symbolic voyage of the mind quest of the truth and knowledge of the universe, a spiritual exploration into man’s deep reality and psychology. 5. Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass.It has been praised as “Democ ratic Bible”, and as American Epic. 主题:(1)he shows concern for the whole hard-working people and the burgeoning life of cities. (2) realization of the individual value. (3) pursuit of love and happiness. (4) Before and during the Civil War, Whitman expressed much mourning for the sufferings of the young lives in the battlefield and showed a determination to carry on the fighting dauntlessly until the final victory. 写作风格:(1) Whitman wrote “free verse”, that is, poetry without a fixed beat or regular rhyme scheme. (2) There is a strong sense of the poems being rhythmical. Parallelism and phonetic recurrence at the beginning of the lines contribute to the musicality of his poems. (3) Most of the pictures he painted with words are honest, undistorted images of different aspects of America of the day. (4) Whitman’s language is relatively simple and even rather crude. Another characteristic in Whitman’s language is his strong tendency to use oral English. Whitman’s vocabulary is amazing. He would use powerful, colorful, as well as rarely-used words. Leaves of Grass的分析: (1). Grass, the most common thing with the greatest vitality, is an image of the poet himself, a symbol of the then rising American nation and an embodiment of his ideals about democracy and freedom. (2). In this giant work, openness, freedom, and above all, individualism are all that concerned him. (3). In this book he also praises nature, democracy, labor and creation, and sings of man’s dignity and equality, and of th e brightest future of mankind. Most of the poems in Leaves of Grass sing of the “en-masse” and self as well. 6. Emily Dickinson: 诗歌的主要内容:love, nature, death and immortality. 7. Edgar Allen Poe: 短篇小说家和诗人。 Poe is the father of psychoanalytic criticism and the father of detective story. 主题:death of one’s beloved lover of great intelligence and beauty. He also writes about horror (Gothic) stories, murder, and insanity. 8. Henry James: The turn of the screw The founder of psychological realism. He was the first American writer to conceive his artistic work in international themes. 9. Mark Twain:The adventures of Huckleberry Finn Hemingway described it as the book from which “all modern American literature comes”. The style of this book is quite simple. The book is written in the colloquial style. Though a local book, it touches upon the human situation in a general, indeed universal way: humanitarianism ultimately triumphs. It tells a story about the United States before the Civil War, around 1850, when the great Mississippi Valley was still being settled. Here lies an America, wit its great national faults, full of violence and even cruelty, yet still retaining the virtues of “some simplicity, some innocence, some peace.” 10. Stephen Crane, Frank Norris, Theodore Dreiser: 自然主义的代表人物。 11. F. Scott Fitzgerald:The Great Gatsby 迷惘一代的代表人物 12. Ernest Hemingway: A Farewell to Arms; For Whom the Bell Tolls; The Old Man and the Sea The title of For Whom the Bell Tolls comes from John Donne’s Meditation. 13. William Faulkner: stream of consciousness的写作手法 14. Ezra Pound: 意象派代表人物。 意象派基本主张: (1) Direct treatment of the “thing”, whether subjective or objective. (2) To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation (3) As regarding rhythm, to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of a metronome. 15. Robert Frost: natural poet. 16. Eugene Glastone O’Neill: Desire Under the Elms Long Days Journey into Night: Mark Twain H. L. Mencken considered "the true father of our national literatu re” Adventures of Huckleberry Finn(1884) and Life on the Mississippi(1883) Twain shaped the world's view of American and made a more extensive combination of American folk humor and serious literature than previous writers had ever done. Mark Twain’s sty le 1) Twain is also known as a local colorist, who preferred to present social life through portraits of the local characters of his regions 2) Another fact that made Twain unique is his magic power with language, his use of vernacular. His words are colloquial, concrete and direct in effect, and his sentence structures are simple, even ungrammatical, which is typical of the spoken language 3) Mark Twain's humor is remarkable, too. Most of his works tend to be funny, containing some practical jokes, comic details, witty remarks. 4) Paid more attention to the "life" of the Americans, Concerned with the life of a small, well-defined region and the lower-class people 5) Nostalgic in a vanishing way of life and recorders of a present that faded before their eyes Adventures of Huckleberry Fin The character analysis and social meaning of Huck Finn Huck is a typical American boy with “a sound heart and a deformed conscience”. He appears to be vulgar in language and in manner, but he is honest and decent in es sence. His remarkable raft’s journey down on the Mississippi river can be regarded as his process of education and his way to grow up. Huck is the son of nature and a symbol for freedom and earthly pragmatism. Through the eye of Huck, the innocent and reluctant rebel, we see the pre-Civil War American society fully exposed. Twain contrasts the life on the river and the life on the banks, the innocence and the experience, the nature and the culture, the wilderness and the civilization. Ernest Hemingway A Nobel Prize winner for literature His style, the particular type of hero in his novels, and his life attitudes have been widely recognized, not only in English-speaking countries but all over the world Hemingway shot himself with a hunting gun In Our Time (1925)is the first book to present a Hemingway hero--Nick Adams The Sun Also Rises(1926) is Hemingway's first true novel. A vivid portrait of "The Lost Generation," -- a group of young Americans who left their native land and fought in the war and later engaged themselves in writing in a new way about their own experiences. Hemingway's second big success is A Farewell to Arms, telling us a story about the tragic love affair of a wounded American soldier with a British nurse -- emphasizes his belief that man is trapped both physically and mentally, but goes to some lengths to refute the idea of nature, man is doomed to be entrapped For Whom the Bell Tolls clearly represents a new beginning in Hemingway's career as a writer, which concerns a volunteer American guerrilla Robert Jordan fighting in the Spanish Civil War, this work Caps his career and leads to his receipt of the Nobel Prize The Old Man and the Sea, Men Without Women(1927), Death in the Afternoon(1932), The Snows of Kilimanjaro, To Have and Have Not (1937) Hemingway develops the style of colloquialism initiated by Mark Twain Hemingway was highly praised by the Nobel Prize Committee for "his powerful style-forming mastery of the art" of creating modern fiction. Indian Camp The title indicates that the material is contemporary and to some extent, representative of the early twentieth-century experience A reference to the well-know phrase from the Book of Common Prayer:" Give us peace in our time, O Lord," the title is very ironic because there is no peace at all in the stories In a chronological order, introduces Nick Adams to readers from his childhood to adolescence and manhood Nick watches his father deliver an Indian woman of a baby by Caesarian section, with a Jack-knife and without anesthesia. This incident brings the boy into contact with something that is perplexing and unpleasant, and is actually Nick's initiation into the pain and violence of birth and death. Most of Hemingway's later works are merely variations of the Nick Adams stories in In Our Time The Hemingway code heroes and grace under pressure They have seen the cold world, and for one cause, they boldly and courageously face the reality. They have an indestructible spirit for his optimistic view of life. Whatever the result is, they are ready to live with grace under pressure. No matter how tragic the ending is, they will never be defeated. Finally, they will be prevailing because of their indestructible spirit and courage. The iceberg technique Hemingway believes that a good writer does not need to reveal every detail of a character or action. The one-eighth is presented will suggest all other meaningful dimensions of the story. Thus, Hemingway’s language is symbolic and suggestive.

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